import gradio as gr from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM choices = ['Formal to Informal', 'Informal to Formal'] tokenizer_1 = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('prithivida/formal_to_informal_styletransfer') model_1 = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained('prithivida/formal_to_informal_styletransfer') tokenizer_2 = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('prithivida/informal_to_formal_styletransfer') model_2 = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained('prithivida/informal_to_formal_styletransfer') def model_selection(choices, text): if choices == "Formal to Informal": inputs = tokenizer_1.encode(text, return_tensors = 'pt') outputs = model_1.generate(inputs) clean = tokenizer_1.decode(outputs[0]) else: inputs = tokenizer_2.encode(text, return_tensors = 'pt') outputs = model_2.generate(inputs) clean = tokenizer_2.decode(outputs[0]) replace = clean.replace('', '').replace('', '') return replace input_1 = gr.inputs.Radio(choices = choices, label='Choose a model.') input_2 = gr.inputs.Textbox(placeholder='Enter your text here...', label = 'Input') article = "

Styleformer GitHub

" examples = [["Formal to Informal", "Your mother is so old that her last name is asaurus."], ["Informal to Formal", "Yo what's up with the weather?"]] iface = gr.Interface( model_selection, [input_1, input_2], "text", theme = 'huggingface', article=article, examples = examples) if __name__ == "__main__": iface.launch()