import pyautogui as pt from time import sleep import pyperclip import sklearn import random #import webbrowser #from flask import Flask , render_template , request import pickle from playsound import playsound from difflib import SequenceMatcher import numpy as np import subprocess subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/C", "start whatsapp://send?phone=+918075994774"], shell=True) class pranav: def play(): playsound("sound/IphoneWhatsappTone.mp3") return "Hi there,this is Mr.Bot I generate auto replies for general messages." #'') model = pickle.load(open('model.pkl', 'rb')) cv = pickle.load(open('vector.pkl', 'rb')) greetings = {"Hi": "Hi", "Hello": "Hai", "Hi": "Hello", "Greetings!": "Hello", "Hello": "Greetings!", "Hi, How is it going?": "Good", "Hi, How is it going?": "Fine", "Hi, How is it going?": "Okay", "Hi, How is it going?": "Great", "Hi, How is it going?": "Could be better.", "Hi, How is it going?": "Not so great.", "How are you doing?": "Good.", "How are you doing?": "Very well, thanks.", "How are you doing?": "Fine, and you?", "Nice to meet you.": "Thank you.", "How do you do?": "I'm doing well.", "How do you do?": "I'm doing well. How are you?", "Hi, nice to meet you.": "Thank you. You too.", "It is a pleasure to meet you.": "Thank you. You too.", "Top of the morning to you!": "Thank you kindly.", "Top of the morning to you!": "And the rest of the day to you.", "What's up?": "Not much.", "What's up?": "Not too much.", "What's up?": "Not much, how about you?", "What's up?": "Nothing much.", "What's up?": "The sky's up but I'm fine thanks. What about you?","Thank you.":"Welcome"} LIST = ["Hello", "Hi", "Hi", "Hello", "Greetings!", "Hello", "Hello", "Greetings!", "Hi, How is it going?", "Good", "Hi, How is it going?", "Fine", "Hi, How is it going?", "Okay", "Hi, How is it going?", "Great", "Hi, How is it going?", "Could be better.", "Hi, How is it going?", "Not so great.", "How are you doing?", "Good.", "How are you doing?", "Very well, thanks.", "How are you doing?", "Fine, and you?", "Nice to meet you.", "Thank you.", "How do you do?", "I'm doing well.", "How do you do?", "I'm doing well. How are you?", "Hi, nice to meet you.", "Thank you. You too.", "It is a pleasure to meet you.", "Thank you. You too.", "Top of the morning to you!", "Thank you kindly.", "Top of the morning to you!", "And the rest of the day to you.", "What's up?", "Not much.", "What's up?", "Not too much.", "What's up?", "Not much, how about you?", "What's up?", "Nothing much.", "What's up?", "The sky's up but I'm fine thanks. What about you?","Welcome"] sleep(15) position1 = pt.locateOnScreen("smiley_paperclip.png", confidence=0.6) x = position1[0] y = position1[1] # position2 = pt.locateOnScreen("web_browser_logo.png", confidence=0.6) # x = position2[0] # y = position2[1] # Gets message def similar(a, b): return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() def check(str1): bool = False for i in LIST: i = i.lower() str1 = str1.lower() if similar(str1, i) > 0.8: bool = True break return bool res = [*set(LIST)] def checkpk(str1): for i in res: j = i.lower() str1 = str1.lower() if similar(str1, j) > 0.75: return i def reply(str1): return greetings[checkpk(str1)] # def play(): # playsound("IphoneWhatsappTone.mp3") def getmessage(): global x, y position = pt.locateOnScreen("Smiley_paperclip.png", confidence=0.6) x = position[0] y = position[1] pt.moveTo(x, y, duration=0.5) pt.moveTo(x + 90, y - 60, duration=0.5) # if pt.pixelMatchesColor(int(x + 90),int(y - 70),(46, 198, 80),tolerance=10): pt.tripleClick() pt.rightClick() pt.moveRel(12, 15) whatsapp_message = pyperclip.paste() print("meassage received: " + whatsapp_message) return whatsapp_message # Post def post_response(message): global x, y position = pt.locateOnScreen("Smiley_paperclip.png", confidence=0.6) x = position[0] y = position[1] pt.moveTo(x + 200, y + 20, duration=0.5) pt.typewrite(message, interval=0.01) pt.typewrite("\n", interval=0.01) # Processes Response def process_response(message): #random_no = random.randrange(3) data = [message] data = cv.transform(data).toarray() pred = model.predict(data) if pred == [1]: return "Pranav don't spam" else: if check(message) == True: return reply(message) else: return # if random_no == 0: # return "That's cool" # elif random_no == 1: # return "yeah" # else: # return "Hmmm" # Check for new message def check_for_new_message(): # global x, y # position = pt.locateOnScreen("web_browser_logo.png", confidence=0.6) # x = position[0] # y = position[1] pt.moveTo(x + 90, y - 60, duration=0.5) while True: # Continuously check for the green point and new messages try: position = pt.locateOnScreen("green_point.png", confidence=0.7) if position is not None: pt.moveTo(position) pt.moveRel(-100, 0) sleep(0.5) # post_response() except(Exception): print("No new messages found") if pt.pixelMatchesColor(int(x + 90), int(y - 60), (32, 44, 51), tolerance=10): print("is grey") processed_message = process_response(getmessage()) post_response(processed_message) else: print("No new messages") # sleep(5) check_for_new_message()