import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as components import pickle import sentence_transformers from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util from PIL import Image import torch import spacy import os import glob import random torch.set_num_threads(4) def get_spacy_dbpedia_highlights(ingredients): import spacy import spacy_dbpedia_spotlight raw_ingredients = ingredients import re ingredients = re.sub("[0-9,()\/\-\.]", "", ingredients) doc = nlp(ingredients) for ent in doc.ents: if ent.text.lower() not in stop_words and ent.text in raw_ingredients: replace_str = ' ' + ent.text + ' ' raw_ingredients = raw_ingredients.replace(ent.text, replace_str) return raw_ingredients def detect_food(query, text_emb, labels, k=1): query_emb = model.encode(, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=False) hits = util.semantic_search(query_emb, text_emb, top_k=k)[0] results = [] for i, hit in enumerate(hits): results.append((labels[hit['corpus_id']], hit['score'])) if i > 2: break return results def run_search(food_image, col2): with open("./Pretrained/labels.pkl", 'rb') as fIn: labels = pickle.load(fIn) emb_filename = './Pretrained/food_embeddings.pkl' text_emb = torch.load(emb_filename, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) results = detect_food(food_image, text_emb, labels, 3) food_recognised, score = results[0] del text_emb del labels import pysos id2recipe = pysos.Dict("./Pretrained/id2recipe") food2id = pysos.Dict("./Pretrained/food2id") id = food2id[food_recognised] recipe_name = food_recognised.title() ingredients_list =id2recipe[id]['ingredients'] highlighted_ingredients= get_spacy_dbpedia_highlights(ingredients_list) recipe= id2recipe[id]['instructions'] dataset = " " + id2recipe[id]['dataset'] if dataset.strip() == "Recipe1M": nutritional_facts= "For nutritional facts, schedule and servings, visit the link in the footer" else: nutritional_facts = id2recipe[id]['nutrition_facts'] source= id2recipe[id]['recipesource'] del id2recipe del food2id st.markdown("
", unsafe_allow_html=True) with col2: st.markdown("Top 3 predictions   ", unsafe_allow_html=True) results_static_tag = 'W3.CSS
' result_rows = "" for i, result in enumerate(results): results_dynamic_tag= '{}

' if i == 0: results_dynamic_tag = results_dynamic_tag.format("" + str(i+1) + "." + result[0].title() + "", 'w3-blue', result[1] * 100) else: results_dynamic_tag = results_dynamic_tag.format(str(i+1) + "." + result[0].title(), "w3-orange" ,result[1] * 100) result_rows += results_dynamic_tag results_static_tag = results_static_tag.format(result_rows) st.markdown(results_static_tag, unsafe_allow_html=True) title_tag = '

Recipe for top result:  ' + recipe_name + '

' st.markdown(title_tag, unsafe_allow_html=True) ing_hdr_tag = '
' ing_style= "{border: 3x outset white; background-color: #ccf5ff; color: black; text-align: left; font-size: 14px; padding: 5px;}" ing_tag = '
' ing_tag = ing_tag.format(ing_style, highlighted_ingredients.strip()) st.markdown(ing_hdr_tag, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(ing_tag + "
", unsafe_allow_html=True) rec_hdr_tag = '
' rec_style= "{border: 3x outset white; background-color: #ffeee6; color: black; text-align: left; font-size: 14px; padding: 5px;}" rec_tag = '
' rec_tag = rec_tag.format(rec_style, recipe.strip()) st.markdown(rec_hdr_tag, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(rec_tag + "
", unsafe_allow_html=True) src_hdr_tag = '
Recipe source
' src_tag = '{}' src_tag = src_tag.format(source, source) st.markdown(src_hdr_tag, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(src_tag + "
", unsafe_allow_html=True) return 1 if 'models_loaded' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['models_loaded'] = False st.title('WTF - What The Food 🤬') st.subheader("Image to Recipe - 1.5M foods supported") st.markdown("Built for fun with 💙 by a quintessential foodie - Prithivi Da | [@prithivida]( |[[GitHub]](

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("""Read Me: The goal is to detect a "Single food item" from the image and retrieve it's recipe. So by design the model works well on single foods. It works on platters too fx English breakfast but it may not perform well on a custom combination with multiple recipes or hyper-local foods. """) def load_image(image_file): img = return img def load_models(): with st.spinner(text="Loading Models..."): os.system("python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm") nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') nlp.add_pipe('dbpedia_spotlight') model = SentenceTransformer('clip-ViT-B-32') stop_words = set(['chopped', 'freshly ground', 'freshly squeezed', 'dash', 'powder', 'rice', 'ice', 'noodles', 'pepper', 'milk', 'ced', 'cheese', 'sugar', 'salt', 'pkt', 'minced', 'onion', 'onions', 'garlic', 'butter', 'slices', 'ounce', 'sauce', 'freshly', 'grated', 'teaspoon', 'cup', 'oz', '⁄', 'to', 'or', 'diced', 'into', 'pound', 'dried', 'water', 'about', 'whole', 'small', 'vegetable', 'inch', 'tbsp', 'cooked', 'large', 'sliced', 'dry', 'optional', 'package', 'ounces', 'unsalted', 'lbs', 'green', 'flour', 'for', 'wine', 'crushed', 'drained', 'lb', 'frozen', 'tsp', 'finely', 'medium', 'tablespoon', 'tablespoons', 'juice', 'shredded', 'can', 'minced', 'fresh', 'cut', 'pieces', 'in', 'thinly', 'of', 'extract', 'teaspoons', 'ground', 'and', 'cups', 'peeled', 'taste', 'ml', 'lengths']) st.session_state['nlp'] = nlp st.session_state['model'] = model st.session_state['stop_words'] = stop_words if not st.session_state['models_loaded']: load_models() st.session_state['models_loaded'] = True random_button = st.button('⚡ Try a Random Food') st.write("(or)") image_file = st.file_uploader("Tip: Upload HD images for better results.", type=["jpg","jpeg"]) nlp = st.session_state['nlp'] model = st.session_state['model'] stop_words = st.session_state['stop_words'] col1, col2 = st.columns(2) if random_button: with st.spinner(text="Detecting food..."): samples = glob.glob('./samples' + "/*") random_sample = random.choice(samples) pil_image = load_image(random_sample) with col1: st.image(pil_image, use_column_width='auto') return_code = run_search(random_sample, col2) else: if image_file is not None: pil_image = load_image(image_file) with open(, 'wb') as f: with col1: st.image(pil_image, use_column_width='auto') with st.spinner(text="Detecting food..."): return_code = run_search(, col2) os.system('rm -r "' + + '"')