import os import chess import chess.pgn # credit code def get_legal_moves(board): """Returns a list of legal moves in UCI notation.""" return list(map(board.san, board.legal_moves)) def init_game() -> tuple[chess.pgn.Game, chess.Board]: """Initializes a new game.""" board = chess.Board() game = chess.pgn.Game() game.headers["White"] = "User" game.headers["Black"] = "Chess-engine" del game.headers["Event"] del game.headers["Date"] del game.headers["Site"] del game.headers["Round"] del game.headers["Result"] game.setup(board) return game, board def generate_prompt(game: chess.pgn.Game, board: chess.Board) -> str: moves = get_legal_moves(board) moves_str = ",".join(moves) return f""" The task is play a Chess game: You are the Chess-engine playing a chess match against the user as black and trying to win. The current FEN notation is: {board.fen()} The next valid moves are: {moves_str} Continue the game. {str(game)[:-2]}""" def get_move(content, moves): lines = content.splitlines() for line in lines: for lm in moves: if lm in line: return lm class ChessGame: def __init__(self, docschatllm): self.docschatllm = docschatllm def start_game(self):, self.board = init_game() self.game_cp, _ = init_game() self.node = self.node_copy = self.game_cp svg_board = chess.svg.board(self.board, size=350) return svg_board, "Valid moves: "+",".join(get_legal_moves(self.board)) # display(self.board) def user_move(self, move_input): try: self.board.push_san(move_input) except ValueError: print("Invalid move") svg_board = chess.svg.board(self.board, size=350) return svg_board, "Valid moves: "+",".join(get_legal_moves(self.board)), 'Invalid move' self.node = self.node.add_variation(self.board.move_stack[-1]) self.node_copy = self.node_copy.add_variation(self.board.move_stack[-1]) if self.board.is_game_over(): svg_board = chess.svg.board(self.board, size=350) return svg_board, ",".join(get_legal_moves(self.board)), 'GAME OVER' prompt = generate_prompt(, self.board) print("Prompt: \n"+prompt) print("#############") for i in range(10): #tries if i == 9: svg_board = chess.svg.board(self.board, size=350) return svg_board, ",".join(get_legal_moves(self.board)), "The model can't do a valid move. Restart the game" try: """Returns the move from the prompt.""" content = self.docschatllm.llm.predict(prompt) ### from selected model ### #print(moves) print("Response: \n"+content) print("#############") moves = get_legal_moves(self.board) move = get_move(content, moves) print(move) print("#############") self.board.push_san(move) break except: prompt = prompt[1:] print("attempt a move.") self.node = self.node.add_variation(self.board.move_stack[-1]) self.node_copy = self.node_copy.add_variation(self.board.move_stack[-1]) svg_board = chess.svg.board(self.board, size=350) return svg_board, "Valid moves: "+",".join(get_legal_moves(self.board)), ''