""" app.py - the main file for the app. This builds the app and runs it. """ import torch from transformers import pipeline from cleantext import clean from pathlib import Path import warnings import time import argparse import logging import gradio as gr import os import sys from os.path import dirname import nltk from converse import discussion from grammar_improve import ( detect_propers, load_ns_checker, neuspell_correct, remove_repeated_words, remove_trailing_punctuation, build_symspell_obj, symspeller, ) from utils import ( cleantxt_wrap, corr, ) nltk.download("stopwords") # TODO: find where this requirement originates from sys.path.append(dirname(dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", message=".*gradient_checkpointing*") import transformers transformers.logging.set_verbosity_error() logging.basicConfig() cwd = Path.cwd() my_cwd = str(cwd.resolve()) # string so it can be passed to os.path() objects def chat(trivia_query): history = [] response = ask_gpt(message=trivia_query, chat_pipe=my_chatbot) history = [trivia_query, response] html = "" for item in history: html += f"{item}

" html += "" return html def ask_gpt( message: str, chat_pipe, speaker="person alpha", responder="person beta", max_len=196, top_p=0.95, top_k=50, temperature=0.7, ): """ ask_gpt - a function that takes in a prompt and generates a response using the pipeline. This interacts the discussion function. Parameters: message (str): the question to ask the bot chat_pipe (str): the chat_pipe to use for the bot (default: "pszemraj/Ballpark-Trivia-XL") speaker (str): the name of the speaker (default: "person alpha") responder (str): the name of the responder (default: "person beta") max_len (int): the maximum length of the response (default: 128) top_p (float): the top probability threshold (default: 0.95) top_k (int): the top k threshold (default: 50) temperature (float): the temperature of the response (default: 0.7) """ st = time.perf_counter() prompt = clean(message) # clean user input prompt = prompt.strip() # get rid of any extra whitespace in_len = len(prompt) if in_len > 512: prompt = prompt[-512:] # truncate to 512 chars print(f"Truncated prompt to last 512 chars: started with {in_len}") max_len = min(max_len, 512) resp = discussion( prompt_text=prompt, pipeline=chat_pipe, speaker=speaker, responder=responder, top_p=top_p, top_k=top_k, temperature=temperature, max_length=max_len, timeout=30, ) gpt_et = time.perf_counter() gpt_rt = round(gpt_et - st, 2) rawtxt = resp["out_text"] # check for proper nouns if basic_sc and not detect_propers(rawtxt): cln_resp = symspeller(rawtxt, sym_checker=schnellspell) elif not detect_propers(rawtxt): cln_resp = neuspell_correct(rawtxt, checker=ns_checker) else: # no correction needed cln_resp = rawtxt.strip() bot_resp = corr(remove_repeated_words(cln_resp)) print(f"\nthe prompt was:\n\t{message}\nand the response was:\n\t{bot_resp}\n") corr_rt = round(time.perf_counter() - gpt_et, 4) print( f"took {gpt_rt + corr_rt} sec to respond, {gpt_rt} for GPT, {corr_rt} for correction\n" ) return remove_trailing_punctuation(bot_resp) def get_parser(): """ get_parser - a helper function for the argparse module """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="submit a question, GPT model responds " ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--model", required=False, type=str, default="pszemraj/Ballpark-Trivia-XL", # default model help="the model to use for the chatbot on https://huggingface.co/models OR a path to a local model", ) parser.add_argument( "--basic-sc", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="turn on symspell (baseline) correction instead of the more advanced neural net models", ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="turn on verbose logging", ) return parser if __name__ == "__main__": args = get_parser().parse_args() default_model = str(args.model) model_loc = Path(default_model) # if the model is a path, use it basic_sc = args.basic_sc # whether to use the baseline spellchecker device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1 print(f"CUDA avail is {torch.cuda.is_available()}") my_chatbot = ( pipeline("text-generation", model=model_loc.resolve(), device=device) if model_loc.exists() and model_loc.is_dir() else pipeline("text-generation", model=default_model, device=device) ) # if the model is a name, use it. stays on CPU if no GPU available print(f"using model {my_chatbot.model}") if basic_sc: print("Using the baseline spellchecker") schnellspell = build_symspell_obj() else: print("using Neuspell spell checker") ns_checker = load_ns_checker(fast=False) print(f"using model stored here: \n {model_loc} \n") iface = gr.Interface( chat, inputs=["text"], outputs="html", examples_per_page=10, examples=[ "How many people inhabit Rhode Island?", "What do you call the wheeled contraption which carries an airplane's luggage from place to place?", "What kind of animal is a platypus?", "What is the main ingredient in chewing gum?", "How many states are there in the United States?", "How many continents are there in the world?", "What is the name of the largest desert in the world?", "Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?", "Why do we sing Happy Birthday to someone twice on their birthday?", "Who is the Governor of Alaska?", "Why is it called a TV set when you only have one?", "If we were in outer space, would everything appear smaller or bigger?", "In what city is the CDC located?", "What are the names of the two major political parties in France?", "Who was Charles de Gaulle?", "Where is Stonehenge located?", "How many moons does Saturn have?", "How many people live in the United States?", "What is the white house called?", "Who was George Washington's father?", "How many keys are there on a piano?", "Who invented the telescope?", "Who is your daddy and what does he do?", "When did Christopher Columbus come to America?", "What is the smallest thing in the world?", "Why are there interstate highways that have only one lane on each side?", "Who were Alexander Graham Bell's parents?", "What is the name of the world's largest island?", "Which flavor of ice cream is the most popular in Switzerland?", ], title=f"Ballpark Trivia: {default_model} Model", description=f"Are you frequently asked google-able Trivia questions and annoyed by it? Well, this is the app for you! Ballpark Trivia Bot answers any trivia question with something that sounds plausible but is probably not 100% correct. \n\n One might say.. the answers are in the right ballpark.", article="Further details can be found in the [model card](https://huggingface.co/pszemraj/Ballpark-Trivia-XL).\n\n" "**Important Notes & About:**\n\n" "1. the model can take up to 60 seconds to respond sometimes, patience is a virtue.\n" "2. the model started from a pretrained checkpoint, and was trained on several different datasets. Anything it says should be fact-checked before being regarded as a true statement.\n" "3. Some params are still being tweaked (in future, will have them as inputs) any feedback is welcome :)\n", css=""" .chatbox {display:flex;flex-direction:column} .user_msg, .resp_msg {padding:4px;margin-bottom:4px;border-radius:4px;width:80%} .user_msg {background-color:cornflowerblue;color:white;align-self:start} .resp_msg {background-color:lightgray;align-self:self-end} """, allow_screenshot=True, allow_flagging="never", theme="dark", ) # launch the gradio interface and start the server iface.launch( # prevent_thread_lock=True, # share=True, enable_queue=True, # also allows for dealing with multiple users simultaneously (per newer gradio version) )