from dataclasses import dataclass from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import Field, create_model import yaml, json, os, shutil @dataclass class PromptCatalog: domain_knowledge_example: str = "" similarity: str = "" OCR: str = "" n_fields: int = 0 ############################################################################################# ############################################################################################# ############################################################################################# ############################################################################################# # These are for dynamically creating your own prompts with n-columns def prompt_SLTP(self, rules_config_path, OCR=None, is_palm=False): self.OCR = OCR self.rules_config_path = rules_config_path self.rules_config = self.load_rules_config() self.instructions = self.rules_config['instructions'] self.json_formatting_instructions = self.rules_config['json_formatting_instructions'] self.rules_list = self.rules_config['rules'] self.n_fields = len(self.rules_config['rules']) # Set the rules for processing OCR into JSON format self.rules = self.create_rules(is_palm) self.structure, self.dictionary_structure = self.create_structure(is_palm) ''' between instructions and json_formatting_instructions. Made the prompt too long. Better performance without it The unstructured OCR text is: {self.OCR} ''' if is_palm: prompt = f"""Please help me complete this text parsing task given the following rules and unstructured OCR text. Your task is to refactor the OCR text into a structured JSON dictionary that matches the structure specified in the following rules. Please follow the rules strictly. The rules are: {self.instructions} {self.json_formatting_instructions} This is the JSON template that includes instructions for each key: {self.rules} The unstructured OCR text is: {self.OCR} Please populate the following JSON dictionary based on the rules and the unformatted OCR text: {self.structure} {self.structure} {self.structure} """ else: prompt = f"""Please help me complete this text parsing task given the following rules and unstructured OCR text. Your task is to refactor the OCR text into a structured JSON dictionary that matches the structure specified in the following rules. Please follow the rules strictly. The rules are: {self.instructions} {self.json_formatting_instructions} This is the JSON template that includes instructions for each key: {self.rules} The unstructured OCR text is: {self.OCR} Please populate the following JSON dictionary based on the rules and the unformatted OCR text: {self.structure} """ # xlsx_headers = self.generate_xlsx_headers(is_palm) # return prompt, self.PromptJSONModel, self.n_fields, xlsx_headers return prompt, self.dictionary_structure def copy_prompt_template_to_new_dir(self, new_directory_path, rules_config_path): # Ensure the target directory exists, create it if it doesn't if not os.path.exists(new_directory_path): os.makedirs(new_directory_path) # Define the path for the new file location new_file_path = os.path.join(new_directory_path, os.path.basename(rules_config_path)) # Copy the file to the new location try: shutil.copy(rules_config_path, new_file_path) print(f"Prompt [{os.path.basename(rules_config_path)}] copied successfully to {new_file_path}") except Exception as exc: print(f"Error copying [{os.path.basename(rules_config_path)}] file: {exc}") def load_rules_config(self): with open(self.rules_config_path, 'r') as stream: try: return yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) return None def create_rules(self, is_palm=False): dictionary_structure = {key: value for key, value in self.rules_list.items()} # Convert the structure to a JSON string without indentation structure_json_str = json.dumps(dictionary_structure, sort_keys=False) return structure_json_str def create_structure(self, is_palm=False): # Create fields for the Pydantic model dynamically fields = {key: (str, Field(default=value, description=value)) for key, value in self.rules_list.items()} # Dynamically create the Pydantic model DynamicJSONParsingModel = create_model('SLTPvA', **fields) DynamicJSONParsingModel_use = DynamicJSONParsingModel() # Define the structure for the "Dictionary" section dictionary_fields = {key: (str, Field(default='', description="")) for key in self.rules_list.keys()} # Dynamically create the "Dictionary" Pydantic model PromptJSONModel = create_model('PromptJSONModel', **dictionary_fields) # Convert the model to JSON string (for demonstration) dictionary_structure = PromptJSONModel().dict() structure_json_str = json.dumps(dictionary_structure, sort_keys=False, indent=4) return structure_json_str, dictionary_structure def generate_xlsx_headers(self, is_palm): # Extract headers from the 'Dictionary' keys in the JSON template rules if is_palm: xlsx_headers = list(self.rules_list.keys()) return xlsx_headers else: xlsx_headers = list(self.rules_list.keys()) return xlsx_headers