import requests import json import base64 class BhashiniClient: """ A client for interacting with Bhashini's ASR, NMT, and TTS services. Methods: list_available_languages(task_type): Lists available languages for a given task. get_supported_voices(source_language): Gets supported genders for TTS in a language. asr(audio_content, source_language, audio_format='wav', sampling_rate=16000): Performs ASR. translate(text, source_language, target_language): Translates text from source to target language. tts(text, source_language, gender='female', sampling_rate=8000): Performs TTS. """ PIPELINE_CONFIG_ENDPOINT = "" INFERENCE_ENDPOINT = "" PIPELINE_ID = "64392f96daac500b55c543cd" def __init__(self, user_id, api_key, pipeline_id = PIPELINE_ID): """ Initializes the BhashiniClient with user credentials and pipeline ID. Args: user_id (str): Your user ID. api_key (str): Your ULCA API key. pipeline_id (str): The pipeline ID. Raises: Exception: If the pipeline configuration retrieval fails. """ self.user_id = user_id self.api_key = api_key self.pipeline_id = pipeline_id self.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "userID": self.user_id, "ulcaApiKey": self.api_key } self.config = self._get_pipeline_config() self.pipeline_data = self._parse_pipeline_config(self.config) self.inference_api_key = self.pipeline_data['inferenceApiKey'] def _get_pipeline_config(self): """ Retrieves the pipeline configuration. Returns: dict: The pipeline configuration. Raises: Exception: If the request fails. """ payload = { "pipelineTasks": [ {"taskType": "asr"}, {"taskType": "translation"}, {"taskType": "tts"} ], "pipelineRequestConfig": { "pipelineId": self.pipeline_id } } response = self.PIPELINE_CONFIG_ENDPOINT, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(payload) ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() def _parse_pipeline_config(self, config): """ Parses the pipeline configuration and extracts necessary information. Args: config (dict): The pipeline configuration. Returns: dict: Parsed pipeline data. """ inference_api_key = config['pipelineInferenceAPIEndPoint']['inferenceApiKey']['value'] callback_url = config['pipelineInferenceAPIEndPoint']['callbackUrl'] pipeline_data = { 'asr': {}, 'tts': {}, 'translation': {}, 'inferenceApiKey': inference_api_key, 'callbackUrl': callback_url } for pipeline in config['pipelineResponseConfig']: task_type = pipeline['taskType'] if task_type in ['asr', 'translation', 'tts']: for language_config in pipeline['config']: source_language = language_config['language']['sourceLanguage'] if task_type != 'translation': if source_language not in pipeline_data[task_type]: pipeline_data[task_type][source_language] = [] language_info = { 'serviceId': language_config['serviceId'], 'sourceScriptCode': language_config['language'].get('sourceScriptCode') } if task_type == 'tts': language_info['supportedVoices'] = language_config.get('supportedVoices', []) pipeline_data[task_type][source_language].append(language_info) else: target_language = language_config['language']['targetLanguage'] if source_language not in pipeline_data[task_type]: pipeline_data[task_type][source_language] = {} if target_language not in pipeline_data[task_type][source_language]: pipeline_data[task_type][source_language][target_language] = [] language_info = { 'serviceId': language_config['serviceId'], 'sourceScriptCode': language_config['language'].get('sourceScriptCode'), 'targetScriptCode': language_config['language'].get('targetScriptCode') } pipeline_data[task_type][source_language][target_language].append(language_info) return pipeline_data def list_available_languages(self, task_type): """ Lists the available languages for the specified task. Args: task_type (str): The task type ('asr', 'translation', or 'tts'). Returns: list or dict: A list of available languages, or a dictionary for translation. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid task type is provided. Usage Example: client = BhashiniClient(user_id, api_key, pipeline_id) asr_languages = client.list_available_languages('asr') print("Available ASR Languages:", asr_languages) translation_languages = client.list_available_languages('translation') print("Available Translation Languages:", translation_languages) """ if task_type not in ['asr', 'translation', 'tts']: raise ValueError("Invalid task type. Choose from 'asr', 'translation', or 'tts'.") if task_type == 'translation': languages = {} for src_lang in self.pipeline_data['translation']: languages[src_lang] = list(self.pipeline_data['translation'][src_lang].keys()) return languages else: return list(self.pipeline_data[task_type].keys()) def get_supported_voices(self, source_language): """ Returns the supported genders for TTS in the specified language. Args: source_language (str): The language code (e.g., 'hi' for Hindi). Returns: list: A list of supported genders (e.g., ['male', 'female']). Raises: ValueError: If TTS is not supported for the language. Usage Example: client = BhashiniClient(user_id, api_key, pipeline_id) voices = client.get_supported_voices('hi') print("Supported voices for Hindi TTS:", voices) """ if source_language not in self.pipeline_data['tts']: available_languages = ', '.join(self.list_available_languages('tts')) raise ValueError( f"TTS not supported for language '{source_language}'. " f"Available languages: {available_languages}" ) service_info = self.pipeline_data['tts'][source_language][0] supported_voices = service_info.get('supportedVoices', []) return supported_voices def asr(self, audio_content, source_language, audio_format='wav', sampling_rate=16000): """ Performs Automatic Speech Recognition on the provided audio content. Args: audio_content (bytes): The audio content in bytes. source_language (str): The language code of the audio (e.g., 'hi' for Hindi). audio_format (str): supported formats of audio content: ('wav', 'mp3', 'flac', 'ogg'.) sampling_rate (int): The sampling rate of the audio in Hz. Returns: dict: The ASR response from the API. Raises: ValueError: If the language is not supported. Exception: If the API request fails. Usage Example: client = BhashiniClient(user_id, api_key, pipeline_id) with open('audio.wav', 'rb') as f: audio_content = asr_result = client.asr(audio_content, source_language='hi', audio_format='wav') print("ASR Result:", asr_result) """ if source_language not in self.pipeline_data['asr']: available_languages = ', '.join(self.list_available_languages('asr')) raise ValueError( f"ASR not supported for language '{source_language}'. " f"Available languages: {available_languages}" ) service_info = self.pipeline_data['asr'][source_language][0] service_id = service_info['serviceId'] payload = { "pipelineTasks": [ { "taskType": "asr", "config": { "language": { "sourceLanguage": source_language }, "serviceId": service_id, "audioFormat": audio_format, "samplingRate": sampling_rate } } ], "inputData": { "audio": [ { "audioContent": base64.b64encode(audio_content).decode('utf-8') } ] } } headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Authorization': self.inference_api_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = self.INFERENCE_ENDPOINT, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload) ) self._handle_response_errors(response) return response.json() def translate(self, text, source_language, target_language): """ Translates the provided text from the source language to the target language. Args: text (str): The text to translate. source_language (str): The source language code. target_language (str): The target language code. Returns: dict: The translation response from the API. Raises: ValueError: If the language pair is not supported. Exception: If the API request fails. Usage Example: client = BhashiniClient(user_id, api_key, pipeline_id) translation_result = client.translate( 'मेरा नाम विहिर है।', source_language='hi', target_language='gu' ) print("Translation Result:", translation_result) """ if source_language not in self.pipeline_data['translation']: available_languages = ', '.join(self.list_available_languages('translation').keys()) raise ValueError( f"Translation not supported from language '{source_language}'. " f"Available source languages: {available_languages}" ) if target_language not in self.pipeline_data['translation'][source_language]: available_targets = ', '.join(self.pipeline_data['translation'][source_language].keys()) raise ValueError( f"Translation from '{source_language}' to '{target_language}' not supported. " f"Available target languages for '{source_language}': {available_targets}" ) service_info = self.pipeline_data['translation'][source_language][target_language][0] service_id = service_info['serviceId'] payload = { "pipelineTasks": [ { "taskType": "translation", "config": { "language": { "sourceLanguage": source_language, "targetLanguage": target_language }, "serviceId": service_id } } ], "inputData": { "input": [ { "source": text } ] } } headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Authorization': self.inference_api_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = self.INFERENCE_ENDPOINT, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload) ) self._handle_response_errors(response) return response.json() def tts(self, text, source_language, gender='female', sampling_rate=8000): """ Converts the provided text to speech in the specified language. Args: text (str): The text to convert to speech. source_language (str): The language code of the text. gender (str): The desired voice gender ('male' or 'female'). sampling_rate (int): The sampling rate in Hz. Returns: dict: The TTS response from the API. Raises: ValueError: If the language or gender is not supported. Exception: If the API request fails. Usage Example: client = BhashiniClient(user_id, api_key, pipeline_id) tts_result = client.tts( 'હેલો વર્લ્ડ', source_language='gu', gender='female' ) # Save the audio output audio_base64 = tts_result['pipelineResponse'][0]['audio'][0]['audioContent'] audio_data = base64.b64decode(audio_base64) with open('output_audio.wav', 'wb') as f: f.write(audio_data) """ if source_language not in self.pipeline_data['tts']: available_languages = ', '.join(self.list_available_languages('tts')) raise ValueError( f"TTS not supported for language '{source_language}'. " f"Available languages: {available_languages}" ) service_info = self.pipeline_data['tts'][source_language][0] service_id = service_info['serviceId'] supported_voices = service_info.get('supportedVoices', []) if gender not in ['male', 'female']: raise ValueError("Gender must be 'male' or 'female'.") if supported_voices and gender not in supported_voices: available_genders = ', '.join(supported_voices) raise ValueError( f"Gender '{gender}' not supported for language '{source_language}'. " f"Available genders: {available_genders}" ) payload = { "pipelineTasks": [ { "taskType": "tts", "config": { "language": { "sourceLanguage": source_language }, "serviceId": service_id, "gender": gender, "samplingRate": sampling_rate } } ], "inputData": { "input": [ { "source": text } ] } } headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'Authorization': self.inference_api_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = self.INFERENCE_ENDPOINT, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload) ) self._handle_response_errors(response) return response.json() def _handle_response_errors(self, response): """ Handles errors in the response. Args: response (requests.Response): The response object. Raises: Exception: If an HTTP error occurs. """ try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as http_err: try: error_info = response.json() error_message = error_info.get('message', 'An error occurred.') except json.JSONDecodeError: error_message = response.text raise Exception(f"HTTP error occurred: {error_message}") from http_err