from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv from textwrap import dedent load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) from agents import CryptoAnalysisAgents from tasks import CryptoAnalysisTasks from crewai import Crew class CryptoCrew: def __init__(self, coin): self.coin = coin def run(self): agents = CryptoAnalysisAgents() tasks = CryptoAnalysisTasks() crypto_analyst = agents.crypto_analyst() content_writer = agents.content_writer() research_task = tasks.research(crypto_analyst, self.coin) recommend_task = tasks.recommend(content_writer, self.coin) crew = Crew( agents=[ crypto_analyst, content_writer, ], tasks=[ research_task, recommend_task, ], verbose=True ) result = crew.kickoff() return result # if __name__ == "__main__": # print("## Welcome to Crypto Analysis Crew") # print('-------------------------------') # company = input( # dedent(""" # Which cryptocurrency are you looking to delve into? # """)) # crypto_crew = CryptoCrew(company) # result = # print("\n\n########################") # print("## Here is the Report") # print("########################\n") # print(result)