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import pandas as pd
import json
import os
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from dash import html
from . import constants
from . import Predictor
class Encoder:
Takes a field dictionary and creates min/max scalers using their ranges.
Field dictionary needs to be in format (see prescriptors/fields.json):
"field a": {"range": [x, y]},
"field b": {"range": [z, s]}
def __init__(self, fields):
self.transformers = {}
for field in fields:
field_values = fields[field]["range"]
self.transformers[field] = MinMaxScaler(clip=True)
data_df = pd.DataFrame({field: field_values})
def encode_as_df(self, df):
Encodes a given dataframe using the min max scalers.
:param df: a dataframe to encode
:return: a dataframe of encoded values. Only returns columns in the transformer dictionary.
values_by_column = {}
for col in df:
if col in self.transformers:
encoded_values = self.transformers[col].transform(df[[col]])
values_by_column[col] = encoded_values.squeeze().tolist()
encoded_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(values_by_column,
return encoded_df
def add_nonland(data: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
Adds a nonland column that is the difference between 1 and
Note: Since sum isn't exactly 1 we just set to 0 if we get a negative.
:param data: pd Series containing land use data.
:return: pd Series with nonland column added.
data = data[constants.LAND_USE_COLS]
nonland = 1 - data.sum() if data.sum() <= 1 else 0
data['nonland'] = nonland
return data[constants.CHART_COLS]
def create_map(df: pd.DataFrame, zoom=10, color_idx = None) -> go.Figure:
Creates map figure with data centered and zoomed in with appropriate point marked.
:param df: DataFrame of data to plot. This dataframe has its index reset.
:param lat_center: Latitude to center map on.
:param lon_center: Longitude to center map on.
:param zoom: Zoom level of map.
:param color_idx: Index of point to color red in reset index.
:return: Plotly figure
color_seq = [px.colors.qualitative.Plotly[0], px.colors.qualitative.Plotly[1]]
# Add color column
color = ["blue" for _ in range(len(df))]
if color_idx:
color[color_idx] = "red"
df["color"] = color
map_fig = px.scatter_geo(
hover_data={"lat": True, "lon": True, "color": False},
map_fig.update_layout(margin={"l": 0, "r": 10, "t": 0, "b": 0}, showlegend=False)
map_fig.update_geos(projection_scale=zoom, projection_type="orthographic", showcountries=True, fitbounds="locations")
return map_fig
def create_check_options(values: list) -> list:
Creates dash HTML options for checklist based on values.
:param values: List of values to create options for.
:return: List of dash HTML options.
options = []
for val in values:
{"label": [html.I(className="bi bi-lock"), html.Span(val)],
"value": val})
return options
def compute_percent_change(context: pd.Series, presc: pd.Series) -> float:
Computes percent land use change from context to presc
:param context: Context land use data
:param presc: Prescribed land use data
:return: Percent land use change
diffs = presc[constants.RECO_COLS] - context[constants.RECO_COLS]
change = diffs[diffs > 0].sum()
total = context[constants.LAND_USE_COLS].sum()
# If we can't change the land use just return 0.
if total <= 0:
return 0
percent_changed = change / total
assert percent_changed <= 1
return percent_changed
def _create_hovertext(labels: list, parents: list, values: list, title: str) -> list:
Helper function that formats the hover text for the treemap to be 2 decimals.
:param labels: Labels according to treemap format.
:param parents: Parents for each label according to treemap format.
:param values: Values for each label according to treemap format.
:param title: Title of treemap, root node's name.
:return: List of hover text strings.
hovertext = []
for i, label in enumerate(labels):
v = values[i] * 100
# Get value of parent or 100 if parent is ''
parent_v = values[labels.index(parents[i])] * 100 if parents[i] != '' else values[0] * 100
if parents[i] == '':
hovertext.append(f"{label}: {v:.2f}%")
elif parents[i] == title:
hovertext.append(f"{label}<br>{v:.2f}% of {title}")
hovertext.append(f"{label}<br>{v:.2f}% of {title}<br>{(v/parent_v)*100:.2f}% of {parents[i]}")
return hovertext
def create_treemap(data=pd.Series, type_context=True, year=2021) -> go.Figure:
:param data: Pandas series of land use data
:param type_context: If the title should be context or prescribed
:return: Treemap figure
title = f"Context in {year}" if type_context else f"Prescribed for {year+1}"
tree_params = {
"branchvalues": "total",
"sort": False,
"texttemplate": "%{label}<br>%{percentRoot:.2%}",
"hoverinfo": "label+percent root+percent parent",
"root_color": "lightgrey"
labels, parents, values = None, None, None
if data.empty:
labels = [title]
parents = [""]
values = [1]
total = data[constants.LAND_USE_COLS].sum()
c3 = data[constants.C3].sum()
c4 = data[constants.C4].sum()
crops = c3 + c4
primary = data[constants.PRIMARY].sum()
secondary = data[constants.SECONDARY].sum()
fields = data[constants.FIELDS].sum()
labels = [title, "Nonland",
"Crops", "C3", "C4", "c3ann", "c3nfx", "c3per", "c4ann", "c4per",
"Primary Vegetation", "primf", "primn",
"Secondary Vegetation", "secdf", "secdn",
"Fields", "pastr", "range"]
parents = ["", title,
title, "Crops", "Crops", "C3", "C3", "C3", "C4", "C4",
title, "Primary Vegetation", "Primary Vegetation",
title, "Secondary Vegetation", "Secondary Vegetation",
title, "Fields", "Fields"]
values = [total + data["nonland"], data["nonland"],
crops, c3, c4, data["c3ann"], data["c3nfx"], data["c3per"], data["c4ann"], data["c4per"],
primary, data["primf"], data["primn"],
secondary, data["secdf"], data["secdn"],
fields, data["pastr"], data["range"]]
tree_params["customdata"] = _create_hovertext(labels, parents, values, title)
tree_params["hovertemplate"] = "%{customdata}<extra></extra>"
assert len(labels) == len(parents)
assert len(parents) == len(values)
fig = go.Figure(
labels = labels,
parents = parents,
values = values,
colors = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly
treemapcolorway = [colors[1], colors[4], colors[2], colors[7], colors[3], colors[0]],
margin={"t": 0, "b": 0, "l": 10, "r": 10}
return fig
def create_pie(data=pd.Series, type_context=True, year=2021) -> go.Figure:
:param data: Pandas series of land use data
:param type_context: If the title should be context or prescribed
:return: Pie chart figure
values = None
# Sum for case where all zeroes, which allows us to display pie even when presc is reset
if data.empty or data.sum() == 0:
values = [0 for _ in range(len(constants.CHART_COLS))]
values[-1] = 1
values = data[constants.CHART_COLS].tolist()
assert(len(values) == len(constants.CHART_COLS))
title = f"Context in {year}" if type_context else f"Prescribed for {year+1}"
p = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly
ps = px.colors.qualitative.Pastel1
d = px.colors.qualitative.Dark24
#['c3ann', 'c3nfx', 'c3per', 'c4ann', 'c4per', 'pastr', 'primf', 'primn',
# 'range', 'secdf', 'secdn', 'urban', 'nonland]
colors = [p[4], d[8], ps[4], p[9], ps[5], p[0], p[2], d[14], p[5], p[7], d[2], p[3], p[1]]
fig = go.Figure(
values = values,
labels = constants.CHART_COLS,
textposition = "inside",
sort = False,
marker_colors = colors,
hovertemplate = "%{label}<br>%{value}<br>%{percent}<extra></extra>",
title = title
if type_context:
# To make up for the hidden legend
fig.update_layout(margin={"t": 50, "b": 50, "l": 50, "r": 50})
fig.update_layout(margin={"t": 0, "b": 0, "l": 0, "r": 0})
return fig
def create_pareto(pareto_df: pd.DataFrame, presc_id: int) -> go.Figure:
:param pareto_df: Pandas data frame containing the pareto front
:param presc_id: The currently selected prescriptor id
:return: A pareto plot figure
fig = go.Figure(
x=pareto_df['change'] * 100,
# marker='o',
# Highlight the selected prescriptor
presc_df = pareto_df[pareto_df["id"] == presc_id]
fig.add_scatter(x=presc_df['change'] * 100,
"color": 'red',
"size": 10
# Name axes and hide legend
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title={"text": "Change (%)"},
yaxis_title={"text": 'ELUC (tC/ha)'},
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate="Average Change: %{x} <span>%</span>"
" Average ELUC: %{y} tC/ha<extra></extra>")
return fig
def load_predictors() -> dict:
Loads in predictors from json file according to config.
:return: dict of predictor name -> predictor object.
predictor_cfg = json.load(open(os.path.join(constants.PREDICTOR_PATH, "predictors.json")))
predictors = dict()
# This is ok because python dicts are ordered.
for row in predictor_cfg["predictors"]:
predictors[row["name"]] = Predictor.SkLearnPredictor(os.path.join(constants.PREDICTOR_PATH, row["filename"]))
return predictors |