''' VoucherVision - based on LeafMachine2 Processes ''' import os, inspect, sys, logging, subprocess, shutil from time import perf_counter currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir) sys.path.append(parentdir) sys.path.append(currentdir) from vouchervision.component_detector.component_detector import detect_plant_components, detect_archival_components from general_utils import add_to_expense_report, save_token_info_as_csv, print_main_start, check_for_subdirs_VV, load_config_file, load_config_file_testing, report_config, save_config_file, subset_dir_images, crop_detections_from_images_VV from directory_structure_VV import Dir_Structure from data_project import Project_Info from LM2_logger import start_logging from fetch_data import fetch_data from utils_VoucherVision import VoucherVision, space_saver from vouchervision.utils_hf import upload_to_drive def voucher_vision(cfg_file_path, dir_home, path_custom_prompts, cfg_test, progress_report, json_report, path_api_cost=None, test_ind = None, is_hf = True, is_real_run=False): t_overall = perf_counter() # Load config file report_config(dir_home, cfg_file_path, system='VoucherVision') if cfg_test is None: cfg = load_config_file(dir_home, cfg_file_path, system='VoucherVision') # For VoucherVision else: cfg = cfg_test # Check to see if there are subdirs # Yes --> use the names of the subsirs as run_name run_name, dirs_list, has_subdirs = check_for_subdirs_VV(cfg) print(f"run_name {run_name} dirs_list{dirs_list} has_subdirs{has_subdirs}") # Dir structure if is_real_run: progress_report.update_overall(f"Creating Output Directory Structure") print_main_start("Creating Directory Structure") Dirs = Dir_Structure(cfg) # logging.info("Hi") logger = start_logging(Dirs, cfg) # Check to see if required ML files are ready to use if is_real_run: progress_report.update_overall(f"Fetching LeafMachine2 Files") ready_to_use = fetch_data(logger, dir_home, cfg_file_path) assert ready_to_use, "Required ML files are not ready to use!\nThe download may have failed,\nor\nthe directory structure of LM2 has been altered" # Wrangle images and preprocess print_main_start("Gathering Images and Image Metadata") Project = Project_Info(cfg, logger, dir_home, Dirs) # Where file names are modified # Save config file save_config_file(cfg, logger, Dirs) # Detect Archival Components print_main_start("Locating Archival Components") Project = detect_archival_components(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs, is_real_run, progress_report) # Save cropped detections crop_detections_from_images_VV(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs) # Process labels Voucher_Vision = VoucherVision(cfg, logger, dir_home, path_custom_prompts, Project, Dirs, is_hf) n_images = len(Voucher_Vision.img_paths) last_JSON_response, final_WFO_record, final_GEO_record, total_tokens_in, total_tokens_out = Voucher_Vision.process_specimen_batch(progress_report, json_report, is_real_run) total_cost = save_token_info_as_csv(Dirs, cfg['leafmachine']['LLM_version'], path_api_cost, total_tokens_in, total_tokens_out, n_images, dir_home, logger) t_overall_s = perf_counter() logger.name = 'Run Complete! :)' logger.info(f"[Total elapsed time] {round((t_overall_s - t_overall)/60)} minutes") space_saver(cfg, Dirs, logger) if is_real_run: progress_report.update_overall(f"Run Complete!") Voucher_Vision.close_logger_handlers() zip_filepath = None if is_hf: # Create Higging Face zip file dir_to_zip = os.path.join(Dirs.dir_home, Dirs.run_name) zip_filename = Dirs.run_name # Creating a zip file zip_filepath = make_zipfile(dir_to_zip, zip_filename) upload_to_drive(zip_filepath, zip_filename) return last_JSON_response, final_WFO_record, final_GEO_record, total_cost, Voucher_Vision.n_failed_OCR, Voucher_Vision.n_failed_LLM_calls, zip_filepath def make_zipfile(source_dir, output_filename): shutil.make_archive(output_filename, 'zip', source_dir) return output_filename + '.zip' def voucher_vision_OCR_test(cfg_file_path, dir_home, cfg_test, path_to_crop): # get_n_overall = progress_report.get_n_overall() # progress_report.update_overall(f"Working on {test_ind+1} of {get_n_overall}") # Load config file report_config(dir_home, cfg_file_path, system='VoucherVision') if cfg_test is None: cfg = load_config_file(dir_home, cfg_file_path, system='VoucherVision') # For VoucherVision else: cfg = cfg_test # user_cfg = load_config_file(dir_home, cfg_file_path) # cfg = Config(user_cfg) # Check to see if there are subdirs # Yes --> use the names of the subsirs as run_name run_name, dirs_list, has_subdirs = check_for_subdirs_VV(cfg) print(f"run_name {run_name} dirs_list{dirs_list} has_subdirs{has_subdirs}") # for dir_ind, dir_in in enumerate(dirs_list): # if has_subdirs: # cfg['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local'] = dir_in # cfg['leafmachine']['project']['run_name'] = run_name[dir_ind] # Dir structure print_main_start("Creating Directory Structure") Dirs = Dir_Structure(cfg) # logging.info("Hi") logger = start_logging(Dirs, cfg) # Check to see if required ML files are ready to use ready_to_use = fetch_data(logger, dir_home, cfg_file_path) assert ready_to_use, "Required ML files are not ready to use!\nThe download may have failed,\nor\nthe directory structure of LM2 has been altered" # Wrangle images and preprocess print_main_start("Gathering Images and Image Metadata") Project = Project_Info(cfg, logger, dir_home, Dirs) # Where file names are modified # Save config file save_config_file(cfg, logger, Dirs) # Detect Archival Components print_main_start("Locating Archival Components") Project = detect_archival_components(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs) # Save cropped detections crop_detections_from_images_VV(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs) # Process labels Voucher_Vision = VoucherVision(cfg, logger, dir_home, None, Project, Dirs) last_JSON_response = Voucher_Vision.process_specimen_batch_OCR_test(path_to_crop) if __name__ == '__main__': is_test = False # Set LeafMachine2 dir dir_home = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) if is_test: cfg_file_path = os.path.join(dir_home, 'demo','demo.yaml') #'D:\Dropbox\LeafMachine2\LeafMachine2.yaml' # cfg_file_path = 'test_installation' cfg_testing = load_config_file_testing(dir_home, cfg_file_path) cfg_testing['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local'] = os.path.join(dir_home, cfg_testing['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local'][0], cfg_testing['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local'][1]) cfg_testing['leafmachine']['project']['dir_output'] = os.path.join(dir_home, cfg_testing['leafmachine']['project']['dir_output'][0], cfg_testing['leafmachine']['project']['dir_output'][1]) last_JSON_response = voucher_vision(cfg_file_path, dir_home, cfg_testing, None) else: cfg_file_path = None cfg_testing = None last_JSON_response = voucher_vision(cfg_file_path, dir_home, cfg_testing, None)