import gradio as gr import pandas as pd SHEET_ID = '1CLlupGiP__XkLWT7RAfBfiW9m916tpgxYAQTJmFQVfI' SHEET_NAME = 'Datasets' csv_url = f'{SHEET_ID}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={SHEET_NAME}' class DataList: def __init__(self): self.table = pd.read_csv(csv_url) self._preprocess_table() self.table_header = ''' Name Description Type ''' def _preprocess_table(self) -> None: self.table['name_lowercase'] = self.table['Name'].str.lower() rows = [] for row in self.table.itertuples(): source = f'{row.Name}' if isinstance( row.URL, str) else '{row.Name}' row = f''' {source} {row.Description} {row.Type} ''' rows.append(row) self.table['html_table_content'] = rows def render(self, search_query: str, filter_names: list[str] ) -> tuple[int, str]: self.table = pd.read_csv(csv_url) self._preprocess_table() self.table_header = ''' Name Description Type ''' df = self.table if search_query: df = df[df.name_lowercase.str.contains(search_query.lower())] df = self.filter_table(df, filter_names) result = self.to_html(df, self.table_header) return result @staticmethod def filter_table(df: pd.DataFrame, filter_names: list[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: df = df.loc[df.Type.isin(set(filter_names))] return df @staticmethod def to_html(df: pd.DataFrame, table_header: str) -> str: table_data = ''.join(df.html_table_content) html = f''' {table_header} {table_data}
''' return html data_list = DataList() css = """ button.svelte-kqij2n{font-weight: bold !important; background-color: #ebecf0; color: black; margin-left: 5px;} #tlsnlbs{} #mtcs{} #mdls{} #dts{} .svelte-kqij2n .selected { background-color: black; color: white; } .app.svelte-182fdeq.svelte-182fdeq { padding: 0 !important; } span.svelte-s1r2yt{font-weight: bold !important; } """ with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: search_box = gr.Textbox( label='Search Name', placeholder='You can search for titles with regular expressions. e.g. (?