import numpy as np from math import cos, sin, pi from collections import namedtuple import time import gradio as gr from gradio_rerun import Rerun import rerun as rr import rerun.blueprint as rrb ColorGrid = namedtuple("ColorGrid", ["positions", "colors"]) def build_color_grid(x_count=10, y_count=10, z_count=10, twist=0): """ Create a cube of points with colors. The total point cloud will have x_count * y_count * z_count points. Parameters ---------- x_count, y_count, z_count: Number of points in each dimension. twist: Angle to twist from bottom to top of the cube """ grid = np.mgrid[ slice(-x_count, x_count, x_count * 1j), slice(-y_count, y_count, y_count * 1j), slice(-z_count, z_count, z_count * 1j), ] angle = np.linspace(-float(twist) / 2, float(twist) / 2, z_count) for z in range(z_count): xv, yv, zv = grid[:, :, :, z] rot_xv = xv * cos(angle[z]) - yv * sin(angle[z]) rot_yv = xv * sin(angle[z]) + yv * cos(angle[z]) grid[:, :, :, z] = [rot_xv, rot_yv, zv] positions = np.vstack([xyz.ravel() for xyz in grid]) colors = np.vstack( [ xyz.ravel() for xyz in np.mgrid[ slice(0, 255, x_count * 1j), slice(0, 255, y_count * 1j), slice(0, 255, z_count * 1j), ] ] ) return ColorGrid(positions.T, colors.T.astype(np.uint8)) @rr.thread_local_stream("rerun_example_cube") def show_cube(x, y, z, twist): stream = rr.binary_stream() blueprint = rrb.Blueprint( rrb.Spatial3DView(origin="cube"), collapse_panels=True, ) rr.send_blueprint(blueprint) yield for step in range(twist): rr.set_time_sequence("steps", step) cube = build_color_grid(int(x), int(y), int(z), twist=pi * step / 180) rr.log("cube", rr.Points3D(cube.positions, colors=cube.colors, radii=0.5)) yield time.sleep(0.01) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): x_count = gr.Number( minimum=1, maximum=20, value=10, precision=0, label="X Count" ) y_count = gr.Number( minimum=1, maximum=20, value=10, precision=0, label="Y Count" ) z_count = gr.Number( minimum=1, maximum=20, value=10, precision=0, label="Z Count" ) twist_steps = gr.Number( minimum=0, maximum=180, value=90, precision=0, label="Twist (degrees)" ) button = gr.Button("Show Cube") with gr.Row(): viewer = Rerun(streaming=True) show_cube, inputs=[x_count, y_count, z_count, twist_steps], outputs=viewer ) demo.queue(default_concurrency_limit=10) demo.launch()