from __future__ import print_function import sys import cv2 import argparse import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn import torch.optim as optim import torch.nn.functional as F cudnn.benchmark = False class Expansion(): def __init__(self, loadmodel = 'pretrained_models/optical_expansion/robust.pth', testres = 1, maxdisp = 256, fac = 1): maxw,maxh = [int(testres*1280), int(testres*384)] max_h = int(maxh // 64 * 64) max_w = int(maxw // 64 * 64) if max_h < maxh: max_h += 64 if max_w < maxw: max_w += 64 maxh = max_h maxw = max_w mean_L = [[0.33,0.33,0.33]] mean_R = [[0.33,0.33,0.33]] # construct model, VCN-expansion from expansion.models.VCN_exp import VCN model = VCN([1, maxw, maxh], md=[int(4*(maxdisp/256)),4,4,4,4], fac=fac, exp_unc=('robust' in loadmodel)) # expansion uncertainty only in the new model model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=[0]) model.cuda() if loadmodel is not None: pretrained_dict = torch.load(loadmodel) mean_L=pretrained_dict['mean_L'] mean_R=pretrained_dict['mean_R'] pretrained_dict['state_dict'] = {k:v for k,v in pretrained_dict['state_dict'].items()} model.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict['state_dict'],strict=False) else: print('dry run') model.eval() # resize maxh = 256 maxw = 256 max_h = int(maxh // 64 * 64) max_w = int(maxw // 64 * 64) if max_h < maxh: max_h += 64 if max_w < maxw: max_w += 64 # modify module according to inputs from expansion.models.VCN_exp import WarpModule, flow_reg for i in range(len(model.module.reg_modules)): model.module.reg_modules[i] = flow_reg([1,max_w//(2**(6-i)), max_h//(2**(6-i))], ent=getattr(model.module, 'flow_reg%d'%2**(6-i)).ent,\ maxdisp=getattr(model.module, 'flow_reg%d'%2**(6-i)).md,\ fac=getattr(model.module, 'flow_reg%d'%2**(6-i)).fac).cuda() for i in range(len(model.module.warp_modules)): model.module.warp_modules[i] = WarpModule([1,max_w//(2**(6-i)), max_h//(2**(6-i))]).cuda() mean_L = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(mean_L).astype(np.float32).mean(0)[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]).cuda() mean_R = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(mean_R).astype(np.float32).mean(0)[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]).cuda() self.max_h = max_h self.max_w = max_w self.model = model self.mean_L = mean_L self.mean_R = mean_R def run(self, imgL_o, imgR_o): model = self.model mean_L = self.mean_L mean_R = self.mean_R imgL_o[imgL_o<-1] = -1 imgL_o[imgL_o>1] = 1 imgR_o[imgR_o<-1] = -1 imgR_o[imgR_o>1] = 1 imgL = (imgL_o+1.)*0.5-mean_L imgR = (imgR_o*1.)*0.5-mean_R with torch.no_grad(): imgLR =[imgL,imgR],0) model.eval() torch.cuda.synchronize() rts = model(imgLR) torch.cuda.synchronize() flow, occ, logmid, logexp = rts torch.cuda.empty_cache() return flow, logexp