import os from datetime import datetime import pytz from import DownloadConfig from datasets.utils.file_utils import cached_path from datasets.utils.hub import hf_hub_url frequency = os.environ.get("FREQUENCY", '').lower() def get_readme_path(dataset_name): readme_path = hf_hub_url(dataset_name, "") return cached_path(readme_path, download_config=DownloadConfig()) def update_readme(dataset_name, subreddit, latest_date, new_rows): path = get_readme_path(dataset_name=dataset_name) latest_hour =, second=0, microsecond=0) latest_hour_str = latest_hour.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00 %Z%z') readme_text = f""" ## Dataset Overview The goal is to have an open dataset of [r/{subreddit}]({subreddit}/) submissions. Im leveraging PRAW and the reddit API to get downloads. There is a limit of 1000 in an API call and limited search functionality, so this is run {frequency} to get new submissions. ## Creation Details This dataset was created by [derek-thomas/dataset-creator-reddit-{subreddit}]({subreddit}) ## Update Frequency The dataset is updated {frequency} with the most recent update being `{latest_hour_str}` where we added **{new_rows} new rows**. ## Licensing [Reddit Licensing terms]( as accessed on October 25: > The Content created with or submitted to our Services by Users (“User Content”) is owned by Users and not by Reddit. Subject to your complete and ongoing compliance with the Data API Terms, Reddit grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, and revocable license to copy and display the User Content using the Data API solely as necessary to develop, deploy, distribute, and run your App to your App Users. You may not modify the User Content except to format it for such display. You will comply with any requirements or restrictions imposed on usage of User Content by their respective owners, which may include "all rights reserved" notices, Creative Commons licenses, or other terms and conditions that may be agreed upon between you and the owners. Except as expressly permitted by this section, no other rights or licenses are granted or implied, including any right to use User Content for other purposes, such as for training a machine learning or AI model, without the express permission of rightsholders in the applicable User Content My take is that you can't use this data for *training* without getting permission. ## Opt-out To opt-out of this dataset please make a request in the community tab """ append_readme(path=path, readme_text=readme_text) def append_readme(path, readme_text): generated_below_marker = "--- Generated Part of README Below ---" with open(path, "r") as file: content = if generated_below_marker in content: index = content.index(generated_below_marker) + len(generated_below_marker) content = content[:index] + "\n\n" + readme_text else: content += "\n\n" + generated_below_marker + "\n\n" + readme_text + "\n" with open(path, "w") as file: file.write(content)