from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, HTTPException, WebSocketDisconnect from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse, JSONResponse from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi import Request import markdown2 import logging from config import config, Args from connection_manager import ConnectionManager, ServerFullException import uuid import time from types import SimpleNamespace from util import pil_to_frame, bytes_to_pil, is_firefox, get_pipeline_class from device import device, torch_dtype import asyncio import os import time import torch THROTTLE = 1.0 / 120 class App: def __init__(self, config: Args, pipeline): self.args = config self.pipeline = pipeline = FastAPI() self.conn_manager = ConnectionManager() self.init_app() def init_app(self): CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], )"/api/ws/{user_id}") async def websocket_endpoint(user_id: uuid.UUID, websocket: WebSocket): try: await self.conn_manager.connect( user_id, websocket, self.args.max_queue_size ) await handle_websocket_data(user_id) except ServerFullException as e: logging.error(f"Server Full: {e}") finally: await self.conn_manager.disconnect(user_id)"User disconnected: {user_id}") async def handle_websocket_data(user_id: uuid.UUID): if not self.conn_manager.check_user(user_id): return HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found") last_time = time.time() try: while True: if ( self.args.timeout > 0 and time.time() - last_time > self.args.timeout ): await self.conn_manager.send_json( user_id, { "status": "timeout", "message": "Your session has ended", }, ) await self.conn_manager.disconnect(user_id) return data = await self.conn_manager.receive_json(user_id) if data["status"] == "next_frame": info = pipeline.Info() params = await self.conn_manager.receive_json(user_id) params = pipeline.InputParams(**params) params = SimpleNamespace(**params.dict()) if info.input_mode == "image": image_data = await self.conn_manager.receive_bytes(user_id) if len(image_data) == 0: await self.conn_manager.send_json( user_id, {"status": "send_frame"} ) continue params.image = bytes_to_pil(image_data) await self.conn_manager.update_data(user_id, params) await self.conn_manager.send_json(user_id, {"status": "wait"}) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Websocket Error: {e}, {user_id} ") await self.conn_manager.disconnect(user_id)"/api/queue") async def get_queue_size(): queue_size = self.conn_manager.get_user_count() return JSONResponse({"queue_size": queue_size})"/api/stream/{user_id}") async def stream(user_id: uuid.UUID, request: Request): try: async def generate(): last_params = SimpleNamespace() while True: last_time = time.time() await self.conn_manager.send_json( user_id, {"status": "send_frame"} ) params = await self.conn_manager.get_latest_data(user_id) if params.__dict__ == last_params.__dict__ or params is None: await asyncio.sleep(THROTTLE) continue last_params = params image = pipeline.predict(params) if image is None: continue frame = pil_to_frame(image) yield frame # if not is_firefox(request.headers["user-agent"]): yield frame if self.args.debug: print(f"Time taken: {time.time() - last_time}") return StreamingResponse( generate(), media_type="multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=frame", headers={"Cache-Control": "no-cache"}, ) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Streaming Error: {e}, {user_id} ") return HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found") # route to setup frontend"/api/settings") async def settings(): info_schema = pipeline.Info.schema() info = pipeline.Info() if info.page_content: page_content = markdown2.markdown(info.page_content) input_params = pipeline.InputParams.schema() return JSONResponse( { "info": info_schema, "input_params": input_params, "max_queue_size": self.args.max_queue_size, "page_content": page_content if info.page_content else "", } ) if not os.path.exists("public"): os.makedirs("public")"/", StaticFiles(directory="public", html=True), name="public") pipeline_class = get_pipeline_class(config.pipeline) pipeline = pipeline_class(config, device, torch_dtype) app = App(config, pipeline).app if __name__ == "__main__": import uvicorn "main:app",, port=config.port, reload=config.reload, ssl_certfile=config.ssl_certfile, ssl_keyfile=config.ssl_keyfile, )