,personId,question,answer 0,303,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 1,303,how are you doing today, okay how 'bout yourself 2,303,i'm great thanks, 3,303,where are you from originally, here in california 4,303,really, yeah 5,303,what are some things you really like about l_a , oh well that it's big and broad there's a lot to do a lot of um um job opportunities than other states um pretty much that it's big and there's a lot you can do here 6,303,yeah, 7,303,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic um maybe the violence rate bad news even though you know you wanna know what's going on in your environment but you still have to watch it so you can you know look out to see what's going on on a daily basis 8,303,mhm, 9,303,what'd you study at school, sociology i have a um two year degree in liberal arts but my major was sociology 10,303,nice, 11,303,are you still working in that, no i'm actually an m_t_a bus operator 12,303,what's your dream job, well since metro is steady growing um my dream job is to move up in the company and i'm about to actually start some classes for supervisory next week so um 'cause they look to promote within the company so that's the good thing there's a lot of opportunities at metro where you can take classes and they'll pay for your tuition and things of that nature 13,303,mhm, 14,303,that sounds like a great situation , thanks 15,303,how hard is that, well it's not actually hard as right now it's easy if you take advantage of it right now 'cause they look to promote within so you know so since i'm already working there that's a good thing so it's good to go ahead and take the classes that you need that you're interested in and go ahead and move up the ladder as soon as possible 16,303,that makes sense , 17,303,do you consider yourself an introvert, what do you mean i'm sorry 18,303,let's come back to that later, okay 19,303,what do you do to relax, read take a long walk hot bath meditate just close my eyes sometimes 20,303,okay, 21,303,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm pretty much good because see by me being a bus operator you run into circumstances and situations you gotta remain calm and still remain professional at the same time 22,303,right, 23,303,how hard is that, well i look at it like it it goes with i mean it comes with experience you know um you do something on a continuous basis usually you some somewhere down the line you become good at it you know so i i look at it like that so i've been driving for years and dealing with the public so it's just how you handle circumstances you you know treat people like you wanna be treated 24,303,has that gotten you in trouble, no i'm pretty good at it now maybe when i was younger you know you as you get older you get wiser you learn different things and i'm still learning today 25,303,that's good, 26,303,yeah, 27,303,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, i would say my family you know my kids you know even though you know i had been having a lot of deaths around me but that's just go that's part of the life experience you know you born here but you gotta leave here one day but my kids will keep me you know sane and you know i love them and my family 28,303,that sounds like a great situation, thank you 29,303,do you find it easy to be a parent, no 30,303,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um setting good examples you know because you're the first teacher you know and you wanna set a positive good example for your kids and i think that's a good thing and it starts at home 31,303,mhm, 32,303,can you give me an example of that, well um by you being the first teacher your kids you're you're their one that they see on a daily basis when they wake up so whatever's been taught in the home they lookin' and learning every day you know whether it's a home school you know people kids have a tendency to do things what they see you know what i mean so you try to keep it positive teach 'em good morals and values and how to get along with other people regardless of race and you know different things of that nature 33,303,mhm , 34,303,tell me about your kids, i have a um four and a half year old son i have a seven year old daughter and i also have a twenty three year old 35,303,aw, yeah i'm 'bout to be well my daughter's pregnant with a boy she has three um little girls so i have three grandkids and um one on the way which is a boy this time 36,303,wow, 37,303,awesome , yeah thank you 38,303,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, the hardest thing is well right now i'm a single parent so that makes it hard alone itself you know and 39,303,yeah, they can be expensive at times you know it depends on the person's situation you know the whether they have help or a job you know things of that nature to help the situation better but it's hard you know but you i try to you know keep a job keep food in the house you know just maintain and support my kids the best way i can 40,303,yeah i see what you mean, 41,303,what's one of your most memorable experiences , with my kids or just period 42,303,whatever comes to your mind, what's memorable for me is that i'm the only one in my family with a degree so it's kinda like yeah it's kinda even though i'm the baby of ten kids you know 43,303,wow, and i've always kept that in the back of my mind even though everybody well pretty much my whole family have decent job but i'm the only one with a degree so i kinda like gave myself a pat on the back like you know you know i just that's the only thing i remember graduating you know and my family there and to support me 44,303,that's so good to hear, thank you 45,303,how did you feel in that moment , happy that i accomplished something you know just even though it may not be much but it was better than just have having a high school diploma and i had um i was working on my bachelor's degree but i ended up in a bad car accident i never went back i got distracted and you know i was working at the same time but i was just like moreso i needed income than than um schooling at that time because i was a young parent you know 'cause i had my daughter at seventeen so i was like i needed the money to support her but i never went back but i feel like it's never too late so i feel like i'll take some classes now that i'm with metro to help me move up the ladder so that's why i'm starting a class next week 46,303,yeah, 47,303,that sounds like a great situation , thank you 48,303,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, hm well the advice i would've gave myself that i probably wouldn't have been a young mother at a young age and that i probably would've stayed in school you know not let the accident just distract me and not i would've remained in school i probably wouldn't have had kids early you know um rather i probably would've stayed in school and probably have a part time job or something just i just feel like um education is a excellent thing for a person just having knowledge and learning different things keeping your mind open to learning new ideas every day so i think that's a plus you know in anybody's shoes just to better they selves you know through education maybe to um maybe promote within your company or whatever the case may be that they help better your career 49,303,right, 50,303,yeah, 51,303,could you have done anything to avoid it, i'm not quite sure um you learn from your mistakes you know but at the same time you don't continue to make the same ones i feel like it's okay to make a mistake but long as you do something to change you know um like myself even though i'm going to school late but still i'm going you know i wanna better myself career wise so 52,303,yeah there are always tradeoffs in life aren't there , yes 53,303,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, my oldest daughter we had a argument because just the life that she's living right now and the things that she's going through and um i had told her that she just needed to make some changes to better her situation and uh we got into an argument because you know how your kids sometimes don't wanna hear it you know hear the stuff that you're saying even though it's true or or they just you know well they just don't wanna hear it you know they may be going through something they don't wanna hear but we got into a argument about it but 54,303,right, that just happened you know i just told her i'm not 55,303,how close are you to them, i'm sorry 56,303,how close are you to them, very close very close it's just that the the situation my daughter's in she just needs to make some changes to better her her life and I'll be telling 57,303,tell me more about that, she's um she's kinda like stubborn in her own way you know i was raised to listen to your mom you know your mom's not gonna tell you nothing wrong and i've been telling her over the years you know different things and it's it's kinda like i was talking to a wall because she she did the opposite 58,303,mhm, and now she's she regretting it you know 'cause she's like my mom told me this you know mom i'm doing the opposite so i guess she gotta bump her head a couple of times to get it it's kinda like i done told you i done left it alone and now it's up to you to make the change 59,303,yeah, 60,303,how hard is that, it's very frustrating because it's like i'm talking to a wall and she's not hearing me and i'm like it seem like it's taking forever for her to change but it's left up to the individual whenever they're ready you know what i mean once the person get tired of something they'll make it change it may not be when you want it to happen but 61,303,yeah, 62,303,yeah, the ball is her court you know i only can do so much 63,303,i'm sorry, 64,303,i see what you mean, 65,303,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, oh wow i have my days um since i have two little ones um i kinda like trained them to go to bed at eight o clock because you know they gotta go to school and i think it's important to have a good night's rest because it kinda like it it kinda like gets you ready for the next day or you know how you gonna feel if you rested what type of person you'll be that day you know 'cause everybody have they days whether they're good or bad but that's just a part of life and i feel like if you had a good night's good good night's rest hopefully you'll have a good day you know 66,303,mhm, 67,303,do you feel that way often, pretty much you know i need my rest because i'm out there driving that bus and dealing with all these people and you know the job itself if very stressful so i feel like if i'm rested it'll help me 68,303,right, 69,303,what are you like when you don't sleep well, what am i like irritated tired um lazy you know feel like i wanna lay down probably go to sleep get the rest that i need but 70,303,, 71,303,what do you do when you're annoyed, i never thought about that i just you know 'cause like i said you know everybody have their moments they do i never thought about that hm 72,303,hm okay, 73,303,have you ever served in the military , no 74,303,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 75,303,okay, 76,303,how would you best friend describe you , i don't really have a best friend but a person that i deal with and i used to work with um she would probably tell you that i'm very um outgoing a go getter dependable responsible i'm a um people person i get along with others you know i'm kinda like um i leave a good a a good mark 77,303,mhm, whether i know you or not if you was to you know like like you and i now you know i um you'd probably say oh she seems like a nice young lady or whatever you know something like that 78,303,right, 79,303,that's great, thank you 80,303,when was the last time you felt really happy, well i try to stay happy i'd rather be happy than sad my kids keep me going you know what i mean especially when i go to pick them up from school or their being hey mom you know that just kinda make my day 81,303,yeah, just them run up to me you know and be happy and excited you know what i mean 82,303,aw, 83,303,yeah, 84,303,that's so good to hear , thank you 85,303,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 86,303,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're more than welcome you have a good day 87,303,goodbye , 88,304,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer, 89,304,i''m here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 90,304,how are you doing today, i'm doing good um 91,304,that's good, 92,304,where are you from originally, from los angeles california 93,304,nice, 94,304,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the cool weather the beaches the people the schools 95,304,mhm, 96,304,what'd you study at school , um child development 97,304,nice are you still doing that, yes 98,304,what's your dream job, to be a teacher for special education 99,304,how hard is that, it's not hard 'cause i love to work with children 100,304,really, yes 101,304,what are some things that make you really mad , dishonesty maybe 102,304,mhm, um 103,304,can you give me an example of that, like if a guy like especially when it comes to relationships when they lie to you about something that's very minimal 104,304,yeah, 105,304,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my mom i wanna say my mom 106,304,aww, 107,304,how close are you to them, um very close we talk every day 108,304,that's so good to hear, 109,304,how close are you to your family, very close even though i don't live with them i try to see them as much as i can 110,304,mhm, 111,304,how do you like your living situation, uh it's okay it's it's good 112,304,, it's 113,304,do you have roommates, yes i do 114,304,tell me more about that, um they're they're friendly it's just that they're very quiet 'cause i'm not used to that environment 115,304,oh, 116,304,what's it like for you living with them, it's fine like the how much it costs is very cheap so that's good and they're friendly so it's fine I just wish it was a little bit it could've been better so yeah 117,304,could you have done anything to avoid it , yes 118,304,could you say a little more about that , um i had a different option to live with somebody else and i'm still friends with the female and comes to find out that we connect more than the roommates that I live with so I kinda regret moving in with the roommates I have now versus who i was supposed to move with in the beginning so but i'm stuck for a year so it's whatever 119,304,mm, 120,304,i'm sorry to hear that, that's fine 121,304,how do you know them, how do i know who i 122,304,let's come back to that later, yeah 123,304,what are some things that make you really mad , there's nothing that really gets me really mad that i can think of the top of my head um 124,304,whatever comes to your mind, um maybe when it comes to schools how they treat the children especially children of color maybe 125,304,mhm, that really gets me mad 126,304,okay, 127,304,do you consider yourself an introvert, mm yes 128,304,why, because i do things from within i guess so um internally motivated to do things i guess yeah 129,304,do you feel that way often, yeah 130,304,okay, 131,304,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , wow i hardly ever argue with somebody 132,304,really, yeah oh my sister i guess my sister that was about a month ago 133,304,, 134,304,how did you feel in that moment, uh i felt very betrayed and belittled because she's my little sister and she shouldn't be disrespecting me in any type of way because i'm an adult so yeah i was not feeling the situation at all 135,304,mhm, 136,304,can you tell me about that, um just her getting into grown folks' business and it was a conversation between me and my mother and i guess she overheard what was being said and she felt like through my actions that i was choosing somebody else over my family when that wasn't even the case but because she didn't know the whole situation she just automatically assumed and put stuff on facebook about me disrespecting me calling me out by name and it was just yeah so 137,304,oh my gosh, and she then comes to me about it like she did all this other stuff on facebook i don't that's one thing i don't like either is when you i hate indirect comments like if you have if you need to talk to me come directly to me don't put it on facebook tell other people that's a pet peeve of mine so i really don't like that 138,304,yeah that sucks, yeah so but i mean we're fine now so that's good 139,304,that's so good to hear, yeah 140,304,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, to not believe people so easily so gullible to not be so gullible 141,304,hm, 142,304,okay, 143,304,tell me more about that, i guess i've been hearing that lately how i believe anybody anything that somebody says without really thinking about it or without having them prove it so i guess you could say i let i made a lot of mistakes i don't wanna say i regretted it because i'm glad i went through it while i was younger than me getting older and going through the same situations so um yeah i believe people too easily and i give people too much chances so 144,304,hm, yeah 145,304,what's one of your most memorable experiences, when i went on a cruise which was a happy experience when i went on a cruise to mexico with my family um when i was sixteen about six years ago 146,304,wow , yeah 147,304,that's a long time, yeah i mean yeah i guess it was 148,304, do you travel a lot, no i really want to though 149,304,what do you enjoy about traveling, um trying new things seeing new views of the world um trying the different type of foods um seeing how the government is and how they run the things out there i guess 150,304,mhm, um 151,304,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, yeah i plan to go to the bahamas next year i plan to do a lot of traveling next year actually so 152,304,really, yeah 153,304,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's pretty good eh somewhat 154,304,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm tired and i kind of fall asleep during class and whatnot 155,304,do you feel that way often, yeah it's my fault though 156,304,hm, 157,304,when was the last time that happened , um probably today 158,304,wow, yeah 159,304,why, well i fell asleep late so it's my fault 160,304,aw okay, 161,304,do you feel down , um no i feel pretty happy right now 162,304,that's good, mhm 163,304,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 164,304,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d , no 165,304,have you ever served in the military , no 166,304,okay , 167,304,how would your best friend describe you , very friendly and funny talkative 168,304,how do you know them, um through high school 169,304,cool, 170,304,how close are you to them, we're pretty close we try to talk as often as possible maybe once a week i'll try to see them at least every few months 171,304,that's good, 172,304,what do you think of today's kids, mm they're everywhere um yeah 173,304,, no comment on that they're more smarter they are learning more stuff than we learned back in the day they are learning they're very progressing but when it comes to technology they're not outside they're always on the computer on their phones they don't play outside no more they don't care about nature or the little things in life they just yeah but when it comes to their mentality they argue smarter 'cause the schools are getting better i ain't gonna lie so 174,304,yeah, 175,304,when was the last time that happened, when what happened i was just 176,304,let's come back to that later , okay 177,304, when was the last time you felt really happy, um last weekend i guess 178,304,i'd love to hear all about it, right now um what did i do um being with my boyfriend makes me really happy so i was just hanging out with him last weekend and i never really get to see him that much so yeah 179,304,aw, 180,304,why, 'cause he works i have school different schedules 181,304,that sounds really hard, it's not that bad 182,304,how do you know them, um he's my boyfriend i've been knowing for what about six months now we met through a mutual friend um 183,304,mhm, in l_a i guess 184,304,awesome, 185,304,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, okay 186,304,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , you're welcome 187,304,goodbye, 188,305,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer , 189,305,i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 190,305,how are you doing today, i'm doing alright 191,305,that's good, 192,305,where are you from originally, uh originally i'm from california uh born in glendale 193,305,really, 194,305,nice, 195,305,how do you like your living situation, i'm not too happy with it 196,305,why, uh just unemployed at the moment but uh actively seeking uh uh doing what i'm supposed to be doing uh there are some uh some prospects there but hopefully i'll learn something today 197,305,it can be tough to find a good job these days, 198,305,do you have roommates, yeah 199,305,what's it like for you living with them, well i have one it's a girlfriend so i consider her a roommate a lover type thing 200,305,oh, 201,305,how close are you to them, pardon me 202,305,how close are you to them, um we're pretty close 203,305,how do you know them, uh i met her last year and uh we've been through some troubling times but uh we're starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel 204,305,that's good, 205,305,tell me more about that, uh the troubling times 206,305,yes, uh i would let me see uh well i had uh gotten a d_u_i last year and uh lost my job i'm a truck driver by trade so uh that kinda threw me way off uh having a fourteen hundred dollar a week job uh and then going to nothing kinda like plus losing my my license kinda really threw me off and uh I couldn't um i haven't really uh found anything that i was interested in uh so i started cooking and our trying to see which other route i can go as far as uh having some kind of a career and uh so i'm choose choosing to go into the culinary field but you know uh meanwhile i still have to work it's hard to find work with uh without going to school 207,305,yeah, and uh so but i think today uh i applied at ralphs so hopefully i'll get that job i should have that job actually so um but i'm starting to see a light like i said at the end of the tunnel now a little by little 208,305,mhm, 209,305,that's good, 210,305,what's your dream job, my dream job would be probably forestry service out in the wilderness yeah 211,305,really, i like being alone 212,305,how did you decide to do that, pardon me 213,305,how did you decide to do that, well you know i have a a lot of for animals i'm an exotic animal trainer by trade and uh so and i like being i don't like people too much uh so being outdoors and uh i've always enjoyed being outdoors that's how i like being a truck driver i've traveled the world i don't necessarily like being in a warehouse or an office i'm of a a 214,305,mhm, outdoors type of guy so 215,305,yeah, 216,305,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh one of my trips would be uh i spent a year and a half in japan and uh on the uh lower island uh there that uh they built that bridge 217,305,wow, uh the largest bridge in the world uh and uh i went there to work for uh for an all white oh uh an all white tiger act and uh working for a japanese circus so it was interesting that a lot of people on that island hadn't really seen a lot of americans 'cause that was also one of the islands that we uh that they bombed 218,305,mhm, so there was a lot of negativity but i i pretty have a good idea out you know outlook uh on life uh especially during those times you know i i enjoyed myself you know through all the traveling and and meeting new people and um eating you know different um diverse foods and uh it was a good experience for me all of that whole experience was pretty good for me you know just traveling around with circuses and uh you know it's been great 219,305,nice, 220,305,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh probably um one some of the things i like about l_a there's not a lot that i like about l_a but um i like hollywood i like the the the movie industry um 221,305,uh huh, the uh huge uh um different different people you know different uh different ethnics of uh people here you know uh i enjoy talking to uh few you know a lot of foreigners you know i like to see where they came from and and what what it's like there 222,305,mhm, 223,305,yeah, traffic's atrocious you know 224,305,yeah, 225,305,what are some things that make you really mad, traffic uh ignorance uh being disrespected uh being disrespectful or whatever you know other people being disrespectful toward you or other people um that's about it 226,305,okay, dishonesty 227,305,when was the last time that happened, pardon me 228,305,when was the last time that happened , uh it happens on a daily basis it seems like you know i ride the bus a lot so uh you know or i if i'm riding my bike uh people tend to almost run me over so if i'm not totally paying attention to traffic uh you know i find myself sometimes 229,305,mm, you know having to wait to see what they're gonna do instead of i having the right of way or uh something like that 230,305,yeah, 231,305,that sucks, yeah big time 232,305,what do you do when you're annoyed, what do i do when i'm annoyed 233,305,mhm, um probably sit there and uh sit there and vent you know uh speak my mind even though a lot of times it's i'm myself you know just like you know assholes or whatever you um well you know i carry rocks in my back pocket so i can it you know it happens so much where i i just it just amazes me at what people will do sometimes you know you almost get run over all you know i i probably almost get run over probably on a daily basis and if i wasn't paying attention i'd be up shit creek 234,305,wow, 235,305,yeah, 236,305,how hard is that, uh it's hard with dealing with people especially trying not to react 'cause there's consequences for your reactions 237,305,yeah, 238,305,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um it was with my girlfriend and uh it was about being honest uh um i'm pretty honest with i'm open and honest about any anything and everything 239,305,mhm, and uh what it was about was uh just her lying to me uh telling me that she had told our landlord something and and that she had done something and that and that aspect and i come to find out a week later that it was a total lie so i just you know didn't like that at all 240,305,yeah, 241,305,how did you feel in that moment, pardon me 242,305,how did you feel in that moment, um i'm trying to i'm missing the word for it uh just that i don't know now that whether i could believe anything she says now so it was it was uh i felt hurt you know uh that you know here we had been in a relationship for a little bit and well that's probably one of my biggest uh pet peeves is is being honest um i don't like i said i don't hold back and i'm pretty honest in anything and everything that i do or say so 243,305,mhm, you know and if you're lying about something well you just you're always having to cover up uh more lies with the lies that that you already told and i just don't see any you know so it kinda took a lot from uh me trusting her now or you know whatever now i'm i you know is it truthful is it not you know so it's kinda hurt our relationship 244,305,i'm sorry to hear that, can't do nothing about it 245,305,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh fun i like going to the beach uh i love shooting darts but i haven't done it in a while i i love i love to paint uh i got into watercolor painting and i'm pretty gifted at that and um uh i wanna try some other mediums and uh let's see here i love fishing uh haven't gone in a while though and uh i like driving a truck you know uh it's you know my job you know i was a i really really enjoyed it i don't like driving through cities but uh usually when i'm in the middle of the night where i can see all the stars i like star gazing i'll see if i can um pick out some of those uh astronomy uh stars up up there and um i'm a pretty easy going guy so shooting pool um sunshine just those i like 246,305,that's great, 247,305,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh most memorable experiences um good or bad 248,305,whatever comes to your mind, uh most memorable experiences uh probably uh playing with lions and tigers uh uh wrestling a a baby elephant in a in a mud puddle uh 249,305,oh my gosh, uh just enjoying myself 250,305,awesome, i know 251,305,how close are you to your family, not uh i don't have much family as it is uh at least here in the states i don't my mom's from central america so uh but i'm not close to i have uh three brothers one sister and i'm probably not really really close to none of my siblings i speak with one brother uh quite a bit um my other youngest brother you know he he just i'd just rather not you know i converse converse with him but it's you know just i try to keep it on a professional basis my sister i don't talk to at all my my other brother underneath me i haven't spoken to him in years so i'm just close with my mom uh my niece some of my nephews and that's about it 252,305,okay could you have done anything to avoid it, have i done anything to avoid it 253,305,yes, um to avoid them 254,305,yes, uh yeah i just don't talk to them i don't call them i don't ask about them i you know i talk to my mom quite a bit my brother quite a bit but i just don't bring up those subjects or if they are brought up i just usually say you know that's on them and i really don't wanna deal with them so 255,305,i see what you mean, 256,305,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it's been hard lately it's been probably hard for the last uh going on a year um you know i uh depends on my thought process at the time i like i said i've been looking for work quite a bit um so just wondering why you know i don't get called i i just have my i have racing thoughts so or i get depressed you know 'cause i or i worry about things that you know that really i have no control over so 257,305,yeah, i don't lately i just been sleeping a bit too much uh at least for me because i'm so used to just sleeping four to five hours a a a night but now it's changed to about eight to nine hours and i'm still tired 258,305,mhm, 259,305,do you feel that way often, uh lately i have been probably about the last few months 260,305,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um tired um i you know if i don't sleep well sometimes then i just dwell back on the same things that have been bothering me so you know i'm more of a guy you know i love to work um and if i'm not then it's just a little bit too much time for me to spend in my own head 261,305,mhm, and so you know um i there i either if i'm busy or i'm doing what i you know in whatever job i do i kinda you know get to it i enjoy it uh it's something new for me and uh so i can think about you know either work or i think of home and then think about this you know i don't have to worry about you know um money um you know bills are getting paid and i can just concentrate on other things either you know do the things i like or mm you know maybe spending a little bit more time with my girlfriend or you know so something like that 262,305,mm, 263,305,how do you cope with them, how do i what 264,305,how do you cope with them, how do i cope with them um i just try not to think about it uh it's it's not about whether coping with it or not um i just do it's uh i'm more of a guy that just you know it may take me a moment to to um say that i'm coping with something but you know it it's if i have no control over it there's nothing that i can really do about it the only thing i can do is control to do what i'm doing and that's actively looking for work uh actively going out on uh interviews 265,305,mm, uh talking with others about work so that i can just kinda you know get back to um back to basics you know i just don't let a lot of stuff bother me it does bother me but i try not to to let it continue to bother me 266,305,yeah, 267,305,has that gotten you in trouble, if what has gotten me in trouble my mood swing i mean 268,305,yeah, um yeah money i mean you know my past i i got a past history so uh which kinda tends to uh uh bother my uh my hiring process i don't know if i'm gonna get hired so i gotta deal with uh different different type of employers who are uh say uh felony friendly and uh uh stuff like that and i try you know i i've taken classes on uh on uh how to interview how to uh how to answer some of the questions which you know come up quite a bit and uh i kinda reflect back on that but i just uh i gotta keep putting to my head that that's not who who i wanna be anymore so or you know i i've done 269,305,mhm, uh i've done uh i've done my time uh so to say but uh i took the time you know the last time i just took a lot of time and and try to uh work on the issues that were bothering me so um you know toward positive stuff i got my g_e_d different things a lot of classes um uh thought about going to school i didn't go to school and uh anything that would kinda um change my old ways and and uh and try to move on to more productive activities 270,305,mhm, 271,305,that's good, 272,305,do you feel like therapy is useful, pardon me 273,305,do you feel like therapy is useful, i still didn't hear you 274,305,do you feel like therapy is useful, that people have been deceitful can you repeat that one more time 275,305,why don't we talk about that later, alright 276,305,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh i've been diagnosed with uh bipolarism 277,305,how hard is that, um it's tough if you don't you know um i don't medicate so i mean i have been on medication before in the past but um again it's i try to live on life uh i try to live life on life's terms and i just you know 278,305,mhm, um i know the medical establishments always wanna label something and and what i don't like about it is that they just experiment with pills you know i've been on probably every imaginable pill that there is for that and um you know some of them have been too strong or some of them not strong enough and so i just try to cope with things uh um it's just my life skills you know i i don't i don't wanna be using drug i know certain drugs work for like three to four months six months and then they go well here i'm gonna try you on this and or i'm gonna try you on that and it's just an ongoing process and i probably for about the last two years actually about three years i kinda just said you know what that's it and um whether it's different than whether if i would be on on on uhon meds for it um i don't think so you know it's the still the same stuff i still get the same problems and i still uh get the same anxiety as if i if i was on medication for it or not so i just 279,305,yeah, and i'll deal with it you know sometimes it's not good you know i get irritated at people a lot i don't like people um i don't like crowds i don't you know like obnoxious people huge empty quiet so um but i i get a person you know i it's not that personality but i think people can see me and just say uh don't mess with this guy or you know um 280,305,mm, but still you know i like i i ride public transportation quite a bit and um you know you just get a lot of loud obnoxious people on there sometimes i gotta get off the bus that's how i deal with with with with people because i just know there's consequences if i if i didn't deal with it that way 281,305,yeah, so i just let it go i'd rather take the time on getting off the bus waiting for the next bus and hopefully it's not that bad 282,305,i understand, 283,305,did you think you had a problem before you found out, did i have a problem before i got out 284,305,did you think you had a problem before you found out, uh well i i don't know if i knew that i had a problem um uh before i found out the thing is that i know other people um i have a lot of ups and downs so i know a lot in my younger days people would tell me you know when i told them that i was diagnosed with you know bipolar that um a lot of remarks were like oh that's what's wrong you know that's what was wrong with you we we wish that you would've would've found that out years ago uh and uh like i don't think the meds really work but what i do uh i think uh time kinda like you know just getting older kind of uh you know makes it work you know 285,305,yeah, me me dealing with life so 286,305,how has seeing a therapist affected you, pardon me 287,305,how has seeing a therapist affected you, uh i talked to a therapist probably on a weekly basis for a while uh recently and uh it helps a lot you know uh just to get out my anger uh my thoughts um a lot of people may not understand that but uh a therapist is i think the bigger thing is that i can just get it all out uh whatever's bothing me whether it be uh people you know uh uh other issues you know were whatever the case may be i just think talking about it and they're such good listeners and can kinda like you know they they give me the same advice that you know that i you know give myself or whatever that i would give to others uh but it's always helpful if you hear it from somebody else somebody who will be has a you know are are you know they go to school for this so you know 288,305,right, but it's good to have 289,305,that's so good to hear, yeah 290,305,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, well i don't go anymore uh so um i kinda miss it you know like i said uh uh i miss it a lot actually but uh it's just one of those things you know i just deal with it you know uh according to you know if i ever get a chance to go to therapy again i probably will 291,305,why did you stop, um well monetary reasons and uh you know uh i don't have health insurance there's a lot of things that you know i'd like to do but i can't you know um 292,305,yeah, you know money situation's not that great right now so 293,305,i'm sorry, 294,305,how would your best friend describe you, how does my friends describe me 295,305,yeah, um they would probably describe me as uh uh energetic uh outgoing person uh once i get to know people um laughs i you know i laugh a i laugh a lot 296,305,, um but uh they would probably tell you that i'm also very serious and uh uh hidden person i don't reveal a lot you know 297,305,mhm, and uh so 298,305, who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , someone who has been a positive influence in my life 299,305,yeah, someone who's been um someone who's been a positive influence in my life uh probably my boss one of my bosses uh when i first started with uh with exotic animals he was real you know he was uh uh german and um they didn't teach i don't know what he saw in me but he taught me a lot about working with exotic animals and um showed a lot of confidence in me and which in in it also built confidence in myself 300,305,mhm, and uh sort of let me know that you know that there's nothing that i really can't accomplish if i put my mind to it you know 301,305,that sounds like a great situation, yeah it was 302,305,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 303,305,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 304,305,goodbye, 305,318,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 306,318,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 307,318,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 308,318,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 309,318,are you okay with this , yes 310,318,okay, 311,318,so how are you doing today, i'm alright 312,318,that's good , 313,318,where are you from originally , los angeles california 314,318,really, yep 315,318,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the lights big city it's always something going on 316,318,mhm, 317,318,what are some things you don't really like about l_a , the traffic and that's it 318,318,okay , 319,318,what'd you study at school , uh business administration and business management 320,318,are you still doing that , uh not that i'm doing something else i'm doing networking at the moment 321,318,what's your dream job , hmm uh to open up a big clothing line and just supply the whole world with clothing 322,318,that sounds interesting , yeah 323,318,do you consider yourself an introvert , definitely 324,318,why, uh 'cause i'm all about myself it's all about me 325,318,do you feel that way often , not often but more times than not yeah 326,318,what are some things that make you really mad , being lied to and i guess when people think you're dumber than you than what you are 327,318,i understand , 328,318,what do you do when you're annoyed , uh try to get away from everything go into my own space 329,318,how are you at controlling your temper , very well i'm great at controlling my temper 330,318,that's good , 331,318,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , i um probably like two days ago and it was probably just over some sports it wasn't a real argument 332,318, okay , 333,318,do you travel a lot , not a lot but i travel enough 334,318,what do you enjoy about traveling , just being able to see to get a change of pace see somebody new see new faces new environment 335,318,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , mm let me see the last trip i had was vegas you know how vegas goes it was pretty fun it was a lotta 336,318,, lotta drinking and a lot of partying going on 337,318,nice, 338,318,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um pretty open-minded i'm kind to pretty much everybody i'm a pretty even-keel guy 339,318,how do you like your living situation , it's alright it could be better 340,318,do you have roommates , no 341,318,that's good, 342,318,have you ever served in the military , no ma'am 343,318,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, nope 344,318,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 345,318,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , uh lately it's been pretty tough i guess because i've been staying up so late but uh that's my fault 346,318,why, i don't know i guess i'm a night owl all of a sudden i'm turning into an owl 347,318,okay , 348,318,what are you like when you don't sleep well , sluggish and tired all day if i don't sleep well all day i'm just laying around 349,318,mm, 350,318,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , no not too much 351,318,okay , 352,318,is there anything you regret, mm no 353,318,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , oh stay focused and listen to the adults 354,318,could you have done anything to avoid it , yeah 355,318,tell me more about that , i mean it's self-explanatory i could've just listened to parents or other adults that tried to steer you in the right way and you know you're being a stubborn kid at that uh at those ages so it's like what what are you talking about i this is my life i can do what i want i don't have to listen to you but now i see that what they were telling me was correct 356,318,yeah , 357,318,how would your best friend describe you , um hilarious 358,318,okay , 359,318,how close are you to your family , pretty close 360,318,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , uh both my parents mother and father 361,318,that's great , 362,318,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , mm recently what did i do um new year's eve party i had i had the time of my life it was so fun 363,318,i'd love to hear all about it , uh this new year's eve i went to a party at a friend's house in baldwin hills area he had it at a a pretty nice house it's a three story house and it was like three hundred and fifty people in there it was pretty fun but it was also not that fun because there was so many people and you couldn't really move so 364,318,wow, that was the only downfall but besides that i brought my new year in great with tons of friends and that's how it's supposed to be done 365,318,awesome, 366,318,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , um i'm generally in a good mood every day i mean waking up puts me in a good mood i i guess you could say that but um i don't know a good a good meal 367,318,that's so good to hear , 368,318,what's one of your most memorable experiences , ooh one of my most memorable experiences were probably uh when i was younger i was in the boy scouts and we used to go camping all the time and one year we went to yellowstone or yosemite one of those places and we had to work on a mountain biking merit badge and of course being from the city i'm like a mountain biking i can ride a mountain bike but once we got in the real mountains on got on real mountain bikes i gained a new respect for the mountain bikers it was pretty it was fun and pretty intense going downhill doing about forty five miles an hour in dirt on a bicycle was pretty intense and that was i'll i'll never forget that 369,318,yeah , 370,318,what are you most proud of in your life , mm i don't know that's a tough one to to answer what am i most proud of i don't know honestly 371,318,okay , 372,318,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 373,318,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 374,318,goodbye, 375,340,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 376,340,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 377,340,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 378,340,are you okay with this , yeah i'm okay 379,340,okay so how are you doing today , fine 380,340,that's good, 381,340,where are you from originally, pensacola florida 382,340,really, 383,340,why'd you move to l_a, uh i met my wife in mississippi and she stays out here so 384,340,aw, 385,340,when'd you move to l_a, i moved to l_a what two thousand four about yeah about sixteen years twelve years ago something like that 386,340,mhm that's a long time, 387,340,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a , it was pretty hard you know different environment i had to learn different things so 388,340,yeah , 389,340,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather and there's a lot to do 390,340,mhm what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh too many people 391,340,okay, 392,340,how often do you go back to your hometown , uh i guess whenever i can 393,340,when was the last time that happened , uh two years ago 394,340,cool, 395,340,how close are you to your family , uh we're pretty close 396,340,that's so good to hear , 397,340,do you travel a lot, nah not at all 398,340,why, i just don't really have the guess the time and the cash 399,340,okay , 400,340,what are some things that make you really mad, mm not nothing not really nothing really makes me that mad anymore 401,340,really , yeah 402,340,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm very good at controlling my temper 403,340,that's great, 404,340,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm not really sure when was the last time i'd say maybe i'm not not really sure but it was just just about money you know money 405,340,mhm, 406,340,what do you do to relax , uh i read the bible 407,340,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh not really i really don't have anyone right now i really can't think 408,340,okay okay , 409,340,how would your best friend describe you , i really can't tell you i don't know 410,340,okay , 411,340,have you ever served in the military , no 412,340,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 413,340,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 414,340,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , it's pretty easy 415,340,what are you like when you don't sleep well, mm just sleepy 416,340,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , uh in my behavior it got better 417,340,tell me more about that , uh started going to church i gave my life to the lord started going to church so i'm just trying to do the right things now 418,340,mhm how did you decide to do that , uh because i knew that i needed to and life was just just not the way it should be 419,340,i see what you mean , 420,340,how have you been feeling lately , a whole lot better 421,340,that's good , 422,340,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um i'm good to hang around you know good uh like to make people laugh and and um i look out for people take you know mm i'm not just for myself but you know others and things like that 423,340,uh huh , 424,340,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , uh just went to disneyland with my son for his birthday and my and my uh daughter i really enjoyed that 425,340,aw, 426,340,that's good , 427,340,how close are you to your family do you find it easy to be a parent , 428,340,do you find it easy to be a parent , yes 429,340,what's the best thing about being a parent , that you see someone's that look just like you and you get to raise them and and try to you know make sure they do the right things and be better than what you were 430,340,what's the hardest thing about being a parent , uh knowing that how evil the world is and your son has to live in it 431,340,mhm, 432,340,how hard is that , it used to be hard but with prayer you know and faith everything's gonna be alright 433,340,that's good what do you think of today's kids , they're very fast 434,340,tell me more about that , when we were growing up things was different you know but now the world is just way worse off than what it is than what it was 435,340,mhm, 436,340,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hmm flying in a airplane that's for the first time 437,340,cool, 438,340,can you tell me about that, yeah i was nervous 'cause i'd never been on a plane before so 439,340,how did you feel in that moment, felt a little nervous scared you can say 440,340,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , yeah this one i flew back home you know visited home went back for about a week or two yeah seeing my family hadn't seen 'em in a couple of years so that was pretty cool 441,340,okay , 442,340,what'd you study at school, uh right now in college i'm taking i'm studying i want to be a culinary um culinary culinary arts so i want to be a chef 443,340,awesome how did you decide to do that , i like cooking so i just decided just go ahead and you know get a education on it 444,340,are you happy you did that , yeah i'm happy 445,340,okay , 446,340,what are you most proud of in your life , i'm proud that i made the decision to serve the lord and do the right things 447,340,mhm, 448,340,when was the last time you felt really happy, uh last night 449,340,tell me more about that , just 'cause it's like i know that everything's gonna be alright and i have no more worries so i'm happy 450,340,that's so good to hear , 451,340,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , hmm cooking love cooking puts me in a good move and seeing that my kids are happy that can that's that's cool 452,340,uh huh uh huh uh huh is there anything you regret is there anything you regret, nope can't say i regret anything 453,340,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , 454,340,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , i really don't know 455,340,okay , 456,340,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 457,340,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 458,340,goodbye, no problem 459,341,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 460,341,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 461,341,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 462,341,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 463,341,are you okay with this, sure 464,341,okay, 465,341,so how are you doing today, i'm doing fine just a little tired 466,341,that's good, 467,341,where are you from originally, california 468,341,really, 469,341,what are some things you really like about l_a, yes um the weather not last week but yeah the weather 470,341,mhm, 471,341,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, fear of earthquakes 472,341,mhm, 473,341,i see what you mean, 474,341,what'd you study at school, psychology 475,341,cool, 476,341,are you still working in that, i am i go to harbor college 477,341,are you happy you did that, i am um wish i would've went sooner but better late than never 478,341,yeah, 479,341,what's your dream job, probably i'm not sure i haven't really thought about it i wanna work in the field of psychology but i'm not sure if i wanna work with children or adults so i haven't really decided 480,341,okay, 481,341,do you travel a lot, no 482,341,why, i don't know i just don't maybe once a year 483,341,when was the last time that happened, um june actually i went to uh orlando florida 484,341,awesome, 485,341,do you consider yourself an introvert, sometimes yeah not as 486,341,what do you do to relax, i'm sorry 487,341,what do you do to relax, um watch t_v read a book talk on the phone 488,341,that's good, mhm 489,341,what are some things that make you really mad , mad mm my mom gets in my business 490,341,, other than that um i guess just frustrations with my son 491,341,do you find it easy to be a parent, no 492,341,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um the hardest thing is um raising a child with a disability not knowing how you can help him 493,341,mhm, 494,341,that sounds really hard, it is it's very hard i don't sugarcoat it at all 495,341,what's the best thing about being a parent, just having my children they're a blessing i love 'em 496,341,aw, with all the good and the bad it's a part of me and i just love the fact that i'm helping mold them into good human beings 497,341,yeah, 498,341,how close are you to your family, we're really close 499,341,that's so good to hear, i mean my family's small we live within blocks of each other but yeah we're close 500,341,okay, 501,341,what's one of your most memorable experiences, good or bad 502,341,whatever comes to your mind, most memorable just giving birth for the first time it was just amazing my son is nine now so i still remember it like it was yesterday 503,341,wow, 504,341,how did you feel in that moment, like i was being born again myself i don't know how to explain it it just very emotional 505,341,okay, 506,341,is there anything you regret, i don't know i guess i have a lot of regrets but none that i really wanna mention i guess 507,341,okay, 508,341,i understand, 509,341,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, stay in school don't get emotionally involved and um let people deter you from your goals 510,341,mhm, 511,341,could you have done anything to avoid it, oh yeah definitely did you wanna move on 512,341,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm okay i mean i'm pretty easygoing for the most part i don't really have a temper per se things frustrate me more than they anger me 513,341,uh huh, 514,341,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, xxx oh that's easy with my mother she's like um i guess the argument stemmed from me wanting to socialize she feels that i'm married with children so i should stay at home like ninety nine percent of the time and i wanted to go out and socialize with some ex co-workers 515,341,mhm, and she basically kinda put me down for it as if i don't spend enough time with my children 516,341,that sucks, it does and i love my mom i hate even having the thoughts of being frustrated with her because i always think gosh i don't wanna get mad at her and then something happens to her the next day but 517,341,yeah, she gets kinda intrusive i don't know 518,341,i understand, 519,341,when was the last time you felt really happy, oh i know um after the semester ended when i noted that i you know i did well in school 'cause i had been it had been a long time since i went to school so when i received my grades you know a and a b i was like wow okay i can do this and it made me happy 520,341,uh huh, and that was about a few weeks ago i guess mhm 521,341,that's great, thank you 522,341,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my mom i know it's good and bad i mean for the most part my mom's been a positive influence you know it's just sometimes you know she gets a little like she wants to re-raise me or something like she doesn't understand that i'm an adult i'm gonna make my own decisions now and pretty much have to let me do what i need to do 523,341,yeah, 524,341,how do you cope with them, a lotta heavy breathing i mean i walk sometimes when i get a lil' frustrated whatever i'll just go take a walk 525,341,mhm, you know or um just try not to think about it 526,341,that's good, thank you 527,341,have you ever served in the military, yes 528,341,really, yes the navy 529,341,how old were you when you joined the military, i was nineteen 530,341,you were very young weren't you, yeah yeah 531,341,why'd you decide to enlist in the military, i didn't have any other options 532,341,are you happy you did that, i am i probably should've stayed in a lil' longer i was only in for four years but you know i wanted to experience life outside the military so i did my enlistment and then i got out 533,341,mhm, 534,341,how did serving in the military change you, it made me a little bit more responsible than some of my friends that you know did not join the military i can notice a big difference as far as you know how i live my life and how they live theirs 535,341,uh huh, um just made me a little bit more responsible 536,341,that's good, thank you 537,341,what did you do after the military, i worked in the medical field for about five years and uh 538,341,cool, oh thank you but um it wasn't for me i wanted to do something lil' bit different i didn't wanna do patient care i wanted to work with people but not necessarily as a patient care provider so 539,341,yeah, i started going to school and then i met my husband i stopped going to school got married and i started working in a telecommunications field and then we you know conceived our child and after that you know 540,341,okay, 541,341,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i think i'm caring well i know i am i'm very caring you know i'm very honest to a fault sometimes you know i try to be as honest as possible with people sometimes it can hurt their feelings but you know you gotta be honest you can't let people think that you know you're not trusting 542,341,has that gotten you in trouble, and if mm yeah probably i don't i never really thought about it i don't know 543,341,mhm, maybe i don't really think about it i just try to be the best person that i can be you know so 544,341,yeah, all i can do i can't live for what other people think i can only do what i need to do 545,341,yes, 546,341,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um i don't know i never really thought about it i guess it just you know being around my kids you know i just love being around my children 547,341,mhm, and that's always puts me in a good mood 548,341,that's good, thank you 549,341,how have you been feeling lately, okay like i said a lil' tired you know but you know for the most part okay you know i'm dealing with situations that 550,341,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , well i go to bed really early so long as i go to bed early i get a good night's sleep but i wake up early as well so it's kinda like good and bad a lil' bit i go to bed like eight eight thirty and then i wake up at like one one thirty so 551,341,uh huh, 552,341,what are you like when you don't sleep well, very moody very irritable short short-tempered i guess 553,341,okay, 554,341,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, if anything i think i'm thinking more positively you know like i said especially with my son having a disability you know i i look at it as if you know it's not all bad i mean he has challenges eh but i'm dealing with them a lot better you know as opposed to feeling sorry for him or feeling sorry for myself you know i'm just finding more avenues to work with him you know 555,341,how hard is that, different resources to help him as opposed to just feeling guilty or sad and depressed about it 556,341,uh huh, 557,341,yeah, 558,341,that's good, thank you 559,341,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 560,341,do you feel down, occasionally who doesn't 561,341,yeah, 562,341,what are you most proud of in your life, i don't know can we skip that question 563,341,okay, 564,341,how would your best friend describe you, green seems to be the word kinda like um yeah probably green like naive a little 565,341,mhm, but at the same time smart i think she'll describe me as smart 566,341,that's great , mhm 567,341,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, yeah okay 568,341,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, no problem 569,341,goodbye, 570,315,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, alright 571,315,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 572,315,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 573,315,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 574,315,are you okay with this, yes 575,315,okay, 576,315,so how are you doing today, okay and you 577,315,i'm great thanks, 578,315,where are you from originally, inglewood california 579,315,really, 580,315,do you have roommates, yes no 581,315,how do you like your living situation, uh it's okay 582,315,what's it like for you living with them, um you mean my girlfriend and my daughter 583,315,yes, yes they're they're okay it's okay it's cool 584,315,that's so good to hear, 585,315,do you travel a lot, yes i do 586,315,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um well i'm a football recruiter so i travel uh all around the world to to sign different football players for our sports management company 587,315,awesome, uh 588,315,what do you enjoy about traveling, um just the independence about it being alone being able to be free and not tied down to one to one thing you know it's great 589,315,mhm, 590,315,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i i remember traveling to uh scrubbed_entry and take him to clubs and this and that and we're not that type of organization 591,315,yeah, 592,315,that sounds really hard, yeah 593,315,what are some things that make you really mad, um dishonesty i i don't like when people are are dishonest um that really really really bothers me and not true not honest not real um that that upsets me a lot 594,315,what do you do when you're annoyed, um i tend to just try to free myself from the situation to clear my mind usually take a walk or something like that or just just just go in a room by myself and just try to clear my head my head 595,315,mhm, 596,315,that's good, 597,315,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm okay with it at times um uh but i can defintely be better 598,315,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh um i argued argued with my my lady a couple days ago and it was about um our daughter and some of the things she's doing in school and she she wants to raise her one way and i think i wanna raise her kind of a different way and discipline her a little more on certain situations so i think discipline discipline is a big key and the key is life and she she she was raised a little differently 599,315,uh huh, 600,315,how did you feel in that moment, um i don't know just angry upset you know when you're in a argument that's what you feel so you do and say things that that that bother you and you just you go on with it 601,315,okay, 602,315,do you consider yourself an introvert, um yeah uh a little bit 603,315,why, um i don't know it just i eh just the way i feel i don't know i can't really say just the way i feel 604,315,do you find it easy to be a parent, um a little a little 605,315,what's the best thing about being a parent, um i don't know just um realness 606,315,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um honesty the truth just being straight out front 607,315,how close are you to your family, um i'm pretty close um i'm pretty close with my family 608,315,what do you think of today's kids, oh whole nother subject just they're raised different um i i think society society's gonna become even wilder with the way the kids are raised and no discipline and and the things they're doing everything we we they live and everything's inflated so much to where um it it's getting to a point where it's getting out of hand i think kids these days to a certain extent are are are much wilder than i was and and generations before me and just able to do and say and the lack of respect and you know just education-wise it's just i think it's just tough times for kids and and the way they act uh it's it's it's ridiculous to me 609,315,yeah, 610,315,i see what you mean, 611,315,what are some things you like to do for fun, um i definitely like to watch sports uh i i like to gamble i i like to travel i like to skate um i like kind of like uh a a a guy that likes to see different sights and go different places uh like different i'm a big movie person so i like going to theatres stuff like that 612,315,awesome, 613,315,what's your dream job, um i'm actually living it um i i always wanted to be in in some kinda sports industry and that's what i'm doing now i just uh my goal was to get a little higher in the ladder and and own my own sports management company um but i'm doing pretty well for myself so i am happy 614,315,that sounds like a great situation, yeah 615,315,have you ever served in the military, no 616,315,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 617,315,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 618,315,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it's okay i'd say it's pretty easy 619,315,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritated tired 620,315,when was the last time that happened, i don't know it's been awhile it's been awhile couple weeks ago 621,315,okay, 622,315,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, huh what did you say 623,315,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no not really 624,315,that's good, 625,315,how would your best friend describe you, um i think he would describe me as a stand up guy i try to be um um a good loyal friend and and an adult i think he would describe me like that 626,315,cool, 627,315,how do you know them, uh school went to school grew up together i've been knowing all my friends for pretty much all my life 628,315,that's a long time, yeah 629,315,how close are you to them, uh very close me our our uh my friends and i are very close uh um we pretty much do a lot together still at this age 630,315,that's great, 631,315,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i'm honest um i'm loyal very loyal um i am a hard worker i think i am um to a certain extent i'm just not the average guy i'm pretty much i'm a different different breed i just carry myself and act a little different from a normal guy 632,315,what made you decide to do that, i don't know just how what i was raised and how uh my dad was kinda different uh and and and he didn't go with the in crowd and i think i learned that from him a lot and and it's just it it's it's um kind of the same path i took 633,315,mhm, 634,315,is there anything you regret, um yes a lot of things i regret um i regret a lot of decisions in my life 635,315,can you give me an example of that, um yeah one um i actually let a a lady in my life go years ago that i thought was my soulmate and we had a big argument and one thing led to another and we decided to take a break and then that that break i i started dating somebody else and i told her i'ma go my way and she go her way i think that was a big a bad decision a very bad decision 636,315,i'm sorry to hear that, 637,315,could you have done anything to avoid it, yeah totally i think i could've took a step back and really just thought about the situation a little more instead of uh being so upset and moving forward 638,315,how did you feel in that moment, uh just upset um i tend to get upset and then my thoughts get clouded so uh mm i i need to think a little more when i'm upset 639,315,yeah, 640,315,what made you decide to do that, uh i don't know just experience and time being you know making making up for your mistakes and and and and um being better about different decisions after you made the mistakes 641,315,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, um think a little harder about situations uh about situations and and things and the decisions decisions that you make uh think a lot longer and harder before you make 'em and i think the outcome would been a little different today 642,315,mhm, 643,315,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my grandmother she's always been a um a a positive influence uh she's a great black woman um with a old school um ways of living so um i think i i i've added that to my life she's a great woman 644,315,aw, 645,315,that's great, 646,315,what's one of your most memorable experiences, scrubbed_entry in baseball and um 647,315,wow, yeah 648,315,tell me more about that, um i was a pretty good player i was a pretty good athlete growing up um i was one of the top scrubbed_entry and uh that started a future in in athletics and that's what i wanted to do so i accomplished my goals so at the time it was a great a great thing and it still is a great thing it's a great accomplishment in my life 649,315,awesome, 650,315,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um accomplishments being able to if i or if i'm have a goal or or something i'm supposed to do that week or that day and i accomplishment it always puts me in a good mood or getting my job done and i the way i'm supposed to do it in a in a timely fashion that always puts me in a good mood 651,315,that makes sense, 652,315,what are you most proud of in your life, um being a positive role model right now um for younger kids that's in um our sports academy program i i think as i got older the thought process and um the way i look at life has totally changed and i think i a lot of kids can look up to me that i deal with now and say you know that's somebody that that is is a positive a positive influence in my life 653,315,that's great, 654,315,when was the last time you felt really happy, oh um couple days ago my football team um we're in the playoffs made the playoffs so that always makes me happy 655,315,nice, 656,315,thanks it was great chatting with you, thank you 657,315,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 658,315,goodbye, 659,350,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today , 660,350,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 661,350,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 662,350,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 663,350,are you okay with this, yes 664,350,okay, 665,350,so how are you doing today , i'm doing fine thank you 666,350,that's good, 667,350,where are you from originally , originally i'm from well i was born in mississippi so i'm from gulfport mississippi 668,350,really, yes 669,350,why'd you move to l_a, i didn't have a choice i was a child i moved here with my parents 670,350,aw, 671,350,when'd you move to l_a, uh when i was two years old 672,350,you were very young weren't you , yes i was i was a toddler 673,350,do you travel a lot, yes i like to travel and i travel a lot 674,350,what do you enjoy about traveling , um being around new environments and new people uh different things 675,350,uh huh , 676,350,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , um well one of my favorite trips was visiting africa in i think two thousand six i visited uh west africa and that was a great trip for me it was a medical mission where we volunteered and gave medical assistance to people 677,350,wow, 678,350,how did you decide to do that , a friend of mine uh was actually involved and she talked to me about getting involved so i went in with her and it went from there so i don't know i made the decision that way 679,350,cool , 680,350,are you happy you did that , i am i am happy i did that it's something i'll never forget 681,350,that's so good to hear , 682,350,what'd you study at school , i studied english and education so that i could teach high school students 683,350,are you still working in that , uh not currently no 684,350,what do you do now, well right now i um tutor privately for a private tutoring company and looking to get back into the classroom working as a teacher 685,350,mhm, mhm 686,350,what's your dream job , wow anything that uh combines teaching traveling and writing would be a dream job for me so yeah anything that combines those three items so teaching has the closest outcome to that 687,350,okay, 688,350,do you consider yourself an introvert , um occasionally yes 689,350,why, um i don't know i guess in comparison to others that are considered outgoing um and and a lot of people have said i seem reserved or kinda introverted i don't know 690,350,okay, 691,350,what do you do to relax , mm well i don't know i read um i just started meditation mm try to breathe and calm down yeah 692,350,okay, 693,350,what are some things that make you really mad , some things that make me really mad um mistreatment of children abuse of children 694,350,i see what you mean , 695,350,what do you do when you're annoyed , um try to figure out what's annoying me usually and then go from there uh if i can control not being annoyed like ultimately i control that whether or not i'm annoyed so try to figure out what the problem is and then go from there and not be annoyed if i can help it all 696,350,yeah, 697,350,how are you at controlling your temper , oh i'm fine i can totally in at controlling my temper i think so i don't have a yeah 698,350,that's good , 699,350,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , the last time i argued with someone was um i don't know maybe a couple of days ago and it was about um it was about um a smell they had on their clothes but i thought smelled like perfume and they said it did not so yeah 700,350,that sucks, this is cool 701,350,how close are you to your family , uh i think i'm very close to my family we're a pretty close knit family talk every day um see each other almost every day 702,350,that's great , 703,350,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , there've been a lot of positive um influences in my life i would say my aunt and uh definitely my mother have all been positive influences 704,350,tell me more about that , well um i look i look i uh look up to my aunt um i think she's positive i look up to her because obviously we grew up with very similar backgrounds came from very similar neighborhoods and areas and she's very successful um despite the types of things that we've gone through as children and um she doesn't let her past define her future uh my mom's overcome so many obstacles as well um she had some challenges with her health but she still tries to be optimistic and she's still tries to you know overcome these things and just still live our life despite some physical barriers that she might have so i look up to people who are able to you know not allow their current situation to dictate their future because anything is possible 705,350,yeah , 706,350,that's great , 707,350,have you ever served in the military , no i have not 708,350,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 709,350,have you been diagnosed with depression , i have 710,350,how long ago were you diagnosed , um well i was diagnosed um within the last um year and uh then again most recently within the last three months 711,350,what got you to seek help , well um fear and just not knowing what to do with uh some of the things i was feeling and not knowing um you know why i couldn't stop feeling the way i was feeling 712,350,yeah , 713,350,what were your symptoms , there were a lot of symptoms um um you know mostly i uh i gained a lot of weight um i couldn't sleep a lot and then sometimes i could sleep too much um felt sad sometimes like i wanted to cry a lot 714,350,i'm sorry , 715,350,how have you been feeling lately , i've been feeling okay um there are days yeah um i don't know every day is different so i mean today i feel fine but like i said everything is differently lately i've been feeling um more like i can be involved involved in my own life and like i wanna get out and do more things 716,350,yeah , 717,350,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , um no no it's no no i haven't not any different from before what i was experiencing before 718,350,do you still go to therapy now , no 719,350,why did you stop , mm well mm i was receiving um uh i guess psychotherapy and um i don't know a lot of things happened i moved for a while to go take care of my grandmother and i just kinda got more involved in taking care of other people instead of myself for a while 720,350,that sounds really hard , uh sometimes 721,350,do you feel like therapy's useful , i do yes it is 722,350,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , it's kinda difficult um i either have a hard time falling asleep or a hard time staying asleep 723,350,are they triggered by something , i'm sure it is i just don't know what it is as of yet because i you know usually it's um thoughts continual thoughts running through my mind that either keep me up or make it hard for me to uh go asleep or make it hard for me to stay asleep 724,350,mhm, mhm 725,350,how do you cope with them , um journal sometimes uh that might help if i can write some things down and get it out that helps other than that i don't you know i haven't found any really great ways of coping 726,350,i see , it 727,350,what are you like when you don't sleep well , tired yeah mostly uh tired um kinda confused 728,350,okay , 729,350,when was the last time you felt really happy , i don't know for the most part i feel happy it's just um last time i felt really happy was i guess over the holidays 730,350,i'd love to hear all about it , uh i don't know i guess the just being around uh family and friends just the holiday season i guess in general that's just a happy time for me and seeing people i haven't seen in a while um that's about it 731,350,okay , 732,350,how would your best friend describe you , how would my best friend describe me probably as um quiet sometimes cautious talkative sometimes um tenacious um i don't know a lot of my friends say that they look up to me for uh some of my accomplishments and they also say that they are grateful to have me as a friend because i'm caring and compassionate or um easy to talk to um that i remind them of a of feel like a sister to them 733,350,aw , 734,350,that's great , 735,350,is there anything you regret, um everyone has regrets i'm sure yeah i regret stuff 736,350,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , to just relax and be yourself and just go ahead and it sounds cliche and i don't mean to sound that way but it's true it's just um you have to learn how to be comfortable with you and relax and just know you um to not compare yourself to other people because what someone else is doing or where they may be in their life at a certain time is not necessarily where you are supposed to be or what you're supposed to be doing at that time it doesn't mean that you're less competent or less able to do it it just means that everyone has their path and everyone has their their time and their progression to how they get to things so i would tell me ten years ago to just believe in me and stay on my own path for what it is that i want for my life and don't be 737,350,yeah , yeah 738,350,that makes sense , 739,350,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , um really enjoyed working with um well okay a science project with um my younger uh relatives my cousins we did a science project together and it was fun despite the mess we made it was a ball 740,350,awesome , 741,350,what are you most proud of in your life , um being the first to attend college in my family and then um going to college and coming back to the community where i uh went to school and then teaching in that community and volunteering in that community and helping um youth or children that come from the same background that i came from so uh i'm most proud of being able to have the opportunity to improve and better myself and then to come back and help someone else improve and better themself as well 742,350,that sounds like a great situation , 743,350,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 744,350,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 745,350,goodbye , 746,345,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , hi 747,345,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 748,345,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 749,345,are you okay with this, yeah i'm okay 750,345,okay so how are you doing today , i'm doing great 751,345,that's good , yeah 752,345,where are you from originally , um i am from los angeles i was born in santa monica 753,345,really , yeah 754,345,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i like um i don't know there's nothing i mean i don't really like it here that much but i guess i like that there's you know still some nature it's not like new york like too city but i guess you know it's it's okay 755,345,uh huh, 756,345,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um i don't like the traffic i don't like how crowded it is the crowds make me really nervous and i don't like um all the smog pollution all that stuff 757,345,yeah i see what you mean , 758,345,do you travel a lot, no i don't i don't travel i haven't been anywhere really so 759,345,okay, 760,345,what'd you study at school , um i studied um psychology when i went to s_m_c i took a psychology class so um i was psychology major i took an anthropology class and i took math but i'm not good at math 761,345,that sounds interesting , 762,345,are you still working in that , no i uh i currently am not at school right now um yeah i'm just at home 763,345,what's your dream job , my dream job would be um i would like to help other people as long as it's something helping other people uh i would like to help other people with like p_t_s_d and problems and stuff uh 764,345,mhm, yeah just as long as i'm you know helping other people smile and you know relating my problems with other people 765,345,yeah , 766,345,how close are you to your family , um i'm pretty i'm close well i'm really close with my grandma um eh my family it's just eh we're not like too too close we kinda argue a lot 767,345,okay , yeah 768,345,do you consider yourself an introvert , um sorry what's an introvert 769,345,let's come back to that later , okay 770,345,what do you do when you're annoyed , when i'm annoyed um well i try to relax for a minute i usually just try to take deep breaths but it's hard yeah 771,345,yeah , 772,345,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm not so good at it uh my temper's gotten a little worse um i am not good at all at really controlling my temper um i need some help on that 773,345,has that gotten you in trouble , um no not really i mean no i guess it's not like as bad as like most people i've never like been in a fight or anything or yeah any of that 774,345,mhm, 775,345,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um i argued with my mom and sister yesterday it was just something stupid over like my sister is sitting was sitting in the front seat and she's a kid and it's like i'm i should be in the front seat so i just asked her to sit in the back and of course they start like yelling and arguing and it's like really annoying 776,345,that sucks , yeah it does thanks 777,345,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , my grandma she's always giving me encouragement and um she's a therapist a licensed therapist so she's always you know made it really really um easy for me to have someone to talk to and i could always go to her so that helps yeah 778,345,aw, 779,345,that's great, 780,345,what's one of your most memorable experiences , yeah my most memorable experiences well i had one really good experience um i went horseback riding and that was really really made me happy uh i love horses and nature that's the biggest thing that i love and it just made me so happy and so relaxed so that was a memorable experience 781,345,awesome , 782,345,how would your best friend describe you , um caring very caring always there to talk to um i don't judge i never judge i'm never cranky i'm never i never ever get like angry at anybody else just like my family you know but yeah just very nice caring and stuff 783,345,mhm, 784,345,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , um things that put me in a good mood like uh music nature um i like to cook a lot i like to cook you know for my family talking puts me in a really good mood i love meeting new people meeting new people puts me in the best mood 785,345,okay , 786,345,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , uh it's not easy um it's hard um sometimes it's it's really hard um i don't usually sleep well so um yeah i have trouble falling asleep mostly 787,345,why, um i guess it's just like my mind will be racing a lot of you know sometimes it'll be flashbacks of bad memories um just you know thinking too much 788,345,are they triggered by something , um i don't know um i think just uh stress you know a lot of stress every day just everyday stress uh yeah pretty much that's what triggers it 789,345,how do you cope with them , um i just try to stay positive i try to think like okay well you know one day things will get better um i just i try to call somebody and talk to them if i have trouble like my grandma 790,345,mhm, yeah 791,345,that's good , 792,345,what are you like when you don't sleep well , thanks when i don't sleep well um well i start to like cry a lot and i start to get really irritable um i get really depressed it makes me not feel well at all i get very uh it just is really really bad if i don't get sleep yeah 793,345,i'm sorry to hear that , yeah thanks 794,345,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 795,345,how long ago were you diagnosed, i was diagnosed um three years ago 796,345,what got you to seek help , uh i just i didn't really know what was going on then i realized okay well they just diagnosed that and um i was like okay well this is the problem and it i just wanted help because it just when your mind is after you like that's like it's just awful to have your mind taking control of you like that 797,345,yeah that sounds really hard , yeah yeah it's hard 798,345,did you think you had a problem before you found out , um yeah yeah i definitely always thought i had a problem i always thought something was like really wrong um i just always like kinda nervous around people like i never can really like look anybody in the eye 'cause i'm just so nervous my eyes are always kind of like racing and i um would have sweats if i was in the situation um that reminded me of the situation like i just try to avoid what reminds me and brings those flashbacks yeah 799,345,how have you been feeling lately , oh um i i've been feeling good i've been getting out more every day i'm trying to um i guess walking keeps my mind off my p_t_s_d symptoms so i'm trying to walk more that helps 800,345,that's good , thanks 801,345,have you been diagnosed with depression , um yeah i have depression um yeah 802,345,okay , 803,345,is going to a therapist helping you , um it helps yeah it actually does help me a lot um i currently don't have one right now i'm actually getting a new one in a few days though like it's kind of a mix-up but yeah it really really helps me 804,345,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy , um i noticed that i've had less flashbacks and um i've been more relaxed i guess and um yeah just you know trying to keep more occupied yeah it helps 805,345,that's good , 806,345,when was the last time you felt really happy , um the last time i felt really happy um i guess um i don't know um today 'cause i mean i'm glad to be part of this 807,345,aw, 808,345,what are you most proud of in your life , um most proud of uh well um i'm trying to think of what i'm most proud of um i think i'm most proud of like the fact that i am able to you know not be like well i mean most people i know they like deny that they have a problem and i'm proud that i can actually like you know be a person who can realize okay i have a problem and i need help but a lot of the people i know they don't take medication they're untreated and um they just don't wanna get any help and i'm glad to get help because i don't wanna feel that way and i wanna get help for the problem instead of doing that 809,345,mhm, 810,345,that's good , 811,345,is there anything you regret , oh gosh there's a lot i regret yeah there's a lot um i regret you know uh drug abuse you know but that's part of you know the p_t_s_d i regret um a lot uh mistakes you know relationships stuff like that 812,345,yeah, 813,345,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , wow um i would've told myself to um i guess the advice i would've given myself was to try to keep my mind more relaxed i guess yeah 814,345,mhm, 815,345,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um well i'm a very nice person and i always like to smile people are always saying how i smile a lot but um the smile i guess it kind of hides like what's on the inside but you know i'm pretty depressed you know but i just try to keep smiling and i always like to lend a hand to help and make people feel better 816,345,okay , 817,345,what are some things you like to do for fun , for fun um i like to go to the mall that's a lot fun i like to go to the mall i like to go out with my grandma we go places go shopping i love shopping and um i like to go um play like games like i like to play video games those are fun stuff like that 818,345,nice, 819,345,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 820,345,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , okay thanks 821,345,goodbye, 822,322,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 823,322,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 824,322,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you, 825,322,i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 826,322,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 827,322,are you okay with this, yes 828,322,okay, 829,322,so how are you doing today, fine thank you 830,322,that's good, 831,322,where are you from originally, i'm originally from india 832,322,really, yeah 833,322,why'd you move to l_a, i'm sorry 834,322,why'd you move to l_a, why why do i miss sorry 835,322,why'd you move to l_a, why do i miss l_a 836,322,when'd you move to l_a, oh about twenty years ago 837,322,wow, 838,322,that's a long time, 839,322,how often do you go back to your home town, oh once every three four years 840,322,that's good, 841,322,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um i mean the first the first six months it was a little difficult but but then i got used to it then i'm feel i feel very comfortable now 842,322,that's good, 843,322,do you travel a lot, yes 844,322,what do you enjoy about traveling, um the food uh actually i enjoy uh flying then um eh you know meeting different people uh different scenes um you know then uh try try try try to achieve my goals 845,322,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh i'm sorry 846,322,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh the they i used to run a business i used to travel to um meet people to get orders and that traveling involved uh going to northeast of you know ohio and pennsylvania uh places like that uh meet top uh people uh eh to get my uh to get orders for my business and uh you know i enjoyed uh listening to their problems i used to take them out for dinner and uh if you know uh i'll be i really enjoyed uh genuinely enjoyed uh talking to talking to them and um many of them were open enough to tell me about their problems and uh you know uh all my but my main goal main main objective was to get the orders for the business 847,322,nice, 848,322,what do you do to relax, ooh mm you know cook um watch movies uh meet friends uh throw a party 849,322,okay, 850,322,what do you do now, i'm talking to you 851,322,what'd you study at school, uh i'd i'm an engineer i did mechanical engineering i'm also an m_b_a 852,322,are you still working in that, uh actually i branched off to finance i trade stocks now 853,322,how did you decide to do that, um a friend of mine was um you know making a lot of money in stocks and um you know i was um first i used to uh uh you know interact with him uh well also be with him when he was trading stocks and i realized he was uh making a lot of money then i uh did a formal course in it uh attended lot of seminars then you know um lost lost lost a lot of money and uh before i started making money 854,322,mhm, 855,322,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh it's the same thing that i said um you know watch movies go be visit people um play basketball uh then do shopping cooking 856,322,okay, 857,322,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm very good at that you know uh even even when i'm irritated uh you know i'm very good at controlling uh my temper 858,322,that's great, 859,322,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, the last time i argued with was with my brother it was about my dad um you know uh he was getting old uh i mean he's getting old and um he lives in india and uh i was planning on uh bringing him here my dad's um i mean my brother said it's gonna be very expensive to um you know it's gonna be very expensive uh with respect to health bills and uh i was uh you know arguing with him that we should all pool in the money and get them here because they are quite old i have a mom too you know pool some they're both old 860,322,uh huh, 861,322,how close are you to your family, i'm very close to my parents not so close to uh um with my brother and their family 862,322,why, um it's the i mean like i tend to be judgmental and uh you know but i think sometimes that the my niece and nephew should have been brought brought up in a different way and uh you know uh and you know my my brother doesn't seem to uh think along the same lines and um you know uh we have disagreements and mm you know that's the reason 863,322,that sounds really hard, it is 864,322,is there anything you regret, um no not at this time 865,322,what do you think of today's kids, what do i think of what 866,322,what do you think of today's kids, um can you can you repeat that one more time 867,322,what do you think of today's kids, um and i still couldn't follow you 868,322,let's come back to that later, okay 869,322,have you ever served in the military, no 870,322,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 871,322,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh yes 872,322,how long ago were you diagnosed, about one to two years ago 873,322,what made you decide to go and see someone, i was feeling down uh down and i was not interested in things that i was that i was normally interested in and uh you know i was sort of withdrawn and um the it was sh i was not able to focus on my things so i thought maybe i should go see a doctor and i ended up doing that 874,322,yeah, 875,322,did you think you had a problem before you found out, uh no mm 876,322,what were your symptoms, xxx i lost appetite i was not sleeping well and i i had difficulty um concentrating you know and focusing and uh i was not getting uh my assignments done on time uh these these were some of the problems 877,322,how have you been feeling lately, i been feeling good but 878,322,that's good, uh 879,322,do you still go to therapy now, no i don't 880,322,why did you stop, i started doing yoga and uh you know i've been doing that for about a year and that's uh and meditation and that's helped a lot 881,322,awesome, 882,322,what made you decide to do that, uh it's just that uh you know when i was diagnosed with uh depression i thought i shouldn't be taking any medication for it and i was looking at uh uh other ways to get over the problem and uh then i realized some of my friends were doing meditation and uh you know i got influenced by them 883,322,i understand, 884,322,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh it's a little difficult but uh of late i've been able to sleep uh within half an hour there are days when it takes almost one two hours to uh go to sleep 885,322,are they triggered by something, are they what can you repeat that 886,322,are they triggered by something, uh no 887,322,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i just uh you know uh just switch off the light and uh you know keep tossing around and uh try to focus on things uh that makes me uh feel good and this and that 888,322,when was the last time that happened, um about three days ago 889,322,okay, 890,322,what are you most proud of in your life, what am i proud of 891,322,yes, uh i was in i i was among the top two percent in my m_b_a class and um and when i used to run my business i designed a product um that was uh working really well and uh i was happy that i was able to design something that was so useful for my business 892,322,yeah, 893,322,how would your best friend describe you, uh my my i'm thinking my friends would describe me as uh very friendly very easy to get along with uh very focused uh very intelligent and a good cook 894,322,okay, 895,322,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um albert einstein 896,322,can you tell me about that, uh i mean some some of some of some of his theories um you know it obviously it involves it involves a lot of deep thinking and uh the the first few times i read about him about his uh uh theories uh i had difficulty in um um really understanding that and uh that you know we it i mean when's when there when there are things that i really try to understand and i i'm not able to i and uh you know there are there are the type of people i admire 897,322,mhm, 898,322,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, listen to other people 899,322,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh it's diverse um and i like the the entertainment industry and uh i like uh yeah the fact that there are more women uh than men here 900,322,, um 901,322,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh there are certain areas where only spanish uh where only spanish is spoken uh you know i would like uh for all people who come to america to be able to understand english and be able to speak in english so that everybody can participate 902,322,what are some things that make you really mad, um in l_a 903,322,whatever comes to your mind, um i mean like i some of the things the political leaders uh do really makes me mad uh uh sometimes i think they're wasting their wasting their time our time and other countries are advancing and um you know these these guys don't get things done and you know i feel very bad about it and sometimes it makes me angry 904,322,yeah, 905,322,can you give me an example of that, uh yeah i mean the first four years of uh obama administration i'd i think it was wasted because uh if the if congress had acted together uh eh got things done then uh you know we would mm maybe we could have uh you know uh made it much more difficult for china to catch up with us and you know the fact that china's able to do things and get things done much faster and these people still um you know uh argue and uh you know find uh find faults with each other and not get things done um you know they don't seem to realize that you know uh you know the clock keeps ticking you know they have to get things done 906,322,yeah, 907,322,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i mean like you know uh one thing that comes to my mind is well you know i made a lot of money while uh you know once in los angeles uh 908,322,nice, and you know i thought it happened during christmas some ten years ago and uh that that made me very happy 909,322,okay, 910,322,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, good music good food uh i mean the eh a party with friends that i like and uh and you know i also like cooking and i enjoy cooking with groups in groups uh those are things that really put me in a good mood 911,322,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm very clean um i listen to people and i empathize uh try to solve their problems uh and i'm hoping they think i'm you know uh my advices and recommendations are uh worth um their time 912,322,that's great, 913,322,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 914,322,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you so much you've been nice 915,322,goodbye, 916,347,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 917,347,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 918,347,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 919,347,are you okay with this, yes 920,347,okay, 921,347,so how are you doing today , alright 922,347,that's good , 923,347,where are you from originally , uh new york state 924,347,really, 925,347,why'd you move to l_a, um because of my girlfriend 926,347,when'd you move to l_a, about a few months ago 927,347,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, mm it's okay it's a little different but it's working 928,347,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh the weather's nice 929,347,mhm, 930,347,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh nothing so far it's it's been pretty good 931,347,that's good, 932,347,how do you like your living situation , it's working out nice yeah it's real well at the moment uh real good i mean 933,347,that's great, 934,347,what'd you study at school, uh criminal justice 935,347,that sounds interesting , 936,347,how did you decide to do that , uh i wanted to go to xxx and it was one of the courses so i decided to pick that one 937,347,are you still working in that , no 938,347,what do you do now, uh certified nurse's aide 939,347,cool, 940,347,what's your dream job , i don't know maybe nursing someday 941,347,okay , 942,347,do you travel a lot, no not too much 943,347,why, uh it gets expensive 944,347,i see what you mean , 945,347,what do you do to relax , read usually 946,347,what are some things that make you really mad , i don't know um i usually don't get real real mad 947,347,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good a a lot better than when i was as as a child 948,347,okay, 949,347,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , oh i can't even remember it's it's been a very long time 950,347,wow, 951,347,okay , 952,347,do you consider yourself an introvert, i guess so 953,347,can you tell me about that , i don't know not really 954,347,okay , 955,347,what are some things you like to do for fun , reading's about it right now 956,347,when was the last time that happened, while i was waiting for my appointment 957,347,okay, 958,347,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, recently my girlfriend's been very positive 959,347,aw, 960,347,how do you know them , uh we met through my sister-in-law 961,347,how close are you to them , mm not so close anymore 962,347,that sucks , 963,347,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this , no no i'm alright 964,347,okay , 965,347,can you tell me about that , oh they just i i don't have anything in common with 'em so we don't talk 966,347,i see what you mean , 967,347,how would your best friend describe you , i don't know i really don't 968,347,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um i'm patient i listen and i try to be reliable 969,347,mhm, 970,347,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , moved to california from new york that's that's been a a good experience 971,347,how did you feel in that moment , it was nice it was exciting 972,347,that's good , 973,347,have you ever served in the military , no 974,347,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , it's fairly difficult 975,347,uh oh, 976,347,why, just i i wake up very easily and sometimes it takes a long time to get tired and fall asleep 977,347,hmm, 978,347,are they triggered by something , not that i know of 979,347,what are you like when you don't sleep well , just quiet try to stay to myself 'cause i get irritable 980,347,okay , 981,347,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 982,347,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 983,347,how have you been feeling lately , alright just anxious trying to find a job so 984,347,it can be tough to find a good job these days , 985,347,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , not really no just just pretty pretty normal 986,347,okay, 987,347,what are you most proud of in your life , my children 988,347,tell me about your kids, uh i've got four of 'em um three ten and then two eleven year olds so 989,347,wow, yeah 990,347,what's the best thing about being a parent , that's that's hard just i don't know some of the things they do just yeah it it's a lot of fun watching 'em grow grow up 991,347,can you give me an example of that , just the way they interact with each other sometimes it's or other people it's it's really amazing to see how fast they you know develop 992,347,that's so good to hear, 993,347,what's one of your most memorable experiences , i don't know there's there's a lot that are tied for probably most memorable 994,347,i'd love to hear all about it , no probably not 995,347,okay , 996,347,do you find it easy to be a parent , yeah it's pretty easy it's it it's a lot of fun 997,347,that's good, 998,347,what's the hardest thing about being a parent , worrying about 'em you know you worry about 'em getting hurt 999,347,i see what you mean , 1000,347,is there anything you regret, no not so much 1001,347,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , probably go to college get you know try to find a a good a better job you know 1002,347,mhm, 1003,347,when was the last time you felt really happy , i feel happy all the time though i mean on and off so it's it's real hard to pinpoint 1004,347,okay , 1005,347,okay i think i've asked everything i need to thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 1006,325,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1007,325,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 1008,325,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1009,325,and please feel free to tell me anything you're answers are totally confidential, 1010,325,are you okay with this, yes 1011,325,okay so how are you doing today, um i'm fine this is a little bit strange you know talking to a virtual human 1012,325, , 1013,325,i see what you mean, 1014,325,where are you from originally, um i was born i was born in l_a i was raised out in the suburbs um i've lived all over los angeles i've lived in the valley long beach and now i'm in culver city 1015,325,awesome, 1016,325,what are some things you really like about l_a, um there's great food here the weather is great most of the time there's a lot of sunshine it doesn't get cold i don't have to shovel snow there are lots of opportunities a lot of diversity all different sorts of people uh i think that's really great 1017,325,okay, 1018,325,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, that is a much longer list i would like to get out of here um the the traffic i think that's number one i think everybody hates the traffic and everybody's so busy all the time it's really hard to to get together with anybody everybody's so devoted to their jobs and uh then we're sitting in traffic a lot too 1019,325,yeah, 1020,325,yeah, 1021,325,what'd you study at school, i just graduated actually um i studied marine biology 1022,325,wow, 1023,325,that sounds interesting, 1024,325,how did you decide to do that, i was i went to school and i orginally studied um graphic design and i found that kind of unfulfilling so i took a trip for a while traveled around the world and started scuba diving and i realized that i really loved marine biology so that's how i got into it 1025,325,nice, 1026,325,what's your dream job, everybody's been asking me that a lot lately since i just graduated i think i would like to um i think maybe managing a um managing a research you know i'm not i'm not really sure i think i would like to something in tropical marine ecology maybe like managing a preserve um something like that it's a hard question to answer 1027,325,okay, 1028,325,do you travel a lot, i do um 1029,325,what do you enjoy about traveling, i like meeting new people and seeing different parts of the world 1030,325,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well i traveled for eight months in central america um and i visited a lot of different countries i um i went scuba diving 1031,325,wow, 1032,325,what are some things that make you really mad, i think um i think intolerance injustice in the world those are probably the things that get me the most fired up 1033,325,mhm, 1034,325,what do you do when you're annoyed, vent to my boyfriend does that count 1035,325,, 1036,325,yes, 1037,325,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good it takes it takes a lot to really get me um fired up to the point where i i kinda blow my top the very few people that have seen me angry um to the point where i'm kind of yelling and screaming angry um i don't know i just don't get there i think that i'm a little bit afraid of losing my temper so i keep it under control 1038,325,that's good, 1039,325,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, it was yesterday actually i argued with my boyfriend um about uh getting getting a job i was talking about taking a job somewhere and he was being very supportive and i really wanted him to to say no don't go take that job for six months 'cause i would miss you and he was just being supportive so um we kind of argued about that and it was ridiculous so we i ended up laughing and that was the end of the fight 1040,325,aww, 1041,325,that's good, 1042,325,what do you do to relax, um meditate excercise go out in nature just um unplug get myself away from the computer away from technology away from people 1043,325,okay, 1044,325,how close are you to your family, i would say not really um i'm an only child and it's just me and my parents and we're very very dissimilar for example um i'm a pretty adventurous person and i like learning and my parents are uh couch potatoes they like to watch reality television so we don't have too much to talk about or things that we can really do um as far as shared activites so you know i love them and everything but there's not too much common ground 1045,325,i see what you mean, 1046,325,do you consider yourself an introvert, yes i think i'm a very social introvert but i seem to find most social encounters to be draining where as my my boyfriend for example he um derives a lot of pleasure and energy from being around people for me it's always a little bit the opposite i have to recharge 1047,325,mhm, 1048,325,how would your best friend describe you, i not sure i have a best friend but um i guess i'll say my boyfriend he's he's kinda my default best friend um he would probably say passionate intelligent um he always tells me that i'm really hard on myself which is true um dedicated loyal 1049,325,that's great, 1050,325,what are you most proud of in your life, i think i'm just proud of who i am xxx i don't know if that's the answer that most people give but i think that i'm i'm really proud of who i am i try really hard um i've done a lot of things in my life i'm a really good person i think it's it's kind of rare to find people that are kind and i consider myself a kind person that that cares about others and wants to make the world a better place so i'm i'm proud of that 1051,325,that's so good to hear, 1052,325,have you ever served in the military, no i have not 1053,325,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 1054,325,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 1055,325,how long ago were you diagnosed, i was probably about fifteen at the time so i think eight was is that seventeen years ago 1056,325,you were very young weren't you, yes 1057,325,what got you to seek help, um i was cutting and my one of my best friends called um called my parents and let them know and at that point they took me in for treatment i that wasn't the first time i had ever been to a therapist or a psychiatrist but um before it was more they thought i had a_d_h_d so um it was more i think my parents really took me in rather than me seeking help 1058,325,do you still go to therapy now, i haven't for about three years uh i stopped because it felt like uh i was checking in with a parole officer i just wasn't enjoying the relationship i had but i still have the psychiatrist that i go to for med checks 1059,325,that sucks, 1060,325,do you feel like therapy's useful, uh i do think it's useful if you have the right therapist i think if you don't have a good relationship with your therapist it can be incredibly harmful i have talked to people that have had bad experiences and and won't ever go back 1061,325,yeah, 1062,325,how have you been feeling lately, lately i've been a little bit down um i should say a little bit more down than usual because i graduated and my routine of go to school and do school things twenty four seven has come to an end and without the routine it's been a little bit weird finding out what to do with my finding a way to be productive and knowing what to do with my time it's also been a little bit um depressing finding out that my intelligence and good grades in school doesn't translate to real world skills and there aren't that many jobs for marine biologists in california 1063,325,yeah that sounds really hard, 1064,325,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, almost impossible ever since i was a little kid i had a i had trouble falling asleep and um about four years ago it it became really really bad where i just couldn't sleep through the night i was getting about four hours of sleep sometimes i would wake up every hour and i'd wake up in the morning just a complete wreck so for about four years i've been taking trazadone so i can sleep 1065,325,okay, 1066,325,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um have you ever seen fight club um you're a virtual human so you probably haven't seen that but it's it's pretty much like that i i'm just um a complete panicked anxious wreck i i lose my ability to deal with um i lose my ability to deal with things i'm much more likely to lose my temper um i can't regulate my moods i'm just really volatile 1067,325,i see, 1068,325,when was the last time that happened, probably a few months ago i think that i may have been on a trip gone away for a weekend and forgotten to take my medicine with me um or something like that and then i can't sleep and so that's what happens 1069,325,okay, 1070,325,when was the last time you felt really happy, uh really happy i mean um i don't know it's easy for me easier for me to keep track of when i feel really really bad really happy i guess i felt happy on new year's really happy on new year's eve which was um uh ten days ago um i was with my boyfriend and some friends and we took a trip out to palm spring and joshua tree and it was really nice to see them i don't get to see them very often um because i've been in school and i've been so busy so it was really nice reintroduction to uh real life 1071,325,that's great, 1072,325,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i think that i'm i'm kind i'm considerate i'm tolerant i'm pretty open minded i'm aware of my faults um i just i just try to be nice to everybody and i'm very curious about um about the world and things that i don't know about i really like to learn 1073,325,okay, 1074,325,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh off the top of my head first thing that came comes to mind is diving the blue whole in belize it was really amazing um it was me and my friends we just you know jumped off the boat and you come up over the edge of this uh limestone sink hole and it's really really really blue and you just drop down to about a hundred and forty feet in something like two minutes we did it pretty quick not everybody could do it that quick and um as you go down you see all these stalagmites and stalactites and they're huge they're larger than human and 'cause it's this 1075,325,wow, cave system um and it's really murky and there's sharks swimming all around you so that was that was pretty good 1076,325,awesome, 1077,325,what are some things you like to do for fun, i'm trying to remember that at the moment i haven't had much free time the last three and a half years being in school um so uh i guess reading hiking um just being together with my friends doing um relatively low key things going to movies having dinner parties cooking playing with my cat 1078,325,okay, 1079,325,is there anything you regret, not that i can really think of i'm sure i've made mistakes in my life but um you know i'm still here so can't be that bad 1080,325,yeah, 1081,325,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, hmm um i don't know hang in there um hold on to your clothes 'cause the nineties are coming back in fashion 1082,325,, 1083,325,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, hmm um cloudy weather uh beautiful sunsets being in um being out in nature kind of being away from the hubub of the city getting a good grade 1084,325,cool, 1085,325,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, i think my boyfriend has he's just um especially the last year he's really inspired me he quit drinking he quit smoking he's really inspired me he quit drinking he quit smoking he's made a lot of positive changes in his life and i know that those things aren't aren't hard or aren't easy i should say um to so to see someone overcome that uh really inspired me 1086,325,that's great, 1087,325,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 1088,325,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay 1089,339,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1090,339,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 1091,339,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1092,339,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 1093,339,are you okay with this, yes 1094,339,okay so how are you doing today, um i'm okay 1095,339,that's good, 1096,339,where are you from originally, i was born in san bernardino california 1097,339,really, yes 1098,339,where do you live, um i'm staying with a sister in north hollywood 1099,339,what's it like for you living with them, um she makes it as comfortable as possible 1100,339,okay, 1101,339,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh i love the weather 1102,339,mhm, and the entertainment and the public transportation 1103,339,yeah, 1104,339,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um it's very difficult to find full time employment and some of the people aren't as friendly as people from the south 'cause i lived in the south before um those are the only two things 1105,339,mhm, 1106,339,do you travel a lot, no i don't 1107,339,what'd you study at school, i was an english major in college 1108,339,are you still working in that, i haven't finished yes i am 1109,339,what's your dream job, um i'd like to be a recording singer 1110,339,really, yes 1111,339,what made you decide to do that, um i've always loved to sing from the time that i was a child 1112,339,aw, 1113,339,do you consider yourself an introvert, at times 1114,339,can you tell me about that, um when i'm alone i am um extremely i guess i would say um inter minded like i um have a lot of thoughts and i keep them to myself 1115,339,mhm, so if i'm in that mode then i don't really um interact with people but i can also interact with people if i change modes 1116,339,okay, 1117,339,okay, 1118,339,i understand, 1119,339,i understand, 1120,339,what do you do to relax, um i just started doing yoga a couple of weeks ago 1121,339,cool, and 1122,339,when was the last time that happened, last week on thursday no on tuesday 1123,339,mhm, 1124,339,what do you do when you're annoyed, um usually i just try to um remain quiet and listen to the situation if it's a person or if it's a situation that i'm dealing with myself that's annoying i try to um think of alternate ways that would make the situation better 1125,339,mhm, um come up with alternate plans so i won't get annoyed 1126,339,how are you at controlling your temper, um pretty good 1127,339,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um mm i may have had an argument a few weeks ago um just about timeliness like meeting on time and showing up on time 1128,339,mhm, and it was actually last um monday 1129,339,okay, yeah mhm 1130,339,is there anything you regret, no 1131,339,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, um to just be cautious of people's intentions 1132,339,mhm, and to listen really well 'cause people usually tell you what their intentions are without even um realizing realizing it 1133,339,yeah, 1134,339,how would your best friend describe you, um a good listener patient um fun loving generous um depressed sometimes um but generally a good person 1135,339,that's good, 1136,339,have you ever served in the military, no i have not 1137,339,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 1138,339,how long ago were you diagnosed, um within a year and a half ago 1139,339,did you think you had a problem before you found out, um i just knew that i often thought about situations that um happened in the past and kinda blamed the situation for my future and um 1140,339,are they triggered by something, um certain settings 1141,339,can you tell me about that, um if i um see certain types of individuals in certain settings it just reminds me of when i was younger when things happened and changed my future plans so i um try to i used to just try to avoid those types of situations and certain types of people at that time but now i feel like i um just handle things better as far as um being in the similar settings with similar people i just 1142,339,i see, i um handle those things better 1143,339,that's good, 1144,339,do you still go to therapy now, i do 1145,339,is going to a therapist helping you, um i like to believe that it does 1146,339,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, i don't worry as much 1147,339,how has seeing a therapist affected you , um it's just allowed me to know that actually speaking about the issues um relieves me of the tension of um holding them inside so that's how it's helped me 1148,339,yeah how hard is that, at first it was difficult just being open with my internal emotions but now it um it actually is good because i know that when things are occurring um if i'm able to um communicate about them with a certain individual 1149,339,mhm, it um relieves me of the stress of of uh trying to figure out everything alone and often times um by speaking about the issues it um allows me to come up with an alternative plan that may be be better just because i'm hearing myself speak of the issue 1150,339,that's good, 1151,339,what got you to seek help, um i was diagnosed with depression and um my doctor felt that i should probably see the therapist 1152,339,are you happy you did that, um i am 1153,339,okay, 1154,339,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it depends um if i'm really busy during the week and have a lot of things to do i often try to plan things and if i'm planning things it affects my sleep i might wake up in the middle of the night so sometimes it's easy and sometimes it isn't 1155,339,uh huh, 1156,339,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritable um very just very irritable 1157,339,okay, 1158,339,how have you been feeling lately , um i was feeling anxious but now i'm calmer 1159,339,do you feel down, um today i don't but i have in the past week 1160,339,why, um because i was in the midst of um searching for a a stable a stable place to live and um it was just taking so long to find a stable place to live so i was becoming anxious 1161,339,yeah i'm sorry to hear that, thank you 1162,339,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, yes 1163,339,when was the last time you felt really happy, um maybe in october 1164,339,can you tell me about that, um well my mother first came she came to visit me in october and when she first got here we had a good time 1165,339,aww, for the first couple days um so i was happy to see her i hadn't seen her in over a year 1166,339,that's great, mhm 1167,339,what are you most proud of in your life, um i'm proud that i'm able to um adjust to different situations um the older i've gotten the more adaptable i am to in different environments in different situations and um i've learned how to be more resourceful so i'm proud of that 1168,339,mhm, um 1169,339,that's good, 1170,339,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , i'm sorry 1171,339,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , oh my dad and uh my sister she's positive 'cause she's finished her master's degree um my mom sometime um my best friend is very positive 'cause she just started her new business two years ago and she's very enthusiastic about it so that's an inspiration 1172,339,okay, 1173,339,what are some things that make you really mad, um when someone lies consistently 1174,339,okay, 1175,339,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i listen very very well um sometimes i um give good advice i'm a good friend um i normally do the things that i say i'm going to do so i'm dependable um i communicate well and i um enjoy people's company most of the time especially if they're in good moods 1176,339,uh huh, 1177,339,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um being around positive people music um puts me in a good mood um comedy shows put me in a good mood um good food puts me in a good mood 1178,339,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um when i graduated from high school it was a really um i will never forget it it was a wonderful day 1179,339,how did you feel in that moment, very confident accomplished and i was um extremely optimistic and hopeful for the future 1180,339,that's so good to hear, 1181,339,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 1182,339,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 1183,339,goodbye, 1184,327,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1185,327,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 1186,327,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1187,327,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1188,327,are you okay with this, yes 1189,327,okay, 1190,327,so how are you doing today, fine thank you 1191,327,that's good, 1192,327,where are you from originally, montreal canada 1193,327,really, 1194,327,why'd you move to l_a, i moved here with my mom when i was in high school 1195,327,cool, 1196,327,that's a long time, yes 1197,327,how does it compare to l_a, oh it's very cold there in the winter and our summers are very short 1198,327,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it was very easy i accustom pretty quick 1199,327,that's good, 1200,327,do you travel a lot, no not very much anymore 1201,327,why, um i don't have much family in the united states and it's pretty expensive to go back home so i only go every couple of years 1202,327,i understand, 1203,327,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting different people different places different customs 1204,327,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh well we just recently went to um san francisco same custom and everything but the city was very different and i enjoyed it 1205,327,awesome, 1206,327,what'd you study at school, uh i took general education and child development 1207,327,what do you do now, right now i work part time for an independent auto repair shop 1208,327,what's your dream job, um just working with people talking to people 1209,327,do you consider yourself an introvert, um no 1210,327,why, um i'm shy sometimes so i stay to myself a lot 1211,327,mhm, 1212,327,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh walk along the beach uh bike riding 1213,327,that's great, 1214,327,what are some things that make you really mad, arrogant people 1215,327,what do you do when you're annoyed, um i try not to get angry but sometimes i do um try to learn i'm learning to walk away from things but sometimes people provoke you 1216,327,yeah, 1217,327,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm getting better i'd say seventy five percent under control 1218,327,that's good, 1219,327,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh about a month ago um with my daughter and her finances 1220,327,aw, 1221,327,how hard is that, it's really hard you don't like arguing with your children 1222,327,yeah, 1223,327,tell me about your kids, i have two girls one's twenty three and one's twenty six one lives in louisiana and one lives here 1224,327,do you find it easy to be a parent, now that they're older yes 1225,327,what's the best thing about being a parent, um satisfaction of giving love to someone else 1226,327,uh huh, 1227,327,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, worry 1228,327,tell me more about that, well unfortunately when i was young my sister was kidnapped so when my children were growing up i worried about them a lot and i didn't let them do things a lot on their own 1229,327,i'm sorry to hear that, 1230,327,how do you cope with them, oh now it's easy 'cause they're grown and they live on their own so it's a lot easier now but i you still worry even though they're grown 1231,327,i understand, 1232,327,what do you think of today's kids, i'm sorry what did you say 1233,327,what do you think of today's kids, oh my goodness they're spoiled rotten they have everything 1234,327,, 1235,327,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um waking up when my kids were younger on christmas day i loved it 1236,327,that's so good to hear, 1237,327,have you ever served in the military, no 1238,327,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 1239,327,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh it's been exactly two years and two months 1240,327,what got you to seek help, um loneliness depression um especially after i didn't have any family members left in the united states so um i went to a counselor and then to group therapy 1241,327,yeah, 1242,327,do you feel like therapy's useful, yes 1243,327,can you tell me about that, i mostly enjoy group therapy because you're sitting in a group with other people talking about your um your likes your dislikes your problems and sometimes somebody else is sharing going through the same thing you are and you can share you know share what you're going through and what can help make it better 1244,327,yeah, 1245,327,how has seeing a therapist affected you, um it's affected me a lot it's helped me cope with things it's nice to have somebody else to talk to 1246,327,that's great, 1247,327,did you think you had a problem before you found out, yes i didn't want to admit it but after awhile and feeling depressed for so long i knew i had to do something 1248,327,how have you been feeling lately, pretty good 1249,327,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um no just getting more positive better 1250,327,that's good, 1251,327,do you still go to therapy now, yes 1252,327,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's not it's about fifty fifty some nights i sleep good and some nights i don't 1253,327,that sucks , 1254,327,what are you like when you don't sleep well , um just lack lack of energy the next day 1255,327,how hard is that , it's hard especially if you get two nights in a row of no sleep 1256,327,wow, 1257,327,yeah , 1258,327,when was the last time you felt really happy , scrubbed_entry 1259,327,how did you feel in that moment , i felt good um holidays always try to you know christmas trees and kids and everything so usually is a good time makes me feel good 1260,327,nice, 1261,327,what are you most proud of in your life , um i was married um and raising two children and having two kids i'm very proud of that 1262,327,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , scrubbed_entry 1263,327,wow, 1264,327,that's great , thanks 1265,327,how did you decide to do that , um well i went from full time to part time work and there's not as much work in the automotive field so i decided to go back to school 1266,327,that makes sense , 1267,327,how would your best friend describe you , um easy going um fun easy to get along with 1268,327,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my mom she's very raised four kids single-handedly and was a very hard worker 1269,327,okay , 1270,327,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , um don't give up be positive in anything you try to accomplish can you can do it 1271,327,mhm, 1272,327,is there anything you regret, um not going back to school sooner 1273,327,could you have done anything to avoid it , uh no because i was raising two kids by myself so uh now that they're grown i have no excuse so i'm doing it 1274,327,that's good , 1275,327,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um i'm friendly i'm a hard worker and most of the time i'm easy to get along with 1276,327,can you tell me about that , um like i say i'm a hard worker if you give me work to do i'll do it and um long as not most of the time i'm in a good mood so i'm easy to get along with so um and when i'm not most people just don't they can tell by my attitude just not talk to me 1277,327, , 1278,327,okay , 1279,327,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , um like i say bike riding or uh walks on the beach the beach is very relaxing 1280,327,that's so good to hear , 1281,327,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 1282,327,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , you're welcome 1283,327,goodbye , 1284,348,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 1285,348,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1286,348,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1287,348,are you okay with this , yes 1288,348,okay, 1289,348,so how are you doing today , i'm okay 1290,348,that's good where are you from originally, uh born downtown los angeles 1291,348,really, 1292,348,what are some things you really like about l_a, i love l_a i love the traffic on the four o five i love the beach i live near the beach i love there's so much to do here i just love and i love the weather i love it here 1293,348,that's great , 1294,348,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, nothing 1295,348,okay , 1296,348,do you travel a lot, a little bit 1297,348,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh i guess visiting family and destinations 1298,348,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , uh i last flew to cedar rapids to visit a friend and was there for a couple weeks and i'm flying back february eleventh to see him again he's an old friend and uh 1299,348,nice, 1300,348,do you consider yourself an introvert, no 1301,348,why, i'm pretty outgoing i talk to people i enjoy talking to people i talk to people at the airport 1302,348,mhm, 1303,348,what do you do to relax , um i garden a little bit i read a little bit i watch t_v i'm a basketball fan i go to the beach when the weather is nice go to the pool 1304,348,okay , 1305,348,what are some things that make you really mad, uh annoying people rude people people that drive that just have no consideration for others 1306,348,uh huh , 1307,348,what do you do when you're annoyed, i swear a lot 1308,348, , 1309,348,how are you at controlling your temper, oh i'm alright i get mad once in awhile 1310,348,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , oh it was probably my daughter she's twenty one almost twenty two uh she's probably she is lives at college but comes home on the weekends and she was probably her room was probably a mess it's the same fight we've been having for years 1311,348,uh oh, 1312,348,that sucks , yeah yeah it does it's better now that we don't live together all the time though 1313,348,that's good , 1314,348,do you find it easy to be a parent , uh no 1315,348,what's the hardest thing about being a parent , i guess making the right decisions like start started out when she was little about education the right school to go to the right activities to do um setting a good example being a good role model 1316,348,what's the best thing about being a parent , oh everything my kids are the greatest joy of my life i love them so much and you just get so um enriched and fulfilled by them and when the kids are little you see things through their eyes which is exciting you wanna share everything with them 1317,348,aw, 1318,348,that's so good to hear , 1319,348,tell me about your kids , i have an older son who's a financial analyst and then i have a daughter in college she's a liberal studies major she's gonna be a teacher 1320,348,cool, 1321,348,what'd you study at school , uh business 1322,348,are you still working in that , uh yes 1323,348,what do you do now, i'm an office manager 1324,348,what's your dream job , um my dream job wow that's hard um i don't know i like my job it's good i like the people i enjoy it it's fun 1325,348,that's good , 1326,348,what do you think of today's kids, uh my son told me they're called the teacup generation because they're fragile and i think they're 1327,348, , pains in the asses most of 'em 1328,348,yeah i see what you mean , yeah 1329,348,when was the last time you felt really happy , not for a while maybe a month ago 1330,348,can you tell me about that , mm i have a new boyfriend and things were going really great and now they're just going it's it was it was great and now it's just okay i guess the newness wore off 1331,348,yeah how hard is that , it's hard it's hard and i don't really 1332,348,how do you know them, i'm sorry 1333,348,how do you know them, how do i know them 1334,348,mhm, i don't know what you mean by them 1335,348,let's come back to that later , mm k 1336,348,have you ever served in the military , no 1337,348,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 1338,348,have you been diagnosed with depression , yes 1339,348,how long ago were you diagnosed, oh i don't know a year or so 1340,348,what got you to seek help, i just didn't feel well i just couldn't i just didn't feel right i couldn't pull myself out of it 1341,348,did you think you had a problem before you found out , yeah 1342,348,what were your symptoms, oh just sad and just lack of energy and didn't really wasn't really motivated didn't really wasn't really my happy self 1343,348,mhm, 1344,348,do you feel like therapy's useful , therapy yes 1345,348,do you still go to therapy now, i do 1346,348,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy , well not that many changes i still don't feel that great but i just it's good to talk to someone and tell them how you feel 1347,348,yeah , even if it's just to get something off your chest 1348,348,how have you been feeling lately , tired sad depressed blue 1349,348,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , no i'm just not happy i don't feel good and i'm not happy 1350,348,how do you cope with them , i stay don't just stay stay to myself don't go out with friends as much as i used to 1351,348,that sounds really hard , it's very hard 1352,348,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , terrible i don't sleep 1353,348,i'm sorry , thank you 1354,348,what are you like when you don't sleep well , oh crazy distracted just it's hard for me to cope with things easy you know mundane things are just difficult 1355,348,mhm i see what you mean , 1356,348,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , well being around my kids is fun uh 1357,348,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , oh we went out to my son my son and daughter-in-law and my daughter and i went out to have hawaiian food got together it's always fun to get together we got together at my house on christmas i enjoyed just getting together with them 1358,348,awesome, 1359,348,is there anything you regret, no 1360,348,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , uh take better care of my health i guess 1361,348,could you have done anything to avoid it , uh i don't know i don't know 1362,348,okay, 1363,348,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , mm well my daughter's pretty positive and upbeat and uh my my parents they're both gone but they were pretty positive 1364,348,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um i suppose going on a trip to canada with my daughter was very memorable 1365,348,can you tell me about that , uh we flew to detroit where i have my best friend lives there and then we stayed with her then we went from we drove from detroit to through canada niagara falls and we went to buffalo where she's from and we she has three girls and my daughter was i think i don't know third fourth grade something like that it was just fun for all of us to get together and do things 1366,348,that sounds like a great situation , 1367,348,how would your best friend describe you , yep exactly like her we're outgoing we're outspoken we tell it like it is we um we're high energy people we have a lot of anxiety we like to do a lot of the same things 1368,348,okay, 1369,348,when was the last time you felt really happy , oh i don't know about three or four weeks ago 1370,348,tell me more about that , well i i say that my feeling is attributed to weather i don't like cold weather and i'm not comfortable at all in it and whenever the weather changes i sorta get down 1371,348,uh huh , 1372,348,what would you say are some of your best qualities , well i'm funny i'm hardworking i'm uh i care about everyone i i'm a very kind compassionate person i have sympathy for for everyone and i'll reach out to someone that i see in a store or anywhere that needs my help 1373,348,that's good , 1374,348,what are you most proud of in your life , i suppose raising my kids and the good people they've turned out to be 1375,348,that's great , 1376,348,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 1377,348,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , sure 1378,348,goodbye, 1379,328,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1380,328,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 1381,328,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1382,328,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1383,328,are you okay with this , yes 1384,328,okay, 1385,328,so how are you doing today , fine how are you 1386,328,i'm great thanks, 1387,328,where are you from originally, uh watts california but now i live in west l_a 1388,328,really, yes 1389,328,what are some things you really like about l_a, i love uh the sunshine i love the palm trees i love that um you're thirty minutes away from everything it's a great city 1390,328,yeah, 1391,328,what are some things you don't really like about l_a , the traffic it's terrible 1392,328,i see what you mean , 1393,328,what'd you study at school , i studied child development 1394,328,cool , 1395,328,are you still working in that , yeah actually i uh teach children how to be safe in uh traffic situations 1396,328,awesome, 1397,328,what's your dream job , oh my dream job is to be a filmmaker that's what i wanna do i wanna die doing that job making movies 1398,328,how did you decide to do that , well when i was uh in high school i did a lot of drama theater productions and i just love everything about film so once i had the opportunity to actually make a film uh because i wasn't getting any work as an actor i just got hooked i just love making film 1399,328,that's great , 1400,328,when was the last time that happened , last time i made a film just this last october made a short film 1401,328,what was it about, it's about three people that connect together they're completely unrelated but they get to a retreat where they realize that their problems are bigger than what they imagined originally 1402,328,mhm, 1403,328,that sounds interesting , thanks 1404,328,what are some things that make you really mad , really mad uh really mad i you know i guess what makes me really mad is when my daughter acts stupid at school when she does not do her work and uh when she doesn't pay attention and i have to get phone calls home and letters home and emergency parent conferences that's what makes me mad 1405,328,uh oh , yeah 1406,328,that sucks , yeah yeah it sucks she's one of the smartest kids in her school 1407,328,do you find it easy to be a parent , no it's it's it's very difficult because a lot of things in yourself that you find are negative go to them and it's like you're fighting against yourself trying to change yourself but you know that little person is you you know times a hundred and it's just difficult to deal with that but um other than that it it's okay but it's being a parent is never easy 1408,328,yeah , 1409,328,what's the hardest thing about being a parent , the hardest thing about being a parent i would say is trying to give that little person so much life experience so that they don't make mistakes or so that they don't get hurt and you wanna give it to them and you want them to just accept it right away but then they don't so it gets very uh um annoying sometimes that you know what's coming and you give them the info and they don't wanna take it they wanna find their own way and to watch them get hurt it's it's sad and then they wanna come to you and you're like ugh i tried to tell you but you can't be mad at them because everybody learns their own way so 1410,328,uh huh, 1411,328,that sounds really hard , mm yeah i guess for a while when when you think about it uh when you watch them go through their struggles it's hard to watch but it's a necessary motion of life children have to learn the way they wanna learn 'cause once they get it they got it so however they get it you as a parent you're happy they got it 1412,328,that's good, 1413,328,what's the best thing about being a parent , all the love the children bestow upon you it's great they 1414,328,aw, yeah they love you know love you and all especially my daughter she always wants to give me hugs she always wants to talk to me she always wants to be around me uh she always tells me i'm doing a great job when i'm like what does she know about a great job she's only seven but 1415,328, , you know they have that unconditional love and you just can't help but feel like a good person for having the children tell you that you're a good person so i like that 1416,328,yeah, 1417,328,that's so good to hear , hmm 1418,328,what do you think of today's kids , oh my god they're ooh they're you know it like albert einstein said it best that our technology has exceeded our humanity and there's so much technology out there kids are learning so fast it's almost like they're already little adults but they're missing the steps to being a child they miss going outside they miss learning about things naturally rather than just going to youtube or you know wherever facebook and and getting it so fast and they don't know what to do with all this information and they just have to fight through all that info and they the it's not organic anymore children growing up these days it's not organic it's sped up it's pushed 1419,328,uh huh , and it's just so hard for them to figure out who they are in this world so that's what's wrong 1420,328,yeah i see what you mean , hmm 1421,328,what do you do when you're annoyed , me just breathe in and breathe out or i'll just walk away from the situation 1422,328,okay , 1423,328,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, argued i argued with my fiancee uh a couple months ago about gosh i forgot i i forgot i don't remember it was petty yeah but it didn't last long 'cause she's like me she doesn't like to argue about stuff we like to take care of stuff as it happens and that's it hmm 1424,328,how do you know them , my fiancee 1425,328,yes, well um well i mean we met um when i was working at at a charter not a charter school but at a recreational center we met there and uh we talked we hit it off uh we didn't see each other for an entire year and then uh we reconnected and we went on a date and it was great ever since 1426,328,wow, 1427,328,that's great, 1428,328,how close are you to your family , my family we're pretty close my brother lives in colorado my sister lives in oklahoma i have a dad that lives in a neighboring city where i am um as close as we can be with the distance and certain choices that my family have made over the years you know being far away and um but my immediate family like you know my fiancee and my daughter like we're close and it's great 1429,328,okay , 1430,328,do you travel a lot, i don't travel enough but i have traveled a couple of times uh within the last five years i just came back from new zealand so that was a great experience 1431,328,nice, yeah 1432,328,what do you enjoy about traveling , i enjoy meeting new people that's the biggest thing about traveling i like seeing new things i like just immersing myself in different cultures and situations and i like just being away from it all that's that's good too 1433,328,mhm, 1434,328,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , well i went to new zealand uh not too long ago and i had stayed there for a week um i learned about celsius 'cause you know here we have fahrenheit and that was fun uh i learned how to play cricket uh i learned how to get myself out of a capsized kayak and um i learned that they have a lot of lamb lamb is good i like lamb but they had a lot of lamb oh and their seafood seafood i can't eat but they do have really great chocolate chocolate is it was so good and ice cream was good too and uh the people were really really nice they it was a very special time for me to go there it was great and they accepted me i love that and yeah can't wait to go back 1435,328,that sounds like a great situation , yes it was 1436,328,what would you say are some of your best qualities , some of my best qualities um energetic uh very personable uh intelligent i am easy to get along with i work pretty hard and i'm very slow to getting upset about things 1437,328,that's good , 1438,328,have you ever served in the military , no 1439,328,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 1440,328,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 1441,328,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , mm it's fairly easy 1442,328,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh i guess i get pretty moody you know i could be a little little snappy at people when i don't sleep well when i have lack of sleep but once i get some sleep in me i'm okay 1443,328,okay , 1444,328,how have you been feeling lately , mm fine 1445,328,that's good , 1446,328,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , no no no changes no 1447,328,okay , 1448,328,how would your best friend describe you , scrubbed_entry um you know he would say that i'm pretty funny um lax about a lot of things uh i enjoy life as much as i possibly can um good friend to have around and always ready and eager to help 1449,328,okay , 1450,328,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , just waking up in the morning it's always a great thing uh i love ice cream that's always good i love laughing ugh if somebody's laughing especially my fiancee 'cause she has a great laugh then 1451,328,aw, that puts me in a good mood 1452,328,that's so good to hear , hmm thank you 1453,328,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , scrubbed_entry and that's what i wanna do i definitely wanna get into acting and really work it and get some really good roles so he's been a positive influence he stayed out of trouble um he's maintained a good working relationship with people and he's always positive and very super helpful and very encouraging 1454,328,how do you know them , oh we went to junior high school and high school together so he's my best friend 1455,328,wow, yeah 1456,328,that's a long time, yes it is 1457,328,what's one of your most memorable experiences , wow there's so many uh scrubbed_entry had uh these bag of m and m's and we had went to a play and there were two girls that were a couple of rows down that you know we didn't particularly care for but you know that's how kids are you just they don't know how to you know they say they don't like somebody but you know 1458,328, , anyway but we got these m and m's and while the it was dark we start throwing m and m's and hitting 'em in the head with the m and m's and then we came to school like three days later uh we were summoned and there was a mock trial to get 1459,328, , scrubbed_entry so we were able to get ourselves off on like the entire group had found us not guilty of the crime 1460,328,uh oh , and but then we got in trouble anyway because our teacher just wouldn't allow us to not get in trouble so we had to clean up the yard for like two days 1461,328,aw, 1462,328,what are some things you like to do for fun , oh man you name it uh i love scuba diving i've only done it twice but i love it wanna get back into it like traveling uh i love exercising i actually like working out now uh i used to think it was a chore but now i'm really really getting into it that i love watching movies you put me in front of a good movie and i'm a happy camper so that's about it hanging out with family 1463,328,okay , 1464,328,is there anything you regret , anything i regret hmm you know what i think i i probably regret not going up to will smith when i had the chance 1465,328,can you tell me about that , yeah uh will smith was coming up the street and i saw him and i got so nervous i jumped in the bushes and i didn't meet him uh my boss at the time thought it was really funny but i just i wasn't ready to meet him yet so but i think i regret meeting him 1466,328,i understand , 1467,328,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , advice i would give myself ten or twenty years ago i would probably say that when my gut told me to do something i should've just went on ahead and did it rather than sit and analyze it you know days weeks months later if i feel it in my gut i should go for it so go with my gut more 1468,328,mhm, 1469,328,okay , 1470,328,when was the last time you felt really happy , really happy hmm really happy i i had a film festival that i was putting together and things were so intense we things were going wrong but then things were going right but then once the people came and packed the house i was really happy that we had a packed house at this uh film festival so this was about a month ago 1471,328,nice, yeah 1472,328,cool , 1473,328,what are you most proud of in your life , let's see i think right now at this point i'm most proud of putting a short film together with a minimal budget but it has amazing actors it has a great storyline and i didn't think it could be done but it's done or close to being done and i'm i'm proud of that i was able to get it done i think i could walk away happy knowing that i gave it a really good shot and i think this movie is probably going to take me and the rest of my film crew buddies to higher heights 1474,328,that's great , 1475,328,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, oh really 1476,328,mhm, 1477,328,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , alright well what was your name again 1478,328,i'm ellie, ah ellie 1479,328,goodbye , 1480,343,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1481,343,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 1482,343,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1483,343,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1484,343,are you okay with this, yes 1485,343,okay, 1486,343,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 1487,343,that's good, 1488,343,where are you from originally, uh los angeles california 1489,343,really, yes 1490,343,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the weather um basically i like the people different uh things to do out here 1491,343,mhm, 1492,343,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm i'm not really sure 1493,343,okay, 1494,343,what are some things that make you really mad, that get excuse me 1495,343,what are some things that make you really mad, xxx um i would have to say someone being rude or uh someone bullying or just somebody that has a negative attitude 1496,343,uh huh, 1497,343,what do you do when you're annoyed, when i'm annoyed it all depends 1498,343,can you give me an example of that, hmm i might make have a comment or something like that or uh i might just absorb it or something you know just think about it it all depends on the situation 1499,343,has that gotten you in trouble, no 1500,343,okay, 1501,343,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh i don't i think i had a disagreement i don't know when the last time i've been in some argument i really don't it's been a long time it was just basically a disagreement but i i haven't argued with anyone someone in quite some time i can't even recall 1502,343,uh huh, 1503,343,what was it about, uh it was a family matter and my brother had a disagreement with with one of our other brothers and you know he was upset about that in return i got a little upset because you know 1504,343,yeah, 1505,343,how hard is that, what you mean what you mean how hard is what 1506,343,let's come back to that later, so excuse me for excuse me for laughing now oh so could you go over that again what was the question 1507,343,let's come back to that later, okay 1508,343,what do you do to relax, listen to music 1509,343,cool, 1510,343,do you consider yourself an introvert, somewhat 1511,343,why, i don't know why i guess you know that's how it is a a little bit i do 1512,343,mhm, why did you ask why did you ask me that 1513,343,what'd you study at school, huh 1514,343,what'd you study at school, basic uh things english math but why'd you ask me that question though 1515,343,why don't we talk about that later, 1516,343,what do you do now, uh i'm um trying to find employment 1517,343,it can be tough to find a good job these days, right 1518,343,what's your dream job, just a job that i enjoy going to i don't really have a dream job 1519,343,okay, 1520,343,do you travel a lot, no 1521,343,when was the last time you felt really happy, uh when my kid children was small playing with 'em that's the last time i was really that i recall 1522,343,aw, 1523,343,do you find it easy to be a parent, it's not easy 1524,343,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, hmm trying to give some guidance or some advice that they'll listen to 1525,343,mhm, 1526,343,what's the best thing about being a parent, being a parent 1527,343,tell me more about that, you know you just connected to someone you know it's family someone that you love and someone that loves you 1528,343,yeah, 1529,343,tell me about your kids, isn't much to tell 1530,343,why, i mean i have children just you know well not children i have one child and two uh sons that's older they're adults 1531,343,how close are you to them, i think i'm kinda close with them 1532,343,mhm, 1533,343,what do you think of today's kids, what do i what 1534,343,what do you think of today's kids, what you mean what do i think of today's kids what do you mean by that 1535,343,whatever comes to your mind, i think they're more uh i don't think they're as respectful as they were when i was a when i was young when i was a kid i think they got more disrespectful 1536,343,mm, 1537,343,i see what you mean, 1538,343,have you ever served in the military, no 1539,343,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 1540,343,have you been diagnosed with depression, before i uh 1541,343,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh maybe about six months ago or something like that 1542,343,what got you to seek help, just the way i was feeling 1543,343,tell me more about that, you know i just wasn't feeling good i was feeling sad you know and wasn't sleeping good and you know just wasn't feeling right 1544,343,yeah, 1545,343,did you think you had a problem before you found out , i had a problem with the way i was feeling that was the whole purpose of me going to seek some kinda help 1546,343,mhm, 1547,343,how have you been feeling lately, feel alright 1548,343,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, have i ever did what 1549,343,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 1550,343,do you feel down, right now 1551,343,mhm, no 1552,343,that's good, 1553,343,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, oh i don't sleep that good 1554,343,why, i don't know why if i had an answer if i had an answer i would sleep better 1555,343,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, 1556,343,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i don't know 1557,343,okay, 1558,343,do you still go to therapy now, no i never 1559,343,why did you stop, i never been to therapy 1560,343,oh, 1561,343,how would your best friend describe you, i don't have a best friend i have a 1562,343,what would you say are some of your best qualities, a couple i think i have some good qualities i think i'm basically a good person 1563,343,mhm, 1564,343,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, uh the company of uh my associates that usually do 1565,343,cool, 1566,343,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, just hanging out with uh a friend 1567,343,tell me more about that, we were just hanging out laughing talking drinking beer 1568,343,nice, yeah 1569,343,how did you feel in that moment, i felt alright 1570,343,okay, 1571,343,is there anything you regret, no 1572,343,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, i should've completed college 1573,343,how did you decide to do that, i said i should have 1574,343,okay, 1575,343,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i got many of 'em 1576,343,okay, 1577,343,can you give me an example of that, hmm well i have a lot of 'em 1578,343,tell me about that, um getting up this morning that was memorable 1579,343,why, 'cause it was a new day 1580,343,that's so good to hear, and thankful to be to be living today 1581,343,yeah, mhm 1582,343,what are you most proud of in your life, man uh i would say being a father 1583,343,can you tell me about that, just being a father you know and uh that is a a memorable that's a good experience 1584,343,yeah, 1585,343,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, excuse me 1586,343,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh i don't i can't um i had a couple of 'em i guess uh some people that i associated with probably that's the most uh one i can think of 1587,343,uh huh, 1588,343,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, thank you 1589,343,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, alright 1590,343,goodbye, 1591,344,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 1592,344,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1593,344,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1594,344,are you okay with this, yes 1595,344,okay so how are you doing today , i'm okay 1596,344,that's good, 1597,344,where are you from originally , i'm from uh los angeles california originally 1598,344,really, yes 1599,344,what are some things you really like about l_a, sunshine uh the weather's great it's about it 1600,344,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, smog pollution crime um 1601,344,mhm, certain things like that yeah 1602,344,okay , 1603,344,do you travel a lot , i did in one point in my life i was in the military so don't do hardly a lot of traveling no more 1604,344,what do you enjoy about traveling , seeing different sights different people i think it's more the people and being around different types a city and the people see meeting different new people 1605,344,yeah, 1606,344,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , uh i traveled to uh new york one time and uh it was quite different big city different people uh that's about it 1607,344,cool, 1608,344,how old were you when you joined the military , eighteen 1609,344,you were very young weren't you, uh yes i was 1610,344,did you ever see combat , uh no i did a lot of combat training but no combat 1611,344,okay , 1612,344,how did serving in the military change you , mm disciplined more uh more motivated uh you get a lot of things done more even when you don't wanna do 'em you know you just go back to your army days and you get motivated off the stuff that that that you really needed to get done but you didn't wanna do it but it got done 1613,344,like what , uh like uh you had to uh do a lot of cleaning uh you had to wake up pretty early you had to do a lot of p_t you had to uh stay up to like two three o'clock in the morning you didn't wake back up until four or five 1614,344,that sucks, yes uh to a certain point yes 1615,344,what did you do after the military , after the military i joined the national guard and i did uh fifteen sixteen years in there uh i was 1616,344,what made you decide to do that , uh excuse me ma'am i didn't hear that quite hear that 1617,344,what made you decide to do that , uh what made me decide to do that 1618,344,mhm, uh just the motivation just you know really wanted a career see if i could find a career from it and it helped me out a little bit yeah 1619,344,that's good , thank you 1620,344,how easy was it for you to go back to civilian life , it wasn't that easy uh i mean i'm sorry it was easy it didn't bother me too much to go back to civilian life yeah it didn't bother me at all i just i adjusted pretty well 1621,344,okay , 1622,344,what'd you study at school , uh history basically a lot um yeah just basically history 1623,344,are you still working in that , uh no i'm not i'm uh disabled 1624,344,i'm sorry to hear that , oh no it's okay it's okay we can all i can heal i can get better hopefully i will 1625,344,that's good , yes i try to keep a 1626,344,what's your dream job , excuse me ma'am 1627,344,what's your dream job , i guess i don't my dream job would probably be working with others working with young people working with kids seeing that they get the uh the right and proper uh uh education that's you know that's due to them so they can be productive in the life of society as we live in today 1628,344,mhm, 1629,344,yeah , yeah 1630,344,what do you think of today's kids , excuse me 1631,344,what do you think of today's kids , what i think about 'em i think uh they should uh be more more uh xxx i mean they should they should participate more in what they're doing in their lives they should ask more questions they should be more motivated to uh really achieve something within their lives to give them the mm to give them the confidence and the motivation they need in life 'cause a lot of 'em don't get it 1632,344,hmm, 1633,344,yeah i see what you mean , 1634,344,what are some things that make you really mad, when i see people do really really stuff that they really shouldn't be doing uh it really eeks me i mean really bothers me and when people talk to you they give you the run-around it's like won't you just be straight with me instead of just giving me the the run-around won't you just be straight up with me that can be very frustrating 1635,344,mhm, uh and really when people do really i'm trying to find the right word stupid stuff that really botthers me too 1636,344,can you give me an example of that , uh spray painting on the wall uh just throwing garbage anywhere and not picking it up uh not really being uh you know not really being hygiene you know taking care of yourself and being hygiene you know what i mean 1637,344,mm, yeah 1638,344,what do you do when you're annoyed , what i do when i'm annoyed uh i get really upset i really start really cussing people out to be honest with you and it's something that's not really me but uh i'm learning to really let go of it a lot you know just you know just say hey that's the way it is it's like i'm not in control i can't control it 1639,344,yeah , yeah i have only have to control the things about what i do and really getting upset off of what other people do is not really good it's not good for me 1640,344,how are you at controlling your temper , oh my temper can be controlled i can control it pretty well 1641,344,okay, 1642,344,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , uh i i don't know i think it probably was my sister and she's very controlling and it's like you have your life and i have mine don't tell me what to do 1643,344,yeah , yeah 1644,344,i understand , 1645,344,how close are you to your family , we real close i can get along with 'em we're real close i have no problems with them 1646,344,that's good , yeah very good 1647,344,when was the last time you felt really happy , uh this morning yeah i wake up pretty you know i i first thing i do when i wake up in the morning i pray so when my spirit's in connection with the uh the universe and the world i i feel pretty good 1648,344,that's so good to hear , yes 1649,344,how have you been feeling lately , uh up and down you know up because i'm motivated to get out and start doing other things in life than just not doing anything at all and then other times where you wanna get something accomplished and you can't really get it done because there's road blocks in the way but uh i'm learning how to uh overcome those road blocks as well 1650,344,yeah , 1651,344,tell me more about that , uh well for instance uh looking to go to school and i was having problems uh getting enrolled in school i was talk to one of my social workers and she was willing to help me get online and uh to do it so i'm like okay it's well it's gonna get done 1652,344,that's great , yeah 1653,344,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , uh can you repeat that one more time ma'am 1654,344,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , uh yes i have see i had to be 1655,344,like what , uh i'd say uh for the last couple of weeks uh i noticed that i go through certain situations like you was talking about the anger situation it's like i don't get angry all the time that's not me so sometimes when i get angry i have to find out what's causing all this what's what's causing me to get angry 1656,344,mhm, 1657,344,yeah, and i have to take 1658,344,how hard is that , excuse me ma'am 1659,344,how hard is that , uh it's not hard at all 'cause alls you have to do is just take your time and reflect about everything uh that you have gone through and uh take a good look at the situation and uh and then go from there and find out what's what's really bothering you 1660,344,okay , 1661,344,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , it's very seldom uh i suffer from p_t_s_d and uh getting that type of sleep would be would be great because i have recurring nightmares so of a incident so 1662,344,are they triggered by something , i i think it is and i don't know what it's triggered by but i think it is and that's why i'm talking to someone or seeing someone 'cause i'm a veteran at the uh v_a about the situation now about the p_t_s_d basically right now 1663,344,yeah , 1664,344,what got you to seek help , excuse me ma'am 1665,344,what got you to seek help , uh a lot of nightmares lot of problems lot of anger issues uh depression uh i noticed all this in me and uh i started i just started to just tell myself i needed help 1666,344,mhm, and that's that's basically it i just you know i just you know i just something wasn't wrong with it something wasn't right with me 1667,344,is going to a therapist helping you , and when something's not right with me i have to take time out to just you know take a good look at myself and ask myself if something's right then you if something's right then that's fine if something's not right then you need to take care of it 1668,344,yeah, and uh i just started seeking help down there yeah 1669,344,i understand, 1670,344,is going to a therapist helping you , somewhat yes it is somewhat 1671,344,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy , 'cause i'm able to sit down and talk to the therapist well i'm able to sit down and talk to the therapist and uh tell 'em my situation and we usually will go over the problem and uh i went to classes i've been to uh uh talking one-on-one with my own doctor so it's helping out a little bit 1672,344,that's good , yeah 1673,344,do you have disturbing thoughts, it's a good thing excuse me ma'am 1674,344,do you have disturbing thoughts, no no not really 1675,344,okay , 1676,344,how would your best friend describe you , my best friend 1677,344,mhm, uh they he would describe me as a fun loving good person always there that try to help others uh think more of others really than more of myself but when i know i need things need to be done for me i take care of it so you know and they really actually they really look up to me they have a lot more respect for me 1678,344,mhm, yeah they see something in me they wish that they had 1679,344,do you consider yourself an introvert , excuse me ma'am 1680,344,do you consider yourself an introvert , uh can you be a little bit more specific 1681,344,let's come back to that later , oh okay 1682,344,what do you do to relax , uh books crossword puzzles uh walking that's about it 1683,344,okay , 1684,344,is there anything you regret , i thought i did but i don't think i do i don't think i regret anything because this is this is how it is this is the way it is for me so i accept it and i keep moving on because if i regret anything in the past then i'm wasting my time on that because it's gone that's the past i need to move on i need to live in the present so i can be prepared for the future so i can move on to the future 1685,344,yeah , 1686,344,mhm i see what you mean , yeah 1687,344,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , uh more education uh being more direct and more confidence in what i'm doing like i am today so yeah that's what i was lacking maybe twenty years ago 1688,344,okay , 1689,344,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , uh yes yes i have had a lot of positive people been been in my life 1690,344,can you give me an example of that , uh yeah some people would uh uh uh well consistently xxx i mean consistently motivate me to continue and to pursue a certain goal and uh i thought that was pretty good because i really don't see that a lot and uh he gave me a lot of motivation to try to go up and try to do certain things 'cause anything that you do it's a choice it's up to you whether or not if you do it or not that choice is still up to you for it to be done 1691,344,yeah , 1692,344,what are you most proud of in your life , excuse me ma'am 1693,344,what are you most proud of in your life , uh that i'm able to really be able to be self-motivated and really be able to put my best foot forward and be able to get a lot of things accomplished which i thought i couldn't but it can be accomplished if i'm willing enough to put the will to it to do it 1694,344,mhm, 1695,344,that's great , 1696,344,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , oh wow huh oh really and you know what i really enjoyed was sitting down with my social worker and we're talking about getting things done within my life and school was one of 'em uh and just being just school was one of 'em and i kinda liked it that because that was the first time someone was willing to really sit down with me and work with me 1697,344,mhm, yeah and i thought that was a great thing so as long as you're willing to do that i'm willing to go even the extra mile and even be motivated to do other things besides school and uh yeah that and that and that's what gets me going 1698,344,yeah , 1699,344,that sounds like a great situation , oh it is and i love it and uh this is going to be accomplished 1700,344,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 1701,344,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , thank you 1702,344,goodbye , 1703,319,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1704,319,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 1705,319,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1706,319,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1707,319,are you okay with this, sure 1708,319,okay, 1709,319,so how are you doing today, mm okay 1710,319,that's good, 1711,319,where are you from originally , los angeles 1712,319,really, 1713,319,what are some things you really like about l_a, um well that's a good question um i like the familiarity with everything i know where everything is in the city 1714,319,mhm, mm that's all i can say right now 1715,319,okay, 1716,319,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, so spread out so hard to get places 1717,319,i see what you mean, is there anything else 1718,319,what's your dream job, my dream job i don't think there is a dream job um for me no there isn't one 1719,319,what do you do now, mm i'm uh sort of unemployed right now 1720,319,i'm sorry to hear that, so am i 1721,319,it can be tough to find a good job these days, mm that's true 1722,319,what'd you study at school, i started i studied urban planning 1723,319,that sounds interesting, 1724,319,what are some things that make you really mad, well um i think this um school shooting thing and uh the n_r_a seeming to not wanna budge on this gun control issue thing 1725,319,yeah, that's it 1726,319,what do you do when you're annoyed, mm um i try to remove myself from that situation that's annoying me 1727,319,how are you at controlling your temper, i've gotten better over the years um most of the time i just try to um you know walk away or you know control my emotions in terms of you know just walking away 1728,319,that's good, 1729,319,what do you do to relax, mm just watch t_v now 1730,319,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hmm i would say my children being born 1731,319,tell me more about that, well i have four children um each birth was speical and um you know it was a unique experience each time 1732,319,that's great, 1733,319,do you find it easy to be a parent, well it's a lot easier now because they're all adults um but you know it was challenging 1734,319,what's the best thing about being a parent, um i would say seeing your children grow up to be successful and exceeding your expectations 1735,319,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, you worry all the time you worry for 'em you know now i'm not around them as much and i certainly worry about 'em 1736,319,that makes sense, 1737,319,when was the last time that happened, that i saw my children 1738,319,yes, oh about a week ago 1739,319,how did you feel in that moment, i'm usually pretty happy when i see 'em you know i have interest 1740,319,that's great, yeah 1741,319,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm my girlfriend and insignificant 1742,319,okay, 1743,319,do you travel a lot, no around l_a maybe but that's about it 1744,319,why why, excuse me 1745,319,why, why don't i travel i don't have the funds to do that anymore 1746,319,yes, or the health 1747,319,okay, 1748,319,have you ever served in the military, no 1749,319,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 1750,319,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 1751,319,how long ago were you diagnosed, mm i'd say about a year 1752,319,what got you to seek help, um recognizing that there were some things in me that that were wrong 1753,319,did you think you had a problem before you found out, i knew that there was something wrong 'cause i wasn't myself 1754,319,what were your symptoms, well you know i was always tired and not excited about things anymore and kinda lethargic you know laying around and just not feeling myself 1755,319,mm, 1756,319,how have you been feeling lately, mm about the same 1757,319,i'm sorry to hear that, 1758,319,do you still go to therapy now, yes i do once a month 1759,319,do you feel like therapy's useful, yeah i do i do 1760,319,can you tell me about that, well it's you know it's you know i see a psychologist and um we talk about things um i don't really wanna elaborate in detail but you know it's it i seem to think that it's helpful 1761,319,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, well i i think um that's a hard question let's move on please 1762,319,okay, 1763,319,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritable cranky 1764,319,that sounds really hard, yeah it is 1765,319,when was the last time you felt really happy, ooh that's a good question it's been awhile i'd say year and a half maybe 1766,319,could you say a little more about that, hmm well there's been a lot going on in my life you know i just lost my parent my dad my last parent just a lot of stuff going on so i'll leave it at that 1767,319,i see what you mean, 1768,319,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, hmm well i still like sports you know and um watching a good game or something is usually puts me in a good mood particularly if my team wins you know i like u_s_c um i have a nephew that's um freshman football player at u_s_c and uh i've been a trojan football fan for forty years so 1769,319,nice, yeah hmm 1770,319,what would you say are some of your best qualities , well i you know i think i i listen well and um you know i'm pretty much honest and straightforward 1771,319,how would your best friend describe you, that's a good question i don't know you would have to ask her 1772,319,okay, 1773,319,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, definitely my mother but she's deceased now she's been deceased ten years but she was definitely positive influence my entire life 1774,319,that's so good to hear, 1775,319,is there anything you regret, no i have many regrets too many to name and number but um you know it's you know you have the the benefit of hindsight and yeah i have a lot of regrets 1776,319,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, hmm to listen to the older people in my life the people who cared about me the people who only interest was to guide me in the right direction 1777,319,okay, 1778,319,what are you most proud of in your life, like i said my kids i'm very proud of 'em 1779,319,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 1780,319,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure my pleasure 1781,319,goodbye, 1782,324,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1783,324,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 1784,324,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1785,324,and please feel free to tell me anything you answers are totally confidential, 1786,324,are you okay with this, yeah 1787,324,okay, yes 1788,324,so how are you doing today, fine how are you 1789,324,i'm great thanks, 1790,324,where are you from originally, uh born and raise right here on the west side 1791,324,really, venice beach 1792,324,awesome, [laughter] 1793,324,what are some things you really like about l_a, everything the beach the weather 1794,324,can you give me an example of that, uh the beach the weather um everything 1795,324,okay, the girls 1796,324,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh nothing nothing 1797,324,okay, traffic maybe 1798,324,[laughter], 1799,324,i see what you mean, 1800,324,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my family 1801,324,i'd love to hear all about it, uh my mother she's uh very good hearted person gives me good advice 1802,324,that's good, 1803,324,how close are you to your family, oh pretty close yeah family comes first family is number one 1804,324,yeah, 1805,324,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh go to the gym you know exercise go to the beach party every once in a while wathc basketball football 1806,324,cool, 1807,324,okay, take trips go to vegas 1808,324,when was the last time that happened, um which one went to the gym last night i have friends that live in vegas so i go there often um 1809,324,what do you enjoy about traveling, probably just take a trip get out get away from the city for a minute but i'm a city boy so i can't be away too long you know i love the city 1810,324,i see what you mean, 1811,324,what do you do to relax, um go to the beach 1812,324,how are you at controlling your temper, oh that's that's been a problem over the years 1813,324,tell me more about that, um i don't know just have a little anger i guess anger anger management problem [laughter] 1814,324,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um [exhales] probably um yesterday i forget what it was about 1815,324,what do you do when you're annoyed, uh i'll go to the gym 1816,324,what are some things that make you really mad, um people 1817,324,tell me more about that, um i don't know just people and uh just the way they are i guess they get on my nerves sometimes [laughter] 1818,324,okay, 1819,324,what's your dream job, dream job well i was working at l_a_x i built this city right here playa vista where we're at pretty much built all of it that's been built so far in the past ten years and i always wanted to work at the airport l_a_x and i finally accomplished that goal after getting my g_e_d two years ago 1820,324,wow, i'm at l_a_x 1821,324,that's great, yeah so i'm working at l_a_x right now l_a airport 1822,324,nice, yeah 1823,324,what's one of your most memorable experiences, of what working at the airport 1824,324,mhm, um i guess during the holidays there was some girl that worked there and i had a crush on her but she turned out to be a lesbian she's beautiful haha 1825,324,that sucks, yeah [laughter] yeah 1826,324,have you ever served in the military, no 1827,324,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 1828,324,have you been diagnosed with depression, i think when i was a youngster like a teenager 1829,324,do you still go to therapy now, fourteen fifteen no 1830,324,why did you stop, oh i just oh i just stopped uh i went like for to like a rehab for replacement and when i was fifteen sixteen after i did a little bit of time and then i ewoled from there i like escaped and then i went back to jail so that's when it stopped 1831,324,i'm sorry to hear that, uh no problem it's not your fault 1832,324,do you feel like therapy is useful, excuse me 1833,324,is going to a therapist helping you, it wasn't when i was a when i was teenager 1834,324,tell me more about that, what when i was a teenager 1835,324,yes, when i was a teenager i just uh i was very restless i was very destructive you know 1836,324,how have you been feeling lately, um like i'm i'm not going forward as as fast as i want to 1837,324,that sounds really hard, yeah it's it's kinda hard but uh you know it is what it is you know 1838,324,could you have done anything to avoid it, to avoid what going forward 1839,324,yes, i guess i could try to move faster but um i've accomplished my goals in life so far i just wanna accomplish more but it's taking longer than i thought it would you know 1840,324,mm, 1841,324,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, there it would excuse me 1842,324,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, yeah i guess are there 1843,324,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yeah just like mood swings i guess 1844,324,okay, mood swings yeah 1845,324,are they triggered by something, uh it could be just something small and i'll just snap you know 1846,324,when was the last time that happened, oh all the time yesterday maybe today 1847,324,really, yeah 1848,324,how did you feel in that moment, angry 1849,324,how hard is that, um the anger [ang] i guess it's kinda hard to control the anger you know when you're going through a couple of of a few things in your life that aren't very pleasant you know 1850,324,yeah, 1851,324,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, no 1852,324,okay, 1853,324,how would your best friend describe you, um my best friend my best friends excuse me yeah bop bop uh they'd they'd they'd describe me just i guess as a character just very outgoing you know good sense of humor um but you know we all have our issues you know they they understand when i i'm going through something or i just you know get mad about something easily or i could just laugh too right after that you know 1854,324,uh huh, very outgoing smart intelligent strong 1855,324,okay, 1856,324,what are you most proud of in your life, the goals that i've accomplished past few years especially 1857,324,can you give me an example of that, uh just the jobs scrubbed_entry getting the g_e_d getting the job at l_a_x i always wanted 1858,324,that's great, thank you 1859,324,is there anything you regret, yeah yes 1860,324,can you give me an example of that, um just decisions i made i guess when i was uh younger in life even up to the you know even up to the past few years but nothing major in the past few years it's pretty much the decisions i made when i was young you know younger in life 1861,324,okay, 1862,324,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh to stay in school and um i don't know to not join a gang just to stay in school pretty much and to uh control the anger issues i had back then 1863,324,what made you decide to do that, to do what to do what 1864,324,let's come back to that later, [laughter] 1865,324,when was the last time you felt really happy, i don't know today i'm happy to be here 1866,324,that's great, 1867,324,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um going exercising going to the gym and working out going to the beach hanging out with uh family members of mine you know 1868,324,nice, friends yeah 1869,324,what would you say are some of your best qualities, my best qualities just that uh qualities just that i'm a neat person i'm outgoing you know i don't know qualities qualities meaning what 1870,324,whatever comes to your mind, what do you mean by qualities what comes to your mind give me the definition of qualities 1871,324,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 1872,324,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, yeah have a nice day 1873,324,goodbye , 1874,326,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1875,326,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 1876,326,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 1877,326,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1878,326,are you okay with this, yes 1879,326,okay, 1880,326,so how are you doing today , i'm fine 1881,326,that's good , 1882,326,where are you from originally , um ohio 1883,326,really, 1884,326,why'd you move to l_a , mmm bigger city more opportunity 1885,326,okay , 1886,326,when'd you move to l_a, um bigger city big city 1887,326,how often do you go back to your hometown , not often 1888,326,why , um i don't know uh there's phones i can call 1889,326,i understand , 1890,326,what are some things you really like about l_a, um let's see the water the ocean um the big city there's lot to do a lot of people um the mountainous skiing all kinds of stuff 1891,326,uh huh , 1892,326,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic 1893,326,okay , 1894,326,how close are you to your family , close 1895,326,do you consider yourself an introvert , no 1896,326,why, 'cause i like to talk 1897,326,what's your dream job , uh maybe running a company 1898,326,what'd you study at school , politics 1899,326,what made you decide to do that , parents 1900,326,that sucks , i guess 1901,326,what do you do to relax , play my guitar 1902,326,cool, 1903,326,how are you at controlling your temper , um it depends 1904,326,i'd love to hear all about it , no you wouldn't but sure okay 1905,326,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um ex-girlfriend and i don't remember 1906,326,how close are you to them , mm close for a lot of years 1907,326,how do you know them, just know 'em for a long time 1908,326,okay , 1909,326,is there anything you regret , no 1910,326,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , be a little more patient with her 1911,326,what do you think of today's kids , huh 1912,326,what do you think of today's kids , uh they're okay 1913,326,okay , 1914,326,have you ever served in the military , eh no but i helped 1915,326,tell me more about that , um and i did stuff with the marines which was fun and uh i lived out of the country 1916,326,what made you decide to do that, which which one living out of the country or helping with the marines 1917,326,yes , yes how bout the first one go living out of the country 'cause my parents lived
  • he likes me he wishes that i would do more things with him but he works at night and and you know it's one of those things i think most people not just my best friend but my wife and might be but rest of my family feel that i don't put a lot of time and attention to them i mean they think that i'm pretty great when i do give 'em the my time of day and my attention but um i don't know if i'm really there all the time you know i don't know if i'm really you know i'm always thinking about something else i'm always thinking about something different i don't i don't know if i really can give 'em eh a a real you know shoulder to cry on or you know if they ask for something you know i'll i'll usually do it you know but i almost feel like it's like a chore like you know like if they you know if they really need me then i'll do it you know eh if they're just asking for a favor i almost feel you know i do it half you know with a lotta lackluster lotta half-heartedness i just feel and it's not because i hate 'em or anything i really like 'em it's just that i feel like i almost i don't wanna say i owe it to them but the mere fact that i'm their friend makes them somehow um you know uh like i eh it it makes me like you know they rely on me some you know times or like i don't wanna let 'em down they are my friends but it's the same time i i just feel like it's it's more it's not it's not it's more of like a chore to do instead of a a willingness like a oh my god like i just wanna help you it's never it's never like that it's just something that i do because i have kinda have to you know you gotta you know gotta do things for your friends you know in the end because they're your friends you know and i in in the end i do like 'em and they probably would do it for me and i you know so i just do these things you know just 3849,368,mm, 3850,368,what are you most proud of in your life, um well there are a couple a things that i do like uh that i've good i feel good about myself you know um you know i ran the l_a marathon that kinda feels good you know i've graduated from college that kinda feels good you know what i mean but the thing is i don't feel like like that proud of myself for you know those things alone like graduating from college you know hasn't really made me successful you know what i mean um running the marathon hasn't made me thin and trim so they're like half merits you know or like they're they're great you know lotta people maybe not half done it a lotta people have excelled further but um you know they're kinda like stepping stones that like that um i've seal real new no life lifelong benefit from doing other than the fact that i can say that i've done 3851,368,mhm, 3852,368,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 3853,368,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, yeah yeah no problem no problem thank you for your time you know um hope you enjoy you know uh being in this computer 3854,368,thank you, 3855,368,goodbye, oh goodbye i'm gonna press this button now 3856,369,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure yeah 3857,369,okay, 3858,369,so how are you doing today, i'm doing great thank you for asking um you know how about yourself 3859,369,i'm great thanks, oh awesome 3860,369,where are you from originally, uh i'm from guatemala my parents here migrated here to the united states when i was like three years old so yeah 3861,369,really, mhm yeah it's pretty cool you know 3862,369,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh i haven't been there actually i haven't been back to my hometown since forever 3863,369,why, uh just you know i have all my family here my mom my dad my cousins aunts uncle so practically i i have my my life here so i probably i mean it would be nice to visit but you know it just does my curiousity hasn't you know gone there i guess 3864,369,yeah, 3865,369,i see what you mean, oh okay 3866,369,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i love the people everyone's nice i love the diversity you know there's different types of people and you know the imaginations out there everything is just great you know everyone's different you know no one's like the same at at least to some aspects 3867,369,mhm, um and i love the scenery i love the you know mountains they're beautiful you know great for hikes you know taking out you know the dog the family you know it's nice it's pretty active yeah 3868,369,yeah, 3869,369,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh the smog uh i don't like the smog it's just you know if you go out um further out you know you could tell by the air you know or you know everything's clearer the sky is bluer um but other than that like you know and traffic nobody likes traffic i think 3870,369,(laughter, yeah yeah but um yeah that's you know pretty much l_a is pretty nice you know it's i like it 3871,369,that's good, 3872,369,what did you study at school, um well i was studying just basic you know um i'm not sure exactly what i wanna be so it's just kind of you know here and there just jumping through hoops and stuff so not really set yet it's just i'm still trying to find my interests i suppose so 3873,369,what's your dream job, um my dream job hm that's a good one um i love working with children so i would say probably a child psychologist just 'cause you know it's great you know to learn what's going on in the young minds and you know how we could help children develop a better way you know make children you know or help you know help them you know grow up in a positive way i supposed instead of like going the wrong track 3874,369,mhm, yeah i just you know help children 3875,369,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh it depends it depends on the situation i'm in sometimes you know i could be like super outgoing and just like you know and sometimes like it just i could be all quiet or whatnot and just paying attention you know if i'm like in class or whatever i don't really like and there's everyone talking i just i'd prefer just to stay away from that you know 'cause i need something else to concentrate on something else you know there's like a moment and time for everything i suppose 3876,369,uh huh, yeah 3877,369,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i like to kick my feet up on the couch and like read a good book you know just get my mind going to another you know galaxy or universe or situation you know it's pretty fun you know just you know reading and then just having just yourself relaxed and you know feeling good 3878,369,that's great, yeah it is it's just fun i love reading 3879,369,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm okay with it i'm not like the best you know temper controlling person there is out there you know i try my best and i guess that's all i could do until i keep doing better eventually but i'm not like the best 3880,369,mhm, i mean i sometimes i do have my outbursts you know um but you know i guess that's everyone i'm not sure haha you know 3881,369,yeah, 3882,369,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh huh that's a good question um hm i don't remember uh let's see uh honestly i can't recall maybe uh my goodness i i don't know i've i've uh sometimes i'm very passive that i'll just like let things go 'cause i mean what's the point of making a big deal out of things you know so um huh i don't know i'm not i i i can't honestly i can't tell you that at this moment 3883,369,okay, 3884,369,why don't we talk about that later, sure yeah probably come back to it 3885,369,what's something you feel guilty about, um huh well i guess when i was younger i you know uh could've been better older sister and i i wasn't and that makes me feel guilty for sure you know i could've been a better sister better role model you know but i'm trying my best now so i'm trying to make things better and it's working 3886,369,that's good, yeah 3887,369,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, woo um i guess huh hm i don't know i mean i'm the person that i am because of the events that have happened in my life so if i erase something then it just there's something of me in my present self or you know that would change and i don't know i'm pretty okay with the person that i am now i mean you know i don't think i would change an event you know i'm i'm okay with what you know ups and downs and good and bad that has happened 3888,369,okay, so yeah 3889,369,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh i can't see your shoes but um i don't travel a lot um but i am kind of like an explorer i guess i love to explore like even the smallest things like if i go hiking i go off trail and you know just find my way up to the top you know somehow some way and just make it you know um traveling uh i would love to do that but i don't know just you know always circumstances in my life that doesn't you know always something you know i'm getting married children you know and all this so it's kind of like you know it would be nice i guess you know it would be nice 3890,369,yeah, you know i love camping that's kind of like you know it's taking a few days trips out there camping and you know fishing yeah 3891,369,nice, 3892,369,when was the last time that happened, um hm it was this summer you know me and my husband went camping and it was really nice it was just me and him you know and it was like no one and it was like beautiful because it was just in the middle of the woods with a beautiful lake and you know it was it was really nice it just yeah 3893,369,aw, 3894,369,that sounds like a great situation, yeah yeah yeah it was it was it was really fun it was like i would love to do it again you know right now it would be great you know just going out there it's just i love the adventure of things and the nature and just life and you know overall 3895,369,uh huh, yeah 3896,369,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh it's it's easy but lately i haven't been able to sleep like at night right away because i don't know just you know just i'm laying there and i'm just like trying to go to sleep and i'm just like ugh but eventually i do you know i just i probably like need to position myself on a different side of the bed like sometimes i'm i'm in the headboard and i'm like ah i gotta go to the other side and once i position myself then i just like go to sleep you know but it just i gotta find the position the right position for me yeah 3897,369,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i'm tired i get tired throughout throughout the day you know but i kind of try to shake it off you know and just kind of like feel like it's a new day you know and just try to make the day that i have as great as possible you know and then try to like make it up by sleeping at night the day of you know so yeah yeah yeah it's just 3898,369,uh huh, you know it's okay i try to make it the best i guess if not then i just go to sleep throughout the day which sucks but yeah 3899,369,okay, 3900,369,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh no 3901,369,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 3902,369,how have you been feeling lately, uh been feeling good yeah i've been feeling really good um you know a lot of things in my life have you know it i'm having a really good year so far so i'm very happy with that you know everything's you know going good you know 3903,369,that's great, yeah it is it is except that i i just got out of a cold and it was horrible but that's just nature my immune system has to work harder 3904,369,right, 3905,369,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, yeah um super happy was uh when the doctor told me i was pregnant you know i was really really happy about that and i was just like ah you know that was really really good you know very excited and just reading about what's going on with my body and what's going on with the baby and oh that's very overwhelming and it's scary at the same time i've never really like uh you know but yeah i've yeah very happy 3906,369,yeah, uh 3907,369,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i don't know um i guess just me myself i uh you know like you know i could you know just be myself and that's it you know just i can't really you know say i have specific thing i guess i mean it depends on the person that meets me to tell me i can't really tell myself like oh i'm this i'm that just you know just try to be my best and try to portray something good for other people to tell me or you know compliment me or what not 3908,369,mhm, yeah 3909,369,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um nothing i think um like i said i'm i'm happy with the person i am right now and you know my flaws or whatever you know i might have whatever flaw people see in me and it'ts okay you know i'm okay with it whatever it just i'm not gonna i'm i can't change myself for the likings of other people i have only one body and one life so yeah 3910,369,uh huh, yeah that's it 3911,369,is there anything you regret, uh just my childhood with my sisters and my family but you know it's you know i you learn from that you learn from the past and you kind of feel like hey you know maybe i should be a better role model you know for my children and so my children could be better role models so the world could just improve 3912,369,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um just smile and be happy you know and whatever hard things happen you know you're gonna get through them eventually you know the only thing you can't um i don't know you can't you know go back on is death you know you could you know the heartbreak or it's whatever but you know as long as i'm alive i'm just i still gotta keep going yeah 3913,369,yeah, 3914,369,what are you most proud of in your life, um i don't know um that's pretty huh most proud of i guess that i'm trying my best to be the best i could be and that's pretty powerful you know i i'm you know i try to be you know a better person each day and try to like you know improve myself every day as much as i can you know that would probably be something i could be super proud of you know as much as i can 3915,369,how hard is that, very hard i'm not gonna lie um it is really hard you know 'cause i can't say you know it's easy to be bad but it's hard to be good you know and you know it's it's always challenges and everything that goes you know in your life but you know it's just it's it's sometimes you know hard you know and sometimes it comes easy you know after a while you get a lot of practice and everything's just like you have a great day and you didn't even try you know 3916,369,mhm, so yeah 3917,369,how would your best friend describe you, um you know loving friendly um outgoing you know adventurous i guess i don't know i guess that's what they say i i just you know that's them like you know but that's what at least what i try to be you know at least i try to give a the best foot forward always as much as possible you know even sometimes even if i'm having a rough day i'm just like uh you know you know i just i don't wanna take it out on anyone or anything you know 3918,369,yeah, yeah 3919,369,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um my ideal weekend usually i i like going to the park i like sitting down in like a tree under a tree actually under a tree where there's shade and just kind of like put my blanket out there have my dog and like read a book and you know sometimes if i don't have my dog like there's little squirrels running around and they like me to feed them so that's pretty neat you know just sitting there and just enjoying the air and the noise noise i guess 'cause there's not silence you know the wind and the cars and you know it's just it's really neat 3920,369,that's so good to hear, yeah 3921,369,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, awesome 3922,369,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you you're welcome 3923,369,goodbye, 3924,370,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah 3925,370,okay, 3926,370,so how are you doing today, i'm doing pretty okay thanks for asking how are you 3927,370,that's good, 3928,370,i'm great thanks, 3929,370,where are you from originally, uh i'm from here in l_a i grew up in the san fernando valley 3930,370,really, yeah 3931,370,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh well i i like the the diversity of people the different kinds of food you can eat i like um the outdoor opportunities i grew up close to the hills so i i did a lot of hiking um camping is pretty close by i've gone snowboarding um i like eh the familiarity i think and you know it's it's a big city and uh you know i'm pretty familiar with it having lived here for so long that that i i i would say i like that too 3932,370,cool, 3933,370,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, probably the number one thing that everybody says i don't like traffic i don't like being stuck in traffic i don't like uh the long commutes even you know for short distances um and then you know it gets really hot in the summer at times so you know that eh i could stand it being a little slightly cooler when it gets to its peak peak heat but that's fine 3934,370,uh huh, 3935,370,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, wow my dream job uh that's a great question i i think my dream job would probably be uh you know maybe being able to travel and somehow make money off of it profit off it you know make gainful employment off of traveling but that's almost an unrealistic dream since i don't know if i would actually wanna do that but if if i had to pick some kind of dream existence you know traveling getting paid to travel meeting new people trying new things and being able to make a living out of that would be pretty fun 3936,370,what do you enjoy about traveling, well i like like i mentioned what i like about l_a i like trying different kinds of food different cuisines so i think trying authentic cuisines in different places and meeting different kinds of people seeing different ways of life uh would be eh is what i like about traveling um i i like experiencing new things um i think that would be nice you know despite the fact that i said i like the familiarity of l_a there's also fun in discovering new things so i i think travel when i travel that's that's what i like to do just check new things out um 3937,370,yeah, so i would like to be you know if i could make a living doing that that would be great 3938,370,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh one of my trips okay well let's see the the last trip i i took um lemmi think of one one one more exciting trip um well my my family is from eastern europe so one of the trips i took with my parents when i was fourteen was i i went to um austria hungary and romania and uh you know getting to see some of those old castles i'd been a few times before but i it was when i was little so i don't really have too much memory plus i didn't really process things quite the same as when i was kinda more of age 3939,370,yeah, so i got to see you know my family's old uh you know hometown you know uh we have a family um like tomb so i got to see that then just these old buildings and just the different way of life i i i really liked that uh you know seeing my parents old friends um you know and so that was pretty fun it was very different it was like really my first time being taken away from my my home environment you know i i left in the middle of the school year um so it was just like going from you know suburban america to traveling around kind of uh you know taking these old trains and seeing these castles and these old like hundreds of year old towns and it i i don't know if um it was for everyone you know i don't know if it would be great for everybody but i i really enjoyed it 3940,370,awesome, 3941,370,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh that's that's a good question i do uh i probably one of the things i do is either turn on like a rerun of a sitcom um i used to i i watch the office a lot so i kinda know when that's on so i'll i'll turn that on you know just uh kind of zone out a little bit to uh you know like familiar characters and and hearing jokes that are still funny for some reason or um maybe like uh eating some kinda comfort food you know i try not to eat too much fast food at all but uh like in n' out i really like going there so if i have to unwind um you know it's once every few months maybe i'll do that uh or i really like to read um especially like uh i'll read the day's events you know that that really relaxes me for some reason even if it's reading about something some conflict going on somewhere in the world i i still i'll read the headlines and i really like to know what's going on that kind of centers me um so i i really enjoy that that's something i do to relax 3942,370,uh huh, 3943,370,how are you at controlling your temper, i would say i'm pretty great at it although i don't i think my nature makes it pretty uh easy makes that pretty easy i don't i don't get very upset upset um easily at all so i it's not much of a challenge to control my temper eh um yeah i don't i don't really have anger issues i it's it's difficult for me to get angry uh so i don't i don't i don't really have much trouble with that at all 3944,370,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, the last time i argued with somebody was probably i don't even know i i i mean small disagreements you know i might've had uh with family or friends about things but just a full on argument i i i i can't even remember it's been years i i don't really argue too much i try to avoid conflict as much as possible in my my personal life i don't um really see anything to be gained by and i kind of uh naturally repel away from it so i don't sorry i don't i don't have much to say about arguing 3945,370,okay, 3946,370,what's something you feel guilty about, something i feel guilty about i would say that uh you know sometimes i eh sometimes i don't really um i feel like i maybe haven't made the most of my potential yet in life i i think that i could definitely do more despite the fact that i work a lot um i i feel like i there's always more opportunities uh out there that that we're missing i feel like you know sometimes down time i feel a little bit guilty about that because there's always something that i could be doing that i'm not even if it's just putting away the laundry that that's been um i took out of the dryer that's been sitting there or running late i really don't like running late um although it happens more than i'd like to i'd and i don't know why i feel guilty about that i don't like keeping people wait waiting because it makes it feel like uh you know my time is somehow more valuable than theirs which is obviously not true 3947,370,i see what you mean, 3948,370,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um hmm um nothing immediately comes to mind i well the last car accident i got into i it was a few years ago i guess i i wish it hadn't have happened not that i wish i i've could erase it from my memory but i eh was um driving in rush hour traffic and you know i i thought the cars in front of me were were going um you know at least for a little you know ten fifteen feet but it turns out they had they had stopped so it was a you know xxx slow rear-end collision but it was still very unfortunate i was just uh you know it felt like i was paying attention one second and the next second you know i was just like reaching for something on the in the passenger seat and then i i smacked into the car in front of me and uh i i wish that hadn't've happened absolutely uh i know i know it's a minor thing but it was just really unfortunate the timing of it was very bad you know for me financially and the the people i got into an accident with were fine but i was you know they they you know didn't ask for anything beyond repairing the damages but uh it was just uh horrible timing um so i i wish that hadn't've happened 3949,370,yeah, 3950,370,that sucks, it does suck it did suck i'm over it now but eh yeah it it does suck 3951,370,okay, 3952,370,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, well i'm a pretty good sleeper i although i i'm naturally wired to be up later at night so unfortunately my unfortunately my job um allows me affords me a pretty flexible schedule but at on the same token uh i wish i could were like hard-wired to go to sleep earlier because i just i wind up staying up 'til one or two every night uh and it's just too late you know even though i could get a full eight hours or whatnot of sleep it's not always at night time you know half my sleep is like in the kinda early daylight hours and i i wish i were more um able to sleep you know go to sleep at like ten or eleven 3953,370,mhm, and then sleep uh and then wake up earlier as opposed to going to sleep later and waking up later 3954,370,yeah, 3955,370,how have you been feeling lately, i've been pretty feeling pretty good i i've been i have no complaints physically and you know health-wise i feel good um you know my relationships with my my family and friends are good uh um everything is great so far i i have absolutely no no real complaints uh as far as how i'm feeling about myself or anything like that 3956,370,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no no i've been fairly consistent with my behavior and my thoughts i think that um everything has been been pretty okay pretty steady no no nothing traumatic nothing um kinda resurfacing from the past nothing of the sort has has happened or is happening 3957,370,okay, 3958,370,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 3959,370,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 3960,370,is there anything you regret, well i think there's plenty of things everybody regrets uh yeah yeah there's there's plenty of things um in my life uh yeah like i said i i do regret uh you know maybe not trying harder in my younger days you know i there's a period of time in my early twenties where i i didn't work for a while i just uh i hung out with a lot of friend you know i guess it was like the proverbial bad crowd you know none of us worked we just uh you know we we got high every day um or it seemed like every day i don't know it was just uh eh but it was a it was kinda like a throw-away period in my life 3961,370,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, i would say that um it's important to to to engage with the world i think i i think i kinda dropped out from the world a little bit i think it's also i would say that it's important to um recognize the people around you for what they are you know and what what kinda potential you know future activities they you can expect from from the people you surround yourself with i think that uh i would say also that um kinda try to focus on what i wanted to do with my life as opposed to just thinking well you know things will work out which eventually they do but i i think that you know there's a bit of lost time with that um that approach it's kinda fatalistic and i i think that i would say you know um just try to concentrate you know you know not not everyone works on the same schedule and life isn't a race but i would say that it was it's important to have a goal in mind or some kind of you know idea for what what you want out of life as opposed to just kinda waiting and um thinking that things will fall into place 3962,370,mm, 3963,370,that makes sense, 3964,370,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, um well i i i guess when people i i don't especially um take even constructive criticism particularly well for some reason i i think that for at least for myself i sort of have things figured out although i i i'm sure i'm wrong about that so i think just maybe in terms of like uh group work that i've done professionally or or academically you know when when some of my work is uh kinda picked apart or or scrutinized i don't i don't deal well with that and i i take it more personally than i should 3965,370,when was the last time that happened, uh it was probably about a year and a half ago i was working on a research project at work and uh somebody with much less experience it was three of us working on something and then they brought it another pair of eyes just to go over it and it was somebody just out of uh college you know um went over what we had done and you know it was just kinda rewording things and it it seemed just like cosmetic changes that were being made just for the sake of of changing things and i kinda took personal offense to that just uh because i thought i had a lot more experience and more education and uh it it was unnecessary you know i i thought that the whole thing was a waste of time and you know i just um i i didn't think that she was somebody that was qualified to to necessarily redo all our work um or or even to uh not not to redo it but to to edit it or to uh not eh proofread i guess to to make any kind of you know qualitative changes i i just thought that it was a a really bad idea and and i i thought that i you know i i shouldn't have viewed it this way but i thought that the fact that they brought in somebody with almost no experience you know was kind of like a an affront to us who had worked on it on this project but you know it wasn't our call 3966,370,yeah, 3967,370,what's one of your most memorable experiences, mm most memorable experiences um well i guess the first thing that comes to mind is one of my um the first real trip i took by myself uh i i took the uh the amtrak to to new mexico and i was out there exploring things um for about ten days on my own uh so that was kind of the longest period of time up 'til that point and i was in my i was i don't know twenty three maybe at the time that i i'd really just been on my own completely cut off from everyone i was in parts of new mexico where there was no cell phone reception at the time um and it was very memorable because i was on it on my own i felt like i was really uh you know exposed to the things i wouldn't have seen if i had had traveling companions um and it was a lot of fun 3968,370,nice, 3969,370,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh well i've been very happy recently i for the i i'm getting married in a few months uh i got engaged on labor day uh in two thousand twelve thanks so i i was uh that was a very happy day this this whole process you know of um of meeting someone and we 3970,370,aw, we kinda progressed very quickly realized where we recognized where we were um so i i've been a pretty happy state the past uh well it's been eleven months now but um yeah so i i think that the day we got engaged and then we we shared it with our family i think those have been very happy times um new years was happy you know uh i i'm in a happy period of my life right now so yeah 3971,370,that's so good to hear, yeah thank you 3972,370,how would your best friend describe you, uh with a sort of um sense of humor that maybe not everybody gets i'd say uh also uh you know um helpful calm relaxed maybe uh intelligent um you know likes to recycle i know that's so something that they would say uh 3973,370,(laughter, i what else i think that um my best friend might say that uh i i i like animals i've always had dogs and cats so they might describe me as a people person or i mean a an animal person excuse me i also um you know fairly easygoing you know flexible with with plans 3974,370,mhm, 3975,370,what are you most proud of in your life, mm uh i'd say one of most proud of in my life um hmm well i i i'm pretty happy with the level of education i've gotten i'm also going back eh starting in the fall i'm starting a p_h_d program so i'm happy about that i'm happy about you know breaking some of my bad habits from the past i i'd say if i'm proud of anything it's that um you know i have a strong faith relationship i go to church often i'm i'm very happy about that i don't know if pride is the right word but um my relationships with my family and friends are all very good uh i'd say maybe the fact that it's a lot different than my life is a lot different than it was about ten years ago you know the the change i'm i'm happy and proud of that 3976,370,mhm, 3977,370,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 3978,370,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, no problem have a good day thank you 3979,370,goodbye, 3980,371,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 3981,371,okay, 3982,371,so how are you doing today, i'm doing pretty good thank you 3983,371,that's good, 3984,371,where are you from originally, i was born in the san fernando valley in california 3985,371,really, really 3986,371,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh i love the beaches i like uh there's just many things to do and uh you can't beat the weather 3987,371,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh traffic cost of living 3988,371,i see what you mean, 3989,371,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh no i haven't uh i've only been out of the country once or a few times actually but only to one other country 3990,371,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, mm well they were when i was younger before i turned twenty one and we used to uh go to tijuana across the border just to get into nightclubs and stuff like that 3991,371,(laughter, 3992,371,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh well i love to see new things new places uh and uh have new experiences 3993,371,cool, 3994,371,what did you study at school, uh after high school i went to beauty school for cosmetology 3995,371,how did you decide to do that, mm well at the time i was uh looking for a career change and uh i have some friends in the industry and uh i decided to take the classes and see see what i thought 3996,371,are you still doing that, uh only as a hobby 3997,371,what's your dream job, mm well uh that's a that's a tough one to answer i'd have to think about that 3998,371,okay, 3999,371,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i would be on the outgoing side 4000,371,why, uh just because i'm more outgoing than i am shy 4001,371,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh lotta times i smoke marijuana 4002,371,cool, 4003,371,how are you at controlling your temper, mm not the best 4004,371,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh i had an argument with my mother over uh how we should handle doing things with my grandmother 4005,371,can you tell me about that, well we just had differences on uh who should do what at what times and who's in control and uh i should pretty much let her uh follow her rules because it's you know she's her daughter 4006,371,mhm, 4007,371,how did you feel in that moment, well it's okay i understood we talked it out and you know realized that uh i might've been uh overstepping my bounds 4008,371,okay, 4009,371,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh it's fairly good i am pretty close with my mom and uh my grandmother i have a stepfather and a half-brother we get along okay but we're not very close and i've never met my real father 4010,371,uh huh, 4011,371,what's something you feel guilty about, um maybe not accomplishing as much as i should have in my life up to now 4012,371,could you have done anything to avoid it, uh yeah maybe by not having enough uh ambition or drive to be in a better position in my life 4013,371,mm, 4014,371,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, uh well one of the hardest decisions was when i moved moved uh away from los angeles to wisconsin 4015,371,tell me more about that, well when i was younger i was getting in trouble and i was looking for a way out so i went and continued getting into trouble and i with a friend uh we just packed our bags and moved to milwaukee 4016,371,wow, 4017,371,are you happy you did that, yes 4018,371,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh extremely difficult 4019,371,why, i guess uh i got a lotta things going on or not going on and it just makes it hard for me to sleep 4020,371,like what, um issues in my life and uh 4021,371,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, sure sometimes 4022,371,what are you like when you don't sleep well, mm i guess it depends on what i have to do 4023,371,do you feel down, right now 4024,371,mhm, a little 4025,371,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, well in the last few minutes since we started talking about depressing stuff i starting to feel a little more down 4026,371,i'm sorry, 4027,371,have you been diagnosed with depression, i haven't 4028,371,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 4029,371,do you have disturbing thoughts, mm very seldom 4030,371,how do you cope with them, stop thinking about 'em 4031,371,are they triggered by something, mm i don't know i couldn't tell i couldn't answer that right now 4032,371,okay, 4033,371,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um i guess i felt uh eh it's been awhile since i've been really happy i don't have uh a whole lot of very happy thoughts as recently 4034,371,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm oh let's see i did go to las vegas uh a couple months ago i had a good time there 4035,371,that's good, 4036,371,what would you say are some of your best qualities, well i'm a honest person for the most part reliable uh i think i'm easy to get along with 4037,371,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, wow where do i start i have plenty of uh bad decisions i could erase 4038,371,can you give me an example of that, um yeah well i have a d_u_i on my record 4039,371,how hard is that, uh well for the time it suspended my license makes it extremely difficult makes life extremely difficult 4040,371,can you tell me about that, well yeah it's uh hard to get around when you can't drive legally and if you do drive illegally you're at risk of going to jail 4041,371,yeah, for driving without a license 4042,371,has that gotten you in trouble, uh well the original charge did but i haven't got caught driving since 4043,371,okay, 4044,371,how would your best friend describe you, mm i don't have a best friend 4045,371,what are you most proud of in your life, mm well let's come back to that one 4046,371,okay, 4047,371,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, mm maybe that i could uh follow through with some of my plans be a little more ambitious 4048,371,mhm, maybe not 4049,371,is there anything you regret, uh well some of the decisions i've made in my life i have regrets 4050,371,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh take care of business first and always handle your responsibilities 4051,371,mm, 4052,371,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, good uh good weather good music good company good conversation 4053,371,uh huh, 4054,371,what are you most proud of in your life, mm wow i don't have an answer for ya 4055,371,okay, 4056,371,what are some things you like to do for fun, i love to uh bike ride i can go for walks or hikes uh i love to swim in the ocean 4057,371,that's great, 4058,371,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, mm my mom 4059,371,can you tell me about that, well she uh she was a single mom with two kids and uh worked really hard to raise us 4060,371,that sounds really hard, yeah yeah it wasn't easy 4061,371,how close are you to them, very 4062,371,that's so good to hear, 4063,371,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4064,371,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure 4065,371,goodbye, 4066,372,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4067,372,okay, 4068,372,so how are you doing today, um pretty good kind of 4069,372,that's good, yeah 4070,372,where are you from originally, about los angeles 4071,372,really, yes 4072,372,what are some things you really like about l_a, the thing i like about l_a the weather 4073,372,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, it's not easy to meet people 4074,372,can you tell me about that, well it just feels like people aren't out very much they're like that movie in crash where people are just sit in their cars all the time um it feels like that 4075,372,yeah, 4076,372,i see what you mean, 4077,372,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no not too much 4078,372,okay, 4079,372,what did you study at school, child development 4080,372,how did you decide to do that, well i have a son and i wanted to know how to be a a good mom and so i wanted to know about the stages uh that he would be going through 4081,372,mhm, eh and be able to relate better to him 4082,372,that's great, mhm 4083,372,are you happy you did that, i am 4084,372,are you still doing that, kind of i'm trying to get it started again in the fall 4085,372,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, i'd like to write 4086,372,nice, 4087,372,tell me about that, well um i've written some children's books and i've just been doing research looking into getting my books published it's only like two that i've written so far but they're pretty good i've gotten some good feedback on them from my critique groups 4088,372,what was it about, it's about a little boy that's surrounded by people that are jerks and he tries to not become a jerk with them and it puts him in like a really 4089,372,aw, scrubbed_entry he goes through a lot of moods dealing with the people in his life 4090,372,awesome, mhm 4091,372,do you find it easy to be a parent, um no i've had some issues some nervous breakdowns actually and right now my son is staying with his dad so um no i'm a single mom it was the hardest thing i think in the world is being a single mom 4092,372,yeah, so 4093,372,how do you cope with them, how do i cope 4094,372,yeah, um well right now um i didn't have very many good coping skills or mechanisms so that was the problem 4095,372,mm, 4096,372,what's the best thing about being a parent, it's so spontaneous like the stuff that comes outta kids' mouths sometimes and the stuff that they do and just brings a smile to your face 4097,372,can you give me an example of that, um well when my son was younger once we were just sitting around the house and he comes and he starts doing my hair and he says to me mom i want you to put on some lipstick and high heels and ponytails so you can go out and get married and find a boyfriend so 4098,372,(laughter, yeah it's pretty spontaneous things like that happen that my kid's telling me i need to not be single anymore 4099,372,okay, 4100,372,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, the hardest thing not wanting to screw it up i feel a lot of stress and pressure that every little thing is gonna make make a difference and matter in what kind of person my kid turns out to be and so it's a lot of stress on yourself 4101,372,that sounds really hard, yeah 4102,372,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, yeah definitely 4103,372,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, um hmm i think i'm different from my mom because i'm a little bit more tolerant of that spontaneous interaction i welcome it you know i welcome getting to know who my child is right now and not try to mold them into somebody that i want them to be but just see them become the best child that they can be the best adult that they can be without molding them in that direction necessarily 4104,372,yeah, into a different person 4105,372,uh huh, so 4106,372,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, say it again 4107,372,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, who's someone that's a positive influence 4108,372,yeah, um mm i don't really have anybody like that 4109,372,okay, okay 4110,372,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, well i've tried to meditate sometimes but i don't really stick with it often enough um i've tried to like go for walks but i don't always do that and i don't always stick with it so 4111,372,uh huh, yeah that's about it 4112,372,how are you at controlling your temper, i'd say i'm a little below average meaning that i get angry more than most people do i think 4113,372,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm last night but it was on the telephone i was arguing with my husband um we have my sister lives with us and she lives with us in a very small room with a small apartment i should say and she's got four people living in in one room so um it's kind of stressful it's really crowded and my husband is stressed out about it and you know i'm just saying to him that i told you so i told you if my sister moved in here then there was gonna be a mess in the house and she's gonna be asking for things you don't really wanna do that's just how my sister is so the house is messy and it's crowded and every day they're asking for rides and my husband he's avoiding coming home because all these people are home and he doesn't wanna be there anymore and i'm just saying that he's gonna have to find a way to deal with it because he asked for it in my opinion so hmm 4114,372,that sucks, it does 4115,372,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, oh i've got tons of 'em but right now what's on my mind is um losing custody of my son um right now like i've been arguing with my stepmom and my stepsister for a long time about my son and how they treat him and how i want him to be treated like they don't have any boundaries and i believe that boundaries are important establishing who's the adult who's the child they let my child boss 'em around and stuff anyways because of this they're gonna be testifying against me in the custody trial saying that 4116,372,oh no, yeah they're gonna be saying that i'm not a good mom because i believe in having boundaries and we have very different ideas about child raising she's my stepmom she's my dad's fifth wife and she's she really doesn't she's really far removed from how i was raised and i wanna raise my child more similar to how i was raised where you're we had some independence and we had some boundaries and we knew what the rules were and what was expected of us and with my stepmom she xxx no rules she has no expectation she just wants him to run wild and have everything that he wants and that's fine when you're a grandparent but the problem is that i live with them sometimes and when i'm in the same house with them they should be following my rules and not trying to go and break all of my rules anyway 4117,372,right, 4118,372,that makes sense, yeah 4119,372,how did you feel in that moment, um in that moment just really frustrated because they don't listen to me i feel disrespected i feel like invisible i feel just angry that they're taking away my right to parent and it's something that i worked really hard to do i went to school and i studied child development i've read all the magazines and i've read the books and i'm really i know what i'm talking about i feel confident in my parenting skills and my parenting abilities and to have these people that haven't done the same thing and worked as hard as i have to be a good parent try and tell me that i'm a bad parent it's really uh hard to believe so i feel very disrespected um unacknowledged angry frustrated all those things 4120,372,yeah, 4121,372,i'm sorry, 4122,372,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um i take i take benadryl to help me sleep and i'm so my doctor gave me that uh she gave me benadryl told me that i could take it to help me sleep and last night i was crying before i went to sleep so sometimes these thoughts start running through your head at night when you're in bed but i tried to push them out and then i got up and i took my benadryl so i could go to sleep more easily 4123,372,hmm, 4124,372,are they triggered by something, yeah i'm always thinking about my son how i wish he was with me and how unfair everything is that's happening and like i don't deserve to have my son taken from me because i'm a really good mom you know 4125,372,yeah, and i'm too hard on myself so but i am a good mom and i feel confident that i'm a good mom i just i don't really have the money to take care of my son like my dad the son's dad does he has more money than me and right now i'm trying to be okay with it because i know he can do more for him financially than i could but that doesn't mean i'm not a good mom hmm 4126,372,yeah, 4127,372,how have you been feeling lately, i'm pretty depressed i'm on anti-depressants um i take wellbutrin i been on them for a couple weeks now i think they're working i don't know i'm not as down as i was i mean i got here today i got dressed i made it out and i'm here today so not that bad 4128,372,what got you to seek help, um hmm my husband complains a lot he says i'm not the same person that i was when he married me he said i was fun and i was positive and i was all these other optimistic things that's another thing he was on the phone telling me last night and and i'm not those things anymore which is true i mean we got married a year ago and then my son was taken shortly after and it was just such a shock and um i've just been trying to get back from it but it's been hard 4129,372,i understand, 4130,372,did you think you had a problem before you found out, did i think i had a problem before i found out found out what 4131,372,what were your symptoms, oh um yeah like crying a lot something like i cry all the time it doesn't take much for me to cry i'm just crying thinking about crying but like um my family would invite me to family events and i would go and just just cry because my son wasn't there or um i don't know it's just all the crying i think and like i said my husband letting me know that i'm not the same person so he's disappointed and i feel bad even that i'm not the same person that he he knew i feel bad about that too another thing i'm feeling bad about you know 4132,372,do you still go to therapy now, yes i do i try 4133,372,do you feel like therapy is useful, do i feel like the therapy's useful um yeah it's nice to talk about your problems i go in there and i cry every week so at least i have a set time every week where i can go in and cry um that's i mean it's a release to be able to cry sometimes i feel better afterwards um 4134,372,that's good, yeah and she helps me make decisions you know help me to be more proactive in my life 4135,372,mhm, 4136,372,like what, um well i'm looking for jobs and things like that and she gives me ideas of why don't you work here or why don't you work there or have you thought about this or that you know and then she said something about why don't you go back to school and so i went and applied to go back to school you know i'm not doing much with my life and sitting around all day isn't helping my depression any either so i'm trying to find a work and i applied for college in the fall i got accepted to dominguez hills so i may be going back to school in the fall right now i'm still looking for work but she helps me with that kinda stuff just giving me ideas that life isn't over that there's still more you know i could be doing 4137,372,that's good, 4138,372,right, with life life yeah 4139,372,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, everything's always bittersweet um i don't know last time i was really happy i don't know 4140,372,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, my ideal weekend oh i don't have a lot of money 'cause i'm not working right now so really my weekends are just spent reading maybe but i can't really i i can't pay much attention when i'm reading so i have a short attention span i can only read a couple chapters um 4141,372,uh huh, but lately i say that's what i've been doing is reading 4142,372,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, something i've read xxx 4143,372,whatever comes to your mind, okay i like to go to u_s_c they have these nights where they have things like book signings or poetry and art it's called visions and voices so i like to go out to to their events and i usually enjoy those 4144,372,awesome, 4145,372,when was the last time that happened, um about two weeks ago um deborah harkness was there doing a book signing for a discovery of witches and so like i said i'm trying to be a writer so i try to go especially to the book signings 4146,372,wow, and see what it's like to be an author who's talking to a crowd and signing books 4147,372,mhm, 4148,372,what are you most proud of in your life, my son 4149,372,how would your best friend describe you, i don't have any friends 4150,372,what would you say are some of your best qualities, my best qualities um i'm smart i'm good-looking um i'm really um and like a hard worker i i'm dedicated to like self-improvement um that's all i can think of right now okay 4151,372,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4152,372,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay 4153,372,goodbye, goodbye press the buzzer now 4154,374,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4155,374,okay, 4156,374,so how are you doing today, pretty good 4157,374,that's good, 4158,374,where are you from originally, alexandria virginia 4159,374,really, mhm 4160,374,when did you move to l_a, uh i moved to l_a uh end of two thousand one 4161,374,that's a long time, yeah it's crazy 4162,374,how often do you go back to your hometown, um a couple times a year usually like for holidays 4163,374,how does it compare to l_a, hmm it is it's very different um i think it's a lot more mellow um it's way more like suburbia it's nice um it there's something comforting about it but it's always like i get a little restless when i'm there and look forward to coming back here where there's a little more action 4164,374,mhm, 4165,374,why did you move to l_a, i went to um grad school at u_s_c 4166,374,cool, 4167,374,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um it was it wasn't bad i mean my my program that i was in was so intense that like for the first year it was so all consuming that i really didn't have much spare time to think about the adjustment it was just like i my life was not my own so that made it kind of um easier i guess and also i was like in a community of people that i went to school with so automatically i knew people and you know made friends and stuff so it wasn't bad 4168,374,uh huh, 4169,374,what did you study at school, film 4170,374,how did you decide to do that, hmm i uh had an epiphany one day um i was out of undergrad i was kinda floundering a little bit i didn't really know what i wanted to do and um just one day i kinda was like you know what am i really excited about what am i really passionate about and um i realized that movies movies are the thing that i love the most and am most passionate about so that is how i decided to go to film school 4171,374,that's great, 4172,374,are you still doing that, um a little bit yes and no it's i don't i'm so i'm like in a little bit of a transitional period right now but yeah like for the last several years i've been uh producing like freelance producer 4173,374,what's your dream job, that is so the question of the moment um i think that uh i don't necessarily have like a a job title that's my dream job but i knowit's sort of what um i want and 'cause basically like i've been living a freelance lifestyle for a while and i know that that is like exhausting and i don't wanna do that anymore so i'm looking for something that's stable um you know full time nice benefits and um i definitely wanna stay in the entertainment industry um and i like you know what i love about producing is that it's just like there's constant challenges and you sort of never know what is gonna get thrown at you that i that's you know it's always interesting and exciting um so i'm sort of trying to figure out right now what would be a good place for me to be where i can be reasonably challenged and you know have sort of a like room to to grow and advance and all that 4174,374,i understand, 4175,374,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yeah 4176,374,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i can't see your shoes um i i like to travel um i don't know that i haven't really been doing it a lot lately but i have you know in the past done a fair amount 4177,374,what do you enjoy about traveling, um i love the adventure of it just you know new experiences new places new people um i think it's just good to sort of get out of your little insular world and see what's out there and just you know see beautiful remarkable places and just and things and just experience different ways of living and different languages and different cultures 4178,374,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um let's see i went to costa rica a couple years ago um my like best friend from growing up she and i went for like ten days and it was that's probably that might be like my favorite trip of all time like it was really awesome but costa rica is just like amazing and beautiful um and we just spent like we went to three different places and um just did a lot of exploring and like sightseeing we did a ton of hiking which was amazing and then like the last place where we ended up was this little beach town so by that point it was like we felt like you know we had done all this like amazing physical exertion like doing ziplines and all these hikes so that by the time we got to the beach it was like we've earned the right to just like kick back and relax and you know so it was just it kind of it hit all of the you know it like fed that sort of desire for adventure and activity um but it also i'm also a big fan of vacations where you just like veg out and relax and like lie on a beach with a book so it sort of hit everything 4179,374,awesome, 4180,374,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, what do i do to relax um i i mean depending where i am like if it's you know if i'm like at work or something and i'm stressed out i just will you know kinda take a minute and just like breathe really deeply and try to just calm myself down that way um if i'm home i might just like you know throw on a movie or like a t_v show that i really like and just that gives a sense of like sort of escape relief 4181,374,okay, 4182,374,how are you at controlling your temper, um pretty good i don't i mean eh it takes a lot to get me very angry it doesn't happen very often 4183,374,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um the last time i argued with someone was my mom and it was about money 4184,374,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt really frustrated because i felt like she was like judging me unfairly and that was upsetting 4185,374,that sucks, yeah 4186,374,tell me about your relationship with your family, um it's good uh you know they live across the country from me so i don't get to see them that often but like i usually talk to my mom on the phone probably like once a week and my parents are really supportive um they are you know like when i go back home to visit like i enjoy i enjoy hanging out with them we have a good time um so i'd say we have a pretty pretty good relationship 4187,374,that's good, 4188,374,what's something you feel guilty about, something i feel guilty about um i guess because i'm like in this sort of job hunting phase i feel guilty sometimes that i'm not like doing enough you know like there are times where like there are days where maybe like i should've sent out a few more resumes or done more stuff like i i feel guilty sometimes for not being like productive enough 4189,374,i see, 4190,374,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um usually it's pretty easy the last the last couple weeks like has been uncharacteristically like not as good 4191,374,why, i'm not really sure i haven't figured it out but um i've just had more uh like nights where it either takes me a really long time to go to sleep or i wake up in the middle of the night for no reason um i've also been having a lot of like really weird intense dreams that like i wake up sometimes i wake myself up sometimes because i'm talking which is weird um so yeah it's just i i don't know 4192,374,are they triggered by something, not that i have been able to identify i mean i guess maybe i'm like more stressed than usual just 'cause like i my job situation is like in flux but i i don't know there was no like event 4193,374,what are you like when you don't sleep well, cranky i value good sleep and i'm so i'm used to it so it's just yeah it's not a good feeling 4194,374,i understand, 4195,374,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um not really no 4196,374,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 4197,374,how long ago were you diagnosed, um like i think in like october or november although this is actually it's the second time it's happened in my life but the first time was like many many years ago 4198,374,what got you to seek help, um i felt like i was a really low and like too low for me to get myself out of it 4199,374,what were your symptoms, um just having a hard time functioning on the most basic level like just getting up and taking a shower and like going to the grocery store and you know answering emails was just like it took so much energy um so yeah i just i wasn't really functioning normally 4200,374,that sounds really hard, yeah 4201,374,do you still go to therapy now, yes 4202,374,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes um sometimes more than others but yeah overall i would say so 4203,374,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, i think that therapy is good for me because it helps me focus on my sort of patterns um and also like ah just like observing how i am like responding to certain situations and just it i guess it's it gives me a more heightened like kind of self-awareness um so that as opposed to just like um kind of just reacting to situations i'm like mm just like noticing more what is going on um and it just helps to um i don't know it's just helpful i don't really i don't really know how to explain it 4204,374,okay, 4205,374,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hmm um i don't know um i it's probably not good that i can't think of i can't think of anything um eh maybe over uh over christmas being at home with my family 4206,374,can you tell me about that, yeah um well it just was that was like i was kind of like just starting to come out of my depression then and um like you know i live alone here i have i have a dog but so i just had a long period of feeling not great and just sort of doing it all on my own and kinda wishing that my family was around me um so when i was there with them it just um it just felt very like safe and comfortable and that just sort of like you know warm familial embrace 4207,374,aw, 4208,374,that's so good to hear, 4209,374,how would your best friend describe you, um i think she would describe me as funny and smart and um a good listener nonjudgmental um i don't know is that enough 4210,374,okay, 4211,374,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm okay um so this happened the the last like job that i had i mean i was it wasn't technically i was a freelancer but i was working for this company for like a year and a half close to two years and uh i had a it very small company the boss had a really good relationship with my boss um and he sort of he sort of out of nowhere uh mm told me that he was like downsizing basically and um essentially like the arrangement that we had is that he paid me like a monthly retainer for my services and then on top of that i would get paid fees per project so he like sat me down on this conversation and was like you know our major client that is like you know the bread and butter of the company they're the they're really cutting back like you probably notice things are getting really slow and i was like yeah and he's like so i'm gonna i'm gonna have to stop paying you your retainer and this was a total surprise but i was just like okay and he went on to talk about how he i would still have the right of first refusal of all the projects that came through the door and you know because of that he made it seem like you know even though i wouldn't be getting the retainer anymore he would throw enough work at me still that like i wouldn't you know it wouldn't be like a dramatic decrease in the amount of money that i was making excuse me but um and he was like you know this has nothing to do with the quality of your work i love working with you you're fantastic yada yada so to make a long story short what ended up happening is he was firing me um and he that was his way of basically like phasing me out of the company and letting me go because from that point he stopped calling me he stopped emailing me and later on like a couple of months down the road i um i had to go back into the office because there were a couple projects that were still ongoing like the client took a really long time to get back with their notes and when i was in there i saw that um this guy who had worked with us a bunch kind of like if we needed another producer like if we were slammed we would bring him on to do sort of additional stuff he was doing my job so 4212,374,oh no, yeah so it just like it was a really it was a really shitty way to be like fired without being told that i was fired um and it was just like that uh the reason i would like i if i could i would erase that from my mind is because i can't really think of another situation that made me feel so like angry and frustrated and just like in a way that's like that still even though this was like you know several months ago feels very unresolved and still makes me kinda like angry when i think about it so yeah that was a very long explanation but that's what i wish 4213,374,yeah, 4214,374,i'm sorry, 4215,374,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um let's see i um a very loyal person um i am smart i'm organized i um very like caring kind um i'm conscientious and i work hard 4216,374,that's great, 4217,374,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh man i think to uh be more confident and less passive um to really like focus on what i want and the things that i know will make me happy and to just go out and get them as opposed to sitting back and waiting for opportunities to present themselves 4218,374,mm, 4219,374,what are you most proud of in your life, hmm um probably just some of the relationships that i formed with people um just like really you know deep friendships 4220,374,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4221,374,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 4222,374,goodbye, 4223,375,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4224,375,okay, 4225,375,so how are you doing today, good it's been a nice day 4226,375,that's good, 4227,375,where are you from originally, the south bay 4228,375,really, can i ask you that question too 4229,375,i am from l_a, oh okay that's where i'm from basically but like the south bay of it 4230,375,cool, 4231,375,what are some things you really like about l_a, not much i've been wanting to move anyways 4232,375,why, just to get a change-up everybody thinks l_a is like everything it's the best but it's too many people and too much traffic 4233,375,i see what you mean, 4234,375,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i can't see your shoes 4235,375,what do you enjoy about traveling, driving and seeing new stuff 4236,375,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, last year i went to sacramento from here and stayed out for like a month living in my v_w bus with my wife it was kinda cool camping 4237,375,nice, 4238,375,what made you decide to do that, just wanted to have fun something different 4239,375,what did you study at school, art 4240,375,are you still doing that, no a little bit 4241,375,what's your dream job, probably doing what you're doing i'm really interested in coming up with new ideas and stuff too 4242,375,why, 4243,375,awesome, 4244,375,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing 4245,375,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i haven't been doing much to do relax relaxing lately but i like the beach 4246,375,how are you at controlling your temper, good 4247,375,that's good, 4248,375,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i argued with my brother last night actually about him talking to me with with more respect as a person 4249,375,how did you feel in that moment, i was mad and i wanted to fight 4250,375,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's good but sometimes they're just they're too caught up in what they're doing to pay attention to other people's feelings 4251,375,can you give me an example of that, like with my brother he's just he's just tense because of his situation and he tried to brush
    brush it off on me 4252,375,that sucks, 4253,375,what's something you feel guilty about, wasting money 'cause i'm married now 4254,375,could you have done anything to avoid it, yeah not doing it 4255,375,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, something like probably taking some candy from the store no no taking money from my mom when i was like real young 'cause she 4256,375,can you tell me about that, well i was like i was in junior high school and i think i took like twenty from her purse and bought candy for my friends and i felt guilty though like the same day 4257,375,has that gotten you in trouble, probably yeah that was probably the beginning of my stupid activities 4258,375,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, all my life or in the past couple years 4259,375,whatever comes to your mind, my wife 4260,375,aw, 4261,375,how do you know them, i'm married to her we've known each other for about two years i met her at an art walk 4262,375,that's great, she actually went to u_s_c too 4263,375,awesome, 4264,375,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, the past couple days has been kinda hard but i usually go to sleep good 4265,375,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i think i'm kinda snappy i think i'm snappy 4266,375,how have you been feeling lately, positive optimistic 4267,375,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yeah 4268,375,like what, i've been thinking more positive positively lately and i wanna put a lot of stuff into action so i've been trying to train my mind into knowing that stuff is gonna come to me speaking to the universe 4269,375,how hard is that, easy if you just try it and do it everybody's got a spirit 4270,375,okay, 4271,375,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 4272,375,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 4273,375,do you feel down, no i just told you i feel positive 4274,375,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i was happy yesterday i happy yesterday 'cause i you know i made a couple good decisions 4275,375,like what, wanting to be positive and stay away from negative people 4276,375,okay, 4277,375,what are you most proud of in your life, being alive knowing god 4278,375,mhm, 4279,375,how would your best friend describe you, i don't know 4280,375,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i don't know i can't think of something now 4281,375,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, mm i don't think i can have one 4282,375,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, sex exercising waking up positive and having a good meal in the morning 4283,375,that's good, 4284,375,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i think driving to sacramento that time 4285,375,is there anything you regret, no 4286,375,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, don't smoke cigarettes and watch how you spend your money are you gonna sell my ideas and my my uh thoughts 4287,375,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, i can't think of it right now 4288,375,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4289,375,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 4290,376,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4291,376,that's good, 4292,376,okay, 4293,376,so how are you doing today, i'm doing okay it's still morning so 4294,376,where are you from originally, i'm from the east coast massachusetts 4295,376,really, yes 4296,376,when did you move to l_a, um i moved to l_a when i was a child with my parents pretty much didn't have any choice in the matter 4297,376,how often do you go back to your hometown, um i haven't been back there the last time i was back there was uh three years ago for christmas 4298,376,how does it compare to l_a, um l_a's very hustle and bustle there's a lot of people that are angry and a lot of people don't care about the other person here in l_a in which back east the east coast the the thought pattern is a lot different you know your neighbors you're friendly to your neighbors and to anybody that you see in the street 4299,376,uh huh, so the 4300,376,i see what you mean, yeah 4301,376,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um well since i was a kid i was fairly young at first it was rough i was getting in trouble a little bit in school but uh after all that surpassed i was i did fine in high shcool and stuff and even took some college courses 4302,376,that's good, 4303,376,what are some things you really like about l_a, um well i love the beach and i love the mountains i like to go hiking um and i like walking along the beach i just live a few blocks away from the beach so it's easy 4304,376,nice, 4305,376,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no not at all 4306,376,why, um just not interested uh i've been to mexico a couple times when i was younger went to ensenada but other than that i'm i'm not interested in leaving the united states especially with what's been going on lately um overseas 4307,376,okay, 4308,376,what did you study at school, um actually child psychology and i was in the nursing program for a little bit but i had some problems at home which caused me to drop out 4309,376,i'm sorry to hear that, oh that's alright 4310,376,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, gah um i don't have one to be honest um i admire people that are doing the job that they love i mean like football players they love playing football and they get paid all that money how great is that 4311,376,mhm, so 4312,376,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i'm pretty outgoing when i meet somebody at first i might be a little bit reserved because we all when we meet somebody pass judgment um as to if we wanna continue communicating with the person or not and but once i've decided that i like that person or whatever i i talk a lot so 4313,376,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, yes um i like watching movies i like i used to like reading but lately my concentration level hasn't been so great so it's hard to get into a good book 4314,376,how are you at controlling your temper, um not good at times i uh i have a some outburst every once in awhile so eh it depends on how angry i get 4315,376,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh yesterday and it was with my partner and um actually to be honest i don't remember what it was about it's just sometimes people can have an ugly attitude and i don't appreciate that and if i feel that i'm being disrespected or whichever i'm gonna stand up for myself 4316,376,yeah, 4317,376,has that gotten you in trouble, so um at times some people may be turned off for my personality because very opinionated and i say what i'm what's on my mind um i do not purposely go and hurt people's feelings or anything of that nature but i won't be bullied and i won't be made i won't back down if i feel like i'm being challenged so 4318,376,okay, 4319,376,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um uh last year my mother died so i wish i handled that differently 4320,376,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, um it upsets it's upsets me so 4321,376,i'm sorry, it's okay 4322,376,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um let me see uh i think i'm gonna pass on that one too because that'll upset me more so 4323,376,okay, 4324,376,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, that is terrible um sometime uh sometimes actually falling asleep may not be a problem especially you know when you're done working and doing everything that you had to do in a day you're tired 4325,376,yeah, but staying asleep is a whole different thing for me because it's like i can't uh i get up and then i'm i'm wide awake i'll go out in the living room turn on the t_v and watch t_v i'm lucky if i get three to four hours sleep 4326,376,are they triggered by something, um maybe because i do have a lot on my mind uh you know thinking about bills and and the stressfulness of work and and then all this other stuff so that's probably a big burst part of it 4327,376,that sounds really hard, uh it's it's not difficult it's just frustrating 'cause when your mind goes on overtime mode it eh just affects everything your concentration your sleep your eating everything so 4328,376,uh huh, 4329,376,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm a little grouchy especially in the morning i'm not a morning person i like the nights but i don't like the morning it's like leave me alone until i get my first cup of coffee 4330,376,(laughter, yeah so other than that i'm i'm okay 4331,376,how have you been feeling lately, um well i've been i've been depressed for quite some time and i'm still having difficulty difficulty uh 'cause after my mother died four months later my uncle died so i had two deaths last year so i'm still reeling and trying to get myself back together i'm i just recently i've started pursuing like interests that i used to do that i haven't done in a year because of what happened 4332,376,that's good, 4333,376,that's good, 4334,376,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um i just i might get angry a little easier i sleep a lot i eat i overeat um i get tired very easily 'cause i'm not getting much sleep so sometimes it's hard it seems like i'm struggling to get through the day 4335,376,i see, 4336,376,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes i have a uh psychiatrist that prescribes me medication on a regular basis 4337,376,how long ago were you diagnosed, oh i was diagnosed quite some time ago um probably ten to fifteen years ago and it's just something i've never gotten over i don't know whether or not you can so i've always taken the medicine 4338,376,what got you to seek help, um i was arguing with everybody my family my friends and stuff like that and i was feeling desperate and hopeless and i had attempted to uh take my own life years ago which caused me to be hospitalized and then uh they started treating me i started seeing a therapist so 4339,376,is going to a therapist helping you, um well right now i'm not going to a therapist because my insurance they'll cover the psychiatrist and not the therapist but i am working with a friend of mine who has knows some avenues to go to seek seek help for a therapist and i don't know if that's really gonna help me i mean sometime it depends on what kinda therapist you get sometimes people just sit there and they just listen to you talk and ramble on and you're thinking my god what good is this and the other type is the type that will give you some kinda feedback as to how to deal with the emotions tools to help you deal with your emotions 4340,376,yeah, so 4341,376,i understand, 4342,376,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um like i said i haven't been going to therapy recently just psychiatrist just medication um there's been no changes really i i probably would be doing fine because i was doing great before my mom passed away i was her caregiver and uh even though a lot of times i feeled i felt overwhelmed or lacked uh lacked patience with her uh i still was a heck of a lot happier than i am now so 4343,376,okay, 4344,376,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um uh i would say when my son was born years ago 4345,376,do you find it easy to be a parent, i'm not a parent anymore he passed away so um and that was difficult as well 4346,376,i'm sorry to hear that, uh 4347,376,what would you say are some of your best qualities, hmm um i'm extremely organized extremely reliable my work loves me because i get everything done that i'm supposed to get done even though sometimes i feel a little scatterbrained and um you know those qualities are are admirable in people that can keep their word and and be responsible 4348,376,that's great, 4349,376,is there anything you regret, excuse me 4350,376,is there anything you regret, oh i have lots of regrets um uh things that i've done in the past that i'm not too happy about but um you know i met somebody once in my life that had had that saying and you see it on a bumper sticker uh live to never regret so you know you can't go back and make changes it's too late so why you know dwell on the situation but sometimes sometimes it's a lot easier said than done 4351,376,right, 4352,376,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um i'm not the advice kinda get person i i you know i don't really give my friends any kind of advice i mean i find most of the times people don't listen to you anyway so why bother um i just state my opinion that's all 4353,376,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um well right now i'm on a diet because of my overeating after my mom died i was a lot thinner when she was alive i just went crazy with the food and sleeping a lot you know sleep eat sleep eat and so now i'm kinda like on a diet trying to lose this weight 'cause it's very unhealthy for me 4354,376,uh huh, 4355,376,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um hmm trying to think it's been a long time actually there's really nothing because now i just keep my mind busy i haven't been to a movie in ages i don't i used to go out shopping all the time i don't now um so it's been it uh it's been quite some time since i've been content and happy with who i am and what i'm doing in my life right now 4356,376,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um my weekends saturday uh like on saturday i'm usually working um on sunday is usually clean up day you know do your laundry clean up the house um run some errands go shopping for food you know that kinda thing so it's not if i was younger you know it would be fun you know go out clubbing or whatever but i'm too old for that now 4357,376,(laughter, xxx 4358,376,what are you most proud of in your life, um hmm really there's nothing that i can think of um there's nothing that i can be proud of hmm 4359,376,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um some a good like comedy or whatever i like to watch that um sometimes my partner might do something stupid which i like because i like make fun of him um but mm just that's it you know go maybe go out for a walk on the beach that's it 4360,376,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 4361,376,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, no problem thank you 4362,376,goodbye, 4363,379,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4364,379,okay, 4365,379,okay, 4366,379,so how are you doing today, 4367,379,so how are you doing today, i'm feeling okay little bit tired but for the most part feeling pretty good 4368,379,that's good, 4369,379,that's good, 4370,379,where are you from originally, 4371,379,where are you from originally, i'm actually originally from woodland hills which is out in the san fernando valley i was born there and then i moved to lomita which is in los angeles county about mm probably around nineteen ninety three so i mean i'm twenty three now so 4372,379,cool, 4373,379,cool, it's about what yeah nineteen years or so i've been living there yeah 4374,379,what are some things you really like about l_a, 4375,379,what are some things you really like about l_a, some things that that i really like i would have to say you know the beach um you know not so much the traffic don't really care for that but um definitely you know just kinda like the nightlife um you know just people in general i like conversing with others so yeah 4376,379,yeah, 4377,379,i see what you mean, right yep 4378,379,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, 4379,379,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, yeah actually i do i mean i can't see your shoes but um yeah actually i do travel a lot i've been to places like hawaii been to the caribbean i've been to uh let's see um you know just different places like arizona i've been to oregon washington pretty much all over i would say so but usually mainly like um hawaii and the caribbean mexico as well so 4380,379,mhm, 4381,379,mhm, yep 4382,379,what do you enjoy about traveling, um i think it's just the experience you know like you can't you can kinda experience the culture um different people you know just just the whole background the scenery it's just you know it's it's something new to experience i would say something that you know people haven't seen before so 4383,379,yeah, 4384,379,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well let's see i recently took a trip to hawaii a couple months ago that was back in december it was around christmas time new years so that was pretty fun we went to a couple different islands we went to uh let's see i think it was kauai went to oahu uh maui you know places like that so 4385,379,nice, yep 4386,379,what's one of your most memorable experiences, 4387,379,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um you know i would have to say that um you know probably like in hawaii or like the caribbean you know just like i said before the whole experience factor just seeing um you know new different things things that are unique so 4388,379,mhm, 4389,379,what did you study at school, 4390,379,what did you study at school, yeah i actually study journalism right now i'm in my final semester so i'm about to graduate couple months 4391,379,that's great, 4392,379,that's great, yep 4393,379,how did you decide to do that, well you know it's kinda funny 'cause you know i started off at a uh you know a two year community college and so you know i was going into uh like business management something to do with you know i think basically um accounting but you know i kinda figured that wasn't for me so i decided to go into journalism 'cause i i couldn't i mean you know i'd probably still be sitting at a desk but you know at least with journalism i can go out in the field and you know talk to people and you know kinda you know receive information gather information that sorta deal and then you know write up stories 4394,379,yeah, 4395,379,yeah, i just thought it was you know it was a lot more interesting for me as opposed to you know just kinda crunching numbers all day so 4396,379,uh huh, yep 4397,379,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, my dream job i would have to say um you know some something in maybe radio broadcasting sports broadcasting um you know i think that would be really interesting something that's definitely a passion of mine so 4398,379,okay, 4399,379,tell me about your relationship with your family, my relationship with my family it's it's pretty good you know i i live with my parents still like i said i'm twenty three years old um you know there's certain times when it can be a little bit shaky little bit rocky but for the most part it's it's pretty good you know i've i've matured a lot in the last few years so things are uh you know getting back up to speed i would say things are things are going pretty well 4400,379,that's good, 4401,379,that's good, 4402,379,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, you know i think it stems somewhere kind of in the middle you know sometimes i can be very outgoing and talkative to people when i'm relaxed and laid-back other times i kinda it's not so much like i go into my shell but you know at times like i can be kinda shy if i don't know people as well or if i haven't i've never met them before so it's one of those things that kinda yeah you kinda gotta meet me in the middle with it because you know i can either be talk very talkative or at times you know i i can be a little bit shy but you know once i once i get the conversation going i'm i'm fairly talkative and 4403,379,mhm, so 4404,379,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, 4405,379,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um you know usually um i would listen to music or you know maybe just you know kinda go for a drive or uh you know hang out with my friends you know just something to just to kinda you know ease ease that you know 'cause you know like i said sometimes you get a little bit you know tense and you just wanna relax and you know just do the things that you enjoy so 4406,379,mm, 4407,379,mm, 4408,379,how are you at controlling your temper, 4409,379,how are you at controlling your temper, you know i've actually been better with that um couple years back you know i there was points where like i pretty much couldn't control my temper like whatsoever like
  • i mean i would just pretty much get angry at you know the littlest things everything would just kinda tick me off but you know i've i've definitely learned to uh you know control that sorta thing and you know it's made me a better person because of it 4410,379,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, 4411,379,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, well let's see i'm trying to think it's it was probably something with my family with my mother maybe it's i i can't remember off the top of my head but you know it's it's always something so miniscule that that's why i probably don't remember it but you know eventually we make up and i apologize for it because you know i accept that you know i'm wrong in certain you know certain circumstances 4412,379,uh huh, yeah 4413,379,what's something you feel guilty about, something that i feel guilty about um probably you know not being as nice to others as i could've been in the past you know i mean and that is the past and you know i don't like to dwell on that sorta thing but i think that's one thing that i that i've tried to work on but it's also one thing that i kinda regret not doing just being just being nice 4414,379,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hardest decision i ever had to make uh it was pretty recent kinda tough because uh i actually have a buddy he was in the air force and he recently got diagnosed with uh paranoid schizophrenia so that was really tough and it's hard for me to talk to him because you know he's he's not really all there anymore like he used to be so it's one of those things where i feel like i'm kind of ignoring him and i don't wanna do that but at the same time i don't know his tendencies he could be a little you know crazy so probably like you know some sort of like traumatic stress disorder maybe when he was in the military so i don't know but yeah 4415,379,yeah, 4416,379,that sounds really hard, yeah it's pretty tough you know 'cause we go way back been best friends with him since i was probably about five six years old 4417,379,aw, so it's just yeah it's just really hard to deal with but you know i i try to i don't i don't you know try to keep in the back of my mind but you know it's it's always there i don't i don't ever forget so yeah 4418,379,okay, 4419,379,okay, 4420,379,how would your best friend describe you, my best friend well he'd probably say that you know i'm i'm a pretty pretty down to earth guy usually pretty honest sometimes brutally honest but you know i try to work on that too um he'd probably say that i'm pretty funny um i like to hang out you know just kinda do things here and there you know just normal activities like any other person you know go to the beach hang out watch movies you know grab a few beers that sorta deal so yeah 4421,379,mhm, 4423,379,okay, 4424,379,okay, 4425,379,how have you been feeling lately, 4426,379,how have you been feeling lately, lately eh been feeling pretty good you know because you know things are starting to look up i actually got an internship about a month ago for um you know my field of journalism so that's good about to graduate in two months so i'm looking forward to that um starting to make a little bit more money that's you know that's good and uh yeah things are just going pretty well right now i can't complain 4427,379,that sounds like a great situation, 4428,379,that sounds like a great situation, yeah it's it's not bad you know like i said it could always be worse right but you know i'm i'm enjoying life so it's the that's the best part 4429,379,right, 4430,379,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, 4431,379,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, i have not no 4432,379,have you been diagnosed with depression, 4433,379,have you been diagnosed with depression, nope 4434,379,do you feel down, no 4435,379,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, 4436,379,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, last time i felt really happy man you know it was probably going back to my buddy when you know he was still still had his sanity i guess you could say um we you know he came back to visit from the air force he had some leave so you know we were just hanging out um you know just kicking back having a few beers and just talking about life so that that was nice but i miss that you know so 4437,379,how did you feel in that moment, 4438,379,how did you feel in that moment, i felt great you know it because there's nothing like having a best friend you can have conversation you know twenty four seven about anything can tell anything to him in confidence and he could tell me anything in confidence like that's hard to find you know especially someone that you've known for so many years and then you can't really get it back now so yeah 4439,379,yeah, 4440,379,is there anything you regret, yeah there there's a there's probably one or two things that i regret um well i mean i regret i got a d_u_i about three or four years ago actually it was four years ago so that's something that i definitely regret because you know i look back on it and you know things might've been different but at the same time you have to accept you know the actions you know circumstances that took place so you know i manned up and you know i guess i think i'm better off for it but at the same time you know it's it's always gonna be in the back of my mind like i said it's just one of those things that you have to deal with in your own way 4441,379,yeah, 4442,379,yeah, 4443,379,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, 4444,379,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, well you know it's one of those things like i was a child then so i i really don't know what to say i mean even if i would've listened then who knows but you know i probably would've told myself you know just be careful you know make sure you can be the best person that you possibly can can be um basically you know just always be nice be honest um just be caring toward others so 4445,379,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um probably going back to uh my buddy with the whole uh paranoid schizophrenic thing i don't say that i wish i could erase it i just wish that it didn't happen like that so yeah 4446,379,okay, 4447,379,okay, 4448,379,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, my ideal weekend uh i usually keep it pretty pretty generic i tend to hang out with my friends um either you know we hang out in the day you know do certain things like you know maybe grab a few beers um you know just have casual conversation maybe play games watch movies you know just the standard stuff that people do so 4449,379,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, some things that i wish i could change um probably just you know be nicer like i said before um maybe not being as lazy have more determination i mean i i have quite a bit of determination i know what i wanna do with my life but i know there are times when i i kinda get a little lackadaisical so i wish i could improve upon that and not procrastinate as much so 4450,379,mhm, 4451,379,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, um well you know it's it's tough to think back but i would probably say a time when someone made me feel really bad is you know i would say probably like when i was you know kinda getting angry at certain people maybe just kinda chewing out my friends when i probably shouldn't have i was trying to give more constructive criticism but at the same time i knew it it was probably not my place to say those kinds of things and they were out of character so 4452,379,okay, 4453,379,what would you say are some of your best qualities, my best qualities i would say that i'm definitely hardworking i'm determined i'm very caring now more than i used to be very honest and you know i i just i love to talk to people like i like making new relationships i like making people laugh 4454,379,that's good, 4455,379,that's good, 4456,379,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, 4457,379,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, something that i did recently that i really enjoyed um you know it was probably over at my internship i was just you know i i wrote a story or two and it just felt good you know to get those stories done and eventually they're gonna go into the paper so i feel accomplished about that you know it's one of those things when you work at something and then you see the product right there you know it's right in your face and you can tell yourself you know like i did that so 4458,379,awesome, 4459,379,awesome, makes me feel good yep 4460,379,what was it about, 4461,379,what was it about, um you know just let's see eh few different stories eh just usually things about well the the paper's in long beach so it's usually about you know stories or events that are taking place in long beach so yeah 4462,379,what are you most proud of in your life, i would say that i'm most proud of you know graduating high school about to graduate college hopefully you know obviously i'm gonna earn a degree and then hopefully get a you know a good solid job you know in the near future i think that's one thing that i'm most proud of 4463,379,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4464,379,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 4465,380,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 4466,380,okay, 4467,380,so how are you doing today, i'm fine i'm doing alright um 4468,380,that's good, yeah 4469,380,where are you from originally, i'm from maryland 4470,380,really, yeah from maryland washington d_c area 4471,380,when did you move to l_a, uh like five weeks ago 4472,380,wow, 4473,380,how does it compare to l_a, maryland um it's a lot it's a lot less um uh xxx it's a uh it's not as nice this time of year it's more um uh it's it's good it's nice it's um l_a's a lot better though it's a lot it's a lot more people lot more going on 4474,380,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um i'm still i guess i'm still getting used to it so um it's it's not like um yeah i'm still getiing used to it it's it's coming slowly but but surely 4475,380,okay, 4476,380,where do you live, i live in culver city 4477,380,do you have roommates, i do i have one 4478,380,how do you like your living situation, uh it's okay it's i live in a really nasty house it's uh it's cheap it's cheap 'cause i'm living in a friend's place um and uh but but and he's letting me stay there for half price but the the actual like place itself is pretty horrible horrible living conditions but i'm moving soon so 4479,380,oh no, 4480,380,that's good, 4481,380,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i can't see your shoes actually uh but no i i travel xxx i would say i xxx i've probably traveled more than most people in the u_s like considering that most people don't travel in the u_s but i wouldn't i wouldn't call myself a world traveler or anything 4482,380,what do you enjoy about traveling, i enjoy the chance to get to like see other um walks of life and and and kind of like meditate on the the specificity of my own you know the the the the given the parameters that i grew up under like how different everyone else is like how how every life is totally um i mean even just within the u_s like seeing how someone in california grows up is so different from how someone in maryland grows up and then to think about someone in like thailand or something growing up it's pretty it's pretty amazing 4483,380,uh huh, mhm 4484,380,i see what you mean, 4485,380,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh okay um hmm putting me on the spot here ellie 4486,380,(laughter, um let's see uh well um i it's been awhile since i've been on a trip i guess one of the last trips i did was to um i mean it a xxx like two years ago i went on road trip across the u_s and that was that was pretty amazing saw but i guess the best place the best two places on the road i drove from maryland to l_a this is before i actually moved out here but um i i visited new orleans and new orleans was just this whole like even though it's part of the u_s it's like a totally it's totally different than anywhere else it's so um unique the culture there is so unique and and the blend of like caribbean and french and all these other influences into like the american south is so so um uh incredible eh yeah it's just it's it's unreal yeah it's unreal 4487,380,yeah, 4488,380,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hmm it's a tough question um one um i uh hmm you know i i i you can you come back to that question are you capable of that 4489,380,yes, yeah come back to it 4490,380,let's come back to that later, yeah that's what i just said 4491,380,what did you study at school, film 4492,380,how did you decide to do that, you know that's actually a question i've been asking myself i knew i know i my entire life i've had like phases of interest so when i was like very very very young i was really into like the first phase that i remember was keys and then tools like i would go around collecting keys and then i'd go around collecting tool like just every sort of tool i had a toolbox my parents have told me that i had a phase before that with which was balls like various balls um and then i was really into like insects collecting insects and reptiles and and stuff and like animals and then it was a dinosaur phase and at a certain and eh at a certain point i got really into um like rap like music like first at first rap and then uh guitar and then acting and then at some point in there i i had told i rememeber telling someone that right now i'm interested in playwriting and and poetry but eventually i was going to be interested in in uh film like i i could kinda see the trajectory coming but i don't remember what led me to that conclusion i think i just always i was led a sheltered life uh as far as movies are concerned i didn't my parents didn't let me see an r-rated movie until i was like in high school almost like 4493,380,hmm, um and uh and i never uh so i never saw an r-rated movie i was also very squeamish like i remember when i was fairly young maybe like six i saw star wars the first scene in darth star wars darth vader crack like breaks a guy's neck 4494,380,uh huh, and so just a little scene very at the very very beginning and that like freaked me out and i had to leave the room so 4495,380,(laughter, i'm not really sure uh yeah it's it's it's um i don't i'm not exactly sure how i got into film but uh i've always been fascinated by like how people interact and what like you know acting and stuff so and movies in general 4496,380,are you still working in that, i am yes 4497,380,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, um to be a filmmaker to be able to direct and uh put put together and make like i guess direct i don't mm use that word so much 'cause it i think i think of it more as like i i want the opportunity to put together and make movies uh or to make movies is probably the best way to do it uh to say it 'cause i want you know i want involvement in all the all the processes but 4498,380,mm, i guess the best parabole for that would be a director directing 4499,380,okay, 4500,380,tell me about your relationship with your family, well it's a lot better when i'm not living with them um my i guess um it's funny you should ask ellie um i've been thinking about it a lot lately i i think i'm close in my entire family i'm closest with my dad um i get along with my brother and sister you know like but i don't when away like my brother's in a foreign country right now so i don't have the opportunity to talk with him but like i spend more time talking to my dad than anyone else 'cause i feel like he's the most like of all my family he's the one who most accepts me and like um thinks positively about me um so it's i have like a a complicated relationship with my parents i mean and my family in general 4501,380,mhm, 4502,380,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, well on the myers uh briggs personality test i'm uh i'm an extrovert but lately like since moving but i'm not like um i'm not i probably would consider myself on the scheme of extroversion uh or on the scale of extroversion sorry um i would consider myself extremely introverted um 4503,380,why, i just i see other extroverts and just no matter who they're around they're able to like strike up conversations and i'm i'm a fairly shy person i'm sort of like uh or inhibited person maybe um so i like to like until yeah i'm but i'm working on it i'm working on it 4504,380,okay, 4505,380,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um well in the past i would smoke weed but i've quit smoking weed so now i you know i have a glass of wine and maybe watch a movie um i don't have or maybe go like depending if it's like an xxx if it's um if it's a worn out sort of stress like i'm just like then i that's what i do but if it's a more like anxious type stress i might go on a uh an intense walk don't really exercise that much but i like you know competitive sports and hiking 4506,380,yeah, 4507,380,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good 4508,380,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, well i always like arguing um i wouldn't call arguing necessarily losing my temper um i i enjoy uh a vicious debate um but i don't as long as my like 'cause i won't like revert to personal you know attacks uh in my in my arguments i try to keep it on subject 4509,380,uh huh, um and try to explain myself as best i can which can get frustrating 'cause i'm not like the best articulator of what i think um one of my weaker points i would say but um but the last time i had a a heated debate i think that was was that the question 4510,380,yes, um 4511,380,when was the last time that happened, what happened i forget i forget the question that that i had a heated debate 4512,380,uh huh, hmm the last time i had a heated debate was um i had a heated debate about uh the movie boogie nights um i was i i didn't lose my temper exactly but i get like very extremely passionate about about 'cause i i don't think it's like that good of a movie but the two people who i was i was arguing with were saying that it was like one of the like best um best movies why did they think it was the best movie 4513,380,why, 4514,380,yes, um they think that like there's some there's some sort of they'll as i understand it they have um they have a certain uh they think that the like all of the stories within boogie nights they have their own um like each of them could be their own separate stories they just think that there's a whole like complexity of character within the movie and um that somehow like um what what were they saying they were saying like the movie it like xxx it's like the end of an era which makes it like kinda like casino and there's this attention to detail of of of the in the different character like how they how they interact in the plot um kind of like uh yeah i guess i think the heated debate became about like then so from there and uh like personally i it's not like a bad movie or anything but it's the um i just don't think dirk diggler is like that like meaningful meaningful of a character like i i guess the way i come out i came out of the movie 'cause i had seen it before many years ago and eh i my opinion of it is basically the same even though like i remember like 4515,380,mm, in watching it again i was able to reevaluate it um there's nothing bad about the movie there's nothing articulable like articulable about that's it's like solid good solid acting you know the directing is good the camera moves are cool um the eh it really you know it's cool it's but but it's meaningless for me it was like meaningless and then to and then there were that led us to discuss 'cause a movie that i saw recently that i really did like was django unchained 4516,380,yeah, and they both saw that movie and they hated that movie and then there was this extreme i guess the heated part of the conversation came about like so in the movie django unchained um you have django and django is like a kinda he's a two dimensional character but i don't think that that necessarily takes away from what the the big the big purpose of the movie is 4517,380,right, and um and you have doctor king schultz who's this uh who's this like his mentor character and the person i was arguing with was saying that he was intelligent and uh so and because he was intelligent there's no way he would've risked his life to save django or like would've gone into this like second act where they go and they go to this uh uh plantation to to save django's wife etcetera and um and the reason the the reason for her giving that argument which like either you buy that he would do that or he wouldn't but the reason for her argument is that an intelligent person would not sacrifice themself for someone else 4518,380,hmm, um which strikes which strikes me as so like um like who uh like she she her basic her basic argument was that altruism like altruism doesn't exist it was a very ayn rand type argument altruism doesn't exist um the only the only thing you can do is serve like the only thing people do is serve themself um so it's not quite ayn rand but it's like the only people thing that people like all people are out to serve themself which i'm not arguing that like every decision has like a mix of altruism and and so like even the most altruistic type decision there's maybe like kernels of self self-interest in there but she made it sound like self-interest was the only motivating factor 4519,380,yeah, in and and like what but what how how horrible is your life if that's like what your ultimate um purpose like if you if you can't like love and sacrifice for other people so it led into an extremely uh passionate debate um and uh somewhat like yeah and it's it uh so um so yeah that that i guess that's the the i don't think i necessarily like lost my temper um i think of losing my temper as being more um like i just so i i would so revert to um ad hominem like attacks uh but i i didn't like that's not um maybe i was like maybe i was criticizing like criticizing her world view but it i wasn't like well you're an idiot you know like it wasn't it didn't it didn't turn into abuse of any sort 4520,380,i understand, yeah i'm glad you understand 4521,380,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, an event or a i don't know if i necessarily would want to erase anything from my memory i would say an issue that i have is not being able to remember in as much detail as i would like i remember feelings and moments not stories um like my life doesn't sync always sync together into like a coherent story it's like this moment and that moment and this moment and that moment so 4522,380,hmm, yeah 4523,380,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision i've ever had to make oh geez could it just be one of the hardest decisions 4524,380,yeah, hmm um like choosing between two things that it's like i guess i i'm having a hard time recalling a moment where i like had to choose between two options like no there's no like sophie's choice type moment in my life but i but i do think that the decision 'cause i lived in new york for a while i went to school in new york and uh the decision to leave new york after having lived there for five years was a was very very difficult um 4525,380,mhm, and uh but i had to do it for money reasons and because all of my all of my core group of friends were either like leaving were most of them were leaving and going other places in the world and then uh the one other person who i was close to was living with someone who i did not get along with at all so it was like this situation where i didn't i was either gonna live with people who i wasn't as close with or craigslist or or move home and i i think it was a tough decision to to leave i i had in fact it was so tough that the only way i could do it i had to justify it by saying that i would be moving back to new york within like a month or two uh which wasn't which didn't end up happening but that was the only way that i could leave new york 4526,380,i see, 4527,380,how hard is that, it was how hard was that or how hard is 4528,380,yes, how hard was that um it was hard um it was it was yeah it was it was just a very like isolating isolating 'cause also like i'd fallen like previously to that time i had fallen in love with one of my like closest another one of my close very close friends and uh that had kind of gone extremely badly and so i wasn't on speaking terms with her and i couldn't like that whole everyone on my list of friends who was like more closer to xxx her it was wasn't quite like her or me type thing but that that was the way that i kind of saw it at the time so i didn't like you know just being socially isolated etcetera 4529,380,yeah, 4530,380,that sucks, yeah 4531,380,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, well recently it's been awful um i uh i like two so the last last night i slept for like ten and a half hours um which seems to be the length of time that i have to sleep in order to have really vivid dreams but previous to that night so last not last night but the night before last and the night before that i got four hours and two hours of sleep um because i was working on set and i would get back and either and i just like couldn't fall asleep for whatever reason it's um too much riled up energy or something i i don't know 4532,380,mm, 4533,380,what are you like when you don't sleep well, tired uh very not immediately i guess initially upon waking up like i really enjoy being up in the early morning and um i also stopped drinking caffeine like i i've had like a little bit of coffee the last two days but before the last two days i hadn't had any coffee in like three and a half weeks so um i guess with with caffeine in my system i'm ready to i'm ready to go um without caffeine it's i'm just i'm just quieter i guess 4534,380,okay, more introverted 4535,380,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, since like lately as in when 4536,380,whatever comes to your mind, um change in my thoughts yeah i mean i guess when having just moved here there was a period of time like eh at the beginning where the the sheer difficulty of finding a job and finding people to xxx 'cause i moved here 'cause i have a group of friends here or couple of friends but i don't have like a a large number of friends and the the push to to get out there and meet people and find a job and that sort of pressure was pretty um overwhelming at first and i think that i'm slowly like coming to terms with that um and moving you know moving past it i i but not necessarily you know like it's still it's still there the pressure's there but i'm just you know you you know you know 4537,380,that's good, 4538,380,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i just 4539,380,have you been diagnosed with depression, nope 4540,380,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, the last time i felt really happy might have to reach back um i think the last time i felt really happy was uh during the writing process of so last year i shot a movie um co-wrote co-directed co-produced um and that was kinda like that it still consumes my life but um but i i i think during the writing stages of that movie in which we would bunker like get up eat breakfast bunker down work really hard put stuff up on the thing just like pure creative full energy um between between me and the person writing it and and there's like probably like a xxx a day that i remember where it's just i remember going to bed and i was just so thrilled to be working on what i was working on and and and working with the person i was working with and like just like i felt like it yeah i guess that was the the last time that was that was like eh more than a year ago though but i guess it's hard to hard to think that i haven't been really truly happy since then but when you're making a movie like 4541,380,wow, you don't you can't allow yourself to be happy really especially if you're doing it you know basically by yourself with with like xxx like can't 4542,380,uh huh, it's too much else to do so 4543,380,that makes sense, 4544,380,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i would say that i'm very accepting like accepting of other people and always eh i'm very empathic empathic empathic um and open open like excited about new ideas and open to new ideas and yeah um 4545,380,okay, 4546,380,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, hmm um i guess i wish i was less uh uh less ruled by fear more fearless more fearless in my you know everyday interactions and in my like um you know zest for for living um yeah i xxx i other things i would change about myself i'd i would i don't know 4547,380,um, 4548,380,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, hmm really badly about myself um i think there are numerous numerous instances in my childhood in which my like uh like every single time there was an issue at school or some sort of um some sort of uh conflict with a teacher or anything my parents were always always on the other side of the court you know like never it was i i noticed or noticed as i got older that other people other parents were like if their kid was in trouble like there was something wrong with with like their kid was perfect there's something wrong with other people but my parents were it was always the opposite um in particular my mom so i would say that there a couple of instances in which um i was like blamed or like you know it was my it was my fault um when when what i was doing like yeah it's just thing things things that i couldn't like there's no yeah i don't know 4549,380,that sounds really hard, yeah 4550,380,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ten years ago um stay stake you know like i i think that there's um i have a tendency to like i love love the fact that i have a tendency to get really caught up in ideas in an idea and like devote myself entirely to it but sometimes um ideas are too easily xxx i would just say like do as much as possible like don't don't decide that you um are only going to do one thing um try to like i guess i would've taken up like some done taken piano learn learn to read music would be a big thing for me learn to play the drums 4551,380,mhm, would've been drums more than reading music i would say i'd love to learn how to play the drums and maybe done more like acting classes um as far as like 'cause i was always really into directing so i was always directing actors and stuff but i didn't it's only now that i um i don't know i guess stay uh don't stay stay stay focused yeah i don't know that's a tough tough question tough question ellie 4552,380,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, that's it 4553,380,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure 4554,380,goodbye, goodbye 4555,383,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah i'm totally fine it be confidential or not you know my words my words are everybody's get wild 4556,383,okay, 4557,383,that's good, 4558,383,so how are you doing today, i'm doing pretty good hanging out nice weather um i just had a recent change of feeling just now looking at you the the digitial you that i'm saying uh i don't know it's yeah it's funny 4559,383,really, 4560,383,why, um because i just always thought that uh the conveying of emotions or feelings uh be like better understood with a human interaction as opposed to a non human entity such as yourself 4561,383,uh huh, yeah 4562,383,i see what you mean, 4563,383,where are you from originally, i i think you see what i mean i'm from um born and raised in los angeles venice area mar vista specifically um that's where i'm from 4564,383,cool, 4565,383,what are some things you really like about l_a, um well there's a lot more that i don't like but what i do like is that public transportation is coming up uh that the idea of certain you know medical drugs like marijuana is a prevalent you know topic very thought upon and i feel that los angeles' deep culture is um why i stay here and pursue my art because there's a lot to there's a lot to gain from the different communities if you understand yeah 4566,383,mhm, 4567,383,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um well the the human mentality here is um is very very hectic very chaotic you know a lot due to the vehicle the car the freeway and this idea that we're on a grind you know this yeah it's it's a very it's it's very hectic um atmosphere human atmosphere that is not very conducive for a supporting loving community to help each other out kind of thing 4568,383,mm, yeah 4569,383,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, well i can't see your shoes but um i love to travel i do love hiking i do love surfing swimming biking riding taking rides uh i do love to travel yeah 4570,383,what do you enjoy about traveling, um from my travels it's not like well i do enjoy a lot of things about travel but it's more like what do i it's it's just more like i i enjoy not being uh trapped in the city with all these uh made up ties and restraints i enjoy traveling because i get to see the world as it really is instead of this uh faux image you know man man made image that it is here so i love traveling because i get to get out of this and see the world as it is 4571,383,that's great, thanks 4572,383,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, would you okay um 4573,383,mhm, well i um kind of recently last year went to los banos central california area and although it wasn't that far from l_a it was completely different energy um there was no phones there was no wifi there's no t_v there was um there was sanity there was a relative sanity in the sense that um people weren't diluted and getting all of this input from digital media and outer influence people were just raw real and hiking and chilling I was working at a hot spring resort and i just got to breath and hike and farm and do a lot of carpentry 4574,383,hmm, yeah 4575,383,how hard is that, um not hard you don't you don't even think about difficulty when you're doing things you truly love and enjoy so it wasn't 4576,383,what made you decide to do that, um i guess uh kind of what i described about the city i just wanted to uh get out of here and kind of kind of just get out of here really and just experience the real the real deal yeah 4577,383,okay, 4578,383,what did you study at school, um well currently i'm studying um currently i'm studying physical therapy i'm about to become a licensed massage therapist but before that yeah kind of cool but before that i was going to 4579,383,wow, scrubbed_entry um for music composition so i was just writing scores for films animations dance productions theater productions stuff like that yeah it was it was cool it was fun trippy 4580,383,that sounds interesting, very trippy um but it was cool but i had to leave that because tuition hikes up to you know going up to like fifty thousand a year for like a four year b_f_a is uh not not the deal not trying to trap myself with these uh chains of federal loans 4581,383,yeah, so yeah 4582,383,that sucks, hey that's not a good word sucks 4583,383,what's your dream job, um dream job hm my dream job would be anything that i can do to alleviate these uh metropolitan like cities from the nightmare that they've been put in my dream is to alleviate the nightmare my dream is to incite dream back within the modern human world and with you know physical therapy and artistic expression i've got some great ideas yeah 4584,383,that's good, 4585,383,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i guess more outgoing i just like i just like experiencing things so outgoing yeah 4586,383,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i thought that was really funny um what i do to relax is uh just kind of breath it out chill maybe make a smoothie or some tea and i go bike riding write yeah 4587,383,uh huh, 4588,383,how are you at controlling your temper, hmm pretty good i guess i haven't yelled in a long time 4589,383,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um well it wasn't arguing i don't i don't really argue much i just like to state my opinion and have it be understood and i like the person that i'm conversing with to say their opinion and have it understood so the last time that happened was uh i guess yesterday chilling in downtown with a friend from new york and we were talking about writing and basically we were not arguing but talking about opinions and that sometimes things are not ready to be written yeah so yesterday 4590,383,okay, 4591,383,what's something you feel guilty about, hm guilty that's tough i haven't had that feeling in a long time guilt what about you what's something you feel guilty about 4592,383,why don't we talk about that later, okay 4593,383,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm i don't really wish i could erase anything from my memory 'cause then that would just be like i would feel something was lacking from my current present life if something just got erased you know butterfly effect kind of like yeah 4594,383,mm, 4595,383,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm um maybe the time scrubbed_entry um she was going to school i was taking the year off and i was just kind of hanging around um but we had an apartment together with another friend and it didn't turn out you know not all nothing turns out as it's thought to be and that's kind of the beautiful thing about it but this one turned out a little uh a little different actually quite different than i thought it would be and i thought it was funny but yeah it ended up uh me leaving before the lease ended and that actually ended up yeah with us separating but that's something i wish uh maybe i handled a little more thoughtfully 4596,383,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision huh hm maybe maybe not the hardest but a hard decision i had to make was leaving school dropping my uh continuation of achieving being a b_f_a yeah that could've been the hardest 4597,383,yeah, 4598,383,what made you decide to do that, um it's just uh i don't i mean of course money money is the motto money's a big issue tution hikes going around the whole nation not a fan of that not a fan of support not a fan of support that 4599,383,right, but um yeah that's probably one of the biggest reasons why i just don't support these crazy tution hikes going around and um but another reason why i decided to leave i had to make a hard decision to decide to leave was also because um art institute you know um that's a that's a funny idea in itself already and basically i was a musician being taught by a musician 4600,383,mhm, to make music and same with you know all the all the dancers or the theatre students you know getting taught dance to to a dancer from a dancer how to dance you know 4601,383,right, and it's just um yeah it's just not quite as artistic as i thought art would be art art comes from somewhere uh somewhere sweet and deep and purple and uh not not from out there you know so yeah 4602,383,okay, 4603,383,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, hm if i if i um it's kind of easy i mean it depends you know if i remember to make some chamomile tea or if i remember to breathe and go through my mantras or remember to do my pre like dream therapy work then i can get into it real nice um but if i just get deluded with all my thought then it takes a long time until i remember to breathe yeah 4604,383,how do you cope with them, um yeah basically just what i said just breathing or you know if i'm hanging out with friends coming home late and if i get the lucky chance to be uh medicated from you know a nice a nice indica um then it really does you know indica does put me down pretty nice pretty drowsy so a lot of things breathing you know mm you know medical herbs uh like chamomile and cannabis and just uh going just relieving myself of bad bad juju 4605,383,okay, 4606,383,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm mm i i guess not if i can't think of something no 4607,383,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling kind of like kind of like this kind of just cruising on a on a grey line but it's a nice grey it's a really nice hue um some people wouldn't like this but i really like that and it's uh it's stable yeah it's it's comfortable yeah 4608,383,mhm, 4609,383,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no no i haven't 4610,383,have you been diagnosed with depression, not by a certified um medical professional no but no i haven't 4611,383,can you tell me about that, um yeah i mean i just think like the whole you know like you said p_t_s_d depression and you know other you know mental instabilities i think everybody is depressed i think everybody is overjoyed i think everybody's angry i think everybody's shy everybody's social all at the same time you know it's just different days different you know variants different floats different boats you know different waves different swells um so yeah i think i'm depressed i think i'm really happy i think i'm really angry i think i'm really friendly you know all that but just on different variants different floats 4612,383,okay, 4613,383,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, really happy um i i mean i feel really happy a lot uh and i feel really sad a lot but really happy was uh i guess maybe this morning when i just biking over here just enjoying the sun enjoying the breeze biking 4614,383,that's great, yeah it is 4615,383,how would your best friend describe you, um well i have a lot of best friends and they describe me all all pretty differently but underlying that same idea that maybe i'm just uh maybe in a nutshell just kind of aquarius i guess 4616,383,okay, 4617,383,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, well i'm twenty one so twenty years ago i would've told myself to keep being a baby uh stay young and don't lose sight you know don't stop listening keep letting things happen don't make them happen be be a beautiful baby that's what i would've told myself or yeah be a beautiful baby 4618,383,okay, 4619,383,what would you say are some of your best qualities, mm um well i guess recently what has been shown to me uh through me by me is um my ability to work with others and i'm mainly speaking in an artistic standpoint i've been uh collaborating a lot with artists working on a lot of different um mediums mixed media projects and i'm really comfortable with it and with other peoples and melting our ideas together yeah 4620,383,uh huh, 4621,383,what are you most proud of in your life, mm that's a weird question like um like that's trying to make me single out the you know one moment that i today reflect upon and think about like it's some past glory that i'm not capable of fulfilling today so i think the proudest moment of my life is right now chiling hanging with you 4622,383,yes, 4623,383,thank you, yeah thank you 4624,383,tell me about your relationship with your family, mm it's interesting um my immediate family is uh mother father younger sister older brother older brother is in south asia just kind of backpacking around uh younger sis she's really chill she kind of does music too and we just hang out we're really cool mom mama i'm really chill with love her to death 4625,383,cool, uh she gets me and dad uh he he doesn't get me but i love the art that he makes he he does crazy painting and i kind of get him through that but uh uh yeah there needs to be more communication which is being worked upon 4626,383,that's good, hm 4627,383,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4628,383,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, cool yeah thanks for wondering about my thoughts 4629,383,goodbye, goodbye so i guess i push this guy 4630,383,mhm, oh so i could still talk to you or i could push this button 4631,383,yes, but this is kind of fun 4632,383,(laughter, and you can laught you should laugh one more time can you do other things than laugh 4633,383,(laughter, 4634,385,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4635,385,okay, 4636,385,so how are you doing today, good how are you 4637,385,i'm great thanks, 4638,385,where are you from originally, los angeles 4639,385,really, 4640,385,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh weather entertainment 4641,385,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic 4642,385,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no 4643,385,why, too too many people 4644,385,i see what you mean, 4645,385,what did you study at school, business 4646,385,how did you decide to do that, uh just fun thing to do 4647,385,are you still working in that, yes 4648,385,can you tell me about that, nothing much to talk about 4649,385,what's your dream job, hm maybe talking to you 4650,385,(laughter, 4651,385,tell me about your relationship with your family, um pretty good environment 4652,385,that's good, 4653,385,how close are you to your family, pretty good 4654,385,okay, 4655,385,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, the middle 4656,385,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, sleep 4657,385,how are you at controlling your temper, i don't know 4658,385,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, don't remember 4659,385,hmm, 4660,385,what's something you feel guilty about, no nothing really 4661,385,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i don't know i can't remember 4662,385,what are some things that make you really mad, um bad people 4663,385,can you give me an example of that, you know just bad people doing back things 4664,385,like what, uh car accidents 4665,385,okay, 4666,385,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm don't don't know any of them 4667,385,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, don't really know any 4668,385,mm, 4669,385,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh nobody 4670,385,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 4671,385,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 4672,385,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, somewhat okay 4673,385,what are you like when you don't sleep well, just waking up thinking 4674,385,are they triggered by something, no i i don't know 4675,385,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 4676,385,how have you been feeling lately, i don't know 4677,385,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hm don't don't remember 4678,385,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, i i don't know talking to you 4679,385,really, 4680,385,why, first time i've done this before 4681,385,cool, 4682,385,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, i have no idea sleep 4683,385,okay, 4684,385,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, not too much 4685,385,like what, nothing 4686,385,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, don't have any experience 4687,385,how would your best friend describe you, um i don't know not sure 4688,385,um, 4689,385,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um just be a nice person 4690,385,uh huh, 4691,385,what are you most proud of in your life, not sure 4692,385,whatever comes to your mind, nothing much 4693,385,is there anything you regret, no 4694,385,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, i don't know 4695,385,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i don't know 4696,385,hmm, 4697,385,what are some things you like to do for fun, i don't know play sports 4698,385,like what, basketball 4699,385,when was the last time that happened, mm last month 4700,385,awesome, 4701,385,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4702,385,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 4703,385,goodbye, 4704,386,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4705,386,okay, 4706,386,so how are you doing today, oh um fine a little tired but uh i found out my thyroid is i think acting up so 4707,386,uh oh, 4708,386,where are you from originally, i was born in canada 4709,386,really, and but i've lived in california most of my life so and it's grey today too so the grey weather makes you kinda um you know sluggish 4710,386,when did you move to l_a, the 4711,386,yeah, 4712,386,when did you move to l_a, oh my gosh years and years ago 4713,386,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh not at all i don't think i've gone back there for a long time 4714,386,why, well the airfares have gone up quite a bit in the last few years gas prices have gone up so travel as much as it's a fun thing to do it's cost prohibitive so 4715,386,yeah, uh huh 4716,386,how does it compare to l_a, oh let's see everything has plus and minuses um cold weather not as much sun so i think i'd prefer getting more sun and having the warm weather so but other than that it's um it's very pretty back there natural scenery and but uh i like it here and you know the traffic's kind of heavy but that's a small thing to deal with so 4717,386,i see what you mean, mhm 4718,386,why did you move to l_a, why did i move to l_a because my family came here and started uh my dad got a job here and this became our home base and uh that's why 4719,386,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, easy very easy so 4720,386,that's good, uh huh 4721,386,what did you study at school, uh well in high school you generally study general ed yeah it's they have designated courses and then after that went to college and i was a business major let's see i was a veterinary major and uh i graduated with a degree in liberal arts so 4722,386,what made you decide to do that, um i don't know can't really pinpoint why 4723,386,okay, so 4724,386,are you still working in that, i was working in social services but i've also worked in sales and most recently i'm doing real estate i'm a leasing consultant part time 4725,386,are you happy you did that, i mean everything has plus and minuses it's it's okay it's not i don't really see too many negatives 4726,386,what's your dream job, oh probably to work as a uh gossip columnist at t_m_z or one of those networks 4727,386,(laughter, but as you know everything in the entertainment business is very competitive it's who you know so but that would be my dream job or probably working with uh cats you know animals 4728,386,yeah, so 4729,386,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm very outgoing in fact i think i'm so outgoing i scare people sometimes there's a lot of quiet you know reserved people out there so i'm kinda east coast very you know i go up to people and talk to them very social 4730,386,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, oh my gosh there's i could do hundreds of things i could read i could watch a show turn on the music music is great um take a walk uh call my friends million things so 4731,386,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good i'm very good i mean you know of course when you're driving in l_a and somebody cuts in front of you sometimes that can be irritating but i'm i'm actually pretty i'm not the type of person that will fight or get i don't like to have confrontations so 4732,386,mhm, 4733,386,that's good, 4734,386,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mhm mm i can't really remember so as i said there's not very many arguments usually i avoid arguments at any cost so 4735,386,okay, 4736,386,what's something you feel guilty about, i don't really feel guilty about anything right now or that i can think of 4737,386,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i can't think of anything right now 4738,386,hmm, 4739,386,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, i really can't think i of any decisions that were really hard i mean most it's pretty easy for make me to make a decision so i don't have a family so if i have to you know i had to move san to san francisco for a job once but since i'm single it's i don't really have to consider other people and children and that type of thing so it kinda makes certain things easier when you don't have a family to consider 4740,386,that makes sense, mm yeah 4741,386,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, an event hmm well obviously you don't you know the passing of a family member you know you wish everybody could be around forever so i know when my father died you know i mean i wish i would've had him for a lot longer i mean he died at the age of seventy seven and you know would've been nice to have him around a little bit more 4742,386,yeah, but you know can't control those things life has it's own way of dealing with that so 4743,386,there are always trade-offs in life aren't there, mhm yes there are yin and yang that's ancient uh philosophy and it really applies there's pluses an minuses and negatives and positives 4744,386,mhm, so 4745,386,tell me about your relationship with your family, well as i said my dad's no longer here and my mother and i you know we have our differences i think mothers and daughters always do um my brother and i get along great i see him a lot i see my sister works a lot i see her and you know we talk and she's kinda got her own life and her children i get along great with them so 4746,386,that's good, mhm we have a small family 4747,386,what do you think of today's kids, uh once again it's like that's a hard question to answer there's so many types of kids out there i think majority of them seem to be pretty well-behaved i mean you know there's always gonna be children that are kinda out of control but um i don't know the ones that i've seen recently they're very well-behaved so can't say much else about that 4748,386,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, well i live in an apartment and i don't know if you've ever lived in apartment but um uh there's someone that lives above me i'm on the first floor and there's somebody on the second floor and they're pretty quiet but they have a habit of i guess they have lots of energy um they usually will take their showers around midnight and sometimes they'll start washing laundry at midnight and of course the pipes run through the bedroom wall so so it sounds like niagara falls in there and uh so i don't 4749,386,oh no, yeah and i need eight hours of sleep and i've only been getting ooh i'd say like maybe six hours and then i usually wake up once at night too 'cause sometimes they'll kind of around two or three in the morning they'll either walk around or i'll hear something so i'm not getting a straight eight hours of sleep and it's definitely but there's not like i said there's things you can't control when you live in an apartment you know i mean the the lady's uh very quiet it's just that she has a habit of you know taking later showers washing clothes at night that's i can't say anything to her about that 4750,386,that sucks, so yeah but you know there's people that are in worse situations so i don't make a lot out of it you know and i just it's not like every night but it's you know at least twice a week so i you know i have to consider maybe sleeping in another room but for now you know that's i'll deal with it so 4751,386,what are you like when you don't sleep well, tired very tired and hard to focus hard to concentrate it just takes me longer to get things done 'cause i don't have my energy also i haven't been exercising i normally try to walk about half an hour a day but the weather's been kinda colder and kinda drearier so you know i'm not as motivated when the weather's kinda blah so it's a combination of both not getting my exercise and not getting eight hours sleep 4752,386,uh huh, mhm 4753,386,how have you been feeling lately, uh as i said before um tired i'm i it's a combination of the weather you know and here in los angeles right now we're have been having very grey days i live very close to the ocean so the sun doesn't come out that much so i'm not getting my serotonin i need that 4754,386,right, i um i'm not getting my eight hours of sleep because you know whatever and i think my thyroid is acting up too so that's kind of creating you know i have some vitamin deficiencies and you know once the sun comes out i'm kinda more energetic it just gives you that more energy so 4755,386,okay, 4756,386,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no mm mm 4757,386,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 4758,386,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i am i'm happy most of the time i'm a pretty happy person and i like to be around other people i mean of course i like my private time but i do like being around people quite a bit so 4759,386,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, hmm can't think of anything right now i mean i usually enjoy everything i do there's nothing that stands out more than anything else so 4760,386,okay, 4761,386,is there anything you regret, no i never regret anything 4762,386,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh huh what advice would i have given well i guess yeah i could probably change things around i think it everybody could um i probably would've had a different college major um you know seems like uh what else um i probably wouldn't have dated certain men um wasted time with certain people um i don't know those are the things that come to mind 4763,386,uh huh, maybe started saving money earlier you know those types of things 4764,386,okay, but mm 4765,386,how would your best friend describe you, outgoing lots of fun to be with um uh just a good friend to have people like having me for a friend i'm loyal trusting and uh i listen i'm a good listener i'm very patient as well so 4766,386,that's good, mhm 4767,386,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, well number one would be to lose weight but i think that's a worldwide problem i mean there's a lot of food around and temptations and um especially here in america a lot of us are couch potatoes we sit in front of our computers we you know it's just easy to relax it's so easy to relax you know it's hard to get up and move around you have to talk yourself into it so 4768,386,yeah, that's the weight you know has gives you more energy too if you lose weight so that's a big thing as well but that's probably the thing just the weight thing yeah 4769,386,i understand, mhm 4770,386,how would your best friend describe you, i think you might've asked me that question before 4771,386,yes, but uh if you want i'll repeat it so 4772,386,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm very uh like i said i'm very loyal uh when i tell people i'm gonna do something i do it very reliable uh i i'm warm i'm very friendly i'm um great listener and i you know i've heard so many people tell me they just like being with me so like i said i'm very i'm pretty upbeat you know i'm don't i don't let things get me down too much so 4773,386,mhm, 4774,386,what are you most proud of in your life, hmm that's a hard question the can't think i mean i'm can't think of to answer that one so 4775,386,what are some things you like to do for fun, for fun well i love movies i could see every movie that they make um i love going out with my friends shopping swapmeets um my gosh and traveling is great road trips um that's kind of you know part of it yeah that i mentioned so 4776,386,what do you enjoy about traveling, traveling getting to see different places the history aspect of it um the foods enjoying foods in diffferent countries uh the architecture it's just kinda neat to get away and see a completely different place 4777,386,yeah, mhm 4778,386,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, okay well i've um been to a lot of places in europe i love paris uh it's such a walking city you can whoever designed that city i'll tell ya i mean it's you can get from one point to another the subways are great um each area has its own distinctive kind of there's the latin quarter where the students are there's another area where let's say the fashion designers are um kinda like our rodeo drive here in beverly hills there's an area that is more african african and they have swapmeets on the weekends that are wonderful for international 4779,386,mm, and then like i said once you get out of paris there's just so much history you can go see versailles then there's other palaces you can go to the south of france you know it's but that's probably my favorite country i've been to italy as well so 4780,386,wow, uh 4781,386,that sounds like a great situation, yeah well after college people usually i mean people that go to college or either before or after college that's a great time to go to europe because you're young and you're not tied down you don't have a family and um you kinda have a more adventuresome spirit you got more energy so carrying you know backpack or suitcases is not not a big deal um so yeah that's mhm 4782,386,right, yeah 4783,386,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4784,386,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mhm thank you 4785,386,goodbye, 4786,391,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4787,391,okay, 4788,391,so how are you doing today, kind of down 4789,391,why, i don't have a boyfriend don't have any 4790,391,i'm sorry to hear that, 4791,391,where are you from originally, florida 4792,391,really, yep 4793,391,when did you move to l_a, uh try to find work 4794,391,how often do you go back to your hometown, um about once a year 4795,391,that's good, 4796,391,how does it compare to l_a, mm more boring 4797,391,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um not easy 4798,391,can you tell me about that, um it's harder when you don't have enough much money to get your own place so i have to live with roommates 4799,391,yeah, 4800,391,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the weather um the good scenery 4801,391,mhm, 4802,391,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um traffic and it's too expensive to have your own place by your own 4803,391,i see what you mean, 4804,391,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, not as much as i want to 4805,391,what do you enjoy about traveling, um seeing different places different cultures the building the food and stuff 4806,391,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um let's see okay um i grew up in florida over here so i guess that's probably um i drove through the south i went to alabama um people are nicer in louisiana people are really nice through mississippi then texas then new mexico mexico then then arizona then here in california so i got to see the country a little bit 4807,391,awesome, 4808,391,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i guess traveling through a country went to loiusiana people are really nice in a small town called jennings and people are always happy you know and fun funny 4809,391,that's great, 4810,391,what did you study at school, um i just went to high school just did the basic stuff 4811,391,what's your dream job, um i don't know my my dream job i don't know um an interior designer to the stars 4812,391,really, yep 4813,391,why, well because if they have enough money to get their furniture and i get to keep their free furniture too 4814,391,(laughter, 4815,391,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing 4816,391,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i watch t_v funny shows t_v shows 4817,391,like what, um sometimes big bang theory or sometimes like a funny movie on t_v 4818,391,nice, 4819,391,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good 4820,391,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um where i used to live about two weeks ago i had to move out and um i moved in there and he told me that they weren't they didn't have any marijuana marijuana plants the one thing i don't wanna be around and it had that so i had to move out 'cause he had his stuff in the living room yeah it does yeah 4821,391,that sucks, 4822,391,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i don't know good question um probably probably probably i don't know probably with an ex boyfriend we broke up and 4823,391,okay, 4824,391,can you tell me about that, yeah it's that's in the past i'm over him he was a he was a jerk anyway 4825,391,okay, 4826,391,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hardest decision leaving home 4827,391,tell me about that, well 'cause i have a better life out here in california but i miss home 4828,391,yeah, 4829,391,i'm sorry, 4830,391,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, yep 4831,391,okay, 4832,391,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um when my roommates don't have the t_v on loud pretty good 4833,391,what are you like when you don't sleep well, tired i'm lazier during the day 4834,391,uh huh, 4835,391,how have you been feeling lately, uh frustrated 4836,391,why, um i'm poor i don't wanna be 4837,391,i see, 4838,391,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um no i'm just more sad 4839,391,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 4840,391,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, oh wow um it's been a good while it's been like god over two years 4841,391,can you tell me about that, um i didn't have any money problems i was doing fine um yeah 4842,391,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, oh i uh um i was with my cats at home here in california and they're playing outside 4843,391,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, my ideal weekend would be nice um at the beach eating at a nice restaurant 4844,391,is there anything you regret, no no 4845,391,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um don't spend so much money you will need it in the future 4846,391,could you have done anything to avoid it, yeah save money 4847,391,okay, 4848,391,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um my bank account 4849,391,how would your best friend describe you, um as a nice person 4850,391,you were very young weren't you, in what what 4851,391,what are you most proud of in your life, um um i'm a person i don't know uh um i persevere 4852,391,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh i'd rather not 4853,391,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh man a few years ago it was more like a mentor and um taught me some things 4854,391,like what, never complain be thankful everything you have 4855,391,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um my eyes people say i have pretty eyes um like to dress up 4856,391,what are some things you like to do for fun, for fun i like to try surfing go shopping maybe go to art galleries 4857,391,that's good, 4858,391,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4859,391,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 4860,391,goodbye, bye 4861,392,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4862,392,okay, 4863,392,so how are you doing today, i'm doing well 4864,392,that's good, 4865,392,where are you from originally, uh california 4866,392,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the weather i like the people 4867,392,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i don't like the traffic uh that's primarily it 4868,392,i see what you mean, 4869,392,what did you study at school, sociology 4870,392,really, 4871,392,how did you decide to do that, yep uh it's a topic that just really interested me the most out of all the other subjects 4872,392,are you still working in that, no 4873,392,what's your dream job, to be a writer 4874,392,can you tell me about that, um i like being able to write what i want to write uh right now i write things that i'm not really that interested in 4875,392,like what, like uh articles about uh teenager culture stuff like that 4876,392,mhm, 4877,392,what do you think of today's kids, um i think they have it pretty easy they don't know how easy they have it 4878,392,yeah, 4879,392,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh no not really 4880,392,okay, 4881,392,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, mm depends on the situation or who i'm around when i first meet people i can be shy uh but if it's someone i've known for a while i can be outgoing 4882,392,uh huh, 4883,392,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i'll lay down or try some sort like deep breathing or uh just maybe do something that's kinda fun and mind numbing like watch t_v 4884,392,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good i don't really let anger show that much um i'm not like a i don't have a fiery temper or anything like that i'm pretty rational 4885,392,that's good, 4886,392,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i actually can't remember when the last time i argued with someone was 'cause it's been so long 4887,392,wow, 4888,392,what's something you feel guilty about, um i guess i feel guilty about the fact that i don't talk to my grandparents as much as i should 4889,392,okay, 4890,392,tell me about your relationship with your family, um i'm close with my grandparents but not really anyone else in my family 4891,392,why, uh 'cause they basically sort of raised me uh and uh my parents weren't really in the picture that much 4892,392,i understand, 4893,392,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i can't really think of one right now 4894,392,okay, 4895,392,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, uh i guess uh when my sister died it was really traumatizing 4896,392,i'm sorry, mhm 4897,392,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, yeah yes 4898,392,okay, 4899,392,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um i guess the hardest decision i've ever had to make is deciding whether or not to divorce my husband 4900,392,what made you decide to do that, uh because we weren't getting along and there was no reason to stay married but i still felt like i should stick it out 4901,392,how hard is that, i mean it was hard at the time uh but i made the right decision i think 4902,392,okay, 4903,392,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my grandmother was a positive influence from a young age 4904,392,can you tell me about that, um she's just a very strong powerful uh sort of staunch character and that rubbed off on me 4905,392,that's so good to hear, 4906,392,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh not really super easy um i sort of i mean it's my probably my fault i go to bed too late 4907,392,what are you like when you don't sleep well, just sort of foggy and distracted i have trouble concentrating 4908,392,okay, 4909,392,how have you been feeling lately, you mean like my body 4910,392,mhm, uh normal fine no complaints 4911,392,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no it's been the same as ever 4912,392,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 4913,392,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 4914,392,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh last night i was just hanging out with my friends and was just having like a really good time sharing stories and laughing and stuff 4915,392,that's great, 4916,392,how would your best friend describe you, uh probably funny and uh easy to get along with but also caring 4917,392,mhm, 4918,392,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, uh i spend my ideal weekend not really doing much like maybe just sitting around and reading or going to the movies watching t_v 4919,392,mm, 4920,392,is there anything you regret, uh no i don't think there's not i don't i don't think uh i think regretting regretting things is a waste of time 4921,392,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um don't try to don't go out of your way to try and impress people if they like you then they like you 4922,392,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um sometimes sometimes i can be kinda lazy uh i'd like to have more of a um like sort of uh better work ethic i guess 4923,392,can you give me an example of that, uh just sort of putting off stuff um until you know right when it's due or after it's due things like that um procrastinating 4924,392,okay, 4925,392,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, uh sometimes for the things that i write uh people will write negative things about me like in the comment section on a website 4926,392,oh no, and that'll make me feel bad 4927,392,that sucks, 4928,392,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm uh articulate and funny and a good friend 4929,392,mhm, 4930,392,what are you most proud of in your life, um i guess i'm most proud of the fact that uh i am satisfied with myself and my friends and my status in the world i'm proud of the fact that i feel comfortable with it 4931,392,that's so good to hear, 4932,392,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um just hanging out with my friends uh sort of people watching watching a movie that's good um listening to music 4933,392,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4934,392,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mhm 4935,392,goodbye, 4936,393,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 4937,393,okay, 4938,393,so how are you doing today, i'm good 4939,393,that's good, 4940,393,where are you from originally, i'm originally from los angeles california 4941,393,really, 4942,393,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i like the weather i like uh numerous things uh the women stuff like that 4943,393,mhm, 4944,393,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic traffic is ridiculous it like it's out of control like the way people drive here 4945,393,yeah, 4946,393,i see what you mean, 4947,393,what did you study at school, uh business economics 4948,393,cool, 4949,393,how did you decide to do that, uh i just wanted to be a business owner like i wanted to work for myself so that's the reason why i did that 4950,393,are you still working in that, yes i am currently 4951,393,what's your dream job, uh to be a c_e_o of a of a company 4952,393,how hard is that, uh it shouldn't be that hard but it's gonna be challenging it's it's challenging don't get me wrong 4953,393,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i mean sometimes it varies i can be shy at times but then i'm i'm mostly outgoing 4954,393,can you give me an example of that, sure i mean when it comes to certain things like let's say i go to a a club or a party and i see a girl i wanna talk to i'll go talk to her but when it comes to being around a lot of people like sometimes i do get a little shy and and uh reserved 4955,393,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh i work out hang out with my friends 4956,393,uh huh, that's what i do 4957,393,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good at it i don't really let things get to me 4958,393,that's good, 4959,393,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, actually it's been a while i haven't argued with anybody i mean i had like a minor little little argument about something but uh that was a few weeks ago and it wasn't something that was serious it's just uh some things i had to clarify with uh someone 4960,393,like what, uh it was it was about a girl and and i asked her some questions about some stuff uh basically why she was trying to uh get back with her ex like that doesn't make any sense to me 4961,393,uh oh, 4962,393,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i would say my relationship with my brother i wish we wouldn't have uh fought a lot we i wish we could've worked that out without fighting each other 4963,393,okay, 4964,393,tell me about your relationship with your family, my relationship with my family is pretty cool like my mom i get along with my mom and i get along with my sister so it's pretty it's pretty uh cool 4965,393,that's great, 4966,393,how close are you to your family, i'm pretty i'm very close to my family 4967,393,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um i would have to say uh some friends that i've met recently i met uh some people through my church 4968,393,can you tell me about that, scrubbed_entry he's like a mentor to me 4969,393,okay, 4970,393,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i don't know i i don't think i have anything like that in my memory 4971,393,hmm, that i would that i wanna erase 4972,393,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um i would have to say uh it would have to have been uh whether or not to uh let's see um as far as like my career path i would say uh what career i'm gonna am i gonna be in and stuff like that 4973,393,tell me about that, i mean high school for me went pretty it went okay and i could've done better and um basically ended up uh not really living
  • uh living up to my potential 4974,393,why, i i don't know i mean i really don't know 4975,393,okay, 4976,393,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's pretty easy it's not a problem i could just knock out when i go home at night time 4977,393,that's good, 4978,393,what are you like when you don't sleep well, tired uh just mainly uh tired 4979,393,uh huh, i would say 4980,393,how have you been feeling lately, i've been okay i've been fine lately i have 4981,393,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 4982,393,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i have not 4983,393,have you been diagnosed with depression, no i have not 4984,393,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i would say it would have to have been um when i when i got the uh car that i have right now i have a nice car right now and it's pretty fast 4985,393,awesome, 4986,393,how would your best friend describe you, i would say um he would describe me as somebody that's not a quitter somebody that perseveres 4987,393,is there anything you regret, no 4988,393,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, go for whatever i want like whatever whatever i want out of life just go for it don't hesitate 4989,393,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i would have to say currently my weight like i i've put on some pounds and i'm working on losing those pounds 4990,393,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, maybe when i was little in school probably 4991,393,uh huh, 4992,393,can you tell me more about that, uh pretty much uh i got bullied so that's pretty much what happened 4993,393,i'm sorry, 4994,393,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm intelligent i'm a hard worker um i'm a good person 4995,393,okay, 4996,393,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i would have to say uh having like uh get togethers with uh with my friends and um we just hang out with each other and and talk about stuff that's going on in our lives and stuff like that 4997,393,nice, 4998,393,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 4999,393,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 5000,397,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 5001,397,okay, 5002,397,so how are you doing today, i'm good but i caught a cold 5003,397,that's good, morning 5004,397,where are you from originally, l_a born and raised born and raised 5005,397,what are some things you really like about l_a, it's home food people culture traffic 5006,397,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh there's a lot of us too many of us probably 5007,397,yeah, 5008,397,i see what you mean, 5009,397,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, oh i have in the past i haven't traveled lately 5010,397,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh the destination i don't enjoy the traveling anymore at all i did when i was young but no longer it's the destination point 5011,397,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, mm okay uh in ninety two i went to spain and my grandma my father's mother was born in spain i went back to trace her roots and i spent a week in madrid a week in barcelona and a week in majorca had a great time 5012,397,that's great, 5013,397,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i enjoyed it ooh it was a an everyday thing people were friendly uh finding out that some of the things about my grandmother and her family were interesting 5014,397,mhm, 5015,397,what did you study at school, uh i studied uh poly sci and uh sociology 5016,397,how did you decide to do that, uh well at the time it seemed like the easiest thing to do 5017,397,are you still working in that, no no 5018,397,what's your dream job, uh well i had my dream job for a while i was doing sports research for uh native american tribes but uh yeah 5019,397,awesome, i enjoyed it but that's uh it's not as uh as often as it was mainly because of the uh the sports bureaus that exist now that didn't exist when i started 5020,397,hmm, i still when i do i still enjoy it 5021,397,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh i'll be what what i'll be what suits me in any given situation 5022,397,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh listen to music 5023,397,cool, 5024,397,like what, uh i like oldies jazz mm soft music 5025,397,mm, 5026,397,how are you at controlling your temper, uh i've learned to do it well i wasn't wasn't always that way but i've learned to do it well 5027,397,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, by when by arguing i assume you mean words uh with my youngest daughter it was about uh a year and a half ago 5028,397,can you tell me about that, uh well it was it stemmed over an incident i didn't like what the the way her husband said something to her and it bothered me and when i told her she got extremely defensive and rather than deal with it she became she became angry with me 5029,397,how did you feel in that moment, i was mad 5030,397,yeah, 5031,397,tell me about your kids, uh three girls thirty eight thirty seven thirty one uh three granddaughters eleven fourteen eighteen so i haven't won an argument in a long time but i adore all six of 'em 5032,397,aw, 5033,397,do you find it easy to be a parent, uh well now i don't really consider myself a parent since mine are grown my baby is thirty one and you never lose that but i mean i'm not parenting at this point in my life i'm enjoying my grandchildren when i was a parent yeah it's a difficult challenge 5034,397,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, is uh getting getting to their level and understanding what they understand and don't understand and not putting your your stuff in front of theirs 5035,397,what's the best thing about being a parent, the hugs 5036,397,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, well my dad was was physical uh in those days you know uh nobody called child services if you got hit uh uh my mother was very loving but my dad well you know he he'd raise his hand to you if he thought it would it would uh disappoint you i never did that 5037,397,tell me about your relationship with your family, adored my mother my dad uh was a hard guy but i loved him uh i never felt abused by him but i mean i the one thing i remember he said when you when you're capable of kicking my ass you can leave this house that's my that's kinda the the basis of our relationship 5038,397,okay, 5039,397,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my mother my kids my grandkids 5040,397,can you tell me about that, well i'm i'm one of i'm one of three three sons so i really didn't have any experience with females other than uh with my mother in terms of being you know related and my grandma and then when my first daughter was born it was like wow that was it i fell madly in love with her 5041,397,that's so good to hear, changed my life yeah well that's the way it happened 5042,397,what's something you feel guilty about, uh when my mother got sick i i wasn't i wasn't there for her the way i should've been and i don't feel good 5043,397,could you have done anything to avoid it, oh yeah you can always fix what you did in the end i was just in a real bad situation 5044,397,yeah, but that doesn't excuse the fact that i wasn't there the way i shold've been at least not in my mind 5045,397,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, uh uh my second marriage probably she uh she wanted to have uh children and i already had my children with my first wife and uh i i had i had told her initially that i did not wanna have children and you know i had three uh that and i was good with that and she indicated that she did not want to have children so we got married and then her best friend got pregnant and our relationship changed and i basically wouldn't relent and we ended up getting divorved 5046,397,hmm, uh i i i don't know that i would've had children would've would've had children with her but i i wasn't very flexible in the process 5047,397,how hard is that, what to be flexible 5048,397,yeah, i don't know sometimes i am sometimes i'm not 5049,397,okay, 5050,397,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, uh that'd been pulling my uh pulling my father out of off uh uh life support 5051,397,what made you decide to do that, i just kept going back to something he said to me when i was uh younger that he would come back and haunt me and if i you know if i let him lay there lay there and suffer it took me a while to convince my other two brothers but that's what we did 5052,397,okay, 5053,397,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, something i could erase from my memory uh being locked up for a while i'd like to erase that from my memory 5054,397,can you tell me about that, it's just it's an everyday hell where there's very little humanity and uh you even do some things that you're not proud of 5055,397,i see, 5056,397,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i've never slept i've never slept a lot and i'm one of those people that if i wake up i have a hard time going back to sleep so it's it's difficult it's uh unless i'm really tired then you know 5057,397,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm pretty much still the same i don't change 5058,397,how have you been feeling lately, so so i had friend uh things are good with the kids and the grandkids except for the little incident with my granddaughter uh my youngest daughter but i had a friend recently who was uh runned over in a crosswalk and uh he's on he's on life support so i haven't been feeling too good about that 5059,397,i'm sorry, it's it's affected me it wasn't like he was jaywalking or anything he literally was walking in the crosswalk and the guy never even hit the break so 5060,397,yeah, and he's on uh life support at this point 5061,397,wow, 5062,397,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm no not really only consistent thing about me is i'm very inconsistent 5063,397,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, uh no 5064,397,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 5065,397,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, but i've had moments where i felt i was i was depressed okay i was talking when you were talking so i didn't hear the question 5066,397,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh uh yesterday had a conversation with my fourteen year-old granddaughter i'm happy i have moments of happiness every day 'cause i i either speak to or text with uh my daughters and granddaughters every day even if we're upset with one another 5067,397,that's great, 5068,397,is there anything you regret, oh i have a lot of regrets 5069,397,can you give me an example of that, uh i should've went to law school that's that's kinda something i thought yeah began to think about more in my lifetime i was accepted i just didn't i had other other things i thought i wanted to do 5070,397,like what, uh uh i i played with uh wanting to be uh uh a kicker for football on a football team 5071,397,uh huh, had some tryouts things like that but they didn't pan out and as as that didn't pan out i sort of lost my zest for wanting to be a lawyer so i just did other things 5072,397,mm, 5073,397,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, i don't think it'd make that much difference i probably wouldn't listen to myself 5074,397,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um about myself uh uh i could be uh if i don't like you i could be very uh very difficult if i don't like you i'd very much like to change that 5075,397,has that gotten you in trouble, it has in the past yeah 5076,397,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, well i have this theory that you could make me feel bad about myself only if i let you and i'm not real big on letting letting people do that to me uh although my first wife when when she left me with the children she you know that it was my fault 5077,397,mhm, and i wasn't sure that i believed that but i knew i was an ass and and uh but i probably believed it and not in its totality but in part 5078,397,yeah, 5079,397,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i'm very uh i'm not judgemental uh uh i would listen to anybody uh whether i agree with you or disagree with you uh uh i've taught myself to uh control anger that i that i have uh and uh if if i've called you my friend or if i tell you i love you uh i mean it it's that's not something that i do uh casually 5080,397,okay, 5081,397,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh oh okay well i i played eighteen holes of golf with a with an old dear friend and we got caught up and uh we four hours on the golf course two hours at dinner met his new wife uh had a good time 5082,397,that's great, a lot of a lot of memories came back 5083,397,what do you think of today's kids, mm uh well i like i like my my kids uh my grandkids i like that you know i like the hell out of them i don't know if all kids are like that i i think they rely too much on uh rely too much on technology but 5084,397,yeah, but that's me mainly 'cause i don't but if my grandkids are any any uh sampling of it i think they're good i think they're pretty good 5085,397,what are you most proud of in your life, uh raising my girls basically by myself with the help of my mother i think that's the uh most proud of 5086,397,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5087,397,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, or okay nice chatting with you 5088,397,goodbye, 5089,400,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah 5090,400,okay, 5091,400,so how are you doing today, i'm fine 5092,400,that's good, 5093,400,where are you from originally, um pacific grove california 5094,400,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the wholesale opportunities and uh all the stores and anything i could ever ask for 5095,400,mhm, 5096,400,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the uh traffic the the mood of the people and the the unhealthy pace 5097,400,i see what you mean, 5098,400,what did you study at school, um uh let's see i i did like culinary and then i did really good in art and music in high school 5099,400,cool, 5100,400,how did you decide to do that, uh through my own uh will and desire to want to uh get involved with the music 5101,400,are you still working in that, uh no 5102,400,what's your dream job, uh open up a uh health practice of some sort 5103,400,what made you decide to do that, uh changing things in my life that uh had an impact on myself and others for the for the benefit of health 5104,400,that's great, 5105,400,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh when i have the opportunity 5106,400,what do you enjoy about traveling, um buying things seeing the culture relaxing not thinking about the city 5107,400,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, ah well i i used to go to texas every every year uh with my dad during the summer and i always wanted to stay there and live there when i went on vacation 5108,400,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um most likely one of these trips to texas uh where we would go and spend time in the desert and shoot guns and ride go karts and stuff like that 5109,400,that sounds like a great situation, it was 5110,400,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh let's see well um my dad and i are uh are not really talking that much and uh my mom passed away about two months ago 5111,400,i'm sorry to hear that, thanks 5112,400,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, definitely more shy i've always been that way 5113,400,why, uh eh just the personality that i've grown into but learning how to adjust to the sensitivity and grow out of it 5114,400,mhm, 5115,400,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, oh tea and um you know eating i like to eat i mean that calms me down 5116,400,how are you at controlling your temper, uh eh not that good when i get really upset it's usually a problem and i have to work to calm myself down and sometimes i just don't get on something and i don't stop 5117,400,hmm, 5118,400,has that gotten you in trouble, sometimes but i've learned to control it to that extent now 5119,400,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, yesterday i was arguing about what sort what kind of water we should be drinking 5120,400,why, uh well a difference of opinion and i felt as though my opinion was very valid um even though uh the other party's opinion was somewhat misinformed 5121,400,uh huh, 5122,400,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um definitely uh every day is a growing process i wish i would've handled everything differently every day which is what um makes me grow and i try to work toward how i would've wanted to handle things every day little by little 5123,400,okay, 5124,400,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um can't think of anyone right now 5125,400,what's something you feel guilty about, um i'd i'd i'd say uh not supporting my friends as much with their career choices 5126,400,can you tell me about that, uh i'd rather not get into it 5127,400,okay, 5128,400,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um the raw food educators on youtube and um raw vegan educators and the detox therapy therapy uh experts have been really inspirational in the past two months 5129,400,tell me more about that, well uh they believe that um the essence of all nutrition comes from the raw fruits and vegetables and this is true with many studies like t colin campbell the china study and um the sources of information that are uh that that are very good and i i think deserve respect based on you know real research 5130,400,uh huh, 5131,400,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, really easy i've uh almost got it down to a science 5132,400,that's good, 5133,400,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh i'm tired 5134,400,how have you been feeling lately, been feeling better than i have in a long time 5135,400,can you tell me about that, uh yeah i think it's uh due to the transition in the diet and in no way having a placebo effect that it's actually you know loosening up toxins and things that have accumulated over my short life time of um you know toxic choices with food and drugs or whatever it would be 5136,400,mhm, 5137,400,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yes um less tense and less irritable and uh i have more clarity and more control over my uh decisions and my wants versus what i need that sort of thing 5138,400,that's great, 5139,400,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, nope 5140,400,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes to some extent 5141,400,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh over five years ago 5142,400,what got you to seek help, um lack of motivation and basically my my symptoms were paralleling that of depression 5143,400,what were your symptoms, uh loss of appetite loss of motivation not wanting to do anything not wanting to be social at all having fear of uh social situations and uh xxx the main four or five 5144,400,do you still go to therapy now, no 5145,400,why did you stop, uh i believe i overcomed a chapter in my life that was the the doctor um you know taking control of my health and experimenting with drugs and i just sort of took another route which was alternative and i started juicing more and um just trying to listen to maybe what i needed with the help of uh the internet and nutrition experts and stuff like that 5146,400,mhm, 5147,400,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes 5148,400,can you tell me about that, uh i believe therapy is useful because um without looking inward or having somebody to help you do that um it's very hard to readjust to some of these problems that you can have that will just uh resonate in the subconscious until you you know it has an outburst it basically um therapy um will help in overall health and mental health i believe for everybody 5149,400,yeah, 5150,400,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, last night um i made a really great vegan uh dinner with you know meat tacos and cheese and guacamole and had a couple of my friends over and they really liked it a lot and i almost converted them 5151,400,that's great, yeah 5152,400,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, uh i would say uh you know trying to listen to my inner conscious more than what my brain wants me to do like my brain likes caffeine and sugar whereas you know my body needs uh something other than that xxx is an example 5153,400,how hard is that, it's very very hard it's a daily process 5154,400,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, um i was uh handling money for uh a business partner and they ended up short and i was to blame but it was actually my formulas of crunching the numbers that it made it short but they he was unaware of the change i made to the formula so the blame was on me that i may have took money and i i automatically felt bad about that because of my uneasy uh my uncertainty to the change of formula 5155,400,yeah, 5156,400,is there anything you regret, um no 5157,400,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, twenty years ago i was two years old ten years ago i was twelve years old i would tell myself to um to start eating raw fruits and vegetables every day 5158,400,okay, 5159,400,how would your best friend describe you, as calm and um sad maybe smart talented 5160,400,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i really enjoyed going to the uh wholesale food market in downtown los angeles 5161,400,can you tell me about that, um lots of food uh great prices you can eat and feed a whole family for a third of the price as going to a normal supermarket so uh i i really get in a lot of enjoyment uh teaching people how to uh maybe better themselves especially food-wise and what they're eating 5162,400,awesome, 5163,400,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, uh eating and um watching a really good t_v show 5164,400,okay, 5165,400,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm insightful i can uh i can adjust to people's uh uh i dunno i guess i'll skip that question for now 5166,400,okay, 5167,400,what are you most proud of in your life, i'm most proud of um i'd say my overall situation with where i'm at right now i could've never imagined that i'd be in such a fortunate um situation 5168,400,that's so good to hear, 5169,400,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5170,400,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 5171,400,goodbye, 5172,401,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes i'm okay 5173,401,okay, 5174,401,so how are you doing today, i'm good i'm a little tired but i'm good 5175,401,that's good, 5176,401,where are you from originally, michigan i'm from michigan 5177,401,really, 5178,401,when did you move to l_a, um a long time ago then i left 5179,401,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh once twice a year 5180,401,how does it compare to l_a, cold very cold 5181,401,why did you move to l_a, because i wanted to pursue my acting career 5182,401,that sounds interesting, 5183,401,how did you decide to do that, uh well it wasn't a hard decision it was just it was the weather it was the opportunity it was the options 5184,401,mhm, more options 5185,401,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh the driving has been a pain in the butt not so easy 5186,401,what are some things you really like about l_a, let's see besides the weather i like that things are more convenient i like some of the people here um that are actually from home but um yeah i i just i like i like that it's a little laid back 5187,401,uh huh, that's about it 5188,401,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i don't like the traffic i don't like um uh the gang violence in certain areas and i don't like what else don't i like huh maybe that's that's all i don't like 5189,401,yeah, i don't oh you know i like i don't like that it's so far away from home i wish i wish l_a was kinda midwest i wish it wasn't so far from home 5190,401,tell me about your relationship with your family, i have a close relationship with my family um it's a small uh immediate family is really small and we're close my grandmother recently passed so it's um an adjustment right now but i'm close to my family 5191,401,okay, 5192,401,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, well i can't see your shoes but i do travel often i do travel yes 5193,401,what do you enjoy about traveling, um getting there i like getting there um once i'm at the wherever i'm going i like to actually do the tourist thing get to know places and people 5194,401,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh okay i oh i went to um france a few years ago well many years ago and a little town called carcassonne and was very um it was it was actually really fun but very much like a story book as far as what i expected to see and what i actually saw like i what i remember that i really enjoyed was that at night when everybody closes up like there are no windows in the buildings but they are these shutters that most places in the united states have inside of windows they have them outside of the windows and there's no glass so you just shut and it looks like everything is abandoned like the buildings are abandoned so pretty cool i like that 5195,401,yeah, 5196,401,cool, 5197,401,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm borderline sometimes i'm shy sometimes i'm outgoing it depends on who and what the situation is 5198,401,okay, 5199,401,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um music i turn on music i walk through the neighborhoods you know 5200,401,okay, 5201,401,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good at controlling my temper i'm not a um hot head at all 5202,401,that's good, 5203,401,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hm oh it was an ex roommate and it was about my loyalty as a friend 5204,401,can you tell me about that, yeah um pretty much she um thought that because i wanted my rent which she agreed to pay that i was not being a good friend that i should just let her live for free and that wasn't going to happen 5205,401,yeah, so you know the loyalty came with letting you stay anyway or letting her stay anyway even after she didn't pay me so that's a friend i could've kicked her out i didn't 5206,401,mhm, she left at the agreed time after she let me know that she was not going to pay but you know could've um could've could've been a bad situation but there was an argument there 5207,401,yeah, a real a real one 5208,401,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i wish i had handled that situation differently and followed my first mind when we agreed to be roommates temporarily and um gotten my money upfront that's what i wish i had done and i just i didn't my mind told me to go along with it no my mind told me to get the money upfront but i didn't so 5209,401,i see, 5210,401,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm the hardest decision um i think i have yet to make the hardest decision but so far like maybe um leaving home leaving home when i was years ago when i was like eighteen yeah 5211,401,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt like i was abandoning my family that's what i felt but um they encouraged me to go on and live my life 5212,401,that's good, mhm 5213,401,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, uh something that i could erase from my memory probably a friend who i was um uh dating i would like to erase from my memory how he responded to me when i told him my grandmother um was ill 5214,401,mm, 5215,401,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it's easy if i'm busy all day and i'm really really tired but actually my mind spins so it's not that easy actually it's not that easy 5216,401,why, i'd have to because i have to be exhausted i have to be exhausted 5217,401,that sounds really hard, to be exhausted no it's not really hard you just do a lot of stuff all day long 5218,401,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritable 5219,401,okay, 5220,401,how have you been feeling lately, up and down up and up and down like sometimes i've been excited and anxious and on the other side i'm like mm what am i doing 5221,401,are they triggered by something, yeah it's just an anxiousness to wanna make some things happen some goals and um 5222,401,like what, uh getting certain kind of work and um having a certain amount of um income and uh just taking care of myself you know the way i think i should take care of myself just the physical stuff 5223,401,uh huh, eating right and everything 5224,401,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yeah i have 5225,401,can you tell me about that, um sometimes i have a lot of distracting thoughts that have nothing to do with what i need to be focused on in the moment and i'm conscious of that i'm like of all the things that's popping up in my head why am i thinking about that 5226,401,how do you cope with them, uh i i let them happen and then i i try to think about other things and phase it out it pops back up i phase it out yeah 5227,401,mhm, 5228,401,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 5229,401,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 5230,401,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh when the roommate moved out i was really happy when she finally left 5231,401,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um probably reading and maybe go out go dancing that would be ideal i can go dancing go salsa dancing and yeah 5232,401,nice, 5233,401,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, mm my ability to make a decision quicker and to act on it 5234,401,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, really badly uh i don't know if i have a time that someone has ever made me feel really badly i don't feel bad about much 5235,401,okay, 5236,401,how would your best friend describe you, uh as courageous 5237,401,uh huh, that would be it in a nutshell 5238,401,okay, 5239,401,is there anything you regret, in general 5240,401,yes, um i regret not making some different decisions when i was younger as far as moving forward with as far as um career stuff and um relationship things i wish i had done some things earlier in my life that i'm doing now 5241,401,can you give me an example of that, uh really going after some of my personal goals and um deciding to actually be in a relationship that's long term and yeah i wish i had done that earlier 5242,401,yeah, 5243,401,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, twenty years ago i would have giving given myself the advice to um continue with my schooling um beyond what i did and to be more discerning in my choices of individuals who i allow in my life 5244,401,mm, 5245,401,what are you most proud of in your life, um being a part of the family that i'm a part of 5246,401,that's so good to hear, 5247,401,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5248,401,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 5249,401,goodbye, 5250,402,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 5251,402,okay, 5252,402,so how are you doing today, okay 5253,402,that's good, 5254,402,where are you from originally, atlanta georgia 5255,402,really, 5256,402,when did you move to l_a, um in two thousand and six 5257,402,how often do you go back to your hometown, never 5258,402,why, uh i don't like it there 5259,402,okay, 5260,402,how does it compare to l_a, oh it's completely boring and there's very little to do l_a is preferable i think to most places 5261,402,i see what you mean, 5262,402,why did you move to l_a, uh because uh i was engaged to my fiancee and we lived in florida i moved there to be with him and um he loves the water but i love the mountains and i missed hiking and uh i didn't love florida and he wasn't tied to it so we decided we wanted to go somewhere we could both be happy and also have um more opportunities in business and all of the great things that it has to offer 5263,402,that's good, 5264,402,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, very very easy 5265,402,what are some things you really like about l_a, there's not much i don't like about l_a i love l_a um i think it feels magical uh so many creative different people of all ages um shapes sizes colors races um the mountains the water uh the city all the things that there are to do all the people there are to meet i just i love everything about l_a 5266,402,that's so good to hear, 5267,402,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no 5268,402,why, uh i'd rather not talk about it 5269,402,okay, 5270,402,what did you study at school, um i didn't go to college 5271,402,what's your dream job, i'm still figuring that out 5272,402,can you tell me about that, um i don't know it may may have something to do with animals i have a dog that i really love and i never had a dog um as an adult i had cats and uh um i think i'm a late bloomer so i'm working on that whole conversation i don't i really don't want a job i want a purposeful way to create wealth not just something to make money in the long run 5273,402,yeah, 5274,402,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, it depends on the situation but in general i consider myself more shy although most people would consider me to be outgoing 5275,402,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, mm put on classical music music classical music if i'm especially especially stressed and um play with my dog go for a walk 5276,402,how are you at controlling your temper, i think i'm really good at controlling my temper for the most part 5277,402,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um before i came here um it was just about um financial stress 5278,402,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, uh um there's probably a lot of examples i think i'd rather move to another question 5279,402,okay, 5280,402,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, yeah i'd rather not talk about that either 5281,402,okay, 5282,402,tell me about your relationship with your family, i'd rather not talk about that 5283,402,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, not very easy at all 5284,402,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um a lot better recently but um i have a history of chronic insomnia and some health problems so it's challenging um not to feel rested most of the time 5285,402,how have you been feeling lately, in the past week i've been feeling a lot better 5286,402,can you tell me about that, um yes i um the weather has changed spring has sprung it's a little warmer i was having um more trouble with my depression in the winter and um having trouble with tolerating cold and so i wasn't doing a lot of the things that i normally do and i also was sick with the flu um and in the past week i decided um that i was feeling better enough that i needed to kind of get out of my rut and start um getting more focused around things things that i need to do during the day and walking my dog every day and um not isolating so much and seeing some of my friends more so i was seeing i've been feeling a lot better like i've been making progress and um that uh in the past week things have taken a more positive turn 5287,402,that's great, no 5288,402,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 5289,402,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh it's been quite some time officially it's probably been i don't know exactly but let's see maybe more than fifteen years ago 5290,402,what got you to seek help, um i was feeling suicidal 5291,402,do you still go to therapy now, no 5292,402,why did you stop, um because i found a better alternative 5293,402,tell me more about that, um i have been in therapy off and on since i was eighteen and i've tried a variety of um methods and then uh i started working with a neurolinguistic programmer and um that was really the first person that um helped me uh make permanent changes and i was able to get off my anti depressants as well and even though i've struggled with some bouts of depression it's never been anything extremely severe and um it was one of the best things that ever happened 5294,402,how did you decide to do that, well um i was physically ill with uh chronic fatigue syndrome and i had a client that referred me to this person um because he had cured her of that disease and um that was um he treats multiple issues and so everything is interrelated so um once i had my first conversation with him i knew it was the right step for me 5295,402,how did you feel in that moment, i was so happy um i felt like i some um i felt that i found the answer that i'd been looking for that i hadn't given up hope and uh that um i was on cloud nine that i i had been suffering for a a while a long time and i felt that i finally found the answer to the solution that i was looking for i was like it was the best thing i ever did in my life it was the best decision i ever made i felt extremely hopefuly for the first time in a long time 5296,402,that's great, 5297,402,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i went to um i went to a music store because uh i had been thinking about um taking up an instrument i used to play the violin as a child and uh i've been wanting to do something that would give me more access to my creative side because i felt it's been extremely repressed and um and so i went to the music store to try out um to see what it would feel like to um to handle an the instrument again nan and see if i thought that that was something i wanted to pursue 5298,402,awesome, it was awesome 5299,402,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, mm yeah i'd rather not talk about that 5300,402,okay, 5301,402,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um well there's probably a lot but um i'm always working on being more optimistic um it's been challenging it takes time but um yeah i wish i could hear my own internal voice better 5302,402,mhm, 5303,402,is there anything you regret, yeah i have regrets sure yeah 5304,402,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um value myself more so that i would make better relationship decisions 5305,402,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my fiancee is the most positive person in my life my ultimate supporter 5306,402,can you tell me about that, uh he's i think very unique not uh not at all selfish and uh probably a little too giving for his own good but um always has my best interests at heart has the highest morals of anyone i know would give somebody the shirt off of his back um is a genius in so many ways and uh um i'm pretty lucky i think 5307,402,what are you most proud of in your life, that i'm not a quitter that despite some very stressful circumstances over long periods of time i haven't given up on taking risks and um 5308,402,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5309,402,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 5310,409,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, okay mm okay sure 5311,409,okay, 5312,409,so how are you doing today, mm doing okay 5313,409,that's good, 5314,409,where are you from originally, i'm from uh l_a 5315,409,really, yeah 5316,409,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the weather i like the sports teams i like the entertainment 5317,409,mhm, yeah 5318,409,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh it's pretty much the same year round as far as well actually the weather could be good and could be bad you don't get to get all four seasons so it's it's kinda like a mixed bag and um i guess i maybe i'm kinda used to it by now so it'd be kinda nice to explore other areas i've lived here all my life having done too much traveling so uh it's a little bit of uh kind of a ruttiness to it but uh overall it's okay 5319,409,okay, 5320,409,what did you study at school, uh well i took computer programming in operations but that's going back to the seventies so it's technology's changed a lot as you can tell in the last forty odd years 5321,409,yeah, that's why that's my that was my major yeah 5322,409,what made you decide to do that, um i don't know it's kind of it's kind of inquisitive you have to use your mind uh it was like you know brand new something you know very novel back in the in the old days you know back in the seventies now it's everything to computers but back then it was sort of like something very unique um you didn't see you know too many computers around back then and um i worked in programming so i was kind of into the logicalness of it you know putting together you know solving a a particular um problem you know come up with step by step solutions on i guess all sort of back then i was kind of more into the the analytic analytical analytical analytical i can't say that word now the analyticalness of the um the problem 5323,409,mhm, 5324,409,are you still working in that, mhm uh no i kinda phased out i still use computers but i haven't gotten i been haven't been in programming for a long time 5325,409,why, um well i kinda got into a another area kinda diversion uh diversion to diversion to another area in my life uh this is going back to the um the late seventies i kinda took another turn and then by the time i kinda got back into it it was i kinda got into another field so i never really pursued it to the degree that i wanted to 5326,409,what's your dream job, wow that's a good question i never thought about that uh well actually kinda ironically ironically actually something was pretty simple at this point in time this is why maybe i'm kinda like made me a little bit depressed and then i um at this point i kind of just wanted kind of just do a nice relaxing job but but i do want somewhat of a challenge but i don't want to have to like do too much too much thinking that's almost like the opposite of what i was back in the in the old days you know i just want a nice comfortable relaxing job that i i can feel fulfillment on but i don't wanna too tense of a situation i'm kinda at the point in my life where i just want a nice relaxing job 5327,409,yeah, yeah 5328,409,i see what you mean, yeah 5329,409,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, oh i would say well for the most part shy but sometimes once i get going i could be outgoing um but i generally speaking i'm i'm shy to begin with and then i at times i can kinda loosen up and be more vocal and sometimes i can take it to the to the extreme where i'm talking too much like once the funny gates open up they kind of open up too much so i have to like back off you know 5330,409,(laughter, but overall i would say i'm kind of shy as as a general demeanor 5331,409,okay, 5332,409,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, oh really yeah oh um well i listen to music um i'll um well i watch t_v um i'll um just what what do i do to relax well i just try uh avoid stressful situations so like kinda i stay relaxed i also talk to my friends too i'll be around an area around kind of a comfort area where i i feel safe i can just dialogue with people so kinda gets me out of my thinking about my own problems i'm having i kinda just you know focus on being in the moment with my um acquaintances friends and acquaintances 5333,409,mm, 5334,409,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm pretty good i don't really have a temper problem it takes a lot to get me to uh to explode i think when i was in my younger days i think i was a little bit more had a little bit slight bit of temper i never had a really bad temper but uh uh temper is not really an issue i have i i tend to be pretty mellow easy going 5335,409,that's good, yeah 5336,409,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, wow that's a good question um i'm not sure to be honest um i'd have to think about that for a long time to be honest i i can't come up with an answer on that it's not really part of my repertoire um nothing comes to mind off top of my head 5337,409,okay, 5338,409,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, well um well the only thing i can think of and kinda going way back i made some bad investments bad investments back about ten years ago i was more um i'm trying to think of what word i'm looking for more trusting of people like uh people and like uh who i thought were expert in their field and um i uh i inherited some money i was a little bit careless with it and i just kinda had a vibe you know that uh nothing would go wrong kinda a little bit of naitivity naitivity and um unfortunately i made some bad financial decisions it kinda put me in a bad position for the rest of my life unfortunately um because of a medical conditions i have it's hard for me to rebound and you know make it all up so i would say mainly uh financial uh investment decisions that i really regret 5339,409,i see, 5340,409,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, wow hmm that's a tough one i can't think of anything off the top of my head 5341,409,okay, okay 5342,409,tell me about your relationship with your family, oh well uh don't really have too much family left the only one i have is my um it's just me and my uncle and we communicate we communicate on a regular basis um he lives
  • but he lives in clearwater florida so uh we're we're okay but um uh he's like eight he's he's in his eighties and obviously i'm in my fifties so um we we do we have kinda a small talk he's kinda concerned about my well being but it's kind of on somewhat of a shallow on a shallow level it's not we don't get really deep and uh he's got his own problems so we don't really get into too deep of a conversation and other than him it's really there's not really anybody else i have so it did it probably makes me a little bit depressed 'cause i don't really feel i have anybody i can really count on or really confide in 5343,409,okay, 5344,409,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it is challenging uh i don't know why but i do have a medical condition so i think that might be part of the problem and um i have a little bit of b_p_a so ocassionally i'll get up have to go to the restroom and um so to to answer your question to make a long story short um it is challenging to get a good night's sleep i usually uh wake wake up feeling a little bit tired or achy so it is it is difficult 5345,409,how have you been feeling lately, uh well i've been feeling okay i mean um i've been kinda feeling mellow actually um i'm i'm trying to address issues that i haven't taken uh responsibility for but um i feel a bit of calmness as of late 5346,409,that's good, 5347,409,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 5348,409,have you been diagnosed with depression, well i did say yes when i filled out the questionnaire and um i'm not positive if i was technically diagnosed with it i did take a uh i think it's called m_m_p_h 5349,409,mhm, the minnesota multifaceted personality something of whether this is going back about six months ago they were asking me questions about my memory but then they also got into questions about my my well being psychologically too and i think some of the the answers said that they advise that i see a psychologist or a psychiatrist i didn't follow that up on that because of philosophical differences but uh i think i might have a you know a mild case of depression 5350,409,why, well you know um like i said i'm just kinda like kinda going along in life i'm uh i'm doing okay but i you know i kinda life's passing me by so i haven't really fulfilled my my goals i you know i'm kinda like alone i'd like to have a girlfriend i don't have a girlfriend so that's kind of somebody who i feel i can get close to and i'm not really i'm kinda in a transitional period in my life right now so uh there's a little bit of uncertainty i have some you know kinda financial uncertainties so um you know overall i'm not doing as good as i'd like to 5351,409,okay, 5352,409,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, wow that's a good one really happy um let me think about that a minute well actually um it wasn't that long ago actually i went to um okay i know that one actually i can come up with an answer um i helped out a lady she was at a at a tradeshow it was anaheim it was a natural products expo so it was pretty nice we uh we had some nice meals afterwards there was a lot of exhibiters giving out really nice samples it was in anaheim so i kinda got a chance to get away from l_a and um you know met some interesting people uh they were very outgoing they were willing to like have me experience their product or service and um i was around people that i work with who uh i got to socialize with so uh i think i was pretty happy back then and that was about uh about a month ago 5353,409,that sounds like a great situation, yeah yeah it was 5354,409,how would your best friend describe you, best friend i don't know if i really have a best friend but uh i would say um hmm i don't know technically i really don't have a best friend so it's really hard for me to answer that so uh i can't really come with an answer to be honest 5355,409,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i i like to be conscientious i you know i do have flaws and every but i think overall i'm conscientious i try to be honest for the most part on the on the major issues i might you know say little white lies or you know i'm not perfect on that but when it comes to the serious stuff i tend to be pretty honest and i'm i'm a hard worker i got got good work ethic um i tend to be pretty calm for the most part 5356,409,mhm, 5357,409,is there anything you regret, um what do i regret well can you elaborate that 5358,409,whatever comes to your mind, uh well um i just well just overall um i regret uh not being a little more assertive in in my earlier uh earlier life um and kinda put myself in this position it's going kinda goes back to my financial decisions that was sort of that's sort of like my albatross in my life i made some bad decisions and unfortunately i have to kinda pay the price for now so i kind of like sort of like living sort of a pauper existence right now which is kinda kinda depressing so i would say that's probably what i regret most of all 5359,409,mm, 5360,409,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, well i'd say to really you know analyze kinda go with what you really feel um i think i was going with other people's opinion other people's advice i was kinda going away from my basic beingness you know like the way i really felt like for example i'd make i would do aggressive uh investing which if it turned out good it would've been like sort of like winning the lotto i would've been well off for the rest of my life 5361,409,yeah, but unfortunately it went the opposite way too too many eggs in that basket so i kinda regretted going with my gut feeling and and let other people influence me and uh 'cause by nature i'm a conservative person so i should really do more concervative investments in other areas my life i tend to be more conservative but i kinda made some aggressive financial financial decisions so that's pretty much kinda it always goes back to that area as far as what i regret 5362,409,right, yeah 5363,409,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, wow that's interesting uh well i've been doing a lot on weekends so well i do like like to be profitable uh i like to do something where i can actually you know make money that's sort of like my bread and butter time 'cause i do tradeshows but if i'm not doing that then i like to maybe watch some um you know i'd like to go to entertainment maybe go to a ball game uh go to a movie go out with some friends so i would just or you know just kinda kick back but my main primary primary focus would be on you know earning earning money on the weekends 5364,409,mhm, 5365,409,what are you most proud of in your life, uh that's interesting most proud of um i would say that i lived by and large i lived a wholesome life i would say i never got myself into any kind of really bad bad uh vice um you know i i lived a pretty wholesome wholesome life i'd say that'd probably i don't know if it's really proud um but as but as far as i stayed the course as far as uh not going down any real deep alleys so to speak 5366,409,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 5367,409,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, my pleasure 5368,409,goodbye, bye now nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan 5369,412,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 5370,412,okay, 5371,412,so how are you doing today, okay 5372,412,that's good, 5373,412,where are you from originally, originally from texas 5374,412,really, 5375,412,when did you move to l_a, oh few weeks ago 5376,412,how does it compare to l_a, uh well i've been living in um palm springs actually so uh l_a there's a lot more to do and uh weather's a lot better 5377,412,why did you move to l_a, uh for work 5378,412,are you happy you did that, yes 5379,412,that's good, 5380,412,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh the weather the beach a lot of activities things to do 5381,412,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm traffic and the uh rental is higher a lot higher here 5382,412,yeah, 5383,412,i see what you mean, 5384,412,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh at at first it was a little difficult but then i adapted 5385,412,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh just in the united states 5386,412,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh new experiences uh learn a lot of things 5387,412,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh yeah one time i went uh yosemite and up through san francisco uh i really enjoy the beautiful scenery 5388,412,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh probably when i uh last year i i uh met a girlfriend up in uh san francisco and drove down highway one and uh saw a lot of uh sights hearst castle things like that 5389,412,awesome, 5390,412,what did you study at school, uh computer science 5391,412,how did you decide to do that, uh well i went to school back in the eighties and uh computers were uh kind of a new new up and coming thing so decided to to do that 5392,412,are you still working in that, little bit not too much 5393,412,what's your dream job, uh probably um i think to have like a little uh little magazine 5394,412,like what, uh well i've started already started it it's like a small uh local magazine that has uh coupons and uh going to expand it to different uh parts of california 5395,412,cool, 5396,412,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, probably shy 5397,412,why, um mm well let's see not uh i guess not as outgoing as many of my friends 5398,412,okay, 5399,412,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um actually i uh go dancing i like dancing it's relaxing to me 5400,412,nice, 5401,412,when was the last time that happened, uh uh uh i do latin dancing so i do it several times a week so last weekend i went 5402,412,that's great, 5403,412,how are you at controlling your temper, very good 5404,412,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i i think i argued with someone a couple of weeks back it was about a religion religious issue 5405,412,how did you feel in that moment, um felt okay 5406,412,okay, 5407,412,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm um see can't think of one right now let's see maybe uh when i was doing one of my real estate sales 5408,412,can you tell me about that, um i was um sometimes the clients are pretty uh pretty difficult and i think i should've been like a little more uh assertive with them 5409,412,i see what you mean, 5410,412,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm probably uh moving to california 5411,412,tell me more about that, well i was uh leaving my friends and family in texas and um just pretty much starting a new life out in california out here 5412,412,how hard is that, uh well it was it was pretty difficult but you know i got adjusted 5413,412,tell me about your relationship with your family, well um i have only an aunt and a few cousins left so uh it's it's not too much a relationship i have a a a great a uh an aunt that's the sister of my mom and uh you know i send her texts periodically but uh most of the time i really don't have much uh contact with family 5414,412,mm, 5415,412,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um probably parents both of them were very supportive 5416,412,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm probably when the parents were sick and passed away 5417,412,i'm sorry to hear that, 5418,412,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, no 5419,412,can you tell me about that, uh well i both parents were um uh got sick and uh got dementia and uh it's you know one parent didn't remember who i was so it was uh that part was pretty difficult 5420,412,wow, 5421,412,how do you cope with them, well they they passed away so it's just uh it's been about ten years so it's uh just um it's just memories now 5422,412,okay, 5423,412,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, mm not too easy 5424,412,why, uh it's just tossing and turning i think all night and uh probably thinking thinking too much about things 5425,412,like what, uh probably like the future things like the economy and uh my work things like that 5426,412,okay, 5427,412,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh tired 5428,412,how have you been feeling lately, tired 5429,412,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm just uh not as positive 5430,412,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 5431,412,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 5432,412,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, mm probably uh few weeks ago i received a pretty good uh real estate commission so i was happy about that 5433,412,that's good, 5434,412,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, uh when i'm in l_a um going to some of the meet up groups or some some of the uh i like going to whole foods and and trying some new uh places to go salsa dancing 5435,412,okay, 5436,412,is there anything you regret, no 5437,412,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm probably to be more uh outgoing 5438,412,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, mm probably be more successful in uh business and be a little more uh uh outgoing 5439,412,mhm, 5440,412,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, mm probably my boss uh he's pretty uh condescending and um really likes to belittle people and uh put him uh put himself as the king so he he has says a lot of comments to make himself build himself up and uh belittle whoever whoever else is in the room 5441,412,oh no, 5442,412,can you give me an example of that, uh it's well usually when you go in uh he likes to brag on how much money he's made in the business and uh then say things like uh see see how much better i am than you are uh you've look how much money i've made this year and and you're the worst piece of shit agent there is things like that 5443,412,that sucks, mhm 5444,412,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um probably uh i have integrity and a good heart hardworking honest 5445,412,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um probably i just went i guess uh some of the times i've gone dancing uh i went to a casino uh in a little town called temecula i met a lot of new friends and uh it uh dancing and meeting friends new friends 5446,412,that's great, 5447,412,what are you most proud of in your life, um probably it was about it uh education i guess my education and uh able to uh move move out here where i wanted to go 5448,412,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5449,412,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 5450,412,goodbye, 5451,414,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah 5452,414,okay, 5453,414,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 5454,414,that's good, 5455,414,where are you from originally, burbank california 5456,414,really, yeah 5457,414,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather of course i think everyone likes the weather um it's not too city like chicago or new york 5458,414,mhm, it's um it's big enough we have beaches we're not land locked woo 5459,414,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, sometimes the smog the traffic the fact that i've just been here like my entire life almost 5460,414,okay, 5461,414,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, not enough as i'd like to i go to school in chicago and i've been to new york a couple times san francisco and i took a road trip across the country that was cool i saw a couple states 5462,414,nice, 5463,414,what do you enjoy about traveling, seeing new places um going to landmarks that i've only read about or seen pictures of 5464,414,mhm, 5465,414,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um i traveled from los angeles to chicago taking route sixty six and the best part was seeing the grand canyon for the first time it was the coolest thing i've ever seen probably 5466,414,awesome, 5467,414,how did you feel in that moment, happy and then just happy it was it was beautiful it was nice i haven't felt like that in a long time 5468,414,that's so good to hear, 5469,414,what did you study at school, i was studying film 5470,414,cool, 5471,414,how did you decide to do that, it's just something i've always loved for as long as i can remember and when it came time to start applying to schools i wasn't sure what i wanted to do and um i applied to northwestern as a film student and it just ended up being the right decision 5472,414,that's great, 5473,414,what's your dream job, ooh um i love making movies but part of me really loves making people laugh and being in front of the camera so uh comedian a comedic comedic actor would be totally great but 5474,414,okay, that's hard 5475,414,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i am super outgoing and i love talking to people a lot i like i like being the center of attention usually 5476,414,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i um i like to watch mindless television like um toddlers in tiaras and um duck dynasty just t_v programs where i really don't have to pay attention at all 5477,414,okay, 5478,414,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm okay at it i get really emotional really fast but i am usually able to to keep my anger down and not like lash out at others and stuff for the most part 5479,414,has that gotten you in trouble, sometimes i get into like arguments and fights with my friends and people who are important to me really easily and i hate apologizing to people so the fights could last pretty long 5480,414,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um my best friend ryan i think and it was about our relationship and just how we kind of messed it up and crossed some lines and uh where how were gonna go back to the way it was before 5481,414,how hard is that, really hard it's um he's my best friend and i miss him but we messed up and it's just it's not the same it's like not the same friendship 5482,414,i'm sorry, me too 5483,414,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, too many um i guess scrubbed_entry when i had a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend which was not okay i wish i would've just realized that this was bad and just would've stopped there and not have let it continue for weeks which led to my break up and then our friendship being really messed up 5484,414,could you have done anything to avoid it, i guess not spend as much time with him as i did be more assertive 5485,414,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um i guess it was in november i was very depressed and suicidal so i told my friend what i was feeling and that she needed to take me to the e_r and from the e_r i had the choice to i don't know i guess go home or get sent to a mental hospital and even though i felt like i didn't have a choice i knew it was my choice and i decided to go to the mental hospital which was like the worst experience of my life ever 5486,414,can you tell me about that, um it was awful it was in chicago and um it was scary i mean i didn't know anyone and they just like take all your stuff and they put you in some scrubs and they just start giving you medication and you're basically left to your own devices there were only like three group therapy sessions a day and everyone there was mostly men and um they were all really old and it was scary i didn't know anyone everyone most of the people there weren't depressed they were violent so that was pretty scary and i just um it was really hard for me 5487,414,yeah, 5488,414,what made you decide to do that, i had been so depressed for like a month i stopped going to my classes and work and i told my teachers lies about being sick and i just kept calling in sick to work i dropped a class and i was failing my classes and not turning in any work and i wasn't talking to any of my friends and i was drinking a lot and passing out and vomiting everywhere and i was just in a really bad place and when i finally was gonna kill myself i realized i needed help 5489,414,that sounds really hard, it was 5490,414,what got you to seek help, um i had severe depression when i was a younger teenager and i tried to kill myself then and i um got put in therapy for quite some time so i figured i don't want to go down that bad path again i just wanna get better so i had to do it i had to get help 5491,414,do you still go to therapy now, i do i go once a week 5492,414,do you feel like therapy is useful, i feel like if you have the right therapist it's really useful i had one therapist that i really liked and i thought we could've gone really far but sadly she's back in chicago and i'm in los angeles so i have to 5493,414,aw, i have to make do with this new therapist and she's okay she's not we're not that great together but she's who i had right now 5494,414,okay, it's better than nothing 5495,414,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, not that easy at all 5496,414,why, um ever since i got out of the hospital and start and i began medication for my depression i um just haven't been able to sleep well falling asleep is hard staying asleep is hard have really crazy vivid dreams that wake me up and are disturbing 5497,414,like what, um i guess just sometimes they reflect things that i'm worried about or happening in my life but they're just they're scary and they seem so real that sometimes i wake up and i have to ask my mom like did we go here did we do this did this really happen and it's usually no you dreamed that sometimes i've gotten so scared i like talk in my sleep and wake myself up 5498,414,when was the last time that happened, probably like two nights ago 5499,414,wow, 5500,414,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, that is a hard question i think in november after i got out of the hospital i finally had one good day and my friend took me into downtown chicago and we went to the sears tower and got to look over those like big windows that you walk out on and see the city and that was really cool 5501,414,how would your best friend describe you, um probably super outgoing likes to be the center of attention funny and a little bit crazy 5502,414,is there anything you regret, i try not to regret things in my life 5503,414,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, oh um i would say that living is worth it and just don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it don't wait until it gets really bad 5504,414,yeah, 5505,414,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um i guess my ideal weekend would be sleeping in and then catching a movie with my friends maybe going home with them and bake some cookies eat all the cookies watch some t_v have a sleep over and then like make pancakes in the morning and watch more movies we watch a lot of movies i would like to do that in my free time 5506,414,(laughter, go for a walk i don't know go to the beach 5507,414,what are you most proud of in your life, um that is a hard question i mean i think i've done a lot of great things in my life and um i have achieved a lot but i think one of the proudest things proudest moments in my life is something really small and insignificant i was doing this exercise boot camp and the last person to like cross the finish line had to do like thirty push ups and it was some guy i didn't really know him at all and the trainer said does anyone wanna help him if someone helps him you have to do half each and no one wanted to help him and i just decided to start doing push ups with him and i just it wasn't 'cause i wanted to get credit or because i thought it would make me look good i just did it and no one really knows about that but it just i feel really good about that 5508,414,that's great, 5509,414,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5510,414,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 5511,414,goodbye, it was nice 5512,415,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 5513,415,okay, 5514,415,so how are you doing today, i'm good 5515,415,that's good, 5516,415,where are you from originally, michigan 5517,415,really, 5518,415,when did you move to l_a, two years ago 5519,415,how often do you go back to your hometown, um every three months 5520,415,how does it compare to l_a, it's more homey and country than fast-paced and stuff 5521,415,mm, 5522,415,why did you move to l_a, uh the i work in the entertainment business so i had to be out here 5523,415,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it was pretty easy because i lived in new york first and if you can survive new york you can survive l_a 5524,415,(laughter, 5525,415,i see what you mean, 5526,415,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather of course beaches uh the people are much ruder and mean than what i'm used to but i like l_a 5527,415,what did you study at school, uh graphic design media arts 5528,415,that sounds interesting, 5529,415,how did you decide to do that, um in high school i was ahead in all my classes and credits so i had to take a college course so while in high school i got a two year college degree doing it 'cause i was good at it 5530,415,wow, yeah 5531,415,are you happy you did that, yeah but now i wanna go into something else 5532,415,like what, um i'm in school actually i take online classes now for business management 5533,415,what's your dream job, i um a really one day i wanna own me and my sisters wanna own our own uh rental properties and like uh real estate company we own six houses now we bought with our college money and now we wanna eventually one day own our own homes and apartment complexes 5534,415,that's great, 5535,415,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, yeah 5536,415,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people seeing different things that you've never seen before um different languages everything just seeing what the world has to offer 5537,415,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh okay um me and my sisters went to hawaii last year um i believe we went to hawaii honolulu and to then hmm maui yeah and we met the people in hawaii and they were so nice if i could live there i would 5538,415,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um everything was memorable but probably jet-skiing in honolulu was very fun 5539,415,awesome, yeah 5540,415,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing 5541,415,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, music music is much therapy for me 5542,415,can you tell me about that, um well my family is very musically inclined like my dad and my mom's family so music has always been like that thing no matter how i feel if i put music on it makes it much better 5543,415,that's so good to hear, 5544,415,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good i used to box so it let out a lot of frustration so sometimes i do that too i go to the gym and i do like a kickboxing class but i don't i never escalated to the point where i like blurt out or no i can control it pretty much 5545,415,okay, 5546,415,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, well i live with my sisters so i argue every day but it was over clothes my sisters and clothes always clothes 5547,415,(laughter, 5548,415,tell me about your relationship with your family, um my mother my father are pastors of a church i grew up with two sisters and a older brother who was a cop and we're pretty close i have a nephew we're pretty close like every day we see each other close and we don't all live in the same house but we're together every single day at some point when we lived in a when we lived in michigan my family eh is in michigan 5549,415,that's great, 5550,415,what's something you feel guilty about, um when i cheat like right now i'm on a diet with my sisters but last night i snuck and got mcdonalds so i feel bad because they've been so sticking to it and i cheated but that's pretty much 5552,415,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um hmm mm me and my when me and my a friend of mine got into it and we said things that weren't like we hit below the belt and we and we usually don't and we haven't spoken in like three months now and i know that it could've been prevented if we would've just sat down and talked to each other but it didn't make it that far so yeah 5553,415,yeah, 5554,415,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um probably moving here moving to l_a 5555,415,why, because like i'm i'm really like close we're really close with our family like i skype with my mom and dad every day so it was hard to go from there to here and them taking care of everything to me and my sisters having to do it on our own it was much it was different 5556,415,yeah, 5557,415,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, oh my goodness uh my parents my brother my dad my mom my sisters my family i have a great family so my family definitely 5558,415,okay, 5559,415,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i wanna say two years ago three years ago my brother was shot on duty and he almost lost his life but he didn't and for some reason as much as i try i don't tell them this 'cause i don't want them to be like i need to you know whatever i always think about it over and over again and i'll cry about it like it happened yesterday but it happened three years just the mere fact of almost losing him kinda yeah 5560,415,yeah, 5561,415,that sounds really hard, 5562,415,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, not easy i work as a personal assistant and administrative assistant for a casting agent so i'm on call for her whenever so i'm never i never get a good night's sleep ever 5563,415,that sucks, i know 5564,415,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um a zombie i'm pretty much you would never know 'cause when it's work i i'm professional so if i am tired they'd never know but i'm very annoyed and very grouchy when i haven't slept 5565,415,okay, 5566,415,how have you been feeling lately, um tired and i have crazy headaches but that's probably from not getting enough sleep and working too much but yeah very tired 5567,415,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yeah definitely 5568,415,like what, um i'm shorter with people like being in the industry i mean people don't really care it's all about self and when i first came here i had the i had the personality and attitude of family and love and nice and being here showed me that everybody's kinda out for self here even the like the other girls i work with so i've learned to like cut people off and be short with people when that's not really me but i just see that's how you have to be 5569,415,yeah, 5570,415,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 5571,415,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 5572,415,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um last saturday i did a weigh-in and i lost seven pounds i was like excited so that was the last time 5573,415,that's great, 5574,415,how would your best friend describe you, um care too much uh i think about others more than myself so she'd probably say i care too much i'm loving i'm the person that every friend i have confide in from best friend to just regular friend so yeah i'm the mom of my friends 5575,415,is there anything you regret, um no not no i don't regret anything 5576,415,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, hmm never take no for an answer 5577,415,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i wish i could well i don't know personally i wanna lose like twenty more pounds but uh just i don't know be a little more adventurous little more adventurous 5578,415,mhm, 5579,415,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, um i don't think i've had a time baby feel bad no i can't no i don't think i have one it i'm sorry i don't think i have one 5580,415,okay, 5581,415,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, oh um well me and my sisters has just started with yoga and we already do the beach like every friday but yoga is like our new addiction so we do yoga and we probably go to like a spa or something that's an ideal 5582,415,nice, yeah 5583,415,what are you most proud of in your life, um my my job my career because i've gotten a pretty long way at twenty three the job i hold so i'm pretty pretty proud of that 5584,415,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5585,415,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 5586,415,goodbye, 5587,416,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 5588,416,okay, 5589,416,so how are you doing today, i'm doing good how are you 5590,416,i'm great thanks, 5591,416,where are you from originally, chicago 5592,416,really, yeah 5593,416,when did you move to l_a, about twenty five years ago 5594,416,that's a long time, yeah it's been a while 5595,416,how often do you go back to your hometown, actually i haven't been back i like l_a 5596,416,why, i like l_a 5597,416,how does it compare to l_a, mm it's a big city so it's kinda similar but the weather is not the same so gotta love l_a for the weather 5598,416,i see what you mean, 5599,416,why did you move to l_a, family i was a child 5600,416,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it took a little adjustment but not hard 5601,416,that's good, 5602,416,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the weather um i can't think of anything right off the bat but i sure wouldn't wanna leave so my family is here so that's another reason why i wouldn't wanna leave 5603,416,mhm, 5604,416,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic 5605,416,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, not really but i've traveled traveled a little bit yeah 5606,416,what do you enjoy about traveling, seeing new places different people the way they live their lives 5607,416,cool, 5608,416,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um i went to monterey california earlier last or the middle of last year that was very nice 5609,416,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um it's a good question i'm not really sure uh there's probably 5610,416,okay, i can't think of anything right off the bat which makes me think uh it's kinda weird but 5611,416,what did you study at school, astronomy 5612,416,that sounds interesting, yeah it was 5613,416,how did you decide to do that, i don't know just kinda fell into it took a course liked it and then took some more and kinda just went down that path 5614,416,are you still working in that, no 5615,416,why, there's not much job opportunities so it's kinda limited 5616,416,that sucks, yeah it does 5617,416,what's your dream job, um my dream job i would like to own a restaurant a nice a bar restaurant 5618,416,can you tell me about that, well i'd like to have something a little more upscale than most places you go to or at least in the area that i live in most places don't seem very kind of just seem like a dive bar just kind of worn out run down so something nice something different something creative something vibrant something for you know attracts a crowd 5619,416,uh huh, but it's probably costly so i don't know if it's really plausible 5620,416,yeah, 5621,416,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm definitely more shy but i can be outgoing when i'm comfortable with people but initially i'm pretty shy 5622,416,okay, 5623,416,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, good idea um a lot of times i try to just lay back and you know do some deep breathing just kind of clear your mind or maybe just watch a movie listening to music is good reading a book kinda just takes your mind away 5624,416,mhm, relax 5625,416,how are you at controlling your temper, i've gotten much better at it i used to have problems with that when i was younger but i'm i'm good i'm good with that now learned that you shouldn't react immediately to situations you should you know think before you speak that type of thing 5626,416,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um my ex girlfriend when we broke up about three months ago 5627,416,can you tell me about that, um we're relationship just wasn't doing very well so it just kind of was going down a predictable path and we just were arguing over the same old stuff and wasn't really it wasn't a memorable argument but it was it was an argument so that's all i can think of and i haven't really seen her since so i don't know that's what it is nothing special just a typical argument between two people who had grown separate 5628,416,how did you feel in that moment, frustrated 5629,416,yeah, like yeah i guess everybody kinda sees things in their own way and you know my way and my perspective is right and i'm sure her way was right too so trying to convince somebody that you know of your ideas or what you're thinking is more difficult than it is because everybody's kinda looking out for themselves 5630,416,uh huh, but yeah 5631,416,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm that's a good example right there with the my girlfriend i didn't have to i could've reacted a little differently and not shown so much emotion um there's been times in my life where i've gotten into arguments with friends or something like that where you know or previous relationships where i probably shouldn't have reacted the way i did you know not that i did anything bad but just more of uh you know be more mature about it and not you know reveal your emotions so much or that type of thing 5632,416,mhm, 5633,416,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um leaving my first girlfriend to go to school when i was eighteen this was a long time ago i went to school in san diego and i immediately wanted to come back so i kind of ruined our relationship and we're still friends and i wish i didn't do that 5634,416,what's something you feel guilty about, mm i feel like i can contribute more to my family and my friends i i think i could do better i i think i sell myself short so employment opportunities are hard to come by but if i could find a good job i'd be a lot more happy because i could provide for myself and others so not be so much of a burden to people around me 5635,416,yeah, 5636,416,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yeah real difficult 5637,416,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's good it's very good we're pretty open with each other and i see my mom and dad and my sister quite often so it's a good relationship i mean we we get along well could be i mean it's not it's not perfect but it's good 5638,416,that's good, 5639,416,yeah, 5640,416,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, pretty easy i'm a good sleeper 5641,416,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um probably irritable there's it's harder to do tasks it's kind of like you feel like you're being strange or something because you don't have as much energy and 5642,416,mhm, 5643,416,how have you been feeling lately, good relatively well spring time always makes everybody feel well 5644,416,that makes sense, 5645,416,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no not at all 5646,416,have you been diagnosed with depression, never 5647,416,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um really really i mean we all feel happy every day at some point but really happy it's probably been a while um probably like superbowl sunday i was with all my friends we were having a good time so it's been probably like a month and a half or something when i was really really happy 5648,416,mhm, 5649,416,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i wish i was more i guess stuck to my goals and i wish i had better drive to succeed i don't know i usually settle for less so 5650,416,why, i don't know i i guess that's the calm demeanor part of me that's good and bad 5651,416,mm, don't really matter i kinda live in the moment and then you kinda realize that five ten years have gone by and you should've done something 5652,416,yeah, 5653,416,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, um i'm just gonna stick to that argument with my girlfriend three months ago she made me feel pretty bad 5654,416,okay, 5655,416,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i i don't know uh when i was when i was in high school i got into an argument with a friend and i drove my car too fast and it was an area that i didn't know and i hit a turn that i didn't know was coming and i crashed my car so i wish i didn't do that but that's a long time ago so it's not a big deal now 5656,416,how did you feel in that moment, stupid immature 5657,416,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my parents some of my close friends i have i have a good group of three or four friends that've been positive influences 5658,416,that's great, yeah 5659,416,how would your best friend describe you, mm a caring guy nice person good heart a little a little unmotivated needs to improve on certain aspects of his life to make himself better and uh passionate i guess passionate in a good and bad way 5660,416,can you tell me about that, well i care a lot and at the same time sometimes it gets the best of me 5661,416,can you give me an example of that, mm sometimes you feel like you know you're doing more for your friends or somebody like that you're doing more than they deserve and you're not it's not being reciprocated so that's an example 5662,416,i see what you mean, 5663,416,is there anything you regret, yeah probably but i can't think of anything off the top of my head 5664,416,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um focus more on school because while you're young you have the ability to multitask and scrubbed_entry 5665,416,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm i don't know really enjoyed i mean i do things everyday that i enjoy but really enjoyed i don't i don't know um i i i cleaned up a bunch of stuff from my room so it was nice to shed some old garbage so that that was alright but i don't know if i really enjoyed that but i felt content after it 5666,416,(laughter, 5667,416,what are you most proud of in your life, mm not much it's i mean it's kinda sad i don't know uh i think i could do better i feel like i'm an underachiever so not much i don't know 5668,416,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm very detail oriented organized i like to finish tasks um i care a lot you know i'm very caring um i have good intentions in mind i don't like to wrong people i don't like to lie because once you lie one lie leads to another so i don't like that 5669,416,yeah, but yeah that's that's about it 5670,416,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, cool 5671,416,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, right on have a good day 5672,419,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 5673,419,okay, 5674,419,so how are you doing today, i'm good thank you 5675,419,that's good, 5676,419,where are you from originally, um i was born in mexico city 5677,419,really, yes 5678,419,when did you move to l_a, um about thirty four years ago 5679,419,that's a long time, yeah 5680,419,how often do you go back to your hometown, um i try to go back once a year but i haven't been in about three years 5681,419,why, um i haven't had the time and i've traveled to other places but i'm planning on going back probably next year 5682,419,okay, 5683,419,how does it compare to l_a, um well i can't ever see myself moving back to mexico city it's a huge huge city and i like l_a more there's more opportunities and i just feel at home here 5684,419,why did you move to l_a, my family moved here um i like i said i was very young and my parents moved um to california to work and then we just stayed here 5685,419,uh huh, 5686,419,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um i love traveling i have not traveled as much as i would like to um but i do love to travel 5687,419,what do you enjoy about traveling, um just seeing new things meeting people from other countries just um feeling relaxed and having no worries because you're on vacation um i just love being in other places 5688,419,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um the last trip i took was a seven day cruise and it went to saint thomas barbados saint lucia um saint martin and it was amazing i would love to do that trip again 5689,419,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i think going to mexico the last time i was there i went to the pyramids teotihuacan and i had not been there in many years and it just was amazing to see the pyramids and i can't even imagine how they were able to build such great um structures 5690,419,yeah, 5691,419,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh i consider myself more shy 5692,419,why, um in social situations i kind of feel uncomfortable um i'm not one to just go up to people and start conversations um if people come up to me of course i'll talk to them but i feel slightly awkward just kind of out of place at a party 5693,419,i see what you mean, 5694,419,what did you study at school, um i actually studied history 5695,419,awesome, 5696,419,how did you decide to do that, um i've always been interested in history and i just wanted to learn about histories from other cultures and of course u_s history so i'm very into uh history 5697,419,are you still working in that, um i'm actually working in uh the education field 5698,419,what's your dream job, my dream job would actually be um traveling around the world and having a show on like the travel channel that would be my dream job because i would get paid to travel and it's something i enjoy to do doing um so i would love to do that as a job 5699,419,mhm, 5700,419,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i love reading and i love taking baths so to relax i like to take a bath and i read while i'm in the bath and um i also like going to the gym that helps me uh deal with stress and it actually relaxes me even though i'm exercising 5701,419,that's great, 5702,419,how are you at controlling your temper, um i used to be not very good at controlling it when i was a kid i would get mad um very easily and sometimes as an adult i still get angry easily but i've gotten a lot better at trying to think about things first before saying them and not having outbursts things like that 5703,419,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um the last time i argued with somebody was probably about a week ago it was um my best friend and she actually she has kids i don't and for some reason she thought or thinks that i think i'm a better person than she is and because i went to school and she didn't and she's home with kids and you know i'm able to do more things um i don't think i've ever made her feel that i i and i definitely know i don't feel like i'm better than her but for some reason she accused me of that and we had an argument about it 5704,419,yeah, 5705,419,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um well that situation i wish i had handled differently um because when she was talking to me she was very upset and i started off pretty calm just trying to reason with her and let her know that i certaintly didn't feel like i was better than her but towards the end of the conversation it just kinda turned into a yelling match between the two of us and i wish i had been able to just stay calm and maybe asked her to call me later once we calmed down instead of just continuing the argument 5706,419,hmm, 5707,419,how did you feel in that moment, um i was angry at first but once we hung up i felt really bad about the situation i felt that maybe i could've just let her let out all her feelings and then try to speak to her calmly um instead of yelling at her too 5708,419,i see what you mean, 5709,419,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, oh wow um that's a tough one i think um gosh i think one of the toughest hardest decisions i've had to make is breaking up with a boyfriend of seven years um although i knew that it was the right thing to do i was kind of hanging on to the fact that we had been together for so many years and i kinda felt by ending the relationship um i would've wasted those last seven years of my life it was a pretty tough decision to make but i realized that it was the best decision for me at the time and i'm actually glad i did because then i went on to meet um my husband 5710,419,aw, 5711,419,that's great, thank you 5712,419,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um well about i would say maybe fifteen years ago i was hanging out with a couple of friends at a club and they met some guys and um they invited us back to their place and i really didn't wanna go because i didn't know these people and i mean i knew their names and that's about it but my friends really wanted to go and i wasn't the one driving so i decided to just go along with them and back at their house um one of the guys actually pulled me into a room and tried i i got scared i yelled he tried to choke me and i thought i was gonna die right right there i thought he was gonna kill me but luckily one of my friends knocked on the door because she heard me scream and we left so it could've been a worse situation but i still think about it and wish that i could erase it from my mind 5713,419,yeah, 5714,419,that sounds really hard, it was 5715,419,tell me about your relationship with your family, um we have a pretty good relationship i am close to i have a sister and a brother um my sister is two years younger and my brother is two years older and we get along pretty well um my sister and i used to be best friends but then we grew apart and then um now we're actually closer i think than ever and i have a pretty good relationship with my parents um my dad still treats me like i'm a little kid sometimes which annoys me 5716,419,(laughter, but i think we have a pretty good solid relationship 5717,419,that's good, yeah 5718,419,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um i usually wake up a few times throughout the night um so i think it's rare for me to sleep uh the whole night through ever um and i do feel a little like tired in the morning when i wake up it's hard i'm not a morning person definitely um so yeah it's kinda hard to get a good night's sleep 5719,419,why, um i don't know it i have a hard time falling asleep and then sometimes i have bad dreams or i need to get up to use the restroom um but yeah it i don't remember the last time i actually slept the whole night without waking up at least once 5720,419,how have you been feeling lately, um emotionally good um i'm actually on vacation right now from work so that's really nice um physically i feel good i haven't been to the gym in a while so that kinda makes me feel bad um 'cause i like working out um but health wise i'm good 5721,419,okay, 5722,419,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 5723,419,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 5724,419,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um it was last this past weekend i actually went out of town with my husband we didn't go very far we went to santa barbara but we really enjoyed ourselves um we went wine tasting and went to the beach and just had a really good time 5725,419,nice, 5726,419,how would your best friend describe you, um she would probably describe me as a good caring person um patient very shy um she'd probably say too that i have a hard time saying no to people when they ask me for favors 'cause i'm always doing things for other people um so yeah that's how i think she would describe me 5727,419,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i wish i was more outgoing um i wish that i what else definitely more outgoing um so i could have more friends i don't have a large group of friends because i am very shy um i also wish that i could have more patience than i do sometimes i'm very short of patience and um i wish i could find a better job so i could do more traveling 5728,419,is there anything you regret, um yes i actually took a really long time after high school to go back to school and get my degree and i really wish that i could've you know taken care of it a lot sooner than i did um and i also regret spending seven years of my life with my ex boyfriend 5729,419,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um i would've told myself to stay focused on school that going out and hanging out and just you know and going to parties um was not as important as i thought it was and that my education should always come first 5730,419,what are you most proud of in your life, um i'm proud that after so many years of not being in school i was able to go to u_c_l_a and get my degree um yeah that would be my proudest achievement 5731,419,that's great, 5732,419,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 5733,419,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 5734,419,goodbye, 5735,423,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 5736,423,okay, 5737,423,so how are you doing today, i'm doing well 5738,423,that's good, 5739,423,where are you from originally, los angeles the greater los angeles area 5740,423,really, 5741,423,what are some things you really like about l_a, people diversity and various entertainment and activities 5742,423,mhm, 5743,423,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um fickle weather traffic and litter 5744,423,i see what you mean, 5745,423,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i have traveled domestically not internationally 5746,423,cool, 5747,423,what do you enjoy about traveling, seeing other places and how people live and the culture 5748,423,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, the last trip that i went to was san diego 5749,423,awesome, but uh 5750,423,what's one of your most memorable experiences, from childhood or as an adult 5751,423,whatever comes to your mind, um family vacations to um baja and rosarito beach 5752,423,nice, 5753,423,can you tell me about that, yeah the reason why that memory comes to mind because um this weekend is easter and we usually will go down to easter easter spring break to rosarito baja 5754,423,aw, 5755,423,what did you study at school, um i have a bachelor's bachelor's in communication studies 5756,423,what made you decide to do that, because it's a open field just doesn't deal with um communication interactively but performing arts telecommunications business entrepreneurship so 5757,423,mhm, 5758,423,are you still working in that, no i'm not i'm actually unemployed 5759,423,what's your dream job, um i think to own my business that's my dream my dream job to have my own company 5760,423,can you tell me about that, um i would like to open something in like the telecommunications area as a business something do online online services um i like to make things with my hands so my next venture would would be to create all natural soy candles something in that area 5761,423,awesome, 5762,423,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um a mixture 5763,423,why, a mixture of shy and outgoing because i have to observe people and crowds and that's how i usually make a determination if i remain reserved or remain open 5764,423,okay, 5765,423,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i listen to like a meditation tape or i take a walk or go get a massage 5766,423,that's good, 5767,423,how are you at controlling your temper, fair 5768,423,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh man uh probably yesterday or this morning um usually the argument is about me making myself clear or me repeating myself twice 5769,423,has that gotten you in trouble, no it usually gets the other person in trouble 5770,423,(laughter, 5771,423,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i redeemed a service from a mechanic who fixed my transmission and i had a warranty and i wrote to the department of consumer affairs and the guy offered me a portion of the settlement agreement and i decided to take him to small claims court to get a bigger amount and i wish i would've have taken the offer that he gave me at the midst of dealing with the third party which was the department of consumer affairs and because of that i took him to small claims court and i end up losing the whole settlement and only been offered a very small portion so i wish i would've taken the higher road than taken the lower road 5772,423,i see, 5773,423,what's something you feel guilty about, i don't tend to feel guilty about too many things 5774,423,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hardest decision uh i don't know financially emotionally 5775,423,whatever comes to your mind, mm emotionally letting go a past relationship it's the hardest thing that i i won't say the hardest thing but it was a difficult thing 5776,423,can you tell me about that, yes it was a relationship of seven years but um that person has already moved on so uh they want me to be in their life in hopes that if something goes wrong with my current relationship we'll always have something to fall back on 5777,423,that sounds really hard, uh yeah it is hard 5778,423,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um an event something i could erase from my memory um i don't know there's a lot of events that i just automatically erase from my memory but whatever comes to mind right 5779,423,yes, um probably the death of a relative 5780,423,how did you feel in that moment, um alone and misinformed 5781,423,why, because i didn't know that they were that sick and i didn't know that they were um their days were numbered 5782,423,yeah, and i could've had more opportunity to spend time with them and make better a better connection in the last days 5783,423,i'm sorry to hear that, 5784,423,tell me about your relationship with your family, um it's fair to midland 5785,423,how close are you to your family, mm my immediate i'm very close but distant not very close 5786,423,okay, 5787,423,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my mother 5788,423,can you tell me about that, um yes uh she's encouraged me to continue my education to always fall back on my hobbies hopes goals and dreams she always encourages me to always stay aloof and out there looking for a better opportunity and she encourages me to not be afraid to explore other ventures 5789,423,that's great, 5790,423,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, easy easy 5791,423,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling well 5792,423,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um yes a little stressed but i'm trying to manage that 5793,423,how do you cope with them, i leave the stressful environment 5794,423,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, um in the past 5795,423,how long ago were you diagnosed, about three years ago 5796,423,what got you to seek help, um because i was having issues in my learning environment and um i feeling i was feeling emotionally attacked 5797,423,can you tell me about that, yeah i was having uh a issue with a professor who was just very i don't know a a very different personality and he almost ran me down the crosswalk at school 5798,423,how did you feel in that moment, i felt i felt um like i was in a a dishonest environment i felt like i wanted to get you know switch his class and get into another class but i had no choice but to stay in there and deal with his meanness for the whole semester 5799,423,have you been diagnosed with depression, um i think through finding p_t_s_d they were trying to link depression 5800,423,do you still go to therapy now, no 5801,423,why did you stop, financially i'm not capable and i haven't found a counselor who is willing and committed to working with me and helping me with my issues i find that a lot of counselors they listen to me and then they laugh at me and then they tell me the opposite of what's what i'm telling them 5802,423,that sounds really hard, mhm 5803,423,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, mm last time i felt really happy i really don't know that's a good question 5804,423,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um just just did what i want i just relaxed i just relaxed and i you know i don't know 5805,423,okay, 5806,423,how would your best friend describe you, i don't have any best friends 5807,423,what would you say are some of your best qualities, my best qualities that i'm uh hard working i'm reliable i'm a excellent friend um i'm energetic and i'm a go getter 5808,423,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, things that i wish i could change about myself probably be less sensitive don't take things so personally and um learn how to help myself before helping others 5809,423,is there anything you regret, no i don't have any regrets in my life 5810,423,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um if i could've do things differently ten years ago i probably would've focused and studied more and less being out of the house and hanging with friends 5811,423,mhm, 5812,423,what are you most proud of in your life, mm that i got have a a college education and i'm self sufficient and i can pay my bills by myself and i'm alive 5813,423,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5814,423,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 5815,423,goodbye, 5816,425,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 5817,425,okay, 5818,425,so how are you doing today, i'm okay i'm feeling a little tired and uh worried 5819,425,why, um well i'm looking for a place to live and um i don't have a job right now so things are things are a little shaky for me 5820,425,i'm sorry to hear that, 5821,425,it can be tough to find a good job these days, 5822,425,where do you live, i'm staying with my son in venice 5823,425,how do you like your living situation, uh it's pretty good but uh both of us need to have our own space so that's why i'm looking for another place to live 5824,425,i understand, 5825,425,where are you from originally, originally from new york but i've been in california since the early seventies so 5826,425,that's a long time, yeah 5827,425,why did you move to l_a, uh i moved to l_a because i had been living in portland oregon and i was getting tired of the weather up there and my son was down here so it seemed like a good place to be 5828,425,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um it wasn't too hard i uh i met people right away and um i just really like it here so it was uh it was easy to connect with people 5829,425,that's good, 5830,425,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather is number one like for most people i love being near the ocean um i like the energy i like the um i like the artistic culture 5831,425,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mhm uh well everybody loves the traffic i mean loves the weather and hates the traffic so i kinda feel i feel the same way um 5832,425,(laughter, sometimes it it gets a little wearing that it's so busy and the fact that it's so expensive makes it difficult 5833,425,yeah, 5834,425,i see what you mean, 5835,425,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh no not as much as i'd like if if i had more funds more income more funds i would travel more 5836,425,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um well mostly i've been um xxx i traveled let's see so my longest uh trip that was out of the country was to mexico and i traveled drove down with a friend uh down to oaxaca and the whole trip we took about mm i think we took us about four weeks going down and back from uh the bay area 5837,425,wow, um yeah that was a fun trip 5838,425,how did you decide to do that, well uh we'd been working together on the census and she had made that trip a few times and invited me to come along with her 5839,425,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um from that trip i would say we were in oaxaca for day of the dead so it was uh celebrating day of the dead with the family in the little village that we were staying in and everybody in the village makes an altar in their house uh for their uh loved ones who have passed away and um they also decorate clean and decorate the graves so there were lots of flowers and it was just it was neat to be there and be with that family celebrating that 5840,425,awesome, 5841,425,what did you study at school, uh well i studied i was in the liberal liberal arts program but i didn't stay i stayed only stayed in school for uh in college for a couple of years um but i was most interested in liberal arts and the humanities 5842,425,what's your dream job, huh my dream job would be uh personal assisting somebody who was in a creative field and getting to uh travel and go to events with them 5843,425,how hard is that, uh it's hard to break into um i i'm starting now very uh minimally with somebody who i'm doing more of a volunteer work with and i'm i'm working on building up some of my skills so that i can be doing more of that 5844,425,that's good, 5845,425,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm fairly i'm kind of a friendly introvert so um i i'm you know i have no trouble meeting people uh i don't hold back and um you know xxx just i'm not shy like shy at parties i'll go up and talk to people um but i i am overall kind of introverted so um i prefer one-on-one than big groups 5846,425,okay, 5847,425,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i like to watch uh well i i like to watch uh improvement shows like on uh h_g_t_v i like to watch um like remodel shows and and see transformations or or watch movies or read oh and and i play some solitaire on my uh my kindle fire 5848,425,okay, 5849,425,how are you at controlling your temper, um i don't usually realize i'm mad until later so it doesn't really come up um and i i just tend not to have the kind of life where um those situations arise uh sometimes you know sometimes on the road um i get a little annoyed uh i don't get annoyed so much at like when people cut me off or anything like that um but when people are deliberately rude and and you know honk for no reason or um you know when they get angry because maybe i've done something inadvertent you know cut them off by mistake and they you know like they get really angry then that makes me angry in return 5850,425,yeah, 5851,425,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm um yeah like i said i don't really get into arguments um i did have i was with a friend the other day and um she got annoyed with me because she felt like i was correcting her so it wasn't really an argument but she you know i had said something that she heard as a correction well it was a correction and she got angry um but 5852,425,how did you feel in that moment, um well then i felt criticized and i felt i felt vulnerable eh i wasn't it was it was pretty uncomfortable 5853,425,hmm, 5854,425,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm um well i in that situation i didn't i didn't have to correct her um so i think that's something i'm starting to look at in myself is my need to be right so in general that's i'm trying to to catch that and just let people make mistakes without without my telling them about it 5855,425,mhm, 5856,425,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm hmm boy i don't know um gee that's tough i can't i don't know that i've had that much trouble making decisions um hmm well uh uh was hard for me to decide to uh put my cat to sleep when he was sick oh it was and i had to give up a cat um when i was moving once and and that was difficult too 'cause 5857,425,i'm sorry to hear that, 5858,425,how did you decide to do that, um well in the case of the first cat the one who was sick um i decided when the vet said that he thought it was the humane decision um and with the cat i had to give up i didn't i didn't really decide um i was moving to a place that where i couldn't take her and so i i found somebody who could take her 5859,425,i see, 5860,425,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm mm see um gee that's tough if i don't really eh the the erasing from the memory part um there's nothing i really wish i could erase from my memory um trying to think of something that i've done that i wish i hadn't done um oh okay i remember something there was there was a time when i was i was in a class at junior college it was a film class and uh i was i was the one who was um after we we went out and did a little film project um and we're supposed to bring it back into class the next week uh i was the one who had the film and through different just things that were happening in my life right now i never went back to the school but i never brought them the film back so all the work they had done um they had to do over again and i still feel bad about that 5861,425,oh no, 5862,425,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, eh it's pretty easy um sometimes i wake up in the early morning hours and and have trouble going back to sleep but that's not very often 5863,425,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling kind of tired and low level depressed and like not feeling a lot of options 5864,425,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 5865,425,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes i have 5866,425,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh well there were two times there was once um back in like nineteen seventy two nineteen yeah about nine nineteen seventy two or three and then um another time um oh so then when would that've been about sixteen years ago 5867,425,what got you to seek help, um just feeling like there wasn't um you know feeling that feeling that things weren't gonna change if i didn't get some help and that if i i didn't have to you know that maybe if some i got some medication that would help me um in the short term so 5868,425,do you still go to therapy now, i'm not going to therapy right now 5869,425,why did you stop, uh i was moving around a lot finances i wasn't really feeling the need um i'm starting to think it might be a an option again 5870,425,do you feel like therapy is useful, i feel like therapy can be useful yes 5871,425,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, well when i went to therapy um it was helpful to have somebody who listened and could also offer impartial suggestions for helping me to improve the way i was feeling 5872,425,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um well i was on the beach last weekend uh it was a beautiful day and i was sitting in the sun and uh just relaxing and i had my notebook and i was doing some writing and i felt very happy and content 5873,425,that sounds like a great situation, 5874,425,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i'm kind and compassionate and i'm a good listener and i'm intelligent and i have uh i have good ideas 5875,425,mhm, 5876,425,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um well i wish that uh sometimes i wish i was i was a harder worker um i'm not really willing to take low wage jobs even though i i need work so i just don't feel like i'm willing to do anything um and um i wish i could act i i said i had good ideas that um i have good ideas and i'm good at the uh the onset but i'm not really good on the follow-through so a lot of those ideas get started but then i don't take them the distance 5877,425,uh huh, that's probably the the thing i'd like to change about myself the most 5878,425,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh ten or twenty years ago i'd give myself the advice to go back to school and get my degree finish my education um and be willing to um to work a regular job and to um to start putting money away for my uh retirement 5879,425,mhm, 5880,425,what are you most proud of in your life, um proud of uh my children and i'm proud of the friendships i have and i'm proud that um eh that people eh people do eh admire me um and value my opinion 5881,425,that's great, 5882,425,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5883,425,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 5884,425,goodbye, 5885,426,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 5886,426,okay, 5887,426,so how are you doing today, i'm alright 5888,426,that's good, 5889,426,where are you from originally, south l_a 5890,426,really, 5891,426,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the weather the women the opportunities 5892,426,mhm, that's about it 5893,426,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, racism police brutality injustice 5894,426,yeah, that's it 5895,426,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, mm no 5896,426,why, not much of a exploring type of person 5897,426,okay, 5898,426,what did you study at school, um psychology 5899,426,cool, mhm 5900,426,how did you decide to do that, um it was one of the classes i excelled in the most so i decided to change it from business to psychology 5901,426,are you happy you did that, yeah yes 5902,426,are you still working in that, no 5903,426,what's your dream job, to own my own record label 5904,426,nice, 5905,426,how hard is that, um it it's moderately hard but you know take it one day at a time just i guess you know stay focused 5906,426,yeah, 5907,426,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, a little bit of both 5908,426,why, um i tend to be shy in um situations i'm not comfortable with or i'm new to and i'm outgoing in places i'm more comfortable with 5909,426,uh huh, yeah 5910,426,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um turn the lights down low and listen to soft music 5911,426,that's good, mhm 5912,426,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm getting better over the years um i think i'm pretty decent now compared to how i used to be 5913,426,has that gotten you in trouble, yes ma'am 5914,426,can you tell me about that, um due to the lack of i guess you could say controlling my emotions i have uh gotten incarcerated sent to prison yeah 5915,426,okay, 5916,426,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm i'm not sure uh i don't really have a recollection of my hardest decision i've made in my life 5917,426,mm, 5918,426,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um it was probably a few days ago with the girl i was talking to and i was arguing about her lack of communication and attentiveness yeah 5919,426,how did you feel in that moment, uh frustrated because um you know uh you you put in a certain amount of effort and you expect you know the same effort by the other person when you're in a relationship and at the same time when you when you have expectations sometimes you kinda set yourself up for failure so you know i guess i'm just learning 5920,426,yeah, 5921,426,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, there's a lot of situations i would've handled differently um probably the most recent was uh i had gotten into a physical a physical altercation with an inmate when i was incarcerated and that made me that's what sent me to prison and and i had to do a lot more time and um if i handled it differently i probably would've never went to prison i probably would've been home a lot sooner than i originally happen yeah 5922,426,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm there are several events i wish i could erase from my memory um probably uh my first girlfriend um she did something really uh extreme it wasn't necessary in my eyes and it and it cost it could've cost me my life i think that that that's a recurring thought that i i wish i could completely erase from my memory along with the good memories as well um a few you few fights uh i guess you could say shoot outs um getting jumped getting robbed you know those things i think those inhibit me i guess to to explore certain areas of life that i'm not comfortable with so those are the feww things that it'd be nice if i could erase it completely 5923,426,yeah, 5924,426,that sounds really hard, yeah 5925,426,what's something you feel guilty about, hurting people that didn't need to be hurt emotionally especially um a few women in my life or in my past um probably putting my mother through certain things that she didn't have to go through along with my close friends and family as well 5926,426,okay, 5927,426,tell me about your relationship with your family, um used to be rocky growing up but as i got older and matured and the certain experiences that i've been through kind of brought me closer to my family so now it's it it's pretty decent it's it's pretty decent 5928,426,that's great, 5929,426,that's great, 5930,426,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, mm i would say my mother um yeah my mother 5931,426,can you tell me about that, um well she she uh she had her share of experiences negative and positive um i admire her the struggles she's been through um she she she uh experienced difficult economic hardships growing up but that didn't stop her um from raising a son at a young age finishing school getting her master's and just just overall being a a good person and she also battled mental health issues as well and um probably not the best of family that she could've been raised with so she so she's kinda of like a a inspiration to to me and other people as well so i would say my mother 5932,426,yeah, 5933,426,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, mm it's not easy so yeah it's not easy 5934,426,why, i couldn't tell you i i i've always had sleeping issues um i usually just take uh like over the counter sleep medication or nyquil but it makes you drowsy the next morning so it's like it's a negative effect really 5935,426,mhm, yeah 5936,426,are they triggered by something, the medication i don't know shit i don't know but i just stopped taking it 'cause i didn't like feeling drowsy 5937,426,how have you been feeling lately, not good at all 5938,426,can you tell me about that, um yeah i mean i recently got released from prison not too long ago uh i'm older now and a lot more responsibilities and i feel like my life is not where it's supposed to be i feel like i could've made a lot more better decisions in my life you know sometimes feeling sorry for myself and just things that i've been through and the whole nine yards so yeah 5939,426,i'm sorry, it's all good 5940,426,there are always trade-offs in life aren't there, yeah so true 5941,426,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 5942,426,how long ago were you diagnosed, about two and a half three years ago 5943,426,what got you to seek help, myself i um i was i was just tired of not i don't know i guess school kind of made me seek help because i started to understand myself how my brain works um you know so i decided to seek help maybe to better my life yeah you could say that 5944,426,are you happy you did that, yes i am 5945,426,do you still go to therapy now, yes 5946,426,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes i do actually i do 5947,426,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, mm better decision making um better tools to reflect on choices um how to control uh certain situations better yeah 5948,426,can you give me an example of that, um well instead of just always reacting on emotion no matter what kind of emotion it is i step back and and and i assess the situation you know to see what's what's the best way to to react towards the situation and by doing that it has made me more mature emotionally more mature and just has a positive outcome 5949,426,mhm, 5950,426,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um i was lying next to a beautiful woman who who cared about me and the feeling was mutual so that was probably the most happy 5951,426,how would your best friend describe you, oh my goodness spontaneous um outgoing sometimes a little crazy um fun that's about it 5952,426,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, nothing 5953,426,is there anything you regret, um like i said earlier just you know hurting the the few women that were in my life my past and my friends and family that's about it 5954,426,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, oh shit uh school is really important um how i carry myself the people who i surround myself with and what i choose to do in my free time those are the few things i would tell myself 5955,426,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, good music um a good game of basketball um sex um 5956,426,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, i like going out i like going to parties um social gatherings where everyone's friendly and and there's no drama that's what i like 5957,426,uh huh, dancing beautiful women a couple drinks that's about it 5958,426,what are you most proud of in your life, um i guess not not necessarily giving up and and um just just i don't know just keep going just just not giving up really yeah 5959,426,mhm, 5960,426,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 5961,426,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mhm 5962,426,goodbye, 5963,427,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah sure 5964,427,okay, 5965,427,so how are you doing today, i'm good how are you 5966,427,i'm great thanks, 5967,427,where are you from originally, i'm from florida originally 5968,427,really, mhm 5969,427,when did you move to l_a, where are you from oh um for work 5970,427,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh i haven't been back in like a few months 5971,427,how does it compare to l_a, um i don't know i guess it's like a smaller town than here 5972,427,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it was pretty easy it's um it's not that much of a difference except i guess the buildings are bigger 5973,427,that's good, 5974,427,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i like the weather and uh i like the environment of like hollywood i guess 5975,427,mhm, 5976,427,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i hate the transportation the transportation system and the traffic it's really bad 5977,427,i see what you mean, mhm 5978,427,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, yeah i've traveled a lot around america 5979,427,what do you enjoy about traveling, um i like like seeing new places and meeting new people from different areas and stuff and uh i guess it's just relaxing and it's fun 5980,427,uh huh, 5981,427,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh well i went to canada once my mom has a friend up there so we went to visit her there it's pretty cold i didn't like that 5982,427,what's one of your most memorable experiences, about that particular trip or 5983,427,yeah, um i don't know she made us this uh like canadian food called i think it's poutine or something and so i guess that that was a new experience 5984,427,nice, 5985,427,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i try to get out in the sun like go to the beach or something 5986,427,how are you at controlling your temper, or read a book um pretty okay depends on how bad the situation is 5987,427,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i don't know like two days ago i was arguing with my sister about something 5988,427,can you tell me about that, oh yeah i really don't remember it something stupid i think she i don't know she borrowed something from me and she didn't give it back on time 5989,427,okay, 5990,427,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i don't know i guess i mean yeah i wish i just wouldn't lose my temper so quickly sometimes but that doesn't happen really often 5991,427,could you have done anything to avoid it, um i don't know i guess think more before i talk then maybe i won't lose my temper 5992,427,okay, 5993,427,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um something i wish i could erase from my memory um i don't know i guess just like uh negative people or something negative people that i've met before i guess i just wanna erase the thought of meeting them 5994,427,can you give me an example of that, um well i had like friends that were just like not very good company and they're just very not very good influences so yeah i would just wanna erase meeting them but i'm not friends with them anymore so 5995,427,mm, 5996,427,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my who's a positive influence my family is a positive influence and my friends now 5997,427,tell me about your relationship with your family, oh it's pretty good i talk to them a lot i see them a lot so yeah 5998,427,okay, 5999,427,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm the hardest decision i've ever had to make i don't know i guess um what i wanted to study in college maybe it's not that hard but it's a little it's a big decision 6000,427,what did you study at school, computer science 6001,427,cool, 6002,427,are you still working in that, thanks yeah a little bit not not as much but a little bit 6003,427,how did you decide to do that, well i got into it it when i got into it when i was a teenager so i guess i just and i was good at it so i just figured i'd go on studying it for higher at a higher level 6004,427,are you happy you did that, yeah somewhat but i uh kinda wanted to i was kinda trying to make a decision between that and like the arts so yeah i'm just happy i did it though 6005,427,what's your dream job, my dream job uh fashion designer 6006,427,awesome, yeah 6007,427,how hard is that, how hard is the job 6008,427,yes, um i don't think it's a hard job i like clothes and fabric and making clothes like that so i don't think it's a hard job actually 6009,427,okay, 6010,427,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i fall asleep like within five minutes depending on how tired i am 6011,427,that's good, 6012,427,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm very irritable and uh yeah i'm very irritable and not good to be around when i'm tired 6013,427,mhm, and i can't focus 6014,427,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling good fine 6015,427,that's good, thanks 6016,427,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 6017,427,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 6018,427,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 6019,427,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um the last time i felt really happy mm i guess like a week or so ago i went to um i went to where did i go i went to this event downtown it was like a art walk thing so it was exciting 6020,427,awesome, thanks 6021,427,can you tell me about that, oh it was just like different art um galleries and stuff downtown they're just exhibiting their work and i don't know it was just interesting to walk around and see all that 6022,427,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i think i'm generous um patient i think i'm a good friend um i think i'm hard working and what else yeah i that's that's it i think 6023,427,okay, 6024,427,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i wish i was more outgoing like more sociable person and um what else i don't know and i wish i was like i guess not um not easy to um anger like get a temper or something 6025,427,mm, 6026,427,has that gotten you in trouble, oh no not in trouble it's just sometimes it's it's not pleasant for people um getting getting a having a temper but i've never gotten in trouble or 6027,427,okay, 6028,427,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, mm really badly no um i can't think of um i guess i was in i was in a um elevator one time and this person like was running towards it and like like i was trying to hold it for them but i couldn't reach it in time and they like started cursing me out so like i felt really bad 'cause they probably thought i didn't try to open it for them but 6029,427,that sucks, yeah it was that 6030,427,is there anything you regret, um anything i regret not really i well yeah i regret um not contacting like old friends that i knew so i guess yeah maybe i'll do that in the future 6031,427,how do you know them, i know them from like elementary school 6032,427,aw, yeah but we lost contact through the years 'cause i switched schools 6033,427,i understand, 6034,427,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, for now i mean oh okay um i don't know i guess i would just say um learn as much as i can and i don't know just don't hold back so much with like um like not being outgoing and stuff i guess i'd just tell myself to be more outgoing 6035,427,mhm, 6036,427,how would your best friend describe you, um i think they'd say the same thing i said earlier that i'm generous patient hard working and what else did i say um kind i hope they'd say that 6037,427,okay, 6038,427,what are you most proud of in your life, mm i am proud of my intelligence 6039,427,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 6040,427,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay bye 6041,427,goodbye, 6042,428,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah 6043,428,okay, 6044,428,so how are you doing today, i'm good how are you 6045,428,i'm great thanks, 6046,428,where are you from originally, i'm from here um from los angeles 6047,428,really, 6048,428,what are some things you really like about l_a, probably the downtown the view and it's not that i like it but that's just where i for my parents were so that's where i grew up 6049,428,mhm, 6050,428,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, nothing that's where i live i i love l_a maybe that it's ghetto but that's about it 6051,428,that's good, 6052,428,(laughter, 6053,428,what did you study at school, i was thinking of going for sound engineer or mechanic 6054,428,cool, hmm but i'm not sure 6055,428,how did you decide to do that, 'cause 'cause my dad um he used to do that 6056,428,what's your dream job, mm i'm not even sure to be honest haven't really thought about it 6057,428,okay, 6058,428,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i can't look at your shoes uh no i don't travel like that 6059,428,why, i don't know maybe money money issue or something if i had money yeah i'll go all all over the world just 6060,428,i see what you mean, 6061,428,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, probably um outgoing depends i guess 6062,428,why, i don't know 6063,428,can you tell me about that, about what shy or outgoing 6064,428,yeah, well outgoing you could be outgoing at a party you know like you're already out there so you can't be shy i guess if you're going to a party 6065,428,mhm, 6066,428,how are you at controlling your temper, good 6067,428,that's good, 6068,428,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, probably um my girlfriend and 'cause i missed work 'cause i just felt lazy 6069,428,how did you feel in that moment, i was like whatever you know i just didn't wanna go and i i do what i want i just didn't go 6070,428,has that gotten you in trouble, nah not really she's over it already 6071,428,okay, as long as we have the bills and rent paid don't worry 6072,428,yeah, 6073,428,what's something you feel guilty about, guilty probably nothing 6074,428,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i guess i should've gone to work mm 6075,428,okay, 6076,428,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, damn that i could erase from that probably bad friends that i've met you know 6077,428,like what, like friends that trick you you know that said that that they just trick you friends that deceive you i guess 6078,428,can you give me an example of that, okay like um my friend told me that he had a good job at some car wash place so he told me to to he's gonna get me hired there and give me direct deposit but then he ended up actually going into my account and taking money from my account 6079,428,oh no, so 6080,428,that sucks, 6081,428,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, probably moving out and into my mom's house yeah i haven't really been around eh like a big decision like that 6082,428,what made you decide to do that, i wanted my own space you know my own life i wanna do what i want and come home when i want leave when i want 6083,428,that makes sense, 6084,428,are you happy you did that, yeah yeah 6085,428,that's good, 6086,428,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh we're all close we're all you know we hardly argue we're all always around we always see each other 6087,428,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my mom my dad my brother 6088,428,can you tell me about that, how they were a positive in my life 6089,428,yeah, well they're always there for you you know whether you have financial problems they're there they help you out whether you're sad they know you know and they'd be like hey what's wrong you know let's go out and eat somewhere just to cheer you up they're xxx they're your family and they're always there to motivate you and keep you going 6090,428,that's so good to hear, 6091,428,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh easy actually yeah pretty easy 6092,428,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm sorry 6093,428,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i haven't noticed but maybe probably the same you know i don't think sleep does affect you but i don't know maybe more tired but i don't think annoyed or mad or anything like that 6094,428,okay, 6095,428,how have you been feeling lately, good everything's great 6096,428,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um maybe that i wanna start know like start a new business or something 6097,428,can you tell me about that, well like my dad um he wasn't around for a while but he just got back and um he actually opened up a shop and he's getting a a a lot of customers so i see that his business is growing so i'm probably gonna learn learn um learn mechanic like like i was saying earlier at school 6098,428,that's great, 6099,428,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, i don't even know what it what is that 6100,428,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 6101,428,do you feel down, nope 6102,428,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i'm sorry 6103,428,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um yesterday last night 'cause i got a new game 6104,428,awesome, 6105,428,what would you say are some of your best qualities, that i'm funny 6106,428,mhm, 6107,428,is there anything you regret, i uh uh no 6108,428,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i don't think nothing everything's fine you know thank god everything's good right now i don't think there's nothing to change like that 6109,428,okay, maybe a better job well first of all i don't even have a job so i guess to change i get a job 6110,428,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, nah it's hard for someone to put me down like that 6111,428,what would you say are some of your best qualities, xxx could say probably that i'm responsible as well 6112,428,okay, 6113,428,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, at home resting and then i call some friends over they usually do come over barbecue whatever comes to mind you know just there in my house 'cause i have a nice backyard 'cause i just moved to this new house so so far each xxx yeah so each weekend right now we just 6114,428,nice, people come over family come over and we pretty pretty much just barbecue there just hang out 6115,428,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, my sister's birthday party it was on saturday and it was fun there was a lot of dancing you know people uh i saw family that i haven't seen for a while so i enjoyed doing that so 6116,428,that's great, 6117,428,what are you most proud of in your life, probably that i was like i was able to help my mom throughout because she was going through a really hard time my mom and um for almost nine years 'cause she was having hard trouble paying bills and rent so i i'm proud that i was able to help her even though i could only give so little but she at least we're all still good you know and we're still alive and everyone's still blessed and 6118,428,yeah, 6119,428,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um being around my family music music always puts me in a good mood 6120,428,like what, any kinda music even if it's even if it's depressing music it's still gonna it it's still gonna get me happy 6121,428,(laughter, yeah 6122,428,that's so good to hear, 6123,428,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 6124,428,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mhm no problem anytime 6125,428,goodbye, bye mm am i supposed to press the button 6126,428,yeah, 6127,429,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, i'm good yes 6128,429,okay, 6129,429,so how are you doing today, i'm good 6130,429,that's good, 6131,429,where are you from originally, iowa 6132,429,really, 6133,429,when did you move to l_a, when or why 6134,429,when did you move to l_a, uh two thousand one 6135,429,that's a long time, 6136,429,how often do you go back to your hometown, mm holidays and special family events 6137,429,mhm, 6138,429,how does it compare to l_a, uh it's much better there 6139,429,why did you move to l_a, scrubbed_entry and i uh got into u_c_l_a went to u_c_l_a for three years in their screenwriting program 6140,429,nice, mhm 6141,429,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it's took a long time it was difficult 6142,429,can you tell me about that, mm just the uh the stress getting used to and managing the stress of everyday living 6143,429,i see what you mean, 6144,429,what are some things you really like about l_a, you know mm variety there's a lot of variety there's a lot of variety here i like that 6145,429,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the obvious traffic 6146,429,i understand, 6147,429,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh internationally no 6148,429,why, uh just haven't had reason to i guess 6149,429,okay, 6150,429,what did you study at school, i have a b_s in math and physics 6151,429,how did you decide to do that, um i went to school later in life and i wanted to actually know something so um it was very difficult very difficult but i did it 6152,429,why, mm why 6153,429,yeah, um it fascinated me i didn't wanna be intimidated by it 6154,429,are you happy you did that, oh yeah oh yeah 6155,429,that's good, 6156,429,what's your dream job, um to be employed writer 6157,429,how hard is that, extremely difficult extremely difficult writing any type of fictional fiction writing's extremely difficult if i worked then as hard as i do now when i was in school i'd have a p_h_d in math and physics 6158,429,wow, it's so hard 6159,429,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing 6160,429,why, it depends on the circumstance it's it's not a catch-all depends on the the moment 6161,429,that makes sense, 6162,429,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, what do i do to relax i swim 6163,429,nice, mhm 6164,429,when was the last time that happened, swam when last time i swam um last friday 6165,429,cool, yeah mm last friday 6166,429,what do you do when you are annoyed, what do i do when i am annoyed mm swear to myself 6167,429,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good mm pretty good 6168,429,that's good, takes takes a lot to get me to express anger 6169,429,mm, but i do 6170,429,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, it was in traffic actually so probably two weeks ago 6171,429,(laughter, so in traffic 6172,429,can you tell me about that, sure um scrubbed_entry um just waiting for the light light and some guy in a pickup is honking at me i'm like so i honk back and so he didn't like that and he pulled up along side me i had have no idea what his problem was and um we had a little
  • few words 6173,429,oh no, yeah i mean i i have no idea what i was doing wrong 6174,429,has that gotten you in trouble, just waiting for the light 6175,429,that sucks, 6176,429,what's something you feel guilty about, guilty that's a strong word don't know if i feel guilty as i feel remorseful about actions or words said and done in the past they come up 6177,429,like what, oh just past interpersonal you know interpersonal reactions with friends or family you know it'll just hit you one day you're not necessarily thinking about it for whatever reason and just out of the blue it hits you and i'm like oh why'd i say that why'd i do that 6178,429,i see, 6179,429,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm a situation xxx uh woo drawing a blank um for me that question has a negative connotation so something that's possibly negative in my recent past um what would i have done differently i've i don't i'm pretty in control of my emotions and taking the temperature of the moment and responding knowing when to respond and when and knowing not to respond 6180,429,yeah, um so nothing really springs to mind that i wish i had done differently recently in my past past yes but not recently 6181,429,okay, 6182,429,okay, 6183,429,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, oh swallowing my pride putting my tail between my legs and saying i was wrong to friends 6184,429,can you tell me about that, sure scrubbed_entry um scrubbed_entry i contacted him again and then we're fast friends again 6185,429,that's so good to hear, mhm 6186,429,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, you know this is again this is past past so not recent past so um probably altercations that i've had with my uh mom you know things i've said to hurt her you know 6187,429,yeah, you know when you hurt the ones that are closest to you that sticks so any time any one of those situations you know 6188,429,i see, so when i'm i think my emotional i_q has 6189,429,okay, grown so i think in the past past my emotional i_q was very was stuck on infant 6190,429,hmm, so so 6191,429,tell me about your relationship with your family, i have a good relationship with my mother and both my sisters and their families um my father never had a good relationship don't know if that will be possible he's still alive but he's in advanced alzheimer's so he's mad at everybody right now 6192,429,i'm sorry to hear that, oh it's fine you know it was slow so 6193,429,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, someone oh um scrubbed_entry has been positive influence in my life um my sisters i talk with my sisters so 6194,429,that's great, 6195,429,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, extremely easy i sleep well each night about anywhere from at least eight to ten hours a night 6196,429,nice, yeah 6197,429,what are you like when you don't sleep well, oh lethargic um just going through the motions you know um it's like this i'll frame it like this david lynch who is not necessarily mainstream he's done some crazy stuff as far as movies and t_v's concerned 6198,429,yeah, he said the idea of the angst-driven artist is b_s he says you wanna be creative get a good night's sleep i like that 6199,429,(laughter, 6200,429,that makes sense, mhm 6201,429,how have you been feeling lately, good um i can't wait to get up and start the day 6202,429,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, oh um if if that happens it's gradual i'm always thinking about my behavior and my thought processes and how to be more productive 6203,429,mhm, in my life 6204,429,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, with what 6205,429,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, p eh you mean no i don't think so no i haven't be diagnosed no i haven't been xxx diagnosed with any psychological acronym 6206,429,okay, 6207,429,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 6208,429,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh this weekend had a good good time with friends we had a great mm was with friends and we just were able to talk about you know some things and uh for conversation lasted for two and a half hour three hours didn't expect it to happen it was good i like talking with smart people informed people open-minded people it was a great those types of discussions are rare 6209,429,that sounds like a great situation, it's almost like running uh the high you get after running or exercising you know the endorphins 6210,429,yeah, it was the same thing 6211,429,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, i um either with friends or working on my stuff my writing 6212,429,okay, or exercising 6213,429,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, my heighth i wish i were taller um i wish mm taller uh physical just physicality um i wish i didn't wear glasses 6214,429,mhm, mhm nothing internal 6215,429,what would you say are some of your best qualities, mm i'm patient i've been commended for my patience by strangers um 6216,429,what are you most proud of in your life, mm my relationships with my friends and my family i understand that it takes time and energy to maintain them and i take that time and energy 6217,429,that's great, 6218,429,is there anything you regret, well that's a really open general question of course you know it goes back um are you talking recently are you talking 6219,429,whatever comes to your mind, in the past um i always regret things i regret this is a little thing it's not a big thing not being more productive or efficient in the use of my time each day it's a little thing you know so i hate wasting time i hate wasting money i hate wasting energy 6220,429,okay, 6221,429,yeah, 6222,429,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, hm that's a deep question i'd say i was codependant ten or twenty years ago i'd say get some help get some help 6223,429,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, you're co you're co mm k 6224,429,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure 6225,429,goodbye, 6226,430,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah sure 6227,430,okay, 6228,430,so how are you doing today, i'm fine thank you 6229,430,that's good, 6230,430,where are you from originally, i am from los angeles 6231,430,really, 6232,430,what are some things you really like about l_a, well you can't beat the weather um and i just think the familiarity of home just uh makes me feel comfortable here 6233,430,mhm, 6234,430,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, smog uh rudeness although it doesn't compare to new york it's um people can be unbearable when they're rude 6235,430,i see what you mean, 6236,430,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um not as much as i'd like lately i traveled more in the past but uh not lately no 6237,430,what do you enjoy about traveling, i just think seeing different places it's um learning new things uh finding things that are fascinating that peak my interest 6238,430,mhm, 6239,430,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um let's see i think spoke of new york earlier i think the first time i went to new york i was quite amazed i know it's uh still still only in america but i just think um being from l_a i didn't think anything or any city could be bigger and more uh how do you say uh ostentatious than new york but uh it was it was quite an experience and uh i didn't think any place was uh i didn't i didn't think any place was dirtier than downtown l_a but i think times
     i mean there's good people and bad people too but yeah for the most part it's all good
    7542,464,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um yeah i've been to mexico  uh mexico and the temples and northern california so yes
    7544,464,what do you enjoy about traveling, traveling like cleaner air that's good it's healthier for your body cleaner bloodflow the um people culture and stories and when you come back you share stories with like your friends
    7545,464,that makes sense,
    7546,464,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, yeah um any time like right now or when
    7547,464,uh huh, okay so like this one time when i was kid we went out to the temples and um it started raining so we just start walking through and like when we get to the top one thing i didn't know before is that the higher you go the the smaller the steps get so like people back then had uh smaller feet so what happened was as i went higher towards the temple i had to walk sideways so my feet could measure up to the the the steps but once you get up there it's a nice view i yeah
    7549,464,what did you study at school, uh general education but um mainly art yeah i took a lot of a lot of art classes
    7550,464,what made you decide to do that, um well when i was a kid i scribbled on walls with crayola so i figured you know like it kinda stuck around with me so i just pursued it so yeah
    7551,464,what's your dream job, my dream job would be to get paid for painting painting art
    7552,464,(laughter, yeah um yeah pretty simple
    7553,464,how hard is that, um it's not so much that it's hard it just requires passion um persistence and faith and will you just have to really believe in yourself the more you believe in yourself the more likely you are able to succeed
    7554,464,mm, mhm
    7555,464,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i consider myself to be shy in certain um time and places but i am also out outgoing when like i have the energy so i feel like it's well balanced you know like i'm shy when it's i guess okay to be shy you know and i'm outgoing when like the need to actually um have fun or just explore it feels good like if that makes sense but yeah
    7556,464,i understand,
    7557,464,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,  yeah to uh relax um either well i don't know if i should say this but i smoke weed  so that helps and i like painting painting pretty much helps me relax you know especially when i use the color blue because the color blue um relaxes me and also green when i use these two colors and make a painting it calms calms me down
    7558,464,cool, yeah and you have a blue shirt yeah
    7559,464,how are you at controlling your temper, my temper um well my thoughts my thoughts control my emotions and my emotions yeah that's pretty much how my temper i i try to make sense you know like is it worth getting mad or if i do get mad what will be the outcome you know so controlling my temper is just by training my thought
    7561,464,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um  the last time i argued with somebody was with my with my father and it was because i wanted to eat food but he wanted me to buy wine so right when the food was ready i was hungry to eat and he was like no so that kinda frustrated me and the way i handled it was like well i could just eat when i come back and i'm doing him a favor so you know and then after you know i could just eat in eat in peace so
    7562,464,yeah, yeah
    7563,464,tell me about your relationship with your family, my family um it's pretty good um my mom my dad have a good relationship still still married and my brothers and sisters um we help one another out so that's good it's just yeah it's like a team
    7564,464,that's good,
    7565,464,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, a situation i wish i could handle differently would be hmm that's a good question i mean can i get a scenerio
    7566,464,whatever comes to your mind, okay um a situation i could handle differently well see that's the thing like i feel like if i'm calm in any situation i could figure it out you know but if it came down to like a rubik's cube maybe how would i handle the situation would be just by uh failing um failing making mistakes because i would make the right mistakes and the right lessons would come after so that's the best way i could answer your question you know
    7567,464,okay, yeah
    7568,464,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, a positive influence pretty much anybody who told me the truth has been a positive influence  influence  you know like yeah even though it may hurt like oh the truth does hurt well they're not trying to be mean they're actually good influences so i would say my friends uh my mom my dad my brother my sisters yeah
    7570,464,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm well see that's the thing like you like i have i've had some pretty bad experiences with like being at gunpoint and with a knife but at the end of the day what that did was like give me more insight it made me more aware and it taught me how to read people a little bit more like just sense things out and also how to avoid situations so even though it was bad and it did kinda like scar me it did prepare me for like the world you know because this happened to me when i was like twelve thirteen years old so i was already being exposed to like you know like guns knives and all that stuff so
    7571,464,wow, it's it's bad but it's good in the long term you know because if you get out of that slump it's like nothing else would really phase you because oh you think you know in your head like oh i've been through worse so it's not as bad you know and
    7572,464,yeah, so yeah
    7573,464,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest um man this one right now uh see for a the moment i got stuck i was like trying to think that was that was part of it
    7574,464,(laughter, but uh hardest decision as far as like life changing
    7575,464,yeah, life changing whether to continue school college or not mm i kinda chose to like i went to school but i chose to pursue my own like like i'm learning more by connecting myself with people who are already in the field i wanna be in so that was a hard choice because there was no um guarantee that i would like run into like the right people but i took that chance and you know i met the right people so yeah
    7576,464,are you happy you did that, yeah yeah
    7577,464,that's good,
    7578,464,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it's actually really easy i sometimes yeah like if i wanted to i could sleep right now in like ten minutes you know i could just like shut down my mind like yeah just calm down
    7579,464,wow, like like slow down my air pattern
    7580,464,(laughter, yeah mhm
    7581,464,how have you been feeling lately, lately i've been feeling good i've been feeling like i have free will like at this point in time i feel like if i chose a path any path with like my heart i could get there you know but i'm kind of like still deciding it's like everything in all all these paths are in the air just trying to make my own i don't know that's where i'm at i feel like i have free will so yeah
    7582,464,that's great,
    7583,464,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, lately like in the past two weeks or today
    7584,464,whatever comes to your mind,  okay uh yeah you know like um yeah things happen that would change like my feelings and for example right now it just happened
    7585,464,like what, huh for right now like
    7586,464,like what, this experience for one is kind of like a shift in my thought because yeah it's like it's technology you know it's like it's a trip to see how far like one could take a thought and then make it reality so that's kinda like shifting my thoughts right now this experience this this whole experience yeah
    7588,464,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, uh post traumatic stress disorder no
    7589,464,have you been diagnosed with depression, depression i know how it's like to be depressed but diagnosed by a doctor no
    7590,464,can you tell me about that, uh depression how how it feels
    7591,464,mhm, how does depression feel like it feels like it's like a bird in a cage being depression is like being  a fish who can't swim in the water i have feeling depression is like being a bird without wings um pretty much it feels like you're limited but then the thing is to get out of that depression it's like you have to awaken and change your perspective and focus on like i i would say colors colors help and people talking to people helps yeah
    7592,464,when was the last time that happened, um being depressed mm let's see mm i don't know like it could  it could come like it could happen everyday in like in small doses doses so like i i could say today you know earlier when i was just by myself i felt a little depressed but then what happened i fixed it like called up a friend and met up with him and yeah
    7593,464,that's good,
    7594,464,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um i mean at this moment i feel pretty happy you know i'm talking to a virtual person it's pretty cool and yeah right now i feel happy
    7596,464,how would your best friend describe you, um sometimes hard headed like he would try to teach me um a certain lesson whether it's art or just like in my character and yeah he would probably just describe me as like like like he would listen but at the same time he'll still do what he wants to do so pretty much like i don't know yeah i mean that's what he tells me but yeah overall good person
    7598,464,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um probably just exercise um my diet food my food intake and yeah just exercise pretty much it
    7599,464,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, my health mm i would say when i was like in middle school or in elementary a little bit of high school too but what it would
    7600,464,can you tell me about that, yeah what it would be was it would either be about um well pretty much my art  like if i ever did something and i thought it was good then someone else would be like oh you know that looks kinda like like trash and then i'd be like oh damn either i could accept it and be like yeah it does kinda look and then fix it or what i would do back then would be like damn you know just kinda dwell on that thought and then just like stay there for a bit and then eventually i'll come out of it but yeah usually it's um people's words and ideas that
    7601,464,i understand, yeah yeah so that's it
    7602,464,is there anything you regret, regret um yeah i got a couple things i regret
    7603,464,like what, like what well sometimes i feel like i should've completed a whole university thing but i mean at the same time i feel like if i really wanted to go i would have gone so yeah that's kind of a regret in my head
    7605,464,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ten or twenty years ago would be um seek spiritual well being you know learn how to um handle your thoughts choose your thoughts i would teach myself um pick the right  people you surround yourself with because that   definitely has a major influence in your environment uh certain events you would experience and as far as your overall happiness yeah
    7606,464,uh huh, yeah among other things but yeah
    7607,464,what are you most proud of in your life, what i'm most proud of right now is my paintings yeah i'm proud of that because like i feel like these paintings i'm releasing are things that no one else could duplicate you know it's like it's one of a kind and like it's it's there you know it's has own signature so so yeah i'm i'm pretty happy about that
    7608,464,that's great, yeah thank you
    7609,464,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, alright thank you
    7610,464,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mhm
    7611,464,goodbye, alright bye
    7612,468,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes i'm okay with this
    7614,468,so how are you doing today, i'm pretty good feeling a little tired but uh feeling pretty good for the most part
    7615,468,that's good,
    7616,468,where are you from originally, um redondo beach
    7617,468,really, yep
    7618,468,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the beach i like the mountains i love how you could go surfing in the morning go snowboarding in the day um i like to go hiking up in these mountains santa monica mountains to be exact
    7620,468,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i don't like the traffic i don't like the congestion of people here and i don't like the price of  the cost of living in specific areas
    7621,468,i see what you mean,
    7622,468,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh i've been trying to actually um last year was the summer of really road tripping and getting out there with my girlfriend um we're looking to go to costa rica and hopefully to south america this summer and then maybe even doing a road trip down the south see some of the southern states but uh i've been to canada i've been to mexico and ecuador and been to various states here and there trying to get out there
    7623,468,what do you enjoy about traveling, i love meeting new people i love experiencing new things trying different  different foods that are native to that local area and it's just part of the journey i just i love exploring this you know this planet we call earth
    7625,468,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um just recently we went to seattle and canada with a couple friends and uh it was gorgeous we uh flew into seattle and we saw the city for the first two three days and then rented a car and headed over to vancouver canada and saw british columbia and boy was it gorgeous just very lush beautiful trees the uh the climate was nice the ocean was right there it was people were great it was just a fun trip all around
    7626,468,nice, yeah
    7627,468,what's one of your most memorable experiences,   one of my most memorable  memorable experiences was probably the uh the trip we took to colorado last summer and uh me and my girlfriend flew into denver and we didn't really have a plan we knew we knew of a couple people who were living there and um just the day before we had to uh contacted them and telling 'em we're coming in the area and they were just showed great hospitality they picked us up at the airport let us crash at their place for a couple days we even let us use their car to explore the state and go to wyoming and see the the neighbors to the north it was just a great trip great people and it was just everything worked out very well just every day was there was something new and fun to do
    7628,468,that's so good to hear, yeah
    7629,468,what did you study at school, i uh i studied business management and uh economics right now
    7630,468,what made you decide to do that, um i've always wanted to own my own business and i figured management be a a good uh foundation to build on and uh learn more about so i decided to go into management just to see the various aspects of what it takes to really manage your own business and um and then economics is just to just for long term investments i really wanted to start earning some stocks and e_t_fs and mutual funds and start buidling my portfolio up so i figured economics would be a great way for a long term investment financially so that's why i did my economics
    7631,468,are you happy you did that, yeah i'm really stoked it was one of the best decisions probably of my my life
    7632,468,that's great, yeah
    7633,468,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i consider myself more outgoing i'm i'm pretty friendly i don't mind to open up to people and stuff
    7635,468,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,  i like to be outside like to go hiking i like to go um working out at the gym but i mostly like to be outdoors i i love nature and just to be outside just just puts me at ease
    7637,468,how are you at controlling your temper, from pretty good for the most part i'm pretty mellow chill guy and when i do get angry here and there i uh it just lasts for like a couple minutes and before i know it i just it just blows over i don't tend to hold on to things or stay angry and hold grudges just 'cause there's no need to life's too short for all that
    7638,468,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um see i can't even remember the last time i argued with anybody i have no idea
    7641,468,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, probably when my uh my brother and my girlfriend got in a little little argument uh like two birthdays ago and it's been awkward kinda ever since um i wish i would've just handled it right then and there rather than it letting it just stretch out as long as it has been it's just awkward for both parties i wish i just would've communicated with both of them and told 'em to you know set their differences aside and let's just communicate and try to see we come up with a solution but now it's just awkward
    7642,468,that sucks, yeah it does
    7643,468,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision i've ever had to make man that's a toughy i don't think i've had too many tough decisions to really say the hardest decision i've ever had to make um maybe not moving to colorado for my undergrad two three years ago was a little tough just 'cause i kinda think what if but other than that nothing has really been too tough in my life that was really that hard of a decision
    7645,468,what's something you feel guilty about, i don't really feel guilty about anything pretty good person i think and for the most part i couldn't think of anything
    7646,468,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, something i could wish i could erase from my memory um nothing really to be honest i i love all my memories they're usually positive for the most part i know that's kinda weird for somebody to say but i've lived a pretty good life and i'm happy
    7647,468,that's great, yeah
    7648,468,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh it's cool um i'm pretty independent for the most part so when i do see 'em here and there it's it we go through long periods of times with no contact maybe a couple weeks sometimes even a month but uh when i see 'em it's it's good you know i like to say hi and show 'em i love 'em still and it's not that i don't mean to like not contact 'em they could always contact me but uh it's good for the most part i guess as a young adult mm
    7650,468,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my girlfriend's family uh they've been very positive in my life uh if it wasn't for them i think i'd be in a different direction just 'cause in high school i didn't really care about higher education i didn't care about really thinking long term and uh just seeing them  them and what their family does and how they think differently like with your higher education and how to get somewhere in life and the if you do these things this is what it could lead to and they've been very successful they own their own uh accounting practice and seeing that influenced me to achieve higher in life
    7651,468,that's so good to hear, yeah
    7652,468,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's pretty easy for the most part i just close my eyes and wake up in the morning
    7653,468,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm tired sometimes i'm could sense that i'm a little drained and uh maybe get a little groggy here and there
    7654,468,uh huh, and that's it
    7655,468,how have you been feeling lately, feeling pretty good for the most part a little stressed out just 'cause finals are uh next week and uh i really really wanna do well and just you know close out this last semester and i graduate in two weeks and um for the most part that's that's the only thing i'm really nervous about but for the most part i'm really excited i'm looking forward to going to maui for a week after graduation i'm fired up i'm fired up to see what the future holds where we gonna live  me and my girlfriend gonna live and what other trips are planned for the summer i'm just i'm excited to be done with school for a little while
    7656,468,awesome, yeah
    7657,468,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, i have never been diagnosed with p_t_s_d
    7658,468,have you been diagnosed with depression, i've never been diagnosed with depression 
    7659,468,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, the last time i felt really happy was probably seeing my girlfriend graduate a couple days ago she had uh just graduated from nursing school on monday
    7660,468,aw, and uh to see her walk across stage and stuff just 'cause we've been together for six years and seeing her go through the nursing program for five and it's just seeing all the ups and downs it's really good to see somebody just strive through and achieve what they want to achieve and just made me really proud of her
    7661,468,that's great, yeah
    7662,468,how would your best friend describe you, probably outgoing friendly positive vibes all around adventurous loves sports team player knows how to be a leader here and there
    7663,468,uh huh, and uh gets a little outspoken sometimes
    7664,468,has that gotten you in trouble, no not really for the most part no not really
    7666,468,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, just be a little more motivated i used to be so motivated and right now i'm just maybe 'cause i'm just done with school and i'm over it that i just don't feel as motivated but i just i wanna be more motivated and determined right now and that's not i'm not going that way right now so
    7667,468,i understand, mhm
    7668,468,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, no biggie  oh man i couldn't can't really think of a time
    7670,468,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, i went caving two weeks ago that was a lot of fun uh we went up to sequoia national park and uh i went caving with a for an r_t_m class it's like this uh recreational tourism management class and caving was an elective and our professor was like a world renowned cave specialist and he took us to these various caves in uh sequoia and just me and these strangers or my classmates and becoming really good friends at the end was a lot of fun and rappelling down into caves climbing back up going through different rooms and chutes it was a lot of fun that was
    7671,468,that's great, yeah
    7672,468,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ten or twenty years ago i'd probably say just stay more focused on school a little less on the social aspects and uh kinda stick with one sport just to see how far that could get ya
    7673,468,is there anything you regret, um  sometimes not playing hockey through uh through middle school and hockey sometimes  i mean through middle school and high school sometimes and um and that's pretty much it now
    7675,468,what are you most proud of in your life, i'm proud  that uh i'm really proud that i'm graduating getting my bachelor's and i'm looking to get a full time job i work at a law firm now so i have something going for me  um i'm really proud to be a motivated and determined person long term wise  long term thinking wise i'm a well-rounded person and i really wanna explore the world so i'm kinda proud that i opened my eyes to that and now i have different perspectives and really have a open mind to people and rather than judging 'em you know it's liberty why not let 'em do what they want and uh i'm really proud to just be finally getting my bachelor's and hopefully going for my m_b_a in a couple years
    7677,468,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    7678,468,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, for sure
    7680,471,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    7682,471,so how are you doing today, i'm doing well thank you
    7683,471,that's good,
    7684,471,where are you from originally, from los  los angeles
    7686,471,what are some things you really like about l_a, mm sports outdoor sports mainly
    7687,471,like what, surfing uh snowboarding mountain biking rock climbing
    7689,471,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic
    7690,471,i see what you mean,
    7691,471,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, yes
    7692,471,what do you enjoy about traveling, experiencing different cultures
    7693,471,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh well uh i love going to mexico and uh eh it's so much diffferent from california and western culture so to speak i know mexico is a western civilization but uh the uh the level of of entertainment and the level of education is so much different that uh eh they're like two different worlds
    7695,471,what's one of your most memorable experiences, traveling you mean
    7696,471,yeah, uh i would have to say going to an island off the coast of figi the name is tavarua and it's a very small island you can walk around it in thirty minutes thirty or forty minutes and uh it's a place where you go to go surfing and it it is an incredible uh visually incredible and uh experientially incredible place
    7698,471,what did you study at school, i studied biology
    7699,471,how did you decide to do that, uh i was pushed from behind by my father who was a medical doctor and uh he wanted me to become a medical doctor also
    7700,471,are you still working in that, not at all i'm working in areas of business now
    7701,471,are you happy you did that, yes i am
    7702,471,what's your dream job, my dream job would be to be a missionary
    7703,471,really, yes
    7704,471,can you tell me about that, my father's initial objective when he became an m_d was to become a missionary and uh he's a very generous person and i think i am too i i i got that from him uh hereditarily but uh i would like to help people eh and i don't think being a doctor is helping people i really don't i think it's uh disingenuous to say you're helping people while you're stuffing wads of cash into your pocket i would like to be uh building people homes and uh helping them find fresh water sources things like that if i could afford to travel to remote places like that
    7706,471,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i exercise
    7708,471,how are you at controlling your temper, i think i'm pretty good at it uh uh i think i'm pretty effective at it
    7709,471,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, it was probably two days ago it was my girlfriend and it was about her uh lack of consideration
    7710,471,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt frustrated
    7711,471,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm a situation which i wished i could handle differently um i eh in my later years i would say eh i don't have many regrets in my younger years i used to uh be snubbed by people and i would keep my mouth shut and i wouldn't say anything i would not express my displeasure of their actions or their behavior i would just keep my mouth closed and internalize my feelings i've learned that that is so wrong and so in the probably the last fifteen to twenty years i have made it a point to vocalize my displeasure with someone's actions right away and that uh takes care of the anger immediately
    7712,471,has that gotten you in trouble, yes it  it depends what you mean by trouble uh i think eh all the way around once you take the beginning  the beginning to the end uh it diffuses trouble rather than prolongs or protracts the trouble
    7713,471,that makes sense,
    7714,471,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, uh going back it would be to not to pursue uh medicine like my father wanted we argued uh at length for many months and years about this and uh finally i prevailed and uh i didn't go to i didn't go that route uh but that was probably the most uh uh difficult period in my life
    7715,471,i see,
    7716,471,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm there was a time when i wished i could erase a female interactions uh girlfriends and and their uh betrayals uh but now i realize that keeping those memories make me who i am today and and dealing with them defines who i am today
    7718,471,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh my parents are deceased i had very good relationships with my parents uh i'm very thankful for that um even though my father was somewhat of a uh hard-handed uh and draconian  person uh we came to an understanding well before he died and uh my brothers i get along great with my younger brother but my older brother has issues he has uh psychological issues and they  they continue to plague him and to affect me also just just knowing that he's going through uh turmoil
    7719,471,i'm sorry,
    7720,471,how do you cope with them, uh well i guess i really don't cope with it because um he's clinically depressed and he has suicidal tendencies and uh he's not working he's very highly educated and he uh well he doesn't talk to me and uh his family is very abusive towards him it's an not a happy relationship for his family
    7721,471,that sounds really hard, yes
    7722,471,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, you know i would have to say my father my father is my hero he's my uh model he's my uh archetype for what a man should be uh he's he was unimpeachably honest and kind uh yet on the other hand he was uh he had high expectations of me and my two brothers
    7723,471,i understand,
    7724,471,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, eh usually once my head hits the pillow i am dead asleep like a log but lately i've been having uh just last night i couldn't sleep i woke up at two and i have a feeling it's because of a diagnosis of cancer that i received one month ago
    7725,471,how have you been feeling lately, um xxx i with my own personal uh methods of handling stress i i'm okay i'm probably ninety percent okay that ten percent comes from uh eh an unsuredness about the future about whether i will survive this or not
    7726,471,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, not really
    7727,471,do you feel down, no
    7728,471,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, never
    7729,471,have you been diagnosed with depression, never
    7730,471,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, oh i was either surfing or snowboarding or rock climbing or mountain biking uh i always experience joy when i'm exercising at a very high level of exertion
    7731,471,that's so good to hear,
    7732,471,how would your best friend describe you, funny jovial uh uh intelligent a perfectionist
    7733,471,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, hmm eh that's no one's asked me much about that um maybe uh is to submerge my uh hedonistic self
    7734,471,can you tell me about that, i look at once again my father fills my consciousness he was the ultimate um uh deferrer of gratification he put now behind him and he put what will be in the future in his sights and he never let go of that and that's what made him the uh self-made man that he was whereas i am looking always for the present um how i feel now and it's difficult for me to uh slog through a a mile full of uh crap in order to get to a prize that is so far away
    7736,471,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself,  it would be my ex-boss and he started using at my last day of work when he fired me he started using uh a lot of profanity toward me and eh i turned to him and i said you cannot talk to me that way and he continued to use more profanity until uh i objected to it again and that's when he fired me and uh that that's still in my mind and that occurred a year and a half ago
    7737,471,wow, mhm
    7738,471,is there anything you regret, anything i regret uh yeah i regret not getting married and having kids
    7739,471,could you have done anything to avoid it, sure i suppose i could uh eh but i think that that would've robbed me of the many opportunities i had and i took to travel around the world and experience different cultures because that's what i enjoy the most about life is exploring and seeing different things and talking to different people and expanding my awareness because the united states is not the end of the world it is  eh once you get to travel you find out that we are not we do not have the highest uh level of uh of living in the whole world other people think that we're the only ones that think that and i disagree
    7741,471,i see what you mean,
    7742,471,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm that's a good one i would say  i would say to just enjoy life because you never know when it's going to end and i think i've done that and uh i may be coming to an end soon uh with this diagnosis of cancer so i think i've done i'm i'm happy with my life thus far
    7743,471,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, i was giving a rock climbing lesson i have a uh part time job of instructing rock climbing and many of these people have never done it before and uh they thanked me and they told me what a great time they had and how this may have changed their lives so that was very gratifying to me
    7744,471,that's great,
    7745,471,what are you most proud of in your life,  i would say  my devotion to the environment uh i wasn't always an environmentalist but uh i have been uh vocal in the cause of uh uh being a um uh a steward of the environment because today they're a lot of peoples people that are polluting the environment with a lot of chemicals and pollutants and septic uh things like that and i stand up and i uh have been on t_v and on uh youtube speaking up against these people that pollute the environment
    7746,471,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    7747,471,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome
    7749,473,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    7751,473,so how are you doing today, good
    7752,473,that's good,
    7753,473,where are you from originally, new jersey
    7755,473,when did you move to l_a, five years ago
    7756,473,how often do you go back to your hometown, about  once a year
    7757,473,that's good,
    7758,473,how does it compare to l_a, um there's more to do out here
    7759,473,why did you move to l_a, the weather is nice
    7760,473,i see what you mean,
    7761,473,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, didn't take very long
    7762,473,what are some things you really like about l_a, and the art scene the music scene there's always something to do out here
    7764,473,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, some of the people 
    7765,473,can you give me an example of that, um some of the people are just kinda superficial
    7766,473,i understand,
    7767,473,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no
    7768,473,why, i like it out here
    7770,473,what did you study at school, art
    7771,473,that sounds interesting,
    7772,473,how did you decide to do that, um i took a lot of art courses throughout high school
    7773,473,are you still working in that, um a little
    7774,473,what's your dream job, um i'd like to create
    7775,473,how hard is that, not very hard
    7776,473,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing
    7777,473,why, because all of my friends tell me i'm outgoing
    7779,473,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, listen to music or read
    7780,473,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good
    7781,473,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i don't even remember the last time i argued with someone
    7783,473,what's something you feel guilty about, mm i don't feel guilty about anything
    7785,473,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i can't think of a situation i wish i handled differently
    7787,473,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, probably moving to l_a
    7788,473,can you tell me about that, eh just deciding to go away from my family and come out here was kind of a difficult decision
    7789,473,are you happy you did that, yes
    7790,473,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's very good i still talk to them um like almost every day and i see them sometimes so it works out
    7791,473,that's great,
    7792,473,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my mom
    7793,473,can you tell me about that, um just kinda taught me to be the person i am today
    7795,473,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm i can't think of an event i wish i could erase from my memory
    7797,473,how do you like your living situation, i like it
    7798,473,do you have roommates, no
    7800,473,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's very easy
    7801,473,what are you like when you don't sleep well, mm i yawn a lot
    7803,473,how have you been feeling lately, good
    7804,473,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no
    7805,473,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    7806,473,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    7807,473,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um whenever i go to the gym i get happy
    7808,473,that's good,
    7809,473,when was the last time that happened, yesterday
    7811,473,how would your best friend describe you, crazy
    7812,473,why, because i am crazy 
    7814,473,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i like myself the way i am
    7815,473,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, i can't think of a time someone made me feel bad about myself
    7816,473,is there anything you regret, no
    7817,473,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, i'd just tell myself that everything's gonna be okay
    7819,473,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um probably family visits
    7820,473,can you give me an example of that, every time i go back it's really nice to see all my family and see what they're up to now
    7821,473,that's so good to hear,
    7822,473,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i really enjoy karaoke and i did that recently
    7824,473,what are some things that make you really mad, mm when people put down other people
    7825,473,i see what you mean,
    7826,473,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, music um art exhibits uh working out
    7827,473,what are you most proud of in your life, my friendships
    7829,473,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm a good listener and really good at giving my opinion on how to help others
    7830,473,that's good,
    7831,473,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    7832,473,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    7834,474,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    7836,474,so how are you doing today, i'm good how are you
    7837,474,i'm great thanks,
    7838,474,where are you from originally, uh i was born in hawaii but i grew up in colorado
    7839,474,really, yeah yeah
    7840,474,when did you move to l_a, about seven  uh seven to eight years ago
    7841,474,how often do you go back to your hometown, um i try to go back once a year  once or twice a year
    7842,474,mhm, yeah
    7843,474,how does it compare to l_a, um it's how does it compare to l_a um it's it's different it's not as busy there's more uh things to do out outdoors in the mountains uh my family 
    7844,474,why did you move to l_a, for work
    7845,474,are you happy you did that, yeah i am i love it here
    7846,474,that's good,
    7847,474,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um it took about a year before i really felt comfortable but um once that got through that kinda hard year it was pretty good out here i've had a good time
    7848,474,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i love that i can go to the beach uh i love that it's warm most of the time uh i love that i've met a lot of people that love the arts as much as i do
    7850,474,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic just like everyone else um
    7851,474,i see what you mean, yeah yeah the traffic and it's pretty much just traffic earthquakes
    7854,474,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, not as much as i'd like
    7855,474,what do you enjoy about traveling, um it's just nice to go some place new experience something different
    7856,474,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um xxx i went to alaska a couple years ago and that was really awesome i got to go fishing in the ocean and i got seasick that wasn't awesome but uh it was cool i saw a bear in real life a bear walked through a yard um it was really different than l_a it was really cool
    7858,474,what did you study at school, english creative writing
    7859,474,how did you decide to do that, well i always wanted to tell stories so it just made sense to work on writing in somehow some aspect
    7860,474,are you still working in that, yeah i am
    7861,474,what's your dream job, to have my own t_v show where i write it and everyone watches it every week and it's awesome
    7863,474,how hard is that, really hard
    7864,474,why, 'cause there's a lot of people that have the same dream so yeah
    7865,474,that makes sense,
    7866,474,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, more outgoing than shy
    7867,474,why, uh i like talking to people i enjoy other people
    7869,474,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, mm um go to the movies or turn on music dance
    7871,474,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good
    7872,474,that's good,
    7873,474,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um  it was at work couple about a month ago  about a month ago um i got mad at someone because i didn't think they were they were giving me clear instructions and so um when i tried to have a conversation about it they got mad and then i got mad and we got mad
    7874,474,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt like i wasn't being heard or listened to and i felt like we weren't able to have a real dialogue so um because we couldn't have a dialogue i felt like no one was listening to me
    7876,474,that sucks, totally
    7877,474,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um  i uh i i um no regrets no  um  i guess hmm i don't know if there is one i mean i'm sure there is but uh one time i was driving behind someone and they well they cut me off and i think it'd just been one of those days this was like a year ago or two years ago um it was just one of those days where i just didn't want or i just it had been a frustrating day and when this person cut me off and i almost got in an accident with them i just followed them to their parking spot and actually i had honked at them and they they flipped me off and so it just really really got under my skin that someone would cut me off and almost cause an accident and then uh and then flip me off so i i followed them to the spot and i asked i said miss why did you flip me off when you cut me off and and she said oh you know i'm i've had a rough day i don't need your attitude and her daughter was with her and i told her well you're not really setting a very good example for your daughter and you know i didn't need to be petty like that but i just i wanted to be i guess
    7879,474,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, ooh  mm look at you going deep  um oh i guess the hardest decision was coming out to my mom uh telling her i was gay i mean it wasn't hard 'cause it was the right one but it was hard to do because my mom was very conservative and she she had trouble accepting it and it it took awhile but once she did you know everything was better and i knew it would be but it was just hard in the moment to you know tell her something she didn't wanna hear
    7880,474,okay, okay
    7881,474,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um when i was a little kid my um my grandfather found our dog run over on the on the road and he uh scrubbed_entry and brought it in and i think i remember as a kid just uh like seeing death like that really just threw me off and uh frightened me and uh it was just one of those moments that i i guess i wish i hadn't been there for because my grandmother was destroyed she was just so sad and uh it was just one of those moments i guess you need as a kid but i didn't really wanna experience like loss like that in your face
    7882,474,yeah, yeah
    7883,474,tell me about your relationship with your family, my relationship with my family is pretty good um we're probably not as close as most but uh we you know we always we don't talk often but we talk with love and we always love each other when we see each other
    7884,474,that's so good to hear,
    7885,474,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my grandmother was very positive she was always very encouraging and told me to uh you know pursue my dreams and not to let the little things get me down so i'm glad i had her
    7886,474,uh huh,
    7887,474,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, usually it's easy um sometimes it's not
    7888,474,can you tell me about that, um well i've been between jobs recently i start a new job uh next week but while i've been off uh while i haven't been working um i tend to like my body wants to stay up later and later and later and i'm trying not to like fall into the pattern of going to sleep at like two or three and getting up at like eleven so i keep trying to make myself go to sleep by like midnight or twelve thirty and i just end up laying in bed for like an hour or an hour and a half when i should be i should  i should be able to just go to sleep and get up at like nine but still wanna stay up i guess
    7889,474,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh a little scatterbrained like today i'm a little scatterbrained 'cause uh i i tried to go to sleep early again and i ended up tossing and turning and so  scatterbrained 
    7891,474,how have you been feeling lately, um well since i've had a lot of time on my hands like i don't usually have this much time on my hands so sometimes it can be frustrating because um you don't know what to do with it when you're not working i guess um but yeah i think that answers the question
    7893,474,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um i just that maybe a little more absent-minded than usual just lately with uh the not working thing
    7895,474,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    7896,474,have you been diagnosed with depression, mm mm
    7897,474,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um a couple days ago when i got my new job  when i got hired
    7898,474,that's great,
    7899,474,how would your best friend describe you, um outgoing listening uh attentive um fun loyal
    7900,474,uh huh, i think i hope
    7901,474,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i wish that i uh i probably wish that i looked better i wish i had more hair up here mm losing it a little bit uh probably wish i was a little skinnier this this girdle's pretty tight  and um you know sometimes i wish i had more money but nothing too drastic i'm okay
    7902,474,okay, yeah
    7903,474,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, oh um mm hmm when i was a little kid i was uh i was the fat  i was the fat kid and um gosh i remember i was like i was going into high school and it was like the second day and i remember this guy came up to me and was um like he was like pretty nice to me i thought and i didn't realize he'd like this is like out of a movie right like he had put bandaids on my back that said like i'm a fat cow and said like uh like yeah like just a bunch of mean stuff and i didn't know and i walked around with it for like half an hour i heard people laughing and i didn't get it and then finally this girl just came up to me and was like hey there's like bandaids on your back that say all these mean things and then she just walked away she didn't like help me take 'em off and i remember like i couldn't get 'em i was trying to find 'em and then um i just remember like putting my head in my locker and like i didn't want anyone to see me cry so i just like put my head in my locker and like pretended like i was looking at stuff in my backpack but really i was you know the crying fat kid who couldn't get the mean stickers off his back
    7904,474,i'm sorry to hear that, mm yeah
    7905,474,is there anything you regret, anything
    7906,474,mhm, um probably yeah
    7907,474,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago,  um you know i would xxx i would try to keep i would try to let myself know to to look at things positively and to not like worry what other people think about you i think i spent too much time as like a adolescent worrying what people thought of me and as i got older i didn't care as much and i started enjoying life a lot more so
    7909,474,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh i went to coachella it's a music festival it was three days with all of my friends and my boyfriend and we uh we danced and we went swimming and we barbecued and we laughed and had a great time
    7910,474,awesome, yeah
    7911,474,what are you most proud of in your life, oh  um i guess my my career humble as it may be uh i really stuck in l_a um a long time when it was uh when like it was hard i stayed  i stuck around i didn't quit so you know i'm proud that i've managed to like follow my dreams and really stay out here and try to make it in hollywood
    7912,474,that's great,
    7913,474,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    7914,474,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, my pleasure
    7915,474,goodbye, bye bye
    7916,475,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    7918,475,so how are you doing today, good thank you
    7919,475,that's good,
    7920,475,where are you from originally, el segundo right down the street
    7922,475,what are some things you really like about l_a, the beach
    7923,475,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the smog
    7924,475,i see what you mean,
    7925,475,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i try to when i have time
    7926,475,what do you enjoy about traveling, being away from home getting away
    7927,475,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, i recently went to palm springs with my wife and my friends um and it was it was really nice it was a hundred degrees outside and we laid by the pool and barbecued
    7929,475,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i'm not sure probably graduating from college maybe
    7930,475,can you tell me about that, uh i was first person in my family to graduate i guess from college so it's kind of a big deal
    7932,475,that's great,
    7933,475,what did you study at school, uh advertising communications and public relations
    7934,475,that sounds interesting,
    7935,475,how did you decide to do that, well i've in junior college i did um communications um a lot of public speaking classes so i i went on and transferred to a university and um wanted to study the same thing i guess
    7937,475,are you still working in that, yeah i work in advertising now
    7938,475,what's your dream job,  dream job um probably to to work for a um a big golf company and do their advertising for them
    7939,475,awesome, to
    7940,475,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm definitely not shy maybe um seem might seem like it right now just 'cause i'm not this is a different a new setting but usually outgoing
    7941,475,i understand,
    7942,475,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,   um i run  i like to go to the gym i i think uh i like to run and be outdoors i surf a lot so any time i'm stressed i definitely just try to go to the gym or wake up earlier and surf before work
    7944,475,how are you at controlling your temper, um i don't really have a temper i just i'm pretty mellow
    7945,475,that's good,
    7946,475,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, haven't really argued with anyone um we have uh disagreements you know with family members or friends but it's usually uh solved right then and there
    7948,475,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i'm not sure
    7949,475,what's something you feel guilty about, maybe not uh providing for my family as much as i'd like to i guess
    7951,475,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm i'm not sure off the top of my head
    7953,475,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's pretty good we're all pretty close dad mom sisters brothers wife in-laws siblings yeah yeah everyone pets
    7954,475,that's good,
    7955,475,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, probably my dad he's a he's a hard worker and uh he's kind of trained me to do the same thing be the same way
    7957,475,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, that's one thing i struggle with i definitely get a good night's sleep but it's hard to go to sleep
    7958,475,why, just over the years of um sleep deprived insomnia  a little bit of insomnia i mean it's getting better now that i'm getting older i'm trained trained my body to go to bed around one but when i was younger it was two three four in the morning
    7960,475,how have you been feeling lately, i feel okay happy
    7961,475,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm i mean a little bit right now just because uh my wife  my wife is uh pregnant so i'm slowly  slowly feeling a little bit of the uh the side effects i guess
    7962,475,can you tell me about that, yeah like i mean i feel a little a little down here and there but at the same time i like i said i just go to the gym or go for a longer run you know 'cause she's healthy we're healthy you know everything's good and all that but supposedly uh you get the uh man pregnancy side effects it's our first so i'm unfamiliar with the feelings
    7963,475,i see what you mean,
    7964,475,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, this morning when i when i woke up
    7965,475,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    7966,475,have you been diagnosed with depression, have not
    7967,475,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed,  um i got to get together with um a couple of my friends and play a round of golf enjoy the sunshine nice day
    7969,475,how would your best friend describe you, as outgoing and um hardworking and a family  good family person
    7970,475,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, maybe just to have a little bit more confidence um yeah
    7971,475,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself,  i don't recall 
    7973,475,is there anything you regret, not really i try not to have any regrets just move forward from something uh negative i guess uh just try to move on
    7975,475,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, to go to school stay in school um invest invest early start a four o one k early all the xxx all the things you know start a retirement fund all the above
    7977,475,what are you most proud of in your life, just um being raised by a good family and um training myself to be a hard worker and um enough to  hard enough worker to worker to provide for my family and um hopefully be uh successful one day and um c_e_o of my company right now i'm you know at the bottom of my advertising agency but continue uh to work harder and move  move up
    7978,475,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    7979,475,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    7980,478,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    7982,478,so how are you doing today, uh good thanks
    7983,478,that's good,
    7984,478,where are you from originally, the east coast
    7985,478,when did you move to l_a, for work
    7986,478,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh rarely
    7987,478,why, i prefer it out here
    7988,478,how does it compare to l_a, uh i it's um not as nice as the lifestyle out here i like the weather better and uh just a lot of things about living here it's my favorite city so
    7989,478,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh somewhat um but i mostly
    7990,478,what do you enjoy about traveling, what's that
    7991,478,what do you enjoy about traveling, um just um i like to go to france a lot i like the food there and um just the uh lifestyle the shopping that sort of thing
    7993,478,what did you study at school, uh art history and marketing
    7994,478,that sounds interesting,
    7995,478,how did you decide to do that, uh well um i became interested in high school and i thought it was a good um classical education uh and um i interned at andy warhol's magazine when i was in high school and so that scrubbed_entry
    7996,478,awesome, hmm
    7997,478,are you happy you did that, yes
    7998,478,are you still working in that, yes
    7999,478,what's your dream job, uh eh i'm pretty happy with what i'm i'm doing i do um consulting so i write marketing plans that sort of thing
    8000,478,how hard is that, um it's can be fairly hard
    8001,478,can you tell me about that, about writing a marketing plan
    8002,478,mm, um uh i don't know it's hard it's hard to um  to talk to someone who's about it who's not in marketing it it requires just um a knowledge of uh you know how it's how it how it's done and it it takes uh several months to to do one so
    8004,478,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um well i guess i'm i originally kind of shy but um i i become more outgoing just 'cause of work and stuff
    8005,478,that's good,
    8006,478,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i like to exercise uh i i do um hiking with my dogs we walk up up and down a hill a couple times is it
    8008,478,how are you at controlling your temper, good
    8009,478,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh i don't remember
    8011,478,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i don't know nothing comes to mind
    8012,478,what's something you feel guilty about, mm um sometimes i don't i don't clean my car it might get lots of dog hair in it and i feel bad when i i should always stay on top of that just getting to the car wash and stuff
    8013,478,i see what you mean,
    8014,478,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, uh well i had a conflict with my brother and so um i had to decide to have an estrangement from him and that makes the most sense and that was a a somewhat difficult decision but just because of his angry behavior it wasn't it wasn't that difficult but um you know it was  it was somewhat difficult because i i loved him very much so
    8016,478,tell me about your relationship with your family, um i'm not close to my family so um but i don't really have one
    8018,478,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um i have a a japanese friend uh oh i think the sensor came off i have a a japanese friend i'm i'm uh very close with she's like my kind of a my  my mother and um scrubbed_entry
    8019,478,how do you know them, uh i just met them socially um scrubbed_entry
    8021,478,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, uh i don't know nothing comes to mind
    8024,478,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um pretty easy 'cause i keep a regular schedule
    8025,478,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um just  just kind of tired maybe a little bit irritable
    8026,478,how have you been feeling lately, uh good
    8027,478,that's good,
    8028,478,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um well i'm recovering from p_t_s_d so um i sometimes feel the the p_t_s_d and then i'll i'll take a medication for that
    8029,478,are they triggered by something, no it's just uh it's just left over of the i'm still  i still have the stress from it i'm still being treated for it it i don't really have any
    8030,478,can you tell me about that, um i prefer not to talk about it
    8032,478,have you been diagnosed with depression, um in the past but it's treated
    8033,478,how long ago were you diagnosed, um five years ago
    8034,478,what got you to seek help, uh i was i was just um very sad very depressed and so um i also had anxiety so i i went to to doctor and um they helped me and i did uh psychotherapy
    8035,478,do you still go to therapy now, yeah for the p_t_s_d though
    8036,478,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um i don't know i guess uh it's just um just kind of supportive because  because of the issues i have with my family it's it's supportive to have a doctor who is supportive and um you know it just uh gives me good feedback and helps me to make good decisions that sort of thing
    8038,478,do you have disturbing thoughts, i yeah i have nightmares about my family sometimes yeah thanks
    8039,478,i'm sorry,
    8040,478,how do you cope with them, oh uh i i just try to uh sleep better i xxx i xxx i xxx before i go to sleep i sort of like um meditate a little bit to get to be calm and then hope that that will help
    8041,478,uh huh,
    8042,478,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i feel happy all the time pretty much like i my dogs make me happy and you know my life is really happy so
    8043,478,that's great, mhm
    8044,478,how would your best friend describe you, uh i guess you know as a a nice person i'm thoughtful um a good friend um  and happy fun person
    8046,478,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i don't know i mean i'm in my forties now so i'm pretty happy with with myself my  you know my um you know uh i've i've done a lot of a lot of work on myself in in therapy and stuff so i'm pretty i wouldn't really change a lot i'm pretty happy with myself i mean not to sound conceited but i'm i'm pretty um happy with myself now
    8048,478,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, uh well  that would that would be um my parents they're very abusive so i don't  i  i don't talk to them anymore so  um any you know any times with them you know they they uh you know said  did terrible things to me so i prefer not to talk about it
    8050,478,i understand,
    8051,478,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh let's see um well i just started reading a book i i like to read um cookbooks and i was just reading a book called um when french women cook and it's about uh a woman's relationship with different women and friends in different parts of france and the and the cooking and so i'm really enjoying that book mhm
    8053,478,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um i usually you know um get the grocery shopping done which i enjoy i really i really like doing the grocery shopping i go to a few places and and do a bit of cleaning and um uh just uh relax
    8054,478,that's good,
    8055,478,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, oh yeah i would  i would say um to have better self-esteem 'cause i used to have very low self-esteem you know from being abused and so um you know i i wish i'd been happier  happier in the past and you know it's taken me a long time to become happy because um you know no matter what what i did whatever achievements i i was i was never happy in the past i was i was always you know struggling with being depressed i didn't  i didn't even know why and now you know i realize because of whatever events that it that it was from my parents from that um a relationship and so i my i what the advice would be to not um have a relationship that um is bad for you like sometimes estrangement is the best choice in an abusive relationship
    8057,478,what are you most proud of in your life, um just just  the way i live my life the way i treat people i think you know um you know i i believe it like your deeds are very important and i try to treat people in a good way and and i guess you know i'm i'm proud of you know with my work like decisions i've made that um that give me um you  you know a a a a uh a job that i i like that gives me a lot of flexibility and i you know i do what i like and  um and you know people like my work and um and also my my dogs i'm really proud of them and um yeah i guess  i don't know 
    8058,478,that sounds like a great situation, mhm
    8059,478,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay
    8060,478,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you bye
    8061,479,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    8063,479,so how are you doing today, okay
    8064,479,that's good,
    8065,479,where are you from originally, l_a
    8067,479,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh the smog traffic tickets high rent
    8069,479,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh everything
    8070,479,like what, um like um the cost of living the smog
    8071,479,yeah, yeah
    8072,479,i see what you mean,
    8073,479,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot,  not anymore
    8074,479,why, uh don't have the time
    8075,479,what do you enjoy about traveling, um the meeting new people the food the nature explore different areas
    8077,479,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um i've been to the east coast and that's about it
    8079,479,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um just going to college in the east coast
    8080,479,can you tell me about that, um i just went for two years and uh i mean for one year and i was there for like three years yeah that was it i came back to l_a
    8081,479,uh huh,
    8082,479,what did you study at school, uh business
    8083,479,how did you decide to do that, um i had graduated high school and um i knew i had to do something else for the future
    8084,479,are you happy you did that, yeah yes and no
    8085,479,why, uh because i sought that eh experience i got to travel 
    8087,479,what's your dream job, um  uh just uh being a personal trainer and real estate
    8088,479,that sounds interesting,
    8089,479,what made you decide to do that, um it seems like um that's what i'm capable of doing right now
    8090,479,i understand,
    8091,479,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, both depends where i'm at
    8093,479,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, eat and work out
    8095,479,how are you at controlling your temper, um think about the negative things that could happen after you know if you don't control your temper like going to jail or you know losing everything you worked for
    8097,479,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um the last time i argued with somebody was um one of my um close friends
    8098,479,how do you know them, um i seen him a couple of times
    8099,479,how did you feel in that moment, upset 
    8100,479,mhm, and upset
    8102,479,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently,  um the uh vehicle i bought i should have bought something more affordable
    8103,479,like what, like a vehicle  a car i should've bought um like um something more affordable like uh maybe uh something more economic
    8104,479,that makes sense,
    8105,479,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um moving to los angeles west los angeles 
    8106,479,how did you decide to do that,  i basically found out that i had a uncle out here so i moved in with him and then um from there on then i moved on my own
    8107,479,how do you like your living situation, it's good it's affordable
    8108,479,that's good,
    8109,479,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's good right now
    8110,479,how close are you to your family, really close
    8111,479,that's so good to hear,
    8112,479,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i i don't know
    8114,479,what's something you feel guilty about, um  um not being financially stable
    8115,479,can you tell me about that, well ever since i moved to l_a it's um when i try to fit into a job something happens to that business they either lay people off or sell the business or or um you know they don't pay they cut the pay so it's been tough
    8117,479,that sounds really hard, really
    8118,479,it can be tough to find a good job these days,
    8119,479,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um nobody really
    8121,479,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um i have to workout and to be able to get my get my body tired for to go to sleep
    8123,479,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh i'm uh i'm um tired falling asleep wherever i go if or if there's nothing going on
    8125,479,how have you been feeling lately, um lately meaning today
    8126,479,mhm, um today uh really tired
    8127,479,why, 'cause i went out last night
    8129,479,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no
    8130,479,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, what's that
    8131,479,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    8132,479,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um last week last uh weekend
    8133,479,tell me more about that, i was just uh with a group of friends and um and having a good time
    8135,479,how would your best friend describe you, um outgoing nice funny um good attitude personality character 
    8136,479,uh huh, character i mean
    8137,479,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i don't know
    8138,479,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, i i i never had somebody do that
    8140,479,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i'm consistent um when i start something i don't i don't give up  and um i'm always open to new ideas and creative and um i like to go out and have a good time and and um take new routes and journeys and um also make  make people feel good
    8141,479,that's good,
    8142,479,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, sometimes um studying for the test and um and uh or go out or work out
    8144,479,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um  i went swimming
    8146,479,is there anything you regret, i i should've um traveled more
    8147,479,i see,
    8148,479,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, i don't i don't know because i can't say that because um a lot of things that happened was not my fault
    8149,479,can you give me an example of that, uh like um the economy going bad and um you know things are really slow and i didn't know that you know certain businesses will go the way they were and um and um sometimes it takes a long time to when you change careers to to get on board and make it happen
    8151,479,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, uh working out eating um watching t_v talking with my friends and hanging out with friends
    8153,479,what are you most proud of in your life, uh that i'm responsible for all the
    8154,479,that's good, yeah
    8155,479,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    8156,479,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    8157,448,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    8159,448,so how are you doing today, doing pretty good
    8160,448,that's good,
    8161,448,where are you from originally, oh i was born in uh brooklyn new york i came out here when i was seven and i've been here ever since uh i don't consider myself anything but a californian 
    8163,448,what did you study at school, uh i'm a welder
    8164,448,how did you decide to do that, um i just i don't know something about it making and um building things and repairing things that intrigued me and uh uh i was actually pretty good at it so i stuck with it and and that's my profession
    8165,448,that's great,
    8166,448,what's your dream job,  gee i really never had that i've just uh  kind of always uh hoped that i would have a job that could support myself and my family and uh i was satisfied with that
    8167,448,i understand,
    8168,448,tell me about your relationship with your family, well uh i just recently lost my uncle and uh he raised me since i was seven years old and uh other than my wife i don't have any more family um he passed away last uh july and uh i'm starting to get over it um i knew the day would come but he was my last living relative so i've been depressed about that and uh uh but i'm doing better
    8169,448,that's good,
    8170,448,that's good,
    8171,448,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, it depends on the atmosphere um if i'm around people that i don't feel comfortable with i'm kinda reserved but uh if i'm comfortable and uh i feel like i fit in well i'm outgoing
    8173,448,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,   right i enjoy old movies uh old uh well it's called film noir and uh i love those old black and white movies and i get on netflix or amazon and i try to pick a movie that's uh from back then people were different than they uh i don't know it's just a different era and i enjoy it
    8175,448,how are you at controlling your temper,  well my wife says uh i probably not as good as i think i do but uh i've got to admit sometimes i lose my temper and it is according to her over things that i shouldn't be losing my temper about but um i'm working on it and uh i have basically had this problem ever since i was a young child
    8176,448,has that gotten you in trouble, oh yes 
    8177,448,can you tell me about that, uh i've uh been in and out of trouble with the law when i was much younger i'm i'm passed that point now but uh  you know when you're young you think you know everything and uh you know you're never gonna get old and the future doesn't matter but uh it does matter because everthing that you do when you're young uh follows you for the rest of your life and i don't regret things that i've done but if i could go back i definitely would make different choices
    8179,448,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh me and my wife we we  we don't argue we  disagree and it's she's very strong willed and she's a match for me  so uh we go back and forth but you know we don't get violent and we don't uh uh say meanful things or hurt each other we're just she is a determined strong willed woman and  i am who i am so we kinda go back and forth and lately i have been the one to  bow down and be the one to lower the threshold of the argument because uh in the long run it's just her and me and there's nobody else more important to me
    8181,448,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um   when i was younger i wish that uh i didn't follow some of the people that i followed and what i mean by that is you know running in a circle with certain people and having an ego bigger than my common sense and um that's what got me into trouble  i was an only child and uh i kind of enjoyed being the center of attention and um getting the girls to laugh or having people mm think i was you know cool or whatever you wouldn't think that now i'm kinda overweight and balding but when i was in my twenties i was a a completely different person and  if i would've had some brothers and sisters i may not have thought or acted that way but i was an only child so i you know ran where people thought i was cool and that got me into trouble
    8182,448,uh huh,
    8183,448,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hardest decision i ever had to make was giving the authorization to um have my uncle pass away he was on life support and his kidneys had failed  and um doctors said there was nothing more he could do and to not have him  go through any suffering to let him slip away and as you can see i get very upset my uncle raised me like his own son and never let me down  and he's gone and for lack of a better word to push the button i never thought i would have to do that  but as i said i'm getting over it and um things are getting better slowly
    8185,448,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my wife she is uh always there for me  she will  always surprise me we she's not my wife she's my best friend  and she  knows me better than i know myself um  we enjoy uh uh doing simple things it's not that we can't do other things if we wanted to but we  mesh um  we enjoy each other's company uh we like the same things and uh we you know occasionally go out and do something together but we  we just enjoy each other's company and she like i say knows me better than anybody and um it surprises me sometimes
    8186,448,that's so good to hear, mhm
    8187,448,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, you know  lately well i can't say lately  if i don't  excuse me if i don't do a rigorous activity or something that really uh stresses me or strains my body it it let's say for a couple of days i'm just very relaxed and you know not doing much i i just automatically get up after four and a half five hours i mean and you know my wife will say you know guy you're not getting any sleep but i mean i don't feel tired i don't feel exhausted i don't feel like i need to go back to sleep i'll stay up all day and i'm fine and most people would say that's not enough sleep but you know for me i'm it doesn't affect me
    8189,448,how have you been feeling lately,  well i wish some things could be different but uh i'm not dissatisfied  um uh i'm happy with my life uh there there uh like with anybody else there's a few things that i wish were different and i think that's in anybody everybody else's uh you know life but um  i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm content
    8190,448,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yeah i feel a little less motivated  um recently well i can't say recently this was back in january um my wife and a few uh friends were noticing that i was um becoming forgetful and i i couldn't remember things i i didn't see it and um you know when they when everybody brought it to my attention then i started to but anyway i went to the doctor and um they gave me the tests and apparently i have m_c_i which is mild cognitive impairment and uh i've over the last month or so nobody has mentioned it to me i mean maybe i'm getting better but the neurologist that i saw  is having me come back in a year and gonna retest me um hopefully it's not the beginning stages of alzheimer's i'm still a little young for that i'm only fifty  fifty two but um i was diagnosed with uh mild cognitive impairment and uh it it could've been due also i was told by him uh because of the death of my uncle i could've been pretty depressed i was not able to retain things and so well i'm going back in a year and we'll see if uh i'm any better
    8191,448,how do you cope with them, i'm sorry
    8192,448,how do you cope with them, i'm not understanding you i'm sorry
    8193,448,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, how  i was in a um in a state of mind of of where i was just going to get myself in trouble and and not benefit anything if i didn't seek any help um i was diagnosed with uh depression and anxiety disorder uh worrying and thinking too much about things and uh thinking the worst and uh i i take medication for that
    8197,448,do you still go to therapy now, uh well  well you know it's not really therapy it's  you know every uh few months you know you gotta see the doctor are you doing fine everything good and you know they just refill your prescription  it's you know it it's you know kinda like the next person next person it it's i i'm with kaiser so it's it's they'll talk to you but it they give you the impression that um you know i i okay let's move along you know they they'll  they'll hear your explanation but you know it it they don't have all the time for you that you may want so i i i i'm doing fine now if i really needed help i would i would do something the medication works for me
    8199,448,tell me about the last time you felt really happy,  last time i felt real happy well it would depend on what the event is i'm always happy when i'm doing something with me and my wife and we're enjoying each other and i you know i'm not trying to sound like she's my whole world and i don't have anything else she is my world but um i i i enjoy being with her and we're we we do things together and  i i i'm happy all the time when when we're doing that um  when i'm outside of that circle i i i don't know if this sounds right but i'm not seeking happiness i i can only explain it as i'm content i'm not um i i'm not disappointed or i'm not uh wanting anything i'm you know whatever comes my way is fine so
    8200,448,that makes sense,
    8201,448,how would your best friend describe you, well um  i don't know i i couldn't give you that answer  um  well my best friend is my wife but uh  she would um describe me as uh i don't think before i speak um i um let the littlest insignificant things bother me and i get angry over but the big things it's like i let it go and she's bewildered by that  um uh  years and years ago um she i had a uh classic uh pontiac lemans and she had gotten into a minor fender bender and she thought it was gonna be the end of the world 'cause that was my baby and i  you know hey don't worry we'll get it fixed and she was  she thought  that i was gonna hang her or something you know because that was my this was you know that was my baby
    8202,448,(laughter, and uh she goes you know you you get excited over nothing but you know i something like wrecking your car that you love and you've put so many hours of work into it and money you know it gets crashed and it's like you don't care so that's the only way i can explain it
    8204,448,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, well i i need to lose some weight as you can see  i'm definitely uh been on an eating binge uh and uh the neurologist said that's probably due to the event with my uncle um i'm heavy  i am this is the heaviest i've ever been in my life and i'm finding it a little bit harder um i i can't say harder but i'm i'm finding the will power to say no and to stick with it and to go exercise or you know not you know  movement now going maybe for a walk you know me and my wife when we were a little bit younger we used to love going for walks  and we lived in a scrubbed_entry uh boy you know look at that wonder what's inside there you know that that's uh we don't do that no more i guess it's we're a little bit older now and  a little bit heavier it's harder to walk with all this weight  but i i i i wish i could change that because uh i i you know it's just not healthy the size 
    8206,448,is there anything you regret,  uh lately no i don't regret anything lately um  everything's been fine the like i say the the biggest biggest impact in my life was the event with my uncle and uh i never ever in a hundred years or ever thought that i would face that situation and  i'll never forget it but they say time heals all wounds and and it does 
    8207,448,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, don't listen to other people uh again i'm not trying to bring up my uncle just because of what has happened but he used to constantly tell me to uh he would see the things that i was doing and the paths that i was going down and i constantly thought i knew better and i think a lot of youngsters think that anyway they um the young lady that i was talking to in here they think they're invincible and so did i  i figured ah i'm never gonna i'm never gonna have those problems um i wish i could've changed some things um  the history of my past follows me as it does everybody and that has limited me in in a lot of opportunities and a lot of things that i'm able to do uh i don't miss them but if i could go back uh ten or twenty years i definitely wouldn't make some of the decisions that i made
    8208,448,what are you most proud of in your life, my welding certificates um i'm uh certified by the american welding society and i've uh  uh that's probably the biggest achievement that i've made for you know myself an accomplishment um  uh people that i know say that i'm uh well i haven't been working on cars lately but they said that i have a natural knack for uh restoration and working on vehicles and i don't see it but i've been told that once or twice but i i've kind of i i've kind of started to slip away from that i don't i can't say it's from lack of interest but i just don't feel the motivation no more i wish i had a pocket of money and i'd have somebody else to it that's how i feel 
    8209,448,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay
    8210,448,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, well thank you
    8212,485,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    8214,485,so how are you doing today, i'm not bad i'm a little tired but okay
    8215,485,that's good,
    8216,485,where are you from originally, uh from saint louis missouri
    8217,485,really, yep
    8218,485,when did you move to l_a, uh two months ago
    8219,485,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh not often i think i'm out here for good now
    8220,485,how does it compare to l_a, uh smaller town less people everyone kinda acts different the pace of life is slower out there
    8222,485,why did you move to l_a, uh looking for work as a game designer or game developer just try something new too new place new people
    8223,485,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh i guess i'm still getting used to it
    8224,485,can you tell me about that, um i guess people are different you know there's little shops everywhere just everything's different
    8226,485,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh man the weather's great out here the people are really nice like to look at the mountains the beach is nice just
    8227,485,uh huh, better geography
    8228,485,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um traffic i guess the commute and sometimes there's maybe too many people
    8229,485,i see what you mean,
    8230,485,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot,  not really never been outside of the u_s before
    8231,485,why, uh just never had the opportunity i'd love to go though
    8233,485,what did you study at school, uh game design and graphic design sort of
    8234,485,that sounds interesting, oh i love it
    8235,485,how did you decide to do that, uh mm been playing video games since i was a kid like most guys my age so just like making people happy and it's kinda easy to do that with games
    8236,485,that's great, 
    8237,485,what's your dream job, uh work for myself make my own games and write my own paychecks i guess
    8238,485,how hard is that, uh pretty hard i've been trying to do it for the past couple years it's a little difficult
    8239,485,i see,
    8240,485,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i guess i'm kinda shy it depends on the people and the environment i guess
    8241,485,i understand,
    8242,485,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,  uh play guitar listen to some music talk to friends
    8244,485,how are you at controlling your temper, i'd say i'm pretty good at controlling my temper i'm not the type of guy that gets angry really easily
    8245,485,that's good,
    8246,485,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh probably with my girlfriend over something silly i can't even remember
    8247,485,what's something you feel guilty about, uh  don't know i don't think i'm really guilty about anything i try to avoid being guilty
    8249,485,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm don't know can't really think of anything
    8251,485,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, leaving saint louis was one of them 'cause all my friends and family were there
    8252,485,what made you decide to do that, uh i guess the benefits outweighed you know the cons
    8254,485,are you happy you did that, definitely
    8255,485,that's good,
    8256,485,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, huh  maybe getting kicked out of high school the first time
    8257,485,can you tell me about that, uh just i ended up getting myself and and my friends in trouble and it was just no good you kinda look back on it and i guess that's something from my past i wish i would've done different
    8258,485,could you have done anything to avoid it, uh followed the  rules i guess just been a good student would've helped
    8260,485,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh not really that close with my family i've got a small family anyway and when i was in saint louis we'd see each other a couple times a year but that's really it so no strong ties
    8261,485,uh huh,
    8262,485,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh i guess most of my friends they're always there to support me and encourage me and help me so
    8263,485,that's so good to hear,
    8264,485,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, say pretty easy every once in awhile there's a night i can't sleep but it's pretty rare
    8265,485,what are you like when you don't sleep well, mm just tired groggy i guess my mind's unfocused and day goes by heck of a lot longer
    8266,485,how have you been feeling lately, uh pretty good not really much to say
    8267,485,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh maybe a little bit more depressed 'cause i'm away from most of my friends and family but nothing unmanageable
    8268,485,how do you cope with them, uh just try to talk to 'em when i can think about something else think about happy times
    8269,485,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    8270,485,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    8271,485,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh  i guess on the drive out here 'cause it was such a new experience and so exhilarating
    8272,485,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i think graduating college 'cause i was really proud of myself and really looking forward to the future
    8273,485,how did you feel in that moment, just i guess kind of euphoria standing there it seemed kinda surreal  surreal
    8275,485,how would your best friend describe you, uh funny caring nice guy easy to get along with
    8276,485,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, uh  pretty happy being me i guess
    8277,485,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, hmm guess when i broke up with my last girlfriend for obvious reasons you tend to fight and say things you wish you'd you'd forget i guess
    8279,485,is there anything you regret, no i don't like to live in the past so there's nothing to really regret
    8280,485,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh  keep working hard and just keep thinking about what you do before you do it
    8281,485,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, on the computer playing video games with friends
    8282,485,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, uh music uh and my friends i guess 
    8284,485,what are you most proud of in your life, mm i guess my determination and my xxx my passion for my creativity
    8285,485,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    8286,485,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    8288,486,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    8290,486,so how are you doing today, i'm feel great
    8291,486,that's good,
    8292,486,where are you from originally, i am from saint louis missouri born and raised
    8293,486,really, yes
    8294,486,when did you move to l_a, i've been here a couple times i just recently moved back two months ago
    8295,486,how does it compare to l_a, saint louis is quite slower
    8296,486,why did you move to l_a, uh to take care of a good friend that who who's ill
    8297,486,i'm sorry, thank you
    8298,486,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, i jumped right back on the bandwagon
    8299,486,what are some things you really like about l_a, the climate
    8300,486,mhm, and the restaurants
    8301,486,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the dirt and the traffic
    8302,486,i see what you mean,
    8303,486,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, yes i do
    8304,486,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh the road maps following a road map maybe driving myself
    8305,486,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well we just recently got back from uh colorado went up into the mountains saw the the snow and
    8306,486,nice, enjoyed a little fine dining
    8307,486,what's one of your most memorable experiences, in colorado
    8308,486,mhm, uh actually going um horseback riding through the royal gorge
    8309,486,awesome, yes it was
    8310,486,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i would be more outgoing
    8311,486,why, i'm a people person
    8312,486,i understand,
    8313,486,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,  i listen to jazz music and i also draw
    8314,486,that's great,
    8315,486,how are you at controlling your temper, i've probably mastered controlling my temper through age
    8316,486,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm it would've been my husband and it was about financial issues
    8317,486,how did you feel in that moment, unsure  unsure unstable i don't like loud talking or mm loud emotion i like to sit and methodically and logically talk about things not raise my voice
    8319,486,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm most recently with the illness of my friend i wish i would've handled his sister a little differently as far as things that she's wanted me to do that i really needed to tell her otherwise the way they really needed to be done i took her advice where i shouldn't of
    8320,486,i see,
    8321,486,how do you know them, um we he i was engaged to him fifteen years ago and he recently called me i guess about five years ago and told me he was diagnosed with cancer we've always maintained our friendship and i asked my husband if i could go help him in his time of need and i'm here
    8323,486,that sounds really hard, it has been
    8324,486,what made you decide to do that, um a lot of things one he's a good friend of mine and his sister moved out here as well two my son wanted to start his career out here three i love the weather and that's all i can think of at the moment 
    8325,486,i see what you mean, mhm
    8326,486,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, uh it would be the the death of my youngest son
    8327,486,can you tell me about that, i don't know where to start as far as he was born premature and since he was born so early i had him in five months versus nine the we we made the decision to take him off life support 'cause he wasn't getting any better so that would've been the the hardest decision i made with my husband
    8328,486,yeah, mhm
    8329,486,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i really don't wanna erase anything from my memory i've actually um learn and experience and gain knowledge from from things that happen so i'm not  i'm not one to put things erase things out of my mind i categorize them and place them in memories
    8331,486,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh it's very close lost my mother at a young age and uh all of us siblings and my father still remain very close
    8332,486,that's good,
    8333,486,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, mm my father
    8334,486,can you tell me about that, oh he's very health conscious very energetic and exercises  uh exercises and has a spirituality about him that uh i want to have as well it's a contentment that he that he portrays that i that i would like to have as well
    8336,486,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, no problem
    8337,486,what are you like when you don't sleep well, very confused or um skittish i guess would be the word
    8338,486,how have you been feeling lately, lately fine  fine except for the fact that my um good friend who i'm helping take care of we just got out of the hospital so it's been a little hectic the last two days
    8340,486,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um no not lately
    8342,486,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i have not
    8343,486,have you been diagnosed with depression, no i have not
    8344,486,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um i was excited um with good friends in good company i should say and um i had just got back from a concert so it was outside it was enjoyable music i was with good friends we ate well and enjoyed the moment
    8345,486,that sounds like a great situation,
    8346,486,how would your best friend describe you, uh as a giving spiritual normal person i don't know 
    8347,486,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i can't think of anything that i'd wanna change except for maybe exercise a little more
    8349,486,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, i i can't recall one off hand
    8351,486,is there anything you regret, no
    8352,486,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, to have save more money and to not try and accomplish everything at once
    8353,486,uh huh,
    8354,486,what did you study at school, i started out in cosmetology then i went into um college have some college in mathematics and finance
    8355,486,what's your dream job, traveling
    8357,486,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm i had a lot  i like to i enjoy um good food nice wine and company i just went last night to a very nice italian restaurant and was in the company of good friends and family and we dined and talked and that was fun
    8359,486,what are you most proud of in your life, most proud of i guess it would be my children
    8360,486,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    8361,486,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome
    8363,488,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    8365,488,so how are you doing today, fine
    8366,488,that's good,
    8367,488,where are you from originally, oh san fernando valley
    8369,488,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh well i really like the culture i love going to museums and being able to go at night and having lots of people around
    8371,488,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, it's spread out a lot and it's a pain in the ass to have to drive everywhere and not have a good public transportation system
    8372,488,i see what you mean,
    8373,488,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh not really i like to go camping but i don't really travel
    8374,488,when was the last time that happened, um i think  it might've been around six months ago i went on a trip with a geology class
    8375,488,nice, yeah it was fun
    8376,488,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hmm  i think it's tough to say
    8377,488,whatever comes to your mind, um well i think the first time i went camping was probably really memorable i went to death valley and i got to see a lot of really cool things and hang out with my friends at night
    8379,488,what did you study at school, philosophy
    8380,488,are you still working in that, yes
    8381,488,how did you decide to do that, um hmm i don't know i think it just sort of happened i wanted to be a journalist for a really long time and then i kind of grew disillusioned with that and i liked all the different ways or all the different things i could do with philosophy
    8382,488,that makes sense,
    8383,488,what's your dream job, huh i don't know but i really like children and i really like studying their behavior so i think something along those lines might be it
    8385,488,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i think i'm generally pretty outgoing i tend to be shy around my family but when i'm around friends and stuff i i think i'm pretty friendly
    8386,488,uh huh,
    8387,488,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um a lot of times i'll watch t_v or read um yeah
    8388,488,how are you at controlling your temper, i think i'm pretty good i don't really get mad i try to think about other things if i start getting mad or um i just start trying to focus on my breathing
    8389,488,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i think the last time i argued with someone it was probably with my boyfriend um but i'm having trouble remembering what the last thing we argued about was um i think it was  i wasn't feeling very well and i was having trouble deciding whether i wanted to go to his department's end of year party and he was getting frustrated which i thought was very inconsiderate 'cause i wasn't feeling well to begin with
    8391,488,how did you feel in that moment, well i felt like he wasn't really taking my feelings into consideration and i really hate when he gets stressed out or gets angry easily because i just see that as unnecessary and it stresses me out
    8392,488,i see,
    8393,488,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm i think a lot of times when my oldest youngest brother or my oldest little brother uh does something wrong i tend to be harsh with him um we're not as close as my sister and i or my youngest brother and i and so he tends to be hostile back and i think that if i were a little bit more gentle it might be easier to communicate with him
    8395,488,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm um when i was nineteen i came home from a party i think around four a_m on a sunday morning and my dad got really mad at me and yelled at me said a lot of not very nice things and then he didn't speak to me for about a year
    8396,488,i'm sorry,
    8397,488,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh well my relationship with my mom is a lot better now that i don't live at home um i used to be really frustrated with her all the time 'cause she has a really quick temper but i think now that i've got a little bit more distance i can see that she did the best that she could um  and i love my siblings i again my little sister and i get along really well she's four years younger than me and when when she was around twelve and i was around sixteen it was really difficult 'cause she had a really harsh temper and she was always moody and i wasn't in a place to be patient with that sort of stuff so we fought all the time but we don't anymore and that's really great and we get along okay with my uh my older little brother who's fifteen and i think i get along pretty well with my youngest brother who's twelve
    8398,488,that's good,
    8399,488,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, scrubbed_entry one of the first not the first but one of my first philosophy professors and i really loved her classes and it was really good uh being in a class with a professor who really cared and who really engaged people that was really motivating since not all my classes were like that
    8400,488,that's great,
    8401,488,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i think it's pretty easy i mean sometimes i'll have trouble going to sleep but generally it's not that bad it's i think it's usually harder for me to wake up in the morning
    8402,488,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um well i'm really tired i can get grumpy but i think usually i'm just groggy
    8404,488,how have you been feeling lately, pretty good i'm a little anxious about um about getting a job and i'm gonna be taking summer school about it's only one class so i'll have a lot of free time um yeah
    8405,488,how do you cope with them,  well i mean it's not the end of the world if i don't get a job but i know that i will eventually so mostly i think i just try not to think about it too much and i try not to be pessimistic
    8407,488,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    8408,488,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    8409,488,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hmm well i think the last time i felt really happy i went to a party with my boyfriend the end of department party and um i was the you know i knew a couple people there so i felt comfortable but i was also able to meet new people and there were a couple kids there splashing around in the pool and i had a couple drinks and ate some food and it was fun
    8410,488,that's great,
    8411,488,how would your best friend describe you, um she would probably say that i'm smart and uh pretty intellectual i love to read and to watch really like serious films and t_v um and she would probably also say that i'm fun 'cause we like to go out and have fun a lot
    8412,488,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, well i'm kinda  i can be really disorganized and that gets me in trouble sometimes so um so that's a major one that and procrastinating
    8413,488,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, hmm um i got into a little bit of trouble a few months back and had to go to court and was uh uh given eh sixty some hours of community service and of course i procrastinated on doing that so i had to show up to court again to get an extension and the judge was very mean and he didn't seem i mean he yelled at me but it didn't seem like he gave it much thought it seemed like it was just sort of a stock speech he gave everyone that he thought needed some yelling at so i understand 'cause that's his job but it was was not great for me 'cause i wasn't i i was really anxious in that situation
    8414,488,that sucks,
    8415,488,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, well i would've been twelve and two um but i think i think i would've told myself at twelve not to be so hard on myself and not to be so hard on my parents 'cause i think i was a little selfish and self-involved back then
    8416,488,is there anything you regret, i can't really think of anything i mean i regret how i treated my mother when i was a kid but everyone does that and um i do regret a couple of semesters ago i didn't do so well in school and i got a a few ws which i now have to work to get off on my transcript
    8417,488,could you have done anything to avoid it, i think so i'm i think i i wasn't focusing in school at that time and i didn't see any counselors at school or anything so i definitely could've done that
    8419,488,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, hmm i think i'd probably spend my ideal weekend sleeping in saturday and then going hiking or maybe just going to the duck pond by my house and feeding ducks and picking some oranges and then maybe going out to breakfast sunday and just like window shopping
    8420,488,mhm, and maybe watching a little bit of t_v
    8421,488,what are you most proud of in your life, huh well my youngest brother is autistic and my mom and dad were always working when he was growing up i'm ten years older than him so and being the oldest i always i always took care of him which made me really really patient because he was a handful but i'm really proud of how he turned out and um and how close we are
    8423,488,that's so good to hear,
    8424,488,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    8425,488,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    8426,487,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    8428,487,so how are you doing today, i'm fine thank you
    8429,487,that's good,
    8430,487,where are you from originally, detroit michigan
    8431,487,really, yes
    8432,487,when did you move to l_a, i moved to l_a myself in two thousand and seven but my family came here many more years ago more like forty years ago
    8434,487,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh i don't go back to detroit anymore
    8435,487,why, i really don't like the weather and i really don't have any reason to most of my immediate family is out here in california and
    8436,487,that makes sense,
    8437,487,how does it compare to l_a, uh completely different um for me detroit was just very cold it it wasn't the best for my personality i prefer l_a more open space a warmer climate warmer people just a different different uh vibe
    8438,487,mhm, that i that i like better
    8439,487,why did you move to l_a, after my husband and i relationship ended i had family out here so i thought it would be easier to start over here than some of the other places i had lived or to stay where we were at
    8440,487,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, extremely easy i came out here every year to visit while i was in college so i was extremely used to it plus i had also taken um six months out of off of school and lived out here and went to school out here so i was completely used to it
    8441,487,that's good,
    8443,487,what are some things you really like about l_a, well like i said the weather is number one it's just uh less crowded it's more open space it's a a calmer friendlier vibe less rushed the smog would be one and when i drive the traffic in certain areas it can be but um in general there's not a lot that i don't like  it's like i guess the overall threat of earthquake but that's isn't really that much of a factor 'cause it rarely happens
    8444,487,i see what you mean, the price of real estate  that's another one that i don't necessarily like
    8446,487,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i can't see your shoes i can't see your shoes at all so i don't travel as much as i used to but i have traveled worldwide
    8447,487,what do you enjoy about traveling, new experiences
    8448,487,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well i used to be an international flight attendant and then later i traveled through my work as a cruise line and as an international sales account executive so i've traveled a lot of different places and um i'll have to say they were all pretty much enjoyable 'cause you know there's different cultures different things to see do learn enjoy experience
    8449,487,uh huh,
    8450,487,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh my experiences i would say in um europe visiting moreso i've also visited uh in south south america i guess 'cause the cultures are so very different
    8452,487,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i would probably say more shy um in general um compared to people who i know are really really outgoing although i've had them describe me as outgoing
    8454,487,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i like to read i like to walk or power walk or hike
    8455,487,mhm, listen to music you know
    8456,487,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm very good at controlling my temper
    8457,487,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh probably when i was married with my husband many years ago it it could be many things i don't even know in specific but just anything in general pretty much could turn into a debate slash argument with him
    8458,487,okay, it could be it could be a choice of
    8459,487,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, uh some of the instances when i might've been with him and i you know got emotional or let it bother me that he made such a big deal of something rather than um just you know seen it as not something to respond to perhaps but it would always be we're we were also pushed to answer so you know you can't always just say ignore a person there 'cause many times it's just a matter of ignoring situation and it doesn't escalate but some people you know don't respond to the so-called norm if you ignore it mm uh they'll just you know de-escalate but that's not always the case i taught middle school kids and you can try calm
    8460,487,yeah, um methods with them but that doesn't always work but you always have to as the teacher maintain you know your professional demeanor so you can't really um even when they you know the kids do something outrageous or possibly dangerous to themselves or other kids so
    8461,487,i see what you mean,
    8462,487,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, well that could be several mm um i guess a decision in um along with my mom deciding to let a relative have surgery uh that you know the outcome was uncertain it could go either way and in that case she died so you know uh it's a pretty hard decision 'cause you don't know but you also know if you don't that it could be very serious outcome for them as well
    8464,487,i'm sorry to hear that, mhm
    8465,487,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory,  oh many different things that could occur you know in life you always are second guessing things that you might could do but they also can be learning experiences so is it necessarily a good thing to erase them you know if you can look at it as positive sometimes people can have a strong reaction and they don't really look past the uh impact of the event 'cause there might be something that
    8466,487,mm, you can gain from that
    8467,487,yeah, but there are i i grew up in a home of dysfunction so there was just domestic abuse you know and um there were many incidences so you can't just say only one 'cause there is lots of traumatic things but it also would've been a different outcome in say learning to deal with some of the things that occur in life as an adult that sometimes i see among acquaintances or friends that have not had really strong experiences fall apart or just have very very difficult times dealing with so
    8469,487,how do you cope with them, um you can listen you know you and i and i 'cause i understand that not everybody's had the same experience you know you can walk them through levels of understanding and you know as you know someone you have a balance of background information on which to help them pull from and to see that you know things will progress in a better way knowing that this isn't like the end of the world or as terrible as it seems that it could be and you can also relate other experiences to them of things that were worse or you know seem to be and of course there's always in general i mean when you look at all the calamities in the world you know most of those things aren't affecting us or the people that we know here
    8470,487,mhm, so that provides us perspective that you know can pull someone out of their i won't necessarily say self-absorption but the seemingly intensity of their experience right at the moment
    8472,487,tell me about your relationship with your family, well we have a a good relationship they eh for the most part there are different levels of um stress and trauma that some of my siblings have experienced so it has made them interact with life and people you know more intensely than others some have not had um as much experience in life that will help them deal with things you know in a different way so it's always evolving and i walk in positivity as a a lead of you know uh the way i respond to uh try and engender a more positive response from them rather than feed sometimes the um very strong reactions or responses or interactions that they may have
    8474,487,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, pardon i didn't  i didn't hear you could you repeat
    8475,487,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, hmm hmm my mother different teachers friends
    8476,487,can you tell me about that, well my mother has always been a very calm um person for the most part easygoing even though she's experienced a lot of negativity i've had teachers that have um been very um positive  positive and proactive and have you know taught independent thinking and techniques to rise above some of the things that were occurring and just various friends that you know i would see handling situations sometimes more much more more difficult you know dealing with things so
    8478,487,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it depends for the most part it's you know pretty good um it depends if i'm dealing with a lot of things or studying or you know um trying to get more hours in the day 'cause i need to get things done then you know it's less but um in general i don't have a problem sleeping it's just if i make myself stay awake  stay up because there's more stuff that i wanna get done
    8479,487,i see what you mean,
    8480,487,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling okay uh less you know stressful in xxx it it goes in general 'cause i'm got several projects that i'm working on so um but in general good
    8481,487,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, like i mean not in particular i mean i just seems um less stressful as i get more stuff done i just and the stress comes from sometimes there being a lot more things to do in a shorter period of time but you know reorganizing some of the things that need to be done you know can smoothe that out
    8483,487,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i haven't but i know it's something that a lot of uh say veterans in particular have people have
    8485,487,have you been diagnosed with depression, i have not no
    8486,487,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, well there's several i guess um and happiness comes in small or large things but in general every day  every day every every moment to me is i mean  i mean every day every morning is great wonderful you know day of happiness um as far as big celebratory kinds of things i don't have big highs and lows like that i think it's something that should be on your continuum you know in every day it can be a really great meal it could be a great view it could be
    8487,487,yeah, you know a moment shared with someone you know so it should be an even on an even keel
    8488,487,i understand,
    8490,487,how would your best friend describe you, um as uh uh perseverant um you know i will continue forth and and um positive upbeat
    8491,487,is there anything you regret, um maybe not doing things differently when i were younger like spending my money differently or or spending my time you know a little more differently but that's hard to say it's like okay as your get older you can see you know you could've done some things differently instead of buying the house that i did i would've you know waited and bought another one i mean things like that
    8492,487,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, i would have um made myself move to california sooner and i'm i would have um instead of buying the house that i bought then if i'd know i would  would have you know the situation i have now waited to get something different but you know how can you you know have that hindsight you make the best decision that you can at the time with the best information  information available
    8493,487,yeah, you know after you have looked at several options
    8495,487,what are you most proud of in your life, of um being independent and educated able to uh take care of myself
    8496,487,that's great,
    8497,487,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    8498,487,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay
    8500,491,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    8502,491,so how are you doing today, huh overwhelmed
    8503,491,why, i have a funeral to attend tomorrow i found out from my doctor i got some health issues
    8504,491,i'm sorry to hear that,
    8505,491,that sounds really hard, it is hard
    8506,491,how do you cope with them, honey i am just putting one foot in front of the other and just trying to get it done
    8508,491,how hard is that, like i said i'm overwhelmed but i can't stop doing what i need to do
    8510,491,where are you from originally, i am from united states of america i was born here in los angeles
    8511,491,what are some things you really like about l_a, oh i love the beach honey i like the weather um the beach and the weather
    8513,491,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, oh the traffic and the people and this hollywood type image
    8514,491,i see what you mean,
    8515,491,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh not as much as i used to but i've been to europe i went on a uh on a cruise um several cruise uh been to jamaica canada mexico spain morocco um london
    8516,491,nice, portugal  portugal yeah and i'm going to hawaii in august
    8517,491,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people and just seeing new things and just assimilating into other people's culture and uh customs and traditions
    8518,491,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh the best trip i ever took is when i was a student at santa monica college and took a trip  uh it was a mediterranean cruise oh my god that was the best time of my life
    8519,491,what's one of your most memorable experiences, oh god um being on that ship
    8520,491,how did you feel in that moment, i felt electrifying uh fulfilled satisfied i felt like um i can do it and eh and it
    8521,491,that sounds like a great situation, and i it just i moved past the fear and just said i'm doing this
    8522,491,that's great,
    8523,491,what did you study at school, uh i'm in law school i'm xxx gonna i'm gonna be an attorney
    8524,491,how did you decide to do that, i've always wanted to be an attorney and it's been a long time coming
    8525,491,what's your dream job, oh my dream job is to have my own law firm my husband and i living in a beach community and our friends we know each other the community  the community know  we know each other it's a small town beach community having my own law firm working with my husband and providing legal services to people who are indigent
    8527,491,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh i'm in the middle
    8528,491,why, um it's one side of me that just like to withdraw and you know don't wanna be out in the front and it's another part of the personality is like oh no we're being in the front we're gonna be seen and eh we're  we're constantly in conflict
    8530,491,i understand,
    8531,491,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, yeah oh i get on my bike and ride my bike
    8532,491,how are you at controlling your temper, ooh it depends on what the situation is i need to control that
    8533,491,has that gotten you in trouble, mm not trouble but it made it has made people back up off of me
    8534,491,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh god when was the last time i really had a argument i don't know it's been awhile um argument it's been a long time that i can't even remember
    8536,491,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, oh god let's see  goodness mm mm oh just dealing with my siblings and my family and just trying to diffuse the situation and not get so heated and just remain cool and calm and collected
    8537,491,can you give me an example of that, oh when my mother passed years ago it was a conflict over her belongings and all that stuff and you know it was stressful time and everybody else  everybody's emotion was kinda high and arguing back and forth and i'm like i'm not doing that
    8539,491,tell me about your relationship with your family, distant  and the reality  i just i it's just amazing that these people no i shouldn't say these people that my we grew up in the family  we grew up in the same household and then as we got older you know xxx god takes us on different path it's just like who are these people or did i grow up in a household with 'em why  why are they and they may say the same thing about me i don't know i just like to have peaceful living honey
    8541,491,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, pardon me
    8542,491,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, oh god positive  um uh positive influences ooh college professors um friends church members um people like that
    8544,491,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, ooh god divorce should  should i continue with my education um when my mother was sick to be her primary caretaker put all my dreams and aspirations on hold um those have been some doozies
    8546,491,what made you decide to do that, well with my mom it's i you only have one mother and when it was over said and done i just wanted to do what was right according to what god would want me to do and i didn't wanna have any curses over my life but blessings 'cause the bible says honor thy parents my mother and father in all thy days so so you can live longer and i wanted blessings and not curses
    8547,491,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, my marriage  my marriage ugh god that had such a negative influence on my life such a negative impact but in all that it taught me it made me who i am today and i have no animosity
    8549,491,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep,  lately it's been so difficult 'cause school and finals and midterms and all that is coming up um sometimes rather difficult
    8550,491,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritable annoyed grouchy
    8551,491,how have you been feeling lately, well with all this stuff going on with the last week it's been real real real real real crazy
    8552,491,i see what you mean,
    8553,491,how do you cope with them, god i pray i just i pray i pray i pray i pray lord i pray and the one thing that's keeping me kinda like grounded is going to church
    8554,491,that's good,
    8555,491,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no never
    8556,491,have you been diagnosed with depression, yeah when i went through that divorce um and my mother passed that i was really depressed
    8557,491,what were your symptoms, fatigued tired uh xxx xxx xxx i no matter what i did i couldn't get any enjoyment just a feeling of emptiness and loneliness and isolation and shock trauma hard  it was very very very very difficult
    8558,491,i see,
    8559,491,what got you to seek help, time um just time it just took time just to process to work its way through
    8560,491,do you still go to therapy now, no no not at all
    8561,491,why did you stop, just got busy with life stuff
    8562,491,do you feel like therapy is useful, yeah i need somebody to talk to  yes
    8563,491,how has seeing a therapist affected you, oh god we i loved my therapist uh we talked things out and she gives me a different perspective and she just listened to me
    8564,491,that's good,
    8565,491,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, oh god well there's this guy at church and i really like him and he likes me and he throws kisses at me so
    8566,491,aw, and he's a
    8567,491,how would your best friend describe you, oh outgoing um determined yeah trustworthy faithful and loyal
    8569,491,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, oh god to be more patient um to be more patient
    8571,491,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, oh my ex-husband he did that on a daily daily thing and i'm just so glad to get rid of him
    8572,491,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago,  know your worth your value and have high self-esteem
    8574,491,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, well now with school in the library with tutors uh my outlet is riding my bike or either going swimming
    8575,491,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, oh a friend of mine um had a c_d release party and me and a excuse me  ooh excuse me and me and another friend got together and we catered the party and it was so nice and they were so happy they were so thankful and grateful so thankful and then he invited me on stage 'cause he sings and i felt so when i got up on stage 'cause i like to sing but i'm so shy in front of people and they're judgmental and they might look at me and i got up on that stage and i just i'm like well this  is this how this feel this feels good 
    8577,491,(laughter, oh god i aw man
    8580,491,what are you most proud of in your life, oh my accomplishments  my accomplishments um overcoming 'em one by one setting a goal and reaching 'em
    8581,491,that's great,
    8582,491,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay
    8583,491,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you honey 
    8585,302,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today,
    8586,302,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment,
    8587,302,think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer,
    8588,302,i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential,
    8589,302,how are you doing today, i'm fine how about yourself 
    8590,302,that's good,
    8591,302,i'm great thanks,
    8592,302,where are you from originally, i'm from los angeles california
    8594,302,me too, what part 
    8595,302,why don't we talk about that later , okay 
    8596,302,what are some things you really like about l_a, um all my family's here friends a mixture of people and a lot of things to do
    8597,302,okay ,
    8598,302,what'd you study at school, early childhood education
    8600,302,are you still working in that, no not right now but i would love to get back into it
    8601,302,why, love working with kids seeing them smile
    8602,302,tell me more about that, um guess it goes back to when i was a kid uh i like being happy and playful so i guess it just transferred into my adult life
    8604,302,what's your dream job, working with kids as a school teacher or in that capacity
    8605,302,that sounds really hard, yeah it is but if it's a passion of yours it'll always be fun
    8606,302,that's great,
    8607,302,how close are you to your family, i'm very close sometimes too close
    8608,302, can you give me an example of that, um i have four sisters and one brother on my mom's side and on my dad i have six brothers and four sisters and we're all getting intertwined together so so that's why i say we're too close sometimes
    8610,302, i see what you mean ,
    8611,302,do you consider yourself an introvert, no
    8612,302,why, i have a lot of friends to interact with and uh we're always doing different things so that's why i say i'm not
    8614,302,what do you do when you're annoyed, curse
    8615,302,mhm,  just let it out
    8617,302,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, a couple days ago my nephew didn't call me back
    8619,302,how did you feel in that moment, um kinda mad 'cause i had set aside some time to spend with him and he just blew it off and didn't call me back
    8620,302,yeah ,
    8621,302,that sucks, yeah i know
    8622,302,how are you at controlling your temper, mm i'm okay
    8625,302,what's one of your most memorable experiences, when my mother passed
    8626,302,i'm sorry,
    8627,302,tell me more about that, uh it's been about five years now to the day
    8628,302,mm, so it's it's getting better time makes it easier
    8629,302,that's good,
    8630,302,do you feel down , a lot 'cause there's a lot of things that make me think about her in a daily basis
    8631,302,yeah ,
    8632,302,like what , anything uh driving by a particular restaurant that she likes uh watching different t_v shows just anything that could trigger a a memory of my mom
    8634,302,when was the last time that happened, yesterday
    8636,302,how do you cope with them, uh think about the good times and i don't stay in that place too long just go ahead and think about it and move on
    8637,302,yeah ,
    8638,302,have you been diagnosed with depression, mm not officially but i think i might be depressed
    8639,302,tell me more about that, well i mean since my mom passed it's been kinda rough and then um job situation is not stable here in california so that has a lot to do with it as well so
    8640,302,that sounds really hard, yeah it is but
    8641,302,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, kinda sort of kinda just to myself reserved 
    8643,302,do you have disturbing thoughts, mm not really
    8645,302,how easy is it for you to get a good night sleep, it's pretty easy
    8646,302,what are you like when you don't sleep well, grumpy irritable fidgety just a big ball of nerves 
    8648,302,do you travel a lot, uh what do you mean
    8649,302,whatever comes to your mind, uh i guess so yeah i like to travel
    8650,302,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people different locations scenery uh different opportunities to try something new in a new location
    8652,302,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh just came back from memphis about three weeks ago go and see family and friends uh it was pretty nice got a chance to
    8653,302,mhm, see um something new
    8654,302,cool, change  change of scenery
    8656,302,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, wow stick to the plan and don't veer off to the left or right just go straight ahead
    8657,302,what made you decide to do that, um  just different circumstances in life that gradually pushed me towards the left and the right
    8658,302,there are always trade-offs in life aren't there, every day
    8659,302,is there anything you regret, uh a few relationships not staying in school um missing out on great opportunities with employers
    8661,302,how would your best friend describe you, um funny loyal spontaneous life of the party
    8662,302,how do you know them, grew up together in the same community went to school together high school friends
    8663,302,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my big sister michelle uh my friend troy um i mean there's others but those two uh no matter good or bad they're always in my corner for me
    8664,302,yeah ,
    8665,302,that's so good to hear, thank you
    8666,302,when was the last time you felt really happy, yesterday  yesterday celebrated a birthday
    8668,302,that's great i'd love to hear all about it, oh it was just a little small intimate setting  cooked a a meal had family and friends over listened to music watched movie talked about the old days when my mom was here and when we were all one union so it was just a nice evening
    8669,302,yeah ,
    8670,302,that's good,
    8671,302,okay i think i've asked everything i need to,
    8672,302,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you
    8673,302,goodbye ,
    8674,335,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment ,
    8675,335,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started,
    8676,335,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential,
    8677,335,are you okay with this , yes
    8678,335,okay so how are you doing today, i'm okay 
    8679,335,that's good,
    8680,335,where are you from originally, uh i'm from here originally los angeles 
    8681,335,really, mhm
    8682,335,what are some things you really like about l_a , um i like the weather 
    8683,335,uh huh, and my family's here which is why i'm here i moved away for a while
    8684,335,aw, uh i like that there's a lot of culture  even though everyone says there's not culture in l_a there is a lot of culture there's theater and film and lots of museums and things like that all different kinds of people i like the diversity   
    8685,335,yeah , mhm
    8686,335,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um  well i don't like that i had to move back kind of against my will  so starting a new career uh starting over in my career it so that's not really something
    8687,335,can you tell me about that , uh well i moved back 'cause my dad was sick  so
    8688,335,i'm sorry to hear that , thank you  thank you so that's why i'm here but it also means i live with my dad and my brother who are like hoarders and ridiculous so 
    8689,335, , uh
    8690,335,what'd you study at school , acting theater
    8691,335,that sounds interesting , it was
    8692,335,are you still doing that , mhm yeah  yeah i am  
    8693,335,what do you do now , i'm an actor i uh right now i'm doing a a theater show and auditioning and taking some classes and  that sort of thing 
    8694,335,how did you decide to do that , um well my parents are both artsy people and i grew up around it and for a long time i was singing and then uh i was went to study musical theater and somewhere along the lines i realized that acting was more my bag than singing i suppose but i still do both 
    8695,335,that's great , mhm
    8696,335,do you consider yourself an introvert , no i don't 
    8697,335,why, uh i don't usually have trouble talking to people uh i'm pretty friendly i can get along with most people people usually tell me their secrets within five minutes of meeting me which i feel is a mark of an extrovert    
    8698,335, ,
    8700,335,what do you do to relax,  um  i take a bath or read a book uh go out with my friends go to the theater uh eh sometimes my work is very relaxing so sometimes just like singing a song or any of that going for a walk 
    8701,335,okay , mhm yoga
    8702,335,what are some things that make you really mad , things that make me mad um  injustice  i can be very righteously indignant i suppose um  people who don't see those things and people who've who have a like entitlement i think entitlement and sense of privilege that can make me mad 
    8703,335,yeah , yeah 
    8704,335,what do you do when you're annoyed , uh  it depends i usually  a lot of times it's i argue my case  i guess  um or i i call my best friend usually and complain talk to her about it 
    8705,335,okay ,
    8706,335,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good pretty good i don't have too much of a temper 
    8707,335,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um like a real argument or like a debate 
    8708,335,uh huh,  um if was a real argument it probably would be my ex-boyfriend and we just argued about why we broke up stupid things like that 
    8709,335,that sounds really hard , eh i think i was kind of over it by then but  it was at times 
    8711,335,when was the last time you felt really happy , um  the last time i felt really happy  was like really happy probably hanging out hanging out with friends the other night i had a good time
    8712,335,tell me more about that , uh scrubbed_entry
    8714,335,that sounds like a great situation , it is it's nice it's nice
    8715,335,how would your best friend describe you , my best friend would describe me as an open book she often makes fun of me for like just telling everyone everything um she would describe me as   uh compassionate and uh having a a strong sense of who i am  i think
    8716,335,that's good , yeah she also she would describe me as not having like a good sense of social norms sometimes probably that's something that she 
    8717,335,why, makes fun of me for um because i do just like tell everyone everything and don't realize that i have like holes in my clothes and things like that but nothing nothing bad we have a very good relationship
    8718,335,has that gotten you in trouble , hmm
    8719,335,has that gotten you in trouble , yeah yeah it has  not terrible trouble but but yeah it's gotten me in trouble before sure 
    8720,335,okay ,
    8721,335,have you ever served in the military , no i haven't 
    8722,335,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no but i think i had it  but i never went to a doctor 
    8723,335,why, um 'cause i had a i had a traumatic situation uh where somebody injured me and i i feel  when i looked up p_t_s_d later i realized  i felt like i had all of the symptoms of like going back into situations like that i would get panicky and um it was very     uh i held on to it for a really really long time
    8724,335,uh huh , i think um i think that i did have it but i just i don't know 'cause i never i never saw anyone about it  
    8725,335,oh no,
    8726,335,i'm sorry ,
    8727,335,are they triggered by something , um  sometimes yeah uh certain physical things with that part of my body can be a trigger or um it happened in a in an acting class so sometimes certain teachers if they criticize in a certain way i start to i start to panic even if they're totally right and i know they're right and like it's something that someone else could tell me and i'd be fine with it eh sometimes it'll make me a little upset or panicky yeah 
    8728,335,i see ,
    8729,335,have you been diagnosed with depression , no
    8730,335,how have you been feeling lately , well i mean my dad is sick so not great 
    8731,335,yeah , but um but considering not terrible 
    8732,335,that's good,
    8733,335,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , um i've been having bad dreams  uh 
    8734,335,tell me more about that , uh just like stress dreams i think having to do with my dad   um 
    8735,335,uh huh , like getting kidnapped or my teeth falling out things that if you looked them up always say like there's something out of your control which is like exactly what it is so     
    8736,335,that sucks , it's not the best but it's just dreams at least so  
    8737,335,do you feel that way often , which way 
    8738,335,let's come back to that later , okay 
    8739,335,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , easy very easy 
    8740,335,what are you like when you don't sleep well , i am tired and maybe somewhat irritable goofy i get really goofy
    8741,335, , yeah 
    8742,335,okay ,
    8743,335,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um i am fairly non-judgmental  of other people i i i stay open-minded uh i can make most people laugh i'm funny uh creative  um i yeah those are some of the best ones i'd say  
    8744,335,okay ,
    8745,335,do you travel a lot, yeah 
    8746,335,what do you enjoy about traveling , i love meeting new people and seeing new things and learning uh and just getting out of the routine i like staying in hotels uh i like most things about traveling i even i even like flying i like all of it
    8747,335,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , well i just finished a tour a couple months ago um going up and down the east coast and then across the u_s and uh performing for kids all over  
    8748,335,wow, yeah and then we ended here in l_a 
    8749,335,are you happy you did that , yeah yeah it was great it was a good time 
    8750,335,awesome, yeah
    8751,335,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um  lemmi think we  we went to  the hot springs the naturally occuring hot springs in colorado and that was really nice that was a nice way to unwind
    8752,335,that's good , yeah 
    8753,335,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , a lot of people i i would say um i mean my dad comes to mind certainly uh my godmother is a huge positive influence in my life as well   uh my best friend my best friend from high school i think i uh some  a few of my best friends from high school um and college that i've kinda grown up with and become who i am with them
    8754,335,uh huh , yeah 
    8755,335,that's great , mhm
    8756,335,is there anything you regret , uh small things sure 
    8757,335,can you give me an example of that , yeah uh i regret  the way that i dealt with a friendship that was ending once uh i regret  committing to certain people that i've dated  uh  but nothing huge i i tend to go well i won't do that again but i don't spend a lot of time like being upset about things i've done in the past 
    8758,335,okay ,
    8759,335,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , hmm stand up for yourself  um 
    8760,335,tell me more about that ,  don't date felons  uh
    8761,335,tell me more about that , i think that i i don't have any trouble standing up for things that i believe in but sometimes i have trouble standing up for myself i think i i really internalize the idea of like you know women being too needy or uh or um i don't know those kinds of things and then xxx and so as as an adolescent and growing up i felt like well you then you just shouldn't need anything or you're needy and it took me a while to be able to like voice what i want what i needed from other people and be okay with that
    8762,335,uh huh uh huh , and it's still something i work on 
    8763,335,that makes sense,
    8764,335,that makes sense,
    8765,335,that makes sense ,  i'm glad you think so 
    8766,335,that makes sense,
    8767,335,what are you,
    8768,335,that makes sense,
    8769,335,what are you most proud of in your life , um   that's a good question uh  my friends and family  and uh  i my talents i would say  yeah 
    8770,335,that's great , yeah my ability to take situations and  take bad situations and continue and uh make the best of everything 
    8772,335,okay i think i've asked everything i need to,
    8773,335,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , alright 
    8774,335,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me ,  thank you 
    8775,335,goodbye goodbye ,
    8776,307,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer   ,
    8777,307,i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 
    8778,307,where are you from originally, um moscow
    8780,307,why'd you move to l_a, um my family moved to the u_s and then i moved down here eventually for college
    8781,307,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a,  uh it took a long time to i've been living here for about a year since i graduated so there's been a lot of ups and downs but finally gotten adjusted to it so it took a while though
    8782,307,that's good,
    8783,307,how do you like your living situation, it goes off and on i have two roommates and there's always a little bit of drama here and there between
    8784,307,[laughter], the girls but for the most part after a year and a couple months i think we finally learned how to live together but it was pretty much like a reality t_v show for a while
    8786,307,how do you know them, one's from college and the other one we found on craigslist
    8787,307,how close are you to them, it varies depending on whether or not we're mad at each other so um i guess pretty close right now we're kinda distant
    8789,307,tell me more about that, oh about the distant
    8790,307,yes, okay um well we  haven't seen each other we haven't hung out in like two weeks 'cause one of them got into like this car accident and um so she's been distant since then and kinda locks herself up in her room
    8791,307,uh oh, and the other one is always working late so we just our our scheduling has been off and no one's really made an attempt to hang out with anyone so it's kind of we're just waiting for someone i guess to make the first move 
    8792,307,yeah that sucks, it's okay it'll get better
    8794,307,how are you at controlling your temper, it depends with whom  i'm dealing with i guess i would say with some people i guess with my family not very good my boyfriend it's not very good but with other people that i might not know so well then i'm able to control it a little bit more but it'll be more passive aggressive than like full on anger
    8795,307,why, oh 'cause i don't want them to see me as a bitch [laughter]
    8797,307,that makes sense, yeah
    8798,307,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh probably my best friend nicole she's probably been we've been best friends for like god since high school freshman year of high school is when we first met so long time so yeah
    8799,307,wow, um
    8800,307,can you give me an example of that, of of what 
    8801,307,how do you know them, uh my friend nicole
    8802,307,yeah, um we met in french class freshman year of high school we were in the same class and then we kinda started doing homework together and we had a lot of class the same classes together and so we just kinda started hanging out and then we just became closer and have stayed really close since then
    8803,307,nice, mhm
    8804,307,what are some things you like to do for fun, um uh going out with friends going to bars going dancing biking hiking staying active um going to the movies going out to eat at restaurants uh photography um just hanging out with friends i guess whatever
    8806,307,how close are you to your family, uh it varies like i'm really close to them when it comes to things about like school work um those kinds of things but when it comes to relationships and friendships and more personal personal things  i don't really discuss that with them
    8807,307,mm, so i guess superficially close
    8808,307,okay, but i rely on them a lot so we're close i guess
    8809,307,that's good, mhm
    8810,307,what are some things that make you really mad, uh that's a good question um i guess it depends who it is again i guess people who are inconsiderate unthoughtful flakey ignorant and uh conceited [cons] uh yeah i guess those kinds of people and when people just um what makes me mad that's a good question i guess a lot of things make me mad [laughter] but it's mostly how people react to um different situations can make me angry i guess
    8812,307, when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh yesterday and it was my boyfriend and we argued because he's trying to be healthy and workout and save money  and so and so by doing that what he does is he orders pizza in so he's not saving money and he's not being healthy and so i got frustrated with him 'cause i'm constantly trying to push him to be healthy and each time he's like i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it so he's constantly breaking promises that's another thing that makes me angry is people that don't follow through
    8815,307,do you feel that way often, about other people or about myself or angry
    8816,307,whatever comes to your mind, xxxx [laughter] um angry i guess i'll go with that no i don't feel angry often
    8818,307,what's your dream job, dang it that is a tough one how 'bout just getting paid to be me um i don't know that what i'm kind of trying to figure out right now 'cause i quit my full time job 'cause i hated it it was just mostly sitting in an office all day which i thought was extremely boring so now i work in a restaurant job and i'm trying to look for a second job to support myself um  my dream job i don't know what it would be but i know it would involve people and i'd love to have some kind of like finished product or some kind of accomplishment towards the end i guess it's something that i realized i like to see the result from all my hard work 'cause i majored in sociology and as much as i loved that major is you realize it's a whole lot of theorizing and arguing but with no real solution so it's just like at the end all you have is just these theoretical elements that you can't really do anything with and nothing to show for your work except for a piece of paper with your essays or notes so
    8820,307,yeah, something to do with people and maybe something artistic i love photography i love cooking baking in particularly so i don't know something in that realm i guess
    8822,307,do you travel a lot, i used to travel a lot my family is known for traveling we've gone to gosh seven eight different countries i've lived in three or four different countries
    8823,307,wow, i haven't traveled a lot lately just because i have no money and jobs kinda tie you down but i would love to have that i guess my dream job would be a photographer that for national geographic that would be awesome
    8824,307,yeah, um or a huge photographer that travels that'd be awesome too but anyways um yeah i do travel a lot
    8825,307,what do you enjoy about traveling, in the new places new faces new experiences i get restless very easily so it's nice to constantly be on the move and see different things and see different cultures and types of people and just not get stuck in the same routine i hate the routine and mundaneness of everyday life so it's nice to stir things up
    8826,307,i see what you mean,
    8827,307,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh gosh okay um i'm trying to think one of my trips i guess we can talk about i don't know it's funny even though i've been to lots of different countries one of my most memorable memorable trips is one of the trips that i took with my family i was a three week roadtrip with my family there's five of us packed in a tiny little station wagon
    8828,307,oh my gosh, i know needless to say it's like when you're that close proximity for three weeks camping you start getting on each others' nerves but it was really fun and like even though i've traveled so many places i realized that there's like such a beauty in the american landscape and so we were all around the southwest and the grand canyon to zion to the grand tetons to yellowstone and it was absolutely amazing just seeing all that natural beauty so um and we saw a grizzly bear black bear lots of bison a wolf and it was really cool those kinds of i don't know natural wonders also really amaze me 'cause those things aren't man made and as as pretentious as it sounds after a while europe kinda gets not old but it's like you know you get the same idea like white old white men building great buildings and art work and it's beautiful and all but like you just kind of like okay i wanna see something that's natural and beautiful or something that's different too
    8830,307,i see what you mean, cool
    8831,307,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um pretty easy as long as I get well no i always sleep so easy
    8832,307,what are you like when you don't sleep well, oh grumpy and just very lethargic and just low energy don't say much and just kinda off in my own world
    8833,307,do you feel that way often, i not not anymore i usually get enough sleep and i've been working out more so it's kind of  energizing me so no it's not too bad that's good
    8834,307,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh i guess i've just been more negative but it has to do with like circumstances kind of like uh it's been about five months since i quit my full time job haven't found anything else haven't really found anything else i'm interested in so it's more of just like ugh what am i doing da da da that kind of thing
    8836,307,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yeah it's it is hard the market and just like i'm very picky 'cause i don't wanna just sittin in a little my own cubicle 'cause i quit my job exactly for that reason so why go back to another job just do the same exact thing that i quit my other job for
    8837,307,mhm, so it's just like i have to make it worthwhile that i quit my last job to get a better job so it's just kinda like i'm stuck in this section of just like living paycheck to paycheck barely making it and just waiting for the right opportunity to come across but it's like when do i give up and sell my soul and go back to the corporate world of sitting in little cubicles i don't know
    8838,307,that sounds really hard, yeah it is hard but i mean i guess everyone goes through that same situation after college so but i guess it's tough 'cause a lot of my friends 'cause i went to a pretty good school and you know i have a friend who's teaching english in afghanistan and i have another one who's met the president you know and one that's doing teach for america another friend who's in harvard uh school for like harvard masters [mass] you know getting her masters so it's kind of like ahh all that comparison and then here i am working a little restaurant job so
    8840,307,do you feel down, uh i do sometimes yes but i'm going to hawaii next week so right now i'm fine [laughter]
    8841,307,nice, yes but yeah usually it's been kind of like down because i'm just trying to find like what i'm supposed to like you know what do i want to do next and like money situations which is very stressful especially when you have school loans to pay off insurance rent car loans like it's just groceries like i can't even afford groceries so it's just hard to like live this way especially after you've paid so much money for like an amazing college education so it's a little bit frustrating but there's a lot of people in the same situation
    8843,307,i'm sorry, it's all good
    8844,307,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh no i don't think so but i mean i think everyone goes through depression here and there so i don't know if you can but not like medically diagnose i'm not on meds
    8846,307,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, nope
    8847,307,have you ever served in the military, nope
    8849,307,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, oh let's see uh to try lots of different things and not be afraid to fail 'cause i'm one of those people if i'm not gonna be the best at something then i'm just not gonna try i accept the best or nothing at all go big or go home so but i think i would've told my high school self that go and try lots of things even if it means i'm not gonna be the best at it so ten years ago
    8850,307,like what, well that would've made me like twelve so  [laughter] um i used to do a lot of things i i used to act i think i would've continued doing that i used to write a lot when i was younger i used to write miniature like little stories  short stories for my parents all the time and i kind of stopped doing those things 'cause it's like oh i'm not good at it so i'm not gonna do it and i think if i just continued doing those things and tried you know different classes  um i don't know different sports i kinda just stuck with soccer growing up i don't know just expand myself more rather than like find something i'm good at and just stay with it but never really try harder kinda just like stay i always kinda stayed at one level but once i'm good i just stay for good i don't try to go above that if that makes any sense
    8853,307,what do you do to relax, uh right now it's super lame but i watch t_v [laughter] but i used to read a i used to read on my off time or just listen to music or just take a nap or bake but now it's just like since i'm on my feet all day and like constantly interacting with people i just kinda wanna unwind by like sitting and lying on the couch and being like i'm done so
    8855,307,what's one of your most memorable experiences , [laughter] that's a tough question um probably the day i got accepted into pomona college um i was a freshman at wellesley college which is the women's college back east and i hated it from like the second from like the first week i just knew that i chose the wrong college and i was like miserable for the entire year
    8856,307,aww, and i only only applied to one school to transfer pomona college like that's out in claremont and um i didn't think i was gonna get in and i was 'cause it was like a four percent acceptance rate and i was like what are the chances like this is ridiculous i don't think i'm gonna get in and i was like you know the thought of going back to wellesley was super depressing 
    8857,307,mhm, um but then i got an email from one of the admission counselors that i had met when i was visiting pomona and he was like hi tatiana like um just wanted to see if you had any last minute questions about pomona hope all is well and i was like why would he be emailing me the day we find out if we got you know accepted or not um unless i got the acceptance and so sure enough a couple hours later i got the email that i was accepted into pomona and i was ecstatic that was like that best day of my life i was so happy that's probably one
    8858,307,that's great, yeah it was awesome then i took my mom and my little brother out to dinner and i went and bought myself some new dresses went and just like went crazy dyed my hair pierced my nose i was like let's start this whole thing over so [laughter]
    8859,307,awesome, yeah
    8860,307,how would your best friend describe you, bubbly  fun  maybe moody you never know what you're gonna get sometimes um
    8861,307,[laughter], probably   uh definitely friendly um and pretty like a positive person um but sometimes maybe a little bit aggressive but for the most part i think positive things i mean she's my best friend so [laughter]
    8863,307,when was the last time you felt really happy, huh  really happy oh when i was in mexico over winter well no i don't know my boyfriend took me on a sailing trip down in  san clemente and that was really fun and we just like went sailing and walked around the missions hung out on the beach that was really fun that was a good time
    8864,307,that sounds like a great situation, yeah it was cool
    8865,307,okay i think i've asked everything i need to thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    8867,346,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today ,
    8868,346,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment ,
    8869,346,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started ,
    8870,346,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential ,
    8871,346,are you okay with this, yes 
    8872,346,okay ,
    8873,346,so how are you doing today , i'm okay 
    8874,346,that's good ,
    8875,346,where are you from originally , here in los angeles 
    8877,346,what are some things you really like about l_a, there's a lot of things to do i love the beach  um i love the i love that it's sunny all the time 
    8879,346,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um the amount of people  um  that's really about it the amount of people 
    8881,346,i see what you mean ,
    8882,346,do you travel a lot , just a little 
    8883,346,what do you enjoy about traveling , i just like um going to new places and just discovering new things 
    8884,346,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , um i recently went to new york i was there for about three months  um and it was extremely boring i went to western new york  um and it was extremely uh snowy and um  i didn't  was in a position where i didn't have a car so i didn't get to go very many places and i was in a small town   so um  i uh  uh it was beautiful for what i got to see but really  it wasn't really much to it  
    8885,346,that sucks, yeah 
    8886,346,do you consider yourself an introvert , um  both i'm both an introvert and an extrovert 
    8887,346,tell me more about that , um  i really enjoy doing things by myself  um 
    8888,346,mhm, i um have a lot of my own um my likes and dislikes and i've spent a lot of time alone even though um i have  i do have a lot of friends and uh when i do go out i i do tend to meet a lot of people but um i also enjoy um being by myself a lot 
    8889,346,okay ,
    8890,346,how would your best friend describe you , um  probably outgoing creative um  talented  um fun trustworthy 
    8892,346,what'd you study at school , um  i studied language um  and um physics  and um  math
    8893,346,are you still working in that , no i'm not  i'm actually um
    8894,346,what do you do now , i'm um i'm trying to be an actress 
    8895,346,how did you decide to do that , it was something that i fell into when i was a teenager  scrubbed_entry and uh i really enjoyed doing it and i hadn't done it for years um  so i figured why not i just came back to california and might as well try something that i did enjoy really doing  
    8896,346,that sounds interesting ,
    8897,346,are you happy you did that , um so far um i just got picked up by an agent  so i haven't really done anything yet as an adult  but um  i'm hoping  hoping something it'll be fruitful  
    8898,346,yeah ,
    8899,346,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , um   i really don't haven't had too many  um  i guess my sister she's done really well  um  my boyfriend he's a  he's a very positive human being  um  but um  really i haven't had too many positive influences 
    8900,346,how close are you to your family , um  i'm close i mean we  we hang out um i i don't tell them everything  um they're kind of judgmental  but um  other than that i mean i mean we hang out i mean i see them every day 
    8901,346,that's good ,
    8902,346,what do you do to relax, um  geez um  it's kinda hard for me to relax um i mean i try to watch t_v um and i read  a lot um  that's probably about it i read i do a lot of sleeping  i'm a little depressed so um  yeah it's kinda it's xxx like i said it's really hard for me to relax 
    8903,346,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , um  it isn't  um i tend to think a lot  um about the things that stress me out  um i've been through a lot of a lot of stuff so um  yeah so i i don't i don't i don't sleep very well at night and if i do fall asleep i wake up all through the night usually with some kind of anxiety attacks 
    8904,346,are they triggered by something, um  i dream a lot about um the stuff that has uh  has affected me throughout the years so um  it's usually you know like i i'll dream about something that stressed me out and then i'll wake up and my my chest'll hurt    um  or just i just can't sleep all night because i just think i seem to be i don't know if i'm afraid to go to sleep  but i uh  i just i don't know i feel like that  that's a vulnerable place for me  because of stuff that've happened to me 
    8905,346,yeah , so um  i i so i sleeping is just not really something i do well 
    8906,346,okay ,
    8907,346,what are you like when you don't sleep well , um  tired  i'm uh  i'm moody i'm very sensitive  um  i uh i'm just negative  a negative person  um which really that's not me um  i uh yeah i'm like  judgmental is not me either um i just  i'm just not a not a nice person to be around 
    8908,346,how do you cope with them , um  i try to  i i spend a lot of my time reading i try to go out and do um i force myself to go out and do things um  just to keep myself involved  um so that i don't uh sit  just sit around and and and dwell on the fact that i can't sleep and i i try to um get myself as exhausted as i possibly can  um by running around and and and doing things  so 
    8910,346,how hard is that , um it's difficult  um i do like there is a part of me that doesn't wanna  i don't really wanna go out and do things i have to actually force myself to um if i have make appointments i uh  i make appointments to like for auditions or or um  even to do this i um i i tend to uh  just not  like at the last minute i'll i'll try to convince myself not to go  but then i force myself to anyways  
    8911,346,yeah ,
    8912,346,i see,
    8913,346,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 
    8914,346,how long ago were you diagnosed , um i've been diagnosed for two instances  um i was diagnosed  diagnosed about three years three and a half years ago  and then i was diagnosed again um in august
    8915,346,what got you to seek help , um  the first time it was um  i just wasn't sleeping  because of the not sleeping um   and the uh just the stress  the unbelievable stress 
    8916,346,uh huh , um  and then the second time it was a xxx uh once again i started with the not sleeping um and then every moment of the day was just thinking about what happened to me um  and i just i i just couldn't take it anymore  so i i figured um  i was getting too gloomy i was getting like um  not thinking life was worth it and and i i i that's i just needed to see somebody before anything escalated 
    8917,346,yeah ,
    8918,346,that sounds really hard , yeah  it was 
    8919,346,do you still go to therapy now, i no  do not
    8920,346,why did you stop , um one of the reasons i went to new york was to try to um  get out of my environment  um and uh  and that seemed to help a lot  um 
    8921,346,uh huh, and uh out here i i was i just the counselors that i was going to just didn't really seem to be helping me much  um they just 
    8922,346,i'm sorry to hear that , they just seemed to be giving me a lot of medications and i don't believe that that's what i needed  um 
    8923,346,yeah , yeah so um  yeah 
    8924,346,how have you been feeling lately ,  stressed um uh lately i've been really sad and i don't know why   um  but like i said i've been trying to combat that by um   keeping myself busy 
    8925,346,that's good ,
    8926,346,when was the last time you felt really happy , um  actually um  i'm kind of a couple days ago  i was actually really happy and i was genuinely happy   um but then i went back to  being you know going back to feeling miserable  so
    8927,346,can you tell me about that , um  well i realized  i got up in the morning i actually did get a good night of sleep  and um  i realized uh that i'm actually really lucky  um 'cause i've been through a lot in my life and i have um somebody in my life who really loves me and somebody who um is finally there for me  and uh  you know he gives me what i need emotionally and i was just really thankful for that  and that made me really happy  um 
    8928,346,that's so good to hear , yeah  thank you 
    8929,346,what are you most proud of in your life , oh geez um  i've had so many years of just  just bad just a lot of bad  that it there has it's been a long time  since i've been proud of anything  i guess if anything it's my ability to survive through all the hardships i've been through 
    8930,346,mhm, um my  a lesser person i guess would've  gotten rid of themselves a long time ago  but um even though like i'm really depressed and i feel gloomy and i feel  just feel miserable about a lot of things um  there's gotta be a silver lining  so 
    8931,346,yeah , um so yeah so i mean like i guess that's what i'm proud of that uh  i although a whole bunch of bad things have happened to me it hasn't ruined me i still try to be a good person um i i try not to be negative towards other people  and um  and truthful and i still i still have drive in me 
    8932,346,that's great, yeah 
    8933,346,is there anything you regret, ugh  so much um  my last marriage um not getting out when i should have  um  and uh just i regret a lot
    8934,346,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago ,  um the any situation that would've had a red flag um  eh just get out of it you know eh some things just don't work and um  no matter how hard you try no matter how much you put into it so um  i i would tell myself um to um  that it's not selfish  to let go of a bad situation  and um not everybody can be helped so sometimes you just gotta live for yourself and help yourself 
    8935,346,yeah , so if
    8936,346,mhm, had i known that then had had i known that then i i i probably would've done better in life so 
    8937,346,i see what you mean , yeah 
    8938,346,what are some things that make you really mad ,  um people who um  when people are down on me for my faults  um that i have done that i have things that i've done in my past that people steal still relive when i'm trying to forgive myself um  people who are mean to other people uh people who talk poorly about people behind their backs people that are untrustworthy um just anybody who picks on the little guy  um  you know people who don't care about the environment or animals um 
    8939,346,mhm, i just  i think that everybody should be as good as they possibly can be  and uh it's it's disheartening and it it just makes me so mad that people just can't be people don't let people live people try to make um everybody feel as negative and as poorly as they do  and uh i that makes me mad 
    8940,346,yeah ,
    8941,346,okay ,
    8942,346,what do you do when you're annoyed ,  i vent  um  yeah i tend to vent and then uh  and them um and then it's usually over i try not to bad mouth people um i try to just talk through it until um until it's gone and then it doesn't bother me anymore
    8943,346,that's good ,
    8944,346,how are you at controlling your temper, mm i try not to get angry um  because i have a really bad temper and it um  and it can get outta hand so um  what i do is i i  something gets me so mad i tend to go and take a nap  um  if i'm not in that situation where i can just go and take a nap um i usually just walk away from the situation and i try to clear my mind and come back to it 
    8945,346,okay ,
    8946,346,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um  it was a couple days ago it was actually with my mother um  it was about um  actually she thought that i had taken a shirt from her  and um she was screaming and yelling at me and um  i was i was tired um i was it was late and um  i started to yell at  back at her you know because i was hurt that she would accuse me of something so petty um  and you   it's uh going back to my past you know when i was younger and you know i didn't care about you know people's things and i would just kinda take and do whatever i wanted to and i'm not i'm so far from that person   um and i it it hurt me so i got mad and i and i started to yell and argue  mm kinda petty and stupid but  at the time it it seemed  it seemed uh  viable 
    8947,346,yeah ,
    8948,346,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um  hmm one of my most memorable experiences  um  god  i've had so many um  maybe it was um  i don't know um  it was  probably um  graduating pharmacy school 
    8949,346,that's great ,
    8950,346,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt pretty great i didn't know if i was doing  uh very very well or not um and i ended up getting like on my last test scores i getting  ended up getting like ninety eight percent  and um 
    8951,346,wow, i uh  i actually i didn't  i had no confidence  that i had done well in class in school at all and i i didn't even know how i was getting the grades i was getting um so that was a really big accomplishment for me um  and uh yeah that was a great it was a great memory yeah 
    8952,346,awesome, yeah 
    8953,346,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um  i'm reliable  um  i um  i'm talented  um i i'm a good listener um  i'm always there to help people  um  i tend to always try to do the right thing  um  sometimes actually i forget that i have any good qualities but  um  and just  i uh  all around i try to be you know as as good and the best person that i can be to other people and myself um 
    8954,346,that's good , yeah 
    8955,346,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um  going to comedy shows  um  just um  having moments where you just laugh with people  um  sometimes just reading puts me in a good mood uh  i don't know probably that's about it 
    8956,346,mhm, uh huh 
    8957,346,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , okay 
    8958,346,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , thank you 
    8960,331,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today,
    8961,331,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment ,
    8962,331,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started,
    8963,331,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential,
    8964,331,are you okay with this , yes 
    8966,331,so how are you doing today  , okay 
    8967,331,that's good ,
    8968,331,where are you from originally, connecticut
    8970,331,why'd you move to l_a, um  to be an actor  
    8971,331,how did you decide to do that , well i moved to san francisco in ninety four and then i moved to atlanta in ninety six and then i moved out here to be an actor and i became a realtor instead 
    8972,331,what's your dream job , um to be on a t_v show an actor 
    8973,331,how hard is that , it's pretty hard to get discovered and uh  you have to be lucky and you have to know the right people and you have to be talented  
    8974,331,yeah ,
    8975,331,that sucks ,  yeah 
    8976,331,do you travel a lot, not really no i don't travel that much i used to move um every couple years to a different city and then i've been here for a while so i don't travel much
    8977,331,okay ,
    8978,331,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather um there's always something to do and um that's pretty much it  
    8979,331,okay ,
    8980,331,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um the people here tend to be a little more rude and um it's just always a fast pace 
    8981,331,yeah i see what you mean ,
    8982,331,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, well when i moved here i was twenty five so it was a lot more fun because when you're young in the city you can have a lot of fun    and then i got into the real estate and did really well for a while and then the market crashed and so now i'm old and i'm not making any money so times are tough 
    8984,331,i'm sorry to hear that ,
    8985,331,do you consider yourself an introvert, no no i'm much  much of more  more of an extrovert 
    8986,331,okay ,
    8987,331,what are some things that make you really mad, um when i don't get what i want  and um  rude people  and um  just inconsiderate people 
    8988,331,okay ,
    8989,331,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm pretty good um at controlling my temper when i'm not uh like if i if i drink alcohol it'll make my temper go worse but uh  when i don't drink i'm pretty good at controlling my temper  
    8990,331,okay ,
    8991,331,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about  , uh the last time i argued with somebody was  somebody that owed me money 
    8992,331,okay ,
    8993,331,where do you live , uh i live uh in west hollywood 
    8994,331,cool ,
    8995,331,do you have roommates , no no no i live alone i have a dog
    8997,331,how do you like your living situation , it's good i mean i don't like my neighbors i hate my neighbors but the ones upstairs just moved out so that's good news hopefully the ones that move in are not that noisy and the ones below i just can't stand because they argue with me  
    8998,331,why , huh why because they 'cause my hardwood floors they say that eh i've been there for ten years and they still argue about the noise of me walking on my hardwood floors 
    8999,331,oh ,
    9000,331,that sounds really hard , yeah 
    9001,331,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , what was the question 
    9002,331,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , my mother has been a very positive influence she's always kept me on track she lived with me for the last ten years until she recently moved to rhode island to live with my brother
    9004,331,how close are you to your family , very close to my mother um not so close with my brother mm we're close but we're not like close close
    9005,331,uh huh, um so i mean we love each other we just don't really understand each other all the time 
    9007,331,i understand,
    9008,331,how would your best friend describe you , outgoing um life of the party  ambitious um  and sometimes cut-throat 
    9009,331,what are you most proud of in your life , um  what am i most proud of  being always able to get through the things i need to get through to get to where i wanna be
    9010,331,that's great ,
    9011,331,what would you say are some of your best qualities , i'm generous i'm loyal uh i'm friendly i'm accommodating and um  that's about it 
    9012,331,okay ,
    9013,331,have you ever served in the military , no
    9014,331,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 
    9015,331,how long ago were you diagnosed , uh about four years ago 
    9016,331,what got you to seek help , um i well i had  i was beaten up and i had uh identity theft and uh you know i was just afraid to go out so i needed to get over that so after spending one year in in my home without leaving um and just depressed all the time i i said i have to get out and start talking to people and so i did   
    9017,331,yeah i'm sorry to hear that , thank you 
    9018,331,how have you been feeling lately , um okay i'm panicky about the job situation  um you know 'cause my bills are pretty high and i don't really have a steady income right now 
    9019,331,uh huh, so uh that's what's worrying me the most is my uh financial situation 
    9020,331,that sounds really hard , yeah 
    9021,331,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , um  yeah i mean  well basically it's like um i just recently quit drinking all together so i don't drink anymore so i'm noticing 
    9022,331,that's great , yeah i mean it's good 'cause of number one i don't have the money and number two i don't like the way i act when i drink  
    9023,331,mhm, um so so that's a positive thing but well the when i was drinking it helped me just forget and numb myself now i have to feel through the feelings which is pretty good 'cause i can talk my way through them so i guess i'm evolving 
    9024,331,that's good ,
    9025,331,have you been diagnosed with depression , uh yeah a long time ago um you know i've taken many medications here and there and um they really some of 'em would numb me some of them would  make me feel hyper so i've recently decided to  in the last six months three to six months just to not take anything so i don't take anything i barely even take an aspirin  just to get my body to a to get my body to a normal state  
    9026,331,how hard is that,
    9028,331,did you think you had a problem before you found out , um not really 
    9029,331,what were your symptoms , always worrying just a lot of worrying always worrying worrying worrying about everything oh what happens if i get in car accident what happens if i can't pay my mortgage what happens if i eh eh just so many things i worry about and that's what was making me depressed
    9030,331,yeah ,
    9031,331,do you feel like therapy's useful , i do at some point i've had some good therapists and i've had some bad therapists  um i tend to like the ones that talk back to me and kinda give me some guidance as opposed to the ones that just listen  
    9032,331,mhm, and then they just say okay your time's up so and just prescribe me medication so i think i'd be better with a psychiatrist  psychologist as opposed to a psychiatrist
    9033,331,yeah i see what you mean ,
    9034,331,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um well i'm not going to therapy now but  the therapy that i had before um  was more like people trying to uh just come in and check in and give me medication um i have had other therapy where i was back and forth like okay well this is what i think about this and you think about this and that kind of therapy is better 
    9036,331,why did you stop , um i just i wasn't getting the right therapists recently so um and i knew the the root of my problem was the drinking 'cause it's a depressant so 
    9037,331,mhm, mm you know stopping the drinking is definitely made me have a much clearer mind and just to work through things myself you know 
    9038,331,yeah ,
    9039,331,okay ,
    9040,331,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , um  i can't really think of anything right now 
    9041,331,okay ,
    9042,331,when was the last time you felt really happy , um  it's been a long time i can't really think about a time when i felt really happy 
    9043,331,i'm sorry to hear that , thank you 
    9044,331,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um  okay when i was a kid um  i had a a little dog and this big dog came and and attacked it and killed it  so then a little while later my father  came and he says to my brother and me we were kids go to the car there's two packages in the car so go get them  so i was like yeah yeah yeah yeah 'cause i never listened to my parents so i was just like a spoiled brat but finally he said go to the car what's that  
    9046,331, , oh okay he said go to the car and get this out of the car so i finally went and when i opened the door there was a new dog and a bag of dog food so that's one of my memorable esperiences  
    9048,331,that's great , yeah 'cause i'm an animal lover so 
    9049,331,yeah ,
    9050,331,is there anything you regret , um just the way that i've treated people before when i was hurting i was really mean or rude to people when i felt like you know i was hurting i had to hurt everybody around me so um but when  ever since i stopped the drinking i don't do that anymore so 
    9051,331,mhm, so i think the problem is is the drinking and so now that i've let that go uh 'cause i was doing it for the wrong reasons you know i was doing it to not not feel i wasn't doing it to be sociable 
    9052,331,that's good,
    9053,331,yeah ,
    9054,331,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , get in a career that is really stable  like uh eh you know like a a doctor or a nurse or an attorney something that you know or in advertising i should've gone into that a sales position is it could be very well and very good or very bad so you always have to be on it in sales you can make a ton of money in sales but when you make your money save your money don't go spend it on extravagant things 
    9056,331,that makes sense ,
    9057,331,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , um when i have a job when i when i'm able to work  uh when i'm helping other people  uh when other people around me are happy and laughing when i can make people laugh that that puts me in a good mood 
    9058,331,that's great ,
    9059,331,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, okay thank you 
    9060,331,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , you're welcome thank you 
    9061,331,goodbye ,
    9062,367,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9063,367,so how are you doing today, i'm okay um i'm a little pensive i guess a little uh down but more or less okay
    9064,367,i'm sorry to hear that,
    9065,367,where are you from originally, i was born in annapolis maryland
    9066,367,really, on the east coast
    9067,367,why did you move to l_a, originally i moved because i went to film school um and but then i decided to come i moved to washington d_c to do some work and now i'm back here again
    9068,367,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it's very different um being from the east coast it just has a different feel to it um but living l_a is very has a very different kind of um attitude i guess and so it's a little difficult but i but i've gotten more used to it since i've been here
    9069,367,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh not at all um when i left things got things were sort of i i lost my job out there and so i had to move out here kind of quick to um to be with uh some people who were gonna help me out and i'm just sort of i don't know if estranged is the right word but i'm just kind of not really speaking to my family or old friends that often
    9070,367,how hard is that, it's not easy it's it's kind of um i miss i miss a lot of people i miss my old life before i lost my job um i miss um some friends um i miss a lot of the relationships that i had out there um so it's difficult i mean it weighs on my mind a lot um i feel like i failed and now i'm here and i can't seem to get back on my feet so it's it's it's hard
    9072,367,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, depends on the situation i think i'm outgoing when i'm comfortable um and then i'm extremely outgoing but when i'm in a situation i'm not comfortable with i tend to be a lot more shy so that doesn't really answer your question but
    9074,367,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um [clears throat] i have certain i do i do a lot of writing um i have certain music that i listen to as i'm writing and when i can when i can get really into that and sort of shut out the rest of the world um the music and the the thoughts just kind of happening really um it can it soothes me it's like it's when i feel most relaxed i guess
    9076,367,when was the last time that happened, um a few weeks ago i guess i was i'd been working on a book on a on a on a novel and when i was really when i was really getting into writing it and um it was really working for me that was that was good that was really good i felt like i was accomplishing something and i felt really relaxed
    9078,367,what was it about, um it was about a guy who is searching for something it's it's uh it's his last day on earth and so he's going to find a person that he that he met and just was so struck by that he needs to he needs to find her and spend the last few minutes that he has on earth with her just because sort of uh it's sort of romantic adventure comedy kind of thing
    9080,367,what made you decide to do that, well i've always i've always been a writer part of the reason i came to l_a was because of screenwriting um so i wrote some screenplays and uh you know had a little success with that out here and but since since then i've kind of gotten tired of the limitations of the screenwriting and i've started to write more short stories and and longer just creative writing so i i've been meaning to write a novel but i was just waiting for the idea to to really hit me
    9081,367,uh huh,
    9082,367,how hard is that, it's not easy the [exhale] the parts the parts when it's good it's really good but getting there is sometimes a real struggle um i find it difficult i have a real love hate relationship with writing when i when i love it i just absolutely love it but sometimes i hate it because it's so difficult um but it's worth it for the times when it's when it's good
    9084,367,i see what you mean,
    9085,367,how are you at controlling your temper, good i don't i don't really have a temper i it's not i mean most of my anger that i have is directed inward as opposed to outward to other people um if something is really really stressful or if i'm in a situation like a very intense confrontation i can lose it but i probably  that's probably only happened to me three four times in my whole life i mean generally i pretty much try to it when i'm upset i i get upset with myself not with other people
    9086,367,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um last night i guess well  um i got in an argument about whether or not cleaning vegetables was necessary because of i forget it but it well no it was about whether you can clean vegetables after you cut them because i'd already started cutting the vegetables and i thought that would be okay so it turned into this big argument and we did google searches to figure out who was right and who was wrong and i
    9087,367,(laughter, i ended up being wrong on that one but it is yeah that was it wasn't a blow up argument but it was a definite argument
    9089,367,what's something you feel guilty about, um uh a lot so much um uh i i i was in uh a relationship that i really really um that i really wanted to work and uh i ended up and it was partly due to i hadn't i was on i wasn't on the right medication and so i was going at like everything sort of spiraled out of control and i feel really guilty about the way that that ended and i mean i wasn't i wasn't mean but i was but i was getting more and more messed up and i couldn't stop it and it ended and so i feel really guilty about not doing enough and and not and and you know making her have to tell me that she never wanted to see me again so that was pretty that was pretty tough
    9091,367,could you have done anything to avoid it, well some of it was was that i wasn't medicated properly i mean now i've been to a doctor and i'm on medication that's completely kind of i mean i still get i still get upset and i still get depressed but it's not like it was it's not i don't completely lose it for days at a time um so i mean i know there's a part of me that knows logically that it wasn't all my fault and that if i had if i had been able to deal with the chemicals in my brain then i would've then it would've probably be different if i was who i am now then i would've i would i would be i would be it probably would have gone very differently or maybe it wouldn't have but i mean i could have i don't know i don't know if i could've done anything different
    9092,367,yeah, things being how they were
    9093,367,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, i mean it's it's possible uh i mean obviously yeah because i mean that's what i do i i take little things  i mean i take little things and i just think about them all the time in my head until until it drives me crazy i dwell on stuff um and it's like any little detail that comes up i suddenly remember and it can just throw me off for a whole day i mean i still i still get i still get really uncomfortable and embarassed and then feel ashamed about stuff that i did in high school which was years and years ago which i shouldn't even be thinking about anymore 'cause it's so in the past but i still get that feeling like i'm right back there
    9095,367,that sounds really hard, well it's it's not easy i've been trying to figure out ways to deal with it i i mean i dealt with it for a long time by by by drinking and and you know just trying to like slow my mind down that way um but you know since the medication it's been better it hasn't been impossible to deal with it hasn't been easy but it's but it's been better
    9096,367,that's good,
    9097,367,how do you cope with them, um well like i said i do a lot of you know if i'm if i'm writing or if i'm doing anything like i kind of have to almost be doing two things at once to occupy my brain completely um if i'm watching t_v i have to be playing a game on my phone if i'm using i'm the computer i have to be you know watching a t_v show or a movie on you know on in another window so that i can just keep my mind occupied during all of that um
    9098,367,mhm, i just need i mean i i wish that i could just sort of let the thoughts come and deal with them but i just i can't yet
    9099,367,are they triggered by something, they're triggered by everything pretty much anything that i that i see if i if i if i hear somebody with a dutch last name if i if i hear somebody talk about wisconsin if i hear you know people talk about just anything you know i can reach back and connect to to this it's really it's really i don't know that's the thing i mean i don't ever get a break from it
    9100,367,that sucks, yeah
    9101,367,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um i don't know i'm a very light sleeper so i awake and asleep and awake and asleep  i have no problem going back to sleep but i generally you know don't i don't know i never really needed much sleep so it's just only recently that i've really started to to like feel the effects of not getting enough sleep like i would i would usually stay up until two or three in the morning so that i could just be so exhausted that i could just conk out and wake up the next day and feel fine go to work um but now it's it's it's like if i do that i can't i still don't get enough sleep i don't conk out i still just sleep very lightly you know i get up i toss and turn all night you know and now it's just it's yeah i don't sleep too great right now
    9103,367,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um pretty i mean i don't know it's hard to it's hard to know i i usually just kind of power through it and just i'm uh i'm like how i am now just i just feel bad
    9105,367,how long ago were you diagnosed, um i think about three three four years ago um it was when i i had been given taking stuff for anxiety for for years before that but then i finally got a psychiatrist who actually sat down and talked to me and said you've actually got this situation and we need to get you on the medication that you're on is not working you need to get on this new medication that will actually start to like even you out and heal you a little bit from all this so so yeah that was that was kind of a a turning point but unfortunately it happened after everything uh went bad so i don't know
    9106,367,how did you feel in that moment, in the moment i don't know i don't really think i thought about it too much then but looking back on it i feel it really makes me angry it really makes me you know given where i am right now it makes me really angry that i'm that i had to that i i lost everything because because of chemicals in my brain because of things that i couldn't control and that you know the people that were supposed to help me weren't helping me i mean i was paying i was paying a lot of money to to go see doctors and they were doing and they you know it wasn't it was it didn't help it didn't work until until you know i managed to find somebody who did work and i just yeah so i'm i'm like thanks guys for helping but it was a little it's a little late now
    9108,367,what got you to seek help, um there really wasn't any choice i had to i was i was a mess i was it was either i was i was self medicating it was affecting my work i mean it was everything was just at there was a point where i really realized that i mean i just had to like make this different but again it was too late because you know then my review came up a few months later and you know after after everything after being institutionalized once or twice and all this stuff you know they just decided that i was just not worth keeping around so they laid me off but it was at least that and not firing me but but but yeah but so i got help but it was but it wasn't soon enough
    9110,367,do you still go to therapy now, uh not not as much as i should um i go to a couple of meetings i go to i go to a_a so that i can um you know keep control of that aspect too  too and there's a there's a therapy aspect to that um unfortunately you know being unemployed my unemployment ran out you know i'm i'm you know i'm getting my medication from the city of l_a so you know i'm not really in a position to put money into seeing somebody so i have a psychiatrist that i go see but it's really very i've i've only seen her three times in the past year so it's basically to keep my medication coming
    9111,367,okay, and then there's you 
    9113,367,yeah, right
    9114,367,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, well like i said i mean just the talk  i mean the the let's just take the a_a for example because that's probably the closest  closest for that i'm seeing with therapy for now um just saying stuff outloud is just like getting getting this stuff out trying to figure out how to take that mess that's in your stomach and in your brain and make it into words and sentences that make sense that you can actually deal with is a big step like regardless of who you're saying it to whether it's a therapist or just a room full of of drunks you know i mean you're you're taking all that stuff that's that's really been killing you and you're making it into something you can deal with something that you can write down something that you can talk about as opposed to just letting it just sit there as this formless thing
    9115,367,right, yeah
    9116,367,how have you been feeling lately, um you know better than i than i have been um i mean it it sort of it goes  it has its ups and downs um you know i'm applying for jobs five six jobs or more a a day you know and never getting a response never getting an interview never even getting close to to to being self sufficient again um it's hard but that's like real world problems i feel like the chemical parts are getting under control like the the depression is getting under control so now it's just i have to deal with real life which is it just has its it's just its own own challenge
    9118,367,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yeah
    9119,367,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um it was probably you know a couple years ago um i i was i mean the thing that immediately comes to mind uh is everything was going well at my job i was making these great videos with with this person that i that iwas having a relationship with and we were really close we were having fun together and we went out and got a christmas tree and we spent the all this time picking out the perfect christmas tree and it was just feeling like a part of somebody's life and feeling like a part of the bigger the bigger life that's that's out there you know like what normal people feel you know for that instant i felt like a normal person doing a normal thing with a pretty girl who he really really liked a lot and you know everything was going really well and i mean it wasn't going really well because it was all messed up but for that instant i felt like a normal person a normal happy person and part of what makes it so hard now is knowing that i don't know if i'll ever feel that again so
    9120,367,uh huh,
    9121,367,what are you most proud of in your life, um probably the probably this educational  educational series i did uh an educational uh video series i did for the national science foundation um it was it it was really hard and it but in the end it turned out really good and you know i'm hoping that it helps a lot of kids and it helps the world with getting kids excited about science and about um and about the world around them so that i feel like that was a real contribution that i made to the world
    9123,367,that sounds interesting,
    9124,367,how did you decide to do that, oh it was part of you know it was part of my my job um it was it was a we were trying to come up with with new ideas uh for because we would put together videos and stuff to give you know to to schools and everything and they had done those before but we decided to do something really big you know and there was a lot of traveling and there was a lot of um and there was a lot to it and so it was probably the biggest project that the n_s_f had decided to do and so we just kind of produced it right that doesn't yeah
    9126,367,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um i guess  i don't know  uh i don't know it's been a it's been a while since i've really thought about that i don't know would i go somewhere would i i i i don't know
    9127,367,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9128,367,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    9130,377,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah go ahead
    9133,377,so how are you doing today,
    9134,377,so how are you doing today, um i'm okay
    9135,377,that's good,
    9136,377,that's good,
    9137,377,where are you from originally,
    9138,377,where are you from originally, i grew up in wisconsin and i lived in colorado for a bit and then i lived overseas for a little while then i moved to california
    9139,377,wow, mhm
    9140,377,when did you move to l_a, i moved here at the end of june of last year so i guess it's been what eight months something like that
    9141,377,how often do you go back to your hometown,
    9142,377,how often do you go back to your hometown, um  at the most probably twice a year
    9143,377,how does it compare to l_a,
    9144,377,how does it compare to l_a,  well my hometown is uh all of five thousand people  and um there are a lot of cows and barns and farms so the opposite of l_a 
    9147,377,why did you move to l_a,
    9148,377,why did you move to l_a, um  it's a good question i i've always wanted to live in california so but i had been living in in the central coast um and i just had been coming down to l_a like once a month for different business and networking and personal development stuff so um yeah things were were changing in santa cruz for me the client i had who was really the main like financial um main financial source i had that relationship ended so i was totally free to move and i thought well i guess i'll give l_a a try and see what happens so
    9149,377,uh huh, so i gave it a shot and here i am
    9150,377,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a,
    9151,377,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, oh not at all  it's a very very big city um i lived in dublin in ireland it was a which is also a big city but you know european cities are much more condensed and the public transportation is much more easy um and yeah so just getting around here and getting familiar with the city was pretty challenging and uh yeah so
    9154,377,i see what you mean,
    9155,377,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot,
    9156,377,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot,   i love to travel i love it yeah i've i i lived in ireland and i traveled um i was in morocco and i was in costa rica um i've spent some time in mexico so yeah
    9157,377,what do you enjoy about traveling, um i love  meeting new people experiencing new cultures and like also not just seeing what's different but seeing what's similar among people everywhere you go
    9158,377,i'd love to hear about one of your trips,
    9159,377,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um sure well i guess hmm i'm trying to think which was my favorite i mean eh there was amazing things about morocco and costa rica both but morocco was incredible it was like twelve days and we went to three different locations we went up in the atlas mountains which are beautiful and uh yeah it's a really really cool culture so it was fun
    9160,377,what's one of your most memorable experiences,
    9161,377,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um  my trip to ireland i actually visited there which is why i decided to move there so my most memorable moment of that trip i mean there's probably dozens but the first most memorable moment of that trip was um being on a bus and and leaving um dublin and going just out to the countryside and seeing how absolutely breathtakingly beautiful it is i mean it's everyone sees pictures of ireland or you know you see it in films and it's green and lush and gorgeous but when you actually get there and experience it it's it like the pictures don't do it justice so it was incredible
    9163,377,awesome, yeah
    9164,377,what did you study at school, um i have an undergrad degree in english and psychology and a psychology minor and i have a master's degree in women studies
    9165,377,are you still working in that,
    9166,377,are you still working in that, no i use my english and psychology um i work in marketing communications so i actually do sales so um yeah the psychology definitely comes into comes into play and eh so does my i guess my undergrad degree in english but really like i took that on and and created something out of it because most people who get an english degree just teach and i i wasn't wanting to teach
    9169,377,what made you decide to do that,
    9170,377,what made you decide to do that, um to guess i'm not clear on the question um
    9171,377,let's come back to that later,
    9172,377,let's come back to that later, okay
    9173,377,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job,  wow um  you know my dream job is being a a motivational speaker and trainer and coach um and traveling the world doing that and and impacting people's lives and um really contributing to people
    9176,377,tell me about your relationship with your family, um my relationship's pretty good actually i i just repaired my relationship with my biological mother who would not she was sporadic i saw her sporadically growing up i lived my dad raised me and then he married my stepmom and um they had two kids together so i grew up and i consider them like the family i grew up with so but i got  in communication with my biological mother um last may and we've been we've you know cleared things up and have been in communication since then so
    9177,377,that's good,
    9178,377,that's good,
    9179,377,how did you feel in that moment,
    9180,377,how did you feel in that moment, um  well not sure which moment you mean but if you're referring to being in communication with my birth mother um i mean it was very freeing to just let go of the past and let the past be the past and create something new in the future and eh not just the future but in the present moment with her so yeah
    9182,377,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm shy
    9183,377,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,
    9184,377,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,   um to relax i do a number of things i like to do yoga although i don't have the money for it right now um i love to dance i love to read i love to go to the ocean spend time just staring at the waves and soaking up all those negative ions that really recharges my battery actually probably more than anything else um i like to be with friends um i love art and trying new restaurants um yeah all those things are both relaxing eh i guess they're relaxing in the sense that um i feel connected to the people in my life and to the experiences of my life so
    9185,377,uh huh, yeah yeah
    9186,377,how are you at controlling your temper,
    9187,377,how are you at controlling your temper, um depends if i'm driving not very good but otherwise i'm pretty good at it 
    9188,377,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about,
    9189,377,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um  last time i argued with somebody probably would have to be oh no it was with the l_a times about the newspaper delivery yeah that was the last time so
    9190,377,can you tell me about that, yeah the  um the newspaper that was supposed to show up for the elderly lady that i take care of uh it didn't show up and uh i didn't realize that it wasn't there until um late i don't know afternoon i think early afternoon and then i called them and they said they couldn't send a replacement because it was after ten thirty in the morning which was absurd to me when they made the mistake in the first place so i mean for a service that you know we pay for for every day so um yeah it was i was really irratated and then i found out that the newspaper had been forwarded to a new address and that had not been communicated with me so i was angry with the l_a times i was angry with the people who'd forwarded the newspaper and didn't tell me yeah i was pretty frustrated
    9192,377,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, oh wow there are quite a few of those  um let me think about one um the other day i had a phone call and i'm in a coaching program and it was from  one of the coaches in the program and she was um explaining to me that there was an additional call that was going to be we have meetings every week classroom meetings and then we also have coaching calls 'cause we have one particular coach we work with and then she called to tell me that i was going to have another coaching call with um someone who's not my coach and uh that hadn't been explained to me as part of the program so it in that moment it just seemed to me like oh my god i have all these people i have to be accountable to and i'm like eh you know i have to not just be accountable to them but share private things that are happening in my life with these people and it just was i don't know so yeah i wasn't um i wasn't angry i was just i just felt frustrated and a little overwhelmed in that moment and it you know and i talked it out with her and we got through it but um yeah i could've certainly just um been okay with whatever was being asked of me in the at that time and would've made the call go a lot smoother
    9193,377,uh huh,
    9194,377,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make,
    9195,377,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm the hardest decision wow there's been a few i guess moving to ireland was probably the hardest decision no it wasn't even the hardest decision it was such an easy decision actually but telling my family about it was challenging um that but the hardest decision was my the first time that i moved uh away from my family i was twenty eight and i decided to i chose to move to colorado and um that was a pretty tough decision 'cause at that point my family had been you know within an hour's drive of wherever i lived an hour hour and a half and now they were gonna be you know um a twelve hour drive away or a plane ride away so that was it was challenging
    9196,377,what made you decide to do that,
    9197,377,what made you decide to do that, oh lots of things um i loved colorado colorado is a beautiful beautiful state and the weather is so much better than wisconsin and um at the time i was very much into rock climbing and there's just a huge outdoor  outdoor community in colorado so there were a lot more people who were um in my age group and or single that was another factor um and were interested in the things i was interested in so colorado just seemed like a really natural fit so yeah and then i i found a a job that i liked the pay was atrocious but um i found some work that was really rewarding and so it all came together and i chose to move
    9198,377,that sounds like a great situation,
    9199,377,that sounds like a great situation, yeah
    9200,377,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh that was totally unrelated question um  relatively easily it just depends on like what time i go to sleep if i'm out and i don't get home until eleven thirty then you know then i go to bed late and uh i wake up feeling tired like i feel today but generally i can sleep through the night i've had some pretty anxiety-ridden dreams the last couple of weeks um but even so even when i wake up from those or if i you know stir from those i still can fall back to sleep relatively easily
    9201,377,are they triggered by something, um yeah i'm sure they are i mean i'm in another transition state i'm moving out of out of the  house that i live in right now where i take care of an elderly woman  um yeah and i just i have to find the financial means to support me in doing that and it's and she creates a lot of anxiety just in her state of being she's exhausting and utterly depressing so yeah
    9202,377,how hard is that,
    9203,377,how hard is that, um living with her is pretty hard like it's probably the hardest thing i've ever done and i would never ever choose to do it again if i honestly if i knew what i was getting into i don't think i would've said yes to the situation
    9204,377,i see,
    9205,377,how have you been feeling lately,
    9206,377,how have you been feeling lately, um i feel trapped and helpless like there's you know nothing i can there's no way out of the situation that i'm in no matter what i do it doesn't get any better i don't  i don't i know i'm not getting any kind of work that i want to do and mm my money's not working at all so yeah it feels pretty crappy
    9207,377,i'm sorry,
    9208,377,i'm sorry,  thanks
    9209,377,have you been diagnosed with depression, i have in the past yeah
    9210,377,how long ago were you diagnosed,
    9211,377,how long ago were you diagnosed, oh a long time i was fifteen i think or fourteen so it was over twenty years ago
    9212,377,what got you to seek help,
    9213,377,what got you to seek help, i was suicidal
    9214,377,do you feel down, oh yeah i feel down mhm
    9215,377,do you still go to therapy now, i don't actually no
    9216,377,why did you stop,
    9217,377,why did you stop, um well i originally stopped with my therapist because we had completed i mean we had worked on what needed to be worked on and i was no longer depressed and um and then i began therapy again later on think i was  it was in my early thirties um and then i we ended that because i'd moved to ireland so
    9218,377,do you feel like therapy is useful,
    9219,377,do you feel like therapy is useful, yeah i mean depending on the therapist and depending on your intention like i i don't go into therapy thinking oh i'm gonna be in this therapeutic relationship for the next ten years i think that's ridiculous
    9220,377,right, i think you go into therapy to um work on a specific problem and have a solution and have somebody be your sounding board who can see things that you can't see and you know work through that situation and come up with um a strategy for not just that not just creating a solution in that area but also just creating strategies and uh tools for the rest of your life so that you don't have to be in therapy forever
    9222,377,tell me about the last time you felt really happy,
    9223,377,tell me about the last time you felt really happy,   the last time i felt really happy  wow huh wow that's pretty sad um it was at least a year ago no i that's not true it was when i um saw my biological mother which was last may
    9224,377,what would you say are some of your best qualities, my best qualities um  i'm very strong very strong-willed i um am very supportive and loving and nurturing um i'm easy to be around i'm intelligent and um yeah
    9225,377,is there anything you regret, anything i regret i don't think so no
    9226,377,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago,  don't take life too seriously 
    9227,377,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, oh my ideal weekend um i spend some time at the beach i'll spend some time with friends um either going out at night you know to a movie or just going out to um a club or a bar or somewhere that we can just sit and chat and be together um maybe go dancing after um and sundays i usually go to scrubbed_entry and then i have brunch with friends and um yeah i go home and sunday night i get ready for the next day so
    9230,377,what are you most proud of in your life, hmm  i am most proud of um a few things i mean i've moved to places that i wanted to move to and uh so i've done things that have really spoken to me and have meant something you know been dear to my heart to actually um mm achieve those those um goals or those yeah i've done things that i've wanted to do like move to ireland and move to california
    9231,377,that's great, mhm
    9232,377,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9233,377,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay
    9234,377,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    9235,377,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure
    9238,381,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9240,381,so how are you doing today, okay
    9241,381,that's good,
    9242,381,where are you from originally, from santa monica
    9244,381,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh the people mostly
    9245,381,what are some things you don't really like about l_a,  well the people also 
    9246,381,i see what you mean, 
    9247,381,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh no not a lot
    9248,381,why, well i can't afford to travel as much as i'd like to
    9250,381,what did you study at school, mm i was an english major
    9251,381,that sounds interesting,
    9252,381,how did you decide to do that, uh i just liked reading a lot at the time so it sounded like the best thing well the most fun thing to study
    9253,381,are you still doing that, no not anymore
    9254,381,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, oh i guess my dream job would be to manage a uh soccer club
    9255,381,how hard is that, oh it'd be pretty much impossible for me
    9256,381,why, um i don't have any experience  in that field
    9257,381,i understand,
    9258,381,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm very shy
    9259,381,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i play music
    9260,381,what do you do when you are annoyed,  what do i do when i'm annoyed i don't know um what do i do when i'm annoyed i can't think of anything i don't know i don't think yeah i don't do anything specifically
    9262,381,how are you at controlling your temper, uh pretty good i would say very good i don't lose my temper very often
    9263,381,that's good,
    9264,381,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm when was the last time i argued with someone  i can't remember uh yeah i don't have a lot of conflicts with people i can't remember the last time i argued with someone
    9266,381,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory,  well let's see when i was um a little kid i was outside my grandparents' uh restaurant and there was a robbery and i saw it i well i saw it when when the robbers were leaving um yeah maybe i would want to erase that from my memory if i could
    9268,381,how did you feel in that moment, well i didn't know what was happening in that moment so i didn't feel so bad at the time but i felt bad afterward because then um you know my mother was upset by it my mother was there and she had to call the police and it was it was disturbing to see her you know really disturbed that way but at the time that it actually happened i wasn't really upset it was more the the aftermath of it
    9270,381,that sounds really hard, mm it was  it was
    9271,381,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently,   situation that   i don't know um well i can think of um there's probably a million situations that i would've  i wish i would've handled differently i can't think of one in particular um maybe i think that when i was a kid i um well i think that when i was let's see well i have okay i have a good one um i didn't marry the girl that i think that i should have married so that's a big one for me
    9272,381,can you tell me about that, yeah well we  we were together for about four years and uh i think i just took her for granted and i just didn't uh commit and um that was a long time ago and now that's it's been so many years i realize well i don't know that if it's a realization but i think now that that yeah she should've been my wife that we were meant for each other or made for each other but because my selfishness and because i just uh had this fear of commitment at the time i just felt like i didn't uh i didn't do what i should've done what what the smart thing would've been
    9274,381,what's something you feel guilty about,  well the last thing i can think of that i would say i feel guilty about was  no i feel a lot of guilt about my my friendships i've not i don't feel like i'm as as good of a friend as i could be but then at the same time i don't really know exactly what uh how i could be a better friend i just feel a little guilty that i'm not that i can't help people anyone who who has a problem i can't i never feel like i can help anyone who i know who has a problem so
    9275,381,when was the last time that happened, oh that happens every day i guess it that happens with everyone who i know and everyone all of my relatives and all of my friends i don't feel like i can really give them anything or help them in their lives you know
    9277,381,tell me about your relationship with your family, well they're um it's very distant it's it's just it's very cordial and it's very uh uh i don't know what the word is it's on the it's kept at a very surface level i don't think that they know i don't think that my family really knows me very well at all and uh i don't know them very well either not not in a not in a true sense so yeah it's it's i think a lot of families are that way but it it is it does bother me that mine is that way
    9279,381,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, oh it's very easy i sleep a lot and i um yeah i i i have no problem sleeping at all
    9280,381,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no not not really i would say they way i am now it's the way i think i've been my whole life so even when i was a little kid i slept a lot also and no i don't think i've i've changed much
    9281,381,how have you been feeling lately, mm pretty down but like i said in a way i could say yeah i'm feeling really down but then again i've always been this way so it's hard to say that's it's down when it's consistently that way
    9283,381,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes
    9284,381,how long ago were you diagnosed, a long oh a long time ago i was um about ten years old or around there about
    9285,381,what got you to seek help, uh i was just missing a lot of school i didn't wanna go to school so eventually uh they sent me to to a therapist and then to a psychologist and then to a psychiatrist and uh it went from there
    9286,381,do you still go to therapy now, no i haven't gone to therapy since i was a teenager
    9287,381,why did you stop, well i didn't feel it was helping me at all so one day i just decided i didn't wanna go anymore eh
    9288,381,how has seeing a therapist affected you, uh well like i said it i didn't feel that it helped me um so i guess it i don't know that it affected me much
    9289,381,do you have disturbing thoughts, no i wouldn't say disturbing no
    9290,381,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, mm well i feel pretty happy whenever i see my nephew and uh i have a my best friend's children are i feel like they're my my nephew and my niece and i'm pretty happy when i'm around them
    9291,381,that's great,
    9292,381,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, uh my ideal weekend would be um i would travel  i would probably be traveling i i would really enjoy just getting out of the city every weekend um eh going anywhere really just anywhere out of the city
    9293,381,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh just seeing the way different people live and how people are different wherever you go i really do think people are different when you go to different places and how they interact with you and how they see the world different food um and i also like historical places i i'm into history and i and i enjoy um just visiting anywhere that has some sort of a historical significance
    9295,381,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh i haven't taken a trip in a long time um the last trip i really took was i went to france a few years ago for a wedding and i had a really good time there and i had always wanted to go to paris and so i got to go to paris and then i went to a little town um that's a few hours away from paris where the actual wedding was and yeah it was really fun i think the the church where the wedding was was uh like a thousand years old so
    9296,381,wow, yeah it was a really cool trip
    9297,381,what's one of your most memorable experiences,   like i don't know i don't  i don't know what's what would would be considered memorable
    9298,381,whatever comes to your mind, uh a memorable experience probably the most memorable experience i guess would just be nothing in particular but but living with the girl who i just who i told you earlier that i think now that we should've gotten married um that's something that stays in my memory that's why i'm saying it's memorable because it's it's still with me and um eh it's something that i don't think you know well i'll know i'll never forget it but it's not any mm particular day or any particular moment you know
    9300,381,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, oh a lot um wish i could be healthier for one thing uh more energetic and um more friendly well no i think i am pretty friendly but more uh more outgoing more social  more uh more social um those two things mainly i guess i would like to be more more social more enthusiastic and more and healthier
    9301,381,how would your best friend describe you, oh that's a good question my best friend how would my best friend describe me i think i think he would say that i'm a very  well it sounds cheesy but it  he would probably say that i'm a very spiritual person and that i'm very giving i i think i'm a lot more selfish than people think i am but people think that i'm not selfish um and probably he would say that i'm creative also
    9302,381,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago,  wow well my advice to to myself i don't understand the question 
    9303,381,is there anything you regret, yeah but we already talked about it
    9305,381,what are you most proud of in your life,  nah i can't uh well i don't think that i really believe in in being proud or in in pride um i don't think that it accomplishments are really something to be proud of but i can't really think of any accomplishment anyway even if i did have something  to be proud of no i can't think of anything  any sort of accomplishment i've had
    9307,381,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed,  uh something i did recently that i really enjoyed well i sang karaoke with a couple of friends of mine  and i don't usually do that but yeah i had a that was a lot of fun a few days ago
    9309,381,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9310,381,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you
    9311,381,goodbye, nan nan nan
    9312,382,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure
    9314,382,so how are you doing today, i'm doing fine
    9315,382,that's good,
    9316,382,where are you from originally, i'm from columbia south carolina
    9317,382,really, yep
    9318,382,when did you move to l_a, uh two thousand four
    9319,382,that's a long time, yeah 
    9320,382,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh once a year for christmas break
    9321,382,that's good,
    9322,382,how does it compare to l_a, uh a lot slower paced
    9323,382,why did you move to l_a, more xxx i wanted to perform  to pursue a film degree or i'm sorry a film career
    9324,382,are you still doing that, yes
    9325,382,how hard is that, it's pretty challenging but it's uh fun
    9326,382,what made you decide to do that, uh i've always had a interest  interest in uh film and movies so uh it seemed like a natural pick for me
    9328,382,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh took about a couple of years but uh i feel like i'm pretty used to it now
    9329,382,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh i like that uh it doesn't snow it's warm weather and there's lots do to with a lot of beaches
    9331,382,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh the traffic and the cost of living is pretty high
    9332,382,i see what you mean,
    9333,382,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot,  i've never been outside of the u_s but uh i would love to at some point
    9334,382,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh it depends on the situation i i can either be introverted or extroverted just given uh the right circumstance
    9336,382,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i like uh listening to music uh doing crossword puzzles reading and hanging out with friends on weekends
    9337,382,uh huh,
    9338,382,how are you at controlling your temper, uh very good
    9339,382,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm uh i don't think it was argument maybe  maybe a difference of opinion so it was more like a debate but uh it was pretty pretty tame
    9340,382,can you tell me about that, uh i think it was a debate over sports over a basketball  a basketball game and uh
    9341,382,oh, i was talking on facebook with somebody about it but i think it's good to uh express yourself if you have a difference of opinion it's uh it's natural to you know not always agree on things so
    9342,382,yeah, i think talking  talking about is healthy  is healthy
    9344,382,that makes sense,
    9345,382,tell me about your relationship with your family, i have a very good relationship with my family um i get along with all of my family members and extended you know cousins and aunts and uncles so uh there's no one that i i've ever had any rifts with
    9347,382,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm with my family
    9348,382,yes, hmm i probably could've been more disciplined growing up and more uh more disciplined with schoolwork and homework that kinda thing but for the most part uh i had a i had a good childhood and uh there's not much i would change about it
    9350,382,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm probably leaving my comfort zone in uh south carolina moving out here that was pretty hard but at the same time it was uh exciting so it was it was a bittersweet feeling um a lot of excitement mixed with uh some anxiety but it uh it went away pretty quickly
    9351,382,are you happy you did that, sure
    9353,382,what's something you feel guilty about, not doing better in school uh when i was in high school
    9354,382,could you have done anything to avoid it, uh definitely i could've been a a  um more diligent worker and i could've uh applied myself a little bit better
    9355,382,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, hmm i've always had a strong support  uh family support system and uh parents and uh siblings so that's definitely a positive thing
    9356,382,uh huh,
    9357,382,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm an event uh probably going back to school i wish i would've uh wish i would've done better in school so if i could take something back from my past it would be uh scholastically  scholastically related
    9359,382,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's pretty easy
    9360,382,that's good,
    9361,382,what are you like when you don't sleep well, when i don't sleep well um i tend to be kinda lackadaisical and uh just tired throughout the day kinda groggy
    9363,382,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh no everything's pretty much uh the way it usually is with me
    9364,382,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling pretty good
    9365,382,that's good,
    9366,382,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, uh no i have not
    9367,382,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh no i haven't
    9368,382,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, last time i felt really happy um i made a lot of money uh a few weeks ago and uh i feel like i'm ahead of the game with you know with having rent under control and a lot of bills out here so i'm still kinda have the lingering effects from that happiness
    9369,382,that's great, yeah
    9370,382,could you say a little more about that, uh when i when i have money i tend to be a lot uh more even-tempered not even-tempered but i tend to feel better about things and more optimistic and this city being such about your finances it it always makes you feel good to be ahead of the game and to have uh
    9371,382,right, xxx have sources of income
    9373,382,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i think i'm creative and i think i'm a good listener
    9374,382,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, hmm to be as disciplined and focused as possible because once you're out of your parents' homes and out of their lives you have to depend on yourself and the better the better you do in school and the better you are um uh as far as discipline's concerned the more pleasurable  pleasurable your life will be and a lot eh uh your life will be a lot easier
    9376,382,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, hmm let's see here i wish i was more disciplined but i'm working on that and i've gotten a lot better at that
    9377,382,how hard is that, it's become pretty easy i think i'm just getting older um i'm out of my twenties now so i definitely seen a change from when i first came out here
    9378,382,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, hmm um some people tend to say that my decision to move out here was uh not feasible and kind of a pipe dream so that kinda made me feel bad but uh i kinda take insults in stride and um sometimes i welcome constructive criticism 'cause some some things are wrong with you that you're not aware of so as long as it's not mean-spirited and it's coming from the right place i think it could be an invaluable uh tool you know listening to what to what other people have to say that might be negative
    9380,382,that makes sense,
    9381,382,how would your best friend describe you, hmm uh probably optimistic and um outgoing optimistic and uh helpful
    9383,382,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, my ideal weekend uh i would love to go to vegas and have a road trip with with three or four friends you know packed in the car and just uh lots of disposable income and um you know good weather
    9384,382,when was the last time that happened, uh i haven't been to vegas in probably five years but um i've gone to casinos with my brother and that's pretty fun sometimes
    9386,382,what are you most proud of in your life, uh i'm proud that i've come a long way from when i first moved out here i'm uh a lot more disciplined um i read a lot uh i do crosswords and i think i've i think i know what's important in life now and i'm more focused and going after what i want
    9387,382,that's so good to hear,
    9388,382,what are some things that make you really mad, hmm i'm not a big fan of high taxes um but it doesn't really make me mad it makes me frustrated and and uh i guess i take it in stride though
    9389,382,that's good,
    9390,382,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh i had a friend over at my apartment and i watched a movie and that was fun
    9391,382,what was it about, it was a documentary
    9392,382,uh huh,
    9393,382,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, a sport  a sports
    9394,382,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure
    9396,388,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9398,388,so how are you doing today, doing alright
    9399,388,that's good,
    9400,388,where are you from originally, from passaic new jersey
    9401,388,really, yes
    9402,388,when did you move to l_a, uh about five years ago
    9403,388,how often do you go back to your hometown, try to go back every year
    9404,388,how does it compare to l_a, uh there's a lot more people
    9405,388,why did you move to l_a, change of scenery
    9406,388,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, i'm still trying to get used to it
    9408,388,what are some things you really like about l_a, the people
    9410,388,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, just um employment how it's doing right now it's just no work
    9411,388,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yeah
    9412,388,what did you study at school, i don't really have much of an education
    9413,388,what's your dream job, i haven't i haven't figured it out yet
    9415,388,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no not really 
    9417,388,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i've gotten to be more shy now
    9418,388,why, i'm not sure i'm just just a lot more reserved now i'm not sure i just i just build walls i guess i don't know 
    9420,388,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, count to ten 
    9421,388,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm alright it's alright
    9422,388,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i'm arguing all the time 
    9423,388,can you give me an example of that, just uh doing the dishes and just mm having to do different things i don't wanna do 
    9424,388,uh huh,
    9425,388,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, that can't really think of one right now
    9426,388,why don't we talk about that later,
    9427,388,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm something i wish i could erase my memory mm uh nothing really comes to mind right now i'm drawing a blank 
    9429,388,what's something you feel guilty about, i feel guilty about not having money for the bills  not having a job  not doing nothing with my life 
    9430,388,that sounds really hard, yeah 
    9431,388,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, i mean i'm getting older  not really
    9432,388,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, what kind of car to buy
    9434,388,when was the last time that happened, about two years ago
    9435,388,can you tell me about that, had to do a lot of research
    9436,388,like what, looking at magazines and just going on the internet and just looking through cars and just seeing what i wanted to get and what was in my budget and
    9437,388,i see what you mean,
    9438,388,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, that's alright
    9439,388,what are you like when you don't sleep well, aggravated
    9440,388,uh huh, angry
    9442,388,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling alright um just been a little down and uh
    9443,388,i'm sorry to hear that,
    9444,388,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yeah well my eating pattern like i i'm just i don't have any like appetite i'm just restless and moody
    9446,388,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    9447,388,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    9448,388,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, when i play with my dog
    9449,388,when was the last time that happened, this morning
    9451,388,tell me more about that, i don't know i just whenever i get super bored or i just need some time to for myself i just play with the dog
    9452,388,that's good, yeah
    9453,388,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, trying to be as busy as possible  
    9454,388,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, oh i wish i had an education and uh better job just time to do those things 
    9456,388,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, go to school and stay in school go to school to learn 
    9457,388,how would your best friend describe you, i guess uh i don't know cool person i guess
    9458,388,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i like to joke and just have fun  i like to have a good time
    9460,388,what are some things that make you really mad, things don't go my way just that that really makes me mad 
    9461,388,can you give me an example of that, well if i got if i wanna do something and i just can't do it uh that pisses me off
    9462,388,uh huh, no matter what it is it's just  it's a problem 
    9463,388,right, not that i do whatever i want but  that hinders the
    9465,388,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, positive my sister 
    9466,388,can you tell me about that, yeah well my sister she's a good person
    9468,388,what are you most proud of in your life, proud to still be alive
    9469,388,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9470,388,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    9472,389,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure
    9474,389,so how are you doing today, okay
    9475,389,that's good,
    9476,389,where are you from originally, a small town outside of cinncinatti ohio
    9478,389,when did you move to l_a, three years ago
    9479,389,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh once a year
    9480,389,how does it compare to l_a, small
    9481,389,why did you move to l_a, uh came out here for work grad school
    9482,389,are you still doing that, yeah trying to
    9483,389,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, not easy
    9484,389,why, people suck
    9485,389,can you tell me about that, prejudice different
    9487,389,what are some things you really like about l_a, weather
    9489,389,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the flashiness how ridiculously rich everybody is um selfishness in people
    9490,389,i see what you mean,
    9491,389,what did you study at school, music
    9493,389,how did you decide to do that, um i guess that's kinda like the only thing i love
    9494,389,what's your dream job, um singing at the metropolitan opera
    9495,389,how hard is that, pretty hard 
    9496,389,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, shy
    9497,389,why, just always have been
    9498,389,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, not that 
    9500,389,what do you do when you are annoyed, take a walk
    9501,389,how are you at controlling your temper, uh i'm okay
    9502,389,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh three days ago just some dude cut me off while i was driving and i laid on my horn and he got pissed off and i got pissed off
    9503,389,oh no,
    9504,389,has that gotten you in trouble, mm not really people don't really do shit in l_a they just wanna act mad but they don't do anything so
    9506,389,what's something you feel guilty about, i don't know
    9508,389,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i could uh done more to prepare and work a lot harder for the last set of uh interviews i had in fall
    9509,389,like what, just i don't know really really up my schedule my performing schedule and my prep schedule uh just in terms of bringing like a piece of music to other people i don't know i could spend like twelve hours a day working on stuff and training for for music but um yeah uh you can always do more than that there's always something more you can do
    9510,389,uh huh, so yeah
    9511,389,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm uh my grad school audition at juilliard
    9512,389,can you tell me about that, it was stressful it was just like the top ten people of the past fifty years in your field and you're in a room for them and they'll either love what you do or hate what you do
    9513,389,that sounds really hard, yeah it was pretty shitty
    9514,389,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, uh deciding to not marry my fiancee and pursue my career instead
    9515,389,what made you decide to do that, i don't know
    9517,389,tell me about your relationship with your family, not bad
    9518,389,how close are you to your family, um fairly close i guess
    9519,389,that's good,
    9520,389,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i can't see can't see your shoes  uh a little bit
    9521,389,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh being in a different place
    9522,389,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, went to san diego like month and a half ago it's true
    9524,389,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hm um i don't know like the finishing high school
    9525,389,how did you feel in that moment, glad to be leaving
    9526,389,that's great,
    9527,389,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, not easy at all
    9528,389,why, 'cause i can't sleep
    9529,389,are they triggered by something, i don't know everything work myself the usual
    9530,389,tell me about that, just have a lot on my plate and a lot to do in order to get where i wanna be and be who i wanna be so
    9531,389,how do you cope with them, working harder plowing through it
    9532,389,that's good,
    9533,389,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i mean i never really sleep well so i don't i don't really know
    9535,389,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no no
    9536,389,have you been diagnosed with depression, not formally yeah
    9537,389,how long ago were you diagnosed, it was about uh high school-ish
    9538,389,what got you to seek help, family made me
    9539,389,can you tell me about that, hm nothing to say really
    9540,389,did you think you had a problem before you found out, mm i don't know
    9541,389,what were your symptoms, same shit now just feeling kind of useless
    9542,389,do you still go to therapy now, no um just not for me never really has been
    9543,389,why did you stop, 'cause i started going to college didn't have to
    9544,389,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, i don't know just haven't really been going recently
    9545,389,how have you been feeling lately, burdened
    9546,389,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh i don't know i started learning how to surf it was pretty chill
    9548,389,what made you decide to do that, uh just like buddy was doing it so gave it a shot
    9549,389,how would your best friend describe you, ridiculous
    9550,389,uh huh, mhm
    9551,389,is there anything you regret, just not being as far along as i wanted to be
    9552,389,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um don't think about going to law school uh get a head start um studying music and
    9553,389,mm, yeah
    9554,389,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i'd like to put on a good five to ten pounds in muscle uh i definitely wanna be further along professionally uh yeah and sleep more be able to turn my mind off more
    9556,389,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, working training
    9557,389,what are you most proud of in your life, hm my dog
    9558,389,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9559,389,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you
    9560,390,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9562,390,so how are you doing today, i'm doing pretty well um i have some stressful circumstances going on but um um right now i'm i'm engaged
    9563,390,that's good,
    9564,390,where are you from originally, i'm from minnesota
    9565,390,really, mhm
    9566,390,when did you move to l_a, uh thirty one years ago
    9567,390,that's a long time, half my life
    9568,390,how often do you go back to your hometown, um frequently i've been back there quite a bit um but over the years not not that often
    9569,390,how does it compare to l_a, um well it's a a whole different experience you know i i got back there to see my my family and and old friends and uh so it's uh l_a is is home it's nice to return here
    9571,390,that's good,
    9572,390,why did you move to l_a, uh to be an actor
    9573,390,are you still doing that, uh i'm just actually getting around to it i was in another business for uh twenty five years and um now  finally i can't put it off anymore
    9574,390,what made you decide to do that, um the economy um it's as easy to find work in uh show business it seems as it is any thing any of the other jobs i've done in the past
    9576,390,i see what you mean,
    9577,390,what did you study at school, um oh a whole variety of things um but mostly uh having to do with theater
    9578,390,what's your dream job, uh well to to be a successful actor you know would be nice and
    9580,390,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh outgoing with elements of shyness
    9581,390,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um well i i i read and i cook and um um that's mm that's about it uh uh i oh i'm a big radio listener is uh to uh um talk radio uh national public radio and uh more uh and not uh crazy stuff um the sensible listening uh nice content uh interesting human interest
    9582,390,nice, uh mhm
    9583,390,like what, oh um well i'm i also i i um a comedian  comedian and so i like to listen to radio shows that have comedy mhm like uh
    9585,390,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm pretty good i mean i'm not perfect but i i i i can get very upset
    9587,390,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh probably with my wife about um my uh  methods of of job hunting and like that
    9588,390,how hard is that, it's um it's difficult um she uh um we're we're very different and uh have very different m_o's and uh so uh uh for me to uh um do things my way is is not always easy
    9590,390,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, oh um well just the other night i i was uh performing in a nightclub and had an opportunity to uh introduce myself to a a very famous person and i um i didn't do it
    9591,390,why, um uh i'm not sure i'm i guess uh i didn't know if it would be appropriate to approach him
    9592,390,i understand,
    9593,390,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hm i can't think of uh i can't think of one um
    9595,390,tell me about your relationship with your family, um well  i've been married for it'll be twenty four years in uh july
    9596,390,wow, which is a couple of months and um uh my wife and i have not been sleeping in the same bed for about three years and um but we have a uh a very high achieving daughter who's going to graduate from high school uh this this spring and um she's just a uh gotten accepted at a college that she wants to go to with a very nice uh scholarship
    9597,390,that's great, mhm
    9598,390,do you find it easy to be a parent, um yeah well uh  my daughter's been very low maintainance for me um perhaps more so for my wife but she's always been uh an excellent uh uh child
    9600,390,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, um mm  well we're more similar i think than different uh i'm well i'm much more uh aware of what's happening in the world and and much more informed than my parents were um but uh as in terms of child rearing i think um i don't know we're all we've all been kind of hands off and um uh my wife has been more hands on
    9602,390,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um uh well the financial responsibility it um wanting to uh make sure that your child has everything that her peers have and uh not wanting her to uh um not have the same as her friends
    9603,390,mhm, and she has uh very wealthy friends so that's um uh i am not a uh a gifted money maker and so uh it's a it's a a struggle but uh we we we keep on keep up
    9604,390,that's good,
    9605,390,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um oh a couple of different um one preacher um uh whose church i attended for about twenty years until he died um um was very influential and also another spiritual guru uh um that uh sort of put me on a path to breaking patterns of behavior that uh were kind of dictated by my upbringing
    9606,390,like what, oh just um well instead of working for somebody else being able to um start a business and and be in business for yourself and and to uh um you know not be dependent on uh um just one source of income
    9608,390,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, oh meeting one particular woman um when i first got out here
    9609,390,tell me about that, um she left me uh less than healthy um physically
    9610,390,i'm sorry to hear that, and uh yeah
    9611,390,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um well i i self medicate to go to sleep which i probably don't have to do but i um uh about half the nights i i wake up um much earlier than i would like to
    9612,390,why, oh usually um just mostly to have to go to the bathroom um
    9614,390,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um well i i i cope pretty well i i guess i'm just not quite as functional as i'd like to be um there are a couple of nights a week when i work until  two o clock from in the morning and don't get to bed until three and and then i um normally if i i i need seven hours if i only get five or six then i'm you know sluggish and
    9616,390,how have you been feeling lately, um very anxious
    9617,390,can you tell me about that, well um i have big um uh i have bills to pay and um not a lot of income coming in
    9618,390,that sounds really hard, yeah it's um 'cause i don't like to fall behind and um i feel like i'm worried about losing ground and um the stakes are are high and uh so uh it's an uncomfortable position
    9620,390,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    9621,390,have you been diagnosed with depression, um i am a classic um depressive uh and um yeah i guess i have i i guess i have i see  i do see a therapist and uh um though  mm the mm therapist i'm seeing now is not trying to um prescribe drugs or medications um and uh previous ones have
    9622,390,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh probably um six years ago
    9623,390,what got you to seek help, um well my wife kind of pushed me into it um she thought um it was uh a way of i think getting help finding work and um it's not as uh it's just uh good  uh uh enjoyed uh having someone to talk to
    9624,390,that's good,
    9625,390,did you think you had a problem before you found out, um not really yeah
    9626,390,what were your symptoms, oh um just uh kind of not wanting to uh face the day just kind of wanting to um just uh kind of a weariness with the struggle uh and um just uh i displeasure with my life
    9628,390,do you still go to therapy now, yes
    9629,390,do you feel like therapy is useful, they're what
    9630,390,do you feel like therapy is useful, i don't understand that word
    9631,390,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, oh um well i um it's something i look forward to because um i i feel like i'm talking to someone who um understands me
    9633,390,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, mm um i i can't i i don't know um um well each little um acting gig that i get makes me happy but uh you know just mildly happy and they usually turn out to be disappointing experiences and so um uh i never over excited  excited um with happiness uh
    9634,390,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm um well um yesterday i i made a a dessert uh to celebrate my daughter's uh scholarship and uh it was delicious and and we really enjoyed that
    9636,390,that's so good to hear, mm
    9637,390,is there anything you regret, um hm no um except meeting that one woman uh
    9638,390,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh i don't know probably try a little harder you know  uh i had started this business um um around that time and um it was it was um just it was difficult but uh we were successful at it and um uh i guess i could've gotten it rolling even more um so that it wouldn't be so um dead today
    9640,390,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, oh um getting out of town um going going away when uh when uh which is rarely possible but uh yeah
    9641,390,what are you most proud of in your life, um well my daughter's a great source of pride and um um the fact that i've been pretty successful in uh my endeavors um and now i'm just uh going for the the big the big apple and uh uh and i hope to be successful there too
    9642,390,that's good,
    9643,390,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9644,390,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay you're welcome
    9646,395,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9648,395,so how are you doing today, i'm doing fine
    9649,395,that's good,
    9650,395,where are you from originally, california here in los angeles
    9651,395,really, mhm
    9652,395,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i love being near the beach um i love the beach i love um living in a big city
    9653,395,mhm, um and i love the fact that i have lots of friends and family here
    9654,395,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm traffic um just so many sometimes too many people but apart from that i i'm generally happy here
    9656,395,what did you study at school, photography and language studies
    9657,395,that sounds interesting, mhm
    9658,395,how did you decide to do that, um i love photography i was always interested in it and studied it in high school as well so i wanted to continue to learn more about it and with languages i come from a mixed background so i wanted to learn the languages of my ethnic background
    9659,395,how hard is that, it's um it wasn't hard it was a passion so i enjoyed it
    9660,395,are you still working in that, i'm not no
    9661,395,what's your dream job, um to do photography full time and also to do some of the things that i'm passionate about um more creatively more creative things
    9662,395,like what, i have an idea i'd like to do um some  make some robe  ah like a robe line um women's robes and things like that
    9663,395,awesome, mhm
    9664,395,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i have i've traveled quite a bit and i enjoy  i love travel
    9665,395,what do you enjoy about traveling, um seeing different cultures different countries um meeting new people all of that
    9666,395,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, and the language um i lived in greece for um  over a year i taught english there and um  i moved around to different parts of greece and uh really had a great time
    9667,395,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i think um just having my group of friends that i met there and going through with the experience with them um i think one of my most memorable experiences was going to elafonisos in a car with everybody and um and having a just a fantastic time
    9668,395,that sounds like a great situation, yes it was
    9669,395,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i think i'm shy to begin with and um and as i get to know people then i'm much more outgoing
    9670,395,uh huh,
    9671,395,what did you study at school, photography and language studies
    9672,395,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,   um i just stay at home uh maybe watch a movie um rest in bed watching a movie in bed that's probably one of the things that i like to do to relax
    9674,395,how are you at controlling your temper, i think very good 
    9675,395,that's good,
    9676,395,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about,  um it was probably with my boyfriend um uh regarding money issues
    9677,395,what's something you feel guilty about, um i need to i feel guilty about not generating as much income as i need to right now
    9678,395,can you tell me about that, i'm having some struggles in my career right now and um financially it's becoming very difficult
    9679,395,i'm sorry,
    9680,395,that sounds really hard, yeah it has been it's been difficult but i've been working very hard to um to remedy that 
    9681,395,that's great,
    9682,395,that's great,
    9683,395,can you give me an example of that, so well i'm here and um i'm doing this this focus study i'm doing um many things to generate more money working harder but looking for other ways to generate money outside of my my career
    9685,395,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um probably being raped
    9686,395,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    9687,395,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    9688,395,do you have disturbing thoughts, sometimes
    9689,395,are they triggered by something, um not that i'm aware of
    9690,395,how have you been feeling lately,  um i been feeling stressed  um i been feeling um  been feeling stressed and and worried
    9691,395,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i don't seem to have any problem with it  i seem to get a good night's sleep almost every night
    9692,395,that's good, mhm
    9693,395,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um grumpy and and lethargic and um in the morning
    9694,395,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm a situation i wish i would handle differently um i really can't think of one right now
    9696,395,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make,  the hardest decision um that i've ever had to make it was probably um deciding to not have a a child
    9697,395,can you tell me about that, well um i was pregnant um and um wasn't sure  whether or not i should continue the pregancy um and that was also due to financial burden and um the father who i was involved with did not want the child so i made that very very difficult decision
    9699,395,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hmm  really really happy  i know when i went to um cancun um on a holiday um over the new year um new year period new year holiday
    9700,395,how did you feel in that moment,  i felt  absolutely fantastic i felt happy i felt relaxed um i felt like i didn't have a care in the world temporarily um eh free
    9701,395,that's great,
    9702,395,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself,  um i wish i could um be a little bit stronger and more assertive definitely more assertive
    9703,395,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i would say i'm a wonderful wonderful friend um mm i when i love somebody you know i love them very deeply friends family um boyfriend um so i think that's good i'm very loyal as a friend um i'm honest i care about people um i'm fun to be with so i think those are some of my best qualities
    9705,395,tell me about your relationship with your family,  um my relationship with my family um with my father is not so great um my parents were divorced when i was young and he's sort of been in and out of my life you know forever uh mostly out so that's um it's not fantastic but um but it's something that i'm used to so it's not as painful as it would be had he been there and then i lost him but it's it's still it's still um it's still not the best situation i mean i still wish that could be um remedied somehow
    9706,395,yeah, scrubbed_entry so there's good and and bad relationships in my family
    9707,395,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, scrubbed_entry someone that's been there for me since i was very very young and has always been just incredible and i love her so much
    9709,395,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago,  um ten or twenty years ago um i would've told myself to work harder then and not have so much fun so i don't have to work so hard now
    9711,395,is there anything you regret, i i regret exactly that i regret um not taking my career seriously earlier on um because now it's it's been um it's been much harder
    9712,395,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i think it was taking the kids to the pier um and spending some wonderful time with them and making them happy that was probably a great time um one of the best times in the last few weeks
    9713,395,tell me about your kids, scrubbed_entry and uh and they're they're great kids
    9714,395,do you find it easy to be a parent, um no i think the they're it's challenging um it is more difficult because they're stepchildren so there are some um times when i'm not sure exactly how much um to get involved and how much not to get involved but i'm we're very lucky because they are really good kids they do tend to fight a lot but um but i but it's not as difficult as um as i think some other parents have it
    9715,395,that's good, mhm
    9716,395,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents,  um i made it make a make a conscious effort not to um  not to punish them um or over-punish them i make a conscious decision not to um scream at them the way that i was screamed at i was screamed at a lot as a child and um it was really it was really difficult so i make sure not to do that
    9717,395,what are you most proud of in your life, um i think i'm most proud of the fact that i've um been able to travel the world um and live in other places many many other places um around the country and around the world and um the fact that um i learned several languages um and the fact that i've been able to maintain um really long long long relationships with my friends
    9719,395,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9720,395,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you
    9722,403,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9724,403,so how are you doing today, i'm doing really good
    9725,403,that's good,
    9726,403,where are you from originally, i'm from granada hills california it's um the san fernando valley part of los angeles
    9728,403,what are some things you really like about l_a, i love the weather i like the diversity in people i like how you can go to a neighborhood and it's just not just one race or kind of food i love the beaches all the activities you could go do theme parks
    9729,403,mhm, aquariums stuff like that museums
    9730,403,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the smog um there's a lot of creepy guys 
    9731,403,i see what you mean, 
    9732,403,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i've pretty much traveled around l_a i've been cross country and back three times twice was when i was seventeen
    9734,403,what do you enjoy about traveling, i like meeting new people and trying different foods and seeing how other people live
    9735,403,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um when i was seventeen i ran away with my boyfriend to upstate new york to watertown it was uh like a navy army kind of town we had an apartment there it snowed a lot we sold antiques for a living
    9737,403,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um getting passes press passes for the sunset strip music festival through a friend and getting to meet rockstars and hang out at like the private parties
    9738,403,that sounds like a great situation, 
    9739,403,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm very outgoing i love people
    9740,403,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i go to the gym and work out quite a bit i find it helps relieve stress and keeps my energy level going i realized  noticed if i don't work out a couple days i feel a little more tired than normal and it just helps me feel good
    9742,403,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good at it i'm very calm um i worked a lot of events and jobs where you're dealing with like thousands of people a day and people you need to talk to and you have to remain calm and you know they're the customers so you have to make them feel wanted and good and realize that you're getting paid 'cause the money they're spending so i'm good at resolving  resolving like consumer conflicts and stuff on the job
    9743,403,that's good,
    9744,403,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i had a drunk friend that was just falling around and yelling and saying rude things to people and i kinda started getting loud like just telling her to stop doing that and that she was embarrasing and what she was saying to people was very mean you know and i wonder like if you're talking to people like that they might not like it and they could attack you or something you know you never know it is l_a
    9746,403,that sucks, 
    9747,403,what's something you feel guilty about, i really don't feel guilty about anything decisions i've made in my life i've think i've made really good decisions and i always stick with my moral compass what i'm doing i grew up in church so i haven't gone in years but i still have those values and you know the rules the ten commandments and stuff in my head
    9749,403,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i had a slum lord landlord and um i wish that i called you know the proper authorities and followed through on a court case instead of letting him like kind of bully me out because it wasn't up to code
    9751,403,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, i a few years back i was dating a guy and he wanted me to move back  to where he was from and after a few months you know he was coming to l_a and going back home i decided to move there and i had just started you know this business i was doing event planning was picking up and i decided to leave there and try to do it there and  you know on the east coast and it didn't work out but it was tough deciding like should i leave l_a and make this jump and trace something new and experience something new or stay in what i was doing
    9753,403,what did you study at school, i was i had a degree in dental assisting i did that for like a year i didn't like it and then i was studying communications like radio and television broadcasting and journalism
    9754,403,are you still working in that, um somewhat i'm doing event work and i wrote for a magazine a couple years and i'm trying to like get a website going and then have like where i'm controlling my own writing and what's going on instead of you know writing  writing for someone else
    9755,403,that sounds interesting,
    9756,403,how did you decide to do that, i always wanted to write and was always into the news and music and art growing up i really like connie chung she was like a channel four newscaster in the eighties and i love barbara walters
    9758,403,that's great, i was a nerd no 
    9759,403,tell me about your relationship with your family, um my sister she doesn't talk to any of the family and i have a good relationship with my mom um i never really knew my dad it doesn't bother me i have cousins and stuff but everyone's scattered across the country so i don't really talk to them on the phone we just communicate on facebook  or like twitter
    9761,403,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, oh i go right to sleep when i get tired i just go to sleep
    9762,403,how have you been feeling lately, pretty good energetic i've been motivated to go look for more event work you know event planning stuff and really grinding in more than i was
    9763,403,how hard is that, i mean it's kinda hard 'cause you gotta talk to people and get them to trust you and see that you could plan events and meet people and convince them why they should pay you to do their event than someone else
    9765,403,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no
    9766,403,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    9767,403,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i mean i'm generally pretty happy unless something devastating happens like someone gets cancer or someone i know dies i wouldn't say that i'm just
    9768,403,okay, super like oh my god happy all the time but it's like an even keel that i feel pretty good all the time
    9770,403,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm very talkative and friendly and i could approach strangers and talk to them at ease and i could adapt to different situations and even if i it's not my scene or situation or group of people that i'm used to i could still jump in talk to people and be comfortable and make friends and adapt
    9771,403,uh huh,
    9772,403,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i wanna make more money 
    9774,403,me too, 
    9775,403,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, i remember in like second grade this people used to make fun of me 'cause i was very tall and skinny and i had like straight a's one of the highest grades in the class so people would make fun of me and call me giraffe or stuff like that
    9777,403,how would your best friend describe you, very talkative she would just say that i talk to everyone  and that i'm very friendly and if you need help that i'll help someone you know
    9778,403,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, oh recently i went up to oceanside and visited a friend i've known years and we just went out for burgers and hung out on the beach and we got her two year old son and like took him to the park and played and it was really nice and it was cool visiting her i hadn't seen her in six months and it was really fun and i wanna go again and
    9779,403,that sounds like a great situation, i like the area mhm
    9780,403,what's something you feel guilty about, i guess maybe i could be trying to find my own work more like for my business instead of working for other people i think i pursue it but i think maybe i could put a little more time a day into it
    9781,403,i see what you mean,
    9782,403,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, i don't really know anything like that i would wanna erase or not happen
    9784,403,is there anything you regret, no i feel good about my choices i've made and i think i'm on the right path and a lot of things i wanted to do then balls rolling and i'm getting  you know getting things done i'm not as big as i wanna be but i feel like i'm on my way there
    9786,403,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um like ten years ago i would've told myself to work more in the daytime instead of going out as much as i was
    9787,403,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my friend we call mojo
    9788,403,can you tell me about that,  um mojo has a magazine and i just wrote years and he really pushes me to like keep writing and keep doing events and keep on the ball i'm rolling and he's one of the biggest people you know in my life telling me you're talented you could do it you know he's just a really good like motivation for me
    9790,403,that's great,
    9791,403,what are you most proud of in your life,  you know being published i've been on t_v shows and just getting my own event thing going and i have a lot of people who read what i write every day and follow on i just think it's a you know it's not exactly kinda where i wanna be but it's a great start and i worked to get to that point
    9793,403,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9794,403,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, great thanks
    9796,404,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9798,404,so how are you doing today, doing good
    9799,404,that's good,
    9800,404,where are you from originally, new york city
    9802,404,when did you move to l_a, well uh originally i was born here but uh spent some time back east and um moved back here and um basically sort of raised here so been here a while and i'm enjoying it
    9804,404,what are some things you really like about l_a, there's great weather and um uh amusement parks a lot of scenery a lot of people uh a lot of energy and excitement there's so many things to really like about l_a
    9806,404,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, see uh a lot of congestion and pollution
    9808,404,i see what you mean,
    9809,404,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i i try to but no i don't
    9810,404,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh it's nice to be on the open road with uh mm potentially   time to think about my own life
    9811,404,uh huh,
    9812,404,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, shy
    9813,404,why, sometimes i find it hard to express my own thoughts
    9814,404,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, well you mentioned a fish tank and uh i view spent some time in a many waiting rooms where there's been fishtanks and uh uh so staring at fishtanks could be one of them uh but i also enjoy walking or uh lifting weights reading going to movies just to say a few things
    9815,404,that's good,
    9816,404,how are you at controlling your temper, uh good moderate uh good um in control
    9817,404,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, argued about today okay last argument was today just before i got here and it was about um having about how do i say this about taking them to a bus stop about uh how uh making an arrangement
    9819,404,what's something you feel guilty about, feel guilty about not taking better care of my pet
    9820,404,can you tell me about that, sure i i like birds so one of my pets was a bird uh as of recently and i let my bird out into the wild and sort of wish i had planned for better um future for the for the bird uh only because now i sort of wish the bird was uh closer to me
    9821,404,i see,
    9822,404,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hm i would say i get into arguments with people close to me friends and sometimes i i don't handle them well i am more reactive so i wish uh i'd like to see myself improve on that
    9823,404,has that gotten you in trouble, uh no um at least not you know in any sort of legal trouble but uh i think it's you know it's kind of not the way that i would like to have handled it
    9825,404,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, guess the hardest decision was about to of how to proceed with moving forward eh on a job opportunity
    9826,404,uh huh,
    9827,404,tell me about that, i had to decide whether if i would suffer more emotional pain by leaving my family and whether the financial gain and uh knowledge of that experience would over outweigh the benefit
    9828,404,that sounds really hard,
    9829,404,are you happy you did that, uh yes yes i am
    9830,404,that's good,
    9831,404,tell me about your relationship with your family, well i it's a small family but um have a mother and a uh sister and a brother and uh two younger nieces older they're they're grown adults uh it's a it's a good relationship and uh things could be better um sometimes it's sort of difficult pain staking uh relationship at times
    9832,404,why, there's uh some days i'm i need time for myself and i would rather give the time to other people rather than to take time for myself which has been my experience uh and so that has caused me a lot me a lot of emotional pain uh a little bit of spiritual uh anxiety about my future if i continue to do that sort of thing
    9834,404,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, wow there's so many things  what about you i don't know anything about you i would say uh well there's there's a few um but of recent i um well things are going pretty good i'm can't really say there's anything as of yet that i would really want to change or or have anything to regret on that i can remember
    9836,404,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's been pretty good and uh it's uh i'd say it's okay uh i'm handling my sleep pretty well
    9837,404,what are you like when you don't sleep well, when i don't sleep well sometimes i can be irritable um sometimes it's okay uh and uh would say if there's also times where i'm unhappy so i try to get as much sleep as i need
    9839,404,have you ever served in the military, yes
    9840,404,how old were you when you joined the military, i believe i was uh nineteen and uh i'm glad i did it
    9841,404,you were very young weren't you, yes uh sort of but uh yes
    9842,404,did you ever see combat, no
    9843,404,how did serving in the military change you, um well uh i guess i suppose it made me a more confident person and more um in tune with uh uh the country that i'm living in and people uh to be more noticeable more watchful of where i live
    9845,404,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um hanging out with some friends uh on a really nice weekend and uh on a boat uh or on a skiff a really small boat and um trying to fish in
    9847,404,how did you feel in that moment, i felt uh free or alive um happy um uninhibited uh strong confident uh mature
    9849,404,what did you do after the military, after the military uh after military took some time to evaluate my my thoughts and uh my future and um just sort of took uh the necessary steps uh to move ahead
    9850,404,how hard is that, uh it's sort of hard it is um
    9851,404,how easy was it for you to go back to civilian life, uh it wasn't easy uh a lot of family uh help and um and community and uh so it took some adjusting but it wasn't easy
    9852,404,i understand,
    9853,404,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, uh no
    9854,404,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    9855,404,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh you know this week um partially today happy's uh happy sort of often not too happy but content happy
    9856,404,uh huh, happy i don't know uh not usually too happy try to stay on the center line
    9858,404,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, do a weekend um up early um get out enjoy the day um hook up with some friends and uh doing a little bit of socializing and uh maybe get some form of uh view some form of artistic expression
    9860,404,like what, there's a maybe a like a museum or uh stare at some art or uh maybe something in the local community maybe street art and uh or perhaps something with music or uh something something of that nature
    9862,404,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i wish perhaps uh some things that i could change about myself um make more decisive about decisions and uh something else um that i had the same ability for a knack for uh for meeting more people i suppose
    9864,404,how would your best friend describe you, as best friends describe me i don't know um nice friendly uh trustworthy sociable
    9865,404,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh the same advice i'd give myself  today
    9867,404,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, something wow uh i really enjoy spending time with my girlfriend and her two children and that was yesterday and i'm glad i did that it was a good time for everybody
    9868,404,that's great,
    9869,404,what are you most proud of in your life, uh i'm proud i went into the military and um i'm glad i did that it was a good experience
    9870,404,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9871,404,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me,
    9873,406,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this,  yes
    9875,406,so how are you doing today, i'm doing good
    9876,406,that's good,
    9877,406,where are you from originally, i'm originally from southern california
    9879,406,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the um downtown theater district i like the beaches i i like the variety of stuff that you can do in one day
    9881,406,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, hmm well sometimes i don't like the traffic i don't think there's really too much i don't like about l_a i really do like l_a though
    9883,406,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot,  no i i haven't really traveled in about um five years
    9884,406,why, oh i just haven't been able to travel um i just haven't traveled 
    9886,406,what do you enjoy about traveling,  um i like going to new places and seeing things i haven't seen before and if i can like visiting um places like landmarks
    9887,406,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well the last one i did was san francisco that wasn't so far but i got to stay in downtown san francisco and i got to go shopping and i got to get on a um the street car so that was cool
    9888,406,nice, xxx
    9889,406,what did you study at school, well i still study i'm studying psychology
    9890,406,that sounds interesting, mhm
    9891,406,how did you decide to do that, hmm well  i decided to go back to school um just pretty quickly so i went to junior college and then when it got close to graduate i knew i wanna transfer so i'd taken a a couple psychology courses and i decided i liked it so i just decided to make that my major and it i thought it didn't have a lot of math but it had enough math  so
    9893,406,are you happy you did that,  mm  well now that i'm almost done i don't know if i'm gonna continue in that area
    9894,406,i understand,
    9895,406,what's your dream job, well what i wanted initially was to um  get into sports psychology but i'm not quite sure that's what i want either
    9897,406,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, well i could be shy initially but um once you get to know me i'm outgoing
    9898,406,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax,    i think i either go to sleep eat something really really good or watch something on netflix
    9899,406,like what, well just a good movie i like foreign movies a lot um so a lotta right now i'm into um martial arts movie with subtitles so
    9901,406,how are you at controlling your temper, i think i'm pretty good
    9902,406,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm you know i know they're not really long arguments i don't know if they're real arguments i know i argued with my boyfriend um  'cause he hung up in my face but i don't know why and it got solved pretty quickly so i don't know if it was really that important
    9903,406,okay, wait i walked out without say oh okay
    9904,406,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm i can't think of one right now
    9905,406,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make,  i think the hardest decision i probably had to make was moving from well back to california from oregon
    9906,406,can you tell me about that, well i was really young so i was um nineteen twenty-ish and i was really by myself so that was pretty hard 'cause obviously i had to support myself
    9907,406,what made you decide to do that, because it was really really boring in oregon so um i really like the activity here in l_a
    9908,406,i see what you mean,
    9909,406,what's something you feel guilty about, you know i don't really feel guilty about many things
    9911,406,tell me about your relationship with your family, well i don't talk to them that much um my dad my stepmom live in oregon so i probably talk to 'em on the phone at least once or twice a month and then when they come out here i wanna say at least once a year sometimes it can be twice you know occasionally more but not too often then i see them um that's about it but i'm pretty much the only one out here my brother is also up there as well yeah
    9913,406,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, hmm well i've had lots of positive influences i think um just regular people i come across you know maybe someone i've worked with maybe um like oh actually my uncle he's a really good positive influence he um he knows quite a bit has lots of good advice
    9914,406,like what, mm about  life
    9916,406,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm you know i don't really think i've had anything that bad happen to me where i just don't uh where it bothers me so much i have to not think about it
    9918,406,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, pretty  well i can't say pretty easy 'cause i work odd schedule and then i go to school but um yeah if i wanna go to sleep i sleep really well though as long as i have enough you know hours
    9919,406,that's good,
    9920,406,how have you been feeling lately, really really happy and good
    9921,406,that's so good to hear, 
    9922,406,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, nope
    9923,406,have you been diagnosed with depression, no
    9924,406,tell me about the last time you felt really happy,  i'm always happy uh  gosh yesterday
    9925,406,can you tell me about that, um i'm just happy any time i talk to my boyfriend or if i go out and do something i'm just happy um i got off work i'm happy 'cause i'm done for the day i'm just really happy um i'm on spring break i'm really happy right now so
    9927,406,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed,  hmm  oh i haven't done like any really extremely fun activities unless you consider going out to eat but the last activity that i had a lot of fun doing was ice skating um in december downtown  in downtown l_a
    9929,406,is there anything you regret, no i don't really have too many regrets i mean whatever happens happens and you know it was meant to play out that way
    9930,406,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, hmm well um i guess i would say don't worry too much about the small things um even though they seem really big it really they really are insignificant and uh you won't think about it six months from now
    9932,406,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i think my best qualities are i'm a happy person i'm a fun person i'm pretty easy to get along with i think most people like me and i'm just a cool person
    9933,406,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, hmm well i wish i could study more i wish i would study more i wish that uh  i would exercise more and i wish that uh that's yeah i think that's it right there
    9934,406,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, hmm  i don't think i wanna talk about that
    9936,406,what are you most proud of in your life, hmm i don't know i guess uh just taking care of myself supporting myself not having to go back home i guess that's about the best accomplishment there is
    9937,406,that's great,
    9938,406,okay i think i have asked everything i need to,
    9939,406,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you
    9941,413,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes
    9943,413,so how are you doing today, i'm doing okay
    9944,413,that's good,
    9945,413,where are you from originally, i'm from greenwich connecticut
    9946,413,really, yes
    9947,413,when did you move to l_a, um i moved here in two thousand eight so about five years ago
    9948,413,how often do you go back to your hometown, um i try to go back at least once a year sometimes i go more sometimes less
    9950,413,how does it compare to l_a, um overall i think i like where i'm from better than l_a in general
    9951,413,why, um i think that other than it being somewhere i'm familiar with the type of people that are there are just more my type and what i'm used to and it's less superficial
    9952,413,i understand,
    9953,413,why did you move to l_a,  um i moved out here for college after i graduated high school and my mom and sister live in california
    9954,413,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um initially it was easy because i felt like it was a new experience so you kind of adapt and just are experiencing everything at once but then after the first few years when it really sets in how different it is and what life is out here it became more difficult than originally
    9956,413,what did you study at school, uh fine arts and photography
    9957,413,that sounds interesting,
    9958,413,how did you decide to do that, um i was interested in photography since high school um i did a lot of programs and got awards and things like that and publishments so i decided to pursue art
    9959,413,are you still working in that, um yes i have a fine arts degree that i got last year and scrubbed_entry
    9961,413,are you happy you did that, yeah i really enjoy working or interning in forensics um i like that better than initially what i wanted to do was freelance photography i feel like it's a more secure job and it's very interesting
    9962,413,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um that's a interesting question i guess just my childhood in general growing up
    9963,413,can you tell me about that, um well my family's very close um my extended family as well and they all live 
  • most of them live within the area or in the east coast in general so we would always do large family uh parties and things for holidays and religious purposes and things like that 9964,413,that sounds like a great situation, yeah it is really fun and we try and all get together as much as possible which is more difficult now since everyone is spread out amongst different states and countries 9965,413,yeah, 9966,413,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i consider myself more shy 9967,413,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i watch reality television i think it's kind of funny and lighthearted 9968,413,like what, um i watch like bravo t_v like the real housewives shows and just like funny things that you don't really need to pay attention to 9969,413,okay, 9970,413,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm good i guess i don't really have like a temper if i'm having if i'm more stressed out it it definitely shows in in my attitude it but i don't really have like anger 9971,413,uh huh, 9972,413,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um well me and my boyfriend like bicker all the time just like about like insignificant things but other than that um i had an argument with my dad a few days ago 9973,413,can you tell me about that, um there's been like some tension going on since i went and visited over the holidays this past winter things about his girlfriend and he thinks that i should be the one to make some kind of effort to have a relationship with her although he doesn't for whatever reason think that it should go both ways so for like the thirtieth time he we were on the phone and he was telling me how i need to call her and speak to her and i told him that i was going to do it over this past weekend 'cause of the jewish holidays and he kind of was just like very mature and telling me oh forget it she doesn't want to hear from you now and kind of just like i could care less because i i don't care about having a relationship with her so if she doesn't wanna hear from me you know it's easier for me 9974,413,yeah, 9975,413,that sucks, um 9976,413,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i mean every time i mean it's been the same recurring argument a lot and i wish that i could sometimes i do but i wish that the times that it turns into an explosive fight that i could just bite my tongue but the thing is is that he says certain things that are untrue or things he knows that like will tick me off that are really nasty and that he shouldn't be saying to me so he so i kind of just like lose it and i can't really mm like not say anything 9977,413,yeah, 9978,413,i'm sorry, 9979,413,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um well i guess the hardest decision i made which i it didn't i only realized that it's the hardest decision like looking back is once you decide where to after you graduate high school where to go to college because for me i basically changed my entire life and moved away and did all that on my own so it didn't seem like that hard of a decision at the time it felt like just like a progression of the next step but looking back now that's probably one of the hardest decisions i made 9980,413,okay, 9981,413,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um well i wish i could erase the event or seeing my grandmother's funeral which obviously it wouldn't change anything but it wasn't seeing her there was not something i'd wanna like have in my memory 9982,413,yeah, 9983,413,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um she was she was a very positive influence and always was not judgmental um and now i mean my parents are great role models just in general i mean they're very successful people so whether or not we have like disagreements or that we're separate people they kind of are good role models in terms of what you wanna have when you are older 9984,413,mhm, 9985,413,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um usually it's easy the problem is staying alseep no matter how late i go to bed whether it's ten p_m or four a_m i will be up like clockwork by seven thirty or eight o'clock in the morning the latest every single day and i can't seem to figure out why i cannot stay asleep longer 9986,413,are they triggered by something, no i just in the morning i guess i'm a lighter sleeper but i just wake up like i just cannot stay asleep anymore which never used to be a problem this consistent but now it's i cannot remember the last time i slept past eight thirty in the morning 9987,413,hmm, 9988,413,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i mean it just makes if i have to do stuff during the day it makes it a lot more tiring but it doesn't really i'm so used to it now it doesn't really change my mood it's just part of everyday 9989,413,okay, 9990,413,how have you been feeling lately, um i don't know i kind of just feel very mm like so so just no extreme highs no extreme lows it's kind of one note land 9991,413,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, i mean nothing like lately um like recently it's just i would say over a period of years i've kind of progressively become more seclusive and just reserved and not very outgoing 9992,413,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 9993,413,have you been diagnosed with depression, no i have been diagnosed with anxiety 9994,413,what got you to seek help, um i had some breathing problems for a day or two and i had to go to the hospital um 'cause i thought it was more serious 'cause i couldn't breathe but they said that it was a physical manifestation of my anxiety 9995,413,do you feel like therapy is useful, i think in the right setting and with the person who's doing it if they're open minded and the therapist is helpful and good at what they're doing then yeah 9996,413,do you still go to therapy now, no i haven't been to therapy since i was a kid 9997,413,why did you stop, um i went because my parents thought it would be a good idea to like deal with whatever issues they were having with me but it was never i mean we just sat around and talked about my day it wasn't i didn't feel like i needed therapy at the time so i didn't really get much out of it 9998,413,i see what you mean, 9999,413,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, well i was happy when i was back home at my boyfriend's house with his family over the new year's holiday when i'm there i can always just we save up our money so it's a complete vacation i don't have to worry about paying bills i don't have to worry about what i have to do tomorrow who i have to deal with i just every morning we wake up we hang out just enjoy the day 10000,413,that's great, 10001,413,is there anything you regret, in general 10002,413,yes, um i regret the college i chose to go to i didn't being from the east coast the whole collegiate system is set up a lot differently and the universities out there are not the same as the tight knit california school system out here so when i was researching colleges i kind of thought that santa monica college was just a general college just like boston college back home or you know any other school with the name college at the end of it i didn't realize until you know the end of my first year even that it was more like a transfer school like you you can't i didn't even realize you couldn't get a bachelor's degree from there when i went 10003,413,yeah, so it kind of create created more problems for me 10004,413,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, well considering i'm twenty two i'd probably say ten years ago i would give myself the advice to probably stay closer to home and to have really pursued other options rather than just be completely invested in moving to california 10005,413,how would your best friend describe you, um my best friend would describe me as a great charismatic funny outgoing socially enjoyable person which is different than how people who aren't my good friends would describe me which i mean i don't i mean it is what it is i am very outgoing and and have a great time when i'm with my friends in my element but around strangers and in like uncomfortable groups and things i just i am very shy and don't really speak much 10006,413,uh huh, 10007,413,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um recently my friend was visiting and we went to a clippers basketball game a few weeks ago and i really enjoyed that 10008,413,nice, yeah 10009,413,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm very caring i i'm a very good judge of character which i mean i guess i mean i consider it to be a quality quality for myself um i'm very affectionate i mean i'm not very affectionate i'm more i mean i guess i guess so 10010,413,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10011,413,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 10012,413,goodbye, 10013,417,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10014,417,okay, 10015,417,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 10016,417,that's good, 10017,417,where are you from originally, uh los angeles 10018,417,really, 10019,417,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i don't know 10020,417,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um it's kinda dirty but that's to be expected from a big city 10021,417,yeah, 10022,417,what did you study at school, um my the last class that i took was a sociology class um i'm not i'm not really sure where i'm going with school but i'm thinking about sex education 10023,417,how did you decide to do that, i think that it's a really important job um uh i feel like uh because there's kind of uh stigma i guess about talking about sex it leads to like a lot of unsafe sex and a lot of unplanned pregnancies so i feel like it's a very important job for the world 10024,417,yeah, 10025,417,how hard is that, i don't know 10026,417,okay, 10027,417,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no 10028,417,why, um lack of funds 10029,417,i see what you mean, 10030,417,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um it depends on the people but i'd say that uh generally i'm more shy uh of course with people who i know well like they're closer to me i i'm more outgoing 10031,417,mhm, 10032,417,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um play with my dogs uh i don't know uh if it's a nice day i'll go for a walk um if it's not a nice day then or if it's cold out or something then uh maybe watch a show on t_v i like or read a book or something 10033,417,uh huh, 10034,417,how are you at controlling your temper, i'd say i'm pretty good at controlling my temper 10035,417,that's good, 10036,417,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i can't remember i think the last person i argued with was my boyfriend probably last week but i don't even remember what it was about 10037,417,okay, 10038,417,what's something you feel guilty about, um i don't think i really feel guilty about anything i'd say that i regret things but i think there's a difference between guilt and regret um like i think guilt is more just like feeling bad but regret is like um feeling like you should've made a different decision and i think that can help you in to make better decisions in the future whereas guilt you just feel bad for no reason and it's useless 10039,417,yeah, 10040,417,is there anything you regret, um i regret not doing better uh when i was in high school um uh i mean not getting better grades um i regret uh like getting involved with certain people in the past but i mean i don't i'm not sure that's about it that i can think of right now 10041,417,could you have done anything to avoid it, hm 10042,417,could you have done anything to avoid it, um uh yeah i mean i mean in the past uh yeah i could've made different decisions i mean obviously some things you know you aren't entirely in your control but i'm not going to feel i'm not going to regret things that i had no power over so 10043,417,yeah, 10044,417,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i'm not sure if i would want to erase it from my memory but i wish that it didn't happen to me uh was uh the time that i was raped 10045,417,i'm sorry to hear that, 10046,417,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, i can't really think of any hard decisions um hm i can't think of any 10047,417,okay, 10048,417,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hm i'm not sure i can't think of any 10049,417,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh i have a pretty good relationship with my family um uh not i wouldn't say that i'm really close with my mother but i mean we get along well and i'm very close with my sister we're basically best friends 10050,417,that's good, 10051,417,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um hm i think that my mother has been a positive influence in my life uh because she was always able to provide for me and she always she didn't i mean she made like mistakes sometimes but i think that she was always there for me when i needed it and um she just did her best to raise me so i think she was a big positive influence 10052,417,mhm, 10053,417,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh it's been easy lately uh sometimes i have trouble sleeping but uh lately i have had no problems 10054,417,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um it depends how long i've gone without sleep i can just be anywhere from like groggy to like um really on edge and like um extremely tired i don't know 10055,417,okay, 10056,417,how have you been feeling lately, um i have been feeling pretty good i uh i have like general anxiety kind of all the time but it's not as bad as it has been in the past so been feeling mostly pretty good 10057,417,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um i think that i've actually been feeling happier lately i wouldn't say that i'm like really happy all the time i mostly just kind of like um neutral but i have been feeling more positive lately 10058,417,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, i'm actually not sure if i've been diagnosed with p_t_s_d 10059,417,can you tell me about that, um uh i know that i i've been seeing uh psychologist psychologists for like since i was sixteen um for depression and uh i think my first psychologist who i saw for a few years thought that i had p_t_s_d but i'm not sure if she ever made a diagnosis 10060,417,did you think you had a problem before you found out, um i'm not sure 10061,417,what were your symptoms, uh i'm i don't know 10062,417,is going to a therapist helping you, yes 10063,417,how has seeing a therapist affected you, um it's helpful to uh talk someone and have them kind of um guide you in talking about something so that you can figure thing the figure out your feelings about things sort of i guess for yourself or like why it it helps to talk with somebody because you can figure out why you're feeling a certain way about something i mean i think sometimes you can do that on your own but uh talking to somebody helps i think 10064,417,yeah, 10065,417,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um hm i'm not sure 10066,417,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i'm not sure 10067,417,okay, 10068,417,how would your best friend describe you, um i'm not sure 10069,417,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, uh i think i would spend it mostly at home um but it would be sunny out and i would go outside a little bit and i'd play with my dogs and uh i'd probably have my boyfriend over um i'd eat food that i like like only food that i like like my favorite foods um watch movie or t_v show that i like um just kind of have like a relaxing time but that's nice 10070,417,mhm, 10071,417,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm i would tell myself to uh to uh to do better in school because throughout high school i was kind of an underachiever and i ended up going to community college like on and off because i would like sort of lose interest and then uh not do well or as well as i could have so i would tell myself to do as well as i could in school because i feel like i am capable of a lot more than i do and i think i could easily have gotten a scholarship a scholarship if i had done well in high school so i would just tell myself to do good in school probably warn myself about one or two people that turned out to be not worth my time 10072,417,mm, 10073,417,what are you most proud of in your life, um hm um i think i am proud of myself for not being um bitter and for wanting to uh well i am kind of bitter i guess but i guess i'm proud of myself for not being selfish and wanting to um make the world a better place like 'cause a lot of bad things have happened to me and i try to instead instead of dwell on them i try to um or i want to be able to make things better for other people and as much as i wanna help i guess um empower people to make their lives better 10074,417,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10075,417,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 10076,417,goodbye, 10077,418,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10078,418,okay, 10079,418,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 10080,418,that's good, 10081,418,where are you from originally, i was born in mississippi 10082,418,really, 10083,418,when did you move to l_a, um when i was two and a half years old but actually it wasn't l_a it was santa monica 10084,418,you were very young weren't you, yes 10085,418,how often do you go back to your hometown, never 10086,418,why, i was only two and a half years old i don't remember anything 10087,418,okay, 10088,418,what are some things you really like about l_a, oh i like the beach i love all the restaurants um um the music scene just the general excitement oh and the parks and all that 10089,418,mhm, yeah 10090,418,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um the traffic the um the maintenance on the streets all the pot holes um um the pollution 10091,418,yeah, 10092,418,i see what you mean, 10093,418,what did you study at school, well i studied a number of things at school um i studied um um at one point i was i i had majored in public relations journalism specialization in journalism and i also studied um i was a pre law major and so i studied the law and then i also studied um um human um human services courses 10094,418,that sounds interesting, mhm 10095,418,what made you decide to do that, um mainly because i'm a people person and i enjoy helping people 10096,418,that's great, 10097,418,what's your dream job, wow my dream job hm mm my dream job hm i don't really have one right now 10098,418,okay, 10099,418,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no i don't and i can't even see your shoes 10100,418,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um um listen to music watch horror movies i love i love horror flicks um and i have a fish tank too so i like to watch my fish also like to play tennis when i can i haven't been able to play lately though because of physical problems 10101,418,aw, 10102,418,can you tell me about that, um mm it's just that um i had injured uh my my my ankle because i have anemia and um and i got dizzy one night and i fell on my ankle and on my leg and so i'm just waiting for that to really heal but i'm planning to get back um into tennis it's one of the things i enjoy doing it really relaxes me 10103,418,that's good, 10104,418,how are you at controlling your temper, i really don't have a temper over the years i've learned how to do how to control that 10105,418,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, probably would've been yesterday but there was no argument and what was it about nothing that i can recall 10106,418,okay, 10107,418,what's something you feel guilty about, something i feel guilty about hm there's nothing right now that i feel guilty about 10108,418,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm oh a situation that i wish i had handled differently i really can't think of one right now 10109,418,okay, 10110,418,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision oh um the absolute hardest decision that i ever had to make um was when my uh i had twins twin twin twin boys they're grown now i had twins twin teen teenagers and um i had lost my job and we were living in a motel and the rent for the motel was outrageous i couldn't no longer continue to pay the um pay the type the type of money that they wanted so i had to briefly um um put my son under the in in foster care for for for a minute that was the hardest decision that i had to make 10111,418,yeah, 10112,418,tell me about your kids, scrubbed_entry um a schizophrenic and he had had um he was born with auditory processing deficit which he overcame through training with a speech therapist and and school officials and he also this is he also lost his hearing when he was four years old um but and then when he turned fourteen the schizophrenia came up um so right now he he's in a supportive living environment he's twenty seven years old um but he he he's come to terms with his mental illness and he accepts it now i had problems in the past 'cause he didn't wanna take the medication you'd give him the medication and he'd hide it stick it in his pocket or whatever so but he's come to terms with that and we've all have come to terms with that and he's doing he's doing pretty good scrubbed_entry um that son he's twenty he's twenty seven as i said 'cause he's a twin um um was living in texas with his wife and um he got a promotion to um scrubbed_entry now he's in california too both are in california okay so um i feel very good about that yeah 10113,418,do you find it easy to be a parent, uh hm well of grown children yes of grown children yes no no no no no no no 10114,418,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, no i take that back not it's not hard to be a parent of grown of my grown children okay when they were younger there were difficult times okay difficult periods and um just it was a lot of good times too but yeah it was there were some difficult times mm 10115,418,can you tell me more about that, well the mm the difficult times i really pretty much already alluded to and that was when um one of my twins got the diagnosis of schizophrenic and um and um they were in temporarily and in in well one was in foster care and one was actually um in a institution 'cause of the um the um schizophrenia um so think i lost track of the question 10116,418,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, the hardest thing about being a parent at this point at this at this point in my life there is is nothing hard about it 10117,418,what's the best thing about being a parent, um the best thing about being a parent i don't know i guess it's just to see something that you created um develop into a you know pretty decent human being you know a decent person 10118,418,yeah, that's the best thing 10119,418,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, oh a lot of ways um well actually i didn't have two parents i had a mother and the father was never in my father was never in the home and he lived in another state so i had no contact with him um but the thing that i do differently than what my mother did um she was a strong disciplinarian um both verbally and physically um and she at she had this tendency which she outgrew she had this tendency to be very critical okay critical and um um opinionated and very religious um and sort of sort of looked at people who were not and that was me um as if they were living life wrong because they were not going to church or reading the bible and that kind of thing 10120,418,hmm, what was the other part of the question 10121,418,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i i i don't get a good night's sleep or i don't sleep at all unless i take medication and that's that that's all there is to it if i don't take medication i don't sleep i'll be up all night i'll i will be up for days if i don't take medication 10122,418,what are you like when you don't sleep well, man irritable um and tired 10123,418,okay, 10124,418,how have you been feeling lately, well well lately you know just a little anxious really um you know um i just recently um made a move to a new apartment it's a lot of expenses and new expenses and things like that you know and new furniture and new this and that that you have to get which um i've i managed to do all of that but um the whole thing was kind of stressful 10125,418,there are always trade-offs in life aren't there, yes mhm 10126,418,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no not p_t_s_d 10127,418,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 10128,418,how long ago were you diagnosed, um that was back in i think two thousand and four 10129,418,what got you to seek help, um because um my life had gotten so stressful to the point where it was either i had to do something or or end something to tell you the truth yeah 10130,418,do you still go to therapy now, um yes mhm 10131,418,do you feel like therapy is useful, yeah i think it's useful um you know as a good sounding board you know someone to throw you know your concerns out and you know discuss things that may be bothering you or good things too yeah i think therapy with medication 10132,418,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um since i've been going to therapy um the changes a lot of changes um i've been more focused more hopeful um hm it it's just been a good experience for me which is why i continue to go 10133,418,that's good, 10134,418,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, really happy 10135,418,yes, well i can feel really happy um by some occurrence i can't think of anything right now just like that and then i go back to how i was feeling so i can't really pinpoint anything really i mean eh eh i mean if something comes to me unexpectedly or if things go right for a change and continue to go right as opposed to things going wrong all the time that that makes me happy when things go right how about that 10136,418,okay, 10137,418,that makes sense, hm 10138,418,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm something i did recently that i really something i did recently that i really enjoyed mean really really enjoyed recently hm i can't think of anything 10139,418,okay, 10140,418,how would your best friend describe you, i don't have a best friend 10141,418,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um my best qualities are that i'm a honest person i genuinely give people the benefit of the doubt um everyone in my book is as they appear to be until they prove prove it differently um i'm very generous overly generous um and i'm very i like to help other people i mean help you know i'm on a personal level help people you know with anything whatever their problem is it gives me pleasure to do something for somebody else that's helping them out 10142,418,mhm, mhm 10143,418,is there anything you regret, anything i regret 10144,418,yes, how so 10145,418,whatever comes to your mind, there's only one thing i regret and that is that um after my twins became um became old enough to um start going to um school the elementary school level um i was taking some courses um as a pre law major and um at that time i was married to their father who who turned out not to be a good fit for me and because of the stresses involved with him you know knowing that that was gonna end and i was gonna leave him um i dropped out of college so that was my biggest regret 10146,418,mm, hm 10147,418,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, stay in school no matter what stay the course no matter what 10148,418,what are you most proud of in your life, that i'm a good person i'm a good human being that's all 10149,418,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10150,418,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay 10151,418,goodbye, 10152,420,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, mm yes i am 10153,420,okay, 10154,420,so how are you doing today, um i'm okay 10155,420,that's good, 10156,420,where are you from originally, chicago 10157,420,really, 10158,420,when did you move to l_a, um back and forth over the years and traveled a little bit 10159,420,how often do you go back to your hometown, haven't been out there in over fifteen sixteen years 10160,420,wow, 10161,420,why, um kinda got stuck out here then i had my baby and i just stayed 10162,420,how does it compare to l_a, uh different food um the people get along way um how do i get it it's kind of a culture shock 10163,420,can you tell me about that, uh out there just on the food basis they like to give you a lotta food that tastes real good for a little bit of money to keep a lifelong customer but out here they wanna go up there and give you a little bit of food for a whole lotta money so they just making money 10164,420,(laughter, 10165,420,yeah, 10166,420,why did you move to l_a, um mm parent had business out here 10167,420,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um not hard i could get used to anywhere 10168,420,that's good, 10169,420,what are some things you really like about l_a, the views and the ocean 10170,420,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh just uh a splitting of people that's it 10171,420,mhm, 10172,420,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um just a few places 10173,420,what do you enjoy about traveling, getting to see different people and learn how different people get along and interact with each other 10174,420,uh huh, 10175,420,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um uh i remember a trip years ago where i went to mexico with my brother 10176,420,nice, 10177,420,what's one of your most memorable experiences, yeah um jumping into a lake pretty much off the side of a mountain 10178,420,awesome, yeah 10179,420,what did you study at school, everything there's not a subject i don't like 10180,420,what's your dream job, um actually my dream job working with computers and helping people 10181,420,really, 10182,420,why, that's where where my heart is i like computers and i also like helping people 10183,420,that's great, 10184,420,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i meditate um work out i run i walk um i write read 10185,420,uh huh, 10186,420,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, in the median 10187,420,okay, 10188,420,how are you at controlling your temper, mm i'd say very good 10189,420,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh yeah that doesn't make it seem that good um last time i argued was over someone actually spitting out a racial slur towards my um wife 10190,420,oh no, 10191,420,how did you feel in that moment, angry upset hurt disrespected 10192,420,yeah, and especially when i went up there to treat the person actually i was treating 'em with dignity and respect and trying to help the person at first 10193,420,i'm sorry to hear that, it's no problem people are people 10194,420,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i had a chance in school to really go a lot further than i did and i let something very small and meaningless stop me in the pursuit of it 10195,420,what made you decide to do that, um ignorance for lack of a better word 10196,420,could you have done anything to avoid it, now that i think back on it i could've done a whole lot to avoid it but i was just young and foolish 10197,420,yeah, 10198,420,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, to start living again 10199,420,okay, 10200,420,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um as much pain as i've seen in the world 10201,420,can you tell me about that, um a compilation of all the events uh just different bad things that i've seen i if i could change it i would but sometimes i guess things are there for a reason even though we may not understand it 10202,420,yeah, 10203,420,i see what you mean, 10204,420,what's something you feel guilty about, um i have no answer to that 10205,420,okay, 10206,420,tell me about your relationship with your family, um blood family we really don't talk um my wife don't know if she really wants to be there with me or not she thinks that i'm doing everything in the world but that i'm not and really i don't understand i know my daughter loves me but i don't know if she wants to be with me or not 10207,420,why, because when somebody talks to you when they say something a certain amount of times and the tonage in they voice and the belief in their eyes if you say something so many times it's what really lies in your heart so you could say whatever through your mouth but it's what really is there 10208,420,i see, 10209,420,tell me about your kids, hmm i love my daughter she a angel i cut her umbilical cord i went out there and put on her first shirt i seen her come out she looked at me right out the stomach she wouldn't she was fighting with the doctors wouldn't let 'em touch her a bit i talked to her i told her to calm down or i told her it was daddy she looked up at me grabbed my fingers and like just calmed down and just let 'em do everything they needed to do 10210,420,aw, 10211,420,do you find it easy to be a parent, no it's constantly changing task um what you have to do on this day won't be the same thing as the next or the next after that it's constantly um what is a better word for it um um adjusting 10212,420,yeah, 10213,420,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um the hardest thing i'll probably say is scolding your child because you know you're doing it out of love for 'em not xxx learn the wrong lessons 10214,420,what's the best thing about being a parent, seeing your baby smile in appreciation 10215,420,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, i try to guard my baby a lot more from things that she sees 10216,420,can you give me an example of that, um when i was younger there were a lotta things that i seen that no child or adult should've seen and um when i grew up i swore to myself that i'll always take care of my child and i wouldn't disappear or let her be around things like that 10217,420,okay, 10218,420,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my old foster parents 10219,420,can you tell me about that, mm they basically showed me no matter where you come from you can always strive to get better 10220,420,okay, 10221,420,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um a good night's sleep eh um it comes 10222,420,what are you like when you don't sleep well, the same just tired and yawning 10223,420,how have you been feeling lately, how have i been feeling mm like i have a wealth of queries and a wealth of gold within my grasp and it's just right out of my reach because i just need that one connector to really just see what i'm capable of and i know i'm capable of a lot it's just i need to make that connection 10224,420,hmm, 10225,420,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 10226,420,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, um mm not p_t_s_d no 10227,420,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh i said yes but i don't figure i'm any more depressed or anything than any other person everyone has their different breaking points 10228,420,okay, 10229,420,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, my daughter's birthday on the twenty sixth 10230,420,can you tell me about that, um took her out to chuck e cheese she had fun she played games she was on bikes she was crawling through puzzle games um man this girl did about everything 10231,420,that sounds like a great situation, 10232,420,how would your best friend describe you, um fun loyal caring 10233,420,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um something to change i would like to be more accurate 10234,420,okay, 10235,420,is there anything you regret, not getting to know who my mom was 10236,420,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, stop thinking about whatever else has happened and just do what you need to do 10237,420,hmm, 10238,420,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm positive i'm goal-oriented determined um i'm very imaginative very creative 10239,420,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, ideal i would probably be doing a little bit of everything rock climbing biking hiking going with my daughter places um man i'll probably be skiing snowboarding and everything in a ideal weekend 10240,420,nice, 10241,420,what are you most proud of in your life, my daughter 10242,420,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10243,420,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, no problem 10244,420,goodbye, 10245,422,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, hi sure 10246,422,okay, 10247,422,so how are you doing today, alright 10248,422,that's good, 10249,422,where are you from originally, uh originally originally i'm from uh korea 10250,422,really, mhm 10251,422,when did you move to l_a, uh when i was a year old 10252,422,you were very young weren't you, yes 10253,422,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh almost never i've i've been to korea once 10254,422,cool, 10255,422,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh i love the weather and being by the ocean and the culture has a lotta things to do the food there's a lot to like 10256,422,mhm, 10257,422,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um the traffic um it seems like we're having a lot of uh economic difficulties and the the parking tickets are super high i sometimes i'm really annoyed by our government 10258,422,yeah, 10259,422,i see what you mean, 10260,422,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, by your shoes did you say by your shoes 10261,422,yes, your shoes aren't showing um i have traveled a bit i'm i'm sort of traveled i haven't traveled in a little bit in a little while 10262,422,what do you enjoy about traveling, oh just it um it helps you keep things in perspective about our life here um it's exciting and it makes me feel like um i'm actually i'm really living 'cause sometimes we're stuck in this bubble here in l_a and seeing other places you realize that you know life is about a lotta different things that you don't think about every day 10263,422,mhm, 10264,422,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well um one of my trips i went uh i went to singapore and then to thailand and it was when i was with my ex-boyfriend and we went to um he had he was uh uh a sales engineer or systems engineer but he he did well that year and so this was kind of like a a company thing so we went to singapore for a few days and that was really interesting um you know of course eh it's a lot different over there um not just like going to canada or something but they had a big reception the evening we got there and they had like a play put on by the principals of the company which was real fun and um after singapore uh we did some tours in singapore it was really it was a interesting experience it's really clean there and it's really there's not a lotta crime but the government is very it it's a little bit imposing but it was very interesting then we went to thailand and that was almost it was really completely different 'cause it's like jungle 10265,422,yeah, we went to um phuket it's a little island and it was just it was very primitive compared to singapore just in a lotta different ways but it was very interesting and it was nice and everything was really cheap had a massage on the beach for eight dollars 10266,422,wow, it was interesting yeah yeah it was an hour for eight dollars 10267,422,awesome, mm 10268,422,what did you study at school, well i'm in school right now and um i didn't i didn't finish school when i was younger because i had um i had health problems so um here i am i'm i'm just doing my general ed right now i'm going to s_m_c 10269,422,that's great, yeah i'm happy 10270,422,what's your dream job, ooh well my dream job would be to be a veterinarian but uh it's probably not very realistic for me at this stage in life and you know also because of monetarily it costs a lot but that would be my dream job working with animals and and in in a veterinary capacity yeah 10271,422,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i think i'm right on the cusp um it depends on the environment and the people i'm with and how comfortable i am but um i'm really outgoing when i feel comfortable with people and i'll be really reserved if i'm not 10272,422,that makes sense, yeah 10273,422,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh well i mean aside from sleeping um i like like relaxing things uh like going for a bike ride on the strand or um if i'm at home uh just like reading or a lotta times i can just lay there and my mind might be doing things but i'm kinda relaxing 10274,422,uh huh, 10275,422,how are you at controlling your temper, ah really good i don't have i would say there's certain things that um they can really like make me like when i see injustices or things like that then i mean i can really feel it but i never just like fly off the handle or throw things or uh even you know yell 10276,422,that's good, 10277,422,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, argued um i can't really say i have arguments i mean just like a disagreement or an actual argument like if we just 10278,422,whatever comes to your mind, well uh i would say last summer when um i think it was after a baseball game there was a group of us and we went uh to we went to have shabu shabu after the game and i don't know i think scrubbed_entry and i don't know it's it's it's kind of a tenuous friendship like mm she's a good friend in some ways and she's mm we're we're actually kinda distant in other ways so i i don't consider her um like someone that i would confide in and you know if any deep problems but um sometimes we just have she's very touchy and she doesn't have the same sense of humor i do so i think she had said some things to me during the night which mm kinda bothered me but mm you know i just kinda that's just how she is and then i guess i said some things that she felt were eh well she gets really offended easily i think but um after that we didn't talk for a while but then we then one day she called me up and then we were friends again 10279,422,okay, but like she never she never confronted me 10280,422,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hardest decision uh it was leaving my ex-boyfriend 10281,422,how did you decide to do that, uh well it wasn't it was a long time coming i mean i was thinking about it for like five years um you know he wasn't like beating me or anything he was a really good guy but we just had a lot of um we we weren't always on the same wavelength and we did have a lot of like disagreements so i had thought about it and thought about it and we were already engaged but we had been together for a long time so i don't know uh i was always it was always on my mind like should i get married or should i not and then finally eh we were just always having um we were always what what's the word i'm looking for um we were just having these little snippy disagreements all the time and then one day we had one and i just decided that i was gonna leave and um i did 10282,422,that sounds really hard, it was really hard it was it was the hardest decision in my life and i can stay that definitively um and but i i think it was for the best 10283,422,that's good, 10284,422,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm um probably leaving my job for well to help my friend start a business in nevada and when i when i i really liked my job i mean it was it was pretty good um it was right over at the beach and when i told them that i was leaving then they offered me this huge raise and they offered me a a different position which was awesome and that was really stressful for me because um i'd already promised my friend to leave i wouldn't have gotten the position you know offer if if it wasn't for her wanting me to come over there um it was really really stressful and i stressed over it for about three weeks until i actually left and um when i went over there like we had we had made agreements about how much they were gonna pay me and blah blah blah when i got there everything like she didn't remember telling me that i needed a certain amount and the other principals of the company were um you know the it was a hard situation 'cause she had she had talked with me but they hadn't talked with me and they're like well that's too much and also they were a different religion and it was very strange i mean they were all one religion i was i was surrounded by mormons and i i don't have anything against mormons but it was very different because eh 10285,422,(laughter, eh i was kind of an outsider there and then also the weather was just it was absolutely awful there so i would say that's one decision it it's it just a a pivotal point in my life and i think that um i really wish i i had just stayed 10286,422,yeah, 10287,422,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um well if you're gonna erase something from my memory then um i would probably say my memory like really if if i could erase something from my memory what would i want to erase is that what you're saying 10288,422,uh huh, mm can't really think of anything i mean even like that that bad decision that i made you know it it has value in it so i can't really say that i would want something erased i mean maybe if i was like raped or something 10289,422,mm, and it was really horrifying then i would but i don't 10290,422,yeah, 10291,422,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, well if you're talking about sleep being in a deep sleep i'm in a deep sleep a lot but i never feel rested and that's um it's a medical problem of mine 10292,422,can you tell me about that, well i always feel like i haven't slept for two days and um there are points in in the day i would say in some during some days there are points in the day where i really feel alert and alive and and rested but they're short-lived but i sleep a lot i sleep 10293,422,how have you been feeling lately, uh pretty crappy physically pretty crappy yeah 10294,422,i'm sorry to hear that, well thanks 10295,422,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10296,422,have you been diagnosed with depression, i haven't been officially diagnosed with depression but um that's that's usually what doctors um like my sleeping problem hasn't been diagnosed i'm i'm in the process of really working to get it diagnosed but um that's the first thing that they try and figure out they they've given me like depression drugs before but they haven't helped with my sleep 10297,422,i see, but i do 10298,422,do you feel down, 10299,422,do you feel down, i do i would say i feel down sometimes well my life is very strange right now so there are a lot of reasons to feel down um i would say that i do feel down sometimes a lotta times but it's not i would say it's reasonable considering the situations that i'm in 10300,422,okay, 10301,422,are they triggered by something, uh they're just triggered by the fact that my health is is not great and it makes it makes life really difficult but um i wouldn't say it's triggered by anything in particular 10302,422,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, oh there i mean you mean for a long period of time or i mean i i experience happiness like when i go out with friends or i go and you know i've find some great new dish i like i mean what type of happiness are you looking for 10303,422,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um well i mean right now um my friend just had surgery and so i'm staying with her this week um i'm really enjoying it i mean even though we could never live together i could never live with live with her long term and i'm sure she couldn't live with me long term but i'm having fun and um 10304,422,(laughter, you know she just she i i installed the groupon app on her ah on her phone um yesterday 'cause she's been paying too much for laser hair removal and so i installed it on her phone and then today she's she's looking up cupcakes so she had me pick up cupcakes on the way here to bring back to her uh as a groupon deal so i mean 10305,422,nice, you know there's little fun things like that 10306,422,how would your best friend describe you, uh probably um o_c_d and um she probably thinks i'm pretty prissy compared to her um i think that she would say that i have a good heart um we're very different um and probably that i'm i should ask her uh i don't know we we go out so i think she'd say that i'm fun um but she has mentioned that i'm i'm a very private person and that i know i i knew before she said that 10307,422,why, why um i have well i told you i have i have a lotta problems right now and so i don't really tell people about them um it it's kind of a it's kind of a killjoy but also people can feel i feel that people can feel less comfortable if they perceive that you have a have difficulties and they feel kind of um it just uncomfortable like oh they maybe they should help or they feel guilty but they have good busy lives so just kinda creates a gap but i would say even before even before this difficult time in my life i've been i've been a private person i don't know why i think i think a lot eh you know i'm a deep thinker and maybe it's just you know not like i feels like i feel abnormal but um maybe i just have a lotta thoughts that don't seem doesn't seem appropriate to share with people or i'm not sure 10308,422,i see, 10309,422,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ten or twenty years ago um well one thing that i regret right now is um you know i haven't really found somebody you know to spend the rest of my life with so i would tell myself to concentrate more on that 'cause once you hit forty it's really it's it's a lot harder that's it 10310,422,what are you most proud of in your life, um i would say that i've perservered i'm very proud that even though i have a lot of difficulties in my life the fact that i'm you know making this commitment to go to school and i'm doing it on my own and um you know it's it's kind of a if people if people knew all the problems that i have they'd be like well you know why are you worrying about school but um i really feel that you know i'm i'm doing this and and i'm really proud that even through everything um yeah i'm getting a's 10311,422,that's great, thanks 10312,422,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, mm k 10313,422,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thanks 10314,422,goodbye, 10315,436,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10316,436,okay, 10317,436,so how are you doing today, i'm doing fine 10318,436,that's good, 10319,436,where are you from originally, uh mexico 10320,436,really, 10321,436,when did you move to l_a, uh when i was young seven years old 10322,436,how often do you go back to your hometown, i've been there like uh three or four times for vacation 10323,436,how does it compare to l_a, well it's uh less stressful i don't know if it's because i'm on vacation but i feel more at peace over there than here 10324,436,mhm, 10325,436,why did you move to l_a, well my uh family moved down here for a better life uh that was my parents 10326,436,what are some things you really like about l_a, mm just the weather and the different things that you could do you could be at the beach or you could go to the mountains different variety of things to do 10327,436,yeah, 10328,436,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic and sometimes yeah basically the traffic and yeah that's one of the main things 10329,436,i see what you mean, 10330,436,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, not that much i been to new york and uh mexico only 10331,436,cool, 10332,436,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh just uh seeing new places and finding new locations you know something new 10333,436,what's one of your most memorable experiences, like for a trip or 10334,436,yeah, well i've been to uh in mexico i've been to the pyramids of uh i forgot what's it called in mexico city and i like you know about uh finding about my ancient culture since i'm uh uh mexican from mayan aztec so i like to see different things like that 10335,436,wow, 10336,436,that's great, 10337,436,what did you study at school, well uh at school well i did uh drop out but i came back and i'm trying to get back into it right now trying to learn uh graphic designs 10338,436,how did you decide to do that, well i started liking you know to take pictures doing different things and i like you know uh going into business i like what the it entitles about 10339,436,what's your dream job, i wanna have my own business either making web pages just be able to be free and don't being relying on someone else just be able to have freedom for myself 10340,436,uh huh, 10341,436,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing 10342,436,why, well i just like to you know be around people like to get to know people and depending on the person how i feel around 'em 10343,436,okay, 10344,436,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i like to hear music or you know do do different things like play sports or do different things just to unwind 10345,436,how are you at controlling your temper, well i'm getting better at it you know i xxx 10346,436,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, well it was like uh two days ago it was something about uh i needed to pay a bill or something something that uh i you know i had taken care of but the person he's like more picky about it you know he's more 10347,436,that sucks, you know how how girls are you know they they want everything right there and then 10348,436,(laughter, i have it handled you know i have it everything there and they just bugging sometimes they don't give you the space that you need to resolve something 10349,436,yeah, 10350,436,how did you feel in that moment, well i felt like i was overwhelmed i already had it resolved i just was waiting for a check you know that's not on my control but i already had made the paper proper arrangements and she's bugging me about it and it's like you're making you know an argument you know a storm in a glass of water 10351,436,mm, 10352,436,yeah, it's like mhm 10353,436,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, well uh differently there's couple of them but not so recently because i've been more trying to get my life together but the decisions i made before in the past like dropping out of school and doing other different things mm 10354,436,what's something you feel guilty about, guilty not that much because not really not that i could think right off the top of my head 10355,436,okay, 10356,436,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision oh it's just not on top of my head right now 10357,436,okay, 10358,436,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, an event mm well the only things that i remember is when i black out or different things like that that i don't remember but not nothing like a particular only when my uh brothers died and different things like that mhm 10359,436,can you tell me about that, well my brother was in gangs and different things and he was getting more into trouble and it's just not a pleasant memory for me to talk about that much get into it 10360,436,i'm sorry to hear that, 10361,436,tell me about your relationship with your family, no i'm hispanic i you know i like to be with my family and you know i i like to go over there to mexico too i have a half-sister and my grandpa died he was over there in mexico so i do uh like to have a good relationship with my family 10362,436,that's good, 10363,436,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, well my mom and dad they always work hard they always done what they had to do to pay the bills that's why sometimes i be like you know running around trying to get everythings done but done correctly not trying to take the easy way out 10364,436,yeah, 10365,436,how hard is that, it's a little hard because there eh especially here in los angeles there's a lotta different things that you could get into that's not that positive and it's hard to stay focused on you know the correct stuff 10366,436,uh huh, 10367,436,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, well normally i just knock out it's not that hard it's like it takes me like half an hour or fifteen minutes but uh sometimes i can't even wake up even with the alarm 10368,436,(laughter, uh they have to wake me up you know my girl has to wake me up even with the alarm going on it's like so hard so you know i just knock out 10369,436,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i do get a little either i'm angry or i don't feel good and i'm not filled with energy but i still have to know i know i have to do something so i still go through with it 10370,436,mm, 10371,436,how have you been feeling lately, i been well i been uh feeling good you know been a little restless but not that much i had to do stuff so i just you know put myself to do it no matter how i feel 10372,436,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no nothing out of the ordinary 10373,436,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10374,436,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 10375,436,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, the last time i felt happy that was probably on the weekend that i was you know going out with a going out have some fun and you know i was drinking and just relaxing and winding winding down 10376,436,awesome, mhm 10377,436,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, my ideal weekend is usually with my girl either out or at home just relax but nothing else you know just be able to relax and unwind with her you know either going out somewhere to a nice place or staying at home but without getting any calls or xxx interruptions you know just be able to turn off the phone and turn off everything just be with her doing the other different things 10378,436,yeah, mhm 10379,436,how would your best friend describe you, uh like an outgoing guy you know very social but at the same time i'm reserved depending how i feel with people have to you know build trust or feel comfortable with them 10380,436,uh huh, 10381,436,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, oh i'm changing a lot you know like uh my temper and different things drinking things i'm changing a little different things so i could get more different things done 10382,436,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, oh there's several but mostly uh is when i'm coming from mexico that they wanna demeander you even down there it feels uh like silly because i went to a store i was regularly dressed and i was telling 'em i wanted to buy something and then they said that that i i wasn't belong there and i and as soon as they saw my credit card they kinda changed perspective because they saw the wells fargo logo they know i was american 10383,436,(laughter, but they thought it was like you know it it was it felt me it felt ridiculous to me because you go to a place and you have the money you ask for something you're gonna ask for something because you have it not just to waste kill their time 10384,436,yeah, just because they saw a logo of a card that's how they you know it just it was ridiculous for me 10385,436,i understand, 10386,436,is there anything you regret, no 10387,436,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, basically uh to stay more focused on different things uh stay in school and you know don't go you know try to control my temper and do different things because if i knew what i know now back then it'd be different 10388,436,mm, 10389,436,what are you most proud of in your life, well uh i did drop out but i did uh go back to school and i you know i did get my high school and right now i'm in the process of doing other different things so right now is uh getting my high school getting that together and right now i'm working to another goal trying to get you know my either going back to school so it's basically basically getting back to school and finishing the high school the g_e_d 10390,436,that's so good to hear, mhm 10391,436,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10392,436,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay you're welcome 10393,436,goodbye, 10394,439,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10395,439,okay, 10396,439,so how are you doing today, i'm doing fine 10397,439,that's good, 10398,439,where are you from originally, i'm from los angeles and born in los angeles 10399,439,really, yes 10400,439,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh you have a lot of places to go a lot of people to see a lot of things to do 10401,439,mhm, 10402,439,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, smog uh the environmental has changed over the years uh xxx i've been around since nineteen fifty two and 10403,439,wow, i was born here in los angeles and i see such changes as far as environmental with the smog and mm basically that's about it 10404,439,i see what you mean, 10405,439,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i've been to several uh several places in the united states yes 10406,439,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh trying different type of cuisines uh i like to go to museum like the historical i'm a historical buff i um just uh going somewhere different than uh where i've been here all my life 10407,439,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh let me start with uh well try boston i had never been to boston before and when i went um i was able to look at the historical uh the buildings and i went to um uh i saw um um eh the lake charles and the and the boats and stuff and it it was just it was a good experience and um there's another place i went to i took a ferry and it and i my mind went on blank on it um god i can't even think of it right now um but other than that uh new orleans i've been to new orleans i didn't go to the mardi gras it's just i don't like to go and it uh to mardi gras when they have a lot of people um i just went on a off season uh i enjoyed that and i've been to atlanta georgia and i have taken a cruise uh i've went to the caribbeans and i took the mexico cruise uh i my next cruise i'd like to go to is alaska because i want to be able to see uh certain areas that we haven't destroyed yet as far as the environmental 10408,439,that's great, 10409,439,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i'm outgoing as far as uh going places i don't have a problem um eating alone um i don't have a problem meeting people um i'm only shy in conversing back and forth to a stranger 10410,439,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, oh i have a favorite thing uh i like to go on the internet and i like to do sweepstakes i'm a a person that loves to try to enter in a lot of contests and i've been very successful since i was a kid i've won a lot of sweepstakes and uh in the evening time uh i find like a hour of time and i just go online and just eh i'm so good at it i know just about exactly the right time to even enter 'em i usually try to enter 'em before midnight when everybody else is sleep so it's been successful for me 10411,439,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um getting married and having my children 10412,439,aw, mm 10413,439,tell me about your kids, i have a twenty-seven-year-old son and i have a thirty-one-year-old son um both of 'em uh well one of 'em's married the other one's not and i just not too long ago became a grandmother so i have one grandson and uh my uh son he uh works for the county of los angeles as a conveyance a property conveyance conveyance examiner and the other one is a computer engineer so and i've been married for thirty three years 10414,439,mhm, and um basically uh marriage pretty strong 10415,439,that's so good to hear, 10416,439,do you find it easy to be a parent, you know what if you build a foundation with your children and have a good relationship with them and talk to 'em and find out what's going on and tell 'em that you love them uh my son i've taught them all the time when they went out the door i love you and even today when they'll call me and hang up they say mom i love you you always have to give them that that um good feeling when they leave the door that you care and uh i i've never had to go to to eh to any jail to get 'em out um they've been pretty obedient i mean boys will be boys but um i never had any problem as far as uh them getting into any serious trouble and i'm very proud of that especially with boys i don't know how it would've been with a girls maybe a little different but with boys i have to say they were pretty obedient and they respect the law 10417,439,yeah, 10418,439,(laughter, 10419,439,what's the best thing about being a parent, uh the best thing is watching them grow and become parents themselves and see what they learn basically from you and um i've watched my son like i said i just a recent grandmother and i watch him how he handles his son and it's it seems like he's learned a lot from his foundation that he learned at home on how to handle his son to be responsible to go to work every day and he knows that hey i got a wife i have a son and it's my job to make sure that i keep a roof over their heads so it pays off 10420,439,that's great, and i i basically he treats her well 10421,439,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, um my mother was more stricter on me uh my my my parents um for some unknown reason i i guess because i my sister and i we're the girls they they weren't strict on the boys but they were more strict on the girls so they didn't let us go to a lot of places and then my parents also they weren't type that liked to travel and i used to look at them and say no i'm not gonna be like them i'm gonna travel i'm not gonna just stay home i i mean i mean there's nothing wrong with 'em because they found love at home and did things at home but they never really traveled anywhere and my mom used she was afraid of planes for one and i used to try to talk her into get on a plane and go somewhere and she said oh i'm gonna go here i'm going to go there but she never did she died she never did do do any travel so i've made up for her and uh i i want to do something different and that's to to travel more than and be more out there i was more of a social butterfly my mother was a not a social butterfly so i made up for it 10422,439,okay, 10423,439,how are you at controlling your temper, i think before i speak and then i am the type of person also to um i take on other people's feelings before i um blurt out the wrong thing i try to uh analyze the situation first before because sometimes you can put your open your mouth too soon and you can put yourself in something that you may not be able to get out of 10424,439,yeah, 10425,439,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um it's probably something about my husband did oh he i know what it was it's about uh well probably over some construction new construction that my husband is working on on our house uh we had a disagreement on that um men have their own way of doing things and um i had told him not to use a certain uh eh person to work on our house but because of the personal relationship he has with this person he went on ahead and now he sees all the downfalls and he didn't listen and so i didn't say i told you so but i guess he can tell by my facial expression that uh he he'd have done wrong and i told him i said look you're losing money and it became one problem after another so now all the construction thing is up in the air right now 'cause he knows he has done wrong and uh but he doesn't wanna face the fact that well he knows it but he doesn't wanna really face the fact so he says look it's my project no it's our project so uh eh that that's one of the biggest arguments what we're having right now um that i can think of that's recent 10426,439,how did you feel in that moment, i felt that he he he didn't really listen to me and he more so looked at uh a cheaper economical way that he can get this done without going through the proper ways 'cause i told him that um you need to do your research i'm the type of person i do my research before i jump into something i i i try to dot my i's and cross my t's but my husband he's not like that he's like oh i can get this person can do this project for x amount of money and he's a good friend of mine so i don't care i mean is he licensed he doesn't look at all that stuff he's he just jumps into it 10427,439,right, which cost him some extra money unnecessary money that he spent when and then i mean it was a lot of money and so i was really very upset yesterday and i was very upset about it because 10428,439,that sucks, it was just wasted money that we could've saved 'cause we wind up doing the same thing all over again 10429,439,yeah, and it didn't make any sense 10430,439,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i retired early um i was very fortunate to retire at age fifty i retired in two thousand and two i was working for the state of california um as a disability analyst and what happened was i was able the reason why i was able to retire so early because i'd been working since i was eighteen and i had like thirty one and a half years of service and what was so nice about it that only needed needed to vest in like ten years in my health insurance so i was able to get full health insurance but the only thing about it when you retire i was with calpirg and i don't know if you're familiar with calpirg but um we we have a excellent retirement system and since i had been working with them so long um i didn't get the full percentage i should've stayed 'til i was fifty five but i got out at fifty and i didn't get the full amount but that's okay um eh i i found myself going back doing a little part-time job because of the economical reason and then i have wantitis so um i think that was the kind of mistake i did i should've kinda waited 'til i was fifty five than fifty but i look at it now as far as the health insurance i really benefited because of the rising cost of the health insurance have went up and i don't i pay very little money so i think that over uh negates the uh uh uh the money that i receive 10431,439,yeah, 10432,439,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um let me see the hardest it's probably when my mom died 'cause uh i'm not used to anybody dying and my mother um died in ninety nine of uh non-hodgkin lymphoma and i i xxx putting her funeral together um my brother and sister we never we would never face anybody dying or putting a funeral together and all the responsibility because i am the eldest it was put in me and i'm like oh my god what do i do xxx and so um i was kinda like left out there trying to find her insurance policy 'cause i had asked her to make sure she put everything in order and she never got to it so the hardest thing was going through her house and trying to get all the stuff together and finding things you know i myself i keep my things organized but um for some unknown reason she didn't have hers organized and i think that was the hardest and knowing how much i had to pay 'cause i had to come out of pocket on some of my stuff and unfortunately my mom this is interesting she had one little small barrel insurance but she had million dollar of accident insurance and she didn't die of course with with accident she had a medical condition so that was something so we had to pay for the whole just about everything 10433,439,that sounds really hard, yeah it was it was but and now i can handle i i i um this will sound weird but um since that i've learned from that so i have made it available for my children that my husband and i we got together and we wind up getting our insurance uh uh uh uh policy xxx not insurance policy but um what do you call the um barrel insurance we had that and it just we've had it for mm many many years so it's almost paid but xxx ten years it'll pay for everything um the plot and everything and uh another thing that i did i've even written my own obituary i know that sounds weird so my son make one phone call that's it i don't want them to go through what i went through and my husband agreed that's the one thing we did agree on 10434,439,that makes sense, and um he said he don't want anybody to to have any problem uh people coming in and telling 'em what to do it's already written we did a living trust i mean it's nothing they can do but make one phone call 10435,439,mhm, and that's it 10436,439,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i have no problem sleeping i sleep very well pretty good 10437,439,how have you been feeling lately, um i've been a little tired but that's only because of physical condition um i have i found i have vitamin b deficiency and vitamin d xxx deficiency so it's more physical but not in the mental 10438,439,how do you cope with them, um exercise walk walking more so 10439,439,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no not really 10440,439,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10441,439,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 10442,439,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i'm basically happily all the time i'm mm more so i'm making other people happy i get more phone calls of people want inspiration about things uh uh when they have projects they working on and i try to encourage them uh and it makes me feel good when they hang up and say you know hey i really appreciate your input um thanks and then they i'll i'll follow up on 'em and see how they're doing 10443,439,that's so good to hear, 10444,439,how would your best friend describe you, oh uh resource person i've been um described as a resource person from my supervisor to from my friends because i'm the type of person i research everything i get into just about i just don't xxx dive into any situation i try to look up information uh some i know we have the technology here uh that you can get everything on the internet but also go back to the old school like like even finding this place i mean i did the map google but also i love the thomas brother i'm never gonna give up my thomas brothers map yellow pages you'd be surprised i don't give up my yellow pages so there's certain little things that i don't really let go i know we have technology but sometimes you know you'd be surprised that you can go around and find a whole lot of stuff that even though technology gives you have it right at your finger but you can find things and and they say i'm more of a resource person and most people come to me just to to look up things and i get that that that spunk about it because i like to look for stuff and find it 10445,439,uh huh, and that gives me satisfaction 10446,439,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, uh i wish i can uh um stop going up and down on my weight i'll lose weight i'll go on this big diet before the summertime and and then by christmas time i'm i have a what they call a yo-yo weight problem and if i can stop binging and making food my friend um i think that's just a nervous disorder i just i like to eat and um but also i don't like to be overweight either 'cause i have plenty of beautiful clothes at home and i can't get 'em xxx on right now so i know i say if i'm gonna go on this binge and try to lose weight for the summertime so i can get into those some nice clothes so it's mm mostly uh not happy with my weight that's it yeah 10447,439,mhm, 10448,439,is there anything you regret, i'm sorry didn't hear you 10449,439,is there anything you regret, um no not really i regret that i can't stay skinny i can't lose i mean i can lose the weight but i i regret not being able to keep it i i fall back on putting the weight back on 10450,439,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um let's see xxx ten or twenty years ago mm i would've saved a little bit more money before i retired and uh xxx uh basically um putting away more money before i retire instead of retiring too early 10451,439,what are you most proud of in your life, most proudest is of my life um meeting a lot of people that came in my life uh i got good friends i still have fifteen of the best friends that i went to elementary school and in very rare you could find anybody can walk around and say they have the same fifteen group of friends we were in a sorority together went to college together lived in the same neighborhood and matter of fact we just had um well all of us had our sixty year birthday and our our high school group we put together a sixty year birthday reunion and here all fifteen of us with exception of one we're all alive and healthy and we keep in contact so i think uh it's basically keeping the same friends i think eh we're gonna probably outlive each other 10452,439,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 10453,439,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 10454,439,goodbye, 10455,440,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10456,440,okay, 10457,440,so how are you doing today, i'm okay thank you 10458,440,that's good, 10459,440,where are you from originally, um i was born in east los angeles and 10460,440,really, yes 10461,440,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the freedom to explore outdoors and with different um weather temperature you know with weather temperature and climates to go skiing or to the beach maybe in the same day 10462,440,mhm, i like that 10463,440,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um mm i think probably the overcrowding um and the smog 10464,440,i see what you mean, 10465,440,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, mm not not frequently but i have 10466,440,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting other people and learning about their environment and their cultures 10467,440,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, sure um the last trip i've taken outside of here was to italy and um that was my second time being there and i enjoyed it more this time because um i knew what i wanted to see when i came back and um and i was better prepared for italians and their culture i felt i wasn't as uh you know i was just better prepared i thought for that trip 10468,440,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um that would be um being in the countryside and seeing a very tiny house in the midst of acres and acres and acres of grapes was just magnificent 10469,440,wow, 10470,440,what did you study at school, um human development 10471,440,how did you decide to do that, um i actually didn't decide at first to do that i started school with the intent of being a lactation consultant and um i went to a program in which you could get a degree as well as get your license to become a lactation consultant and through the process i learned that um i had to do a long internship without pay and at the time and i miss i had a family so i had to make a different a career choice quickly and um so the college offered human development as a major and i um just went right in and used my used used my units that i had already acquired towards that particular major and and i'm happy with it 10472,440,that's good, 10473,440,are you still working in that, um currently no i stay at home i have a little one uh well he's not so little i'm preparing to go back to work um in the meantime i design jewelry 10474,440,nice, 10475,440,tell me about your kids, well i have three children um i have a almost four year old and then i have two older children seventeen and twenty three 10476,440,do you find it easy to be a parent, no 10477,440,what's the best thing about being a parent, um that your children the the love from them and for them is unconditional 10478,440,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, all the stages that they go through they're stages all the time for every age and then everybody in my household is all different because they're different ages 10479,440,like what, so 10480,440,yeah, 10481,440,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, um i think i'm probably more in tune with those different stages that's why it makes me crazy um and i think that my parents the time that my parents were parents it was just kinda like you know is she fed is she dressed she has a house i mean a roof over her head and we're doing great as parents and we love her and so it wasn't um there wasn't too much i felt that that parents thought about in terms of that in terms of parenting in that way and like today you know there's books for every age every year month you know and um so i think it difference differs in that way 10482,440,mhm, tremendously 10483,440,how close are you to your family, very close 10484,440,that's good, 10485,440,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing 10486,440,why, mm i don't i don't um feel uninhibited uninhibited i feel a little you know confident to talk to people i probably talk more than i need to 10487,440,uh huh, 10488,440,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i bead i do i design jewelry that's what i do to relax 10489,440,that's great, 10490,440,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good i i well i think i um try not to not to um feel or let others know what my emotions are when i'm upset um which is not good 'cause if i don't do anything with them then i know that at some point it's gonna come out and um yeah that that's uh something i have to work on 10491,440,yeah, like exercising or something 10492,440,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um it was my husband and it was about um he asked me whether i thought about cheating ever in our marriage on him 10493,440,how did you feel in that moment, uh really tired of talking about that same topic 10494,440,can you tell me about that, um well it came it spawned from from a client of my husband's who's a female and she shared with him that she'd been cheating on her husband for like a year because she resented him for many things and um and so he took that information and came home and decided to ask me if i ever thought about it and what made me think about cheating and he knows that i've been resentful of him and did that make me feel like it did that make me want to cheat or did i think about cheating and um i we've had this conversation a lot of times and uh i mean not just that but i don't know just about cheating in general and um so i just said what i normally said normally say is that i haven't um cheated and that i did think about that when we were first together and uh but it was just a mere thought and um and then his response was i know that if we cheated on each other we would never tell one another and that just kinda i guess irritated me i was really bothered by that and i just started thinking you know we're having this conversation yet again and why are we having this conversation are you the one that's cheating and so that's how that that went into that um argument i mean it wasn't ayelling yelling i mean it was part conversation and part texting 10495,440,that sounds really hard, 10496,440,how do you cope with them, um not talking at all 10497,440,okay, 10498,440,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um mm pretty much any situation that involves my children and if i've yelled because i really don't like if i came to the point where i've had more of yelled it bothers me because um i was yelled at a lot and i just feel bad about that and i try really hard to not handle any kind of situation that involves my children no matter how upset i might get and result in in yelling 10499,440,okay, 10500,440,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm that would probably be whether to keep a pregnancy or not 10501,440,can you tell me about that, yeah yeah i um i was just talking about it yesterday actually and um oh i was pregnant and i had wanted i wasn't married yet and i had wanted to be married and but i just didn't think that i it was the right time for me and um i had pretty much made up my mind that i was not going to keep that pregnancy but i made the decision by myself and when my partner found uh discovered that i was pregnant he said that he very much wanted to have a child and wanted to marry me and so that decision was quite hard because i felt obligated to do so and felt super guilty to not and oops and uh this is on correctly um hang on this ear piece is falling there we go that was probably the hardest decision actually you know what no i wouldn't say that's the hardest decision i ever had to make i'm sorry the hardest decision that i had to make in my life was whether or not um the hospital should um unplug the life or um life support machine for my father or not that was the hardest decision 10502,440,what made you decide to do that, um because i knew that the quality of life he wanted for himself was more than that and to have been um to resort to the situation that he was in not capable of doing anything at all either speaking for himself um was beyond it who he was and i just couldn't see him like that anymore and he would be a vegetable i was told so i agreed to um resort that 10503,440,i'm sorry to hear that, 10504,440,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, not hardly ever 10505,440,why, too many things running on my mind um and pretty much um mostly on the weekends because my older kids are out and about with their friends uh even though i know that they're gonna come i mean i'm constantly worried about uh how they are when they come home and so i really can't fall asleep on the weekends most of the time but um and you sometimes it's just been so many days of not getting a good night's sleep i'm just exhausted exhausted i pass out but it's hard 10506,440,how have you been feeling lately, very stressed 10507,440,can you tell me about that, mm my son is is um has been uh in dealing with some legal issues and um currently is incarcerated and uh it's been really hard 10508,440,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yes i've been probably very short moody irritable 10509,440,are they triggered by something, well i often think about a lot of things that aren't even happening my mind just goes from one point a to point b and i don't even know how i got there um you know it's interesting uh yeah 10510,440,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10511,440,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 10512,440,how long ago were you diagnosed, about three years ago 10513,440,what got you to seek help, um my um o_b_g suggested i i uh see a psychiatrist 10514,440,do you still go to therapy now, yes 10515,440,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, well um i've in the process of changing therapists so it's been about because the program that i was in um lost funding and i lost my therapist or the therapist that i was working with and so it's been about two months maybe three now and um but i did notice when i was in therapy um that it was just an intricate part of my my life my week to see my therapist um it really helped me cope 10516,440,that's good, 10517,440,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um when i picked up my son up from um when he was released from um jail 10518,440,how would your best friend describe you, um a go getter uh probably you know uh she would use the term hustler but meaning that i'll i'm not afraid to do a lot of different kinds of jobs to do what i need to do to support my family i mean you know legally of course um outgoing um maybe sometimes a little too for too outgoing for her um and compassionate sensitive loyal 10519,440,mhm, 10520,440,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, mm all the things that remind me of my mother 10521,440,like what, well yelling the yelling part was one um just just the little things that used to drive me so crazy i see can see myself doing them and it bothers me a lot 10522,440,is there anything you regret, regarding what 10523,440,whatever comes to your mind, mm um not too much really i don't know 10524,440,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, to go to college right after high school and not wait um and that i didn't really need to be in a relationship to be happy or that you don't have to be in a relationship to be happy that you can certainly be successful and not in a relationship and still be happy and live life 10525,440,mhm, 10526,440,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um what did i do mm i visited my son yesterday and that was really good yeah 10527,440,how did you feel in that moment, i was happy that he was safe 10528,440,what are you most proud of in your life, um my children and uh my accomplishments in um school and work 10529,440,that's great, 10530,440,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10531,440,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 10532,440,goodbye, 10533,472,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 10534,472,okay, 10535,472,so how are you doing today, i'm well thank you 10536,472,that's good, 10537,472,where are you from originally, southern california 10538,472,really, 10539,472,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather the uh mountains the ocean 10540,472,mhm, 10541,472,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm traffic air quality 10542,472,i see what you mean, 10543,472,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no not a lot 10544,472,why, mm time money 10545,472,okay, 10546,472,what did you study at school, i studied art studio art 10547,472,that sounds interesting, 10548,472,how did you decide to do that, it was just always a a talent and a desire i had from childhood 10549,472,are you still working in that, i am 10550,472,what's your dream job, mm making a good living through my art 10551,472,how hard is that, it's challenging 10552,472,can you tell me about that, well i need it's about having the time and finding a niche that appeals to others while being able to do work that stays true to my own vision 10553,472,mm, 10554,472,i understand, 10555,472,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, somewhere in between 10556,472,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i read i walk dogs i spend time with my family 10557,472,okay, 10558,472,tell me about your relationship with your family, oh it's very good i i love my family very much and they love me very much we're very supportive of each other 10559,472,that's so good to hear, 10560,472,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good most of the time i'm not so great when i'm dealing with a lot of rush hour traffic but it's not out of control 10561,472,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm i don't really remember i wanna say it was probably my daughter and it was probably about something stupid some little stupid thing 10562,472,(laughter, 10563,472,tell me about your kids, um my daughter is um thirty nine beautiful brilliant um very talented very uh uh goal driven my son is twenty seven he is more laid back sweet very sweet um and he's starting to be a little more goal driven um a little less satisfied with just uh the daily grind 10564,472,mhm, 10565,472,do you find it easy to be a parent, being a parent is um very challenging in a wonderful way 10566,472,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um i think the hardest thing is is eh fear and worry for your children um today's world can be very um violent and scary and you fear for your children's safety and well-being 10567,472,yeah, 10568,472,how do you cope with them, i'm sorry 10569,472,what's the best thing about being a parent, oh gosh um mm friendship eh the close friendship you have with your children the the uh uh love the support the joy of just everyday little things that you share 10570,472,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, oh well i'm i i talk to my children about anything and everything um we're very have a very open communication which in my parents' generation i think children were more seen and not heard 10571,472,yeah, 10572,472,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm well with my daughter my first child i was young and inexperienced not only in being a mother but and naive in a lot of ways regarding life in general and i think probably eh most parents mm have regrets uh of uh situations they may have had their children in when they were when they were young that weren't the best 10573,472,okay, 10574,472,what's something you feel guilty about, sometimes i feel that i should've been more aware at a younger age 10575,472,can you tell me about that, mm just xxx just mm decisions and situations that uh decisions you make situations you find yourself in when you're younger out of being naive and and um even though logically i know that it's something that couldn't be avoided at the time you know as you get older you eh hindsight is twenty twenty as you get older you you look back and wish that you had've been more on top of your your uh your life when you were younger 10576,472,yeah, 10577,472,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, oh gosh i honestly can't think of anything 10578,472,okay, 10579,472,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm um i don't know that i would want i i can think of an event i don't know that i would wanna erase it from my memory because eh i feel that we learn from everything and there there's i i don't wanna lose the lesson that i'm to learn from that experience 10580,472,that makes sense, 10581,472,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, positive influence in my life uh my daughter my son my granddaughter um there's a a a oddly enough an author uh carlos castaneda 10582,472,can you tell me about that, um just a a a positive my my family's been a positive influence because of their love and support and uh in reading carlos castaneda's works i find that he has a brilliant mind and because i've practiced some of what he talks about in his books and experience them as being authentic um uh whereas some people you know question his validity i i found that he has something very extraordinary to offer mankind 10583,472,okay, 10584,472,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, pretty easy i fall asleep pretty quick 10585,472,that's good, 10586,472,how have you been feeling lately, good 10587,472,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm no not really just always looking for the next uh um project to to uh get started on 10588,472,okay, 10589,472,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10590,472,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 10591,472,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, yesterday yesterday was mother's day and uh my children gave me flowers and beautiful gifts and made me a wonderful brunch and 10592,472,aw, we spent the day together and it was very very nice 10593,472,that sounds like a great situation, 10594,472,how would your best friend describe you, oh um easygoing um easy to be around um friendly happy 10595,472,uh huh, 10596,472,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, hmm i would like to work on being um more focused on on uh projects 10597,472,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, oh gosh probably when i was a kid you know kids can be uh kids can be cruel to each other uh so nothing that um i still at this age take personally or or you know hold a grudge for 10598,472,okay, 10599,472,is there anything you regret, um sure everybody has regrets but you do the best you can do at the time and you learn and you move on 10600,472,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm i don't i don't know i i can't answer that one 10601,472,okay, 10602,472,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, oh gosh um i read a great book um the last couple days and i've been working on a new painting that uh i'm really pleased with i like the way it's going 10603,472,nice, 10604,472,what are you most proud of in your life, um my kids my the fact that my kids are are uh wonderful human beings i feel very blessed 10605,472,that's so good to hear, 10606,472,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10607,472,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 10608,472,goodbye, goodbye 10609,476,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, uh yeah sure 10610,476,okay, 10611,476,so how are you doing today, i'm alright uh i'm in a weird test study right now 10612,476,(laughter, 10613,476,where are you from originally, uh i'm from los angeles 10614,476,really, mhm 10615,476,what are some things you really like about l_a, all kinds of different things to do in this city 10616,476,like what, uh well i don't know each each area is a little different and it's hard to get boring around here 10617,476,mhm, 10618,476,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, oh you know the traffic and the smog and all that 10619,476,i see what you mean, 10620,476,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, not as much as i'd like to 10621,476,why, mm money mainly lack of money 10622,476,i understand, 10623,476,what do you enjoy about traveling, i like seeing the world and seeing all the different places 10624,476,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, went to uh went to russia three years ago 10625,476,nice, 10626,476,what's one of your most memorable experiences, yeah i like to go into the churches we did a huge trip of all the churches in the area 10627,476,that's great, 10628,476,what did you study at school, uh music for the most part 10629,476,that sounds interesting, 10630,476,how did you decide to do that, uh i been playing music for a long time 10631,476,are you still working in that, yeah 10632,476,what's your dream job, xxx musician touring performing musician 10633,476,how hard is that, really really really hard 10634,476,why, a lot of competition and luck involved 10635,476,that sucks, i agree 10636,476,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, little of both i suppose 10637,476,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, again probably just i i play a lot of music sit down with a guitar for a little while 10638,476,that's good, 10639,476,how are you at controlling your temper, i would say good i think i'm a calm person 10640,476,mhm, 10641,476,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i'm having difficulty even remembering uh nothing big in a long time 10642,476,okay, 10643,476,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i'm having difficulty thinking of one on the spot right now 10644,476,okay, 10645,476,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision i've ever had to make uh i i'm not sure i i can't think of anything 10646,476,hmm, 10647,476,what's something you feel guilty about, guilty um when i was a boy i stole a little golden bicycle from an old lady i'm not proud of it 10648,476,okay, 10649,476,tell me about your relationship with your family, um nan it's not ideal i live with my parents i'm twenty three years old and that's becoming more and more awkward 10650,476,i understand, 10651,476,can you tell me about that, i think i don't know i think things are improving i need to move out i need to get my own apartment and uh then we can come back around and be friends i'm sure with my parents 10652,476,yeah, 10653,476,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, just uh there's a lot of positive influences in my life i've got a good group of friends you know my family i love them nonetheless but 10654,476,okay, 10655,476,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, easy i would say 10656,476,that's good, mhm 10657,476,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um just uh not uh not as groggy as some people get i don't know i 10658,476,uh huh, 10659,476,how have you been feeling lately, just in general uh well i'd say things are alright 10660,476,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um no nothing huge 10661,476,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10662,476,have you been diagnosed with depression, mm mm 10663,476,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, last time i i had a really good band practice last night with all the friends i felt really good about that 10664,476,awesome, mhm 10665,476,how would your best friend describe you, think generally funny and good to be around 10666,476,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, uh work ethic i think is a big one 10667,476,can you tell me about that, sure uh you know i i have a lot of projects i've planned for myself in my life and i have difficulty completing them 10668,476,why, i like to use space as an excuse that's my go-to one uh i don't have a good studio to record music or 10669,476,i see, 10670,476,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, um well okay this uh this current band that i'm working with um i was told i'm a part time member in this band and i was told that uh you know i wasn't officially in the core group and stuff i felt pretty bad about that for a few days 10671,476,i'm sorry, it's alright 10672,476,is there anything you regret, uh in life 10673,476,mhm, maybe going maybe finishing college that might be something not 10674,476,what made you decide to do that, um i don't know i just never i i never came to pass that i would transfer to a four year university and get a bachelor's degree 10675,476,okay, 10676,476,what would you say are some of your best qualities, best qualities i think generally that easygoingness and good sense of humor 10677,476,uh huh, 10678,476,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, i did recently that i really enjoyed last weekend i went camping on a beach with a bunch of friends that was nice 10679,476,nice, yeah 10680,476,what are you most proud of in your life, most proud of um i guess you know musical accomplishments i've put a lot of work into that and i'm finding success in my way 10681,476,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, thank you 10682,476,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you that was interesting 10683,476,goodbye, 10684,477,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes thanks 10685,477,okay, 10686,477,so how are you doing today, i'm well thank you how are you 10687,477,that's good, 10688,477,i'm great thanks, 10689,477,where are you from originally, i grew up in oklahoma 10690,477,really, mhm 10691,477,when did you move to l_a, um i moved to l_a about five and a half years ago so i used to be on the west on the east coast and then i decided i wanted to come out here 10692,477,how often do you go back to your hometown, my hometown not very often um most most of my family's moved away so i visit them but i don't actually get back to oklahoma much 10693,477,how does it compare to l_a, oklahoma's very different um uh l_a's a lot more exciting there's a lot more um uh to do here and um uh the ocean obviously is very nice so 10694,477,mhm, 10695,477,why did you move to l_a, um you know that's a good question i um i wanted to try something new and i've always loved the beach and i thought uh and i also like big cities so i thought l_a might be a good place for me to come 10696,477,are you happy you did that, very it's probably one of the best uh decisions i ever made 10697,477,that's so good to hear, 10698,477,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, pretty easy i think um eh it seems kind of natural it seemed like a good fit um i just really like it here 10699,477,how do you like your living situation, oh it's great um i have a couple of roommates and we get along really well i live a couple of blocks from the beach um and uh every day i get to walk on the beach or um you know hang out with friends and it's just it's kind of like being on vacation all the time it's really nice 10700,477,awesome, 10701,477,what did you study at school, mm i studied philosophy and um political theory and government and did a little bit of english literature on the side 10702,477,how did you decide to do that, um it kind of just happened naturally i think uh i went to liberal arts school and got kind of a exposure to a lot of different areas and i just followed what i liked and was interested in and ended up spending a lot of time studying that 10703,477,are you still working in that, um not exactly i work for an educational nonprofit so i work with graduate with graduate students um in the social sciences and humanities 10704,477,mhm, um but i don't actually um use my philosophy background very often 10705,477,what's your dream job, um you know i have actually studied to become a success coach um and so i working with students is is kind of a nice aspect of of doing that but i'd really like to work with other with other people so not just students um but help them to achieve their goals and realize their dreams 10706,477,how hard is that, um i'd say it it it's fairly hard um in the sense that um you know it can be challenging for people to actually be motivated and do all of the work that needs to be um undertaken in order to realize their their dreams but and it it's also a challenge because making a living at it uh requires charging people money so um finding people who are willing to pay for that can be um difficult too 10707,477,yeah, 10708,477,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i'm definitely on the shyer side i'm an introvert so 10709,477,why, um i'm pretty good in one on one situations with people but when you get me in a group with more than a a couple of people i'm very much an observer so i tend to listen a lot and i'm not as engaged and i think that um is something that goes it is noticed by others and it it maybe is a little bit odd to them especially if they're not introverted um so i i'd say and it's also a challenge for me i tend not to be the person who introduces myself um in a room full of strangers 10710,477,okay, 10711,477,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good i think um but i do have a temper so i can get i can get upset from time to time 10712,477,has that gotten you in trouble, not really um it can be a challenge when i'm driving but other than that no 10713,477,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm hmm i'm not sure it would've probably been a discussion over politics and it probably would've been a friendly argument um probably with one of my liberal friends so but i actually can't remember the specific time 10714,477,mm, 10715,477,okay, 10716,477,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, mm i meditate um i do that almost every day um i also walk at the beach i love the ocean and i really like the sounds and just being out there is very peaceful um and i like to read and be alone just with my thoughts 10717,477,mhm, so that's nice 10718,477,that's good, 10719,477,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm well let me think about that for a minute hmm i'm having a hard time coming up with anything i mean i i i'm sure there are plenty of things um just nothing comes to mind um hmm 10720,477,let's come back to that later, okay i'm sorry 10721,477,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm well this isn't exactly an event it's it's a dream and it's not a particularly um traumatic dream so as far as dreams go but um i do have it sometimes probably more often than i'd like so i wouldn't be upset if it you know if i didn't have it um and it's just a version of a dream that i think a lot of people probably have but um it's usually me in school somewhere at the end of the semester haven't gone to class taking the exams know i'm going to fail and you know really unhappy about it wishing why didn't i study and attend class the way i should have um which actually wasn't really a problem for me in school but now i have this dream sometimes and it's kinda frustrating and i'm not exactly sure why i mean i know why but i don't know what it applies to because it's not like i am worried consciously at least about failing things so 10722,477,mhm, 10723,477,are they triggered by something, no i don't think so um at least not not that i'm aware of 10724,477,okay, 10725,477,what's something you feel guilty about, i feel guilty um i have a a brother and a sister-in-law and a nephew and they live on the east coast and i love my nephew he's eight he's adorable and um i when i used to live there when he was younger um spent a lot of time with them and since i've been in california and particularly in the last year i've spent a lot less time visiting them so for example i saw them for a week at christmas and then i went back in at the beginning of may so it was you know four months between the last the last time i'd seen them um and that i felt bad about because we really enjoy each other's company and he um you know really likes me to be there but then he gets upset when i leave and he asks when am i coming back so that's um that makes me feel bad sometimes 10726,477,i understand, 10727,477,tell me about your relationship with your family, mm um well i have a brother i'm very close to him he's younger and um he's like four four and a half years younger he's married um i have a nephew um my both of my parents have passed away so it's just the two of us and we have a large extended family but we're not that close with them um with most of them um on my father's side there's one brother um and he's married and has a few kids so i have a few cousins on that side but then on my mother's side there are five four or five other kids um most of them with several children of their own so i have a lot of cousins on that side but they live all over the country and um so we stay in touch a little bit through facebook um and there a couple that i talk to on the phone and visit every now and then but you know we're not that close with our extended family so 10728,477,okay, 10729,477,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um i'd say well um i i mean i have a lot of friends i think that have been positive influences scrubbed_entry when i came out to california um i started working at a nonprofit and it was kind of a strange place it was very different from what i was used to um it was a little bit challenging and she also worked there so um we worked on a program together over the summer and got to know one another and um we just established this really strong friendship and she's kind of i would say my best friend probably here and probably just in general um and now she's moved to vegas um which is a little bit tough for me um but uh we're going to napa this weekend so that should be good um but she's been a very she was a very positive influence because when i came out here and didn't really know anybody um and it you know since i'm an introvert it's not that easy for me to make friends it was really nice because we share a lot of the same values and we have a lot of fun together and you know i think she kinda gets me so it's a lot of fun to hang out with her and and that's been nice 10730,477,that's so good to hear, 10731,477,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i'm a sleeper so it's pretty easy um sometimes my you know depending on how long i've been awake i can be wound a little wound up and so sometimes i have to take a little while to decompress but um i usually meditate right before i go to bed um and that's very helpful um and i can sleep uh you know i i i generally sleep in ninety minute cycles so um you know usually six or seven and a half hours but i can easily sleep nine hours if i have the time and inclination um i usually don't wake up in the middle of the night or at least if i do i don't remember it so 10732,477,uh huh, 10733,477,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um well i don't actually don't sleep very well when i travel one of the things i do for work is i travel uh quite a bit because i work for a company that's back east so i work from home most of the time but then i travel like one week a month and when i travel i'll take the red-eye um and then i'll visit with a lot of friends in the evening so i don't sleep that much it's not that i um sleep poorly or badly it's just that i um don't have that much time to sleep and the first day after not sleeping or not sleeping much is okay but usually the second day is not very good um so i get a lot more tired uh and it's harder to concentrate and um i don't know it just feels like more of a struggle 10734,477,okay, 10735,477,how have you been feeling lately, i would say good um summer is a little is an is a busy time for the organization that i work for so i'm a little um i i don't know know if stressed is the right word but i'm you know a little anxious about um everything going well this summer but um in general i'm feeling pretty good 10736,477,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, not really i can't i can't think of anything um there there is one thing i um i do struggle with exercise like i like to walk a lot um and i hike with friends and um i had been really motivated about it um for a couple of months but then i went away um to the east coast and when i came back i was a lot less motivated um because i didn't really exercise when i was there and i'd gotten out of the habit even though it had only been about ten days and so now i'm struggling to try and get back in the routine and it's not going as well as i would like 10737,477,i'm sorry, it's okay thank you 10738,477,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10739,477,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 10740,477,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hmm well scrubbed_entry he's a lot of fun and um he really likes me and i really like him and we play a lot of games and talk a lot and we're actually doing a book club now so we're gonna skype and um maybe i'll get some more time with him that way but uh just being around him is fun 10741,477,how would your best friend describe you, hmm well she'd probably say that i know how to have fun but that i can be serious and um that i you know care about others uh and that i'm loyal and i'm not sure what else um i think those those are probably the main things 10742,477,okay, 10743,477,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i wish i had more self-discipline so um i wish that you know i could diet um or eat healthier foods and not have a problem uh with sugar because i love to eat sugar i wish that i would not procrastinate because i've gotten a lot better about that but i still do and that can be challenging um and i wish that i um xxx i don't know uh i think i wish that i was in a relationship so probably those things 10744,477,okay, 10745,477,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, mm hmm so at the last organization i used to work at i had a boss and she was i don't feel like she was um i don't think we were very compatible um and she uh used to push my buttons or so i thought and so um one day she was really upset about something um because a board member had called her up and asked her a question and she didn't have the answer um and he was upset about something and it was something to do with my department so she called me into her office and let me know how unhappy she was um but it wasn't i i've been a manager for many years um and i have very strong opinions about how you handle challenges with people with staff members 10746,477,yeah, and the way that she handled the situation with me was really inappropriate i thought um and she clearly was trying to frighten me and make me feel um you know incompetent or at least that's the the way that i felt about it and um i did you know i tried to be very calm and said that i would take care of it and i did take care of it um but uh after that our relationship wasn't really the same and i ended up staying uh leaving there to go back to the old organization that i'd worked for not that long afterwards because i just didn't really have a lot of respect for her after she did that to me or after we had that interaction so 10747,477,yeah, 10748,477,i see, 10749,477,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, so i heard this piece of advice the other day and or uh or this thing and that i thought was really profound and i wish that i had read it back then which is um when you think about buying something instead of thinking uh oh here's this beautiful coat it's a hundred dollars i want it i'm gonna buy it it uh don't think of it as costing a hundred dollars think of it as costing ten times that because that's effectively what your money could do if you didn't spend it on that coat but instead invested it you know intelligently um you would have ten times that much money eventually so you should really think about it in those terms and um i think i've been much more a consumer than a saver and so i wish that i had uh been more aware of that ten or twenty years ago 10750,477,hmm, 10751,477,what are you most proud of in your life, probably scrubbed_entry um they asked me to be his um godparent and his guardian if anything should happen to them and that meant a lot to me because it it made me feel like they trusted me and thought that i was a good person the kinda person that could take care of their child should something happen to them so 10752,477,okay, 10753,477,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, let's see well uh in it wasn't really recently but in february i went i like to travel and a friend uh and i went to singapore uh and i got to fly first class um we used miles uh frequent flyer miles to get the um tickets and so uh that was really enjoyable because um the seats pull down you get to sleep the food is delicious you get special attention and um i also hadn't been to singapore before so that was kind of cool too 10754,477,nice, 10755,477,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10756,477,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure thank you 10757,477,goodbye, 10758,482,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10759,482,okay, 10760,482,so how are you doing today, i'm doing fine 10761,482,that's good, 10762,482,where are you from originally, i was born in texas and i moved to california when i was three and grew up here in california yeah 10763,482,really, 10764,482,you were very young weren't you, i was yes 10765,482,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh i've never been back there 10766,482,why, um don't have any relatives there don't have a reason to go back there 10767,482,okay, 10768,482,what are some things you really like about l_a, um well my my family's here 10769,482,mhm, that's one uh the weather's great uh the beaches and mountains are here all those things are very good 10770,482,yeah, 10771,482,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh the traffic which is probably probably most people say um it's expensive to live here those are probably the top two 10772,482,i see what you mean, 10773,482,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh recently i've traveled 10774,482,what do you enjoy about traveling, um well you get to see new places and and new people you get to learn more about other cultures and uh different ways people think 10775,482,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh uh at the end of march i went to ecuador for a week 10776,482,nice, 10777,482,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh um i spent most of most of one day with with an ecuadorian who only speaks spanish and i speak very little spanish so we got um it was it was challenging for me trying to communicate with him i felt like a a little kid 10778,482,yeah, trying to you know say you know what's this what's this uh it was very humbling um you know just just seeing that you know when you don't when you're not able to communicate then that that can be very difficult 10779,482,mhm, 10780,482,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm probably more of a shy person 10781,482,why, genetics i don't know why 10782,482,what did you study at school, um i'm an electrician so i studied electrical construction i've also studied uh computer networking 10783,482,cool, 10784,482,how did you decide to do that, um it was i guess just uh kinda circumstances i needed the the the work i was doing wasn't providing for the family and i knew someone who could get me a job doing electrical work and so so i pursued that because of the the financial gain 10785,482,are you happy you did that, mm uh it's given me a lot of opportunity but uh i don't think it's what i what i wanna do for the rest of my life 10786,482,what's your dream job, well i'm actually uh pursuing becoming a missionary uh my wife and i are looking at moving down to ecuador in the fall uh for four years and last year we we trained in north carolina for one year um and that was like theology and bible training 10787,482,what made you decide to do that, um basically god put a um a desire in my heart to get beyond get beyond myself and and do something for other people to to go and and learn about another people their culture and to share the gospel with them 10788,482,that's great, 10789,482,tell me about your relationship with your family, well in my immediate family um i'm i'm married i've been married for ten years this june and we have four daughters and then um but i i have one older brother uh no sisters um so what what do you wanna know about my family 10790,482,how close are you to your family, um i'm really close with my wife and my daughters uh with my brother i'm not not real close partly because he's uh he's mentally handicapped um he has the mental capacity of a seven year old even though he's he's five years older than me so just kinda because of that dynamic it it's hard to have a a close relationship with him but i am pretty close with my parents my brother lives with my parents 10791,482,i see, 10792,482,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um i'd say my my youth pastor in high school he was a real real positive influence in me 10793,482,can you tell me about that, um just he has a he has a drive and a zeal for for pursuing the truth um and just uh studying the bible and and because of his influence that kinda put me on a path to wanting to study the bible 10794,482,okay, 10795,482,how are you at controlling your temper, um i think i've gotten better at it there have been times when you know i'll i'll get angry and uh you know it can just kinda really rule over me just the frustration and i'm the type of person that it takes me um usually it it takes some time for me to get angry and and some time to to calm down again but i've i've learned um over time that really getting angry um and keeping that anger in doesn't it doesn't attack the other person or the thing that i'm angry at it just kinda attacks me and so really it it's not a it's not a good behavior to 10796,482,right, to keep so when when things anger me i try to uh like talk to the other person say you know this this situation is making me upset i try to kinda talk through it and and resolve it and come to a resolution um even more than just compromising but trying to really resolve the root the problem 10797,482,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um well a a couple weeks ago or maybe it was maybe even a month ago um my wife and i were going on a trip with with her parents and her parents had already left um eh we were just driving down to orange country area for this trip and my wife wanted um wanted she had she had expectation of certain things to be done before the trip or certain things be packed and but hadn't really in in my eyes hadn't expressed that clearly but in her eyes she had and so when i was trying to meet those expectations she um you know i i didn't meet 'em according to to what she wanted and and and she became angry and so from my perspective i was doing what she wanted um and kinda getting attacked for it so so then i i i started yelling at her and 10798,482,yeah, and we you know we had that conflict but then you know with within an hour or so we had kinda talked through and we we had figured out what the the cause of that conflict was 10799,482,how did you feel in that moment, um are you asking the moment of during the conflict 10800,482,yeah, uh very you know just mm very angry you know you can feel it in your body um part partly i the i guess the anger was probably the secondary response but my initial response was that um i felt was feeling attacked and that came out as anger 10801,482,mm, so i would think um yeah so initially i felt attacked and then that resulted in the anger 10802,482,okay, 10803,482,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm hmm hmm hmm i guess it was um deciding to go um to go to our training last year um i i felt that god had put on my heart that that this was something i was supposed to pursue um my wife didn't feel that way and i i i just felt very strongly that that was something that we should pursue and but at the same time i knew that if if my wife wasn't supportive of it that it it would it would kinda fall apart so i kinda relinquished relinquished it um and i and i said to her you know i'm not gonna make you go um you know if if you wanna go then then we'll go but if not then we'll we'll do something else we'll we'll look at at doing something else and not going uh and so that that was difficult for me 'cause uh you know again that that that kinda felt like a loss 'cause i felt deeply that that's what i was supposed to do um but then after i kinda gave that up then um then she came to a point where she said no i have a peace about about doing this and then we went ahead and pursued it so um so just kinda giving it up was was was difficult for me 10804,482,yeah, 10805,482,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, tell you about something bad or something that i can erase from my memory 10806,482,mhm, um oh let me see i'm not sure um i don't know i i can't really think of anything very traumatic um that i would wanna erase but i i think you know good things and positive eh good things and bad things they all kinda shape who we are and so i i i can't think of anything that i would want to erase 10807,482,okay, 10808,482,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um usually usually it's not too bad um are are you referring to on the the questionnaire where i said that i had trouble some trouble sleeping 10809,482,yeah, um the the job i work the the um kinda the the scheduling has shifted so i so lately i've been working some nighttime shifts or graveyard shifts so um coming home in the morning you know when it's light then it's been hard for me to sleep but it was it was mostly 'cause i was staying up so late because of work 10810,482,i understand, 10811,482,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh it pretty easy 10812,482,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um when i when i don't sleep then i do get cranky 10813,482,how have you been feeling lately, uh i i've been feeling good lately 10814,482,that's good, 10815,482,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no not really 10816,482,okay, 10817,482,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 10818,482,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 10819,482,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um hmm i don't know um can't think of anything that was kinda out of the ordinary but um yesterday we my wife and i took took our three our our three younger girls we took them to the park the oldest one um stayed with her grandma but we uh we took 'em to the park and they played and yeah so those those are always happy times when we take the kids to the park 10820,482,that's so good to hear, 10821,482,how would your best friend describe you, um i i think he'd say i'm a a family man that um i'm uh dependable that he can he can count on me um usually my my friend i end up doing um different work around the house for him 'cause i'm kind of a handyman so so in that way i i i think he'd say i'm kinda dependable or someone he could go to for advice 10822,482,mhm, 10823,482,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i guess i would um i guess i would like to be able to um start conversations with people easier uh sometimes i have i have trouble just talking to people especially if they're in a group if if people are one on one then it's it's usually easier for me to talk to them but kinda talking to people in a group uh i wish i was a little better at that 10824,482,uh huh, now if it's 10825,482,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, okay what what i was gonna say right before that was that um uh if if i'm giving a speech or something to a large group i don't really have a problem with that but if it's more interaction type thing then that's kinda difficult uh advice i would've given to myself ten or twenty years ago um probably would've been to to go to college right away instead of going to school later in life um that's about it 10826,482,okay, think that would made that would've made the biggest difference in my life i think 10827,482,what are you most proud of in your life, um well i have i have four kids and i hope i'm raising 'em right i hope that that um you know the mistakes that i've made i can kinda guide them through their their journey in life and i hope that they end up a little better for it than than me um yeah i just hope hope kinda through them that i can you know leave leave something worthwhile 10828,482,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10829,482,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 10830,482,goodbye, 10831,484,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10832,484,okay, 10833,484,so how are you doing today, i'm doing well 10834,484,that's good, 10835,484,where are you from originally, i was born in oakland 10836,484,really, 10837,484,what are some things you really like about l_a, um all the different areas of the city uh the different cultures that are here 10838,484,mhm, 10839,484,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic the um lack of public transportation and the superficiality 10840,484,i see what you mean, 10841,484,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i i don't i would love to travel more 10842,484,what do you enjoy about traveling, um being able to experience a different way of living um getting outside the bubble that you normally live in and getting a different perspective 10843,484,uh huh, 10844,484,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um in two thousand eight i studied abroad in brazil and that was about four months and i was in bahia which is in the north and um let's see the program consisted of learning the history learning the language and staying with a homestay family 10845,484,nice, 10846,484,what made you decide to do that, um i've always wanted to travel and i chose brazil because um they have an afro-brazilian population or a large afro-brazilian population which i really wanted to learn more about and i think the history and the cullture is really interesting 10847,484,mhm, 10848,484,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i think taking a bus by myself to a remote beach and just navigating on my own and um figuring out where to go yeah 10849,484,that's great, 10850,484,what did you study at school, right now i'm getting my master's in social work 10851,484,what's your dream job, dream job i think to um consult about um mental health and how to um how to intervene effectively with different cultures and doing research and consulting work and getting to travel um basically that those would be the main characteristics 10852,484,okay, 10853,484,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i think that's a false dichotomy but i do consider myself shy but at the same time outgoing in the sense that i push myself to do things outside of my comfort zone and i'm determined to do what it takes to become successful 10854,484,that makes sense, 10855,484,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i listen to music and just lay on my bed and um i guess you could say do mindfulness and really just take my mind off of things 10856,484,mhm, also breathing exercises which i'm learning more about um as well as exercise 10857,484,cool, 10858,484,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good i don't get angry a lot um so as far as angry temperament i'm pretty good at that 10859,484,that's good, 10860,484,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm um mm what month is this may probably two months ago and i argued via text message so it's not really intense arguing but i guess you could call it arguing in a sense over whether or not i should be forgiven for something that i thought was minor um with a friend i've had for a few years 10861,484,hmm, 10862,484,how did you feel in that moment, i felt anxious um sad and angry um yeah those are the main emotions 10863,484,okay, 10864,484,how do you know them, i know them because i think i'm pretty in touch with my emotions and being able to identify them and then i'll notice the physical uh manifestations of emotions like if i if my heart's racing or if i'm getting sweaty if i'm if my breathing is more shallow i'll know i'm anxious i'll know something's bothering me 10865,484,mhm, 10866,484,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hmm that i wish i had handled differently i guess related to this argument um i went out one night and got a little too intoxicated and ended up calling a person for a ride home but that really upset that person and i know that it wasn't such a big deal but i wish i hadn't have let myself get to that point um it it impacted a relationship and i also felt really bad about what i did 10867,484,okay, 10868,484,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm hardest decision wow um probably deciding what type of graduate program to go into i briefly went to law school and decided not to do that so afterwards well after dropping out i had to really rethink what it is that i wanted to do and what i wanted to dedicate my life to go into debt for spend a lot of energy on 10869,484,yeah, 10870,484,how did you decide to do that, um i think by recognizing what i don't want to do and doing a lot of research on program requirements and the jobs that you can get after completing a program 10871,484,that makes sense, 10872,484,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm i have to think oh um revolving around the same person i spoke of earlier it was a dating relationship and a few years ago we had a falling out over his treatment of me and it involved another person and i wish i could get that out of my mind 10873,484,i'm sorry to hear that, 10874,484,tell me about your relationship with your family, um i have a pretty good relationship with my mom she lives in the bay area i didn't grow up with her but i've gotten um closer to her as an adult uh we talk pretty regularly with my dad i grew up with him mostly he lives in atlanta and um we don't talk as much but we are we have a pretty decent relationship it's not really that contentious or anything and i'm an only child so i don't have siblings i don't have a large family 10875,484,uh huh, um so in general i'm not really that close to family 10876,484,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um one person is my mentor who i met in two thousand five and she's a judge and i met her when i was in community college and she really opened my eyes to possibilities and made me feel that i would be able to achieve certain things 10877,484,that's great, 10878,484,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, pretty easy well it's easy for me to sleep what's not easy is getting up 10879,484,why, because usually i do not forward look forward to what i have to do that day and the thought of it is you know just makes me wanna stay in bed also i wake up pretty tired not really feeling refreshed 10880,484,i understand, 10881,484,how do you cope with them, i think just self-talk about how what i have to do isn't that bad or that the things that i'm doing now are gonna end pretty soon with the end of the school year um trying to think of things that i can look forward to in the week um also listening to music and browsing the internet kinda gets my mind going 10882,484,mhm, 10883,484,how have you been feeling lately, feeling uh wow um feeling emotionally drained on some ways and at the same time feeling like i've accomplished a lot and that i've grown so a mix of ambivalence and feeling drained and a mixture of feeling accomplished and proud at the same time 10884,484,uh huh, 10885,484,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i haven't 10886,484,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 10887,484,how long ago were you diagnosed, in two thousand six 10888,484,what got you to seek help, the convergence of a lot of stressful factors um i was out of touch with my mom i started um well i had transferred to a university that was pretty rigorous and just all those changes going on really um exacerbated things that were already there depressive tendencies that were already there and it got to a point where i just felt really overwhelmed 10889,484,yeah, 10890,484,do you still go to therapy now, yes i do 10891,484,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes 10892,484,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, i notice i'm better able to accept my emotions and not judge them and also identify them i'm able to think think differently about things that happened maybe look at things in a more positive light and also identify the areas i need to work on and the underlying issues in those areas 10893,484,that's good, 10894,484,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, mm um this past weekend i reconnected with some old friends and it was really good to see them and be back in touch again 10895,484,awesome, 10896,484,how would your best friend describe you, um people have different takes on on me i don't have one best friend but i think people would describe me as very um analytical sensitive intelligent intellectual 10897,484,uh huh, 10898,484,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i wish that i did not or wait i wish i was better able to cope with my anxiety and depression which i'm working on and i wish that i had more energy 10899,484,okay, 10900,484,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, start going to therapy now um but yeah i really would and also to what how old am i twenty eight ten years ago eighteen okay so graduating from high school i would tell myself to pick up some more job skills so that i wouldn't have to struggle as much in the future and to seek out mentors to get a clearer um idea of what i wanted to do as a career 10901,484,okay, 10902,484,what are you most proud of in your life, um i think the fact that i'm in grad school and coming from the background that i that i come from low socio-economic status and just pushing through challenges to get here 10903,484,that's so good to hear, 10904,484,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10905,484,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 10906,484,goodbye, 10907,483,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 10908,483,okay, 10909,483,so how are you doing today, mm good i guess 10910,483,where are you from originally, new orleans louisiana 10911,483,really, 10912,483,when did you move to l_a, uh two thousand five 10913,483,how often do you go back to your hometown, i used to go back often but not much anymore 10914,483,why, uh just things happened 10915,483,okay, 10916,483,why did you move to l_a, uh uh well guess you're not programmed with this knowledge but uh katrina happened in two thousand five 10917,483,wow, 10918,483,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, not really 10919,483,can you tell me about that, um hmm where to begin uh just l_a's different culturally i have a different culture out here it's just a different place 10920,483,mhm, 10921,483,what are some things you really like about l_a, um it's it's bike friendly louisiana isn't new orleans for that matter really isn't now they're trying to be but it just it isn't that successful 10922,483,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the drivers they're crazy 10923,483,(laughter, 10924,483,i see what you mean, 10925,483,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, mm not really kind of but not much anymore 10926,483,why, don't have the money kinda broke 10927,483,i understand, 10928,483,what do you enjoy about traveling, just being able to go on an adventure 10929,483,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um let's see i once went to comic con on a on a bicycle like on a a three wheel bike um and that that was pretty fun kinda scary and dangerous nearly got killed it was scary 10930,483,what's one of your most memorable experiences, traveling or just in general 10931,483,whatever comes to your mind, hmm um i gotta say i gotta say we were we were heading out of um we were heading off the p_c_h and going into um laguna and laguna has this really steep hill and on sundays it's full of traffic and i i remember going down the the hill and my brakes weren't working and i was trying to hit my brakes and trying to hit my brakes and they just they wouldn't click and i was like oh god and i'm i'm on a three wheel bike so i'm larger than most bikes and i'm like zipping in between like gridlock traffic going down a hill unable to brake and i'm going down and suddenly there's this car that veers right into mm essentially where i'm trying to go so i turn sharply in front of between this bus and this truck and literally end up going sideways through traffic through oncoming traffic and then looping back through oncoming traffic back into the right traffic still without any brakes and like not managing to keep my bike from 10932,483,(laughter, rolling which is painful when your bike roles kinda hurts a lot 10933,483,oh my gosh, so yeah yeah that's it 10934,483,okay, 10935,483,what did you study at school, um various different things uh anthropology visual effects kinda weird but yeah 10936,483,that sounds interesting, 10937,483,how did you decide to do that, um i just i've always had a fascination with film and i i think the way people do things and go about things is fascinating just as like the the mob mentality of people 10938,483,yeah, especially 10939,483,what's your dream job, ooh dream job um huh i have no idea just a job i guess 10940,483,okay, 10941,483,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i consider myself more outgoing 10942,483,why, um you know i i've never been afraid of what people think of me like people xxx i i i like people i don't know 10943,483,mhm, i'm not i'm not afraid of what they think eh i'm more concerned with like the people i know and what they think of me i guess so being outgoing just doesn't really affect me 10944,483,i see what you mean, eh 10945,483,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um uh i play video games listen to music um yeah read books i like reading books and drawing reading books drawing playing video games did i think of anything did i forget anything sleeping 10946,483,uh huh, i like sleeping it's fun 10947,483,how are you at controlling your temper, uh not good 10948,483,has that gotten you in trouble, frequently 10949,483,can you tell me about that, um uh in high school i i shoved somebody's head through a locker um yeah yeah that that's not good don't ever shove someone's head into a locker that's a great way to get suspended um i don't know yeah things like that just getting into fights 10950,483,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um like a serious argument 10951,483,whatever comes to your mind, um uh i guess like xxx argument over over um uh i guess over like uh like viewpoints on like gun control and gun control laws i mean 10952,483,uh huh, it was like yesterday evening 10953,483,how did you feel in that moment, eh it was it it was an argument about you know gun control regulation i mean it doesn't really affect me personally but that was like the last argument i got into that that's kinda what you specified i think 10954,483,okay, 10955,483,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, ooh um uh my entire life um uh i have um about two years ago i broke up with like as everyone calls her my evil ex and um yeah it was just it was bad the whole the whole thing went down bad i mean uh eh uh i think i've calmed down a lot since then like just as a person as a whole but i mean i was angry and stuff i think i like went riding my bike for like a hundreds plus miles in a singular day 10956,483,hmm, and i was in a ton of pain like later in the evening i got home i was like oh god like i could barely walk um and yeah i i think running off and like going on a like extreme cycling spree was not good but it was better than like eating too much and like just overeating 'cause i was depressed but yeah like we we fought and screamed and it was it was not good like i we didn't physically fight it was more like a screaming match of death 10957,483,yeah, 10958,483,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm um i don't think i've had a singular hard decision i've had ever had to make because my my biggest thing in life is don't you know don't regret don't regret the the the things you do just regret the opportunites you've missed and that's like had to come with me that's like had to i've had to like learn that in the past like two years like two years ago i totally just could not grasp that concept 10959,483,mm, and to answer your question i think thinking about it the hardest decision i've had to make is i'd say probably probably to break up with my ex probably 10960,483,what made you decide to do that, um xxx ooh um where do i begin um my ex was not a good person just in any way shape or form of the word um she did some things that i wasn't entirely comfortable with um just to the the people around her and to me and i you know they say you're supposed to give forgive people for making mistakes or doing things and i just i think there are some things you can't forgive people for no matter how hard you try and i think there are some things that once done that that can't be undone they just they're they're the way that they are and i think i think after what she did i i like i just xxx eh things just fell apart after that it just it it we mm despite us trying it just it didn't work out i mean i i i don't know i don't really wanna talk about exactly what happened 10961,483,okay, 10962,483,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, oh geez oh man erase from my memory or just erase from ever happening um huh i don't you know that's hard um katrina just the experience of katrina for starters um my my ex i i guess between those two it's it's kinda hard i'd i'd actually rather lean towards uh katrina 'cause that was just that that was not i mean i i guess you don't exactly know about it but um in two thousand five um uh this giant storm hit uh new orleans louisiana um killed a whole bunch of people leveled the town um and um i i lost a lot of friends during the storm um i mean i'm kind of i'm getting over it but it's still it's it's still there and i think uh i i don't know i mean you can try and look at you can try your best to try and find something positive in that but there's just there's nothing the only thing you can do is is just think that that was like a freak accident and it'll never happen again though i live in l_a and you know earthquakes they could happen and i just think oh i'd rather rather know that it's coming than not know it's coming 10963,483,yeah, 10964,483,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 10965,483,have you been diagnosed with depression, yeah 10966,483,how long ago were you diagnosed, um mm depression it's reoccurred multiple times that's no surprise um first time i was diagnosed was in middle school um which would've been ten well twelve ten between ten twelve years ago i don't know xxx i don't know whenever i was in the sixth grade that's it's when i first was told that i was depressed 10967,483,mhm, um as far as p_t_s_d goes um post katrina um and then you know uh just post katrina mostly that was the big thing 10968,483,what got you to seek help, um i guess having been diagnosed previously as being depressed and still being in high school it kinda wasn't i wasn't really seeking help it's kind of i got i kinda got into my high school and they were like here's help 'cause we know you're gonna need it um and i was like oh well thanks i didn't really ask for it but okay i'll take it um you know just kinda happened 10969,483,do you still go to therapy now, no not not anymore 10970,483,why did you stop, um eh that's a good question um uh geez uh you know i really don't know i guess it just kinda stopped just kinda was like well i'm not gonna do this anymore 10971,483,do you feel like therapy is useful, uh sometimes sometimes it's a lot of like how are you feeling today and stuff and you know it's kind of well i'm feeling fine right now but ask me in two hours and who knows you know 10972,483,right, 10973,483,how has seeing a therapist affected you, um i guess it it's helped me understand that some of the things that just happen just happen and to just get on and move along with your life um mm essentially just mm like carry on you know things will happen carry on 10974,483,yeah, 10975,483,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um wow um uh i was um i was hanging out with my girlfriend just hanging out 10976,483,that's so good to hear, 10977,483,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um well for starters i mean you you can't see when i walked in but i'm walking with a cane right now 'cause i i got hit by a car recently and uh i'd i'd make my leg better um let's see cane's over there that way but anyway um i don't know uh make myself less fat um i'd make it so i don't feel the incessant need to sleep fourteen hours a day um 'cause when you sleep like more than ten hours a day it's just it's unproductive you waste too much time like i have friends who are like oh you know i feel rejuvenated after six hours and i'm like how do you do that i have to sleep like twelve hours to feel good like you can sleep six you know like in in in crunch time you know you can get away with four i have to get away with seven or eight you know 10978,483,yeah, like that that's my crunch time sleep schedule eight hours it's just i don't know i oversleep but i like sleeping too 10979,483,i see what you mean, i mean yeah it's just the oversleeping part i don't like so much 10980,483,okay, 10981,483,how would your best friend describe you, um um utterly insane in a good way utterly insane in a good way 10982,483,(laughter, um uh i guess like they they would also say like you know there there are times where i might seem like an asshole and i'm i'm not really an asshole i just you know i i just have issues like everybody else um specifically i have uh asperger's so that's a form of autism um that just kinda makes life awesome they'd also say i'm flamboyant and eccentric 'cause i totally am i just i i don't know i figure i'm still alive so i should live because i'm still alive and you know who knows how long i'm gonna be alive for so i should you know live while i'm alive and just go out and do stuff and not not sit and be calm 10983,483,yeah, except when i'm reading and i like reading 10984,483,okay, 10985,483,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um uh stop fucking up um no uh that's kinda messed up um i think i would've told myself at the time um 'cause 'cause i i i've known my my evil ex um i've known her since like i was like six and she was five i think ten years ago i would've grabbed myself by the shoulders and say you see that girl whatever you do do not date that girl don't trust her she can't be trusted um and more importantly don't don't let your guard down around her 'cause she'll she'll exploit that 10986,483,mm, and i mean like physically let your guard down not mentally um yeah don't don't date her just don't do it it's not worth it it's not worth the trouble it's not worth the pain it's not worth it 10987,483,okay, 10988,483,what are you most proud of in your life, um the fact that i'm still alive maybe yeah uh i don't know cycling to comic con i was pretty proud of that pretty proud that i managed to do it um just i don't you know i don't really know i don't really use the term pride i don't really feel pride i'm just it's it's more of like the fact that i'm still alive i'm proud to be alive 10989,483,yeah, i don't know if that makes me humble or just insane who knows 10990,483,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 10991,483,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 10992,483,goodbye, do i press the button now oh bye 10993,483,yeah, 10994,492,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 10995,492,okay, 10996,492,so how are you doing today, doing pretty good thank you 10997,492,that's good, 10998,492,where are you from originally, maryland 10999,492,really, yes 11000,492,when did you move to l_a, eighty five yeah 11001,492,that's a long time, yeah it is a long time 11002,492,how often do you go back to your hometown, um not as often as i'd like 11003,492,why, um out of work so you know the money issue 11004,492,i understand, yeah 11005,492,how does it compare to l_a, um maryland uh is different it and so the comparison is the only comparison is that um they're both cities but uh maryland has its flavor and l_a has its own flavor so they have unique you know characteristics about themselves 11006,492,mhm, 11007,492,why did you move to l_a, i moved to l_a uh because i was living in hawaii and um i was out of money and i just had enough for a plane ticket uh and come and stay um uh here in a hotel until i found a job which i did really quickly but anyway so that's why i came here i didn't wanna go home um i decided to come here and just start over 11008,492,are you happy you did that, i am i am 11009,492,that's great, yeah 11010,492,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um it was real easy just did it 11011,492,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like i like l_a's weather i like uh the different areas in uh los angeles county uh west l_a east l_a um uh i like southern california you know period so uh you know i like the people but um 11012,492,uh huh, yeah so i like the um the attitude you know the l_a attitude so yeah 11013,492,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um i don't like um i don't like some of the uh policies with regard to um uh the smoking you know i really wish that the uh government would crack down on smoking on the streets make it like u_s_c 11014,492,i see what you mean, yeah 11015,492,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no not outside of uh uh getting on the bus and things like that 11016,492,okay, 11017,492,what did you study at school, i was studying to be a nurse 11018,492,that sounds interesting, yeah 11019,492,how did you decide to do that, i wanted to uh have a job that pays well but uh afforded me um the opportunity to use my um service gift so yeah 11020,492,uh huh, 11021,492,are you still working in that, no i had to put that uh put that on the side and uh i want to get a business degree now yeah 11022,492,cool, 11023,492,what's your dream job, my dream job is um is to create new technology 11024,492,can you tell me about that, mm other than to say i would like to uh create something that would change the world like steve jobs with his iphone 11025,492,that's good, yeah 11026,492,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i am it depends on the situation but i'm more outgoing i do tend towards a little shyness from time to time 11027,492,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, mhm mm mm um what i do is i'll go to the movies 11028,492,when was the last time that happened, um i went to the movies probably like uh maybe five weeks ago yeah 11029,492,okay, 11030,492,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um well i had a argument recently not really a argument but a disagreement with a woman at my church who um is over this particular department that i'm in and it's a volunteer position uh i use my uh administrative assistant um more executive assistant skills to uh to uh i do minutes for meetings that i cover and um and so then i have to um produce the minutes and send them to everybody and things like that and uh this person um is micromanaging me uh but not micromanaging the other uh admin assistant who did not get her block of people into this particular meeting so the meeting should've been comprised of a hundred people but we had like maybe thirty no wasn't even thirty twenty yes so um 11031,492,wow, now she doesn't know that i realize you know that part of it so um there was a little bit of a argument and uh but again not a argument but a disagreement and when we talk again i will 11032,492,yeah, point out to um the person that's over both of us that there is a disconnect and um the the energy she she's investing uh in me is uh unprofitable for what we're trying to achieve don't that doesn't that sound good 11033,492,i see what you mean, yeah 11034,492,yeah, 11035,492,how did you feel in that moment, well a little attacked you know so 11036,492,okay, 11037,492,how are you at controlling your temper, it depends on i'm very good at controlling my temper it's uh you know there are places where you can allow your temper to come out even though it might not be appropriate and then there are other places where if it comes out then you shot yourself in the foot so uh i'm pretty good at controlling my temper 11038,492,that's good, yeah 11039,492,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i don't have any situation recent that i can think of um probably say um just dealing with a neighbor uh instead of uh uh responding to the neighbor just ignore the neighbor altogether so i wish i had done that differently 11040,492,mhm, yeah 11041,492,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm thankfully i've not had to make that type of decision in my life as yet 11042,492,okay, mhm 11043,492,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm um mm i have um what i do in my life and and you know in my going forward you know um everything that i've done and everything that has happened i accept it as something that has to be to get me to go forward uh i am a born again christian and so i know that that god is sovereign over my life uh and also that according to his word the bible says that every day of our life is written in his book so events and circumstances um i feel that i feel they are ordained by god now obviously i'm not going to um jump into a burning fire or do anything ridiculous but um 11044,492,right, i feel that things that had happened that have happened even if i've dealt with them the wrong way uh it's god's sovereignty his total sovereignty has control over that and it will work for my good so that's how i feel 11045,492,mm, 11046,492,tell me about your relationship with your family, um i have all brothers and so i'm not really that close with my brothers and my mother 11047,492,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, say that again 11048,492,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um people that i've grown up with um neighbors from when i've uh when i was younger uh that i was close to um uh different friends uh that i've had along the way uh friends who are more like family so yeah 11049,492,mhm, they've had positive influence 11050,492,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, that's i get i sleep too well so i sleep well every night so 11051,492,how have you been feeling lately, normal but i my normal i've been feeling my normal 11052,492,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 11053,492,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 11054,492,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 11055,492,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um that was recent something happened um i was um able to participate um with um my church on sunday with i was a pentecost it was pentecost sunday meaning it was fifty days after the resurrection of jesus christ and so i was able to participate uh in our prayer session that we had at my church and uh that was really made me very happy so 11056,492,that's so good to hear, mhm 11057,492,how would your best friend describe you, that uh i'm smart they would say that i'm smart that uh that i handle difficulties very well um and that i dress well 11058,492,(laughter, 11059,492,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i don't wanna change anything i do want to just be a better me so be a better person uh so um i am working on uh listening better uh communicating better uh and and uh accepting my uh weaknesses better as well as my strengths 11060,492,okay, 11061,492,is there anything you regret, no 11062,492,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm that's a good question i would have uh i would've told myself to to uh do what i know to do to do what i know uh that which is right and um ooh xxx uh to do what i know is right and uh let everything else let the other chips fall where they may but to do what i know to do is right 11063,492,mhm, and to go forward 11064,492,mm, 11065,492,what are you most proud of in your life, um i am very proud of the fact that uh i don't give up 11066,492,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 11067,492,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 11068,492,goodbye, bye and thank you 11069,489,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 11070,489,okay, 11071,489,so how are you doing today, i'm doing well thank you 11072,489,that's good, 11073,489,where are you from originally, san luis obispo 11074,489,really, 11075,489,when did you move to l_a, yes four years ago 11076,489,how often do you go back to your hometown, about once a month 11077,489,how does it compare to l_a, small quiet fresh air less people it's nice 11078,489,why did you move to l_a, i went to school in los angeles 11079,489,cool, 11080,489,what did you study at school, i studied music industry 11081,489,are you still working in that, yes i work in the music industry 11082,489,awesome, 11083,489,how did you decide to do that, it is a passion of mine and i got into school and went with it 11084,489,how hard is that, how hard is what 11085,489,what's your dream job, i don't really have a dream job i don't know if that exists 11086,489,okay, actually it's probably changing all the time 11087,489,i see what you mean, 11088,489,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, depends on the situation sometimes i'm shy and sometimes i'm outgoing 11089,489,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, well i can't see your shoes but i like to travel yes 11090,489,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people seeing new things exploring the landscape 11091,489,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh i went to alaska on a fishing trip 11092,489,nice, 11093,489,what's one of your most memorable experiences, on that trip 11094,489,mhm, um catching an octopus 11095,489,can you tell me about that, i was deep sea fishing and for halibut and rather than catching a halibut i lured in a octopus 11096,489,wow, 11097,489,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, very i play golf i swim i read 11098,489,uh huh, 11099,489,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty calm 11100,489,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um probably couple days ago but it was and it was about a musical project that i was involved in 11101,489,how did you feel in that moment, i felt heated 11102,489,okay, 11103,489,what's something you feel guilty about, i'm not quite sure 11104,489,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i'm not quite sure 11105,489,hmm, 11106,489,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, i'd have to think about that for a while 11107,489,whatever comes to your mind, i'm not really sure 11108,489,okay, 11109,489,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i had a bad performance one time and i wish people who i knew didn't see it 11110,489,why, because we weren't well rehearsed and i was embarrassed afterwards 11111,489,i see what you mean, 11112,489,tell me about your relationship with your family, i have a brother and parents who are divorced 11113,489,how close are you to your family, i'm pretty close i see them regularly talk openly about most subjects 11114,489,that's great, 11115,489,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my brother 11116,489,tell me more about that, what do you wanna know 11117,489,whatever comes to your mind, about my brother 11118,489,uh huh, i'm not really sure 11119,489,okay, 11120,489,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, most of the time it's pretty easy 11121,489,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i drink more coffee to compensate 11122,489,how have you been feeling lately, fine 11123,489,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 11124,489,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, what does p_t_s_d stand for 11125,489,have you been diagnosed with depression, no i haven't 11126,489,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um i'm happy all the time 11127,489,that's good, 11128,489,how would your best friend describe you, um ambitious a go-getter 11129,489,mhm, feisty 11130,489,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i'm not quite sure 11131,489,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, i can't recall right now 11132,489,okay, 11133,489,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh i went to a concert saw live music drank good beer 11134,489,nice, yeah 11135,489,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm a good listener i'm passionate and i'm alert 11136,489,okay, 11137,489,is there anything you regret, ever in regards to what 11138,489,uh huh, no i don't i don't i normally don't regret things 11139,489,why, because there's too much else to live for to think about the past 11140,489,i see what you mean, do you 11141,489,yeah, okay 11142,489,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, what was that question 11143,489,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, to read more and watch t_v watch the computer screen less 11144,489,why, because that makes you have attention deficit disorder and you focus less on things that are in front of you in real life 11145,489,that makes sense, i know 11146,489,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, i exercise i sleep in late i go golfing from time to time i go to concerts i go to bars hang out with friends at the beach it depends 11147,489,okay, 11148,489,what are you most proud of in your life, what am i most proud of um i'm healthy and i understand the world around me and i'm passionate about things that i'm doing and i have goals that i've set that i'm working towards 11149,489,mhm, yeah 11150,489,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 11151,489,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, what was your name 11152,489,i'm ellie, that's right 11153,489,goodbye, 11154,490,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah 11155,490,okay, 11156,490,so how are you doing today, i'm doing already how are you doing 11157,490,that's good, 11158,490,where are you from originally, northern illinois 11159,490,really, 11160,490,when did you move to l_a, two and a half years ago 11161,490,how often do you go back to your hometown, haven't yet since i been here 11162,490,why, haven't had a chance to gonna go back later this year 11163,490,cool, 11164,490,how does it compare to l_a, colder or warmer 11165,490,i see what you mean, 11166,490,why did you move to l_a, work 11167,490,are you happy you did that, yeah 11168,490,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, mm took a little while but i got used to it 11169,490,can you tell me about that, no weather xxx variations comparative um traffic sunlight 11170,490,mm, 11171,490,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, a little bit 11172,490,what do you enjoy about traveling, seeing different things 11173,490,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, been to europe a couple of times been around the country 11174,490,nice, 11175,490,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hmm visiting yosemite and sequoia parks were fun 11176,490,cool, 11177,490,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, depends on the circumstance most of the time i can fake outgoing or try to be outgoing 11178,490,mhm, 11179,490,what do you do when you are annoyed, try to relax and breathe through it and move on 11180,490,how are you at controlling your temper, depends on the context 11181,490,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, probably yesterday and my children about them not doing what they were told to do 11182,490,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, arguments with my wife where i should've probably been more patient and understanding 11183,490,can you give me an example of that, hmm um sometimes when it's more of a hormonal period like this week i should just probably breathe through things and recognize that she's going through things and i should just be more patient 11184,490,okay, 11185,490,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um what i was gonna do with my life 11186,490,how did you decide to do that, it was easy when i was nineteen i could just decide to do strange difficult things and had the boldness to follow through with them 11187,490,what did you study at school, hebrew and semitic studies and classics 11188,490,that sounds interesting, 11189,490,are you still working in that, kind of 11190,490,what's your dream job, um i'm i'm in ministry and that's working out the way i kinda want it to be 11191,490,that's good, 11192,490,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm some embarrassing things when i was a teenager probably 11193,490,okay, 11194,490,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's pretty strong 11195,490,how close are you to your family, i talk to my parents about once a day maybe once every other day and i'm constantly talking with my wife and children xxx 11196,490,tell me about your kids, i've got four of them they keep me very busy um they're between nine and three 11197,490,do you find it easy to be a parent, sometimes most of the time no 11198,490,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, character development recognizing that they need need space to grow 11199,490,yeah, 11200,490,what's the best thing about being a parent, when when it works and you see character development and growth and and exploration 11201,490,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, i have more standards willingness to enforce standards 11202,490,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, mm mm my wife 11203,490,can you tell me about that, um she's been there for me for fifteen years now and helped give me the self-confidence to be who i am 11204,490,that's so good to hear, 11205,490,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, better now that i'm not drinking as much pop at night 11206,490,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritable shorter temper 11207,490,mhm, 11208,490,how have you been feeling lately, mm pretty good pretty good i'm doing been making some better uh decisions with my uh diet it's doing better 11209,490,that's great, 11210,490,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm feel a little bit more empowered not as defeatist as i was in a process where i wasn't eating very well wasn't exercising wasn't able to get doing those things i've been doing a little better at that recently past few weeks and that's been a little bit more encouraging 11211,490,uh huh, 11212,490,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 11213,490,have you been diagnosed with depression, nope 11214,490,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, really happy um probably a few weeks ago at the beach when everybody was having a good time 11215,490,how would your best friend describe you, hmm confident loud intelligent 11216,490,okay, i guess 11217,490,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, hmm more patient more um more able to automatically engage with people as opposed to being hesitant at first 11218,490,mm, 11219,490,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, oh middle school when i was always the low man on the totem pole socially being the constant butt of jokes 11220,490,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, don't fall in the trap of thinking that middle and high school is life 11221,490,mhm, 11222,490,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um some time you know with children and family doing doing some fun activity beach or museum or something some time with the wife some time just by myself to read and kinda refocus 11223,490,okay, 11224,490,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, hmm mm participate in some high level academic discussions 11225,490,cool, 11226,490,what are you most proud of in your life, hmm that i've been able to maintain the standard and quality of life for myself and my family that i've been able to do so far 11227,490,that's great, 11228,490,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 11229,490,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 11230,300,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 11231,300,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 11232,300,think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer, 11233,300,i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you, 11234,300,i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11235,300,how are you doing today, good 11236,300,that's good, 11237,300,where are you from originally, atlanta georgia 11238,300,really, 11239,300,why'd you move to l_a, um my parents are from here um 11240,300,how do you like l_a, i love it 11241,300,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the weather i like the opportunities um yes 11242,300,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um it took a minute somewhat easy 11243,300,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, congestion 11244,300,mhm, that's it 11245,300,okay, 11246,300,what'd you study at school, um i took up business and administration 11247,300,cool, 11248,300,are you still doing that, uh yeah i am here and there i'm on a break right now but i plan on going back in the uh next semester 11249,300,what's your dream job, uh probably to open up my own business 11250,300,awesome, 11251,300,do you travel a lot, no 11252,300,why, um no specific reason i just don't travel a lot i'm pretty local 11253,300,okay, 11254,300,how often do you go back to your hometown, once a year 11255,300,nice, 11256,300,do you consider yourself an introvert, can you be a little bit more specific 11257,300,whatever comes to your mind, no answer 11258,300,okay, 11259,300, what do you do to relax, i like reading books i enjoy i enjoy cooking um exercising is great 11260,300,awesome, 11261,300,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm i'm i'm pretty good at it um 11262,300,really, yeah 11263,300,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um probably about two weeks ago 11264,300,how did you feel in that moment, uh frustrated 11265,300,tell me more about that, um i don't like bias um i don't like um when someone says they're gonna do something and they don't 11266,300,mhm, 11267,300,how close are you to them, uh somewhat 11268,300,how do you know them, friendship 11269,300,okay, 11270,300,what are some things you like to do for fun, i like to play sports i enjoy uh going out with friends and family playing games 11271,300,nice, 11272,300,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, grandparents parents 11273,300,aww, 11274,300,can you tell me about that, um yeah i mean they've always given me great advice they've always kept it real 11275,300,how close are you to your family, real close 11276,300,is there anything you regret, i would say going to college right after high school 11277,300,why, well i would've been done by now you know i would have been probably out in the field in the career field 11278,300,what made you decide to do that, uh taking a job off the street 11279,300,could you have done anything to avoid it, i'm sure i could've yes 11280,300,what's one of your most memorable experiences, i'm not sure maybe when i graduated from high school 11281,300,yeah, 11282,300,i'd love to hear all about it, well uh i um i got my diploma my my diploma that i finished school and i met all the requirements high school and i was approved to go do whatever i wanted to do 11283,300,that's great, 11284,300,what's it like for you living with them, living with who 11285,300,how do you like your living situation, um it's alright it could be better 11286,300,do you have roommates, not no 11287,300,that's good, 11288,300,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh it's pretty easy 11289,300,do you feel that way often, uh yes 11290,300,what are you like when you don't sleep well, repeat that 11291,300,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritated um lazy 11292,300,do you feel down, no 11293,300,that's good, 11294,300,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 11295,300,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 11296,300,have you ever served in the military, no 11297,300,okay, 11298,300,when was the last time you felt really happy, um the other day 11299,300,tell me more about that, weather was great sun was out 11300,300,that sounds like a great situation, 11301,300,what do you think of today's kids, different 11302,300,can you give me an example of that, less less um interested 11303,300,[laughter], 11304,300,i see what you mean, 11305,300,what do you do when you're annoyed, uh shut down 11306,300,when was the last time that happened, uh about two weeks ago 11307,300,mhm, 11308,300,can you tell me about that, uh yeah a friend of mine was annoying me and i just cut them off 11309,300,i'm sorry, [laughter] it's alright 11310,300,how do you know them, friendship 11311,300,cool, 11312,300,how would your best friend describe you, chocolate tall 11313,300,[laughter], thin 11314,300,okay, 11315,300,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, thank you 11316,300,goodbye, 11317,301,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, thank you 11318,301,think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer, mmm k 11319,301,i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11320,301,how are you doing today, i'm doing good thank you 11321,301,that's good, 11322,301,where are you from originally, i'm from los angeles 11323,301,really me too, oh great 11324,301,where do you live, i live in west los angeles the west side 11325,301,nice, 11326,301,how do you like your living situation, it's alright i xxx 11327,301,do you have roommates, no i live alone so 11328,301,that's great, 11329,301,how do you like l_a, i love it i'm from here so i grew up here it's natural 11330,301,yeah, 11331,301,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather um well the weather it's always good it's never it's never bad uh um there's always something to do it's rarely a dull moment 11332,301,, 11333,301,mhm, 11334,301,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic 11335,301,i see what you mean, the traffic is horrible well probably traffic is horrible in almost any major city but i hate the traffic 11336,301,yeah, 11337,301,do you travel a lot, not really i mean i have enough things going on here so if i travel it's usually somewhere that's within driving distance 11338,301,aw okay, 11339,301,what'd you study at school, i studied uh business i did 11340,301,are you still doing that, no i've i've been done for a few years so i haven't gone to school for a while one of these days i'll go back to graduate school but 11341,301,awesome, 11342,301,what's your dream job, my dream job would be to just work for myself and making lots of money um i don't know i don't really have a dream job just something that i can i can work under my own terms and get paid decently and and be in a creative creative environment 11343,301,mhm, 11344,301,how hard is that, um i don't know i think it's just a matter of finding the right situation so right now eh it's been people are a little conservative about what they want so and how they want it so it's a little tougher than it seems it should be but i don't know i think when the situation's right i don't think it's too difficult 11345,301,yeah, 11346,301,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yep 11347,301,what do you do now, i work as an assistant administrative assistant through a temp agency so it's just basically i get sent out to do uh 11348,301,cool, to do desk jobs 11349,301,are you happy you did that, um yes and no i mean i feel like i feel like i could do more but you know it works so you know yeah 11350,301,okay, 11351,301,how close are you to your family, i'm pretty close i mean they're around so 11352,301,hmm, 11353,301,what are some things that make you really mad, um god really mad stupid people just basically doing just doing anything to annoy me um that's basically that's the big thing just just irritating stupid people who just do things just to provoke provoke me for no reason at all 11354,301,mhm, 11355,301,can you give me an example of that, um what's a good example just random people who who think it's funny to just sit there and get a rise out of me just it doesn't have to be one any specific situation it's just people who just think it's funny to i think they're just generally sadistic and they just think it's it's funny to to just prod you like it's like poking a stick at an angry dog knowing that they know how to they just wanna push your buttons for no reason so 11356,301,right, 11357,301,when was the last time that happened, uh god i don't remember i with those situations i usually try not to remember when when it happens i just i just let it go and just like the past is the past i just tend not to look back 11358,301,i understand, 11359,301,do you consider yourself an introvert, what do you mean 11360,301,let's come back to that later, okay 11361,301,what do you do to relax, god what do i do to relax i like to run i like to go to the gym listen to music i have a lot of musician friends so i just so i'm usually around musicians so anything of that sort i like i like everything from punk rock art to tattoos to just anything that's that's generally art and creative 11362,301,awesome, 11363,301,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, who's been a positive i think it's just friends in general who who seem to who seem to do well and i think they they're very inspiring and which is sometimes a a bit tough in in a town like los angeles where i think everybody's on the go trying to accomplish their own goals so they don't 11364,301,mhm, it's sometimes hard to find someone who's gonna be uplifting or try to be inspiring so i don't really have anybody in particular but people have kind of brought up things here and there 11365,301,like what, you know just like hey instead of instead of doing this how about doing that or hey you're good at this why aren't you doing that or something like that just you know i'm always looking for new opportunities so they always point out things that maybe i might i could do differently instead of just being negative saying hey don't do that that's no that's why are you doing that it's a waste of time 11366,301,mmm, 11367,301,that's good, 11368,301,how are you at controlling your temper, um i guess it depends on who you talk to 11369,301,, i'm i'm okay at it i could probably work at that um i don't know i mean i can i i think i can do better at it 11370,301,can you give me an example of that, well back to the point about people provoking me so i mean i try not to blow steam and let them get under my skin so i just usually try not to let it get to me but i don't know i guess with temper i guess it depends on how i handle my stress lately i've been better at it just because i think my situation's been a little bit better 11371,301,that's good, 11372,301,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 11373,301,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 11374,301,have you ever served in the military, no 11375,301,okay, 11376,301,is there anything you regret, um nothing major i mean maybe when i was younger i could've traveled more or i could've worked towards something that paid better job-wise but i mean those are all things that i think at any point in life you always think like well i coulda shoulda would've done but you know but then again i think that's natural for anybody i mean i could i could've become a banker or i could've become a lawyer or a doctor and made about ten times the money that i make now but but then again i don't like the law and i don't like medicine so so i'm it wasn't meant to be so 11377,301,right, 11378,301,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, yeah 11379,301,what made you decide to do that, so um i think i think my in my life i knew that i there's a lot of things i have there's more dislikes than likes so i kinda narrowed it down to what am i good at and what am i not good at and what am i gonna work well or who who am i gonna work well with and who will i not work well with so i kind of i kinda sorted out and then the list kind of mmm kind of answered itself so 11380,301,that sounds really hard, no it i don't think it was hard but it was just but i think it was a real reality check and i think it it's kind of a good thing 'cause sometimes trying to conform to doing things that doesn't really fit you doesn't make sense it's like trying to shove a a round peg into a square a square hole and it's like it just no matter how you try to shove it in it's not gonna go in so sometimes it's just might as well go down a path that seems to work better for you 11381,301,right, 11382,301,that makes sense, 11383,301,what's one of your most memorable experiences, memorable experiences um hmm i think it's just i don't really have like any one in particular i think i think every day is almost like a memorable experience whether it's positive or negative i think it's just everything from getting it just just the fact that i got a job and i can i can take care of myself is already almost like a memorable experience maybe for the average person it it sounds stupid but you know i think just the fact that i'm able i'm able to get this far in life without like completely self-destructing is already an accomplishment so i feel like i've gotten somewhere 11384,301,that's great, maybe not to not maybe not to the point to the average person they might think like well why aren't you a millionaire but you know what not everybody can be a millionaire 11385,301,yeah, 11386,301,i see what you mean, yeah 11387,301,when was the last time you felt really happy, um when was the last time i really felt happy um i don't know i'm not really someone who's like i don't have any real high highs or low lows i mean i haven't hit any lows so i mean i i don't know i'm usually pretty i feel like i'm a level person and i'm pretty happy every day i feel like if i accomplish one thing then i'm pretty happy so i guess to answer the question probably mmm probably yesterday i just feel like if i if i'm able to accomplish something then then hey i'm happy 11388,301,that's great, 11389,301,how would your best friend describe you, i don't know i don't really have a best friend but i mean i well to answer the question generally friends i think they would say that i'm very pretty outgoing i'm pretty determined i'm trying you know i try to you know i try to interact as much as possible i'm always out networking as much as possible so i don't know i guess that's basically what i think they would describe me as 11390,301,okay, 11391,301,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, okay 11392,301,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, no problem 11393,301,goodbye, alright 11394,306,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 11395,306,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 11396,306,think of me as a friend, 11397,306,i don't judge i can't i'm a computer, 11398,306,i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 11399,306,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11400,306,how are you doing today, fine 11401,306,that's good, 11402,306,where are you from originally, uh colorado 11403,306,really, mhm 11404,306,why'd you move to l_a, uh career career possibilities 11405,306,hm, 11406,306,what do you do now, uh paralegal 11407,306,awesome, 11408,306,when did you move to l_a, uh for further education for the weather for a friend [laughter] 11409,306,mhm, 11410,306,how often do you go back to your home town, not often at all now every few years 11411,306,aww, 11412,306,what are some things you really like about l_a, oh the weather uh the beach sunsets at the beach uh the thought of uh career possibilities um an educated group of people sophisticated market 11413,306,uh huh, 11414,306,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it is an adjustment uh to to come here a lot of people misjudge it a little bit it's a laid back appearing town but it's actually very um uh sensitive to you know uh success and commericalization and that kind of thing so you have to keep up the pace 11415,306,yeah, 11416,306,yeah, 11417,306,how hard is that, uh that is a little bit harder i think when you first make the adjustment and pretty soon it becomes obvious that it's another market that you just have to work hard in like you you do in others 11418,306,mhm, 11419,306,that makes sense, 11420,306,what's your dream job, oh be an attorney [laughter] mhm 11421,306,really, 11422,306,why, oh just because you have the uh the power you can use uh you know skills to be able to affect people live people's lives in a more dramatic way than just being uh an assistant in that field 11423,306,cool, 11424,306,how close are you to your family, oh uh a lot of it is not around anymore just have brothers and sisters out of state so not particularly close right now 11425,306,i'm sorry, 11426,306,what are some things that make you really mad, uh mm dishonesty unkindness lack of sympathy uh insensitivity you know 11427,306,yeah, 11428,306,how are you at controlling your temper, uh very good if anything i'm i'm uh regressive that way [laughter] 11429,306,[laughter], 11430,306,that's good, mhm 11431,306,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh wow uh oh just a friend a friend who is who is right now a has a fabulous job is uh spending too much money that he needs to save 11432,306,uh oh, 11433,306,how do you know them, uh through uh a work situation just a a work connection mutual friends mhm 11434,306,how close are you to them, uh close close now we spend time we have uh we go out and have fun sometimes 11435,306,that's good, 11436,306,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh walk walk on the beach uh you know uh shop in beach areas is kind of fun rodeo drive occasionally 11437,306,mhm, and uh and see films art art galleries 11438,306,okay, 11439,306,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, oh uh my daughter 11440,306,aww, 11441,306,tell me about your kids, i just have one daughter who graduated u_c_l_a law school and uh i raised her totally alone without any help so it seemed like an accomplishment that was was worth it the the two jobs and the work 11442,306,wow, 11443,306,yeah, 11444,306,do you find it easy to be a parent, uh i think it's difficult i think it's a difficult job that takes a lot more work than most people give it credit for if you wanna do it right you know it's always second guessing your behavior and that kind of thing 11445,306,mhm, 11446,306,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, uh just uh i'd say peer pressure it can totally alter [al] alter anything a parent has tried to put into a child that's good 11447,306,yeah, 11448,306,can you give me an example of that, scrubbed_entry so that was a really bad time for us 11449,306,that sounds really hard, 11450,306,what do you think of today's kids, um i think it depends on which neighborhood or state you're in or the the uh i i think they're a little misguided i think a little uninspired [unin] uninspired right now i think they're being weighed down by the concerns of the wars and um and things like that and i think they can probably use a uh a common goal a common you know now a team uh as as oppposed to just being more separated group than a family [fam] once they were i think you know kind of uninspired right now 11451,306,yeah, 11452,306,i see what you mean, 11453,306,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um i worry sometimes about you know work issues but it's pretty pretty easy 11454,306,do you feel that way often, um no i i don't feel like i'm not sleeping i i just you know will occasionally worry about something at work 11455,306,when was the last time that happened, oh gosh about a couple weeks ago 11456,306,how did you feel in that moment, oh just uh you know unfortunately we have to worry you know i'm fortunate this isn't easier it's just cooperation between people uh it solves most everything you know so you always wanna have that around you 11457,306,mhm, 11458,306,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um just stressed yeah stressed more stressed 11459,306,that sounds really hard, mhm 11460,306,do you feel down, um yeah fatigue has uh a lot of uh you know a lot of implications for just not feeling like yourself or misjudging things that you might judge differently if you were more well rested 11461,306,yeah, 11462,306,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh not depression 11463,306,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, um probably yeah i was that was considered a possibility i had an employment lawsuit several years ago and and uh actually litigated it and won the settlement um something about whistleblower thing implications [im] implications of that and um and i was kind of harrassed about it and so i found when i got out of it i couldn't find work right away in my own field so i had to go into a different field go back to u_c_l_a and get a new uh professional direction and i found myself fearful sometimes that it's gonna happen again you know and you think that would never happen again you know 11464,306,mhm, 11465,306,i'm sorry to hear that, 11466,306,what got you to seek help, um just that i was noticing that i was noticing i was feeling very uh in my paralegal class i had a a section about employment law and there was a a very complicated filing i had done with great a deal of work and study for my case but once faced with it again in that class setting i just i just couldn't get it done it was a late paper from me and i realized i was traumatized by having to go through that again um that you know yeah post traumatic stress sometimes comes later after the adrenaline dies down 11467,306,yeah, from what i understand and um so i think it was just uh it was just hitting me later you know that i was having to face that paper again and wow you know no adrenaline just wow there is a xxxx 11468,306,hmm, back back 11469,306,what were your symptoms, just uh just extreme uh you know avoidance of getting something done that should've been easy for me and uh and thinking about it as thoroughly as i should've or studying it or putting it off uh putting the feeling of going through that paper that type of paper even if it's just a class assignment again you know 11470,306,yeah, 11471,306,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, well um not lately um you know back then for sure when that happened which was about ten years ago now it was settled in court about seven years ago now and uh yeah it was it was effective you know it was effective in the way you view most everything and in your confidence and that kinda thing 11472,306,do you feel like therapy is useful, i'm sorry [laughter] repeat the question 11473,306,do you feel like therapy is useful, uh peaceful do i feel peaceful well yeah i was peaceful that it that it's settled uh but but angry that it ever happened so it's hard to i'll probably not ever feel peaceful about that issue ever it always the mention of it always makes me angry that i had to go through that yeah 11474,306,yeah, 11475,306,could you have done anything to avoid it, i don't think so i tried everything to avoid it [laughter] you know and so uh uh i think that's that was aggravating for me too because i'm a patient person realistic and um and i tried everything to avoid uh confrontation in the matter but it was just required to try to you know help me cover the damage to our lives my daughter's life 11476,306,yeah, 11477,306,do you consider yourself an introvert, i uh not now maybe one time in my life not now you if you can't communicate uh you know if you could communicate you could overcome people's perceptions or their judgments of you if you can effectively explain something and and uh it will help you overcome other perceptions of yourself that others might normally have judgments for age or anything like that 11478,306,yeah, 11479,306,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um well just raising a daughter extendedly you know or or uh you know just um the experience of thinking thinking that that was a after all the years that was a success her graduating from law school yeah 11480,306,yeah, 11481,306,how did you feel in that moment, uh just like a lot of work had a good ending uh you know happy glad that it was fulfilled wishes or or dreams for this child were fulfilled you know that and she was able to make that success 11482,306,that's great, 11483,306,when was the last time you felt really happy, wow um [laughter] i i i tend to be kind of happy with life 'cause the alternative is gonna harm harm your you know your ability to succeed so i try to force happiness i guess in in most every situation in my life route i find something about it uh when i lost some weight recently that made me really happy 11484,306,wow, 11485,306,that's great, 11486,306,do you travel a lot, i travel a little bit locally i traveled more when i was younger i really enjoyed that but just been too busy in the last few years 11487,306,yeah what do you enjoy about traveling, just new places um ability to take the worries we have every day work or concerns and kind of put them away for a while and see something new you know kind of the way 11488,306,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, i'm going back to uh colorado san riosco went through vale and uh and spent the night there and um and it was just during spring when there aren't many skiiers and it was just beautiful and very quiet a lot of restaurants with the decks and open in the mountains and it was beautiful 11489,306,that sounds like a great situation, yeah 11490,306,how would your best friend describe you, wow uh just um ardent i'm hard working loyal uh um creative 11491,306,okay what's the best thing about being a parent, um just seeing something that you're creating you're trying to create uh becomes something you hoped the picture would be you know if if that's the case you know just hard work uh just fulfilled or or presented itself in a certain way that you know it makes you happy 11492,306,yeah, 11493,306,how close are you to them, to my daughter um very [ver] pretty close she just had a baby she's in the bay area she send me pictures all the time 11494,306,aww, 11495,306,that's great, 11496,306,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 11497,306,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay 11498,306,goodbye, 11499,309,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 11500,309,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 11501,309,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you, 11502,309,i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 11503,309,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 11504,309,are you okay with this, yeah 11505,309,okay, 11506,309,so how are you doing today, i'm doing good 11507,309,that's good, 11508,309,where are you from originally, uh arizona 11509,309,really, 11510,309,why'd you move to l_a, uh because of acting and other stuff like that entertain enterainment industry 11511,309,mhm, 11512,309,are you still working in that, no not at the moment at least 11513,309,what do you do now, um currently uh currently a student 11514,309,okay, 11515,309,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh i produce hip hop uh well i rap and produce hip hop i play video games and then hang out with people 11516,309,awesome, 11517,309,do you consider yourself an introvert, no 11518,309,okay, 11519,309,how are you at controlling your temper, not very good i break things 11520,309,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh on the way over here my mom and how to get here 11521,309,i'm sorry, 11522,309,what are some things you really like about l_a, the beach 11523,309,that makes sense, it's a fucking computer dude 11524,309,do you travel a lot, uh no the last place i went was los cabos no not los cabos uh fuck where'd i go somewhere in mexico 11525,309,cool, 11526,309,have you ever served in the military, no 11527,309,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 11528,309,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 11529,309,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh like four years ago 11530,309,okay, 11531,309,do you feel down, right now no 11532,309,mhm, 11533,309,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, lately not very easy 11534,309,do you feel that way often, no just lately 11535,309,could you say a little more about that, uh well my wife left like three weeks ago and after that i haven't been able to sleep 11536,309,i'm sorry to hear that, 11537,309,how do you cope with them, uh i don't know i just bury me head in stuff i don't know i just do stuff i try to keep my mind off of it like do yoga and other things to keep my mind off of everything 11538,309,okay, 11539,309,do you still go to therapy now, i don't have i never went to therapy 11540,309,why, wait no i did go to therapy 11541,309,when was the last time that happened, like three four years ago 'cause i went to a separate therapist but then i went to a a thing where i they they did a bunch of uh cognitive tests tests and memory tests and then she diagnosed me with a type of depression that lasts for a long time like i get depressed and it last for months on end 11542,309,mhm, yeah uh 11543,309,do you feel like therapy's useful, to be honest i don't know i think it's more about like you focusing on yourself and like i don't know i don't know how to explain that it's like you have to figure out things within yourself you don't need someone else to talk to 11544,309,i see what you mean, 11545,309,what got you to seek help, well originally when i went to a therapist i was court ordered now i wanna go to therapy for my anger management though 11546,309,okay, 11547,309,what were your symptoms, i don't know what the fuck 11548,309,let's come back to that later, 11549,309,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , i mean my wife left like three weeks ago so yes 11550,309,how hard is that, uh it's probably the hardest thing i've ever done so yeah 11551,309,i understand, 11552,309,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, well considering i'm only nineteen if i could go back nineteen years i would say not to fuck up and let myself get depressed about certain things that would've drove away my wife and not to be angry 11553,309,hmm, 11554,309,is there anything you regret, yeah driving away my wife 11555,309,could you have done anything to avoid it, yes many many things every day every day 11556,309,tell me about that, well i could've not broken stuff and i could've uh 11557,309,mhm, stopped uh like i was basically blocking out the external universe and i was putting everything into myself and like focusing on other things so that i don't focus on the real life i was basically escaping and so in that sense i wasn't paying attention to her and that's basically why she left 11558,309,uh huh, i mean that and being angry 'cause like both contributed their own proportion 11559,309,okay, their own portion 11560,309,when was the last time you felt really happy, earlier today 11561,309,tell me about that, uh i mean i feel really happy all the time and then it just like goes away it's like back and forth like one day i'll one second i'll be really happy and then another second i'll be really sad 'cause i'll think about something again and it's like i gotta keep my mind off of things and like move forward and like think and i don't really know how to explain it it's just something you feel 11562,309,has that gotten you in trouble, no you need better programming 11563,309,how would your best friend describe you, uh silly 11564,309,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i'm creative uh uh potential of intelligence i'm charming i'm loving at some points i'm all of those things some points i'm not 11565,309,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, doing yoga and playing video games and having my wife around 11566,309,what are you most proud of in your life, my hip hop 11567,309,that sounds interesting, 11568,309,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, i mean kid travelier 11569,309,okay, 11570,309,what do you enjoy about traveling, you need better programming kid travelier is my friend 11571,309,hmm, 11572,309,what's your dream job, to be a hip hop artist 11573,309,what made you decide to do that, i don't know i just thought it one day 11574,309,how hard is that, not hard anymore i mean it was hard while i was practicing when i was younger when i was like eleven or twelve now it's just easy 11575,309,really, 11576,309,what'd you study at school, i'm still in school 11577,309,okay, 11578,309,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, no problem 11579,309,thanks it was great chatting with you, yeah have a nice day 11580,309,goodbye, 11581,323,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 11582,323,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 11583,323,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 11584,323,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11585,323,are you okay with this, sure 11586,323,okay so how are you doing today, good 11587,323,that's good , 11588,323,where are you from originally , chicago 11589,323,really, 11590,323,why'd you move to l_a , it's cold in chicago 11591,323,, hmm 11592,323,i see what you mean , 11593,323,when'd you move to l_a, oh i think in ninety nineteen eighty nine actually 11594,323,that's a long time , 11595,323,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a , oh very simple very easy 11596,323,that's good , 11597,323,what are some things you really like about l_a, oh weather of course and i'm so easily located to san diego palm springs las vegas san francisco and things i like to do 11598,323,what are some things you don't really like about l_a , smog of course is bad crime rate's higher than it should be um and financial economic problems here 11599,323,uh huh uh huh , 11600,323,how often do you go back to your hometown , every year thanksgiving 11601,323,that's great, 11602,323,how close are you to your family , very very much so we're a very big family 11603,323,that's so good to hear , 11604,323,do you travel a lot , yes i do very much in fact 11605,323,what do you enjoy about traveling , i love flying on airplanes i love visiting new places i even like visiting different airports everyone's different 11606,323,okay , 11607,323,what'd you study at school , ooh let's see i started off in pre-med haha i ended up in uh physics 11608,323,cool, 11609,323,are you still doing that , yes i am i teach i teach physics and math and higher level math 11610,323,wow, 11611,323,how did you decide to do that , well i enjoy working with kids i enjoy teaching my mother was a teacher uh my dad was a truant officer and uh i've enjoyed it 11612,323,nice, keeps you young 11613,323,yes, 11614,323,what's your dream job , my dream job my dream job would be to be a judge 11615,323,really, yes in in the uh youth court that would be fantastic but i should've thought of that sooner than now so i'm not gonna be able to do that 11616,323,aw, 11617,323,do you consider yourself an introvert , no not at all 11618,323,why why, um i enjoy people being around people i'm very talkative at times uh i like to do a lot of things and i'm very social when i do them 11619,323,okay , 11620,323,what do you do to relax , uh believe it or not i play bridge i play chess and i watch a good old old movie 11621,323,awesome, 11622,323,what are some things that make you really mad , ooh bad drivers uh bad laws politics often 11623,323,what do you do when you're annoyed , when i'm annoyed you know i really don't get annoyed that much i just let it go it's not worth the pain and problems they could cause if i can't straighten out a problem let it go 11624,323,that's good , go somewhere else 11625,323,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , ooh always my bridge partner but that's different uh as far as anything else i don't really argue with people i i don't argue i don't like confrontation 11626,323,okay , 11627,323,i see what you mean , 11628,323,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my parents of course very very much so um i had great parents 11629,323,can you tell me about that, uh my mother uh my parents met at tuskegee which is a black college and they always want me to go to a black college but of course i didn't wanna do that uh i went to illinois so they're a very positive role model for me there's certain things that i don't do today because of them i don't drink i don't curse i don't look down on people who do but i don't have as much respect for people who do a lot of either one of those things um 11630,323,mhm, i love to drive i love to travel and my dad used to always take us some place every weekend he was off we'd go somewhere 'cause we were in chicago indiana michigan some place in the area we'd go up to michigan and pick fruit or we got all our dogs from uh puppy farms in indiana that kinda thing uh i had an uncle who lived in uh wisconsin who was a dairy farmer so my dad used to love to drive and i love to drive also 11631,323,that's so good to hear , 11632,323,what's one of your most memorable experiences, mm that's a hard one i've had a lot of great experiences uh i think the best one was uh we went for my anniversary we went to europe we went to paris and uh we rode the orient express we went from we didn't go all the way to istanbul we went from london to venice and then flew back to paris uh that was probably the best experience i've ever had in my life i i've never really cared for europe because there's so much here in the united stated to do and so much in america and i had been to alaska and hawaii but we said we'd do something different and we'd always wanted to go on the orient express and we did that expensive but phenomenal trip gotta do it once it's a once trip not once in a lifetime just once 11633,323,awesome , 11634,323,is there anything you regret , not traveling more sooner we did a lot when the kids were younger but um there are a lot of things we should've probably done we didn't do i wish i had gone to chicago we would always go to chicago on thanksgiving but i think we should've gone more than just on thanksgiving my parents come here at around christmas time but i think we should've uh 11635,323,mhm, done a lot more when it comes to that 11636,323,could you have done anything to avoid it , yes that's that's that's why it's a regret because it could've been avoided there's things we could've done and we were spending our time working and more concerned about getting ahead than actually family and what's closest to us i think that people most people 11637,323,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, oh yes very definitely 11638,323,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , ooh that's a good question ten or twenty years ago i would've said um don't take things too seriously but don't be too relaxed over 'em either sometimes you can uh take things for granted never take anything for granted nothing's promised 11639,323,yeah , 11640,323,have you ever served in the military , oh heaven forbid no i have not 11641,323,, 11642,323,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d , no no 11643,323,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 11644,323,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , very very easy i really have no problem with that once in awhile if i uh am anxious about something or have things coming up due or projects due then i get kind of uh anxious a little bit i don't like to be late uh i don't like to make mistakes so therefore i i do have some anxiety issues which will cause me to stay up all night to get things done just to make sure that i have everything right 11645,323,mhm, 11646,323,what are you like when you don't sleep well , tired i don't get irritable i think i just uh lethargic maybe a little just a just a little bit 11647,323,okay , 11648,323,how have you been feeling lately , very good i was up late last night so i'm kinda tired now but i i usually have no problems sleeping uh and i get a good night's sleep 11649,323,that's good , mhm 11650,323,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , no i have not um no not at all i just came back off a christmas break so i'm should be very relaxed now 11651,323,that's so good to hear , 11652,323,what are you most proud of in your life, ooh i have great kids i have a son at u_s_c and i have a son at u_c_l_a and my daughter just got married so i'm i'm proud of my i'm really proud of my kids 11653,323,aw, they're they're going to have a good life 11654,323,do you find it easy to be a parent , oh yes um i enjoyed it i still enjoy it being a parent is forever so 11655,323,what's the best thing about being a parent , uh let's see taking care of someone else and getting started off to have a good life i think that that's rewarding 11656,323,what's the hardest thing about being a parent , making sure everything is covered that needs to be covered with you kids whether it's their eating their sleeping their clothes they dress make sure they're content make sure they have no problems at school or home or uh that that they're safe physically mentally spiritually everything 11657,323,that makes sense , 11658,323,how would your best friend describe you , hmm my best friend would say she has not changed since high school uh level-headed but uh great sense of humor relaxed i don't take things too seriously 11659,323,that's great , 11660,323,when was the last time you felt really happy, ooh i love the holidays i love christmas i love everything about it i love preparing the house for it i love baking cooking especially baking i love experimenting with new recipes and so the last couple of weeks because the holiday season was just here i felt fantastic everything is is quiet i'm not at work i'm not stressed out in any way at all i have no projects due that i have to think about anyway so uh christmas time holiday time 11661,323,that's great , 11662,323,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , really enjoyed recently well christmas of course we went to las vegas um the twenty seventh of december that was fantastic we only stayed for two days we had a really good time uh we saw a great show we had some great food we drove there we don't usually drive i don't like to drive a lot but we drove there and just took our time 11663,323,wow, so 11664,323,that sounds like a great situation , it was good it was nice 11665,323,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 11666,323,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , okay 11667,323,goodbye goodbye, 11668,332,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 11669,332,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 11670,332,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11671,332,are you okay with this , yes 11672,332,okay so how are you doing today , fine just tired 11673,332,i'm sorry to hear that , 11674,332,where are you from originally, california 11675,332,really, from hollywood 11676,332,cool, 11677,332,what are some things you really like about l_a , uh not too much there's not too many things i like about it 11678,332,okay , 11679,332,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh the people um it's not clean 11680,332,uh huh , too much crime too many drugs 11681,332,i understand , 11682,332,what'd you study at school , uh makeup and hair 11683,332,that sounds interesting , it is 11684,332,are you still working in that , a little bit 11685,332,what do you do now , uh not too much i just survive 11686,332,how hard is that , very difficult 11687,332,i'm sorry , it's okay 11688,332,what's your dream job , uh i'm getting a little old to be thinking of a career but i just want probably to get married and have a little security that's all just be a wife again 11689,332,okay , 11690,332,how close are you to your family , uh a little bit close but everybody's pretty much passed away 11691,332,i'm sorry , 11692,332,what do you do to relax, um i play farmville on facebook 11693,332,, 11694,332,that's great , yeah 11695,332,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm good i don't really have a temper 11696,332,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , uh it was my ex-husband about money 11697,332,okay , 11698,332,what are some things that make you really mad , people lying cheating conniving drug addicts you know just ugly people people that are hideous in the inside you know 11699,332,yeah , 11700,332,yeah , 11701,332,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , uh jesus christ that's about it my mother when she was alive well she still is a positive influence but nobody really but jesus 11702,332,okay , 11703,332,what's one of your most memorable experiences , uh memorable experiences i don't know i can't really think of one right now 11704,332,whatever comes to your mind , uh gosh memorable experiences oh i guess like maybe modeling that was pretty cool yeah 11705,332,nice, yeah 11706,332,can you tell me about that, i was just kind of um surreal like to see yourself in magazines and pictures and stuff you know i didn't understand how it could have been me but 11707,332,mhm, then my photographer told me he was like well someone has to do it it might as well be you so oh well and it's true so that was cool i don't 11708,332,yeah , 11709,332,what made you decide to do that , just kinda fell into it by accident 11710,332,are you happy you did that , i've always i'm sorry yeah yeah i wish i did it i took it further but um i couldn't 11711,332,okay , 11712,332,when was the last time you felt really happy , really happy i don't remember i really don't 11713,332,okay, 11714,332,how would your best friend describe you , uh i don't really have a best friend but i'm sure they would anybody would describe me as outgoing 11715,332,that's good , yeah 11716,332,have you ever served in the military , no 11717,332,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 11718,332,how long ago were you diagnosed , uh it was uh nineteen eighty four 11719,332,that's a long time , yeah 11720,332,what got you to seek help , i couldn't deal with it so i had to see a psychiatrist 11721,332,what were your symptoms , um horrified um couldn't sleep um panicked um major anxiety yeah 11722,332,okay , 11723,332,did you think you had a problem before you found out , yeah yes 11724,332,do you still go to therapy now , yes i do 11725,332,do you feel like therapy's useful , it could be if you see the right doctor if you see if yeah 11726,332,how has seeing a therapist affected you , um it gives you the opportunity to talk to somebody and hopefully they can give you answers most of 'em don't they try to find the answers inside of you and get it out of you but it's just good to be able to talk to somebody that's kinda biased neutral 11727,332,that's good, 11728,332,how have you been feeling lately , really depressed extremely depressed 11729,332,that sounds really hard , yeah 11730,332,are they triggered by something , poverty yeah 11731,332,i see, 11732,332,i see, uh huh 11733,332,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yeah i'm a lot more tired i sleep longer and i um i just don't have the drive motivation that i did before 11734,332,yeah, 11735,332,how do you cope with them , just try to be strong just have to get through it you know 11736,332,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, yes there are 11737,332,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this , not really i'm an open book 11738,332,that's good , yeah 11739,332,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um i'm a well i would say a perfectionist but that's not really a good quality 'cause it can get dangerous um i'm just artistic i'm good at a lot of things i'm really good at a lot of things but xxx 11740,332,can you give me an example of that , well i'm good at i'm a good hairdresser and makeup artist um uh i crochet and knit really well make jewelry um not good with computers or phones though electronics 11741,332, , yeah um i keep a perfect house or well when i'm not depressed like this i was a perfect wife the perfect wife 11742,332,yeah , so yeah but not anymore 'cause i'm divorced now but it wasn't me it was him so 11743,332,can you tell me about that , he was on drugs so he chose eh the drugs were were too much problems 11744,332,that sucks , yeah it does 11745,332,how hard is that , it's really hard because it's like the drugs are his mistress 11746,332,yeah , mhm 11747,332,how do you know them , how how do i what 11748,332,how do you know them , who who oh 11749,332,let's come back to that later , yes 11750,332,do you consider yourself an introvert , no 11751,332,how did you decide to do that , but um well i don't really consider myself an introvert 11752,332,okay , 11753,332,is there anything you regret, um yeah i have a lot of regrets but there really wasn't anything i could do about it so there's really no point in regretting it 'cause you do what you do and you make a decision and then it's already done so why regret it why bother you know 11754,332,yeah i understand, mhm 11755,332,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , make sure that when you marry a man that you ask him if he does drugs or alcohol that's one for sure that was the only question i didn't answer ask i i didn't know there's a lot of things a lot of stuff 11756,332,yeah , you know 11757,332,what are you most proud of in your life , uh i don't know just the things that i can do that my talents that's it 11758,332,okay , uh 11759,332,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um well if i can have my starbucks and my orange gina i drink orange gina everyday and i smoke cigarettes unfortunately but it's always good to have those because you know i'm addicted to them and then if i can eat something really good and healthy at nighttime and in fact i well basically if i have something to do if i have a goal uh somewhere to go something to do like today even puts me in a good mood 11760,332,that's good , yeah otherwise i'd be afraid that i'd stay home and just lay in bed or farm all day i could farm for eight hours on farmville 11761,332,, yeah 11762,332,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 11763,332,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , you're welcome nice to meet you 11764,337,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 11765,337,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 11766,337,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 11767,337,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11768,337,are you okay with this, yeah 11769,337,okay, 11770,337,so how are you doing today, i'm doing okay how are you doing 11771,337,that's good, 11772,337,i'm great thanks, 11773,337,where are you from originally, i'm originally from like a suburb a suburb of l_a from the san gabriel valley 11774,337,really, 11775,337,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the diversity i like the vibe of the city i've lived other places and it's just not as happy here i feel like i can really thrive here so i just like l_a 11776,337,mhm, like all the things that are so close together then there's a lot of interesting things that totally different parts of the city just miles away from each other 11777,337,yeah, 11778,337,i see what you mean, 11779,337,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh don't like the traffic don't like all the cars but i can live with it i mean there's not that much i don't like 11780,337,okay, 11781,337,what'd you study at school, i studied music um vocal performance i studied music technology things like that 11782,337,awesome, 11783,337,are you still working in that, yes 11784,337,what do you do now, right now um i sing in an opera company but my i do have a day job because it doesn't pay that much unless you're actually working for the l_a opera so i do have a day job i work at a call center that caters mostly to performers and actors and things like that and it's really good because if i get a call i can call in and change my shift very easily so it's actually a pretty good gig 11785,337,okay, and i do some uh technology gigs sometimes you know it's do some recording some live sound stuff but i'm kinda wanna get away from that do some video work sometimes but again i wanna get away from that i wanna go back to the 11786,337,why, because i find that performing more is more interesting i like being talent more than i like being crew so i kinda wanna get away from that side and start working more toward actually doing what i wanna do with my life 11787,337,okay, 11788,337,do you consider yourself an introvert, sometimes i mean per my personal life yeah so i do have a shell that i put out there to deal with people but if i'm at home you know i'd kinda rather just keep to myself or my husband or my cats or whatever talk to family don't really have too many close friends but yeah you know i'd rather keep to myself 11789,337,uh huh, 11790,337,how close are you to your family, uh moderately close to the family that i have left i've actually lost a lot of family in the last ten years or so 11791,337,i'm sorry to hear that, but like thank you but like uh my i'm close to my husband and you know i've got couple of cousins i talk to and my aunt that i have an aunt that i talk to a bit but it's not like we're interacting every day close together 11792,337,right, but it's somewhat close 11793,337,okay, 11794,337,what do you do to relax, mostly i sing or i read or i write or just hang out and try to clear my mind of all thoughts sometimes it doesn't work but i try to do that and try to just clear everything and see what starts coming back in and sometimes sometimes that works sometimes it doesn't but mostly creating things um contacting my family some you know through facebook or whatever 11795,337,uh huh, works but mostly in my free time i create things 11796,337,okay, 11797,337,do you travel a lot, i'd like to travel more i like to travel by car a lot um i mean my idea of like having a birthday celebration would be to go on a road trip and i like to travel more um i would love to travel for work things or whatever but i don't get as much of an opportunity as i would like to to travel 11798,337,what do you enjoy about traveling, seeing uh particularly traveling by car seeing like the landscape change seeing people change seeing you know feeling the vibrations of the area change i like just seeing what's out there seeing and i know that there's a bigger world outside of where i am and where i live and my world and i like to see that 11799,337,uh huh, but i like to leave that too and go back to my own world 11800,337,, 11801,337,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um let's see xxx a trip that i like to take is to make the drive from here to nevada whether i go all the way to vegas or just go to state line um my cousin and i would take what we call exit one trips because once you get to the first exit of a highway you're either in another state or you're at the end of the highway so we'd take those we'd just sort of impromptu with like
  • a day or two notice just move things around just take off so those are actually trips that i i like making 'cause i take off and then just come back sometimes the same day sometimes overnight just small short trips that aren't very involved but you just get to go and you see things and see how um you know the desert landscape looks in different seasons how people react in different times of the year in different areas 11802,337,uh huh, so close to home but not but not close to home close to home but uh still a world away so that 'cause i don't really have time to take like a two week vacation or whatever but that's just little things that kinda put things back in perspective and and clear my head and things like that i mean 'cause there's sort of a sense of meditation and zen that you get on a highway that you don't get driving a freeway 11803,337,yeah, so i i like i like doing that 11804,337,i see what you mean, 11805,337,cool, 11806,337,when was the last time that happened, the last time that happened was may of last year that's the last time i was able to do that we actually my aunt came over with my cousin who's ten years younger than i am and we kinda grew up like sisters and i was about to move away from the inland empire which is where they live so they kinda took me on a last hurrah and we drove up to vegas and looked around and came back 'cause i actually lived in vegas for awhile but i didn't like it so they kinda i showed showed them some of the locals sites around there and we came back and was you know an overnight trip but we were driving the entire time so 11807,337,wow, it was kind of an interesting 11808,337,what are some things that make you really mad, uh things that are just inherently unfair when people are mean to the elderly or to children or to animals people who can't fight back and they're mean to them just because they can't fight back and i actually like to see people who are strong as strong as the people who are being mean standing up and being an advocate 11809,337,yeah, or what have you so i think that's one thing that's makes me really mad just being cruel or mean for no reason you know not people for people who can't fight back or for people who've done nothing to deserve it just that kinda really just makes me mad 11810,337,uh huh, 11811,337,okay, 11812,337,what do you do when you're annoyed, when i'm annoyed i'll try to just walk away from the situation and if the situation insists on following me then i'll wind up lashing out somehow either you know verbally just cutting 'em with a quip or you know i mean i i rarely just i rarely will yell at somebody but i'll try to you know if i'll try to walk away and defuse it if that doesn't work then i'll let them know that they're annoying me and get away from me that usually works 11813,337,has that gotten you in trouble, not in like legal trouble or anything because usually i'll find a way to get them to leave me alone um so there's not really like big trouble but 'cause i think 'cause it's it it is off-putting and it's not expected the expected reaction and that's actually kind of cultivated in me that it's not the expected reaction 'cause i know that will work and get people away from me so it's not really in trouble and if 11814,337,uh huh, it's is trouble it's usually trouble that it's from their the other person's perspective and it doesn't affect me at all because it's usually a situation i can get out of so as long as they leave me alone you know i don't i i'll walk away from it 11815,337,okay, 11816,337,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh the last time i argued with somebody like person like a person like a family member or an outsider or somebody not in my 11817,337,whatever comes to your mind, uh the last thing i can think of was i argued with my husband about the care of my mother-in-law 'cause she's got dementia and so we one of the reasons we came out here from the inland empire was to take care of her 'cause she won't go anywhere but l_a i mean she is like hardcore angelino like you know we we know we are the we're that in our nature but we also know it's cheaper to live elsewhere but um so we came out here to take care of her 11818,337,yeah, and he wants her to be able to stay in her in her apartment and i want her to move in with us because it would be cheaper and faster and easier and safer for her if she lived with us but she wants to stay where she is 'cause she can't see that there's inherent danger now because of the disease process 11819,337,yeah, but he wants her to stay where she he wants her to be able to have what she wants 'cause he's a mama's boy like i am i'm a mama's girl even though i've lost my mom like four years ago i'm still a mama's girl and i'll still and i still and i know that it brings you a sense of satisfaction to to carry out their wishes because you care about them so much and that's what they want so you wanna get it for 'em and because you know they you know that happened when you were growing up when they tried to give you what you want because you wanted it and you wanna do that for them now like sort of giving back to them somebody that you care about somebody you feel deserves it but it's kinda dangerous for her you know and i don't want things something to happen to her yet i want her to remain who she is for as long as she can 'cause i know it the disease that she has is gonna erase who she is eventually 11820,337,yeah, and eventually she will have to be put in a place where they can give her twenty four hour medically trained care but until then we can we can handle it you know amongst ourselves 'cause it's not that bad but it's getting where she really shouldn't has no business living by herself anymore so the solution right now is he stays there most the time with her and i go back to our house and i it gets stressful and it gets annoying because i do i handle the outside things i run the errands i take her to the store things like that he does the day to day things makes sure she has she eats makes sure she you know has clean clothes things like that 11821,337,uh huh, so i mean it's a partnership it's a it's a dual effort it's very much a dual effort but i would like her to move in with us so that was that's like a source of it's not really like yelling screaming argument but lively discussion you know than debate 11822,337,i see, 11823,337,that sounds really hard, meh it's not insurmountable i mean life's not gonna be easy ever and if it is that's when you should worry because that's when somebody can pull the rug out from under you so as long as you're on top of things and you're present in your life it's not gonna be easy but you deal with it and you you move on 11824,337,yeah, 11825,337,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh the most positive influence i think have been probably my mother and my grandmother 'cause my mom was pretty much a single mom and my grandmother helped raise me and they actually gave me a lot of confidence and but were realistic about it so i mean i think i have sort of a realistic sort of a downer temperment to myself but they but they helped me see that it's just in me and it's not something i can't get over 11826,337,uh huh, and that you know life's gonna go on you know my mom would say to me when you're forty you're forty whether you're working at mcdonald's or doing what you want with your life and i think that was a big influence on how i lived have how i've lived my life since she's passed 11827,337,that's great, 11828,337,is there anything you regret, i regret not taking care of myself in the last year of my mother's life because i think it may have clouded some of my decisions now i do have underlying conditions and everybody in my family is diabetic and i didn't take care of that when she was the last year of her life 'cause i was too busy wanting to get her home my focus was to get her home 11829,337,yeah, so i didn't eat right i didn't take my insulin right um i wound up making myself insulin resistant that that year just 'cause my blood sugar was so high for eh like a year eating just horrible foods when i did eat so it really took a toll and i really actually made myself very sick and i'm wondering well if i didn't if i would've taken care of myself and i had my head on completely straight and my my vision my vision and my thoughts weren't completely weren't clouded would i have made some better decisions on her behalf especially when she needed 'em and when she needed me to be to step in and make the decisions for her because she uh wound up having a health catastrophe 'cause she had kidney well she had kidney damage that wound up being kidney failure and her health insurance provider missed that so she wound up having 11830,337,wow, sort of this whole catastrophe where everything at once just started breaking down she wound up having a stroke at like fifty one she had had a small stroke and it just kinda went down from there so i'm thinking well if i didn't if i had taken care of better care of myself would i have been able to take better care of her and i know there wasn't anything i would've been able to do to prevent her death but what if i if i would i have been be able to make it easier on her if i would have taken care of myself and that's like one huge regret that i have 11831,337,yeah, 11832,337,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, oh i know i am but xxx it's my desire to take responsibility for everyone and everything that i care about taking responsibility for my own life and me and mine and i know other people i can't really direct them into my own vision because they're their own individual beings and they can't you know be what i want them to be and i know they're not going to be but i still have you know my ideals and i want the way i want everything to go and i want everybody that i care about to be happy and to be able too fit into my life in a way in the best way possible but i know 'cause they're other beings and i know i'm not gonna be able to do that for them and they're not gonna be able to do that for me but it's still my ideals so i have to sometimes have to look at it and go well 11833,337,mhm, is this what i want because i want it or what is what they want and what's their is it their decision or mine and it's usually it's theirs and i know it's theirs so i so if you really care about somebody you're just gonna support them and go with them but 11834,337,yeah, it's still kinda hard for for me and know i gotta get over it 11835,337,yeah, 11836,337,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, um ten or twenty years ago probably to have been more assertive in starting my own life because i wound taking care of my mother i mean she got sick literally the weekend i graduated from college and i had a job lined up and i had to pull out of that because she needed me to take care of her and i think i would've been more aggressive about starting my own life getting a job outside the house in addition to caring for her getting uh my own job history my own credit history thing like things like that built up instead of becoming just totally her daughter for about ten years 11837,337,uh huh, so i think i i probably would've done that um but i tell myself just do that you keep who you are and learn to separate your you who you are and what you feel you need to be doing for your family to keep a sense of of yourself that's probably what i would've and do things for yourself to keep that sense of yourself that's probably the advance advice of what i would give myself 11838,337,mhm, ten years ago 11839,337,okay, 11840,337,have you ever served in the military, no 11841,337,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 11842,337,have you been diagnosed with depression, no but probably 'cause i haven't gone to a doctor about it 'cause i don't wanna know and i mean it's not i know there've been times in my life where i've been severely depressed and it's usually circumstances and had to pull myself out of it but i'd rather pull myself out of it before resorting to treatment and of it gets 11843,337,can you give me an example of that, um after my mother had died i mean it'd been this long battle for a year that we lost and i didn't know if i if i was to blame for that it's like logically i knew i wasn't but how could i convince myself of that um two weeks after she died i wound up with pulmonary embolisms in one in each lung because i didn't take care of myself for a year and i figured oh i'm thirty years old if you know whatever i do to myself i can get over no turns out no but um i mean i wound up having to take more medication because of that uh it's been a fight to get my own health back to get to be able to get out of that depression 'cause so much of my life was based on being my mother's daughter all of a sudden i didn't it's like the rug was pulled out my like bottom fell out of my world after that so 11844,337,yeah, that was the prilly pretty much sent me into a deep depression um i almost got divorced because of it because i just didn't want anything anymore so and i was i being really distant from my husband by then at that time we were married for about two years at that point and i started getting very distant from him just pushing everything away just you know figuring well what am i gonna do with the rest of my life now and it it's been a fight you know you mean there times when no i couldn't get up just stay in bed and sleep all day you know but then realizing that when my mother died i had four cats to look after two are mine two are hers and so i wound up adopting the two that were hers i mean well they don't have a choice of whether they can go out and get their own food and get their own you know own own supplies 11845,337,uh huh, i took that responsibility of doing it for them so that was one motivating factor was that they didn't have a choice of whether or not i was gonna get up and provide for them i mean i could go without eating i could go without taking care of myself but they couldn't 11846,337,yeah, they didn't you know so they eh they actually got me up and and made me go out and face things even though i didn't want to didn't just didn't just kinda wanted to curl up and die but that would've been my choice not theirs and they i mean what would happen to them if i wasn't there to take care of them they would've been you know sent to a shelter or whatever probably and maybe they would've not been readopt me home and adopted by somebody else maybe they would have been killed for for me i mean for me making selfish decisions 11847,337,mhm, so it's like i need somebody to take care of to get myself out of bed so and that's actually been a motivating factor is to to 'cause i've figured out that if it was just me i'd be able to live without a lot of stuff i mean i would be able to live in my car if i wanted it wouldn't be a big deal i wouldn't care as long as i was doing what i wanted with my life but i have a family to look after now so i have to go out and do things 11848,337,yeah, you know i i have to go out and look for legitimate work you know day you know day job i have to you know but i'm trying to strike a balance between the two because it's what i wanna do with my life but yet i have to take care of my family so i'm been working on on a balance of the two 11849,337,how hard is that , very but it's worth it i mean it would be very i'd have a lot less things to worry about if i just lived in my car and said forget it but keeping a residence down paying bills things like that it's it's difficult but you have to do it you know if you want you want anything if you ever want anything in your life you have to go through that 11850,337,yeah, and i and and i know that but it it gets hard sometimes you do wanna give up but then it's like well what's the alternative i mean i don't think i could live a comfortable life 'cause if i did i wouldn't do anything i have to be slightly uncomfortable or i'm not gonna do anything with myself i'm just gonna be content to just hang out all day stay in bed hang out with my cats or whatever and i wouldn't get anything done 11851,337,i see, 11852,337,how have you been feeling lately , uh very anxious and nervous and i mean what if i don't find enough you know enough work to be able to pay my rent or whatever what if um you know what what if i can't keep a semblance of stability in my life and it it's actually hard work to be stable and i know it's hard work to be stable but what you know it's just eh a lot of what ifs and and i don't think it's things that haven't happened and it's stupid and pointless to worry about things that haven't happened and i know that but it still happens it still creeps in so that's actually a source of anxiety but then you try to let the anxiety go by getting things done figuring things out making a solid plan and going for it but i i i know it it's a cycle 11853,337,that's good , and i'll go from being really anxious and oh my god what am i gonna do what am i gonna do to saying okay what is the fundamental thing i need to take of here i mean what what is just extraneous and what can what can what is what are the actual non issues and what is the actual issue 11854,337,mhm, and so figure out how to figure things out that way and then the anxiety starts to go away a little bit but then something'll pop up and the what ifs will come up again mm i'll have to uh figure it out again but i know it's a cycle i know um what seems huge on the surface when you start chipping away at it you get over it pretty quickly you get through it 11855,337,yes, 11856,337,when was the last time you felt really happy , the last time i felt really happy i don't know zz um i huh that's a good question that actually that actually surprisingly stumped me because i do feel happy sometimes sometimes not so much sometimes just kinda eh in the middle um really like overjoyously happy i don't know i i'm not i can't think of of when that happened 11857,337,okay , 11858,337,how would your best friend describe you , i don't know you don't know perceptions of other people i mean probably as somebody who oddly enough somebody who is laid back and you know handles things as they come but i don't see myself as that at all and it's a it 11859,337,what would you say are some of your best qualities , probably that i can think on my feet and i'm not afraid to hussle my butt off and do whatever i have to to survive and get things done um that and i can do it creatively and i try to strive for balance probably probably the best things about me 11860,337,uh huh, 11861,337,that's great, 11862,337,what are you most proud of in your life , that i'm doing basically what i want with my life which even though it's not all easy it's not um you know i'm not financially well off or anything it's still a lot more than a lot of people can say about their lives 'cause i have an aunt that i really don't talk to who and the reason why i don't talk to her is because she's always miserable i mean she's got a career that she it's more of a job that she fell into 'cause my older aunt uh loves animals but didn't wanna be a veterinarian so she became a dog groomer 11863,337,uh huh, and she was actually really good at it she had a stable business for a long time but her hands you know she started getting arthritis in her hands and she had um the actually my cousin's father went and kinda stole all the money from her business so she lost her business and she kinda she retired early 'cause between that and the arthritis she wound up retiring early 11864,337,uh oh , she employed my younger aunt who was still a dog groomer but she hates it and it's like change your life if you hate your life so much change it 11865,337,yeah, and the thing the thing i'm most proud of is yeah i'm not as financially well off as she is but i'm doing what i want with my life you know i can be creative i can have creative people around me people who i actually like to talk to around me people i actually like in my life and be happy with that and i see a lot of people who aren't and it it gives me a sense of of maybe a a bloated sense of self satisfaction to be able to say i'm not like that 11866,337,yeah , and i'm actually doing what i want even though there's sacrifices i'm still fundamentally doing what i want with my life now 11867,337,mhm, 11868,337,that's so good to hear , 11869,337,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , thank you okay 11870,337,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , thank you 11871,337,goodbye, 11872,349,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 11873,349,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 11874,349,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 11875,349,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11876,349,are you okay with this, yeah 11877,349,okay, 11878,349,so how are you doing today, so so 11879,349,that's good, 11880,349,where are you from originally , nebraska 11881,349,really, 11882,349,why'd you move to l_a, uh work 11883,349,when'd you move to l_a, i've been coming here off and on for years but officially moved here couple years ago 11884,349,cool, 11885,349,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um some good days some bad days i i guess i've gotten as used to it as i'm gonna be i don't know if that makes sense but 11886,349,yeah i see what you mean, 11887,349,what are some things you really like about l_a, um accessibility to to different things um as compared to nebraska um you know more opportunities to do different things and and explore different things areas of interest 11888,349,mhm, 11889,349,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh the crime um attitude um uh lack of lack of uh uh work ethic lack of uh kindness in people um cut-throat 11890,349,mm, yeah 11891,349,do you travel a lot, i used to quite a bit 11892,349,what do you enjoy about traveling , uh sense of freedom the uh the adventure 11893,349,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , um okay you want me to tell you about a trip 11894,349,yes, uh egypt i 11895,349,awesome , yeah 11896,349,tell me more about that , uh i went with my mother and some family friends we went on an eight day cruise down the nile saw all the uh pyramids in giza um just it was just a incredible adventure just to get away from everything and everybody and and uh close friends and just have a great time 11897,349,that sounds like a great situation , yeah 11898,349,how close are you to your family , um not really at all 11899,349,why, um just uh uh have history of um abuse and and neglect and uh just not a real functional family dysfunctional is is definitely a keyword in our family so 11900,349,i'm sorry to hear that , thank you 11901,349,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this , um no not really i'm talked about it a lot before um so i'm okay with it 11902,349,okay , 11903,349,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um it's really hard to say i haven't had very good uh uh very positive role models um um ask me the question again 11904,349,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, well maybe at best my mother but uh she's a she's also been a negative uh aspect of my life but um uh yeah i guess i can't really identify anybody who's been a real real positive influence in my life 11905,349,okay , 11906,349,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um the the trips that i've been on 11907,349,cool, 11908,349,what do you do to relax, um i used to work out i used to do yoga i used to um i used to meditate i used to exercise and i used to um i used to do a lot of things lately um i find it uh hard to relax i don't have the same uh the same outlets that i did before the same uh i i i don't pursue them as much anymore i guess i'm i've lost my motivation or something i'm depressed about it you know i guess there it is right there 11909,349,okay , 11910,349,how are you at controlling your temper, um pretty good i i is temper as far as getting to the point of uh uh physicality i don't ever that um uh but i stand my ground and um but i can control my temper i i i never lose control really 11911,349,that's good, 11912,349,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um the last time uh probably um as recently as you know in the last month or so i maybe argued with um uh an acquaintance over um uh uh i don't know i i have to come back to that question 11913,349,okay , 11914,349,have you ever served in the military , no 11915,349,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 11916,349,have you been diagnosed with depression , yes 11917,349,how long ago were you diagnosed , um well officially october of last year but i've i think i've been depressed longer than that but officially october of last year 11918,349,what got you to seek help , um actually i was uh being treated for other medical issues and um my depression was notable to the doctors so 11919,349,really, yeah 11920,349,did you think you had a problem before you found out , yeah 11921,349,what were your symptoms , um well i've never been suicidal but just to just to just in i i just often have thought um eh that i don't have much reason to to live i used to think i had a purpose and such but um i don't really have anybody in my life um who i think cares enough about me uh that i really if i was even dead uh so um i've kind of lost myself and um i used to that used to be enough that i was um enough to uh you know to to have purpuse in my life but um i've lost quite a bit of that 11922,349,yeah , motivation yeah 11923,349,i'm sorry , 11924,349,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself , well i'm trying to pull it together i'm trying to um get back a sense of me i get inspired every once in awhile but um overall i just don't seem to be making much progress 11925,349,do you still go to therapy now, yeah 11926,349,do you feel like therapy's useful , i wouldn't really call it therapy i don't have a therapist per se i have a a nurse practitioner who prescribes medication for me and nobody really to talk about psychosocial issues um i 11927,349,that sucks , uh huh did you say that sucks eh 11928,349,mhm, okay and uh yeah 11929,349,how have you been feeling lately , um overwhelmed preoccupied um just uh trying to stay alive stay on top of things 11930,349,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , no 11931,349,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , uh easy when i can i don't um yeah when i if i get a chance to fall asleep i don't have any problem with it 11932,349,what are you like when you don't sleep well , um even more distracted and uh um um even more uh lackluster i guess is the word 11933,349,that sounds really hard , whatever 11934,349,how would your best friend describe you , uh if i had a best friend um i don't know um he maybe lot of positive adjectives before but now just you know just uh some people say i should be proud 'cause i'm surviving a hard time or some people think that uh i'm a a loser so um i don't know maybe um a survivor uh persistent um 11935,349,okay , 11936,349,what are you most proud of in your life, um well i used to be proud of my career and um kinda giving back to people giving back to society um 'cause i was given a lot it felt like um so i'm just proud to uh i don't have much of a sense of pride anymore to be quite honest i i've um it uh i don't know 11937,349,okay, 11938,349,what'd you study at school , psychology and um 11939,349,really, well initially yeah 11940,349,are you still working in that , um no not really per se although my current career involves a lot of uh psychology a lot of um uh the aspects i don't know what i'm trying to say um it's a part

    it's a part of it but it's not the center of it 11941,349,i understand, 11942,349,what do you do now, um well i guess if my career is still going i'm in uh nursing but um i've been sick lately and with depression and other healthcare problems i uh have uh found it necessary to apply for disability social security income and i'm starting the process of that 'cause i'm not working 11943,349,how hard is that , very 11944,349,what's your dream job , educating people um making a difference i mean i used to i had i've had my dream jobs i've had my dream jobs i don't uh i don't know what the future will hold for for uh work but um something i suppose working with people again health uh helping in some way 11945,349,okay, 11946,349,do you consider yourself an introvert, um no but lately with the depression more so at times 11947,349,uh huh, 11948,349,is there anything you regret, i used to say that i never regretted anything 'cause i would make the best decision of all things in front of me but um i just wish there were times then that um the choices that i would have were were better 'cause some choices that i seem to have made or were made for me have um made my world kind of shitty for lack of a better word shitty 11949,349,can you give me an example of that , what i don't understand 11950,349,let's come back to that later , 11951,349,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, to be strong to um believe in myself to remember that i've survived a lot of things and i will survive this too to get up off my ass and move to um to have confidence faith um i just murphy's law has kicked my ass so much you know i just uh it it seems like when i've tried to make my world better i just keep getting knocked down um so it it's almost like i'm i don't wanna give up but um every time i try and move forward i get knocked back and it gets gets exhausting and i don't have any support system really nobody not really 11952,349,hmm, 11953,349,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um loyal um hardworking um dependable um uh capable um well at least i used to be 11954,349,that's good , uh intelligent comtemplative um eh uh deep not a superficial person um yeah i guess those are some of them 11955,349,okay , 11956,349,when was the last time you felt really happy , many years ago 11957,349,can you tell me about that, um i used to have a lot of confidence i used to be pretty dynamic person i used to be people would say used to say that i was the most centered person that they knew and i used to help people and i'm now in their shoes and i don't seem to be able to help myself 11958,349,okay , 11959,349,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , i can't think of anything right now i can't think of really anything right now 11960,349,what are some things you like to do for fun , i don't do much anything for fun anymore i used to however um go to movies and and entertainment venues and travel go to dinner with friends do things um but lately i don't i don't really have any pursuits a good day a happy day a fun day for me is a day without something going wrong basically 11961,349,mhm, mhm 11962,349,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 11963,349,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , yeah 11964,349,goodbye , 11965,308,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 11966,308,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 11967,308,think of me as a friend i don't judge i can't i'm a computer, 11968,308,i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 11969,308,where are you from originally, los angeles california 11970,308,really, yes 11971,308,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the southern california lifestyle the beaches the um active lifestyle 11972,308,okay, 11973,308,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic the pretentious people 11974,308,yeah, 11975,308,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my teachers um 11976,308,tell me more about that, i don't know certain teachers um got uh spiritual teachers that i um find a lot of guidance from 11977,308,mhm, 11978,308,what are some things you like to do for fun, that's it mm i like to skateboard and 11979,308,awesome, and just stay active stay healthy um anything that's um outdoors and active and healthy hiking biking rollerblading skateboarding all the above 11980,308,that's good, 11981,308,do you travel a lot, mm no 11982,308,why, mm not really in a position to travel financially 11983,308,i understand, 11984,308,what do you enjoy about traveling, if i could i'm sure i would enjoy seeing all the different cultures and places and meeting all the different people and all the interesting structures and uh the food so 11985,308,yeah, 11986,308,what do you do to relax, i meditate and i skateboard well i can meditate on my board 11987,308, could you say a little more about that, mm i meditate it helps me relax um sometimes if i don't really feel like skating hard i'll just go for a nice uh sunset skate and meditate a nice two hour skate just relax 11988,308,that sounds like a great situation, 11989,308,how hard is that, mm it's not that hard you just gotta get to the skate spots you know i usually like skating um there's some good good spay skate spots in l_a streets in l_a 11990,308,mhm, uh the beaches is always good so uh 11991,308,nice, just uh it's really not that hard at all 11992,308,okay, 11993,308,what are some things that make you really mad, the situation with my life right now um i can't find a fucking job 11994,308,it can be tough to find a good job these days, i don't even care about a good job i just need a job anything that pays um just gets gets just gets hard after awhile 11995,308,yeah, 11996,308,can you tell me about that, i don't i applied from a anywhere and everywhere from entry level to management to anywhere in between and um i can't find a job i can't get a job so i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying 11997,308,yeah, 11998,308,i'm sorry, it is what it is 11999,308,do you feel down, yeah it's pretty depressing it's hard sucks 12000,308,yeah, 12001,308,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, mm it isn't it isn't 12002,308,do you feel that way often, yes it eh yes that happens often 12003,308,when was the last time that happened, uh last night i couldn't sleep 12004,308,why, mm just uh thinking about my situation um my car payment was due yesterday and i just i don't know if i have what it takes to continue to do this you know i survive day by day 12005,308,mhm, trying to see if i can eat at the end of the day um 12006,308,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 12007,308,how long ago were you diagnosed, mm about three years ago four years ago couple years ago 12008,308,what got you to seek help, my mood was just not right i was always feeling down and depressed and lack of energy always wanting to sleep um lack of interest 12009,308,do you feel like therapy is useful, i've gone to therapy it has been useful for me in the past is it useful for me now i don't know i don't have health insurance um i would love to talk to someone i just feel like i don't have anyone so i don't depend on anyone 12010,308,yeah i'm sorry, 12011,308,did you think you had a problem before you found out, oh yeah i've always felt depressed in my life 12012,308,what were your symptoms, mm lack of energy wanting to sleep a lot lack of interest my appetite was uncontrollable either lack of or i was just being gluttonous and eating the wrong things 12013,308,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yes 12014,308,can you give me an example of that, my sister just passed away 12015,308,i'm sorry to hear that, it's alright six months ago and i became homeless and jobless two weeks ago and it got to a point where i just missed her and i wanted to be with her 12016,308,yeah, so 12017,308,how close are you to your family, mm pretty dysfunctional family you know really can't depend on them that's why i just depend on myself so 12018,308,that sounds really hard, it is what it is what are you gonna do 12019,308,yeah, i'd like to give up but my parents just buried their daughter six months ago they don't wanna bury their other daughter so 12020,308,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, i don't know i don't know just uh i just haven't had good luck i was a corporate manager for twenty years and uh who would've known twenty years ago what advice i would've given myself because i tried to commit suicide instead of returning back to work and so now it's just uh it's been rough trying to pick up all the pieces and 12021,308,hmm, get my life back together um i don't know what advice i would give myself when i started with my corporate job twenty years ago 12022,308,okay, because i didn't know i'd be here twenty years later you know 12023,308,yeah, 12024,308,when was the last time you felt really happy, really happy um a couple days ago this week i've been trying to make ends meet i've got a lot of things sprouting i've got a lot of things that are happening for me but i need like two more weeks here in l_a so i can connect the dots but financially i don't have what it takes to stay here for two more weeks so i was happy because i was getting call backs and um things were starting to look up for me but it's just um time again isn't on my side so my car is packed and i'm hitting the road and i'm taking off and i'm leaving l_a so 12025,308,hmm, 12026,308,how would your best friend describe you, uh loyal emotional strong that's it 12027,308,do you consider yourself an introvert, um i have been lately um i was an extrovert for twenty years when i was a corporate manager and now i am quite an introvert and i stick to myself 12028,308,what made you decide to do that, uh circumstances in my life i don't feel as confident i don't feel as uh charming and as social 12029,308,okay, 12030,308,what's one of your most memorable experiences, mm i don't know it's hard to say can't really answer that one 12031,308,okay, 12032,308,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 12033,308,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 12034,308,goodbye, 12035,329,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 12036,329,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 12037,329,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 12038,329,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 12039,329,are you okay with this, yes 12040,329,okay so how are you doing today, pretty well 12041,329,that's good where are you from originally , from new york 12042,329,really , 12043,329,why'd you move to l_a, uh to go to college well to san diego to go to college and then later to l_a 12044,329,cool, 12045,329,what'd you study at school, aerospace engineering 12046,329,that sounds interesting , 12047,329,how did you decide to do that, um it was i was really good at math and science and i had a interest in airplanes 12048,329,are you still working in that, no 12049,329,what do you do now, i'm a life coach 12050,329,cool, 12051,329,what's your dream job, uh to be a life coach and help people 12052,329,tell me more about that, um i really really like uh how it feels to help other people and see them grow and know that i made a contribution to their life 12053,329,that's so good to hear, 12054,329,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i like the weather it's it's great 'cause i really like to do outdoor things and i like uh doing things by the ocean 12055,329,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic and how crowded it is 12056,329,, 12057,329,do you have roommates, yeah 12058,329,how do you like your living situation, um i like i live with my girlfriend and so i like it 12059,329,how do you know them, uh we met on e harmony 12060,329,how close are you to them, uh really close 12061,329,that's great, 12062,329,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my meditation teacher 12063,329,can you tell me about that, um yeah i i used to be very shy and self conscious and had a lot of anxiety and um i'd worry a lot about the future and uh i took classes in meditation and yoga classes and uh it really helped me to be more confident and more relaxed and just enjoy life a lot more 12064,329,that's good, 12065,329,what do you do to relax, uh meditate and do yoga 12066,329,what are some things that make you really mad, um let's see really mad um i guess i don't know about mad i don't get mad that often but frustrated uh i would say like being stuck in traffic or um people that do mean things to other people for no real reason 12067,329,mhm, 12068,329,what do you do when you're annoyed, um i usually if it's i usually talk to somebody about it if i can or if i can't then i'll usually do meditation or yoga and try and just let it go 12069,329,that's good , 12070,329,how are you at controlling your temper, uh pretty good at controlling my temper 12071,329,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh with my girlfriend and it was about um she was driving on the freeway and uh i suggested that she get over 'cause there was some road workers on the side and she like refused to do that and stayed in the the right lane so we argued a bit about that 12072,329,how did you feel in that moment, uh it felt like she wasn't listening to me and almost like she was purposely not doing what i suggested to be defiant 12073,329,do you feel that way often, um no 12074,329,that's good, 12075,329,what are some things you like to do for fun, um rollerblade kayak uh sing i sing in a choir 12076,329,nice, 12077,329,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um a trip i took to india and nepal for six weeks 12078,329,do you travel a lot, yeah as much as i can 12079,329,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh i really i love to explore i've i've loved to explore ever since i was a little kid and so i love you know seeing new things and discovering things about new cultures and i love backpacking in the wilderness and you know exploring nature 12080,329,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, cool um well i went on a a trip to india and nepal it's my first time ever there um first week and a half i was with a big group of people and did a meditation and yoga retreat and went white water rafting on the ganga river and then um i went off on my own for the rest of the trip and went backpacking in nepal uh with a guide there and uh it was just really beautiful um in the anapurna area and then i went to uh back into india and explored um the area up near tibet and then uh went to uh rajasthan and to uh tiger park in madhya pradesh and was like really close to tigers 12081,329,awesome, 12082,329,how did you decide to do that, um there i uh was contacted by a friend of mine and told that they were going on this this trip and i'd always wanted to go to india so i decided to do it 12083,329,that sounds like a great situation , yeah it was it was really fun 12084,329,how would your best friend describe you , um caring and uh enthusatic for life 12085,329,that's good, 12086,329,have you ever served in the military, no 12087,329,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 12088,329,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 12089,329,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um pretty easy uh i don't sleep as well as i did when i was younger but for the most part i i sleep well once in a while i'll wake up you know at like four in the morning or five in the morning when i want to sleep 'till seven and not be able to get back to sleep but um in general it's pretty good 12090,329,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh i feel tired and not as motivated as usual and then sometimes wanna take a nap you know in the afternoon 12091,329,okay, 12092,329,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , um no 12093,329,okay, 12094,329,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, um ten or twenty years ago um i guess to i i wish i would have invested money or bought like a house or something when i was younger um that would probably be the advice i would give myself 12095,329,okay, 12096,329,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i am empathetic with other people um positive and kind of have a positive outlook on life um very determined when i decide to do something uh i'll figure out how to do it even if it's challenging um i'm very creative in figuring out creative ways to do things i guess probably the strongest thing is that i'm pretty balanced i'm very organized but i'm also pretty creative so um pretty balanced that way 12097,329,that's good, 12098,329,how close are you to your family, um pretty close uh much closer than i was when i was younger um and although i'd say i'm probably closer to friends and people that are in a spiritual community with me than i'm able to get to my family 12099,329,okay, 12100,329,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, uh being outdoors in nature and exercising and also singing 12101,329,what are you most proud of in your life, um the fact that i've gone with followed my heart and did what i wanted to do versus gong with what i think i should do 12102,329,that's great, 12103,329,when was the last time you felt really happy, um i guess yesterday i was i spent the day by the beach and just uh bicycled and went skating and um visited some old friends there 12104,329,aw, 12105,329,how did you feel in that moment, um felt very relaxed and uh invigurated and um uh i also felt like i miss living by the beach because i used to live really close to the beach 12106,329,mhm, so i guess i was a little bit sad that i didn't live there anymore but uh really happy to be there 12107,329,that's good, 12108,329,yeah i understand, 12109,329,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 12110,329,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 12111,329,goodbye, 12112,311,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 12113,311,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 12114,311,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started , 12115,311,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 12116,311,are you okay with this, yes 12117,311,okay, 12118,311,so how are you doing today, okay 12119,311,that's good, 12120,311,why'd you move to l_a, uh when'd i move to l_a um 12121,311,yes, moved here a long time ago to live to go to work 12122,311,mhm, 12123,311,where are you from originally, um well arizona and colorado 12124,311,really, 12125,311,how often do you go back to your home town, i don't 12126,311,why, uh money don't have the money for it 12127,311,i see what you mean, 12128,311,how does it compare to l_a, l_a's much nicer 12129,311,yes, 12130,311,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the people the movies uh the ocean uh when you wake up in the morning there's seagulls instead of birds just you know regular birds 12131,311,hmm, 12132,311,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh the roads the roads really have a lot of potholes 12133,311,, yeah so 12134,311,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it it wasn't hard to get used i i didn't like arizona at all it's really nice in l_a 12135,311,that's good, 12136,311,do you travel a lot, no 12137,311,what do you do now, what i do now um i sleep eat walk my dogs that's about it 12138,311,what's your dream job, what'd be my dream job um i don't know uh screenwriter i guess 12139,311,really, 12140,311,how hard is that, um i understand it's pretty hard 12141,311,, to write a good screenplay 12142,311,do you consider yourself an introvert, yes 12143,311,how are you at controlling your temper, uh very well 12144,311,that's good, 12145,311,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um well i didn't argue with a real person 12146,311,could you say a little more about that, yes i have a person that i hear once in awhile and i talk to them and i had an argument about them listening on my phone 12147,311,okay, 12148,311,what do you do when you're annoyed, uh avoidance whatever annoys me 12149,311,okay, 12150,311,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um being homeless 12151,311,wow, 12152,311,that sounds really hard, yes it was 12153,311,how did you feel in that moment, um well they don't particularly like homeless people in l_a 12154,311,uh huh, so it was it's really hard if you're homeless 12155,311,where do you live, oh right now i live in an apartment 12156,311,how do you like your living situation, uh i don't i don't like the neighbors 12157,311,i'm sorry to hear that, 12158,311,what's it like for you living with them, um well they they harass you all the time so i don't come out of the apartment so 12159,311,that sucks, 12160,311,could you have done anything to avoid it, uh well i didn't know when i moved there that they were horrible people so and i've complained to management but they don't do anything about it they just tell me to move 12161,311,hmm, 12162,311,i see what you mean, 12163,311,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes um back in the nineties 12164,311,what got you to seek help, uh crying all the time 12165,311,that sounds really hard, yeah yeah 12166,311,is going to a therapist helping you, uh yes yes i was in the hospital um uh two months ago for fifteen days 12167,311,tell me more about that, um i was in there for depression for arguing with uh a person that's not real 12168,311,really, 12169,311,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, i ignore the person when i hear them and 12170,311,how hard is that, uh it's not hard anymore it was before i was going to therapy 12171,311,that's so good to hear, 12172,311,how has seeing a therapist affected you, oh it's helped me uh be more cheerful and uh ignore things that bother me 12173,311,what were your symptoms, uh sleeping all the time eating too much uh tie arguing screaming at this unreal person 12174,311,did you think you had a problem before you found out, um before i found out no 12175,311,how have you been feeling lately, uh lately i've still been pretty depressed 12176,311,i'm sorry to hear that, 12177,311,do you feel that way often, yes 12178,311,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, very hard 12179,311,are they triggered by something, well i wake up about every two hours to go to the bathroom and um or i uh something wakes some noise wakes me up so i don't sleep well and i'm tired all the time 12180,311,okay, 12181,311,when was the last time you felt really happy, mm don't remember 12182,311,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um ah spending time with my dog or dogs i have two dogs 12183,311,aw, so 12184,311,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm can't think of anything 12185,311,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i try hard 12186,311,that's great, 12187,311,how would your best friend describe you, uh i have no idea i don't know yeah 12188,311,what are you most proud of in your life, uh my kids i have two kids a girl and a boy 12189,311,what's the best thing about being a parent, um the kids they're great so 12190,311,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, uh trying to get them to do the right thing 12191,311,can you give me an example of that, uh trying to get them to stay in school 12192,311,i see what you mean, 12193,311,do you find it easy to be a parent, no 12194,311,tell me more about that, um well you try to do the right thing and um it doesn't always work out 12195,311,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, yes 12196,311,how close are you to your family, oh well pretty close 12197,311,what do you think of today's kids, um what do i think about today's kids oh they're just like any other kids um kids are fine so 12198,311,okay, 12199,311,is there anything you regret, yes moving to the apartment i'm living in so like i said i know 12200,311,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, what advice i'd give myself ten or twenty years ago um uh uh stay away from my ex-husband so 12201,311,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, a positive influence well my daughter i think i think my daughter has she 12202,311,why, uh because she's going to graduate from college in may and so she's managed to stay in school and she has a child but she's trying to do the right things 12203,311,wow, 12204,311,that's great, 12205,311,hmm, do you wanna talk about anything else 12206,311,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, oh okay 12207,311,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , oh okay 12208,311,goodbye, 12209,334,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 12210,334,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 12211,334,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started , okay 12212,334,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 12213,334,are you okay with this, yes 12214,334,okay , 12215,334,so how are you doing today, pretty good a little tired 12216,334,that's good, 12217,334,where are you from originally, seattle washington 12218,334,really, 12219,334,why'd you move to l_a, uh when i was eighteen my mom and dad decided we wanted to move to california and uh so we moved down to pasadena uh actually monrovia first and i've been here ever since 12220,334,that's a long time, yeah 12221,334,how often do you go back to your home town, i did about two years ago i went up for work and a look around the area 12222,334,nice, 12223,334,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, pretty easy actually i do adapt 12224,334,that's good, 12225,334,what are some things you really like about l_a, the warm weather not having rain nine months of the year um people mainly 12226,334,uh huh, 12227,334,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the uh the area how big it is the traffic when i first got here the smog that's better now 12228,334,yeah i see what you mean, 12229,334,do you consider yourself an introvert, no when i was younger i was but i got outta that with work i did 12230,334,can you tell me about that, sure when i became when i my mom died and i needed work i went for a job that was called petitioning and uh you have to go in front of stores and talk to people about signing petitions and you do that after awhile you don't get shy about talking to anybody also when i was in school i took public speaking and i learned that really liked it more than i thought i would 12231,334,that's good, so i so i did the census job i actually got up in front of groups of people and talked to them and showed them how to take the test and i enjoyed it 12232,334,okay , 12233,334,what do you do now, right now i'm working on getting all my licenses for selling insurance um and i'm gonna start work uh trying to get money from people to uh help kids in the uh in the world 12234,334,that's great, 12235,334,how did you decide to do that, well the on the uh job helping kids was also a paid job i needed a paid job the uh one for insurance was i was getting older and i needed work that was steady and that's something i can do till i'm eighty five or ninety or whatever 12236,334,uh huh, 12237,334,what's your dream job, to be an artist 12238,334,really, 12239,334,tell me more about that, well i've been good with art i like drawing painting et cetera but i didn't know if i could ever make a living in it so i never really got into it and every time i tried it seemed i never got anywhere so maybe when i get like eighty or ninety maybe i'll go into ceramics or something and do that as a profession 12240,334,yeah, 12241,334,do you travel a lot, no unfortuantely i don't 12242,334,i'm sorry, that's okay 12243,334,how close are you to your family, i'm not my mom and dad are die are dead i have no brothers or sisters and the rest of my family have either moved away or i don't talk to them anymore or like that 12244,334,that sounds really hard, well i have kind of an attitude that if i have me and friends i have then i'm okay 12245,334,okay, 12246,334,what do you do to relax, uh read uh watch sports when they're available uh let's see i used to play golf i may do that again some day but not right now because of the cost and the time 12247,334,okay , 12248,334,what are some things that make you really mad, people that are rude 12249,334,uh huh, 12250,334,what do you do when you're annoyed, well usually i ignore it this morning actually i told a guy to stop what he was doing and we got kind of an argument about it and then the argument was over and it was done 12251,334,how are you at controlling your temper, very good because i had a very bad temper when i was a kid and i told myself i had to control it 12252,334,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh this morning about the guy making lots and lots of noise uh on purpose and uh in a place that was just not the place to do it i mean it was a public place but uh and that was it just a little argument and i'm done with the argument once i say what i say 12253,334,has that gotten you in trouble, yes 12254,334,can you give me an example of that, not right now that i can think of 12255,334,okay , 12256,334,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh like read um if i can travel i travel uh i don't travel long distances but even going out to riverside is kind of an adventure for me 12257,334,nice, 12258,334,what do you enjoy about traveling, seeing things on the way and back talking to people maybe 12259,334,that's great, 12260,334,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well a number of years ago i went drove back east to uh massachusetts to do work back there on the way back i took a greyhound bus all the way back from washington d_c all the way back to california 12261,334,wow, uh into washington first and then down from there and uh worked in massachusettes for about oh uh six months to eight months enjoyed the area quite a bit but didn't want to be there when the snow came and uh enjoyed coming back on the bus had people near next to me almost all the way different people and had a lot of fun 12262,334,that sounds like a great situation, 12263,334,have you ever served in the military, yeah yeah i was in the airforce and uh when i was eighteen nineteen sixty five during the vietnam war 12264,334,did you ever see combat, no i was in great falls montana 12265,334,how did serving in the military change you, it it really didn't years later i probably uh learned more from the fact that i got out early and maybe i should have stayed in and stuck with it but i tended to quit things when i was younger and so now that and other things i decided never to quit anything 12266,334,uh huh , 12267,334,what did you do after the military, i came down here uh played pool for a number of years uh finally graduated from high school which i had dropped out of when i moved uh went on to college got my bachelor's degree and an a_a degree at pasadena and cal state l_a and started working various jobs and uh that's about it took care of my mom 12268,334,what'd you study at school, uh business that was my major i also studied cyclic anthropology and philosphy and history et cetera 12269,334,awesome, 12270,334,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 12271,334,have you been diagnosed with depression, no never depressed 12272,334,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, lately not so good between the fact that i sleep in my car and it's very cold and then sometimes i do get uh and with all the things going on in my life right now i i think of things and so and plus i get up at four thirty in the morning 12273,334,yeah, 12274,334,i'm sorry to hear that, that's okay 12275,334,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh tired and i get a little grumpy sometimes but not very much 12276,334,i understand, 12277,334,how have you been feeling lately, tired with all the things i've had to do and uh weather and sleep 12278,334,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 12279,334,do you feel down, uh a little bit sometimes about how maybe i should've started doing all this years ago 12280,334,how do you cope with them, i just go on i tell myself to basically stop it and to uh go on doing what things to uh improve myself 12281,334,how hard is that, not very anymore it took me years to study that to do that i don't know if you call it zen or not but 12282,334,that's great, 12283,334,when was the last time you felt really happy, uh couple months ago when i passed all my tests and uh medicare uh medicare advantage and passed everyone of 'em for every company that sent 'em to me 12284,334,that's great, 12285,334,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i stick to everything i do now i'm persistent i don't let things get out of hand before i do something about it i used to be uh what's the word i put off things i don't do that anymore 12286,334,uh huh, and uh i treat people nicely always until given a reason not to and i don't talk about my bad stuff to anybody usually 12287,334,how hard is that, not very because the same thing i've trained myself over the years to not talk about myself i talk to other people i talk about them 12288,334,okay , 12289,334,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh let's see my mother gandy um bertrand russell let's see i'm not sure who else other people i've had but i don't remember their names or they were teachers et cetera 12290,334,okay , 12291,334,is there anything you regret, earlier in life uh like i said uh stopping everything not completing things i regret very much 12292,334,could you have done anything to avoid it, uh yeah i coulda done better 12293,334,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, probably the advice i gave myself to get off my butt and go learn and get an education uh and get on with my life do something 12294,334,what are you most proud of in your life, that i've survived 12295,334,okay , 12296,334,can you tell me about that, well i'm sixty five i've been sleeping in my car for a number of years i went from sleeping on pavement to where i got a car while i've done that i've improved my credit rating i've gotten uh a number of jobs that i've been very happy with i've had a lot of friends both homeless people that are homeless and not homeless and uh i'm in pretty good health and where as other people in my family have died young so i guess that's about it 12297,334,okay , 12298,334,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, uh good jokes uh people having a happy time going and having a drink with somebody on occasional basis 12299,334,when was the last time that happened, uh about eight months ago was the last time when i had a beer with someone 12300,334,cool, 12301,334,what's one of your most memorable experiences, let's see probably uh getting within one foot of a live wild deer 12302,334,wow, 12303,334,tell me more about that, it was in uh green lake in washington and i uh was out behind our house and this wild buck deer was walking in the field and i started motioning to it and it came within about one foot of me and the only reason it left my dad drove down the drive way and it made noise and the deer ran off i was within petting difference distance of him and i wasn't to sure if should've petted him or not but i was about to 12304,334,, 12305,334,aww, 12306,334,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 12307,334,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, as you 12308,334,goodbye, 12309,314,[sync], 12310,314,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 12311,314,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 12312,314,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you, 12313,314,i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 12314,314,are you okay with this, yes 12315,314,okay, 12316,314,so how are you doing today, quite well feel good 12317,314,that's good, 12318,314,where are you from originally, los angeles california here 12319,314,really, mhm one of the few um native born los angelinos 12320,314,[laughter], 12321,314,yeah, 12322,314,what do you do now, i uh home school my ten year old son and uh i'm a home maker i have five children and married twenty two years 12323,314,wow, mhm 12324,314,do you travel a lot, so that's a full time job huh 12325,314,do you travel a lot, uh somewhat we can we went to israel about two months ago um for a pilgrimmage with our church yeah so i would say yes i've traveled a bit 12326,314,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh well most recently we like two months ago went to israel for a pilgrimmage we were gone about nine days and it was fabulous it was we spent the first five days in chorazine which is near the uh galilee and in a place called uh uh i mean the the name of the area is chorazine but uh we stayed in a place called adonis galilea which is a um a house for that welcomes um christian uh pilgrims as well as jewish pilgrims 12327,314,that's so good to hear, 12328,314,what do you enjoy about traveling, um i i enjoy like really the most important thing i enjoy is like meeting the people and and of course seeing the the history i mean especially israel i mean it's the it's totally ancient but um most most i enjoy is is the the people i think to uh get a better understanding of how different cultures um live 12329,314,okay, 12330,314,do you consider yourself an introvert, no not at all 12331,314,why, just don't i you know all my life i've always been open and and uh willing to socialize and i remember my younger brother always um joking and saying that i i would talk to anybody and i will i'll talk to just about anybody just because i enjoy learning about other people 12332,314,that's good, 12333,314,what do you do to relax, um most of the time like by the end of the day after i've cooked dinner and we've had dinner together as a family um i there's a word game on the computer that i like to play for a little while and then um watch t_v have a cocktail with my husband and just relax that's what we do and you know 'cause we have a lot going on we don't stay up too late so i like to watch crime dramas 12334,314,nice, 12335,314,what are some things that make you really mad, um really mad probably not a lot um i get frustrated with for example my daughter does not clean up her room almost ever so that that gets me angry but um in terms of like really um getting like heatedly angry i mean other than like little things that my children do to you know especially my oldest child who's twenty one you know he can be confrontational so other than that nothing gets me like really angry haven't i haven't haven't felt that 12336,314,okay, 12337,314,what's the best thing about being a parent, um contributing to society helping uh helping to raise um responsible people i guess um and of course the love and the affection and the um the fun and the excitement that goes with it of all the stages that go i mean like really right now i'm in a stage where my children are either adults or teenagers i only have i have one eleven year old and the rest are all teenagers and adults so it's really fun because we're able to um talk about current events and all kinds of stuff that's going on in the world and you know have have uh challenging discussions and that sort of thing so it's it's a different level than when you're taking care of babies and you know changing diapers and that kind of stuff 12338,314,uh huh, 12339,314,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, the hardest thing is that it's twenty four seven um you're never not a parent you know it's and so you have to accept that and that's i remember when i first with my first child um thinking you know when i brought him home from the hospital this is it i mean there's no going back you you cannot um change i mean i guess you could if you did something horrible but i mean under normal circumstances you can't change um that and it's a permanent thing and um it it it uh in some ways it takes away your freedom but in other ways it give you a different sort of freedom 12340,314,i see what you mean, 12341,314,there are always tradeoffs in life aren't there, mhm always 12342,314,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, i'm sorry i didn't get what you said 12343,314,what are some things you like to do for fun who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , um some of the things that've been a positive influence in my life most importantly my church um and my faith uh but also my husband he's been a really um he's kind of he's very like logical thinking and very you know grounded so when if i get emotional or i get upset about something he's always we balance each other out likewise if he's upset about something i'm able to balance him out it's been a that's been a a great gift in my life 12344,314,how are you at controlling your temper, um i don't i i don't think i'd be categorized as somebody with a a temper um occasionally i i occasionally i get angry but i don't like have like rarely do i have outbursts um i'm more more likely to you know to say what i feel not let it build up so with you know like my husband and i don't rarely fight like have arguments that are yelling and screaming or anything like that it almost never happens because i i like i said i'm more of a type of person that communicates on the spot so if i'm thinking something i usually communicate it right away instead of letting it build up 12345,314,that's good, 12346,314,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um usually i'm arguing with my older son because he um you know he thinks he knows everything he's twenty one years old so he has the know it all mentality and i'm just telling him that he doesn't know it all and you know as life goes on he'll learn more he's very confident and very self uh self uh what's the word self assured and so he thinks that you know everything he does is correct and he still has a lot of learning to do that's all 12347,314,that sounds really hard, mhm it is it can be mhm 12348,314,what do you think of today's kids, i think um that many of them are um spoiled and live in an environment of uh of instant gratification um which i think is gonna be um detrimental to the to the future of this country but um you know given that with all the technology we have there's really not any way to go back so i i have um hope that um they will i mean i think this country was built on on uh hard work and and ethics and uh hopefully our our the next generation and the the generations after that can maintain that um that standard of living i don't know if it's possible 12349,314,yeah, 12350,314,how would your best friend describe you, mm as loving nurturing um funny we laugh a lot and um caring honest things that uh i mean my best i have well actually my best friend is it's two people it's two sisters that i grew up with and um we i for some years took care of their mother who has alzheimers before my parents got sick so i had a very close have a very close relationship with them still do and so um i'm considered the fourth sister so i would say that those are my best friends and and um we love each other very much it's a good relationship 12351,314,aw, 12352,314,have you ever served in the military, no 12353,314,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 12354,314,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes most 12355,314,how long ago were you diagnosed, mostly mm minorly depression it was more anxiety um probably um um it's probably been five or six years i mean i've had if off and on all my life but it was never diagnosed originally like as a teenager i think is when i first had started with the anxiety but 12356,314,mhm, um other than that i i you know so depression kind of goes with anxiety if it's not under control um but now it's under control so i have a great 12357,314,are they triggered by something, huh 12358,314,are they triggered by something, um no i think it was what they call free [flee] float free floating anxiety more of a of of uh organic um reason for it in other words there there was a chemical imbalance 12359,314,oh, in my brain 12360,314,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling pretty good actually the holidays were great um we had a good family gatherings a little stressed because um we're making a big decision right now to help my parents out um my dad is really sick um and we've offered to move in with them they have a big home but we would have to do a lot of some renovation and some to help and some obviously moving around and so we're in the throws of that and um so that's a big big change but i'm looking forward to it because really don't want my parents to be alone as they get they're in their eighties so as they get closer to death i want to have my family there with them 12361,314,i understand, 12362,314,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um not easy usually all of my life i think i've always i mean i'm not i've always had um at least i wake up at least once in the middle of the night 12363,314,why, um to go to the bathroom basically 12364,314,oh, and uh other than that i mean no now i sleep well i mean other than that i sleep well but sometimes if i wake up like really early in the morning then i can't go back to sleep i'll get up and maybe do some work on the computer and then go back to bed and go back to sleep idepends on what my schedule is and if the kids are have to be at the school early and there's a lot of factors 12365,314,that sucks, yeah sometimes it does 12366,314,what are you like when you don't sleep well, mm probably basically the same i think i might complain a bit like oh i'm tired or my body hurts or whatever you know but um i think overall probably the same my kids know i'll be i'll tell me kids oh i'm really tired and they'll understand my older daughter will be really helpful 12367,314,okay, they my other daughter will try to cook dinner or something like that so you know they may pitch in a little bit more 12368,314,uh huh, 12369,314,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh not really not not no not really not anything significant 12370,314,do you feel like therapy is useful, huh 12371,314,do you feel like therapy is useful, um actually yes i do i do feel like therapy is useful 12372,314,tell me more about that, um well uh we had a situation with my daughter um she also suffers from anxiety and um we have had her in therapy for some time and we just recently we're about to finish a group with her that was a six month um uh group for d_b_t it's called and it's like a it's the first time they it's the first time they're documenting using it with teenagers and um it's been really good it's been very helpful it's just all about how to live in the moment and how to you know actual physical and mental um strategies to keep your uh keep you from your mind from going crazy you know worrying about things or you know in this case some of the kids have tried to harm themselves or whatever so um that's the focus of the therapy and it's been really good my husband and i both have been going with our daughter and it's been really um really informational and really helpful i think 12373,314,that's so good to hear, 12374,314,what got you to seek help, oh my daughter was um she was in a bad way she was you know suffering a lot and we knew it and um we acted on it that's all 12375,314,that's great, 12376,314,when was the last time you felt really happy, um like really joyful and happy i would say probably when probably it would be in israel when we renewed our marriage vows in the the at the in knaan 12377,314,aw, uh so um you know where the wedding of kana took place that was really moving and beautiful um and it was it happened that our anniversary was we left on our anniversary day flew to israel so it was right at the same time it was beautiful 12378,314,wow, very meaningful and other than that i would say you know like uh other joyful occasions have been you know like christmas and you know family gatherings and you know my dad's birthday turned eighty three on christmas eve you know that kinda thing so 12379,314,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um um that's an interesting question i would say um once i get like things done that i need to do like if i'm have a lot of chores [ch] a lot of either work to do around the house or errands to run once i get them done i feel like a sense of accomplishment you know much like i mean i worked for many years in a as an administrative manager at u_c_l_a and um you know once you get a project done or you get your whatever month end stuff done or if there's a lot of different things you have to meet deadlines there's uh that feeling of like yeah i got it done you know so i think that would be you know for me the most um most recent um way of feeling good and feeling you know like feeling accomplished 12380,314,mhm, 12381,314,what's your dream job, dream job hm i think i've already lived it i'm also a birth doula and um 12382,314,really, yeah and um so i've attended a lot of births and now i really only do it for family and friends and um it's the most rewarding thing you could possibly ask to be involved in the birth the bringing of new life into this world so i would say that's probably was my was a dream job and i didn't know it i trained much after you know i did my managerial stuff and um was awesome it is and was awesome so i don't work at at a hospital anymore actually the hospital that i worked at is now closed but um i like i said i do it for family members 12383,314,what made you decide to do that, um i attended a friend of mine's birth by accident she uh she had had the same o_b as i did with all my children and um i came to bring food for her husband when she was in labor we were you know close friends and her labor picked up quite a bit when i got there you know she wanted me to stay she didn't want me to leave i hadn't planned on it so that was the first birth that i had attended outside of you know myself giving birth which is a whole different experience so after that i was really interesting interested in possibly study un nurse midwifery 12384,314,uh huh, but then i discovered this thing called being a doula which is really gives you even a lot more hands on uh one on one contact with the patient which is what i like so i trained to do that at at a hospital in inglewood um about fifteen years ago 'cause my son is fifteen and he was a year old no sixteen he was a year old so um yeah and i've been 12385,314,how hard is that, um well it can be challenging in terms of hours it depends on how long the woman's in labor but uh and you know also like for me i always tell my friends and family if they want me to be their doula that i cannot guarantee a hundred percent i'm not doing it for business and that way and because of that i don't have like back up doulas that in case i'm sick or unavailable somebody else can fill in for me so um but so far it's been that all the women that've asked me i've been able to be there for some reason so the um the uh the only one that i missed was one a friend of mine from church she wanted me to go with her second baby i was with her for her first but the labor went so fast she didn't even call me [laughter] it was in the middle of the night she was like 12386,314,wow, two hours of labor she wouldn't even if she had called me i wouldn't have been there in time [laughter] so um 12387,314,[laughter], it went really fast but other than that you know um yeah i've been been been able to attend all the births of people that have asked me to do 12388,314,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um in all of life or in your job 12389,314,whatever comes to your mind, uh probably my my own birth i mean my the birth of my own children 12390,314,how did you feel in that moment, um like there's an extreme sense of joy excitement relief because of course you're out of the pain and then like it's just it's just a matter of you know going forward from there but it's it's like something you can't explain it's it's just it's awesome after you give birth 12391,314,that sounds like a great situation, and i have experienced both ways i've done both um natural and my last child was via c_section so i've had both both um experiences 12392,314,mhm, 12393,314,is there anything you regret, um i with my third child i had kind of a crazy nurse she was a little psychotic but other than that we laugh about it now but when i was in labor it wasn't funny 12394,314,[laughter], and um she she was not there when the doctor i mean it was my my third child was born very quickly after he broke the water and oof my husband was there but she was not nor was the doctor and she got in a lot of trouble because i only had like two contractions after that 12395,314,oh no, my daughter was born in the bed so for me it was great 'cause i didn't have to go through any of the labor but um i'm sure they weren't happy to fill out a lot of paper work after that 12396,314,yeah, so 12397,314,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, now would i give mysef for ten or twenty years ago um ten or twenty years ago i was probably more not as um relaxed not as um like i feel now at my age that um i i don't have the same concerns that i did then i don't worry about uh i don't worry at all about what people think about me i don't worry at all about what you know you know like my i noticed my daughter's oh mom you can't wear that because people are gonna say this i just say i don't care you know but they do because it's still in their frame of mind that that oh mom you have to dress like this and dress like that whatever so that would probably be it the wisdom that you you achieve with age that you you see how life there are so many things that are more important in life than worrying about little things 12398,314,that makes sense, what are you most proud of in your life most proud of um probably my family my my husband and my my children i mean the fact that we've stayed married that we've we're an in tact family that um my kids see every day how their friends suffer who come from divorced families or single parents and they um they actually express gratitude sometimes that we are married and we still you know we are still a family so i would say that's probably it 12399,314,that's great, 12400,314,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um probably the one of my best qualities is uh being able to listen to people and being able to um not be judgmental um through the years i've had a a lot of experience with um people with problems a lot of friends with problems people i know from church and it's just taught me that um everybody has weaknesses everybody has problems and um i don't think i'm better than someone else if you think you're better than someone else then that's usually um to me a sign that you don't know yourself well enough 12401,314,yeah, 12402,314,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay 12403,314,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, okay 12404,314,goodbye, 12405,354,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 12406,354,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 12407,354,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 12408,354,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 12409,354,are you okay with this, yes i'm alright with this 12410,354,okay, 12411,354,so how are you doing today, doing pretty good little bit tired 12412,354,that's good, 12413,354,where are you from originally, i'm from los angeles 12414,354,really, 12415,354,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather and the sports 12416,354,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, can't find any jobs right now 12417,354,i'm sorry, 12418,354,it can be tough to find a good job these days, i know 12419,354,do you travel a lot, um not really 12420,354,what'd you study at school, i studied um architecture and chicano studies and a little bit of history 12421,354,that sounds interesting, 12422,354,what made you decide to do that, uh since i was little

  • since i was little i liked to draw and then i like to learn about history 12423,354,cool, 12424,354,are you still working in that, i'm trying to i'm going i'm working and going to school i'm trying to get my finish gettin' my degree 12425,354,what's your dream job, playing in the n_f_l 12426,354,awesome, 12427,354,do you consider yourself an introvert, what was that 12428,354,do you consider yourself and introvert, um i don't know what that is 12429,354,let's come back to that later, 12430,354,what do you do to relax, eat or sleep 12431,354,what are some things that make you really mad, people not doing they jobs 12432,354,what do you do when you're annoyed, walk away 12433,354,how are you at controlling your temper , um pretty good 12434,354,that's good, 12435,354,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , like three days ago a couple days ago over some family issues 12436,354,can you tell me about that, um sure 12437,354,okay, well um 12438,354,what are some things you like to do for fun, like to workout play football and ride my bike 12439,354,cool, 12440,354,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um walking on that u_c_l_a 12441,354,how did you feel in that moment, i felt big like i actually was doing something with myself 12442,354,that's great, 12443,354,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , my parents 12444,354,tell me more about that, like they struggle they whenever they struggle they still manage to put through whatever they want 12445,354,mhm, and 12446,354,how close are you to your family, i'm pretty close real close 12447,354,how would your best friend describe you, uh quiet 12448,354,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um my height and strength 12449,354,okay, 12450,354,have you ever served in the military , mm no 12451,354,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d , no 12452,354,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 12453,354,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's pretty hard 12454,354,why, uh i i get home late and i'm usually up for like fifteen to like eighteen hours during the day so by the time i get home i'm really not even that tired to go to sleep 12455,354,that sucks, yeah 12456,354,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh if i don't sleep well i get i wake up grumpy or like not in the mood to do things 12457,354,uh huh, 12458,354,how have you been feeling lately, mm just like under pressure a little bit 12459,354,how hard is that, not that hard i just stress pretty much 12460,354,do you feel down, sometimes 12461,354,why, just working i really don't like working but i have to so 12462,354,yeah, 12463,354,i see what you mean, 12464,354,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um a little bit 12465,354,could you say a little more about that, like it's not i'm not like a little bit more violent but just a side just a side effect from not playing football for a while 12466,354,okay, 12467,354,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, music eating or and working out 12468,354,uh huh , 12469,354,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i don't know 12470,354,okay, 12471,354,what are you most proud of in your life, raising my son and while i was still in school in high school 12472,354,wow, 12473,354,do you find it easy to be a parent, no 12474,354,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, patience 12475,354,what's the best thing about being a parent, watching your son grow 12476,354,aw, 12477,354,tell me about your kids, uh i have a five and a half year old boy i don't only see him on the weekend 12478,354,how close are you to them, pretty close 12479,354,that's good, 12480,354,what do you think of today's kids, spoiled 12481,354, , 12482,354,can you tell me about that , they're they're so advanced with everything that it makes the like their grandparents feel like dinosaurs while they already they just born and they already know how to use everything around their house 12483,354,mm, can't treat 'em like kids anymore 12484,354,yeah, 12485,354,uh huh, mm so you pretty much treat 'em like adults sometimes it works some it doesn't do it doesn't really work 12486,354,yeah, 12487,354,i understand, 12488,354,is there anything you regret, no 12489,354,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, should have just stayed on one path follow my dreams probably like or just follow what i wanted to do 12490,354,mhm, and that's about it 12491,354,okay, 12492,354,when was the last time you felt really happy, a couple months ago 12493,354,tell me more about that, um i was i was playing football i was playing for a junior college and we made it to the championship bowl that was probably the happiest i've been in awhile 12494,354,awesome, 12495,354,how did you feel in that moment, good 12496,354,that's good, 12497,354,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 12498,354,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , thank you 12499,354,goodbye, 12500,359,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 12501,359,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 12502,359,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 12503,359,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 12504,359,are you okay with this , yes 12505,359,okay, 12506,359,so how are you doing today, i uh didn't get much sleep last night and xxx and it's cold and i'm i'm just gonna get through the day didn't have haven't even haven't showered in two days that's i need to just 12507,359,i'm sorry, change my clothes and get a haircut and get myself together get awake get more awake 12508,359,that sucks , huh 12509,359,that sucks , k i know 12510,359,where are you from originally , new jersey 12511,359,really , mhm 12512,359,why'd you move to l_a, this was thirty years ago uh my cousin went out here and said i i might as well go nothing happening here in jersey city yeah i'll come out that was in nineteen 12513,359,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, very easy very easy just like you know you can find it you find your your nine to five job to pay the rent and xxx lot of lot of things to do here 12514,359,what are some things you really like about l_a, probably the the the film industry and uh the celebrities and the glamour and excitement yeah it's i i fit in real good 12515,359,mhm, 12516,359,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, hmm hmm that's a wow what uh oh eh well just like the probably the the homeless problem but you gotta see uh the derelicts and they eat out of the garbage and you know we're the homeless capital of america eh and you gotta see this all over the place yeah 12517,359,yeah, 12518,359,i see what you mean , mhm 12519,359,what'd you study at school , i just graduated high school but i have an interest in in writing you know 12520,359,cool, yeah 12521,359,what made you decide to do that , 12522,359,what made you decide to do that , uh no i have i have an interest in reading and and words and creating stories and being imaginative and yeah but i haven't written anything in oh in awhile but it that's my drug i don't drink or smoke or do any of the kind of drugs but uh writing was always what got me high 12523,359,why, 12524,359,that's good , yeah but i haven't been inspired but i recently just met a young girl who's a standup and her routine is so interesting i could write a novel of her routine 12525,359,, anyway 12526,359,tell me about that , oh i don't eh you know why actually facebook she told us all this stuff about how she's she's friends with a homeless woman and the homeless woman can xxx can earn four can inherit four million dollars if she gets off the streets and she has an autistic sister who's very who's very strange but is crazy about guys and and and she's like twenty and wants to be a comic and she's really talented i've been facebooking her and but she hasn't responded so 12527,359,okay , 12528,359,do you consider yourself an introvert , probably yes yes 12529,359,why, i'm trying to think what does introvert mean you know i yeah well i keep do i keep everything inside of me probably and i am yeah and then i'm always thinking probably all the time yeah 12530,359,uh huh , thinking about my problems and just too much analyzing yeah 12531,359,what are some things that make you really mad , probably lazy people people just living off the government and you know going to get their section eight they just don't go go out and just work and fend for themselves and just you know take care of themselves makes me mad people just people who just so lazy you know and they and some that go they walk or they're in the they're in the traffic with their signs give me money please help me please help me just help yourself help me help me 12532,359,yeah , that's what makes me mad 12533,359,mhm, 12534,359,what do you do when you're annoyed , i just try i try to just deal with it and trying to just to 'cause i don't like being annoyed or angry i don't really curse that much i try to just stay calm intelligent so i just just try to deal with it and suppress it and work through it 12535,359,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm okay but but lately i have had outbursts and i regret it only probably due to lack of sleep or just tension that's rising and problems going on but i don't like i try to just stay calm 12536,359,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , oh oh wow um i don't like to argue but there was i was arguing with uh a girl who was working at a movie theater and she was giving people wrong directions on which line to stand on or to and she was like she was causing like hassles and i was saying you know they have to stand over here and don't send 'em over there they won't get into the 12537,359,uh huh , to the film screening and there was some arguing going on and i was of course i was in the right she was giving wrong information this was at grauman's chinese theater 12538,359,okay , k 12539,359,how close are you to your family , well i do have a twin brother that i live with but we we don't we don't get along we're total opposites i've i have a sister i haven't seen or talked to probably in eighteen years i have a younger brother don't see him much and what's sad i eh in just have a mother who's still around she's like seventy seventy five probably in the last three years just no communication no phone calls no facebooking just just separated it's like we don't interest each other 12540,359,why, just the way that she's always she always i don't well never had a father the father left when i was four and um she's always been a housewife always getting yeah she was always been on welfare and food stamps i just she never really worked i just wish she did something more she just you know i do love her but we have no we don't have a relationship anymore 12541,359,yeah, 12542,359,i understand, mhm 12543,359,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , who's been a positive positive influence hmm probably good writers probably my favorite authors who who inspired me to write to write better 12544,359,can you give me an example of that, oh oh god i like i like uh like the the writer like william goldman who he's a very good writer and uh he wrote marathon man and he writes about how to write screenplays and wrote the princess bride he he he's been an inspiration 12545,359,nice, yeah mhm 12546,359,what do you think of today's kids, what was that 12547,359,what do you think of today's kids, today's kids 12548,359,mhm, oh just uh i can answer that with two mm two words three words well just two aspects it's just too much too much video games too much technology too much skateboarding and just it was better when it in the seventies when i grew up we didn't have to we weren't locked in rooms or sitting in front of screens for hours and hours and hours so 12549,359,yeah , and everyone's yeah eh this is twenty thirteen it's everyone's just trying to you know life is hard for everybody and everyone's just trying to get through it it's tough 12550,359,uh huh, mhm 12551,359,how would your best friend describe you , scrubbed_entry generous and funny and fun to be with and just an all around great guy 12552,359,have you ever served in the military , no 12553,359,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 12554,359,have you been diagnosed with depression , yes 12555,359,how long ago were you diagnosed, prolly six years ago 12556,359,what got you to seek help , i probably eh uh just went i probably went went to a it was probably a i went to a free clinic i was just things were bad i was probably interested in medication and then when they offered it to me i decided not to deal with it i don't you know i don't i don't take i don't wanna take medication for anything i was taking lipitor for high cholesterol and getting too much side effects fatigue and sleeplessness and dizziness so i won't take medication 12557,359,did you think you had a problem before you found out , course i'm a creative person and i'm eh i'm just xxx i've just suffered depression probably all my life you know i'm i have my highs and my lows 12558,359,what were your symptoms, you know xxx oh man just just just feeling blah just walking around and just not just not feeling anything if you know not feeling good about anything or excited about anything just bored so bored all the time 12559,359,uh huh , mhm 12560,359,how have you been feeling lately , i don't wanna uh lately probably i never felt so bad in my entire life this is this is probably the last few years have just been really bad just i'm i'm in survival mode about it 12561,359,i'm sorry to hear that , mhm it's pretty bad 12562,359,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , change i'm just become a a boring person eh you know i go to all these free events all the time trying to save money i'm out i'm out every night i'm i'm never i'm rarely ever home out all the time having a good eh you know going to events having a good time then but it's like i'm just trying to shut out life it's i live in movie theaters just trying to just block everything out that's that's not good 12563,359,do you still go to therapy now, no 12564,359,why did you stop , mm wasn't really into therapy but i you know but i you know again he was a korean guy he just said yeah your depression you have suffer depression you may even be i may even be bipolar but xxx you know i just i'll deal with it 12565,359,okay , 12566,359,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , well believe it or not if it's if it's just dark and quiet i'll sleep pretty good eight to ten hours sometimes well because i snore sometimes i'm not allowed to to sleep at sometimes i get kicked out of the apartment it's a small apartment 12567,359, , and i have nowhere i've slept i've slept on alleyways i've slept you know in doorways just to experience and i'm and i'm not homeless because you know and that's when i can't sleep that's when i get two or three hours so there's your answer inside i can i can sleep okay eh 'cause 'cause i'm always fatigued eh i'm very tired and i'm a heavy snorer i snore like a chainsaw so there ya have it 12568,359,what are you like when you don't sleep well , huh i'm okay i'm you know i'm just eh you know people can tell i'm just just drowsy and just not probably irritable and just wanna just darkness let darkness come and let me just get at least four or five six some hours some sleep at all please if i get some then i'm i'll be okay 12569,359,okay , 12570,359,when was the last time you felt really happy , okay i was um i had a gambling habit uh i i i had a gambling addiction which kinda messed my whole life up you lose uh you know pretty much lost everything when was the last time i was happy i probably took sixty dollars to a casino turned it into twelve hundred dollar so so the next so well so i had twelve hundred dollars in my pocket well i turned sixty well this is oh eh it was exciting 12571,359,wow, but of course the next few days that twelve hundred dollars was liquidated it went it went 'cause i was just stupid and got greedy but that's when i'm happiest probably go to a casino and and win or just stay even and not lose anything that's that's where my adrenaline is 12572,359,mhm, 12573,359,has that gotten you in trouble , yes it has it got me uh it put me where i am today yeah too much blackjack just bad but otherwise in the past three years it's i haven't had you know no i don't not much i don't gamble it's the gambling's not worth it and in the end you lose everything 12574,359,yeah, yeah 12575,359,i'm sorry , yeah haha yeah apology accepted 12576,359,what would you say are some of your best qualities , eh i'm i'm i am generous i'm very um you know i'm a nice guy you know i'm not gonna do you wrong and i'm very reliable all around good guy i i'll help you out i'll lend i'll lend you a few dollars i think i'm alright 12577,359,is there anything you regret, no nothing at all scrubbed_entry i just hope i just hope you know like like that there is a a second chapter in my life at my age 12578,359,yeah, we'll see right now i'm just floundering killing time probably it's been it's probably been four years now just of nothingness 12579,359,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , mm ask ask say that again xxx 12580,359,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , manage your money better you know you know who would i would never think i would have six figures in the bank but i did but it a lot of it eh eh you just i it evaporated very slowly you know and and so that advice is you know probably just don't don't gamble 12581,359,mhm, and keep keep your money you know try to find some other means of excitement of excitement but but for me being at that blackjack table 12582,359,okay, with big wages was was my reality that reality was better than being outside the casino my reality was right there at the now texas hold 'em i did okay you know with that you know you'd i didn't lose much i'm a pretty good player to that blackjack ugh it just took everything 12583,359,yeah , mhm 12584,359,what are you most proud of in your life, okay that i had those twelve years twelve years i owned a a a casting company for twelve years and provided uh people for movies and television shows and a lot of audience work so i made a lot of money for twelve years and traveled had the time of my life so at least on my deathbed i can say from ninety six to two thousand eight i had the best i had twelve years that i xxx i never thought i would've have ever have just money money eh 12585,359,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , i haven't done uh that i really enjoyed my excitement is going is getting into a big movie premiere at the grauman's you know you know it's free and i get you get the popcorn and soda and you see the stars that's about as exciting as it's gonna get right now 12586,359,awesome, okay 12587,359,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 12588,359,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , alright take care 12589,359,goodbye , 12590,361,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 12591,361,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 12592,361,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 12593,361,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 12594,361,are you okay with this, yes 12595,361,so how are you doing today, i'm doing great how about you 12596,361,where are you from originally, i'm born in the u_s i was born in uh orlando florida 12597,361,why'd you move to l_a, um my parents my dad had a lot of friends in los angeles so uh we decided to move here 12598,361,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um it was pretty different i mean uh the place i was before was very it was a very small town um you probably won't even notice it um on the map um so it was a big learning experience um 'cause you know the schools were a lot larger and different cultures and ethnicities um so it was a unique experience 12599,361,how often do you go back to your hometown, um last time i've been back was probably about five years ago 12600,361,how does it compare to l_a, um definitely different uh my aunt she lives in uh again she lives in a small town um so if you wanna go to a movie theater you have to drive out at least an hour or if you wanna go to a mall it's a it's an hour drive so um it's complete opposite of los angeles 12601,361,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the convenience everything uh everything i could possibly want is here um the weather is great um shopping um multiple a lot of lot of friends here sports um l_a is just kind of like the perfect area you know you know i wanna live here kind of for the rest of my life actually 12602,361,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um the big thing would probably be traffic i mean wherever you go there's gonna be traffic whether you're on the four o five or the one o one it's it's just traffic it it you know it can kill like two hours in your day which is huge 12603,361,do you travel a lot, um yeah quite a bit for personal and for uh for business i travel um you know usually overseas or um domestically um i travel so and i enjoy it a lot 12604,361,what do you enjoy about traveling, um seeing different places uh different areas meeting new people um eating different kinds of food um being able to sightsee and tour um if i have a day or two free um it's just experiencing um having new experiences just enriches my life 12605,361,what'd you study at school, um computers um and i also did english as well 12606,361,are you still working in that, yes i am 12607,361,what do you do now, um i work in i_t in an i_t department at a semiconductor company 12608,361,what's your dream job, dream job um probably working for apple um since i pretty much own everything they have uh yeah it'd be great to work for apple 12609,361,do you consider yourself an introvert, um you know it depends um there are times when it's good to be alone but for the most part i consider myself uh an outgoing social person 12610,361,what are some things that make you really mad, um nothing too much i guess uh if you kind of uh make a promise and you and you break it several times and i might get a little bit might get a bit a little bit uh annoyed but i don't think i would get really mad 12611,361,what do you do when you're annoyed, um good question i'd probably say um i tend to eat a little bit more um just kinda keep my mind off of it a little bit um but usually doesn't last that long so i just keep kinda like tend i tend to eat out a little bit more more of kinda like maybe junk food or something 12612,361,how are you at controlling your temper, um i think i'm pretty good i i rarely get mad um and if i do it doesn't really last that long um so i think i'm pretty good at um i guess controlling my temper um again i really don't get angry so um it's not really an issue for me 12613,361,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i'd say during the elections um we were talking about uh president obama and mitt romney and you know who'd be the best fit uh for for the next presidency um that kind of got a little bit uh i guess a little bit heated but it was more for uh i guess more for fun sake than anything else but it was an interesting conversation 12614,361,what do you do to relax, um like to eat out a lot uh watch movies uh play video games um just go out shop uh play sports uh watch a laker game if i can in person it would probably be the best um bowling photography um like to doing a lot i like to do a lot of different things um and of course electronics 12615,361,how would your best friend describe you, um i'd say outgoing loyal um intelligent funny um and a great listener 12616,361,have you ever served in the military, uh no i have not 12617,361,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 12618,361,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 12619,361,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um for most nights it's it's pretty easy um just have to avoid drinking coffee or tea before i sleep um other than that it's been pretty easy 12620,361,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i'd say a little bit sluggish tired um kind of reaction time is a little bit slower um aside from that um i think nothing too much like too glaring or anything um the usual just being sluggish and not moving as quickly as i should 12621,361,how have you been feeling lately, um pretty good have no complaints 12622,361,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no pretty much the same 12623,361,when was the last time you felt really happy, um i guess today i had my uh car maintenance today and it didn't cost me anything so that's great and i thought it was gonna cost me you know something extra on the side but you know the uh the service advisor waived it so i got everything free today so actually i'm in a really good mood 12624,361,is there anything you regret, hmm no nothing 12625,361,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh probably um don't spend as much save more money um aside from that um nothing else just be um kind of more um wise with your money 12626,361,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um i'd probably say my best friend he's kind of a you know helped me out and i helped him out as well so it's been uh kind of a great learning experience um you know developing our uh our friendship and he's bailed me out a couple of times i bailed him out as well so it's kind of it's a mutual thing we do um you know with each other um and it's you know it's like a great way to bond as well 12627,361,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hmm um i'd say probably going back uh back to korea um to visit my uh relatives um you know they they're a lot more different than uh i remember you know like fifteen years ago when i was a kid i was actually kind of afraid of some of them but um now that i see them you know recently they've actually mellowed a lot and they're actually pretty fun to talk to so um it was kind of a a learning experience for me because uh they're you know they did complete one eighty from when i was a when i was a kid 12628,361,what are you most proud of in your life, um i say um guess work would be part of it um buying my uh the car that i wanted it took a couple years to save up to buy the car but i i paid it all off so i don't have any more car payments so that's great too and you know being able to help my uh family out as well 12629,361,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, hmm um let's see a while recently um a couple weeks ago i went to uh las vegas for the uh for c_s um which is great if you into gadgets and electronics um you get to see all the uh the goodies coming out this year so that was uh pretty interesting to see and um some things that uh you know when you read on blogs they didn't talk about so you get to see it actually in person kind of experience it from a user standpoint so i thought it was great um and it's just fun it's kind of like being a kid in a candy store you get to play with different gadgets um so it was really fun for me 12630,361,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 12631,361,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 12632,361,goodbye, 12633,365,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 12634,365,okay, 12635,365,so how are you doing today, i'm doing alright 12636,365,that's good, 12637,365,where are you from originally, new jersey 12638,365,really, yes 12639,365,when did you move to l_a, three months ago 12640,365,how often do you go back to your hometown, not very often 12641,365,how does it compare to l_a, uh it's much different uh i don't know it's just it's a lot more crowded here 12642,365,why did you move to l_a, to start a new life for myself 12643,365,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it wasn't very easy at all uh it was uh it was quite rough at first but you know i'm still trying to get used to life here 12644,365,what are some things you really like about l_a, i've met some good friends here um you know i love the hollywood area um and just you know the mountains are beautiful that's kinda things i love 12645,365,uh huh, 12646,365,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, hmm the traffic 12647,365,i understand, 12648,365,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, not really no i don't 12649,365,why, just haven't had the time or the finances to 12650,365,okay, 12651,365,what did you study at school, digital media 12652,365,that sounds interesting, 12653,365,how did you decide to do that, well i've always loved you know computers and you know designing things and uh i don't know i just kinda fell into it 12654,365,cool, 12655,365,are you still doing that, no i dropped out 12656,365,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, well i i guess my dream job would be working in something that uh i went to school for you know i i never really completed my education um but i guess it'd be great if i went you know back to school and you know finished you know my degree in digital media and uh you know finished and uh started working you know doing something in that field 12657,365,mhm, 12658,365,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, a little bit of both you know i i can be shy at times but i like to push myself to be outgoing you know it's kind of a a struggle for me but i i don't wanna be you know in a shell so i kinda force myself to be outgoing 12659,365,yeah, 12660,365,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, listen to music i uh sometimes just drive and um you know play music in my car and that helps me relax 12661,365,nice, or i smoke a cigarette 12662,365,like what, oh like what ooh um just heavy metal that's all i listen to is metal 12663,365,awesome, 12664,365,how are you at controlling your temper, well it depends on how high my stress level is and how angry i am but i i do my best to not get so pissed off 12665,365,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, scrubbed_entry and i don't know she um she wanted me to to come and pick her up uh she was a little drunk and uh we just kinda fought over the phone all over some other things and i just ended not picking her up because of her attitude on the phone with me 12666,365,that sucks, yeah it does 12667,365,what's something you feel guilty about, something i feel guilty about is uh not talking to my kids uh often or as often as i should i've just been so busy with trying to get myself all situated here that i i don't really have time to you know talk to my kids as much as i'd like to 12668,365,yeah, 12669,365,that sounds really hard, you have no idea 12670,365,do you find it easy to be a parent, um it's it comes natural but it's no way easy and uh it's it's the hardest job that i love to do but right now it's extremely difficult for me because they live so far away and i i made this choice to come out here to l_a and i feel bad that i don't see them you know but the reason i came out here was to better myself so i can provide for them 12671,365,yeah, 12672,365,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, fear you know fear just fear will you know you you fear what's gonna happen to your kids you fear that something awful is gonna happen and not seeing them it brings about that fear a lot more you know and i can't i can't always be there with them i can't see them you know it it wasn't as bad when i was living in florida um and i i at least i used to see them it wasn't very often but i used to used to see them now i don't see them at all and 12673,365,mhm, that's the that's the hardest thing i've had to do as a parent is to step away from my kids if only temporarily i don't know how long i'm gonna be here for i don't know what my future holds but the hardest thing is being so far away from them 12674,365,yeah, 12675,365,i'm sorry to hear that, 12676,365,what's the best thing about being a parent, just the the joy that they bring to me i mean i could be having a bad day and they just cheer me right up i mean i eh it sucks being away from them for for so long and they're so far away and just not seeing their faces that's it's it's the worst thing ever you know but i i love to just see their faces they they just bring a smile to my face and um 12677,365,mm, i don't know 12678,365,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, well um i think the fact that i can get down to their level um i'm i'm a bit goofier as a father than my dad was with me my dad was you know strict all the time sure he used to you know laugh and play with us but you know he was always very reserved you know and he kinda held back a lot he a lot of his emotions just because you know he was a he was a strong very tough guy 12679,365,yeah, um but with me i i i'm very goofy and silly with my kids and i'm strict when i have to be but i always love to you know play around with them as much as possible you know not i don't want them to grow up too fast and that that may have been 12680,365,i see what you mean, yeah 12681,365,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, well a situation that i wish i would've handled differently there's so many uh i guess when i was still with my ex-wife in florida i wish i wouldn't have gotten so angry or i wish i wouldn't have let her get the best of my emotions she had a tendency to get underneath my skin and uh you know keep picking at me until i exploded and i allowed her to do that you know i i should've just walked away when i could and um you know not let my temper get the best of me 12682,365,okay, 12683,365,have you ever served in the military, no 12684,365,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 12685,365,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 12686,365,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh sometimes it's hard um sometimes i just lay awake in bed you know thinking all the things that are going through my head all the you know all the stress that i'm going through with work and you know making sure you know wondering if i'm gonna if i'm gonna be able to make you know rent you know wondering what my kids are going through you know when i'll see them again if they even care about me anymore if they even know they have a father you know those are some of the things that run through my head and and that keeps me up at night sometimes 12687,365,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, a little but you know i put myself in this situation so you know i i gotta bear with it you know i gotta you know you reap what you sow so i i gotta deal with it in my own way 12688,365,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, lately um i've been trying to not think so much about you know all that's going into my life uh i try to distract myself and that kind of gets me in a better mood you know if i'm hanging out with friends or just watch a little t_v something to get my mind off you know all the stresses in my life um 12689,365,that's good, 12690,365,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, the last time i felt really happy uh was actually a couple of nights ago i went out drinking with um with a couple of my friends from work and um i don't know we just got pretty drunk and just that kinda helped me to forget all the crap that was previously going through my head so if if i can distract myself if i can forget about all that other stuff then i'm happy 12691,365,uh huh, 12692,365,what would you say are some of your best qualities, some of my best qualities i guess that i'm convincing um uh i'm kind of like a i guess you would say a counselor to some people you know some of my close friends you know i may talk people into doing things that they may regret or i may i mean i'm sorry take talk people out of things that they you know may end up regretting or i may um you know just listen to people so you know eh i could say that you know i definitely you know listen to my friends and help them out in their time of need when they're going through something troubling times like like i'm going through 12693,365,can you give me an example of that, scrubbed_entry uh who lives in florida you know i talk to him every now and then and he's been having troubles with his girlfriend and you know i just kind of talk to him about his problems and listen i mostly i mainly listen because you know i don't think he has anybody else to listen to you know when i was living in florida i was uh very close with him so you know he he'd always relied on me and now that i'm here in l_a i don't wanna lose that you know connection with him because i mean i've always been there for him so he um he relies on me to listen to his problems and give him some advice you know about what i think you know he should do um so i think i think he appreciates that and i and i'm glad that he you know relies on me for that uh he trusts me enough to tell me all that stuff 12694,365,yeah, 12695,365,that's great, 12696,365,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i don't know um sometimes i wish i wasn't so kind or generous it seems bad but sometimes i i don't know people may take advantage of me and i may not realize it and um i don't like saying no to people i like to always please people so if i can change that maybe i wish i wasn't such a people pleaser 12697,365,has that gotten you in trouble, sometimes financially in trouble sometimes i you know it you know help others and not you know that may make me broke sometimes yeah i may not have enough to pay bills but i feel better helping people i don't know 12698,365,yeah, 12699,365,is there anything you regret, i regret not breaking up with my ex-wife sooner i regret i regret 12700,365,why, because she put me through so much crap in my life and um i was always trying to be a people pleaser i was trying to please her you know trying to please my kids as much as i can by not breaking up you know the family but you know there's only so much one person can take and i i think probably if i would've left sooner i may have been happier and things may not have gotten so out of control out of hand like they did you know during all those years with her so maybe if i would've got out sooner i don't know i would've been happier i guess 12701,365,i see, 12702,365,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um it's okay to be selfish it's okay to you know think about yourself sometimes you know if you keep putting everyone ahead of you then you're not thinking about yourself you're not thinking about what makes you happy and even though pleasing people may make you happy uh you have to think about yourself sometimes too and about your needs because you know you play an important role in the lives of your close family members and um in order to keep everything afloat you sometimes gotta xxx gotta worry about the one person that's you know juggling everything and holding everything up which is yourself so be a little selfish sometimes it's okay 12703,365,right, 12704,365,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, i don't even know what a weekend is anymore my ideal weekend would be locked away alone in my room watching movies listening to music just with my cell phone off and not you know being with anybody or it could be out at a bar you know or you know watching a a metal show so i like to be alone but at times i i do wanna be out with uh with others i like you know being around people 12705,365,uh huh, 12706,365,how would your best friend describe you, crazy he thinks i'm uh i'm crazy for coming out here but i guess he would say that i'm dedicated and that i'm strong-minded and that you know whatever i set my mind to i can do it you know no matter how hard it is i'm not gonna wimp out so i mean i i really respect him for giving me his insight but uh i guess yeah i guess he would say that i'm crazy but strong-minded 12707,365,what are you most proud of in your life, my kids you know that's the one thing that brings joy to me you know like real real joy are my kids and you know just having them in my life is is the proudest thing i can ever accomplish is just you know having them in my life and although i don't get to see them as much even even when i think about them just thinking about you know how far they've gone you know what what they've accomplished in their you know in in their short time i mean eh yeah it makes me happy and i can't wait to see them again 12708,365,what's one of your most memorable experiences, one of my most memorable experiences i guess that would be scrubbed_entry in florida you know going to see our uh you know our favorite band skeleton witch it was it was a great night overall you know one of the night's i'll never forget just because we'd been looking forward to it for you know so many months and you know when it finally happened it was surreal um it was it was a great night after all and overall 12709,365,nice, 12710,365,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 12711,365,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure you're welcome 12712,365,goodbye, 12713,373,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 12714,373,okay, 12715,373,so how are you doing today, uh doing okay doing okay 12716,373,that's good, 12717,373,where are you from originally, uh north carolina 12718,373,really, yep 12719,373,when did you move to l_a, uh almost four years ago 12720,373,wow, 12721,373,why did you move to l_a, um i graduated college had an internship out here uh for a production company so i started doing that with a group of friends and then got work after that and enjoyed the city so much and have been working out here since 12722,373,cool, yep 12723,373,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh probably three at the most three times a year maybe twice usually the holidays maybe one random trip in there 12724,373,that's good, mhm 12725,373,how does it compare to l_a, um uh it's l_a's only now just starting to become home to me in the sense of that respect where like uh going home was going home now going home's like going back to see my family and seeing some friends um but um i i feel more i feel more like i belong in los angeles than i do back at home 12726,373,uh huh, 12727,373,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh the food um the weather goes without saying uh i the i like the resources there i like feeling um i like that uh the things that i wanna do uh are much easier much more accessible out here than they would be in north carolina so it i feel like i'm uh uh i'm able to uh pursue eh a lot of my passions ambitions in a much more functional and realistic way living in los angeles than i am in north carolina 12728,373,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh i mean the cost of living isn't great but at the same time too i always kind of tell people like part of the rent is having access to so much um resources so many resources out here so uh it's not even expensive as new york or boston so uh it's not the worst but um uh and also i mean it is a little bit annoying that every time i do wanna go home it's a flight not a drive i can't i mean conceivably really conceivably drive home for the holidays 'cause it's about a three or four day adventure and just not practical so it's uh unfortunate that i'm so far away in that respect but i can't really change geography 12729,373,yeah, 12730,373,that sucks, 12731,373,what did you study at school, uh i studied uh history and uh media studies and production 12732,373,are you still working in that, uh yes i work as a freelance writer and producer 12733,373,how did you decide to do that, um in college i realized i was pretty good at it and uh i knew there was a way to monetize that and i came out here and uh worked a little bit uh in the uh public sector in trying to you know just doing those jobs that way and realized i could make more money have more control over my schedule and my life if i did it freelance so i've been doing it now for a little over a year now 12734,373,that's great, 12735,373,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i do um i love traveling i try to uh go somewhere new for a good period of time about every uh seven to eight months just try to mix up things so i was in barcelona just recently and i'm planning on going to um either vietnam or even back to europe in next couple months so 12736,373,awesome, mhm 12737,373,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh i enjoy the break from routine i think that uh while it's nice to wake up and kind of have a vague idea where your day's going uh after a few months you can get very much kinda caught up in that and you uh pigeonhole i guess your thought process your expectations for the day and i love going to a foreign country and just waking up and knowing that everything i do that day is gonna be brand new and will be different than what i would be doing if i was in los angeles or and um our own routine so i i'm a big fan of that and i love the food so it's great to just eat um a lot of food that i love in the places where they were originally created 12738,373,mhm, 12739,373,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh yeah sure i went to uh barcelona uh like i said a few uh months ago and that was mainly because i had a friend who was living there for uh six or seven months and she kept asking me to come out and uh i finally i was at a point

    point in work where i'd been working so much for months on end that i felt like i deserved a break so i went there for two weeks and yeah it was one of the healthiest smartest things i've done in awhile so i mm reminded me again how uh how important it is for me at least to uh to travel and to get out of the world 12740,373,that's so good to hear, 12741,373,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm very outgoing i uh love talking to people and conversing even virtual people oop i lost ya 12742,373,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um to relax i uh listen and play music a lot i like to read uh i like to go see movies uh cook i cook a lot so i enjoy cooking um uh my my girlfriend and i are uh currently separated by distance um so i haven't seen her in weeks and that can be very uh sad obviously so i'll talk with her as much as i can but uh but yeah just uh um uh pretty simple tastes 12743,373,okay, yep 12744,373,(laughter, this is awkward isn't 12745,373,how are you at controlling your temper, um i don't really have much of a temper so uh very good i guess i don't really get angry easily or quickly and uh when i do i'm usually aware of it enough that i can kinda formulate how i feel and why i'm feeling that way and what i want to be done about it so uh so it's pretty i guess i'm a pretty easygoing guy in that respect 12746,373,that's good, 12747,373,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh honestly it was probably something petty over like uh misremembering when uh something was done or like a a date on something or like a a a fact probably wasn't anything emotionally fueled uh and it was just about yeah i think it was probably about like trying to figure out when exactly we went to san francisco and it wasn't even an argument as much as just the other person thinking the other person's misremembering so um in you know small or big situation it's very difficult for me to actually feel enraged uh i guess in the classical sense of the word 12748,373,okay, 12749,373,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i'm trying to think i'm not one one for regrets um um i just recently did a uh uh a project like a a film and uh the subject matter had a little bit to do with like an ex-girlfriend of mine so when it came time to release it uh i made a point i to i didn't wanna send it to her directly 'cause i didn't want her to think that i was doing to xxx her face but i did send it to her brother just because he enjoys my work and always says he wants to see stuff and i um uh maybe that she might've could've misconstrued that as being passive-aggressive i don't know um but um but yeah i mean that's something i i thought about but i don't really regret it as much as like maybe i could've just let uh everyone everyone else who i wouldn't wasn't necessarily sure about if i should do stumble upon it as opposed to me directing it to them so just my thoughts there 12750,373,yeah, 12751,373,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hardest decision i've ever had to make ah um uh it was actually probably uh probably that uh ah i don't even wasn't even a hard decision with like i said with that the the same ex-girlfriend that i mentioned of it was probably hard because uh i knew i had to uh 12752,373,right, break up with her after some stuff happened and um it was difficult 'cause i cared about her a great deal but also same tune it wasn't hard to arrive at the conclusion that i had to uh to uh break up with her but at the same time too it was not uh uh the easiest thing to kinda go through that process it's getting on a rollercoaster that you're very much aware of how mm terrible or frightening it's gonna be but you know you have to get on the rollercoaster so uh so yeah i'd say that's probably of recent memory 12753,373,what made you decide to do that, ugh just a abundance of reasons that uh this person was probably not the uh best person for me so uh like i said it was a it was i didn't have to uh i didn't have to weigh too much too much data to figure it out um it was pretty clear sign and i have no regrets about doing it now um i uh yeah i feel very strongly then about it and i felt i still feel very strongly that i made the right choice now 12754,373,okay, 12755,373,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it can be it can be tough there be they'll be i feel like it's either if i if i've exhausted myself during the day between work and you know i've i've started exercising again which is a huge help but um but i'd say that it's i kind of when i get into bed at night i never know how it's gonna go sometimes it's uh sometimes i'll wake up within an hour of falling asleep and i can't go back to sleep or um i'll just yeah periodically keep getting up and up um so it's something that's gotten a little better in the last few weeks but uh yeah um like i said especially having my uh my current girlfriend uh not around like i said she's a very big source of comfort around so like that uh um but she travels a lot for work so it's something to have to adjust to and uh uh sleep can be can some that suffers from that but uh in the same respect i'm not someone who actually i feel like i don't need too much sleep i if i can get if i can get four to six hours i'm in pretty good shape that day so 12756,373,how have you been feeling lately, um uh little anxious i guess uh little more more just um uh i just whenever i get off of a assignment uh there's always just the question like what am i what's going on next and uh so far i don't have the next um project lined up so it's always that nervousness um in the past something usually does come up so you have the precedent of it usually working out but until it does you're always a little um uh anxious and it can be depressing 'cause it's like uh um you know i've chosen a very much a lifestyle that while i get to have a lot of control and autonomy over my life uh it also is all on me in order to do it and you know sometimes i'm i um i'm very jealous of the idea of people just waking up going to an office for eight hours leaving and not having to think about that work the minute they leave the office and kind of having the momentum of a group of people or or company um carrying them through when um it's a little tough whereas like me if i have an off day or if i'm a sick day um that no work gets done you know i'm a small business that has one employee 12757,373,uh huh, 12758,373,how do you cope with them, how do i cope with them um i assume you mean i guess uh people i work with how do i cope with the uh maybe the better answer would be how do i cope with that lifestyle and just i got much uh much more used to it something i'm still learning and figuring out how to how to handle uh as far as not just like i know the the how rewarding the work is when i do it but it's also figuring out what's the most efficient way to live the life and you know how do i uh what's the appropriate way to budget finances what's the uh expectation i should have for myself in a given year what's realistic what's hopeful um and that's something that i'm sure will take years and years to do but i feel like as long as i'm getting better at it then uh it's progress right 12759,373,yeah, 12760,373,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh yes uh definitely once and then probably i if i would've gone back uh um i was gone in high school probably it would've been second time but um but yeah i've been diagnosed with depression once so i feel like it's one of those things that uh is something i have to keep in check throughout my entire life you know um i feel like i'm a pretty happy person for the most part but um uh has they i hate as annoying as it is but like they say like with people who are very creative or people who do a lot of stuff with the mind it tends to follow and i get that it's a self-esteem thing 'cause it's so hard to feel um so hard or so easy i should suppose to get in your own head about that 12761,373,mhm, 12762,373,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh this was within a year so i probably was feeling uh symptoms having been there before it was kinda easy to figure out like ah you know it's kinda happening again so i feeling uh the symptoms again uh uh and going through those emotions and feeling like okay at first i was kinda hoping it would be something i could kind of work through myself but um i realized it was just stupid for me to try to fight the battle on my own so i went and um started seeing a therapist 12763,373,what were your symptoms, uh uh really bad this is when i i just couldn't sleep at all like i would get maybe an hour of sleep a night at best um i wasn't sleeping at all had just no uh no no drive to do anything whether it was you know as simple as brushing my teeth or cleaning my apartment things like that and just being in the same time simultaneously being aware that it's like oh this is all in my head and it's not even like a a symptom so um uh yeah just a general just a general malaise that comes with depression 12764,373,do you still go to therapy now, uh no i just finished up uh finished up i mean since i didn't graduate or anything like that but i got to a point where i felt like uh um i kind of talked through as much as i could talk through and i'd moved on eh in other places in my life it was in kind of a good good work xxx especially like i said i was i was working on something i really cared about um i'm now with someone i care about greatly and uh um there's such a potential opportunity for me to not even have to worry about the symptoms and stuff as much now that uh i felt like therapy was not necessary and also i just didn't really have the time to with as much work goes on so 12765,373,do you feel like therapy is useful, oh i definitely i think having someone you can confide in uh who isn't your friend or your family member who won't you know have a few drinks and tell someone what you said to them or anything like that is definitely a a something beneficial i can't imagine how anyone couldn't benefit from having that on a somewhat of a routine basis 12766,373,okay, 12767,373,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i don't know i'm i'm a firm kind of a firm believer that the all those things like those things that kinda can haunt you are also there for a reason like uh uh my sister died when i was uh about what twelve years old and she was younger than me and watching my parents like seeing my father cry for the first time was a very kind of traumatic thing for me and it uh i felt like i grew up a lot that day so it's um also difficult to see that and see how my parents had to deal with losing a child i don't want to forget those things 'cause i think they're very integral to um how i cope with life and how i perceive uh um hardships and obstacles and uh having that image of knowing my father on it's very very humanizing 'cause it's so easy to kind of you idolize your parents and i still idolize my father but to know he's he's a guy like me and as i get older it's um easier identify with uh the man he is 12768,373,yeah, 12769,373,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, so i'd be uh sixteen or six um uh i kind of like the notion uh that uh they're they always say you wouldn't worry as much what people thought about you if you realized how people how much people didn't think about you and that's really hard to tell a sixteen year old and i don't know what the point of telling a six year old but um but yeah i feel like especially when you're in high school until it gets i mean nowadays you i mean we live in los angeles where so much is caught up in how people think about you and i still am very if i find out someone eh either is upset with me or doesn't like me it bothers me to a great deal or i hate letting people down so i would like to come to a healthier place where just knowing that sometimes you just can't really control how people feel about you even if you have the best intentions in the world so 12770,373,right, 12771,373,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i'm a very compassionate guy i um i'm there for my friends i'm pretty selfless in that respect i um have a good humor about things like even with even with being depressed or depression i can joke about it it's not you know i'm not a morbid depressed more just the i'm aware of when i'm uh i'm low and uh i treat it as such and i don't you know i don't try to deny it i don't try to like any of that but i i i have a i'm a i'm a pretty like practical person in that respect i don't think uh even when i'm depressed i don't take it out on people or i don't think people people have told me they don't even seem to when i mention that been going through like depression no one seems to like or they don't mention i for one feel like when i do go through it it's like oh everyone can just tell and i'm just a smoking gun of sadness basically but uh but no i i tend to carry it pretty well and uh um i don't i don't lose sight of uh the reality the reality of what i know is happening so 12772,373,uh huh, mm 12773,373,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um i was on a my uh my girlfriend came uh she was in thailand for three weeks and then she was supposed to go to spain for two but she canceled that trip and came back and stayed with me for about ten days and um 12774,373,aw, yeah i know i i love her she's great um she's the coolest person i know and so much fun and she uh when she's around she makes me so happy and uh um so having her for ten days and we just had like normal we we rarely get normal couples time like it's always like oh i see you for five days and then one of us has to go somewhere um so to have ten days just normal where we could just cook dinner at home like lie in bed and read books or anything like that was great and uh it makes me so happy that i have someone that i can do that with and just it feels so uh practical and feels so right 12775,373,that's so good to hear, 12776,373,how would your best friend describe you, um i guess for xxx i'm i'm i'm a good guy like i i i know i don't uh i don't think i screw people over i don't um i'm a good friend to have i'm i'm there for people i look out for people i care uh about people and what they think of me and that goes especially much for my friends and i try to make sure you know with a lot of my friends being on the east coast i try to carve out time to make sure that they know i think about them and i call them and so i i feel like uh for a lot of people who count me as their friend i'm probably one of their better ones in just the sense that i'm i know how much i appreciate and respect uh the friendships we have 12777,373,mhm, 12778,373,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 12779,373,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thanks ellie 12780,373,goodbye, 12781,378,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 12782,378,okay, 12783,378,so how are you doing today, pretty good 12784,378,that's good, 12785,378,where are you from originally, i grew up in boston 12786,378,really, 12787,378,when did you move to l_a, about thirty years ago 12788,378,that's a long time, yep 12789,378,how often do you go back to your hometown, not too often maybe once a year sometimes less 12790,378,how does it compare to l_a, oh i love living in l_a i don't ever wanna live anywhere else 12791,378,why did you move to l_a, well i came out here to go to college and i wanted to be far away from my parents and the weather was good and that's part of it 12792,378,okay, 12793,378,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh very easy well maybe somewhat easy the beginning the first few weeks was really hard to just be in a new environment and to be away from everybody i knew but after a few weeks it was great 12794,378,mhm, 12795,378,what did you study at school, broadcast journalism 12796,378,that sounds interesting, 12797,378,how did you decide to do that, well it's something i'd wanted to do since i was twelve and everything i did from the time i was twelve until i went to college was sort of in pursuit of that dream 12798,378,are you still working in that, no 12799,378,why, well it's kind of a long story but i got laid off from my first job when i was in my twenties and it just once i had done that work i realized that's not really what i wanted to do it was too cut-throat of a business and it just really wasn't suited for me it didn't make me happy 12800,378,yeah, 12801,378,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yep 12802,378,what's your dream job, my dream job is working with football players and helping them recover from concussions and other injuries 12803,378,nice, 12804,378,how hard is that, well the work itself is not very hard i'm very good at what i do the hard part is finding the right people and making the connections to work with them 12805,378,i see what you mean, it 12806,378,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i used to i don't travel so much right now 12807,378,what do you enjoy about traveling, i love seeing different places and different things like i love going to places that are not like where i'm from 12808,378,uh huh, 12809,378,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, my favorite trip is i went to australia for my thirtieth birthday 12810,378,wow, 'cause i wanted to lose my thirtieth birthday as i crossed the international date line 12811,378,(laughter, and i went to this really small place up on the uh west coast of australia called shark's bay where native dolphins live and swim and is very isolated for the most part and i got to be there for a whole week and just really just pretty much by myself with all these wild dolphins and they come and they swim with you and it's amazing just a beautiful beautiful spot in the world 12812,378,awesome, 12813,378,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, more shy 12814,378,why, why hmm that's a good question um partly the first thing i think of is 'cause i've always been that way but maybe that's an excuse i don't know um i just prefer to be quiet and i'd rather be with fewer people than lots of people so 12815,378,okay, 12816,378,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i watch t_v a lot or that's probably not the best alternative but it is something i do and i also walk on the beach 'cause i live close to the beach so that's one of my favorite things to relax 12817,378,uh huh, 12818,378,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good it depends on the situation but most of the time i'm pretty good 12819,378,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i don't think i tend to argue with people i think i just get mad about situations but not at people directly 12820,378,mm, 12821,378,okay, 12822,378,what's something you feel guilty about, hmm i don't know if i feel guilty about anything at the moment 12823,378,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, not sure i have one at the moment 12824,378,okay, 12825,378,what are some things that make you really mad, noise other people's noise makes me really mad um i live across the street from a bar and these people are so rude and obnoxious and not considerate about their neighbors that that just makes me really mad 12826,378,that sucks, yeah 12827,378,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm well the only one that comes to mind off the top of my head is is when i bought my condo it felt like a really hard decision at the time you know i didn't know that i could do it i didn't wasn't sure if i had the money to do it um so that felt like a really difficult decision but in hindsight course it turned out to be a great decision but at the time it was really difficult to do that 12828,378,yeah, 12829,378,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, pretty easy i sleep pretty well 12830,378,that's good, 12831,378,how have you been feeling lately, for the most part good i'm i'm just really worried about money at the moment so that's my biggest so i can't say that i'm like great but i it's 'cause i am worried but you know i'm also confident that things are gonna work out 12832,378,that's good, 12833,378,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, nope 12834,378,have you been diagnosed with depression, nope 12835,378,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hmm i don't know i can't remember i mean i don't feel super happy all the time but i don't feel unhappy either sort of like just uh even keel 12836,378,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, well i got to go to the um my friends work at the motion picture academy so i get to see all the xxx oscar-nominated movies scrubbed_entry she was there one night so uh i really enjoyed catching up with her and seeing her again so that was very pleasant 12837,378,nice, 12838,378,how would your best friend describe you, i think they would say um reliable and loyal and considerate and thoughtful 12839,378,is there anything you regret, no i really have worked hard on that i think there are lots of things maybe i would do differently but there's nothing that really i regret 12840,378,like what, um well i just think that there are things that um like it's not worth wasting the energy to think about things that i regret so i don't have a lot of xxx regrets about things 12841,378,okay, 12842,378,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, oh that's a good question um don't worry about the small stuff and save more money 12843,378,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, like well there's uh you know the normal things like i'd lose more weight and i would um uh think be a little more fearless maybe be a little more bold 12844,378,mhm, 12845,378,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, i don't think i have any the of those 12846,378,okay, 12847,378,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, well i'm i am self-employed so i work all the time so my ideal weekend is having lots of clients um that's something i enjoy um so that would that would be ideal at this point my weekends if i were really busy 12848,378,what are you most proud of in your life, that i've really been able to take care of myself and that you know i've done pretty much everything that i've said that i've wanted to do i've done that and i don't and i don't have regrets about things there's nothing really that eh is un feels undone in my life sure there's plenty of things i still wanna do um but i feel like i've done what i said i was gonna do 12849,378,that's great, 12850,378,tell me about your relationship with your family, yeah that's not so great well it's okay um both my parents are deceased and i have a sister and a brother um i feel closer to my brother than my sister but um they both live on the east coast and i live in l_a um and then i have my sister has two girls so i feel very close to my nieces although we don't talk as much as we used to 'cause they're teenagers so they have other things on their mind 12851,378,(laughter, 12852,378,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um probably my teacher a person i learned my holistic body work from i really like to model my work and my way of being after him like he's a a good role model for me the way he holds his work and the way he lives his life 12853,378,that's so good to hear, 12854,378,how close are you to them, um we're pretty close we're not you know best of friends but i do i know that i can call him any time i need him 12855,378,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um put me in a good mood usually being with my friends or going out to dinner or um yeah just spending time with my friends 12856,378,uh huh, 12857,378,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 12858,378,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thanks 12859,378,goodbye, 12860,384,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 12861,384,okay, 12862,384,so how are you doing today, i'm doing fine 12863,384,that's good, 12864,384,where are you from originally, indiana 12865,384,really, yes 12866,384,when did you move to l_a, uh i don't know maybe ten years ago 12867,384,how often do you go back to your hometown, never 12868,384,why, uh just don't like the cold weather 12869,384,i see what you mean, 12870,384,how does it compare to l_a, l_a has beautiful weather and activities all the time 12871,384,why did you move to l_a, new life 12872,384,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh reasonably easy 12873,384,what are some things you really like about l_a, the good weather the ocean and there's always something to do 12874,384,mhm, 12875,384,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, hm uh the traffic 12876,384,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, sometimes 12877,384,what do you enjoy about traveling, seeing new places uh and visiting new people 12878,384,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well a couple years ago i went to the catalina islands for my birthday 12879,384,nice, 12880,384,can you tell me about that, i was i spent the whole day uh on the catalina islands i took a boat there 12881,384,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh hopping on the airplane and leaving indiana for good 12882,384,how did you feel in that moment, okay 12883,384,okay, 12884,384,what did you study at school, sleeping 12885,384,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, uh being a filmmaker 12886,384,that sounds interesting, 12887,384,how did you decide to do that, because it's one job i haven't had yet 12888,384,how hard is that, not too hard 12889,384,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, shy 12890,384,why, hm because of my past 12891,384,can you tell me about that, um i just have trouble making new friends and just let trusting people 12892,384,that sounds really hard, okay 12893,384,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh watch t_v or go to the movies 12894,384,cool, 12895,384,how are you at controlling your temper, i really don't have a temper 12896,384,that's good, 12897,384,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, when i was sixteen my stepfather uh because of uh nightmares i was having 12898,384,can you tell me about that, i was just having nightmares about my childhood about my involving my biological father 12899,384,are they triggered by something, so far i have no idea if they are or not 12900,384,how do you cope with them, uh go for a walk or drive 12901,384,when was the last time that happened, uh maybe a few days ago 12902,384,how did you feel in that moment, uh just walked around the block a few times 12903,384,okay, 12904,384,what's something you feel guilty about, pushing people away 12905,384,could you have done anything to avoid it, uh i guess try to trust them a little bit more let them in my life little bit more 12906,384,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, well that'd be easy that'd be the first half of my life 12907,384,why, it'd be easier to start a new life if i can't remember my old one 12908,384,i see what you mean, 12909,384,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, uh really i mm all my decisions is not that hard i just try to avoid stress and everything so i don't really have hard decisions 12910,384,uh huh, 12911,384,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, uh well every time i push someone away i wish i handled all those situations differently 12912,384,can you give me an example of that, uh well uh whenever someone gets too involved involved in my life i always say or do something to make them want to stay away from me 12913,384,like what, um this depending on the type of person they are 12914,384,okay, 12915,384,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh i really don't have a relationship with any of my family i know i have a sister someplace in vegas a half of a brother in indiana uh my stepfather's in arizona other than that i have no relationship with any of them 12916,384,can you tell me about that, um we really don't talk so it's kind of hard to talk about them 12917,384,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, edgar cayce 12918,384,i'd love to hear all about it, well he died way before i was born and i only know him from like books and documentaries 12919,384,okay, 12920,384,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh really not that easy um i usually usually take me like a few hours to get to finally get to sleep once i lay down in my bed 12921,384,tell me about that, uh well basically i try to lay down i have stressful racing or stressful thoughts a few times i might even try to listen to music for one hour just to see if it calms me down 12922,384,what are you like when you don't sleep well, stressed out and just yeah just basically a little stressed out 12923,384,how have you been feeling lately, well i've been feeling a little bit lately a little bit upset and just wish my life was different 12924,384,can you tell me about that, uh well i wish i had friends and loved ones and all of that and i wish i had an actual relationship and everything but i don't 12925,384,yeah, 12926,384,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, well lately i live

  • i move we moved a bunch of stuff things out my stress life stressful things like bills and what not and just try to keep uh to make sure there's the least amount of stress in my life by just removing just different things out my life and trying to incorporate new things 12927,384,that's good, 12928,384,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 12929,384,how long ago were you diagnosed, i i guess we're number sixteen 12930,384,what got you to seek help, nightmares 12931,384,do you still go to therapy now, uh stopped a while back because it was getting too stressful 12932,384,how has seeing a therapist affected you, well basically i just i just pushed like i got rid of them out my life because i didn't feel like they was really listening to me or anything and uh yeah so i just didn't feel too much beneficial help from them so i've been looking for alternative means 12933,384,like what, uh well just basically like music and going forcing myself to go to like different social related events 12934,384,mhm, 12935,384,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 12936,384,what were your symptoms, depressed mm just but basically just depressed uh keeping myself locked in not talking to anyone 12937,384,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh uh i guess a few days ago 12938,384,uh huh, 12939,384,can you tell me about that, okay well basically i feel that the best way to keep people in my life is having fake people in my life by playing online multiplayer games with avatars and user names and everything and i just have some uh fun going into virtual worlds with these avatars and talking to people that way so they don't know who i really am they don't even know my real name 12940,384,awesome, 12941,384,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, okay well my ideal weekend uh let me see is uh if i'm not working that weekend i will get up maybe go to like starbucks or a mcdonalds get online while eating or drinking something maybe play a online multiplayer game for a little while and then later on in the day maybe go to a movie uh whatever's playing then uh go someplace else relax watch some t_v um and maybe put on a d_v_d movie and um or i might spend the day i the whole day driving to someplace i haven't been before or it's been a long time since i've been just try to spend the day in that area and just yeah so that's the weekend 12942,384,uh huh, 12943,384,is there anything you regret, my life 12944,384,can you tell me about that, i just regret how my life turned out i wish i wish i had a more normal stable life 12945,384,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh let me see ten twenty years ago i was especially uh i would just tell myself to keep a journal or something uh or to basically tell myself how my life will turn out now so that way hopefully the other me will make different choices 12946,384,what are you most proud of in your life, uh my mind 12947,384,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, well i wish i wish i was a bit healthier i wish i looked a little bit better i wish my eyesight was a lot better and i wish i had a bunch of people in my life that i could call friends 12948,384,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm a freaking genius i could uh everything that i'm good at i learned self taught so basically i can't get a career in that type of stuff unless i go to school for it but it's hard to it's basically easier if i teach myself than like take some type of a class to do it and everything 'cause yeah basically yeah just basically the fact i'm a freaking genius okay 12949,384,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 12950,384,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 12951,384,goodbye, 12952,387,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, hmm okay sure 12953,387,okay, 12954,387,so how are you doing today, great 12955,387,that's good, 12956,387,where are you from originally, philadelphia 12957,387,when did you move to l_a, about five years ago 12958,387,that's a long time, 12959,387,how often do you go back to your hometown, once a year 12960,387,how does it compare to l_a, it doesn't 12961,387,can you tell me about that, l_a is a lot more fun 12962,387,why did you move to l_a, for acting 12963,387,are you still doing that, sure 12964,387,how did you decide to do that, uh when i was young it was all that i wanted to do 12965,387,what's your dream job, my dream job is uh an actor on an h_b_o series 12966,387,cool, 12967,387,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, moderately 12968,387,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people eating new food 12969,387,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, i don't really feel like talking about it 12970,387,okay, 12971,387,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh i can be shy at times i could be outgoing maybe a little bit of both 12972,387,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh just take a deep breath or maybe do some reading 12973,387,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good 12974,387,that's good, 12975,387,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh wow it was maybe about two months ago my brother and i were arguing over rent payments 12976,387,that sucks, yeah it does 12977,387,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's very good very strong 12978,387,that's good, yeah 12979,387,what's something you feel guilty about, uh can't really say i don't really feel guilty often 12980,387,hmm, 12981,387,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, i don't really have anything that i'd like to erase from my memory 12982,387,okay, 12983,387,what are some things that make you really mad, huh what makes me mad ignorance racism things likes that 12984,387,uh huh, 12985,387,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, that i wish i would've handled differently um i don't really feel like discussing that 12986,387,okay, 12987,387,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, well i'm kind of in the midst of it right now i don't know whether i want to uh move to new york or to stay in l_a so it's a it's a tough decision 12988,387,what made you decide to do that, to do what 12989,387,why don't we talk about that later, okay 12990,387,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's pretty easy 12991,387,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i am sensitive i am uh vulnerable sensitive and vulnerable 12992,387,okay, 12993,387,how have you been feeling lately, as of late i've been feeling pretty well can't complain 12994,387,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh very clear-minded thoughts 12995,387,mhm, 12996,387,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 12997,387,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 12998,387,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, last time i felt really really happy uh i had a real nice date about a month ago and we had a good time and i was real happy that day and the day after 12999,387,can you tell me about that, uh well i uh it was a young girl that i had met a couple years ago and we finally uh were available to uh go out and hang out we went and had some wine at a wine bar and then we went and had dinner and that was the date had a great time 13000,387,aw, 13001,387,that's great, thank you 13002,387,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, my ideal weekend well i like to watch english league soccer and uh sometimes i if i'm in philly i spend time with my family on weekends if not i'll just hang out with my brother or sundays i ref soccer just really laid back and chill 13003,387,nice, thank you 13004,387,is there anything you regret, no 13005,387,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ten or twenty years ago what advice would i give myself i would say um never give up study hard save money 13006,387,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, maybe wish i was a little more outgoing a little more enthusiastic 13007,387,mhm, in social settings 13008,387,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, i really can't remember a time i i've always felt really good people's the whatever people have to say about me really doesn't change how i feel about myself 13009,387,mm, 13010,387,how would your best friend describe you, he would say that uh very warm i'm a very caring loving genuine friend 13011,387,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my father 13012,387,can you tell me about that, yeah he is a uh he's a very he's a man of few words and uh he's very calm slow to anger and um very warm very loving man responsible and uh he's a gentleman has a great sense of style and he's a great cook 13013,387,uh huh, 13014,387,what are you most proud of in your life, most proud of uh scrubbed_entry was a series regular on the wire couple years ago in the last season 13015,387,awesome, thank you 13016,387,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13017,387,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 13018,387,goodbye, 13019,396,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 13020,396,okay, 13021,396,so how are you doing today, okay 13022,396,that's good, 13023,396,where are you from originally, virginia 13024,396,really, 13025,396,when did you move to l_a, i wanted to live somewhere different than virginia with a little bit more diversity 13026,396,how often do you go back to your hometown, um once a year maybe 13027,396,how does it compare to l_a, it's um it's a lot slower and there's a lot less to do there 13028,396,why did you move to l_a, um i wanted to live somewhere different and a nicer warmer climate and um somewhere where there's a lot more to do and there's a lot more going on 13029,396,mm, 13030,396,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, for me it was really easy 'cause i wanted something it was very different and i wanted something different 13031,396,mhm, 13032,396,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like um i like all the things to do like the museums i like the beaches and the mountains and all the hiking and all the free things to do 13033,396,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm people don't appreciate what they have here that just come here and wanna take something but they don't wanna give anything back and bad drivers 13034,396,yeah, 13035,396,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh not as much as i would like to i travel whenever i can but usually can't afford to that much 13036,396,i understand, 13037,396,what do you enjoy about traveling, mm well i like taking i like taking pictures a lot and i just like exploring new places my wife and i like to see um wildlife and hike and monuments and just seeing different areas 13038,396,cool, 13039,396,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um well we we've gone we went to uh central california we'd like to be able to go more internationally places but that takes awhile to afford so we've gone more locally so we went to um we went to hurst castle and to see the sea lions
  • the um the elephant seals and things like that 13040,396,nice, 13041,396,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i guess our uh i guess our palm springs trip for our anniversary we did the um eh we did the tram and a nice hotel and jacuzzi and romantic dinner and it was a good time overall 13042,396,that sounds like a great situation, 13043,396,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i guess somewhere in between 13044,396,what did you study at school, english and film 13045,396,that sounds interesting, 13046,396,how did you decide to do that, well i uh was told i needed to go to college and i hadn't quite decided what to do yet so i just picked something i liked to do for the time being 13047,396,are you happy you did that, well wish i'd not been pressured so i had more time to figure out what i wanted to i might've done something different like physical therapy but 13048,396,mm, 13049,396,are you still working in that, uh no i've been teaching teaching gymnastics which is something i used to do before 13050,396,wow, 13051,396,what made you decide to do that, um i needed to not starve and i did it i didn't end up being as bad as i thought it would be so i went for it and it ended up being kinda fun 13052,396,that's good, 13053,396,what's your dream job, dream is to have money and not have to work for it 13054,396,okay, 13055,396,how are you at controlling your temper, overall pretty good 13056,396,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um don't remember what about but it probably would've been few weeks ago with my wife 13057,396,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um well anyone that i've ever actually gotten upset and yelled i always wish i wouldn't do that but sometimes when someone's not listening it drives me crazy 13058,396,can you give me an example of that, um you know if i just saying something over and over and they're just clearly not listening it makes me really upset 13059,396,yeah, 13060,396,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um i don't know i i spend a lot of time on 'em but i don't i don't know what the hardest one is 'cause eh if i decide to go with something it's you know it's usually for a good reason 13061,396,uh huh, 13062,396,what's something you feel guilty about, well i guess i feel guilty about moving to california and that i left my family in virginia i mean i know i shouldn't but they always seem to miss me and even though they don't like living there you know i'm the one that moved away so it's like i abandoned them 13063,396,how hard is that, well i mean i don't miss virginia but i do miss them so i guess a little hard 13064,396,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh i have a good relationship with my with my wife with my in-laws with my mom dad and sister there's no problems everyone gets along well 13065,396,how close are you to your family, mm very close 13066,396,that's good, 13067,396,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um i mean anything anything where someone gets hurt either uh physically or otherwise 13068,396,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it depends on how much exercise i have get a lot of exercise it's pretty easy if i don't it's not 13069,396,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um kind of like right now just a little bit slow and out of it but not really um too different otherwise 13070,396,uh huh, 13071,396,how have you been feeling lately, um just kinda run down 'cause my um my mother-in-law is is dying and we just spent like three days uh in the hospital and we're gonna go back after this so not a lot of time to sleep 13072,396,i'm sorry, 13073,396,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm just um just uh slower just slower and more tired and little more out of it that's all 13074,396,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13075,396,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 13076,396,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um usually just when i'm having having a fun day either on my own or with my wife that's that's pretty easy for me just getting outside and and uh and hiking or exercising it's not hard for me 13077,396,mhm, 13078,396,how would your best friend describe you, i'm not sure maybe um maybe mm like eccentric but in a good way hopefully 13079,396,(laughter, 13080,396,is there anything you regret, no 13081,396,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um to be careful with your to be careful with your job to make sure you could keep from being injured and to um i don't know just your just your normal your normal kind of uh older kinda wisdom 13082,396,can you tell me about that, mm not much to say really everyone realizes things when they get older that they wish they had when they were younger 13083,396,yeah, 13084,396,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, uh i wish i could get rid of my back injury so i could get back into shape like i used to be that's um the biggest thing right now 13085,396,can you tell me more about that, um not much to say just hurt my back at work and i just like to get past it 'cause it's you know holding me back from doing a lot of things that's all 13086,396,like what, um well like i used to do uh gymnastics and trampoline and used to be a lot more active or work out more and now i can only work out a little bit 'cause it hurts too much 13087,396,that sucks, 13088,396,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um probably like during the during the day going going on a hike or to a park with my wife and uh enjoying taking pictures and wildlife and exercising and then at night um you know we watch a movie or go dancing or just something like that 13089,396,what are you most proud of in your life, um most proud of um proud of moving here i mean i um came here without knowing anyone and i was at a point where i could've stayed in virginia and gotten comfortable and you know ended up doing something i regretted but i came out and i've always thought that was a good decision 13090,396,that's good, 13091,396,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, mm my parents my grandparents my wife most people in my life have been 13092,396,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13093,396,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 13094,396,goodbye, 13095,399,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 13096,399,okay, 13097,399,so how are you doing today, i'm pretty good 13098,399,that's good, 13099,399,where are you from originally, uh as far as my parents ethiopia 13100,399,really, yes 13101,399,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the beaches the warm weather um the diverse environment 13102,399,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh traffic 13103,399,yeah, 13104,399,i see what you mean, 13105,399,what did you study at school, well i'm currently in school i'm studying african studies 13106,399,cool, 13107,399,how did you decide to do that, uh i've always been interested in african studies actually i've always wanted to help people and i figured that i could help them by trying to learn about it and going back to africa and make an influence 13108,399,that's great, 13109,399,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, kind of in between i have my shy moments but then when i'm around a group of people that i enjoy i'm pretty outgoing 13110,399,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um to relax i normally write or i go to the beach and just sit there play my guitar 13111,399,mhm, 13112,399,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good i don't really get angry or anything like that i tend to keep it in or try to release it by writing 13113,399,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i actually can't remember the last time i argued with someone 13114,399,okay, 13115,399,what's something you feel guilty about, mm all the people i've hurt in the past 13116,399,can you tell me about that, uh i've like cheated on people hurt their feelings intentionally done things that i shouldn't have done that i regret now 13117,399,mm, 13118,399,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm um well with my ex i could've ended it better so we could be on better terms now um i probably shouldn't have argued so much or tried to instigate so many things i probably should've just let it go with the flow and just see how it turned out 13119,399,yeah, 13120,399,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um hardest decision i've ever had to make was man i really don't know actually 13121,399,okay, 13122,399,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um having to see my dad go through surgery and see him suffer 13123,399,tell me about that, um well he had a tumor that he had to get removed so it was just hard seeing him have to be in the bed and just be in the hospital when he really didn't want to be there 'cause he's a really live person and he'd rather be running around and stuff like that but just seeing him stuck in bed was just terrible 13124,399,yeah, 13125,399,that sounds really hard, 13126,399,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh me and my family aren't very close we don't i mean they've always been there for me and i appreciate it but we've never had that close connection connection connection um especially since they're foreign so they don't really understand where i'm trying to come from having been grown up out in america so it's pretty different when it comes to those cultural racial i mean the cultural boundaries that we kinda step each over each other's feet on but aside from that we have a decent relationship when we do speak to each other it does get kinda awkward but it's okay 13127,399,okay, 13128,399,what do you think of today's kids, i think they are out of control i think that they're learning things that they shouldn't know at this age i think that they're doing things that they shouldn't be doing and i don't feel like enough people are telling them that they shouldn't be doing it i feel like they're being applauded by the media they're being applauded by celebrities that they follow and there's not enough being done about it and they're just getting lost 13129,399,yeah, 13130,399,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um depends on the night some nights it's pretty hard some nights i fall asleep like a baby 13131,399,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um usually creative actually when i can't sleep i'll just stay up and i'll write something or read a book and ideas will pop up um stuff like that it's usually a good thing when i can't sleep it's nothing really bad 'cause i'm having bad thoughts or anything like that 13132,399,okay, 13133,399,how have you been feeling lately, um lately between a mix of good and bad i have my happy moments when i'm energized and i'm live then some nights some days where i'm just you know just sitting there just mellow thinking not like my live self 13134,399,why, i don't know it's just always been like that always have those ups and those downs but they kind of balance each other out 13135,399,mhm, 13136,399,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13137,399,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 13138,399,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um the last time i felt really happy was hm today 13139,399,tell me more about that, uh just from the moment i woke up it was a beautiful sunny day i went to see some friends we had a good time went to school had some good grades on some papers um wrote a good essay feel pretty accomplished and i feel like my day is just a good day 13140,399,that's so good to hear, 13141,399,how would your best friend describe you, my best friend would describe me as odd most people would describe me as odd 13142,399,why, i say a lot of odd things i do odd things i'm interested in things that most people aren't 13143,399,like what, um just like old literature um revolutionary stuff uh stuff about changing the world but through underground means 13144,399,cool, 13145,399,is there anything you regret, um no i i don't live a life of regret 13146,399,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, to never let fear stop you from doing anything 13147,399,uh huh, 13148,399,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, um reading just hanging out with some friends driving around finding something to do just going on an adventure 13149,399,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i don't wish i could change anything about myself i just wish i could build myself into the person that i'm truly supposed to be 13150,399,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, um this one time me and my best friend got into an argument and she pointed out all the things i've done that i shouldn't have done all at one time how i've hurt people how i've hurt her the ways i've done them that were brutal and it just made me feel bad once i reflected on it all 13151,399,yeah, 13152,399,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my parents 13153,399,can you tell me about that, i mean although we don't see eye to eye they always bring me to this realization that i need at the end of the day although i never listen to them or i don't choose to listen to them once it happens i learned from it and i'm like oh that's what my parents told me so i learned to trust them more and i learned to understand that they are wiser than me and they do know more than me 13154,399,yeah, 13155,399,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um not so much anymore um i travel around l_a try to find new sights to see but as far as i don't travel outside 13156,399,what do you enjoy about traveling, um discovering new things um discovering things you never knew were there or the limitless possibilities um i discover i like i enjoy discovering new people new cultures new things that go against what's normal for us and for myself 13157,399,when was the last time that happened, um a few days ago i just drove out to the middle of the desert and i just sat there and i just enjoyed all that the desert had to offer and it was just enjoyable 13158,399,nice, 13159,399,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt free away from all this these cities and these buildings and it just felt nice to be out in the middle of nowhere at a completely random time it felt good 13160,399,what are you most proud of in your life, i'm most proud that i've always been different that despite how many people have told me that i'm really weird or i'm odd or i think weird things i've always maintained my original mentality 13161,399,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13162,399,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 13163,405,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, hello yes 13164,405,okay, 13165,405,so how are you doing today, okay not too bad 13166,405,that's good, 13167,405,where are you from originally, i'm from chicago south side 13168,405,when did you move to l_a, um back in nineteen seventy eight when i was eighteen 13169,405,that's a long time, yes 13170,405,how often do you go back to your hometown, lately not much maybe once every two or three years 13171,405,mhm, 13172,405,how does it compare to l_a, um it's totally different you know horrible weather and uh yeah it's just a whole different atmosphere 13173,405,why did you move to l_a, um let's see my mother had moved to africa i graduated from high school and i had a friend out here so i just thought well let me try l_a 13174,405,okay, 13175,405,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh very easy actually yeah i loved it from the moment i got off the airplane yeah 13176,405,what are some things you really like about l_a, number one the weather um sun is very important to me so i love the weather um i don't know just kind of a more laid back atmosphere variety of people 13177,405,uh huh, and now it's my um my home base you know my friends that are family so it's kinda like my family is here now 13178,405,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, hmm i guess the smog earthquakes um traffic just basic things like that really 13179,405,yeah, 13180,405,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um i don't currently but i did throughout my life i traveled quite a lot 13181,405,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh just seeing seeing other cultures and seeing um more history and meeting people and just fun and the the fun of it as well 13182,405,mhm, 13183,405,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um let's see well one trip i went to england ireland and scotland and france all in you know one trip so that was a nice variety 13184,405,nice, 13185,405,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i guess you could say probably skiing in val d'isere france that was fun i'm glad i got to do that 13186,405,that's great, 13187,405,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm kind of shy by nature i've tried to grow out of being shy so i'm not fully shy but i was always a an extremely shy child but now here in culver city this is my environment and i i guess you could say i'm not really shy in in my hometown of culver city 13188,405,yeah, 13189,405,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, hm to relax i like to just curl up in my bed and read my book take a nap watch t_v sometimes on the couch in the living room just you know stay at home and kinda vegetate 13190,405,mhm, 13191,405,how are you at controlling your temper, uh pretty good yeah my temper's pretty level 13192,405,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hm probably with my husband and i can't remember at the moment what it was about 13193,405,okay, 13194,405,tell me about your relationship with your family, um well when you say my family do you mean my family from childhood or my current family 13195,405,whatever comes to your mind, okay well i guess my current family comes to mind i i have two daughters and my relationship's pretty good it's okay with them but they're teenagers which uh you know going they're going through a lot of hormones and um they can be kinda bitchy and 13196,405,(laughter, and um but i have hoped that you know they'll grow out of that and soon someday we'll have a really good relationship um and then there's the husband which i i guess i could say soon to be ex husband hopefully soon we need to get a divorce but we're still together due to financial reasons and yeah 13197,405,okay, yeah so that that's not good the the relationship with the husband but um but since we have determined that we need to divorce our our we don't expect anything out out of each other so we don't argue as much so that's good 13198,405,yeah, 13199,405,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hm well i guess our marriage i wish i had noticed early on that you know it was like way off from what i thought it was 13200,405,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um let's see oh my god hardest decision i guess leaving my first husband that was pretty hard 13201,405,can you tell me about that, um well you know we were married and i wasn't content i guess you could say um and i kinda just gave up on our relationship and i i now that i look back i think it's because i wanted children and he would've been happy to never have any and so uh since i didn't have a father it was very important that i create children with someone who really wanted to be a father and so i was kind of at a age where i needed to start thinking about having children yet i was with someone who really was not into it so that i think that's one uh maybe the core reason why i was not content and i just felt like this marriage isn't gonna work and so you know we went to therapy and everything and he did not wanna break up and um and i had to leave him because i just wasn't happy and that was that was very hard 'cause you know i felt like i was hurting him which which i was you know and he survived he got over it now he's married with two kids but um it was hard to leave him 13202,405,yeah, 13203,405,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm something i wish i could erase from my memory i have to think about that i'm sure there's something oh well yeah there's um i guess it'd be nice to erase from my memory um a recent i mean not recent but an event in my recent adulthood here in culver city where one of my best friends um i've betrayed me by back years ago when my husband first got into real estate she and her family were growing and they really needed a larger home and um we just assumed that you know that they would use my husband as their agent both to sell their current home current at the time and purchase a new home and as it turned out they surprised us and had been talking to this other local agent and uh yeah that was devastating i don't think i had ever been betrayed like that so i wish i could erase that now 'cause now you know this was back when the kids were really young and um my daughter at the time my youngest daughter was let's say six maybe um maybe five anyway her her and my best friend's daughter are the same age they were born within days of each other we were pregnant together and um they were really tight those two little girls and they ended up not going to the same elementary school so they didn't get to hang out during those years but every time we'd run into them in the neighborhood or they'd run into each other at a summer camp or something they were just so connected they were just you know like two peas in a pod even though it's her their moms weren't talking to each other anymore so now they're thirteen and fourteen and they're in middle school together and they're still very connected in fact she she for the first time spent the night at our house last night with my daughter and another girl and it's just a little awkward you know 'cause now these girls are becoming really good friends better friends um and yet i still have this vivid um bad memory of what her her mom did to to me 13204,405,yeah, that was about what ten about eight years ago anyway i tried to i tried to 13205,405,i'm sorry, ignore it and put it out of my head and which i've been able to in recent years but obviously it still comes up 13206,405,yeah, anyway that that was that 13207,405,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um not that easy i do sometimes get a decent night's sleep but sometimes it's hard to get to sleep and most of the time i wake up and can't get back to sleep uh or i finally get back to sleep and then it's almost time to get up you know that that difficult thing 13208,405,are they triggered by something, well the waking up in the middle of the night is definitely triggered by having to go to the bathroom and then um you know it's not always that easy to get back to sleep and then i wake up again to go to the bathroom so i guess that's the trigger as far as getting to sleep having a hard time there i don't know i think there's just too much on my mind running through my mind and the day i feel like i haven't accomplished enough during the day so it's hard for me to just go to sleep when i'm supposed to i guess 13209,405,okay, 13210,405,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um well i'm kinda used to it now so i just go on through the day probably looking looking tired and um i i'm kinda used to feeling tired i just do what i need to do and sometimes if i'm able to if i'm at home and don't have huge commitments yeah i might just like i said earlier just take a nap or something read my book watch t_v watch whatever 13211,405,mhm, 13212,405,how have you been feeling lately, lately how have i been feeling um kind of down on myself down on life 13213,405,can you tell me about that, well i have this pending need need for separation slash divorce um i worry that i made a lot of mistakes with my girls now they're teenagers you know on the verge of adulthood and so i worry that you know i did all kinds of things wrong with their guidance and their early childhood and now it's too late um like i missed out on a thing a lot of things uh and yeah i need a job i'm unemployed i don't know what i wanna do with my life i know i wanna do something i i i just wish you know i never did finish college unfortunately because i was traveling and stuff so i i regret that extremely and i need to get a job and be able to take care of myself 'cause i need to divorce and move on with my life so now i forget what the original question was but um that's the state part of the state of my life 13214,405,okay, 13215,405,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13216,405,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 13217,405,how long ago were you diagnosed, mm well the first time or or or recently 13218,405,yes, the first time i guess was you know when i was in my early twenties i was just a little upset about coincidentally that was another breakup i had to make back then i was um in my early twenties and i needed to break up with my boyfriend but again it was very upsetting 'cause i you know it was hard because he didn't wanna break up and i felt like i was hurting him and i didn't understand this feeling i was really upset how i didn't that was my first time having depression so i didn't really recognize recognize it as depression but i went somehow i had the knowledge or the i was able to take myself to a psychiatrist i remember i paid for her by the hour and she prescribed xanax to just help relax me and so i guess that helped me get through that and then i've had depression throughout the years just you know little bits here and there for various reasons such as i guess it's usually a relationship you know um yeah so the most recent time i was diagnosed and put on meds that was probably about two years ago 13219,405,mm, 13220,405,do you still go to therapy now, no 13221,405,why did you stop, um money i i don't have insurance otherwise yeah i'd be happy to go to therapy anything that might help 13222,405,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, ooh boy last time i felt really happy um i don't know i guess maybe when my children were born that's 13223,405,how did you feel in that moment, um i guess happy i don't know i just you know i always wanted children so it was nice to have them that's i don't know that's all i can remember of that i don't i guess i don't remember the good times too well i remember the bad times 13224,405,yeah, 13225,405,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm something i did that i really enjoyed well let's see i um friday night i went to a friend's house and met up with five other girlfriends and we we created vision boards and talked and had dinner at one of their house that was that was fun 13226,405,that sounds like a great situation, yeah we get to 13227,405,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ooh stay in college get my degree um get therapy try to become a happy um yeah try to figure out things earlier in life like yeah stay in college and oh and mainly i think the main you know what it all boils down to no matter what you're depressed about it seems like as as the saying goes and the songs the songs go you know it's all about money the world revolves around money and having none that in itself is very depressing so besides relationships and different things that have happened in your life having no money is you know it's like you can't even try to fix anything because you don't have the money to fix it so with that in mind i would uh definitely advise myself to get my college degree and to stick get a job and stick with it um don't quit to go traveling you know just stick with a job stick with a company build up your seniority keep your benefits and build up some knowledge or some expertise in some sort of field yeah that would've been my biggest piece of advice to myself 13228,405,okay, 13229,405,what are you most proud of in your life, not much i guess just my daughters you know they're beautiful daughters and i'm proud and glad that i was able to have children some people aren't even able to do that you know and they try so hard or they look back on their life and they wish they had done it so that's the one thing i mean i wanted five children and i always wanted a boy which i never had but um i'm i guess that's the biggest thing i can think of to be proud of is having my two daughters 13230,405,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm a very loyal friend and person that's why when that friend betrayed me it was so devastating yeah very loyal um very happy i mean huh what was i gonna say i was gonna say happy lucky go lucky i don't know where that came from i'm very i meant to say friendly and caring and um yeah i care about people and i'm interested in people and i care about animals as well actually that's another thing i'm proud of proud of being a vegetarian yeah so my daughters and being vegetarian i'm a vegetarian because i really care about feelings of other beings not only humans but animals too and you know i don't think that animals should be tortured and live a a tortuous life just so we can eat 'em 13231,405,yeah, so um what was the question do you remember the question 13232,405,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 13233,405,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 13234,405,goodbye, 13235,407,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 13236,407,okay, 13237,407,so how are you doing today, i'm actually feel i feel pretty good 'cause i uh i slept all day yesterday almost and i usually i'm doing something if it's not work it's school if it's not school it's work and then social life and all that so um i actually didn't have work yesterday and i don't have school i only have school on the weekdays so i actually slept probably like eighty five percent of the day so i actually feel kinda good but i'm actually kinda tired as well and i have other stuff going on but other than that i'm good today 13238,407,okay, 13239,407,where are you from originally, i'm originally from bakersfield california 13240,407,really, really 13241,407,when did you move to l_a, uh i moved to l_a when i was an infant and then i left here when i was around three or four and i've been move i moved back here in oh seven and i've been living here um ever since 13242,407,how often do you go back to your hometown, um wow since i've been here since oh seven i've only been back maybe maybe like a couple times well i went there for like a summer like in oh eight i think i was there for like almost the whole summer but i've only been back a couple times um since i've been back here unfortunately 13243,407,how does it compare to l_a, uh uh uh it compares to l_a um it doesn't really compare to l_a i i grew up in sacramento actually i didn't get to tell you i was born in bakersfield then i lived here and then i anyways i don't know if i did i forgot anyways um yeah there's like nothing really to do there it's really small it's the valley um l_a has all the stuff to do it has um oceans and it's by all kinds of um located um by a lot of um cool places like vegas and uh san diego and what have you not so um but yeah other than that i miss my friends and stuff but i don't miss like the actual city i just miss uh some of the people that i grew up with 13244,407,yeah, 13245,407,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, oh i can't see your shoes but um i don't travel a lot actually i've only been out of california like six times so i would like to travel once i uh have enough money to do so 13246,407,okay, 13247,407,what did you study at school, um well originally i wanted to be a filmmaker and which i still wanna be a filmmaker and i um studying i was took i took communications and uh did general ed stuff too and um took like video production classes and um did a lot of stuff uh in regards to um filmmaking and i have learned a lot of stuff and i still have that knowledge however i haven't really used it since i've been back here in l_a i did all that stuff in northern california in sacramento but um and then i transferred um switched over to be uh to business which i took some classes in that but now i'm actually studying to be an optician and i'm actually almost done with schooling and getting ready to try to get in the field and become an optician so 13248,407,wow, but i do wanna be uh i actually still wanna be a filmmaker and um that's still one of my plans and i still actually i got into um playing poker a few years ago and i really like the idea of becoming a full time filmmaker or full time poker player however both of those jobs are extremely difficult to make a living out of and you have to be like the small percent so we'll see if not then hopefully my optician career can take me somewhere 13249,407,what made you decide to do that, to be an optician 13250,407,yes, oh um uh i guess i was just trying to find something that it was like it's like a trade it's well it's a private college but it just like specifically trains you into um one field and you just learn that you don't do like your g_e and all these other classes like you normally would do for like um like a um a major or whatever you're gonna do so it just trains you specifically to be an optician and jump in the field i um took it just because i actually want want to be a dental assistant and since it sound like something maybe i could do it sounds interesting but then the counselor actually um got my attention to be an optician so i'm now trying to be an optician 13251,407,that makes sense, and it's interesting so it's fun it's um really hard but it's interesting and it and it um and it's it's fun it has um rewarding um rewarding benefits as far as like being able to help people see better and feel comfortable with glasses or contact lenses whatever they feel more comfortable with 13252,407,that's great, cool 13253,407,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh i'm definitely outgoing however i can be shy sometimes like i'm kinda shy right now because talking to you and you're uh in a computer and you're a cartoon 13254,407,(laughter, or uh animated or whatever so cool but no usually ninety eight percent 13255,407,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i actually which it is actually kinda funny and i think maybe this might go for some of the poker players too um i don't really i've never really talked to any professional poker player but as far as like um i actually playing poker is um actually something that helps me forget about anything as far as like um stuff in the past or present um or future stuff that's coming up uh as far as like i am really relaxed i really um could just not think about anything and just think about poker and it actually it's kinda like a therapy thing for me 'cause i don't like i guess you could say it's a kinda drug because um i don't think about anything as far as like stressed out or depressed or stuff that's happened in the past i just like focus on poker so it's actually kinda relieving however playing poker is very stressful on top of that so i guess it's kind of like um catch twenty two or whatever but uh 13256,407,hmm, yeah so no poker i play like to play basketball i like to watch movies i like to go to the beach actually one of the things i like to do is go to the beach 'cause it does um it makes me feel good but it i didn't go i usually only go to the beach when it's hot not during the cold season so it's coming up soon so i'm looking forward to that i'm gonna be busy but uh i'll try to go out to the beach as much as i can 13257,407,okay, 13258,407,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm really good at controlling my temper actually i've only been in like i'm thirty years old i've been in like six fights maybe and all six of 'em were started by the other person so i've never started a real fight in my whole life like i started fights when i was a little kid but talking about like real stuff like once you get passed it at like thirteen fourteen uh but yeah no i'm good like every now and then like there's been a couple times maybe in the past where like i wasn't able to control it but um as far as like ever being violent or anything that's never occured and never would but for um majority of the time yeah i don't have like people do stupid things all the time and i just like let it go especially like um on the freeway and stuff but uh 13259,407,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh well i mean i argued a bit with my ex girlfriend a lot but uh it was just about really um petty things i guess that maybe we just i think we were good for each other but uh maybe some other lifetime because uh we just bumped heads too much so obviously she's my ex girlfriend probably for a reason so 13260,407,mm, we just argued about girlfriend boyfriend things 13261,407,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, uh um i guess my filmmaking um handled differently there's a lot of stuff i could've handled differently but uh uh maybe like when i was doing really good when i was younger and i was um working for scrubbed_entry production assistant for filmmakers around um where i lived in sacramento so i was doing everything that i wanted to do as far as my dreams are concerned and had a lot all my stuff together i had my own car my own apartment and then i got involved with like uh the wrong group of people i guess and kinda tumbled downhill from there and like lost everything like car job apartment so i just wish that maybe i never got involved with those kind of people that kinda of girl um uh ever uh because i woulda probably it probably my life probably would be a lot different now however i believe that everything happens for a reason and obviously i think you should also like if stuff happens good or bad uh uh learn from your other mistakes so that when it happens again you could um not make that mistake or try not to make it as bad i guess so 13262,407,yeah, you know 13263,407,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm hardest decision i guess i guess uh hardest decision the hardest decision i have ever had to make would be um i guess you could say uh i don't really know was gonna say that uh maybe like my ex girlfriend like i could've like stayed with her and i really like still am in love with her and uh would like to be with her and miss her but i guess the biggest mistake um decision that i had to make was like i know that it wasn't like a healthy relationship and i know if we like stayed together or if we got married or had kids that i don't think it would end up working out anyways so i guess the decision my hardest decision would be to like actually stay away from her and not get back with her and uh be uh not with her so i guess that was a hard really hard decision because um i could easily have done it and i guess maybe i would've been happier in that way but stressed out and um irritable or whatever and the other way of having to deal with her i guess deal with each other our our relationship so it was really hard still is so uh i guess that's it not choosing to be with someone that i i loved and loved me or whatever so 13264,407,mm, cool 13265,407,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, oh what was that i beg your pardon 13266,407,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, nevad i don't understand the first part of that question 13267,407,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, oh an event oh an event okay um that i could erase uh event that i could from my memory uh my ex girlfriend i wish i'd never met her my first girlfriend and my last girlfriend i wish i never met them 'cause uh we we were together in love for a few years and then we broke up and it was really hard so i guess both of them 13268,407,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, oh it's extremely easy i could fall asleep anywhere i actually the other day i broke a record i almost fell asleep standing up which would've been weird because i guess i would've 13269,407,wow, fallen down or something i don't know i just caught myself 13270,407,(laughter, i guess i was really i mean i was really tired but i i do a lot of stuff so it's hard for i don't really get that much sleep 13271,407,yeah, as much as i would like like but i could sleep when i'm dead or whatever so as they say 13272,407,okay, 13273,407,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, uh no 13274,407,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 13275,407,how have you been feeling lately, uh lately i'm just tired but i'm alright i guess i'm dealing with this breakup still it's only been like a month an a week but it's actually it's not i mean i've had worse things happen i mean worse things happen had worse things happen so yeah i guess 13276,407,how do you cope with them, well i'm a religious person i'm catholic i believe in god i know there's a god so um i obviously even all of it even devoted people to god um regardless of what they are they uh sometimes lose faith so i do lose faith sometimes but it doesn't really last for that long and i know that there is a god i know that i'll be okay and that everything will be okay but you know it's hard um deal with them i i don't really i just keep going you know go to school and work and i just have to keep going i can't give up so i just try to stay busy and staying busy helps kind of and like sleeping a lot helps but i don't get to sleep a lot so um i don't know uh playing poker playing basketball 13277,407,uh huh, deals helps me deal with it and like uh hanging out with my friends helps me sometimes 13278,407,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, why uh uh uh i felt really happy on friday because um i went to san diego for the first time and uh i didn't it wasn't as cool as i thought it was gonna be but uh we were like under circumstances as far as like my friend had business to take care of and it took a long time so i would've much rather been free during that time but i wasn't but we had fun and it was cool uh i enjoyed it so yeah i really liked uh i was had fun and i was happy about going to san diego for the first time and i um had a good time 13279,407,that's great, 13280,407,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, oh she's um a lot of things but i guess i would say like be nicer to like um family members you know a couple family members that i wish i would've been different to um acted different to not that i was like a horrible but i could've been nicer in some instances that if i didn't know the situation at hand uh i would've never like really um went out and partied all the time like i did like high school and different part times of out of high school i would've just really focused on um schooling and stuff and then did the partying later uh wouldn't have gotten relationships that um so i would've just told myself more basically to be more uh have more direction be more focused i guess uh stay away from people and unhealthy relationships unhealthy people i guess not that i'm the healthiest but um yeah i just would've done a lot of stuff different but i um i don't know if i said this earlier but i believe everything happens for a reason um so i guess everything's happening now for a reason so i'm just gonna keep going 13281,407,how would your best friend describe you, uh i guess they would the few that i do have or few that i used to have 'cause i have best friends now a couple i guess one new one and i've lost a few best friends as far as like just not we like went out own ways but i guess they would all probably describe me more as like um happy energetic uh funny crazy uh loud uh silly uh smart and uh i just in i guess in uh in general just like entertaining to be around have i haven't always always been the best bestest best friend but i try you know my hardest 13282,407,uh huh, so that's it like 13283,407,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, cool um change myself uh i wish i was um i wish i was like fifteen pounds lighter um i wish i didn't need uh how do i say put this uh i feel like um i feel like i'm a i feel like i i need to be like in a relationship with a girl i feel like i wish i didn't have to be like feel like that i needed to have a girl all the time and so i could that could help me like focus more and i wish that like i didn't need sexual um i wasn't always thinking about sexual stuff towards girls all the time as far as like me having to be in a sexual thing with them like as far as like wanting sex as much as i do 'cause i feel like if i didn't concentrate or have to do like get be with girls or in a relationship to like well who i don't know how to say it but i'm just saying like i there's like guy friends that i know that don't need sex as much as i do and i feel like i need it more than i feel like sometimes that i wish i didn't need need it as much so maybe i guess i'm addicted to it a little bit where like i i could focus on more things other than just i mean i don't just focus on sex but i just feel like if focus on if i didn't want it need it or think i need it as much that i could get more stuff done in my life 13284,407,mm, but yeah so i'm trying i'm working on that 13285,407,what are you most proud of in your life, what am i most proud of uh i'm most proud of the the i'm most proud oh i guess i guess i'm most proud of working for um television station back in sacramento and working on a lot of um film sets 'cause like i i was sixteen and i decided i wanted to be a fimmaker and then two years later a year and a half later basically i got i started making steps to become a filmmaker and then i ended up working working in the business and working as a filmmaker for a really really um really um good um cinematographer a really good um freelance cinematographer that was based that lives in sacramento they did a lot of things so i'm proud that had a dream and i went for it and i and actually ended up doing stuff to go towards my dream that were in my dream so um yeah i guess that's one of my biggest accomplishments which was like over ten years ago but i you know hopefully something like that could happen again soon or you know so 13286,407,that's great, 13287,407,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13288,407,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, perfect 13289,407,goodbye, 13290,408,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes i am 13291,408,okay, 13292,408,so how are you doing today, i'm doing great 13293,408,that's good, 13294,408,where are you from originally, i am originally from venezuela 13295,408,really, 13296,408,when did you move to l_a, i was two years old 13297,408,you were very young weren't you, yes i was 13298,408,how often do you go back to your hometown, um been only once 13299,408,why, i do not have family there anymore uh my uh siblings live in florida nowadays 13300,408,aw, 13301,408,okay, 13302,408,what are some things you really like about l_a, wow there's so many things i like about l_a i like the weather i like people overall i think the weather we're very lucky here 13303,408,mhm, 13304,408,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic 13305,408,i see what you mean, 13306,408,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh i have traveled some 13307,408,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people and doing new learning about new cultures i enjoy languages uh traveling itself 13308,408,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, i have traveled to italy uh i lived there for seven and a half years and i studied abroad i've uh visit a few countries through europe and i had a real good time 13309,408,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um probably traveling uh through rail along europe and getting to know cities in that way 13310,408,awesome, 13311,408,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, totally outgoing 13312,408,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i do meditation 13313,408,how did you decide to do that, um it's usually a practice that you can becomes very natural so my body's able to um sense when i'm not feeling at ease and i naturally um breathe and start my meditation process 13314,408,how hard is that, mm it could be hard if you don't practice it every day or if you're not able to quiet your mind however if you um meditate for a long time it becomes a practice like going to the gym or drinking your daily water um you can naturally learn to meditate 13315,408,uh huh, 13316,408,how are you at controlling your temper, i think pretty good 13317,408,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i typically do not argue uh and i don't remember any instance of arguing with someone recently 13318,408,okay, 13319,408,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, maybe being on the freeway and taking the wrong exit 13320,408,(laughter, i would've probably paid attention to uh my uh probably g_p_s or not being over confident 13321,408,i see what you mean, 13322,408,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hardest decision i ever had to make uh i guess moving back from europe to l_a coming back home i miss my friends 13323,408,what made you decide to do that, it was time to come back i had done my schooling and it was time to come back home see my parents and join my family 13324,408,tell me about your relationship with your family, i love my family they're the core of my life i have a nephew he's uh six years old and he's the love of my life love them all 13325,408,that's so good to hear, 13326,408,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my teachers uh my parents and definitely my mentors 13327,408,okay, 13328,408,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, well i don't think i have anything that bad that i want to erase from my memory um i can't think of any sorry 13329,408,okay, 13330,408,what's something you feel guilty about, guilty about i don't think i have anything to feel guilty about however sometimes i feel guilty when i eat a lot of cookies 'cause that is not good for my health 13331,408,okay, 13332,408,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, very easy i sleep like a baby once i hit the bed 13333,408,that's good, 13334,408,how have you been feeling lately, i've been feeling good 13335,408,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 13336,408,okay, 13337,408,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i felt really happy about two months ago i went to a friend's birthday she celebrated in a casino by a city away from los angeles san bernadino and i was playing with a twenty five cents with quarters and i won like seventy five dollars in the machine so that was very cool 13338,408,nice, 13339,408,how would your best friend describe you, uh outgoing always planning something exciting to do um very outspoken 13340,408,is there anything you regret, mm not that i know of no 13341,408,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, oh always do what you want to do life is short and um always keep on learning 13342,408,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, uh i want to lose two more pounds 13343,408,okay, 13344,408,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, i i've been very very blessed i've never really felt anyone make me feel bad and i usually interact well with everyone i meet and i'm very blessed to have everyone be nice to me 13345,408,that's great, 13346,408,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm a great listener uh i spend quality time with my friends and family uh not quantity necessarily but quality time and i'm very supportive and i love to pretty much listen listen and listen sometimes that's all people need 13347,408,mhm, 13348,408,what did you study at school, i went to school um i have two degrees um business management um uh degree and also i have a language degree 13349,408,that sounds interesting, 13350,408,how did you decide to do that, i learned languages when i was very little uh had the opportunity to travel and it was easier for me to keep on learning languages and uh the business part i enjoy interacting with people creating um new ideas uh innovating so i believe that's where my interested in uh business came from mhm 13351,408,mhm, 13352,408,are you still working in that, yes i am 13353,408,what's your dream job, my dream job one that wouldn't have probably challenges every day uh one that i could uh i don't know i'd just come to the office and everybody and everything would be perfect but uh it's not real so uh i think one of the main things about having a a job is enjoying those challenges 13354,408,yeah, 13355,408,what are you most proud of in your life, very proud of myself uh my accomplishments and i'm also very proud of my family and my friends and how they have uh uh achieved and overcome their obstacles 13356,408,can you give me an example of that, um sure i have a friend of mine who is now in new york state university she had quite some challenges trying to get there and funding her education and now she is um uh not only in the school but she hosts has acquired uh some funding for her education through a lot of writing letters and petitions and things she did in order to conquer her dream to be in school so very proud of her 13357,408,that's great, 13358,408,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13359,408,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 13360,408,goodbye, 13361,410,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 13362,410,okay, 13363,410,so how are you doing today, uh i'm fine today today is my daughter's birthday 13364,410,aw, 13365,410,that's great, 13366,410,where are you from originally, california 13367,410,really, yes 13368,410,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the beach 13369,410,mhm, i love the waters 13370,410,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the gang violence violence 13371,410,okay, 13372,410,can you tell me about that, um i lost a lot of friends growing up in um through elementary and high school just losing them through gang violence 13373,410,i'm sorry to hear that, yeah thank you it was pretty tough out there 13374,410,yeah, 13375,410,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um haven't been to any place out of california yet so not really 13376,410,okay, 13377,410,what did you study at school, um i'm an optician i'm a certified optician and i also have my associate's degree 13378,410,that sounds interesting, 13379,410,how did you decide to do that, um actually i went in i didn't really know what i wanted to do when i first applied i just knew i wanted to change my life and do something successful um before i settled down and you know had my daughter and everything um actually my guidance counselor kind of helped me and i i always thought like they were so cool 'cause their white long lab coats 13380,410,what's your dream job, to be a optometrist 13381,410,why, um 'cause i'm already an optician and that's like the first step and um what i why is a good question it's because then i would have a be able to have my own business and i would have something successful to leave to my daughter and she wouldn't have to really want to anything it would be like a a family business but a a to help the community as well and something i could leave for my daughter 13382,410,that makes sense, 13383,410,tell me about your kids, uh my daughter she's five years old uh she'll be starting elementary school next week and today is her birthday uh five years ago i had her um she is very smart um i taught her home i home schooled her for five years and um she's adorable she's my heart 13384,410,do you find it easy to be a parent, no this is like the hardest job ever 13385,410,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, it's very hard providing providing uh making sure that you wash their clothes um 'cause 'cause i mean it's hard enough to be um a parent but i'm a young parent and i'm a little more mature than her father so it's um it's it's the providing part i would basically say making sure that you have everything that they need it's so complicated let alone um it gives you enthusiasm to be more to go the extra mile um even being here today i probably would've still been in bed but today is my daughter's party and i was trying to make whatever extra little money i could make you know to make sure that she has a good day so it's all about uh going the extra mile doing anything that you can do to provide to provide for them but it it's a very hard job 13386,410,yeah, 13387,410,what's the best thing about being a parent, um that moment of the day when your child tells you how much they care about you and um my daughter her favorite thing is to tell me i'm her i'm her heart you know and and how many i mean just call your name it just it's a sense of reality um to be called mom or to call call dad and it it just like it infatuates you it also let you know like this is reality this is this is my life this is what i'm living right now and it's a it's a very good feeling that's the best part of being a parent 13388,410,that's so good to hear, thank you 13389,410,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, um a lot of different things i'm actually taking care of my daughter um i'm here with her uh i was raised by my grandparents so i mean i didn't really i didn't get to know my mom til i was sixteen and my father i mean i couldn't point him out on the street on the sidewalk so i don't know who he is so i feel that um i'm very different from them because no matter how hard the job is getting i don't give up 13390,410,yeah, yeah 13391,410,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um i guess i there's been oh excuse me um there's been a lot of different people that have been very positive in my life i can say um my sister she was a good influence on me to get into the medical field she's in the uh she's an l_v_a and um she's one of my older sisters um i can say me believing in god being in my life god being in my life has also kept my strong and to know that i don't have to take on this world by myself because god is there for me and um hm i don't know i don't really look up to a lot of different people because people lie so and that's the most what i could think that's been positive for me 13392,410,okay, 13393,410,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i think i'm outgoing i used to be shy um coming up as a kid and i don't know i don't know what happened to me uh one day i just broke out of my shell and i've been um very accurate of showing my personality off 13394,410,(laughter, 13395,410,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i actually like for the waves to collapse against the rocks at the beach and i like to just sit there and just zone out everybody else that's there and rub my toes in the sand and that is so relaxing 13396,410,mm, 13397,410,how are you at controlling your temper, um excuse me sorry about that um i learned not to uh 'cause it's a form of it's a form of knowing who's in control and is it your life or someone else's and i feel that my temper me controlling my temper is showing that i'm in charge of my life so i don't even let stuff get to me i don't even really remember the last time that i had to control my temper because that's how much i try to block out the the negativity 13398,410,that's good, 13399,410,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm probably my husband my daughter's father um uh probably over like uh you know the dishes or like the small things but not uh physical altercation like with another human being no 13400,410,okay, 13401,410,what's something you feel guilty about, wow um being honest i kind of feel guilty about how things like uh basically how things ended um before my mom passed i wish that i could've helped her a little more even though people tell me not to feel bad um because she wasn't really there for me growing up but i kind of feel guilty like you know not being there as much as i could've been for her before she passed away so i think that's something that i um i still feel guilty for 13402,410,okay, 13403,410,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um going through my mom passing away 13404,410,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt like i felt like um basically that it was i felt kind of robbed in a sense like i felt everyone else had parents and i grew up with my grandparents and then for me to go so many years without actual you know mom and dad for me to get eighteen years old and then then she leaves me it was kind of like um i don't know it was nerve wracking because i felt robbed you know it was like i didn't have her all these years and then now that i'm older and i'm i don't even have her now so 13405,410,yeah, 13406,410,i'm sorry, 13407,410,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um signing the paper of having a c section when it was time for me to have my daughter i was so nervous so scared um really didn't know what to do how to take it and i mean like that was so scary 13408,410,what made you decide to do that, um it was the safest way of bringing my daughter into this world 13409,410,are you happy you did that, yes 13410,410,that's good, 13411,410,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's hard i didn't even sleep last night that's why i'm yawning but um uh i i kind of tend to try to do everything and i have to get back to that stage where i have to think about myself as well and give myself time 13412,410,mhm, 13413,410,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um a little like this but actually i'm a little nicer today um just groggy 13414,410,okay, 13415,410,how have you been feeling lately, um lately i've been feeling very confident about um being positive about going the extra mile of being a good parent 13416,410,that's great, 13417,410,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh yeah i actually really don't care what other people think anymore i used to let that bother me but i don't no more 13418,410,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13419,410,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 13420,410,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um uh today 'cause i was so happy that i brought my daughter into this world today on her birthday 13421,410,uh huh, 13422,410,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um getting to know people 13423,410,is there anything you regret, mhm mm not at the moment 13424,410,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, if i go uh to watch who i associate with 13425,410,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, my weight 13426,410,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, uh i would say my grandma 13427,410,can you tell me about that, mm um uh uh it's it's just uh i'd rather not 13428,410,okay, 13429,410,what are you most proud of in your life, um my daughter that's my pride and joy 13430,410,that's great, 13431,410,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13432,410,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, wow thank you 13433,410,goodbye, 13434,411,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 13435,411,okay, 13436,411,so how are you doing today, pretty good 13437,411,that's good, 13438,411,where are you from originally, new york 13439,411,really, 13440,411,when did you move to l_a, uh i moved to l_a in the seventies 13441,411,that's a long time, but i yeah but i lived a lot of different places 13442,411,how often do you go back to your hometown, of um i guess every few years but i travel a lot so i've lived in i've lived in africa i've lived in spain switzerland hong kong too 13443,411,wow, 13444,411,what do you enjoy about traveling, um different cultures food music rituals uh everything the smells the colors makes you feel alive 13445,411,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, excuse me 13446,411,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, one of my trips 13447,411,mhm, uh i lived in kenya for about a year um i'd say i love horseback riding so when you're uh viewing other animals when you're kind of disguised in the scent of a horse you can approach the animals a lot closer so um it was great seeing red orange fall sunsets and riding along you know uh seeing so many animals yeah 13448,411,what's one of your most memorable experiences, in kenya um probably when i went to a a masai village and i happened to i used to live in hawaii and i've had been to tahiti and i was wearing one of those pareos that are hand painted and i had it tied over the left shoulder with the twisted in a knot and i happened to enter a masai village for the first time uh that day and i looked all around and the men were wearing their clothing exactly with the same twist on the same shoulder and they came over to me and they said why are you dressed masai 13449,411,(laughter, 13450,411,(laughter, and uh and um then they came back and gave me what appeared to be uh some very large what looked like beaded leather bookmarks but they were actually earrings so they would've like weighed my ears straight down and um and then then they gave me some bracelets and then they had uh me wear something around my waist and they said now you look proper masai so but i i yeah i just i have a lot of uh i think living 13451,411,aw, getting a chance to live in different countries around the world i've just uh you feel alive all your senses are completely you know uh awoken yeah 13452,411,that's great, 13453,411,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i think it's not so clear cut i think a lot of peoples are a hybrid of both i mean i think i can be extremely shy sometimes but extremely brazen uh and very courageous at other times probably one of my best virtues is i'm very gutsy person so when i really feel passionate about something i risk everything to go achieve it sometimes um i believe that um usually i well i make decisions very quickly and i find that i have a friend who makes decisions very slowly and he said to me tell me how i can make decisions quicker and i told him i said well in each case you always have no choice and he says what do you mean there's hundreds of choices and i said not really because it's gut wise is only one and it doesn't really matter you waste time physical energy emotional energy mental energy reflecting all of it when gut wise you always know what the choice what you really wanna do is and it doesn't matter whether there's a ninety eight percent chance of failure even if it's a two percent chance of success you have to go to the one that may yield you joy so i always go to that it's it's to me a waste of total time and energy to even think about another choice 'cause who cares if you remain unscathed but it when it yields no joy 13454,411,yeah, 13455,411,yeah, 13456,411,i see what you mean, 13457,411,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh pardon you said you put your fish 13458,411,what do you do when you are annoyed, what do i do when i'm annoyed 13459,411,yes, um i think when i'm annoyed sometimes i it's because sometimes i can have i can need to be a little more patient um i guess you really have to put yourself in somebody else's shoes rather than the way you would react you have to have more empathy 13460,411,how hard is that, um not really i think that's the reason why i enjoy traveling so much 'cause you're put in other situations where you're forced to to um understand other people's lives a lot more regardless of how different they are uh from yours different situations i've been to so many third world countries and and lived in so many different situations that you it it helps create that which is why travel is really the best education there is 13461,411,yeah, 13462,411,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, let me think um uh last time i argued about something um god i'm trying to remember um oh i think it was when somebody didn't respect actually my privacy in something 13463,411,can you tell me about that, um uh oh i know what it was um it was somebody who belonged to the uh uh scientology faith um i uh inherited i inherited um possibly uh a immune disorder from my mother my mother died from lupus and um uh i sometimes even right now i have like skin rashes welts and everything and i am very photo sensitive and um i had an you know an episode where i was i had big flare up and i wasn't really feeling well i felt flushed and everything and the scientologist tells me that i needed to be audited and um and he said something about are you aware of past lives and i had told him that i was buddhist and i was kind of curious that if you're going to try to recruit somebody to convert to your religion at least you should find out the other person what religion they are just to even be informed and to be able to talk to them 13464,411,yeah, and i and he said that are you aware that um about something in your past and i go yes i believe that many religions uh including buddhisms and scientology believe that things that you have have had in your history sometimes affect you or things that you keep that anger issues bitterness um resulting from even your past relationships or your parents and such can affect and make you even sick make you even have cancer yes we believe that and also we also believe i said that you know that you have the power of each person has a god like or a buddha like nature to go ahead and you can make yourself even when i'm on the verge of possibly being i probably get one cold maybe every fifteen years i don't have a tendency to be sick at all and a large part of it is i think when i think i'm on the verge i take sort of like and i did this even when i was a child uh when i was seven i would fold down i had my boo boo and i would take i would say i would have the good part you know help the bad part from a simplistic way in terms of a child 13465,411,right, and i would actually even when i was in a very severe car accident where i got cut by glass my whole back i concentrated healing and and when i went back to the hospital the doctors actually had the nurses come and say this is incredible that just her last week her back was so severely cut this is incredible healing thing so i believe that but uh um uh but i was just i think annoyed and irritated a little because the scientologist told me that because he had taken twenty or forty courses and he these certificates on his wall that he felt that he was more enlightened and it didn't it wasn't even a matter i said of whether he was um whether he took twenty forty courses or whether i'd been practicing buddhism whether it was for five ten fifteen twenty years or whether somebody'd been practicing some type of christianity for fifty years and bending sitting in a church pew every day it doesn't mean this person could have never attended church and be more spiritual than somebody who has 13466,411,yeah, you know so i just was thinking that was the antithesis of somebody who says they're enlightened but it's just the way i guess he kept cramming his uh you know his faith down my throat that after a while i was pretty patient with him but he it was so pompous that i became irritated 13467,411,yeah, especially when he kept telling me that it was audited and yet the same person needed a hip surgery 13468,411,i understand, uh the following week and i didn't point it out to him 'cause i just didn't wanna get into it but one could say hey you have a bad hip 'cause you need to be audited that that something that you did in your past otherwise you wouldn't need to get a hip surgery i mean i believe to some extent things that can be caused by people themselves and then he's flippantly said well are you aware of scientologists believe that past lives can also affect you know and i'm thinking to myself buddhists of all religions are are kind of like well known for you know believing in in a cause and effect and past lives situations and i found my thought he should really read up if he's trying to convert other people from other religions so but um you know i i you know i i just didn't you know care for the fact that he wouldn't drop it 13469,411,yeah, but other than that i mean i don't 13470,411,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um uh sometimes to have a little more tact i guess when when it's in terms of patience 13471,411,mm, 13472,411,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, i can think of that right away i guess uh disconnecting my father when he was like a vegetable in the hospital 13473,411,i'm sorry, 13474,411,how did you decide to do that, mm mm my brother uh was supposed to be the strong one supposedly because he is in the medical field so my sister and i said well you know he's the medical one so he's probably used to seeing this all the time but it turns out he was the weakest one and even after you know my boss my father kept you know um um you know bucking the his body would actually be fighting the artificial respirator and all kinds of things you see all this jerking of body movements and stuff it was just very hard mm but you know it was after a while the uh you know even the physicians and even the uh pastor from that particular uh hospital you know hospital they said that he was no longer like even if he was to awaken from that he his brain function would've been been you know negligible 13475,411,yeah, 13476,411,that sounds really hard, yeah it was mhm 13477,411,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hm mm i don't think i really have that many things that are that traumatic that happened to me that i've had to block them i really don't know what it is within my makeup which doesn't make me feel like i need to like i don't keep i have friends that have unmitigated issues which they're not even aware of that affect their behavior or maybe their bitterness or their anger or their hatred or their fear and for some reason i i feel blessed that i don't really i can't really even think of something that i mean i've had some bad situations happen to me but it's not that the some reason they've traumatized me in affecting you know my behavior where i would where i block it that i'm not aware of something or i hold residual negativity for some reason so i really can't think of anything i mean there's bad things that happen and i know they're there but it's not like i feel like i it's necessary for me to block them 'cause i've been able to you know um accept sometimes sometimes there were unfortunate things that happened 13478,411,okay, 13479,411,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, pretty easy i can usually make my sleep i self sleep in any situation if i have a one hour flight to san francisco i could just kind of lean against the window with the pillow have the blanket over and even on an hour flight pass out before the plane has even taken off from the ground so i can just i have literally when i've had little sleep and i very uh high energy so i don't really need that much sleep but say like if i'm in africa and i bumpy potholed unpaved road and i suddenly saw that i need a few moments of sleep i'll just prop something up put my elbow against the window and say i think i'll gonna take a nap for fifteen minutes go like this and through the jostling i coud just take a nap for fifteen minutes so i don't really have have that problem 13480,411,(laughter, 13481,411,that's good, 13482,411,how have you been feeling lately, okay pretty okay i mean i could deal without the skin flare ups but you know from the photo sensitivity and all that but other than that i'm in pretty good spirts uh huh 13483,411,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, have i ever studied studied what 13484,411,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh i could still couldn't hear you i'm sorry 13485,411,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, have i ever studied changes changes in my behavior what was the word 13486,411,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, um no 13487,411,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh uh 13488,411,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um i don't know just with friends and everything just even this past week just seeing friends that i enjoy being with and just having a great meal laughing just you know having a good time listening to music 13489,411,is there anything you regret, regret about my entire life you mean or are you talking about just recently or what are you talking about 13490,411,whatever comes to your mind, mm you know it's funny uh i find that a lot of the negative experiences that in in my life that have happened have also been uh um opened up experiences that are that are also great that i have not overlooked for example i got totally ripped off by my business partner to the tune of my whole my whole savings and i've had to start all over again and sometimes people sat to me like are you sure you're okay are you are you just pretending to be okay or are you angry do you wanna seek revenge if i was you know 'cause my business partner essentially ripped me off we knew each other's families which was even more difficult in a way um and uh he stole essentially my whole life's savings essentially in a way and he was got sent to prison and the f_b_i was involved interpol was involved uh i was living in switzerland and my father was sick and i was going back and forth and um uh but you know if i hadn't get involved hadn't hadn't gotten involved with him in business i wouldn't have had the a lot of rich experiences and i think sometimes the reason why i don't know why i'm such a positive person but for some reason uh i'm able to it's not that i'm purposely trying to i do see the positiveness in even horrible situations i wouldn't have gotten to live in barcelona and zurich i wouldn't have learned to speak as good spanish german german uh lived in in europe if i had not gotten involved in business with my business partner who ended up ripping me off but and there's a lot of other experiences and different friendships that i developed during that period of time and in a way it was a total different life uh a different world that that would you know that i would've never um had the chance you know to live through if i had not involved my you know but of course it cost me financially and but then again i've always been the type of person who you know money isn't everything and i think the when i least cared about money is when i made the most of it so there you go 13491,411,yeah, and for example one of my favorite times in my life probably when i lived in kenya and you would think that you know a lot of people have this really bad vision of it maybe looking living in mud dung huts or something and living very primitively i mean it it's not like that at all but i and you'd think that with the least amount of uh technological technological innovations and stuff like that i mean actually and i really didn't have you know that much many many material goods at the time i mean i had the blast i had probably the one of the best years of my life when i was living in kenya 13492,411,mm, 13493,411,that's so good to hear, 13494,411,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, the same thing that i did probably when i was about fifteen or sixteen um to live your life with passion and again like choose the way i was saying earlier about making decisions you have to make those decisions gut wise what will give you a sense of awe and wonderment what would make you give you joy and you have to it's it's regardless what the percentages are even if you only have a one percent chance of success you have to go towards that 'cause that's the only thing that will yield you know the happiness in your life 13495,411,mhm, 13496,411,what are you most proud of in your life, the fact that i've adhered to that and been brazen whatever you wanna say have the balls the chutzpah the cojones to go ahead and follow my passions and you know and i guess people call them sometimes strong decisions usually decisions that are easy when you where you remain unscathed usually don't yield joy that's just murphy's law that's just the way it is 13497,411,yeah, 13498,411,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13499,411,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure 13500,411,goodbye, 13501,421,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes that's fine 13502,421,okay, 13503,421,so how are you doing today, i'm okay how are you 13504,421,that's good, 13505,421,i'm great thanks, 13506,421,where are you from originally, originally i'm from san francisco 13507,421,really, 13508,421,when did you move to l_a, um originally i moved here in gosh nineteen ninety five then i went to chicago then to san francisco and then back to los angeles probably about five years ago 13509,421,wow, a lotta moving 13510,421,how often do you go back to your hometown, never 13511,421,why, um there just isn't anything there for me anymore 13512,421,i understand, 13513,421,how does it compare to l_a, uh the weather is better in l_a but the people in san francisco are nicer 13514,421,yeah, 13515,421,why did you move to l_a, my husband prefers my ex-husband prefers it here that's why we moved 13516,421,okay, 13517,421,what did you study at school, i have an undergraduate degree in psychology and uh after that i went to law school 13518,421,that sounds interesting, 13519,421,how did you decide to do that, uh when i was in college i worked at a law firm and decided that i really wanted to be a lawyer it was really interesting 13520,421,are you still working in that, no now i'm a stay-at-home mom 13521,421,aw, 13522,421,tell me about your kids, scrubbed_entry 13523,421,(laughter, 13524,421,do you find it easy to be a parent, no um i love it but it is it is difficult you have to manage a life to make sure that they become a good and successful person 13525,421,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, uh i it's easy to kinda do the academics and stuff like that you know i'm good at that the hardest thing i think is to guide them emotionally to help him through things that he's having a hard time with um feeling like i don't have all the answers 13526,421,yeah, 13527,421,what's the best thing about being a parent, um just seeing them grow and and experience new things and learn about life and the world it's just it's really really cool 13528,421,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, uh completely different um completely different i and i am not a perfect parent but i love my son i take care of him he's the first priority in my life and they weren't like that at all 13529,421,tell me about your relationship with your family, um well my parents are dead i didn't speak to my dad at all before he died um i have a sister and a brother that actually i don't know where they are i don't speak to them either 13530,421,okay, 13531,421,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um probably more shy because i consider myself more reserved 13532,421,mhm, 13533,421,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um i like to listen to music 13534,421,like what, i have i listen to all sorts of music but my favorite when i'm relaxing is uh eighties music cheesy cheesy but true 13535,421,nice, 13536,421,(laughter, 13537,421,how are you at controlling your temper, um it depends on who i'm with if i'm with my son i can control my temper um if i'm with my ex-husband or other adults mm yeah yeah i don't so-so 13538,421,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um yesterday and it was about my ex-husband dating the woman that he was cheating on when we were married 13539,421,can you tell me about that, um i found out he was cheating on me and i kicked him out and he told me yesterday that he's continuing to date her 13540,421,that sounds really hard, yeah 13541,421,how did you feel in that moment, um really angry and just really hurt 13542,421,yeah, 13543,421,i'm sorry, 13544,421,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i wish that i had talked to my dad before he died i wish that i'd settled our differences before he had died 13545,421,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision i've ever had to make was actually ending my marriage 13546,421,what made you decide to do that, because he was cheating on me 13547,421,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um that would have to be well i don't know i mean i don't know if i'd want to erase anything from my memory because it makes me who i am today so i i can't really think of one event that i would want to erase 13548,421,i see what you mean, 13549,421,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh i don't get a good night's sleep it's not easy i wake up a lot in the night 13550,421,why, i don't know i wish i knew if i knew i i could change it i could try to do something about it but i i just don't i don't know 13551,421,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um grumpy irritable 13552,421,mhm, 13553,421,how have you been feeling lately, uh grumpy irritable um down mixed with anger 13554,421,can you tell me about that, it's just because of everything that i'm going through with my soon-to-be ex-husband yeah there's 13555,421,how do you cope with them, um i just keep it inside i mean there's nothing else to really do except i mean it is what it is so i have to deal with it 13556,421,hmm, 13557,421,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13558,421,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 13559,421,how long ago were you diagnosed, ten years ago after my son was born 13560,421,what got you to seek help, or nine years ago um i felt like i couldn't cope with life i was so down um i couldn't i felt like i couldn't do anything 13561,421,are they triggered by something, no 13562,421,do you still go to therapy now, i don't go to therapy i go to medication management but i don't i don't do talk therapy 13563,421,is going to a therapist helping you, i have gone to therapists and no they don't help 13564,421,can you tell me about that, um well some just sit and stare at you and don't say anything um you know if i wanted to talk to myself i would others give advice that i think is just it just not not good and not on point 13565,421,yeah, 13566,421,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um it was probably this morning i was playing with my son 13567,421,aw, 13568,421,how did you feel in that moment, just really happy i wasn't thinking about any of the other crap um in my life i could just forget it so i was feeling really really happy 13569,421,uh huh, 13570,421,how would your best friend describe you, ugh i think they would describe me completely different from the way i would describe me but um i think they would describe me as really sweet uh 'cause they have really sweet um confident uh outgoing because that's what i try to be to people so i think that's how they would describe me 13571,421,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, uh i wish i wasn't sad i wish i was more confident 13572,421,is there anything you regret, um yeah there are a lotta things i think 13573,421,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh it would be to not not give my life over to one particular person which is what i did with my husband 13574,421,hmm, 13575,421,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, i think i would spend my ideal weekend in a sunny place like palm springs with my son hanging around the pool having fun going out to dinner 13576,421,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh one of my two of my friends two really good girlfriends i think have been really positive influences in my life 13577,421,can you tell me about that, um scrubbed_entry she her life is worse than mine and uh but we can always commiserate together scrubbed_entry is just really positive i mean she's always happy always up always looking to the bright side so that has helped me a lot 13578,421,that's so good to hear, 13579,421,what are you most proud of in your life, my son 13580,421,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um i went over to a friend's house and we had movie night we watched a grown-up movie and had dinner and wine and the boys were in another room watching movies and playing video games and it was just a relaxed fun evening 13581,421,that sounds like a great situation, mhm 13582,421,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13583,421,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, sure 13584,421,goodbye, 13585,424,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, hi yes 13586,424,okay, 13587,424,so how are you doing today, today is a wonderful day i am doing just absolutely marvelous 13588,424,that's so good to hear, 13589,424,where are you from originally, i was born in cleveland ohio i was raised in tucson arizona and came to los angeles when i was sixteen years old 13590,424,really, yes 13591,424,how often do you go back to your hometown, mm uh i've only been back once since i left 13592,424,how does it compare to l_a, it's a whole another community when i was growing up i'm so glad i grew up there because it was a great sense of community which i think we don't have here in los angeles 13593,424,yeah, 13594,424,why did you move to l_a, uh my my grandmother died and left property for my father so we came here to manage her property property 13595,424,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh it was pretty easy for me i was still young and it was easy to adapt so i'm pretty good at meeting people so uh that has never been a problem i traveled a lot as a child so i was used to moving and going to new places 13596,424,that's good, 13597,424,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people seeing new things it's an adventure and i like the adventurous life 13598,424,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh one of my best trips i had it was in nineteen i'm dating myself but nineteen sixty four i came out here to visit my grandmother from cleveland ohio and i went to an indian reservation and i got a little note card about the reservation when i got back home i wrote to the reservation and i told them i when i came went back to school in september i would have to write uh deliver a speech rather about what i did over the summer and i told them i wanted to talk about going to the indian reservation and would they send me something and they sent me this huge kachina indian doll and that was that was a wonderful experience to have the thing is worth now if i still had it i found out like a quarter of a million dollars so 13599,424,wow, 13600,424,awesome, mm but that's one of the best xxx 13601,424,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i could be a little bit of both um i'm pretty when i have to be i can be outgoing 'cause i'm good at meeting talking to people and meeting people but sometimes i have a little bashful side a little shy side of me too so so a little bit of both 13602,424,i understand, 13603,424,what did you study at school, i studied business administration administration with a uh emphasis in marketing and advertising 13604,424,how did you decide to do that, um well i really i started in computer science but that was back in the day when computer science wasn't this what it is today and um i liked
  • i was good at it but it wasn't any interaction with people and i love people so i wanted something that would bring me interaction with people so i went into marketing and i was working for a t_v station where i was going to school so that fit in line in marketing advertising so 13605,424,that's great, 13606,424,are you still working in that, no now i'm a photographer i'm a celebrity photographer i shoot a lot of stars i shoot on the red carpet i shoot a lot of special events and anything else people will pay me for 13607,424,how hard is that, it's not hard at all it's my passion i love it it's like not working 13608,424,what's your dream job, i'm in my dream job i i just need to get more jobs jobs to that pay pay me well because there's a lot of times as a photographer you have to do a lot of things events for free to get known so it's a building process of relationships so i'm still in that process of building relationships 13609,424,mhm, so that i can get more paid jobs but this is my dream job i love what i do 13610,424,okay, 13611,424,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, well now i'm really back into it i used to do it a while then i got away from it but it's meditation i practice meditation and i try to do it twice a day in the morning and at night before i go to sleep i work with oprah and deepak chopra and anybody else who provides me with meditation and i use that to calm my body 13612,424,how are you at controlling your temper, um i can generally control my temper sometimes i get set off i guess like any other human person being but i work at trying to keep a moderate and temperate uh temper in personality 13613,424,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh wow we i argued with my daughter the other day about something i said and i did not mean to say it to hurt her but it obviously did and we argued about that what my intentions were my intentions were never to hurt her mm and maybe what i said did and that's what started the argument 13614,424,how did you feel in that moment, oh god i felt terrible because i i never intended to hurt my daughter and i never would wanna hurt her and i felt bad that she had been hurt by what i had said so i had to have to guard my words and watch my thoughts 13615,424,tell me about your relationship with your family, well i don't have much of a relationship with my family with my brothers and sisters and mother and father my parents live far away so it's just my two daughters here with me and we have a pretty good relationship you know we try to work my my daughter's a makeup artist and i'm a photographer so we work a lot together in the industry so sometimes i think we're up on each other too close we need a little more space 13616,424,has that gotten you in trouble, yeah when i say the wrong things it's 13617,424,do you find it easy to be a parent, no it's never easy to be a parent it's a work in progress 13618,424,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, making the right decisions about things sometimes 13619,424,what's the best thing about being a parent, the love the feel the feeling of accomplishment that you were able to raise the highest creation on this planet to be a a uh wonderful and productive human being 13620,424,yeah, 13621,424,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, i'm not as strict as my parents were i give my kids a little more freedom to find out who they are um i'm not real religious like they do but i am very spiritual um so i brought them up different from me on the religious tip and um i'm more i listen more to them i think than what my parents did it was you were to be seen and not heard when i was growing up and i let my kids' voice be heard 13622,424,what's something you feel guilty about, one night i had a bad night that changed my life and i don't know wanna go into details i feel bad about that night 13623,424,could you have done anything to avoid it, yeah i could've stayed home 13624,424,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, wow i'm trying to think about a situation maybe the handling of how i me and my husband divorced i think i could've handled that a little differently 13625,424,can you tell me about that, well we we i think we really loved each other a lot and we just it was it was something that had come to a a end and the way we separated was kind of explosive and i think both of us could've handled it better but i think i played a part in in keeping a lot of drama going 'cause i was hurt that we were breaking up and kinda devastated 'cause i wanted my child to be raised with her father so i think it looking back now which is you know hindsight is twenty twenty vision i could've handled things a little better but what can you do you do the best that you can at that time if you knew better you'd do better 13626,424,yeah, 13627,424,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision i've ever had to make the hardest decision i've ever had to make was i was on my way to work as an enrollment counselor on a plane had a stroke was going to make an a connection and to get on the other plane to and then go to the hospital and a doctor was sitting behind me and he told me that i could not get on that plane because i might have another stroke that was a hard decision 'cause i was in dallas texas all by myself i did not i mean i was in there with an employee but i would be left all by myself 'cause my employees had to go on to montgomery alabama where we were headed and i had to make a decision should i stay or should i go but my life was in the balance so i made the decision to stay and go to the hospital but that was a hard one 13628,424,oh my gosh, 13629,424,how did you feel in that moment, ugh overwhelmed i mean here i am on my way to work you know i flew to different states every week and uh to help kids get get admitted into college and here i am on my way to work and i'm on a plane and i feel this weird feeling coming over the left side of my body and i say my prayers and i go to sleep and then when i wake up to get off the plane i can't remove my luggage from the overhead compartment which i did every week so i knew something was wrong it was it was when you to your life and the whole world in your hand and you don't know what's gonna happen next so it was very disturbing very traumatic and i you know you don't know what's happening to you it's so the weirdest thing riding to the hospital in a medical ambulance that was a weird experience 13630,424,yeah, 13631,424,i'm sorry, yeah but i'm here i you know i survived it the doctor told me nobody survives it a stroke on a plane and i survived so the universe wasn't finished with me yet 13632,424,mhm, 13633,424,yeah, 13634,424,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, you know what that's sometimes i have a little problem with it um sleeping a little bit sometimes i i get wired up i get wired up just because i'm one of those real energetic persons and i have to finish what i set out to do and until i finish i can't go to sleep so sometimes it's hard for me to go to sleep other times i can lay down and just go but depends on what's going on in my head 13635,424,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i'm sluggish um probably a little on edge but i try and keep a a upbeat personality i'm a real energetic person so i try to but you know if you're tired your body is still talking to you so 13636,424,uh huh, 13637,424,how have you been feeling lately, lately i've been feeling really well um except i've been having some problems because i have a um since i had the stroke i have nerve damage in my hand and in my face and so i just it's i thought it's been over a year since i had the stroke but i thought by now it would have gotten a little better and it hasn't but i'm so grateful to be alive that that is really minor minor compared to the bigger picture and i wasn't fortunately fortunately my i didn't lose my facial structure or you know my face is not screwed up like a lot of people are i still can use my hands i still can shoot with my camera even though my left hand is is diminished in use but i can shoot with my right hand as a photographer so i can still keep doing my work um so you know i have to keep a good upbeat energy going on for me to keep for me to be successful 13638,424,yeah, 13639,424,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no but i went through depression uh from being knocked unconscious five times when i was a school teacher every ball there was that you could name soccer ball baseball basketball name that ball hit me in my head and i suffered from having like sleep apnea and not being able to sleep from being hit so many times and knocked unconscious in the head so 13640,424,okay, 13641,424,do you still go to therapy now, no only i don't go to therapy because um i don't i don't have any medical right now so i'm not able to get therapy they only offer that to people with medical it's hard to get it and then i don't i'm not working yeah it sucks i'm not working right now because i'm still trying to get my disability 13642,424,yeah, 13643,424,that sucks, so that i can get well 'cause i wanna be a fulfilled human being and i wanna be totally and you know the system it'll be almost two years before i go for a hearing so that's kind of depressing to think after all the years i've been working since i was sixteen and it's taking me it's been over a year it was a year i had the stroke february two thousand twelve and we are now in march of two thousand thirteen and i won't have a hearing until september two thousand thirteen just to tell me if i get the disability or not that's been very depressing for me because i'm wondering where i lived off my savings in the last year and i got put my daughter through college she finished and now she's having to take care of me and she's still looking for a job and my life is kinda up in the air right now 'cause i'm wondering what comes next and so i'm just praying for guidance 13644,424,yeah, 13645,424,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, i feel happy every day every day i wake up and i can breathe and i can see and i can walk and i can talk and i can still shoot my photograph i'm happy it's just a good thing to be in the present moment and to be alive 13646,424,that's so good to hear, 13647,424,is there anything you regret, mm you know what i figured like what good are regrets you can't change the past all you can do is change right here and right now so just live
  • move forward 13648,424,mhm, 13649,424,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm what advice would i give myself don't let anything get in your way you know keep a good personality and a energetic spirit and just keep pushing 13650,424,how would your best friend describe you, energetic talkative uh won't take no for an answer uh follow through reliable um good spirited giving loving 13651,424,mhm, 13652,424,what are you most proud of in your life, um i'm most proud of that i have been able to find out my creative side i've been a visual artist i never took a art lesson before i taught art um i was in my late twenties before i even discovered that i could draw and paint um i'm a doll collector uh i'm i'm my creative side is what i'm most proud of because it's been able to help me being creative i can no matter what even when i i was still very ill from having a stroke i could still go out and just go take pictures and that was so soothing to my soul that i'm i'm i'm glad that i have a creative side and that i found it and have utilized it 13653,424,that's great, 13654,424,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, mhm 13655,424,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, uh huh and that's is that it bye bye 13656,424,goodbye, 13657,431,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 13658,431,okay, 13659,431,so how are you doing today, i'm fine 13660,431,that's good, 13661,431,where are you from originally, um florida 13662,431,really, 13663,431,when did you move to l_a, um about two to three months ago 13664,431,how often do you go back to your hometown, i haven't been back as yet 13665,431,how does it compare to l_a, um it's basically the same nice sunny weather 13666,431,why did you move to l_a, um for a career purpose um entertainment 13667,431,cool, 13668,431,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, not very difficult because um the people are very friendly 13669,431,that's good, 13670,431,what are some things you really like about l_a, oh definitely the weather um the upbeat environment and um the opportunities for uh um entertainment career 13671,431,mhm, 13672,431,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, earthquakes 13673,431,i see what you mean, 13674,431,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, mm i travel a lot within the united states yes 13675,431,what do you enjoy about traveling, i love seeing new places and um the different sceneries and meeting new people 13676,431,uh huh, 13677,431,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, mm one of my trips oh utah i just love the scenery in utah the so the the the rocks the the different sculptures of the rocks and the landscape was just fascinating 13678,431,mhm, 13679,431,what's one of your most memorable experiences, mm memorable experiences um i don't think i really have an outstanding one because um i just enjoy seeing different sceneries so i don't think there's any one particular one that stands out 13680,431,okay, 13681,431,what did you study at school, i just did um two years um two years of college and it was in um social science 13682,431,are you still doing that, no 13683,431,what's your dream job, my dream job is well i assist in my husband entertainment but my dream job is um i guess one day to be a model but it's a bit i'm a bit too old for that now 13684,431,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, shy 13685,431,why, i guess i'm more of an introvert so i guess i'm more shy 13686,431,okay, 13687,431,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, mhm oh i listen to music 13688,431,like what, inspirational music 13689,431,nice, 13690,431,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good 13691,431,that's good, 13692,431,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm argue my daughter um it what was it 13693,431,can you tell me about that, what was it about her just being disrespectful 13694,431,how did you feel in that moment, i felt angry 13695,431,mhm, 13696,431,tell me about your relationship with your family, mm i have a great relationship we get along well 13697,431,how close are you to your family, um we're quite close we get along very well 13698,431,that's great, 13699,431,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm handled different um i can't think of any right now 13700,431,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm probably um mm staying mm staying away from my mother for a good many years 13701,431,what made you decide to do that, oh because of relationships problems that i had to adjust to with her 13702,431,are you happy you did that, mm not really mhm 13703,431,can you tell me about that, scrubbed_entry 13704,431,okay, 13705,431,what's something you feel guilty about, guilty mm sometimes i eat more sweets sweets than i should desserts than i should 13706,431,(laughter, 13707,431,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, mm a positive influence um my my husband my aunts my daughters 13708,431,can you tell me about that, a positive influence um well in my husband's case he believes in he believes in achieving setting high goals and you should be confident about yourself and think highly of yourself so he's he's um great in that area 13709,431,mhm, 13710,431,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um very easy 13711,431,what are you like when you don't sleep well, grouchy 13712,431,how have you been feeling lately, mm sometimes a little tired but other than that it's i'm okay 13713,431,okay, 13714,431,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 13715,431,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13716,431,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 13717,431,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, the last time i felt very happy um very happy i usually feel happy but not very happy um oh i get very happy when i'm gonna travel the last time was relocating to los angeles 13718,431,that's great, 13719,431,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm i really enjoyed oh on the weekend i went to a um an activity heritage um weekend and the screening of a movie and i really enjoyed it on the weekend 13720,431,that's great, 13721,431,how would your best friend describe you, mm i don't know calm mm shy 13722,431,mhm, mm i really don't know 13723,431,okay, 13724,431,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um my size my weight 13725,431,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, mm i guess whenever i'm called fat that i'm i'm fat 13726,431,okay, 13727,431,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i think i'm patient um i love people i love helping people uh 13728,431,is there anything you regret, mm yes 13729,431,can you tell me about that, no that's a bit personal 13730,431,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, what advice would i give myself ten twenty years mm always aim for the best and be the best do the best that you can every day 13731,431,uh huh, 13732,431,tell me about your kids, mm they're great kids sometimes they get out of hand sometimes disrespectful but overall they're great 13733,431,do you find it easy to be a parent, yes it's quite easy um yeah because of help from the help help from my father their father my husband he's a a disciplinarian so it's a bit easy for me 13734,431,what's the best thing about being a parent, uh the best thing about being a parent is to see to see uh uh a a person that you gave birth to develop into develop into a wholesome person and take the values that you taught them and kept the values that you taught them and continue to to excel in in their life 13735,431,yeah, 13736,431,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, the hardest thing about being a parent is um seeing your child sick or seeing them in a situation where you have no control and you can't do anything about it it's very difficult then you want to be able to you want to be able to be there in every situation or have control of every situation and some things you just can't like sickness mhm 13737,431,yeah, 13738,431,can you give me an example of that, like i said like if if one of my children is sick i feel i do the best that i can but to see them in pain and i feel like i want to i wish i was able to take that pain whenever they're going through anything i wish i was able to take it instead of them 13739,431,hmm, 13740,431,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, i think with me i'm more sacrificial than my mom was to me um more um i think my demonstration of love is a bit more than she was to me 13741,431,what are you most proud of in your life, that i'm most proud of i'm proud of having a family i guess because it's something that i always wanted in life um to have a family and i guess i'm most proud of that 13742,431,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13743,431,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mm 13744,431,goodbye, 13745,432,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, i'm cool 13746,432,okay, 13747,432,so how are you doing today, fine 13748,432,that's good, 13749,432,where are you from originally, new york 13750,432,really, yep 13751,432,when did you move to l_a, eh about six months six months ago 13752,432,how does it compare to l_a, nicer pace 13753,432,why did you move to l_a, uh photography job 13754,432,are you happy you did that, it's a good move 13755,432,that's so good to hear, mm 13756,432,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh i love the weather 13757,432,yeah, 13758,432,what are some things you really like about l_a, cool people relax easy to talk to 13759,432,mhm, uh nice environment 13760,432,okay, 13761,432,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm crime when you go through some sections 13762,432,i see what you mean, yeah 13763,432,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i've done my share 13764,432,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh the ability to capture events be a part of it be a part of exciting things like 13765,432,like what, um olympics games festivals uh special shows 13766,432,cool, yeah 13767,432,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, meet new people yeah which one 13768,432,whatever comes to your mind, mm canada 13769,432,can you tell me about that, uh it was nice uh very refreshing mm clean environment uh the people seemed very very lighthearted but you're able to do serious work 13770,432,mhm, i love the landscape 13771,432,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh i think it was riding onboard an amtrak train 13772,432,nice, yeah 13773,432,how did you feel in that moment, uh liberated 13774,432,that's great, 13775,432,what did you study at school, photography 13776,432,what's your dream job, uh i think i'm doing it you know 13777,432,how hard is that, i really i i really believe i'm doing it um not very difficult you know uh um not at least not for me because i think i have some natural inclination for it uh and um i connect well with people 13778,432,mhm, 13779,432,that's good, 13780,432,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm more shy but i'm forced to be outgoing because i you know you can't really get anything done being shy but given a choice i'd rather be um you know a little more pulled back uh until i you know i i i feel like just the closest a safe path to go so that kinda curtails with my spirit of adventure sometimes i think 13781,432,i understand, 13782,432,can you give me an example of that, an example hmm well an example of what exactly you mean what aspect 13783,432,yeah, okay well example like uh traveling sometimes you wanna go to a particular place and it's uh something great happening there even though it's a great place but it's not such a cool place to go like take for instance like boston i used to go there a lot um now you know everybody i talk to is like a little bit nervous whether they should go there you know to do you know uh um xxx you know have a great time you know i think it's because of all the disturbance that just happened kinda you know throws you off track a bit make you rethink um is that a good getaway spot still right now something like that you know 13784,432,yeah, 13785,432,i see, mhm 13786,432,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, mm uh me i huh i take walks i call up a friend we have tea or something you know 13787,432,how are you at controlling your temper, uh i think i pretty much gotten that under control 13788,432,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm eh uh it was probably something silly in a work situation that last about five minutes and oh pretty much haven't fought again i don't really dwell on negative things too much 13789,432,mm, uh 13790,432,what's something you feel guilty about, um i don't have any regrets right now mm 13791,432,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i really can't think of anything right off the top 13792,432,okay, 13793,432,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest decision i've ever had to make was uh not hiring a good friend uh for a job that you know they weren't qualified for that's hard 13794,432,can you tell me about that, uh because you have to explain to them that it's not the friendship you're hiring it's their competence 13795,432,yeah, 13796,432,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my father 13797,432,can you tell me about that, uh he just uh taught me how to you know uh overcome uh difficulties when i was growing up and how important it was to not give up uh and be able to see the bright side of any situation you face because it goes away you know if you hold in there long enough and i i found that to be true so 13798,432,yeah, mhm 13799,432,tell me about your relationship with your family, um it's okay except except for some of my uh my distant siblings you know i don't see as often as i can mm yeah 13800,432,why, uh just you know when you when you travel quite a bit you just don't see people 'cause they're not always there you know uh it's nothing like mhm yeah 13801,432,that makes sense, mhm 13802,432,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, uh well you know i'm i'm i get pretty excited if i'm working on something or developing something so i tend to overlook the time sometime but other than that you know when i when i'm out i'm out that's it 13803,432,mhm, 13804,432,what are you like when you don't sleep well, well uh i guess i'll be a little bit uh uh try and figure out how i'm gonna get sleep you know as soon as i can to make up xxx but um uh i i try not to be uh grumpy or anything i just probably feel a little bit tired mm 13805,432,okay, 13806,432,how have you been feeling lately, i feel okay now 13807,432,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh changes like what 13808,432,whatever comes to your mind, mm well i i i see a more hopeful future you know and i see uh i see a lot of new things unfolding i mean from that perspective yes 13809,432,that's good, 13810,432,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13811,432,have you been diagnosed with depression, never 13812,432,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh i feel okay now 13813,432,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh i went to a great party last week that was really cool 13814,432,nice, yeah 13815,432,tell me more about that, well it was like on a rooftop uh and a a lot to really uh nice people who are basically in the same kind of uh mindset uh pursuing the same type of uh uh goals and it was uh quite inspiring actually and i got a lot of information and a lot of good connections were made 13816,432,that's great, 13817,432,how would your best friend describe you, mm awesome guy awesome absolutely awesome 13818,432,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, my ideal weekend is uh cooking my own food relaxing you know and if i'm in the mood for company you know i have friends and uh you know uh family members join me 13819,432,uh huh, 13820,432,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, well i'd kinda like to put on more weight sometime but that doesn't seem to work i eat like crazy and nothing happen 13821,432,(laughter, 13822,432,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, mm well you know i i think people in general sometime uh uh misread misread you you know if you kinda like uh if you look different or you're in in a different type of a if a different set of things make you uh excited or you're into a different way of thinking um people tend to misjudge you you know and that used to make make me really be upset sometime but um yeah i'm i've kinda figured it out and i'm pretty much over that you know so i see it as their loss and not mine you know if they didn't get to know me you know that's hey maybe they don't need to and it doesn't really bother me i've kinda worked those things out in time you know 13823,432,yeah, yeah 13824,432,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh my best qualities probably um uh listening i think and uh maybe just uh talking uh you know on a conversational level 13825,432,mhm, uh 13826,432,is there anything you regret, yeah sometime people tend to burden me with everything they got because of that but uh you know i guess is that's probably one of the things that come with the turf so when i when i see too much of that i just uh pull back 13827,432,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh uh go for your dream believe in what you're doing don't let anyone discourage you and you'll be okay and that's the way i feel now that it's uh kind of evolved itself 13828,432,mm, 13829,432,what are you most proud of in your life, most proud of um i think my um my my my kinda spiritual relationship you know and my my my settleness about not being too too anxious about about things that go on around me and being able to see that you know there are no mistakes that really happen and you shouldn't really uh never allow yourself to be defeated i'm i'm proud to be able to have arrived at that point in my my my thinking my framework uh that i think that saved me a lot of uh problems that could've been uh differently 13830,432,yeah, 13831,432,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, very good questions 13832,432,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, uh i 13833,432,goodbye, 13834,435,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 13835,435,okay, 13836,435,so how are you doing today, okay 13837,435,that's good, 13838,435,where are you from originally, um santiago chile 13839,435,really, 13840,435,when did you move to l_a, mm permanently in nineteen seventy seven 13841,435,that's a long time, 13842,435,how often do you go back to your hometown, mm about every three to four years 13843,435,how does it compare to l_a, it's similar 13844,435,why did you move to l_a, uh my parents moved here 13845,435,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, very easy 13846,435,that's good, 13847,435,what are some things you really like about l_a, mm the variety the culture um uh the things there's so many things to do 13848,435,mhm, so many options 13849,435,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic um the pressure to live up to a standard high standard 13850,435,hmm, 13851,435,i see what you mean, expensive 13852,435,what did you study at school, um sociology and psychology 13853,435,that sounds interesting, 13854,435,how did you decide to do that, i uh uh got a job in the social service field and i didn't have an education and i felt that with an education i would be much better equipped to uh provide services for the population i was working with 13855,435,are you happy you did that, yes 13856,435,are you still working in that, no 13857,435,what's your dream job, uh to own my own uh nonprofit organization that provides um services for women um that are considered marginalized populations 13858,435,okay, 13859,435,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, mm i like to travel but um no i don't travel a lot 13860,435,what do you enjoy about traveling, oh the different cultures the different architects the um the knowledge that you acquire 13861,435,mhm, um variety of foods 13862,435,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, mm okay mm i can tell you that one of my favorite places is sedona arizona because it's so beautiful and it's so clean and open 13863,435,nice, um 13864,435,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, neither i can be 13865,435,why, i can be really shy uh but i force myself to be more outgoing though i think uh people perceive me as very outgoing 13866,435,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, mm i go on uh facebook or i check my emails or i watch movies 13867,435,okay, 13868,435,how are you at controlling your temper, comme ci comme ca sometimes i'm really good for the most part but there are times um when i'm feeling very stressed and i have uh temper outburst uh anger outbursts 13869,435,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i don't know about um maybe um thirty days ago and it was about my inadequate parenting skills 13870,435,that sounds really hard, 13871,435,how did you feel in that moment, xxx um ashamed angry confused but uh um i also felt like i needed to uh have my perspective understood 13872,435,yeah, 13873,435,tell me about your kids, i have four kids three boys and one girl scrubbed_entry uh my oldest son is uh living in mar vista and he's doing some menial job um he's creative and artistic and has a really good heart um my uh third son is my second son uh son 'cause he's my third child um lives in alabama he has a daughter and he also has a menial job um uh but he moved there to be with his daughter he's not together with his uh daughter's mother and um he's funny and really smart and um wickedly clever and my uh third son my youngest is living in los angeles is living on his own um working at a menial job is kind of finding himself he's extremely kind and sensitive and caring and loving um but he tends to be uh pretty hard on himself um and has a lot of opinions about a lot of things 13874,435,do you find it easy to be a parent, mm i love being a parent but being a parent isn't easy 13875,435,what's the best thing about being a parent, um the unconditional love you feel for your children 13876,435,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, tolerating um their shortcomings and their suffering and feeling like regret for not having done a better job 13877,435,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, um i think i tell my children that i love them and that i'm proud of them and that um i have a much more open communication and uh i'm more accepting of the choices uh that they make even though i might not agree with them 13878,435,how close are you to your family, i'm uh close to my sisters um i'm pretty distant from my mother um i was close when i was younger to my father but he passed away when i was twenty five 13879,435,i'm sorry to hear that, 13880,435,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my college professors 13881,435,can you tell me about that, um i think that they uh uh helped me perceive a different perspective on uh human beings um made me more altruistic and more um open and less judgment judgmental 13882,435,mhm, 13883,435,what's something you feel guilty about, being poor and unsuccessful 13884,435,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i think i could've made um better choices eh regarding the fathers of of my children and and or stepfathers 13885,435,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, maybe xxx when um i uh i left my kids 13886,435,can you tell me about that, um my first marriage i uh i was really uh immature and unknowledgeable and felt that i um couldn't provide for my children so i made a choice to leave them with their father for a period of time um and that was a regret and then when um i was thirty six i was diagnosed with cancer and um i had to make the choice of again uh leaving my kids with their perspective fathers and um uh until i got better i wasn't able to um be a full-time mother 13887,435,that sounds really hard, yeah it was 13888,435,how do you cope with them, separation from my kids is really hard separation from my kids is really hard um 13889,435,yeah, i feel ashamed and guilt and remorse 13890,435,why, because had i had a more um stable uh uh financial um hmm uh uh financial and emotional and psychological foundation i might have had the ability to not have caused them um some of the problems that they have today 13891,435,okay, 13892,435,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, mm sometimes good i have to be really tired um sometimes not so good 13893,435,what are you like when you don't sleep well, mm ineffective 13894,435,how have you been feeling lately, mm ineffective 13895,435,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, i think i'm making more of a conscientious effort to um get organized and uh um take some um steps to uh physical health um well-being um getting out more forcing myself to uh participate in life more 13896,435,that's good, 13897,435,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 13898,435,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 13899,435,how long ago were you diagnosed, um originally i think i was diagnosed in nineteen eighty maybe before that but it was never a formal diagnosis 13900,435,what got you to seek help, um i tried to commit suicide 13901,435,do you still go to therapy now, yes 13902,435,do you feel like therapy is useful, sometimes 13903,435,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um i uh i'm no longer uh truly suicidal 13904,435,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, mm i don't know two thousand six two thousand seven 13905,435,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, went to the beach for a walk with my dog 13906,435,aw, 13907,435,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i have a great ability to empathize i am open to learning um i crave learning i'm um socially empathetic i love my children um i'm a good friend 13908,435,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, mm well my depression is one thing um um i wish i was more intelligent that school was easier for me um i wish i didn't have uh such low self-esteem um i wish i could be more motivated in participating in areas that i'm interested in 13909,435,mm, 13910,435,is there anything you regret, yeah 13911,435,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, go to college 13912,435,what are you most proud of in your life, my children 13913,435,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 13914,435,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 13915,435,goodbye, 13916,438,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 13917,438,okay, 13918,438,so how are you doing today, i'm doing pretty good 13919,438,that's good, 13920,438,where are you from originally, i was born and raised right here in los angeles 13921,438,really, 13922,438,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the weather um would be number one i also like the diverse uh cultures i like the fact that there's a lot of different things here you can do and there's a lot of opportunity here um not just for myself but for my kids and um i think it's really a great place to be when you're trying to establish a career go to school um learn about different people 13923,438,yeah, 13924,438,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic the cost of living um sometimes i think it's too big and i think the transportation system as far as the bus and trains um is long overdue they need to revamp it or you know add more buses and things like that just make it easier for people to get around on public transportation 13925,438,i see what you mean, 13926,438,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i travel when i can a little bit here and there i have not been overseas yet which is a goal of mine within the next couple of years so i've just traveled domestically i try to take at least one trip a year somewhere 13927,438,that's good, 13928,438,what do you enjoy about traveling, i just like the fact of getting on the plane and going places um going particularly somewhere i've never been and learning about that place you know like so if i'm going to d_c i really look forward to it 'cause it's a historic city you know things like that 13929,438,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um my most recent trip would've been d_c last year um i went to go visit a friend and i stayed about three i think three to four days and i got to see the capitol um he showed me around showed me all the you know historic landmarks and sites the white house the capitol building um i got to see a lot of other different uh government buildings and um it was it was a a good experience the irony was i had to fly on nine eleven and so that had me a little uneasy but once i was in the plane up in the air i was okay and it was all good and once i was back home i was like yes but i i i miss the trip and i look forward to going back 13930,438,nice, 13931,438,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um attending uh my friend's wedding she had a destination wedding in hawaii um actually maui that was actually two three three years ago three years ago in august and um i've been trying to get back ever since and i wanna take my kids and i just love it there and i actually kinda look forward to to moving there one day 13932,438,tell me about your kids, um i have three sons um thirteen-year-old twins boys and my youngest is also a boy he's eight they um all have birthdays in june the twins are june ninth and my baby is june fourth and so they're just a few days apart but five years apart technically and they're just super super typical boys active all over the place hormones puberty um so it's actually an interesting time because you know the the two older boys are going through puberty um they're teenage years um my youngest um still trying to figure some things out for himself you know doing that transition stage of eight to nine years old so he'll be nine in june and then my oldest will be fourteen so it's a challenging time for me as well 13933,438,what's the best thing about being a parent, just the joy of watching what you put into being a parent every day and seeing how just with love and nurturing and um the right and you know well i can't say proper development but just with you know love and nurturing how a um baby grows into a toddler into you know a young boy to a teenager and then into a young man and so that experience alone has been rewarding just watching my sons grow up and go through these different stages and seeing how they have developed and you know seeing some of the things that they're going through now that so reminiscent of my teenage years and um it's just it's very rewarding and um actually i look forward to maybe even being a foster parent later down the line when they're older and off in college 'cause i really love children and giving back 13934,438,aw, 13935,438,that's so good to hear, 13936,438,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um mm there's probably a couple of things but i would just say um for me being a single parent is um the financial um well i would say that along with some of the emotional with with them having um to bear the brunt of the responsibility of just child child rearing um you know the just the everyday things of what you have to deal with the uh sometimes when you're just tired you don't wanna be bothered or you're trying to do things for yourself you have to be reminded that oh okay i gotta cook or i have to go pick my son up or i have to take him to baseball practice uh this one want to go over here um this one is acting moody and you know just those those types of challenges um as well as the financial and you know making sure you know you're able to put food on the table you're paying your rent and you know you're keeping up with the day to day and that's those two are probably the hardest things um for me to deal with 13937,438,yeah, 13938,438,how do you cope with them, well i just um i take it day by day i just put one foot in front of the other and um i'm extremely spiritual so i just rely on god and pray a lot and meditate um if i see i need a little help if if you know i'm i'm i'm not above asking for help so sometimes if i have to reach out to people or you know see what other resources are out there to help me you know i try to do that and so for me right now my biggest challenge is just trying to go back to school to put myself in a better um economic situation so i can continue to provide for them comfortably 13939,438,mhm, 13940,438,what did you study at school, um i studied communications actually i was a um journalism public relations major with a minor in sociology and now i'm studying business 13941,438,what made you decide to do that, i just thought that you know um there would be more opportunities for me with business um as far as jobs and then i you know have a desire to go to graduate school so i just figured in the long run it was a better um it would put me in a better position give me more opportunities um with the communications it's a little limited and especially as you get older um the fields of t_v reporting and things like that um are kinda become you know harder to obtain so i just thought eh i would go into something more realistic and um you know but uh i like both fields i really do i like communicating writing reading talking as you can tell and um so we'll see 13942,438,what's your dream job, um a couple probably but i would say ultimately would be traveling like working as like a travel writer um going to different destinations um trying different foods out um writing about different people cultures um learning and living you know uh about those different people and cultures living living amongst amongst the you know the the people there and um being interactive with the children and stuff like that so i kinda hope to be able to do that one day but yes um it it would be something along those lines and then the fallback would be a counselor social worker something in that area if i could encompass all three hopefully i can i i would like to do that 13943,438,mhm, 13944,438,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um that's actually a hard question probably because i initially grew up very shy and um not so much shy as i am reserved now um but not conservative but just reserved and you know when i go somewhere i'm checking everything everybody else out and then once i become comfortable or acclimate to the situation then i'm like okay you know i warm up to the to the situation or the people but i'm also friendly i can be very friendly and outgoing i like to talk um you know i seem like a chatterbox but i'm not really so usually if i'm in a big space with a whole lot of people i don't like to be the center of attention attention i can attach myself to one or two people and you know become friendly with them but i i overall i am a open friendly person 13945,438,mhm, 13946,438,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um for me um it it could be something as simple as just unplugging everything all electronics and just sitting for a few moments meditating praying or reading a good spiritual scripture um if i'm able to i like to go for a good massage maybe get a facial um you know things that will i kinda like the physical part part of it i like massages things that really release tension um and if not then just like i said just sitting at home reading and praying or i like the beach i love the beach so sometimes i drive and go sit by the beach i like
  • also like to just maybe go and have lunch by myself or get a mani pedi or maybe go window shopping you know things like that 13947,438,okay, 13948,438,how are you at controlling your temper, mm pretty good sometimes i'm just like grr i don't really have so much a issue with the temper as i am i just i'm more impatient unfortunately a lot of times with people and you know situations so i just can become really irritated or irritable um quite agitated especially if it's that time of the month for me i just lose patience um outside of that i'm actually pretty good i try to be very you know conscious of where i'm at and be very patient with people especially if i could see that the person is like if if they're a new a new checkout person at the the counter or cashier i do try to be i do try to be patient and understanding 'cause i would want that you know if it were me i would want someone to extend that to me 13949,438,mm, um you know with my kids sometimes you know it's this it works both ways too once it's that time of the month i'm just like ugh just leave me alone um or i might have a short temper or a short fuse so i am conscious of it i try to be aware of it and and try to monitor it but you know like anybody i'm human and there are times or i have my days or moments when i could just like ugh go off and just lose it 13950,438,yeah, 13951,438,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um well i haven't really had it not per se an argument but there's been a ongoing thing with american express so i would say because it was not a personal contact but a company i eh we it it really was an argument but uh you know i i had some um issues with american express i had to call in about on i think saturday and i kept um i wasn't getting the response i expected and so i would get the whole contact the call was just back and forth very frustrating and i was upset and you know the rep was trying to overtalk me then i was trying to overtalk her so you you know i don't know if you would consider that an argument but i would definitely say that's the last time when you know i just kinda like reached my boiling point to say the least and was really upset and eh that that was the closest you know to an argument and then i had to call back this morning that one didn't really escalate to an argument but it was um a a a tense exchange for a minute or two 13952,438,i see, 13953,438,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, probably the most recent contact and that would've been the one on saturday with american express um or actually it was on sunday yeah and um i know the person was trying to help me but you know when you you're constantly being told different things and i've had to call in about five or six times about the same situation and it not be resolved it just takes you there so um just i kept raising my voice said some things i shouldn't had um and just was more so allowed myself to lose control of the contact i like to really feel in control of the contact and so um it just took me there my blood pressure was raised excuse me and that was just a kind of a mess for a while for like maybe thirty minutes or an hour after that just irritable and agitated and upset and and so i always try to you know go back and pull from those and you know do my own sense of feedback and see how i could you know handle things differently but that's one i i definitely wish i could've kept my cool and been more level-headed and and not really raised my voice and you know um been more polite 13954,438,okay, 13955,438,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm well i've probably have had a couple but probably the most is a situation years ago when i just had my sons and they probably my twins they were probably about two and i was in a situation with their father again and became pregnant and um it just was not a good time and he pretty much you know was not comfortable with me having another child at the time and um i wasn't comfortable with having another child either but wanted to keep the baby but he put me under so much stress and you know kind of i wanna say really pushed me into having terminating the the pregnancy and that's always stayed with me and i've always missed that pregnancy that child i think about that that baby or what could've been i try not to hold any um anger or resentment towards him or anybody about it but i know deep down inside secretly if i had it to do all over again i would've just i would've kept the baby and moved forward so that would've been probably the hardest especially emotionally i could deal with a lot and i have dealt with a lot you know um being unemployed or you know lot of financial problems but that to me was the hardest 13956,438,i'm sorry to hear that, thank you 13957,438,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no mm mm 13958,438,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 13959,438,how have you been feeling lately, um okay you know um i was laid off in december so i've been constantly trying to do things to you know get um back on my feet so that's been a little tough i've had i've had to face a lot of challenges and dealing with that and issues with child support and trying to find another job and going back to school so i my my range of emotions have just have been just that a range and a very good friend of mine now who we both started off you know in the same place um about five years ago well she's been able to move forward and um go on with her life and now she's graduating in next month from u_s_c with her master's in social work so i'm feeling a little envious of that and i have been for like the past year but more so recently although i've very very happy for her you know and she's a good person and she deserves it but xxx of course deep down inside i wish it was me so that too has kinda been bothering me 13960,438,i understand, well i'm really good with um people i communicate well i like to talk i'm really good with children that's why i would like to teach or be a counselor um although i haven't not really tapped into it i know i'm a very creative person um i know i write pretty good um i could possibly be a creative writer but i know i'm very creative so if given the opportunity i know i could tap into that and really develop those skills something like with maybe songwriting um fiction writing um but probably like interior decorating anything artistic just anything 'cause i love music i love the arts i love drama i love plays um i'm not a big fashion buff but i do love fashion and makeup and stuff like that so um i think those would are are my strong points as well as just getting along with people i know i would make a great counselor people my friends come to me all the time i have a good ear for listening i'm a great mediator and i know how to because i've been through a lot and one of my friends called me the voice of reason the one that's actually graduating from s_c but um i know i'm like light years ahead of a lot of people when it comes to insight and wisdom and i don't know if it has to do with you know having older parents myself or how i grew up or i had i had very traditional southern parents um who instilled a lot of great values in me or if it has anything to do with my astrological sign i'm a pisces but um i'm i'm really good with people just you know period you know like i said i have my moments but i i know if it if it's something i could go into and develop i would do well 13961,438,uh huh, 13962,438,is there anything you regret, mm not really some of the situations um i wish i would've waited to maybe have gotten married before i had children um picked a different partner um and i say that i mean my son's father is great but um a great father for my kids but not so much as a partner for me we're not together we haven't been together in years but i'm just saying overall i think um had i yeah i think i would say if i could let me backtrack that say not finishing school when i should have and not following my my dreams and goals and doing things as i kinda was planning initially and i think that's that would i honestly be the one thing i could say i regret is not following my goals and and finishing school on time and and pursuing what i really wanted to do 13963,438,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, stay focused and finish school and pick a career path and stay on that and stay motivated and don't let anything or anybody deter you 13964,438,mhm, 13965,438,what are you most proud of in your life, mm um i think i'm pretty stable and consistent just with overall i think um how i face adversity how i face i face things you know um i am a pretty committed person i try to you know if i say imma do something i try to stick to it i'm a very loyal friend um and um i'm proud of the fact that i've i've maintained and done a pretty good job with raising my kids solo 13966,438,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 13967,438,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, great thank you 13968,438,goodbye, 13969,442,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, sure 13970,442,okay, 13971,442,so how are you doing today, in a day uh pretty well except for drab weather 13972,442,i see what you mean, 13973,442,where are you from originally, originally i'm from detroit michigan 13974,442,really, yes 13975,442,when did you move to l_a, uh back in the eighties 13976,442,that's a long time, yeah 13977,442,how often do you go back to your hometown, uh it's been a while the last time uh it's been about five years 13978,442,how does it compare to l_a, uh not even close uh more setback uh out here it's you know you have the weather that's that's that's prominent prominent reason for coming is the weather 13979,442,why did you move to l_a, it does uh well maybe better opportunities uh and the weather 13980,442,are you happy you did that, yes 13981,442,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it took a minute uh had to adjust to the uh different attitudes of the people the surroundings the locations and the vast area that someone had to cover to get to one spot to another 13982,442,yeah, 13983,442,i understand, 13984,442,what are some things you really like about l_a, um well the weather uh for one the never end uh uh uh it never snows in in southern california uh two uh the prospects of uh uh starting out a business or becoming uh self-employed and doing what i like to do 13985,442,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the people 13986,442,can you tell me about that, they're not friendly for no no one's friendly out here you know uh back east and i'm from uh i was raised in the south where everybody is uh cordial friendly hi when you pass in the streets out here people think that you have uh uh some agenda just for saying hello in passing so that's what i don't like about l_a 13987,442,yeah, 13988,442,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, used to uh i used to be on the road a lot i was a a truck driver and plus uh a entertainment uh coach driver for several uh motown bands back in the day so yeah so i'm used to traveling yes yeah 13989,442,awesome, 13990,442,what do you enjoy about traveling, well this is a beautiful this is actually a beautiful country so just viewing uh uh the countryside uh visiting different towns different cultures uh different towns uh and seeing how basically how the rest of the uh the country uh uh lives 13991,442,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh some not so good some bad uh and some good um let's see denver colorado i lived in denver for a couple years which is uh really a great uh uh city uh and then i lived in uh atlanta which is uh uh really a great state where is you know you have the southern attitude a southern attitude southern attitude which is everybody's friendly and gets along and and let's see i've been back and forth across this country at least sixteen to twenty times so yeah it's it's been it's been it's been an adventure 13992,442,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh arkansas little rock where i had to get into a uh you might wanna say a a altercation with the rednecks down there because as as you know um i'm african american and down there they're very prejudiced you know they're the uh uh southern uh uh uh which what were the rebels uh not rebels but uh what were they uh confederates they still have this uh uh tendency of thinking blacks or any other culture besides whites aren't uh valuable people 13993,442,oh no, yeah so it i had a incident down there where it actually turned into a shoot out but i'm okay 13994,442,okay, 13995,442,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, a little of both it it depends on it depends on the time on the period it depends on what mood i'm in at the time you know i can be outgoing 'cause i do uh like to go to nightclubs and listen to live music live bands and i know like i said i uh i did some entertainment before so at clubs i'm more outgoing in social events more shy 13996,442,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, meditate 13997,442,that's great, 13998,442,how are you at controlling your temper, very good very good because uh if i let my temper get the best of me i uh tend to um cause more harm than good you know uh harm to the person harm to myself by you know uh physical altercations or um going to jail and so yeah i'm very good at uh controlling my emotions my temper 13999,442,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, good question uh okay girlfriend uh we just recently broke up about two three weeks ago because of a argument about what she thought she could do and what i know she couldn't do and she wanted to do it anyway so uh that led to a argument and the argument ended in us breaking up so yeah 14000,442,how hard is that, it was emotional uh but um i'm fifty five and it's not my first break up so i just take it in stride and and move on 14001,442,mhm, 14002,442,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, uh well it's it's probably it's no one no no situation actually can be i feel uh at the time when you when you deal with a situation at any particular time there's probably always a better way to handle it after the fact but uh i would say back in the day back in the eighties when me and my wife broke up i think i could've handled that one better because i was younger more hot tempered and more irrational so i could've handled that one better yes 14003,442,what made you decide to do that, what the uh uh the way i broke the way i handled that situation 14004,442,yeah, well like i said uh being young and and inexperienced and and emotions and and attitudes and uh not being able to communicate with another person on the level of of understanding 14005,442,okay, 14006,442,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm leaving home 14007,442,can you tell me about that, well it was like what can i say it was about one o'clock two o'clock in the morning and i just decided to pack up and and and leave uh without letting anyone know that i was leaving that was like one of the hardest decisions i've had to make 14008,442,tell me about your relationship with your family, sketchy loving but sketchy uh my family's in detroit and atlanta georgia i'm in california l_a i have no one out here so uh i'm basically on my own and i've been on my own for a long time so uh we communiate and we talk and send christmas cards thanksgiving cards you know and in that factor but uh as far as uh family it's it's it's sketchy 14009,442,i see, 14010,442,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, no one 14011,442,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hm uh i don't know uh most things that that i don't wanna remember i don't so and i have erased a lot of things from my memory or uh placed them in a closet which i can't open anymore to to remember that so but the most thing that i can say is uh uh i won't go into detail on it but a incident where it caused great bodily harm to a person 14012,442,okay, 14013,442,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, in the last two weeks uh with the i've had uh this hearburn problem so in the last two weeks it's been really difficult for me to get uh some sleep 'cause i have a i have uh in my pocket right now i have a a jar of tums it's keeping me pretty uh sedated right now 14014,442,what are you like when you don't sleep well, irritable 14015,442,how have you been feeling lately, um anxious um need to get things done uh and i feel like uh i have uh people and things that's against me and trying to block everything that i'm doing to succeed and that's been a great uh disturbance to me 14016,442,that sounds really hard, yes it is but you know like i said i take everything it with a grain of salt and i keep pushing because uh you can't stay mad or vengeful at any one person or any one thing too long because it doesn't accomplish anything so i have to keep pushing 14017,442,yeah, 14018,442,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh no basically i'm still still the same i just just keep my thoughts uh i keep my ideas that i need to do uh and try to accomplish uh uh what i need to uh uh accomplish 14019,442,uh huh, 14020,442,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, post mm traumatic stress uh no uh uh 14021,442,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 14022,442,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh back in uh oh nine two thousand nine 14023,442,what got you to seek help, um crying a lot uh not trusting uh suspiciousness of other people uh so what uh and i was uh recommended uh and referred to a medical uh uh um mental health uh facility for treatment 14024,442,do you still go to therapy now, off and on yes when i feel depressed and feel anxiety building up in me uh yes i still have treatment 14025,442,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes because i get a chance to express uh some of the things that i normally don't express and i can i can like blow off steam or uh blow off the anxiety part of uh my depression 14026,442,that's good, 14027,442,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hmm well i don't know uh really really happy um oh when uh well i was really really happy when my uh the girl that i just broke up with came from upstate for us to be together that's when i was really really happy and then that turned around within two weeks but at that point in time when that happened i was really really happy 14028,442,mhm, 14029,442,how would your best friend describe you, witty um witty um informative informative um um social uh i basically everybody say i need i should've became a counselor because i'm very enlightened in a lot of life's uh problems so uh my friends would describe me as helpful 14030,442,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, probably education more education 14031,442,is there anything you regret, not raising my sons 14032,442,can you tell me about that, well uh my son my my sons were young in age when me and my wife broke up out here and she moved and remarried and she has the she has the boys with her and they took on the new husband's name and i wasn't able to raise them like i would've wanted them raised 14033,442,yeah, 14034,442,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, patience more patience being more acceptable of other ideas and other people's opinions 14035,442,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, hmm there's nothing 14036,442,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, basically at home watching movies to myself i'm a loner 14037,442,what are you most proud of in your life, my sons 14038,442,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 14039,442,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 14040,442,goodbye, see you later do i push the button now 14041,442,yeah, 14042,450,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, okay i'm okay with that sure 14043,450,okay, 14044,450,so how are you doing today, i'm doing well reasonably well 14045,450,that's good, 14046,450,where are you from originally, i'm from santa monica california 14047,450,really, born and raised 14048,450,what are some things you really like about l_a, i love the ocean um i love the hiking i love you can have a little bit of every world here the ocean the sea the desert 14049,450,mhm, the weather's great i get to wear shorts a lot lot of times out of the year 14050,450,yeah, 14051,450,that's great, mhm 14052,450,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the smog the cement road rage uh traffic um it's a lonely town 14053,450,i see what you mean, 14054,450,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i haven't seen your shoes well i haven't seen your shoes but uh i have traveled yes 14055,450,what do you enjoy about traveling, well depends where you're going um i love going to hawaii um i love the beach change of scenery um the temperature of the water uh different foods the airports i love traveling 14056,450,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um i recently went to europe i was in belgium uh for two weeks and um oh i ate some great food and saw some family and visited some museums and oh and it rained which it doesn't do in california that in los angeles very much and uh i got to take the train and lots of trains and uh public transportation that was fun for me that's normal for them but fun it's fun fun for me um yeah and i got to see family and it was very very nice 14057,450,that sounds like a great situation, yes it was 14058,450,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, outgoing 14059,450,why, um i'm gregarious um i do well in crowds and groups uh i am a good public speaker um yeah uh i'm not so shy 14060,450,uh huh, i i don't think 14061,450,okay, 14062,450,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i go fishing 14063,450,when was the last time that happened, two days ago 14064,450,nice, i also meditate 14065,450,how did you feel in that moment, i also meditate how do i feel in that moment relaxed at peace calm 14066,450,uh huh, 14067,450,how are you at controlling your temper, depends on the situation 14068,450,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, hmm i argued with the los angeles parking people over a ticket that i got that i didn't agree with and has morphed into a horrible situation and i ended the conversation with accepting the situation as it was and not really xxx wanting to deal with it sort of like fuck you 14069,450,that sucks, no it was good 14070,450,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, oh my gosh um the sale of my business i wish i would've handled that differently um i didn't have to really sell the business but i got scared and i sold it and i could've handled it in a much different way 14071,450,what made you decide to do that, fear 14072,450,can you tell me about that, um i was afraid of mounting debts i was afraid of the economy wasn't good this two thousand seven two thousand eight i was um not thinking clearly i was afraid of uh mounting debts i was afraid of um being sued by employees i was afraid of uh yeah not having enough money i was afraid to be embarrassed i was embarrassed you know for running out of money um yeah i would've handled that much different knowing what i know today 14073,450,that sounds really hard, it was 14074,450,could you have done anything to avoid it, yes i could've i could have downsized i could have downsized sold cars got rid of cars uh i could've cut hours i could have reduced my expenses and sat tight with it and not and just worked through it and not have reacted out of fear 14075,450,i see, 14076,450,what did you study at school, xxx uh when 14077,450,whatever comes to your mind, um i got my bachelor's degree in political science from u_c_l_a and i just finished a master's degree in education scrubbed_entry 14078,450,that's great, mhm 14079,450,what's your dream job, my dream job my dream job is to not work that's my dream job 14080,450,(laughter, to not work um to be of service to people to you know uh to um wear casual clothes uh not have to be at a particular place at a particular time uh to have time to enjoy you know the one the things that i like to do like fishing and hiking being with my nephews being with kids um yeah and not having to work 14081,450,i understand, 14082,450,tell me about your relationship with your family, well um relationship with family okay so who's alive today is my mom my father died when i was sixteen my stepfather died three years ago so my mom's alive we have a good relationship she's like and it took a lot of work it took years you know but she's a my friend we're friends you know we do stuff together um my sister she lives a half a block away from me my sister lives a block away from me she's got five kids and a husband and a family to contend with and my my sister and i don't get to spend a lot of time together anymore she's got a life her a life you know she's busy life um the rest of my family is uh lives in belgium who i went to go see uh and um and that's all the family that i have i have an aunt that is very um i'm estranged to and she lives in northern california and we never talk 14083,450,why, because um she uh she ripped off the family estate my grandfather my grandparents' estate she she took all the money and all the stuff and and left her grandkids and her and my you know and so uh her sister and my my grandmother's daughter and grandkids and great-grandkids got zero and it was a few few few million dollars 14084,450,oh my gosh, mhm so we don't talk 14085,450,that makes sense, i don't talk we don't talk and it's sad 14086,450,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, xxx excuse me can you repeat that 14087,450,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, wow positive my father was a positive influence he was a really genuine man honest uh funny um handsome um i have a business owner a business man that i worked for who was a extremely positive influence at least in my professional life um i've had uh a counselor at u_c_l_a who was um totally i think of her often and some of the little things that she'd said to me keep me going um in my life now 14088,450,like what, trust the process she told me to trust the process and when people are having trouble and i'm having trouble i take a step back and say you know just trust the process it it it all works out the way it's supposed to be 14089,450,there are always trade-offs in life aren't there, mhm and there's one more positive influence that i knew in hawaii that taught me um a friend of mine that uh lives on kauai that taught me uh how to enjoy nature and taught me how to fish and and i i love her a lot a great positive influence 14090,450,that's great, healthy healthy influence 14091,450,mhm, 14092,450,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's not 14093,450,can you tell me about that, i have back problems so it's hard to sleep at night uh and i wake up in the middle of the night sort of uh stretching and um straightening out my back i have a back issue that sometimes more often than not uh keeps me from sleeping good 14094,450,i'm sorry to hear that, that's okay i'm dealing with it 14095,450,how have you been feeling lately, um i'm a little depressed uh i've been a little depressed i haven't been working as much and um i um you know i have pain in the mornings and in the evening i have pain thorughout the day in my from my with back and it uh is a little depressing you know i get depressed also um you know just thinking about my business that i sold and you know where i would've been if i hadn't have done that and 14096,450,yeah, a a general feeling of um i've been a little depressed over the past uh couple of years actually 14097,450,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 14098,450,how long ago were you diagnosed, um well i've been diagnosed many many years ago and i guess depression stays with you although it gets treated um and uh i was diagnosed about two years ago uh i think i don't know it asked me that on the questionnaire as well and uh and i sought treatment for it and then uh my insurance ran out and the prescriptions uh i couldn't put uh do my prescriptions anymore but now i'm back on uh medication medication and you know so i take medication for my depression 14099,450,do you feel like therapy is useful, therapy absolutely i love therapy 14100,450,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, wow that's huge um confidence in self uh confidence in myself um confidence in my decision-making a general feeling of overall content uh a sounding board you know when i have stuff that's bothering me that i can't go to the i i feel that i can't go to the person with 14101,450,yeah, i um can go to my therapist and a lot of times the issue is resolved there it wasn't a big issue or i worked through it or the therapist through the therapist allowed me to look at a different way of looking at the situation 14102,450,mhm, and in that way i find therapy to be invaluable actually 14103,450,that's great, 14104,450,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, i believe so uh yes i was 14105,450,how long ago were you diagnosed, i believe it was i think it was told to me by a psychiatrist that that's what i was that's what i was having and this was within the last five years i think it was looking back now what are we two thousand thirteen it was two thousand nine so four years ago 14106,450,what were your symptoms, not able to deal like shell shocked not able to deal with anything eh irritable on the phone uh i mean just uh just anything would get me to fly off the handle and um just uh not able just shell shocked and not and hiding at my in my house not opening mail mail not being able to concentrate not being able to deal with with things that were that i felt were well that were bombarding me i felt overcomed overcomed and um the psychiatrist said that it was post-traumatic stress disorder but um and i was given some medication which i stayed on for a year or so uh or so and i don't know through psychiatry and therapist and medication um i was able to come out of my shell a little bit 14107,450,okay, 14108,450,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, hmm about a week ago i was on a hike eh up in malibu and uh at this beautiful labyrinth that looked over the pacific ocean and we i was with a friend and we were having lunch and i laid down on the grass and took a nap and i felt content i was happy at that moment at that moment that time about a week ago 14109,450,how would your best friend describe you, hmm honest sincere smart um caring um smart 14110,450,mhm, 14111,450,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um good question i'd have to think about that 14112,450,okay, 14113,450,is there anything you regret, uh yeah i have regrets in life you know everything works out so um you know if i could change the past i would've never dropped out of school when i did a long time ago i mean i've since gone back and completed lots of stuff um i probably would've gone into the military i think i was going to do that in my early twenties i'm fifty five now um i sort of regret not doing that um at that time um i regret uh selling my business i regret and of course i can't control this but i regret that my father died when i was so young and he never really got to know me and i never really got to know him i regret uh i regret not seeing my grandmother enough before she'd passed away i regret uh i mean those are the things that i can think of right now not putting away for retirement i regret when i had the money to do it um yeah i mean just here that's what i would say 14114,450,yeah, 14115,450,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, stick with it just stick with it because in order to get out you have to go through and i it when it comes to fear or flight i get the fear and i flight so sometimes you just have to sit in fear and then everything works out 14116,450,mm, 14117,450,what are you most proud of in your life, wow i'm most proud that i have remained genuine um i'm most proud of being who i am and being basically comfortable with that and i'm proud of that i haven't changed to the world to the world you know for the world i haven't changed i've stayed mm who i am 14118,450,that's so good to hear, thank you 14119,450,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 14120,450,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 14121,450,goodbye, 14122,452,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, mm maybe 14123,452,okay, 14124,452,so how are you doing today, okay 14125,452,that's good, 14126,452,where are you from originally, i'm from california 14127,452,really, 14128,452,what are some things you really like about l_a, it's sun there's sunshine sunshine weather 14129,452,mhm, mhm what do you like about l_a 14130,452,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, what do um i like um i just said i i like
  • like the weather 14131,452,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic 14132,452,i see what you mean, 14133,452,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no 14134,452,why, i don't have the means 14135,452,i understand, 14136,452,what did you study at school, i studied liberal art art i studied um film 14137,452,that sounds interesting, 14138,452,how did you decide to do that, because i live in los angeles 14139,452,are you still working in that, not really 14140,452,what's your dream job, um uh to work i i want to become a i don't care i don't know i i i i don't wanna tell you 14141,452,hmm, yeah 14142,452,okay, okay 14143,452,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm very outgoing 14144,452,really, 14145,452,why, because because are you outgoing 14146,452,yeah, 14147,452,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, um sit down sleep 14148,452,uh huh, 14149,452,okay, 14150,452,how are you at controlling your temper, um i think about it and then i stop 14151,452,how hard is that, it's easy 14152,452,that's good, 14153,452,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i don't remember 14154,452,okay, 14155,452,what's something you feel guilty about, um for not changing the battery on my phone no it was the battery on my car i didn't change it and it didn't start and i procrastinated and so yeah yeah that's a bad word you can't say that i not procrastinate and do it before something worse or happen something worse happens something bad happens do it before it gets worse or that or become prepare preparation uh um prepare or um don't think about stuff the last minute uh do things before get things done context it okay 14156,452,okay, 14157,452,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, what's your name 14158,452,i'm ellie, oh i forgot okay 14159,452,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um i don't understand that question can you elaborate give me an example 14160,452,let's come back to that later, 14161,452,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um um that is a good question 14162,452,uh huh, um can i ask you a question 14163,452,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it's okay you just sleep it's easy you just close your eyes 14164,452,what are you like when you don't sleep well, what 14165,452,what are you like when you don't sleep well, tired i'm tired 14166,452,okay, 14167,452,how have you been feeling lately, uh good 14168,452,that's good, 14169,452,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no i don't know what that is can you explain no 14170,452,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh right now i feel really happy 14171,452,(laughter, it's good very close not really what can you repeat that who has been a positive influence in my life um you because i'm talking to someone who doesn't exist um uh um getting into a car accident um uh i picked up the phone and the car hit me i i was using a cell phone no i answered answered a phone and then all of a sudden i made a left turn and a car hit me 14172,452,oh no, mhm 14173,452,how hard is that, it was very hard because now i have no money 'cause i paid off i had to pay for it to get damaged uh repaired 14174,452,i see, 14175,452,how do you cope with them, cope with who cope with that 14176,452,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um what advice would i give myself ten ten okay ten years ago 'cause i was okay um i would say do good in do good in school 14177,452,can you tell me about that, um um i thought school was too way too easy so i slacked off 14178,452,okay, 14179,452,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh meeting you 14180,452,how would your best friend describe you, um funny mm like long term or short term 14181,452,whatever comes to your mind, um i wanna i wanna um uh hmm uh i don't know i have to i have to i have to write down i have to plan that out 14182,452,okay, mm that's personal question 14183,452,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, uh watching movies and and books 14184,452,like what, books d_v_ds uh going out to uh the the library 14185,452,mhm, mhm events um uh discovering new places that i haven't been to before 14186,452,okay, 14187,452,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, i went to a party and met some new friends 14188,452,nice, 14189,452,are you happy you did that, yes who isn't happy when they have meet new friends and go to a party right 14190,452,i'd love to hear all about it, oh okay when 14191,452,when was the last time that happened, when was what the last time what what 14192,452,what are you most proud of in your life, um staring at you in the eyes 14193,452,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, i have a question 14194,452,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 14195,452,goodbye, okay bye bye 14196,453,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 14197,453,okay, 14198,453,so how are you doing today, i'm doing good 14199,453,that's good, 14200,453,where are you from originally, uh los angeles 14201,453,really, mhm 14202,453,what are some things you really like about l_a, convenience convenience 14203,453,mhm, 14204,453,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh people the crowd uh traffic 14205,453,i see what you mean, people not respecting uh eh lack of respect 14206,453,yeah, uh huh 14207,453,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh locally regionally 14208,453,cool, 14209,453,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting old people i love talking to old people 14210,453,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um well i work a lot with uh my elders in my reservation and other reservations here in california and i spend a lot of time with uh with the elders and i talk with them and they help me out a lot so i get to hear good stories 14211,453,that's so good to hear, mhm 14212,453,what's one of your most memorable experiences, mm uh going in the mountains and seeing waterfalls that no one else had seen except for my people yeah that was the most beautiful thing i think i found 14213,453,wow, mm mhm 14214,453,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um it depends on the situation if i'm um if somebody comes to me looking for me to help them i take control but if i need help it's eh i i work at asking for help so it depends on the situation 14215,453,that makes sense, mhm 14216,453,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i garden and i paint 14217,453,nice, 14218,453,how are you at controlling your temper, mm i'm very good at it 14219,453,that's good, 14220,453,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh three days ago it was about communication it was uh the lack of communication on the other person's part and i needed them to communicate better so that way i could understand uh they didn't communicate so we had an argument and uh got it settled 14221,453,how did you feel in that moment, i felt um caught off guard because this is a individual that i spend pretty much almost every minute of my day with and to not be told what was going on in this person's head and then to have a situation arise you know i was kept out i didn't like that 14222,453,mm, uh 14223,453,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, mm i'd rather pass 14224,453,okay, mm 14225,453,what's something you feel guilty about, uh um probably the lack of time spent with my grandparents growing up 14226,453,can you tell me about that, it's just when they're gone you regret that you didn't miss time with spent time with them so 14227,453,i'm sorry to hear that, 14228,453,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, mm uh one thing i truly wish i could remember i i was a i was a professional athlete at one time and i had partied 'til like four in the morning and then i had did my event at like ten o'clock in the morning and uh i was my xxx captain and i embarrassed my whole team and uh that's one thing i truly regret i was a professional fighter so 14229,453,could you have done anything to avoid it, yeah like not party thought about other people besides myself 14230,453,i see, mhm 14231,453,what did you study at school, uh i studied uh massage therapy and got my nursing degree um and a lot of it's just been on job education 14232,453,that sounds interesting, 14233,453,how close are you to them, um very close 14234,453,how did you decide to do that, uh uh due to my own injuries um i had just gone through the therapy process and believing in people and seeing how it worked and i decided to do that i wanted to help people too 14235,453,are you happy you did that, yeah oh yeah yeah 14236,453,are you still working in that, yes 14237,453,what's your dream job, i wanna paint that's all i wanna do is just paint 14238,453,awesome, 14239,453,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um i have two sons and it's time for me to uh to move on and they're older and they can take care of themselves now so me leaving the area where my sons are it's pretty hard 14240,453,do you find it easy to be a parent, yeah oh 14241,453,what's the best thing about being a parent, the reflection of you the reflection of you reminds you so much about yourself who you are 14242,453,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, consistency even when you're sick being consistent 14243,453,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, i don't assume my kids are right or wrong i listen to 'em first and i make my decisions after that and i try not to come from an emotional heightened place i think logically and i put myself in their place before i do it we discuss we communicate heavy in my family uh 'cause that's the only way we get along with each other is through communication 14244,453,mhm, so communicate 14245,453,tell me about your relationship with your family, um my family is severed pretty much so my family and my relationship with my family on the reservation is very tight um the rest of the family we're all fragmented and scattered around the southwest so it's not very tight at all 14246,453,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh i have too many to count um start with my uncle my uncle was like my dad raised me a good way uh xxx 14247,453,can you tell me about that, uh he watched out for me he told me he taught me hard work at a very young age um he also taught me to protect my family and taught me honor taught me love he's a good man 14248,453,that's great, 14249,453,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, mm i don't i haven't had a good night's sleep in years so i i have get broken sleep 14250,453,why, uh dreams the dreams become too real 14251,453,how do you cope with them, i get up and go to the bathroom and go back to sleep i try to 14252,453,are they triggered by something, um um my years of fighting it just uh it caught up to me 14253,453,what are you like when you don't sleep well, xxx uh reserved yeah reserved and i try to find things to distract my brain i think of different ways of doing things 14254,453,uh huh, uh 14255,453,like what, mm well i got rid of t_v about eight months ago so i got rid of that distraction so what i do now is i either paint i garden or cleaning house washing dishes you know or get out and go walk that's another thing too do a lot of walking nowadays 14256,453,that's good, 14257,453,how have you been feeling lately, uh anxiety anxious uh um a lot of anxieties uh but it's good i have techniques to bring myself down now 14258,453,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um nothing new out of the normal 14259,453,okay, 14260,453,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 14261,453,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh three years ago around there three 14262,453,what got you to seek help, insomnia issues 14263,453,do you still go to therapy now, um it was about two years ago around there two little bit over two years ago i was released from therapy 14264,453,why did you stop, oh the therapist released me 14265,453,okay, 14266,453,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um well i had i noticed is i still deal with pictures and emotions but what i do is now i've i really practice hard at taking care of myself and and getting to those places the things that strike me that get get me anxious or excited or angry i've learned how to work out of it and realize it's not real it's not real it's just the emotion it's not real so these are the things like little mantras that i tell myself and this has really helped me a lot from therapy because it taught me that those emotions and pictures truly aren't real and yeah so therapy has helped a lot i mean it's just it's changed my world 14267,453,yeah, 14268,453,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 14269,453,how long ago were you diagnosed, around the same time as the p_t_s_d uh three years ago 14270,453,do you have disturbing thoughts, um in my dreams when i dream i do 14271,453,when was the last time that happened, last night 14272,453,can you tell me about that, i was just dreaming of fighting and then in preparing fighters to fight and that was another thing too i build up anxiety dreaming about preparing fighters to fight and then stepping in front of thousands of people and then i always end up fighting in my dreams so it's always mm what gets me scared in all my dreams is that i should've made the move and finished the fight and i didn't and so it builds anxiety and stress in me and then i tend to act out in my sleep 14273,453,hmm, yeah 14274,453,how did you feel in that moment, like it was real like i was there like like i smell taste feel everything there i was there 14275,453,that sounds really hard, yeah 14276,453,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh this morning driving here talking to my girlfriend 14277,453,aw, this mm 14278,453,how would your best friend describe you, trustworthy he loves me i love him he's we're best friends 14279,453,that's so good to hear, 14280,453,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, i have zero to change 14281,453,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, mm i can't recall 14282,453,okay, 14283,453,is there anything you regret, regret uh just not spending time with my grandparents and and i think day to day issues maybe you know a couple here there that i should've went to the store first or something like that but i mean 14284,453,(laughter, yeah it's nothing like that xxx 14285,453,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, quit thinking you know it all yeah 14286,453,what would you say are some of your best qualities, my loyalty my trustworthiness 14287,453,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, mm start a new art project yesterday it was nice 14288,453,can you tell me about that, mm well i i we were in santa barbara and we found some rocks and yeah some old rocks that someone had made a pile of and just threw a dump of old rocks out of the way and i went through the pile of rocks and i found this old rock that was in the middle of it and i took it home and now i'm doing a art piece on it and for me it was like this thing was totally forgotten about was just considered a rock and now potentially it'll be sitting on my grandkid's table you know it's just to me that's really cool i like that 14289,453,awesome, 14290,453,what are you most proud of in your life, mm start starting something that i'm so bad at that i don't think there's no way i can be good at it and all the sudden i get to be better at it to where i don't even have to think about it just so good at it that way i could just touch it and feel it and i don't think about it i these are the things that i'm proud of like i like that i like that accomplishment i guess you can say 14291,453,yeah, 14292,453,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 14293,453,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mm 14294,453,goodbye, bye nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan 14295,461,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 14296,461,okay, 14297,461,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 14298,461,that's good, 14299,461,where are you from originally, los angeles 14300,461,really, 14301,461,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the arts i like the weather i like the people 14302,461,mhm, 14303,461,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, hmm it's expensive smoggy a lot of traffic 14304,461,i see what you mean, 14305,461,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no i don't 14306,461,why, well i like i like where i live i don't like to leave my familiar surroundings 14307,461,that makes sense, 14308,461,what did you study at school, uh i i didn't i didn't study anything 14309,461,what's your dream job, enough to make enough money to survive that would be a dream job 14310,461,okay, 14311,461,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh somewhere in the middle maybe shy 14312,461,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, hmm i just try and uh and just meditate 14313,461,how hard is that, it's not easy 14314,461,okay, 14315,461,how are you at controlling your temper, oh not not real good at it but i don't get angry too often 14316,461,has that gotten you in trouble, actually i think it has yes 14317,461,can you tell me about that, oh work situations where you get mad angry with another employee and mm you should be more cool and calm 14318,461,mhm, 14319,461,i see, 14320,461,i see, 14321,461,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh several days a few days ago it was about mm uh somebody's excessive drinking and uh and money not my drinking some 14322,461,how did you feel in that moment, frustrated person wasn't able to listen very easily 14323,461,okay, 14324,461,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, well stuff that xxx dating back twenty years ago things in my marriage maybe uh arguing or being difficult 14325,461,could you have done anything to avoid it, sure i could've uh i could've been more mindful in certain situations 14326,461,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, one of them was whether or not i was should uh get married when i was much younger 14327,461,what made you decide to do that, uh i didn't wanna disappoint my fiancee uh my girlfriend she wanted to get married so i didn't wanna hurt her feelings 14328,461,are you happy you did that, yes 14329,461,that's good, 14330,461,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i think i did that didn't i uh 14331,461,yeah, 14332,461,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, instances where i wasn't an attentive father you always wanna be the best you can i'm very hard on myself it's uh uh very i uh i xxx i i'm i think back in every situation where i don't think i handled myself properly 14333,461,i understand, 14334,461,tell me about your kids, i have a twenty eight year old twenty seven year old son who just got married last month and he's doing very well he's happy and adjusted my daughter is twenty one and she's uh in school and uh she is doing very well also so my kids are come out very well i'm very lucky that they are such good kids 14335,461,that's great, 14336,461,do you find it easy to be a parent, no 14337,461,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, being consistent keeping your emotions in check 14338,461,what's the best thing about being a parent, well unconditional love from your kids that mm 14339,461,aw, 14340,461,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, my parents were abusive and uh they threw me out at an eh i i didn't live with them i lived in a foster home and i'm not like that uh i don't i don't hit my kids i never i didn't hit my kids i still don't hit 'em and uh i think i'm a better parent 14341,461,how close are you to your family, i'm close with my son my daughter not so close but uh somewhat and that's all that's my entire family my two kids 14342,461,okay, i have a sister too so i'm not very close with her 14343,461,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, certain therapists i've had 14344,461,can you tell me about that, mm they just uh help me with being uh with being mindful with being uh less hard on myself 14345,461,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's difficult 14346,461,why, can't fall asleep and when i do i wake up a lot after an hour or two 14347,461,are they triggered by something, stress maybe uh maybe just old age i'm not sure i looked it up on the internet it says old people don't really sleep very well once you reach my age 14348,461,(laughter, 14349,461,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i don't know i feel uh i don't feel right i feel tired uh depressed not well rested 14350,461,mhm, 14351,461,how have you been feeling lately, been very anxious and stressed out somewhat sad more than somewhat i've been sad lately 14352,461,i'm sorry, 14353,461,can you tell me about that, well i'm not working right now i have a lot of pressures things don't seem to be going right i'm getting a lot of things seem seem to be uh not working out i'm getting a lot of bad news things aren't going my way sometimes always 14354,461,hmm, lately 14355,461,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yeah i agree 14356,461,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i haven't 14357,461,have you been diagnosed with depression, mm depression or sadness i would say yes 14358,461,how long ago were you diagnosed, well i don't know if it's a diagnosis i xxx thirty years ago xxx thirty five years ago 14359,461,what got you to seek help, wanting to improve my life wanting to be the best person i can be wanting to be happy 14360,461,do you still go to therapy now, yes 14361,461,do you feel like therapy is useful, sometimes it's mostly uh i don't know i don't know if it's useful or not sometimes i think it is sometimes i think it isn't 14362,461,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, not much very little changes i'm not sure i've been in therapy for a long time so i don't uh it's been a a long time so i don't know what changes i can attribute to therapy or to myself 14363,461,i see what you mean, 14364,461,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, last month at my son's wedding i was happy 14365,461,tell me more about that, well just seeing my son happy and doing well and successful and knowing that uh he's turned out to be a better person than me 14366,461,how would your best friend describe you, i don't have a best friend 14367,461,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm kind i'm compassionate i'm loyal i uh qualities funny um i can be articulate uh can't think of anything else right now 14368,461,mhm, 14369,461,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, more content happier i need to give myself a break sometimes i'm very hard on myself i would like to be um easier on myself not beat myself up so much 14370,461,when was the last time that happened, happens every day 14371,461,can you give me an example of that, uh if just every uh i registered my car it cost me a lot of money to register it and then it didn't smog i can't smog it and i put it off too long i procrastinate too much i should've kept my job i need to find a new job just i'm rambling on how about yourself how are you 14372,461,i'm great thanks, next question 14373,461,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, learn a trade go to school realizing that i will the future will come and it's here and i'm unprepared i did my i i prepared my kids though 14374,461,that's good, 14375,461,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, maybe movie or a theater theater um i ride my bike i drink coffee at starbucks i go i like theater and i go to the opera um conversation with people maybe that 14376,461,nice, what about you 14377,461,me too, 14378,461,what are you most proud of in your life, my children 14379,461,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 14380,461,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay you're welcome 14381,461,goodbye, bye should i buzz the buzzer 14382,462,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah 14383,462,okay, 14384,462,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 14385,462,that's good, 14386,462,where are you from originally, uh i'm from los angeles 14387,462,really, mhm 14388,462,what are some things you really like about l_a, oh um the weather the weather the weather the weather the beach the weather the beach the laid backness the driving instead of public transportation 14389,462,mhm, and the sporty 14390,462,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um i really i don't know the lack of um uh uh mm i don't know there's not a lot i don't like about l_a as compared to most cities i really it's my favorite and i've lived around the world i love it i love l_a a lot 14391,462,that's great, 14392,462,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, yes i've lived in paris and i've been around the world a lot 14393,462,awesome, 14394,462,what do you enjoy about traveling, um uh it's just um it's fun and it's it's it's it's it's it's a blast it's good to see new places it's good to get to um get to experience all the fantastic um sights and and and cultures 14395,462,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um uh well i mean um uh i i tended to actually do a lot of them um i probably would do them differently i think i'm more developed as a person now i i um i lived in paris for two years so and i lived in spain for spain was fun spain it madrid is a party town and then um and then so these were all work they were all work so i was working so it was um there's a grind there you didn't really appreciate you know what was around you so much and then i mean i still um i still i love going just to you know vacation spots like hawaii and and jamaica i'm still just really a sucker for that kind of stuff 14396,462,yeah, 14397,462,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i guess madagascar was pretty much like just really bitching because it was um it was in the eighties and it was like you were seeing a lot of uh people that had never seen white people before according to the guy driving us around i might he might've been lying um but it was just it was bitching africa was pretty much the best senegal and madagascar yeah 14398,462,nice, 14399,462,what did you study at school, um i'm right now about to go for an early childhood education degree and then i did a little bit of paralegal but that was really just to just to get the um just to get the stipend i didn't really have any concept of what i wanna do now i really do 14400,462,what made you decide to do that, i have i was saying to rachel actually i don't know if you guys were able to overhear i really think that um the way the school system goes right now it um it just it it turns people into into um just um just uh dog eat dog um you know i i don't like the way the people it i think it's so draining the um school system right now and i feel pretty bad for everybody so i wanna try to fix that 14401,462,yeah, 14402,462,what's your dream job, that would be my dream job that so i'm excited that like i wanna go in a direction that i wanna go in and yeah that would be my dream job is to work with sort of getting um kids on a more um organic universal um you know uh trajectory 14403,462,how hard is that, um i think it could be done i don't think it would be done via any sort of um legislation except here and there i mean it it that always ends up for becoming you know facade and farce itself anyway but i think there are ways i've always reached kids anyway and they've always felt where i was coming from and so i think you know there are ways to sort of buck the system without even talking to the system 14404,462,okay, 14405,462,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh i guess i'm just a combination of the two i don't think um i don't know actually i'm kinda i might even be working that out there might some outgoingness to overcompensate for what's actually shyness and vice versa so you don't know 14406,462,(laughter, yeah 14407,462,that makes sense, yeah 14408,462,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, yeah that's cool um i definitely um uh try to reflect and stay in a pretty lucid space as often as possible so a lot of lying down at the moment i'm in transition so there's just a lot of and i and i hang out with my dogs a lot so that's quite soothing i try not to do i don't really do anything that's too tense unless it's time for it like time to drive to a job or time to you know go make some things happen meetings and stuff but otherwise um i try to stay in a pretty relaxed space most of the time so it's not like break and but you know and i i miss i miss swimming i can't believe summer's coming so i'm gonna swim some more too 14409,462,mhm, 14410,462,how are you at controlling your temper, um when i'm truly outraged uh it comes out and then i i'm i'm i'm hitting some kind of bad parts right now 'cause it's a very hard time i'm fighting for my child so there are times when i will just cuss up a storm just to get off some steam 14411,462,has that gotten you in trouble, a little bit but usually pretty much there's always um you know someone in the periphery that gets it and and you know it's like that bumper sticker if you're not outraged you're not paying attention so usually some kind of sanity can prevail 14412,462,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh well i mean these are times where i just can't find somthing in the car and but when i argue with people it's been a lot of the times when i'm being flat out you know um sabotaged or or definitely just when uh what's the last specific time well i you know i lost my temper dreadfully with um unfortunately um the woman that gave me birth because that she is intrinsic in a lot of i mean she's pretty much a horrible person so i i recently lost my temper with her 14413,462,how did you feel in that moment, i felt like um i mean i like again um i think i sort of said this just now i felt in a way good because i get it you know which is as opposed to not getting it which is even worse but i guess there's another side of the bank of the thing to get to to where you can be a little more constructive about it it's like you know you get to a point where you're glad you can actually see that there's a horrible travesty going on but then you have to figure out how to deal with the horrible travesty but so i mean i don't i didn't feel like shame i really honestly didn't feel shame i didn't i didn't feel 14414,462,i understand, there are times when i feel like it was stupid to lose my temper just because there are people that will try to use that against you that's all but i never really feel bad for 14415,462,yeah, being angry about what i'm angry about 14416,462,okay, 14417,462,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, well when i was pregnant i wish i had um like i said um i i went through um such an awakening about realizing when i was being sort of um undermined that um that demanding my respect became a huge issue and when i was pregnant i ended up being so disrespected in the place 'cause i was being a hippie on the beach for six years so i always felt like i was being so disrespected in the place where um i was set to be when the child arrived that i stormed out via what was a good survival mode before but left me jumping out of the frying pan into the fire and they got my kid so 14418,462,wow, yeah 14419,462,that sounds really hard, it's fucked up yeah 14420,462,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, i don't want to erase anything from my memory i like having everything consolidated and cohesive i don't and integrated i don't wanna erase anything from my memory 14421,462,okay, 14422,462,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um well did i get it right or did i get it wrong um yeah i'm uh i guess the hardest decision was whether or not to sign um sign mediation agreement with d_c_f_s and i should've said no let's just go straight to court because the there is nothing wrong with me i just happen to succumb to an s_s_i check via bullshit with my mother and i should've just been you know um brave enough to just go in there and do that and instead i chickened out and did their mediation and they played me out 14423,462,what made you decide to do that, overcautiousness 14424,462,okay, 14425,462,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's horrific horrendous bourgeoise quality intrigue and sabotage it's bad 14426,462,i'm sorry, it's okay 14427,462,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, someone that i mean there's been um you know there's been some some great people uh again from afar i have not sort of really um achieved a real great ability to build relationships and i'm working through that right right right right now and i think that's a lot why i don't have my son but as i've grown and developed i've seen encouragement from like minded souls and you can see that and so that's wonderful and um but otherwise you know a constant you know contact with someone that's really good for me it has been hard for me to um get to that point 14428,462,okay, 14429,462,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, not so easy these days at all 14430,462,why, um i'm being i've been um i'm not completely centered and then there's been some um actual you know uh people thinking it's funny to harass me or jolt me as they walk by and so there's been actual harassment and stuff like that 14431,462,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i'm still pretty pollyanna'd out i still forge ahead and try to be as pleasant as possible 14432,462,how have you been feeling lately, i'm tired and drained and a little bit um frustrated because that i know that um i've been sort of that i sort of have a bit of um my um energy and and space being usurped usurped and i can tell and i don't know how to get through that and past it 14433,462,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 14434,462,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 14435,462,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um there are i'm i'm i'm basically very very very happy pretty much blissed out person but um this fighting for my son has me sort of trudging areas that it's as if the same trees that were thrown in my road in childhood before i realized i was such a happy person are thrown there again so i'm going through some of the same pitfalls and mistakes but you know um during the day i'll i'll i'll i'll think something completely true and organic and i i'll just stare at something and go wow that's beautiful and i'll be reminded that i'm pretty close to my spirit so um i try to stay there twenty four seven i'm pretty spiritual that way 14436,462,how would your best friend describe you, um uh uh fun i mean if i had one that was willing to say all the nice things about me gets pretty competitive out there um that you know that i'm this is off you guys that i'm funny and that um and that um i think that's bad um that i'm funny and that i'm good and that that i'm trustworthy 14437,462,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um just uh i'm i'm i not necessarily change but grow through um my ability to connect with the people i wanna connect with and disconnect from the people that manage to to drain me 14438,462,i see, 14439,462,is there anything you regret, i already said i regret the thing with um leaving the place where i could've delivered my son even though i was being um uh sort of abused 14440,462,right, 14441,462,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, get the fuck away from your mother sorry um you know and like a lot of the um and and yeah and to open your eyes look what look what's going on 14442,462,okay, 14443,462,what are you most proud of in your life, i'm proud of my um spirit and my outlook and my um my access to um what's really going on in the world and my um awakeness i'm just proud of me as a person 14444,462,that's great, 14445,462,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 14446,462,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 14447,462,goodbye, 14448,465,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah cool 14449,465,okay, 14450,465,so how are you doing today, i'm hanging out you know being on an adventure chilling 14451,465,that's good, 14452,465,where are you from originally, culver city california 14453,465,really, yeah yeah 14454,465,what are some things you really like about l_a, all the different microcosms and different places and peoples and scenes and stuff you know it's very big very vast it's crazy 14455,465,cool, 14456,465,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i don't know i can't i mean of course there's a bunch of things i could say but uh i i i don't know i mean i i like l_a i like even the bad you know it's just all a part of the experience in general you know 14457,465,i see what you mean, 14458,465,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, yeah i've been around the country a bunch 14459,465,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh again it's like going into another world it's like quantum leap i get to transport to a whole another realm of people and uh you know learn about them and stuff and hang out and drink beers and smoke weed and write and rap and do drugs and hang out more and all sorts of shit man it's crazy 14460,465,awesome, 14461,465,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh really oh 14462,465,yeah, oh oh oh okay um yo i went to san francisco recently and i was there for like eight days i rapped at this house party in san jose real quick then i went to davis did the same thing i took the train chilled in san francisco hung out with some of my middle school friends for hella long then uh yeah it was crazy i was just walking usually i ride bikes everywhere but i was just like walking this this whole time and it was cool i was mad exploring i got um i got back home eventually then after that i went directly to texas and did some shows on the way going to texas and stayed out there for eight days 14463,465,wow, and that was it was it was gnarly it was crazy i don't even know man it was it's so much happened it was you know i had fun 14464,465,that's good, 14465,465,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i went to this place called the salton sea and me a bunch of my bicycle friends we um we got into cars and went way out into the desert and we um yeah it was tight we were burning stuff we burned a car we drove the car it was like a road warrior type of car 14466,465,(laughter, and um it it it it was crazy man like it was like fifteen niggers on one car it was like gnarly we got naked went into a stream i did hella shrooms did hella molly smoked a ridiculous amounts of weed got retarded drunk somebody tried to give me some mescaline i didn't wanna do that but this was like in march before i went on the other trip this was like the precursor to my other trip it was the salton sea trip 14467,465,(laughter, but yeah it was tight 14468,465,nice, i saw a lot of nakedness that trip 14469,465,really, yeah really 14470,465,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, i'm hella outgoing outgoing for sure 14471,465,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, smoke weed 14472,465,okay, 14473,465,what did you study at school, what did i study 14474,465,yeah, uh um oh i i was studying um photography and photojournalism and uh 14475,465,that sounds interesting, yeah yeah that's about it got to use the computer for free got to get use baller ass cameras for free and i would just do a little uh i would do man on the street type shit with students not man on the street but the ones where you take their picture and it's like i forgot what it was called it was long ago 14476,465,mm, 14477,465,are you still working in that, nah nah nah not anymore 14478,465,what's your dream job, this being me and just hanging out i rap that's what i do i do little shows around the country and stuff i got a little fan base and i'm just always you know just doing that just doing art i draw too my my dream job is not working a job and being me that's the dream job getting paid for being me so that's yeah 14479,465,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good 14480,465,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, like two weeks ago i was at this after hours one i was already like super drunk and two it was after hours three it was after hours so like man i had a bunch of pens these dudes took my pens away pens in my like fanny pack i had like a fanny pack so i had pens in there 'cause i do art 14481,465,mhm, he's like nah dog you can't take this in and i'm like okay for sure let me just leave 'em right here and i'll get 'em when i come out and he was like okay i come out and they're gone accidentally knock a beer over and he gets mad at me he's like you gotta go now and i'm like that wasn't my fault that was your fault but then but then while that happened my homie was getting like ambushed by these three big old security guards and then you know when i saw them put hands on my friend that's when i really lost it and i and he and i was like better let go of my friend right now he's like what you gonna do ese and i'm like what you gonna do and then like he threw me to the ground then i and and no no he had his arm over me i put my arm over him and threw him to the ground and then it got broken up but that was the last time 14482,465,wow, i got angry 14483,465,that sounds really hard, it was cool it was fun life 14484,465,(laughter, you know 14485,465,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, huh i made maybe that maybe that situation could've been handled differently it could've been handled differently if they would've been handling things differently then i wouldn't have to react it's not like i was mad i was acting off of reaction i had to react like that because like justice like i couldn't it was unjust it was like i'm not a mean person at all but when i saw one of my loved ones get attacked i had to like come and like you know like react to that and they were the hot 14486,465,i see what you mean, you know what i mean i was like yo ya niggas is tripping like yo chill out this is a tiny little white dude you're a humongous ass mexican nigga it's like you need to fall back you know what i mean it was crazy 14487,465,yeah, 14488,465,what's something you feel guilty about, guilty uh i don't know i steal shit sometime from stores when i'm hungry if i got no money i guess i'm not really guilty 'cause i don't know actually yeah i don't feel guilty about that food should be free know what i mean but um yeah i don't know i lie i guess i lie everybody lies sometime i lie sometimes maybe like little like idle here and there exaggerations 14489,465,mm, okay 14490,465,has that gotten you in trouble, nah nah never 14491,465,that's good, 14492,465,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, the hardest 14493,465,mhm, i guess i don't really know what the hardest decision was but i get faced with hard decisions and those would be like i got so many friends sometimes i can't really hang out with everybody in one weekend so it's like i gotta make decisions like if i go over this sector of the town i'm gonna hang out with x y z niggas if i go over here x y z niggas so it's like heavy you know those are hard decisions 'cause i never like to let anybody down so uh yeah stuff like that deciding between friends to hang out with 14494,465,i understand, ouch 14495,465,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's cool i live with my mom 14496,465,how close are you to your family, i come home like every three to four days so i'm i 14497,465,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, who what could you repeat the question 14498,465,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um my aunty 14499,465,can you tell me about that, oh she's just really nice she's like a little sweet little blind old lady who cooks really good 14500,465,aw, and it's tight i don't know 14501,465,okay, 14502,465,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, something i could erase from my memory i wouldn't wanna erase anything from my memory 'cause that'll be like 14503,465,why, because like the experiences you go through make you who you're who you are i think weak people like to wanna erase things or block things out like i don't that doesn't exist i mean there's shit that's been hard but i would never say i would not want that to happen 'cause you know you must you gotta learn from experience you know i mean to be the better you all that shit is like a is like test you know that bad experience is just a test you gotta overcome and be stronger and not just like curl up and be like oh my god life's hard oh you know that shit's for weak people 14504,465,uh huh, i don't believe in that i have compassion for people who do get a who do wanna do stuff like that but i still like i don't see the logic in it 14505,465,mm, mm 14506,465,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i mean i stay up pretty late and do all sorts of reckless ass shit so uh but when i am home and it's pretty easy i could just go to sleep you know when i get tired i get tired yeah 14507,465,how have you been feeling lately, lately i've been on this like i've been partying hella tough lately like oh my god for at least six days like today coming to do this talk to you was the first time i've been able to come back to culver city since like friday 'cause i've been downtown and then it was like cinco de mayo and it was like you know random ass parties i went to with homies smoking ridiculous amounts of cigarettes drinking beers fucking did some molly fucking did some coke fucking shit was crazy yo it was just like uh it was a rockstar weekend or a week 14508,465,wow, or type of stuff 14509,465,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, that's post traumatic stress syndrome 14510,465,yeah, no i have not 14511,465,have you been diagnosed with depression, i have not but i get 14512,465,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, oh i mean shoot saturday i was hella happy it was great but i was under the influence so but it was still great you know i was mad empathic like mad like a flirty mm i was freestyling like a g i was like kicking hella rhymes uh it was dope you know analyzing my life realized some stuff that i'm gonna change about my life and uh yeah it was i had a ball it was great it was awesome i 14513,465,that sounds like a great situation, oh yeah it was 14514,465,do you feel down, no i didn't even have a crazy comedown i'm i'm like i'm chilling i definitely gained a couple pounds from last week i've been drinking a lot of beers i'm feeling a little extraneous but besides that i'm i'm ready 14515,465,okay, hmm okay 14516,465,how would your best friend describe you, i don't know as a lovable dude people be loving me man they don't like me they love me and that shit's crazy i just you know i just try to be happy i try to make people happy and just you know be real posi-core as they've said like this is hella positive

    positive you know 14517,465,mhm, 14518,465,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, man i really don't wish i could i mean i'd lose weight i guess that's about it but besides that i that's i mean i ride bikes every day like my legs are pretty strong maybe i'd just get more buff in the arm but that's about the only thing i would change and i don't really i'm not really in a hurry to change that like if that happens just through me living and me biking more then yeah cool but i don't not i'm not you know abrupt change i don't need i mean gradual change sure but i'm not i don't know yeah i wouldn't change anything but if i would it would be that but really nothing 'cause i'm chilling right now 14519,465,mm, 14520,465,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, uh i don't know i got broken up with like in august that made me feel bad about myself i guess and yeah it was just somebody i was going out with but they just broke up with me and like that shit sucked but that was probably the last time like i felt really bad about myself 14521,465,can you tell me about that, um what exactly do you wanna know about that 14522,465,whatever comes to your mind, oh like um i don't know we were just going out and then she was just hella jealous and was going through my phone sometimes and accusing me of shit but then she ended up breaking up with me just 'cause she wanted to like mess around with other people and that was the relationship in a nutshell 14523,465,that sucks, uh life sucks you gotta adapt and change man know what i mean 14524,465,yeah, don't walk from it run to what'd you say 14525,465,is there anything you regret, 14526,465,is there anything you regret, yeah that bitch gave me s_t_ds that shit sucks fucking a that's the only thing i regret 14527,465,i'm sorry to hear that, yeah man it's a cold game but i i got the shot it was cool i'm like boom clean but that's about it i don't know she's a cool person we still hang out you know she keep losing i'm just gonna keep winning know what i mean don't run from it run to it know what i mean 14528,465,yeah, wait wait ten ten or twenty years ago 14529,465,uh huh, i i was only seven years old you what do i tell my seven year old self he wouldn't be able to comprehend the advice i would give what what'd you say 14530,465,yes, 14531,465,yeah, oh oh oh yeah he wouldn't um be able to comprehend the advice i'd give him i'd be like just um fucking read a little more books or something dude like 14532,465,(laughter, uh i don't know man fucking it's gonna be okay you're you you you're great just keep doing cool shit and have a ball 14533,465,(laughter, i don't know i wouldn't know i wouldn't wanna alter young me actually and this is why i say this because if i would to tell my young self to do something differently i would not have grown into the person i am right now to even be able to tell my young self something if if if the laws of quantum physics and all that shit is real and time travel you know anything i do in the past would this life would be now be a variable so me going back there telling him to do something differently will alter the course of history and then the time stream that i'm in may not may cease to exist 14534,465,right, 14535,465,yeah, you know what i'm saying so i really wouldn't wanna do that i'll just be like do fuck up fuck up more even but yeah make more mistakes 'cause the only way to to be a better person is to make hella mistakes you know at least that 14536,465,i see what you mean, at least that's like my my reckless like mindstate like yo if you're gonna fuck up fuck up hard 'cause you'll learn more from it you know they say what do they say um experience is the best professor you know what i'm saying that's basically what that that's how i jive you know what i mean 14537,465,yeah, 14538,465,what are you most proud of in your life, i'm proud of this life that i'm here doing stuff like this like i'm like so stoked i've been around the country i've been on people's albums i write i do voiceover works from time to time and yeah i people know me i rap i ride bikes i've infiltrated multiple subculturals i mean subcultures and types of people in the city scrubbed_entry and um yeah man i don't know i guess it's like i live my life like i'm running for mayor but i'm not really running for mayor i'm just running to be the best me i can be so i'm kissing hands and shaking babies along the way and it it's been a rad fantastic time and it could only get bigger and better 14539,465,that's great, 14540,465,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, are you sure 14541,465,mhm, woah 14542,465,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, totally that's crazy 14543,465,goodbye, bye i love you 14544,465,me too, you love you too 14545,465,yeah, that's tight should i press the button now or what 14546,465,uh huh, oh okay okay well can you wave do you do that do you wave oh you don't wave okay for sure 14547,466,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 14548,466,okay, 14549,466,so how are you doing today, uh okay 14550,466,that's good, 14551,466,where are you from originally, los angeles 14552,466,really, 14553,466,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather um the variety of um environments the ocean you know various different environment or environmental variety 14554,466,uh huh, 14555,466,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um i don't like the superficiality of people um the narcissistic attitude um uh just the um uh it it doesn't have a small town sort of feel where you know just the warmth the human sort of warmth interactively so 14556,466,i see what you mean, yeah 14557,466,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, no 14558,466,why, um i have um a fear of flying and i have um i've developed agoraphobia 14559,466,i'm sorry, 14560,466,how hard is that, uh incredibly difficult 14561,466,can you tell me about that, um yeah i'm i'm guessing you mean the agoraphobia um more so than the fear of flying um 14562,466,mhm, it's uh it's more of a recent um development and um it's um eh it's progressing progressing um to be worse uh it's very um uh what's the word um immobilizing and and very um distressing actually 14563,466,that sounds really hard, mhm yes it is 14564,466,how do you cope with them, how to i cope with that um just uh just trying to um uh do the best i can and uh try to you know have the most courage i can in the situation and challenge myself in um small steps um i read a lot i do um bibliotherapy reading um and i try to inform myself um of the um of the professional literature um so that i could um hopefully overcome it someday 14565,466,that's good, mhm 14566,466,are they triggered by something, um yes definitely 14567,466,like what, um uh certain things trigger it like um enclosed spaces um being in a car traveling um uh being away from home um being in someone else's car uh things that are outside of my uh locus of control 14568,466,okay, 14569,466,what did you study at school, um uh xxx actually i i don't go to school right now 14570,466,what's your dream job, um my dream job is to be a psychologist 14571,466,awesome, 14572,466,what made you decide to do that, um i'm not a psychologist but what would make me decide to do that is um uh having lived um through some challenges like this um having lived through some traumas um but i've always had an interest in it um since junior high of um uh i'm very interested in people and um in human interaction and human connection and um the betterment of of uh of those things um bridging people together and helping people interpersonally through their challenges uh personal uh challenges um uh so that's that's sort of um it in a nutshell 14573,466,okay, 14574,466,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i think i'm someone who's um i can be very outgoing um and sort of um a warm and friendly presence very um easily but i think on on on the exterior um but i think i'm shy and i challenge it to do that i think at heart i'm shy um but uh but i i challenge myself completely 'cause i do love human interaction so i take those risks and and jump and those challenges 14575,466,okay, 14576,466,yeah, 14577,466,when was the last time that happened, uh the last time i interacted with somebody was today 14578,466,can you tell me about that, if if i think i'm understanding your question correctly 14579,466,yeah, oh no no eh i think i'm misunderstanding your question but i i interacted with rachel um i just i'm um continuously interacting with people take taking those risks 14580,466,okay, 14581,466,i see what you mean, 14582,466,how are you at controlling your temper, uh very good um mm very good 14583,466,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um when was the last time i argued with somebody i actually can't remember it wasn't recent 14584,466,okay, 14585,466,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, i have to think about that i don't know yet let me think um uh i'm drawing a blank um i can only rememeber things um from when i was like twenty one right now i can't think of anything contemporary right right now my mind is 14586,466,whatever comes to your mind, okay uh when i was younger 14587,466,can you tell me about that, yes um i lost um a relationship with my aunt and my uncle and my cousins um 'cause when i was twenty one i'm forty five um i um uh uh had a a disagreement with my aunt and um i said something that was uh critical of her and um she threw me out of their home and um uh let me back uh i apologized immediately and they let me back into their lives um and changed their minds um so i regret that 14588,466,how did you feel in that moment, um i'm assuming you mean um how did i feel when they asked me to um never uh be in their lives again and to leave um uh shattered soul shattered heart shattered 14589,466,yeah, 14590,466,tell me about your relationship with your family, well that that was my family that was um the the good side of my family there's um uh uh the majority of my family they were they were the the loving aspect of my family um the rest of my family is very cruel and um like very abusive 14591,466,how close are you to your family, um i don't have any relationship with my family at all like the since i was um uh twenty one since my aunt and uncle um uh disowned me i guess is the right word estranged yeah 14592,466,okay, 14593,466,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um gosh um i'm drawing a blank just bear with me for one second um something i could um erase um i can't even get it to my memory um uh as an example um uh i was injured and i wish i could get uh that away from my memory 14594,466,can you tell me more about that, yeah um i was injured in um the emergency room scrubbed_entry doing um i went in for food poisoning um i was ordered to go in um by a doctor um i had collapsed and i was ordered to go into the e_r for as i said food poisoning and i came out um injured with a neurological syndrome i was injured with a um uh what do you call it um uh intraveneous procedure um and now i have um r_s_d reflex sympathetic dystrophy and it the scene in the emergency room was um it was a an out of control scene there was a problem with the procedure and the doctor was yelling at his staff who made a mistake um eh and it was extremely excruciating um it was a a crisis and so um every time i think about the injury and it was uh disfiguring i got disabled um for i uh got disabled for it uh disabled permanently um from it i was also um uh disabled from my employment for a quite amount of quite a given amount of time as well 14595,466,oh no, and and it i have residual um physical trauma from it and disfigurement and um severe disability disability limited um um functionality uh with my right my i'm right-handed uh with my right hand and arm 14596,466,i'm sorry to hear that, thank you 14597,466,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, i don't even know what that is um i you know i i really i apologize 'cause i can't really probably give you the uh most suitable answer um uh i'm guessing it had something to do with um my cat um and her um her xxx urgent uh um uh what do you call it um hurt she was in intensive care veterinary care and i'm sure it had something to do with that um but other than that i would say um i had uh choosing my life path whether scrubbed_entry um and uh i was admitted um to that program or whether i was gonna go um to um art school for four years um and i had to pick a life direction but uh that's not a traumatic situation um so i i don't know how best to answer your question 14598,466,okay, 14599,466,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i can't 14600,466,why, um i have um severe nightmares and i have um nocturnal um uh panic attacks 14601,466,are they triggered by something, and i also have physical illness on top of it and i'm in excruciating pain 14602,466,do you have disturbing thoughts, yes 14603,466,are they triggered by something, yes 14604,466,can you tell me about that, yes uh they're triggered by the injury that i told you um they're triggered by my family um they've how they've treated me what um they've said to me what they've done to me um they're triggered by um what else um my um my physical um illness um not my injury only but my physical um illness as well um so yes 14605,466,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um i feel very ill and feel so fatigued 14606,466,how have you been feeling lately, very ill and very fatigued 14607,466,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um when i don't sleep and get enough sleep um uh my anxiety level i believe is up and um i'm susceptible to feeling distressed um so yeah 14608,466,i see, 14609,466,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 14610,466,how long ago were you diagnosed, um three years ago um my my most recent um diagnosis and in two thousand and one as well 14611,466,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh yes 14612,466,how long ago were you diagnosed, um three years ago and um when i was um twenty years old 14613,466,what got you to seek help, um the my background my childhood um from my family of origin um and their um uh uh you know the abuse that i um went through uh and their ultimate um uh uh what's the word um rejection of me and uh estrangement um that was the first uh reason 14614,466,do you still go to therapy now, um no i stopped six months ago 14615,466,why did you stop, um why did i stop um i'm just taking a break i'm gonna continue 14616,466,okay, 14617,466,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes very much 14618,466,how has seeing a therapist affected you, it's helped tremendously 14619,466,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um i think it helps with anxiety it helps with um um it helps inspire um create inspiration it helps um um uh feeling connected um it helps to create um what i ultimately um my goal is to um give myself a voice and um um uh it helps to to do to uh it it's part of that process um it also helps um to understand myself um to learn about myself um and eh there's just so many benefits it's i i'll stop right there there's many more 14620,466,that's good, mhm 14621,466,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um the last time i felt really happy it was a was a really long time ago um it was before my illness um and it was in nineteen ninety seven um the onset of my illness was in july of ninety seven so it was um before that 14622,466,can you tell me about that, yes um i was um in a very good place um in terms of my career um um in terms of um uh my just my relationships and um everything was just sort of at it's best um uh career relationships um personal um uh fulfillment um sort of um as well um i was very active and and doing uh very many things that were meaningful to um build a life um and i was um in the process of um uh just in the in in the planning stages of my life but also very accomplished at at the same time so it was just things were just going very well and um i just really liked uh 14623,466,okay, the just where my life was at it was just in a really good place in many ways 14624,466,i see what you mean, mhm 14625,466,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i wish i could change about myself um my anxiety um i wish i could change about myself um my agoraphobia my p_t_s_d um meaning my trauma um and um uh what else um um my insecurity uh as far as um uh just um with with other people in the sense that i'm always trying to make sure that um that i don't do something that that um hold on one second i'm just trying to make sure that um i don't do anything that's um offensive to them or insults them um or uh is disrespectful um and i i feel like i'm overly um cautious about that and um it it it kinda becomes um an anxiety unto itself um so i i definitely think that that would be beneficial uh to change um the other thing i'd like to change about myself is i wish i could feel um and also depression i'd like to change that about myself i wish i could feel better um i wish i didn't feel um uh so um uh i didn't wish i didn't have the burden that i do of um my family um of not having one um and uh what else um i wish i didn't have my illness and the physical um excruciating pain that i'm in uh so those are some things um 14626,466,mhm, and i also wish that um and this is um a a by-product of p_t_s_d i wish that i didn't have um uh the the symptomology of p_t_s_d um 'cause that definitely um affects one's complete complete the complete life like eh a lot their affects their life uh completely um and i i wish i was more articulate and i wish i was um someone who was well-spoken and someone who is well-written um but there's many there's many more um uh things that i wish i could change about myself to improve myself so many more 14627,466,yeah, 14628,466,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um i'm not sure uh maybe to um not be so trusting um i trusted um i trusted some medical professionals that um you know again created the injury and um you know were there's a uh what's the word there's an expectation and a sort of a demand to just blindly trust um the medical profession um and um don't ask questions and just sort of um you know and if and not to trust your own self your own um your own instincts um or intuition um and so i would i would've told myself to be a little more careful um i guess if that's useful to your question 14629,466,mhm, 14630,466,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, um what did i really enjoy um you know i can't think of anything specific um but um i know it would have to do um with either reading or um connecting with someone on a meaningful level 14631,466,okay, 14632,466,what are you most proud of in your life, i'm most proud of um my compassion um my um my uh empathy and caring about people um despite um i mean i'm proud of it anyways but um also particularly um i come from a um an environment that's the opposite um a background and um i wasn't taught that um but i really do care about people and um i'm i guess i'm most proud of that i'm also proud of my um career accomplishments um and my um tenacity um my fierce my fierce tenacity to succeed um and uh you know just um also to get um the strength it takes to get through um the injury uh to live with it and to live with the illness um that i live with the physical illness um so i i think that would be it 14633,466,that's great, yes 14634,466,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, okay 14635,466,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 14636,466,goodbye, 14637,467,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah i'm okay with it 14638,467,okay, 14639,467,so how are you doing today, uh i feel i feel pretty good 14640,467,that's good, little little nervous 14641,467,why, because i've never done anything like this before that's why 14642,467,(laughter, 14643,467,i see what you mean, yeah 14644,467,where are you from originally, from ohio cincinnati 14645,467,really, yeah 14646,467,when did you move to l_a, uh two months ago two and a half months 14647,467,why did you move to l_a, uh was just looking for just wanted to be in a new environment 14648,467,are you happy you did that, oh yeah i'm ecstatic very happy 14649,467,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, uh it took a few weeks just to get adjusted 'cause i didn't know anyone 14650,467,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather is probably the best thing 14651,467,uh huh, yeah and uh i mean other than that it's pretty much the same as everywhere else i've been 14652,467,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, there's nothing i don't really really like about l_a it's just you know just the weather is the best part of it 14653,467,okay, 14654,467,yeah, yeah 14655,467,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh i like to travel somewhat uh i haven't traveled a lot in my life but over the past uh year and a half i've done done quite a bit of traveling 14656,467,what do you enjoy about traveling, just seeing different places different people new people new faces new places 14657,467,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh let's see last well last summer i spent the uh summer in cleveland doing uh urban farming uh in the city 14658,467,nice, yeah and uh i stayed at a hostel the first hostel in cleveland scrubbed_entry and i was uh doing a program with the uh scrubbed_entry and it was basically we would go to different urban farms throughout the city and volunteer about twenty twenty five hours a week so yeah 14659,467,what made you decide to do that, really a spur of the moment type of thing um wanted to try something different something i'd never done before and farming is one of those things that you know most people would never try 'cause of a you know 'cause of a certain stigma that comes along with it 14660,467,mhm, uh and you know i just thought it would be fun and interesting to do something like that 14661,467,cool, 14662,467,what's one of your most memorable experiences, yeah what in the uh uh mm urban farming or in general 14663,467,yeah, in urban farming uh i don't know i guess uh i don't know just just the overall experience just going you know eating uh going to the farmers markets and eating all the fresh food and just seeing the difference in you know how fresh natural food taste eh you know as opposed to the food you buy in a grocery store 14664,467,that sounds like a great situation, yeah yeah it is really is 14665,467,what did you study at school, uh i was i took two semesters of uh college and i was undecided so i was just taking general classes 14666,467,what's your dream job, my dream job huh i guess my dream job would to be anything that involves uh i don't have like a specific dream job but anything that involves nature just being outside uh i would like to uh i wouldn't mind being like a like a forest ranger or something like that just as long as i you know 14667,467,okay, yeah 14668,467,yeah, 14669,467,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, consider myself more shy 14670,467,why, uh i don't i don't know why it's just the way it is 14671,467,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh huh i read um listen to music uh i draw watch movies stuff like that 14672,467,mhm, yeah 14673,467,how are you at controlling your temper, i think i'm pretty good at it 14674,467,that's good, i think yeah 14675,467,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, wow uh yeah i can't remember the last time i had an argument with someone i don't know 14676,467,okay, 14677,467,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, again i don't know because i don't dwell on things that happened in the past 14678,467,hmm, yeah 14679,467,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, mm maybe whether or not to come to california i guess that was a hard decision 14680,467,can you tell me about that, well i don't know i've been thinking about it you know moving to a new place for a long time and i guess the hardest part of the decision was thinking whether whether or not i would be secure or not you know what i mean um 14681,467,yeah, just going to a new place where you don't know anyone uh it's kinda uh you really don't know what's gonna happen so uh there was a lot of uh you know fear in that in that decision of should i go to a place where i don't know anyone i don't i'm not familiar with the area you know only only perception ever had that i have of this area is you know what i've seen on in media media and t_v so you know eh yeah guess that was hardest hardest decision decision that i can think of 14682,467,i understand, yeah 14683,467,there are always trade-offs in life aren't there, eh guess so 14684,467,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, uh nothing absolutely nothing 14685,467,hmm, yeah 14686,467,what's something you feel guilty about, uh nothing i don't feel guilty about anything 14687,467,okay, 14688,467,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh relationship with my family uh i'm not really close to my family um i guess the person i'm closest to is my mom but you know i don't you know i don't i never really talk to her much uh i don't really know my dad that well so you know 14689,467,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh i guess my grandmother yeah she 14690,467,can you tell me about that, yeah she's uh she's very um xxx how should i say it uh she's very she's a thinker i put it like that like she's very insightful so um yeah i look to her for a lot of advice because she's been through a lot through a lot in her life and i feel like she you know she's been through a lot so she understands a lot so eh you know she's a very positive influence 14691,467,mm, 14692,467,okay, 14693,467,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, very easy 14694,467,that's good, 14695,467,how have you been feeling lately, uh maybe unsure i would say 14696,467,why, because right now i really don't know what direction i wanna go in with my life and there's been a lot of confusion with that um but you know it's not it's not something that overly affects me but you know it's always a thought in the back of my mind it feels feels like somehow maybe i'm running out of time and i know that's not like that's not xxx that's not a realistic thought because i don't see how you could ever run out of time but yeah i guess yeah just general not knowing what i want but i know like 14697,467,how do you cope with them, how do i cope with that 14698,467,mhm, how do i cope with that i uh i don't know i just do a lot of thinking a lot of soul searching 14699,467,how hard is that, it's not hard i mean i mean i'm it's xxx like i can't say it's hard because it's one of those things that i feel like it's necessary and you know certain things in life you just you're forced to face so 14700,467,i see what you mean, it's harder to i think it's harder to avoid those type of things 14701,467,yeah, yeah 14702,467,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 14703,467,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 14704,467,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 14705,467,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh xxx today when i talked when i uh talked to my friend earlier 14706,467,awesome, yeah 14707,467,how would your best friend describe you, how would my best friend describe me uh i guess he would say i'm quiet uh uh guess he would describe as a nice guy uh guess insightful mm uh goofy and yeah 14708,467,okay, 14709,467,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, oh i don't really think like that 14710,467,is there anything you regret, no 14711,467,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ten or twenty years ago uh guess i would tell myself to stick with what what stick with what i love 14712,467,mm, hmm 14713,467,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh i did uh acting workshop in um scrubbed_entry 14714,467,cool, yeah 14715,467,what made you decide to do that, i don't know it's always always been an interest of mine and i decided why not you know just try it see how you like it 14716,467,okay, 14717,467,what are you most proud of in your life, what am i most proud of like an event or a an accomplishment 14718,467,whatever comes to your mind, i guess i pride myself on being independent 14719,467,that's great, mm 14720,467,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 14721,467,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, yeah 14722,467,goodbye, 14723,469,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 14724,469,okay, 14725,469,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 14726,469,that's good, 14727,469,where are you from originally, l_a 14728,469,really, 14729,469,what are some things you really like about l_a, mm uh there's a lot of variety um there's a lot of health-oriented stuff um there's all kinds of food to eat you can go to the desert you can go to the you can go anywhere i mean there's a lot 14730,469,mhm, and the weather's great 14731,469,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic um lately the change in weather it's kind of a little too unpredictable but it mainly the traffic and sometimes some rudeness of people 14732,469,i see what you mean, 14733,469,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, uh i wouldn't say a lot just um occasionally 14734,469,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh it's nice to get a change of scenery and different things to do that maybe i wouldn't normally do different people um learning about different people different customs um depends i mean if it's a water real pretty water and xxx you know being in beautiful water um relaxing adventure i love adventure 14735,469,yeah, 14736,469,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh uh some time ago i went to cayman islands and um went on i get seasick but my sister gave me some medication and i went on a boat and we snorkeled and there were two boats and i accidentally got back on the wrong boat 14737,469,really, um yeah and um they're really crazy they made me jump back into the water and swim to the right boat 14738,469,(laughter, and i thought i was gonna drown 'cause the water was kinda rough i was really shocked they they wanted me to do that 14739,469,oh no, yeah but i survived 14740,469,that's good, yeah pretty good 14741,469,what did you study at school, uh business management but also 14742,469,how did you decide to do that, also hypnotherapy 14743,469,cool, i didn't hear that other question 14744,469,how did you decide to do that, um well i came from a serious kinda family so that just seems something that would be universal that would cover a lot of different subjects 14745,469,are you happy you did that, yes yeah but um yes and no i mean now i kinda wish it was something different 14746,469,like what, um i like communication i love speaking and interviewing strangers um i'm very outgoing um and funny so probably would've been something more like either liberal arts communication that type of thing 14747,469,that makes sense, 14748,469,what's your dream job, uh dream job would just be out there you know like some of these people maybe on t_v exploring different places and getting paid for it and eh always like a fun adventure uh interacting with people um doing things i haven't done before and um helping people you know on some way with what i do xxx that they can see you know that i'm uncoordinated and in some ways and you know they could be uncoordinated and have some fun too 14749,469,yeah, 14750,469,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, uh i watch t_v i go work out um i go walking i recently got like a a bike that i kinda sort of fixed up um go do something new go to a festival go grocery shopping interact with friends call them see them 14751,469,uh huh, that type of thing talk to strangers 14752,469,how are you at controlling your temper, um depends on the situation there's a bunch of times i'm good at it um if it has to do with like traffic and cars it's a little more intense for me it's a little tougher or people who are like really rude you know with the way they cut you off 14753,469,has that gotten you in trouble, almost um luckily not you know i'm very assertive and maybe too much sometimes where if somebody does something really rude to me in a parking lot i'll i'll confront them on that sometimes 14754,469,mm, 14755,469,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um might've been with my sister um it had to do with um i'm not sure of the topic but um whatever she was saying wasn't right and we got in an argument it it sounds childish about who was right you know 'cause she thinks she's always the smarter one 'cause she's older 14756,469,how did you feel in that moment, uh sometimes it's frustrating 'cause it's like it's a no win situation she just wants to hammer on somebody 'til you know they acknowledge that she's right um other times i just let it go and let her rattle on 'cause it's it's kinda nonproductive 14757,469,yeah, 14758,469,tell me about your relationship with your family, uh i'm real close to i see my parents almost every weekend um more close to my mother um i have a twin sister i stay in touch with her even though she's out of town she lives out of town and i've got two other sisters so i stay in touch with all of 'em you know it's a mixed bag you know um we kinda have assertive aggressiveness in us a little bit 14759,469,uh huh, but also 14760,469,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, um well me um and um ever i mean strangers sometimes my family you know they've done nice things for me um strangers have been very um sometimes unexpectedly very nice 14761,469,can you give me an example of that, uh i could be shopping and um you know i'm maybe i can't reach something and some guy'll pop up behind me and you know without me saying anything just help me out um 14762,469,aw, uh that type of thing or um if somebody's like kind of mean to me somebody'll like commiserate you know and um xxx 14763,469,yeah, 14764,469,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um i had a situation years ago with a neighbor where he was really nasty to me um 'cause he thought i didn't like his dog it was you know i'm not crazy about dogs but um he kinda flipped out for a year and a half and um just said very nasty things to me when other people weren't around um i wish i'd confronted that back then because i you know but it created a lot of anxiety for me 'cause i feel like i could've nipped it in the bud and to instead of having to deal with the um major stress from it now he and i don't talk at all i just feel it's best he's kind of odd 14765,469,i see, 14766,469,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, hmm god there's been a lot um sometimes breaking up with somebody or um yeah it's usually or getting rid of a friend that type of thing 14767,469,okay, 14768,469,what's something you feel guilty about, um sometimes i feel guilty about some of my past behavior with people um where maybe i wasn't as understanding um eh when i was younger i stole things you know that's not the best behavior and um and it's stuff like that 14769,469,uh huh, 14770,469,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, oh god there's a lot of 'em um i wish i could erase you know how um tough my dad was on us as children and um erase a lot of memories of men i dated that just didn't work out well at all and um yeah 14771,469,okay, 14772,469,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i can drop off like right away 14773,469,that's good, yeah 14774,469,what are you like when you don't sleep well, cranky irritated um 14775,469,(laughter, snarky 14776,469,how have you been feeling lately, um a bit out of sorts um i've had some anxiety uh with money um and relationships 'cause i haven't been in one for so long male um just a lot of anxiety um mm yeah 14777,469,how do you cope with them, take a deep breath um try and do positive things you know sometimes um eat healthier work out more um talk to my friend about it 14778,469,mhm, that type of thing try and look for interesting activities to do to distract me 14779,469,okay, 14780,469,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, well not officially but i know you know from mm things i've experienced that i've had i've you know i get very anxious in certain situations 14781,469,are they triggered by something, um yeah uh it's usually triggered by um sometimes if somebody gets really angry and crazy it triggers a lot of anxiety in me um if they're aggressive whether it be physically or verbally uh or sometimes if they're too much in my space my uh space you know where i am it bothers me 14782,469,mhm, 14783,469,have you been diagnosed with depression, um yeah a long time ago 14784,469,how long ago were you diagnosed, it was ages ago maybe over ten years ago fifteen years ago 14785,469,what got you to seek help, um i was depressed i mean i know that's nothing to laugh about but i mean it's kinda in a circle um just to um wanted to be more positive and enjoy life more 14786,469,what were your symptoms, um feeling stuck in certain thoughts um having a lot of negative thoughts um feeling of hopelessness helplessness that type of thing 14787,469,do you still go to therapy now, xxx um i go occasionally it's a different type um i'll go see a hypnotherapist um sometimes to release release release anxiety that's in me 14788,469,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes i do very useful 14789,469,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um a lot more awareness of myself and other people um learning more control more confidence um better self-esteem um willing to try even more things you know whether i know the outcome or not you know of the unknown i'll experiment a lot more 14790,469,mhm, 14791,469,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, scrubbed_entry um helping like at the twenty fifth mile handing out water and there were some people there who were doing that for the first time also some event at my sister's where there were just a couple of us and um i was cracking a lot of jokes sometimes i'm like really funny you know and i can't even believe myself you know i just go on and on you know and everyone starts laughing i'm not even trying to and i'm just saying like regular stories and people look at me funny and laugh yeah that 14792,469,(laughter, 14793,469,how would your best friend describe you, um as a really decent loyal uh empathetic um deserving um supportive i'm hoping um outgoing quirky type of person 14794,469,uh huh, 14795,469,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um well it'd be great to uh look even younger uh or be younger if that was humanly possible um be even more patient with people i think um you know not get frustrated like if i think somebody's not very smart uh sometimes it's real frustrating for me to be around some types of people 14796,469,mm, 14797,469,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, whoa um uh wow make a lot of money and plan for your future um and try and be as kind and patient with people as possible and have a lot of fun try new things 14798,469,mhm, 14799,469,what are you most proud of in your life, i think of my mind and my perseverance that um i've changed a lot of things within my personality um uh i feel proud of volunteer work i xxx helped feel proud i've helped bunch of people lose weight declutter their homes um i've helped create a lot of positive change in people 14800,469,that's great, 14801,469,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, mhm oh okay 14802,469,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, yeah it was nice talking to you 14803,469,goodbye, 14804,470,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 14805,470,okay, 14806,470,so how are you doing today, i'm doing okay 14807,470,that's good, 14808,470,where are you from originally, i'm from los angeles california 14809,470,really, 14810,470,what are some things you really like about l_a, the food the weather and the people 14811,470,mhm, 14812,470,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm um i don't know it's not too many things i really don't like about l_a maybe some of the bad people or some of the bad environments in l_a 14813,470,i see what you mean, 14814,470,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, um no not too much 14815,470,why, um i only been like to texas las vegas and that's pretty much it 14816,470,nice, mhm 14817,470,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um catching a airplane to houston texas like back and forth to visit my dad and going to las vegas a lot that's 14818,470,can you tell me about that, oh yeah um well when i was younger i used to go visit my dad and 'cause he used to live in houston texas and i used to catch the airplane a lot and that was a lot of fun i wasn't scared that was a lot of fun and i enjoyed that 14819,470,that sounds like a great situation, 14820,470,what did you study at school, um when i went to school i studied child development and nursing 14821,470,how did you decide to do that, um i know i wanted to be somebody and when i went to school i wasn't sure what i wanted to be so i kinda took um nursing the l_v_n program first and then i didn't wanna be a nurse so i changed my major to child development and i graduated from that 14822,470,that's great, 14823,470,are you still working in that, no i'm actually looking for work i'm unemployed right now 14824,470,what's your dream job, my dream job would be probably doing something working with the kids opening up a nursery or something my own business 14825,470,how hard is that, in my mind it's simple but like in reality it seem like it's kinda difficult 14826,470,yeah, 14827,470,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, sometimes i'm shy but i'm really an outgoing person and a people person 14828,470,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, hmm um to relax i listen to some slow music i kinda like um have a quiet environment and maybe lay down watch a little t_v or something 14829,470,cool, 14830,470,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm very good at controlling my temper i don't like to get really angry or upset or get to where i'm fitting to hurt somebody 14831,470,that's good, 14832,470,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um when i really have arguments they're like because people don't agree to disagree and then it's over like really petty it's like we might say oh it's just like my opinion and they don't agree with my opinion so we argue about that but it's like nothing really big or anything like that it's just stupid i don't even remember 14833,470,okay, 14834,470,what's something you feel guilty about, um probably not working right now i need a job 14835,470,it can be tough to find a good job these days, yes 14836,470,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um maybe i don't really remember a situation i try to really think before i really handle a situation and i try to handle it in a my best positive way before i really do something i regret 14837,470,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um being with somebody like a guy you know if i wanna continue a relationship with them or just 14838,470,mhm, be single 14839,470,i see what you mean, mm 14840,470,tell me about your relationship with your family, um my relationship with my family i don't have i just really stay with my dad and i have a daughter and we just stay close all my family they're either in um houston texas or they're around but i don't really socialize with a lot of my family 14841,470,uh huh, 14842,470,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my dad 14843,470,why, because um i live with him right now i've been staying with him maybe about five five to six years and he's just the only one i really look up to i don't really have nobody else around me to really look up to and that's it 14844,470,okay, 14845,470,tell me about your kids, scrubbed_entry she's in the fifth grade she's graduating she's going to the sixth grade and i'm kinda excited for that 14846,470,aw, 14847,470,do you find it easy to be a parent, sometimes it's easy but uh sometimes it gets a little overwhelming 14848,470,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um the hardest thing about being a parent is being a single parent 14849,470,what's the best thing about being a parent, it's just you always have somebody to bring you joy i enjoy always doing things with my daughter um it's just about making a lot of sacrifices and just always it's brings me so much joy being a parent 14850,470,that's so good to hear, 14851,470,what are some ways that you're different as a parent than your parents, well um my parents when i was younger they lived apart so my mom i don't know i'm i'm a much better parent 'cause i'm more interested about what my child wants to do i'm involved in her life her every step just i'm really fully involved my parents wasn't really that involved you know they had a drug problem so it just i had to mature a lot faster than a lot of other kids 14852,470,that sounds really hard, so it was 14853,470,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um just my parents and um their drug addiction i wish i could erase that from my memory 14854,470,how do you cope with them, um now i cope with them well but um when i was growing up it just was rough it was very rough had to do a lot of things on my own um they wasn't involved in my decisions in life you know i just i didn't know how to really grow up and be a kid and which way to go or anything it just was like i was in a world by myself 14855,470,yeah, 14856,470,i'm sorry to hear that, yeah 14857,470,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, oh it's very easy i sleep well every night i can sleep any time i sleep very well 14858,470,that's good, 14859,470,how have you been feeling lately, um a little sad but most of the time i'm very happy i'm just not happy with where i am in my life right now 14860,470,i understand, 14861,470,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um not really i really i try to think very positive and try to do whatever i can every day to look for work and just stay positive and focused 14862,470,uh huh, 14863,470,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i haven't 14864,470,have you been diagnosed with depression, no i haven't 14865,470,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um the last time i felt very happy was when i graduated from um college i felt very happy that was one of the best things that happened in my life and that was the last time i was really really very happy like that 14866,470,how did you feel in that moment, i felt like i was on top of the world i felt like just overwhelmed with joy just everything was just so exciting for me that day i was just very very happy nothing could make me upset that day i was very happy and when i think about that day it just it's a very happy experience for me 14867,470,yeah, 14868,470,how would your best friend describe you, um right now i don't have really have a best friend i really try to i'm i tried to eliminate a lot of my friends because they wasn't really making a lot of positive choices so right now i'm just like um i really don't have any friends right now 14869,470,i understand, 14870,470,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um my personality um i'm a happy person i'm a outgoing person and a positive person and a good mother 14871,470,mhm, 14872,470,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um insecurities like um sometimes i feel like um i have a lot of weight on my shoulders or something i feel like i can't get through something i can't get to the next step sometimes or just feeling down sometimes 14873,470,yeah, 14874,470,tell me about a time when someone made you feel really badly about yourself, well i did have a friend and she was like bipolar and i tried to really be her friend no matter um the disease she had but she wasn't a really good friend because she one day she start just um being very negative and just talking about me like we were enemies and everything and it didn't really make me feel too bad about myself but it just made me pick my friends very wisely 14875,470,yeah, 14876,470,is there anything you regret, yeah just being friends with certain people that don't have positive things going on with themselves or just don't it just when i notice things about people that should determine whether i wanna be their friend or not you know they might have 14877,470,mm, bad qualities or just some bad habits they might smoke cigarettes or drink and i should notice that that's a red flag and i shouldn't be these people friends 14878,470,yeah, yeah 14879,470,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, um to stay in school stay positive stay focused and surround myself with good positive people and just stay on the right track 14880,470,okay, 14881,470,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, well i went um to a friend's house that i haven't seen since childhood and they it was just a lot of people over there and they had a barbecue and everything and i really enjoyed seeing my old friends that i didn't see in a long time and just being with my family and certain friends i really enjoyed because i'm really always in the house i really don't go out that often so just i enjoyed being with a group of friends and family and having a good time 14882,470,awesome, yeah 14883,470,what are you most proud of in your life, um i'm proud that i did get my g_e_d i did graduate and i do wanna be somebody and i'm very proud that i wanna be a better parent than my parents 14884,470,that's great, 14885,470,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 14886,470,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, thank you 14887,470,goodbye, 14888,481,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah i am 14889,481,okay, 14890,481,so how are you doing today, um good to moderate 14891,481,that's good, 14892,481,where are you from originally, los angeles 14893,481,really, yeah i'm from 14894,481,what are some things you really like about l_a, um just a lot of different kinds of people and um eh i love the weather most of the time and um great creative scene i'm i'm really into music so um it's a great scene for that 14895,481,cool, 14896,481,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i i don't like driving i don't know who does right i it's just it's just such a drag and uh 14897,481,yeah, getting from point a to point b is just a daily need and it doesn't get any easier it's too many people 14898,481,i see what you mean, too many people 14899,481,yeah, 14900,481,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i can't see your shoes um uh yeah when i can uh when when i can afford to 14901,481,what do you enjoy about traveling, um just being somewhere else not having to drive usually most places have better public transportation um just i love i'm you know i'm a culture junkie i like experiencing different types of cultures so that's 14902,481,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, xxx um well you know i haven't been to that many places i've been to like mexico and italy it it's uh you know i wanna go to more places i wanna go to japan so that'll be that'll be interesting it's usually just with my family um it's my mom sometimes my girlfriend sometimes my brother and we just uh yeah we go to italy we spent two weeks there though that was cool 14903,481,nice, yeah 14904,481,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um living next to the best gelato shop in italy in we we were in florence when we were in florence spent uh spent a week in florence 14905,481,awesome, that was great very very good uh culture there as well art 14906,481,okay, 14907,481,what did you study at school, studied uh film and digital media 'cause uh i make music and i wanted to learn how to make music videos so it's something i'm trying to get into 14908,481,are you still working in that, uh yeah yeah i mean i need to get a camera though that's the thing uh but um i mainly my main focus is music i studied film but my focus is music 14909,481,can you tell me about that, um yeah sure i've been playing music i've been playing guitar uh keyboard bass drums for um for about twelve years now and uh i do uh production and songwriting i'm in a indie rock band scrubbed_entry 14910,481,(laughter, um that's a great website i highly recommend it and it's uh it's mine so check it out 14911,481,okay, 14912,481,what's your dream job, uh international rockstar music producer and uh filmmaker director 14913,481,mhm, 14914,481,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, probably outgoing 14915,481,why, um just just feel like it's a way to get the best most out of life uh just talking to people and learning about them and having them learn about you and care about you it's uh kinda just goes with the territory territory 14916,481,that makes sense, 14917,481,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, yeah um i uh do meditation and 14918,481,how hard is that, uh it's not really hard 'cause it's fun and it it relaxes me and helps me focus at the same time which uh you know that that was a huge epiphany for me that you can relax and focus at the same time 'cause normally when i'm relaxing i'm i'm tuning out i'm focusing on something else but um to be able to combine those sensations was uh yeah i've been doing that for about uh three months now so 14919,481,that's good, yeah it is 14920,481,how are you at controlling your temper, um almost too good at times uh sometimes uh there's things that should be said that i that i don't um just because um you know it's like you're opening up a can of worms maybe one of your friends for example i got a problem with him but they don't have a problem with him necessarily 'cause he didn't do anything to them 14921,481,hmm, and uh i've had to deal with that in the past sort of a awkward social situation but um you know i make do 14922,481,okay, 14923,481,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um probably argued with uh the guitarist from my band uh we had a falling out we're not gonna be in a band together i mean we're still friends so at least there's that mm but um it was just basically about creative control of the project and how we're gonna prioritize it in in our lives and uh you know we just our priorities weren't the same and i got very upset so that was the end of that 14924,481,how did you feel in that moment, um i felt good that it was definitive that it was you know a choice had been made on both parties uh also regretful that you know he didn't feel the way that i wanted him to feel about it which was excited about the project so 14925,481,yeah, the fact that he wasn't really in it kinda pissed me off um but 14926,481,i understand, i got over it um and you know i got some other people that are really really excited to be working with me you know even honored so you know i'm uh i'ma keep going 14927,481,that's great, thank you 14928,481,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, um hmm i don't know i don't really i don't really have any regrets like that at the moment i can't really think of any um 14929,481,what's something you feel guilty about, um when i was in high school i cheated on my girlfriend i didn't think it would mean anything at the time but i did it i i regret it but um you know xxx you know life happens you make some mistakes 14930,481,yeah, 14931,481,what made you decide to do that, selfishness um being young and thinking it wouldn't matter 14932,481,i see, um you know thinking you know you only live once and you know for eh it was probably for the best ultimately 'cause you know i love my current girlfriend and i would never do that to her so that was that was years ago but uh she was a nice girl she didn't deserve that so i regret it 14933,481,okay, 14934,481,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, um shit geez um i guess uh whether to go to college or not 'cause uh i uh i had some projects going in l_a that i didn't really wanna shut off uh i i had a band going we had a manager um we were playing out a lot and i wasn't sure if i wanted to keep that going or go to school and start over and um i made the decision to go to school in santa cruz and and start a new life there for four years and it it was a difficult decision but i'm glad i did 'cause i met a lot of people a lot of people i'm still close with today that you know we work on stuff together and all that so it's good 14935,481,that's good, i agree it is good thank you 14936,481,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, um maybe i wish i could forget getting spanked in the parking lot when i was four by a danish babysitter uh you know on the abuse scale it's pretty low but it was somewhat humiliating and i i don't forget it so i have a pretty vivid picture of it and i'm i'm i'd be happier if it wasn't there 14937,481,okay, 14938,481,tell me about your relationship with your family, it's positive they're supportive um they give me a hard time sometimes because they don't think that i keep things in perspective in terms of how i'm gonna support myself even though i do it's just um you know i have a a more long range picture than they do and i have faith in myself and the creative projects that i make so 14939,481,mm, yeah there's a bit of tension there just 'cause you know they expect certain things from me and i expect them as well but i just have a different way of going about it than they might prefer 14940,481,yeah, but they're sweet people 14941,481,how do you cope with them, how do i cope with them uh i you know they're lovely people at their core you know um cope with them 'cause i love them i just uh you know at times i'll just uh go off on my own for a while and eh you know take a breather whatever you know xxx everyone makes you mad sometimes so 14942,481,uh huh, 14943,481,yeah, 14944,481,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, challenging 14945,481,why, um i just i try and it doesn't work um sometimes i have to take medication for it i have to take ambien something like that um yeah it's difficult 14946,481,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm someone who sleeps in late so i always get at least six or seven hours if i have to wake up early for something um i get nauseous sometimes i'll throw up in the morning um yeah i've had jobs where i'd wake up and you know vomit while i'm brushing my teeth it's horrible 14947,481,that sucks, it does suck um it's kinda something i'm worried about you know i i kinda need to get some part time work while i'm not you know getting a steady pay flow for my music production so yeah it's pretty rough got some stuff i need to get over i'm not really sure how 14948,481,like what, just not feeling good getting nervous when you know there's something stressful like a stressful work environment or just something i that doesn't sit well with me like being in a you know a a rushed and you know stressful work environment it just um unless it's about something that i care about you know like music or the arts it's just very hard to to give a shit frankly like and you know i i try to psych myself into giving a shit and it just makes me sick you know maybe i'll have a red bull or something and you know xxx my body doesn't want that in the morning it just i feel like my body rejects things and yeah 14949,481,yeah, 14950,481,how have you been feeling lately, okay i've been feeling okay very uh very reflective very contemplative you know there's gonna be some changes and there's gonna be some new people in my life some new people uh in my band um you know i'm gonna try to push myself but try to stay grounded at the same time 'cause you know i expect more from myself it's just pissing me off when my get my you know i basically feel like i'm shitting all over myself my body's shitting on me anyway just by being so um shitty yeah 14951,481,hmm, 14952,481,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 14953,481,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 14954,481,how long ago were you diagnosed, um i was diagnosed um about uh twelve years ago i haven't been in therapy since um they gave me zoloft and i didn't like it 14955,481,why, it made me feel worse than i do in the shittiest moments i was telling you about it it uh it made me feel numb um i don't wanna feel numb i wanna feel everything even if it sucks 14956,481,i understand, 14957,481,what got you to seek help, being forced to it was a private school they thought i was acting up thought i was a uppity kid i think i was just being a kid so 14958,481,do you feel like therapy is useful, yes i do 14959,481,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um well i haven't been in in twelve years but i do think that it might be helpful for me in the future 14960,481,can you tell me about that, i thought you weren't a therapist that's a typical therapist question right there 14961,481,(laughter, um well yeah i uh uh i i kinda wanna go back to therapy it might help might help me find some solutions maybe maybe it's not a therapist i need maybe it's a life coach i have no idea but i'll be seeking help soon 14962,481,okay, 14963,481,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, um yesterday i was watching a movie with my girlfriend and i looked over at her we smiled at each other and it was it was it was great 14964,481,aw, yeah 14965,481,how would your best friend describe you, um very honest um sometimes brutally so but i'm a good guy i think that my friends all think i'm a good guy probably funny um open-minded 14966,481,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, um i guess well it's what i'm working on which is trying to improve my discipline and try to work through my body rejecting shittiness of the world 14967,481,okay, 14968,481,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, it gets better um stay in shape it gets harder the longer you wait um don't give up on your dreams keep doing what you're doing 14969,481,mhm, 14970,481,what are you most proud of in your life, my music 14971,481,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 14972,481,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome nice talking to you

  • my parents lived out of the country 1918,326,okay , so i lived with them you know 1919,326,oh , 1920,326,do you travel a lot, uh used to 1921,326,what do you enjoy about traveling , um the different sceneries difference period different 1922,326,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , uh which one the one europe france what uh yeah it was cool 1923,326,yeah , it was great learning different languages and seeing different cultures and different people it's it's enlightening mind mind expansion definitely 1924,326,that sounds like a great situation , mm to say the least 1925,326,what's one of your most memorable experiences , berlin wall 1926,326,how did you feel in that moment , uh overwhelmed 1927,326,why, hmm 'cause it was atrocities and stuff that went down during that war 1928,326,i see what you mean , 1929,326,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , uh that's a good question depends 1930,326,can you tell me about that, well it depends on if i if i'm sleeping by myself or sleeping with somebody 1931,326,i understand , yeah 1932,326,what are you like when you don't sleep well , mm agitated i guess i don't know 1933,326,okay , 1934,326,how have you been feeling lately , okay 1935,326,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no not me my girlfriend may say so i don't know 1936,326,can you give me an example of that , i have no clue she she could tell you i have no clue 1937,326,okay , 1938,326,do you feel down , no 1939,326,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, nope 1940,326,have you been diagnosed with depression , nope 1941,326,okay , 1942,326,how would your best friend describe you , whirlwind i guess a doer 1943,326,what would you say are some of your best qualities , persistence 1944,326,what are you most proud of in your life , mm achievements and goals accomplishments 1945,326,can you give me an example of that , i race motocross and i was one of the first black professionals 1946,326,wow, yeah you ain't joking wow 1947,326,that sounds interesting , yeah pretty pretty cool 1948,326,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, guitar playing my guitar 1949,326,when was the last time that happened , uh last night 1950,326,cool , yeah 1951,326,tell me about that , playing playing chords and playing the songs playing songs 1952,326,okay , 1953,326,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, playing um with some other musicians at a rehearsal studio 1954,326,awesome , 1955,326,how do you know them , um just acquaintances through other friends and i like to fly too i like to fly in planes 1956,326,nice, mhm 1957,326,what are some things that make you really mad , my girlfriend talking talking uh um my girlfriend sometimes that's about it 1958,326,, 1959,326,why , i don't know she's i don't know she's cool but she's a little arrogant 1960,326,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this , no not really 1961,326,that's good , 1962,326,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , hmm 1963,326,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , uh my mom my dad 1964,326,aw, 1965,326,tell me about that , they're strong people 1966,326,okay , 1967,326,when was the last time you felt really happy, i don't know um um maybe when i was flying last flying in a private plane i guess um you know there's there's no reason to get super super super happy unless you i guess if you're married hopefully that make you super happy but no i'm pretty even keel you know what i'm saying i stay i stay pretty level 1968,326,okay , 1969,326,i understand , mm 1970,326,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, oh great well it's nice talking to you 1971,326,thank you , yeah you're welcome 1972,326,goodbye , 1973,320,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 1974,320,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 1975,320,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started , 1976,320,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 1977,320,are you okay with this, yes 1978,320,okay, 1979,320,so how are you doing today, i'm a little nervous 1980,320,why, mm this is different 1981,320,[laughter], 1982,320,i understand, 1983,320,where are you from originally, california 1984,320,really, yes 1985,320,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the beach 1986,320,mhm, um the weather mm mm 1987,320,okay, 1988,320,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, so many people [laughter] 1989,320,mm, yeah 1990,320,what do you do now, what do you mean what do i do now 1991,320,what's your dream job, i don't know right now 1992,320,what'd you study at school, um i went through nursing 1993,320,that sounds interesting, mhm 1994,320,are you happy you did that, yes 1995,320,are you still working in that, no 1996,320,tell me more about that, about nursing 1997,320,mhm, that's a great field to be in if you have the heart the passion for caring for people 1998,320,how did you decide to do that, my mother 1999,320,aw, yeah 2000,320,how close are you to your family, right now uh it's we're we're close i have a pretty close family 2001,320,that's good, mhm 2002,320,do you consider yourself an introvert, mm what do you mean 2003,320,why don't we talk about that later, okay 2004,320,what do you do to relax, i like to read and i like watching some television 2005,320,cool, yeah 2006,320,how are you at controlling your temper, i think i'm very good at controlling it 2007,320,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i i can't remember the last time i had an argument 2008,320,okay, 2009,320,what do you do when you're annoyed, mm i'm not for sure what i do when i'm really annoyed i think i get i don't know walk a lot i i'm not for sure when i'm annoyed because i have different reactions to whatever's annoying me 2010,320,, 2011,320,i understand, mhm 2012,320,what are some things that make you really mad, like mad well let me see mad is a hell of a word for me to be mad it means like when i'm mad it's it's uncontrollable when i'm mad 2013,320,mhm, mhm 2014,320,how would your best friend describe you, i don't have a best friend 2015,320,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i don't really know now 2016,320,okay, 2017,320,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my mother 2018,320,aw, mhm 2019,320,could you say a little more about that, about my mother 2020,320,mhm, my mother was a beautiful woman and she had great values instilled in us when raising me yeah 2021,320,can you give me an example of that, values are like well good one thing is like my mother cooked and that was a valuable thing to me because she taught me to cook so that was very valuable honesty 2022,320,that's great, mhm 2023,320,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, about my mother 2024,320,yes, well she's no longer living 2025,320,i'm sorry to hear that, mhm 2026,320,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, excuse me 2027,320,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, mm changes in my behavior 2028,320,mhm, mm since i've been here 2029,320,yes, i don't i i think a little uncomfortable yeah it's a little strange 2030,320,how have you been feeling lately, how i've been feeling lately a little uneasy 2031,320,why, because of my experience the things i went through have been going through 2032,320,could you say a little more about that, i was raped and sodomized and they kept a gun to my head and cut my hair so i've been going through a hell of a thing lately 2033,320,i'm sorry, 2034,320,that sounds really hard, yes it is 2035,320,how do you cope with them, i cope it's it's difficult but i do cope 2036,320,yeah, mhm 2037,320,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it's not easy for me to sleep to get a good night's sleep 2038,320,what are you like when you don't sleep well, excuse me 2039,320,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i don't know maybe sluggish maybe sometimes i can be more irritable if i don't sleep well i don't sleep well that often 2040,320,mm, 2041,320,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes that's what i have been diagnosed 2042,320,how long ago were you diagnosed, a few years ago 2043,320,what got you to seek help, because i wanted to get revenge on the guys that raped me 2044,320,do you still go to therapy now, no but i'm gonna go back 2045,320,why did you stop, excuse me 2046,320,why did you stop, i thought i was better i thought 2047,320,did you think you had a problem before you found out, i knew i had a problem but i didn't know what it was 2048,320,what were your symptoms, as far as what i didn't sleep i didn't eat i had nightmares i still have them 2049,320,i see, i was just really [real] afraid of uh really afraid i was not avoiding it 2050,320,yeah, 2051,320,do you have disturbing thoughts, as far as what disturbing thoughts like what 2052,320,whatever comes to your mind, of the things that's happened to me was disturbing [di] are disturbing thoughts 2053,320,i see, mhm 2054,320,are they triggered by something, sometimes 2055,320,can you give me an example of that, if i see four men together with hoods on it's i have it triggered by that sometimes when i have to go upstairs it's a trigger because of the of what happened they took me upstairs 2056,320,that sounds really hard, yes ma'am 2057,320,do you feel like therapy is useful, excuse me 2058,320,do you feel like therapy is useful, therapy is what 2059,320,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, i haven't been to therapy in a while but i've noticed how to calm myself down when i get um afraid and that's about it 2060,320,that's good, mhm 2061,320,how has seeing a therapist affected you, it helped a lot of things that happened in my past i didn't realize it was deep down inside me still 2062,320,how have you been feeling lately, i'm like just jest you know just day by day just making it i think 2063,320,okay, 2064,320,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, music 2065,320,that's great, yeah 2066,320,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, cooking the other day cooking 2067,320,cool, 2068,320,what are you most proud of in your life, my son 2069,320,aw, 2070,320,tell me about your kids, i only have one son and he's a beautiful child 2071,320,that's so good to hear, mhm 2072,320,do you find it easy to be a parent, no it's not [laughter] 2073,320,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, um i think decision making 2074,320,can you give me an example of that, well some of the things that he's asked to like i'm not into tattoos i don't like tattoos and and he does 2075,320,mhm, and well there's a lot of different things 2076,320,okay, 2077,320,what's the best thing about being a parent, the best thing about being a parent is giving life to my son [laughter] and seeing them grow up in joy in their lives is going on it's a good thing 2078,320,awesome, 2079,320,is there anything you regret, no 2080,320,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, god what advice would i give myself i don't really know i really don't know 2081,320,okay, 2082,320,what's one of your most memorable experiences, as far as what 2083,320,whatever comes to your mind, my memorable experience i i could say when graduating it was a good experience 2084,320,really, yes 2085,320,how did you feel in that moment, great when i graduated great 2086,320,how hard is that, to graduate from high school it wasn't hard 2087,320,yes, no it wasn't hard i enjoyed school 2088,320,that's great, 2089,320,when was the last time you felt really happy, i don't remember 2090,320,okay, 2091,320,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 2092,320,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, mhm 2093,320,goodbye, 2094,321,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 2095,321,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 2096,321,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you, 2097,321,i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2098,321,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 2099,321,are you okay with this, yeah 2100,321,okay, 2101,321,so how are you doing today, i'm okay 2102,321,that's good, 2103,321,where are you from originally, um chicago illinois 2104,321,really, mhm 2105,321,why'd you move to l_a, uh my husband's work was here 2106,321,when'd you move to l_a, in eighty four 2107,321,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it was not easy for me it took about three years 2108,321,wow, 2109,321,can you tell me about that, um just the move i moved away from my family so i was uncomfortable i didn't know anyone here and even though i did make friends i just felt out of place 2110,321,mm, 2111,321,i see what you mean, 2112,321,how often do you go back to your home town, uh not as often as i would like i used to go back like at least once a year but in the last few years that's diminished so i would say like every three years 2113,321,okay, 2114,321,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather i love the weather the beach um you know as i've been here as long as i have the people you know some nice people here 2115,321,mhm, 2116,321,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um the people some of the people um 2117,321,, yeah also um i i would say the economy it's very difficult to make it here in los angeles 2118,321,yeah, 2119,321,what'd you study at school, business and computer graphics 2120,321,are you still working in that, i'm not working in it right now 2121,321,what do you do now, i'm working in retail 2122,321,cool, 2123,321,how did you decide to do that, i just eh couldn't find work and so i had to settle for doing that for right now 2124,321,it can be tough to find a good job these days, it's very tough 2125,321,what's your dream job, um i would like to be a human resource representative 2126,321,that sounds interesting, mhm 2127,321,do you consider yourself an introvert, no 2128,321,why, um i like to talk to people too much and when i understand or i i know a lot about a subject i can go on and on about it and i'm interested in finding out about people if i'm sitting next to somebody i'll strike up a conversation with them just to find out who they are and just um you know i'd i like to talk to people i enjoy it 2129,321,that's great, 2130,321,what do you do when you're annoyed, i'm quiet 2131,321,what are some things that make you really mad, um let's see rude people um people that harm children and the elderly elderly that makes me very angry uh war 2132,321,mm, 2133,321,how are you at controlling your temper, i control my temper i i don't have a problem with that i just get quiet when i feel angry and i try to think before i act 2134,321,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, the last time i argued with someone was about a month ago and it was with my daughter and um i was arguing with her over her therapy she has cancer and um she wasn't telling me enough she wasn't giving me enough information and so that made me very angry i was frustrated and angry 2135,321,that sounds really hard, yeah it was very hard 2136,321,do you find it easy to be a parent, no 2137,321,what's the hardest thing about being a parent, watching your children fail when they're trying hard or seeing that they can hurt themselves and trying to prepare them for that when they won't listen to your advice and they uh i feel like sometimes they need to trust me more 2138,321,yeah, mhm 2139,321,what's the best thing about being a parent, um the love of my children 2140,321,aw, yeah 2141,321,when was the last time you felt really happy, uh when i was uh playing with my granddaughter and that was about a month ago 2142,321,how did you feel in that moment, very excited and happy and just um all my cares were gone i wasn't thinking about anything except for having fun with her so it was a good time 2143,321,that sounds like a great situation, yeah it's the best 2144,321,have you ever served in the military, no 2145,321,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 2146,321,how long ago were you diagnosed, um it was over five years ago 2147,321,what got you to seek help, i couldn't function i couldn't drive i couldn't sleep i couldn't eat um at my i i couldn't do anything i was completely shut down i felt like i felt like i was looking out a window and and life was going on outside that window and i was just stuck i behind the glass i i couldn't participate 2148,321,wow, 2149,321,i see, 2150,321,did you think you had a problem before you found out, um i knew something wasn't right but i 2151,321,how have you been feeling lately, lately i've been feeling depressed 2152,321,i'm sorry to hear that, mhm 2153,321,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i haven't had a good night's sleep in a year i would say i i my regular pattern is to maybe sleep in a an hour up to three hour intervals and i just keep waking up and i never quite get into a deep sleep 2154,321,okay, 2155,321,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um groggy and i have no energy 2156,321,how hard is that, it's very hard because it's uh difficult to work and it's difficult to concentrate i make mistakes and i forget a lot 2157,321,yeah, 2158,321,that makes sense, mhm 2159,321,do you have disturbing thoughts, um yes i do mhm 2160,321,are they triggered by something, yes 2161,321,do you still go to therapy now, no i'm not in therapy right now 2162,321,why did you stop, i could not afford to continue 2163,321,i understand, 2164,321,do you feel like therapy's useful, i'm sorry what 2165,321,do you feel like therapy's useful, i'm not sure 2166,321,is going to a therapist helping you, yes 2167,321,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, yeah um i i feel uh more relaxed and i i feel like some of my worries are lifted from me i i have uh i can think clearer because i'm using the tools that i've learned through therapy 2168,321,that's good, mhm 2169,321,what are you most proud of in your life, my children 2170,321,aw, mhm 2171,321,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i don't know 2172,321,how would your best friend describe you, friendly 2173,321,that's good, 2174,321,what do you think of today's kids, i think it's just horrible 2175,321,can you tell me about that, um i feel that um the children are so neglected today and it's not the fault of the parents i think that um i think that we as a society we forgot that it takes a village to raise a child and nobody wants to pitch in noone wants to help anymore noone's helping their neighbor and it's very sad 2176,321,yeah, 2177,321,that sucks, mhm 2178,321,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um i don't know 2179,321,whatever comes to your mind, um eating dinner with my family 2180,321,that's so good to hear, 2181,321,is there anything you regret, i regret not spending enough time on my education 2182,321,how did you decide to do that, um i had children very young so i needed to 2183,321,that sounds really hard, yeah i needed to uh take care of them 2184,321,could you have done anything to avoid it, i'm sure i could have 2185,321,okay, 2186,321,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, to seek help 2187,321,okay, 2188,321,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, my grandparents 2189,321,i'd love to hear all about it, um just they introduced me to church and um just you know letting me play at their home and play in their garden it just showed me a lot of love and and i felt like i was cared for 2190,321,that's great, mhm 2191,321,do you travel a lot, no 2192,321,okay, 2193,321,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, uh listening to music watching um my a funny program on t_v 2194,321,mhm, going to school working 2195,321,okay, 2196,321,what are some things you like to do for fun, that's um go to dinner with a friend 2197,321,when was the last time that happened, over a year ago 2198,321,how do you know them, my friend 2199,321,mhm, um through work 2200,321,how close are you to them, um very close 2201,321,nice, mhm 2202,321,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 2203,321,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, you're welcome 2204,321,goodbye, 2205,333,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 2206,333,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2207,333,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 2208,333,are you okay with this , yes 2209,333,okay, 2210,333,so how are you doing today , very well 2211,333,that's good , 2212,333,where are you from originally, new york 2213,333,really, just turn the volume up a little bit 2214,333,, 2215,333,, 2216,333,why'd you move to l_a, uh for a change yeah it's good i wanted i wanted to 2217,333,when'd you move to l_a, i wanted to see what los angeles was about 2218,333,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um probably took a year or two 2219,333,can you tell me about that , uh you know being away from my family being away from what i was used to in new york the neighborhoods the people and just getting acclimated to a whole new lifestyle here 2220,333,yeah , 2221,333,i see what you mean , 2222,333,what are some things you really like about l_a , uh the weather you can't beat the weather it's generally always nice it's not too hot it's not too cold uh it's creative i do like uh you know movies uh like the beach 2223,333,cool , 2224,333,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic it's a lot of traffic uh some of the sometimes i think people are a little bit colder here than and more distant and unfriendly than other places 2225,333,uh huh , 2226,333,what'd you study at school , i was a history major 2227,333,are you still working in that , no 2228,333,what do you do now , uh i do uh demonstrations in really uh high-end supermarkets 2229,333,what's your dream job , uh to be a screenwriter 2230,333,really, that's one of the reasons why i came to los angeles 2231,333,how hard is that , um it's hard 'cause i don't always maintain uh focus and motivation i let other things distract me 2232,333,yeah, 2233,333,that sucks , 2234,333,how did you decide to do that , uh i was uh i've always been interested in films ever since i was a child and i was just always you know was writing and had an active imagination 2235,333,cool, 2236,333,do you travel a lot, uh i've in the last probably almost ten years i've traveled more than i had in the past well i've always traveled even as a kid my parents would travel around so yes 2237,333,awesome, 2238,333,what do you enjoy about traveling , seeing new places and seeing uh people that are different than i am seeing how they live and taking in the sights 2239,333,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , uh i went to kenya that was probably one of the best trips i ever went on um on the safari and just going out in a jeep and seeing wild animals in their own natural habitat was pretty incredible 2240,333,wow, 2241,333,are you happy you did that , oh yeah that's one the great experiences of my life and i also got to uh a a place in egypt uh at the end of that trip um called uh sharm el sheikh which is right on the water and it has some of the best scuba diving in the world which is hard to believe that egypt would but it was just amazing i went i didn't go scuba diving i went uh snorkeling 2242,333,nice, 2243,333,what do you do to relax, what do i do to relax uh i i do i like to listen to music i like to uh helping watching movies helps me relax 'cause it takes me out of you know whatever might be on my mind i do meditate every day um i like to take walks in nature that's always calming especially down by the uh the ocean 2244,333,that's good , 2245,333,what do you do when you're annoyed , uh what i it depends sometimes i get angry and lose my temper uh a lot of times uh i'll do like a form of self-hypnosis and calm myself which is something i've recently learned how to do which is very helpful and also since i meditate it doesn't i don't get annoyed at things as easily as i did in the past 2246,333,okay , 2247,333,uh huh , 2248,333,that's good , 2249,333,what are some things that make you really mad, some things that makes me really mad i guess uh think of injustice in the world or done to people when uh it doesn't really need to be that way that we could all get along um 2250,333,yeah, 2251,333,yeah , and and make the world better 2252,333,i see , 2253,333,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , uh last night i went to a movie screening of a independent film and i didn't think it was done very well it's not so much that we had a fun argument about uh about the movie so that was like you know that just happened yesterday so that was that's on my mind 2254,333, okay , 2255,333,is there anything you regret, is there anything i regret yeah there's there are have been opportunities in my life that i wished i had uh taken them and pursued them 2256,333,like what, uh certain jobs you know when i first got to los angeles i had an opportunity to uh become a grip and uh and i i probably should've pursued that 2257,333,how did you decide to do that , how did i decide it to do that i don't really understand the questions 2258,333,let's come back to that later , 2259,333,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , take advantage of every opportunity that came my way to always i think saying yes uh to any opportunity is is very important and no matter how you feel you know you have to be confident that you'll be able to achieve what you wanna do 2260,333,mhm, 2261,333,have you ever served in the military , no 2262,333,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 2263,333,have you been diagnosed with depression, no but i've been depressed in my life 2264,333,how have you been feeling lately , uh for the most part i've i've been feeling good sometimes uh i feel a little blue uh i think you know sometimes if i if i allow allow a regret to come into my mind that can bring me down but i can you know usually get out if it pretty quickly 2265,333,are they triggered by something , uh sometimes financial concerns sometimes uh an an opportunity um how do i explain it eh there sometimes sometimes eh financial is one way i that i if i had made another decision i might have more money or my life would be different 2266,333,uh huh , 2267,333,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , um not really i mean i i feel pretty much the same 2268,333,okay , 2269,333,what got you to seek help , what got me to seek help for let's come back to that 2270,333,okay , 2271,333,how has seeing a therapist affected you , um i've well okay well it generally talking to someone has helped when i did do that 2272,333,that's good, 2273,333,that's good, 2274,333,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , uh pretty easy i don't have a problem sleeping uh 2275,333,what are you like when you don't sleep well , usually i'm grumpy so if i don't sleep well uh you know i feel tired and irritable 2276,333,i see what you mean , 2277,333,how would your best friend describe you , uh how would my best friend describe me that's a good question um friendly well i'm friendly i'm definitely friendly and outgoing uh little bit secretive um i would probably that i should be they'd like to see me more accomplished and uh and uh attaining my goals and happier maybe a little happier 2278,333,mhm, 2279,333,do you consider yourself an introvert , 2280,333,do you consider yourself an introvert , i think um it it it's tough it depends sometimes i'm very introverted 'cause i do like to write so that takes it means that i have to spend time alone and then when i come out of that uh i'm extroverted so i don't really see myself with as one hard way or the other it all depends on my on the situation and my mood 2281,333,hmm, 2282,333,what would you say are some of your best qualities , my best qualities um i think i'm caring i think i'm intelligent uh i think i'm funny i'm outgoing um i have a likeable personality you know people have said that um i'm engaging but not uh oppressive or overly engaging there's a sort of a cool detachment um 2283,333,that's good , and creative intuitive 2284,333,uh huh , 2285,333,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , yes 2286,333,okay , 2287,333,when was the last time you felt really happy , last time i felt really happy i don't know i woke up this morning i was pretty happy i had breakfast i was happy sun was shining 2288,333,okay , 2289,333,that's great , 2290,333,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um i think that like i said going to kenya was a memorable experience i do remember scuba uh snorkeling was a really great experience experience i just remembered you know seeing all the colors in the ocean you know and feeling the sun powerful sun on my back 2291,333,how did you feel in that moment , um almost beyond you know because almost beyond like human in a way just more in touch with like everything the universe 2292,333,wow , 2293,333,that sounds like a great situation , yeah it would be nice to feel that way every moment of the day but 2294,333,i understand , 2295,333,what are you most proud of in your life , what am i most proud of in my life i think i've uh helped people uh and sometimes when they were in crisis um you know i've written some screenplays screenplays um i've had some good relationships 2296,333,can you give me an example of that , um good relationships just you know being connected with someone else you know spending time with them and connecting on emotional and 2297,333,that's so good to hear, physical and mental levels 2298,333,okay , 2299,333,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, um what it could be a song that i hear on the radio uh it could be uh lot of times looking forward to something you know if i'm gonna go to a movie go bowling hang out with people um you know looking at work and and going to work and feeling productive can put me in it puts me in a good mood 2300,333,that's great , 2301,333,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 2302,333,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 2303,333,goodbye, you're welcome 2304,330,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 2305,330,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 2306,330,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2307,330,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 2308,330,are you okay with this, yes i'm okay with this 2309,330,okay, 2310,330,so how are you doing today, very good 2311,330,that's good, 2312,330,where are you from originally, l_a 2313,330,really, 2314,330,what are some things you really like about l_a , it's sunny and uh it's near the ocean 2315,330,mhm, 2316,330,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh the traffic can make it difficult to drive around between different places and there's a lack of uh uh open uh spaces if you're not near a beach 2317,330,yeah, 2318,330,i see what you mean, 2319,330,do you travel a lot, uh no 2320,330,why, um i uh i haven't planned on haven't finalized any travel plans 2321,330,okay, 2322,330,what do you do to relax, listen to music 2323,330,cool, 2324,330,do you consider yourself an introvert, yeah 2325,330,why, um uh well i tend to excel at things that have to do with um uh spending time alone versus things that have to do with uh spending time outside with uh lots of people 2326,330,okay, 2327,330,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm reasonable 2328,330,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, mm maybe maybe yesterday i was trying to figure out how to stuff pack something into the car 2329,330,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm very good at it 2330,330,what do you do when you're annoyed, i breathe in and out like that 2331,330,okay, 2332,330,that's good, 2333,330,what are some things you like to do for fun, uh like jogging walking bicycling reading 2334,330,okay, listening to music 2335,330,awesome, 2336,330,what'd you study at school, uh math engineering computers 2337,330,are you still working in that, uh a little bit yeah 2338,330,what do you do now, um i'm a student i'm going back to school for uh biological sciences 2339,330,that sounds interesting, 2340,330,how did you decide to do that, um started doing some reading on um some textbooks 2341,330,okay, 2342,330,what's your dream job, dream job um medical doctor 2343,330,really, 2344,330,how hard is that, uh it's i guess it depends on the type of medicine you practice 2345,330,i understand, 2346,330,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh i have a mentor 2347,330,can you tell me about that, yeah i have a mentor who has a lot of positive um thoughts and um suggestions 2348,330,how do you know them, i uh through a professional so i met someone through a class and then they worked with them professionally so it's i guess you could say through an academic or professional channel 2349,330,okay, 2350,330,what's one of your most memorable experiences, hmm mm uh let's see one of my most memorable i can't think of one at the moment 2351,330,okay, 2352,330,why don't we talk about that later, 2353,330,have you ever served in the military, no 2354,330,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 2355,330,have you been diagnosed with depression, i don't think so no 2356,330,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, takes me a little while to fall asleep but once i'm asleep it's it's reasonably okay 2357,330,what are you like when you don't sleep well, uh i think i'm a little forgetful and nervous 2358,330,okay, 2359,330,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no 2360,330,do you feel down, sometimes 2361,330,can you tell me about that, mm what do you wanna know 2362,330,whatever comes to your mind, mm well um i think sometimes i do think about challenges ahead of me and uh that can be a little daunting and i i feel down 2363,330,that sounds really hard, it is very hard 2364,330,how do you cope with them, go for a walk read a book listen to some music 2365,330,i see, 2366,330,are they triggered by something, um i don't i mean i'm sure they are i'm not specifically sure what triggers anything uh maybe feeling overwhelmed or uh not feeling particularly tied to some task 2367,330,yeah, 2368,330,is going to a therapist helping you, i don't go to a therapist 2369,330,okay, 2370,330,how would your best friend describe you, um reasonably smart inquisitive inquisitive and curious 2371,330,how do you know them, mm i guess through classes 2372,330,how close are you to them, uh somewhat 2373,330,cool, 2374,330,what would you say are some of your best qualities, mm patience and curiosity 2375,330,that's good, 2376,330,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh enjoyed hmm mm think i went on a walk at night 2377,330,when was the last time that happened, uh a day ago 2378,330,okay, 2379,330,is there anything you regret, no 2380,330,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, can you repeat that 2381,330,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, can you rephrase that 2382,330,let's come back to that later, 2383,330,what do you think of today's kids, uh i think they're lucky very lucky got everything in front of 'em 2384,330,i see what you mean, yeah 2385,330,what are you most proud of in your life, uh most proud of maybe academic achievements 2386,330,tell me more about that, uh i guess just the time i've spent studying math and science um 2387,330,that's great , hmm 2388,330,when was the last time you felt really happy, mm mm i'm not sure 2389,330,okay, 2390,330,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 2391,330,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 2392,313,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 2393,313,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 2394,313,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started , 2395,313,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 2396,313,are you okay with this, sure 2397,313,okay, 2398,313,so how are you doing today, uh okay i guess not bad not good so so 2399,313,that's good, 2400,313,where are you from originally, denver colorado 2401,313,really, 2402,313,why'd you move to l_a, uh to pursue job opportunities 2403,313,when'd you move to l_a, uh about two years ago 2404,313,how often do you go back to your home town, uh once or twice a year 2405,313,nice, 2406,313,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh i really like the sunshine um all the opportunities all the different kinds of people lots of stuff to do that sort of thing 2407,313,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh i hate the traffic i wish the seasons were more distinct and that everything costs a lot of money here 2408,313,i see what you mean, 2409,313,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, pretty easy 2410,313,that's good, 2411,313,what are some things that make you really mad, hmm i'd say uh people are rude um not having enough money uh what else mm just a lot of things are frustrating i guess 2412,313,what do you do when you're annoyed, i guess it depends on what i'm annoyed about like if it's at another person or about something i did or just life in general 2413,313,mhm, 2414,313,can you give me an example of that, uh if somebody like a person annoys me i'll probably let them know they're annoying me until they stop 2415,313,uh huh, is that what you're talking about 2416,313,okay, 2417,313,yes, okay 2418,313,how are you at controlling your temper, uh so so not not as good as i'd like to be 2419,313,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh a few days ago about getting paid for something i did on time 2420,313,how did you feel in that moment, uh pretty pissed off taken advantage of 2421,313,yeah, 2422,313,what are some things you like to do for fun, i like to go to the gym uh hang out with friends read write that sort of thing 2423,313,cool, 2424,313,do you consider yourself an introvert, mm at times 2425,313,why, uh because sometimes i like to keep to myself and don't feel like showing a lot of outward emotion 2426,313,okay, 2427,313,what'd you study at school, i have a degree in in liberal arts majored in political science 2428,313,are you still doing that, no 2429,313,what do you do now, i work uh in sales 2430,313,what's your dream job, hmm to own uh several of my own businesses and and have lots of money coming in from different streams i guess if that's a job 2431,313,nice, 2432,313,what's one of your most memorable experiences, uh i used to live in mexico city that was pretty memorable 2433,313,really, 2434,313,tell me more about that, 2435,313,, um let's see it was pretty different than anything i've ever experienced it was a lot of fun exposed to a lot of new things and new people uh i was pretty young carefree good times 2436,313,do you travel a lot, um not recently but i have in my life traveled quite a bit 2437,313,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, um let's see i went to london that was a lot of fun pretty cool city little too expensive but definitely cool 2438,313,okay, 2439,313,what's one of your most memorable experiences, of what just anything in life 2440,313,yes, um let's see uh boy that's a good question um moving to l_a was pretty memorable took me a lot of hard work to uh move here so that was memorable i would say 2441,313,uh huh, 2442,313,when was the last time you felt really happy, hmm uh maybe like six months ago 2443,313,tell me more about that, uh things were just going really well didn't have much stress in my life 2444,313,mm, 2445,313,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, uh yeah i'm i'm easier more easily irritated and uh yell more tired more uh kind of down feeling down more not as productive 2446,313,have you been diagnosed with depression, uh yeah awhile ago 2447,313,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh hmm mm don't know exactly it's been a few years but i still feel the same as i did when they diagnosed me so i assume i'm still depressed 2448,313,what got you to seek help, um well i just i'm a big believer in talking to people about your problems so i just thought that would uh be a good idea so i did it and and that's what i found out 2449,313,do you feel like therapy's useful, oh yeah definitely 2450,313,can you give me an example of that, um i mean it depends on what you mean by therapy like i or most people probably can't afford good therapy but just even talking to friends i would consider therapy somebody who will listen so helps you get stuff off your chest 2451,313,that's so good to hear, thanks 2452,313,how has seeing a therapist affected you , um well i haven't necessarily seen a therapist per se but uh when you talk to somebody who listens and you and you get stuff like out there like out of your head or whatever it it's uh it helps to destress i think 2453,313,i see what you mean, 2454,313,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, hmm pretty girls 2455,313,, 2456,313,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um i'm a good leader i'm really smart 2457,313,what are you most proud of in your life, uh being able to um survive on my own in a city like this completely on my own with no outside help 2458,313,mm, 2459,313,is there anything you regret, yeah lots of stuff 2460,313,can you give me an example of that, um just dumb mistakes i made when i was younger that looking back now with what i know now i probably would not have made 2461,313,yeah, 2462,313,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, um i would tell myself to seek out and listen to people older than me as much as possible 2463,313,okay, 2464,313,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, hmm scrubbed_entry he's always good for a sort of pep talk but uh with a dose of reality he doesn't sugarcoat anything so talking to him always helps give me perspective 2465,313,that's good, 2466,313,how would your best friend describe you, um talented and i don't know good at stuff i'm good at a lot of stuff people seem to notice that i i guess nice good disposition funny 2467,313,mhm, 2468,313,okay, 2469,313,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, 2470,313,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 2471,313,goodbye, 2472,310,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today , 2473,310,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 2474,310,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you , 2475,310,i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2476,310,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 2477,310,are you okay with this, yes it's okay 2478,310,okay, 2479,310,so how are you doing today, fine 2480,310,that's good, 2481,310,where do you live, i live in hollywood 2482,310,where are you from originally, uh seattle 2483,310,how does it compare to l_a, uh it's kind of a vague question um 2484,310,why'd you move to l_a, just needed a change of scenery 2485,310,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh i like traveling by train it's not my favorite thing 2486,310,why, uh because i don't fly i i can't stand airplanes so i prefer trains 2487,310,really, yeah 2488,310,when was the last time that happened, uh what uh flying on an airplane 2489,310,yes, mm probably december of nineteen eighty six or eighty seven 2490,310,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh it's nothing uh much to tell really my usually i just go from l_a up to seattle then up to vancouver that's probably the main thing i do so took the train 2491,310,awesome, 2492,310,how often do you go back to your home town, uh not very often so once every five years or so 2493,310,aw, so 2494,310,do you consider yourself an introvert, oh yeah sure absolutely yeah 2495,310,what do you do when you're annoyed, uh depends on what it is that i'm annoyed by could be anything depends 2496,310,could you say a little more about that, it depends on whether it's uh a something or a someone you know eh if it's a someone i mean i'm i don't i don't uh i don't get physical towards them but i mean i've depends on what they've done to piss me off i mean i'm certainly not above uh shouting at them for whatever reason so 2497,310,mhm, just depends 2498,310,how are you at controlling your temper, uh in terms of lashing out at other people physically i don't do that but in order to let off some aggressions if if need be i'll i'm not above you know punching a wall or punching something nearby i just i mean i'm not trying to you know just as long as it doesn't physically hurt me but but i i you know just get some steam let off let off some steam well that's normal for me 2499,310,i see what you mean, 2500,310,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, uh face to face uh mm can't remember it's been a long time eh but i mean eh but i argue about 2501,310,okay, with people online about stupid shit yeah and that's that's normal shit but as far as like face to face you know it's been a long time and 2502,310,, 2503,310,hmm, 2504,310,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, currently or or overall 2505,310,yes, which one i mean someone i'm in contact with now or someone from maybe from my past or which is it okay uh my mom had a uh uh a boyfriend when i was a teenager he was like a father figure when i was about fourteen so he was a pretty positive influence 2506,310,aw, 2507,310,how close are you to your family, not at all 2508,310,okay, 2509,310,what's your dream job, to uh open up a record shop 2510,310,really, yeah 2511,310,what do you do now, uh i'm an unemployed office worker right now 2512,310,what's one of your most memorable experiences, as in what doing what be more specific 2513,310,whatever comes to your mind, going on a first date with a a girlfriend back in uh two thousand seven when we first met 2514,310,awesome, 2515,310,tell me more about that, uh just made arrangements to meet her and her daughter and her daughter's friends at the queen mary in long beach and uh you know i had to cement the evening to cement the day and evening together uh hanging out and eating dinner and just ate at their hotel and yeah just got to know each other that way so 2516,310,that sounds like a great situation, yeah it was yeah 2517,310,how do you know them, uh well we were that was the beginning of a relationship at the same so that was that's how i knew her you know she was my girlfriend at the time so 2518,310,mhm, so 2519,310,do you have roommates, currently yeah i do yeah 2520,310,how do you like your living situation, uh i don't it sucks balls i hate to have roommates it sucks 2521,310,i'm sorry to hear that, god 2522,310,what's it like for you living with them, mm in some ways it's okay 'cause they don't see me that much 'cause i'm not really around them and other times i i need i need to have my own space you know so uh it's difficult for me that way but we get uh get along but i i don't really see them that much and that's by design so 2523,310,i understand, 2524,310,what do you do to relax, uh i like to be alone sometimes i read but just mainly i i just like to be alone maybe maybe just doing nothing so just depends 2525,310,okay, 2526,310,uh huh, 2527,310,have you ever served in the military, no 2528,310,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 2529,310,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 2530,310,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, i'm sorry you repeat that 2531,310,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no not necessarily 2532,310,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, very i'm a heavy sleeper 2533,310,do you feel down, i don't know that i would call it down but i'm not necessarily what you would call you know cheery but i don't know that i'm necessarily down yeah 2534,310,do you feel that way often, yeah all the time 2535,310,when was the last time you felt really happy, uh mm it's hard to say i i don't know i uh i'm not sure 2536,310,what would you say are some of your best qualities, mm i don't know that i'm really one the one to ask you know i think you have to ask someone else about that you know i have a difficult time answering that question 2537,310,, 2538,310,what are you most proud of in your life, most proud of 2539,310,mhm, uh that i didn't didn't fall into drugs like a lot of other other people that i know yeah 2540,310,that's great, hmm 2541,310,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, listening to music on vinyl 2542,310,nice, being around dogs mm 2543,310,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, uh spent new year's eve with a friend real close friend so 2544,310,can you tell me about that, not really 2545,310,, 2546,310,okay, 2547,310,what do you think of today's kids, i'm glad i don't have any i think they're uh especially here in los angeles i i they drive me nuts i can't stand them 2548,310,i see what you mean, 2549,310,what'd you study at school, uh i assume you mean post-high school um 2550,310,yes, uh briefly just took basic uh what did i take uh just general studies i from what i remember i i i i actually didn't finish i quit to uh uh go play in a band so i i i skipped a lot of school so i didn't really you know so nothing uh it was a junior college or community college so it was i didn't go to university so i was just 2551,310,what made you decide to do that, do what stop going 2552,310,yes, i just wasn't interested my interests were elsewhere so i just i just quit going you know so 2553,310,hmm, 2554,310,is there anything you regret, in terms of what 2555,310,whatever comes to your mind, oh sure everyone has regret over something you know i'm i'm not gonna get specific but yeah sure i there are things i regret sure 2556,310,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm twenty years ago what was that ninety three oh mm well ten years ago uh two thousand and three hmm it's hard to say it's hard to say gonna have to have to come back to that one maybe 2557,310,okay, 2558,310,how would your best friend describe you, oh i don't have a best friend these days 2559,310,why, i think it depends on your definition of friend uh i don't uh i don't hang out with too many people you know i had i had best i had a so-called best friend you know but that was like no twenty year twenty some odd years ago you know i don't really i'm very much a loner these days so i i don't really have what you would consider a best or really close friend you know eh i just don't have that 2560,310,okay, 2561,310,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay 2562,310,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 2563,310,goodbye, see ya 2564,317,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 2565,317,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started , 2566,317,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you okay with this , yes 2567,317,okay , 2568,317,so how are you doing today , uh i'm okay a little sleepy right now 2569,317,i'm sorry to hear that , 2570,317,where are you from originally , i'm from new york 2571,317,really, 2572,317,why'd you move to l_a, um i wanted a change of environment and i wanted to start over somewhere 2573,317,when'd you move to l_a, um about two years ago 2574,317,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a , um it took uh a bit of an a bit of adjustment so i'd say it was moderately uh difficult 2575,317,mm, 2576,317,why, um just getting used to the lifestyle different um different pace different environment new people 2577,317,i understand , 2578,317,what are some things you really like about l_a, um i like the um the nightlife and it's kind of a cosmopolitan city 2579,317,cool, 2580,317,what are some things you don't really like about l_a , um um it's a little crowded sometimes and the traffic gets a little hectic 2581,317,yeah , 2582,317,how often to you go back to your home town , um never 2583,317,really , 2584,317,why , uh my family uh my parents passed away and my family and i no longer keep in touch so i'm 2585,317,i'm sorry, pretty alone yeah 2586,317,that sucks , uh sometimes yes 2587,317,how close are you to your family , 2588,317,do you travel a lot , um just locally travel since i've been here 2589,317,what do you enjoy about traveling , um a change of pace new environment and um relaxation and escape from reality 2590,317,i'd love to hear about one of your trips , um i haven't traveled in awhile i've been moving around but i uh long time ago i studied at i studied in paris and that was a fun time 2591,317,awesome , 2592,317,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um probably um um this the schools um meeting new people at the schools there 2593,317,okay , 2594,317,do you consider yourself an introvert , um i'd yes i'd say yes most of the time 2595,317,why, uh i don't know i've just i don't know why i'm like that i'm just always always been more reserved 2596,317,how are you at controlling your temper , um pretty uh pretty good pretty controlled 2597,317,what are some things that make you really mad , um when people are doing things that don't make any sense to me 2598,317,can you give me an example of that , um just i i don't know when people seem to be deliberately trying to annoy me or 2599,317,okay , i i can't be more specific right now i'm sorry 2600,317,i see what you mean , 2601,317,what do you do when you're annoyed , um usually try to work it out by myself somehow 2602,317,that's good , 2603,317,what do you do to relax , uh i take walks and i take i do yoga 2604,317,cool, 2605,317,what do you do now, um what do i do now for a living or 2606,317,mhm, for a living i'm i'm currently out of work i used to work for the county 2607,317,what's your dream job , um see um um probably probably uh doing something creative that allows me to travel at the same time 2608,317,okay , 2609,317,have you ever served in the military , uh no 2610,317,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d , yes 2611,317,how long ago were you diagnosed , um about maybe ten years ago 2612,317,what got you to seek help , um just feeling overwhelmed and anxious about some things that had happened and um so i went into therapy for a while 2613,317,do you feel like therapy's useful , yes 2614,317,do you still go to therapy now , yes 2615,317,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy , uh i've been more confident a little more at ease with myself less anxious 2616,317,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 2617,317,how have you been feeling lately , um kind of uh i guess sorta sorta depressed generally 2618,317,tell me more about that , uh just uh feeling tired and sluggish and um less less motivated and less interested in things 2619,317,i'm sorry to hear that, 2620,317,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this , uh yes can you tell 2621,317,yes , 2622,317,how would your best friend describe you , um i guess easy-going and um likes to have fun sometimes 2623,317,what would you say are some of your best qualities , uh i'm smart and innovative and like to try new things very open-minded person very tolerant 2624,317,that's great , 2625,317,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , um uh music uh seeing movies any kind of uh adventure somewhere 2626,317,when was the last time that happened , um i'd say yesterday i saw a movie and i felt better 2627,317,what was it about, uh it was the james bond movie skyfall 2628,317,awesome, 2629,317,is there anything you regret, uh regret yes yeah 2630,317,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, um um be careful who you trust in life maybe 2631,317,could you have done anything to avoid it , um it doesn't uh it doesn't seem like it right now but possibly yes 2632,317,mm, 2633,317,when was the last time you felt really happy , um i'd say maybe ten ten years ago or so 2634,317,tell me more about that , um it was just a more carefree time i had less stress less of a burden on myself um and i had a good group of friends 2635,317,how did you feel in that moment , um i felt more um uh more capable and more confident about things 2636,317,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , i'd say uh i can't think of anyone actually right now 2637,317,okay , 2638,317,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um friends for about money issues spending too much 2639,317,that sounds really hard , 2640,317,how do you know them , um through school a long time ago 2641,317,how close are you to them , um we just speak on the phone we don't really see each other anymore 2642,317,aw, 2643,317,okay , 2644,317,what are you most proud of in your life , um i'd say finishing grad school and finishing um some training um at a sea for a sea a a seamanship maritime school 2645,317,what'd you study at school , i visual studies cinema studies 2646,317,that sounds interesting, it yes 2647,317,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 2648,317,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 2649,317,goodbye , 2650,338,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 2651,338,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2652,338,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 2653,338,are you okay with this , yes 2654,338,okay, 2655,338,so how are you doing today , i'm doing fine 2656,338,that's good , 2657,338,where are you from originally , i'm from los angeles california 2658,338,really, 2659,338,what are some things you really like about l_a, wow wonderful weather um outdoor activities all the time 2660,338,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, too crowded pollution the norm 2661,338,yeah i see what you mean , 2662,338,what'd you study at school , i studied child communications 2663,338,are you still working in that , um recently i just i would say yes 2664,338,what do you do now, preschool teacher 2665,338,aw, 2666,338,how did you decide to do that , well i've always worked with children ever since i was eighteen years old so i figured doing something helping someone it doesn't pay well but you're investing in the future 2667,338,yeah , 2668,338,what's your dream job , wow some job that i could get paid to be outside all day get paid well to be outside all day 2669,338,yeah , 2670,338,do you consider yourself an introvert , yes 2671,338,why, i'm kinda quiet but i also like i probably would say borderline i like outside activities but i mainly kinda do um activities probably by myself so yeah i would say i'm an introvert slightly 2672,338,okay , 2673,338,what are some things that make you really mad , uh wow just um maybe a racist or disrespectful person 2674,338,what do you do when you're annoyed , i kinda shut down and and reevaluate how i am as a person how i'm coming off to other people i can't change anyone else's personality but i can work on my own 2675,338,uh huh , 2676,338,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm pretty good 2677,338,that's good, 2678,338,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , i usually don't argue with people i usually walk away i mean a argument doesn't settle anything 2679,338,yeah , 2680,338,is there anything you regret , wow it's a lot of things i regret but it's not anything that i can control probably the biggest regret was losing my mother 2681,338,i'm sorry to hear that , thank you 2682,338,how close are you to them , i was extremely close to my mother that was who i am as a person who made me as a person 2683,338,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , wow twenty ten years ago i would tell myself not to be so angry so upset all the time about things i can't control i would tell myself to relax and not be so hard on myself 2684,338,okay , 2685,338,what do you think of today's kids , i think that's pretty cool i think you should have different avenues to deal with different people 2686,338,okay, 2687,338,have you ever served in the military , no i have not 2688,338,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no i have not 2689,338,have you been diagnosed with depression , yes 2690,338,how long ago were you diagnosed , um less than a month 2691,338,what got you to seek help , i realized i have to evaluate myself as a person so i can't really look to anyone else to help me unless i i start with myself 2692,338,do you still go to therapy now, no i don't 2693,338,why did you stop , i feel like as a person as uh a individual i feel like i should be able to control things myself i feel like to go seek out help is good for someone else it probably is very good for other people i've worked with that population of p_t_s_d um veterans before so i know that it helps a lot of people but i don't feel like it's for me 2694,338,mhm, 2695,338,how hard is that , it's not difficult at all i've always been like a loner someone who who tries to handle to handle my own problems and situations 2696,338,i see, 2697,338,how have you been feeling lately , a little depressed but i think everyone is it has a little bit of sadness in them at some point 2698,338,how do you cope with them , day by day day by day i just started a exercise program so i'm trying to look at myself for the solution 2699,338,that's great , 2700,338,did you think you had a problem before you found out , always known ever since i was a child things moved me differently than other kids so i felt like i was always different i felt like if i was gonna ever understand me as a person then i would have to work on myself so yes 2701,338,okay , 2702,338,when was the last time you felt really happy , um today i got to see my best friend after a long time so i mean happiness comes and goes but i felt happy today 2703,338,that's great , 2704,338,how would your best friend describe you , wow he would say really silly um but still when i'm around him i try to be happy i try to present a a a situation where we're both gonna be happy no one wants to be around a depressed person 2705,338,mhm, 2706,338,how do you know them, scrubbed_entry 2707,338,cool, 2708,338,what would you say are some of your best qualities , wow i mean on certain days everything could be my best quality but i would say um i'm loyal i'm dependable um i would just say i try to be there in the moment i'm not a person who who is really fat flashy excuse me uh flashy or into materialistic things so i feel like i'm very grounded 2709,338,uh huh , 2710,338,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , oh my mother by far my sisters 2711,338,can you tell me about that , uh my mom was a school teacher which made me wanna become a school teacher and that's basically what i have been doing uh my sister has been at her job for forty years so i've always had a stable influence in my life 2712,338,that's so good to hear , 2713,338,what's one of your most memorable experiences, wow i would say just sitting on a sunny nice day talking to my mother i would say that would bring a smile to my face immediately 2714,338,how did you feel in that moment , wonderful wonderful 2715,338,mhm, 2716,338,what are some things you like to do for fun , i like to get out and play sports i play four or five different sports and um i like to go for a walk i like to ride my bike i like to get out and be active 2717,338,that's good , 2718,338,what are you most proud of in your life , having such a wonderful mother i mean i have to keep going back to that subject because we're introduced into this life and that's our first teacher that's our first teacher and it's gonna be our teacher for a very long time and uh i'm just very thankful i'm very proud to have had such a wonderful woman as my mother 2719,338,yeah , 2720,338,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , riding my bike simple things going for a walk with my sister exercising 2721,338,when was the last time that happened , uh just last sunday 2722,338,that's good , 2723,338,okay i think i've asked everything i need to thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , well thank you 2724,316,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 2725,316,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 2726,316,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2727,316,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 2728,316,are you okay with this, yes 2729,316,okay, 2730,316,so how are you doing today, i'm fine 2731,316,that's good, 2732,316,where are you from originally, new york 2733,316,really, 2734,316,why'd you move to l_a, uh for business 2735,316,what do you do now, now um i do hospitality i'm in between jobs 2736,316,when'd you move to l_a, when um 2737,316,mhm, excuse me um third lemmi see twenty six years ago 2738,316,wow, 2739,316,how often do you go back to your home town, mm once a year 2740,316,that's good, 2741,316,what are some things you really like about l_a, the sun the beach palm trees 2742,316,uh huh, 2743,316,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, mm sometimes uh i the some of the people some of the flashiness 2744,316,can you give me an example of that, uh the people are very self-centered flashiness they're some of them are not very sophisticated or eh well educated 2745,316,yeah, 2746,316,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it was very easy 2747,316,that's good, 2748,316,what'd you study at school, i have a a teaching degree and a art degree 2749,316,what's your dream job, designing for the movie industry 2750,316,how hard is that, extremely so i never really pursued it 2751,316,i'm sorry to hear that, 2752,316,how close are you to your family, very 2753,316,that's great, 2754,316,do you consider yourself an introvert, mm no 2755,316,why, i like people and i like being around people i like having friends social activity 2756,316,awesome, 2757,316,what are some things that make you really mad, uh people who aren't true about themselves 2758,316,when was the last time that happened, hmm it happens all the time 2759,316,mm, 2760,316,what do you do when you're annoyed, i usually try to just disregard it and i try not to get upset about it 2761,316,okay, 2762,316,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i argued with my sister about obama 2763,316,oh, 2764,316,why, that whole fiscal cliff whatever that thing was called i was totally against anything that he thought he was doing to fix the economy 2765,316,hmm, 2766,316,what are some things you like to do for fun, mm i like swimming i like museums i like plays i like concerts 2767,316,cool, i like dance 2768,316,what's one of your most memorable experiences, traveling 2769,316,do you travel a lot, uh yes 2770,316,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh s being in a different environment learning different cultures meeting people 2771,316,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, well actually i was in new york uh couple of weeks ago 2772,316,really, and i haven't been back for a while and it was just exhilirating to me again i learned to to love new york all over again 2773,316,that's so good to hear, mhm 2774,316,have you ever served in the military, no 2775,316,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 2776,316,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 2777,316,how long ago were you diagnosed, uh couple years back 2778,316,what got you to seek help, i was feeling very not energized not energized 2779,316,mhm, and it was i was down 2780,316,do you feel down, huh 2781,316,do you feel down, sorry yes 2782,316,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, yes uh i i sleep a lot more and it's i'm not that motivated to go out and have fun 2783,316,that sounds really hard, yes 2784,316,are they triggered by something, um i haven't been happy at my jobs for at least ten years 2785,316,i'm sorry to hear that, i eh i went through seeing my father be sick and then passing away and just recently seeing my mother my mother was sick for about four years and she finally passed away that was very hard on me 2786,316,oh no, 2787,316,i'm sorry, mm well mm 2788,316,is going to a therapist helping you, to a degree but not as much as i like 2789,316,tell me more about that, i don't know that you know i know it's helped me a little bit but it's definitely not helped me as much as i want but also they can't get a job for you and it xxx 2790,316,it can be tough to find a good job these days, correct 2791,316,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, i push myself farther to get out of the house or to try to enjoy life 2792,316,that's great, and to be you know better to myself 2793,316,do you still go to therapy now, yes 2794,316,okay, 2795,316,when was the last time you felt really happy, when my uh nephew called me scrubbed_entry scrubbed_entry 2796,316,wow, 2797,316,what are you most proud of in your life, uh that i i'm a pretty good person caring person 2798,316,uh huh, 2799,316,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed, xxx i enjoyed well i went to to the movies recently which i haven't gone in awhile and i really enjoyed the films 2800,316,what was it about, one was the life of pi and the other was anna and the other was anna karenina 2801,316,nice, which i thoroughly enjoyed 2802,316,cool, 2803,316,how would your best friend describe you, mm as a good caring friend and somebody who likes to do things 2804,316,okay, 2805,316,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, mm i'd say my mom 2806,316,is it uncomfortable for you to talk about this, mm it's getting easier 2807,316,that's good, 2808,316,tell me more about that, um she was the kind of person that even though this is kind of a cold hard world she set herself above that and was still determined to be a good caring person 2809,316,mm, 2810,316,what's one of your most memorable experiences, traveling 2811,316,okay, 2812,316,is there anything you regret, uh not going farther in my education 2813,316,could you have done anything to avoid it, yes yes 2814,316,what made you decide to do that, sorry 2815,316,what made you decide to do that, i i don't understand the question sorry 2816,316,why don't we talk about that later, okay 2817,316,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, mm i should've gone gotten farther in in in my education gotten a master's or a p_h_d and i think my job search would be a lot easier 2818,316,there are always trade offs in life aren't there, yes 2819,316,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, yes 2820,316,okay, 2821,316,what are you most proud of in your life, uh that i've been a very kind considerate helpful person 2822,316,that's great, mhm 2823,316,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, hmm i like being around the arts i'm like about i like being around creative people 2824,316,that's so good to hear, 2825,316,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, thank you 2826,316,goodbye, 2827,312,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 2828,312,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 2829,312,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2830,312,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential , 2831,312,are you okay with this, yes 2832,312,okay, 2833,312,so how are you doing today, fine how about you 2834,312,i'm great thanks, 2835,312,where are you from originally, here 2836,312,really, yes 2837,312,what are some things you really like about l_a, the weather weather mainly yeah the main the weather sorry 2838,312,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, not the people well some of the people stuff like that some people 2839,312,, okay i'm cutting you off 2840,312,do you travel a lot, not as much as i used to 2841,312,why, um i used to be in school i used to travel a lot of places for conferences and things like that but i'm not in school right now but later on i'll get back into school and i'll travel more but right no doubt 2842,312,what do you enjoy about traveling, i don't i don't enjoy traveling 2843,312,what'd you study at school, uh that's a good question you're actually pretty good um i studied physics and aerospace engineering but physics mainly 2844,312,are you still working in that, yes i am actually 2845,312,what do you do now, right now i teach community college physics and astronomy uh but i still do research in physics also because i like that type of thing and i'm going back to grad school hopefully that's why i'm nervous sometimes on the questionnaire 2846,312,awesome, impressive 2847,312,what's your dream job, professor at a place like u_s_c or u_c or l_a or like that where the professors do three hours of work a week and the grad students do the rest 2848,312,, you're actually pretty good at this 2849,312,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, i there's a lot of people the the first one i guess is my physics teacher in a_p physics teacher in high school even though he led me to be an engineer instead of a physics major um he still was a very good influence he told me you know he's the first one who taught me that school was not about a grade but about learning 2850,312,mhm, 2851,312,that's so good to hear, okay 2852,312,how are you at controlling your temper, i'm pretty good i think 2853,312,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i'm single so i don't get in many arguments um but it's probably my brother about he always like to uh play a video game together i know i'm pretty old to play video games but they're actually pretty good um it's probably something like that and me getting angry at him and him trying to defend himself and me being right that's all 2854,312,okay, 2855,312,how close are you to your family, fairly close um i see them pretty pretty often parents i see a couple times a week they're getting older so i've been helping with groceries things like that and my brother i see same same with him same amount same time my sister i tutor her kids my nephews uh so i see 'em about once a week also 2856,312,aw, 2857,312,that's good, interesting 2858,312,do you consider yourself an introvert, yes 2859,312,why, because i spend long periods of time doing math and reading and not talking to anybody that's introverted 2860,312,i see what you mean, 2861,312,what do you do to relax, i guess i play video games or and i work out i work out i think a lot i try to at least 2862,312,cool, 2863,312,what do you do when you're annoyed, i roll my eyes which i've been told is a bad thing um and that's about it i think 2864,312,okay, 2865,312,what do you think of today's kids, bad parenting basically parents are more self-centered more to themselves unlike previous generations and the kids just do what they want because the parents aren't there for the parents aren't being parents in my personal own personal opinion 2866,312,mm, 2867,312,that makes sense, 2868,312,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um i guess scrubbed_entry um scrubbed_entry scrubbed_entry 2869,312,awesome, thank you 2870,312,how would your best friend describe you, i don't really have a best friend introverted remember 2871,312,okay, 2872,312,what would you say are some of your best qualities, i'm biased obviously but they are i'm really good in math i'm not really sure if you can't not saying you can't get better than me in math but thing is it's just that you get reach a certain confidence with it where no matter what it is you need to learn in math you can always figure it out um i am patient i think and i am disciplined where i can spend i can spend many hours many many many hours reading books that might not be important but they might be important so i have to do it anyway that type of thing 2873,312,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood, when i a good workout doing well in video games small little things like that um what's really happy is when my my research type thing mathematical or physics type thing when it goes well that must puts me in a mood that puts me in a good mood 2874,312,nice, thank you 2875,312,what are you most proud of in your life, right now it's the fact that research that i did i did make it this far research wise that's all that's all 2876,312,tell me more about that, interesting um when you start off in school you read about einstein and things like that it's he's this general xxx hero particle physics and you have no idea what it is and you know it's very complicated things like quantum mechanics and you still haven't realized you're interested in that and but you're not sure if you can actually make it and eventually each step as a lot of time goes by you wish you as time goes on you can get closer and closer eventually make the goal eventually you realize you are just not as good as einstein but you are up there you can do research in physics you can add to mass knowledge in science and that's impressive that you you don't see yourself doing that when you're a kid 2877,312,yeah, okay 2878,312,when was the last time you felt really happy, um a few weeks ago when i got a good grade in a class 2879,312,cool, thank you 2880,312,have you ever served in the military, yes briefly many years ago yes 2881,312,really, 2882,312,why'd you decide to enlist in the military, i don't know it just always growing up i always thought that was i always thought it was my dream when i was a kid that's why and i just went about doing that 2883,312,how old were you when you joined the military, um i was a national guard i think about eighteen nineteen i got commissioned at twenty twenty one and i was only in for about a year so i left at twenty twenty two 2884,312,you were very young weren't you , yes not really 2885,312,how did serving in the military change you, i don't think it did i think it's just something that you grew up something about something i grew up already expecting to be so it didn't change me as much 2886,312,mm, 2887,312,what did you do after the military, graduate school in physics 2888,312,okay, 2889,312,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 2890,312,have you been diagnosed with depression, nope 2891,312,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, it depends if i workout really hard the night before the day the day before if workout pretty hard it's bad but if i don't workout it i don't know just eh it's hard i guess moderately 2892,312,that makes sense, thank you 2893,312,do you feel that way often, yes 2894,312,i'm sorry, it's okay 2895,312,what are you like when you don't sleep well, i'm probably like i am now normal i think not as not as happy about everything but still pretty okay i can still function 2896,312,uh huh, 2897,312,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , no maybe slightly 2898,312,okay, sorry no yes yes i have changes in my thoughts 2899,312,okay, 2900,312,tell me more about that, um applying to grad school again it's been awhile and slightly apprehensive happy that it's looks good but apprehensive that it might not be good and things like that 2901,312,how hard is that, what do you mean by that in case i know this is a computer but as in how hard is it to deal with these thoughts or how hard is it to go into grad school 2902,312,yes, i understand 2903,312,why don't we talk about that later, okay i agree 2904,312,okay, 2905,312,is there anything you regret, no not really 2906,312,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, probably keep doing what you're doing even though i'm not that old believe it or not um twenty years ago i was probably fifteen no no yeah yeah it was fifteen um just keep doing what you're doing i think i i was very lucky and fortunate way it worked out if i worked if it was a little bit different i don't think it'd worked out so well even though it's not perfect now i think i'm doing really well personally 2907,312,mm, 2908,312,i understand, thank you 2909,312,thanks it was great chatting with you, same here 2910,312,goodbye, 2911,336,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today , hello 2912,336,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 2913,336,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 2914,336,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 2915,336,are you okay with this, sure 2916,336,okay, 2917,336,so how are you doing today, good a little tired 2918,336,that's good, 2919,336,where are you from originally, indianapolis indiana 2920,336,really, 2921,336,why'd you move to l_a, uh i'm a singer 2922,336,awesome, 2923,336,how did you decide to do that, i like singing 2924,336,uh huh, 2925,336,okay, 2926,336,what are some things you really like about l_a, um diversity my girlfriend's uh from taiwan so it's dealing with different cultures 2927,336,cool, 2928,336,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic the uh crazy people it's um seems hard to get anything really accomplished 2929,336,yeah i see what you mean, 2930,336,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it took me about six months just to figure out the directions 2931,336,when'd you move to l_a, twenty eight years ago 2932,336,wow, 2933,336,that's a long time, a long time 2934,336,how often do you go back to your hometown, haven't been there in about eight or ten years 2935,336,why, well uh i don't like my brothers so i don't want to hang around them 2936,336,okay, 2937,336,do you travel a lot, i started my girlfriend uh we did about uh just went back got back from orlando and uh she likes to travel so 2938,336,nice, 2939,336,what do you enjoy about traveling, meeting new people seeing new places uh helps me to get out of l_a and get a different perspective 2940,336,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, uh i just did the avatar seminar which is like a raise your consciousness and um cleaned out the crap in your head 2941,336,uh huh, 2942,336,are you happy you did that, um yeah i feel better uh been having a lot of psychic attack and it's uh i'm psychic so it's very hard to deal with it 2943,336,wow, 2944,336,tell me more about that, um well um there's more to life than what you see so um a lot of things are in other dimensions and other places so have to deal with not only the emotions but people uh direct energy at you 2945,336,how hard is that, um well have to do a lot of clearing and grounding and stay true to yourself 2946,336,okay, 2947,336,do you consider yourself an introvert, i am both 2948,336,why, well i'm introverted because i like to spend time by myself and i'm extroverted 'cause i like to meet new people uh used to be totally an introvert 2949,336,mhm, 2950,336,what do you do to relax, watch movies watch t_v read uh do crosswords i'm a singer sing write music i'm writing a novel 2951,336,what was it about, um it's sort of like the matrix 2952,336,awesome, 2953,336,how hard is that, um well i wrote the first twenty pages pretty quick so um uh now i'm expanding it 2954,336,what made you decide to do that, i get inspiration uh it was actually a dream and then i wrote down the dream and now it's becoming uh i could probably turn it into a movie 2955,336,that sounds like a great situation, yeah 2956,336,what are some things that make you really mad, uh when people don't respect me that's the number one 2957,336,mm, 2958,336,do you feel that way often, no i just that my brothers they don't respect me they don't really um you know i want to love my family and but i don't want to hang around my brothers so it's a conflict 2959,336,that sucks, exactly 2960,336,how are you at controlling your temper, pretty good i only get mad about once a year 2961,336,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um my girlfriend about two or three months ago she was wanting me to do something and i said no and i don't know yeah 2962,336,okay, 2963,336,how do you know them, she's my girlfriend i know her for about a year now 2964,336,how close are you to them, pretty close 2965,336,okay, 2966,336,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um one time i was singing and scrubbed_entry and i was singing to an audience and that was great 2967,336,okay, 2968,336,what do you do now, um well i'm looking into ways to expand my consciousness so that i can have more money and more abundance in my life so i can uh have my own house and uh live in my own creative space 2969,336,what's your dream job, uh singing i'm a singer so let's see like unforgettable so uh that's what i like to do 2970,336,aw, 2971,336,that's great, 2972,336,have you ever served in the military, no 2973,336,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 2974,336,have you been diagnosed with depression, no 2975,336,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, oh that's the hard part i uh i don't 2976,336,why, i don't know maybe it's because when i was uh a kid my brothers beat me up and i don't feel totally rested in myself or in my life so uh i feel like uh i don't feel totally safe 2977,336,i'm sorry, yeah 2978,336,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um a little irritable but i have been sleeping better since i met my girlfriend so it's not totally bad 2979,336,that's good, 2980,336,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, my what 2981,336,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, behavior what 2982,336,how have you been feeling lately, i don't know um well i feel more positive i did the seminar and uh so that let me get rid of some crap in my brain and be more positive about life 2983,336,uh huh, 2984,336,tell me about that, um well did a lot of exercises to uh reduce my stress and lot of my stress comes from uh judging myself and other people 2985,336,do you think that maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, yeah you could say that 2986,336,how hard is that, uh well mm mm i don't know it's hard hard to deal with sometimes i mean sometimes a lot much too critical for my own good 2987,336,how do you cope with them, uh well watching t_v gets up but uh lately i just been feeling like i need to um have less judgement and more fun 2988,336,that's good, 2989,336,what made you decide to do that, uh well i did that seminar 2990,336,okay, 2991,336,when was the last time you felt really happy, um it was about a week ago i think 2992,336,tell me more about that, uh well i went to that seminar i got there i was able to take off work and be in a different environment 'cause my job is stressful and my life is stressful so uh i was able to take a break which is great 2993,336,that's good, 2994,336,how would your best friend describe you, uh i'd say i'm outgoing fun smart uh but i mean in l_a people in l_a they don't want to most of them don't want to spend time with you 2995,336,uh huh, i don't know if that's because of me or l_a 2996,336,i see what you mean, 2997,336,that makes sense, 2998,336,is there anything you regret, uh that i spend a lot of my time worrying and criticizing myself instead of moving forward 2999,336,could you have done anything to avoid it, avoid it yeah watching t_v or going to see movies or trying not to think of it but it doesn't solve the problem 3000,336,has that gotten you in trouble, uh well a little bit i haven't paid my bills a lot i still owe money so um it's kind of a self-defeating prophecy prophecy 3001,336,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, uh stop criticizing and start creating your future now instead of waiting for it to happen 3002,336,mm, 3003,336,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh my girlfriend's been really helpful 3004,336,tell me more about that, well she's funny and she loves me and cares about about me and 3005,336,that's so good to hear, uh yeah 3006,336,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um singer and i'm intelligent and creative and multi-dimensional and uh i'm a good listener 3007,336,uh huh, 3008,336,what are you most proud of in your life, uh well i've written about four or five books i uh my voice i think would be number one 'cause when i started i didn't have much of a singing voice but now i do 3009,336,that's good, 3010,336,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 3011,336,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, okay bye 3012,336,goodbye, 3013,351,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3014,351,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 3015,351,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3016,351,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3017,351,are you okay with this, yes 3018,351,okay so how are you doing today, okay 3019,351,that's good where are you from originally , um new york 3020,351,really, 3021,351,why'd you move to l_a, um to pursue um music industry a job in the music industry 3022,351,cool, 3023,351,are you still working in that, uh yes 3024,351,what do you do now, i'm self-employed 3025,351,what's your dream job, um to become a music producer 3026,351,awesome, 3027,351,how hard is that, um it's pretty hard there's a lot of competition 3028,351,aw, 3029,351,i see what you mean, 3030,351,why'd you move to l_a, um to pursue a job 3031,351,when'd you move to l_a, uh when um about a year ago last february 3032,351,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it was pretty difficult east coast is a lot different than the west coast 3033,351,yeah, 3034,351,how often do you go back to your hometown, um i think i've been there twice in the past year 3035,351,that's good, 3036,351,do you travel a lot, no i'm more of a creature of habit 3037,351,okay, 3038,351,do you consider yourself an introvert, um yes 3039,351,why, uh sometimes i feel like i don't fit into the crowd so um it's better just sometimes to be more quiet and view everything instead of uh you know going in and actively pursue things 3040,351,mhm, 3041,351,what do you do to relax, um probably uh listen to music um and spend time with my dogs 3042,351,cool, 3043,351,what are some things that make you really mad, um probably um people being insensitive um not very um very nice to me or um seeing injustices or um i think that's about it 3044,351,yeah, 3045,351,how are you at controlling your temper, um pretty good you know sometimes 3046,351,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um probably couple of days ago um one of my friends was saying that um mm uh they were making a comment about how i am and i got kind of upset about that 3047,351,that sucks, yeah it does 3048,351,how close are you to them, pretty close 3049,351,how do you know them, um my best friend so i um oh just one of my friends 3050,351,okay, 3051,351,what do you do when you're annoyed, um i kind of am quiet about it and when a person pushes me to a certain point that's when i overreact usually 3052,351,how hard is that, um it's pretty hard um i rather the person notice that i'm kinda getting withdrawn and actively engage in me instead of getting it to the point where it's like um it it comes to a point where it blows out of proportion 3053,351,yeah i understand, 3054,351,what's one of your most memorable experiences, um um probably spending time with my family in new york 3055,351,how close are you to your family, very close 3056,351,that's good, 3057,351,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , um my sister and my brother 3058,351,tell me more about that, um i don't know they're just great people and i love them a lot and they're a lot like me so i feel like i have people that understand me 3059,351,that's good, 3060,351,how would your best friend describe you, um probably um i guess loyal um sensitive um i don't know it's kind of hard it's a hard question 3061,351,okay, 3062,351,have you ever served in the military, no 3063,351,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 3064,351,have you been diagnosed with depression, yes 3065,351,how long ago were you diagnosed, gosh um i think probably nineteen ninety seven so a long time ago 3066,351,what got you to seek help, um i'm just uh during that time i was just going through a lot of issues and i was feeling unsafe to myself so i ended up going um to the doctor to kinda get meds and have therapy and stuff 3067,351,do you still go to therapy now, um not currently i i did about like six months ago 3068,351,why did you stop, um i just felt the therapist wasn't really helping me um i felt we kept on talking about the same things over and over and xxx she wasn't really challenging me and i've been in therapy for a really long time so i just knew it was a change 3069,351,yeah i'm sorry to hear that, it's okay 3070,351,do you feel like therapy is useful, um yes i do actually um when i feel connected to a therapist um and when i feel like it's a really great way for me to talk about what i'm going through um so yes i do 3071,351,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um i'm better at describing my emotions and feelings i think the biggest thing is um when i'm in situations eh i can see myself reacting one way and i take a step back and see how i can react normally almost in a way um also i tend to take a lot of my emotions and feelings and kind of bury them and make them feel like really bad about myself so it's nice to talk to someone that's not judging that doesn't really tell me like you know um they tell me it's o okay basically 3072,351,that's good, 3073,351,what were your symptoms, um feeling hopeless all the time not having you know enough energy to do things i used to like i had a little bit of concentration issues um having weird disturbing thoughts sometimes just pop into my mind and just overall just feeling kinda crummy about life 3074,351,are they triggered by something, um sometimes they are at like random moments that if there's like a problem with like my interpersonal life or something like that or if i sometimes even seeing something on television um like sometimes that affects me 3075,351,how do you cope with them, um listening to music or trying to distract myself um trying like my therapist told me for the longest time to journal to record things 3076,351,mhm, 3077,351,how have you been feeling lately, um it's been a tough transition to come here so uh well being being here um so um kinda half and half okay and not okay 3078,351,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, um i feel like i've been a little bit with more withdrawn lately um but that's about it 3079,351,okay, 3080,351,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um some days it's great some days it's not um more recently it's been a little bit more difficult 3081,351,why, um i don't know why i have like a lot of thoughts on my mind at night so i tend not to sleep very well and i wake up quite frequently during the night 3082,351,what are you like when you don't sleep well, um very groggy in the morning and um that's about it like during the day i tend to yawn a lot and my friends always are like oh why are you yawning so much are you disinterested in what we're doing and then trying to tell them it's not that at all 3083,351,okay, 3084,351,when was the last time you felt really happy, um probably christmas time when i was with my family 3085,351,how did you feel in that moment, 3086,351,how did you feel in that moment, um just really happy and um feeling like everything was alright in my life having a good sense of like where i was at that moment being present with myself 3087,351,uh huh, 3088,351,that's good, 3089,351,what would you say are some of your best qualities, um probably you know um let's see that's a hard question i think probably i can tend to read people kinda well sometimes and um uh i like to say uh i'm good at like being a good friend to people being a good family member um i'm a hard worker when i do have a job so 3090,351,mhm, um 3091,351,is there anything you regret, um sure i mean it's life so of course there's regrets um one that comes to mind is um the wish that i don't eat as much so i can be a lot more healthy 3092,351,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago, um don't take things so seriously um enjoy being youthful and um i think that's it 3093,351,okay, 3094,351,what are you most proud of in your life, um i don't know that's a good question probably um my previous job and my employment i worked really well with kids um so i did a great job at that i was um a researcher um at a hospital and i helped a lot of kids out for about six years so seven years 3095,351,wow, 3096,351,that sounds interesting, yeah it was awesome 3097,351,how did you decide to do that, um i was really kind of like um reading people and so i decided to major in psychology so uh and then i went a worked in a um mental health facility and did research um with them with um with drugs and depression and things like that so it found like a good niche for me 3098,351,that's great, 3099,351,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , okay 3100,351,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, no problem 3101,351,goodbye, 3102,352,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3103,352,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 3104,352,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3105,352,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3106,352,are you okay with this , yes 3107,352,okay, 3108,352,so how are you doing today , i'm doing pretty good 3109,352,that's good, 3110,352,where are you from originally , i'm from oklahoma 3111,352,really , mhm yup oklahoma city 3112,352,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh the weather is great i love being near the ocean and the palm trees and uh mountains i just love it here 3113,352,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um it was pretty easy there's a few differences it's a huge city compared to where i'm from so traffic has definitely been an adjustment for me 3114,352,why'd you move to l_a, um i just always wanted to live in california uh hated being landlocked in oklahoma just wanted to get out to the west coast be near the ocean 3115,352,what'd you study at school , i studied psychology and minored in art 3116,352,are you still working in that , um no not at the moment 3117,352,what do you do now, um well actually i think i misunderstood your question i'm not still working on my degree but i am working in the field of psychology i well i just got hired working at a group home for teenage boys who have been in trouble with the law 3118,352,what's your dream job , my dream job oh i don't really know i think i just wanna help people however i can and um i just like working with people in the realm of psychology so i think i may already have my dream job 3119,352,what do you do to relax , to relax i like to read or watch movies um i like to go to the beach and just watch the sunset or um hang out with friends 3120,352,what are some things that make you really mad , things that make me really mad um probably injustice towards other people um people being mistreated or abused um and people being lied to and deceived including myself i hate being lied to 3121,352,what do you do when you're annoyed , when i'm annoyed uh depends on the situation but i try to just like count to ten and take a deep breath and and not let my emotions cause me to react in a negative way so i just try and like calm down before i say anything 3122,352,how are you at controlling your temper , um it depends again on the situation and like who i'm angry with um most of the time i'm pretty good at controlling it but sometimes i think like like most people i'll lash out at the people that i'm closest to at times and and those moments i'm not that good at controlling it 3123,352,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , when was the last time i argued with someone it was probably with my parents um i've been having some some car trouble lately and i'm also running low on money so i'm sure i don't even remember exactly but i'm sure we kind of probably fought about the fact that i you know need to be more self-sufficient and independent take care of my own things like car issues 3124,352,how close are you to your family , i am very close with my family they're still in oklahoma but i talk to them on the phone all the time 3125,352,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , oh definitely i mean my mom i think um she's probably the person that i'm closest to and she just she's a great role model she's a wonderful person and she's very hardworking and very unselfish and i just wanna be like her in those ways 3126,352,what's one of your most memorable experiences , oh probably the time i went bungee jumping over the nile river in uganda um i still kinda have flashbacks of that moment just freefalling it was like the coolest experience ever and i love doing things that are crazy like that so it was a fun time 3127,352,do you travel a lot, yeah well i have i have traveled a lot nowadays i don't travel so much anymore but i used to work for a cruise line um norwegian cruise line and so i would go travel all the time with them and then i also did an eleven month long trip around the world uh it was a mission trip so i just went and helped out in different third world countries it was really cool 3128,352,what do you enjoy about traveling , uh i just love going to different places seeing new places and meeting all different types of people um because it's easy to just like get so absorbed in your own small bubble that you forget that there's a huge world out there and there's all different types of people with all different types of beliefs and it's just really cool to be able to branch out and see and meet those types of people and see just the diversity and the terrain of the earth even and the way that the earth looks in different places is cool 3129,352,have you ever served in the military , no i have not served in the military 3130,352,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, nope 3131,352,have you been diagnosed with depression , no i've never been formally diagnosed although i would say i've probably diagnosed myself with depression um just after having studied it a lot in psychology throughout the years i've i'm probably ninety nine percent sure that i've struggled with depression off and on so yeah 3132,352,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , lately it's been pretty easy but throughout the years i've definitely had a lot of issues with insomnia um just like either not being able to fall asleep or just like waking up constantly throughout the night and so right now i'm not really experiencing too much of that but in the past it's definitely been an ongoing issue for me 3133,352,what are you like when you don't sleep well , i'm not a pleasant person when i don't sleep well sleep is extremely like important for me i think maybe more so than a lot of people i i like need good sleep to function 3134,352,how have you been feeling lately , i've been feeling really good um over the past several months i was unemployed um after coming out here and that was really really tough um and i just recently got offered my job um just like last week so i definitely think i've been going through a lot of crap and just a lot of depression but it's like lifted a lot of it has been lifted off me because i don't have that pressure any longer of like how am i gonna make ends meet this city's really expensive and i don't have a job and so i feel i feel much more relieved than i have been feeling which is good 3135,352,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , um yeah well i mean just like i said over the past week or so i've become a lot more positive i was kind of like feeling a bit like a hermit in a way it's just hard like being in a new city and not really knowing too many people and of course like i said not having a job kind of causes you to kind of just like be in your own shell i guess and that was kinda how it was how it's been for me and um just since i got offered the job i just have so much more confidence and like positivity that um things are are starting to work out for me which is good 3136,352,when was the last time you felt really happy , oh it was probably a couple of days ago actually i went um i went to explore a part of the south bay area that i hadn't really been to before and it was i was just gonna go for a jog along the beach and it was really foggy outside and then the fog started to lift and um it was just beautiful and then i i went for a drive up off kind of off this like cliff where there's beautiful scenery that i'd never seen before and i just like was overwhelmed with how pretty it was and i was just like oh i can't believe that i get to live here so that was definitely a happy moment for me 3137,352,how would your best friend describe you , my best friend would probably say that i'm very daring and bold and fearless um that i'm unique and artistic and i don't i would guess that she'd probably say that i'm a non-conformist i don't really think the way that a lot of people do and i question everything so which can be a good or bad thing but yeah 3138,352,what are you most proud of in your life , um probably just like the fact that i i really try to live my life with like no regrets and just i try to live a very exciting life in a way and i think that especially ever since i finished college and have been traveling like i have and i've tried moving all different places by myself so i think just the fact that i i'm not really afraid i don't let things hold me back i just if i want something or if i wanna do something i can just do it and i guess in a way like i like that about myself and the fact that i'm really independent and can just go and do whatever i feel like doing even if it's hard i still i'm proud that i've overcome a lot of those struggles 3139,352,is there anything you regret , oh there's like minor things that i regret throughout my life but there's not anything really major 'cause i think pretty much everything that i've done i've learned from whether it's good or bad so i wouldn't really change anything 3140,352,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , oh i would say i would tell myself when i was a kid that i should just keep dreaming big and don't let anything that anyone says like stop me from believing that anything's possible because um i guess as i've grown into an adult i've really seen and started to really believe that truly anything is possible and if you really want something you can go after it and you can get it so i would just tell myself to never give up and just always believe that you can do what you wanna do 3141,352,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , oh let's see that's kind of hard um oh i guess i went home recently for christmas back to oklahoma and um i got to see some of my friends from college that i hadn't seen in some of 'em i hadn't seen in like since i graduated so um which has been like four years ago so um it was really awesome just to go out with them and we went to dinner and we went out afterwards and just had a good night and it was really really fun 3142,352,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, cool 3143,352,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , you're welcome 3144,352,goodbye, 3145,355,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3146,355,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 3147,355,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3148,355,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3149,355,are you okay with this , yes 3150,355,okay, 3151,355,so how are you doing today , alright 3152,355,that's good , 3153,355,where are you from originally , i was born in uh los angeles california 3154,355,really , 3155,355,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh well the weather and uh the fact that uh people aren't so obtrusive like on the east coast 3156,355,uh huh, 3157,355,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh just the uh the traffic and the the smoggy weather 3158,355,mhm, 3159,355,do you travel a lot, i used to i'm unemployed now so i rarely go anywhere 3160,355,okay, 3161,355,what'd you study at school , i have a b_s in uh business with a uh computer uh option 3162,355,that sounds interesting, 3163,355,how did you decide to do that , i thought that the only place i could get a job with a business business degree was in accounting or in business computer methods so i took that i took business computer methods option 3164,355,okay, 3165,355,what's your dream job , oh i'd probably be like uh a professional sports player or an actor something something that you enjoy doing 3166,355,cool, 3167,355,what are some things you like to do for fun , i like to uh ride my bike i like to watch sporting events now i can't afford to go to them so i pretty much watch on t_v 3168,355,okay , i like to travel but like i say that i don't have money for that anymore 3169,355,yeah , 3170,355,i'm sorry , that's alright 3171,355,what are some things that make you really mad , uh people who are chicken heads they get their nose in other people's business even if they're just strangers you expect that from a family member or or a friend but you know 3172,355,i see what you mean , especially with the internet that feeds a lot of that now we know what orwell was referring to when he spoke of big brother in nineteen eighty four 3173,355,mhm, 3174,355,what do you do when you're annoyed , uh i don't do much much different than i would otherwise 3175,355,how are you at controlling your temper , uh and i've had many temper outbursts 3176,355,that's good, 3177,355,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , uh i kinda argue with my aunt and it was because she was basically making leading statements trying to trap me into saying something about a relative and uh it annoyed me greatly 3178,355,how close are you to your family , uh i'm kind of on the outs with my parents 3179,355,why, i'm kind of the black sheep 3180,355,i understand , 3181,355,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , oh uh i mean my mom's done the most to help me she's done a lot you know more than uh anybody by far 3182,355,uh huh, 3183,355,tell me more about that , well i mean she's just i remember one time when i was in like thirteen i went with a friend of mine to see the crosby stills nash and young concert at the forum and she has seven kids and she picked me up at the sizzlers right across the street from the forum at uh eleven o'clock at night and i couldn't imagine with all she had to do that day that she agreed to do that but she did 3184,355,wow, 3185,355,yeah , 3186,355,what's one of your most memorable experiences , oh probably uh going down to the cape at the end of uh baja peninsula there's cabo san lucas or taking photographing the bridalveil falls in yosemite 3187,355,how did you feel in that moment , uh it was probably the two most majestic seen sights i've ever seen 3188,355,that sounds like a great situation , it was when i could afford to travel 3189,355,have you ever served in the military , no 3190,355,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no 3191,355,have you been diagnosed with depression , i was diagnosed with depression after a hospital visit in april of two thousand eleven and uh i took some lexapro but i stopped after one day i didn't wanna do it anymore 3192,355,do you still go to therapy now, no 3193,355,why did you stop , because i didn't feel it was helpful i feel i was becoming a zombie 3194,355,that sucks , yeah 3195,355,how have you been feeling lately , depressed about not having a job for over two years i lost my job in october two thousand and ten and except for day you know jobs like this which i'm fortunate to get just you know daily things focus groups like that i haven't worked 3196,355,i'm sorry to hear that , thank you 3197,355,it can be tough to find a good job these days , especially when you're fifty six years old 3198,355,yeah , 3199,355,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , well mm eh just uh it just the i guess the general feeling of hopelessness 3200,355,how do you cope with them , i get out on my bicycle a lot and walk or bike just four hours a day split about two hours each 3201,355,that's good , yeah good to get some 3202,355,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , very easy 'cause now i'm old when i was young i couldn't sleep more than six four six hours a night 3203,355,why, because i'm restless 3204,355,are they triggered by something , no but now that i'm old i i i sleep much more easily 3205,355,that's good , i pray before i go to sleep and that's that's that's when i can't have any trouble sleeping i just pray recite different prayers like the lord's prayer hail mary stuff like that and i'm able to fall off to sleep 3206,355,mm, 3207,355,when was the last time you felt really happy , i don't know probably uh can't have any specific remembrances of of that you know it was when i had money to spend i know that and when i had to have a job to have money to spend so it was probably fifteen years ago 3208,355,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , well i haven't really enjoyed anything uh last week i did a uh made seventy five dollars on a job with the the county basically it was an emergency preparedness exercise they were running for their personnel and they enlisted people to play the basically the relatives of people who had been in a in a fall uh bombing at the staples center and we you know asked questions signed up you know told 'em gave 'em the information i'm missing you know relatives and basically it was provided by the county and basically went through a routine in downtown l_a 3209,355,how hard is that , not not hard it was just uh just a routine we had to follow we had to act like we were actually missing somebody and had to give the specifics of their characteristics height weight etcetera 3210,355,wow, 3211,355,how would your best friend describe you , i don't have a best friend 3212,355,what would you say are some of your best qualities, uh i'm uh very bright i'm a perfectionist at my job i'd say that's about it 3213,355,what are you most proud of in your life , i got a business degree and i've never been a motivated person i went to school i went to two state colleges and two junior colleges to meet that end so i believe that was probably the most significant contribution contribution that i i made to my you know to my uh i guess self esteem you might say so i had something to hang on the wall 3214,355,yeah, 3215,355,that's great , 3216,355,is there anything you regret, yeah i regret you know alienating family members 3217,355,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , i would've uh basically not been so impetuous and left left jobs thinking thinking that you know i could always get another one and not you know basically blow off jobs i could probably work at one of the employers that i used to work for now they've added locations but i burned bridges there so that's not possible 3218,355,mhm, 3219,355,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 3220,355,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , thank you 3221,355,goodbye, 3222,356,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3223,356,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 3224,356,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started , 3225,356,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3226,356,are you okay with this , yes 3227,356,okay, 3228,356,so how are you doing today , okay 3229,356,that's good , 3230,356,where are you from originally , from here from eh from alhambra 3231,356,really, 3232,356,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh the weather's really nice and everything's very familiar 3233,356,mhm, 3234,356,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, uh sometimes there's too much congestion on the roads too too much traffic 3235,356,yeah, 3236,356,i see what you mean , 3237,356,what'd you study at school , i i studied art and photography 3238,356,that sounds interesting, 3239,356,how did you decide to do that , uh it it wasn't so much a decision i just kept noticing that i was very interested in it 3240,356,cool, 3241,356,are you still working in that , yes 3242,356,what do you do now, i'm a photographer 3243,356,nice, mhm 3244,356,what's your dream job , oh i suppose uh um running a family portrait studio or some other type of photography business 3245,356,okay , 3246,356,do you travel a lot, uh no not no i'm an also an apartment manager it keeps me tied down 3247,356,i see, 3248,356,how do you like your living situation , um it's uh fair it's not the greatest because of being an apartment manager i've i do have free rent but i have to stay there a lot so 3249,356,mhm, 3250,356,that sucks , that part does the free rent part is very good 3251,356,what's one of your most memorable experiences , oh gosh my most memorable experience that's hard to say um well i mean there's good and bad memorable experiences 3252,356,whatever comes to your mind , oh well i guess some s s s like sport success when i was in high school there was a few of the things that i was happy about and some art pieces i've made were memorable and some bad things would be my father's death you know but those are very memorable not good though 3253,356,mhm, 3254,356,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , uh well my parents and my i i have a lot of brothers and sisters uh so so the my family 3255,356,how close are you to your family , uh fairly close but they most of them live around l_a uh there's a few that are from far distant uh distant my brother lives in new york and my other brother lives in maui 3256,356,wow, mhm 3257,356,what do you think of today's kids, oh mostly very talented um just um more involved in technology than maybe i was or am and they're um i think they're more of a hive mind than when i grew up just seems like they were all hooked into social media 3258,356,yeah, 3259,356,i understand, 3260,356,what do you do to relax , uh go on a walk or watch television 3261,356,mhm, or play with my computer and uh 3262,356,what are some things that make you really mad, um well there's some some uh there's some kind of uh injustices that happen in not not not big deals but for example our parking situation got worse with some new district parking eh that's kind of upsetting and the city doesn't seem to wanna 3263,356,oh , uh make any exceptions or change some rules and also uh some unfair things at work sometimes happen that are upsetting uh that are upsetting 3264,356,can you give me an example of that , uh yeah i worked for in school uh uh at a high school i worked at a high school dance uh this last weekend and when we arrived at the site the people at the site said we couldn't set up all of our equipment and backdrops and things at the location where we were assigned to do it that we had to go outside and then to get an okay to go inside because being outside we weren't prepared for nor nor told in advance that we were to be outside um it delayed our setup time and that doesn't wouldn't have bothered me except that on monday morning um the school called called our boss and complained that we were late setting up when it when they told us to wait for them and we told them we would be delayed if we wait and did we still get a complaint so that that part is upsetting and and our work doesn't back us up the at the office they just need to please the school to maintain the account so uh often when that something like that happens it means they will not send you out to work at that school again which to would translate into less payroll hours for the the photographers that were on that job 3265,356,oh no, that's yeah that's how they do things so that that is upsetting 3266,356,how do you cope with them , uh most of the time that will i i dust off my resume and start looking for other situations that are that might be better um 3267,356,that's good , yeah 3268,356,how are you at controlling your temper , uh pretty good i i i usually xxx might uh i in the moment i don't really lose it but xxx later i might um vent or something like that but on the spot on the location i wouldn't do that 3269,356,mhm, 3270,356,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um well just today um we have a uh schedule tight schedule today and i have a friend that i'm car sharing a car with today and uh we we were arguing where to go first and um so we compromised and did most of her things and one of my things then after this this was one of the things is over then we're gonna do some more of her things so but it 3271,356,that's good , yeah 3272,356,have you ever served in the military , no 3273,356,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, post-traumatic stress syndrome is that what that is 3274,356,mhm, uh no i have not 3275,356,have you been diagnosed with depression , yes 3276,356,how long ago were you diagnosed , oh i'd say nineteen eighty yeah i think believe it was nineteen eighty 3277,356,that's a long time , yeah 3278,356,what got you to seek help , um well my father noticed some symptoms my father is just well he's passed away but he was a psychiatrist 3279,356,what were your symptoms , um well i wasn't sleeping i was laying around the house um i was waking up at noon something like and i didn't have a um focus like for getting a job it wasn't clear enough uh i i remember some job interviews that i'd go to their front door and then i wouldn't go in and i think that was all all part of depression 3280,356,yeah , 3281,356,did you think you had a problem before you found out , yeah i thought i had a problem but i didn't know what it was 3282,356,do you still go to therapy now , no 3283,356,why did you stop , uh well eh i went for three years and then the psychiatrist said that he thought that i was done but uh and i and i i did get to a much better place i have to watch all the time to see what's going on with depression so i think i i'll have good days and bad days 3284,356,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy, um i think therapy makes you see what the um like the i i thought of it as a filter or wearing a pair as if you were put on a depression pair of sunglasses you don't really you see everything through that so you have to kinda i have to sort of try to take the those glasses off for a little bit and double check am i really perceiving these things accurately or am i seeing it through a depressed viewpoint and i try to look for clues about that 3285,356,that makes sense , 3286,356,mhm, 3287,356,how have you been feeling lately , i think i'm um slipping back a little bit uh uh i don't do well during unemployed periods i've noticed in my path in my past and um right now we have a work slow down so it's easy to slip back into sleeping too late or putting things off because the schedule's too wide open for for me for me personally as a depressed person i think that structure is really important it um 3288,356,yeah , it gets you out of bed and you have to get somewhere in time and deal interact with people is all those are all beneficial things for someone who's tends to be depressed 3289,356,uh huh, 3290,356,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , uh well i don't know if it's changes as i a little bit i just tend to be focused on some things that are probably not that um uplifting let's say uh but it's more negative like i have have been sort of thinking about how um um soldiers in the past uh i don't know why but like the in during the roman era era or the greeks ancient greeks how it would've been like to be in a in a frontline battle with mm you know just crude kind of crude in my opinion crude weapons and no medical help and the i don't know i seem my mind seems to go there a lot where i'm just thinking about that and i've been looking looking at it and reading books about that or um video clips on youtube and 3291,356,yeah , eh things like that or um some other things other uh kinda like terrible doom type themes like i was watching on the animal show like crocodile attacks and things like that where probably shouldn't dwell so much on that 3292,356,okay , 3293,356,yeah, 3294,356,is there anything you regret , oh you mean in life in general yeah well i think i regret not finishing college i think i had a i think i was uh was going into depression right then and wasn't coping in my senior year very well and um didn't really i didn't get out of college with a degree although i was there seven years but uh so that's very that's a big regret that i have 3295,356,hmm, 3296,356,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , um i think it would've been to um at certain points i probably should've sought um sought therapy and also probably some uh outside help just with um getting through finals just the logistics i had i was an art major and i had no car so a a lot of the art projects and things were difficult to move back and forth and and also to uh meet at away locations i think it probably would've been worth it to do whatever it took to get a car at that time 3297,356,uh huh , so 3298,356,i see what you mean , 3299,356,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um well i'm i've been told i'm very patient and also i have um some original original artistic ideas so um those are those are good qualities i'm very loyal and and also um you know i support my friends i'm fairly generous with them so 3300,356,cool, yeah 3301,356,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , um let's see xxx really enjoyed was i had a i had a nice experience uh just uh photographing um a soccer game recently i really enjoyed that so 3302,356,i love listening to people talk , 3303,356,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, mhm okay 3304,356,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , it was my pleasure 3305,356,goodbye, 3306,353,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3307,353,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 3308,353,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3309,353,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3310,353,are you okay with this, yes 3311,353,okay, 3312,353,so how are you doing today , i'm okay 3313,353,that's good, 3314,353,where are you from originally, um pennsylvania 3315,353,really, 3316,353,why'd you move to l_a, mhm um well i was in boston for a couple years and then i moved here about three and a half years ago but um i just wasn't satisfied with the quality of my life 3317,353,uh huh , 3318,353,how often do you go back to your hometown , um maybe once or twice last year i only got to back once 3319,353,how does it compare to l_a, a year um definitely safer and um definitely a more um well i just miss it 'cause i have a lot of family back there but l_a is okay i i mean everyone loves the climate here 3320,353,yeah, 3321,353,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, um not too easy i have two really good friends here and i have a boyfriend i've been with for three years so that helps he's from here but um it definitely took a a bit of adjustment 3322,353,okay , 3323,353,do you travel a lot , no 3324,353,what'd you study at school , um advertising communications 3325,353,that sounds interesting, 3326,353,are you still working in that , um no i'm currently working in actually i'm not working right now at the moment 3327,353,what's your dream job, um i wanna be an osteopathic physician 3328,353,tell me more about that , um so basically versus western medicine an osteopathic physician is someone who helps someone with the symptoms and doesn't just treat the symptoms but treats them as a whole person so they look at nutrition they look at diet exercise um just a variety of things to to actually get someone to live a healthier life versus medications or things that are commonly prescribed now in the western medicine 3329,353,cool , 3330,353,how did you decide to do that , um well one of the great things was when i came out here to l_a i was um exposed to the degree which i had never heard of living on the east coast 3331,353,uh huh , 3332,353,do you consider yourself an introvert , um sometimes 3333,353,why, um well i'm very particular about the people i like to surround myself with um and eh i don't like to socialize with a lot of people i mean i tend to um like small intimate groups and i don't tend to like to be in larger or bigger groups 3334,353,okay , 3335,353,what are some things that make you really mad, um eh when people don't take into account other people's feelings 3336,353,what do you do when you're annoyed , um i usually try to go for a walk if i get very irritated 3337,353,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm usually really good it really takes a lot for me to spill over and to yell or become upset 3338,353,that's good, 3339,353,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , um let's see uh mm i was at with my lawyer and it was about his handling of my case 3340,353,uh oh, 3341,353,that sounds really hard , yeah it was he's uh they're i don't know i think they're just a little bit mediocre they're not the best lawyers 3342,353,okay , 3343,353,how would your best friend describe you , i have no idea 3344,353,what would you say are some of your best qualities , um i'm very trustworthy i'm loyal um i care very deeply so i i like to try to help other people um and i always like to try to cheer people up so i think that's that would be some of 'em 3345,353,uh huh, 3346,353,have you ever served in the military , no 3347,353,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, yes 3348,353,how long ago were you diagnosed , um just a few months ago about in the last six months 3349,353,what got you to seek help , um i was experiencing mental issues that i'd never really came across before paranoia and anxiety and i knew that it wasn't um i knew that i it wasn't that i couldn't overcome it by myself 3350,353,mhm, 3351,353,how have you been feeling lately , um a lot better i've been doing a lot of yoga and meditation um kinda seeing things from a different per view or another not per per view but a different view and um that's helped but there's definitely times where i kind of sink back into thinking about the event especially because the event caused me to stop working 3352,353,are they triggered by something , um i think i you know i have a difficulty being in public um i'm still dealing with anxiety and paranoia about that and that something may happen so um so a lot of times during the day is when it happened so i'm not that comfortable going out during the day i tend to go out in the mornings and evenings and um i don't like to go into places where there's only one way in and one way out 3353,353,i see what you mean , 3354,353,how do you cope with them , um well i've been gradually trying to increase how much i'm outside um and i usually just deep breathing um i do a lot of breathing exercises and i just try to say that basically what i'm thinking or what's going on with me is not real um and that i just i try i just try to get myself to go into these places more gradually a lot better since uh the last couple months but before i very much pretty much stayed home 3355,353,okay , 3356,353,how has seeing a therapist affected you , um it's been good um it's been good to hear someone's feedback but um i feel like i've gotten more help with just my inner talk with just kind of sitting with myself and journaling 3357,353,do you still go to therapy now , i do 3358,353,okay , 3359,353,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , um well i feel like more like myself which is a huge improvement um and i am more cautious and er guarded in some ways about my thoughts um and about my decisions as well i'm not so 3360,353,mhm, i'm not so oh you know i'll just do this and not really think of the consequences of other things that i want in my life 3361,353,yeah , 3362,353,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , um it's gotten better i'm okay i'm better now um the first three months it was very difficult i couldn't sleep through the night and i woke maybe two or three times and would be awake for a couple hours but now i am um sleeping through the night again 3363,353,that's good , 3364,353,what are you like when you don't sleep well , um i feel groggy k i feel foggy and out of it um and just low kind of depressed 3365,353,mhm, 3366,353,when was the last time you felt really happy, mm it's um i think it's been awhile 3367,353,i'm sorry , 3368,353,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , um working i'm a bit of a workaholic um spending time with my family um yeah just being outside enjoying nature reading 3369,353,mhm, 3370,353,how close are you to your family , um very close 3371,353,that's so good to hear, 3372,353,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , what is that 3373,353,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , um scrubbed_entry 3374,353,tell me more about that , um well my parents 'cause they've always been very supporting and loving um giving me feedback about my decisions or what i'm choosing to do but allowing me to make my own um decisions my own choices in life and then my sisters have just always been very um you know just always checking with me i'm the baby i'm the youngest in the family so they always um looking out for me and just checking in with me and then my boyfriend xxx with this um incident that happened um he's been very uh usually supportive with just letting me kind of have my talk and work things out and understanding when i'm feeling and not wanting to go out in public and and being aware of that that it's not so easy for me just to do something like grocery shop or um running errands without having a lot of anxiety 3375,353,mhm, 3376,353,what are you most proud of in your life , um i'm most proud of the jobs the work that i've done the people i've helped um 3377,353,is there anything you regret, maybe that i took this job where i was assaulted at that would be it going into retail into unsafe environment not listening to my gut 3378,353,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , um what advice would i what 3379,353,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , uh to recklessly pursue your dreams um that there is no such thing as too late or running out of time and and to enjoy every moment of your life not take anything for granted 3380,353,yeah, 3381,353,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , um let's see uh well cooking i really enjoy i really enjoy cooking um so i made some roasted vegetables just any time i'm cooking i just really enjoy it um we have a garden so we had collard greens that came up and um some chilis and cauliflower so just using preparing that for um for my um boyfriend and i 3382,353,awesome, 3383,353,okay i think i've asked everything i need to, 3384,353,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , mhm 3385,353,goodbye, 3386,357,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3387,357,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment, 3388,357,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3389,357,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3390,357,are you okay with this, sure 3391,357,so how are you doing today, i'm fine tired i had to bike it here so my back is sweaty 3392,357,where are you from originally , i'm from l_a 3393,357,what are some things you really like about l_a, um the places there is to go there's always things to do here 3394,357,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, um drivers 3395,357,what'd you study at school , i'm trying to do audio engineering working with music 3396,357,are you still working in that , yeah i'll be graduating in about two more years 3397,357,what's your dream job , uh working in a recording studio probably doing soundtracks for music or i have no idea 3398,357,do you consider yourself an introvert , i have no idea what that is 3399,357,let's come back to that later , 3400,357,do you travel a lot , no i'm always either in l_a or just at home 3401,357,what do you do to relax, ride my bike make music sit at home watch movies 3402,357,what are some things that make you really mad, drivers people who gangsters i don't know 3403,357,what do you do when you're annoyed , go out ride my bike take a walk 3404,357,how are you at controlling your temper , pretty good i don't get angry very often 3405,357,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , uh let's see hmm my girlfriend she didn't wanna go to my friend's house and what happened what happened yeah that was it 3406,357,what are some things you like to do for fun , um same thing make music ride my bike um hang out with friends just normal kid stuff 3407,357,how close are you to your family , um my don't live my mom right now but i do live with my dad so we're pretty close i'm okay with that 3408,357,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life, uh let's see i don't really know a bunch of people i guess i can't really pick one right now 3409,357,have you ever served in the military , nope 3410,357,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, i don't want to nope 3411,357,have you been diagnosed with depression , no 3412,357,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , um i mean i usually just stay up pretty late so i usually my fault that i don't go to sleep early and then i wake up really late in the afternoon so 3413,357,what are you like when you don't sleep well , kind of hard um the same just a little drowsy tend to go to sleep earlier um nothing i'm still active i don't really change 3414,357,how have you been feeling lately , um fine happy normal just mm 3415,357,when was the last time you felt really happy , same my birthday that was two days ago two three days ago um i got some i got a gift from my girlfriend it was pretty cool 3416,357,how would your best friend describe you , um cool funny energetic smart um active 3417,357,what are you most proud of in your life , the music that i make 3418,357,is there anything you regret, mm a couple things i can't name 'em right now probably things i did in high school 3419,357,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , um let's see what would i say to myself um uh don't get arrested stay in school 3420,357,what's one of your most memorable experiences , um i wouldn't even know just i don't know skip 3421,357,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , um what did i do watched movies with my dad about yeah yesterday stayed home watched movies made some food hung out this thing is cool 3422,357,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 3423,357,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 3424,357,goodbye, bye 3425,358,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3426,358,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 3427,358,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3428,358,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3429,358,are you okay with this, yes 3430,358,so how are you doing today , fine 3431,358,where are you from originally , tampa florida 3432,358,why'd you move to l_a, uh at that point i wanted to get into the entertainment industry 3433,358,when'd you move to l_a, um nineteen ninety 3434,358,how easy was it for you to get used to living in l_a, it took a long time to get used to it it wasn't easy 3435,358,what are some things you really like about l_a, well the weather and that if you have a hobby you could always find a large group of people that are interested in the same hobby as you have 3436,358,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, oh some of the people in the business world you know it's pretty transient they come and go and it's kinda difficult as far as if you you know trusting people in the business world has been difficult 3437,358,how often do you go back to your home town , not much at all 3438,358,how does it compare to l_a, um it's quite different uh the weather's different the people are different it's very different 3439,358,do you travel a lot , no 3440,358,what'd you study at school , um god it was so long ago uh school just uh general stuff business uh acting that kinda thing 3441,358,what do you do now, well i'm working on becoming a professional poker player and i um left the stockbrokage industry successfully to do financial trading stock options futures that kinda stuff 3442,358,do you consider yourself an introvert , sometimes yes 3443,358,what are some things that make you really mad , people my family just people you know making fun of me or just instigators just being around negative hostile people 3444,358,what do you do when you're annoyed , i vent ruminate over the same situation over and over again 3445,358,how are you at controlling your temper , pretty darn good 3446,358,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about , uh don't can't remember argued with someone um i can't really remember that's a good sign i don't argue much these days um maybe online um not really i don't know well it's a good good good change of i don't know what did i argue with somebody about maybe it's been a long time um i can't really remember huh 3447,358,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , oh i'd say tony robbins anthony robbins 3448,358,what are some things you like to do for fun , um listen to music surf the internet study poker research on stocks watch youtube clips 3449,358,how close are you to your family , um more towards my sisters not my parents i'm not close at all with my parents we've been estranged 3450,358,have you ever served in the military , no 3451,358,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, um not not officially but um some people say i do have the symptoms of it when i've been talking about depression 3452,358,have you been diagnosed with depression , yes 3453,358,how long ago were you diagnosed , um i was diagnosed in the early nineteen nineties with like dysthymia which is like a mild form of depression i think or a long term lasting mild depression 3454,358,what got you to seek help , a friend um had thought he had a learning disability um called attention deficit disorder at that time it was a_d_h_d so i when i looked at the literature it seemed similar to the symptoms that i had so then i went to go through the same battery of tests that he did at u_c_l_a 3455,358,do you still go to therapy now , no 3456,358,why did you stop, it was more of a financial thing 3457,358,do you feel like therapy's useful , yes 3458,358,how have you been feeling lately , um irritable moody tired 3459,358,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , yes 3460,358,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , not easy 3461,358,what are you like when you don't sleep well, airheaded spacey um slow 3462,358,how do you cope with them , how do i do what 3463,358,how do you cope with them , cope with what how do i 3464,358,let's come back to that later , okay 3465,358,when was the last time you felt really happy , oh mm can't remember 3466,358,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , played poker online 3467,358,is there anything you regret , um yes 3468,358,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , wow that's a good question um ten or twenty years ago would've said to stay away from losers avoid negative people don't try to change 'em don't try to give 'em advice don't try to help 'em out don't try to show 'em the right way just a waste of your energy my energy don't do business with unethical people new york city wise guys new york city type wise guys uh you know chronic liars b_sers and uh would've said kept my room in better order dated more women date more women clean my room do a better job of you know enjoying my nice apartment and my single bachelorhood and 3469,358,what are you most proud of in your life , probably surviving my difficult childhood with my dysfunctional family staying out of trouble staying away from drugs illegal drugs um making a name for myself as a good stock trader good stock picker and sort of my wisdom i've been able to pass on about eastern philosophy 3470,358,how would your best friend describe you , honest trustworthy 3471,358,what would you say are some of your best qualities , honesty mm perserverance knowledgeable being able to help people give them advice about different things pretty i've got a good amount of wisdom without having p_h_ds or degrees you know excuse me 3472,358,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 3473,358,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 3474,358,goodbye , 3475,360,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3476,360,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 3477,360,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3478,360,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3479,360,are you okay with this , yes 3480,360,so how are you doing today , i'm doing good and yourself 3481,360,where are you from originally , inglewood 3482,360,what are some things you really like about l_a, the scenery the the places to eat um i just i i just love l_a 3483,360,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, the traffic the public transit that's about it 3484,360,do you travel a lot , yes 3485,360,what do you enjoy about traveling , getting to getting to new places and seeing new sights 3486,360,what'd you study at school , i studied nursing and office administration 3487,360,how did you decide to do that , well i have a care for people in the nurising field and office administration i've always wanted i've always been into computers and wanted to learn more about the software and things and how to fix 'em and things like that 3488,360,are you still working in that , no currently not currently but i'm i want to work there in the future i wanna work in that in the future 3489,360,what do you do now , i was working at um a retail store but now i'm just eh i'm job searching again 3490,360,what's your dream job , my dream job is actually at um metro in public transit to help improve the public transportation system in l_a 3491,360,do you consider yourself an introvert , yeah 3492,360,what do you do to relax , i watch t_v mostly listen to music like smooth jazz like relaxing music 3493,360,what do you do when you're annoyed , i breathe i listen to music i try to do whatever i can to calm down 3494,360,what are some things that make you really mad, um the things that really make me mad is like when i'm disrespected sort of per se um when thing when like when bad things happen that's what really irritates me that's all 3495,360,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm i'm good as far as i think i am but there's times where i feel like i can't but i try as hard as i can to control it 3496,360,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, i argued with my fiance about a couple of weeks about some financial issues eh but that was it 3497,360,have you ever served in the military , no i have not 3498,360,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d , no i have not 3499,360,have you been diagnosed with depression, no i have not 3500,360,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , fairly easy most of the time but if there are like noises around me then it gets a little harder like a a neighbor partying or or loud noises in the house then it's hard but usually it's easy 3501,360,what are you like when you don't sleep well , i'm just like really tired in the morning like i don't have a attitude or anything but i'm just like tired in the morning like i need more sleep when i wake up 3502,360,how have you been feeling lately , i've been feeling okay just i'm down sometimes i sleep a little than i'm i sleep more than i'm used to but i've been okay 3503,360,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , no 3504,360,how would your best friend describe you , they'd describe me as fun loving carefree a caring individual a caring person 3505,360,is there anything you regret , no no not really i mean i've had some bad experiences but for the most part i don't regret anything 3506,360,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , to just do what to do what i have to do strive really hard take care of my business and that's about it 3507,360,when was the last time you felt really happy , i felt really happy on christmas when i got engaged 3508,360,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , i enjoy going to nevada to celebrate my birthday i enjoy spending time with my family and my friends 3509,360,how close are you to your family , fairly close um there were some things that brought us apart but we're trying to get close again 3510,360,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , my grandmother she's really she's really let me see the light she's really let me see the good in myself she's really let me see that i'm a positive individual and that i can accomplish anything i put my mind to 3511,360,what are you most proud of in your life , i'm proud of my accomplishments i'm proud that no matter what people said about me or thought about me that i was able to accomplish things in my life without without doing the things that doing the negative things that people thought i would that that they thought i was going to do 3512,360,what would you say are some of your best qualities , my best qualities is that i'm very efficient i i'm a good i'm a good listener a good thinker a good speaker i can overcome a lot of situations and i'm just i feel like i'm a good person 3513,360,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 3514,360,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 3515,360,goodbye, 3516,362,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today, 3517,362,i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment , 3518,362,i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started, 3519,362,and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential, 3520,362,are you okay with this , yes 3521,362,so how are you doing today , good 3522,362,where are you from originally , from california 3523,362,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the eh arts and entertainments i like the uh you have a lot of freedom to work in a lot of different fields um i like the fact that the weather is great um i like the fact that all my roots are here all my family is here 3524,362,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i don't like how hard it is to get places anymore it's very hard there's so much traffic it takes a long time to get where you're going um it's expensive it's a lot more expensive than it used to be 3525,362,do you travel a lot , not anymore 3526,362,what'd you study at school , i studied journalism english music and special effects makeup 3527,362,are you still working in that , i am 3528,362,what do you do now , now i am managing a doggy day care facility 3529,362,what's your dream job , my dream job is to own my own company again um probably working with animals 3530,362,do you consider yourself an introvert , no 3531,362,what do you do to relax , i'm i'm an artist i draw i paint i do tattoos i work a lot with animals i like outdoor activities biking hiking 3532,362,what are some things that make you really mad, um people that aren't fair people that are angry and um people that are dishonest 3533,362,what do you do when you're annoyed , usually i will give myself like a ten second timeout and think about it before i speak or react 3534,362,how are you at controlling your temper , i'm very good at controlling my temper 3535,362,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, probably my spouse um about something to do with our financial matters 3536,362,how close are you to your family , i'm very close to my children and my father 3537,362,tell me about your kids , scrubbed_entry 3538,362,do you find it easy to be a parent , no it's never easy it's the hardest job in the world but it's the best 3539,362,what's the hardest thing about being a parent , just um wanting to prevent your children from making the mistakes you've had but you realize that they have to do that just to learn how to live life um that's one of the hardest things is letting them make their own mistakes 3540,362,what's the best thing about being a parent , the uh unconditional love my boys have for me the everything that being a parent has made me a better person it's made me a better everything a better employee um i've i think being having my children made me um much better person every day 3541,362,what's one of your most memorable experiences , probably i have a lot i've had a very full life i would be really hard to say to narrow that down i've had so many 3542,362,how would your best friend describe you , i'm a good friend i'm a true friend i'm honest i'm real i'm dependable and i don't play games i'm very i'm no i'm no drama 3543,362,have you ever served in the military , no 3544,362,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d , yes i have 3545,362,how long ago were you diagnosed , in um february of two thousand eleven 3546,362,what got you to seek help , i was attacked by a stalker and almost killed in november of two thousand nine he broke into my apartment and laid in wait for me and attacked me when i came in the door and tried to kill me 3547,362,do you still go to therapy now , i do 3548,362,do you feel like therapy's useful , i think therapy has helped me tremendously i don't think i'd be able to hold a job and be responsible and be a productive member of society of society without therapy 3549,362,what sort of changes have you noticed since you've been going to therapy , i'm able to handle things better i don't get so um emotionally upset um a lot more rational i try to stay more rational than emotional more rational and logical 3550,362,how have you been feeling lately , so-so i've been sick and i've been uh run down a little stressed out 3551,362,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately , i have yes i have 3552,362,how do you cope with them , i use the resources draw on the resources that i've learned and i reach out to other people i try not to isolate i try to um use the tools that have been given to me in therapy um i don't use medication anymore so it's mainly just proactive treatment where i have to uh do something about it 3553,362,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep , it's not it's never easy it's always bad 3554,362,what are you like when you don't sleep well , tired lethargic um it's hard to keep my thoughts in order it's hard just to do the basics during the day 3555,362,are they triggered by something , mm no 3556,362,when was the last time you felt really happy , i can't remember 3557,362,tell me about something you did recently that you really enjoyed , oh i went to the beach with my oldest son and his best friend and we rode three real three-wheel bikes and that was a lot of fun 3558,362,what are you most proud of in your life , it's hard to say right now i haven't decided i'm very proud of my children i would say that's probably it they're really good boys 3559,362,is there anything you regret, i have too many regrets right now 3560,362,what advice would you give yourself ten or twenty years ago , to finish school to um stay focused to not let myself get distracted um to focus more on long-term goals than short-term goals 3561,362,who's someone that's been a positive influence in your life , my father 3562,362,what would you say are some of your best qualities , i'm very honest i'm very calm i don't get angry easily it takes a lot to provoke me i'm uh reliable if i say i'm gonna do something i do it and i'm uh i'm not i'm basically what you see is what you get i don't i don't pull any punches with people 3563,362,what are some things that usually put you in a good mood , um anything to do with animals i love animals i always smile around animals any kind big small um i like older people elderly people i like to help them and be around them i like children um 3564,362,okay i think i've asked everything i need to , 3565,362,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me , 3566,363,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yes 3567,363,okay, 3568,363,so how are you doing today, good how are you 3569,363,i'm great thanks, 3570,363,where are you from originally, i am from los angeles 3571,363,really, yes 3572,363,what are some things you really like about l_a, um it's uh center of everything eh you can get to all the places you need to go to uh eh without having to drive very far um i like being in the city 3573,363,mhm, 3574,363,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, well being in l_a also you're dealing with traffic a lot of congestion and um obviously uh the environment as far as uh the air quality is not that great but 3575,363,yeah, you know you live with that 3576,363,i see what you mean, 3577,363,what did you study at school, um i was a business administration major so i studied business and um after i finished college i um uh pursued a career in retail operations 3578,363,are you still doing that, uh no i as a matter of fact i am not i kinda changed career uh over the last four or five years so i'm concentrating more on the human resources side of the business 3579,363,what made you decide to do that, um a couple of factors um i after working numerous years in the retail business i um switched over and worked in a uh creative business which was a graphic design firm and i uh captured a knowledge a lot of knowledge um in the a in the human resources side because i was the operations manager slash benefits manager for a a small company 3580,363,are you happy you did that, yes i'm very happy i did that um i picked up on lot of knowledge and uh and it's very helpful 3581,363,that's great, 3582,363,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, well my dream job is um i'm basically kinda doing what i wanna do now because i am a uh independent contractor i do freelance work as an h_r consultant using all the knowledge that i uh gained from previous jobs and um i utilize that with the flexibility to do the things i wanna do as far as personally and have the time i need to to do the things i wanna do and um obviously i worked hard early part of my career so the financial aspect of uh my retirement is already set in place so i do what i need to do as far as um maintaining a certain lifestyle but also i have i also enjoy what i do i'm not under as much stress as i used to be 3583,363,that sounds like a great situation, 3584,363,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, mm i'm not well i'm not totally outgoing but um i'm not i'm not extremely shy i'm probably right in the middle maybe more towards outgoing but i'm not totally outgoing i mean when i'm around other people i am uh in a social situation i i guess you could consider me an outgoing person but um obviously i do have my own little uh private issues that i keep to myself 3585,363,can you tell me about that, oh sure you know i have um uh couple years ago i had a heart attack and i had to have bypass operation and it had to 3586,363,wow, yeah it had to do with stress and things like that i don't talk about that much other than those around me that are close to me um if i meet someone new i don't just openly say well you know i've experienced this this and this so i just basically um if it comes up i won't deny it or if it comes up and if it's if it i feel like it's something to talk about i will talk about it 3587,363,okay, 3588,363,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, actually um my relaxation is um i'm currently um living with my mom my mother and uh she's a senior citizen and she's alone um so what i do for uh relaxation or to relieve stress is i actually help help her do yard work take care of all the gardening and things like that and that's actually very uh therapeutic you know 3589,363,aw, 3590,363,how are you at controlling your temper, um i'm not um i'm not a short-fused kinda person it takes a lot to get me really angry so as far as um my temper's concerned there's not there's not much to that 3591,363,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, um i'm trying to think here i can't recall when the last time it was but it was probably last year sometime when i um had a creditor that i was dealing with um being very difficult to work with um and i owed money as far as um some medical expenses that were incurred when i had my heart attack a few years ago and uh they weren't very understanding of the situation and i uh i really got a little upset about that because um i felt like i was being honest with them and i was i was more than willing to take care of my issues but uh they were playing hardball and i didn't care for that 3592,363,yeah, 3593,363,that sucks, it does 3594,363,tell me about the hardest decision you've ever had to make, probably the hardest xxx decision i ever had to make was um it had to do with a life and death situation with my my stepfather who was battling uh prostate cancer and yeah uh making a decision with my mother whether to proceed with a procedure that was gonna either um help him or there was a slight chance it was gonna help him even though he was pretty terminal at that point or it would it would kill him you know um and that was really tough it was really tough decision to make but uh uh you know i i felt like if i didn't try and see if we could save his life help save his life or if it we didn't take a chance and and take that extra step that i would regret it in the long run 3595,363,yeah, 3596,363,that sounds really hard, it is it was 3597,363,tell me about your relationship with your family, um well right now um i'm separated from my wife so uh she has her issues i have my issues but we are not divorced we're just separated and um we still have a relationship where we still speak to each other we just don't live together and the relationship with my mother's really great you know um she's very understanding i'm an only child so she likes having me around which is good because she's in her late she's in her later stage of her life she's eighty two years old 3598,363,wow, and and so she needs to uh i guess it's good that in in in it's own way maybe fate has taken place because you know eh someone eighty two years old by themselves in a huge house is not a good thing but with me there i think she feels there's a comfort level she feels with me there especially being her only child 3599,363,yeah, 3600,363,what's something you feel guilty about, probably the most guilty i feel about anything are are the things that i did to hurt my marriage um as far as um the things that i did the selfish things that i did when i was much younger that um obviously affected the relationship between myself and my wife 3601,363,can you give me an example of that, uh yeah i um got caught up in a situation where um i was working tremendous amounts of hours under a lotta stress my wife was also working a lotta hours in a job that she had and uh we were growing apart and um when she was away my form of release was to go uh to the casinos and gamble and so you know i spent a lot of time in in the casinos and what eventually happened was i spent a lot of money and obviously that was a major issue regarding our relationship had to do with trust because um it it was devastating to my wife 3602,363,yeah, 3603,363,how did you feel in that moment, i felt uh when when it when it came to light um i felt very guilty and i felt less than a human being at that point in my life 3604,363,i'm sorry, 3605,363,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, no not at all 3606,363,have you been diagnosed with depression, no not really no 3607,363,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, i don't have problems sleeping that's i i don't ever recall having any problem sleeping so no 3608,363,that's good, 3609,363,do you feel down, no not at all 3610,363,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no uh i well i just the only thing i could say is um after i had my heart attack a few years ago um i don't let i find myself not letting the small details or small things in life bother me as much as they did before so i tend to be a little bit more easygoing and my friends and family have noticed that 3611,363,that's great, 3612,363,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, the last time i felt really happy um probably when i had a visit with my cardiologist after my heart attack and um he basically said to me that after many tests and many uh months of uh rehabilitation that he was happy to explain to me that there was no scar tissue no major scar tissue that had occurred with my heart because of my heart heart attack and that um i could count on living a pretty much normal life as long as i watched my diet and took my medications 3613,363,that's so good to hear, 3614,363,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, well i guess number one thing is uh my physical being itself i like to be a little bit more healthier lose some more weight um just in general just be more healthier physically and as far as mentally um just not go back to those ways of thinking where i was doing the wrong things instead of the right things and not to be so selfish 3615,363,how do you cope with them, just one day at a time you know i just uh try to be at peace with my myself and try to have some peace of mind on a daily basis i meditate i read you know i read some books i watch t_v i i do things that i know that um if i can i if i can help myself i do things to help myself 3616,363,mm, 3617,363,is there anything you regret, well there's a lot that i regret obviously in my marriage uh my uh working career as far as i had a long career with this majors uh food chain and and i basically because of my gambling issues i ended up ruining a a very good career but um at this point right now there's not much i can do i can't change what's been done so i don't focus too much on the past i just look at what's in front of me and just focus on what's in front of me eh every day 3618,363,yeah, 3619,363,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, what advice wake up and see and see what you're doing to yourself and you know make the changes that need to be changed um you know uh you know i'm not a uh i'm not someone that's not intelligent but i was intelligent enough to know what's right from wrong and um scrubbed_entry you're what you're doing is wrong you need to change your behavior immediately 3620,363,uh huh, 3621,363,what are you most proud of in your life, probably the proud what i'm proud about overall is the fact that um i did all these awful things but deep down i don't think as a person i'm a bad person i have to remember that um when i was caught up in all the gambling and compulsive behavior it was because i had an illness a compulsive uh obsessive compulsive behavior that made me ill and um that i was a sick person just trying to become healthy and every day that's what my life is about it's about recovery and uh just making sure that uh i do the right things from the time i wake up in the morning to the time i go to sleep at night one day at a time 3622,363,yeah, 3623,363,how hard is that, it's not as hard as you think it's but it is a process where you need to be diligent about your behavior and your routines and um just know that what's not right for you you know it could be okay for other people to do certain things but i cannot do those things anymore 3624,363,mhm, 3625,363,how would your best friend describe you, um most of my best friends can uh describe me as probably easygoing generous um a nice person to be around and um you know they were obviously a little shocked when they found out of all my issues uh related to the gambling and the my and the break-up of break-up of my marriage which you know it's still not over yet you know 3626,363,uh huh, 3627,363,tell me how you spend your ideal weekend, well my ideal weekend starts off usually um after i have breakfast with my mother early in the morning like around six o'clock um i go to a local park and uh it's about this park is probably laid out where you can walk up a hill and down a hill it's about three and a half miles and i take a brisk walk in the morning um get my blood flowing and get my heart rate going and then after that i um you know go home um work in the yard a few hours take a shower and relax and then just uh kinda kick back for the rest of the day and then the the the next day i i do the same thing again in the morning i go for a walk work out in the yard watch t_v whatever just relax that's how a weekend goes for me 3628,363,nice, 3629,363,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 3630,363,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, and thank you 3631,363,goodbye, 3632,364,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, i am 3633,364,okay, 3634,364,so how are you doing today, i feel pretty good i'm wide awake i had an good breakfast and a nice cup of coffee and uh i have an easy day today so i am just gonna chat with you then i'm going to the gym and run some errands so i plan on having a nice day today 3635,364,that's good, 3636,364,where are you from originally, i was born and raised in los angeles and i'm one of the few locals from around here and uh i went to school away and uh but i'm one of the few natives that are actually in los angeles 3637,364,really, yes i am 3638,364,what are some things you really like about l_a, i like the weather having owned a vacation house in another state that i found to be too hot and humid in florida i love the weather here um i like the culture i like the diversity i like the familiarity i like that beaches uh but i also like that just an hour and a half away one can go to the desert say palm springs palm desert but also another hour and a half two hours away you can go to arrowhead or big bear and go snowboarding or skiing or things like that and uh i think it's a great place to live 3639,364,yeah, 3640,364,i see what you mean, thank you 3641,364,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, well more of some maybe some of the things i don't like about l_a or say california in general say like the high tax rate which the state tax rate is up to thirteen point something now which is gonna chase business out of here also the regulations i'm a small business owner so all the regulations are clearly affecting business so many of my peers have moved their businesses to texas arizona nevada etcetera some of the other western states that are less regulated and uh that's a big problem here in uh uh california 3642,364,that sucks, it really does most people don't understand it but it's uh also uh you know besides the high taxes you know there's a big immigration problem which being born and raised here most people don't see that but it's a big tax on the social service system and that's what makes our taxes uh so high until they really secure the borders and get that taken care of 3643,364,mm, so that's you know but people don't seem to want to really deal with uh deal with that but it clearly affects businesses because from all the other things that's why our taxes are so high and people are moving out of state 3644,364,mhm, 3645,364,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i enjoy traveling i've been to sixty six countries and uh i don't travel as much as i used to but i've traveled quite a bit and i've learned a couple of languages and uh i served 3646,364,like what, i'm sorry 3647,364,like what, uh i didn't really understand uh your question when you said like what i don't think you understood what i said but i'll just go back and i've been all through europe eastern europe asia south america north africa um and i enjoy that and enjoy warm climates now especially where you can go and relax and there's warm water to surf 'cause the cold water kind of makes my back stiffen up and i also like to exercise and surf and do yoga and work out and uh i try to eat healthy and uh that's a big part of my life 3648,364,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, oh sure um one of my favorite trips of all time was i used to when i was younger see how many countries i could do in a relatively short period of time say in a three or four week span but about ten years ago we actually went to paris and stayed for about a week and really got to know the city even though i'd been there about ten times we got to know the city really well which was great really lived like a local and rented a small flat and cooked and did our own shopping but really having been there so many times i really never stayed for more than three or four days it was fun to stay there for about you know almost a month and uh really get to learn the city and it was fun even though i grew up in l_a i grew up taking french which there wasn't a big spanish speaking population when i when i was younger my mother insisted that all of us kids take french even though spanish would've been a lot more valuable but i took french uh all through uh elementary junior high and uh high school 3649,364,nice, so it was nice to practice my french even though i don't remember a whole lot and even though i stopped speaking french with the french you know and my accent is not the greatest so after a couple sentences they start talking english to me 3650,364,(laughter, so that was a 3651,364,what did you study at school, uh i have a few different degrees so uh i was a naval science major as an undergraduate and uh that was fun and i also have a masters uh degree in economics and i have a degree in crisis management so 3652,364,what made you decide to do that, uh i found them um interesting and uh it was something that i wanted to do where i went to college i went to the naval academy i went there to play sports and i found it real interesting being from southern california going to school in maryland and i originally wanted to be a doctor but once you start going to school for a little bit you change your mind etcetera so 3653,364,mhm, 3654,364,are you still working in that, um i'm actually in the wholesale business now for wholesale distributors of furniture products and it was a family business but i went to work there a number of years ago well you know my grandfather and recently father passed away so i sort of run a eighty year old family business and it's pretty interesting i like it having grown up around it but it's different than other jobs i've had in the past 3655,364,what's your dream job, hm actually probably my dream job i think cooking and staying at home this fun i've changed so much i enjoy cooking and staying at home and uh uh i would probably like to stay home and raise kids because i do have one daughter and uh 3656,364,aw, you know didn't get to spend as much time with her when she was younger as i would've liked but i think i would be better than say a lot of women i know that want to work i actually like cooking and hanging around the house and taking care of kids you know that i like doing i'm always on a part time basis but do that having pretty much worked most of my life it seems like boy that would be fun to stay home and uh do that having pretty much worked most of my life so 3657,364,yeah, probably never happen but it sounds something that to me would be fun 3658,364,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, uh i think i'm um generally more reserved and shy with strangers but when i get to know someone or feel comfortable i think i'm more of an extrovert whereas most strangers might think i'm more introverted but i think i'm when i feel comfortable with certain people and i don't know what it is i can meet a stranger and be totally confident or people that i might've known for years either from a personal or a business situation and be more um introverted i mean i just i just go with the dynamics but i think my outward manifestation is to be a little more shy in general and reserved i use like to use the term reserved 3659,364,okay, 3660,364,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, oh wow that's a great idea i used to have that on uh one of my i have uh several computers at home and that used to be one of my screensavers uh as well i usually tend when when i need to relax or had a stressful day or stressful personal events or going for a long walk or going for a long walk or going for a long walk i usually find exercise whether it be yoga or going for a long walk or going to the gym or going for a run or going to the beach you know maybe going surfing when the weather's warm i don't surf in cold weather anymore because it makes it gives me like a brain freeze even though i've surfed for you know over thirty years i had it uh i usually find exercise helps me relax the best or sometimes just vegging out on the couch in front of the t_v i find very relaxing but i like that screensaver i used to have that on one of my uh screensavers at home but 3661,364,that's great, yes that was uh that was it but that's one of the things that took me a number of years to master though were my relaxation skills i probably didn't have them the best in my twenties but over the years i think i've gotten better uh at the 3662,364,yeah, i think that's a key thing and i think as we mature as we learn how to do that i wish i'd learned how to do that and be a little more how do you had had the skills earlier 3663,364,how are you at controlling your temper, i like to think i'm pretty good i think i'm a lot better as well as that as i've aged um you know i i am more likely to think before i speak now whereas say twenty years ago i was more likely to act before i fought so i might've said more things that i in a whatever tense situation whether it be personal or a work situation um but i've never had a a a violent temper but i would have a temper where i fly off the handle instead of taking a deep breath and reflecting on it i think i'm a lot better at that now than i was say in my teens or twenties 3664,364,uh huh, so when i think a lot of that comes i think the keyword there is maturity 3665,364,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, oh wow you know i haven't really had an argument with anybody in several years what i would consider a traditional argument um probably um my ex wife a number of years ago wehad an argument basically just over my daughter and it wasn't anything violent but it was heated just basically one of the reasons we didn't weren't married our values were so different just our ideas of parenting and uh just uh outlook on life was so different i think that caused us to butt heads but it was just i don't know if i'd call it an argument but it was more of just a uh one of those let's agree to disagree butt heads so 3666,364,how did you feel in that moment, i felt like i was talking to a wall and i actually felt more mad at myself that i should've learned earlier in life that boy that before you get married to someone have children with them that's the kind of discussions that people should usually have but you're not really thinking of that because sometimes when we're younger we're looking at boy how does that i look great on paper to her and she looked great on paper to me but you know i'm pretty easy going and i have different ideas on raising children how she did and that was more not that she was wrong and i was right not that i was right and she was wrong it was just how we were raised and our just different views and we never really discussed those things but it was really just fundamental reasons why we butted heads and more weren't really a good match 3667,364,yeah, whereas other things looked good you know on paper to both of us 3668,364,mhm, 3669,364,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, hm there's one recently my father passed away uh recently 3670,364,i'm sorry, thank you and really because in our religion you know you plan a funeral very quickly you know typically within a couple of days and i really only invited very very close friends and family members i was more or less in charge of it my dad was remarried but his widow was sort of not really up to it so i took care of it and i wish i had invited a i kept it very private and really just told people after the fact that he knew that would've liked to have come tp the service had they known about it so i really only invited because just the time pressure really just a handful of people but now as time's passed i wish i'd invited more of his friends instead of just two or three close friends you know ten or twenty acquaintances and people he knew from business or over the years and i really just and even distant family members i really just told after the fact i really didn't invite them because i was under a time pressure but i could've easily done it via email or it's hard to call everybody personally but i wish that's something 'cause people have expressed a little they were upset with me when my other family members threw it all back at me oh you didn't tell me 'til after the fact that you know so and so had passed so they all threw it at me because i was more or less doing it so i wish i i did that differently but i did the best i could at the time so i'm not really mad at myself about something i probably should've been more prepared for also something that was coming was inevitable so 3671,364,i see, 3672,364,tell me about your relationship with your family, um well both my parents are recently uh deceased in the last couple of years and i had a brother that i have three younger brothers one of who passed away in december and we're not super close like i always like i look at other families we were just never like that norman rockwell uh painting i guess we're also uh different 3673,364,uh huh, and uh i have a close relationship with friends and a more distant relationship with family not that it's strange but i wish it was more like boy one of those families that got together every sunday and had dinner and all that we just never did that because we're all all so uh uh different 3674,364,yeah, 3675,364,i understand, yeah it's yeah just being that's how it is but you know to strangers and most people i just say you know howdy the family everybody's great you know but i think every family has their own sort of stuff 3676,364,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, um no but i thought probably i could've had it before from some other events in my life and i just wasn't sure i've had been to some therapy in the past just from you know uh i was in the military and i was never really sure if that that's exactly what it was but i think i function pretty well but i just wasn't sure that i had been to some therapy and counseling over the years 3677,364,why'd you decide to enlist in the military, i didn't enlist i was an officer i went to one of the service academies 3678,364,how old were you when you joined the military, that um seventeen i started when after high school and i went to a service academy so it's more prestige it just isn't enlisting it's the hard where i went it's the hardest school in america to get into 3679,364,you were very young weren't you, i was but same age as everybody else that went there 3680,364,did you ever see combat, uh we did nineteen eighty three 3681,364,can you tell me about that, um just basically wasn't anything intense it was just we were just around some we were just we weren't allowed to carry ammunition we were just our position were just shelled at the time and poison gas was sprayed on us so 3682,364,wow, that was a it wasn't it wasn't anything too uh too intense it was a lot you know because it the service i was in the training was way more intense than any actual combat situation 3683,364,why, that's because they train you well it's like you practice harder than you play if you're an athlete if you play football you practice harder than you you actually play in the game and the same with uh you know if you're in a combat unit 3684,364,mhm, 3685,364,how did serving in the military change you, well it made me more patriotic having grown up in california whereas people who are from all over the country and i got to meet whereas most of say my friends who grew up in affluent los angeles like i did never really went out and met a lot of americans and people from different backgrounds and i ended up becoming uh just more patriotic and a deeper sense of pride in the country whereas you really don't grow up with that in southern california whereas someone in texas or kentucky or tennessee or georgia north dakota south dakota montana 3686,364,right, grows up with that kind of uh pride so i thought it was good and it unlike so many of my friends that they don't know any there's any life between malibu and manhattan 3687,364,what did you do after the military, uh i went to graduate i was still in the reserves but i went to graduate school and i got two graduate degrees and i went to work in private enterprise uh didn't care for it then i joined the fire department i was a fire fighter and paramedic for a number of years and then after i got divorced it was harder to do the custody situation with my daughter so i went to work in a family business and that's pretty much my career in a nutshell 3688,364,how easy was it for you to go back to civilian life, um at first it was because i had such a bearing in my butt from the way i walked i talked and again i was an officer uh you were very regimented on the way you dressed in your private time it was harder took me awhile to be able to come back to los angeles uh because it was just so uh so different i think i handled it better than most i have a stronger personality so but 3689,364,mm, it was a great experience 3690,364,that's good, 3691,364,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um it all depends if i exercise regularly and i don't eat too late and things are going well in my life i generally sleep pretty well even though i might have to get up and go to the bathroom once during the night um but i generally sleep uh i generally sleep pretty well 3692,364,how have you been feeling lately, i feel pretty good lately you know i've been like anybody else more periods of blue in your life but boy the last few months i feel great pretty much 3693,364,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, no not really i seem i think i seem a little happier more content lately 3694,364,okay, 3695,364,have you been diagnosed with depression, um i've had thought maybe in the past because i do have a family history of it and you know it wasn't anything real too debilitating and i wasn't able to really function on my own but i was concerned with it and sought counseling 3696,364,do you feel like therapy is useful, i do i was really against it in the past and until after i went i mean i wish i went more say during my uh my marriage over the course of uh my life now i think it's very useful however in the past i was one of those i grew up hearing that it was just ridiculous and it was a waste of money etcetera but i think it's a useful tool if you're open to it 3697,364,what got you to seek help, oh just some questions i wanted just an honest opinion outside of friends or strangers from a professional you know about life relationships and sometimes it's good talking things out with a a professional even though i wouldn't see someone like you in real life i prefer someone who's older than i am a little more life experience than someone who's maybe younger 3698,364,i understand, so but yeah i think it's a useful tool and i really did a hundred and eighty degree switch on that 3699,364,do you still go to therapy now, uh i don't go now i'm sorta taking a break from it but i'm not against it if i have some issues i wanna bounce off i do have someone that i go to 3700,364,okay, yeah 3701,364,how has seeing a therapist affected you, i think it's nice you know they really if you go to someone who's good and again i've been to a few different people and sort of therapist shopped they really don't tell you what to think which i think is great you know that's always in the past they just help you talk through your your thoughts and your feelings and let you decide for yourself but bring a little clarity 3702,364,yeah, to the situation that's why i like talking to someone who has a lot more life experience and i generally feel more comfortable talking to a woman about that stuff than say to a man 3703,364,uh huh, so but it's um i think it's a a useful tool i got some good ideas and was able to it's nice balancing some things off totally someone who's unbiased and not in your day to day life instead of talking to a a romantic partner or a close friend who knows you but sometimes bouncing the people off of strangers is good 3704,364,uh huh, 3705,364,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, uh this morning i know this this is weird but i'm clearly someone and i'd say this as a joke to my friends and family and associates i clearly have i'm having an easy day today 'cause i knew we're having nice weather and i have a bunch of errands to run and i clearly have seasonal affective disorder but i woke up so happy today when i know it's gonna be eighty degrees out and when the weather's nice i'm generally a lot more happier than when the weather's [laughter] dark and blue and rainy and cold where i always i know that term so but i'm just well i woke up really happy today because i knew it's gonna be a nice day 3706,364,that's great, and i looked forward to feeling the sun so 3707,364,how would your best friend describe you, uh most of my friends i'm sort of a renaissance man i know a little bit about a lot of subjects i'm too smart for my own good and i'm a i know a a lot a lot of permeable things i'm pretty rational i'm very resourceful people always call me when they have issues and i help talk them through it or i'm resourceful and tell them where to go whether it's where to buy a new computer or buy a new car or you know i'm great with medical diagnoses uh and uh you know people also say i'm a lot of fun 3708,364,mhm, i'm fun to be with and um i also have i don't have a lot of grey areas people will either really like me or don't like me with me things are pretty much black and white i am what i am i don't b_s you know i'm the opposite of a politician so i don't tell people what they want to hear i don't be rude not rude to anybody but i pretty much call things as i see them 3709,364,yeah, so that's pretty much 3710,364,has that gotten you in trouble, no not really 'cause i do everything tactfully 3711,364,okay, i like to think i do 3712,364,is there anything you regret, uh probably just i probably spent more time with my parents before they passed but i was busy uh i probably wish i was able to spend more time with my daughter when she was younger uh but just a lot of it's very typical 3713,364,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, really to think things through a little bit more be a little less impulsive or have pretended to be more impulsive when i was younger than i am now i think that's that's it and i would look at things in the long term instead of looking in things in the short term you know when you make decisions or choices 3714,364,what are you most proud of in your life, um i'm proud of my daughter she's a nice young lady i am uh proud of my public service i've never done a job really for money of my military service and fire service um there are very few people like me who did it who are as had the background in education that i did but i like public service and um so i'm proud of uh that 3715,364,mhm, proud of all the certificates i have hanging on my walls at home and degrees sort of like trophies i'm proud that i've been able to stay in good physical shape over the years and knock wood maintain good health 3716,364,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, 3717,364,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, it was nice meeting you 3718,364,goodbye, 3719,366,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah 3720,366,okay, 3721,366,so how are you doing today, i'm great 3722,366,that's good, and you 3723,366,i'm great thanks, 3724,366,where are you from originally, uh los angeles california 3725,366,really, 3726,366,what are some things you really like about l_a, uh i like the diversity i feel l_a by itself is a country there's so much to do so much to explore and uh there's nothing like it 3727,366,i see what you mean, 3728,366,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, traffic uh i would say traffic and the real estate prices are kinda crazy compared to the rest of the country but other than that then you know it's fine 3729,366,yeah, 3730,366,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i have traveled um i have traveled a bit um i would like to travel more though so but i've traveled to i've been to a few countries 3731,366,like what, um i've been to i won't say europe that's a continent um i've been to uh london um i was born here but my family's from nigeria so i've been to nigeria a few times i've been to denmark um amsterdam i've been to uh where else have i gone uh germany um and i think that's i think that's it yeah think that's it 3732,366,awesome, yeah 3733,366,what do you enjoy about traveling, just exploring uh exploring exploring new places um seeing new things meeting new people a different culture it's definitely um um gives you an appreciation for life and the diversity of it and also um going to countries that may not be 3734,366,mhm, as developed as the u_s it definitely it definitely gives you a greater appreciation of you know this country 3735,366,yeah, yeah 3736,366,i'd love to hear about one of your trips, okay well uh let's see london i accident actually when i first heard about going to london i really didn't care for it 'cause i didn't know much about it the only i thing i remember i remember is watching mary poppins and um 3737,366,(laughter, but um when i went there i absolutely fell in love with it um just it still it has the hustle and bustle of l_a but at the same time you can go at a very very slow pace um we didn't do any driving we just went on the tube um which is their like the underground subway station which i absolutely fell in love with and um just exploring um different parts of the city we went to you know big ben westminster abbey uh they actually had when i went there they had the premiere of um what movie was this um slumdog millionaire 3738,366,wow, and also they had the premiere for um seven seven pounds it was a movie with will smith um they did so will smith was over there and we were you know me and my friends were like kinda like screaming like we were like groupies just you know just just just to you know for antics but um yeah it was it was a lot of fun it was a lot of fun 3739,366,(laughter, 3740,366,that sounds like a great situation, yeah 3741,366,what did you study at school, uh business management and an option in human resources management what that means i have no idea 3742,366,how did you decide to do that, um good question i've always i've always wanted to go into business um and i've always wanted to study finance but i didn't think i would learn too much about finance from college per se i think i've learned more in the real world whatnot so the other option was human resource and i'm always fascinated about you know relationships and people always like reading articles about that stuff so i went for that 3743,366,cool, 3744,366,are you still doing that, no well i still i still kinda use what i've learned but i i work in property management so um it still has to do with people anything to do with people i'm fascinated about so 3745,366,okay, yeah 3746,366,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, that was a good one um my dream job wow i would say being a life coach 3747,366,really, i would uh yeah i would say that would my dream job because i love helping people become successes and i help i love being a part of someone else's success even no regardless of how small it is um whether it be words of encouragement or helping somebody figure out a situation i like um i just help like helping people have a better life so i think uh you know but i do it for free i'd do it for free like all day 3748,366,aw, yeah 3749,366,that's great, yeah 3750,366,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, more outgoing definitely more outgoing i'm usually um the life well it's it's weird 'cause i'm usually considered like the life of the party i'm the one who's cracking jokes and making everybody laugh at the same time i can be very very quiet and to myself so yeah 3751,366,okay, 3752,366,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, right to relax i usually listen to music i usually listen to music to relax me or i pray to to relax myself or listen to some really calm music so yeah 3753,366,how are you at controlling your temper, very good very very good i used to uh i wouldn't say it was a bad temper but i was known to um go off quote on quote not in a not in a you know not throwing chairs or anything like that but i'm a very very patient person but once that patience is gone and for you to do that you have to really really really really push my buttons for a long time and once it's done i i just go off 3754,366,has that gotten you in trouble, no mm mm 3755,366,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, no the last time i argued with someone wow i haven't argued with somebody in a long time um boy mm uh i argued with my no i would say my i think it my dad i argued with him um about xxx what was it about um we were disagreeing on some things about when we were gonna supposed to go back to nigeria and he wasn't listening to it was a kind of like a group discussion myself and my my siblings and he was being very subjective he wasn't being open to other people's suggestions and suggestions and concerns so um it started an argument 3756,366,how did you feel in that moment, uh very uh i wouldn't say angry per se but i felt very kinda like i was losing control like um i'm the type where i i like to be in control of my emotions and of my thoughts and i feel once that patience is gone and i start going off it's kinda like this this uh you know i won't call it a blur but i'm very witty and quick with what i say so i will instantly say something that you know up not necessarily hurtful but um very direct and to the point and i make sure i get my point across 3757,366,uh huh, yeah 3758,366,tell me about your relationship with your family, um i have three brothers one one younger two older i'm very close with my family and my mom is one of my best friends um my brothers are great um love 'em to death uh my father eh he's moreso out of the picture 3759,366,okay, yeah 3760,366,what's something you feel guilty about, hmm i don't i don't really i'm not the guilty type i don't feel guilty i'm not one to shy away from what i've done and i definitely own up to what i do i'm not one to shy away from responsibility but i don't think i ever feel guilty for anything i do yeah i don't think i feel i i usually don't feel guilty 3761,366,okay, yeah 3762,366,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, pretty pretty easy um pretty easy at at yeah i'm pretty good at falling asleep except when i'm excited and when i'm reading when i'm trying to when i'm when i'm focused on learning something like i'll read and read and read even when it's past my bed time but now i'm trying to work on waking up much earlier then when i am now and that's kind of a struggle a little bit of a struggle but i'm getting to it so 3763,366,how have you been feeling lately, good um i've been feeling i've been feeling fine you know i'm generally i have a very very happy disposition and so no uh you know deep depressing moods nothing like that and whenever if i feel do feel like i'm going i don't allow myself to go to that place 3764,366,have you been diagnosed with depression, nah no 3765,366,have you noticed any changes in your behavior or thoughts lately, sorry mm thoughts i would say well it's i wouldn't say necessarily changes but i'd say moreso behaviors learning how to let go of past decisions maybe and kinda how they they played their course in my life um i just sometimes i kinda look back and say what if i did this what would've how would life be now no so the those are some games i play but other than that 3766,366,yeah, that's it 3767,366,is there anything you regret, hmm regret uh no no mm mm there isn't anything i regret 3768,366,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ten to twenty years ago i would say don't be afraid of who you are um be authentic um more importantly with yourself 3769,366,tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory, hmm erase from my memory uh boy that's a good one hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm uh wow erase from my memory uh i would say when i told when i told my dad that he should act like a father 3770,366,can you tell me about that, maybe i shouldn't yeah there was um that was actually one of the times i another time i went off usually with him um uh basically i had decided not to go to a private um not to go away for college um so i went i decided to stay local so i can look after my little brother and um my senior year i was overloading with everything i had maybe like uh four a_p classes i was working at i was working three jobs at the time and i was also in track and field 3771,366,wow, so needless to say i was i i i i was kinda like burning myself i was kinda like burning myself out and um i wasn't doing well in a_p calculus because i decided to go to a j_c first and transfer also to save money for college too and when i told him you know the teacher called saying i was falling asleep in class um just because mind you after school i'd work an eight hour shift 'cause i was a retail manager at the time so um and i'd come home after that shift to do homework mm calculus let alone um so uh um he would get upset and i told him i spoke with my counselor i already told him that i don't need that class to go to the j_c isn't something that i continue with so i'm just gonna i can't drop out at that point in time so i'm just gonna you know you know just just take the d or fail whatever and he didn't he didn't like that 'cause he is a teacher i think maybe that's what maybe where it came from he's a teacher as well um and so he started blaming like my jobs and wanting to call my boss and it was it was just too much and i told him you know since you're my father you should act like it but i was it was a more aggressive way i said it so that was um one thing oh i actually i do i i do remember i do regret one thing um and that is i wish i continued um with college throughout like i i burnt myself out um i was spreading myself too thin there was actually i was actually on track to graduate from college at i wanna say nineteen 'cause i started taking college classes in high school starting sophomore year 3772,366,wow, in high school but i with that that stuff and the stuff with my dad and working i just kinda like stopped going to school for a while and just worked but i went back to finish so but i wish i just would've continued maybe that's one small thing but that's something small though 3773,366,uh huh, yeah 3774,366,what would you say are some of your best qualities, hmm i'm very um i'm a very compassionate and understanding person um i like learning new things um i'm a very very happy person people come to me for advice i'm very objective i'll tell you the good the bad the ugly and um yeah those are some of my best qualities yeah and i'm fun i like to have fun i'll have fun in any situation i can make light of any situation like i'm the kinda type type of person i can break the tension in the room that's sort of that sort of uh um personality trait 3775,366,cool, yeah 3776,366,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, wish i was taller um uh besides my height hmm i wish ah maybe i don't know if it's uh be more i won't say be more in touch with my emotions but i think i would say understanding people's how people feel about me in their shoes 3777,366,mhm, i think that would be one thing because i'm the type of person where people say that they love me or care about me and i'm like okay great thank you i appreciate that but i don't realize how much they do i think that's a realizing how much they care and love me 3778,366,mm, that's one thing i would like to get more of a grasp on 3779,366,yeah, 3780,366,how would your best friend describe you, my best friend uh she describes me as someone who's funny crazy um objective um loyal um ambitious hardworking um mean when i just make jokes she says you're so mean but um 3781,366,why, just i just i i i just like to i joke around all the time and so um we were right now we're actually planning um uh a friend of mine or a friend of ours um a baby shower i'm giving her some ideas and there's another friend who was invited who we had some issues in the past and someone i don't talk to or hang out with we used to be really close but i don't really talk to that person but i don't mind them being there so she also talked about having celebrating her birthday also at kinda like after the baby shower and there is another friend whose birthday was before the baby shower who we really didn't do anything for and i'm like well if we're celebrating this person's birthday might as well we should definitely you know honor this person's birthday as well since we're closer to you know the person xxx birthday's passed 3782,366,yeah, and i said you know what just why don't we celebrate everybody's birthday forget the baby shower just do the birthdays 3783,366,(laughter, and then that's when that's when she said you're so mean but she was laughing about it so yeah 3784,366,that's good, yeah 3785,366,what are you most proud of in your life, uh most proud of in my in my life uh i would say being there for my family being being a a mentally and emotionally strong person family's gone through a lot of challenges and a lotta times i've been the one to make sure everything goes okay and everything make sure everything make sure everything goes accordingly um so i'd say more than anything making sure i was there for my family 3786,366,okay i think i have asked everything i need to, yeah 3787,366,thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, oh okay thank you 3788,366,goodbye, 3789,368,hi i'm ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment i'm not a therapist but i'm here to learn about people and would love to learn about you i'll ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential are you ok with this, yeah i'm okay with it 3790,368,okay, 3791,368,so how are you doing today, um i'm okay i'm okay um i guess 3792,368,that's good, 3793,368,where are you from originally, scrubbed_entry i'm basically an l_a kinda guy 3794,368,cool, cool 3795,368,what are some things you really like about l_a, um you know the weather it's usually pretty sunny and and temperate you know i like the the climate really a lot uh i like the girls here you know um i like uh let's see i don't like the traffic you know but um i like the hispanic population quite a bit you know um and i have a lot of friends here so i guess you know i don't wanna be anywhere else 3796,368,uh huh, 3797,368,what are some things you don't really like about l_a, i mean like i said the traffic you know i was on the four o five you know that's always kinda you know crummy the cost of living that's really you know terrible about l_a it's always expensive and um you know i really don't like i really don't like you know the the like it just seems like um l_a's one of those places where like you're you know you either have like a a you know a ton of money and fame and fortune or like you know you're down in the you know the ghettos you know 3798,368,yeah, 3799,368,i'm sure you can tell by my shoes i'm not much of a world explorer do you travel a lot, i have i've been to a couple places um uh you know but very brief you know mostly it was for school um i went to arizona and new york and montana lot of the anthropology like you know and archaeology field trips and things like that 3800,368,mhm, um nothing i'm doing in right now 3801,368,what do you enjoy about traveling, uh i like getting away from um the city you know i was in yosemite last year you know in the summer for vacation that was kinda nice you know yosemite was really um really neat to see but uh just basically getting away from the city i guess you know getting away from the job getting away from um the stress here 3802,368,yeah, 3803,368,what did you study at school, uh i actually studied political science and i also studied economics um i'm a big kind of a political you know junkie you know to begin with so i naturally kinda fell in line with that kinda field of study 3804,368,are you still working in that, i was i was but i lost my job and you know that's kind of a bummer you know um i lost it's uh geez it's already been maybe a year and a half by now maybe two years and um you know the economy uh got bad and the budget cuts got bad and you know um i wish i was working there again uh 3805,368,yeah, 3806,368,it can be tough to find a good job these days, 3807,368,i love my job you could almost say it's virtually made for me what's your dream job, well i um wanted to be a lawyer at one time i wanted to be a lawyer and i um and that's why i took political science and i took a double major in economics and uh the sad thing is the sad thing i i regret is i eh you know to get into law school you have to take this entrance exam called the lsats and i studied for it like really hardcore you know for about a year and i took the xxx test and like a idiot um i didn't feel right about the that day it was kind of an off day and you know it was like you know the big game at the superbowl you you know i just um i don't i don't feel like i did well and i canceled the test and so um you know i kinda regret that you know 3808,368,that sucks, tell me about it 3809,368,do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing, um i'm not really shy at all i'm definitely not shy um but outgoing i mean not one of these people i'm not flamboyent you know um i i'll talk to people i don't mind talking to people i don't mind um meeting meeting people that's fine with me but it's not like i'm you know dying to to dying to meet anybody you know 3810,368,yeah, 3811,368,i see what you mean, 3812,368,sometimes when i'm feeling tense i turn on the fish tank screensaver hey i know it's not hawaii but it's the best i've got what do you do to relax, i guess um these days uh you know i play guitar you know i taught myself how to play guitar um 3813,368,nice, uh yeah thank you thank you i you know i i should've i should actually be doing more of it but i also like to exercise um uh i'm on a diet right now but my diet's been terrible time the eating habits have been terrible but the exercise part is just great i love to exercise i love to run that's one of my best things to do for stress is like run and like work out um i just wish that my eating habits were were in line uh or a little bit better you know 3814,368,okay, 3815,368,how are you at controlling your temper, um my temper could be you know definitely improved uh a lot you know um you know a lotta times i i feel i'm one of these introvert types persons when it comes to like you know i don't mind being extrovert or like meeting people and like having a good time whatever when uh when i'm mad i really don't wanna be you know talking to people i don't like to yell i don't like to scream i don't like to hit i don't like to fight i kinda close down a lot i don't i just wanna be left alone sometimes i tend to drag it on for longer than it should be you know uh the wife doesn't like it too much and maybe i you know i just don't i just don't wanna talk about it i just don't wanna deal with it i kinda close down and shut you know shut off for a little bit 3816,368,mhm, 3817,368,when was the last time you argued with someone and what was it about, geez um you know it doesn't happen too often maybe with my wife you know we were probably something silly who knows who knows 3818,368,what's something you feel guilty about, um the thing i i mean i don't have a lotta guilt i don't do anything like to make me ever feel like you know that bad of a person you know um there are things that like you know um i call minor sins you know i get white lies or whatever you know but like nothing like so atrocious that makes me feel like guilty 3819,368,can you give me an example of that, um let's see i guess sometimes you know um you know i i'm a married guy but i you know sometimes there are times you know i like to you know smile at a girl or like you know get a girl's attention you know i don't know i never go i never do anything about it i never get their phone number or like you know but sometimes i like to like talk to people i guess you know 3820,368,mhm, 3821,368,tell me about a situation that you wish you had handled differently, well that's a good question i guess i guess you know see i always handle it the same there's not i don't ever wish to ever to ever change i i never wanna like handle things differently i always kinda i'm pretty comfortable the way i handle things and you know i think that um i could be a lot worse and like you know shouting and screaming and hitting and this and that and that's just not me um you know i think the best thing to do you know is kinda like get a lot of breathing room a lotta space and um i don't wish for that to change or to handle any of that differently i just don't basically know what else to do you know um and you know the last thing i wanna do is start talking about you know feelings or any of this you know that's the last thing i wanna do and so like i don't wish that i handle things like that differently in that way 3822,368,uh huh, 3823,368,tell me about your relationship with your family, well um you know i'm pretty happy with my family right now um you know if i'm married and we have a baby along the way which is kinda nice um we have some cats thank you thank you we have cats and a dog a weenie dog and um my mom i i love my mom dearly 3824,368,aw, um uh she has diabetes which you know she doesn't control you know she doesn't control it and like it like uh it affects her health and it always has me worried about her and like stressing out about her and and she could do so much to like prevent it and she doesn't and um you know i have a good relationship with my mom i i love her dear dearly and i actually have a good relationship with everybody i think i think i have a ton ton of of family and friends um that get along with me pretty well actually you know 3825,368,that's so good to hear, yeah 3826,368,how easy is it for you to get a good night's sleep, um there are times well i mean it's pretty easy for me to go to sleep actually i i feel like you know i sleep like a baby um the only problem i have i think is i feel like um you know sometimes like you fall asleep and you have you you're just going to sleep and you kinda like jolt you know like you almost kinda like fall eh it's like a falling sensation or something like that and it doesn't happen eh that often but it happens and um but for the most time part um no i sleep like a rock i sleep really good 3827,368,that's good, 3828,368,how have you been feeling lately, well right now generally i've been feeling um worried and and anxious and um you know uh and tense and the reason why is 'cause i said my mom um right well at least today well i found out my mom something she didn't tell me the whole story and i'm kinda waiting 'til this is over so we can i can find out what's wrong with her but um you know i'm worried about her she's in the hospital she's in the doctors right now so that doesn't tell me anything good and um you know um trying to find a job so that has me worried too and you know the baby along the way so that has me worried so i feel like you know overwhelmed with a just a lotta like you know things to do and like and um a lot on my a lot on my plate and like a lot of it doesn't have anything to do with me but i have to handle it like you know so like i guess 3829,368,yeah, 3830,368,how do you cope with them, well um i keep myself distracted i keep myself busy i i feel like a busybody you know and the more um which kinda seems you know seems like it's not a good thing because i feel like i'm just adding more things on my plate so um you know like one of the things i do is like exercise and so i have to work out every day you know but that takes an hour that takes an hour to like you know change change and you just start running and like go through the whole thing of stretching and and cooling down that takes it takes some time and then like to shower all that kinda stuff takes takes time so but i have to do it daily so i cope with it in that way i also cope with it too you know playing guitar but that just more of a distraction you know what i mean keeping you know keeping busy that way it just seems like it's not 3831,368,right, you know um working towards you know the goals you know that i need to do like you know finding finding a job which i should be doing but then um you know it's one of those things where like i find like there's no good jobs i've been looking and looking and like sometimes when i do it it it's just not what i wanna do it just doesn't seem like like i wanna like uh do any of these like terrible jobs 3832,368,mhm, 3833,368,that sounds really hard, i xxx it's you know it's it's probably harder than i'm thinking about it because sometimes i i i feel like um you know one of these things is like uh i feel like um it is hard but it's not i mean there are ways i can cope with it you know i just gotta kinda i kind of accepted it a lot you know i kinda internalized it and like uh you know it's not something that's like i'm not out on the streets or anything like that but uh you know it is a worry 3834,368,yeah, 3835,368,have you ever been diagnosed with p_t_s_d, i've never been diagnosed with p_t_s_d i used to work with 3836,368,have you been diagnosed with depression, no no 3837,368,tell me about the last time you felt really happy, man uh ten years ago i don't know uh let's see the last time i was really happy maybe i mean nothing i feel like nothing makes me happy no more you know um i learned a new song on the guitar feel i i feel like not even happy about that you know i feel like um you know i work sometimes and that kinda makes me happy you know running like you know fast and working out but that doesn't make me so excited or anything like that it just makes me feel good you know so i i have these these these times where i'm just you know feeling good about myself and i'm feeling you know but i'm never feeling great i'm never feeling happy i'm never feeling like so sensationalized like you know and and and uh you know incredible that you know um it just eh you know there's these there's these mild times where there's a a few good times you know and a few bad times but the good times are no never never never extremes you know never really good times and never really you know atrocious bad times you know 3838,368,uh huh, 3839,368,what are some things you wish you could change about yourself, well i wish this diet would work out a little bit better you know but that's kinda hard you know 'cause i'm the kinda guy who just likes who just likes you know um you know rice and and like uh mexican food and like you know um and to snack and uh i don't know um i just feel like that could i could change i wish i could change my eating habits that way i can like you know 'cause i work out so much i feel like i do so much running and so much activity that like um you know that if i got my you know diet in check um you know that that would um go a long way um i wish i also can change you know um my my my uh i guess my my desire to like you know get ahead like right now i feel just so um like the economy's so bad and like things are so um rough that you know it's like pointless to even like you know look for these kinda jobs so like it just seems like i just wish i had a little bit more inspiration a lot more motivation to like to um do things 3840,368,yeah, 3841,368,i see what you mean, 3842,368,is there anything you regret, the one thing i regret is is not is not um you know is this this lsat thing you know um you know not uh uh canceling the test to begin with 'cause i'm sure i could've got into a a school but then again like you know it has me thinking like do i really wanna pay a bunch of like you know law school tuition and the cost of that and like you know just to um just to be piled on with more work and things like that eh 3843,368,right, i don't know it just doesn't seem like like uh i mean there is a this idea of justice and and um and republicanism and you know things that i really you know adhere to that um i fall in love with and that i don't wanna get away from but it just seems like it's a like it's a ton of work and money and just to like um it for the smalls percentage of success that that you know you might not be really doing that kinda field you might you know i might it just doesn't seem like like um it's worth overcoming the obstacles i need to overcome 3844,368,yeah, 3845,368,what advice would you give to yourself ten or twenty years ago, ugh i have no idea i would i would twenty years ago i would tell myself maybe um you know i think i've done everything really well for myself except for the the lsat thing you know which i i you know regret on one hand on the other hand you know i i'm not sure if i regret 'cause like eh about the bills and all that kinda stuff i told you about and you know i think uh you know i i've waited to get married i waited to have a kid i've i've you know pretty cautious about the decisions you know i don't take drugs i don't drink i don't fight i don't do any of these like things that like you know that i think that real people have you know um and then they they really like you know ruin their life you know so like 3846,368,yeah, i'm pretty happy and content with being you know the cautious you know uh i don't know 3847,368,okay, 3848,368,how would your best friend describe you, oh my best friend i think he he kinda like