import pandas as pd import altair as alt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import geopandas as gpd from vega_datasets import data import streamlit as st import json import folium from streamlit_folium import folium_static st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.markdown('# Plane Travel') tsa_df = pd.read_excel('./data/tsa.xlsx') tsa_df_date = tsa_df.set_index('Date') tsa_df_year = tsa_df_date.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={'level_1':'year'}) tsa_df_stack = tsa_df_year.join(tsa_df_date) tsa_df_stack = tsa_df_stack[['Date', 'year', 0]] tsa_df_stack = tsa_df_stack.rename(columns={0:'data'}) line = alt.Chart(tsa_df_stack).mark_line().encode( x = alt.X('Date'), y = alt.Y('data', title = 'Passenger volumes'), color = 'year:N', strokeWidth = alt.value(1) ) # 添加交互式选择器 selector = alt.selection_single( on='mouseover', nearest=True, empty='none', fields=['Date'], init={'Date': '2022-01-01'} ) # 创建一个点图层,用于显示选择器位置的信息 points = line.mark_point().encode( opacity=alt.condition(selector, alt.value(1), alt.value(0)) ).add_selection(selector) # 创建一个文本图层,用于显示选择器位置对应的y值 text = line.mark_text(align='left', dx=5, dy=-5).encode( text=alt.condition(selector, 'data:Q', alt.value(' ')) ) # 添加一条垂直线 vline = alt.Chart(tsa_df_stack).mark_rule(color='red').encode( x='Date', size=alt.value(0.1) ).transform_filter( selector ) # 将图表和交互式元素组合在一起 chart = alt.layer(line, points, text, vline) # 显示图表 chart = width=800, title='The amount of passengers passing through TSA checkpoints across recent years' ) st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=False) st.markdown(""" A look into the most popular destinations by the amount of passengers on flights to specific destinations post-COVID """) df_2022 = pd.read_excel('./data/US-Outbound-to-World-Regions_2022.xlsx') df_2022.columns = df_2022.iloc[2] df_2022_select = df_2022.iloc[3:10].set_index('Regions') = None df_2022_select = df_2022_select.iloc[:, : 12] df_2022_final = df_2022_select.reset_index() df_2022_stack = df_2022_final.iloc[:, 1:12].stack().reset_index().set_index('level_0').join(df_2022_final).iloc[:, 0:3].rename(columns = {'level_1':'Month', 0:'Data'}) bar_2022 = alt.Chart(df_2022_stack).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X('Month'), y = alt.Y('Data'), color = 'Regions:N', ) bar_2022 ='2022 US citizens travel to international regions') df_2021 = pd.read_excel('./data/US-Outbound-to-World-Regions_2021.xlsx') df_2021.columns = df_2021.iloc[2] df_2021_select = df_2021.iloc[3:10].set_index('Regions') = None df_2021_select = df_2021_select.iloc[:, : 12] df_2021_final = df_2021_select.reset_index() df_2021_stack = df_2021_final.iloc[:, 1:12].stack().reset_index().set_index('level_0').join(df_2021_final).iloc[:, 0:3].rename(columns = {'level_1':'Month', 0:'Data'}) # 创建一个选择器,用于捕获用户在2022年数据的月份柱状图上的鼠标悬停操作 month_selector_2022 = alt.selection_single(fields=['Month'], empty='none', on='mouseover') # 创建一个选择器,用于捕获用户在2021年数据的月份柱状图上的鼠标悬停操作 month_selector_2021 = alt.selection_single(fields=['Month'], empty='none', on='mouseover') # Create the bar chart for 2022 data bar_2022 = alt.Chart(df_2022_stack).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X('Month'), y = alt.Y('Data'), color = 'Regions:N', ).properties(title='2022 US citizens travel to international regions', width=300).add_selection( month_selector_2022 ) pie_2022 = alt.Chart(df_2022_stack).mark_arc(innerRadius=50, outerRadius=100).encode( theta='sum(Data)', color='Regions:N', tooltip='Regions' ).transform_filter( month_selector_2022 ).properties(width=300) # Create the bar chart for 2021 data bar_2021 = alt.Chart(df_2021_stack).mark_bar().encode( x = alt.X('Month'), y = alt.Y('Data'), color = 'Regions:N', ).properties(title='2021 US citizens travel to international regions', width=300).add_selection( month_selector_2021 ) pie_2021 = alt.Chart(df_2021_stack).mark_arc(innerRadius=50, outerRadius=100).encode( theta='sum(Data)', color='Regions:N', tooltip='Regions' ).transform_filter( month_selector_2021 ).properties(width=300) # Combine the charts combined_charts = ((bar_2022 & pie_2022) | (bar_2021 & pie_2021)).resolve_scale(y='shared') # Display the combined charts combined_charts alt.data_transformers.disable_max_rows() # Load data destination_df = pd.read_csv('./data/air-passengers-carried.csv') destination_df['Entity'] = destination_df['Entity'].astype(str) destination_df['Code'] = destination_df['Code'].astype(str) # Load world data from GeoPandas world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) # Add a slider to select the year selected_year = st.slider("Select Year", min_value=2018, max_value=2020, value=2018, step=1) # Filter the data based on the selected year destination_df_year = destination_df[destination_df['Year'] == selected_year] # Merge the data merged_data = world.set_index('iso_a3').join(destination_df_year.set_index('Code')).reset_index() # Convert the merged data to a GeoJSON object merged_data_geojson = json.loads(merged_data.to_json()) # Create a folium map m = folium.Map(location=[0, 0], zoom_start=2) # Define a function to determine the color based on the number of passengers carried def get_color(feature): passengers = feature['properties']['Air transport, passengers carried'] if passengers is None: return '#FFFFFF' elif passengers < 1e4: return '#fee0b6' elif passengers < 1e5: return '#f1a340' elif passengers < 1e6: return '#d73027' else: return '#a50026' # Add the choropleth layer to the folium map folium.GeoJson( merged_data_geojson, style_function=lambda feature: { 'fillColor': get_color(feature), 'color': 'black', 'weight': 1, 'fillOpacity': 0.7, }, tooltip=folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip(fields=['Entity', 'Air transport, passengers carried'], aliases=['Country', 'Passengers Carried']) ).add_to(m) st.markdown(""" A look into the most popular destinations by the amount of passengers on flights to specific destinations pre and during COVID """) # Display the folium map in Streamlit folium_static(m)