import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import HfApi, hf_hub_download, Repository from huggingface_hub.repocard import metadata_load from gradio_client import Client from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from datetime import date import time import os import sys import pandas as pd import json api = HfApi() HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN") # Public dataset repo containing the pdfs of already certified users DATASET_REPO_URL = "" CERTIFIED_USERS_FILENAME = "usernames.csv" def check_if_passed(hf_username): """ Check if given user passed enough assignments :param hf_username: Hugging Face Hub username """ passed = False certificate_type = "" # TODO: Get all the repos that the user contributed to in the organization using Git refs # TODO: If the user contributed to all repo types (model, dataset, space) then assign excellence if True: passed = True certificate_type = "excellence" elif False: passed = True certificate_type = "completion" return passed, certificate_type def generate_certificate(certificate_template, first_name, last_name, hf_username): """ Generates certificate from the template :param certificate_template: type of the certificate to generate :param first_name: first name entered by user :param last_name: last name entered by user :param hf_username: Hugging Face Hub username entered by user """ im = d = ImageDraw.Draw(im) name_font = ImageFont.truetype("HeiseiMinchoStdW7.otf", 60) username_font = ImageFont.truetype("HeiseiMinchoStdW7.otf", 18) name = str(first_name) + " " + str(last_name) print("NAME", name) # Debug line name #d.line(((0, 419), (1000, 419)), "gray") #d.line(((538, 0), (538, 1400)), "gray") # Name d.text((538, 419), name, fill=(87,87,87), anchor="mm", font=name_font) # Debug line id #d.line(((863, 0), (863, 1400)), "gray") # Date of certification d.text((863, 336), f"psh23-{username}", fill=(117,117,117), anchor="mm", font=username_font) pdf = im.convert('RGB')'certificate.pdf') return im, "./certificate.pdf" def add_certified_user(hf_username, first_name, last_name, certificate_type): """ Add the certified user to the database """ print("ADD CERTIFIED USER") repo = Repository(local_dir="usernames", clone_from=DATASET_REPO_URL, use_auth_token=HF_TOKEN) repo.git_pull() history = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("usernames", CERTIFIED_USERS_FILENAME)) # Check if this hf_username is already in our dataset: check = history.loc[history['hf_username'] == hf_username] if not check.empty: history = history.drop(labels=check.index[0], axis=0) new_row = pd.DataFrame({'hf_username': hf_username, 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'certificate_type': certificate_type, 'datetime': time.time()}, index=[0]) history = pd.concat([new_row, history[:]]).reset_index(drop=True) history.to_csv(os.path.join("usernames", CERTIFIED_USERS_FILENAME), index=False) repo.push_to_hub(commit_message="Update certified users list") def create_certificate(passed, certificate_type, hf_username, first_name, last_name): """ Generates certificate, adds message, saves username of the certified user :param passed: boolean whether the user passed enough assignments :param certificate_type: type of the certificate - completion or excellence :param hf_username: Hugging Face Hub username entered by user :param first_name: first name entered by user :param last_name: last name entered by user """ if passed and certificate_type == "excellence": # Generate a certificate of certificate, pdf = generate_certificate("./certificate-excellence.png", first_name, last_name, hf_username) # Add this user to our database # add_certified_user(hf_username, first_name, last_name, certificate_type) # Add a message message = """ Congratulations, you successfully completed the 2023 Hackathon 🎉! \n Since you contributed to models, datasets, and spaces- you get a Certificate of Excellence 🎓. \n You can download your certificate below ⬇️ \n Don't hesitate to share your certificate image below on Twitter and Linkedin (you can tag me @wonhseo, @pseudolab and @huggingface) 🤗 """ elif passed and certificate_type == "completion": # Generate a certificate of completion certificate, pdf = generate_certificate("./certificate-completion.png", first_name, last_name, hf_username) # Add this user to our database # add_certified_user(hf_username, first_name, last_name, certificate_type) # Add a message message = """ Congratulations, you successfully completed the 2023 Hackathon 🎉! \n Since you contributed to at least one model, dataset, or space- you get a Certificate of Completion 🎓. \n You can download your certificate below ⬇️ \n Don't hesitate to share your certificate image below on Twitter and Linkedin (you can tag me @wonhseo, @pseudolab and @huggingface) 🤗 \n You can try to get a Certificate of Excellence if you contribute to all types of repos, please don't hesitate to do so. """ else: # Not passed yet certificate ="RGB", (100, 100), (255, 255, 255)) pdf = "./fail.pdf" # Add a message message = """ You didn't pass the minimum of one contribution to get a certificate of completion. For more information about the certification process, refer to the submit page. If the results here differ from your contributions, make sure you moved your space to the pseudolab organization. """ return certificate, message, pdf def certification(hf_username, first_name, last_name): passed, certificate_type = check_if_passed(hf_username) certificate, message, pdf = create_certificate(passed, certificate_type, hf_username, first_name, last_name) print("MESSAGE", message) if passed: visible = True else: visible = False return message, pdf, certificate, output_row.update(visible=visible) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(f""" # Get your 2023 Hackathon Certificate 🎓 The certification process is completely free: - To get a *certificate of completion*: you need to **contribute to at least one model, dataset, or space**. - To get a *certificate of excellence*: you need to **contribute to models, datasets, and spaces**. For more information about the certification process [check the hackathon page on certification]( Don't hesitate to share your certificate on Twitter (tag me [@wonhseo]( and [@huggingface]( and on LinkedIn. """) hf_username = gr.Textbox(placeholder="wseo", label="Your Hugging Face Username (case sensitive)") first_name = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Wonhyeong", label="Your First Name") last_name = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Seo", label="Your Last Name") check_progress_button = gr.Button(value="Check if I pass and get the certificate") output_text = gr.components.Textbox() with gr.Row(visible=True) as output_row: output_pdf = gr.File() output_img = gr.components.Image(type="pil"), inputs=[hf_username, first_name, last_name], outputs=[output_text, output_pdf, output_img, output_row]) demo.launch(debug=True)