# The Llama Cloud API key. LLAMA_CLOUD_API_KEY= # The provider for the AI models to use. MODEL_PROVIDER=openai # The name of LLM model to use. MODEL=gpt-3.5-turbo # Name of the embedding model to use. EMBEDDING_MODEL=text-embedding-3-large # Dimension of the embedding model to use. EMBEDDING_DIM=1024 # The OpenAI API key to use. OPENAI_API_KEY= # Temperature for sampling from the model. # LLM_TEMPERATURE= # Maximum number of tokens to generate. # LLM_MAX_TOKENS= # The number of similar embeddings to return when retrieving documents. TOP_K=3 # Custom system prompt. # Example: # SYSTEM_PROMPT="You are a helpful assistant who helps users with their questions." # SYSTEM_PROMPT= # Configuration for Pinecone vector store # The Pinecone API key. # PINECONE_API_KEY= # PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT= # PINECONE_INDEX_NAME= # The address to start the backend app. APP_HOST= # The port to start the backend app. APP_PORT=8000 # Postgres database configuration POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres POSTGRES_DB_NAME=codepath_project_postgres_local POSTGRES_DB_HOST=localhost POSTGRES_DB_PORT=5432 SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${POSTGRES_DB_HOST}:${POSTGRES_DB_PORT}/${POSTGRES_DB_NAME}