--- title: Marigold Depth Estimation emoji: 🏵️ colorFrom: blue colorTo: red sdk: gradio sdk_version: 4.21.0 app_file: app.py pinned: true license: cc-by-sa-4.0 models: - prs-eth/marigold-v1-0 --- This is a demo of the monocular depth estimation pipeline, described in the CVPR 2024 paper titled ["Repurposing Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Monocular Depth Estimation"](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.02145) ``` @InProceedings{ke2023repurposing, title={Repurposing Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Monocular Depth Estimation}, author={Bingxin Ke and Anton Obukhov and Shengyu Huang and Nando Metzger and Rodrigo Caye Daudt and Konrad Schindler}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year={2024} } ```