import json import time from typing import List from datetime import datetime, timezone from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from trafilatura import fetch_url, extract def get_server_time(): utc_time = return utc_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def get_website_content_from_url(url: str) -> str: """ Get website content from a URL using Selenium and BeautifulSoup for improved content extraction and filtering. Args: url (str): URL to get website content from. Returns: str: Extracted content including title, main text, and tables. """ try: downloaded = fetch_url(url) result = extract(downloaded, include_formatting=True, include_links=True, output_format='json', url=url) if result: result = json.loads(result) return f'=========== Website Title: {result["title"]} ===========\n\n=========== Website URL: {url} ===========\n\n=========== Website Content ===========\n\n{result["raw_text"]}\n\n=========== Website Content End ===========\n\n' else: return "" except Exception as e: return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}" class CitingSources(BaseModel): """ This represents the citing of the sources you used to answer the user query. """ sources: List[str] = Field( ..., description="List of sources to cite. Should be an URL of the source. E.g. GitHub URL, Blogpost URL or Newsletter URL." )