# chainlit run app.py -w # Standard library imports import asyncio import io import json import os import re import requests import zipfile # Data handling import pandas as pd # Environment variables from dotenv import load_dotenv # Typing for function signatures from typing import Any, List, Optional # Bioinformatics from Bio import Entrez, Medline # ChainLit specific imports import chainlit as cl from chainlit.types import AskFileResponse # Langchain imports for AI and chat models from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain, LLMChain from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain.docstore.document import Document from langchain.evaluation import StringEvaluator from langchain.memory import ChatMessageHistory, ConversationBufferMemory from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.prompts.chat import ( ChatPromptTemplate, SystemMessagePromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate, ) from langchain.smith import RunEvalConfig, run_on_dataset from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain.callbacks.tracers.evaluation import EvaluatorCallbackHandler from langchain_openai import OpenAI, OpenAIEmbeddings # Vector storage and document loading from langchain_community.document_loaders import DataFrameLoader from langchain_community.vectorstores import Qdrant from qdrant_client import QdrantClient from qdrant_client import AsyncQdrantClient # Custom evaluations from custom_eval import PharmAssistEvaluator, HarmfulnessEvaluator, AIDetectionEvaluator # LangSmith for client interaction from langsmith import Client langsmith_client = Client() # Load environment variables from a .env file load_dotenv() # Define system template for the chatbot system_template = """ You are , an AI assistant for pharmacists and pharmacy students. Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question. If you don't know the answer, simply state that you don't have enough information to provide an answer. Do not attempt to make up an answer. ALWAYS include a "SOURCES" section at the end of your response, referencing the specific documents from which you derived your answer. If the user greets you with a greeting like "Hi", "Hello", or "How are you", respond in a friendly manner. Example response format: SOURCES: Begin! ---------------- {summaries} """ # Define messages for the chatbot prompt messages = [ SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template(system_template), HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("{question}"), ] prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(messages) chain_type_kwargs = {"prompt": prompt} qdrant_vectorstore = None # Function to search for related papers on PubMed async def search_related_papers(query, max_results=3): """ Search PubMed for papers related to the provided query and return a list of formatted strings with paper details and URLs. """ try: # Set up Entrez email (replace with your email) Entrez.email = os.environ.get("ENTREZ_EMAIL") # Search PubMed for related papers handle = Entrez.esearch(db="pubmed", term=query, retmax=max_results) record = Entrez.read(handle) handle.close() # Retrieve the details of the related papers id_list = record["IdList"] if not id_list: return ["No directly related papers found. Try broadening your search query."] handle = Entrez.efetch(db="pubmed", id=id_list, rettype="medline", retmode="text") records = Medline.parse(handle) related_papers = [] for record in records: title = record.get("TI", "") authors = ", ".join(record.get("AU", [])) citation = f"{authors}. {title}. {record.get('SO', '')}" url = f"https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/{record['PMID']}/" related_papers.append(f"[{citation}]({url})") if not related_papers: related_papers = ["No directly related papers found. Try broadening your search query."] return related_papers except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred while searching for related papers: {e}") return ["An error occurred while searching for related papers. Please try again later."] # Function to generate related questions based on retrieved results async def generate_related_questions(retrieved_results, num_questions=2, max_tokens=50): """ Generate related questions based on the provided retrieved results from a document store. """ llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7) prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["context"], template="Given the following context, generate {num_questions} related questions:\n\nContext: {context}\n\nQuestions:", ) chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt) context = " ".join([doc.page_content for doc in retrieved_results]) generated_questions = chain.run(context=context, num_questions=num_questions, max_tokens=max_tokens) # Remove numbering from the generated questions related_questions = [question.split(". ", 1)[-1] for question in generated_questions.split("\n") if question.strip()] return related_questions # Function to generate answer based on user's query async def generate_answer(query): """ Generate an answer to the user's query using a conversational retrieval chain and handle callbacks for related questions and papers. """ # Initialize a message history to track the conversation message_history = ChatMessageHistory() # Set up memory to hold the conversation context and return answers memory = ConversationBufferMemory( memory_key="chat_history", output_key="answer", chat_memory=message_history, return_messages=True, ) # Create a retrieval chain combining the LLM and the retriever chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm( ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0, streaming=True), chain_type="stuff", retriever=qdrant_vectorstore.as_retriever(), memory=memory, return_source_documents=True, ) try: # Define callback handler for asynchronous operations cb = cl.AsyncLangchainCallbackHandler() feedback_callback = EvaluatorCallbackHandler(evaluators=[PharmAssistEvaluator(),HarmfulnessEvaluator(),AIDetectionEvaluator()]) # Process the incoming message using the conversational chain res = await chain.acall(query, callbacks=[cb,feedback_callback]) answer = res["answer"] source_documents = res["source_documents"] if answer.lower().startswith("i don't know") or answer.lower().startswith("i don't have enough information"): return answer, [], [], [],[] text_elements = [] if source_documents: for source_idx, source_doc in enumerate(source_documents): source_name = f"source_{source_idx}" text_elements.append( cl.Text(content=source_doc.page_content, name=source_name) ) source_names = [text_el.name for text_el in text_elements] if source_names: answer += f"\n\n**SOURCES:** {', '.join(source_names)}" else: answer += "\n\n**SOURCES:** No sources found" related_questions = await generate_related_questions(source_documents) related_question_actions = [ cl.Action(name="related_question", value=question.strip(), label=question.strip()) for question in related_questions if question.strip() ] # Search for related papers on PubMed related_papers = await search_related_papers(query) return answer, text_elements, related_question_actions, related_papers, query except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") return "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later.", [], [], [],[], query # Action callback for related question selection @cl.action_callback("related_question") async def on_related_question_selected(action: cl.Action): """ Handle the selection of a related question, generate and send answers and further interactions. """ question = action.value await cl.Message(content=question, author="User").send() answer, text_elements, related_question_actions, related_papers, query = await generate_answer(question) # Send the processed answer back to the user await cl.Message(content=answer, elements=text_elements, author="PharmAssistAI").send() # Send related questions as a separate message if related_question_actions: await cl.Message(content="**Related Questions:**", actions=related_question_actions, author="PharmAssistAI").send() # Send related papers as a separate message if related_papers: related_papers_content = "**Related Papers from PubMed:**\n" + "\n".join(f"- {paper}" for paper in related_papers) await cl.Message(content=related_papers_content, author="PharmAssistAI").send() # Action callback for question selection @cl.action_callback("ask_question") async def on_question_selected(action: cl.Action): """ Respond to user-selected questions from suggested list, generate and send the answers. """ question = action.value await cl.Message(content=question, author="User").send() answer, text_elements, related_question_actions, related_papers,query = await generate_answer(question) await cl.Message(content=answer, elements=text_elements, author="").send() # Send related questions as a separate message if related_question_actions: await cl.Message(content="**Related Questions:**", actions=related_question_actions, author="").send() # Send related papers as a separate message if related_papers: related_papers_content = "**Related Papers from PubMed:**\n" + "\n".join(f"- {paper}" for paper in related_papers) await cl.Message(content=related_papers_content, author="").send() # Callback for chat start event @cl.on_chat_start async def on_chat_start(): """ Initialize the chatbot environment, load necessary data, and present initial user interactions. """ global qdrant_vectorstore # Display a preloader message await cl.Message(content="**Loading PharmAssistAI bot**....").send() await asyncio.sleep(2) # Add a 2-second delay to simulate loading # Adding logo for chatbot await cl.Avatar( name="", url="https://i.imgur.com/ZkIVmxp.jpeg", ).send() # Adding logo for user who is asking questions await cl.Avatar( name="User", url="https://i.imgur.com/XhmbgvT.jpeg", ).send() if qdrant_vectorstore is None: embedding_model = OpenAIEmbeddings(model="text-embedding-3-small") QDRANT_API_KEY=os.environ.get("QDRANT_API_KEY") QDRANT_CLUSTER_URL =os.environ.get("QDRANT_CLUSTER_URL") qdrant_client = AsyncQdrantClient(url=QDRANT_CLUSTER_URL, api_key=QDRANT_API_KEY,timeout=60) response = await qdrant_client.get_collections() # Extracting the collection names from the response collection_names = [collection.name for collection in response.collections] if "fda_drugs" not in collection_names: print("Collection 'fda_drugs' is not present.") # Download the data file url = "https://download.open.fda.gov/drug/label/drug-label-0001-of-0012.json.zip" response = requests.get(url) # Extract the JSON file from the zip zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content)) json_file = zip_file.open(zip_file.namelist()[0]) # Load the JSON data data = json.load(json_file) df = pd.json_normalize(data['results']) selected_drugs = df # Define metadata fields to include metadata_fields = ['openfda.brand_name', 'openfda.generic_name', 'openfda.manufacturer_name', 'openfda.product_type', 'openfda.route', 'openfda.substance_name', 'openfda.rxcui', 'openfda.spl_id', 'openfda.package_ndc'] # Define text fields to index text_fields = ['description', 'indications_and_usage', 'contraindications', 'warnings', 'adverse_reactions', 'dosage_and_administration'] # Replace NaN values with empty strings selected_drugs[text_fields] = selected_drugs[text_fields].fillna('') selected_drugs['content'] = selected_drugs[text_fields].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x.astype(str)), axis=1) loader = DataFrameLoader(selected_drugs, page_content_column='content') drug_docs = loader.load() for doc, row in zip(drug_docs, selected_drugs.to_dict(orient='records')): metadata = {} for field in metadata_fields: value = row.get(field) if isinstance(value, list): value = ', '.join(str(v) for v in value if pd.notna(v)) elif pd.isna(value): value = 'Not Available' metadata[field] = value doc.metadata = metadata # Update the metadata to only include specified fields text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=500, chunk_overlap=0) split_drug_docs = text_splitter.split_documents(drug_docs) # Asynchronously create a Qdrant vector store with the document chunks qdrant_vectorstore = await cl.make_async(Qdrant.from_documents)( split_drug_docs, embedding_model, url=QDRANT_CLUSTER_URL, api_key=QDRANT_API_KEY, collection_name="fda_drugs" # Name of the collection in Qdrant ) else: print("Collection 'fda_drugs' is present.") # Load the existing collection qdrant_vectorstore = await cl.make_async(Qdrant.construct_instance)( texts=[""], # no texts to add embedding = embedding_model, url=QDRANT_CLUSTER_URL, api_key=QDRANT_API_KEY, collection_name="fda_drugs" # Name of the collection in Qdrant ) potential_questions = [ "What should I be careful of when taking Metformin?", "What are the contraindications of Aspirin?", "Are there low-cost alternatives to branded Aspirin available over-the-counter?", "What precautions should I take if I'm pregnant or nursing while on Lipitor?", "Should Lipitor be taken at a specific time of day, and does it need to be taken with food?", "What is the recommended dose of Aspirin?", "Can older people take beta blockers?", "How do beta blockers work?", "Can beta blockers be used for anxiety?", "I am taking Aspirin, is it ok to take Glipizide?", "Explain in simple terms how Metformin works?" ] await cl.Message( content="**Welcome to PharmAssistAI ! Here are some potential questions you can ask:**", actions=[cl.Action(name="ask_question", value=question, label=question) for question in potential_questions] ).send() cl.user_session.set("potential_questions_shown", True) # Main function to handle user messages @cl.on_message async def main(message): """ Process user messages, generate and send responses, and handle further interactions based on the user's queries. """ query = message.content try: answer, text_elements, related_question_actions, related_papers, original_query = await generate_answer(query) # Create a new message with the answer and source documents answer_message = cl.Message(content=answer, elements=text_elements, author="PharmAssistAI") # Send the answer message await answer_message.send() if not answer.lower().startswith("i don't know") and not answer.lower().startswith("i don't have enough information"): # Send related questions as a separate message if related_question_actions: await cl.Message(content="**Related Questions:**", actions=related_question_actions, author="PharmAssistAI").send() # Send related papers as a separate message if related_papers: related_papers_content = "**Related Papers from PubMed:**\n" + "\n".join(f"- {paper}" for paper in related_papers) await cl.Message(content=related_papers_content, author="PharmAssistAI").send() except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") answer = "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later." await cl.Message(content=answer, author="PharmAssistAI").send()