{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "wrgOhk8U4Rpl" }, "source": [ "# Quickstart: Querying PDF With Astra and LangChain\n", "\n", "### A question-answering demo using Astra DB and LangChain, powered by Vector Search" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "MqfJKgRM4Rpo" }, "source": [ "#### Pre-requisites:\n", "\n", "You need a **_Serverless Cassandra with Vector Search_** database on [Astra DB](https://astra.datastax.com) to run this demo. As outlined in more detail [here](https://docs.datastax.com/en/astra-serverless/docs/vector-search/quickstart.html#_prepare_for_using_your_vector_database), you should get a DB Token with role _Database Administrator_ and copy your Database ID: these connection parameters are needed momentarily.\n", "\n", "You also need an [OpenAI API Key](https://cassio.org/start_here/#llm-access) for this demo to work.\n", "\n", "#### What you will do:\n", "\n", "- Setup: import dependencies, provide secrets, create the LangChain vector store;\n", "- Run a Question-Answering loop retrieving the relevant headlines and having an LLM construct the answer." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "m_FeN-Ep4Rpp" }, "source": [ "Install the required dependencies:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "Uk0qUhJUQrkO", "outputId": "6351017a-b8db-43bb-fe5c-dca003d24a90" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "!pip install -qU cassio datasets langchain openai tiktoken" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "XQQN-L2J4Rpq" }, "source": [ "Import the packages you'll need:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "id": "V4qBIihE4Rpq" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# LangChain components to use\n", "from langchain.vectorstores.cassandra import Cassandra\n", "from langchain.indexes.vectorstore import VectorStoreIndexWrapper\n", "from langchain.llms import OpenAI\n", "from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings\n", "\n", "# Support for dataset retrieval with Hugging Face\n", "from datasets import load_dataset\n", "\n", "# With CassIO, the engine powering the Astra DB integration in LangChain,\n", "# you will also initialize the DB connection:\n", "import cassio" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "WIs76OPQ6JyD", "outputId": "c8bc563c-4b69-4435-ac78-0ca085cca913" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Collecting PyPDF2\n", " Downloading pypdf2-3.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (232 kB)\n", "\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m232.6/232.6 kB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m5.5 MB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0ma \u001b[36m0:00:01\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[?25hInstalling collected packages: PyPDF2\n", "Successfully installed PyPDF2-3.0.1\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install PyPDF2" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": { "id": "1itBNL1v6N9-" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from PyPDF2 import PdfReader" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "Vu2UauiC4Rpr" }, "source": [ "### Setup" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "id": "eqpM6I854Rpr" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN = \"AstraCS:OsOjMKLLxkWFoUpmNbWeJwIP:d8b4df7fd17c288edd265f9d167fa821e97e9d97098842c2e3ed4140d756d02d\"\n", "ASTRA_DB_ID = \"f97bbcce-b48b-4b42-8ad0-fdc38b2e165e\" # enter your Database ID\n", "OPENAI_API_KEY = \"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\" # enter your OpenAI key" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "mfbH8h4XwU00" }, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "Q1cmD5EF4Rpr" }, "source": [ "#### Provide your secrets:\n", "\n", "Replace the following with your Astra DB connection details and your OpenAI API key:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "id": "waVKJW-n6jqJ" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# provide the path of pdf file/files.\n", "pdfreader = PdfReader('Ethics.pdf')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "id": "42BKuFRO6meP" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from typing_extensions import Concatenate\n", "# read text from pdf\n", "raw_text = ''\n", "for i, page in enumerate(pdfreader.pages):\n", " content = page.extract_text()\n", " if content:\n", " raw_text += content" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 244 }, "id": "vR41Iq-4ZHnG", "outputId": "75e07169-18d6-41ff-9fd6-a3aa93bfb69e" }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'21 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-11000521 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005\\nContact No.:Contact No.: 8010440440, 8750187501 8010440440, 8750187501\\nWebsite:Website: www.drishtiIAS.com www.drishtiIAS.com\\ne-mail:e-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com englishsupport@groupdrishti.comETHICS, \\nINTEGRITY \\nAND APTITUDEETHICS, \\nINTEGRITY \\nAND APTITUDEIntroduct Ion\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics is a normative subject.\\nConfusion/Dilemma: It is cognitive in nature and due to lack of sufficient knowledge.\\nKey Concepts\\nEthics or Morality Attitude Aptitude Values Conscience\\nATTITUDE\\n\\tzAn orientation towards any psychological objects and this orientation may be positive, negative or \\nambivalent.\\n\\tzThe definition may be broken down into the following key aspects:\\n\\t\\x81Orientation or inclination\\n\\t\\x81Positive, Negative, Ambivalent\\n\\t\\x81Any psychological object\\n\\tzIt can be collective in nature.\\nIndividualAttitude\\nCollective or social\\nReflected via an individual through his/her \\nlearning from the society or social groups.\\nSubject and Object\\nIn General\\nSubject: About whom or which something is told\\nObject: Something on whom or which something is done.\\nIn Ethics\\nSubject: Someone whose consciousness is being used.\\nObject: Consciousness being used for whom.IntroductionDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EAn object can be both conscious or non conscious. The difference lies in the fact that consciousness \\nof ‘Subject’ is used for the person or thing.\\nOn the other hand any material object without consciousness can never be a subject. It will always \\nbe an object.\\nFor Instance, If I am thinking about the well being of the State. Here, ‘I’ as an individual is subject \\nbecause my consciousness is being used. ‘State’, a non-conscious thing, is object because consciousness \\nof mine is being used for State.\\nSubject ConsciousnessEmotion\\nThought\\nMental ActivityAbout Something\\nAnything which is only material \\nor a combination of both matter \\nand consciousness.\\nPerson\\nConsciousness BodyThe action of consciousness such as \\nthinking makes subject.\\nWhereas the person about whom the \\nthought process is taking place is \\nobject as his/her consciousness is not \\nin action in the present context.Material\\nNon conscious aspect of human\\nPsychological Object\\nAny object which can be a part of our psychological capacity on which we can think, or get influenced, \\nor for which we can have emotion.\\nAny object that can be used as reference point for any mental activity.\\nPerson: Anyone other than the person who is doing mental activity.\\nMaterial Thing, Place, Community, etc.\\nMaterial objects\\nPsychological objectFrom the perspective of Psychology\\nWhat is being perceived?\\nContrary Attitude\\n\\tzA situation of ambivalent attitude.\\n\\tzOne attitude but have strong or strict self control over expression of such an attitude.\\nIndividual: Subject or Object or Both\\n\\tzA person can be a subject or an object or both at the same time.Introduct Ion\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzWhen a person is thinking about himself/ herself then the part of the person which is thinking is \\nsubject and the concept or percept or idea of the person which is being thought is object.\\nAPTITUDE\\n\\tzIt is the set of abilities that is required to be successful in one field provided the training is given to \\nthe person.\\n\\tzA set of abilities.\\n\\tzBasic set of abilities which are required to be successful in life.\\n\\t¾Hard work\\n\\t¾Interest\\n\\t¾Aptitude\\n\\t¾TrainingInnate or genetic. Some can be developed with time.Basics for Success\\nAptitude\\nAbilities Generally innate, some can be acquired\\nVALUES\\nIn linguisticsCan be a verb\\nCan also be a noun\\nUsage In various streams\\n– Economics\\n– Maths\\n– Ethics\\nEthical values\\nThey are ideals which are given to us via various methods such as family teachings, education etc. \\nIdeals which tell us what should be our perfect behaviour or personality and such ideals make the \\nsociety a better living place.\\n\\tzEthical values are the ideals of a society\\n\\tzIn a hypothetical situation if ideal ethical values are present in all the individuals of a society then \\nsuch a society would be an ideal place to live.\\nBody: Hardware\\nValues: Software\\n[Enables us to use our brain]Human Beings\\n\\tzVirtues: Ideals realised in a personality. Courage is an ideal which when realised in personality \\nbecomes virtue.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EEMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE\\nIt is an ability of understanding and regulating our own as well as others emotions. It is not a \\ngenetic quality. Intelligence can be and to some extent, a genetic quality but on the other hand emotional \\nintelligence is based upon our learning throughout our life.\\n\\tzIntelligence: It is an ability of understanding and solving the problem within limited time and with \\ngood efficiency.\\nEmotional Intelligence\\nIntelligence\\nIntelligenceEmotionMyself\\nOthers\\nRegulateAbility\\nUnderstand or comprehend\\nFind solution\\nLess time/Energy\\nCONSCIENCE\\n“There is always a conflict between intellect and pleasure. One aspect of our personality says that \\nyou have to do a thing for sake of your happiness. Whereas the other aspect tells us to do things which \\nare ethically right.” – Immanuel Kant\\nConscience is the inner voice which tells us what is right in any specific situation. It is not universal. \\nIt is dependent upon communities, religion and society. In psychology it is believed to be Super Ego and \\nit develops as per our social system.\\n\\tzInner Voice: The voice which comes from our inner self when we are going to do something wrong.\\n\\tzIn Psychology\\n\\t\\x81Id: It motivates us for happiness or sensory pleasures and not to think about the ethical or \\nrational aspect.\\n\\t\\x81Super Ego: It motivates us to do something right and ethical, and stops us from doing something \\nwrong.\\nNo external \\nsocial control\\nConscience tells us \\nthat something is right \\nor wrongSituations\\nGrey Areas\\nIn the situation of \\nconfusion one must listen \\nto his/her conscienceIntroduct Ion\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501APPROACH TO ETHICS PAPER\\nNormative \\nsubject\\n\\t¾What should be done?\\n\\t¾Prescriptive subjectApproach to Ethics\\nGrey Areas Dynamic\\nDichotomy\\nApproaching \\nsomething by \\ndividing things \\ninto 2 sectionsContinuum Approach Followed\\n\\t¾No certain values can be \\nattached to any human \\nbeing \\n\\t¾It is always in flux\\n\\tzFor ethics one needs to have open, rational and balanced mind.\\n\\tzValue Neutral: One should not consider his/her value as absolute one.\\n\\tzInterest Neutrality: We should not be affected by our own interest if we are judging morality or \\nethics of others.\\n\\tzSubjective: In ethics we need to accept subjectivity. Opinions of others are also there. These other \\nopinions exist and can be true or false. This idea of subjectivity is reflected in Jain philosophy of \\nSyadvada.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501INTRODUCTION\\nPhilosophy\\nEpistemology\\nPhilosophy of \\nKnowledgePhilosophy of \\nReality/ \\nExistenceObjective \\nof life\\nGod \\n[Theology]World \\n[Cosmology]Soul \\n[Psychology]Means to \\nachieve the \\nobjective of lifeMetaphysics EthicsSocial Psychology\\n[Sociology+Psychology]Grounds to Define Ethics\\nEthics as a Social System\\nSociety\\n\\tzIt is basically a system.\\n\\tzIt is a complex systems i.e., a system of various systems and sub-systems. Example of complex system \\nis human body.\\n\\tzSociety is a complex system which is made up of various systems or sub–systems working in co-\\nordination and coherence.\\nSociety’s Sub System\\nEconomic \\nsystemEducational \\nsystemReligious \\nsystem\\nTool-Ethics Consensus on values for peaceful \\nco-existence in a societySocial control \\n[Pattern \\nMaintenance \\nsystem]{Used by sociologist \\nTalcott Parsons}Political system \\n[System of power and \\naccountability \\nsharing]Ethics & Human InterfaceDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EMethods of Social Control\\nSocialisation\\n\\t¾Process which makes an a-social child into social being\\n\\t¾It helps in making of our Super Ego\\n\\t¾Types: Primary socialisation and secondary socialisationSanctions\\n\\t¾Positive : Rewards\\n\\t¾Negative : Punishment\\n\\t¾Beginning years\\n\\t¾Family, School, Peer group etc.\\t¾Advanced Years of Life\\n\\t¾Training, Domain KnowledgeSocialisation\\nPrimary Secondary\\nEthics\\nEthics is a social system which formulates values and norms of conduct for the members of society \\nand attempts to regulate behaviour of individuals accordingly.\\n – Ethics : A social system Norms of Conduct\\n : It formulates Values\\n : For members of a society\\n : Attempts to regulate – Behaviour of/conduct of individuals\\nKey Terms of Definition Values\\n Norms\\n Conduct/Behaviour\\nVALUES\\n\\tzIn ethics it is moral values.\\n\\tzThey are the moral ideals of a society.\\n\\t\\x81Ideals – State of being perfect\\n\\tz The values are learned. They are not innate in nature. The process of learning of values is socialisation.\\n\\tzThe values are deep rooted in our personality. Guilt is generated if we act against our value. The \\nconscience comes to play its role to avoid the feeling of guilt and refutes our action which is against \\nour values.\\n\\tz Values are generally stable but can be changed in special circumstance. They are not easily changed.\\n\\tzValues are used as the standard of evaluating people.\\nCharacteristics of Values\\n\\tzIdeal standards\\n\\tzAbstract in nature\\n\\tzThey cannot be perceived but are conceptualised\\n\\tzExample: Respecting seniors and elders. Value here is Respect. Respect cannot be perceived by our \\nsensory organs. To make this value of Respect, prevalent in society we make it norms of conduct.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Id : Desire, Instinct, Lust\\nEgo: Balance between Id and Super Ego\\nSuper Ego – Developed through learning \\nspecific to humanState of Knowing\\nMindConscious\\nSub Conscious\\nNon Conscious\\nIdeals Abstract\\nGenerally \\nstableStandards of \\njudgementLearned Similar to \\nvirtuesArranged in \\nhierarchy\\nRealised \\nvaluesDeep rooted in \\npersonalityCharacteristics of Values\\nType of Values\\nMajor\\nPositiveSecular \\nvaluesUniversal \\nvaluesReligious \\nvaluesParochial \\nvalues\\nFoundationalTerminal \\nvalues Instrumental \\nvaluesMinor\\nNegative\\nArea \\nspecific or \\nspecificBasis of Classification\\nTerminal\\nThese values are the highest values in the pyramid or hierarchy of values. These values are end in \\nitself. For instance, bliss, peace, happiness etc.\\nInstrumental values \\nThese values are means to achieve the terminal or other values. For example punctuality, honesty etc.\\nPositive values\\nThe values which we try to inculcate or internalise. For example gratitude, honesty etc.\\nNegative values\\nThe values which we should not have in our value system.\\nFoundational values \\nThe values which are given to an individual in the beginning of the life and are important in all \\naspects of general life. For example sharing, compassion etc.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EArea specific values\\nThese values are specific to area. They may be based on foundational values but at times some \\nvalues are only specific to an area or work. For instance anonymity, secrecy etc.\\nReligious values \\nThese are the values taught to us by our religion. For example animal sacrifice, tree worship etc.\\nSecular values \\nThese values come from secular mindset and does not require any support of religion. For instance \\nmutual co-existence, universal brotherhood etc.\\n\\tzRelation between Secular and Religious values\\nR.V S.V\\nSaving Trees \\nSaving Animals \\nUniversal values\\nThese are the values which are accepted by almost all the socities of the world. For example, peace, \\nintegrity, brotherhood etc.\\nParochial values \\nThese are the values which are accepted by a specific culture and the same are not accepted by \\nother cultures or societies. For instance some tribal values.\\nThe Maasai Tribe: Spitting is a sheer sign of respect. This act is done to either greet one another, \\nagree to a deal, or to simply wish someone good luck.\\nAncient Greek culture: Ritual spitting, a term which denotes that spitting was carried out as a \\ngood omen and to ward off evil from infants and newly weds.\\nValues : Objective or Subjective\\n\\tzObjective: Something which exists in the object. Accepted by all without differences of opinion. \\nTruth value resides in the object.\\n\\tzSubjective: Something which exists in the subject and depends on the opinion of individuals. Truth \\nvalue resides in the opinion of the subject.\\n\\tzObject: Something about which we can think or feel something.\\n\\tzSubject: A thinking being.\\nDeontology\\n\\tzEthics is rule and norms. \\n\\tzRules and Norms are absolute.\\n\\tzNo diversion is allowed.\\n\\tzIn general religious ethics are closer to deontology.\\n\\tzExample: Ethics– 10 commandments of morality.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Teleology\\n\\tzBelieves in purpose of ethics .\\n\\tzEnds or targets or objective are more important than rules or norms.\\n\\tzIn general, it is secular ethics.\\n\\tzIt is closer to philosophy of Utilitarianism.\\nReligious Ethics\\nCommandments of God \\nare absolute in nature \\nas they are revealed by \\nGod and cannot be \\nchanged by Humans.If an act increases more \\nhappiness to the society in \\ncomparison to pain or sorrow \\nthen the act is acceptable.Secular Ethics\\nUtilitarianismAnimal Sacrifice\\n\\tzAnalysis by Patrick Novel Smith:\\nScenario 1 Scenario 2Occasional sexual \\nintimacy with y without \\nany emotional intimacy \\nwith consent of both ‘z’ \\nand ‘y’Get emotionally \\nintimate with y and \\ndo not get into any \\nsexual intimacyx and z is a married couple living happily. There is no \\nproblem between them except for one, i.e., the wife z \\nhas taken celibacy and the husband x ones or twice \\nfeels the urge to have physical intimacy. \\n\\t\\x81Ethical Preposition\\n\\t\\x89Deontological Approach: Adultery is a sin, so scenario 2 is more ethical approach. It believes \\nethics as objective and adultery is opposed in Hebrew ethics.\\n\\t\\x89Teleological Approach: Rules of ethics are not supreme. All the rules of ethics are made \\nwith an objective of maximum happiness of maximum people. If any rule is giving maximum \\nhappiness of maximum people then that rule must be accepted. It believes ethics as subjective. \\nThe rules are for human beings and not vice versa. The purpose is to maintain happiness and \\namicable relation between x and z, so scenario 1 is more ethical.\\nValues : Objective or Subjective\\n100% Objective – If believed by all people across the world.\\n100% Subjective – No two persons have same value set.\\nThe values are neither 100% subjective nor 100% objective. Thus 100% objectivity or subjectivity \\nof the values are impossible.\\nObjective of values mean that all the persons of the society do have an agreement on values.\\nOn the other hand subjectivity of values mean that people have different opinions about the values \\nor they accept different set of values for themselves.\\nObjectivity and subjectivity of values need to be understood in continuum approachDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t¾ Some Values are \\naccepted by all or there \\nis general agreement \\nabout on it in the world \\nbaring a few exceptions.\\n\\t¾ Example: Peace, \\nBrotherhood\\t¾ Equally subjective \\nand objective\\n\\t¾ Vegetarianism, \\nsacrifice of animals\\t¾ Veganism\\n\\t¾ Acceptance to homosexuality\\n\\t¾ Live-in Relationship100% ObjectivityHigh Objectivity High Subjectivity\\n100% Subjectivity 0% Subjectivity 0% Objectivity\\nValues: Static or Dynamic?\\nDynamic\\nSomething that changes. Reasons for change – Space, Time, Circumstances. If something changes \\naccording to or with space, time and circumstances is dynamic. This is very much related to teleology.\\nStatic\\nSomething that doesn’t change. If something that doesn’t change according to or with space, time \\nand circumstances is static. This is very much related to deontology.\\nGame of Cricket in Local Area\\nRules \\n(Static)Rules \\n(Dynamic)\\n\\tzTeleological Argument\\n\\t\\x81New rules can be made.\\n\\t\\x81Existing rules can be tweaked depending upon requirement.\\n\\t\\x81Purpose: To play not according to a set of rules but to enjoy. To play in a group and have joy and \\nfun.\\n\\t\\x81If for the purpose to sustain we have to change some rules we must change them.\\n\\t\\x81According to Patrick Nowell Smith, in the beginning when children start seeing this world in the \\nfirst stage they do not understand what are rules, in the second stage they are not able to \\nunderstand that the rules can be changed and in the third stage, when they gain understanding, \\nthey start understanding that the rules are not ends but are made just to make the system work \\nso that collective purpose could be achieved.\\nIn the world of ethics also when we talk of deontology. This is a childish kind of understanding of \\nethics because rules cannot be changed. When the human being grow, they become more intelligent and \\nthey start understanding that rules are just a means and if for the betterment of human lives the rules \\nare to be changed we should change them. That is why teleology is better approach to human society \\nas far as utilitarian thinkers are concerned.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzDeontological Argument\\n\\t\\x81The general IQ level of the society falls in the average level and one cannot expect them to think \\nand create understanding about issues in depth. If rules are made to be means to achieve the \\nends in regard with values then it may lead to greater chaos by overthinking or less thinking. \\nThus if the rules are clear it will save a lot of mental exercise in terms of energy and times.\\n\\t\\x81As soon as people are given the option to deviate from the rules, we give them some discretion \\nand thus open up the option for corruption.\\n\\t\\x81The golden mean is to have the rules as static but the society must be ready to review the rules \\nand bring or introduce whenever required depending upon space, time or circumstances.\\nContinuum\\n100% Dynamic \\n0% StaticValues equally \\ndynamic and static \\n[Vegetarianism \\nNon-vegetarianism]\\nValues which are \\nmore Dynamic0% Dynamic \\n100% Static\\nValues more static \\nin nature [Peace, \\nBliss]\\n\\tzChange with Time\\n (a) In ancient times values were more of spiritual nature.\\n (b) Now in modern times values are more of material in nature.\\n\\tzChange with space\\n (a) Place with abundance of agriculture the value of vegetarianism is prevalent.\\n (b) But on the other hand non-vegetarianism is prominent were agriculture is not prevalent or \\nplaces where agriculture cannot survive.\\n\\tzChange with situation\\n (a) A country with state of peace will have values of academic inclination, joy etc.\\n (b) Other country, in same geographical area and time, at war will have values of courage, sacrifice \\netc.\\nInculcation of Values\\nInculcation: A process through which values are given to a child or human being so that it becomes \\nthe part of his/her personality or the values are internalised.\\nInculcation → Process\\n Aim\\n Internalisation\\nRole of Family\\nParameters\\nWhen? What kind of values? How? ImpactDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzWhen does the family play an important role in inculcation of values?\\n\\t\\x81Initial Life\\n\\t\\x890 to 3 years of age: The child is almost 100% in the family.\\n\\t\\x893 to 12 years of age: Impact of family is more than friends in general.\\n\\t\\x89From 13 years of age: The control of the family loosens and influence of peer group have \\nmaximum impact.\\n\\t\\x89After 19 or 20 years of age: Family, in general, does not play any particular role in inculcation \\nof values.\\n\\tzHow does the family teach moral values to a child?\\n\\t\\x81Direct Teaching: Family members teach the child by instructing values to do certain things by \\nmentioning dos and don’ts.\\n\\t\\x81Indirect Teaching: Children believe more in observational learning.\\n\\t\\x81If the child observes something different from what is being taught. The child learns more by \\nobserving the things.\\n\\t\\x81Role of a mother is more important in the teaching of the child. Throughout the ages mothers \\nhave been upbringing the child and they are with the child most of the time. Secondly the level \\nof patience which a mother have in comparison to a father when dealing with the child is very \\ndifferent. According to John Bowlby, if a child does not have a mother the chances of him/her \\nbeing a criminal or recidivist is very high.\\n\\t\\x81Sometimes role of grandparents becomes important as both the parents are busy in their daily \\nworks.\\n\\tzWhat kind of values does the family teachs?\\n\\t\\x81In general family teachs the values they have to their children.\\n\\t\\x81For example a child of middle class family the values can be hardwork, honesty, integrity, \\ncompassion etc. They are some of the good values. But there can also be some bad values like \\ncommunalism, casteism, racism etc.\\n\\tzImpact of family on value system\\n\\t\\x81The impact on the child is highest.\\n\\t\\x81It is believed that most of the values are embedded or inculcated in the child is uptill the age of \\n6 years.\\n\\t\\x81It depends mainly on the amount of time given by the family to the child, whether the family is \\nprogressive or whether the family is symmetrical or asymmetrical.\\nRole of Educational Institutions\\n\\tzWhen does educational institutions play role in inculcation of values?\\n\\t\\x81Age 4-14 years: Primary educational institutions\\n\\t\\x81Teachings by the teachers: According to researches it is believed the child learns only 25 to \\n33% of teachings of the teachers.\\n\\t\\x81Teaching by Peer group: Most of teaching is from the peer group. Mainly during secondary \\nlevel of education.\\n\\t\\x81In primary school foundational values are primary and in secondary school professional values \\nare primary.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzWhat values?\\n\\t\\x81It depends upon the nature of the institution.\\n\\t\\x81Example: Co-ed or Non co-ed institutions; Secular or Religious institutions; Diverse or \\nHomogenous institution.\\n\\tzImpact\\n\\t\\x81Impact of school is more than college.\\n\\t\\x81Impact of family is more than the school.\\n\\t\\x81In the school impact of peer group is more than the teachers.\\nRole of Society\\nSociety – It is a web of social relationship\\n\\tzRelatives\\n\\tzCommunity\\tzMedia\\n\\tzNeighbourhood\\tzMarket/Road/Street\\n\\tzSocial group\\n\\tzWhen does society give us values?\\n\\t\\x81Society plays role of inculcating values everytime.\\n\\t\\x81It comes to play a major role after we grow to certain age mainly when an individual starts \\nbecoming independent.\\n\\t\\x81Indirect learning starts from the beginning and direct learning when we grow mainly after the \\nage of 18 years.\\n\\tzHow does society help us inculcate values?\\n\\tIt is generally through ones observation, social sanctions, and social controls by pressure groups.\\n\\tzWhat values?\\n\\t\\x81Depends on social group.\\n\\t\\x81Values can be good or bad.\\n\\tzImpact\\n\\t\\x81Family > Education Institution > Society\\n\\t\\x81In some cases society can have greater impact in absence of family or/and good educational \\ninstitution.\\nNORMS\\nThese are standards of behaviour in a given society. The standard of behaviour which is expressed \\nin form of certain action. Adherence to norms is taken as adherence to values. The abstract values are \\nmanifested through the norms of conduct. Norms of conduct are concrete in nature.\\nValuesNorms\\nAbstract Concrete Standards of \\nbehaviourDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EExample:\\nRespecting the Elders\\nValue\\nNormConcrete Touching feet \\nSajdah\\nCompassion\\nValue\\nNormConcreteFeeding Animal\\nNormHealth\\nValueConcreteWeekly Fast\\nEvolution of Norms\\n\\tzMethod of greeting people\\n\\t\\x81Namaskar\\n\\t\\x81Hugging\\n\\t\\x81Handshake\\n\\tzAny norm starts with an innovation by an individual. The act must have been done for the first time.\\n\\tzThey very act must have been accepted by others.\\n\\tzThe individual habit must have been practiced.\\n\\tzThe act must have been accepted by the group.\\n\\tzThe accepted habit of the group becomes a collective habit.\\n\\tzThe collective habit gets acceptance from the society in general.\\n\\tzThe habit becomes a social norm.\\n\\tzAs soon as habit becomes social norm the expectation is high.\\n\\tzWith time it becomes tradition or custom and the levels of expectation are more and more high.\\n\\tzFrom tradition or custom the norms social mores.\\n\\tzThe social mores are traditions or customs which have a very high level of acceptance and even \\nrigidity.\\n\\tzPeople expect everyone to behave in same manner.\\n\\tzIf they do not behave in the accepted manner a lot of social sanctions follow.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Evolution of Norms\\nInnovation by Individual\\nAcceptance\\nIndividual Habit\\nAcceptance from group\\nCollective habit\\nAcceptance by Society in general\\nSocial Norm – Expectation\\nTradition/Custom – More Expectation\\nSocial Mores – Social Sanction\\nSocial Institution\\nLaw\\nSometime when the social mores have very specific rules and regulations, then they are called social \\ninstitutions. These social institutions are translated in laws.\\nSocial Institution: Any norms which have been completely regularised and put in place, then they \\nare known as social institutions.\\nFor instance – Marriage, Family etc.\\nImportance of Norms : Deontology vs Teleology\\nValues Norms\\nIslam developed in Arab peninsula or Middle East\\n\\tzThe region was not suitable for agriculture so non-vegetarianism was developed.\\n\\tzDue to high frequency of desert dust storms the norm of wearing Thawb, Keffiyeh by Arab men and \\nHijab by Arab women became a social norm.\\nIslam spread to many countries\\nEurope: The climatic conditions of this region did not had a practice of wearing hijab. But the social \\nnorms carried by the people of Arab world insisted on their norms to be followed by their women \\nin Europe.\\n\\tzDeontological Approach\\n\\t\\x81Norms which were developed for some purpose, after some centuries the purpose have been \\nforgotten by the people and people start treating the norms in itself as something sacred.\\n\\t\\x81Thus on these grounds some people believe that norms are deontological.\\n\\t\\x81A person who believes in deontology will say that the norms are absolute, unchangeable, \\nimmutable and are static and objective. Everyone has to follow it without thinking about space \\nand time.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzTeleological Approach\\n\\t\\x81Anything is moral if it satisfies the maximum happiness of the maximum people.\\n\\t\\x81If a norm ceases to serve the purpose in specific space and time then why should we follow it.\\nCONDUCT\\nVoluntary actions, moral or immoral, of a human being or an organization which defines its character \\nare known as conduct.\\n\\tz Voluntary Actions\\n\\t\\x81Moral\\n\\t\\x81Immoral\\n\\tzAction of\\n\\t\\x81Human Being\\n\\t\\x81Organization\\n\\tzAction defines character\\nMoral, Immoral and Non-moral\\nMoral\\n\\tzIt is something which is treated as moral, ethical or a standard behaviour of the society.\\n\\tzIt is society specific.\\n\\tzHelping a needy person.\\nImmoral\\n\\tzIt is something against the morality of the society. It is treated by the society as immoral\\n\\tzGiving pain to a victim.\\nNon-moral\\n\\tzThe action done by a person without the understanding of the action is known as non-moral.\\n\\tzStone thrown by a mentally retarted person.\\n\\t\\x81Actions which do not fall in any critiria of being moral or immoral.\\n\\tzDrinking water when one feels thirsty.\\nNon Moral\\nActions\\nWhich can be either moral or immoral \\nbut done when the understanding of \\nthe action not presentThey do not have any specific \\nmoral or immoral contextActions\\nStimulus\\nResponses to stimulus: Thoughts, Feelings, ActsEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Stimulus\\nIt is something which stimulates person’s feelings, \\nthoughts or process of thinking\\n\\tzRising sun view\\n\\tzSmell of some food item\\n\\tzVoice of a friend\\nResponses to Stimulus\\nThought\\nIntellectual \\nresponseEmotional \\nresponse\\nThis does not fall in the \\nworld of ethicsThis falls in the world of \\nethicsResponse \\nto a \\nthoughtResponse \\nto a \\nfeelingResponse both to \\na feeling and a \\nthoughtEmotional and \\nintellectual \\nresponseThought and \\nFeelingFeeling Act Act Act\\nClassification of Acts [Doer]\\nActs committed by Animals\\nActs committed by Machines/Robots\\nActs done by Plants\\nActs done by Human beings\\nIn ethics, acts of human being are taken into consideration for deciding moral or immoral act.\\nActs in Ethics\\nMoral ImmoralDoer\\nHuman BeingsOnly Voluntary Acts\\nHuman Acts: Voluntary and Involuntary\\nVoluntary Actions: An act done consciously with our will are known as voluntary actions. The act \\nmust involve freedom of will. It can be classified as conscious and habitual actions.\\n\\t\\x81Conscious Actions: Actions done with full mindedness. For example, helping someone, hurting \\nsomeone.\\n\\t\\x81Habitual Actions: These are voluntary actions. These actions might be done now by habit but \\nthe same was started with a conscious decision.\\nInvoluntary Actions: Acts done without having conscious will or a sense of doing are known as \\ninvoluntary actions. The freedom of will is absent in involuntary actions. Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E (a) Actions due to lack of physical fitness\\n\\t\\x81Under influence of forced intoxication\\n\\t\\x81Medical situations\\n\\t\\x81Mental Retardness\\n\\t\\x81Small Age (7 years of age)\\n (b) Reflex action\\n (c) Accidental actions\\nFreedom of Will\\nIt is the freedom to act in accordance with our will or to act to achieve what we want. Power to do \\nsomething which we want to do.\\nConstituents of Freedom of Will\\nPhysical and mental ability \\nto decide, choose or think\\nBasic mental ability to decide \\nbetween right or wrong.\\nBasic physical ability to enable a \\nperson to think in a right manner.Availability of choices\\nAtleast 2 choicesFreedom to \\nChoose\\nResponses to Stimulus\\nVoluntary Acts\\n[With freedom of will]Involuntary Acts\\n[Without freedom of will]\\nNon moral actions\\n\\tzDrinking water when thirsty\\n\\tzAction done by a child upto 7 \\nyears of age\\n\\tzAct done under influence of \\nforced intoxicationHabitual actions\\nMoral \\nActions\\nRespecting \\nseniorsMoral\\nImmoral \\nActions\\nAbuse by \\nhusband or \\nwifeImmoral\\nNon Moral \\nActions\\nMorning \\nwalkNon Moral\\nHurting an animal \\non the roadSinging in the \\nbathroom\\nFeeding a hungry person/animalConscious \\nVoluntary \\nactions\\nNATURE VS CHARACTER\\nNature\\nIt has lot to do with everything which is innate or genetic.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Some social aspects can also have influence on nature.\\nIn the initial times of life nature is almost completely innate or genetic but gradually with time \\nsocial aspects too have an influence.\\nIt is the set of instincts and tendencies. The proportional complexities decides the nature. Animals \\nalso have nature.\\nThe basic nature can change due to various factors such as age, biological causes, socialisation, \\nsocial sanctions, social exposure etc.\\nCharacter\\nIt is not an innate or genetic thing. It is generally learned.\\nIt is a result of continuous repetition of conduct i.e. voluntary actions.\\nIt is generally believed to be stable.\\nIt is an internal aspect of an individual.\\nIt can be changed but the changes in the character is rare and can be both huge and slight.\\nThe slight changes are common but any huge change is rare.\\nInstances of huge change in character is Ashoka the Great.\\nNature Genetic/Innate\\nSocialisation and social \\nsanctionsRegulated by\\nHelps in developing\\nSuper Ego\\nConduct\\nReflected \\nexternally byCharacter\\nInternal aspect \\ncreated by repeated \\nconductEgoConflict balanced to \\ndevelopId\\nDETERMINANTS OF ETHICAL VALUES/NORMS\\nDeterminants\\nGeographical \\nfactorsReligious & Ideological \\nfactorsDemographic \\nfactorsPolitical \\nfactorsEconomic factorsDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EGeographical Determinant\\n\\tzResources\\n\\tzClimate\\nResources\\n\\tzAgricultural resources:\\n\\t\\x81If agricultural resources are in abundance then there is a greater possibility of vegetarianism as \\nvalue in the society.\\n\\t\\x81In regions where agricultural resources were scarce or negligent there was a greater possibility \\nof having non-vegetarianism as value in those societies.\\n\\tzRespect of elders:\\n\\t\\x81For instance Japan. In Japan highest respect is given to the elders.\\n\\t\\x81Eskimos of Siberian region. They have limited amount of resources. They used to have a tradition \\naccording to which when any member of family as soon as reaches to a certain age say 50 or 55 \\nyears. The senior members of family would start skipping meals to make the food or resources \\navailable for younger generations.\\nClimate\\n\\tzCold climatic region:\\n\\t\\x81The value of hard work will be the prominent one as they would have to work a lot to continue \\ntheir survival. \\n\\t\\x81The practice of consumption of liquor to survive will be the part of their society.\\n\\tzHot climatic region:\\n\\t\\x81In these regions consumption of liquor will be considered immoral.\\n\\t\\x81The people in this region tend to be lazy.\\n\\tzDesert Dust storms: This might have been the reason for system of wearing hijab among women.\\nDemographic Determinant\\n\\tzPopulation\\n\\tzDiversity of population\\n\\tzSex Ratio\\n\\tzPopulation\\n\\t\\x81Densely populated\\n\\t\\x89India:\\n\\t\\t(a) Resources are less\\n\\t\\t(b) Demand for resources are high\\n (c) Values: Hard work, competition, success\\n\\t\\x81Sparsely populated\\n\\t\\x89Resources in abundance\\n\\t\\x89Supply in surplus\\n\\t\\x89Values: Joyfulness, peace, creativity\\n\\tzDiversity\\n\\t\\x81Monolithic Culture (Homogeneous Population)\\n\\t\\x89Most of the people belong to specific community, linguistic or race group.\\n\\t\\x89Values: Specific, Rigid and orthodoxEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81Heterogeneous population\\n\\t\\x89People belong to various different communities, linguistic or race groups.\\n\\t\\x89Values: Brotherhood, tolerance, co-existence, patience\\n\\tzSex Ratio\\n\\t\\x81Female = 1000 Male = 700\\n\\t\\x89Sex ratio in favour of female \\n\\t\\x89Value: Polygamy\\n\\t\\x81Female = 800 Male = 1000\\n\\t\\x89Sex ratio in favour of male\\n\\t\\x89Value: Polyandry\\n\\t\\x81Female = 1000 Male = 1000\\n\\t\\x89Sex ratio in favour of both male and female \\n\\t\\x89Value: Monogamy\\nReligious & Ideological Determinant\\n\\tzReligious – Nature of Religion\\n\\t\\x81Catholic system\\n\\t\\x89Value: More values are inclined towards transcendental world.\\n\\t\\x89Less development of this material world.\\n\\t\\x81Protestants system\\n\\t\\x89Values: More inclined to this material world.\\n\\t\\x89Work is worship\\n\\t\\x81Liberal system – Hinduism, Jainism \\n\\t\\x89Values: Liberal in approach\\n\\t\\x81Rigid system– Judaism, Islam\\n\\t\\x89Values: Orthodox in approach\\n\\tzIdeology\\n\\t\\x81Religious\\n\\t\\x81Irreligious\\nLiberal Rigid\\nEconomic Determinants\\n\\tzNature of Economy\\n\\t\\x81Capitalist Economy\\n\\t\\x89Values: Success, Competition, inclination more to economic values.\\n\\t\\x81Socialist Economy\\n\\t\\x89Values: Collectivism, co-existence, inclination more towards social values, peace, brotherhood.\\n\\tzActivities of Economy\\n\\t\\x81Primary activities\\n\\t\\x89Values: Relation with nature, stability, collectivism.\\n\\t\\x81Tertiary Activities\\n\\t\\x89Values: Dynamism, universalism, cultural flexibility.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EPolitical Determinants\\n\\tzPolitical system\\n\\t\\x81Democracy\\n\\t\\x89Dissent\\n\\t\\x89Free thought or expression\\n\\t\\x81Dictatorship or Monarchy\\n\\t\\x89No free speech or thought\\n\\t\\x81Theocracy\\n\\t\\x89Primacy of religious values\\n\\t\\x89Rigidity\\n\\t\\x81Secular state\\n\\t\\x89Religious flexibility\\n\\t\\x89Universalism\\nDETERMINANTS OF MORALITY: INDIVIDUAL ACTS\\nActMoral\\nImmoral\\nDegree of Morality\\nDegree of ImmoralityBy\\nx\\nDeterminants \\nSocial Context Actor or Doer Act Consequences \\nof ActObject \\n(Victim or Beneficiary)\\nSocial Context\\nActor\\nActObject\\nConsequencesSocial context\\nSocial in social context is used in a broader sense and includes social, cultural, political, religious \\nand economic system.\\nThese various subsystems work together to form the social context.\\nIn the context of ethics nothing is moral or immoral in itself. Everything becomes moral or immoral \\nwhen it is put in a social context.\\n\\tzExamples\\n\\t\\x81In states of Punjab, Haryana, Western UP , Rajasthan the feeling of having a love relation with \\nsome distant cousin will be considered as a sin in the social context of these regions of India.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81In Southern states of India, conjugal relation between cousins of maternal side is not considered \\nsin in the social context of these regions.\\n\\t\\x81But in context of Muslim family the same feeling of love and consequential conjugal relation with \\ncousin of either paternal or maternal side will not be considered sin. The same would be welcomed \\nin this specific social context.\\nSocial context gives us reasons as to why specific interpretation is being done for an act. Thus social \\ncontext is the most important aspect when we are deciding about a moral or immoral act.\\nAct\\nAct in itself and intensity.\\nAct interpreted in a given social context.\\n\\tzFor instance\\n\\t\\x81Adultery\\n\\t\\x89Act of having physical relation outside marriage.\\n\\t\\x89It is an act in itself.\\n\\t\\x89 One individual has been in adulterous relation only once in his/her lifetime.\\n\\t\\x89Other individual has been in multiple adulterous relation in his her lifetime.\\n\\t\\x89Interpretation in a given social context.\\n\\t\\t(a) Iran: Adultery by a woman invites capital punishment by stoning.\\n\\t\\t(b) France: Adultery by a woman it is not a crime and has been declared so since 1975.\\nActor or Doer\\n\\tzBackground of the actor\\n\\tzImmediate circumstance\\n\\tzIntention of the actor\\nBackground of the Actor\\n\\tzAge of the individual\\n\\tzGender of the individual\\n\\tzFamily background\\n\\tzEducational institution\\n\\tzFinancial background\\n\\tzMedical or biological conditions\\nImmediate circumstances\\n\\tzTorture or Exploitation\\n\\tzIncitement or Abetment\\nIntention\\n\\tzFor example you are angry with someone and decide to kill the person or self. The intention to do \\nan act makes the social contribution bigger. It makes or increases the degree of an act.\\n\\tzIntention and act both should be considered while deciding the morality or immorality of the act. \\nSometime it is believed that intentions must be given a greater place.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EVictim or beneficiary\\n\\tzBackground of victim must be given due to weightage.\\n\\t\\x81Age\\n\\t\\x81Gender\\n\\t\\x81Community\\t\\x81Family background\\n\\t\\x81Educational background\\n\\tzFor example\\n\\t\\x81If rape has been committed on a 30 year women and in second instance on a child of 3 years. \\nThe crime against the child of 3 years is more heinous and cruel than the first instance.\\n\\tzCircumstances during or before the act\\n\\tzRole of victim\\n\\t\\x81Passive role \\t\\x81No role \\t\\x81Provocative role\\nIn case fo provocative role of victim the degree of intensity of act is lesser than in cases of no role \\nor passive role.\\nConsequences or Impact of the Act\\n\\tzOn Whom\\n\\t\\x81Focus must be on the victim or beneficiary.\\n\\t\\x81Secondly on the society at large.\\n\\tzTerm or Duration\\n\\t\\x81Short term: Physical harm to a rape victim can be of short term.\\n\\t\\x81 Long term: The mental, psychological and social trauma can remain with the victim for a long \\nperiod of time or may be whole life.\\n\\tzDiversity of losses or gains.\\n(a) Physical consequence\\n(b) Psychological consequence\\n(c) Financial consequence\\nETHICS AND MORALITY : SAME OR DIFFERENT\\nIn general we use ethics and morality interchangeably meaning that they are synonyms. Thus are \\none and the same but this is not the case.\\nIn linguistics even synonyms are not supposed to be synonyms.\\nIncomplete \\nSynonyms\\nIn practical language we only \\nhave incomplete synonyms we \\ndo not have complete synonymsComplete \\nsynonyms\\nTwo words have same meaning and \\nsecond word can be used in place of \\nfirst in all the contexts. In this process, \\nin all contexts, we neither add or \\nloose meaning to the basic word.Synonyms according to QuineEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501For instance – Woman, Lady, and Female. All three words are synonyms. All three words signify \\ndifferent senses. Lady signifies sense of respect. Female signifies sense of biological characteristics. \\nWoman signifies the sense that she has attained certain age, that she is no more a girl.\\nEven if we treat ethics and morality as synonyms. They are incomplete synonyms. Maybe in some \\ncontext they are synonyms but in other they are not synonyms or synonyms with different connotation.\\nEthics and Morality: Etymological Meaning\\nEthics: It is derived from Greek word Ethika. It was extended to term ethos. Meaning of Ethika in \\nancient Greek period used to be customs and tradition. It is believed that our behaviour in coherence \\nwith customs and tradition was supposed to be good ethical behaviour.\\nMorality: It is derived from Latin word More. It also means customs and traditions.\\nAs far as etymological meaning is concerned ethics and morality are almost same and there is no \\nsuch difference.\\nEthics and Morality: Synonymity\\nEthicsMorality\\nMost of the usages of languages \\nethics and morality are same. there \\nis no difference at all. In general in \\nmost of linguistic usages ethics and \\nmorality are same.\\nExamples\\n (i) Speaking truth is moral.\\n Speaking truth is ethical\\n (ii) Being honest is moral.\\n Being honest is ethical.\\n(iii) Constitutional morality.\\n Constitutional ethics.\\n(iv) Social morality.\\n Social ethics.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EEthics and Morality: Difference\\nEthics Morality\\n\\tzUsed in formal world\\n\\t\\x81Professional\\n\\t\\x81Code fo Ethics\\tzUsed in informal world\\n\\t\\x81Family\\n\\t\\x81Friends\\n\\tzExternal factors are more important. \\tzInternal factors are more important.\\n\\tzUniformity or objectivity \\tzUniformity is lacking greater subjectivity.\\nEthics and Morality: Contrary\\nMoral \\nvs \\nMoralEthical \\nvs \\nMoralEthical \\nvs \\nEthcialEthical Dilemma\\n\\tzCase of conflict between professional ethics and personal morality\\nFor instance an Advocate opts to take up a case for criminal. In the process of briefing the advocate \\ncomes to know that the client is real culprit, in his personal morality internally he hates the client for \\nthe crime committed but his professional ethics says him to continue the case and carry the case with \\nfull professinalism.\\nEthics and Morality: Relationship\\nMorality Ethics\\nIn most of the cases both the \\ndomains interconnected or \\noverlapping.\\nLAW AND MORALITY\\nRelationship between Law and Morality\\nLaw: It is the collection of rules and regulations which has been decided by a state reinforced by \\nthe state and entitlement of punishment in case of failure to follow.\\nMorality: It is the collection of values and norms which has been decided and prescribed by society. \\nIf not followed we are subjected to social criticism and also a guilt feeling.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Similarities\\n\\tzBoth these social systems help in maintaining and promoting social order. They also help in making \\nsocial order better.\\n\\tzBoth these systems are society specific.\\n\\tzBoth these social systems are dynamic in nature.\\nLaw Morality\\nIt is concerned with Acts which can be \\ncategorised as crime.It deals with Acts which can be categorised as sin.\\nIt is related with the state or political system. It is related with society.\\nIt controls our behaviour by the fear of \\npunishment; physical or financial or both.It controls our behaviour by the fear of guilt feeling \\nas well as social criticism.\\nIt has only external pressure on the individual. It has both internal as well as external pressure.\\nThere is more scope of uniformity because \\nof codification.It is less uniform and less codified.\\nInclusive or Exclusive\\nKind of possible relations\\n (i) Relation of Identity\\nHomo Sapiens Sapiens and Human Beings\\n (ii) Relation of Total separation. Water and Fire\\n (iii) Relation of sub-set and super set. Bird and Parrot\\n (iv) Relation of intersection. Christians and Indian\\nLaw and Morality\\nMorality\\nAccepted or Rejected \\nboth by law and social \\nmoralityAccepted by morality but rejected \\nby law or law is silent.\\nRejected by morality but accepted \\nby law or law is silentAccepted by law but rejected by \\nmorality or morality is silent.\\nRejected by law but accepted by \\nmorality or morality is silent.LawDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzExamples\\n\\t\\x81Murder:\\n\\t\\x89Crime in Law.\\n\\t\\x89Immoral act in social morality.\\n\\t\\x81Cheating, Domestic violence, Theft, Molestation, Rape\\n\\t\\x81Homosexuality:\\n\\t\\x89No more a crime in Law.\\n\\t\\x89Immoral act in social morality.\\n\\t\\x81Live-in relationship, inter caste marriage, inter religious marriage, adultery.\\n\\t\\x81Dowry:\\n\\t\\x89Illegal under law.\\n\\t\\x89Social morality accepts dowry system.\\n\\t\\x81Gambling.\\nLaw and Morality: Supporting Positions\\n\\tzLaw gets validity from the social morality. Morality needs strength via State authority from the law.\\n\\tzMost of the laws are codification of social institutions developed under the social morality.\\nCustomary Hindu marriage system has been codified in Hindu Marriage Act similarly Muslim \\nmarriage system has been codified under Shariat Application Act.\\nLaw and Morality : Conflicting Positions\\nConflicting Positions\\nLaw – Regressive\\nMorality – Regressive\\nCountry based on \\nreligion (Iran).\\nThere will be no \\nconflict. Both law and \\nmorality will be in \\ncoherence.Progressive\\nProgressiveProgressive\\nRegressiveRegressive\\nProgressive\\nCountry where \\nsociety as well as \\nState is also \\nprogressive \\n(New Zealand). \\nThere will be no \\nconflict.India\\n\\tzHomosexuality\\n\\tzLive-in Relation\\n\\tzInter Religious marriageIn some rare cases\\n(Republicans in USA).\\nConflict between morality and \\nlaw appears.\\tzLaw against abortion\\nRELIGION AND MORALITY\\nRelationship between Religion and Morality\\n\\tzSabrimala Case: Religion opposes entry of women of age group 10 to 50 years. Supreme Court \\ndeclared the ban on entry of women of said age group against the constitutional morality and ruled \\nin favour of women.\\n\\tzIssue of Cow: Conflict between religious morality vis-a-vis constitutional morality.\\n\\tzIssue of triple talaqEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Concept of Religion and Dharma\\nDharma: One meaning can be nature, second meaning morality or duties and third meaning refers \\nto Religion in some senses.\\nExample: (a) Nature of fire is to burn.\\n(b) Duty or Dharma of a teacher is to teach and be loyal to his or her profession.\\nConcept of Dharma\\n“Dhritih Kshama Damoasteyam Shaucham Indriya Nigraha, Dheeh Krida Satyam Akrodho Dashakam \\nDharma Lakshaman”. – Manusmṛiti\\nRelationship between Dharma and Morality \\n\\tzDharma is equal to morality if its second meaning is taken.\\nConcept of Religion\\n\\tzEtymology: Religion is made up of Re + Ligare\\n\\t\\x81Ligare means to bind or to tie\\n\\t\\x81Religare means to rebind or retie.\\n\\tzConcept: Religion has few basic characteristics\\n\\t\\x81Metaphysics\\n\\t\\x81Mythology\\n\\t\\x81Ritual\\n\\t\\x81Ethics\\n\\tzMetaphysics: Questions about God, Soul, Immortality, world and related answers to them something \\ntranscendental that is beyond this world.\\n\\tzMythology: Some belief which the people belonging to the religion take as history without any \\ndoubt.\\n\\tzRitual: Prayers, Fasting, Pilgrimage etc.\\n\\tzEthics: Every religion has a code of morality which every follower of that religion needs to follow.\\nReligion and Morality: Similarities\\n\\tzThey prescribe moral values in society.\\n\\tzBoth of them have the purpose to maintain social order.\\n\\tzBoth of them have a society specific character.\\n\\tzBoth of them are dynamic in nature in relation with space and time.\\n\\tzBoth of them make a system of social pressure which is both internal as well as external.\\nReligion and Morality: Differences\\nReligion Morality\\nTranscendental aspect is necessary. Transcendental aspect not necessary.\\nIt necessarily involves rituals. Not a necessary aspect.\\nRitualism and orthodoxy a more likely aspect. More flexible than religion.\\nReligion is more specific in nature. Morality is more universal in nature.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EReligion and Morality: Inclusive or Exclusive\\nReligion\\nSomething which are both religious \\nas well as moral\\n\\tzJesus Christ, Mahatma \\nBuddha, Swami Vivekananda, \\nMahatma Gandhi\\n\\tzFeeding animal, Helping poor, \\nCharitySomething which is religious but not \\nmoral\\n\\tzRavana\\n\\tzSati practice, Breast tax, Varna \\nsystem, Animal sacrifice, Human \\nsacrificeSomething which is moral but \\nnot religious\\n\\tzBhagat Singh, Karl Marx, \\nJawaharlal Nehru\\n\\tzAnti plastic movement, \\nEnvironmental movement, \\nRights to LGBTMorality\\nMorality: Religious vs Secular\\nReligious Morality Secular Morality\\nMorality based on religion. Morality based on secular principles and not on religion.\\nMorality based on a specific religion – Orthodox \\nor ritualistic people.Secular morality neutral to religion – Jawaharlal Nehru\\nMorality based on confluence of religious ethics.\\n\\tzMahatma Gandhi, Bhagwan Das, Dr. S. \\nRadhakrishanSecular morality against the religion.\\n\\tzKarl Marx\\nReligious Morality: Strengths and Weakness\\nStrength\\n\\tzIt has the strength because of the belief in religion.\\n\\tzAnything done against religious morality brings in the feeling of internal guilt.\\n\\tzIt has a greater power of social control.\\nWeakness\\n\\tzIt is very much ritualistic and close to deontology.\\n\\tzIt becomes orthodox.\\n\\tzLacks dynamism in terms of change with time.\\n\\tzVery difficult to change.\\n\\tzIt is community specific and non universal.\\nSecular Morality: Strength and Weakness\\nStrength\\n\\tzBased on reason, facts and utility. It is based on teleology.\\n\\tzFlexible in nature.\\n\\tzVery dynamic in nature.\\n\\tzUseful in present days as we are in search of more globalised ethics or universal ethics.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Weakness\\n\\tzIt lacks force because very less number of people are secular.\\n\\tzDifficulties in agreeing to some principles.\\n\\tzReason is not a strong tool.\\nConclusion\\nFor masses religious ethics is the best way because many people lack IQ to understand moral and \\nethical points, they also lack time, if they have the required IQ, and many people require readymade \\nsolution to ethical and moral problems.\\nThere must be an option of flexibility required according to time and space.\\nETHICS — PRIVATE AND PUBLIC RELATIONSHIP\\nPrivate and Public Relationship\\nPrivate Public\\nFamily, Friends. Professional, Official, Political relations.\\nThese relation requires privacy. There is no privacy in such relation.\\nThey are generally based on emotions. They are generally based on rules, regulation, codes etc.\\nIn general no or less impact on the society. They have an impact on the society.\\nPermanent or relatively permanent in nature. Less stable or temporary in nature.\\nMore reference for imperfections. Less or no tolerance for imperfections.\\n100% Private 0% Private\\n0% Public 100% Public\\nRelation between \\nhusband-wife, \\nparents childRelation of client with \\ndoctor, lawyer etc.Relations \\nin office\\nEthics in Private Vs Public Relationship\\nPrivate Public\\nPersonal Integrity, Tolerance, Trustworthiness, \\nCompassion, Reciprocity.Professional Integrity, Probity, Accountability Objectivity, \\nNeutrality, Impartiality Justice, Transparency.\\nUnconditional commitments. Conditional commitments.\\nMore tolerance towards imperfections. Less tolerance towards imperfections.\\nMore scope of subjectivity. More scope of objectivity.\\nMore impact of culture. Less or no impact of culture.\\nMostly based on emotions. Mostly based on rule, regulations etc.\\nFear of personal integrity, social pressure, cultural \\npressure and personal peace.Fear of professional integrity and punishments.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. What are values? While explaining their main characteristics, determine whether they are objective \\nor subjective in nature?\\n 2. For making a progressive society, we first need to make families and schools progressive. In the \\nlight of this statement, discuss the role of family and educational institutions in the inculcation of \\nvalues.\\n 3. It is often said that ‘Conduct’ is the appropriate parameter of ethics. What do you mean by ‘Conduct’ \\nand how does it differ from an ‘ Act’? Explain.\\n 4. On what basis the moral values or norms in a society are determined. Clarify with suitable examples. \\n(200 words)\\n 5. Why does it happen that not only the moral values of different persons living in a society are \\ndifferent but also their level of faith or commitment towards their values is also different? Which \\nfactors are responsible for such differences in your opinion? (200 words)\\n 6. Whether an act of an individual is moral or immoral; and what is the amount or intensity of morality \\nor immorality in it-on what basis it should be decided? Explain with suitable examples. (200 Words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501WHY IS ETHICAL SYSTEM REQUIRED?\\nFunctionalism \\nIt is an ideology which believes that if some custom or some tradition or something is existing in \\nthe society, it means it is giving some contribution to the society and it is surviving only because of its \\ncontributions to the society.\\nThinkers R.K. Merton and Talcott Parsons belong to this school of thought.\\nConflict Theory \\nAccording to this theory the society is not built upon a general consensus of all. According to this \\nthere are some dominant group and some dominated group in a society and society functions on the \\nbasis of conflict between the two.\\nExistence\\nof societyRequirement of Ethical system\\nWell functioning \\nof the societyDevelopment \\nof the society\\nExistence of society \\n\\tzEthics is the major reason because of which human beings exist in a social system or a society.\\n\\tzThomas Hobbes believes in egoism. According to egoism all human beings are selfish in nature. \\n\\tzFor instance there is limited food for only one member in the family between a mother and daughter. \\nThe mother has three options beforehand. She can fulfill her appetite and let her daughter be hungry, \\nor she can give the food completely to daughter and be hungry herself, or she can equitably distribute \\nit amongst herself and her daughter. If the mother gives food to daughter and remains hungry herself. \\nThe question which rises is whether this act of mother is selfish or altruistic.\\n\\tzAccording to Hobbes, any act of individual which is in accordance with his or her nature can be \\ncategorised as a selfish because acting in accordance with the nature gives the individual maximum \\nhappiness.\\n\\tzIn absence of super-ego every human being is selfish. According to Kant human beings always face \\nconflict between desire or lust and the wisdom.\\n\\tzWisdom is developed by the process of socialisation and in absence of socialisation every human \\naction will be driven by lust or desire. This ethical system is required for development of socialisation \\nprocess and in turn development of our wisdom.Ethics & Human Interface \\n(Part-II)Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Well functioning of the society\\nA kind of value consensus is needed in the society. Thus to have an objective social system we need \\na value consensus. This value consensus is achieved by an ethical system. The ethical systems help in \\nreducing conflict and saves a lot of energy and time.\\nDevelopment of society\\nA good ethical system can develop a society to any extent. It is just dependent upon the value which \\nhas been given prominence.\\nIf a society needs to p rogress it needs to have valued such as courage, hard work, curiosity etc. \\nFurther if the society needs to progress ethically it needs to have values such as equality, fraternity, \\njustice etc.\\nConsequences of Ethics on Society\\nGood Consequences\\nIt makes the survival of the society. It makes the well functioning of society smoother. It helps a lot \\nin development of the society, provided that we have a good set of values that help in development i.e. \\ngrowth as well as distributive justice.\\nBad Consequences\\n\\tzIt can make the society ritualistic, less dynamic and less innovative. The society turns regressive.\\n\\tzEvery ethical system is unethical in itself. It is ethical from the point of view of dominant group and \\nunethical from the point of view of dominated group.\\nIn such a social ethical system, the ethics is dominant ethics which leads to exploitation, depreciation, \\ndiscrimination etc.\\nConsequence of Ethics on Individuals\\nPositive Impact\\n\\tzSuper ego of an individual gets develops thus the individual turns into the social person.\\n\\tzEthics gives goodwill or credibility to an individual in proposition to his/her adherence to ethical \\nsystem or moral conduct.\\n\\tzIt provides clear cut idea or helps up to take clear decisions.\\n\\tzIt works as a system of social security.\\nBad Consequences\\n\\tzIt creates undue pressure on individual due to over development of super ego. The individual keeps \\non sacrificing and has no happiness in life.\\n\\tzIndividuals lack the idea of innovation in ethical system. Thus destructing the scope of creativity \\nand innovation.\\n\\tzIt creates a culture of laziness.\\nConsequences of Ethics on Administration\\nPositive Consequences\\n\\tzIf ethical system is it in place then it provides a smooth conflict resolution mechanism. There will \\nbe lesser law and order issue.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzIn presence of ethical system in place, it becomes easier to implement schemes and distributive \\njustice.\\n\\tzSocial work becomes easier if the ethical system is in place in a society.\\n\\tzA civil servant having right combination of ethical values can do miracles in the society.\\nNegative Consequences\\n\\tzAn ethical system can create social stereotypes in the system. These social stereotypes make the \\nwork of administration difficult.\\n\\tzIf there is an existing social discrimination in society the work of administration becomes very tough \\nto apply social welfare policies.\\nIS EVERY ETHICAL SYSTEM INHERENTLY UNETHICAL?\\nWhat is unethical in social ethics?\\nBy not Changing with Time and Space\\nAs soon as dynamism of system dies the system becomes a system of injustice rather than being a \\nsystem of justice. For instance system of marriage, divorce etc.\\nBy Imposing Values/Norms against Nature\\nSocial system or ethical system tries to make a homogeneous system. Any emphasis on homogeneity \\nkills the very nature of a person.\\nBy Rejecting Progressive Ideas of Other Cultures\\n\\tzAny ethical system which is ethno centric and rejects progressive ideas of other cultures then the \\nsystem destructs the very idea of progressiveness such as scientific temperament and becomes \\nregressive.\\n\\tzAny ethical system is unethical from inside because it is based on dominant groups ‘ethics’. Even \\nthe ethical systems are discriminatory in nature. For instance ethical system in India is inclined \\nmore towards men rather than women or third gender.\\n\\tzFeminist ethics brings to forth the discriminatory nature of ethics and at the same are discriminatory \\ntowards third gender.\\n\\tzCaste system based ethics is unethical as it is discriminatory in nature. This ethical system is opposed \\nby Ambedkarite ethical system.\\n\\t\\x81Race system based on skin colour.\\n\\t\\x81Rich and poor divide based ethics in the society.\\n\\t\\x81Religious ethics in the society. Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501MORAL PROGRESS\\nMoralMoral Progress\\nChange\\n(In terms of time)\\nPositive Neutral\\nNegative\\nDeclineGrowth Progress\\nIn quantitative \\ntermsDevelopment\\nIn quantitative\\nas well as \\nqualitative terms\\nAspects of Moral Progress\\nProgress in Terms of Moral Values, Ideals, Norms\\nLeo Tolstoy believed that there has been continuous decline in moral values.\\nT .H. Green believed that there has been progress in moral values.\\n\\tzSome values are common to both ancient and modern times. In these terms the things are almost equal.\\n\\tzIn present times we are reaching to universal values. In ancient times our ethics was may be tribal, \\nvillage level or culture specific.\\n\\tzIn primitive times values of collectivity was given more priority than individuality. In this suppression \\nof individuals used to take place and it was a rigorous system. In present times we have reached to \\na level where the rights of individual are given greater importance.\\n\\tzIn all ancient culture there was a lot of discrimination and exploitation. In present days we discuss \\nabout moral rights of all weaker and vulnerable sections of the society.\\n\\tzIn older times a greater weightage was given to existential values such as courage, bravery. In present \\ndays a greater weightage is given to values of forgiveness, gratitude.\\n\\tzIn present days meaning of values have changed. The value courage in present day means ability to \\ndonate, take risk etc.\\nProgress in Average Human Conduct\\n5%\\nHighly\\nMoral90% Average Moral\\n5%\\nHighly\\nImmoral \\nHuman ConductEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501In previous times as well as present times the average number of moral people have been almost \\nsame. In present times the potential of doing good or bad has reached to a very high level.\\nAverage Human Conduct\\nIt has improved in present times. In most of the countries democracy has been adopted as political \\nsystem. Human rights has gained greater weightage in the world. The inhuman practices have almost \\ncame to an end. For instance slavery, sati etc.\\nAs far as moral ideals are concerned there has been progress. On the other hand, in terms of average \\nhuman conduct there has not be a greater change but the potential to do good or bad has increased \\nmanifold. It can be said that moral progress is a journey that never ends, as soon as we reach to certain \\nlevel there will always be more levels to achieve.\\n\\tzHumanity in totality has progressed a lot as far as ideals are concerned and it has also progressed \\nto some extent as far as average conduct of individuals are concerned.\\n\\tzThe progress is not adequate, a lot is required to be done as in many parts of the world many immoral \\nthings are happening that are shameful.\\n\\tzThe journey of moral progress does never change as the problems that appear today may not be \\nthere in next 100 years of time. The progress will always continue.\\nVIRTUES AND VICES\\n Virtues\\nValues realised or internalised\\n Realised or internalised.\\nKnown as virtues.\\nValuesPositive – \\nNegative – Realised or internalised.\\nKnown as vices.\\nVirtues\\nThe good and stable habits which are expressed through conduct and developed through rigorous \\nefforts and practices. In other words positive values internalised by an individuals is reflected as virtues.\\nCharacteristics\\n\\tzThey are internal aspects of a personality. So they are expressed through conduct.\\n\\tz They are not innate in nature, they are learnt.\\n\\tzThey are developed through rigorous efforts and practices.\\n\\tzThey are stable or permanent part of a personality after being evolved.\\n\\tzThey motivate us to act morally.Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Examples\\n Courage4 Cardinal Virtues\\nJustice Temperance\\nIt is ability to \\ncontrol our \\nappetite even \\nin presence \\nof abundant \\noptions.Wisdom/\\nKnowledge/\\nPrudence\\nIt is ability to \\ndifferentiate \\nbetween right \\nand wrong or \\nappropriate and \\nin appropriate.It is the \\nability to be \\nunbiased \\nand remain \\nneutral, and \\nto view things \\nobjectively.\\nVices\\nThey are opposite to virtues. They are bad habits which are stable and expressed through conduct \\nand developed with a lot of practice. Example: Greed, Cowardice, Envy, Sloth.\\nDIMENSIONS OF ETHICS\\nThere is no certain and objective answer to this.\\nNormative Ethics\\nIt is prescriptive in nature.\\n\\tzDeontology: Immanuel Kant\\n\\t\\x81A branch of normative ethics which holds that the rules are absolute and there should be no \\nduration to the rules.\\n\\tzTeleology: J.S. Mill\\n\\t\\x81A branch of normative ethics which holds that maximum happiness of maximum people must \\nbe the main goal of ethics in the society.\\n\\tzVirtue Ethics: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle\\n\\t\\x81A branch of normative ethics which believe that in order to have any ethical society we need to \\ndevelop virtues in new generations.\\nApplied Ethics\\nIt is application of normative ethics in specific areas. Administrative Ethics; Business Ethics; \\nEnvironmental Ethics; Media Ethics; Sports Ethics.\\nMeta Ethics\\nIt developed in 20th century. It is analytic or linguistic philosophy. G.E. Moore in his book ‘ Principia \\nEthica ’ discussed about meaningfulness of ethical statements. Analysis of moral statements and whether \\nmoral statements are verifiable or not. Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY?\\nPsychology is a science because it is studied in a scientific manner. It scientifically studies the Human \\nmind and Human behaviour.\\nBranches of Psychology\\nCognitive\\nPsychologyBehavioural\\nPsychologyAbnormal\\nPsychologyPara Psychology\\n(Rebirth)Developmental\\nPsychology\\n(Also related to \\nChild PsychologySocial\\nPsychology\\nSOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY\\nHumans have a mind and thus have a behavioural pattern. To what extent the psychology and \\nbehaviour of an individual is influenced by the society is the study matter of Social Psychology.\\nFor example\\nIs it because of you?\\nDoes your Parents want you to be?\\nIs it the society that makes you take this decision?You want to become an I.A.S\\n\\tzMajor part of our psychology is influenced/determined by the society we live in.\\n\\tzSo Social psychology is the psychology shared by the society/groups.\\n\\tzSocial psychology can be based on factors like religion, region, linguistics, etc.\\nFor example - The psychology of Hindu society is different from Muslim or Christian society. Similarly \\nthe Hindu society in Haryana has a different psychology from that of Hindus living in Kerala.\\n\\tzEvery individual belongs to several groups. On the basis of how many groups an individual belong \\nto, what is the nature of these groups and most importantly what is the intensity of interaction \\ndecides the psychology of that individual.\\nATTITUDE\\nAttitude is related to social psychology.Attitude (Part-I)Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501What is Personality?\\nPersonality is the stable set of various physiological, psychological and behavioral attributes which \\ndistinguishes an individual from others.\\nApproach to Personality\\n Superficial Approach \\n(influenced by other \\nbehaviour) Substantive Approach\\n(based on intrinsic or internal \\naspect of an individual)\\nBehavioral \\n(Behaves)Stable (set)\\nAttributes\\nPhysiological \\n(Looks)Psychological \\n(Thinks/Feels)\\nPsychological Aspects of Personality\\n→ Thoughts \\n→ Beliefs/Values \\n→ Emotional Intelligence\\n→ AttitudeLearnt innate (Some/More extent)\\n→ Intelligence\\n→ Aptitude\\n→ Interests\\n→ Creativity\\nBehavioural Aspects of Personality\\nAggressive Submissive Introvert Extrovert Active Passive\\nWHAT IS ATTITUDE\\nPositive or Negative. Orientation towards anything.\\n“ Attitude is the intensity of positive or negative affect for or against a psychological object.”\\nThurston (1946)\\nAffect\\nAffective⇒ Emotion/Feeling\\nCognition \\nCognitive⇒ Knowledge/Knowing\\nBehaviour \\nBehavioural⇒ ActionEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Physical Object [Object which one can touch and may feel as well]\\nPsychological Object [Object for which one can feel]\\nAffective CognitiveTwo Dimension Definition of Attitude\\nIt defines attitude on the basis of only affective and Cognitive aspect\\n“ An attitude can be defined as an enduring system of three components centering around a single \\nobject - the belief about the object (the cognitive component), the affect connected with the object (the \\nfeeling component) and the disposition to take action with respect to the object (the action tendency \\ncomponent).”\\nKretch, Gutichfield and Ballachey (1982)\\nComposition\\nAffection\\nBehaviour (Tendency)Attitude ABC Model\\nAmbivalence\\n ↓\\n– Positive Attitude\\n–Negative Attitude\\n–Ambivalent (Both Positive and Negative)\\nValence\\n ↓\\nIntensity\\n ↓\\nDifferent intensive of attitudes towards different things\\nMultiplexity\\n ↓\\n– Simple – Black/Blue → What is your favourite colour\\n– Complex – Nationalism → Your views on it can be complex.\\nConsistency\\nA – Affective\\nB – Behaviour\\nC – CognitiveAll the 3 aspects are same and consistent towards someone/something\\n“ An attitude is an organised enduring system of three components towards a psychological object - \\nCognitive, affective and behavioural. It reflects in positive, negative or ambivalent orientation towards \\nthat object with more or less intensity and consistency”.Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Characteristics of Attitudes\\nNecessarily relat -\\ned to a psycho -\\nlogical/physical \\nobjectAre learnt (During \\nsocialisation) \\nWaller and Bouchard \\nVery limited impact \\nof genesDurable \\n\\t¾Generally do not change\\n\\t¾But can be changed \\nalso (Change in \\nenvironment/exposure \\nor consciously)3 Constituents\\n\\t¾Cognitive/Belief\\n\\t¾Affective\\n\\t¾Behavioural\\nInnumerous Generally \\nConsistentIntensity \\nVariations \\n(Affective)Motivational \\nProspects\\nSocial \\nFactorsFormation of Attitudes\\nPersonality \\nFactorsBiological/Genetic \\nFactors\\nSOCIAL FACTORS BEHIND FORMATION OF ATTITUDES\\n\\tzWant Satisfaction: The benefits are positive while the loses are negative.\\n\\tzGiven Information: A personal will form his/her attitude in earlier stages largely on the basis of \\nhis/her parents, family school, college etc.\\n\\tzGroup Affiliation \\n\\t\\x81Primary Groups: Family, close friends informal in nature\\n\\t\\x81Secondary Groups : Formal in nature, based on interests, union and association\\n\\t\\x81Reference Groups : Groups of which you want to be a part of Primary groups and Reference \\ngroups have the biggest role in formation of Attitudes.\\n\\tzCultural factors\\n\\t\\x81West: Individualism\\n\\t\\x81East/Asian : Collectivism\\nClassical Conditioning \\nTheoryProcess of Social learning\\nInstrumental \\nConditioningObservational \\nLearning\\nGiven by \\nPavlovGiven by \\nAlbert Bordura\\nChildren learn \\nattitude by observing \\ntheir parents, friends, \\nmovies etc.Happens at sub \\nconscious level\\nChildren are conditioned \\ninto developing attitude\\t¾Awards/Reward\\n\\t¾Criticism/PunishmentEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Personal factors behind formation of Attitudes\\nCapabilities\\n\\t¾IQ\\n\\t¾or Cr eativityPersonality Traits\\n\\t¾Extrovert/Introvert\\n\\t¾Active/PassiveHigh\\nLowDifferent \\nAttitudes\\nGenetic and Biological factors behind formation of Attitudes\\nBiological\\n\\t¾Age - Change in Attitude with age\\n\\t¾Hormones\\n\\t¾Sex - Biogrammar\\n\\t¾Specific Conditions - DiseasesGenetic\\n\\t¾Before 1980’s it was thought \\ngenes had no role\\n\\t¾After 1980’s many experiments \\nand studies conducted \\n\\t¾Genes have generalised impact \\nFUNCTIONS OF ATTITUDES\\nFunctions: Contribution of something, that exists in the society, to the individuals, society, country \\nand the world.\\nCognitiveCategories of Functions\\nAffective Behavioural\\nCognitive Functions\\nCognitive Process: It refers to our ability to take information and transform it, store it, recover it, \\nand put it to work. \\nThe information is received through our sense organs.\\nSystematic \\nProcessingCognitive Process\\nHeuristic \\nProcessing\\n\\tz Safety from unwanted information\\n\\t\\x81Attitude helps up to ignore or to accept any set of information.\\n\\t\\x81For instance, caretaker of an orchid calls a boy from rich family as brave but on the other hand \\nsame caretaker calls a boy from poor family as thief. Attitude is responsible for seeing a neutral \\naspect in different perspectives.\\n\\tzHelps in understanding or interpreting the world\\n\\t\\x81For instance, there is an administrator who takes a decision based on merits of a case. But if \\nthere is any link between the beneficiary and administrator it will be interpreted differently by \\ndifferent people.Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzIt helps us in easy and fast decision making process\\n\\t\\x81For example an individual in age of marriage. This individual’s attitude is biased towards certain \\ncaste or religion. Then this attitude makes it easier for the individual to take decision making \\nprocess.\\nAffective Functions\\n\\tzSelf Expression\\n\\t\\x81Attitudes help us to express our self in specific situation.\\n\\tzExpression of social concerns\\n\\t\\x81Social concerns are visible through our attitude.\\n\\tzSelf Esteem function\\n\\t\\x81I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.\\nBehavioural Functions\\n\\tzDirect link between attitude and behaviour.\\n\\tzAttitude helps in prediction of behaviour of individuals.\\nDysfunction of Attitudes\\nRobert K. Merton has discussed about dysfunction of attitudes in society.\\n\\tz Flexibility of an individual gets compromised.\\n\\tz Objectivity, rationality of individual gets compromised.\\n\\tz Support discrimination, exploitation and makes our society regressive.\\nATTITUDES AND VALUES\\nSimilarities\\n\\tzBoth have much impact on personality.\\n\\tzBoth are, in general, learnt not genetic.\\n\\tzIn general, both have a durable life span.\\n\\tzBoth have a diversity and are innumerous.\\nDifferences\\nAttitudes Values\\nSpecific in nature. In general, they are generalised in nature.\\nThey are orientations. They are ideals.\\nLess deeper influence on personality. More deep influence on personality.\\nTreated as means. Treated as ends.\\nRelationship\\n\\tzAlmost every attitude is based on values.\\n\\t\\x81For example: If a society has a value of nationalism, that society will have an attitude of respect \\ntowards its soldiers. Also, there will be a great negative attitude towards enemy countries.\\n\\tzRelation between attitude and behaviour may be in moderation because of values.\\n\\t\\x81For example: X and Y are enemies. X hates Y but one night X finds that Y has met with an accident. \\nEven after being in advantageous position X helps Y because of his value system.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzValues can change attitude.\\n\\t\\x81For example: There is an individual who is communal and have a negative attitude towards \\nspecific community. But with time he might change into a secular person because of higher \\neducation etc.\\n\\tz Attitudes can change values.\\n\\t\\x81For example: Politician ‘ A’ has a value system ‘B’. You have an positive attitude towards the \\npolitician. The positive attitude towards politician ‘ A’ may change the value system of yours.\\nThoughts\\nIt is core of cognitive process. It is an outcome of process of thinking.\\nTypes : New Ideas, Doubt, Interpretive, Evaluative.\\nEvaluative Thoughts\\nOpinion/Hypothesis\\nBelief : A strong belief\\nTypes : Stereotypes, Dogma, Faith, General Beliefs.\\nATTITUDES AND THOUGHTS\\nSimilarities\\n\\tzDiversity\\n\\tzBoth do have cognitive aspects necessarily.\\n\\tzBoth attitudes and thoughts have dynamism, i.e., both do change with space and time.\\nDifferences\\nAttitudes Thoughts\\nCognitive, Affective and Tendency to behave Only cognitive\\nNecessarily evaluative Not necessarily evaluative\\nMore durable Less durable as they are easy to change\\nMore rigid More flexible\\nMore impact on personality Less impact on personality\\n \\nRelationship\\nAttitudesThoughtsEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501This is the relation between all our thoughts and the prospective attitudes \\nAttitudes\\nThoughts\\nThis is the relation between one attitude and the related cognitive aspect of it, i.e., the thought\\n\\tzEvery attitude starts with a thought.\\n\\tzChange in attitude also starts with change in thought.\\n\\tzIf we have very strong attitude then we are less receptive to new thoughts.\\n\\t\\x89 Selective Avoidance\\n\\t\\x89 Biased Assimilation\\n\\tzIf we have a very strong attitude then we have less chances of thinking innovatively.\\nATTITUDES AND OPINIONS\\nOpinion\\nIt is an evaluative thought. It is always weak and flexible. In general, it is temporary in nature. They \\nare diverse and innumerable. They have less or no impact on our personality.\\nSimilarities\\n\\tzThey both are cognitive.\\n\\tzThey both are diverse.\\n\\tzThey both have dynamism.\\nDifferences\\nAttitudes Opinions\\nCognitive, Affective and Tendency to behave Only cognitive\\nMore durable Less durable\\nMore impact on personality Less impact on personality\\nRelationship\\nAttitudes and opinions have relationship same as the relation between attitudes and thoughts.\\nATTITUDES AND BELIEFS\\nBelief\\nThey are evaluative thoughts and are cognitive. They are strong opinions. They are durable and \\nless flexible. They are diverse.\\nTypes of Belief\\n\\tzNormal Belief\\n\\tzDogmasEthics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzStereotypes\\n\\tzFaith\\nSimilarities\\n\\tzBoth have something cognitive.\\n\\tzBoth are durable.\\n\\tzBoth have impact on our personality.\\n\\tzBoth of them are less flexible.\\n\\tzBoth of them are diverse and innumerable.\\nDifferences\\nAttitude Belief\\nCognitive, Affective and Tendency to behave Cognitive\\nMore durable and strength Less durable and strength\\nRelationship\\nAttitude\\nBelief\\nAs attitude is combination of cognitive, affective and behavioural aspect, if we talk about one attitude \\nthen belief is a sub-set of the attitude.\\nAttitudeBelief\\nIn relation to all our beliefs and attitudes, the attitude is a sub set of our beliefs because only some \\nbeliefs have an affective and behavioural aspect.\\n\\tzAttitude starts with a belief.\\n\\tzIn general, change in attitude starts with change in belief.\\n\\tzIf we have strong attitudes then it is difficult to develop new beliefs.\\nStereotypes\\nThey are cognitive belief which are simplified or generalised. They are generally about a social \\ngroup and negative.\\nExample:\\n\\tzBelief about some religious community.\\n\\tzBelief about some gender or caste.Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Prejudices\\nThey are attitudes which are cognitive stereotypes, affective and have a tendency to behave.\\nDiscrimination\\nIt is the behaviour based on prejudices.\\nStereotypes\\nBehaviour\\nDiscriminationPrejudices\\nATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR : RELATIONSHIP\\nPositive \\nCo-relationRelationship between Attitude & Behaviour\\nNo Co-relation Negative\\nCo-relation\\nRelation \\nbetween child \\nand parents. \\nThe child \\nis scolded \\nby parents \\nbut the child \\nreacts just by \\nbeing good.Behaviour and \\nattitude has no direct \\nrelation or linkBehaviour \\nsame as \\nattitude\\nIf there is a \\nperson who has \\na behaviour of \\nwasting others \\ntime. Then we \\ndo not behave \\nin accordance \\nor against the \\nperson. Our \\nattitude is just \\nto save our time \\nand energy.The intensity \\ncan be lessThe intensity \\ncan be more\\nIf you get in \\nfight with a \\nperson but \\nyou are in \\ngood mood \\nthen we react \\nwith less \\nintensityFight between \\n2 people when \\nthe other is \\nalready in bad \\nmoodThe inten -\\nsity can be \\nsame\\nThe fight \\nbetween 2 \\npeople and \\nboth reply \\nin same \\nproportionBehaviour is \\nopposite to the \\nattitudes\\nINITIAL PRESUMPTION OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGISTS\\n“ Attitudes are tendencies of predispositions to behave in a certain ways in social situations”\\n- Allport (1924)\\nInitially it was presumed that the attitude and behaviour have a simple and straight relation.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21, Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501La Piere’s Study\\nThe research was conducted in the USA during 1933-34. La Piere a social psychologist selected two \\nChinese couple. He travelled with the couple for almost 2 years and visited 250 places, out of which 184 \\nwere restaurants and 66 were hotels.\\nOut of all the places visited only one place rejected the couple and noted the treatment met by Chinese \\ncouple at 249 places. The result was that the treatment in general varied from average to above average.\\nAfter completion of first phase of research, letters were sent to 250 places asking, “Whether they \\nwould accept Chinese visitor or not?”\\n128 recipients responded and of this 92% of restaurants and 91% of hotels responded in negative.\\nThe research came to a breakthrough result that there is a tremendous gap between attitude and \\nbehaviour.\\nNew Approach on Attitude-Behaviour Link\\nIn general there is a straight and simple link between attitude and behaviour.\\nIn certain circumstances there is a gap between attitude and behaviour.\\nPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. It is necessary to be religious for being moral? Is it necessary to be moral for being religious? \\nAnalyze the mutual relationship of religion and morality in context of these questions. (200 words)\\n 2. ‘Every ethical system is unethical from inside’. Explain the meaning of this statement and give your \\nopinion for or/and against it. (200 words)\\n 3. What are Virtues? How are they developed? Elaborate the meaning of any two Virtues and give \\nexamples of some famous persons who have developed them in themselves. (200 words)\\n 4. What do you understand by Moral Progress? Do you believe society is continuously moving on the \\npath of moral progress? (200 words)\\n 5. Some thinkers believe that individuals should obey moral rules necessarily in every situation, even \\nif they have to suffer losses in some situations. On the contrary, some thinkers claim that we should \\njudge moral-immoral on the basis of estimated results of an action, not on the basis of some fixed \\nrule. While thinking on merits and demerits of both standpoints, clarify your opinion on this issue. \\n(200 words)\\n 6. What are attitudes? What is their impact on individual and society? (200 words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501ATTITUDE BEHAVIOUR LINK : NEW APPROACH\\nAspects of SituationsReasons for Weak Link\\nAspects of attitudes\\nValues \\nSocial Pressure \\nAspirations\\nPersonality\\nValues: The attitude of an individual in general, is in direct relation with behaviour but sometimes \\nour values or a group of values causes deviation in attitude & behaviour. Value of helping others in crisis \\neven if the other person is enemy.\\nSocial Pressure: The person has an attitude and wants to behave accordingly but cannot behave \\nbecause of social pressure. For instance issue of divorce in Indian context. A person might not be \\nhaving a happy matrimonial life and want to get separated but due to social pressure they cannot break \\nthe relation.\\nAspirations: If you are working in a place and also preparing for civil services. The boss is a person \\nwho is always angry with you but your behaviour will be modulated by aspirations rather than attitude \\nso that you can achieve your aspirations.\\nPersonality: If a person has turned more mature in comparison to the past. That person may \\nexpress his good or bad behaviour more amicably than the past.\\nStrength of Attitude Attitudes\\nTime lag Attitude specificity\\nStrength of attitude: If attitude is strong then there is a stronger link between attitude and \\nbehaviour. Similarly if the attitude is weak then there is a weak link between attitude and behaviour. \\nIf any person has a strong political attitude then any opinion positive or negative will be expressed \\nstrongly in relation to political matters.Attitude (Part-II)Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Origin\\nGenetic Indirect \\nExperience\\nLess \\nImportantLow\\nIf inconsistent to \\ncertain set of values More \\nImportant High\\nIf consistent to \\ncertain set of values Direct ExperienceAmbivalent \\nStrong\\nWeakWeak Strong\\nWeakWeak\\nWeakStrongStrong\\nStrong StrongWeakImportanceMeaning of Strength of Attitude\\nUnivalent \\nor\\nAmbivalent Intensity Consistency \\nLevelParameters\\nAttitude Specificity\\nSpecific in terms towards an individual General in terms towards certain section or opinion or ideaSpecificAttitude\\nGeneral\\n\\tzGeneral attitude: Love or hatred for some specific community or section of society.\\n\\tzSpecific attitude: Love towards few specific individuals from the community or section of society \\nwhich we hate or vice a versa.\\nThus, if attitude is general and behaviour is also general, and also if attitude is specific and behaviour \\nis specific, then there is a good link between both of them.\\nIf we observe the link between attitude and behaviour in consistency with attitude specificity then \\nwe would find a strong link but if the same is ignored then there will be a weak link.\\n\\tzTime Lag: If we study the link between attitude and behaviour of an individual between different \\ntime differences then there can be weak link or inconsistency between attitude and behaviour.\\nChange in Attitude\\nAttitude is durable or stable and it is generally difficult to change. But it is possible to change an \\nattitude.\\nPossibility of Change\\nMore stable; Less change\\n \\n (i) Genetically linked attitudes\\n (ii) Direct experienced attitudes\\n (iii) Important attitudes \\n (iv) More consistent with other attitudes\\n (v) Intense attitudes \\n (i) Indirect experienced attitudes\\n (ii) Less important attitudes\\n (iii) Inconsistent attitudes\\n (iv) Weak or ambivalent attitudesLess stable; More changeAttitude (PArt-ii)\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Type of Attitudinal Changes\\nChanges\\nCongruent Incongruent\\nCongruent Changes: The changes in attitude which are consistent with the previous or earlier \\nattitudes. If there was positive or negative attitude and it becomes more positive or negative then it is \\nknown as congruent attitudinal change.\\nIncongruent Change: If any positive attitude changes to less positive or turns negative and negative \\nattitude changes to less negative or turns positive then such a change is an incongruent attitudinal change.\\nFactors behind Attitudinal Changes\\nFactors\\nAdditional information\\nAttitude towards a person \\nabout whom one has \\nlimited knowledgeEnforced meeting with \\nindividuals against \\nwhom we have negative \\nattitude-black and white \\narmy personnels living \\ntogetherMarriage Change in Job \\nor workBecoming \\na specific \\nprofessionalPrimary Secondary ReferenceChange in group affiliation Enforced contact\\nFactors\\nRole Changes\\nIn case you have negative attitude \\ntowards an Individual. Our attitude \\ntowards same individual changes \\nif we put ourselves in others \\nsituation. Our attitude might \\nchange to positive attitude.If culture is flexible \\nthe attitude is easy to \\nchange. Any change in \\nculture leads to change \\nin attitude of person.Change in age, health or \\ninterest leads to change \\nin attitude. Sometimes \\nour direct experiences \\nof life bring change in \\nattitude of our life.Cultural Factors Personality Changes\\nFactors\\nPersuasion \\nAny message or communication in order to \\nbring any change in attitude of person.Systematic method of persuasion which \\nis continuous, organised and deliberate. Propaganda\\nIt seeks to spread information which can be authentic or rumor.Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501PERSUASION\\nIt is the process by which a person’s attitudes or behaviour are, without duress, influenced by \\ncommunications from other people.\\nEarly Approach Cognitive ApproachApproaches\\nEarly approach\\nThis approach studies about the persuader. The centre of this approach is the person who wants \\nto persuade someone.\\nCognitive Approach\\nThis approach studies the mind of the person who is being persuaded. The centre of this approach \\nis person who is persuaded.\\nEarly Approach\\nWho\\nPersuader Content or \\nsubject matterAudience\\n\\t¾Aggressive\\n\\t¾Dominating/Authoritarian\\n\\t¾High self esteem\\n\\t¾Difficult to Persuade\\n\\t¾OlderSpeed of \\nCommunication\\n\\t¾Personal interaction has greater \\nimpact than mass interaction\\n\\t¾Group interaction better than \\nindividual interaction\\n\\t¾Active participation better than \\npassive participation\\n\\t¾Body language\\t¾Emotional content\\n\\t¾Clarity of content\\n\\t¾Indirect content better than \\ndirect content\\n\\t¾Both side content is better \\nthan one sided content\\n\\t¾The content should look \\nauthentic\\n\\t¾Sequence of information\\t¾The person must \\nbe credible\\n\\t¾The person must \\nbe attractive\\n\\t¾Similarity\\n\\t¾Influential/ \\n SuccessfulMethod of \\npersuasionWhat Whom HowFocus\\nHigh\\nMore \\npersuasiveLess \\npersuasiveSlow\\nCognitive Approach towards Persuasion\\nIt started in 1990s. The focus is on the audience or the listener. It primarily tries to focus on the \\nfunctioning of the listener’s brain.Attitude (PArt-ii)\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Systematic\\nCareful Processing\\t¾Careless Processing\\n\\t¾Let it go method\\n\\t¾Short cutHeuristicBrain Processing\\nCapacity\\nCognitive capacity \\nor knowledgeTime \\navailabilityAccuracy Defensive Impression\\nIf someone wants to be accurate \\nabout his/her own attitude or to \\nreassure others attitudeTo defend \\nsomeone’s \\npositionTo create an \\nimpression on \\nothersMotivation Systematic Processing – Reasons\\nBenefits of Cognitive Approach\\n\\tzHelps to understand the functioning of listener’s brain. The conclusions that can be drawn is to move \\nlistener to Heuristic mode. Person can be moved to Heuristic mode by distraction. Distraction can \\nbe achieved by using facts, technical words and speed of delivery of arguments. In Heuristic mode \\ncues are more important than the arguments.\\n\\tzHeuristic mode used for less important things.\\n\\tzSystematic processing used for more important things.\\nMethods of Resisting Persuasion\\n\\tzEarly recognition of attempts of persuasion. Once the individual becomes aware of persuasion, he/\\nshe can be careful.\\n\\tzAs soon as we are aware of persuasion we must start doubting the persuader and this is known as \\nbiased assimilation.\\n\\tzOne must keep on reminding oneself that there is always a second aspect.\\n\\tzOne must take time to reach the final decision.\\n\\tzInclude significant other’s to reach the final decision of life.\\nDIFFICULTIES IN PERSUASION\\n (1) Reactance\\n\\t\\x89Everyone wants freedom.\\n\\t\\x89Do not insist much.\\n\\t\\t(Ex. When someone forces us to buy something we are not willing to).\\n (2) Forewarning\\n\\t\\x89One should not get early signals of getting persuaded.\\n\\t\\t(Ex. When parents or family members asks girl to get married).Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x89Person’s mind becomes alert after getting early signals.\\n (3) Selective Avoidance\\n\\t\\x89One must not be on any extreme end and try to be logical and learn to avoid few things. \\nSelective avoidance.\\n\\t\\t(Ex. If one doesn’t like a famous personality and on some channel something is showing \\nwhich goes against the person’s image then one can try to avoid seeing the channel or mute \\nthe channel).\\n (4) Biased Assimilation: It is extreme stage of selective avoidance. One tries to doubt the source of \\ninformation. Already biased pre-conception.\\n (5) Attitude Inoculation: When we try to persuade someone and give information, it might be possible \\nthat the person is already aware about the same information. So, this additional information might \\nnot be able to persuade the other person.\\nCOGNITIVE DISSONANCE\\n\\tzDissonance: lack of consistency or coherence. If there is dissonance between Attitude and Behaviour.\\n\\t\\x81Dissonance Incognitive – If there is dissonance and one is not aware about it.\\nCognitive – If there is dissonance and one is aware about it.\\n\\tHaving a cognition is cognitive dissonance\\n\\tzProblem with cognitive dissonance\\n\\t\\x81It is a painful and stressful phenomenon.\\n\\tzReason of cognitive dissonance\\n\\t\\x81Fear\\n\\t\\x81Aspirations\\n\\t\\x81Ignorance\\n\\tzHow to reduce cognitive dissonance?\\n\\t\\x81 Direct solution\\n\\t\\x89Change the attitude, behaviour\\n\\t\\x89Additional information\\n\\t\\x89Trivialisation\\n\\t\\x81Indirect solution\\n\\t\\x89Self affirmation\\n\\t\\x89Ignoring such inputs\\n\\t\\x89Alcohol\\n\\tzDissonance and Attitudinal change\\nTell other of cognitive dissonance\\nImage consciousness\\n\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003↓\\nThis will force to change the behaviourDissonance : Tool\\nInduced Compliance\\n\\tzHypocrisy: Is extreme dissonance between publically stated attitudes and otherwise.\\n\\t\\x81It is contradictory behaviour.\\n\\t\\x81It can be cognitive or incognitive. Generally it is cognitive.Attitude (PArt-ii)\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501TYPES OF ATTITUDES : MORAL AND POLITICAL\\nTypes\\n 1. Direction Positive\\nNegative\\nAmbivalent\\n 2. Strength Strong\\nWeak\\n 3. Area/Matter Moral\\nPolitical\\nSocial/Cultural\\nEconomic\\nMORAL ATTITUDES\\n\\tzWhat is it?\\nMoral attitude is attitude about the domain of morality.\\n\\t\\x81Variety: Values, Norms\\n\\t\\x81Secular, religious\\n\\tzFormation:\\n\\t\\x81Social factors: Social learning, given information, group affiliation.\\n\\t\\x81Personal factors: Super ego > Id\\n IQ will force a person to think.\\n\\t\\x81Biological factors\\n\\tzHow to change moral attitude?\\n\\t\\x81Additional information\\n\\t\\x81Enforced contact\\n\\t\\x81Role playing\\n\\t\\x81Change in group affiliations\\n\\t\\x81Persuasion\\n\\t\\x81Propaganda\\n\\tzRecent changes in Indian society\\n\\t\\x81Divorce\\n\\t\\x81Widow re-marriage\\n\\t\\x81Alcohol\\n\\t\\x81Corruption\\n\\tzStill in Debatable situation?\\n\\t\\x81Co-living\\n\\t\\x81HomosexualityEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501POLITICAL ATTITUDES\\n\\tzWhat: Attitude about anything related with political world.\\n\\tzVariety\\n\\t\\x81Politics\\n\\t\\x81Political systems Democracy\\nDictator\\nMonarchy\\n\\t\\x81Political ideologies : Left-Right-Centre\\n + \\u2003\\n\\tPolitical parties : Liberal-Conservative\\n\\t\\x81Political leaders\\n\\t\\x81Political Policies/Acts/Decisions\\n\\t\\x81Constitution/Acts\\nFormation\\n\\tzPolitical Socialisation\\n\\tzFamily\\n\\tzEducational Institution\\n\\tzPeer group\\n\\tzMedia, Neighbours\\n\\tzPropaganda\\n\\tzIf the person has low IQ, there are chances of people going with a conservative party-Melasky (1958).\\nPolitical Attitudes: Change\\n\\tzAdditional information\\n\\tzEnforced contact\\n\\tzRole playing\\n\\tzPersuasion/propaganda\\nElderveld (1954)\\n\\tzDifferences between mass campaign and face to face campaign.\\n\\t\\x81Mass campaign – result 19%\\n\\t\\x81Person to person campaign – result 75%\\nSocial Influence and Attitudes\\n\\tzWhat: Impact of society on our attitudes (Values, behaviour).\\n\\tzSources: Family, neighbourhood, educational institutions, peer-groups, random social interactions, \\nethnic groups, media.\\n\\tzHow: Socialisation (turning from a-social into social being).\\n ↓\\n Social learning, Group affiliations\\n\\tzExtent:\\n\\t\\x81Maximum impact as compared to biological and personal factors.Attitude (PArt-ii)\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81Forms Controls\\nRegulates\\nImpact\\nSocial Influence is Good/Bad?\\n\\t\\x81Good: functions of attitude\\n\\t\\x81Bad: exploitation\\nPersonal Factors Social Factors\\n\\t\\x99Dominant\\n\\t\\x99DeviantHow to Overcome\\nadditional information\\nforced contact\\nrole changing\\npropaganda\\t\\x99Exposure\\nPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. What are the factors that determine whether the attitude of an individual towards a subject would \\nbe positive or negative? Explain with the help of an example of your attitude towards some social \\nissue. (200 words)\\n 2. Clarify the difference among thought, belief and stereotype. Also discuss the mutual relationship \\nbetween thoughts and attitudes. (200 words)\\n 3. Is it necessary that the social behaviour of an individual is invariably synchronized with his/her \\nattitudes or there may exist a gap or contradiction between the two? Clarify with examples from \\nyour life or from the life of some of your friend. (200 words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501INTELLIGENCE\\nMeaning and Importance\\n\\tzAbilities Muscle power\\nConcept of ‘Intelligence’ gained popularity\\n\\tzCompetition With other species\\nWithin human species\\n\\tzIntelligence: It is the ability of\\n\\t\\x81Understanding\\n\\t\\x81Comprehending\\n\\t\\x81Taking decisions\\n\\t\\x81Logical/rational\\n\\t\\x81Abstraction\\n\\tzScope of Intelligence: From objects to humans\\n\\t\\x81Human beings – evolved ability\\n\\t\\x81Animals – Chimpanzees, apes/monkeys, dolphins, mice, parrots, dogs.\\n\\tzBooks\\n\\t\\x81Animal Intelligence by Edward Thorndive\\n\\t\\x81The intelligence of Dogs by Stanley Coren\\n\\t\\x81Plants – Touch me not, Sunflower\\n\\t\\x81Objects – No intelligence\\n\\t\\x81Machine – Artificial intelligence (Debatable topic)\\nRene Descartes – ‘I think therefore I am’.\\n\\tzHistory of Research\\n1850 – Independent discipline (psychology)\\n1879 – first laboratory\\n20th century – ‘Intelligence’ conceptEmotional IntelligenceEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Uni-factor Theory of Intelligence\\n“Intelligence is the ability to judge well, understand well and reason well”. – Alfred Binet\\nProblem = Maths, language\\n\\tzCharles Spearman’s two factor theory: 1927\\n\\t\\x81General factor – common, mental operations\\n\\t\\x81Specific factor – math, music\\n\\tzHoward Gardner’s Theory of multiple intelligences: 1983\\n\\t\\x81Various intelligences\\n\\t\\x81Independent of each other\\n\\t\\x81Mutual co-ordination is possible\\n\\t\\x81Intelligence is multiple factor phenomenon\\n\\t\\x81Linguistic\\n\\t\\x81Logical mathematical\\n\\t\\x81Spatial\\n\\t\\x81Musical\\n\\t\\x81Naturalistic\\n\\t\\x81With others → Inter-personal\\n\\t\\x81With oneself → Intra-personal\\n\\t\\x81Bodily kinaesthetic\\n\\tzIntelligence: Genetic or Acquired?\\n\\t\\x81Nature vs. Nurture\\nStudy\\n\\tzIdentical twins Same environment – 0.9\\nDifferent environment – 0.72\\n\\tzSiblings Same environment – 0.5\\nDifferent environment – 0.25\\n\\tzAdopted Children Biological Parent > Adopted Parent\\nGrowthBP – 80\\nAP – 70x\\n\\tzConclusions\\n\\t\\x81Complex phenomenon.\\n\\t\\x81Genetics decides range of IQ.\\n\\t\\x81Environment decides IQ level within the range.\\n\\tzIntelligence Quotient (IQ)\\n\\t\\x81Assessment of Intelligence\\n\\t\\x811905 – Alfred Binet + Theodor Simon\\n\\t\\x811908 – Concept of mental age\\n\\t\\x811912 – William Stern – IQ conceptEmotional intEllig EncE\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501IQ = Mental Age\\nChronological Age × 100\\nExample: Age = 25, 25 = 25\\n25 × 100 = 100\\n[Mental Age, Physical Age]\\n24, 8 = 24\\n8 × 100 = 300\\n16, 24 = 16\\n24 × 100 = 66.7\\n\\tzRanges of IQ = The Bell Curve\\nRanges of IQ\\n130+\\n120-129\\n110-119\\n90-109\\n80-89\\n70-79\\nBelow 70Very Superior\\nSuperior\\nHigh Average\\nAverage\\nLow Average\\nBorderline\\nMentally\\nChallenged2.2%\\n6.7%\\n16.1%\\n50%\\n16.1%\\n6.7%\\n2.2%People\\nIQ Level10050\\n\\tzAge and Intelligence:\\n\\tFluid Intelligence\\nCrystallised Intelligence\\n↓\\n\\tzExperiences\\n\\tzKnowledge\\n\\tzMix up of both knowledge \\n& experienceIntelligenceAge group \\nof 16 yearsNew information/data\\nNew problem\\nNew situationEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Intelligence Creativity\\nThe ability of producing \\nsomething new.Multiple theory (8) →\\n\\t¾Musical intelligence\\n\\t¾Linguistic intelligence and \\nmany moreIntelligence and Creativity\\nLogical\\nAbility\\nRelationship between Intelligence and Creativity\\n (i) For creativity a basic level of intelligence is must.\\n (ii) No co-relation after that (A highly intelligent person doesn’t necessarily be a creative person and \\nvice-versa).\\nRace and Intelligence\\nDebate\\nBelief \\t¾Asian American\\n\\t¾White American\\n\\t¾African American\\t¾ No conclusive link between race and \\nintelligence.\\n\\t¾Testing Methods.\\n\\t¾Sampling\\n\\t¾ IQ levels differs due to the level of Nutrition, \\nEducation, Environment.White\\nPersonBlack\\nPersonData\\nIQ TestsConclusions\\nGender and Intelligence\\nGeneral perception \\nmen has better IQ \\nthan women.Debate Conclusions\\n Male – Brain size is bigger\\n(1) Biology\\n thicker\\n Female – Cortex\\n more complex\\n(2) G-Factor – no sex differences\\n(3) S-Factor – Female-Verbal intelligence\\n Male – Spatial intelligence, Mathematical intelligence\\nEmotional Intelligence: Evaluation of the Concept\\n\\tz1966 – E.I.-used by Barbara Leuner\\n\\tz1983 – Theory of multiple intelligences\\n\\tz1985 – Wayne Payne – concept of EI\\n\\tz1987 – Keith Beasley – concept of ‘Emotional Quotient’\\n\\tz1990 – Peter Salovey and John Mayor wrote an article on Emotional Intelligence\\n\\tz1997 – Wrote book – ‘What is Emotional Intelligence’\\n\\tz1995 – Daniel Goleman – E.I: Why it can matter more than I.Q.Emotional intEllig EncE\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Daniel Goleman’s Model: Constituents of Emotional Intelligence\\nAbility to understand self \\nemotions, moods, mindset, \\nstrengths/weaknesses, \\nintentions, conflicts/dilemmas\\nExternal SelfRegulation of self emotions\\n\\t¾Nature\\n\\t¾Intensity\\n\\t¾Expression\\t¾Long term goals\\n\\t¾Patience/Perseverance\\n⇓\\nMotivationSelf Awareness Self Regulation Self MotivationE.I. – Cluster of abilities\\nEmpathy Social Skill\\n‘Ability to read \\nothers mind’Interpersonal intelligence\\n(Empathy + Social Skill)\\nHandling others\\nBenefits of Emotional Intelligence in Administration\\n (1) Stress Management – Targets\\n – Political Pressure\\n – Seniors/Juniors handling\\n – Media/Social Media\\n – Civil Society\\n – Self Regulation\\n (2) Work Culture – Motivation\\n – Support\\n – Ownership\\n – Team Spirit\\n – Flexible\\n – Diversity Oriented\\n (3) Handling difficult situation – with support from Civil Society\\n – Dialogues\\n – Patience\\n (4) Empathy – Religion, Caste\\n – Economic status\\nBenefits of Emotional Intelligence in Governance\\n\\tzPressure Groups\\n\\tzSymbolism - emotional connect (Example: Mahatma Gandhi)\\n\\tzEconomics – Entrepreneur\\n ↓\\n PerseveranceEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzSalesman/market\\n\\tzNegotiations\\n\\tzHealth\\n\\t\\x81Less chances of getting:\\n\\t\\x89B.P/H.T (Hypertension)\\n\\t\\x89Diabetes\\n\\t\\x89Heart disease\\n\\t\\x89Better immunity level\\n\\t\\x89Less dependence on Drugs\\nAlcohol\\tzMental health\\n\\t\\x81Family/relatives\\n\\t\\x81Stable mood\\n\\t\\x81Self- esteem\\n\\t\\x81Solitude\\nHow to develop Emotional Intelligence?\\nLearning\\nCognitive Learning\\n ↓\\n\\t¾Brain doing something\\n\\t¾like maths, science, logiclearning takes a lot of time and \\npractice. It will be gradual. One has \\nto fight with oneself to get the change.\\t¾Emotive\\n\\t¾Social\\n\\t¾Behavioural\\nExample: Learning is a constant process. Like take scenario of 2 engineers, one coming from very \\nfamous and good college, has excellent educational background gets a starting package of 12 LPA but \\nlacks social skills. On the other hand, there is other engineer coming from an average college gets a \\nstarting package of 5LPA but has excellent social skills.\\nFrom the perspective of career growth, where will the two engineers be after 3-5 years?\\nIt might be possible that the first engineer gets regular increments and promotion and reaches a \\npackage of 15-18 LPA while the second engineer because of his social skills might be able to make good \\njumps in his/her career and reaches a package of 25-30 LPA.\\nHow to teach Emotional Intelligence at Schools?\\nDaniel Goleman’s organisation CREIO (Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in \\nOrganisations) made a programme SEL (Social and Emotive learning) to see how to increase the level \\nof emotional intelligence in childrens.\\nPrimary Level – Recognition of facial expression. \\n Done with help of cartoons/images.\\nSecondary Level – Empathy – Real life SEL\\nHigher Studies Control on emotionsSelf Regulation\\nConflict\\nPatienceEmpathy\\nManagement of emotionsEmotional intEllig EncE\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501SEL had good results. General findings were encouraging\\n50% students had better academics.\\n70% students improved on behavioural issues.\\n25% students improved on disciplinary issues.\\nIn 2002 even UNESCO accepted this approach and asked other countries to accept this approach \\nto improve E.I. In some countries it is known as moral education and in other countries by character \\neducation.\\nSelf learning methods for Emotional Intelligence\\n(1) Self Awareness - Diary Writing (Introspective)\\n - Insightful people (friends/psychologists, teacher)\\n - De-personalisation (difference between me and I)\\n(2) Self Regulation - List of symptoms where self regulation will be required\\n - Deviating oneself from the situation\\n - Art of postponement\\n - Art of not expressing\\n - Diary writing (Auto Suggestive mode)\\n(3) Self Motivation - Positive examples of your life\\n - Targets/objectives\\n - Small targets for every day/month (achievable targets)\\n - Interaction with positive people\\n - Role Models - Inspirational (films, literature, Books)\\n(4) Empathy - Interactions with people (Sufferings)\\n - Fiction (films)\\n - Discourses and Debates\\n(5) Social Skill - Friend circle\\n - Sports\\n - Extra-curriculum activities\\n - Winning fears\\nRelationship between Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence:\\nDebate\\nIntelligence EI IntelligenceEI\\n Argument: Intelligence and EI is different\\n Locke (2005): Intelligence – Abstraction\\n Emotional Intelligence – No abstractionEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Intelligence\\nMultiple abilities\\nI\\nEIIEIOne factor theory\\n\\t¾Logical\\n\\t¾Mathematical\\n\\t¾Abstraction\\t¾Problems solving\\n\\t¾Decision making\\n\\t¾Comprehending/\\nunderstanding\\nRelationship between Emotional Intelligence and Ethics\\nIntelligence\\nE. IntelligenceAbilities/Capabilities → can be used forGood\\nBad\\nIQ – Intelligence Intentions\\n High → Good (APJ Abdul Kalam)\\n High → Bad (Osama-Bin-Laden)\\n Low → Good\\n Low → Bad\\nEmotional IntelligenceGood (Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Kalam)\\nBad → Hitler\\nAssessment of Emotional Intelligence\\n (1) Emotional Quotient: Quotient = x\\ny = a\\n (2) Measure\\n\\t\\x89 No objective tests\\n\\t\\x89No objective questions\\n\\t\\x89No objective answers\\n (3) Questionnaire Method\\n\\t\\x89MSCEIT → Mayor Salavi Caruso E.I test\\n\\t\\x89Daniel Goleman → E.S.C I (Emotional, Social Competency test).\\n\\t\\x89Petrides → TEIQue (Trail E.I Questionnaire)\\n (4) Evaluation:\\n\\t\\x89No objective Questions\\n\\t\\x89No objective Answers\\n\\t\\x89No standard score\\nCriticism and Evaluation of E.I.\\n\\tzE.I is not intelligence (Locke)\\n\\tzE.I is nothing but social intelligence. (Davier)\\n\\tzNo objective measurement.\\n\\tzClaims made are too high to be accepted like all successful people have one thing in common, i.e, \\nhigh E.I.Emotional intEllig EncE\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501APTITUDE AND FOUNDATIONAL VALUES FOR CIVIL SERVICES\\n\\tzBasic Quest ⇒ IQ\\n\\tzCharles Spearman\\n\\tzHoward Gardner (1983)- Multiple Intelligence\\n\\tzPsychology tried to find why are some intelligent people not performing well in some areas and for \\nsolving this the concept of aptitude was developed.\\n\\tzAptitude can be innate + Acquired thing\\n\\t\\x81Combination of abilities to perform well in a specific field. (Example: Neeraj Chopra or Virat \\nKohli). If given proper training and required hard work is put in.\\n\\tzAptitude is different from:\\n\\t\\x81Intelligence\\n\\t\\x81Interest\\n\\t\\x81Knowledge\\n\\t\\x81Skill\\n\\t\\x81Understanding\\nAptitude and Intelligence\\nIQ TestMaths\\nReasoning/Logical\\nAbstraction\\nComprehension\\tzIf we take aptitude with multiple \\nintelligence, then relationship will be:\\nLogical Mathematical \\nIntelligenceIntelligence\\nIntelligence \\nincludes \\nAptitude in it.AI\\n1. AptitudeMathematician\\nScientist\\nDoctor\\nEngineerRelationship between Aptitude and IQ\\nVery high \\nco-relationDifferent \\nScenarioAI\\n3. Other fields\\nLeadership\\nCounsellor\\nSalesman\\nAdvertisementsEmotional \\nintelligence is \\nrequired here.Very high \\nco-relation2. Aptitude for Creative field\\nNo high co-relationMusician,\\u2003Painter,\\u2003Poet/Lyricist\\nAptitude and Interest\\nAptitude: Basic ability of performing well.\\nInterest AptitudeG-Factor\\nS-FactorTwo factor theoryEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Interestinclination\\nsatisfaction\\nWillingness/wish/desire\\n Aptitude Interest\\n(1) \\u2003\\uf0fc \\u2003× → Example: XYZ has aptitude in his/her but no interest \\nin doing something. One will not succeed then.\\n(2) \\u2003× \\u2003\\uf0fc → Example: Rahul Gandhi\\n(3) \\u2003× \\u2003× → These are un-successful people.\\n(4) \\u2003\\uf0fc \\u2003\\uf0fc → Example: Narendra Modi, Mamta Banerjee, Arvind \\nKejriwal, Nitish Kumar. Successful people are from \\nhere.\\nMeasurement of Aptitude\\nGeneral tests Specific Tests\\n\\tzScholastic Assessment Test (SAT) CSAT \\n(class 10th students give this test CAT \\nin America). GATE \\n SAT\\n\\tzDifferential Aptitude Test (DAT) \\n8 parts are there.\\n\\t\\x81Maths\\n\\t\\x81Verbal reasoning\\n\\t\\x81Non verbal reasoning\\n\\t\\x81Abstraction\\n\\t\\x81 Total score is taken and differential score also.\\nAptitude for Civil Services\\nA good civil servant needs to have :\\n\\tzGood decision making and Problem Solving quality.\\n\\tzGood reasoning, analysis, critical understanding.\\n\\tzRational/logical mind.\\n\\tzGood linguistic skills. [One has to deal with people from different backgrounds].\\n\\tzCommunication/Interpersonal skills/leadership skills.\\n\\tzMaths + Data skills\\n\\tzGood knowledge of Constitution, History, Sci&Tech, Economy, Geography, I.R.\\n\\tzUPSC checks ones aptitude and knowledge through its three stages of Prelims, Mains and Interview.\\nPrelimsPaper I\\nPaper IIMains\\nOptional SubjectPaper I\\nPaper II\\nPaper III\\nPaper IVEssay\\n Interview- Personality TestEmotional intEllig EncE\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501PRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. What do you understand by ‘Persuasion’? How is it related with attitudnal changes? Tell some \\ninstances from your life when you have persuaded someone or someone else has persuaded you.\\n(200 words)\\n 2. Suppose one of your friends is deeply devoted towards Hindu religion but badly hates Muslims \\nand Christians. You want to bring him out of this hate-mentality but he doesn’t even like to talk to \\nyou on this issue. Considering the complexity of this situation, please tell that –\\n (i) What will be your strategy to change his thoughts; and\\n (ii) Which probable mistakes will you avoid with special attention? (200 words)\\n 3. What do you understand by Moral attitudes? Are they different in every individual or similar in \\nwhole society. Discuss two such subjects about which you have realised that the moral attitudes \\nof Indian society are changing quickly towards them. (200 words)\\n 4. Explain the concept of Emotional Intelligence given by Daniel Goleman. Where do you find yourself \\nin context of its constituents. (200 words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Foundational Values for Civil Services\\nCivil Service: Neither judicial services nor armed forces service.\\n – Service of higher grades.\\nFoundational values : Are values which touch the basic foundation level.\\nExample: For a teacher its important to be studious, research oriented, conceptual clarity, so that \\nhe/she can communicate with the students in a proper manner.\\n\\t¾Core Values or Fundamental \\nValues.\\n\\t¾Primary Values\\n\\t¾Most necessary values to have \\nin ones personality.\\t¾Supportive values/\\nSubordinate values\\n\\t¾They are also important \\nbut not as important as \\nfoundational valuesFoundational vs Supplementary Values\\nExample: If a judge reaches her/his office on time, its very good. It means the judge is punctual but \\nbeing punctual will not make him/her a good judge. A good judge needs to possess quality like Honesty, \\nIntegrity, Probity, Credibility, etc.\\nFoundational Values\\n\\t¾Integrity/Honesty\\n\\t¾Objectivity\\n\\t¾Impartiality\\n\\t¾StudiousSupplementary Values\\n\\t¾Punctuality\\n\\t¾Techno-friendly\\n\\t¾InnovativeJudge\\nJudiciary\\n\\t¾Integrity\\n\\t¾Honesty\\n\\t¾Objectivity\\n\\t¾ImpartialityEntrepreneurship\\n\\t¾Innovative\\n\\t¾Empathy\\n\\t¾PerseveranceArmed Forces\\n\\t¾Courage\\n\\t¾Fitness\\n\\t¾Discipline\\n\\t¾Team SpiritCivil ServicesFundamental Values for Different ProfessionsAptitude and \\nFoundational ValuesEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Foundational Values for Civil Services\\n\\tzGroup I:\\n\\t\\x81Integrity\\n\\t\\x81Honesty\\n\\t\\x81Probity\\n\\tzGroup II:\\n\\t\\x81Objectivity\\n\\t\\x81Impartiality\\n\\t\\x81Non-partisanship\\n\\t\\x81Neutrality\\n\\tzGroup III:\\n\\t\\x81Empathy\\n\\t\\x81Sympathy\\n\\t\\x81Tolerance\\n\\t\\x81Compassion towards weaker sections\\n\\tzGroup IV:\\n\\t\\x81Perseverance\\n\\t\\x81Patience\\n\\t\\x81Persistence\\n\\t\\x81Fortitude\\n\\tzGroup V:\\n\\t\\x81Commitment\\n\\t\\x81Dedication to public service\\n\\t\\x81Spirit of service\\n\\t\\x81Courage of conviction\\n\\tzGroup VI:\\n\\t\\x81Accountability\\n\\t\\x81Responsibility\\n\\t\\x81Transparency\\n\\t\\x81Trust worthiness\\n\\tzGroup VII: Anonymity\\nIntegrity, Honesty and Probity\\nHonesty is the basic level, after attaining it one goes on to attain integrity and probity.\\n\\tzIntegrity: Latin word\\n\\tMaths = Integers\\n\\tElectrical Science = Integration\\n\\tMeaning = Honesty at its highest level.\\n Rock-Solid level of honesty\\n Integrity is having transparency, authenticity, dependability, probity, trustworthiness.\\n\\tzHaving 100% consistency between the values and the conduct.Aptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Framework for Integrity\\n\\tzHave clear cut system of values.\\n\\tzClear cut hierarchy of values.\\n\\tzReasonability of values and Hierarchy.\\n\\tzPerfect consistency between values and conduct.\\n\\tzReasonable explanation for all deviation.\\nTypes of Integrity\\n\\tzProfessional Integrity\\n\\t\\x81Values and standards of profession\\n\\t\\x81Code of Ethics\\n\\t\\x81Code of Conduct\\n\\t\\x81Constitution/Law/Rules/Case laws\\n\\t\\x81Having Commitment towards duties is called professional integrity\\n\\tzPersonal Integrity\\n\\t\\x81Personal value system ⇒ full adherence in conduct\\n\\t\\x81Personal relationship\\n\\tzIntellectual Integrity\\n\\t\\x81Principles one believes in should have coherence and reasonableness.\\n\\t\\x81Judging yourself as you judge others.\\n\\t\\x81Ability of standing with your values and thoughts.\\nBenefits of Integrity\\nIn Civil Services\\n\\tzSatisfaction of being right ⇒ High self esteem.\\n\\tzHigh credibility and dependability in market.\\n\\tzOne gets crucial designation as person with high credibility and integrity performs well.\\n\\tzProblems with Integrity:\\n\\t\\x81Pressure from family, political, Bureaucratic, Media.\\n\\t\\x81Demotions/transfers/cases.\\n\\t¾Higher Value\\n\\t¾Adherence to values + rules and regulations\\n\\t¾Taking benefits as per rules but against values \\nare not acceptable.\\t¾Lower in Hierarchy\\n\\t¾Adherence to rules & regulations.\\n\\t¾Taking benefits as per rules.Integrity vs Honesty\\nFor becoming a person of \\nintegrity, one must have \\nattained honesty first but \\nit is not compulsory that if \\na person is honest he/\\nshe has integrity.Integrity\\nHonestyEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Example: If a bowler bowls and then starts to run towards the wicket to get back the ball but \\nmistakenly comes in between the batsman’s path, now when the bowler gets the ball back to hit the \\nwickets the bowler do it to get out the batsman, in this case the bowler is honest, but if the bowler \\nrefuses to hit the wickets then it is integrity.\\nIntegrity Vs Probity\\n\\tzProve/Probate\\n\\tzProfessional life\\n\\tzOrganisationProbity is the proved professional integrity\\nIntegrity Probity\\n\\t¾Higher value\\n\\t¾Personal + Professional life\\n\\t¾Proved/Yet to be proved\\n\\t¾Public acceptance may/may not be there\\t¾Lower value\\n\\t¾Professional life\\n\\t¾Proved professional integrity\\n\\t¾Public acceptance is there\\nObjectivity, Impartiality and Non-Partisanship\\n\\tzBiased Person\\n\\tzInfluenced Person should be free from these attitudes/opinions\\n\\tzPrejudiced\\n\\tzStereotype\\n\\tzSubjectivity: Person who has consciousness, an independent person.\\n\\tzObjectivity: Material thing. Found in human being.\\nSubjective Objective\\n\\t¾Truth based on subject.\\n\\t¾Example: If someone asks at what time will India \\nbecome a superpower?\\n\\t¾Subjective is opinion, beliefs, values, ideologies.\\t¾Truth based on object.\\n\\t¾Example: If someone asks, what is Capital of India? \\nOne answer’s, New Delhi as it is a fact.\\n\\t¾Objective thing is based on facts and consensus.\\n\\t¾Observations/experiments.\\nObjectivity\\n\\tzIt is an ability of basing (keeping something at base) judgements/opinions/decisions on the basis \\nof facts-scientifically proved principles, research conclusions, observation/experiments, logic/\\nreasoning, etc., and avoiding self-interest, personal values, personal beliefs, etc.\\n\\tzRene Descartes\\n\\t\\x81I think therefore I am.\\n\\tzR.K. Merton\\n\\t\\x81Organised scepticism.\\n\\t\\x81Organised doubts should be there about anything.\\n\\tzEdmund Husserl\\n\\t\\x81Phenomenology.\\n\\t\\x81Cognitive aspect.\\n\\t\\x81How to reach reality.Aptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Benefits of Objectivity in Civil Services\\nCivil Services in India\\n\\tzDemocracy\\n\\tzWelfare state/DPSP\\n\\tzSecular\\n\\tzRole of Civil Servant?\\n\\t\\x81He/she is an agent of welfare state.\\n\\tzCivil Servant has to make a mature, balanced decision based on facts/reports/data.\\n\\tzNo worries about decision.\\n\\tzInclusiveness\\n\\tzEmpathy towards weaker section.\\n\\tzCompassion towards weaker section.\\n\\tzRespect, Credibility, Self esteem etc., are rewards for being a good civil servant.\\nHow to Learn Objectivity?\\n\\tzMust have methodical doubt on our opinions.\\n\\tzReading articles/Researching.\\n\\tzListen to Debate/Discussions – Develop new perspective.\\n\\tzStudy Supreme count’s judgments.\\n\\tzDiary writing/Auto-suggestive mode.\\n\\tzUpdations of current developments.\\nNeutrality\\n\\tzOpposite of being biased and influenced.\\n\\tzIt is ability of being unbiased and uninfluenced while taking decision or making opinion about \\nany dispute.\\nExample\\n\\tzLove Jihad\\n\\tzU.P . Population Bill\\n\\tzCitizenship Amendment Act (CAA) – not being on one side, researching and developing ones own \\nunderstanding.\\nObjectivity Vs Neutrality\\n\\tzGenerally both supports each other, class association.\\n\\tzSometimes objectivity can be there but neutrality is absent. It is based on presumption.\\n\\t\\x81Example\\n\\t\\x89In case of complaints related to women, the presumption is that the accused has to prove \\nhe/she is innocent and the complainant is not supposed to prove.\\n\\t\\x89Possibility of women being right is more rather than being wrong.\\n\\t\\x89In this case the Judge is objective but not neutral as he/she is listening to the complainant \\nand on that basis ask the accused.\\n\\tzNeutrality is present but objectivity is absent.Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81Example\\n\\t\\x89 When a person has no idea about a issue and does not give his/her views on the issue.\\nImpartiality\\n\\tzImpartiality = Neutrality in a specific issue.\\n\\tzOpposite of being biased and influenced.\\n\\t\\x81It is ability of being unbiased and uninfluenced while taking decision or making opinion about \\nany dispute.\\n\\t\\x81Natural Justice is part of basic structure of Constitution imbibed in Article 14.\\nPrinciple of Natural Justice\\n\\tzUnbiasedness\\n\\t\\x81Not to be judge in my matter\\n\\t\\x81Not to be judge in ones own interest matter. (Conflict of Interest)\\n\\t\\x89 Example: Relatives matter, Family matters\\n\\tzRight to be heard\\n\\tzDecision to be based on objective criteria\\n\\t\\x81Decision should not be based on personal choices, proper reasons, facts must be given.\\nObjectivity, Neutrality and Impartiality\\nObjectivity is core valueNeutralityHierarchy\\nObjectivity\\n↓\\nNeutrality\\n↓\\nImpartialityImpartiality\\n\\tzNon-Partisanship: Party (Political)\\n\\t\\x81Not having affiliations with any political party.\\n\\t\\x81No links with politics.\\nNon-Partisanship in other countries\\n\\tzUnited Kingdom: Two party system (Conservative and Labour Party).\\n\\tzMax Weber said, Governments should change but not governance.\\nBureaucrats should be non-partisan\\nIndustrial\\nCan be politically active Only basic level officers can fight \\nelections not the high level officerNon-Industrial\\n\\tzChina\\n\\t\\x81Single Party rule\\n\\t\\x81Communist Party\\n\\t\\x81Want affiliation with Communist PartyAptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzUSA\\n\\t\\x81Rigorous\\n\\t\\x81Political neutrality\\n\\tzIndia\\n\\t\\x81Cannot show political affiliations\\nBenefits of Non-Partisanship in Civil Services\\n\\tzSmooth process/integrated governance, no contradictions.\\n\\tzContinuity of governance.\\n\\tzNo favoritism.\\n\\tzObjective in decisions.\\nFuture Approach towards Non-Partisanship\\n\\tzCivil Services\\n\\tzJudiciary\\n\\tzArmed forcesShould have non- partisanship\\n\\tzEmpathy, sympathy, tolerance and compassion\\n\\t\\x81All attributes are related to Emotions.\\n\\t\\x81Inter personal relations\\n\\tzEmpathy\\n\\t\\x81Empathy comes from a Greek word called ‘Pathos’ meaning sufferings.\\n\\t\\x81It is an ability of understanding in human beings.\\n\\t\\x81Animals also show empathy. (Example Pets)\\n\\t\\x81The ability of understanding (human beings) the emotions, moods, mindset of other persons, \\nanimals, fictional characters.\\n\\tzTypes of Empathy\\n\\t\\x81Cognitive Empathy: The ability to know how the other person is feeling.\\n\\t\\x89Perspective taking\\n\\t\\x89Daniel Goleman\\n\\t\\x81Affective/Emotive Empathy: Ability of knowing and feeling exactly the same. What the other \\nperson is going through.\\n\\t\\x89Example: A widow women has a daughter who got married at the age of 25 but due to an \\naccident her husband passed away after some years. Now, the mother will be able to know \\nexactly what her daughter is going through.\\n\\t\\x89If emotive empathy is controlled, it is called concern but if gets un-controlled then it is called \\ndistress .\\n\\t\\x81Compassionate Empathy: The ability of knowing, feeling and also having the willingness to \\nhelp others.\\nBenefits of Empathy in Civil Services\\n\\tzDM/SP/Secretary has to look after:\\n\\t\\x81Its staff → HR functions → healthy work culture\\n\\t\\x81Public → Weaker sections\\n\\t\\x89 Sensitive areas\\n\\t\\x89 How people feelEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81Political Bosses → pressure from above\\n\\t\\x81Seniors\\n\\t\\x81Media\\nChild’s Development Stages and Empathy\\n\\tzBetween the age of 0-2 years = No empathy.\\n\\t\\x81Concept of ‘Emotional Contagion’. The child starts to intimidate what he/she sees.\\n\\tzBetween the age group of 2-7 years = little development of empathy.\\n\\tzBetween the age group of 7-12 years = good pace at which empathy develops.\\n\\tzAge Group = 12+\\n\\t\\x81Mere development of empathy\\n\\t\\x81Increases with age\\nIt is believed women has higher level of empathy. Tania singer also said this.\\nHow to Develop Empathy in Children?\\n\\tzExposure\\n\\t\\x81With less fortunate people.\\n\\t\\x81Enforced contact.\\n\\t\\x81Role playing\\n\\tzSEL: School curriculum\\n\\t\\x81Primary level – Face recognition\\n\\t\\x89Cartoons\\n\\t\\x89Teachers\\n\\t\\x81Secondary level – stories\\n\\t\\x89Literature/films\\nDebates and discussions, discourses ⇒ develops perspective of others.\\n\\tzSelf learning of Empathy:\\n\\t\\x81Primary level – Face recognition\\n\\t\\x81Secondary level – stories\\n\\t\\x81Debates and discussions, discourses ⇒ develops perspective of others.\\nEMPATHY AND SYMPATHY: SIMILARITIES\\n\\tzBoth have same etymological root = ‘Pathos’.\\n\\tzBoth talks about connecting with others emotions.\\nEMPATHY AND SYMPATHY: DIFFERENCES\\nEmpathy Sympathy\\n\\t¾Ability to know exactly about other’s sufferings.\\n\\t¾Only cognitive\\n\\t\\x99Cognitive + Emotive\\n\\t\\x99Cognitive + Emotive + Compassionate\\n\\t¾Not necessarily bad/negative emotions\\n\\t¾Higher value/ability\\t¾Ability to feel for others sufferings.\\n\\t¾Emotive (cognitive) emotive + compassionate\\n\\t¾Always about sufferings\\n\\t¾Lower abilityAptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Empathy & Sympathy: Exclusive or Inclusive\\n\\tzEmpathy without sympathy\\n\\t\\x81Insensitive\\nCompassion fatigueCognitive\\n\\t\\x89Example: Doctors during COVID\\n\\t\\x81Positive feeling\\n\\tz Sympathy without Empathy\\n\\t\\x81Difference of perspective\\n\\t\\x89Example: COVID first wave when hundreds of people were dying in Italy. We could only \\nsympathise with them.\\n\\t\\x81There can be a scenario where one can have both empathy and sympathy.\\n\\tzCompassion towards weaker sections\\n\\t\\x81Compassion: General Feeling for the ones suffering the willingness to help them. Cognitive; \\nEmotive; Tend to support.\\nCompassion vs Pity\\nCompassion Pity\\n\\t¾General feeling\\n\\t¾Stable emotion\\n\\t¾Helplessness is not necessary\\t¾Specific feeling based on perception\\n\\t¾Momentary emotion\\n\\t¾Generally for helpless persons \\nNeed of Compassion\\n\\tzCivil Servant\\n\\t\\x81Welfare State-bringing the weaker sections into mainstream (inclusiveness).\\n\\t⇓\\nEmotions ⇒ Motivation\\n\\t\\x81HR functions\\n\\t\\x81Self-esteem\\n\\t\\x81Public support\\n\\tzHow to develop compassion?\\n\\t\\x81Empathy\\n\\t\\x81Exposure – with less fortunate people, role playing\\n\\t\\x81Debates, discussions and discourses\\n\\t\\x81School curriculum\\n\\t\\x81Stories, novels, films, literature, etc.\\n\\tzTolerance\\n\\t\\x81Ability to tolerate the people/the ones having acute differences (religion, language, race, \\nnationality, ideology, ethnicity).\\n\\t\\x81People have to tolerate to not enter into direct conflicts/clashes.\\n\\tzTolerance: Two Perspective\\n\\t\\x811st Perspective: Narrow/Negative/Limited\\n\\t \\t\\t\\t\\t ↓\\n Tolerate; Not to have clash; Conflict.Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x812nd Perspective: Broader/Positive\\n\\t \\t\\t\\t\\t ⇓\\n Includes ability of respecting and accepting.\\n\\t\\x81Examples from Indian perspective\\n\\t\\x89Jain Philosophy– Syadvada (relativity of truth).\\n\\t\\x89Vedic literature– ‘Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti’.\\n\\t\\x89Mahatma Gandhi– Religious Harmony.\\n\\tzBenefits of Tolerance: Three levels\\n\\t\\x81Individual\\n\\t\\x89Inclusiveness.\\n\\t\\x89Diversity.\\n\\t\\x89Stable relations (Intolerance causes problem between people).\\n\\t\\x89Good social image ‘mature participation’.\\n\\t\\x89All sections of society have respect/acceptability for this person.\\n\\t\\x81Society\\n\\t\\x89Diversity\\n\\t\\x89Inclusiveness\\n\\t\\x89Rights of minority (women)\\n\\t\\x89Multiculturalism\\n\\t\\x89Composite Culture\\n\\t\\x89Respect to weaker sections\\n\\t\\x89Freedom of religion\\n\\t\\x81Administration:\\n\\t\\x89One can manage the differences.\\n\\t\\x89Innovations: Tolerance to new ideas. J.S. Mill, Mahatma Gandhi said, in a society 99% of \\npeople think same but 1% think differently and their free right to express must be respected.\\n\\t\\x89Dealing with public needs tolerance.\\n\\tzProblems associated with tolerance\\n\\t\\x81On Individual/Society/Administration\\n\\t\\x89Coward\\n\\t\\x89People starts taking for granted\\n\\t\\x89Financial/other losses\\n\\t\\x89Aggressive behaviour from minorities/weaker sections\\n\\t\\x89Enemies within the group\\n\\tzThe limits of tolerance\\n\\t\\x81France/Paris – Multiculturalism\\n\\t\\x89Majority thinks: Tolerance\\n\\t\\x89Minority believes: Arrogance/Aggressiveness\\n\\t\\x81Limits of tolerance should be decided by the Constitution.\\nLiberal\\n↓\\nJohn Rawls\\n↓\\nMajority must maintain toleranceExtreme Right and Left\\n↓\\nDo not believe in toleranceAptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzHow to develop tolerance?\\n\\t\\x81Interactions with different people.\\n\\t\\x81Perspective of other people. \\n\\t\\x89Additional information\\n\\t\\x89Enforced contacts\\n\\t\\x81Literature, fiction, films\\n\\t\\x81Persuaders\\n\\t\\x81Auto-suggestive mode (one must tell oneself to be tolerant).\\n\\t\\x81Diary writing\\nDetermination, Patience, Persistence, Fortitude and Perseverance\\n\\tzCommon factor among all.\\n\\t\\x81If one wants to achieve a high level of success.\\n\\t\\x81Lot of difficulties arises.\\n\\t\\x81These values in such process.\\n\\tzDetermination: It is an ability to fix an objective and maintain that focus.\\n\\tzPatience and Fortitude: The ability to wait and continuing with efforts until the results come. For \\nexample, Civil Services exam preparation.\\n\\tzFortitude: It is an ability to handle very difficult situation without compromising with the \\ndetermination Example: Mahatma Gandhi\\n\\tzPersistence: Continuation of efforts with patience far a big purpose.\\n\\t\\x81Intelligence Quotient\\n\\t\\x81Emotional Quotient\\n\\t\\x81Social Quotient\\n\\t\\x81Persistence Quotient\\n\\tzPerseverance: Sustained Motivation and Persistence. It is an ability to pursue long term and difficult \\ngoals with sustained determination, motivation, patience, fortitude and persistence.\\n\\t\\x81Benefits of Perseverance:\\n\\t\\x89Successful in long term goals\\n\\t\\x89Patience, tolerance, fortitude → resilience\\n\\t\\x89Stable and better relationships\\n\\t\\x89Leadership skills\\n\\t\\x89Sense of maturity\\n\\tzHow to develop Perseverance?\\n\\t\\x81Training of difficult situations\\n\\t\\x81Ability of waiting – long term targets \\n\\t\\x81Goals: Analysis and Self criticism\\n\\t\\x89Short term\\n\\t\\x89Mid term\\n\\t\\x89Long term\\n\\t\\x81Diary writing\\n\\t\\x81Good company\\n\\t\\x81Limited competitionEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501COMMITMENT, DECIMATION AND SPIRIT OF SERVICE\\nCommon Aspect in these three values\\n\\tzSense of allegiance\\n\\tzSense of trust/faith\\n\\tzSense of responsibility\\nCommitment\\n\\tzIt is a virtue or sense of declaration of allegiance towards person or ration or purpose or ideology \\nor social group or organization.\\n\\tzIt is also a promise to be faithful towards the subject of commitment.\\nType of Commitment\\n\\tzIt can be numerous. They can be classified mainly into personal, professional and social.\\n\\t\\x81Personal commitment: Commitment of an individual towards the other individual as a person \\nit may include commitments towards friends, parents, spouse etc.\\n\\t\\x81Professional commitment : Commitment towards a certain virtues, ethics or principles because \\nof an individual’s profession for instance doctors commitment towards his/her patient.\\n\\t\\x81Social commitment: Commitment of an individual towards society in general. \\nShould Civil Servants be Committed?\\nDebate\\nThe value of neutrality or non partisanship is one side and commitment on the other hand.\\nThe debate lies in the fact the a civil servant must be neutral or non partisan but at the same line \\nhe/she must also be committed.\\nHistorical background: Post independence India adopted the bureaucracy of UK System which \\naccording to Max Weber was to be paid bureaucrats who is neutral and non partisan.\\nIndia got its bureaucracy which was cleanest in nature. It was not communicated to masses and it \\nworked for only maintaining law and order. It had a lot of passivity. They belonged to English speaking \\nurban class.\\n India in its constitution adopted the ideals of socialist welfare state by including the chapter of \\ndirective principles of state policy and for this we needed a bureaucracy which was committed towards \\nthese goods and towards the country.\\nOur first prime minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru made all his effort to bring a change in bureaucracy \\nwhich was a pro. People non elitist and welfarist in approach but failed to bring on any substantial change.\\nPost 1966, Mrs. Indra Gandhi started saying that Indian bureaucracy is not as we want for India \\nand thus in 1969 gave a call for ‘Committed’ bureaucracy. Since then there is a debate as to neutral or \\ncommitted bureaucracy.\\nThe real intent behind committed bureaucracy is commitment towards the ideals enshrined is the \\nconstitution of India and not towards the government or party in power.\\nCommitment of Whom?\\nCommitment: A Civil servant should be committed towards the ideals, morals and philosophy of \\nthe Indian Constitution Commitment towards the leaves of the land code of ethics and code of conduct.Aptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501No Commitment: No personal commitment towards any specific head of the state or the council \\nno personal commitment towards any specific political party or its ideology. \\nDedication of Public Service\\nDedication: It is a duper sense of commitment by being very much active and making best of efforts \\nto achieve to goofs or ideals towards which an individual is committed. \\nPublic Service: A sense of serving the public in general and weaker sections of the society in \\nparticular. \\nSpirit of Service\\nSpirit: It may be defined as high level of motivation or inspiration.\\nService : It may be Defined as a sense of serving people in general and weaker sections of the \\nsociety in particular.\\nBenefits of Commitment, Dedication and Spirit of service of Civil Services \\nTo the System/Society\\n\\tzThere would be a very good work culture.\\n\\tzThis increases productivity.\\n\\tzNo corruption or red tapes.\\n\\tzThe system becomes result oriented \\n\\tzThis brings in reality the India of good governance.\\nTo the Individual \\n\\tzHigh self esteem.\\n\\tzSelf satisfaction \\n\\tzReceiver social respect.\\n\\tzGood chances of getting critical responsibilities.\\nHow to Develop Commitment, Dedication and Spirit of Service?\\n\\tzIt is not a kind of cognitive learning\\n\\tzIt is a find of virtue or value learning developed which time, patience and hard work.\\n\\tzIt can be learned through process of socialisation.\\n\\tzInteraction with weaker sections of the society through direct and indirect methods.\\n\\tzBy reading case studies relating to same great works done, by people in general and civil servants \\nin particular, for the weaker or vulnerable section of the society.\\n\\tzIntroducing training session for civil servants and must be rewarded or acclaimed by the government \\n\\tzHigh social respect and social prestige must be given to the civil servants.\\nTRUSTWORTHINESS, TRANSPARENCY, RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY\\nCommon Factor : Virtue of doing things with a sense of commitment and ownership. \\nTrustworthiness\\n\\tzIt is a virtue or value that the responsibility shall be taken care of perfectly.\\n\\tzA virtue that this person can be believed without any doubtEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzRange: It can be found in terms of efficiency and intentions. \\n\\tzFor efficiency the person must have shill, knowledge and capability\\n\\tzPerfect trustworthiness comes with both efficiency and intentions.\\n\\tzImportance and benefits\\nFor System\\n\\tzGood delegation of powers and responsibilities.\\n\\tzVery good work culture.\\n\\tzHigh productivity in system.\\n\\tzSwiftness in the system.\\n\\tzSmoothness in the functioning of system.\\nFor Individual\\n\\tzRespect from the organization.\\n\\tzChances to get critical responsibilities.\\n\\tzSelf satisfaction.\\nHow to Develop Trustworthiness?\\n\\tzIt can be developed with tine, hard work and patience.\\n\\tz It can be developed by having skills, knowledge, and authentic information. \\n\\tz One has to develop dependability by socialisation, practice to keep secrets and dedication to complete \\nthe responsibility.\\nTRANSPARENCY: WHAT & WHY?\\nIt is a virtue of sharing information with all who are entitled for that without creating obstruction \\nin sharing of information.\\nIn personal life it helps in keeping stable and happy relation. It will give you respect and helps in \\ngrowing your dependability.\\nIn professional life, mainly civil services, transparency is required because India is democracy and \\nit makes a true participatory democracy. It provides information to create awareness and accountability \\nof the democratic government.\\nHow to Develop Transparency?\\nAs a virtue in systems and in civil servant or an individual.\\nIn system: Through specific rules and regulations, right to information, citizens charity and most \\neffectively through e-governance.\\nIn an individual: Through the process of socialization, practice, exposure during training through \\ndirect or indirect interactions.\\nRESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY\\nResponsibility: It is the virtue of taking ownership of duties.\\nAccountability: It is the virtue of accepting answer-ability for the responsibility taken or given.Aptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Responsibility Accountability\\n\\t¾Duty of doing something.\\n\\t¾It can be shared.\\n\\t¾It can be related to ongoing or past event.\\n\\t¾Generally related to self actions.\\n\\t¾Less authority\\t¾Duty of giving answer or account.\\n\\t¾It cannot be shared.\\n\\t¾It can be related to past event.\\n\\t¾Related to self and others actions.\\n\\t¾More authority and direction.\\nRelation between Responsibility and Accountability\\nIt is impossible to be accountable without being responsible but one can be responsible even without \\nbeing accountable.\\nIn terms of virtue responsibility is a lower virtue but accountability is a higher virtue.\\nImportance of Responsibility and Accountability\\n\\tzIn civil services it has following importance\\n\\t\\x81Self respect\\n\\t\\x81Self esteem\\n\\t\\x81Respect in the system\\n\\t\\x81Self satisfaction\\n\\t\\x81Given major responsibility\\nImportance for the System\\n\\tzSystem of delegation works properly.\\n\\tz Work culture changes positively in terms of productivity, self motivation and self discipline.\\nHow to Develop Responsibility and Accountability?\\n\\tzAs a virtue it can be developed through\\n\\t\\x81Socialisation\\n\\t\\x81Carrot and stick method\\nIn Civil Services\\nIn organisation individuals can be made responsible and accountable by having clear set of duties, \\nauthorities etc. Through clear instructions about actions and its execution. It can also be developed \\nthrough incentives for accountable and responsible individuals through early promotions or assigning \\ncritical positions in system.\\nIn an Individual\\nInteraction with people who are having some virtue, self evaluation, enforced contacts with \\nsame virtues.\\nCOURAGE OF CONVICTION\\n\\tzIt is the courage based on the conviction that my purpose, ideology or faith etc., is perfect.\\nExample:\\n\\t\\x81Nirbhaya’s Mother\\n\\t\\x81Neelam Kataria, mother of Nitish KatariaEthics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Importance & Benefits\\nAs a civil servant the person will have highest level of integrity, probity and professional ethics. \\nThere is a very high level of commitment and dedication. One should have a high level of perseverance.\\nProblems\\n\\tzTerrorism\\n\\tzNaxalism\\nHow to develop Courage of Conviction?\\nIt is a virtue. It can be developed by socialisation, motivational stories, interaction with people who \\nhave this virtue, information and sometimes by enforced contacts.\\nANONYMITY\\nIt is a value or virtue of not willing to be known or popularised for my administrative actions. It is \\na value of working in the system being behind the veil and unknown to the world.\\nReason\\n\\tzGovernment as a whole is responsible for everything.\\n\\tzIn democracy the responsibility lies on representatives of people.\\n\\tz It is in sync with non-partisanship.\\n\\tzA kind of competition or frustration rises among civil servants.\\n\\tzPerson independent administration\\nPresent States & Suggestions\\n\\tzCivil services conduct rules\\n\\t\\x81The issue of having social media profiles. It leads to issue of popularising a few civil servants \\nand thus hindering others from working.\\n\\t\\x81To check this there must be an amendment to civil services conduct rules. If there is any social \\nmedia account it must be for personal sphere and as a post it must be handled only in relation \\nto official work.\\nDISCIPLINE\\nIt is a virtue of following rules, regulations, norms, etc, rigorously.\\nPersonal \\nDisciplineSelf \\nDisciplineProfessional \\nDisciplineImposed \\nDisciplineTypes\\nImportance\\nIndividual’s Point of View\\n\\tzTime management\\n\\tzRegularity and good productivity.Aptitude And Found Ation Al VAlues\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, \\nOpp. Signature View \\nApartment, New Delhi21 Pusa Road,\\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,\\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, \\nRajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzMaintains physical and mental health.\\n\\tzRespect from people\\n\\tzSelf respect and self esteem\\nOrganisation’s Point of View\\n\\tzGood work culture and good productivity\\n\\tzMasses are benefited\\nMethods to Develop Discipline\\n\\tzBy socialisation\\n\\t\\x81Making small rules\\n\\tzAt organisational level\\n\\t\\x81Motivational and Guidance\\n\\t\\x89Self example\\n\\t\\x89Training or workshop\\n\\t\\x89Award and appreciation\\n\\t\\x81Making rules and regulations\\n\\t\\x89Code of conduct\\n\\t\\x89Proper action for indiscipline\\nPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. Why is the process of learning Emotional Intelligence difficult? In your opinion, what can be the \\nappropriate method of teaching this? (200 words)\\n 2. What do you understand by ‘ Aptitude‘? Does time exist a necessary co-relation between ‘ Aptitude‘ \\nand ‘interest‘? How can the testing of aptitudes be helpful for the person himself/hereself and for \\nhis/her society? (200 Words)\\n 3. What do you understand by Integrity? What does it mean in personal and professional life? Is it \\npossible that there is a contradiction between personal and professional integrity? If yes, how \\nshould that situation be handled? (200 Words)\\n 4. Clarify the meaning of ‘Impartially’ and ‘Objectivity’. It is possible to achieve them at 100% level? \\nTell some areas from your life where you aren’t able to remain completely ‘Impartial’ and ‘Objective’. \\n(200 Words)\\n 5. What is Empathy? How it is different from sympathy and Compassion? How can one develop this \\nin his/her personality? (200 Words)\\n 6. While clarifying the meaning of tolerance, till why is it desirable that an administrative officer \\nshould internalise this value? Also discuss whether one may have to bear some loss because of \\nfollowing this value? (200 words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501PUBLIC/CIVIL SERVICE VALUES & ETHICS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION\\n\\tzPublic Administration: It is the administration of the government.\\n\\tzPublic & Civil Service Values:\\n\\t\\x81Public Service: All government jobs including executive, judiciary and legislature.\\n\\t\\x81Civil Service: The arm of the public service that deals with civil functioning of the state.\\nEthics\\nValuesPublic Service\\nCivil Service\\nAdministrative Values and Ethics during the British Regime\\nIt depended on the state. A Police State, opposite of welfare state and exploitative state.\\nCharacter of Civil Service\\n\\tzElitism (Political, Social, cultural elites)\\n\\tzFeudalism [King appoints some people to work on his behalf.]\\n\\tzUrbanised bureaucracy\\n\\tzEnglish speaking people.\\n\\tzInsensitive to the weaker sections\\n\\tzAutocratic approach\\n\\tzDiscipline\\n\\tzNon-partisanship\\n\\tzIntegrity/Honesty (Towards British Crown, not towards the people).\\n\\tzAnonymity\\nAdministrative Values & Ethics in Independent India\\nState: From police state to welfare state; secular state.Values and Ethics in Public \\nAdministration (Part-I)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EFoundational Values\\n\\tzEmpathy, Compassion, Dedication, Commitment → Weaker section\\n\\tzTolerance (Minorities)\\n\\tzIntegrity, Honesty, Probity\\n\\tzObjectivity, Neutrality, Non-Partisanship\\nADMINISTRATIVE ETHICS: STATUS AND PROBLEMS\\n\\tzToo some extent things are goods.\\n\\tzFew officers\\n\\tzIn general all are not.\\nProblems\\n\\tzElitism, Feudal mind-set.\\n\\tzInsensitive to the weaker sections.\\n\\tzCorruption and misuse of power.\\n\\tzPartisanship (Party affiliations).\\n\\tzEthnic divisions\\n\\tzRitualism\\nEthical Concerns and Dilemmas\\nEthical Concerns\\nParents have concerns about their childAbusive language\\nBad company\\nAlcohol/Tobacco/Drug\\nCheating \\nGovernment Servants should not use their power against anyone.\\nEthical Dilemmas\\n\\tzState of Indecisiveness.\\n\\t\\x81When one has 2 or more options\\n\\t\\x81Almost equally \\n\\t\\x89Good \\n\\t\\x89Bad\\n\\t\\x81Choose (necessary)\\nExample: A Boy receives 4 proposals on valentines day and he has to choose one only, the state of \\nindecisiveness that the boy goes through is called dilemmas.\\nEthical Dilemmas: In which the options or choices have an ethical or moral angle.\\nEthical Dilemmas can be of two types:\\n\\tzInterest vs Ethics\\n\\t\\x81An aspirant is going to give his/her exam and in between he/she of witnesses an accident, if \\nthe aspirant will not help then there are high chances of the person who met with the accident \\nof dying.Values and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81A Husband and wife are not happy with each other and want divorce, while they have 2 children. \\nThe husband wants to divorce but he feels responsibility towards his children.\\nThere is conflict between his Interest and ethics.\\n\\tzEthics vs Ethics\\n\\t\\x81A person is married and lives with his parents. The wife does not get along with the parents of \\nhusband well and wants to live separately. Now, the husband is in a dilemma of what to do? \\nWhether to move with wife or stay with his elderly parents.\\nEthical Concerns in Government Institutions\\nEthical Concern is the risk or possibility of ethical deviation.\\n2 types of ethical concerns in government Institutions\\nGovernance (System) Government Employees\\nEthical Concerns about Governance\\n\\tzConstitutional values should not be compromised. (Secularism, Fraternity, Liberty, Equality, Justice)\\n\\tzBalance between organs of government is not disturbed. (legislature, executive, judiciary).\\n\\tzRule of law is not compromised\\n\\tzFundamental Rights of citizens should not be compromised. (Right to Privacy, Right of dignified life).\\n\\tz‘Dictatorship of majority’ doesn’t take place.\\n\\tzGovernment is not unethically influenced by some interest groups like business houses, Corporate \\nhouses, ethnic groups.\\nSolutions and Suggestions\\nCivil SocietySocially committed\\nEducation/Legal/NGOsThey should be promoted.\\nJudiciaryIndependence\\nStrong to save the fundamental rights of citizens\\nBasic structure has to be defended\\nMediaIndependent media\\n‘Social media’\\nPolitical classMLA/MP/LB → Training system\\nRepresentation of Peoples Act (RPA) – Section 123\\nStrong InstitutionsElection Commission of India\\nLokpal\\nCentral Vigilance Commission\\nCBI\\nEthical Concerns about Government Employees\\n\\tzInsensitivity towards weaker sections (absence of empathy and compassion).\\n\\tzPartisanshipDrishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzCorruption\\n\\tzMisuse of influence (Influence peddling)\\n\\tzTransfer of confidential information into wrong hands.\\n\\tzConflict of Interests\\nSolutions and Suggestions\\n\\tzSelection process \\n\\t\\x81Cognitive + Moral aspects\\n\\t\\x81Written exam – Ethics\\n\\t\\x81Interview\\n\\tzTraining process: Ethical wisdom/Enlightened conscious culture\\n\\t\\x81Exposure\\n\\t\\x81Racial\\n\\t\\x81Village\\n\\tzEthical Infrastructure\\n\\t\\x81Ethical guidance\\n\\t\\x81Ethical accountability\\nEthical Concerns in Private Institutions\\nHigh concernsPrivate Institution\\nOrganised Sector Unorganised Sector\\nLess concerns\\nConcerns\\n\\tzService Conditions \\n\\t\\x81Leaves\\n\\t\\x81Working hours\\n\\t\\x81Minimum wages\\n\\t\\x81Provident Fund\\n\\t\\x81Employees’ State Insurance\\n\\t\\x81Bonus\\n\\tzWork Conditions\\n\\t\\x81Ergonomics\\n\\t\\x89Light \\n\\t\\x89A.C\\n\\t\\x89Eating arrangement\\n\\tzSexual Harassment\\n\\tzChild labour\\n\\tzTax theft\\n\\tzIllegal activities\\n\\tzProfit motive\\n\\tzFalse ClaimsValues and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Solutions and Suggestions\\nLaws, Rules etc\\n\\t¾Child Labour\\n\\t¾S.H. of women at workplace \\nact ‘Vishaka Guidelines’.\\n\\t¾Minimum wages\\n\\t¾Bonus Act\\n\\t¾PF/ESIC ActIncentive based policies\\n\\t¾Tax theft ‘Nudge’\\n\\t¾Diversity policy (Sexual/\\nGender ParticipationEthical Infrastructure for \\nprivate sector (starts ups)\\n\\t¾Training programme ½ year\\nETHICAL DILEMMA: TYPES\\nDilemma → Indecisiveness\\nEthical/Moral domain\\nInterest v/s Ethics Ethics v/s Ethics\\nTypes\\nPersonal Ethical Dilemma Private Sector Ethical Dilemma Public/Government sector \\nEthical Dilemma\\nEmployer Employee\\nEthical Dilemmas in Personal Life\\nInterest v/s Ethics\\n\\t¾My interest – family ethics\\n\\t¾My family’s interest – Social \\nethics\\n\\t¾My friend – SocietyEthics v/s Ethics\\n\\t¾Family vs Society\\n\\t¾Nation vs Religious community\\n\\t¾Humanity\\nHow to solve ethical Dilemmas in Personal Life?\\n\\tzValue Hierarchy Clear cut\\n based on logic, wisdom\\n compassion > objectivity\\n empathy > Punctuality\\n\\tzGreater interest to be given priority (in general).\\n\\tzEthical Guidance → Expert Psychological Counselor\\n Mature person of family\\n Friend\\n\\tzConscience – ‘Super Ego’\\n\\tzCost benefit analysisDrishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E AnalysisFinancial\\nPsychological\\nSpiritual\\nSocial lifeCost\\nBenefit\\nEthical Dilemmas in Government Institutions\\n\\tzSilence vs whistle-blowing vs Participating.\\n\\tzBad posting vs appeasing the bosses.\\n\\tzUse the official property for personal use?\\n\\tzPartisanship vs Non-partisanship?\\n\\tzRules vs Compassion?\\nHow to solve Ethical Dilemmas in Government Institution?\\nHierarchy of sources:\\nConstitution\\nLaws\\nRules Regulations\\nCode of Ethics/Conduct \\nPrecedents (suggestions form seniors, colleagues, experts). ConscienceWritten, Amended\\nInterpretation\\nEthical Dilemmas in Private Institutions\\nOwners\\n 1. Profit vs Social responsibilities\\n 2. True information vs Profitability\\n 3. Staff\\n Market realities\\nvs\\nLegal/moral aspectsSalary\\nworking conditions\\n 4. Tax vs Profitability\\nEmployees\\n\\tzCompany’s benefit vs Society benefit\\n\\tzCompany benefits vs my benefit.\\nHow to solve Ethical Dilemmas in Private Institutions?\\nSame mechanism as government institutions\\nETHICAL GOVERNANCE, INFRASTRUCTURE & GUIDANCE\\nEthical Governance: Any government which is governing on the basis of ethical values practices \\nis ethical governance.Values and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethical Governance\\nEthical Infrastructure\\nEthical Guidance Ethical Accountability\\nSources of Ethical Guidance\\n\\tzLaws\\n\\tzRules and regulations → Delegated legislation\\n\\tzCode of Ethics/Conduct\\n\\tzPrecedents → Helpful, habitual → ‘Ritualism’\\n\\tzSuggestion from experts → Experts, Psychologists, Administration expert, legal experts, financial \\nexperts.\\n\\tzConscience – Inner voice Super Ego\\nLaws\\n\\tzWhat is a law?\\n\\tzTypes of laws?\\n\\tzWhy to obey laws?\\n\\tzWhat is good law?\\n\\tzWhat is bad law?\\n\\tzHow to oppose a law?\\n\\tzHow Civil Servant opposes a law?\\n\\tzMeaning and Types of Law\\n\\t\\x81Laws are rules enforced by the state.\\n\\tzTypes\\n\\t\\x81Nature’s laws: Right to sleep, Live, Freedom, Breathe.\\n\\t\\x81Positive laws: Are created by a person/group of person Ex: England Constitution.\\n\\t\\x81Case laws: Judicial body interprets a law in a way a new meaning is gained as compared to what \\nwas mentioned in the basic law.\\nCharacteristics of a Good Law\\nPresentation\\n\\t¾Simple language\\n\\t¾Brief (as brief possible)\\n\\t¾Made available to the \\npublic in simplest \\nmanner.Procedure\\n\\t¾Legal\\n\\t¾Ethically good\\n\\t¾Public participation\\n\\t¾Committee\\n\\t¾Proper votingContent\\n\\t¾Progressive\\n open\\n inclusive\\n social justice\\n\\t¾Should not be suppressive/\\noppressive. UAPA, TAOA, \\nPOTA\\n\\t¾Practically applicable\\nWhy should we respect laws?\\nSpecially when the law is not in our benefit.\\nEx. ProhibitionDrishti The Vision Foundation ©Drishti IAS, 641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, New DelhiDrishti IAS, Tashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, Uttar PradeshDrishti IAS, Tonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EGrounds for respective laws\\n\\tzDemocracy: Indirect/Representative democracy → Represent → Participating.\\n\\tzRule of Law: Procedure of law → followed\\n\\tzBroader Perspective: Few laws benefitting me\\n\\tzTo use the enlightened will: Rousseau and Kant. Different view points.\\nWhen does a Law become Inappropriate\\nUndue Repression\\n\\t¾Sedition\\n\\t¾Article 377\\n\\t¾UAPA Procedure\\n\\t¾Without public\\n\\t¾Without committee\\n\\t¾Without Debates/discussions\\n\\t¾Without proper votingExpression\\n\\t¾Lengthy\\n\\t¾ComplicatedContent\\n\\t¾Regressive\\n\\t¾Against weaker sections\\n Women\\n SC/ST\\n\\t¾Socialists – Increases the \\ndifference of wealth\\nHow to Oppose an Inappropriate Law?\\nCitizen Perspective\\n 1. Legal → Public Interest Litigation\\n 2. Civil SocietyOpposition/movement \\nRole modelsParticipation\\nSit in/demonstration\\nGeneral strike\\n 3. Media/Social media → Freedom\\n 4. Symbolic protests – Working + Protest\\n 5. Contribute IndirectlyFinancial contribution\\nCommunication\\nIntellectualWhat not to do?\\n\\tzIllegal things\\n\\tzViolence\\n\\tzDamage public/private property\\n\\tzInconvenience to other people\\nPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. Which foundation values are desirable in a good civil servant? Discuss four such values with \\nexamples and underline their relative importance. (200 words)\\n 2. Which moral values do you expect in an ideal civil servant? In this regard, which problems are \\nbeing faced by Indian civil services at present? Has today’s ind an bureaucracy been able to be \\ndifferent in character from the bureaucracy of British period? (200 words)\\n 3. What do you understand by ‘Dilemma’? In what circumstance a dilemma turns into and ‘Ethical \\nDilemma’? Clarify with the example of your own life. (200words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501PUBLIC/CIVIL SERVICE VALUES & ETHICS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION\\n\\tzCan a civil servant oppose a law?\\n\\tzWhat a civil servant can not do:\\n\\t\\x81Cannot directly oppose the government policy and cannot participate in demonstrations, \\naccording to the civil services conduct rules.\\n\\t\\x81One cannot reveal the confidential information – Official Secrets Act, 1923.\\n\\tzWhat a civil servant can do:\\n\\t\\x81Put up opinion (note)\\n\\t\\x81Judicial proceeding\\n\\t\\x81Minimal/careful use of law (Ex: Police)\\n\\t\\x81Informal practices\\n\\t\\x81Resignation\\n\\tzRules and Regulations\\nDelegated legislation: Delegation of law making power to someone else (Executive).\\nExecutive makes some rules and regulations which are about the law.\\nIn hierarchy regulation comes after the rules.\\n\\tzDifference between Rules and Regulations:\\nLaws Rules Regulations\\n1. Hierarchy 1 > 2 > 3\\n2. Who Makes? State State \\nPrivate Organisation & \\nIndividualsState \\nPrivate Organisation & \\nIndividuals\\n3. Jurisdiction Territory of \\nthat StateNo limits No Limits\\nCONSCIENCE\\nMeaning: Inner voice, Inner moral voice.\\nConscience and Intuition\\n\\tz Sources of Knowledge\\nPerception\\nDirectInference\\nindirectInduction \\nDeductionValues and Ethics in Public \\nAdministration (Part – II)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzIntuition: Feeling\\n\\t\\x81It is neither perception nor inference.\\n\\t\\x81It is a direct source of knowledge in which we do not have the exact idea about the source of \\nknowledge.\\n\\t\\x81Something is known, but ‘how’ it is known is not known.\\nExample: Telepathy\\nIntuition\\nConscience \\n(domain of ethics)\\n\\tzInterpretations of Conscience:\\n\\t\\x81Voice of God: John Henry Newman\\n\\t\\x81Moral Sense Theory: Francis Hutchison\\n\\t\\x89 Aesthetic Sense\\n\\t\\x89 Moral Sense\\n\\t\\x81Sigmund Freud: Psycho analysis\\n ↓\\n Super Ego\\nFreud says conscience is expression of super ego.\\n\\t\\x81Intuitionism: Joseph Butler\\n ConscienceCognitive\\nRegulatory/Authoritative\\n\\tzTypes of Conscience:\\n\\t\\x81Is the conscience correct?\\n\\t\\x89Correct: Reasonable Ideals + Appropriate Application\\n\\t\\x89Erroneous Lax: Moral wrong → Moral right (Marital Rape)\\nScruplous: Moral right → Moral wrong (Co-living)\\n\\t\\x81Level of Certainty\\n\\t\\x89Certain\\n\\t\\x89Profitable\\n\\t\\x89Doubtful\\n\\tzLevel of Conscience\\n\\t\\x81Ignorant: Less wisdom Vincible Ignorance: ready to change/flexible.\\nInvincible Ignorance: not ready to change. Example: Religion, Spirituality.\\n\\t\\x81Enlightened: Wisdom, Exposure/Experience, Knowledge/Diversified.Values and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Conscience vs. Law\\nSimilarities\\nWays of strengthening social morality.\\nConscience Law → Internal Mechanism \\nof social control\\n→ Fear: Guilt feeling\\nDoesn’t have \\ngeographical limits→ External Mechanism \\nof social control\\n→ Punishment\\nFixed Jurisdiction \\n(Spatial)Differences\\nC L\\n\\tzHow to listen to the voice of Conscience?\\n\\t\\x81Avoid external voices/influences\\n\\t\\x81Solitude – Talking to yourself\\n\\t Walking alone\\n\\t Diary writing\\n\\t\\x81Psychologists\\n\\t\\x81Mature People\\n\\t\\x81Autobiographies\\n\\t\\x81Meditation\\n\\t\\x81Books on Psychology/Philosophy\\n\\tzCrisis of Conscience\\n\\t\\x81Raymond Franz wrote ‘Crisis of Conscience’ in 1983.\\n\\t\\x81‘Jehova’s witnesses’\\n\\t\\x81Past: Done something wrong → Realisation\\n\\t\\x81Present/Future: Situation\\n Conscience Deeds/Acts\\nIn both situation outcome is Guilt Feeling.\\n\\tzDealing with crisis of Conscience in Personal life?\\n\\t\\x81Past: Acceptance \\n\\t ConfessionVictims\\nMature People\\n Social Contribution\\n\\t\\x81Present:\\n Ethical Dilemma\\n ⇓\\n\\t\\x89Value Hierarchy\\n\\t\\x89Broader Interest ↑↑\\n\\t\\x89Don’t undermine yourself\\n\\t\\x89Advice Psychologist\\nMentor\\nFriendDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzDealing with Crisis of Conscience in Civil Services?\\nExamples:\\nPolicy/Act Not Conceived\\nImplement \\nPolitical Pressure\\nRules v/s Conscience\\n\\tzSolutions:\\nEthical Dilemma\\n\\t\\x81Hierarchy of sources\\n Constitution\\nLaw\\nRules & Regulations\\nConscience\\n\\t\\x81Advice from senior people\\n\\t\\x81Precedence\\nPrecautions about using Conscience in Civil Services\\n\\tzWhen to use Conscience?\\n\\t\\x81Discretionary Power\\n\\t\\x81Grey Areas – No mention\\n\\t No precedence → contrary precedence\\n\\t No judge → contrary judgements\\n\\t Guidance\\n\\t\\x81New Area\\n\\tzHow much use to be done?\\n\\t\\x81Certain – Use it\\n\\t\\x81Probable – Policy use\\n\\t\\x81Doubtful – Avoid\\n\\tzResponsibility\\n\\t\\x81Enlightening the Conscience\\n\\t\\x89Aware about Constitution, Laws\\n\\t\\x89Current affairs – deep sense\\n\\t\\x89Sensitivity\\n\\t\\x89Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Law, Political Science\\nCONFLICT OF INTEREST\\n\\tzConflict of Interest: Meaning\\nIndividual/Organisation – Multiple InterestsLegal\\nFinancial\\nEmotional\\nPhysical\\nSocialx\\ny\\n\\tzWhen an individual or organisation has multiple interests and two or more than two interests of \\nthat individual/organisation are contradicting with each other, this situation is called conflict of \\ninterests.Values and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzIt is against the ideals of Neutrality, Objectivity, Impartiality and Natural Justice.\\nConflict of Interests\\nPersonal Professional\\n\\tzConflict of Interest: Types\\nReal Conflict\\n\\tzFather/Mother → Son\\n\\tzJudge → LawyerPotential Conflict\\n\\tzJudge – Son/Daughter\\n\\tzFather/Mother → Examiner\\n Son/Daughter → Examiner\\n\\tIn these situations: One is not able to remain objective, Neutral, Impartial. In these cases the principal \\nof Natural Justice is compromised.\\n\\tzHow to resolve the Conflict of Interest?\\nPotential\\n\\t¾Avoid it making a real conflict\\n\\t¾Declare/RevealReal\\n\\t¾If possible – avoid/shift\\n\\t¾If not possible:\\n (i) Objective, Neutral, Impartial\\n (ii) Transparent\\n (iii) Take everything in writing, records\\n (iv) Decision – authentic explanation\\n (v) Hierarchy Constitution\\nLaw\\nRules & Regulations\\nConscience\\nETHICAL ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: MEANING\\nGovernment\\nCitizens\\nOrganisations \\nNGO’s, CompanyRelations\\n⇓\\nEthical \\nAspectsCountryGovernments\\nNGO\\nCitizensCountry\\nInternational Organisations\\n\\tzIdeologies in International Ethics:\\nIdealism\\n\\t¾Moral World Order\\n\\t¾Peaceful Co-existence\\n\\t¾Mutual Respect\\n\\t¾Global Responsibilities\\n\\t¾Broad Nationalism\\n\\t¾Distributive Justice\\nExample: Mahatma Gandhi, R.N. TagoreRealism\\n\\t¾Realpolitik\\n\\t¾Ethics = Luxury\\n\\t¾No Rules\\n\\t¾Survival of Fittest\\n\\t¾Self-interest\\n\\t¾National Interest – Absolute Values\\nExample: Donald Trump, Hitler, Chinese \\nForeign PolicyDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzAppropriate Ideology for International Ethics:\\nRealism – National Interest\\nIdealismIdealsUniversal Peace, Brotherhood\\nRespecting Sovereignty\\nNot interfering in domestic matters\\nNo War\\nDialogue \\nInternational Organisations (UNO)MethodsMiddle Path\\n\\tzMajor Issues in International Ethics:\\n\\t\\x81Resources of International Domain\\n\\t\\x89High Seas\\n\\t\\x89Antarctica\\n\\t\\x89Space\\n\\t\\x81Terrorism/Violence\\n\\t\\x89Terrorism – Cross-border terrorism\\n\\t\\x89Weapons of Mass Destruction – Weapon Industry\\n\\t\\x81Climate Issues (Development v/s Existence)\\n\\t\\x89Global Warming\\n\\t\\x89Green House Effect\\n\\t\\x81Human Rights Issues (Human Rights v/s Sovereignty)\\n\\tRacism Language\\n\\tCaste Aboriginals\\n\\tReligion Minorities\\n\\tLGBTQ Physically Challenged People\\n\\tPoor\\n\\tzInternational Funding: Meaning & Scope\\nMeaning:\\nLoans\\nGrantsFunding\\n\\tzInternational\\nNation 1Nation 2\\nInternational OrganisationsGovernment IndividualsCompanies\\nNGOsGovernments\\nCompanies\\nNGOs\\nIndividual\\n\\tzScope:\\n\\t\\x81Crisis\\n\\t\\x81Development\\n\\t\\x81Medical Research Funding\\n\\t\\x81Social Funding Sector\\n\\t\\x81Illegal/Terror FundingValues and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzEthical Issues with Crisis/Development Funding\\nCrisis – IMF / Country\\nDevelopment – World Bank/CountryEthical Issues:\\n\\t¾Conditionality\\n ↓\\n\\t¾Sovereignty\\n\\tzEthical Issues with Clinical Trials Funding\\nClinical Trials\\nMedicines\\nResearch\\nSufferers Poor/illiteratePigs, Monkeys\\nHuman Beings\\nHope\\n\\t\\x81Ethical Issues:\\n\\tHidden Trials\\n\\tConsent\\n\\tPost Procedure/trial care\\n\\tzEthical Issues with Social Sector Funding\\n\\t¾NGO\\n\\t¾Trusts\\n\\t¾Non Profit CompanySocial Sector FundingDestabalise the countries/governments\\nOpposition to the development project\\nSocial/Cultural tensions\\n\\tzEthical Issues with Illegal Funding\\nIllegal Funding – restricted organisations\\nPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. As a citizen, what ethical concerns do you feel regarding the character and working of state? If the \\nacts of state (or government) are troublesome, what steps should a citizen take? (200 words)\\n 2. In personal and professional life, what types of ethical dilemmas one has to face? Clarify with the \\nexamples of your or some famous person’s life. (200 words)\\n 3. What is Conscience? When should civil servants use it? Have you tried to train your conscience \\nwith the point of view of joining civil services? If yes, how? (200 words). Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzHow to deal with the issues of International Funding?\\n\\t\\x81Crisis/Development funding\\n\\t\\x81Social funding\\n\\t\\x81Medical research funding\\n\\t\\x81Illegal funding\\n\\tzCrisis/Development Funding\\n\\t\\x81Financial discipline\\n\\t\\x89Variety of options\\n\\t\\x89Internal borrowings \\n\\t\\x89Friendly countries/groups\\n\\tzSocial Funding\\nFCRA – 2010, amended in 2020\\n\\tzMedical Research Funding\\n\\t\\x81Clear cut Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)\\n\\t\\x81Surrogacy\\n\\tzIllegal Funding\\n\\t\\x81It should be stopped.\\nCorporate Governance\\n\\t¾Corporations\\n\\t¾Companies Act, 2013\\t¾Administration\\n\\t¾Management\\n\\tzCorporate Governance means the proper administrations or management of a company registered \\nunder the Companies Act, 2013.\\nInformal Entities\\n\\t¾Sole Proprietorship (SP)\\n\\t¾Partnership FirmsUnlimited \\nliabilitiesCompanies Act\\nPrivate Limited\\n\\t¾2 Directors\\n\\t¾Minimum 2 members\\n\\t¾Maximum 50 membersPublic Limited\\n\\t¾Minimum 7 members \\n\\t¾Maximum = No limit\\n\\t¾Minimum = 3 DirectorsTypes of Business FirmsValues and Ethics in Public \\nAdministration (Part – III)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzWhy was Corporate Governance needed?\\n\\t\\x811929: Great Depression (US)\\n\\t\\x89New deal programme was launched to revive economy, governance of companies was not \\nproper.\\n\\t\\x811990s: Many frauds took place\\n\\t\\x811992: Cadbury Committee on management of frauds gave a ‘Voluntary Code of Best Practices’.\\n\\t\\x812000: Oxley Committee\\nManagement/Governance\\n\\t¾Separation between the ownership \\nand management of companies\\n\\t¾Well defined Hierarchy structure/\\norganisational structure.\\n\\t¾Set system of rules, regulations, \\nprocedures\\n\\t¾Compliance mechanism \\n\\t¾Internal Auditor\\n\\t¾Performance Management System \\n(Objective, transparent)\\n\\t¾System of Accountability and \\nTransparency\\n\\t¾Good Management Communication \\nSystem (MCS)Ethics (Business)\\n\\t¾Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)\\n\\t¾CSR Rules:\\n\\tRevenue = 1000 crore or more \\n\\tNet worth = 500 crore or more\\n\\tNet Profit = 5 crore or more\\n 2% of Net Profit from last 3 years.Dividend Protection \\nSustainability \\nCSR\\nProduct/\\nServicesCSR \\n(Development)TaxStakeholders\\nShareholders Government\\nClients/\\nCustomersCommunityEnvironmentConcept of Corporate Governance\\n\\tzStatus of Corporate Governance in India\\n1988 – SEBI formed \\n1992 – SEBI Act\\n Legislative\\nExecutive \\nJudicial3\\n - NSDL\\n - Demat\\n\\tzCompanies Act\\nCSR\\nOne Person Company (OPC)\\nNo Profit Company (NPC)\\nSection 8 companies2013Values and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzCommittees for improved Corporate Governance\\n\\t\\x81Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee\\n\\t\\x81Narayana Murthy Committee\\n\\t\\x81Uday Kotak Committee (SEBI)\\n\\tzLimited Liability Partnership Act, 2008\\n\\tzIssues with the governance of PSUS\\nPublic Sector UndertakingsONGC\\nGSL\\n\\t\\x81Director = Political appointees (IAS)\\n\\t\\x81Political Pressure\\n\\t\\x89Political decision > Economic/financial decision\\n\\t\\x81No sense of ownership\\n\\t\\x81Poor work culture [Very safe] [No motivation]\\n\\t\\x81Lack of accountability/transparency\\n\\tzRecommendations of Uday Kotak Committee\\n\\t\\x81At lease six directors should be there.\\n\\t\\x81Half of directors should be independent directors.\\n\\t\\x811 director should be female/woman.\\n\\t\\x81At least 5 meetings in an year.\\n\\t\\x81Every 6 months cash flow statements.\\n\\t\\x81Credit Rating Company in public domain.\\n\\t\\x81Each company should have a cyber security network.\\n\\tzHow to improve Corporate Governance in India?\\n\\t\\x81Uday Kotak Committee recommendations.\\n\\t\\x81New Culture Startup Culture\\nShare investment ↑\\nAwareness needs to increase.\\n\\tzProbity\\n\\tMeaning: Nothing but professional integrity.\\n Proved/established professional integrity.\\nIndividuals\\n\\t¾Generally used for \\nindividuals.Organizations\\n\\t¾If an organization is following professional \\nethical/moral standards to a very high level, then \\nit is organization of probity.Probity\\n\\tzGovernance\\n\\t\\x81Combination of two things (Decision making for an organization and execution/implementation \\nof decisions).\\n\\t\\x81Governance is not always used for political organization, it is related to business/religious/\\neducational organizations.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzGood Governance\\nUnited Nations (UN) gave 8 parameters for good governance:\\n\\t\\x81Rule of Law: [Constitutionalism, Judicial Review, Fundamental Rights guarantee].\\n\\t\\x81Participation: Participatory Democracy.\\n\\t\\x81Equity & Inclusiveness: Affirmative Action\\n\\t\\x81Consensus Orientation\\n\\t\\x81Effectiveness & Efficiency\\n\\t\\x81Transparency\\n\\t\\x81Accountability\\n\\t\\x81Responsiveness\\nEthical\\n\\t¾Rule of Law\\n\\t¾Equity & Inclusiveness\\n\\t¾Consensus Orientation\\n\\t¾ParticipationEffectiveGood Governance\\n\\tzEthical Governance\\n\\tzEthical governance will be successful when the Civil Servants are responsible and have ethical values.\\n\\tzIt is not always effective/efficient government.\\n\\tzSMART Governance\\nS → Simple\\nM → Moral\\nA → Accountable\\nR → Responsive\\nT → TransparentProcedure\\n\\tzTechnology\\n\\t\\x81(e-governance Simplification \\nInnovative)\\n\\tzRelationship among Good, Ethical & Smart Governance\\nEthical Governance Smart Governance\\nGood Governance\\n(has characteristics of both others) Best \\nkind of governance\\n\\tzPhilosophical basis of Governance & Probity\\n\\t\\x81Western thinkers\\n\\t\\x89Idealism\\nAristotle\\nHegel\\nTH GreenState is moral institutionValues and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x89Liberals + Libertarians\\nJohn Locke\\nAdam Smith\\nJ. Bentham\\nH. Spencer\\nRobert NozickState is Agency and Citizens are \\nits Clients.\\n\\t\\x89Egalitarians\\nJohn Rawls\\nCB Mopherson\\n\\t\\x89Democratic Socialism\\nJ L Nehru\\nJ P Narayan\\nEdward Bernstein\\nG. Bernard\\n\\t\\x81Egalitarians + Democratic Socialism = Distributive Justice Welfare State\\n\\tzIndian Philosophy\\n\\t\\x81Kautilya – Arthashastra (Seven Organ Theory of State)\\n\\t\\x81M. Gandhi – ‘Politics without dharma is like a dead body’.\\n\\tzWhat is Corruption?\\n\\t\\x81In day to day terms\\n\\t\\x89Broad/Common sense meaning\\n\\t\\x89Specific meaning\\n\\t\\x81Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988: Does not define corruption.\\n\\t\\x81UN Convention on corruption also doesn’t define it.\\n\\tzProvisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988\\n\\t\\x81No definition given – explained by Section 7–15\\n\\t\\x89 Misappropriation\\n\\t\\x89Bribe to do something\\n\\t\\x89Frequently – criminal misconduct\\n\\t\\x89 Influence – on a public servant\\n\\t\\x89 Abetment\\n\\t\\x89Disproportionate assets\\n\\tzSuggestions of the 2nd ARC\\n2nd ARC: 2005\\nVeerappa Moily – V. Ramachandran\\n15 reports\\n\\t\\x81RTI Report 1\\n\\t\\x81Ethics in governance (Report 4)\\n\\t\\x81E-governance (Report 11)\\n\\t\\x81Citizen Centric government (Report 12)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzSuggestions\\n\\t\\x81Against the oath.\\n\\t\\x81Against Constitutional values. \\n\\t\\x81Supporting/Opposing an individual without benefits.\\n\\t\\x81Wastage of public money.\\n\\t\\x81Acts – obstruction of justice.\\n\\tzTypes of Corruption\\n\\t\\x81Different Areas\\n\\t\\x89Political Corruption: Election expenditure, Horse trading, Defection, Policy making, Projects, \\nIllegal practices.\\n\\t\\x89Administrative Corruption.\\n\\t\\x89Judiciary Corruption: Lower judiciary (bail arrest), Judgement, Higher judiciary.\\n\\t\\x89Private Sector: Appointments, procurement, goods/services.\\n\\t\\x89Social Sector Corruption: NGOs, Money laundering, Foreign funding.\\n\\t\\x81Nature of Corruption\\n\\u2003 Coercive Corruption\\n\\t¾Compulsion/ Pressure \\n\\t\\x99Hold a file\\n\\t\\x99Discretion Collusive Corruption\\n\\t¾Flyover\\n\\t¾Victims – Public\\n\\t¾Defenceto get \\nbenefitCivil Engineer\\nContractor\\n\\tzTypes of Corruption: Need vs creed based\\n Need-based\\n\\t¾Poverty\\n\\t¾Low salary\\n\\t¾Irregular salary\\n\\t¾Education/HealthGreed-based\\n\\t¾No limitsPsychology\\n\\tzCauses of Corruption\\n\\t\\x81Social-Cultural Factors: If something is socially accepted then it becomes difficult to remove.\\n\\t\\x89Marital relationships – Dowry.\\n\\t\\x89Culture of monetary benefits – Bakshish.\\n\\t\\x89Consumer society – Materials, Luxuries.\\n\\t\\x81Economic Factors: Monopoly of government\\n\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003\\u2003No competition\\nNo comparisonsCorruption\\n\\t\\x89Poverty (lack of social security)\\n\\t\\x89Costly basic amenities (education, health)Values and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Causes of Corruption\\n\\tzPolitical Factors\\n\\t\\x81Political Culture\\n\\t\\x89People are less aware\\n\\t\\x89Corruption is not considered to be a big deal\\n\\t\\x89Feudalism\\n\\t\\x81Charismatic Leadership: Individual centric system\\n\\t\\x81Democracy: No State funding\\n\\t\\x81Political Will: Elimination of corruption\\n\\tzPsychological Factors\\n\\t\\x81People are selfish and pleasure loving.\\n\\t\\x81Maximisation of pleasure → Maximum money → Short cut methods to achieve it → Corruption.\\n\\t\\x81Chanakya: One can not eliminate corruption, one can only reduce it.\\n\\tzLegal & Administrative Factors\\n\\t\\x81Weak Legal Infrastructure\\n\\t\\x89Prevention of Corruption Act\\n\\t\\x89Lokpal\\n\\t\\x89Benami transaction\\n\\t\\x81Administrative Structure\\n\\t\\x89Administrative Reforms\\nPolitical Corruption: Factors & Forms\\n\\tzElection Funding\\n\\tzHung Assembly/Coalition = Horse Trading\\n\\tzDefection\\n\\tzDevelopment Projects\\n\\tzPolicy Making\\nSuggestions to Control Political Corruption\\n\\tzLegal Framework\\n\\tzEthical Framework: Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, Training.\\n\\tzCivil Society: Public awareness, NGOs (Anna Movement)\\n\\tzIndependent and free media (Social Media)\\n\\tzLegal Framework\\n\\t\\x81Disqualification\\n\\t\\x89Article-102, 191 – Parliament\\n\\t\\x89 Representation of People Act, Section 8 – Convicted crime → 2 years or above\\n\\t\\x89 Disqualified – Term of punishment + 6 years\\n\\t\\x89 2013 - Section 8 scrapped.\\n\\tz2nd ARC Recommendation: In very heinous cases the candidate can get disqualified from fighting \\nelections. \\n\\t\\x81Corruption should be added to the list of criminal activities.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzAnti-Defection Law\\n\\t\\x811985–52nd Amendment Act (10th Schedule)\\n\\t\\x8121st Amendment (2003): If two-third members agrees, defection takes place.\\n\\t\\x81Kihoto Hollohan vs Zachillhu: Judicial Review (Speaker decision can be questioned)\\n\\t\\x812nd ARC recommended: Election Commission can be consulted over the matter and it should \\nbe the deciding body.\\n\\tzCoalition Politics: Horse trading\\n\\t\\x812nd ARC recommended:\\n\\t\\x89Pre-poll alliances should be preferred\\n\\t\\x89Common minimum programme\\n\\t\\x89Manifesto\\n\\t\\x89During the term if affiliations change then re-elections can take place.\\n\\tzExpedite the Election Petition\\nHigh Court\\nRPA – 6 months\\n\\t\\x812nd ARC Recommendations\\n\\t\\x89Election tribunals\\n\\t\\x89Article 323A (CAT), 323-B \\nRetired High Court Judge \\nPerson has 5 years of experience\\n\\tzChief Election Commissioners (CEC) and Election Commissioners\\n\\t\\x81Judges have a collegium\\n\\t\\x81CVC has a collegium\\n\\t\\x81CEC can also have a collegium\\n\\t\\x812nd ARC suggests, the collegium can have PM, Speaker, Law Minister, Leader of Opposition in Lok \\nSabha, Deputy Chairperson of Rajya Sabha.\\n\\tzState Funding of Elections\\n\\t\\x81Indrajit Gupta Committee suggested partial funding should be done.\\nEthical Infrastructure \\n\\tzCode of Ethics: Values that the people of certain profession have to follow.\\n\\tzCode of Conduct : Specific Do’s and Don’ts\\n\\tzMinisters Code of Conduct\\n\\tzDisclosure of assets and liabilities.\\n\\tzDisclosure of business interest.\\n\\tzAvoid: Conflict of Interest\\n\\tzConfidentiality\\n\\tzNo shares in a company which works for government.\\nCode of Ethics\\n\\tzNolan Committee: ‘Report on Standards in Public Life.’\\n\\tzIt talks about seven values:\\n\\t\\x81Integrity – Public interest in centre\\n\\t\\x81SelflessnessValues and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81Objectivity\\n\\t\\x81Accountability\\n\\t\\x81Openness – information sharing\\n\\t\\x81Honesty\\n\\t\\x81Leadership – exemplary behaviour.\\nCorruption in Public Services: Causes\\n\\tzSocial and Cultural Reasons\\n\\t\\x81Society has given acceptance to corruption.\\n\\tzPolitical Reasons\\n\\t\\x81State funding is not provided\\n\\t\\x81Political culture\\n\\tzLegal Reasons\\n\\t\\x81Weak laws\\n\\t\\x81Enforcement of laws is also weak\\n\\tzAdministrative Reasons\\n\\t\\x81Discretion\\n\\t\\x81Passive work culture\\n\\t\\x81Monopoly\\n\\tzPsychological Reasons: Civil servants are also human beings, they can also indulge into corrupt \\npractices to fulfil their aspirations.\\nCorruption in Public Services: Forms\\nCollusive Coercive Others\\nEither the government or the public \\nis at loss.\\nExamples:\\n\\t¾Policy Making\\n\\t¾Developmental Project\\n\\t¾Procurement\\t¾Delivery of Public Services.\\n\\t¾Appointments\\n\\t¾Illegal Activities (Construction of \\nbuildings, bars).\\t¾Abuse of power\\n\\t¾Wastage of money should be \\ncontrolled.\\n\\t¾Constitutional Values (going against \\nthem)\\n\\t¾Wilful default of oath can be added.\\nHow to Control Corruption in Public Services\\n\\tzLegal Framework\\n\\t\\x81Changes in Constitution\\n\\t\\x81Changes in Acts\\n\\tzAdministrative Framework\\n\\tzEthical Framework\\nAmendments made in Prevention of Corruption Act\\n2018 – Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018\\n\\tzDefinition: ‘Gratification other than legal remuneration/valuable’ thing has been changed to ‘Undue \\nadvantage.’\\n\\tzBribe giving is also an offence now.\\n\\tzEven commercial organization can be charged for corruption.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzPrior sanction of approval authority\\n\\t\\x81Joint Secretary & above government approval is needed.\\n\\t\\x8117-A\\n\\t\\x89Except Red handed cases, government servants approval is required\\n\\tzForfeiture of property\\n\\t\\x8118-A\\n\\t\\x89To the extent of the amount of corruption done.\\n\\tzTime frame for corruption cases – 2 years, can be extended by 6 months, maximum 4 times, reasons \\nhave to be given.\\n\\tzPunishment increased\\n\\t\\x81Earlier → 6 months – 5 years\\n\\t\\x81Now → 3 years – 7 years\\nLegal Suggestions by 2nd ARC\\n\\tzPresent Legal Framework\\n\\t\\x81Constitution – Article 309, 310, 311, CAG\\n\\t\\x81Prevention of Corruption Act – 1947, 1988, 2018\\n\\t\\x81Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 162-165 repealed, Section 409 of criminal breach trust\\n\\t\\x81The Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) \\nAct, 2013.\\n\\t\\x81Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 2016.\\n\\t\\x81Whistle blowers Protection Act, 2014.\\n\\t\\x81Lokpal and Lokayukta – Constitutional Act.\\n\\tzChanges Recommended by 2nd ARC\\n\\t\\x81Amendment in definition of corruption – Prevention of Corruption Act.\\n\\t\\x81Article 310, 311 should be removed and relevant points should be merged in Article 309.\\n\\t\\x81Amendment in Benami Transaction Prohibition Act, 1988 → Amend, Comprehensive, \\nImplementable → Act of 2016.\\n\\t\\x81The Corrupt Civil Servants (Forfeiture of Property) Bill, 2013 – included in Prevention of \\nCorruption Act (2018).\\n\\t\\x81Whistleblower Protection Act, 2014\\n\\t\\x81False Claims Act.\\n\\t\\x81Approval of Prosecution\\n\\t\\x81Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 → CBI formed.\\nAdministrative Suggestions\\n\\tzE-governance\\n\\tzCitizen Charter\\n\\tzRTI\\n\\tzPublic Service Guarantee Act\\n\\tzReducing Discretion: SoPs, discretion of committee\\n\\tzSocial Audit of development projects\\n\\tzPromoting competition – eliminating monopolyValues and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzSingle window system\\n\\tzPreventive vigilance, Risk profiling, Intelligence gathering, Vigilance network.\\n\\tzSupervisory positions.\\nEthical Infrastructure\\nEthical Guidance Ethical Accountability\\n\\tzCode of Ethics ACR (Annual Confidential Report)\\n\\tzCode of Conduct RTI, E-governance\\n\\tzOthers (Seminars) Public Service Guarantee Act, Social Audit.\\nCode of Ethics v/s Code of Conduct\\nCode of Ethics Code of Conduct\\n\\t¾Basic Values\\n\\t¾Universal\\n\\t¾Moral Pressure\\n\\t¾Abstract\\n\\t¾Stable\\t¾Detailed document of prescribed activities. Do’s and Dont’s.\\n\\t¾Specific\\n\\t¾Moral + Legal Pressure\\n\\t¾Concrete\\n\\t¾Dynamic\\nCode of Ethics for Public Services\\n\\tzCode of Conduct\\n\\t\\x81Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964\\n\\t\\x81All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968\\n\\t\\x81State Civil Services (Conduct) Rules\\n\\tzCode of Ethics for Public Services\\n\\t\\x81Integrity and Honesty\\n\\t\\x81Political Neutrality\\n\\t\\x81Accountability, transparency and responsiveness\\n\\t\\x81Supremacy of Constitution and Democratic Values\\n\\t\\x81Taking decisions solely in Public Interest.\\n\\t\\x81Efficient, Effective and Economical use of Public resources.\\n\\t\\x81Upholding sovereignty, integrity of nation.\\n\\t\\x81Maintaining confidentiality of Information.\\n\\t\\x81Highest degree of professionalism.\\n\\t\\x81Not to go beyond law, rules, etc unreasonably.\\nCode of Conduct for Public Services\\n\\tzCode of Conduct for Personal Life\\n\\t\\x81No Bigamy (Consent of government if religion approves)\\n\\t\\x81No Dowry\\n\\t\\x81No Intoxication, Drugs\\n\\t\\x81No child labour (less than 14 years)\\n\\t\\x81No adultery\\n\\t\\x81No misuse of power for friends, relatives, etc.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzCode of Conduct for Public Life\\n\\t\\x81Don’t criticize government policies/decisions\\n\\t\\x81No Political Participation – except voting\\n\\t\\x81Don’t express views in Public\\n\\t\\x89Media\\n\\t\\x89Newspaper\\n\\t\\x89Social Media\\n\\t\\x81Only with Permission indulge in\\n\\t\\x89Literature\\n\\t\\x89Arts\\n\\t\\x89Science\\n\\t\\x81No confidential information\\n\\t\\x81No Public Statements – Problem\\n\\t\\x89Centre-state relations\\n\\t\\x89State-state relations\\n\\t\\x89India-other countries\\n\\tzCode of Conduct for Official Life\\n\\t\\x81Follow the directions (written)\\n\\t\\x81Discretion to be used wisely\\n\\t\\x81No external pressure on your superiors\\n\\t\\x81No court/tribunals for internal administrative matters (unless it is through proper channel)\\n\\t\\x81No sexual harassment\\n\\t\\x81Not transfer duties to some private individual.\\nPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. What is international ethics? At present, what are the burning issues in international ethics? What, \\nin your opinion, should be the fundamental policy of Government of India in reference to these \\nissues? (200 words)\\n 2. What is Corporate Governance? Is it related to the private sector organizations exclusively or it \\nencompasses governmental organizations as well? How does its use ensure the presence of ethics? \\n(200 words)\\n 3. What do you understand by Good Governance? How is it different from Ethical Governance and \\nSmart Governance? Explain with the help of current Indian examples. (200 Words)\\n 4. “The absence of a concrete definition of corruption and limited inclusion of acts therein is a big \\ncause that corruption has been unchecked so far.” While thinking on this statement, mention which \\nreforms, in your opinion, are required in this area? (200 Words)\\n 5. “ Although corruption has never been absolutely eliminated in any society throughout the world, \\nyet it is true that its level is different in different countries and societies. Some societies are less \\ncorrupt than other societies”. In the light of above statement, explain the fundamental reasons \\nbehind the existence and continuation of corruption in India. (200 Words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzCode of conduct in Financial Matters \\n\\t\\x81Take care of public money.\\n\\t\\x81No personal dealings with official dealers.\\n\\t\\x81Not allowed to misuse government accommodation/property.\\n\\t\\x81Not allowed to do private business.\\n\\t\\x81Should not do speculative trading.\\n\\t\\x81Not involved in money lending.\\n\\t\\x81Not allowed to receive gifts which can influence decision-making.\\n\\tzCorruption in Judicial services: Forms\\n\\t\\x81Judgments: for passing right or wrong judgements\\n\\t\\x81Misuse of governments property/funds/authority.\\n\\t\\x81Wilful disobedience of the rules, oath.\\n\\t\\x81Strictures (harsh comments which are not required) can be passed against other government \\nbodies.\\n\\tzCauses of corruption in Judicial Services.\\n\\t\\x81Legal Aspects: Any provision against judges except when they can be removed from the service \\nis not inoperative we must have a specific law for the conduct of Judges.\\n\\t\\x89Background of Judiciary; Desire to be rich and luxury life. \\n\\t\\x89Social-cultural Reasons: Peer pressure to earn more money.\\n\\t\\x89Political Culture: outside pressure on Judiciary.\\n\\tzPresent Legal framework to control corruption in Judiciary:\\n\\t\\x89Article 124: removal of judges.\\n\\t\\x89Collegium system: Judges appointing judges creates problem.\\n\\t\\x89Prevention of corruption Act\\n\\tzAttempts to improve the legal framework:\\n\\t\\x812010: Judicial Standards an Account ability Bill.\\n\\t\\x812014: 99th Constitutional Amendments Act, established National Judicial Appointment \\nCommission (NJAC).\\n\\t\\x812015: NJAC scrapped, unconstitutional.\\n\\tzSuggestions by 2nd ARC to improve the Legal Framework:\\n\\t\\x81Should have National Judicial Commission.\\n\\t\\x81Article 124 to be amended.Values and Ethics in Public \\nAdministration (Part – IV)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t\\x81Appointment, transfer, promotion of Judges.\\n\\t\\x81Hold the investigation etc., against recommendation removal\\nSmaller punishments\\n\\t\\x81Appoint a ‘Judicial values commissioner’ in Supreme Court and each High Court.\\n\\t\\x81Clear cut Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).\\n\\t\\x81Develop a code of conduct for judges.\\n\\tzPresent Ethical Framework:\\n\\t\\x81Code of Ethics\\n\\t\\x81Code of Conduct: 1997, Passed a charter ‘Restatement of values of Judicial life.’\\n\\tzCode of Conduct:\\n\\t\\x81Principle of Justice: Natural Justice [not to be a judge in your own matter.] Friends/Family \\nshareholder family (lawyer) – not to stay government house.\\n\\t\\x81Justiceto be done\\nseen to be done\\n\\tzDegree of Aloofness: Public debates, media, lawyers, family.\\n\\tzFinancial Matters: no gifts/invitation/financial privilege\\n\\t\\x81no business/trade\\n\\t\\x81gamble/speculative share trading\\n\\t\\x81Don’t ask for any financial contribution for any organisation.\\n\\t\\x81‘people are watching us very carefully’.\\n\\tzSuggestion for code of Ethics for Judiciary.\\n\\tzNolan committee:\\n\\t\\x81Integrity\\n\\t\\x81Honesty\\n\\t\\x81Accountability\\n\\t\\x81Transparency/openers \\n\\t\\x81Objectivity\\n\\t\\x81Selflessness\\n\\t\\x81Leadership\\n\\tzNeutrality, Non Partisonship, Impartiality, Compassion, Empathy, Tolerance- these qualities can also \\nbe added.\\n\\tzUtilisation of public funds: Why important?\\n\\t\\x81Developing Country: Huge requirement of money.\\n\\t\\x81Welfare state: weaker sections should be provided resources.\\n\\t\\x81Global competition: efficient manner.\\n\\tzPublic Funds\\n\\t\\x81Consolidated Fund of India/State [Article 266 (1)]\\n\\t\\x81Public fund of India/State [Article 266 (2)]: Bank deposits\\n\\t\\x81Contingency Fund of India/State [Article 267 (1)]: Emergency fund\\n\\t\\x81Consolidated Fund: Whatever the government earns/spends Tax collection, Revenues, profits.\\n\\tz Problems regarding utilisation of Public Funds:\\n\\t\\x81Corruption\\n\\t\\x81Wastage of fundsValues and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81March Rush: Spending of funds left in accounts.\\n\\t\\x81Populist measures of subsidies: Huge Expenses\\n\\t\\x81Huge recurring casts Non-developments expenditure\\nDevelopmental expenditure\\n\\t\\x81Merit and Non-merit subsidies give benefit to all society\\n\\tzPresent mechanism to ensure proper utilisation:\\n\\t\\x81Budget\\n\\t\\x81Internal Audit\\n\\t\\x81External Audit – CAG (148 article)\\n\\t\\x81Public Accounts Committee\\n\\tzHow to improve the utilisation of Public Funds:\\n\\t\\x81Planning: Credible data, data analysis mechanism\\n\\t\\x81Allocation: Zero base budgeting\\n\\t\\x81Performances base budgeting\\n\\t\\x81Gender budget\\n\\t\\x81Audit: Internal\\n\\t\\x81External (CAG)\\n\\t\\x81Social Audit\\n\\t\\x81E-Governance: to cut expenses procedure part\\n\\t\\x81Encouragement for raising resources.\\nPeople who give \\nservices on behalf of \\nstate. \\nExample: UPSCServices given to the citizens \\nby the state.\\nExample: Law and Order \\nElectricity, EducationConcept of Public Service\\n\\tzWho is a Public Servant?\\n\\t\\x81Working for the state and enjoying financial benefits from the state funds.\\n\\t\\x81Example: Civil Servants, Government servants, Judicial services, Legislative Services, Armed \\nforces, Parmilitary forces.\\nIPC – Section 21 \\nPrevention of Corruption Act 1988 – Section RTI Act \\nBanking Regulation Act, 1949Chief Minister- Karunanidhi case\\nJudges – Veeraswami case\\nCJI – Subhash ChandraAgarwal Cas\\nNGOs – who are ‘substantially funded’.\\nBanks/NBFC – MD/Directors of banking companies if dealt with malpractices (Example: ICICI, \\nHDFC Banks)\\n\\tzExtended meaning of public servants?\\nNGOs\\nTrustProfessionals Good Citizens Mothers (Fathers)\\n↓\\nDutiful\\n↓\\nSocial \\nCommitment↓\\nfollows laws, \\nregulations \\nnormsupbringing \\nof childrenDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EHuman being is selfish. \\nHumans does not of desire of \\nRespect, status, power.Karl Marx (social nature)\\nJS Mill (selfish + social)\\nM. GandhiEgoism\\nHedonism\\nEgoism (to some \\nextent)\\nHedonism (plasures)Psychology behind Public Service\\nThomas Hobbes\\nJ. Bentham\\n\\tzAbraham Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs\\nSelf56 Self Transcendental needs: Spiritually, society\\nActualisation: Self Awareness/Happiness\\nSocial status, Respect\\nFamily, Friends\\nJob, Health, Financial, Economic\\nSleep, Food, Clothes, ShelterEsteem4\\nLove & \\nBelongingness3\\nSafety Needs 2\\nPsychological Needs 1(1943)\\n\\tzValues involved in PUblic Service:\\n\\t\\x81To understand the suffering of Public: empathy, Objectivity\\n\\t\\x81Feeling to do something for the society: Compassion, tolerance, Sensitivity.\\n\\t\\x81To do social work with consistent Motivation: Perseverance, Integrity, Honesty, Probity, Fortitutde, \\nCourage of Conviction.\\n\\tzPublic Services: Second Meaning\\nServices provide by state \\nto citizens/residentsEducation/Health\\nElectricity/water/Cleanliness\\nLaw & Order\\n\\tzIssues with the governance of PSUS\\nPublic Sector UndertakingsONGC\\nGSL\\n\\tzParameters regarding Public Services:\\n\\t\\x81How many services being provided?\\n\\t\\x89Police state: Law & Order, Justice, no welfare services\\n\\t\\x89Welfare state: Health, Education, Electricity Water\\n\\t\\x81Who provides the services?\\n\\t\\x89State by itself.\\n\\t\\x89State through private agencies\\n\\t\\x89State and private organisation collectively.\\n\\t\\x81Price of Services?\\n\\t\\x89It can be free (state bears all the cost).\\n\\t\\x89Subsidised priceValues and ethics in Public administration\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x89Cost Price\\n\\t\\x89Market Price\\n\\tzPublic Services in Socialists, Capitalist and Mixed Economies:\\n\\t\\x81Socialist/Communists State: All basic services is given by state.\\n\\t\\x89Government has to provide all/most services.\\n\\t\\x89Free or cost basis.\\n\\t\\x89Minimum private sector.\\n\\t\\x89Example: Cubo, North Korea, China.\\n\\t\\x81Capitalist Economy: USA, UK, Germany, Singapore\\n\\t\\x89Private sector very active. (provides services).\\n\\t\\x89Market price\\n\\t\\x89Fund services – subsidies\\n\\t\\x89Both government and private sector work in collaboration.\\n\\t\\x81Mixed Economies.\\n\\t\\x89ServicesFundamental, Strategic by state\\nOther services by collaboration of state and private sector.\\n\\t\\x81Pricing:\\n\\t\\x89Fundamental – Free/ subsidised\\n\\t\\x89Desirable – Market / subsidised\\n\\tzRight approach for India\\n\\t\\x81Strategic services: State\\n\\t\\x81Fundamental services: State and Private sector (controlled by state)\\n\\t\\x81Each company should have a cyber security network.\\n\\t\\x81Desirable services: Privatisation (Internet, Air travel, Pastage).\\n\\tzQuality of service delivery: The Context\\n\\t\\x81Globalisation: Comparison with other states indexes\\n\\t\\x81Privatisation: Competition\\n\\t\\x81Social Media: Twitter → raise voice or grievances\\n\\t\\x81Civil Society, Education: Voting behaviour charges of people\\nPRACTICE QUESTION\\n 1. Generally, two documents constitute the ethical infrastructure of an institution – code of ethics \\nand code of conduct. Explain the differences as well as the mutual relationship between the two \\non the basis of the examples from the code of conduct prescribed for civil services. (200 words) \\n 2. “Whatsoever is the profession of an individual, the fundamental values of his/her professional \\nehtics remain similar.” In reference to this statement, propase an ideal code of ethics for professionals. \\n(200 words)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501.3 Branches of Philosophy\\nEpistemology Metaphysics Ethics \\nTheory of Knowledge\\nIt is about:\\n\\t¾What is knowledge?\\n\\t¾What are the authentic \\nsources of knowledge?\\n\\t¾Authenticity/ Validity of \\nKnowledge.\\n\\t¾Limitations of knowledge.Theory of Reality\\n\\t¾Theology \\n\\t\\x99Deals with Questions \\npertaining to god.\\n\\t¾Cosmology\\n\\t\\x99All about the universe.\\n\\tzPsychology \\n\\t\\x99Self/soulPurpose of life\\n\\t¾Attainment of Purpose \\nDIFFERENCE BETWEEN INDIAN AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHY\\n\\t¾Not a discipline\\n\\t¾No specific books\\n\\t\\x99Metaphysics\\n\\t¾Spiritual Connection\\t¾Separate discipline \\n\\t¾Specific Books\\n\\t\\x99Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics. \\n\\t\\x99J.S. Mill: Utilitarianism\\n\\t¾Less Spiritual ConnectionIndian Western\\nVedic Philosophy Post Vedic\\n\\t¾Does not believe in \\nauthenticity of Vedas.\\n\\t¾Schools\\n\\t\\x99Charvaka\\n\\t\\x99Jainism\\n\\t\\x99Buddhism\\t¾Believes in authenticity of Vedas.\\n\\t¾Schools\\n\\t\\x99Shad-Darshan\\n\\t\\x99Hindu Philosophy\\n\\t\\x99Sanatan DharmaSchools of Indian Philosophy\\nVedas Upanishads \\n(Vedant)Orthodox\\nSchools (Astika)Heterodox\\nSchools (Nastika)Contributions of Moral \\nThinkers and Philosophers \\nfrom India and WorldDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t¾Gautama\\n\\t¾Logical\\n\\t\\x99Atomism\\n\\t\\x99Arguments \\nfor existence \\nof God\\n\\t¾Jaimini\\nPrabhakar \\nMishraKumarail \\nBhatt\\t¾Kapila Muni\\n\\t\\x99Sattva, Rajas, \\nTamas\\n\\t\\x99Purush \\n(Consciousness)\\n\\t\\x99Prakriti (Matter)\\t¾Patanjali\\n\\t¾Ashtang Yoga\\n\\t\\x99Yam\\n\\t\\x99Niyam\\n\\t\\x99Aasan\\n\\t\\x99Pranayam\\n\\t\\x99Pratyahar\\n\\t\\x99Dharana\\n\\t\\x99Dhyan\\n\\t\\x99Samadhi\\t¾KannadaOrthodox Schools\\nSankhya Yoga Nyaya\\nMimansaVaisheshika\\nVedant\\n\\t¾Mundak\\n\\t¾Prashna\\n\\t¾Ken\\n\\t¾Kath\\n\\t¾IshBadarayan\\nPrasthan TrayeeUpanishad Brahma Sutra GeetaSources\\n\\t¾19th-20th Century.\\n\\t¾Neo-Vedanta School creates a \\nbalance between being \\ntranscendental and being \\nworldly.\\n\\t¾Focuses on this world.\\n\\t¾Focuses this world.\\n\\t¾Major Figures\\n\\t\\x99Vivekanand\\n\\t\\x99Aurobindo\\n\\t\\x99Mahatma Gandhi\\n\\t\\x99Dr. RadhakrishnaClassification of Vedanta Philosophy\\nAdvaita Vedanta Vaishnana Vedanta Neo-Vedanta\\n\\t¾Non dualism\\n\\t¾Shankaracharya\\n\\t¾Ultimate = Brahma Reality\\t¾Dualism\\n\\t¾Ramanujacharya- Vishisht-Advaita \\n(Qualified Nondualism)\\n\\t¾Attempt to attach Bhakti with \\ndevotion.\\n\\t¾Vallabhacharya- Krishna Avatar\\n\\t\\x99Shuddh Advaita\\n\\t\\x99Pushti Marg\\n\\t¾Nimbarkacharya\\n\\t\\x99Dvaita-Advaita (Dualistic – Non-\\nDualism)\\n\\t¾Madhvacharya\\n\\t\\x99DvaitvadaContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501MONISM\\nMatter\\n\\t¾Materialism\\n\\t¾Eg: Charvaka, Karl \\nMarxConsciousness\\n\\t¾Idealism\\n\\t¾Eg: M. Gandhi, \\nShankaracharyaNeutral\\n\\t¾Neutralism\\n\\t¾Eg: Spinoza\\nImportant Indian Thinkers\\n\\tzMost Important Thinkers/Ideology\\n\\t\\x81Mahatma Gandhi\\n\\t\\x81Geeta\\n\\tzImportant Thinkers/Ideology\\n\\t\\x81Jain Ethics\\n\\t\\x81Budhist Ethics\\n\\t\\x81Deen Dayal Upadhyay\\n\\tzLess Important Thinkers/Ideology\\n\\t\\x81Charvaka\\n\\t\\x81 Thiruvalluvar\\n\\t\\x81Dr. Ambedkar (Navyan/Neo Budhism)\\nESSENCE OF VEDIC ETHICS\\n\\tzExtrovertive Ethics\\n\\tzPower, Longevity\\n\\tzClose to hedonism\\nESSENCE OF ETHICS OF UPANISHADS\\n\\tzIntroversive Ethics\\n\\tzSpiritualism\\n\\t\\x81Ascetism – Avoidance of physical pleasures.\\nKarma\\n \\nRebirth\\n \\nImmortality \\nof SoulVarnashram Dharma PursharthFundamental Ethics Principles of Indian Philosophy\\nVarna AshramRin\\nSanskarDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EFour Purushartha \\n\\tzMeaning: Purpose of Human Life Dharma (Righteousness)\\nArth (Prosperity)\\nKaam (Pleasure)\\nMoksha (Liberation/Salvation)\\nPrime/Ultimate Purpose of Life\\nDharma\\n\\t¾Dharma ≠ Religion\\n \\n Re/ligaire\\n\\t¾Dharma = Duties\\nGeneral Specific\\nFor everyone Varna Specific\\n/`fr% {kek neks vLrs; \\';kkSpe~ bfUnz;fuxzg%A \\n/h% fo|k lR;e~ vØks/ks n\\'kd /eZ y{k.ke~%AA (euqLe`fr)\\n“Dhritih Kshama Damoasteyam Shaucham Indriya-nigrahah, \\nDheeh Vidya Satyam Akrodho Dashakam Dharma Lakshanam” \\n (Manusmriti)\\n“Sharti dharayati Va Lokan it Dharmah”\\n10 Characteristics of Dharma\\n1. Dhriti → Patience\\n2. Kshama →\\t Forgiveness\\n3. Damo → Self control on desires\\n4. Asteyam → Non Stealing\\n5. Shaucham → Cleanliness\\n6. Indriya Nigraha → Control on senses\\n7. Dheeh → Mindfulness\\n8. Vidya → Wisdom\\n9. Satyam → Truth\\n10. Akrodho → Non AngerContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Concepts of Arth & Kaam\\n\\tzArth →\\tProsperity →\\tto fulfil needs\\n\\tz Kaam →\\t Narrow Meaning\\n↓\\t ↓\\nBroad Meaning Libido\\n↓\\nAll pleasures\\n\\tz“Ten Tyakten Bhunjeetha”\\n – Ish Upanishad\\nConcept of Moksh\\n\\tzMukti\\n\\tzNirvan - Buddists\\n\\tzKaivalya - Jain\\n\\tzApavarga - Nyaya\\n\\tzNishreyas - Minansa\\nMoksh means liberation from bondage\\n↓\\nKarma bandhan\\nCycle of birth\\nMoksh\\n\\t¾State of ultimate \\n& eternal bliss.\\n\\t¾Vedanta\\n\\t¾Jainism\\n\\t¾Mahayan \\nBuddhism\\t¾Hinayan Buddhism\\n\\t¾Sankhya\\n\\t¾Yoga\\t¾Nyaya\\n\\t¾Vaisheshika\\n\\t¾MimansaPositive\\nEnd of \\nSufferingsNegative\\nEnd of \\nConsciousness\\nPath to Moksha\\nGyan Bhakti KarmMixedAny Lord Krishma\\nGeeta\\nRamanujacharyaAdvaita Vedanta MimansaJains: Triratna\\n Samyak \\n Darshan (Faith)\\n Samyak Gyan\\n Samyak CharitraDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud ELink between Moksha and Rebirth\\n3 Types of Karma\\nSanchit Sancheeyman Prarabdha\\n\\t¾Stored/ Collected \\nKarmas\\t¾Karma that is being \\nstored.\\n\\t¾Present karma\\t¾Collection of past karmas \\nwhich are ready to be \\nexperienced.\\n\\t¾Result process has started\\n\\tzAnasakta Karma\\n\\t\\x81Means non-attachment/detached to outcome.\\n\\t\\x81Offset the balance of present karma.\\n\\t\\x81Eg: Roasted Seeds which do not bear fruits.\\n\\tzBuddha believes in the stream of consciousness.\\nSignificance of Purusharthas in Present Times\\nMoksha\\n\\tz Negative Impacts:\\n\\t\\x81People become that worldly.\\n\\t\\x81Hence they become weak as citizens\\n\\t\\x81Over all weakness towards fulfillment of responsibilities.\\n\\t\\x81Only for Males. (eg. Digambar Jains)\\n\\tzPositive Impact:\\n\\t\\x81Attach with this world.\\nKaam\\n\\tzBalanced way of life.\\n\\tzAs said in Ish Upanishad, \" Ten tyaktena bhunjitha\"\\n\\tzMindful consumption which leads to sustainable living and development.\\nArth\\n\\tzEntrepreneurship with a sense of Trusteeship.\\n\\tzSociety should be the beneficiary after ones required consumption.\\nDharma\\n\\tzCommunalism is rising these days all over the world.\\n\\tzGood sense of Dharma should prevail.\\nVarnashram Dharma\\nVarna\\nBrahmacharya\\n(1-25 years)KshatriyaGrihastha\\n(25-50 years)VaishyaVanprastha\\n(50-75 years)ShudraSanyasAshramContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Characteristics\\n\\tzHereditary in nature\\n\\tzForms the foundation for caste system\\n\\tzVarna system cannot be justified due to immense occupational diversification.\\nSanskaras\\nMeaning-1\\n\\t¾Values Properly \\ninculcated\\n↓\\nwhich becomes a part \\nof subconscious \\n\\t¾Equivalent to \\nvirtues of Western \\nworld.\\t¾Rites de Passage\\n\\t↓\\nRituals→turning point \\n\\t\\t\\t↓\\nSanskaras\\n\\t¾Garbhadhan\\n\\t¾Namkaran\\n\\t¾Upanayan/Yagyopaveet\\n\\t¾Panigrahan\\n\\t¾AntyeshtiMeaning-2\\n3 Rin\\n\\t¾Deities\\n\\t¾Rituals\\t¾Rishi, Muni, \\nTeachers\\t¾Parents, Grandparents, Relatives\\n\\t¾Social insuranceDaiv Rishi PitraDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Karma Siddhant\\n\\tzCausation\\n\\t\\x81Cause- effect relationship\\n\\tzKarma Principle is the theory of causation in ethics which means our every deed leads to a result \\nand everything we suffer or enjoy is the result of our previous deeds.\\nCHARVAKA PHILOSOPHY\\n\\tzHeterodox School\\n\\tzOriginal Texts are missing \\nEpistemology of Charvaka philosophy\\n\\tzPerception: Knowledge coming through five senses.\\n\\tzPerception is authentic.\\nMetaphysics of Charvaka philosophy\\n\\tz Did not believe in God, Heaven, hell, soul, Rebirth, Karma siddhant, Moksha.\\nEthics of Charvaka Philosophy\\n\\tzThere is only one Purusharth-Kaam.\\n\\tzArth is the means to attain Kaam.\\n\\tzDharma – Rituals have no value\\n\\tzMoksha – Its is a lie \\n\\t\\x81This life is the only life.\\n\\t\\x81Nothing remains after death.\\nHEDONISM\\n\\tzIt is a philosophy which believes in having maximum pleasures.\\n\\tzThe philosophy which says we should have the pursuit of having most pleasures is known as \\nHedonism.Contributions of Moral \\nThinkers and Philosophers \\nfrom India and WorldDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EHedonism\\nWhose Pleasures\\nEgoistic Gross Universalistic/\\nAltruisticRefinedLevel of Pleasures\\nOnly my pleasures Only Quantitative \\ndifferencesHappiness of all Qualitative\\n+\\nQuantitative \\nDifferences\\nUnderstanding Hedonism through different combinations of the above:\\n\\tzGross Egoistic Hedonism (GEH)\\n\\t\\x81A thinker who believes is only his/her own pleasure and all pleasures are different in quantitative \\nTerms.\\n\\t\\x81Examples: Charwaka, Aristippus.\\n\\tzRefined Egoistic Hedonism (REH)\\n\\t\\x81A thinker who believes in his/her own pleasures but pleasures are different in Quantitative and \\nQualitative terms.\\n\\t\\x81Examples: Epicures, Epicurus\\n\\tzGross Universalistic Hedonism (GUH)\\n\\t\\x81A thinker who believes in happiness for all with Quantitative Differences.\\n\\t\\x81Example: Bentham.\\n\\tzRefined Universalistic Hedonism (RUH)\\n\\t\\x81A thinker who believes in happiness for all with Qualitative as will as Quantitative differences.\\n\\t\\x81Eg: J.S. Mill\\nKAAM\\n\\tzAccording to Charvaka:\\n\\t\\x81There is only one Pusushartha – Kaam\\n\\t\\x81One is responsible for only his/her happiness.\\n\\tzThey believed in GEH\\n\\t\\x81Only self happiness.\\n\\tzCertain pleasures are more important than uncertain pleasures.\\n\\t\\x81Eg: One sparrow in hand is better than two in a bush.\\n\\tzImmediate pleasure is more important than future pleasure.\\n\\t\\x81Eg: Today\\'s pigeon is more important than tomorrow\\'s peacock.\\nLater on – Cultured Charvaka\\n\\tzThey accepted Qualitative differences among pleasures. \\n\\t\\x81Eg: VatsyayanContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Critique of Charvaka Philosophy\\nGood Bad\\n\\t¾Rationality, Pragmatism\\n\\t¾This worldliness\\n\\t¾Realism\\n\\t¾Don\\'t deny happiness\\t¾Leds to Consumerism. \\n\\t¾Promotes selfishness which \\ncan lead to a weak societal \\nstructure.\\n\\t¾Objectification of women.\\n¶;kor~thosr lq[ka thosr, Í.k d`Rok ?k`re~ ficsrA¸\\nHkLehHkrL; nsgL;] iqujkxeua dqr%\\\\\\nYavat jivet sukham jivet, Runam Krutva ghrunam pivet.\\nBhasmi bhutasya dehasya Punaragaman kutah?\\n¶ihRok ihRok iqu% fiRok] ;kor~ irfr HkwrysA\\\\\\nPitva pitva, punah pitva Yavat patati bhu tale.\\nJAINISM\\nEpistemology\\n\\tzSyadavada\\n\\tzTheory of Relativity of Knowledge.\\nMetaphysics\\n\\tzAnekantavada\\n\\tzPluralism\\nEthics\\n\\tzPanchavrata\\nSyadavada\\n\\tzDerives meaning from the word \\'Syat\\'\\n ↓\\n Possibly/May be.\\n\\tzAccording to Jains, Syadavada is not:\\n\\t\\x81Possibilism \\n\\t\\x81Scepticism – doubt over reality\\n\\t\\x81Agnosticism – Cannot know.\\n\\tzSyadavada – Relativism\\n\\t\\x81All knowledge is Relative\\n\\t\\x81We Should accept that our knowledge is relative.\\n\\tz Absolute – Independent. \\n\\t\\x81Relative – Dependant\\n\\tzAccording to Syadavada, knowledge is relative and we should accept this.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EBenefits of Syadavada\\n\\tzReconciliation, dialogue is a way to deal with issues of fundamentalism.\\n\\t\\x81Ritualism\\n\\t\\x81Genocide\\n\\t\\x81Terrorism\\n\\tzBuilds authencity\\n\\t\\x81Syadavada helps to build an honest and authentic character.\\n\\tzAcceptance of others views.\\n\\t\\x81This helps in building the foundation of values of democracy and a culture of healthy discourses.\\nAnekantavada\\n\\tzMeans Pluralism\\n\\t↓\\nVarious things do exist.\\n\\tzGenerally, there are two attributes in everything of this world.\\nAttributes\\nSva- Paryay Par- Paryay\\nSelf modes\\n\\t¾Every attributes that \\nexists in the object is the \\nsva- paryay of the object Other Modes\\n\\t¾All the attributes in all other \\nthings is the par-paryay of \\nthat object\\n\\tzInter Connectedness\\n\\tzHolism\\n\\tzEco- philosophy\\nJAINISM\\nAnekantavada\\n\\tzIts positives are same as Syadavada.\\n\\t\\x81Acceptance of everyone.\\n\\t\\x81Leads to a Democratic culture\\n\\t\\x81Leads to a culture of Discourses.\\nEthics of Jainism\\nTri- ratnas\\n3 gemsPanchavrata \\n5 vows\\n\\t¾Samyak Darshan- Right Faith\\n\\t¾Samyak Gyan – Right Knowledge\\n\\t¾Samyak Charitra- Right CharacterAhimsa – Non-Violence\\nSatya – Truth\\nAparigraha – Non- Possession\\nAsteya – Non- Stealing\\nBrahmacharya – ChastityContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzMahavrat – Interpretation of panchavrata for Monks & nuns.\\n\\tzAnuvrat – Interpretation of panchavrata for Laymen.\\nPanchavrataMind\\nSpeech\\nAct\\nAhimsa Satya Aparigraha Asteya Brahmacharya\\nMahavrata Zero Viotence \\uf050 Zero Possessions Zero Zero\\nAnuvrata Flexibitity \\uf050 Limits Zero Self Control \\nAnuvrata \\n\\tzNot adequate to attain Moksha\\n\\tz It is just a training process for Mahavrata.\\nGood in Jain Ethics \\n\\tzAhimsaTerrorism\\nAnimal Rights\\n\\tzBrahmacharya – Self Control\\n\\tzAsteya – Equality, Justice.\\n\\tzAparigraha – Distribritive Justice\\n\\tzParshuyan Parva – Asking for forgiveness.\\nBUDDHISM\\nBuddhism\\nMetaphysics Ethics\\n\\t¾Doesn\\'t believe in God\\n\\t¾Doesn\\'t believe in Soul\\n\\t\\x99Believes in stream of \\nconsciousness\\n\\t¾World – Momentary\\n\\t\\x99\"Nothing is permanent except \\nchange\"\\t¾4 Noble Truths.\\n\\t¾Madhyam Marg.\\n\\t¾Change of Heart.\\n\\t¾Social Equality\\n\\t¾Atma Deepo Bhav.\\n \\n4 Noble Truths\\nSuffering Dukh Samudaya Dukh Nirodh Dukh Nirodh Marg\\nCause to Sufferings End of SufferingPath leading to end of \\nsuffering.lo± nq[k nq[k leqnk; nq[kfujks/ nq[k fujks/ ekxZDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud ESuffering\\n\\tzFull of Suffering\\nHappinessAchieve\\nUncertainty\\nWhen it goes\\nLeads to SufferingsCompetition\\nRivalry\\nInsecurity\\nCause to Sufferings\\n\\tzPrateetya Samutpada – 12 links – Ignorance \\n\\t\\x81Causation Principle. \\nvfon~;k\\nNot knowing the \\nright thing.Believing in the \\nwrong\\nEgo Desires\\n “I want to attain happiness”\\nEnd of sufferings\\n\\tzNirvana\\nPath to End of sufferings\\n\\tz8 Fold Path.\\n\\t\\x81Righ View \\n\\t\\x81Right Resolve\\n\\t\\x81Right Speech\\n\\t\\x81Right Action\\n\\t\\x81Right Livelihood\\n\\t\\x81Right Effort\\n\\t\\x81Right Memory\\n\\t\\x81Right Concentration \\nDoctrine of Middle Path (Madhyama Pratipada)\\nWay of life \\nHedonism Asectism\\nPleasures within\\nLimitsCharvaka\\nBuddhaJain\\nAristotle: \\'Doctrine of golden Mean\\'Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Change of Heart\\n\\tzTuring point: A bad person turns into a good person.\\nEg. Mahatma Gandhi\\nValmiki – Dacoit – Poet\\nAshok – Buddhism\\nAngulimal – Dacoit.\\nAtma Deepo Bhav\\n\" Be your own light/lamp\"\\n\\tzEncouraged everyone for searching truth.\\n\\tzEducation System\\n\\t\\x81The main purpose of Education system is to transform a child into an intelligent, smart thinking \\nbeing; who can think for herself/ himself, society, country.\\n\\tzTake your decisions on your own.\\n\\tzChoose your path on your own.\\nGOOD IN BUDDHIST ETHICS\\n\\tzMiddle Path – limits to consumption in the world of consumerism.\\n\\t\\x81 Sustainable Development.\\n\\tzAhimsa – Pragmatic sense.\\n\\tzBelief in everyone\\'s wisdom Democracy\\nDiscourses\\nEqual Society\\nEducation system- \\nevery child is uniqueDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics \\n\\tzPart of Mahabharata where Lord Krishna preaches Arjun is known as Geeta.\\n\\tzGeeta is a text which is aimed at motivating a person who is not willing to fight the war.\\nMetaphysical Doctrines in Geeta\\nGod\\n\\t¾Henotheism\\n\\t¾Theism\\n\\t¾AvatarvadSelf/Soul\\n\\t¾Soul\\n\\t¾ImmortalityWorld\\n\\t¾Creation & Destruction \\nEthical Doctrines in Geeta\\nNishkaam\\nKarmayogSthitapragya Avatarvaad Loksangraha Swadharma\\nNishkaam Karmayog: Context \\n\\tzAnasakta: Detached/Disinterested\\n\\tzYoga: Method of achieving salvation.\\n\\t\\x81Gyanyoga: Associated with Shankaracharya\\n\\t\\x81Bhaktiyoga: Associated with Ramanujacharya\\n\\t\\x81Karmayoga\\n\\t\\x81Anasakti Yoga: Mahatma Gandhi\\n\\t\\x81Mahatma Gandhi believes, the path Geeta shows is Karmayoga.\\n\\t\\x89Geeta Rahasya: B.G. Tilak → Who also believes in Karmayoga.\\n¶;ksxLFk% dq# dekZf.k lax R;DR;k /uat;A\\nfl¼;fl¼;ks% leks HkwRok leRoa ;ksx mP;rsAA¸ (2-48) \\n\"Yoga- sthah kuru karmani sangam tyaktva Dhananjaya.\\nSiddhay-asiddhayoh samo bhootva samatvam yoga uchyata.\" (2.48)Contributions of Moral\\nThinkers and Philosophers\\nfrom India and WorldDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud ENishkaam Karayoga: Argument\\n¶deZ.;sokf/dkjLrs ek iQys\"kq dnkpuA\\nek deZiQygsrqHkZekZ rs le¼ksMLRodeZf.kAA¸ (2-47) \\n\"Karmanyev adhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana,\\nMa karmaphal heturabhurma te sangostav akarmani\" (2.47)\\n\\tzLord Krishna is telling Arjun that you only have the right perform your task and you have no rights \\nover the results. Don\\'t try to attach your tasks with the results and don\\'t have an attachment with \\npassiveness.\\nKartavya and Swadharma\\n\\tzKartavya → Duty\\n\\tzSwadharma → Self Duty\\nImportance & Concept of Swadharma\\n¶Lo/esZ fu/ua Js;% ij/eksZ Hk;kog%¸ (3%35) \\n\"Svadharme nidhanam shreyah pardharmo bhayavahah\" (3:35)\\n¶LoHkko fu;r deZ¸ (18%47) \\nSvabhava Niytam Karma\" (18:47)\\n\\tzIt is good to die following your duty. And if you follow someone else\\'s dharma- it is dangerous.\\n¶pkrqoZ.;± e;k l`\"Va xq.kdeZfoHkkx\\'k%¸ (4%13) \\n\"Chaturvarnayam Maya srishatam guna karma vibhagashah\" (4:13)\\n\\tz\"I have created four varnas on the basis of guna\\'s and karmas of previous briths.\\nConcept of Sthitapragya\\nnq%[ks\"kq vuqf}Xueuk% lq[ks\"kq foxrLi`g% A\\nohrjkxHk;Øks/% fLFkr/h% eqfu% mP;rs AA (2%56) \\nDukheshu anudvignamanah sukheshu vigatasprihah,\\nVeetaraghayakrodhah sthitdheeh: munih uchyate (2.56)\\nSthitapraya → intellect - the highest level of mental capabilities.\\n ↓\\n Stable \\n\\tzThe one who is not disheartened in pain/suffering, and the one who doesn\\'t get attached in happy \\ntimes; he goes beyond love, desires. Fear, anger - Munis call such a person with stable mind.\\nConcept of Loksangrah\\n\\tzMeans karmas done without social attachment, with intentions of social good only.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Loksangrah vs Karma System\\n\\t¾Liberated soul \\nor \\nSthitpragyado everything for Loksangraha\\nThese karmas do \\nnot create karmic \\nbalance.\\nBuddha - \\nAnasakta karma Roasted seeds\\nConcept of Avatarvaad (Incarnation)\\nQ. Why do we accept this belief?\\nEthical: Divine Intervention of God\\nPsychological: Helps people to have good emotions.\\nAvatarvaad in Geeta\\n;nk ;nk fg /eZL; XykfuHkZofr Hkkjr A\\nvH;qRFkkue/eZL; rnkRekua l`tkE;ge~ AA (4%7) \\n\"Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati Bharat,\\nAbhyutthanam dharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham\" (4:7)\\nifj=kk.kk; lk/quka fouk\\'kk; p nq\"Ñrke~ A\\n/eZlaLFkkiukFkkZ; lEHkokfe ;qxs ;qxs AA (4% 8) \\nParitranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam,\\nDharm sansthapanarthay sambhavami yuge yuge\" (4:8)\\nComparison with other Religions\\nChristianity: Jesus (Son of god)\\n ↓\\n 2nd Jesus will come\\n\\t\\x81It is possible to shift your sins.\\nMahayana Buddhism: Bodhisatva\\n\\t¾Stress & Anxiety Management.\\n\\t¾Helps deal with ethical dilemma\\n\\t¾Handling bad phases of life.\\n\\t¾Develops maturity\\n\\t¾Emotional connect with God.\\n\\t¾Unique Attitude of Individual is \\nrespected in Geeta\\t¾Practicality\\n\\t¾Sthitpragya: Social relations \\nbecome emotionally inactive.\\n\\t¾Varna & Caste System\\n\\t¾Avatarvad: Less confidence \\nin human beings.NegativesGeeta\\nPositiviesDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EMahatma Gandhi\\n\\t¾Vedanta Philosophy\\n\\t¾Upanishad → Ish upanishad\\n\\t“Ishavasyamidam Sarvam”\\n\\t[Everything is God]\\n\\t¾Geeta\\n\\t¾Vaishnavism: Love towards \\nNature, Animals.\\t¾Jesus Christ\\n\\t¾John Ruskin: Unto the last\\n↓\\n\\t\\x99Hindswarajya\\n\\t\\x99Sarvodaya\\n\\t\\x99Antyodaya\\n\\t¾Leo Tolstoy: Pacifist Anarchist\\n\\t¾Henry David Thoreau\\n\\t“The best government is which \\ngoverns the least.”WesternInfluences on Gandhi\\nIndian\\n\\t¾Jainism: 5 Vows\\n\\t¾Yoga: Yam\\n\\t¾BuddhismAhimsa\\n↓\\nImportant part of \\nhis Philosophy.\\nIshavasyamidan Sarvan\\nGod\\nWorld\\n5 → 11 Vows\\n\\t¾Satya\\n\\t¾Ahimsa\\n\\t¾Asteya\\n\\t¾Aparigraha\\n\\t¾Brahmacharya\\t¾Sarvadharma Sambhav\\n\\t¾Swadeshi\\n\\t¾Physical work\\n\\t¾Abhay: Non Fearing\\n\\t¾Aswaad: Avoidance of Taste\\n\\t¾Elimination of Untouchability\\nAhimsa\\nMeaning: Non violence at the level of:\\n\\tzMind\\n\\tzSpeech\\n\\tzAction\\nAhimsa\\nNegative Meaning Positive Meaning\\n\\t¾Not to use violence except \\nin rare circumstances.\\t¾Respect and Love for \\nothersContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501What Ahmisa is not?\\nNot Impractical Not Cowardice\\n“An eye for an eye will make \\nthe world blind.”\\nWhat do We Require?\\n\\tzSpiritual strength\\n\\tzFaith in God.\\nException:\\nRapist/Killer\\nDevelopment of Character\\nAnimals, Virus\\nEuthanasia\\nMedical use\\nSatya\\n\\tzGod\\n\\tz‘My Experiments with Truth.’\\n\\tzTo express exactly what the reality is.\\n\\t\\x81Fear\\n\\t\\x81Desires\\n\\t\\x81Habit\\nBrahmacharya\\n\\tzMind\\n\\tzSpeech\\n\\tzActionControl your Desires\\nAsteya\\n\\tzMind\\n\\tzSpeech\\n\\tzActionTheftMental → Idea of stealing\\nPhysical → Act of Stealing\\nTheft of Ideas\\nAparigraha\\n\\tzMind\\n\\tzSpeech\\n\\tzActionNot to collect things. TrusteeshipDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t¾Nature is a resource\\n\\t¾Should be consumed\\n\\t¾Lesser than humans\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t ↓\\n\\t\\x99Aristotle\\n\\t\\x99Karl Marx\\n\\t\\x99Charvakas.\\t¾Gandhi\\n\\t¾Jainism\\n\\t¾Spinoza\\n\\t¾Bruno“Ishavasyamidam Sarvam”\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t ↓\\nNature = Reflection of God.VedantNature\\nView 1 View 2\\nRespect the nature, animals etc.\\n“Nature can satisfy the need of everyone but it can\\'t satisfy the greeds of even a single \\npersonal.”\\n→ Least consumption → Nature’s existence\\n→ Treat nature as a homogenous entity\\n→ Animals/Creatures → Respect their existence\\n → Henry Salt - ‘ A plea for Vegetariansim’\\nMeans-End Relationship\\nGood ends are \\nadequate. No need to \\nconsider means.\\n\\t¾Chanakya\\n\\t¾Machiavelli\\n\\t¾Sri KrishnaGood means are \\nnecessary, ends \\nautomatically become \\npure.\\n\\t¾John RawlsMeans and ends, \\nboth need to be pure.\\n\\t¾Gandhi\\nGandhi says Ends and Means should be pure.\\nArgument: Deeds → Create results\\n Means → Ends (ethical)\\nRarest Cases: → Inappropriate means\\n → Ends will be imperfect.\\nGandhi\\'s Political Ethics\\n\\tzHe belongs to the Anarchist School of Thought.\\n\\tzAnarchism means states is not required. State is not an ethical institution.\\nOther examples: Karl Marx, Leo Tolstoy\\nAnarchism\\nKarl Marx Gandhi\\n\\t¾Violent Revolution \\t¾Pacific Means Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ultimate purpose of life in Gandhian philosophy\\n\\tzAatmic progress\\n\\tzProgress of self\\n\\tzSwadharma → Individualism\\n\\t\\x81Every individual is unique. His/Her conditions should be respected and should be given the \\nopportunity to move ahead with his personality/individuality.\\n Q. In your understanding, what is the purpose of life according to Gandhiji?\\n Ans. Aatmic-Vikas. Everyone has a different personality/individuality known as swadharma. Everyone \\nhas to follow his or her swadharma and this is the way one should lead his/her life.\\n Q. Why Anarchism?\\n Q. What are the problems associated with state in Gandhi\\'s understanding?\\n\\tzState makes laws and rules, which are uniform with reasonable restrictions.\\n\\tzTherefore, laws shall bring homogeneity in the society-treating everyone equally.\\n\\tzHowever, according to Gandhi, homogenity is against Swadharma/individuality.\\n\\tzThe existence of State is based on violence. Hence it requires police, army etc.\\n\\t\\x81According to Gandhian perspective, any system based on the foundation of violence is unethical.\\n Q. How? Without State?\\n\\tzEnlightened self interest.\\nSociety as replacement to Police\\n\\tzAccording to Gandhi, it is the responsibility of a society to ensure there\\'s no robbery.\\n\\t\\x81For if one\\'s need are fulfilled, why would one steal?\\nControls\\nExternal Internal\\nEveryone will \\nbe a mature \\nperson.\\n\\tzSocial criticism and social fear are much more effective than the fear of police.\\n\\t\\x81What to do till we reach to the level of Stateless Society?\\n\\tzMinimum Governance → Henry David Thoreau \\n\\t\\x81This will create a balance between State and Swadharma.\\nSTATE\\nPolice Welfare \\n\\t¾Distributive Justice \\n\\t\\x99For example, Reservation is one way to provide \\nsocial justice to deprived classes.\\n\\t¾Law & Order.\\n\\t¾However, as Welfare State has more powers, it is \\nbad for individual freedom.Law & OrderDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EGandhi\\'s Views on Democracy\\n\\tzDemocracy in reality becomes the dictatorship of the majority.\\n\\t\\x81Gandhi advocated the system of Sarvodaya/Swarajya.\\n\\t\\x89A Picture of Sarvodaya Social Order: J.P . Narayan\\nFeatures\\n\\tzParty-less Democracy.\\n\\tzNo Direct Elections, except at Local Levels.\\n\\tzApproach from bottom to top.\\n\\tzPolitics without Dharma is like a dead body which should be burnt.\\nSarvdharma Sambhav\\nDharma\\nDuty Sect/ Religion\\n\\t¾According to Gandhi, \\nPolitics without Duty \\nis meaningless.\\n\\tzSarva Dharma Sahishnuta: Religions Tolerance\\n\\t\\x81Avoiding Conflict\\n\\tzSarva Dharma Sadbhav: Religious Harmony\\n\\t\\x81Participation\\n\\tzSarva Dharma Sambhav: Equal Treatment to all Religions\\n\\t\\x81Absolute Equal Treatment\\n\\tzSarva Dharma Samanvay: Religious Synthesis\\n\\t\\x81One Religion for Everyone\\nElaborating further on Gandhi\\'s Views on Religion\\n\\tzHe was against the term Secularism.\\n ↓\\n Dharma - Nirpekshata\\n\\tzAccording to him, Religion is a must for morality.\\n\\tzEqual treatment for all religions.\\n\\tzAccording to him, Religious Conversions are a bad practice, for all religions have the same target/\\npurpose.\\n\\t\\x81Kicking out missionaries who attempt to convert religion of a person.\\nMahatma Gandhi - Ethical Economics\\n\\tzVery much influenced by John Ruskin\\'s book – ‘Unto This Last’\\n\\tzWrote a book named ‘Hind Swaraj’Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethical Economics\\n(of Mahatma Gandhi)\\nProduction\\n\\t¾Labour should be given \\nprimacy over machines (if \\nthere is a choice between \\nthe two).\\n\\t¾Production by masses > \\nmass production by \\nmachines.\\n\\t¾Work should be done \\nnecessarily by everyone \\n(Annadayi Shram).\\n\\t¾Swadharma (profession)\\n\\t\\x99Varna system (follow the \\nprofession according to \\nthe Varna one is born).Consumption\\n\\t¾Minimum consumption\\nBenefits (in Gandhian \\nthought)\\n\\t¾Safe and sustainable \\nnature\\n\\t¾Distributive justice\\n\\t¾Character developmentDistribution\\n\\t¾Wealth should flow from \\ntop to bottom (like \\nwater) [socialist \\nviewpoint]\\n\\t¾Believes in following the \\nphilosophy of \\n‘Aparigraha’.\\n\\t¾Consume according to needs\\n\\t¾Trustee: A person who takes \\ndecision about the resources \\nbut he is not the owner.\\n\\t¾Whosoever able to earn more \\nthan his/her requirements, it is \\nhis/her moral responsibility to \\nuse the remaining resources \\nas the trustee of those \\nresources & not as the owner. \\t¾All profession equalDistribution\\nTrusteeship\\nDemand & \\nSupplyBasis of \\nDistribution\\nHuman \\nNeeds\\nDistributive ethics \\nof economy is \\nMahatma Gandhi\\'s \\nphilosophy\\n\\tzMahatma Gandhi does not believe in Possessive Individualism\\nPossessive Individualism\\n\\tzA principle which says all the qualities that a person possesses are his/her qualities and he/she is \\nthe legitimate beneficiary of the benefits coming out of those qualities.\\n\\tzVarna System (VS): Two sources:\\n\\t\\x81Anasakti Yoga\\n\\t\\x89Gandhi\\'s interpretation of Geeta\\n\\t\\x89Supported Varna System\\n\\t\\x81Hindu Dharma\\n\\t\\x89Gandhi was dynamic in a sense that he changed his philosophy in different periods. In his \\nlast phase of life, Gandhi was flexible in case of VS as compared to his early phases.\\n\\t\\x81Features of VS (according to Gandhi)\\n\\t\\x89Essential feature of Hinduism\\n\\t\\x89A natural system/a part of natural order (not man-made)\\n\\t\\x89A universal system that exists everywhere in the universe.\\n\\t\\x89Varna on basis of this Swadharmalinked \\nto theprofession\\n\\t\\x89One can study to any extent but ultimately has to follow the profession according to one\\'s \\nVarnaDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t\\x81Positive Features of Gandhian Philosophy\\n\\t\\x89No support to caste system\\n\\t\\x89Against untouchability\\n Examples: Temple Entry Movement – an initial \\nmove in this direction which he supported)\\nCollective eating, Inter-caste marriages\\n\\t\\x89Equal respect to all Varnas.\\n\\t\\x81Gandhi\\'s arguments on VS\\n\\t\\x89Simple solution of division of labour\\n\\t\\x89Reduces/eliminates unnecessary competition.\\n\\t\\x89Good to control lust & desires (because of having one and only option - to work according to \\nthe VS)\\n\\t\\x89Domestic and easy training process\\n7 Deadly Sins\\n\\tzSin → Biblical concept\\n → means anything that is ethically/morally wrong\\n7 Sins (in Christianity)\\n 1. Pride 5. Gluttony\\n 2. Greed 6. Wrath\\n 3. Lust 7. Sloth\\n 4. Envy\\n\\tzGandhi talked about the 7 Sins provided by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in 1925\\n7 Deadly Sins\\n 1. Wealth without work\\n 2. Pleasure without conscience\\n 3. Knowledge without character\\n 4. Commerce without morality\\n 5. Science without humanity\\n 6. Worship without sacrifice\\n 7. Politics without principles\\n\\tzGandhi printed all these 7 deadly sins in his article in the same year in October.\\nSWAMI VIVEKANANDA\\nVivekananda\\'s Contributions\\n\\tzEstablished Neo-Vedanta Philosophy (vedanta + yoga)/re-established yoga or Vedanta philosophy\\n\\tzGave a structural image to Hinduism\\n\\tzGreat impact on India\\'s freedom struggle. The persons influenced by him were: Tagore, Subhash \\nChandra Bose, Aurobindo\\n\\tzStudent/disciple of Ramkrishna ParamhansContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzRomain Rolland – ‘If you want to understand India, study Vivekananda.’\\n\\tzVivekanands\\'s Philosophy\\n\\t\\x81Every society/nation has it\\'s own nature. One\\'s pursuits must be linked to nature.\\n\\t\\x81Basic nature of Indian society is spiritual.\\n\\t\\x89Problem: Impact of West on India.\\n\\t\\x89Solution: Shouldn\\'t blindly follow west, focus on basic nature of west is materialism.\\n\\tzDuty: One who is well to do, he/she has a moral responsibility of looking after the ones who do not \\nhave the resources. He coined the term – ‘Daridra Narayan’.\\n\\tzVivekananda gave the philosophy of Vedantic Socialism\\n spiritual + financial/economy equality\\n\\t\\x81Rejection of caste system\\n\\t\\x81Rejection of gender discrimination\\n\\t\\x81Meditation does not require rituals. ‘Playing football is one of the best forms of meditation’.\\n\\t\\x81Arise, awake and stop not until the goal is reached.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501DR. B.R. AMBEDKAR\\nLife\\n\\tz1891-1956\\n\\tzBorn in Dailt caste called Mahar\\n\\tzThe caste in which he was born, there was no possibility of a person to study in the school but he \\nwas able to study as his parents used to serve in the British army/British Indian army.\\n\\tzDiscriminated in school because of his caste.\\n\\tzIn 1920, he started participating in the freedom struggle.\\n\\tzIn 1919, for the first time, he demanded the concept of separate electorate.\\n\\tzIn 1927, started a custom called ‘Manusmriti Dehan Divas’ – burn the copies of Manusmriti on a \\nspecific date i.e., 25 December – because he believed that it was a text which authenticated \\ndiscrimination against the Dalits.\\n\\tz1932 – Poona Pact – accepted separate electorate for Dalits.\\nGandhi vs Ambedkar – Separate Electorates\\nSeparate electorate is a concept in which a person from the Dalit background will be chosen as a \\nrepresentative and that too will be chosen by Dalits only.\\n\\tzGandhi – believed that if this was imposed, the divide between the Dalit Hindus and other Hindus \\nwould be widened which can not be recovered went on hunger strike.\\n\\tzResult – the concept of separate electorates rejected & the reservation for Dalits increased to double.\\n\\tzAmbedkar – realised that it\\'s not easy to get human respect and dignity for the weaker sections of \\nsociety.\\n\\t\\x81In 1933, he announced that he was born as a Hindu but will not die as a Hindu. (a first turning \\npoint in his life from Hindu to any other religion)\\n\\t\\x81Proposed Uniform Civil Code\\n\\t\\x811956 – converted to Buddhism (Navyana Buddhism)\\nBooks\\n\\tzAnnihilation of Caste\\n\\tzWho were the Shudras\\n\\tzBuddha and his DhammaContributions of Moral\\nThinkers and Philosophers\\nfrom India and WorldDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EEthics\\n\\tzPurpose of life → this worldliness\\ndignified \\nlife for \\nmyselfdignified life \\nfor the fellow \\ncitizens\\n\\tzEquality – ground for morality\\n\\t\\x81Equal society – ground for an Ethical society\\n\\t\\x81Ambedkar (major focus)\\nGender equality Caste equality\\nUniform Civil Code (UCC)\\n\\tzReligious Reforms\\n\\t\\x81Problem – caste is supported by Hindu religions texts & people\\'s deep faith.\\n\\t\\x81To make Hindu an egalitarian religion, reforms are necessary.\\nNavyana\\n\\tzEstablished in 1956\\n\\tzNew branch of Buddhism\\n\\tzAmbedkar: rejected lot of things in Buddhism (eg., Nirvana)\\n\\tz22 statements knows as Vows (some of them are)\\nHinduism \\n(discriminatory religion)Idol \\nworshipNo \\nArtarvadaNo \\nintoxicatonCompassion\\n\\tzConstitutionalism\\n\\t\\x81Social change through Constitution/laws.\\n\\t\\x81Rejected Marxism and socialism as they aimed at change through bloody revolution.\\n\\tzNationalism\\n\\t\\x81Believed in realistic nationalism\\nAmbedkar on Panchayat System\\n\\tzNeither gender-equal nor caste-equal\\n\\tzProblem – the head of the Panchayat – the upper caste person\\n\\tzA system of patriarchy and caste-discrimination\\nTHIRRUKURAL\\n\\tzA book, also called Tamil Veda\\n\\tzBelieved that it\\'s a part of Sangam Literature. (an ancient literature of Tamil)\\n\\tz Thiru\\n+Kural\\nsomething \\ndiving/holyconcise/\\nbriefContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzWritten by Thiru Valluvar\\nTeachings\\n\\tzVisible in 2 thinkers: Mahatma Gandhi\\n - Leo Tolstoy\\n\\tzOnly specific book on Ethics in Indian system\\n\\tzhas 3 parts\\nDharma Arth Kaam\\n\\t\\x81Non-violence\\n\\t\\x81Moral vegetarianism\\n\\t\\x81Virtues:\\n (i) Virtue of giving\\n(ii) Dignity of all creatures\\n\\t\\x81No intoxications\\n\\t\\x81Control over lusts\\nWESTERN PHILOSOPHY & WESTERN ETHICS\\n\\t¾6 BC – 4 AD\\n\\t¾Thales (1st \\nphilosopher)\\t¾Also called \\ndark age\\n\\t¾15 AD – 14 AD\\t¾15-16th Century\\n\\t¾Bacon\\n\\t¾Interaction of \\nage of religion \\nand science\\t¾17th-19th \\nCentury\\n\\t¾All major \\nphilosophers \\n(eg., Locke, \\nKant, etc.)\\t¾20th Century\\n\\t¾B. Russell\\n\\t¾G.E. MooreWestern Philosophy\\nAncient/Greek \\nPhilosophyMiddle Age Transitional AgeModern \\nPhilosophyContemporary \\nPhilosophy\\n ApproachesWestern Ethics\\nDeontology Teleology Virtue Ethics Meta-Ethics\\n\\tzDeontology\\n\\t\\x81Rules for the sake of rules or absolute rules\\n\\t\\x81Thinkers: Kant\\n\\t\\x81Ideology: Intuitionism – Joseph Butler\\n\\tzTeleology\\n\\t\\x81Result oriented ethics/rules for the sake of results \\n\\t\\x89Egoism → Hobbes\\n\\t\\x89Hedonism → Aristippus\\n\\t\\x89Utilitarianism → Bentham, MillDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t\\x89Evolutionism → Spencer\\n\\t\\x89Perfectionism → Hegel\\n\\tzVirtue Ethics\\n\\t\\x81Ethics through virtues\\n\\t\\x89Socrates\\n\\t\\x89Plato\\n\\t\\x89Aristotle\\n\\tzMeta-Ethics\\n\\t\\x81From a contemporary Western Philosophy\\n\\t\\x81GE Moore\\n linguistic analysis of ethical statement\\nAncient Greek Age\\n\\tzThales\\n Hulism → everything/the universe is made up of water\\n\\tzA school of thought – Sophists\\n\\t \\t \\t \\t\\t\\t\\t↓\\n\\tThe philosophy of Socrates was the rejection of sophists\\n\\t\\x81the word sophia’ (in west) means ’knowledge’.\\n\\t\\x81A pragmatic philosophy which helps in living a life was their purpose\\n\\t\\x81Philosophy\\n\\t\\x89‘Homo Mensure’\\n given by Protagoras\\n ‘Man is the measure of all things.\\nkeep human being in the centre ↓\\ntake ‘man’ as \\nindividual believe in subjective ethics\\n believe in relative ethics\\n\\tzGorgias\\n\\t\\x81Perception is the only valid source of knowledge\\n Problem: arriving at a result/cannot prove the existence of anything in the world.\\nSubjective Ethics\\n+\\nRelative Ethics\\n↓\\nSubjectivistic\\nRelativismContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\t\\x81Nothing exists\\n\\t\\x81If something exists, it can\\'t be known\\n\\t\\x81If known, it can\\'t be expressed\\n\\tzThrasymachus\\n\\t\\x81Justice – the distribution of fundamental things in a society is to be justified (distributive justice)]\\n – the interest of the powerful\\nSOCRATES\\nPurpose in Ethics\\nObjective and universalistic ethical system\\nAdvantages →\\tThe society moves in a peaceful way\\nNecessary Conditions →\\tIt should be based on virtues \\nVirtues \\n\\tzQualities of character\\n\\tzNot genetic need to learn them – means internalise the virtue.\\n\\tzRigorous process through which virtues become a part of one’s personality.\\nCardinal virtues\\nWisdom/\\nKnowledgeCourage/\\nFortitudeTemperance/\\nSelf-ControlJustice\\n(These four are independent of each other for their existence.)\\nSocrates on Virtues \\n\\tz“Unity/ Identity of virtues” – a principle provided by Socrates.\\n\\tzOnly one virtue is adequate and that is wisdom/knowledge.\\n\\tzWisdom/Knowledge\\n\\t\\x81Not only cognitive\\n\\t\\x81Internalised as a virtue \\n\\t\\x81Meaning: Ability to differently between what should be done and what should not be done.\\n\\t\\x81Ultimately means having:\\n\\t\\x89Justice\\n\\t\\x89Covrage\\n\\t\\x89 Temperance\\n(The level of each of then might differ)\\n “ An unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates\\n\\tzWe should examine:\\n\\t\\x81All the beliefs /faith\\n\\t\\x81All the values\\n\\t\\x81All the knowledgeDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzIf you do not examine your life, its a \\'fake life\\'.\\n If you examine, its an \\'authentic life\\'\\n\\tzOther Philosophers having similar thoughts:\\n\\t\\x81René Descartes (17th century)\\n\\t\\x89Gave a method – ‘Methodic Doubt’\\n\\t\\x89Before believing anything, one should have systematic doubts on that and once all the doubts \\nare resolved, only then he/she should believe in that concepts/belief.\\n\\t\\x81Edmund Husserl (20th Century)\\n\\t\\x89Gave a concept called ‘Bracketing’\\n Examining our beliefs Means\\nSects\\nSocrates\\nCynics/Cynicism Cerenaiks\\nPhilosophers: Antisthenes,\\n DiogenesPhilosopher: Aristippus\\nBelieved in hedonism Believed in asceticism (Staying \\naway from pleasures )Both believed that they are\\nReal followers of Socrates\\nCerenaiks\\n\\tzBelieved in both – Psychological Hedonism & Ethical Hedonism\\n\\t\\x81Psychological Hedonism\\n\\t\\x89Everyone wants happiness\\n\\t\\x81Ethical Hedonism\\n\\t\\x81It is moral to wish for having pleasures in life.\\n\\tzVery close to Charvakas\\n\\t\\x81Believe in Gross Hedonism\\n\\t\\x81Believe in Egoistic Hedonism\\n\\tzGross: Quantitative differences amongst various pleasures\\n\\tzEgoistic: Only individual\\'s pleasures\\n\\tzPrinciples:\\n\\t\\x81Intensity: high\\n\\t\\x81Certainty: A pleasure that is certain is better than an uncertain pleasure\\n\\t\\x81Immediacy: The immediate pleasure has more worth than the distant one\\n\\tzAll these are found in Aristippus\\'s philosophy.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Cynics\\n\\tzPurpose of life: To lead a virtuous life.\\n ↓\\n How\\nDon\\'t even \\nthink of \\n‘pleasures’\\nAll the \\nproblems \\nemerge from \\npleasures.Sufferings do \\nhave a moral \\nvalue.\\nThey help \\nbuild real \\nand ethical \\ncharacter.Follow the \\nnature.You are not only the citizen \\nof the city- state you live in, \\nyou are the citizen of the \\nuniverse (the concept of \\nuniversal citizenship)\\nDon’t follow the dictates of \\nthe rulers blindly. Rather, \\nfollow wisdom.\\nPLATO\\n\\tzTime period: 5th-4th BCE\\n\\tzBook: ‘Republic’\\n\\tzEudainmonism\\n\\t\\x81Derived from a greek word ‘Eudaimonia’.\\n\\t\\x81It means being blessed especially in the sense of a balanced life with everything in an adequate \\nmanner.\\n\\t\\x81Being blessed (means a balanced life wit everything in an adequate manner)\\n\\t\\x81This is the purpose of life according to Plato (be in the state of Eudaimonia)\\n Have VirtuesHow\\nVirtues\\nWisdom/ \\nKnowledgeTemperance/ \\nSelf- Control\\nJusticeCoverage \\nfortitude\\n\\tzIf above three virtues are in good relationship, the virctue of Justice emerges\\n\\tzBeing virtuous Means knowing the idea of virtue \\n At the level of internalising\\n\\tzConcept: The word used by Socrates\\n\\tzIdea\\n\\t\\x81The word used by Plato having similar meaning like concept as used by Socrates.\\n\\t\\x81Eternal\\n\\t\\x81Plato: Real knowledge is the knowledge of ideas.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EJustice\\n\\tzResultant & not Fundamental virtue \\n\\tzWhen the virtue of courage and temperance are subordinate to the virtue of wisdom, the resultant \\nstate is the virtue of Justice.\\nPlalo explained this at 2 levels:\\nAt the level of individual At the level of state\\n\\tzIndividual \\n\\t\\x813 aspects of human nature:\\n\\t\\x89Reasoning/ Mind (Logical faculty)\\n\\t\\x89Spirit (e.g., Emotions)\\n\\t\\x89Appetite (e.g., Lust, desire)\\n\\t\\x81To control these three tendencies there should be one virtue for each (Virtues desired).\\n\\t\\x89For training the mind, develop wisdom.\\n\\t\\x89For training the spirit, develop courage.\\n\\t\\x89For controlling the appetite, develop temperance.\\n\\tzState\\n\\t\\x81According to Plato, ‘State is writ large man’\\n\\t\\x813 kinds of people:\\nMind Wisdom Ruling class/ Administrate\\nSpirits Courage Warriors\\nAptitude Temperance Producers \\nHierarchy\\nRuler \\n(should be a philosopher King)\\nWarriors Producers\\nARISTOTLE\\n\\tzBelonged to aristocratic family\\n\\tzWent to Plato’s Academy at the age of 16.\\n\\tzStarted academy name ‘Lyceum’\\n\\tzBook: ‘Nichomachean Ethics’\\n\\tzFocused on both Normative and Descriptive Ethics\\nAristotle’s Ethics\\n\\tzClassified human actions as:\\nVoluntary InvoluntaryContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzFirst person to say that the world of ethics is limited to the world of voluntary actions and only these \\nactions are counted in the concept of conduct and this only makes the world of ethics.\\n\\tzWe can not decide the morality/ethics on the basis of the involuntary actions.\\n\\tzPurpose of life: ‘Eudaimonia’\\n Means – permanent blissful state\\nAchieved through:\\n\\t\\x99a virtuous &\\n\\t\\x99a balanced life\\nSimilar to perfectionism\\nVirtue\\n\\tzMeans a permanent mental state.\\n\\tzReflected in voluntary actions/conduct\\n\\tzAchieved through constant and rigorous practice.\\n\\tzCharacteristics:\\n\\t\\x81Every virtue is developed through control over the desire and/or instinct.\\n\\t\\x81Doctrine of Mean:\\n\\t\\x89Every virtue is a mean of two extremes.\\n\\t\\x89Example: To enjoy with control.\\n\\t\\x81Once developed, no conscious effort is required.\\nClassification of Virtues/Comparison\\nSocrates\\nOne Virtue\\nJusticePlato\\nFour Virtues\\nCourageWisdom Justice\\nTemperance Courage\\nWisdomAristotle\\nTemperanceSoul2 aspects\\nRational\\nFrom rational \\npart of soul From non-rational\\npart of our soul\\nEthical virtuesRational virtues\\nWisdomNon-rational \\nor\\nEmotive\\nEvaluation/Criticisms\\n\\tzHe supported:\\n\\t\\x81Slavery system: Believed that slaves are not human beings.\\n\\t\\x81Gender inequality.\\n\\tzHis doctrine of ‘golden mean’ is inexplicable (can not be explained).\\n\\tzAristotle criticised Socrates for providing that there’s only one virute i.e., knowledge.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzAfter Aristotle, Greek Philosophy started declining. However before if declined, there were two more \\nstreams:\\nEPICUREANISM\\n\\tzThe person linked to this philosophy – Epicuras.\\n\\tzInfluenced to a large extent by Cerenaiks.\\n\\tzFocused on the thought about Eudaimonia from Socrates and Plato.\\n\\tzThe purpose of life – happiness/pleasure (Hedonism).\\n\\tzBut didn’t believed in hedonism as given Aristippus, he belived in refined hedonism (more specifically \\nrefined egoistic hedonism)\\nMental pleasures >\\n>The pleasure \\nof arts, music, \\nliterature (the \\nbest pleasures)(Less intense, but more \\nstable happiness)Physical pleasures\\nOther pleasures(Intense but \\nTemporary)\\n\\tzVirtues – means of happiness\\n(e.g., hunger, sleep, love)\\n\\t¾One has to have self \\ncontrol in these kind of \\ndesires.(e.g., money, power)\\n\\t¾One has to control \\nthese desires2 types of desires\\nNatural Desires Artificial desires\\nSTOICISM\\n\\tzThe group linked to this philosophy are known as Stoics.\\n\\tzPhilosopher: Zeno\\n\\tzInfluenced by Cynics and Socrates.\\n\\tzPurpose of life: Virtuous life (virtues are the ends)\\n\\tzDon’t run for pleasure, have absolute control\\n\\tzBelieved in Pantheism & therefore, Determinism.\\n\\tzTherefore, \\tthey behave/want people to behave like ‘sthipragya’.\\n\\tzBelieved in Universal Citizenship\\n\\tzBelieve in Universal Equality (including gender)\\nPantheism\\n\\tzGod and world are identical.\\nDeterminism\\n\\tzEverything is pre-determined and the person has no freedom of will.\\n\\tzCan only happen when someone believes in Pantheism/Panentheism (world is a part of God).Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501MODERN PHILOSOPHY\\nConcept -Egoism\\n\\tzAn ethical thought\\n\\tzKeeps individual at the centre\\n\\tzCan see the traces of egoism even in the Greek philosophy.\\n\\tzAristippus\\n\\tEpicurus\\n\\tThomas HobbesBelieved in egoism\\n\\tzUniversal phenomena\\n\\t(Developed in modern times, but applicable in all the times/ages)\\n\\tzBased on 2 principles:\\nPsychological Egoism Ethical Egoism\\nPsychological Ethical\\n\\t¾A part of human psychology \\t¾It’s ethically/morally fine to be selfish\\n\\t¾It’s natural to only think for ourselves\\nor\\n\\t¾Natural for humans to think for themselves\\nTwo Clarifications\\n\\tzRange of selfishness, not fixed (different people with different levels of understanding can have \\ndifferent levels of selfishness)\\n\\tzBeing an egoistic doesn’t necessarily mean that one will always think about himself/herself, he/she \\ncan think about others but only when they become a part of his/her selfishness or has an understanding \\nthat helping them will help him/her, it will increase his/her pleasure.\\n\\tzEgoism is not necessarily equal a linked to Hedonism\\n\\tExample: Hinayan Buddhists egoists\\nnot hedonists\\n Hedonists\\nnot egoistsJ S Mill\\nand\\nBentham\\nTHOMAS HOBBES\\nIntroduction\\n\\tz16-17th Century\\n\\tzEnglandDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tz1651 – ‘Leviathan’ (Book)\\n\\tzEgoist Philosopher\\nHobbes’ Thoughts\\n\\tzHumans are naturally/bound to be selfish (it’s human nature)\\n\\tzIt is ethically perfect to be an egoist\\n\\tzPurpose of life – ‘to fulfill the desires’ & seek happiness out of that.\\n ↓\\n are innumerous\\n\\tzAccording to priority, 2 most important desires:\\n\\t\\x81Desires to survive (every being, not only human beings)\\n\\t\\x81Desires to have maximum pleasures in life.\\n\\tzDesires are not static but dynamic (in different conditions, one may have different desires)\\n\\tzIf we put ethics on the basis of desires, it will naturally lead towards.\\n ↓\\n Subjectivism & Relativism\\n ↓\\n\\tTherefore, \\tit creates a state of anarchy, having different pursuits (sometimes even conflicting)\\n Solutions by Hobbes: ‘Social contract Theory’\\n\\tzThe Social Contract Theory\\n\\t\\x81A ‘natural state’ where everyone is everyone’s enemy.\\n\\t\\x81To end this state of anarchy, all the people decided and entered into a ‘Contract’ where they shall \\ngive power to the ‘state’/‘Leviathan’.\\n\\t\\x81That will make all the laws/rules.\\n\\t\\x81Everyone will have to follow him.\\n\\t\\x81Aim/result – peaceful situation.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501HEDONISM\\n\\tzComes from a greek word ‘Hedone’ which means pleasure/happiness.\\nAristippus\\nEpicurus\\nThomas Hobbes\\nJeremy BenthamCharvaka\\nVedic philosophy\\n(at some places)Seen in the West as well as in India .\\nGEH \\n(Charvaka)\\n(Aristippus)GUH\\n(Bentham)REH\\n(Epicurus)RUH\\nJ.S. MillTypes of Hedonism\\nPsychological\\nHedonismEgoistic \\nHedonismGross \\nHedonismEthical \\nHedonismUniversalistic\\nHedonismRefined \\nHedonism\\nHow to Define Pleasure/Happiness?\\n\\tzEpicurus\\n\\tzAbsence of physical \\nor mental sufferings.\\tzHenry Sidgwick\\n\\tzA feeling that rational people \\nprefer to have & give it \\npriority over other feelings.2 Views/Interpretations\\nNegative PositiveContributions of Moral\\nThinkers and Philosophers\\nfrom India and WorldDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EIs the any difference between pleasure & bliss?\\n\\tzThose who believe in gross Hedonism, for them both are same.\\n\\tzFor believers of Refined Hedonism, bliss is higher state and pleasure is a lower state.\\n\\tzMental or spiritual happiness\\n\\tzStable, deep and low intensity \\n\\tzPermanent\\tzBased on sensual experiences \\n\\tzIntense\\n\\tzTemporary\\n\\tzOne feels pleasure when he/\\nshe is lacking something.Bliss Pleasure\\nUTILITARIANISM\\n\\tzHighest form of teleology.\\n\\tzTeleology means results or consequences are more important than the rules.\\n\\tzTherefore, also known as Consequentialism.\\nReason/origin\\n\\tzBefore Utilitarianism, Egoistic Hedonism existed.\\n\\tzUtilitarianism in other words is Universalistic Hedonism.\\nPhilosophers\\n18th Century → Shaftesbury\\n19th Century → Jeremy Bentham\\n → John Stuart Mill\\n → Henry Sidgwick\\n20th Century → Patrick Nowell-Smith\\nTypes of Utilitarianism\\nHedonistic \\nUtilitarianismAct Utilitarianism Gross \\nUtilitarianism \\n(Jeremy \\nBentham)Idealistic \\nUtilitarianism \\n(Hastings \\nRashdall)Rule UtilitarianismRefined \\nUtilitarianism\\n(John Stuart \\nMill)\\n\\tzHedonistic Utilitarianism\\nIn 99% of cases, all the utilitarians believe in hedonism.\\n\\tzIdealistic Utilitarianism\\n\\t\\x81Believe in Utilitarianism but not in hedonism.\\n\\t\\x81People may like happiness as well as few other things (according to Hartings Rashdall) like peace, \\nwisdom, etc.\\n\\tzGross Utilitarianism\\n\\t\\x81Only quantitative differences in different forms of pleasures.\\n\\tzRefined Utilitarianism\\n\\t\\x81Quantitative as well as qualitative differences in different forms of pleasures.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzAct Utilitarianism\\n Decision can be taken on two basis \\nLimited Group Universal Group\\n\\tzRule Utilitarianism\\n\\t\\x81Decision will be taken on the basis of some rules.\\n\\t\\x81These rules are based on maximum happiness for maximum people.\\n\\t\\x81But some people say (like Kant) that as soon as Utilitarianism become the Rule-based Utilitarianism, \\nit doesn’t remain teleology but becomes deontology.\\nJEREMY BENTHAM\\n\\tz18th – 19th Century.\\n\\tzFrom England \\n\\tz Belonged to Negative Liberalism (the initial form of Liberalism.)\\n\\tzStarted the ideology of Utilitarianism\\nPurpose of life\\n\\tzHappiness\\n\\tzBentham believed in both Psychological hedonism\\nEthical hedonism\\n Good is equal to Happiness\\n&\\nGood is proportionate to Happiness\\nEgoism\\n\\tzBentham believed in Psychological Egoism.\\n\\t \\t\\t \\n Means: Naturally \\nevery human being \\nis selfish but Egoism\\nPsychological Ethical\\nEthical Egoism is the \\npoint where he can be \\nutilitarian or egoist, so \\nBentham decides not to \\naccept ethical egoism.\\n\\tzBut we have to find ways to control this selfishness.\\n\\tzThis is when he leaves egoism and enters the area of Utilitarianism.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EHappiness\\n\\tzBentham believed in gross hedonism/Gross Utilitarianism.\\n\\t\\x81He names Gross Utilitarianism as Hedonistic Calculus (HC)\\n\\t\\x81Means\\n\\t\\x81It means we can calculate the quantity of happiness coming from certain pleasures on the basis \\nof HC.\\n\\t\\x81Therefore, He provided 7 parameters to understand how good a happiness/pleasure is.\\n\\tzIntensity\\n\\t\\x81More intensity makes the pleasure a better pleasure.\\n\\tzDuration\\n\\t\\x81More duration is equal to more pleasure.\\n\\tzProximity\\n\\t\\x81Closer the pleasure means more pleasure.\\n\\tzCertainty\\n\\t\\x81More certainty could lead to more pleasure\\n\\tzFecundity\\n\\t\\x81Means there are certain pleasures which can produce/give more than other pleasure.\\n\\t\\x81Pleasures producing more pleasure are better. \\n eg., money\\n\\tzPurity\\n\\t\\x81Pure Pleasure > Impure Pleasure\\n\\tzExtensity\\n\\t\\x81Pleasure of All > Pleasure of Maximum People > Pleasure of One Person\\nWhat makes the Selfish Person think for Others?\\n\\tz4 moral sanctions for moral behaviour\\n\\t¾Fear that if I \\nharm others, it \\nmay harm me.\\t¾Fear of social \\ncriticism\\t¾Fear of \\npunishment\\t¾Fears and \\ndesires given \\nby religion.Natural Social Political Religious\\nJustice\\n\\tzNo privilege to anyone \\nCriticsm of Bentham\\n\\tzHedonistic Calulas: Not an adequate idea because it doesn’t answer many questions.\\n\\t\\x81For example, there can be a pleasure which is more in intensity and less in duration and vice \\nversa.\\n\\t\\x81This calculus not able to explain how to place both these in hierarchy.\\n\\tzSanctious are extrovertive in nature\\n\\t\\x81Means: Human beings can do something only when he/she is pressusized from outside.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501J.S. MILL\\n\\tzUnited Kingdom\\n\\tz19th Century\\n\\tzHe took Bentham’s philosophy to the logical conclusions (he progressed on the philosophy of Bentham)\\n\\tzDeveloped another school of thought – Positive Liberalism.\\n\\tzFirst person, in modern western philosophy to give the concept of welfare state without using the \\nterm.\\n\\tzFirst male thinker in western philosophy who has written extensively on women.\\n\\t\\x81Book – ‘The subjection of Women’.\\n\\tzBook – ‘Utilitarianism’.\\nPurpose of Life\\n\\tzHappiness, pleasure\\n\\tzBelieves in both psychological and ethical hedonism.\\n\\tzGood = Happiness\\n\\tzProportionate relationship between good & happiness (good ↑ happiness ↑)\\n(good ↓ happiness ↓)\\nHedonism\\n\\tzBelieved in Refined Hedonism\\n\\tzMental pleasure > Physical pleasures\\n\\t‘ An unsatisfied human being is better than a satisfied pig and an unsatisfied Socrates is better than \\na satisfied idiot’.\\nHow to decide which type of pleasure is qualitatively high?\\n\\tzFollow/accept the views of expert individuals\\n\\t\\x81Persons who have expert individuals means they have had diversified experiences.\\nWhy do people have social sensitivity?\\nor\\nWhy do people behave socially?\\nInspiration\\n\\t¾Not innate but natural\\n\\t¾Naturally one has both the tendencies \\n\\t\\x99Selfish\\n\\t\\x99Socially sensitive2 SanctionsMill\\nExternal Sanctions\\nNatural Political Religious SocialInternal SanctionsDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EJustice\\n\\tzAgree on no extra privileges to anyone\\n\\tzEquality between men & women\\n\\t\\x81A person having dissenting views has full right to express that\\nNew ideas or \\ninnovations emerge \\nin one mind at the \\nbeginningEvery human being \\nhas equal rights\\nThe society that crush new ideas can never \\ndevelop.2 BenefitsWhy?\\nMoral Argument Utilitarian Argument\\nBENTHAM & MILL\\nSimilarities\\n\\tzHedonism\\n\\tzMaximum happiness for maximum people\\n\\tz4 external sections\\n\\tzEquality\\nDifferences\\nBentham Mill\\nGross Hedonism Refined hedonism\\n4 external sanctions only 4 external & one internal sanctions\\nEgoist Egoism + Social feelings\\nCalculus Expert individuals\\nBentham – ‘Pushpin is as good as poetry’.\\nEVOLUTIONARY ETHICS\\nContext\\n\\tz19th Century → Charles Darwin\\n ↓\\nBook (1859): The Origin of Species\\nBook (1971): The Descent of Man\\n\\tzAny kind of Evolution is always simple to complex. Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzAfter Charles Darwin gave the Evolutionary Theory of Human Beings, it then spread to all disciplines:\\nSociology\\nEthics\\nPolitical science etc.Herbert Spencer\\nso influenced by \\nthis concept that his \\nideology in sociology \\nis known as ‘Social \\nDarwinism’\\n\\tzDarwin’s perfectionism comes as an anti-thesis to Evolutionary Ethics.\\nHERBERT SPENCER\\n\\tzBook – ‘ The Data of Ethics’\\n\\tzPurpose of life is happiness\\n\\t\\x81Pure happiness is the best happiness\\n\\t\\x81Believed in both Psychological and Ethical Hedonism.\\n\\tzHedonism + Evolutionism\\n\\t\\x81Explanation: He has merged his hedonism with the evolutionism of Darwin.\\n\\t\\x81What is life?\\n\\t\\x89Life is the process of adjustment with nature.\\n\\t\\x81What is good and bad in life?\\n\\t\\x89Good: Anything that helps in this adjustment/accommodation.\\n\\t\\x89Bad: Anything that obstructs the process of adjustment.\\n\\t\\x81Development of ethics has two phases:\\n\\t\\x89At the first level is Relative Ethics\\n\\t\\x89Finally there shall be a stage when Relative Ethics becomes Absolute Ethics.\\n\\t\\x89Relative Ethics: → When extrovertive command needs to be given \\n → We should generally follow the rules made by our ancestors.\\n\\t\\x89Absolute Ethics: → Stage where everyone will be enlightened\\n → Absolute adjustment with nature becomes a part of day-to-day ethics.\\nJustice\\n\\tzEveryone should be given equal opportunities.\\n\\tzDistribution on the basis of → individual’s abilities and contribution.\\n\\tzTherefore, if inequalities happen/exists because of this, they are ethically justified.\\n\\tzWeak should be given support by society & state.\\n\\tzHowever he doesn’t support reservation/additional rights.\\n\\tzIn times of crisis, if we have to sacrifice few people, we should – those who are less important for \\nsociety.\\nRelationship between Selfishness and Altruism (According to Herbert)\\n\\tzHumans have both the tendencies in natural manner.\\n\\t\\x81Parents case, being sensitive towards their child is natural.\\n\\tzIn the process of continuous adjustments with nature, we have evolved in a way that we have both \\nthe tendencies simultaneously – Selfishness & Altruism.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EPERFECTIONISM (TELEOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY)\\nContext\\n\\tzA development of 19th Century.\\n\\tzEmerged primarily in Germany.\\n\\tzMajor Philosopher: Hegel\\n\\tzPeople claimining to be Perfectionist are basically Idealist.\\n\\t\\x81Therefore, basically related to metaphysical ideology called Idealism.\\n\\tzDeveloped against evolutionary ethics/evolutionism.\\n\\tzHuman beings are qualitatively better than animals.\\n\\tzBasic premise\\n\\t\\x81Therefore, rules have to be different for human beings.\\n\\tzPurpose of life\\n\\t\\x81Self realisation(Self realisation & eudaimonia are same.\\n\\tzSelf realisation is a state of balance.\\nRationality > Emotions Society > individual\\nshould dominate should dominateA state of balance\\nBetween\\nHEGEL\\n\\tzGermany\\n\\tz18-19th Century\\n\\tzBelieves in:\\n\\t\\x81Idealsim\\n\\t\\x81Perfectionism\\n\\tzBook: ‘Phenomenology of Mind’\\nBasic Philosophy\\n\\tzAbsolute Idealism\\nFinal reality\\nor ultimate process of spiritual\\nevolution within \\nabsolute idea.Final reality\\nWhySome say that \\nperfectionism is the \\n2nd EudaimonismContributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501In philosophy, if anything is absolute, it shouldn’t have a curiosity. Absolute = Perfect = which \\nknows everything.\\n\\tzWhy Evolution?\\n\\tThe constant activity (Spiritual Evolution) moves in a format of Dialectic Method\\n \\n Thesis Anti-thesis\\n ↓\\n Synthesis\\nDialectic Method\\n\\tzOur process of thinking is necessarily dialectic\\n\\te.g., Thesis → idea\\n\\t Anti-thesis → contrary idea\\n Synthesis → mix of Thesis & Anti Thesis\\n\\tzSynthesis → not permanent\\n\\t[Hegel – ‘Invincibility of the New’]\\n → The new idea will always emerge, whatever the synthesis at present is.\\nST AT\\nST\\n= T\\nATThis process is \\nspiritual evolution\\nCalled as ‘triad’ in the \\ndevelopment of \\nDialectic method\\nEthics\\n\\tz3 Stages:\\n\\t\\x81Extrovertive Ethics: If someone accepts ethical norms either due to fear, aspirations, desires, \\netc. \\n\\t\\x81Introvertive Ethics: Maturity, Consciousness. \\n\\t\\x81Perfect Integration: Individual get so tuned with the society/societal norms/societal moral \\nprinciples that he/she doesn’t even have the desire to do something wrong (no ill desires).\\n\\tzThese stages are not only about individual life but also about the civilizations life.Hegel- The one philosopher \\nwho has done dialectic \\nmethod in totality.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud ETHE STATE\\nFamily (F) Civil Society (CS) State (S)Triad\\nF CS\\nS\\nFamily\\n\\tzMorality and ethics begins with the family.\\n\\tzTerm used by heged for family is Particularistic Altruism.\\n\\tzNext points.\\n\\t\\x81Altruism means a feeling of sacrificing oneself for the sake of someone else.\\n\\t\\x81Particularistic Altruism means having this feeling for a specific set of people. \\n\\t\\x81However, for the development of ethics, we need to have the feeling of altruism for a lot of \\npeople – the society. \\nCivil Society\\n\\t\\x81Universalistic Egoism\\n\\tzState combines both family and civil society. \\n\\t\\x81Combines both family and civil society.\\n\\t\\x81Result → term → Universalistic Altruism\\n\\t\\x81It makes rules and regulations which are good for everyone and enforces those rules.\\n\\tzTherefore, State is the highest form of Ethics.\\n\\tz‘Die to Live’- Hegel\\n\\t\\x81Statement of Church during dark age.\\n\\t\\x81Meaning: Humans should end their physical life to have a good transcendental life. No desires \\nat all.\\n\\t\\x81Meaning by Hegel: Live like a human being and that means living at the level of intellect. Control \\nyour desires and emotions by your intellect.\\n\\tz‘Be a Person’- Hegel\\n\\t\\x81Be a person and respect others as persons.\\n\\t\\x81Biologically, we are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.\\n\\t\\x81If one wants to develop as a Person, he/she needs to develop some attributes:\\n\\t\\x89Intellect (Control, wishes, desires, emotions, etc)\\n\\t\\x81Don’t treat others as a objects. Treat them with human dignity.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501IMMANUEL KANT\\n\\tz18th Century\\n\\tzGermany\\n\\tzModern Western Philosophy\\nRationalism\\nThose who try to \\nunderstand philosophy \\nthrough the root of \\nmathematics.Empiricism\\nThose who try \\nto understand \\nphilosophy through \\nthe root of science.2 Schools of Thought\\n\\tzKant, after studying both the (Rationalism and Empiricism), started a philosophy called \\n‘Critical Philosophy ’\\nIt means synthesis of rationalism & empiricism for this epistemological reason, Kant is considered \\nto be one of the most important philosophers in the history of Western Philosophy.\\n\\tzBook: Critique of Pure Reason (Discussed Epistemology and Metaphysics).\\n\\t\\x81‘Critique of Pure Reason’ \\t(Discussed Epistemology and Metaphysics)\\n\\tzAgnosticism: ‘I can not know.’\\n\\tzHume: Belonged to skepticism.\\n\\t\\x81From Hume’s skepticism, Kant moved towards agnosticism.\\n\\tzSkepticism: ‘I can not be sure about what I know.’\\n\\t\\x81Agnoticism – An answer to theories in this book.\\nKant’s Philosophy\\n\\tzRefuted all the arguments given for the existence of God.\\n\\t +\\n\\tRefuted all the arguments given against the existence of God.\\n\\tzAnswer: We do not have enough knowledge/capabilties of having the knowledge whether God exists \\nor not & it exists, what is the nature of God. And that’s what is Agnosticism.\\n\\tz\\tAnything that we can never know is a question of faith and not of knowledge.\\n\\t\\x81 Therefore, God is a question of faith.\\n\\tz In short, agnosticism about God is in whatever you believe, it should be a ‘belief’ & not your \\n‘knowledge’.\\n\\tzSame theory of agnosticism by Kant for soul.\\n\\tz\\tThere’s something in our body, which structurizes all the cognitive changes, but can not say that it \\nis soul or anything else. That can be anything.\\nEthics\\n\\t\\x81Can be divided into 2 concepts:\\nCategorical Imperative 3 Postulates of MoralityDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzCategorical Imperative\\n\\t\\x81Categorical means unconditional\\n\\tImperative means command/order\\n\\t\\x81Ethical things should come to us as unconditional commands.\\nor\\n\\tDuty for the sake of duty & not for the result/consequences\\n (De-ontology)\\nWhat is Good?\\n2 Types\\nDependent good\\ne.g., peace \\nknowledge happiness‘Good will’\\nStrength to do \\nsomething good\\nMental & not \\nphysicalGood in itself\\nActs\\n\\tzThe so called good acts can be these kinds:-\\n\\t\\x81 Based on Immediate Emotions\\n These acts have no moral value at all\\n\\t\\x81 Done for personal benefits\\n These acts have no moral value at all.\\n\\t\\x81 Due to good will/duty for the sake for duty\\n Only these acts have moral value.\\n\\tzAny ethical action should be in the form of categorical imperative\\n\\tzImperativeHypothetical (conditions )\\nCategorical \\n(no conditions, should be a command)Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501How to \\nrecognize \\nwhether an act is \\ncategorically \\nimperative \\nor not?\\nLaw of Universality:\\nIf you can apply same \\non condition in this \\nuniverse, then only \\nsuch action is moral \\ne.g., suicide.Law of treating all \\npersons as ends and \\nnot means (should not \\nusing a human being as \\nan object e.g., slavery.Law of Autonomy: The \\nwill to do. Something \\ngood should come from \\nwith & not from outside.Law of Kingdom of \\nEnds (not to use & not \\nto be used)Answer-4 rules\\n\\tzPostulates of Morality\\n for accepting the existence of a moral system.\\n\\tz3 Kinds:\\n\\t\\x81Freedom of will\\n\\t\\x81Immortality of soul\\n\\t\\x81The existence of God\\n\\tzFreedom of will\\n\\t\\x813 conditions:\\n\\t\\x89One should be physically and mentally capable to decide what is to be done and what is not \\nto be done.\\n\\t\\x89 One must have the availability to choices.\\n\\t\\x89One should have freedom to choose.\\n\\t\\x81All these three things together is called ‘freedom of will’.\\n\\t\\x81It is required as a postulate to moral system because if there’s no presence of it, how can we hold \\nsomeone responsible for the deeds.\\n\\tzImmortality of Soul\\n\\t\\x81We should believe that the soul is immortal because of two reasons:\\n\\t\\x89To achieve the state of ‘Holy Will’\\n\\t¾ \\tIt means a state of mind when a person is no more interested/inclined at all towards bad \\nthing and is able to control his/her lust or desired completely by his/her wisdom/\\nrationality.\\n\\t¾ \\tTo reach this state/an ethical state of mind, one life may not be adequate.\\n\\t¾ \\tSolution we need to have an eternal soul so that the human being does have the opportunity \\nof being ‘holy will’ may be in the next life after death.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tz‘Perfect good’\\n\\t\\x81This state comes when everyone is given the bliss (highest form of pleasure) in propostion to \\nperson’s good will.\\n\\t\\x81For this, one life is not adequate.\\n\\tzThe Existence of God\\n\\t\\x81We have to believe the existence of God to have the moral system in place\\n\\t\\x81Only an omnipotent existence, which is God, can make a balance between the bliss and the duties.\\nKant and Geeta\\nSimilarities\\nKant Geeta\\nBelieves in deontology. To some extent, it talks about deontology.\\nCategorical Imperative Nishkama Karma\\n‘Concept of’ ‘Holy Will’ Concept of Sthitpragya (to some extent)\\nDifferences\\nKant Geeta\\nRigorous (means no exceptions at all) Flexible (gave a concept of Aapad Dharma)\\nNo value for emotive actions Gives value to emotive actions\\nCritical Evaluation\\n\\tzRigorous\\n\\tzImpractical/No flexiblity\\n\\tzNo value at all to Emotional actions.\\nINTUITIONISM\\nIntroduction\\n\\tzIt is one of the school of western Ethics which emerged in 17th century CE\\n\\tzBelievers of deontology.\\nBasic Belief/Basic Concept\\n\\tzThere’s something call Intuition.\\n\\tzIntuition means a unique way of knowledge\\n\\tzThis is so pure and perfect that is self proven.\\n\\tzWith the help of intuition, we get to know what is ethically right and what is ethically wrong from \\nthe moral point of view.\\n\\tzHuman beings do have a capability which is different from perception and inference.\\nDoubts\\n\\tzThese are some doubts about intutionism on how it works.\\n\\tzIt has 3 brances/approaches.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Doubts\\nRational \\nIntuitionismMoral Sense \\nTheoryConscience \\nTheory\\n\\t¾Belief: Intuition works on \\nthe principles of \\nMathematics or it is very \\nclose to the rationalism \\n(a school of thought \\nwhich believes that our \\nmind has all the abilities \\nto know/to have \\nknowledge.)\\n\\t¾Example: We should do \\ngood with others.\\n\\t¾Thinker: Samuel Clarke\\t¾Belief: The believers of \\nthis theory take their \\nunderstanding from ‘ \\naesthetics’ on the lines \\nof ‘ aesthetic sense.\\n\\t¾From the concept of \\n‘aesthetic sense’, they \\nhave derived a concept \\ncalled ‘ Moral Sense’.\\n\\t¾These senses develop \\nthrough Experience\\n\\t¾The moral sense works \\nlike an intuition which \\ntell the person, in a \\nspecific situation, what \\nshould be done and \\nwhat should be \\navoided.\\n\\t¾Thinker: Francis \\nHutcheson \\t¾Belief: Conscience is \\nthe intuition in Ethics\\n\\t¾It gives the person Moral \\nJudgements\\n\\t¾Conscience\\nCognitive Authoritative \\n\\t¾Thinker: Joseph Butler\\nCritical Evaluation\\n\\tzIntuitions can be wrong. They are not always self- evident.\\n\\tzIntuitions can be contrary in two people.\\n\\tzIntuitions are nothing but the socialization or may be the super-ego which is developed through the \\nprocess of socialization.\\n\\tzIn this sense, it is a community/society specific. We can not believe this to be absolutely perfect. It \\ncan be sometimes individual specific as well.\\nJOHN RAWLS\\nIntroduction\\n\\tzHe belongs to a school of thought called Egalitarianism/Equalitarianism\\n\\t\\x81Egalitarianism: A subset of liberalism which believes in social equality.\\n\\tzBooks: \\n\\t\\x81‘Justice as Fairness’ – 1959\\n\\t\\x81‘ A Theory of Justice’ – 1971\\nRawls’ Philosophy\\n\\tzJustice – the most important virtue, just like Plato.\\n\\tzHe believed in ‘Distributive Justice’ which is about distributing the basic things i.e., rights, duties, \\nwealth, power & respect.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EHow to devise a method of distribution?\\n\\tzApproach: Pure procedural Justice’ (PPJ)\\n\\tzTo explain the PPJ : Heuristic Device\\n Imaginative\\n\\t\\x81He talks about ‘Veil of Ignorance’\\n\\t\\x81He is sure that such thing can never happen but he says to imagine this kind of situation.\\n\\t\\x81Veil of Ignorance: Imagine there is a curtain. As soon as someone goes behind that curtain (the \\ncurtain of ignorance), he/she forget everything (caste, social status, race etc). However, their \\nbasic reasoning power, basic intelligence remains intact.\\n\\tzHow to distribute?\\nDistribution will be done on the basis of some rules:\\n\\t\\x81Everyone should be given reasonable freedom.\\n\\t\\x81Equality of opportunities.\\n\\t\\x81More prestige/power should be given to the ones who help the weakest people in proporation \\nof their help.\\n\\t\\x81After all this, we’ll leave other things on the ‘free market’.\\nSociety ≠≠ Collectivity\\n\\tzSociety should be understood like a chain.\\n\\tzStrength of the chain is the strength of its weakest link. Similarly, strength of the society is the \\nstrength of the weakest people of the society.\\nHow does John Rawls help in understanding Indian Society?\\n\\tzRawls was very close to Mahatma Gandhi’s ideas.\\n\\tzGandhi’s idea of Antyodya and Sarvodya.\\n Think about the last person’s \\nupliftment.\\n\\tzGandhi’s ‘last person’ is very close to the weakest link in Rawls’ philosophy.\\n\\tzGandhiji’s Talisman is similar to Rawls’ Rule No. 3 which says that maximum power and resources \\nshould be given to the ones who help the weakest persons to come forward.\\n\\tz‘Weakest links’ in Indian society:\\n\\t\\x81SCs\\n\\t\\x81STs\\n\\t\\x81OBCs\\n\\t\\x81Women\\n\\t\\x81Third gender\\n\\t\\x81LGBTQIA+\\n\\t\\x81Minorities etc.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501MAX WEBER\\nIntroduction\\n\\tzTime period: 19th – 20th Century C.E.\\n\\tzHe was from Germany.\\n\\tzHe is known for Sociology, Public Administration and Political Science and International relations.\\n\\tzHe is also known for his study of 6 Religions.\\n\\tzBook: ‘Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism.\\n\\tzThe concept of Bureaucracy in modern times has been given for the first time by Weber.\\nBureaucracy\\n\\tzHe believes that it is a characteristic of Industrial society (Capitalism and Communism).\\n\\tzIt is omnipresent in any modern country, not restricted to a state.\\n\\tzExample: Bureaucracy in Business, Army, NGOs/societies, Political Parties, Social institutions etc.\\n\\tzNeed/Importance:\\n\\t\\x81It is based on the types of actions.\\nActions\\nRational \\nActionsAffective/\\nEmotive ActionsTraditional \\nActions\\nRational actions \\nin response to a \\nrational objective \\nExample: \\nBureaucracy in a \\nreligious set up.Rational actions \\nin response to \\na value- based \\nobjective \\nExample: \\nBureaucracy of a \\nstate.\\nCharacteristics of a Modern Bureaucracy\\n\\tzA well- structured hierarchy.\\n\\tzPermanent\\n\\tzProcedures are written well- structured.\\n\\tzFull-time employment \\n\\tzValues – Anonymity\\nFEMINIST ETHICS\\nIntroduction\\n\\tzFeminism is a movement and an ideology which speaks about putting the women at their entitled \\nspace.\\n\\tzHere ‘space’ means rights, opportunities, etc. \\n\\tzTime period – at the end of 18th Century C.E. (Very close to the French Revolution)Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EBranches of Feminism\\nFeminism\\nLiberalIn general, two branches\\nRadical\\n\\t¾J S Mill \\t¾Kate Millet\\nDebate between Sex and Gender\\n\\tzSex – Biological \\n\\tzGender – Social and Cultural\\n\\tzFeminism talks about eliminating gender differences instead of sexual differences. A society/culture \\nshould be developed which holds both the sexes or all sexes on an equal footing.\\nPatriarchy\\n\\tzCommon enemy of every feminist.\\n\\tzIt is a universal problem in every society, it exists according to feminists’ belief.\\n\\tzIt is the social structure which puts males in dominating roles over females/women.\\n\\tzIt prevails in almost every sphere whether its religion or ethics or laws etc.\\nGlass Ceiling\\n\\tzThere are a lot of invisible obstructions which stop women ultimately from participating in an equal \\nmanner.\\nPersonal is Political \\n\\tzFeminists believe that personal is political which means that the personal life is not so sacrosanct \\nthat legal mechanisms from the state cannot be brought into it.\\n‘Women is not born, she is made so’\\n\\tzThis statement is given by Simone de Beauvoir.\\n\\tzWomen and men are unequal only in biological process. In the process of their upbringing, they are \\ngiven different values and training and this makes the boy man and girl women. \\nObjectification\\n\\tzWhen human beings are treated as objects, it is called objectification.\\n\\tzWhat is object?\\n\\t\\x81Does not take decision for itself.\\n\\t\\x81Used by and for others.\\nSubject Object\\n\\t¾Takes decision about itself. \\t¾Does not take decision about itself\\n\\t¾Lives its own life \\t¾Does not lives its own life but used by others.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501SOCIALIST ETHICS\\nSocialism\\nUtopian SocialismTypes\\nMarxism or \\nScientific \\nSocialism or \\nRevolutionary \\nSocialismEvolutionary \\nSocialism\\nor Democratic \\nSocialism\\nBasic Values\\n\\tzEquality\\n\\t\\x81Economic equality is the base to all equalities.\\n\\t\\x81The concept of private property should either be limited or abolished.\\n\\t\\x81Everyone has to work except those who can not \\n\\tzSocial Justice/Affirmative Action\\n\\t\\x81Example: Reservation\\n\\t\\x81The Communities/Societies which are in unjustified situations, they should be given some \\nprivileges/benefits so that they can come to the mainstream.\\n\\tzLess Belief in Religion\\n\\t\\x81If someone wants to believe in religion, it is a personal matter and therefore, should not be a \\nsocial/political matter.\\nMarxism/Scientific Socialism\\n\\tzBelieves in a bloody revolution.\\n\\tzIt doesn’t accept:\\n\\t\\x81Capitalism\\n\\t\\x81State\\n\\t\\x81Religion\\n\\t\\x81Nation\\n\\t\\x81Family\\nCASE STUDIES\\n\\tzDon’t behave badly with anyone who is not responsible or have the chances to be not responsible.\\n\\tzIf something wrong has been done to you, you have to do at least something. \\n\\tzSystematic solutions are the better solutions.\\nSolutions\\nShort – term \\nor \\nImmediateLong term \\nor \\nSystematicDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzWhen its a value crisis, don’t get compensated with money because it dilutes the dignity of the cause.\\nCase Studies\\nSituations\\nSpecific\\nSituation \\nfrom private/\\npersonal lifeSituation from \\nprofessional \\nlifeTypes\\nPolicy \\nMatters\\n\\t¾About drafting a \\npolicy on a general \\nproblem prevalent \\nnowadays.\\n\\t¾Remember:\\n\\t\\x99Not to go against the rule of law.\\n\\t\\x99Not to encroach your jurisdiction.\\n\\t¾Sources of ethical guidance.\\n\\t¾Constitution\\n\\t¾Laws\\n\\t¾Rules and regulations\\n\\t¾Conscience \\n\\tzPunishment:\\n\\t\\x81Least required punishment should be given\\n\\t\\x81If there are chances that the person can improve himself/herself, a chance of improvement \\nshould be given.\\n\\t\\x81Don’t punish to show others.\\n\\t\\x81It should be given in proportion to the misdeed done. Disproportionate punishment should not \\nbe given to anyone in order to teach lessons to others.\\n2013 – Q5\\n\\tzWhat are the options available to you?\\n(a) To reveal the information. \\n(b) To not reveal the information and keep quiet.\\n(c) To reveal the partial information.\\n(d) To reveal the wrong information.\\n(e) To send a complaint to senior authority.\\n(f) To resign in order to avoid pressure.\\n(g) To convince the officer about the right procedure. \\n\\tzWhich option to chose and why?\\n\\t\\x81I will not accept the options:\\n(a) Because this is not legally correct.\\n (d) Because this is legally and morally incorrect.\\n(f) Because it show that I do not have the value of fortitude, patience or courage within me \\nwhich are the values associated with civil servant.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Stakeholders\\n\\t¾Who will be affected by the situation?\\n\\t¾Example: Senior Officer, Government, Public, Environment, \\nSubsidiary industries, etc. (in this case)\\n\\tzI will not opt for (c) because it is legally and morally inappropriate.\\n\\tzThe best option in my opinion is (g) because a solution through dialogue holds a possibility that the \\nother person is able to see my perspective and situation will be resolved peacefully.\\n\\tzIf option (g) does not work then I will go for option (e) having some proofs about the situation that \\noccurred.\\n\\tzThe option (b) is the third best option. However, this is a way of avoiding the situation and not \\nsolving it. \\n(In some situations, method of avoiding the problem must be used. It is the best policy in certain \\ncases.)'" ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "raw_text" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "5S0GgIQs4Rps" }, "source": [ "Initialize the connection to your database:\n", "\n", "_(do not worry if you see a few warnings, it's just that the drivers are chatty about negotiating protocol versions with the DB.)_" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "zFBR5HnZSPmK", "outputId": "bcd922b8-7587-4e8f-b797-74dfe42d485b" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "cassio.init(token=ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN, database_id=ASTRA_DB_ID)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "ex7NxZYb4Rps" }, "source": [ "Create the LangChain embedding and LLM objects for later usage:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "id": "TavS0AK2SLrL" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "llm = OpenAI(openai_api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY)\n", "embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings(openai_api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "9HMMx5Pm4Rpt" }, "source": [ "Create your LangChain vector store ... backed by Astra DB!" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": { "id": "bg9VAk4USQvU" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "astra_vector_store = Cassandra(\n", " embedding=embedding,\n", " table_name=\"qa_mini_demo\",\n", " session=None,\n", " keyspace=None,\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "metadata": { "id": "9FMAhKr77AVO" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter\n", "# We need to split the text using Character Text Split such that it sshould not increse token size\n", "text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(\n", " separator = \"\\n\",\n", " chunk_size = 800,\n", " chunk_overlap = 200,\n", " length_function = len,\n", ")\n", "texts = text_splitter.split_text(raw_text)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": { "id": "k8BDHAyT7Gjr", "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "['21 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-11000521 Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005\\nContact No.:Contact No.: 8010440440, 8750187501 8010440440, 8750187501\\nWebsite:Website: www.drishtiIAS.com www.drishtiIAS.com\\ne-mail:e-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com englishsupport@groupdrishti.comETHICS, \\nINTEGRITY \\nAND APTITUDEETHICS, \\nINTEGRITY \\nAND APTITUDEIntroduct Ion\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics is a normative subject.',\n", " 'Uttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics is a normative subject.\\nConfusion/Dilemma: It is cognitive in nature and due to lack of sufficient knowledge.\\nKey Concepts\\nEthics or Morality Attitude Aptitude Values Conscience\\nATTITUDE\\n\\tzAn orientation towards any psychological objects and this orientation may be positive, negative or \\nambivalent.\\n\\tzThe definition may be broken down into the following key aspects:\\n\\t\\x81Orientation or inclination\\n\\t\\x81Positive, Negative, Ambivalent\\n\\t\\x81Any psychological object\\n\\tzIt can be collective in nature.\\nIndividualAttitude\\nCollective or social\\nReflected via an individual through his/her \\nlearning from the society or social groups.',\n", " '\\x81Any psychological object\\n\\tzIt can be collective in nature.\\nIndividualAttitude\\nCollective or social\\nReflected via an individual through his/her \\nlearning from the society or social groups.\\nSubject and Object\\nIn General\\nSubject: About whom or which something is told\\nObject: Something on whom or which something is done.\\nIn Ethics\\nSubject: Someone whose consciousness is being used.\\nObject: Consciousness being used for whom.IntroductionDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan',\n", " 'Signature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EAn object can be both conscious or non conscious. The difference lies in the fact that consciousness \\nof ‘Subject’ is used for the person or thing.\\nOn the other hand any material object without consciousness can never be a subject. It will always \\nbe an object.\\nFor Instance, If I am thinking about the well being of the State. Here, ‘I’ as an individual is subject \\nbecause my consciousness is being used. ‘State’, a non-conscious thing, is object because consciousness',\n", " 'because my consciousness is being used. ‘State’, a non-conscious thing, is object because consciousness \\nof mine is being used for State.\\nSubject ConsciousnessEmotion\\nThought\\nMental ActivityAbout Something\\nAnything which is only material \\nor a combination of both matter \\nand consciousness.\\nPerson\\nConsciousness BodyThe action of consciousness such as \\nthinking makes subject.\\nWhereas the person about whom the \\nthought process is taking place is \\nobject as his/her consciousness is not \\nin action in the present context.Material\\nNon conscious aspect of human\\nPsychological Object\\nAny object which can be a part of our psychological capacity on which we can think, or get influenced, \\nor for which we can have emotion.\\nAny object that can be used as reference point for any mental activity.',\n", " 'or for which we can have emotion.\\nAny object that can be used as reference point for any mental activity.\\nPerson: Anyone other than the person who is doing mental activity.\\nMaterial Thing, Place, Community, etc.\\nMaterial objects\\nPsychological objectFrom the perspective of Psychology\\nWhat is being perceived?\\nContrary Attitude\\n\\tzA situation of ambivalent attitude.\\n\\tzOne attitude but have strong or strict self control over expression of such an attitude.\\nIndividual: Subject or Object or Both\\n\\tzA person can be a subject or an object or both at the same time.Introduct Ion\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony,',\n", " 'Signature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzWhen a person is thinking about himself/ herself then the part of the person which is thinking is \\nsubject and the concept or percept or idea of the person which is being thought is object.\\nAPTITUDE\\n\\tzIt is the set of abilities that is required to be successful in one field provided the training is given to \\nthe person.\\n\\tzA set of abilities.\\n\\tzBasic set of abilities which are required to be successful in life.\\n\\t¾Hard work\\n\\t¾Interest\\n\\t¾Aptitude',\n", " 'the person.\\n\\tzA set of abilities.\\n\\tzBasic set of abilities which are required to be successful in life.\\n\\t¾Hard work\\n\\t¾Interest\\n\\t¾Aptitude\\n\\t¾TrainingInnate or genetic. Some can be developed with time.Basics for Success\\nAptitude\\nAbilities Generally innate, some can be acquired\\nVALUES\\nIn linguisticsCan be a verb\\nCan also be a noun\\nUsage In various streams\\n– Economics\\n– Maths\\n– Ethics\\nEthical values\\nThey are ideals which are given to us via various methods such as family teachings, education etc. \\nIdeals which tell us what should be our perfect behaviour or personality and such ideals make the \\nsociety a better living place.\\n\\tzEthical values are the ideals of a society\\n\\tzIn a hypothetical situation if ideal ethical values are present in all the individuals of a society then',\n", " 'society a better living place.\\n\\tzEthical values are the ideals of a society\\n\\tzIn a hypothetical situation if ideal ethical values are present in all the individuals of a society then \\nsuch a society would be an ideal place to live.\\nBody: Hardware\\nValues: Software\\n[Enables us to use our brain]Human Beings\\n\\tzVirtues: Ideals realised in a personality. Courage is an ideal which when realised in personality \\nbecomes virtue.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan',\n", " 'Signature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EEMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE\\nIt is an ability of understanding and regulating our own as well as others emotions. It is not a \\ngenetic quality. Intelligence can be and to some extent, a genetic quality but on the other hand emotional \\nintelligence is based upon our learning throughout our life.\\n\\tzIntelligence: It is an ability of understanding and solving the problem within limited time and with \\ngood efficiency.\\nEmotional Intelligence\\nIntelligence\\nIntelligenceEmotionMyself\\nOthers',\n", " 'zIntelligence: It is an ability of understanding and solving the problem within limited time and with \\ngood efficiency.\\nEmotional Intelligence\\nIntelligence\\nIntelligenceEmotionMyself\\nOthers\\nRegulateAbility\\nUnderstand or comprehend\\nFind solution\\nLess time/Energy\\nCONSCIENCE\\n“There is always a conflict between intellect and pleasure. One aspect of our personality says that \\nyou have to do a thing for sake of your happiness. Whereas the other aspect tells us to do things which \\nare ethically right.” – Immanuel Kant\\nConscience is the inner voice which tells us what is right in any specific situation. It is not universal. \\nIt is dependent upon communities, religion and society. In psychology it is believed to be Super Ego and \\nit develops as per our social system.',\n", " 'It is dependent upon communities, religion and society. In psychology it is believed to be Super Ego and \\nit develops as per our social system.\\n\\tzInner Voice: The voice which comes from our inner self when we are going to do something wrong.\\n\\tzIn Psychology\\n\\t\\x81Id: It motivates us for happiness or sensory pleasures and not to think about the ethical or \\nrational aspect.\\n\\t\\x81Super Ego: It motivates us to do something right and ethical, and stops us from doing something \\nwrong.\\nNo external \\nsocial control\\nConscience tells us \\nthat something is right \\nor wrongSituations\\nGrey Areas\\nIn the situation of \\nconfusion one must listen \\nto his/her conscienceIntroduct Ion\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,',\n", " 'confusion one must listen \\nto his/her conscienceIntroduct Ion\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501APPROACH TO ETHICS PAPER\\nNormative \\nsubject\\n\\t¾What should be done?\\n\\t¾Prescriptive subjectApproach to Ethics\\nGrey Areas Dynamic\\nDichotomy\\nApproaching \\nsomething by \\ndividing things \\ninto 2 sectionsContinuum Approach Followed\\n\\t¾No certain values can be \\nattached to any human \\nbeing \\n\\t¾It is always in flux\\n\\tzFor ethics one needs to have open, rational and balanced mind.',\n", " 'into 2 sectionsContinuum Approach Followed\\n\\t¾No certain values can be \\nattached to any human \\nbeing \\n\\t¾It is always in flux\\n\\tzFor ethics one needs to have open, rational and balanced mind.\\n\\tzValue Neutral: One should not consider his/her value as absolute one.\\n\\tzInterest Neutrality: We should not be affected by our own interest if we are judging morality or \\nethics of others.\\n\\tzSubjective: In ethics we need to accept subjectivity. Opinions of others are also there. These other \\nopinions exist and can be true or false. This idea of subjectivity is reflected in Jain philosophy of \\nSyadvada.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,',\n", " 'Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501INTRODUCTION\\nPhilosophy\\nEpistemology\\nPhilosophy of \\nKnowledgePhilosophy of \\nReality/ \\nExistenceObjective \\nof life\\nGod \\n[Theology]World \\n[Cosmology]Soul \\n[Psychology]Means to \\nachieve the \\nobjective of lifeMetaphysics EthicsSocial Psychology\\n[Sociology+Psychology]Grounds to Define Ethics\\nEthics as a Social System\\nSociety\\n\\tzIt is basically a system.\\n\\tzIt is a complex systems i.e., a system of various systems and sub-systems. Example of complex system',\n", " 'Ethics as a Social System\\nSociety\\n\\tzIt is basically a system.\\n\\tzIt is a complex systems i.e., a system of various systems and sub-systems. Example of complex system \\nis human body.\\n\\tzSociety is a complex system which is made up of various systems or sub–systems working in co-\\nordination and coherence.\\nSociety’s Sub System\\nEconomic \\nsystemEducational \\nsystemReligious \\nsystem\\nTool-Ethics Consensus on values for peaceful \\nco-existence in a societySocial control \\n[Pattern \\nMaintenance \\nsystem]{Used by sociologist \\nTalcott Parsons}Political system \\n[System of power and \\naccountability \\nsharing]Ethics & Human InterfaceDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj,',\n", " 'Signature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EMethods of Social Control\\nSocialisation\\n\\t¾Process which makes an a-social child into social being\\n\\t¾It helps in making of our Super Ego\\n\\t¾Types: Primary socialisation and secondary socialisationSanctions\\n\\t¾Positive : Rewards\\n\\t¾Negative : Punishment\\n\\t¾Beginning years\\n\\t¾Family, School, Peer group etc.\\t¾Advanced Years of Life\\n\\t¾Training, Domain KnowledgeSocialisation\\nPrimary Secondary\\nEthics',\n", " '¾Positive : Rewards\\n\\t¾Negative : Punishment\\n\\t¾Beginning years\\n\\t¾Family, School, Peer group etc.\\t¾Advanced Years of Life\\n\\t¾Training, Domain KnowledgeSocialisation\\nPrimary Secondary\\nEthics\\nEthics is a social system which formulates values and norms of conduct for the members of society \\nand attempts to regulate behaviour of individuals accordingly.\\n – Ethics : A social system Norms of Conduct\\n : It formulates Values\\n : For members of a society\\n : Attempts to regulate – Behaviour of/conduct of individuals\\nKey Terms of Definition Values\\n Norms\\n Conduct/Behaviour\\nVALUES\\n\\tzIn ethics it is moral values.\\n\\tzThey are the moral ideals of a society.\\n\\t\\x81Ideals – State of being perfect\\n\\tz The values are learned. They are not innate in nature. The process of learning of values is socialisation.',\n", " 'zThey are the moral ideals of a society.\\n\\t\\x81Ideals – State of being perfect\\n\\tz The values are learned. They are not innate in nature. The process of learning of values is socialisation.\\n\\tzThe values are deep rooted in our personality. Guilt is generated if we act against our value. The \\nconscience comes to play its role to avoid the feeling of guilt and refutes our action which is against \\nour values.\\n\\tz Values are generally stable but can be changed in special circumstance. They are not easily changed.\\n\\tzValues are used as the standard of evaluating people.\\nCharacteristics of Values\\n\\tzIdeal standards\\n\\tzAbstract in nature\\n\\tzThey cannot be perceived but are conceptualised\\n\\tzExample: Respecting seniors and elders. Value here is Respect. Respect cannot be perceived by our',\n", " 'zIdeal standards\\n\\tzAbstract in nature\\n\\tzThey cannot be perceived but are conceptualised\\n\\tzExample: Respecting seniors and elders. Value here is Respect. Respect cannot be perceived by our \\nsensory organs. To make this value of Respect, prevalent in society we make it norms of conduct.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Id : Desire, Instinct, Lust\\nEgo: Balance between Id and Super Ego\\nSuper Ego – Developed through learning \\nspecific to humanState of Knowing',\n", " 'Ego: Balance between Id and Super Ego\\nSuper Ego – Developed through learning \\nspecific to humanState of Knowing\\nMindConscious\\nSub Conscious\\nNon Conscious\\nIdeals Abstract\\nGenerally \\nstableStandards of \\njudgementLearned Similar to \\nvirtuesArranged in \\nhierarchy\\nRealised \\nvaluesDeep rooted in \\npersonalityCharacteristics of Values\\nType of Values\\nMajor\\nPositiveSecular \\nvaluesUniversal \\nvaluesReligious \\nvaluesParochial \\nvalues\\nFoundationalTerminal \\nvalues Instrumental \\nvaluesMinor\\nNegative\\nArea \\nspecific or \\nspecificBasis of Classification\\nTerminal\\nThese values are the highest values in the pyramid or hierarchy of values. These values are end in \\nitself. For instance, bliss, peace, happiness etc.\\nInstrumental values',\n", " 'Terminal\\nThese values are the highest values in the pyramid or hierarchy of values. These values are end in \\nitself. For instance, bliss, peace, happiness etc.\\nInstrumental values \\nThese values are means to achieve the terminal or other values. For example punctuality, honesty etc.\\nPositive values\\nThe values which we try to inculcate or internalise. For example gratitude, honesty etc.\\nNegative values\\nThe values which we should not have in our value system.\\nFoundational values \\nThe values which are given to an individual in the beginning of the life and are important in all \\naspects of general life. For example sharing, compassion etc.Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg,',\n", " 'Signature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EArea specific values\\nThese values are specific to area. They may be based on foundational values but at times some \\nvalues are only specific to an area or work. For instance anonymity, secrecy etc.\\nReligious values \\nThese are the values taught to us by our religion. For example animal sacrifice, tree worship etc.\\nSecular values \\nThese values come from secular mindset and does not require any support of religion. For instance \\nmutual co-existence, universal brotherhood etc.',\n", " 'Secular values \\nThese values come from secular mindset and does not require any support of religion. For instance \\nmutual co-existence, universal brotherhood etc.\\n\\tzRelation between Secular and Religious values\\nR.V S.V\\nSaving Trees \\nSaving Animals \\nUniversal values\\nThese are the values which are accepted by almost all the socities of the world. For example, peace, \\nintegrity, brotherhood etc.\\nParochial values \\nThese are the values which are accepted by a specific culture and the same are not accepted by \\nother cultures or societies. For instance some tribal values.\\nThe Maasai Tribe: Spitting is a sheer sign of respect. This act is done to either greet one another, \\nagree to a deal, or to simply wish someone good luck.',\n", " 'The Maasai Tribe: Spitting is a sheer sign of respect. This act is done to either greet one another, \\nagree to a deal, or to simply wish someone good luck.\\nAncient Greek culture: Ritual spitting, a term which denotes that spitting was carried out as a \\ngood omen and to ward off evil from infants and newly weds.\\nValues : Objective or Subjective\\n\\tzObjective: Something which exists in the object. Accepted by all without differences of opinion. \\nTruth value resides in the object.\\n\\tzSubjective: Something which exists in the subject and depends on the opinion of individuals. Truth \\nvalue resides in the opinion of the subject.\\n\\tzObject: Something about which we can think or feel something.\\n\\tzSubject: A thinking being.\\nDeontology\\n\\tzEthics is rule and norms. \\n\\tzRules and Norms are absolute.',\n", " 'zObject: Something about which we can think or feel something.\\n\\tzSubject: A thinking being.\\nDeontology\\n\\tzEthics is rule and norms. \\n\\tzRules and Norms are absolute.\\n\\tzNo diversion is allowed.\\n\\tzIn general religious ethics are closer to deontology.\\n\\tzExample: Ethics– 10 commandments of morality.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Teleology\\n\\tzBelieves in purpose of ethics .\\n\\tzEnds or targets or objective are more important than rules or norms.',\n", " 'zBelieves in purpose of ethics .\\n\\tzEnds or targets or objective are more important than rules or norms.\\n\\tzIn general, it is secular ethics.\\n\\tzIt is closer to philosophy of Utilitarianism.\\nReligious Ethics\\nCommandments of God \\nare absolute in nature \\nas they are revealed by \\nGod and cannot be \\nchanged by Humans.If an act increases more \\nhappiness to the society in \\ncomparison to pain or sorrow \\nthen the act is acceptable.Secular Ethics\\nUtilitarianismAnimal Sacrifice\\n\\tzAnalysis by Patrick Novel Smith:\\nScenario 1 Scenario 2Occasional sexual \\nintimacy with y without \\nany emotional intimacy \\nwith consent of both ‘z’ \\nand ‘y’Get emotionally \\nintimate with y and \\ndo not get into any \\nsexual intimacyx and z is a married couple living happily. There is no',\n", " 'any emotional intimacy \\nwith consent of both ‘z’ \\nand ‘y’Get emotionally \\nintimate with y and \\ndo not get into any \\nsexual intimacyx and z is a married couple living happily. There is no \\nproblem between them except for one, i.e., the wife z \\nhas taken celibacy and the husband x ones or twice \\nfeels the urge to have physical intimacy. \\n\\t\\x81Ethical Preposition\\n\\t\\x89Deontological Approach: Adultery is a sin, so scenario 2 is more ethical approach. It believes \\nethics as objective and adultery is opposed in Hebrew ethics.\\n\\t\\x89Teleological Approach: Rules of ethics are not supreme. All the rules of ethics are made \\nwith an objective of maximum happiness of maximum people. If any rule is giving maximum \\nhappiness of maximum people then that rule must be accepted. It believes ethics as subjective.',\n", " 'with an objective of maximum happiness of maximum people. If any rule is giving maximum \\nhappiness of maximum people then that rule must be accepted. It believes ethics as subjective. \\nThe rules are for human beings and not vice versa. The purpose is to maintain happiness and \\namicable relation between x and z, so scenario 1 is more ethical.\\nValues : Objective or Subjective\\n100% Objective – If believed by all people across the world.\\n100% Subjective – No two persons have same value set.\\nThe values are neither 100% subjective nor 100% objective. Thus 100% objectivity or subjectivity \\nof the values are impossible.\\nObjective of values mean that all the persons of the society do have an agreement on values.',\n", " 'of the values are impossible.\\nObjective of values mean that all the persons of the society do have an agreement on values.\\nOn the other hand subjectivity of values mean that people have different opinions about the values \\nor they accept different set of values for themselves.\\nObjectivity and subjectivity of values need to be understood in continuum approachDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t¾ Some Values are \\naccepted by all or there',\n", " 'Jaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\t¾ Some Values are \\naccepted by all or there \\nis general agreement \\nabout on it in the world \\nbaring a few exceptions.\\n\\t¾ Example: Peace, \\nBrotherhood\\t¾ Equally subjective \\nand objective\\n\\t¾ Vegetarianism, \\nsacrifice of animals\\t¾ Veganism\\n\\t¾ Acceptance to homosexuality\\n\\t¾ Live-in Relationship100% ObjectivityHigh Objectivity High Subjectivity\\n100% Subjectivity 0% Subjectivity 0% Objectivity\\nValues: Static or Dynamic?\\nDynamic\\nSomething that changes. Reasons for change – Space, Time, Circumstances. If something changes \\naccording to or with space, time and circumstances is dynamic. This is very much related to teleology.\\nStatic',\n", " 'according to or with space, time and circumstances is dynamic. This is very much related to teleology.\\nStatic\\nSomething that doesn’t change. If something that doesn’t change according to or with space, time \\nand circumstances is static. This is very much related to deontology.\\nGame of Cricket in Local Area\\nRules \\n(Static)Rules \\n(Dynamic)\\n\\tzTeleological Argument\\n\\t\\x81New rules can be made.\\n\\t\\x81Existing rules can be tweaked depending upon requirement.\\n\\t\\x81Purpose: To play not according to a set of rules but to enjoy. To play in a group and have joy and \\nfun.\\n\\t\\x81If for the purpose to sustain we have to change some rules we must change them.\\n\\t\\x81According to Patrick Nowell Smith, in the beginning when children start seeing this world in the',\n", " 'fun.\\n\\t\\x81If for the purpose to sustain we have to change some rules we must change them.\\n\\t\\x81According to Patrick Nowell Smith, in the beginning when children start seeing this world in the \\nfirst stage they do not understand what are rules, in the second stage they are not able to \\nunderstand that the rules can be changed and in the third stage, when they gain understanding, \\nthey start understanding that the rules are not ends but are made just to make the system work \\nso that collective purpose could be achieved.\\nIn the world of ethics also when we talk of deontology. This is a childish kind of understanding of \\nethics because rules cannot be changed. When the human being grow, they become more intelligent and',\n", " 'ethics because rules cannot be changed. When the human being grow, they become more intelligent and \\nthey start understanding that rules are just a means and if for the betterment of human lives the rules \\nare to be changed we should change them. That is why teleology is better approach to human society \\nas far as utilitarian thinkers are concerned.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzDeontological Argument',\n", " 'Uttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzDeontological Argument\\n\\t\\x81The general IQ level of the society falls in the average level and one cannot expect them to think \\nand create understanding about issues in depth. If rules are made to be means to achieve the \\nends in regard with values then it may lead to greater chaos by overthinking or less thinking. \\nThus if the rules are clear it will save a lot of mental exercise in terms of energy and times.\\n\\t\\x81As soon as people are given the option to deviate from the rules, we give them some discretion \\nand thus open up the option for corruption.',\n", " '\\x81As soon as people are given the option to deviate from the rules, we give them some discretion \\nand thus open up the option for corruption.\\n\\t\\x81The golden mean is to have the rules as static but the society must be ready to review the rules \\nand bring or introduce whenever required depending upon space, time or circumstances.\\nContinuum\\n100% Dynamic \\n0% StaticValues equally \\ndynamic and static \\n[Vegetarianism \\nNon-vegetarianism]\\nValues which are \\nmore Dynamic0% Dynamic \\n100% Static\\nValues more static \\nin nature [Peace, \\nBliss]\\n\\tzChange with Time\\n (a) In ancient times values were more of spiritual nature.\\n (b) Now in modern times values are more of material in nature.\\n\\tzChange with space\\n (a) Place with abundance of agriculture the value of vegetarianism is prevalent.',\n", " '(b) Now in modern times values are more of material in nature.\\n\\tzChange with space\\n (a) Place with abundance of agriculture the value of vegetarianism is prevalent.\\n (b) But on the other hand non-vegetarianism is prominent were agriculture is not prevalent or \\nplaces where agriculture cannot survive.\\n\\tzChange with situation\\n (a) A country with state of peace will have values of academic inclination, joy etc.\\n (b) Other country, in same geographical area and time, at war will have values of courage, sacrifice \\netc.\\nInculcation of Values\\nInculcation: A process through which values are given to a child or human being so that it becomes \\nthe part of his/her personality or the values are internalised.\\nInculcation → Process\\n Aim\\n Internalisation\\nRole of Family\\nParameters',\n", " 'the part of his/her personality or the values are internalised.\\nInculcation → Process\\n Aim\\n Internalisation\\nRole of Family\\nParameters\\nWhen? What kind of values? How? ImpactDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud E\\tzWhen does the family play an important role in inculcation of values?\\n\\t\\x81Initial Life\\n\\t\\x890 to 3 years of age: The child is almost 100% in the family.\\n\\t\\x893 to 12 years of age: Impact of family is more than friends in general.',\n", " '\\x81Initial Life\\n\\t\\x890 to 3 years of age: The child is almost 100% in the family.\\n\\t\\x893 to 12 years of age: Impact of family is more than friends in general.\\n\\t\\x89From 13 years of age: The control of the family loosens and influence of peer group have \\nmaximum impact.\\n\\t\\x89After 19 or 20 years of age: Family, in general, does not play any particular role in inculcation \\nof values.\\n\\tzHow does the family teach moral values to a child?\\n\\t\\x81Direct Teaching: Family members teach the child by instructing values to do certain things by \\nmentioning dos and don’ts.\\n\\t\\x81Indirect Teaching: Children believe more in observational learning.\\n\\t\\x81If the child observes something different from what is being taught. The child learns more by \\nobserving the things.',\n", " '\\x81Indirect Teaching: Children believe more in observational learning.\\n\\t\\x81If the child observes something different from what is being taught. The child learns more by \\nobserving the things.\\n\\t\\x81Role of a mother is more important in the teaching of the child. Throughout the ages mothers \\nhave been upbringing the child and they are with the child most of the time. Secondly the level \\nof patience which a mother have in comparison to a father when dealing with the child is very \\ndifferent. According to John Bowlby, if a child does not have a mother the chances of him/her \\nbeing a criminal or recidivist is very high.\\n\\t\\x81Sometimes role of grandparents becomes important as both the parents are busy in their daily \\nworks.\\n\\tzWhat kind of values does the family teachs?',\n", " 'being a criminal or recidivist is very high.\\n\\t\\x81Sometimes role of grandparents becomes important as both the parents are busy in their daily \\nworks.\\n\\tzWhat kind of values does the family teachs?\\n\\t\\x81In general family teachs the values they have to their children.\\n\\t\\x81For example a child of middle class family the values can be hardwork, honesty, integrity, \\ncompassion etc. They are some of the good values. But there can also be some bad values like \\ncommunalism, casteism, racism etc.\\n\\tzImpact of family on value system\\n\\t\\x81The impact on the child is highest.\\n\\t\\x81It is believed that most of the values are embedded or inculcated in the child is uptill the age of \\n6 years.\\n\\t\\x81It depends mainly on the amount of time given by the family to the child, whether the family is',\n", " '6 years.\\n\\t\\x81It depends mainly on the amount of time given by the family to the child, whether the family is \\nprogressive or whether the family is symmetrical or asymmetrical.\\nRole of Educational Institutions\\n\\tzWhen does educational institutions play role in inculcation of values?\\n\\t\\x81Age 4-14 years: Primary educational institutions\\n\\t\\x81Teachings by the teachers: According to researches it is believed the child learns only 25 to \\n33% of teachings of the teachers.\\n\\t\\x81Teaching by Peer group: Most of teaching is from the peer group. Mainly during secondary \\nlevel of education.\\n\\t\\x81In primary school foundational values are primary and in secondary school professional values \\nare primary.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment,',\n", " 'are primary.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501\\tzWhat values?\\n\\t\\x81It depends upon the nature of the institution.\\n\\t\\x81Example: Co-ed or Non co-ed institutions; Secular or Religious institutions; Diverse or \\nHomogenous institution.\\n\\tzImpact\\n\\t\\x81Impact of school is more than college.\\n\\t\\x81Impact of family is more than the school.\\n\\t\\x81In the school impact of peer group is more than the teachers.\\nRole of Society\\nSociety – It is a web of social relationship\\n\\tzRelatives',\n", " '\\x81Impact of family is more than the school.\\n\\t\\x81In the school impact of peer group is more than the teachers.\\nRole of Society\\nSociety – It is a web of social relationship\\n\\tzRelatives\\n\\tzCommunity\\tzMedia\\n\\tzNeighbourhood\\tzMarket/Road/Street\\n\\tzSocial group\\n\\tzWhen does society give us values?\\n\\t\\x81Society plays role of inculcating values everytime.\\n\\t\\x81It comes to play a major role after we grow to certain age mainly when an individual starts \\nbecoming independent.\\n\\t\\x81Indirect learning starts from the beginning and direct learning when we grow mainly after the \\nage of 18 years.\\n\\tzHow does society help us inculcate values?\\n\\tIt is generally through ones observation, social sanctions, and social controls by pressure groups.\\n\\tzWhat values?\\n\\t\\x81Depends on social group.\\n\\t\\x81Values can be good or bad.\\n\\tzImpact',\n", " 'It is generally through ones observation, social sanctions, and social controls by pressure groups.\\n\\tzWhat values?\\n\\t\\x81Depends on social group.\\n\\t\\x81Values can be good or bad.\\n\\tzImpact\\n\\t\\x81Family > Education Institution > Society\\n\\t\\x81In some cases society can have greater impact in absence of family or/and good educational \\ninstitution.\\nNORMS\\nThese are standards of behaviour in a given society. The standard of behaviour which is expressed \\nin form of certain action. Adherence to norms is taken as adherence to values. The abstract values are \\nmanifested through the norms of conduct. Norms of conduct are concrete in nature.\\nValuesNorms\\nAbstract Concrete Standards of \\nbehaviourDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,',\n", " 'ValuesNorms\\nAbstract Concrete Standards of \\nbehaviourDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Ethics , intEgrity and aptitud EExample:\\nRespecting the Elders\\nValue\\nNormConcrete Touching feet \\nSajdah\\nCompassion\\nValue\\nNormConcreteFeeding Animal\\nNormHealth\\nValueConcreteWeekly Fast\\nEvolution of Norms\\n\\tzMethod of greeting people\\n\\t\\x81Namaskar\\n\\t\\x81Hugging\\n\\t\\x81Handshake\\n\\tzAny norm starts with an innovation by an individual. The act must have been done for the first time.',\n", " 'Evolution of Norms\\n\\tzMethod of greeting people\\n\\t\\x81Namaskar\\n\\t\\x81Hugging\\n\\t\\x81Handshake\\n\\tzAny norm starts with an innovation by an individual. The act must have been done for the first time.\\n\\tzThey very act must have been accepted by others.\\n\\tzThe individual habit must have been practiced.\\n\\tzThe act must have been accepted by the group.\\n\\tzThe accepted habit of the group becomes a collective habit.\\n\\tzThe collective habit gets acceptance from the society in general.\\n\\tzThe habit becomes a social norm.\\n\\tzAs soon as habit becomes social norm the expectation is high.\\n\\tzWith time it becomes tradition or custom and the levels of expectation are more and more high.\\n\\tzFrom tradition or custom the norms social mores.',\n", " 'zWith time it becomes tradition or custom and the levels of expectation are more and more high.\\n\\tzFrom tradition or custom the norms social mores.\\n\\tzThe social mores are traditions or customs which have a very high level of acceptance and even \\nrigidity.\\n\\tzPeople expect everyone to behave in same manner.\\n\\tzIf they do not behave in the accepted manner a lot of social sanctions follow.Ethics & human intErfac E\\nDrishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \\nSignature View Apartment, \\nNew Delhi21, Pusa Road, \\nKarol Bagh,\\nNew DelhiTashkent Marg, \\nCivil Lines, Prayagraj, \\nUttar PradeshTonk Road,\\nVasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Evolution of Norms\\nInnovation by Individual',\n", " 'Vasundhra Colony, \\nJaipur, Rajasthan\\ne-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Evolution of Norms\\nInnovation by Individual\\nAcceptance\\nIndividual Habit\\nAcceptance from group\\nCollective habit\\nAcceptance by Society in general\\nSocial Norm – Expectation\\nTradition/Custom – More Expectation\\nSocial Mores – Social Sanction\\nSocial Institution\\nLaw\\nSometime when the social mores have very specific rules and regulations, then they are called social \\ninstitutions. These social institutions are translated in laws.\\nSocial Institution: Any norms which have been completely regularised and put in place, then they \\nare known as social institutions.\\nFor instance – Marriage, Family etc.\\nImportance of Norms : Deontology vs Teleology\\nValues Norms',\n", " 'are known as social institutions.\\nFor instance – Marriage, Family etc.\\nImportance of Norms : Deontology vs Teleology\\nValues Norms\\nIslam developed in Arab peninsula or Middle East\\n\\tzThe region was not suitable for agriculture so non-vegetarianism was developed.\\n\\tzDue to high frequency of desert dust storms the norm of wearing Thawb, Keffiyeh by Arab men and \\nHijab by Arab women became a social norm.\\nIslam spread to many countries\\nEurope: The climatic conditions of this region did not had a practice of wearing hijab. But the social \\nnorms carried by the people of Arab world insisted on their norms to be followed by their women \\nin Europe.\\n\\tzDeontological Approach\\n\\t\\x81Norms which were developed for some purpose, after some centuries the purpose have been']" ] }, "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "texts[:50]" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "V1WK54-74Rpt" }, "source": [ "### Load the dataset into the vector store\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "GX5BECsdSUUM", "outputId": "b88aaa14-c88d-4c45-e0e5-04596661de0b" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Inserted 518 headlines.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "\n", "astra_vector_store.add_texts(texts[:])\n", "\n", "print(\"Inserted %i headlines.\" % len(texts[:]))\n", "\n", "astra_vector_index = VectorStoreIndexWrapper(vectorstore=astra_vector_store)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "KhVf0kir2Uke" }, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "oLJp8yPF4Rpt" }, "source": [ "### Run the QA cycle\n", "\n", "Simply run the cells and ask a question -- or `quit` to stop. (you can also stop execution with the \"▪\" button on the top toolbar)\n", "\n", "Here are some suggested questions:\n", "- _What is difference between Ethics and morality?_\n", "- _‘Women is not born, she is made so’,explain it in 2000 words_\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/" }, "id": "MbJugrh7SX3C", "outputId": "fb454aab-75ce-4699-afff-06ebf6d039c9", "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdin", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "Enter your question (or type 'quit' to exit): Women is not born, she is made so’,explain it in 2000 words\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "QUESTION: \"Women is not born, she is made so’,explain it in 2000 words\"\n", "ANSWER: \"The statement \"Women is not born, she is made so\" is a powerful and thought-provoking statement made by French existentialist philosopher, Simone de Beauvoir. This statement highlights the societal construct of gender and how it is not solely determined by biological factors, but rather by the social and cultural norms and expectations imposed on individuals based on their gender.\n", "\n", "To fully understand this statement, it is important to first understand the concept of gender and how it differs from sex. Sex refers to the biological characteristics that distinguish males and females, such as reproductive organs and hormones. On the other hand, gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, and attributes that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women. In other words, gender is a product of societal norms and expectations, while sex is determined by biology.\n", "\n", "The statement by de Beauvoir challenges the traditional notion that women are inherently different from men due to their biology. It argues that the differences between men and women are not natural, but rather a result of social conditioning and the societal expectations placed on them based on their gender. In other words, women are not born with certain characteristics or traits that make them inherently different from men, but rather these differences are imposed on them by society.\n", "\n", "De Beauvoir further explains this concept\"\n", "\n", "FIRST DOCUMENTS BY RELEVANCE:\n", " [0.9291] \"that legal mechanisms from the state cannot be brought into it.\n", "‘Women is not born, she is made so’\n", "\tzThis statement is given by Simone de Beauvoir.\n", "\tzWomen and men are unequal only in biological process. In the process of their upbringing, they are \n", "given different values and training and this makes the boy man and girl women. \n", "Objectification\n", "\tzWhen human beings are treated as objects, it is called objectification.\n", "\tzWhat is object?\n", "\tDoes not take decision for itself.\n", "\tUsed by and for others.\n", "Subject Object\n", "\t¾Takes decision about itself. \t¾Does not take decision about itself\n", "\t¾Lives its own life \t¾Does not lives its own life but used by others.Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philoso Phers …\n", "Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \n", "Signature View Apartment, ...\"\n", " [0.9053] \"should be developed which holds both the sexes or all sexes on an equal footing.\n", "Patriarchy\n", "\tzCommon enemy of every feminist.\n", "\tzIt is a universal problem in every society, it exists according to feminists’ belief.\n", "\tzIt is the social structure which puts males in dominating roles over females/women.\n", "\tzIt prevails in almost every sphere whether its religion or ethics or laws etc.\n", "Glass Ceiling\n", "\tzThere are a lot of invisible obstructions which stop women ultimately from participating in an equal \n", "manner.\n", "Personal is Political \n", "\tzFeminists believe that personal is political which means that the personal life is not so sacrosanct \n", "that legal mechanisms from the state cannot be brought into it.\n", "‘Women is not born, she is made so’\n", "\tzThis statement is given by Simone de Beauvoir. ...\"\n", " [0.8951] \"first in all the contexts. In this process, \n", "in all contexts, we neither add or \n", "loose meaning to the basic word.Synonyms according to QuineEthics & human intErfac E\n", "Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \n", "Signature View Apartment, \n", "New Delhi21, Pusa Road, \n", "Karol Bagh,\n", "New DelhiTashkent Marg, \n", "Civil Lines, Prayagraj, \n", "Uttar PradeshTonk Road,\n", "Vasundhra Colony, \n", "Jaipur, Rajasthan\n", "e-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501For instance – Woman, Lady, and Female. All three words are synonyms. All three words signify \n", "different senses. Lady signifies sense of respect. Female signifies sense of biological characteristics. \n", "Woman signifies the sense that she has attained certain age, that she is no more a girl. ...\"\n", " [0.8883] \"declared the ban on entry of women of said age group against the constitutional morality and ruled \n", "in favour of women.\n", "\tzIssue of Cow: Conflict between religious morality vis-a-vis constitutional morality.\n", "\tzIssue of triple talaqEthics & human intErfac E\n", "Drishti The Vision Foundation ©641, Mukherjee Nagar, Opp. \n", "Signature View Apartment, \n", "New Delhi21, Pusa Road, \n", "Karol Bagh,\n", "New DelhiTashkent Marg, \n", "Civil Lines, Prayagraj, \n", "Uttar PradeshTonk Road,\n", "Vasundhra Colony, \n", "Jaipur, Rajasthan\n", "e-mail: englishsupport@groupdrishti.com, Website: www.drishtiIAS.com, Contact: 8010440440, 8750187501Concept of Religion and Dharma\n", "Dharma: One meaning can be nature, second meaning morality or duties and third meaning refers \n", "to Religion in some senses.\n", "Example: (a) Nature of fire is to burn. ...\"\n" ] }, { "name": "stdin", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "What's your next question (or type 'quit' to exit): quit\n" ] } ], "source": [ "first_question = True\n", "while True:\n", " if first_question:\n", " query_text = input(\"\\nEnter your question (or type 'quit' to exit): \").strip()\n", " else:\n", " query_text = input(\"\\nWhat's your next question (or type 'quit' to exit): \").strip()\n", "\n", " if query_text.lower() == \"quit\":\n", " break\n", "\n", " if query_text == \"\":\n", " continue\n", "\n", " first_question = False\n", "\n", " print(\"\\nQUESTION: \\\"%s\\\"\" % query_text)\n", " answer = astra_vector_index.query(query_text, llm=llm).strip()\n", " print(\"ANSWER: \\\"%s\\\"\\n\" % answer)\n", "\n", " print(\"FIRST DOCUMENTS BY RELEVANCE:\")\n", " for doc, score in astra_vector_store.similarity_search_with_score(query_text, k=4):\n", " print(\" [%0.4f] \\\"%s ...\\\"\" % (score, doc.page_content[:2000]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "id": "dSaUPguw389l" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdin", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "Enter your question (or type 'quit' to exit): how morality affects persons mind and behaviur\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "QUESTION: \"how morality affects persons mind and behaviur\"\n", "ANSWER: \"Morality can have a significant impact on a person's mind and behavior. It refers to a set of principles or values that guide an individual's actions and decisions, and can shape their character and sense of right and wrong. When a person adheres to a moral code, they may feel a sense of inner peace and fulfillment, while violating moral principles can lead to guilt and inner turmoil. Additionally, moral standards set by society can influence a person's behavior, as they may conform to social norms and expectations in order to be accepted by others.\"\n", "\n" ] }, { "name": "stdin", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "What's your next question (or type 'quit' to exit): can u summaries the whole pdf\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "QUESTION: \"can u summaries the whole pdf\"\n", "ANSWER: \"The PDF discusses the approach to ethics and the importance of examining one's conscience. It also mentions the need for an open, rational, and balanced mind when it comes to ethical decision making. The concept of \"fake life\" versus \"authentic life\" is also discussed, along with the ideas of philosophers such as René Descartes and Edmund Husserl. The overall message is that one should critically examine their beliefs and doubts before making any decisions.\"\n", "\n" ] }, { "name": "stdin", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "What's your next question (or type 'quit' to exit): can be list the name of phisohers dicussed in it \n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "QUESTION: \"can be list the name of phisohers dicussed in it\"\n", "ANSWER: \"Mahatma Gandhi, Geeta, Jain Ethics, Budhist Ethics, Deen Dayal Upadhyay, Charvaka, Thiruvalluvar, Dr. Ambedkar, Gautama, Jaimini, Prabhakar Mishra, Kumarail Bhatt, Kapila Muni, Patanjali, Herbert Spencer\"\n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ "first_question = True\n", "while True:\n", " if first_question:\n", " query_text = input(\"\\nEnter your question (or type 'quit' to exit): \").strip()\n", " else:\n", " query_text = input(\"\\nWhat's your next question (or type 'quit' to exit): \").strip()\n", "\n", " if query_text.lower() == \"quit\":\n", " break\n", "\n", " if query_text == \"\":\n", " continue\n", "\n", " first_question = False\n", "\n", " print(\"\\nQUESTION: \\\"%s\\\"\" % query_text)\n", " answer = astra_vector_index.query(query_text, llm=llm).strip()\n", " print(\"ANSWER: \\\"%s\\\"\\n\" % answer)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "colab": { "provenance": [] }, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.10.10" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }