import logging from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union, ) import numpy as np import torch from import IterableDataset from tqdm import tqdm from transformers import AutoTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizer from import ( add_noise_to_value, batchify, chunks, flatten, ) from import ( RelikReaderSample, load_relik_reader_samples, ) from relik.reader.utils.special_symbols import NME_SYMBOL logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def preprocess_dataset( input_dataset: Iterable[dict], transformer_model: str, add_topic: bool, ) -> Iterable[dict]: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(transformer_model) for dataset_elem in tqdm(input_dataset, desc="Preprocessing input dataset"): if len(dataset_elem["tokens"]) == 0: print( f"Dataset element with doc id: {dataset_elem['doc_id']}", f"and offset {dataset_elem['offset']} does not contain any token", "Skipping it", ) continue new_dataset_elem = dict( doc_id=dataset_elem["doc_id"], offset=dataset_elem["offset"], ) tokenization_out = tokenizer( dataset_elem["tokens"], return_offsets_mapping=True, add_special_tokens=False, ) window_tokens = tokenization_out.input_ids window_tokens = flatten(window_tokens) offsets_mapping = [ [ ( ss + dataset_elem["token2char_start"][str(i)], se + dataset_elem["token2char_start"][str(i)], ) for ss, se in tokenization_out.offset_mapping[i] ] for i in range(len(dataset_elem["tokens"])) ] offsets_mapping = flatten(offsets_mapping) assert len(offsets_mapping) == len(window_tokens) window_tokens = ( [tokenizer.cls_token_id] + window_tokens + [tokenizer.sep_token_id] ) topic_offset = 0 if add_topic: topic_tokens = tokenizer( dataset_elem["doc_topic"], add_special_tokens=False ).input_ids topic_offset = len(topic_tokens) new_dataset_elem["topic_tokens"] = topic_offset window_tokens = window_tokens[:1] + topic_tokens + window_tokens[1:] new_dataset_elem.update( dict( tokens=window_tokens, token2char_start={ str(i): s for i, (s, _) in enumerate(offsets_mapping, start=topic_offset) }, token2char_end={ str(i): e for i, (_, e) in enumerate(offsets_mapping, start=topic_offset) }, window_candidates=dataset_elem["window_candidates"], window_candidates_scores=dataset_elem.get("window_candidates_scores"), ) ) if "window_labels" in dataset_elem: window_labels = [ (s, e, l.replace("_", " ")) for s, e, l in dataset_elem["window_labels"] ] new_dataset_elem["window_labels"] = window_labels if not all( [ s in new_dataset_elem["token2char_start"].values() for s, _, _ in new_dataset_elem["window_labels"] ] ): print( "Mismatching token start char mapping with labels", new_dataset_elem["token2char_start"], new_dataset_elem["window_labels"], dataset_elem["tokens"], ) continue if not all( [ e in new_dataset_elem["token2char_end"].values() for _, e, _ in new_dataset_elem["window_labels"] ] ): print( "Mismatching token end char mapping with labels", new_dataset_elem["token2char_end"], new_dataset_elem["window_labels"], dataset_elem["tokens"], ) continue yield new_dataset_elem def preprocess_sample( relik_sample: RelikReaderSample, tokenizer, lowercase_policy: float, add_topic: bool = False, ) -> None: if len(relik_sample.tokens) == 0: return if lowercase_policy > 0: lc_tokens = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(relik_sample.tokens)) < lowercase_policy relik_sample.tokens = [ t.lower() if lc else t for t, lc in zip(relik_sample.tokens, lc_tokens) ] tokenization_out = tokenizer( relik_sample.tokens, return_offsets_mapping=True, add_special_tokens=False, ) window_tokens = tokenization_out.input_ids window_tokens = flatten(window_tokens) offsets_mapping = [ [ ( ss + relik_sample.token2char_start[str(i)], se + relik_sample.token2char_start[str(i)], ) for ss, se in tokenization_out.offset_mapping[i] ] for i in range(len(relik_sample.tokens)) ] offsets_mapping = flatten(offsets_mapping) assert len(offsets_mapping) == len(window_tokens) window_tokens = [tokenizer.cls_token_id] + window_tokens + [tokenizer.sep_token_id] topic_offset = 0 if add_topic: topic_tokens = tokenizer( relik_sample.doc_topic, add_special_tokens=False ).input_ids topic_offset = len(topic_tokens) relik_sample.topic_tokens = topic_offset window_tokens = window_tokens[:1] + topic_tokens + window_tokens[1:] relik_sample._d.update( dict( tokens=window_tokens, token2char_start={ str(i): s for i, (s, _) in enumerate(offsets_mapping, start=topic_offset) }, token2char_end={ str(i): e for i, (_, e) in enumerate(offsets_mapping, start=topic_offset) }, ) ) if "window_labels" in relik_sample._d: relik_sample.window_labels = [ (s, e, l.replace("_", " ")) for s, e, l in relik_sample.window_labels ] class TokenizationOutput(NamedTuple): input_ids: torch.Tensor attention_mask: torch.Tensor token_type_ids: torch.Tensor prediction_mask: torch.Tensor special_symbols_mask: torch.Tensor class RelikDataset(IterableDataset): def __init__( self, dataset_path: Optional[str], materialize_samples: bool, transformer_model: Union[str, PreTrainedTokenizer], special_symbols: List[str], shuffle_candidates: Optional[Union[bool, float]] = False, for_inference: bool = False, noise_param: float = 0.1, sorting_fields: Optional[str] = None, tokens_per_batch: int = 2048, batch_size: int = None, max_batch_size: int = 128, section_size: int = 50_000, prebatch: bool = True, random_drop_gold_candidates: float = 0.0, use_nme: bool = True, max_subwords_per_candidate: bool = 22, mask_by_instances: bool = False, min_length: int = 5, max_length: int = 2048, model_max_length: int = 1000, split_on_cand_overload: bool = True, skip_empty_training_samples: bool = False, drop_last: bool = False, samples: Optional[Iterator[RelikReaderSample]] = None, lowercase_policy: float = 0.0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.dataset_path = dataset_path self.materialize_samples = materialize_samples self.samples: Optional[List[RelikReaderSample]] = None if self.materialize_samples: self.samples = list() if isinstance(transformer_model, str): self.tokenizer = self._build_tokenizer(transformer_model, special_symbols) else: self.tokenizer = transformer_model self.special_symbols = special_symbols self.shuffle_candidates = shuffle_candidates self.for_inference = for_inference self.noise_param = noise_param self.batching_fields = ["input_ids"] self.sorting_fields = ( sorting_fields if sorting_fields is not None else self.batching_fields ) self.tokens_per_batch = tokens_per_batch self.batch_size = batch_size self.max_batch_size = max_batch_size self.section_size = section_size self.prebatch = prebatch self.random_drop_gold_candidates = random_drop_gold_candidates self.use_nme = use_nme self.max_subwords_per_candidate = max_subwords_per_candidate self.mask_by_instances = mask_by_instances self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length self.model_max_length = ( model_max_length if model_max_length < self.tokenizer.model_max_length else self.tokenizer.model_max_length ) # retrocompatibility workaround self.transformer_model = ( transformer_model if isinstance(transformer_model, str) else transformer_model.name_or_path ) self.split_on_cand_overload = split_on_cand_overload self.skip_empty_training_samples = skip_empty_training_samples self.drop_last = drop_last self.lowercase_policy = lowercase_policy self.samples = samples def _build_tokenizer(self, transformer_model: str, special_symbols: List[str]): return AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( transformer_model, additional_special_tokens=[ss for ss in special_symbols], add_prefix_space=True, ) @property def fields_batcher(self) -> Dict[str, Union[None, Callable[[list], Any]]]: fields_batchers = { "input_ids": lambda x: batchify( x, padding_value=self.tokenizer.pad_token_id ), "attention_mask": lambda x: batchify(x, padding_value=0), "token_type_ids": lambda x: batchify(x, padding_value=0), "prediction_mask": lambda x: batchify(x, padding_value=1), "global_attention": lambda x: batchify(x, padding_value=0), "token2word": None, "sample": None, "special_symbols_mask": lambda x: batchify(x, padding_value=False), "start_labels": lambda x: batchify(x, padding_value=-100), "end_labels": lambda x: batchify(x, padding_value=-100), "predictable_candidates_symbols": None, "predictable_candidates": None, "patch_offset": None, "optimus_labels": None, } if "roberta" in self.transformer_model: del fields_batchers["token_type_ids"] return fields_batchers def _build_input_ids( self, sentence_input_ids: List[int], candidates_input_ids: List[List[int]] ) -> List[int]: return ( [self.tokenizer.cls_token_id] + sentence_input_ids + [self.tokenizer.sep_token_id] + flatten(candidates_input_ids) + [self.tokenizer.sep_token_id] ) def _get_special_symbols_mask(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: special_symbols_mask = input_ids >= ( len(self.tokenizer) - len(self.special_symbols) ) special_symbols_mask[0] = True return special_symbols_mask def _build_tokenizer_essentials( self, input_ids, original_sequence, sample ) -> TokenizationOutput: input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long) attention_mask = torch.ones_like(input_ids) total_sequence_len = len(input_ids) predictable_sentence_len = len(original_sequence) # token type ids token_type_ids = [ input_ids.new_zeros( predictable_sentence_len + 2 ), # original sentence bpes + CLS and SEP input_ids.new_ones(total_sequence_len - predictable_sentence_len - 2), ] ) # prediction mask -> boolean on tokens that are predictable prediction_mask = torch.tensor( [1] + ([0] * predictable_sentence_len) + ([1] * (total_sequence_len - predictable_sentence_len - 1)) ) # add topic tokens to the prediction mask so that they cannot be predicted # or optimized during training topic_tokens = getattr(sample, "topic_tokens", None) if topic_tokens is not None: prediction_mask[1 : 1 + topic_tokens] = 1 # If mask by instances is active the prediction mask is applied to everything # that is not indicated as an instance in the training set. if self.mask_by_instances: char_start2token = { cs: int(tok) for tok, cs in sample.token2char_start.items() } char_end2token = {ce: int(tok) for tok, ce in sample.token2char_end.items()} instances_mask = torch.ones_like(prediction_mask) for _, span_info in sample.instance_id2span_data.items(): span_info = span_info[0] token_start = char_start2token[span_info[0]] + 1 # +1 for the CLS token_end = char_end2token[span_info[1]] + 1 # +1 for the CLS instances_mask[token_start : token_end + 1] = 0 prediction_mask += instances_mask prediction_mask[prediction_mask > 1] = 1 assert len(prediction_mask) == len(input_ids) # special symbols mask special_symbols_mask = self._get_special_symbols_mask(input_ids) return TokenizationOutput( input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids, prediction_mask, special_symbols_mask, ) def _build_labels( self, sample, tokenization_output: TokenizationOutput, predictable_candidates: List[str], ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: start_labels = [0] * len(tokenization_output.input_ids) end_labels = [0] * len(tokenization_output.input_ids) char_start2token = {v: int(k) for k, v in sample.token2char_start.items()} char_end2token = {v: int(k) for k, v in sample.token2char_end.items()} for cs, ce, gold_candidate_title in sample.window_labels: if gold_candidate_title not in predictable_candidates: if self.use_nme: gold_candidate_title = NME_SYMBOL else: continue # +1 is to account for the CLS token start_bpe = char_start2token[cs] + 1 end_bpe = char_end2token[ce] + 1 class_index = predictable_candidates.index(gold_candidate_title) if ( start_labels[start_bpe] == 0 and end_labels[end_bpe] == 0 ): # prevent from having entities that ends with the same label start_labels[start_bpe] = class_index + 1 # +1 for the NONE class end_labels[end_bpe] = class_index + 1 # +1 for the NONE class else: print( "Found entity with the same last subword, it will not be included." ) print( cs, ce, gold_candidate_title, start_labels, end_labels, sample.doc_id, ) ignored_labels_indices = tokenization_output.prediction_mask == 1 start_labels = torch.tensor(start_labels, dtype=torch.long) start_labels[ignored_labels_indices] = -100 end_labels = torch.tensor(end_labels, dtype=torch.long) end_labels[ignored_labels_indices] = -100 return start_labels, end_labels def produce_sample_bag( self, sample, predictable_candidates: List[str], candidates_starting_offset: int ) -> Optional[Tuple[dict, list, int]]: # input sentence tokenization input_subwords = sample.tokens[1:-1] # removing special tokens candidates_symbols = self.special_symbols[candidates_starting_offset:] predictable_candidates = list(predictable_candidates) original_predictable_candidates = list(predictable_candidates) # add NME as a possible candidate if self.use_nme: predictable_candidates.insert(0, NME_SYMBOL) # candidates encoding candidates_symbols = candidates_symbols[: len(predictable_candidates)] candidates_encoding_result = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( [ "{} {}".format(cs, ct) if ct != NME_SYMBOL else NME_SYMBOL for cs, ct in zip(candidates_symbols, predictable_candidates) ], add_special_tokens=False, ).input_ids if ( self.max_subwords_per_candidate is not None and self.max_subwords_per_candidate > 0 ): candidates_encoding_result = [ cer[: self.max_subwords_per_candidate] for cer in candidates_encoding_result ] # drop candidates if the number of input tokens is too long for the model if ( sum(map(len, candidates_encoding_result)) + len(input_subwords) + 20 # + 20 special tokens > self.model_max_length ): acceptable_tokens_from_candidates = ( self.model_max_length - 20 - len(input_subwords) ) i = 0 cum_len = 0 while ( cum_len + len(candidates_encoding_result[i]) < acceptable_tokens_from_candidates ): cum_len += len(candidates_encoding_result[i]) i += 1 candidates_encoding_result = candidates_encoding_result[:i] candidates_symbols = candidates_symbols[:i] predictable_candidates = predictable_candidates[:i] # final input_ids build input_ids = self._build_input_ids( sentence_input_ids=input_subwords, candidates_input_ids=candidates_encoding_result, ) # complete input building (e.g. attention / prediction mask) tokenization_output = self._build_tokenizer_essentials( input_ids, input_subwords, sample ) output_dict = { "input_ids": tokenization_output.input_ids, "attention_mask": tokenization_output.attention_mask, "token_type_ids": tokenization_output.token_type_ids, "prediction_mask": tokenization_output.prediction_mask, "special_symbols_mask": tokenization_output.special_symbols_mask, "sample": sample, "predictable_candidates_symbols": candidates_symbols, "predictable_candidates": predictable_candidates, } # labels creation if sample.window_labels is not None: start_labels, end_labels = self._build_labels( sample, tokenization_output, predictable_candidates, ) output_dict.update(start_labels=start_labels, end_labels=end_labels) if ( "roberta" in self.transformer_model or "longformer" in self.transformer_model ): del output_dict["token_type_ids"] predictable_candidates_set = set(predictable_candidates) remaining_candidates = [ candidate for candidate in original_predictable_candidates if candidate not in predictable_candidates_set ] total_used_candidates = ( candidates_starting_offset + len(predictable_candidates) - (1 if self.use_nme else 0) ) if self.use_nme: assert predictable_candidates[0] == NME_SYMBOL return output_dict, remaining_candidates, total_used_candidates def __iter__(self): dataset_iterator = self.dataset_iterator_func() current_dataset_elements = [] i = None for i, dataset_elem in enumerate(dataset_iterator, start=1): if ( self.section_size is not None and len(current_dataset_elements) == self.section_size ): for batch in self.materialize_batches(current_dataset_elements): yield batch current_dataset_elements = [] current_dataset_elements.append(dataset_elem) if i % 50_000 == 0:"Processed: {i} number of elements") if len(current_dataset_elements) != 0: for batch in self.materialize_batches(current_dataset_elements): yield batch if i is not None:"Dataset finished: {i} number of elements processed") else: logger.warning("Dataset empty") def dataset_iterator_func(self): skipped_instances = 0 data_samples = ( load_relik_reader_samples(self.dataset_path) if self.samples is None else self.samples ) for sample in data_samples: preprocess_sample( sample, self.tokenizer, lowercase_policy=self.lowercase_policy ) current_patch = 0 sample_bag, used_candidates = None, None remaining_candidates = list(sample.window_candidates) if not self.for_inference: # randomly drop gold candidates at training time if ( self.random_drop_gold_candidates > 0.0 and np.random.uniform() < self.random_drop_gold_candidates and len(set(ct for _, _, ct in sample.window_labels)) > 1 ): # selecting candidates to drop np.random.shuffle(sample.window_labels) n_dropped_candidates = np.random.randint( 0, len(sample.window_labels) - 1 ) dropped_candidates = [ label_elem[-1] for label_elem in sample.window_labels[:n_dropped_candidates] ] dropped_candidates = set(dropped_candidates) # saving NMEs because they should not be dropped if NME_SYMBOL in dropped_candidates: dropped_candidates.remove(NME_SYMBOL) # sample update sample.window_labels = [ (s, e, _l) if _l not in dropped_candidates else (s, e, NME_SYMBOL) for s, e, _l in sample.window_labels ] remaining_candidates = [ wc for wc in remaining_candidates if wc not in dropped_candidates ] # shuffle candidates if ( isinstance(self.shuffle_candidates, bool) and self.shuffle_candidates ) or ( isinstance(self.shuffle_candidates, float) and np.random.uniform() < self.shuffle_candidates ): np.random.shuffle(remaining_candidates) while len(remaining_candidates) != 0: sample_bag = self.produce_sample_bag( sample, predictable_candidates=remaining_candidates, candidates_starting_offset=used_candidates if used_candidates is not None else 0, ) if sample_bag is not None: sample_bag, remaining_candidates, used_candidates = sample_bag if ( self.for_inference or not self.skip_empty_training_samples or ( ( sample_bag.get("start_labels") is not None and torch.any(sample_bag["start_labels"] > 1).item() ) or ( sample_bag.get("optimus_labels") is not None and len(sample_bag["optimus_labels"]) > 0 ) ) ): sample_bag["patch_offset"] = current_patch current_patch += 1 yield sample_bag else: skipped_instances += 1 if skipped_instances % 1000 == 0 and skipped_instances != 0: f"Skipped {skipped_instances} instances since they did not have any gold labels..." ) # Just use the first fitting candidates if split on # cand is not True if not self.split_on_cand_overload: break def preshuffle_elements(self, dataset_elements: List): # This shuffling is done so that when using the sorting function, # if it is deterministic given a collection and its order, we will # make the whole operation not deterministic anymore. # Basically, the aim is not to build every time the same batches. if not self.for_inference: dataset_elements = np.random.permutation(dataset_elements) sorting_fn = ( lambda elem: add_noise_to_value( sum(len(elem[k]) for k in self.sorting_fields), noise_param=self.noise_param, ) if not self.for_inference else sum(len(elem[k]) for k in self.sorting_fields) ) dataset_elements = sorted(dataset_elements, key=sorting_fn) if self.for_inference: return dataset_elements ds = list(chunks(dataset_elements, 64)) np.random.shuffle(ds) return flatten(ds) def materialize_batches( self, dataset_elements: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: if self.prebatch: dataset_elements = self.preshuffle_elements(dataset_elements) current_batch = [] # function that creates a batch from the 'current_batch' list def output_batch() -> Dict[str, Any]: assert ( len( set([len(elem["predictable_candidates"]) for elem in current_batch]) ) == 1 ), " ".join( map( str, [len(elem["predictable_candidates"]) for elem in current_batch] ) ) batch_dict = dict() de_values_by_field = { fn: [de[fn] for de in current_batch if fn in de] for fn in self.fields_batcher } # in case you provide fields batchers but in the batch # there are no elements for that field de_values_by_field = { fn: fvs for fn, fvs in de_values_by_field.items() if len(fvs) > 0 } assert len(set([len(v) for v in de_values_by_field.values()])) # todo: maybe we should report the user about possible # fields filtering due to "None" instances de_values_by_field = { fn: fvs for fn, fvs in de_values_by_field.items() if all([fv is not None for fv in fvs]) } for field_name, field_values in de_values_by_field.items(): field_batch = ( self.fields_batcher[field_name](field_values) if self.fields_batcher[field_name] is not None else field_values ) batch_dict[field_name] = field_batch return batch_dict max_len_discards, min_len_discards = 0, 0 should_token_batch = self.batch_size is None curr_pred_elements = -1 for de in dataset_elements: if ( should_token_batch and self.max_batch_size != -1 and len(current_batch) == self.max_batch_size ) or (not should_token_batch and len(current_batch) == self.batch_size): yield output_batch() current_batch = [] curr_pred_elements = -1 too_long_fields = [ k for k in de if self.max_length != -1 and torch.is_tensor(de[k]) and len(de[k]) > self.max_length ] if len(too_long_fields) > 0: max_len_discards += 1 continue too_short_fields = [ k for k in de if self.min_length != -1 and torch.is_tensor(de[k]) and len(de[k]) < self.min_length ] if len(too_short_fields) > 0: min_len_discards += 1 continue if should_token_batch: de_len = sum(len(de[k]) for k in self.batching_fields) future_max_len = max( de_len, max( [ sum(len(bde[k]) for k in self.batching_fields) for bde in current_batch ], default=0, ), ) future_tokens_per_batch = future_max_len * (len(current_batch) + 1) num_predictable_candidates = len(de["predictable_candidates"]) if len(current_batch) > 0 and ( future_tokens_per_batch >= self.tokens_per_batch or ( num_predictable_candidates != curr_pred_elements and curr_pred_elements != -1 ) ): yield output_batch() current_batch = [] current_batch.append(de) curr_pred_elements = len(de["predictable_candidates"]) if len(current_batch) != 0 and not self.drop_last: yield output_batch() if max_len_discards > 0: if self.for_inference: logger.warning( f"WARNING: Inference mode is True but {max_len_discards} samples longer than max length were " f"found. The {max_len_discards} samples will be DISCARDED. If you are doing some kind of evaluation" f", this can INVALIDATE results. This might happen if the max length was not set to -1 or if the " f"sample length exceeds the maximum length supported by the current model." ) else: logger.warning( f"During iteration, {max_len_discards} elements were " f"discarded since longer than max length {self.max_length}" ) if min_len_discards > 0: if self.for_inference: logger.warning( f"WARNING: Inference mode is True but {min_len_discards} samples shorter than min length were " f"found. The {min_len_discards} samples will be DISCARDED. If you are doing some kind of evaluation" f", this can INVALIDATE results. This might happen if the min length was not set to -1 or if the " f"sample length is shorter than the minimum length supported by the current model." ) else: logger.warning( f"During iteration, {min_len_discards} elements were " f"discarded since shorter than min length {self.min_length}" ) @staticmethod def convert_tokens_to_char_annotations( sample: RelikReaderSample, remove_nmes: bool = True, ) -> RelikReaderSample: """ Converts the token annotations to char annotations. Args: sample (:obj:`RelikReaderSample`): The sample to convert. remove_nmes (:obj:`bool`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`True`): Whether to remove the NMEs from the annotations. Returns: :obj:`RelikReaderSample`: The converted sample. """ char_annotations = set() for ( predicted_entity, predicted_spans, ) in sample.predicted_window_labels.items(): if predicted_entity == NME_SYMBOL and remove_nmes: continue for span_start, span_end in predicted_spans: span_start = sample.token2char_start[str(span_start)] span_end = sample.token2char_end[str(span_end)] char_annotations.add((span_start, span_end, predicted_entity)) char_probs_annotations = dict() for ( span_start, span_end, ), candidates_probs in sample.span_title_probabilities.items(): span_start = sample.token2char_start[str(span_start)] span_end = sample.token2char_end[str(span_end)] char_probs_annotations[(span_start, span_end)] = { title for title, _ in candidates_probs } sample.predicted_window_labels_chars = char_annotations sample.probs_window_labels_chars = char_probs_annotations return sample @staticmethod def merge_patches_predictions(sample) -> None: sample._d["predicted_window_labels"] = dict() predicted_window_labels = sample._d["predicted_window_labels"] sample._d["span_title_probabilities"] = dict() span_title_probabilities = sample._d["span_title_probabilities"] span2title = dict() for _, patch_info in sorted(sample.patches.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): # selecting span predictions for predicted_title, predicted_spans in patch_info[ "predicted_window_labels" ].items(): for pred_span in predicted_spans: pred_span = tuple(pred_span) curr_title = span2title.get(pred_span) if curr_title is None or curr_title == NME_SYMBOL: span2title[pred_span] = predicted_title # else: # print("Merging at patch level") # selecting span predictions probability for predicted_span, titles_probabilities in patch_info[ "span_title_probabilities" ].items(): if predicted_span not in span_title_probabilities: span_title_probabilities[predicted_span] = titles_probabilities for span, title in span2title.items(): if title not in predicted_window_labels: predicted_window_labels[title] = list() predicted_window_labels[title].append(span)