/** * src/App.jsx * * created by Lynchee on 7/14/23 */ import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import './App.css'; // Components import Header from './components/Header'; import Footer from './components/Footer'; import MobileWarning from './components/MobileWarning'; import MediaDevices from './components/MediaDevices'; import TextView from './components/TextView'; import CallView from './components/CallView'; import Button from './components/Common/Button'; import { Characters, createCharacterGroups } from './components/Characters'; import { sendTokenToServer, signInWithGoogle } from './components/Auth/SignIn'; import Models from './components/Models'; // Custom hooks import useWebsocket from './hooks/useWebsocket'; import useMediaRecorder from './hooks/useMediaRecorder'; import useSpeechRecognition from './hooks/useSpeechRecognition'; // utils import auth from './utils/firebase'; const App = () => { const isMobile = window.innerWidth <= 768; const [headerText, setHeaderText] = useState(""); const [selectedDevice, setSelectedDevice] = useState(""); const [characterConfirmed, setCharacterConfirmed] = useState(false); const [isCallView, setIsCallView] = useState(false); const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false); const [selectedCharacter, setSelectedCharacter] = useState(null); const [characterGroups, setCharacterGroups] = useState([]); const [textAreaValue, setTextAreaValue] = useState(''); const [messageInput, setMessageInput] = useState(''); const [selectedModel, setSelectedModel] = useState("gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"); const [user, setUser] = useState(null); const [token, setToken] = useState(""); const onresultTimeout = useRef(null); const onspeechTimeout = useRef(null); const audioPlayer = useRef(null); const callActive = useRef(false); const audioSent = useRef(false); const shouldPlayAudio = useRef(false); const finalTranscripts = useRef([]); const audioQueue = useRef([]); const chunks = useRef([]); const confidence = useRef(0); const isConnected = useRef(false); const isLoggedIn = useRef(false); useEffect(() => { auth.onAuthStateChanged(async user => { setUser(user); if (user) { isLoggedIn.current = true; let curToken = auth.currentUser.getIdToken() setToken(curToken); } else { isLoggedIn.current = false; } }) }, []) // Helper functions const handleSocketOnOpen = (event) => { console.log("successfully connected"); isConnected.current = true; connectMicrophone(selectedDevice); initializeSpeechRecognition(); send("web"); // select web as the platform setHeaderText("Select a character"); } const handleSocketOnMessage = (event) => { if (typeof event.data === 'string') { const message = event.data; if (message === '[end]\n') { setTextAreaValue(prevState => prevState + "\n\n"); } else if (message.startsWith('[+]')) { // [+] indicates the transcription is done. stop playing audio setTextAreaValue(prevState => prevState + `\nYou> ${message}\n`); stopAudioPlayback(); } else if (message.startsWith('[=]')) { // [=] indicates the response is done setTextAreaValue(prevState => prevState + "\n\n"); } else if (message.startsWith('Select')) { setCharacterGroups(createCharacterGroups(message)); } else { setTextAreaValue(prevState => prevState + `${event.data}`); // if user interrupts the previous response, should be able to play audios of new response shouldPlayAudio.current = true; } } else { // binary data if (!shouldPlayAudio.current) { console.log("should not play audio"); return; } audioQueue.current.push(event.data); if (audioQueue.current.length === 1) { setIsPlaying(true); // this will trigger playAudios in CallView. } } } const handleRecorderOnDataAvailable = (event) => { chunks.current.push(event.data); } const handleRecorderOnStop = () => { let blob = new Blob(chunks.current, {'type' : 'audio/webm'}); chunks.current = []; // TODO: debug download video if (isConnected.current) { if (!audioSent.current && callActive.current) { send(blob); } audioSent.current = false; if (callActive.current) { startRecording(); } } } const handleRecognitionOnResult = (event) => { // Clear the timeout if a result is received clearTimeout(onresultTimeout.current); clearTimeout(onspeechTimeout.current); stopAudioPlayback(); const result = event.results[event.results.length - 1]; const transcriptObj = result[0]; const transcript = transcriptObj.transcript; const ifFinal = result.isFinal; if (ifFinal) { console.log(`final transcript: {${transcript}}`); finalTranscripts.current.push(transcript); confidence.current = transcriptObj.confidence; send(`[&]${transcript}`); } else { console.log(`interim transcript: {${transcript}}`); } // Set a new timeout onresultTimeout.current = setTimeout(() => { if (ifFinal) { return; } // If the timeout is reached, send the interim transcript console.log(`TIMEOUT: interim transcript: {${transcript}}`); send(`[&]${transcript}`); }, 500); // 500 ms onspeechTimeout.current = setTimeout(() => { stopListening(); }, 2000); // 2 seconds }; const handleRecognitionOnSpeechEnd = () => { if (isConnected.current) { audioSent.current = true; stopRecording(); if (confidence.current > 0.8 && finalTranscripts.current.length > 0) { let message = finalTranscripts.current.join(' '); send(message); setTextAreaValue(prevState => prevState + `\nYou> ${message}\n`); shouldPlayAudio.current = true; } } finalTranscripts.current = []; }; const stopAudioPlayback = () => { if (audioPlayer.current) { audioPlayer.current.pause(); shouldPlayAudio.current = false; } audioQueue.current = []; setIsPlaying(false); } // Use custom hooks const { socketRef, send, connectSocket, closeSocket } = useWebsocket(token, handleSocketOnOpen,handleSocketOnMessage, selectedModel); const { isRecording, connectMicrophone, startRecording, stopRecording, closeMediaRecorder } = useMediaRecorder(handleRecorderOnDataAvailable, handleRecorderOnStop); const { startListening, stopListening, closeRecognition, initializeSpeechRecognition } = useSpeechRecognition(handleRecognitionOnResult, handleRecognitionOnSpeechEnd, callActive); // Handle Button Clicks const handleConnectButtonClick = async () => { try { // requires login if user wants to use gpt4 or claude. if (selectedModel !== 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k') { if (isLoggedIn.current) { await sendTokenToServer(token); connectSocket(); } else { signInWithGoogle(isLoggedIn, setToken).then(() => { if(isLoggedIn.current) { connectSocket(); } }); } } else { connectSocket(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error during sign in or connect:', error); } } const handleTalkClick = () => { if (isConnected.current && selectedCharacter) { // tell server which character the user selects send(selectedCharacter); setCharacterConfirmed(true); // display callview setIsCallView(true); setHeaderText("Hi, my friend, what brings you here today?"); // start media recorder and speech recognition startRecording(); startListening(); shouldPlayAudio.current = true; callActive.current = true; } } const handleTextClick = () => { if (isConnected.current && selectedCharacter) { // tell server which character the user selects send(selectedCharacter); setCharacterConfirmed(true); // display textview setIsCallView(false); setHeaderText(""); shouldPlayAudio.current = true; } } const handleStopCall = () => { stopRecording(); stopListening(); stopAudioPlayback(); callActive.current = false; } const handleContinueCall = () => { startRecording(); startListening(); callActive.current = true; } const handleDisconnect = () => { if (socketRef && socketRef.current) { // stop media recorder, speech recognition and audio playing stopAudioPlayback(); closeMediaRecorder(); closeRecognition(); callActive.current = false; shouldPlayAudio.current = false; audioSent.current = false; confidence.current = 0; chunks.current = [] // reset everything to initial states setSelectedCharacter(null); setCharacterConfirmed(false); setIsCallView(false); setHeaderText(""); setTextAreaValue(""); setSelectedModel("gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"); // close web socket connection closeSocket(); isConnected.current = false; } } return (
{ isMobile ? ( ) : (

Please wear headphone 🎧 { isConnected.current && characterConfirmed && isRecording ? (Recording) : null }

{ !isConnected.current ? : null } { !isConnected.current ? : null }


{ !isConnected.current ?
) : null } {/* we render both views but only display one. */}