import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline # Load the Hugging Face model for question answering qa_model = pipeline("question-answering") # Function to handle PDF input and return chatbot responses def chatbot_function(pdf_file): # Your PDF processing logic here # For simplicity, let's assume you convert the PDF to text with open(pdf_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: pdf_text = # Use the question answering model to get responses question = "What is your question?" answer = qa_model(question=question, context=pdf_text) return answer["answer"] # Gradio Interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=chatbot_function, inputs=gr.File(type="file", label="Upload PDF File"), outputs="text", live=True, title="Chatbot for PDF Documents", description="Upload a PDF document and ask questions to the chatbot.", ) # Launch the Gradio app iface.launch()