from tkinter import EXCEPTION import twint from datetime import date """ This class is a twitter scraper called TwitterScraper. It takes the user as input and collects the user's tweets from 'from_date' to 'to_date'. If 'from_date' and 'to_date' are not specified, it collects the number of tweets 'num_tweets' from today. It outputs a dictionary with the tweet unique id and some other information. input: user, from_date, to_date, num_tweets output: dict """ class scraper: def __init__(self, from_date="2006-07-01", to_date=str(, num_tweets=20): #self.user = user self.from_date = from_date self.to_date = to_date self.num_tweets = num_tweets self.conf = twint.Config() def scrape_by_user(self,_user): ##using twint to extract tweets self.conf.Search = "from:@" + _user # If the search string is a username. return self.__get_tweets_from_twint__() def scrape_by_string(self,_string:str): self.conf.Search = _string return self.__get_tweets_from_twint__() def scrape_by_user_and_string(self,_user:str,_string:str): self.conf.Username = _user self.conf.Search = _string return self.__get_tweets_from_twint__() def __get_only_tweets(tweet_and_replies): #This functions input arg is a data frame with tweets and removes all tweets with starting with \"@\" which is indicator of a reply or retweet. tweet=tweet_and_replies["tweet"] indx_replies=[] for i in range(len(tweet)): if tweet[i].startswith("@"): indx_replies.append(i) only_tweets=tweet_and_replies.drop(labels=indx_replies,axis=0) # drop removes the columns which its index specified by indx_replies... axis=0 if we want to delete rows, and inplace changes the same data_frame without creating a new. #print(len(tweet_and_replies['tweet']), " of them are Tweets") return only_tweets def __get_tweets_from_twint__(self): ''' __get_tweets_from_twint__ tweet info is a dataframe with fallowing columns Index(['id', 'conversation_id', 'created_at', 'date', 'timezone', 'place', 'tweet', 'language', 'hashtags', 'cashtags', 'user_id', 'user_id_str', 'username', 'name', 'day', 'hour', 'link', 'urls', 'photos', 'video', 'thumbnail', 'retweet', 'nlikes', 'nreplies', 'nretweets', 'quote_url', 'search', 'near', 'geo', 'source', 'user_rt_id', 'user_rt', 'retweet_id', 'reply_to', 'retweet_date', 'translate', 'trans_src', 'trans_dest'] we just pick the relevant ones. c is a twint.Config() object ''' self.conf.Pandas = True self.conf.Count = True self.conf.Limit = self.num_tweets self.conf.Since = self.from_date self.conf.Until = self.to_date self.conf.Hide_output = True tweet_info =twint.output.panda.Tweets_df tweet_info = tweet_info[["id","tweet","date","user_id","username","urls" ,'nlikes', 'nreplies', 'nretweets']] df = scraper.__get_only_tweets(tweet_info) return df def __check_date_type(d1,d2): if (type(d1) or type(d2)) is not type("str"): # If the type of ite date input isent string it generates exception print("[!] Please make sure the date is a string in this format \"yyyy-mm-dd\" ") raise EXCEPTION("Incorrect date type Exception!") elif (len(d1.split("-")) or len(d2.split("-")))<2: print("[!] Please make sure the date is a string in this format \"yyyy-mm-dd\" ") raise EXCEPTION("Incorrect date type Exception!")