import streamlit as st #import yfinance as yf #import telebot ''' import requests # Your bot's API token #BOT_TOKEN = '6840454109:AAF2TuZsNgb705RzfKRPuqmdfoYUroDKM-8' # The chat ID of the user you want to send the message to CHAT_ID = '195083272' # The base URL for the Telegram API API_URL = f"{BOT_TOKEN}" def send_telegram_message(chat_id, text): # The endpoint for sending messages method_url = f"{API_URL}/sendMessage" # The data to be sent to the API payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'text': text } # Send a request to the Telegram Bot API #response =, data=payload) response=requests.get(method_url, data=payload, verify=False) #return response.json() # You can handle and parse the response as needed # Example usage: message = "Hello, this is a message from the server." #k='6840454109:AAF2TuZsNgb705RzfKRPuqmdfoYUroDKM-8' #bot=telebot.TeleBot(k, parse_mode=None) #def yff(coin): # bb=yf.Ticker(coin) # d=bb.history(period='max') # return d ''' st.button("Reset", type="primary") if st.button('Say hello'): st.write('Why hello there') else: st.write('Goodbye') #def hey(): # @bot.message_handler(commands=['start', 'help']) # def send_welcome(message): # bot.reply_to(message, (message.text)) # bot.infinity_polling() #try: # st.button('Click me', on_click=send_telegram_message(CHAT_ID, message)) #except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # r.status_code = "Connection refused"