from qdrant_client import QdrantClient from transformers import pipeline from panns_inference import AudioTagging import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import tempfile import urllib3 import librosa import torch import os st.title("Semantic Search for Music") st.subheader("A New Way to Search for your Favorite Songs Using :red[Qdrant]") st.markdown(""" The purpose of this app is to help creative people explore the possibilities vector databases can bring to the music industry. Not only can you search for your favorite songs, but you can also add filters to your search or use different collections of tunes for different purposes, for example, to add every tune, beat and sound you create and search for it later when you come up with new music. The dataset used for this model is the [Ludwig Music Dataset (Moods and Subgenres)]( You can evaluate the semantic search capabilities of our app by searching for songs you know and retrieving the 10 most similar one, or you can bring your own songs and compare them to those in our database. 😎 **Note:** The genres came with the dataset and might not reflect 100% the genre you might assign to a song. Also, out database is sorted alphabetically. """) http = urllib3.PoolManager() metadata = pd.read_parquet("metadata.parquet") artist_song = metadata['artist_song'].sort_values().tolist() collection = "music_vectors" classifier = pipeline("audio-classification", model="ramonpzg/wav2musicgenre") client = QdrantClient( "", api_key=os.environ['QDRANT_API_KEY'], ) at = AudioTagging(checkpoint_path=None, device='cpu') options = st.selectbox(label="Select an Option", options=["Pick a Method 🎸", 'Our Database', 'Your Music'], index=0) if options == 'Our Database': a_song = st.selectbox(label="Songs", options=artist_song, index=0) song = a_song.split(' - ')[-1] get_index = metadata.loc[metadata['name'] == song, 'index'].iloc[0] song_vector = client.retrieve( collection_name=collection, ids=[int(get_index)], with_payload=True, with_vectors=True )[0] try: mp3 =['urls']) except: response = http.request('GET', song_vector.payload['urls']) temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mp3", delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as f: f.write( audio, sr = librosa.load(, sample_rate=sr) results = collection_name=collection, query_vector=song_vector.vector, limit=10 ) if results: for result in results: st.header(f"Genre: {result.payload['genre']}") st.markdown(f"### Artist: {result.payload['artist']}") st.markdown(f"#### Song name: {result.payload['name']}") try:["urls"]) except: response = http.request('GET', result.payload["urls"]) temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mp3", delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as f: f.write( audio, sr = librosa.load(, sample_rate=sr) elif options == 'Your Music': your_song = st.file_uploader(label="📀 Music file 🎸",) if your_song: audio, sr = librosa.load(your_song), sample_rate=sr) genres = classifier(audio) if genres: st.markdown("## Best Prediction") col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="small") col1.subheader(genres[0]['label']) col2.metric(label="Score", value=f"{genres[0]['score']*100:.2f}%") st.markdown("### Other Predictions") col3, col4 = st.columns(2, gap="small") for idx, genre in enumerate(genres[1:]): if idx % 2 == 0: col3.metric(label=genre['label'], value=f"{genre['score']*100:.2f}%") else: col4.metric(label=genre['label'], value=f"{genre['score']*100:.2f}%") audio = audio[None, :] clipwise_output, embedding = at.inference(audio) results = collection_name=collection, query_vector=embedding[0].tolist(), limit=10 ) if results: st.markdown("## Semantic Search Based on Your Song") for result in results: st.header(f"Genre: {result.payload['genre']}") st.markdown(f"### Artist: {result.payload['artist']}") st.markdown(f"#### Song name: {result.payload['name']}") try:["urls"]) except: response = http.request('GET', result.payload["urls"]) temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mp3", delete=False) with open(, 'wb') as f: f.write( audio, sr = librosa.load(, sample_rate=sr)