import os, math, cv2, random import numpy as np from itertools import combinations from PIL import Image from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import List, Dict @dataclass() class LeafSkeleton: cfg: str Dirs: str leaf_type: str all_points: list dir_temp: str file_name: str width: int height: int logger: object do_show_QC_images: bool = False do_save_QC_images: bool = False classes: float = None points_list: float = None image: float = None ordered_midvein: float = None midvein_fit: float = None midvein_fit_points: float = None ordered_midvein_length: float = None has_midvein = False is_split = False ordered_petiole: float = None ordered_petiole_length: float = None has_ordered_petiole = False has_apex: bool = False apex_left: float = None apex_right: float = None apex_center: float = None apex_angle_type: str = 'NA' apex_angle_degrees: float = None has_base: bool = False base_left: float = None base_right: float = None base_center: float = None base_angle_type: str = 'NA' base_angle_degrees: float = None has_lamina_tip: bool = False lamina_tip: float = None has_lamina_base: bool = False lamina_base: float = None has_lamina_length: bool = False lamina_fit: float = None lamina_length: float = None has_width: bool = False lamina_width: float = None width_left: float = None width_right: float = None has_lobes: bool = False lobe_count: float = None lobes: float = None def __init__(self, cfg, logger, Dirs, leaf_type, all_points, height, width, dir_temp, file_name) -> None: # Store the necessary arguments as instance attributes self.cfg = cfg self.Dirs = Dirs self.leaf_type = leaf_type self.all_points = all_points self.height = height self.width = width self.dir_temp = dir_temp self.file_name = file_name = f'[{leaf_type} - {file_name}]' self.logger = logger self.init_lists_dicts() # Setup self.set_cfg_values() self.define_landmark_classes() self.setup_QC_image() self.setup_final_image() self.parse_all_points() self.convert_YOLO_bbox_to_point() # Start with ordering the midvein and petiole self.order_midvein() self.order_petiole() # print(self.ordered_midvein) # Split the image using the midvein IF has_midvein == True self.split_image_by_midvein() # Process angles IF is_split == True. Need orientation to pick the appropriate pts for angle calcs self.determine_apex() self.determine_base() self.determine_lamina_tip() self.determine_lamina_base() self.determine_lamina_length('QC') self.determine_width() self.determine_lobes() self.determine_petiole() # straight length of petiole vs. ordered_petiole length which is tracing the petiole self.restrictions() # creates self.is_complete_leaf = False and self.is_leaf_no_width = False # can add less restrictive options later, but for now only very complete leaves will pass self.redo_measurements() self.create_final_image() self.translate_measurements_to_full_image() self.show_QC_image() self.show_final_image() # self.save_QC_image() # print('hi') def get(self, attribute, default=None): return getattr(self, attribute, default) def split_image_by_midvein(self): if self.has_midvein: n_fit = 1 # Convert the points to a numpy array points_arr = np.array(self.ordered_midvein) # Fit a line to the points self.midvein_fit = np.polyfit(points_arr[:, 0], points_arr[:, 1], n_fit) if len(self.midvein_fit) < 1: self.midvein_fit = None else: # Plot a sample of points from along the line max_dim = max(self.height, self.width) if max_dim < 400: num_points = 40 elif max_dim < 1000: num_points = 80 else: num_points = 120 # Get the endpoints of the line segment that lies within the bounds of the image x1 = 0 y1 = int(self.midvein_fit[0] * x1 + self.midvein_fit[1]) x2 = self.width - 1 y2 = int(self.midvein_fit[0] * x2 + self.midvein_fit[1]) denom = self.midvein_fit[0] if denom == 0: denom = 0.0000000001 if y1 < 0: y1 = 0 x1 = int((y1 - self.midvein_fit[1]) / denom) if y2 >= self.height: y2 = self.height - 1 x2 = int((y2 - self.midvein_fit[1]) / denom) # Sample num_points points along the line segment within the bounds of the image x_vals = np.linspace(x1, x2, num_points) y_vals = self.midvein_fit[0] * x_vals + self.midvein_fit[1] # Remove any points that are outside the bounds of the image indices = np.where((y_vals >= 0) & (y_vals < self.height))[0] x_vals = x_vals[indices] y_vals = y_vals[indices] # Recompute y-values using the line equation and updated x-values y_vals = self.midvein_fit[0] * x_vals + self.midvein_fit[1] self.midvein_fit_points = np.column_stack((x_vals, y_vals)) self.is_split = True # Draw line of fit for point in self.midvein_fit_points:, tuple(point.astype(int)), radius=1, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) '''def split_image_by_midvein(self): # cubic if self.file_name == 'B_774373024_Ebenaceae_Diospyros_glutinifera__L__469-164-888-632': print('hi') if self.has_midvein: n_fit = 3 # Convert the points to a numpy array points_arr = np.array(self.ordered_midvein) # Fit a curve to the points self.midvein_fit = np.polyfit(points_arr[:, 0], points_arr[:, 1], n_fit) # Plot a sample of points from along the curve max_dim = max(self.height, self.width) if max_dim < 400: num_points = 40 elif max_dim < 1000: num_points = 80 else: num_points = 120 # Get the endpoints of the curve segment that lies within the bounds of the image x1 = 0 y1 = int(self.midvein_fit[0] * x1**3 + self.midvein_fit[1] * x1**2 + self.midvein_fit[2] * x1 + self.midvein_fit[3]) x2 = self.width - 1 y2 = int(self.midvein_fit[0] * x2**3 + self.midvein_fit[1] * x2**2 + self.midvein_fit[2] * x2 + self.midvein_fit[3]) # Sample num_points y-values that are evenly spaced within the bounds of the image y_vals = np.linspace(0, self.height - 1, num_points) # Compute the corresponding x-values using the polynomial p = np.poly1d(self.midvein_fit) x_vals = np.zeros(num_points) for i, y in enumerate(y_vals): roots = p - y real_roots = roots.r[np.isreal(roots.r)].real x_val = real_roots[(real_roots >= 0) & (real_roots < self.width)] if len(x_val) > 0: x_vals[i] = x_val[0] # Remove any points that are outside the bounds of the image indices = np.where((y_vals > 0) & (y_vals < self.height-1))[0] x_vals = x_vals[indices] y_vals = y_vals[indices] # Recompute y-values using the polynomial and updated x-values y_vals = self.midvein_fit[0] * x_vals**3 + self.midvein_fit[1] * x_vals**2 + self.midvein_fit[2] * x_vals + self.midvein_fit[3] self.midvein_fit_points = np.column_stack((x_vals, y_vals)) self.is_split = True''' def determine_apex(self): if self.is_split: can_get_angle = False if 'apex_angle' in self.points_list: if 'lamina_tip' in self.points_list: self.apex_center, self.points_list['apex_angle'] = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['apex_angle'], self.points_list['lamina_tip']) can_get_angle = True elif self.midvein_fit_points.shape[0] > 0: self.apex_center, self.points_list['apex_angle'] = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['apex_angle'], self.midvein_fit_points) can_get_angle = True if can_get_angle: left = [] right = [] for point in self.points_list['apex_angle']: loc = self.point_position_relative_to_line(point, self.midvein_fit) if loc == 'right': right.append(point) elif loc == 'left': left.append(point) if (left == []) or (right == []): self.has_apex = False if (left == []) and (right != []): self.apex_right, right = self.get_far_point(right, self.apex_center) self.apex_left = None elif (right == []) and (left != []): self.apex_left, left = self.get_far_point(left, self.apex_center) self.apex_right = None else: self.apex_left = None self.apex_right = None else: self.has_apex = True self.apex_left, left = self.get_far_point(left, self.apex_center) self.apex_right, right = self.get_far_point(right, self.apex_center) # print(self.points_list['apex_angle']) # print(f'apex_center: {self.apex_center} apex_left: {self.apex_left} apex_right: {self.apex_right}') self.logger.debug(f"[apex_angle_list] {self.points_list['apex_angle']}") self.logger.debug(f"[apex_center] {self.apex_center} [apex_left] {self.apex_left} [apex_right] {self.apex_right}") if self.has_apex: self.apex_angle_type, self.apex_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.apex_left, self.apex_right, self.apex_center) # print(f'angle_type {self.apex_angle_type} angle {self.apex_angle_degrees}') self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type] {self.apex_angle_type} [angle] {self.apex_angle_degrees}") else: self.apex_angle_type = 'NA' self.apex_angle_degrees = None self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type] {self.apex_angle_type} [angle] {self.apex_angle_degrees}") if self.has_apex: if self.apex_center is not None:, self.apex_center, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) if self.apex_left is not None:, self.apex_left, radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.apex_right is not None:, self.apex_right, radius=3, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) def determine_apex_redo(self): self.logger.debug(f"[apex_angle_list REDO] ") self.logger.debug(f"[apex_center REDO] {self.apex_center} [apex_left] {self.apex_left} [apex_right] {self.apex_right}") if self.has_apex: self.apex_angle_type, self.apex_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.apex_left, self.apex_right, self.apex_center) self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type REDO] {self.apex_angle_type} [angle] {self.apex_angle_degrees}") else: self.apex_angle_type = 'NA' self.apex_angle_degrees = None self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type REDO] {self.apex_angle_type} [angle] {self.apex_angle_degrees}") if self.has_apex: if self.apex_center is not None:, self.apex_center, radius=11, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2) if self.apex_left is not None:, self.apex_left, radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.apex_right is not None:, self.apex_right, radius=3, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) def determine_base_redo(self): self.logger.debug(f"[base_angle_list REDO] ") self.logger.debug(f"[base_center REDO] {self.base_center} [base_left] {self.base_left} [base_right] {self.base_right}") if self.has_base: self.base_angle_type, self.base_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.base_left, self.base_right, self.base_center) self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type REDO] {self.base_angle_type} [angle] {self.base_angle_degrees}") else: self.base_angle_type = 'NA' self.base_angle_degrees = None self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type REDO] {self.base_angle_type} [angle] {self.base_angle_degrees}") if self.has_base: if self.base_center is not None:, self.base_center, radius=11, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2) if self.base_left is not None:, self.base_left, radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.base_right is not None:, self.base_right, radius=3, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) def determine_base(self): if self.is_split: can_get_angle = False if 'base_angle' in self.points_list: if 'lamina_base' in self.points_list: self.base_center, self.points_list['base_angle'] = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['base_angle'], self.points_list['lamina_base']) can_get_angle = True elif self.midvein_fit_points.shape[0] > 0: self.base_center, self.points_list['base_angle'] = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['base_angle'], self.midvein_fit_points) can_get_angle = True if can_get_angle: left = [] right = [] for point in self.points_list['base_angle']: loc = self.point_position_relative_to_line(point, self.midvein_fit) if loc == 'right': right.append(point) elif loc == 'left': left.append(point) if (left == []) or (right == []): self.has_base = False if (left == []) and (right != []): self.base_right, right = self.get_far_point(right, self.base_center) self.base_left = None elif (right == []) and (left != []): self.base_left, left = self.get_far_point(left, self.base_center) self.base_right = None else: self.base_left = None self.base_right = None else: self.has_base = True self.base_left, left = self.get_far_point(left, self.base_center) self.base_right, right = self.get_far_point(right, self.base_center) # print(self.points_list['base_angle']) # print(f'base_center: {self.base_center} base_left: {self.base_left} base_right: {self.base_right}') self.logger.debug(f"[base_angle_list] {self.points_list['base_angle']}") self.logger.debug(f"[base_center] {self.base_center} [base_left] {self.base_left} [base_right] {self.base_right}") if self.has_base: self.base_angle_type, self.base_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.base_left, self.base_right, self.base_center) # print(f'angle_type {self.base_angle_type} angle {self.base_angle_degrees}') self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type] {self.base_angle_type} [angle] {self.base_angle_degrees}") else: self.base_angle_type = 'NA' self.base_angle_degrees = None self.logger.debug(f"[angle_type] {self.base_angle_type} [angle] {self.base_angle_degrees}") if self.has_base: if self.base_center:, self.base_center, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) if self.base_left:, self.base_left, radius=3, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.base_right:, self.base_right, radius=3, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) def determine_lamina_tip(self): if 'lamina_tip' in self.points_list: self.has_lamina_tip = True if self.apex_center: self.lamina_tip, self.lamina_tip_alternate = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['lamina_tip'], self.apex_center) elif len(self.midvein_fit_points) > 0: self.lamina_tip, self.lamina_tip_alternate = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['lamina_tip'], self.midvein_fit_points) else: if len(self.points_list['lamina_tip']) == 1: self.lamina_tip = self.points_list['lamina_tip'][0] self.lamina_tip_alternate = None else: # blindly choose the most "central points" centroid = tuple(np.mean(self.points_list['lamina_tip'], axis=0)) self.lamina_tip = min(self.points_list['lamina_tip'], key=lambda p: np.linalg.norm(np.array(p) - np.array(centroid))) self.lamina_tip_alternate = None # TODO finish this # if lamina_tip is closer to midvein_fit_points, then apex_center = lamina_tip if self.apex_center and (len(self.midvein_fit_points) > 0): d_apex = self.calc_min_distance(self.apex_center, self.midvein_fit_points) d_lamina = self.calc_min_distance(self.lamina_tip, self.midvein_fit_points) if d_lamina < d_apex:, self.apex_center, radius=5, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=3) # white hollow, indicates switch, self.lamina_tip, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) # repaint the point, indicates switch self.apex_center = self.lamina_tip if self.has_apex: self.apex_angle_type, self.apex_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.apex_left, self.apex_right, self.apex_center) else: if self.apex_center: self.has_lamina_tip = True self.lamina_tip = self.apex_center self.lamina_tip_alternate = None if self.lamina_tip:, self.lamina_tip, radius=5, color=(255, 0, 230), thickness=2) # pink solid if self.lamina_tip_alternate: for pt in self.lamina_tip_alternate:, pt, radius=3, color=(255, 0, 230), thickness=-1) # pink hollow def determine_lamina_base(self): if 'lamina_base' in self.points_list: self.has_lamina_base = True if self.base_center: self.lamina_base, self.lamina_base_alternate = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['lamina_base'], self.base_center) elif len(self.midvein_fit_points) > 0: self.lamina_base, self.lamina_base_alternate = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.points_list['lamina_base'], self.midvein_fit_points) else: if len(self.points_list['lamina_base']) == 1: self.lamina_base = self.points_list['lamina_base'][0] self.lamina_base_alternate = None else: # blindly choose the most "central points" centroid = tuple(np.mean(self.points_list['lamina_base'], axis=0)) self.lamina_base = min(self.points_list['lamina_base'], key=lambda p: np.linalg.norm(np.array(p) - np.array(centroid))) self.lamina_base_alternate = None # if has_lamina_tip is closer to midvein_fit_points, then base_center = has_lamina_tip if self.base_center and (len(self.midvein_fit_points) > 0): d_base = self.calc_min_distance(self.base_center, self.midvein_fit_points) d_lamina = self.calc_min_distance(self.lamina_base, self.midvein_fit_points) if d_lamina < d_base:, self.base_center, radius=5, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=3) # white hollow, indicates switch, self.lamina_base, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) # repaint the point, indicates switch self.base_center = self.lamina_base if self.has_base: self.base_angle_type, self.base_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.base_left, self.base_right, self.base_center) else: if self.base_center: self.has_lamina_base = True self.lamina_base = self.base_center self.lamina_base_alternate = None if self.lamina_base:, self.lamina_base, radius=5, color=(0, 100, 255), thickness=2) # orange if self.lamina_base_alternate: for pt in self.lamina_base_alternate:, pt, radius=3, color=(0, 100, 255), thickness=-1) # orange hollow def determine_lamina_length(self, QC_or_final): if self.has_lamina_base and self.has_lamina_tip: self.lamina_length = self.distance(self.lamina_base, self.lamina_tip) ends = np.array([self.lamina_base, self.lamina_tip]) self.lamina_fit = np.polyfit(ends[:, 0], ends[:, 1], 1) self.has_lamina_length = True # r_base = 0 r_base = 16 # col = (0, 100, 0) col = (0, 0, 0) if QC_or_final == 'QC': cv2.line(self.image, self.lamina_base, self.lamina_tip, col, 2 + r_base) else: cv2.line(self.image_final, self.lamina_base, self.lamina_tip, col, 2 + r_base) else: col = (0, 0, 0) r_base = 16 if self.has_lamina_base and (not self.has_lamina_tip) and self.has_apex: # lamina base and apex center self.lamina_length = self.distance(self.lamina_base, self.apex_center) ends = np.array([self.lamina_base, self.apex_center]) self.lamina_fit = np.polyfit(ends[:, 0], ends[:, 1], 1) self.has_lamina_length = True if QC_or_final == 'QC': cv2.line(self.image, self.lamina_base, self.apex_center, col, 2 + r_base) else: cv2.line(self.image, self.lamina_base, self.apex_center, col, 2 + r_base) elif self.has_lamina_tip and (not self.has_lamina_base) and self.has_base: # lamina tip and base center self.lamina_length = self.distance(self.lamina_tip, self.base_center) ends = np.array([self.lamina_tip, self.apex_center]) self.lamina_fit = np.polyfit(ends[:, 0], ends[:, 1], 1) self.has_lamina_length = True if QC_or_final == 'QC': cv2.line(self.image, self.lamina_tip, self.apex_center, col, 2 + r_base) else: cv2.line(self.image, self.lamina_tip, self.apex_center, col, 2 + r_base) elif (not self.has_lamina_tip) and (not self.has_lamina_base) and self.has_apex and self.has_base: # apex center and base center self.lamina_length = self.distance(self.apex_center, self.base_center) ends = np.array([self.base_center, self.apex_center]) self.lamina_fit = np.polyfit(ends[:, 0], ends[:, 1], 1) self.has_lamina_length = True if QC_or_final == 'QC': cv2.line(self.image, self.base_center, self.apex_center, col, 2 + r_base) else: cv2.line(self.image, self.base_center, self.apex_center, col, 2 + r_base) # 0, 175, 200 else: self.lamina_length = None self.lamina_fit = None self.has_lamina_length = False def determine_width(self): if (('lamina_width' in self.points_list) and ((self.midvein_fit is not None and len(self.midvein_fit) > 0) or (self.lamina_fit is not None))): left = [] right = [] if len(self.midvein_fit) > 0: # try using the midvein as a reference first for point in self.points_list['lamina_width']: loc = self.point_position_relative_to_line(point, self.midvein_fit) if loc == 'right': right.append(point) elif loc == 'left': left.append(point) elif len(self.lamina_fit) > 0: # then try just the lamina tip/base for point in self.points_list['lamina_width']: loc = self.point_position_relative_to_line(point, self.lamina_fit) if loc == 'right': right.append(point) elif loc == 'left': left.append(point) else: self.has_width = False self.width_left = None self.width_right = None self.lamina_width = None if (left == []) or (right == []) or not self.has_width: self.has_width = False self.width_left = None self.width_right = None self.lamina_width = None else: self.has_width = True if len(self.midvein_fit) > 0: self.width_left, self.width_right = self.find_most_orthogonal_vectors(left, right, self.midvein_fit) self.lamina_width = self.distance(self.width_left, self.width_right) self.order_points_plot([self.width_left, self.width_right], 'lamina_width', 'QC') else: # get shortest width if the nidvein is absent for comparison self.width_left, self.width_right = self.find_min_width(left, right) self.lamina_width = self.distance(self.width_left, self.width_right) self.order_points_plot([self.width_left, self.width_right], 'lamina_width_alt', 'QC') else: self.has_width = False self.width_left = None self.width_right = None self.lamina_width = None def determine_lobes(self): if 'lobe_tip' in self.points_list: self.has_lobes = True self.lobe_count = len(self.points_list['lobe_tip']) self.lobes = self.points_list['lobe_tip'] for lobe in self.lobes:, tuple(lobe), radius=6, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=3) def determine_petiole(self): if 'petiole_tip' in self.points_list: self.has_petiole_tip = True if len(self.points_list['petiole_tip']) == 1: self.petiole_tip = self.points_list['petiole_tip'][0] self.petiole_tip_alternate = None else: # blindly choose the most "central points" centroid = tuple(np.mean(self.points_list['petiole_tip'], axis=0)) self.petiole_tip = min(self.points_list['petiole_tip'], key=lambda p: np.linalg.norm(np.array(p) - np.array(centroid))) self.petiole_tip_alternate = None # Straight length of petiole points if self.has_ordered_petiole: self.petiole_tip_opposite, self.petiole_tip_alternate = self.get_far_point(self.ordered_petiole, self.petiole_tip) self.petiole_length = self.distance(self.petiole_tip_opposite, self.petiole_tip) self.order_points_plot([self.petiole_tip_opposite, self.petiole_tip], 'petiole_tip', 'QC') else: self.petiole_tip_opposite = None self.petiole_length = None # Straight length of petiole tip to lamina base if self.lamina_base is not None: self.petiole_length_to_lamina_base = self.distance(self.lamina_base, self.petiole_tip) self.petiole_tip_opposite_alternate = self.lamina_base self.order_points_plot([self.petiole_tip_opposite_alternate, self.petiole_tip], 'petiole_tip_alt', 'QC') elif self.base_center: self.petiole_length_to_lamina_base = self.distance(self.base_center, self.petiole_tip) self.petiole_tip_opposite_alternate = self.base_center self.order_points_plot([self.petiole_tip_opposite_alternate, self.petiole_tip], 'petiole_tip_alt', 'QC') else: self.petiole_length_to_lamina_base = None self.petiole_tip_opposite_alternate = None def redo_measurements(self): if self.has_width: self.lamina_width = self.distance(self.width_left, self.width_right) if self.has_ordered_petiole: self.ordered_petiole_length, self.ordered_petiole = self.get_length_of_ordered_points(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace') if self.has_midvein: self.ordered_midvein_length, self.ordered_midvein = self.get_length_of_ordered_points(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace') if self.has_apex: self.apex_angle_type, self.apex_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.apex_left, self.apex_right, self.apex_center) if self.has_base: self.base_angle_type, self.base_angle_degrees = self.determine_reflex(self.base_left, self.base_right, self.base_center) self.determine_lamina_length('final') # Calling just in case, should already be updated def translate_measurements_to_full_image(self): loc = self.file_name.split('__')[-1] self.add_x = int(loc.split('-')[0]) self.add_y = int(loc.split('-')[1]) if self.has_base: self.t_base_center = [self.base_center[0] + self.add_x, self.base_center[1] + self.add_y] self.t_base_left = [self.base_left[0] + self.add_x, self.base_left[1] + self.add_y] self.t_base_right = [self.base_right[0] + self.add_x, self.base_right[1] + self.add_y] if self.has_apex: self.t_apex_center = [self.apex_center[0] + self.add_x, self.apex_center[1] + self.add_y] self.t_apex_left = [self.apex_left[0] + self.add_x, self.apex_left[1] + self.add_y] self.t_apex_right = [self.apex_right[0] + self.add_x, self.apex_right[1] + self.add_y] if self.has_lamina_base: self.t_lamina_base = [self.lamina_base[0] + self.add_x, self.lamina_base[1] + self.add_y] if self.has_lamina_tip: self.t_lamina_tip = [self.lamina_tip[0] + self.add_x, self.lamina_tip[1] + self.add_y] if self.has_lobes: self.t_lobes = [] for point in self.lobes: new_x = int(point[0]) + self.add_x new_y = int(point[1]) + self.add_y new_point = [new_x, new_y] self.t_lobes.append(new_point) if self.has_midvein: self.t_midvein_fit_points = [] for point in self.midvein_fit_points: new_x = int(point[0]) + self.add_x new_y = int(point[1]) + self.add_y new_point = [new_x, new_y] self.t_midvein_fit_points.append(new_point) self.t_midvein = [] for point in self.ordered_midvein: new_x = int(point[0]) + self.add_x new_y = int(point[1]) + self.add_y new_point = [new_x, new_y] self.t_midvein.append(new_point) if self.has_ordered_petiole: self.t_petiole = [] for point in self.ordered_petiole: new_x = int(point[0]) + self.add_x new_y = int(point[1]) + self.add_y new_point = [new_x, new_y] self.t_petiole.append(new_point) if self.has_width: self.t_width_left = [self.width_left[0] + self.add_x, self.width_left[1] + self.add_y] self.t_width_right = [self.width_right[0] + self.add_x, self.width_right[1] + self.add_y] if self.width_infer is not None: self.t_width_infer = [] for point in self.width_infer: new_x = int(point[0]) + self.add_x new_y = int(point[1]) + self.add_y new_point = [new_x, new_y] self.t_width_infer.append(new_point) def create_final_image(self): self.is_complete_leaf = False ########################################################################################################################################################### self.is_leaf_no_width = False # r_base = 0 r_base = 16 if (self.has_apex and self.has_base and self.has_ordered_petiole and self.has_midvein and self.has_width): self.is_complete_leaf = True self.order_points_plot([self.width_left, self.width_right], 'lamina_width', 'final') self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace', 'final') self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace', 'final') self.order_points_plot([self.apex_left, self.apex_center, self.apex_right], self.apex_angle_type, 'final') self.order_points_plot([self.base_left, self.base_center, self.base_right], self.base_angle_type, 'final') self.determine_lamina_length('final') # try # Lamina tip and base if self.has_lamina_tip:, self.lamina_tip, radius=4 + r_base, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2), self.lamina_tip, radius=2 + r_base, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) if self.has_lamina_base:, self.lamina_base, radius=4 + r_base, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2), self.lamina_base, radius=2 + r_base, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) # Apex angle # if self.apex_center != []: #, self.apex_center, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) if self.apex_left is not None:, self.apex_left, radius=3 + r_base, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.apex_right is not None:, self.apex_right, radius=3 + r_base, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) # Base angle # if self.base_center: #, self.base_center, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) if self.base_left:, self.base_left, radius=3 + r_base, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.base_right:, self.base_right, radius=3 + r_base, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) # Lobes if self.has_lobes: for lobe in self.lobes:, tuple(lobe), radius=6 + r_base, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=3) elif self.has_apex and self.has_base and self.has_ordered_petiole and self.has_midvein and (not self.has_width): self.is_leaf_no_width = True self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace', 'final') self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace', 'final') self.order_points_plot([self.apex_left, self.apex_center, self.apex_right], self.apex_angle_type, 'final') self.order_points_plot([self.base_left, self.base_center, self.base_right], self.base_angle_type, 'final') self.determine_lamina_length('final') # Lamina tip and base if self.has_lamina_tip:, self.lamina_tip, radius=4 + r_base, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2), self.lamina_tip, radius=2 + r_base, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) if self.has_lamina_base:, self.lamina_base, radius=4 + r_base, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2), self.lamina_base, radius=2 + r_base, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=-1) # Apex angle # if self.apex_center != []: #, self.apex_center, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) if self.apex_left is not None:, self.apex_left, radius=3 + r_base, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.apex_right is not None:, self.apex_right, radius=3 + r_base, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) # Base angle # if self.base_center: #, self.base_center, radius=3, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1) if self.base_left:, self.base_left, radius=3 + r_base, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=-1) if self.base_right:, self.base_right, radius=3 + r_base, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) # Draw line of fit for point in self.width_infer: point[0] = np.clip(point[0], 0, self.width - 1) point[1] = np.clip(point[1], 0, self.height - 1), tuple(point.astype(int)), radius=4 + r_base, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) # Lobes if self.has_lobes: for lobe in self.lobes:, tuple(lobe), radius=6 + r_base, color=(0, 255, 255), thickness=3) def restrictions(self): # self.check_tips() self.connect_midvein_to_tips() self.connect_petiole_to_midvein() self.check_crossing_width() def check_tips(self): # TODO need to check the sides to prevent base from ending up on the tip side. just need to check which side of the oredered list to pull from if max([self.height, self.width]) < 200: scale_factor = 0.25 elif max([self.height, self.width]) < 500: scale_factor = 0.5 else: scale_factor = 1 if self.has_lamina_base: second_last_dir = np.array(self.ordered_midvein[-1]) - np.array(self.lamina_base) end_vector_mag = np.linalg.norm(second_last_dir) avg_dist = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.ordered_midvein[i])-np.array(self.ordered_midvein[i-1])) for i in range(1, len(self.ordered_midvein))]) if (end_vector_mag > (scale_factor * 0.01 * avg_dist * len(self.ordered_midvein))): self.lamina_base = self.ordered_midvein[-1], self.lamina_base, radius=4, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=-1), self.lamina_base, radius=8, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2) self.logger.debug(f'Check Tips - lamina base - made lamina base the last midvein point') else: self.logger.debug(f'Check Tips - lamina base - kept lamina base') if self.has_lamina_tip: second_last_dir = np.array(self.ordered_midvein[0]) - np.array(self.lamina_tip) end_vector_mag = np.linalg.norm(second_last_dir) avg_dist = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.ordered_midvein[i])-np.array(self.ordered_midvein[i-1])) for i in range(1, len(self.ordered_midvein))]) if (end_vector_mag > (scale_factor * 0.01 * avg_dist * len(self.ordered_midvein))): self.lamina_tip = self.ordered_midvein[-1], self.lamina_tip, radius=4, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=-1), self.lamina_tip, radius=8, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2) self.logger.debug(f'Check Tips - lamina tip - made lamina tip the first midvein point') else: self.logger.debug(f'Check Tips - lamina tip - kept lamina tip') def connect_midvein_to_tips(self): self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - connect_midvein_to_tips()') if self.has_midvein: if self.has_lamina_tip: original_lamina_tip = self.lamina_tip start_or_end = self.add_tip(self.lamina_tip) self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - Lamina tip [{self.lamina_tip}]') self.ordered_midvein, move_midvein = self.check_momentum_complex(self.ordered_midvein, True, start_or_end) if move_midvein: # the tip changed the momentum too much self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - REDO APEX ANGLE - SWAP LAMINA TIP FOR FIRST MIDVEIN POINT') # get midvein point cloases to tip # new_endpoint_side, _ = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.ordered_midvein, original_lamina_tip) # new_endpoint, _ = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points([self.ordered_midvein[0], self.ordered_midvein[-1]], new_endpoint_side) # change the apex to new endpoint self.lamina_tip = self.ordered_midvein[0] self.apex_center = self.ordered_midvein[0] self.determine_lamina_length('QC') self.determine_apex_redo() # cv2.imshow('img', self.image) # cv2.waitKey(0) # self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace') self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - connected lamina tip to midvein') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - lacks lamina tip') if self.has_lamina_base: original_lamina_base = self.lamina_base start_or_end = self.add_tip(self.lamina_base) self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - Lamina base [{self.lamina_base}]') self.ordered_midvein, move_midvein = self.check_momentum_complex(self.ordered_midvein, True, start_or_end) if move_midvein: # the tip changed the momentum too much self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - REDO BASE ANGLE - SWAP LAMINA BASE FOR LAST MIDVEIN POINT') # get midvein point cloases to tip # new_endpoint_side, _ = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self.ordered_midvein, original_lamina_base) # new_endpoint, _ = self.get_closest_point_to_sampled_points([self.ordered_midvein[0], self.ordered_midvein[-1]], new_endpoint_side) # change the apex to new endpoint self.lamina_base = self.ordered_midvein[-1] self.base_center = self.ordered_midvein[-1] self.determine_lamina_length('QC') self.determine_base_redo() # self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace') self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - connected lamina base to midvein') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - lacks lamina base') def connect_petiole_to_midvein(self): if self.has_ordered_petiole and self.has_midvein: if len(self.ordered_petiole) > 0 and len(self.ordered_midvein) > 0: # Find the closest pair of points between ordered_petiole and ordered_midvein min_dist = np.inf closest_petiole_idx = None closest_midvein_idx = None for i, petiole_point in enumerate(self.ordered_petiole): for j, midvein_point in enumerate(self.ordered_midvein): # Convert petiole_point and midvein_point to NumPy arrays petiole_point = np.array(petiole_point) midvein_point = np.array(midvein_point) # Calculate the distance between the two points dist = np.linalg.norm(petiole_point - midvein_point) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist closest_petiole_idx = i closest_midvein_idx = j # Calculate the midpoint between the closest points petiole_point = self.ordered_petiole[closest_petiole_idx] midvein_point = self.ordered_midvein[closest_midvein_idx] midpoint = (int((petiole_point[0] + midvein_point[0]) / 2), int((petiole_point[1] + midvein_point[1]) / 2)) # Determine whether the midpoint should be added to the beginning or end of each list petiole_dist_to_end = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.ordered_petiole[closest_petiole_idx]) - np.array(self.ordered_petiole[-1])) midvein_dist_to_end = np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.ordered_midvein[closest_midvein_idx]) - np.array(self.ordered_midvein[-1])) if (petiole_dist_to_end < midvein_dist_to_end): # Add the midpoint to the end of the petiole list and the beginning of the midvein list self.ordered_midvein.insert(0, midpoint) self.ordered_petiole.append(midpoint) self.lamina_base = midpoint, self.lamina_base, radius=4, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1), self.lamina_base, radius=6, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=2) else: # Add the midpoint to the end of the midvein list and the beginning of the petiole list self.ordered_petiole.insert(0, midpoint) self.ordered_midvein.append(midpoint) self.lamina_base = midpoint, self.lamina_base, radius=4, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=-1), self.lamina_base, radius=6, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=2) # If the momentum changed, then move the apex/base centers to the begninning/end of the new midvein. # self.ordered_midvein, move_midvein = self.check_momentum(self.ordered_midvein, True) # self.ordered_petiole, move_petiole = self.check_momentum(self.ordered_petiole, True) # if move_midvein or move_petiole: # self.logger.debug(f'') self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace', 'QC') self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace', 'QC') def check_crossing_width(self): self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Crossing Width Line] - check_crossing_width()') self.width_infer = None if self.has_width: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Crossing Width Line] - has width') # Given two points x1, y1 = self.width_left x2, y2 = self.width_right # Calculate the slope and y-intercept denom = (x2 - x1) if denom == 0: denom = 0.00000000001 m = (y2 - y1) / denom b = y1 - m * x1 line_params = [m, b] self.restrict_by_width_relation(line_params) elif not self.has_width: # generate approximate width line self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Crossing Width Line] - infer width') if self.has_apex and self.has_base: line_params = self.infer_width_relation() self.restrict_by_width_relation(line_params) else: self.has_ordered_petiole = False self.has_apex = False self.has_base = False self.has_valid_apex_loc = False self.has_valid_base_loc = False self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Crossing Width Line] - CANNOT VALIDATE APEX, BASE, PETIOLE LOCATIONS') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Crossing Width Line] - width fail *** ERROR ***') def infer_width_relation(self): top = [np.array((self.apex_center[0], self.apex_center[1])), np.array((self.apex_left[0], self.apex_left[1])), np.array((self.apex_right[0], self.apex_right[1]))] bottom = [np.array((self.base_center[0], self.base_center[1])), np.array((self.base_left[0], self.base_left[1])), np.array((self.base_right[0], self.base_right[1]))] if self.has_ordered_petiole: bottom = bottom + [np.array(pt) for pt in self.ordered_petiole] if self.has_midvein: midvein = np.array(self.ordered_midvein) self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Crossing Width Line] - infer width - using midvein points') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Crossing Width Line] - infer width - estimating midvein points') x_increment = (centroid2[0] - centroid1[0]) / 11 y_increment = (centroid2[1] - centroid1[1]) / 11 midvein = [] for i in range(1, 11): x = centroid1[0] + i * x_increment y = centroid1[1] + i * y_increment midvein.append([x, y]) # find the centroids of each group of points centroid1 = np.mean(top, axis=0) centroid2 = np.mean(bottom, axis=0) # calculate the midpoint between the centroids midpoint = (centroid1 + centroid2) / 2 # calculate the vector between the centroids centroid_vector = centroid2 - centroid1 # calculate the vector perpendicular to the centroid vector perp_vector = np.array([-centroid_vector[1], centroid_vector[0]]) # normalize the perpendicular vector perp_unit_vector = perp_vector / np.linalg.norm(perp_vector) # define the length of the line segment # line_segment_length = np.linalg.norm(centroid_vector) / 2 # calculate the maximum length of the line segment that can be drawn inside the image max_line_segment_length = min(midpoint[0], midpoint[1], self.width - midpoint[0], self.height - midpoint[1]) # calculate the step size step_size = max_line_segment_length / 5 # generate 10 points along the line that is perpendicular to the centroid vector and goes through the midpoint points = [] for i in range(-5, 6): point = midpoint + i * step_size * perp_unit_vector points.append(point) # find the equation of the line passing through the midpoint and with the perpendicular unit vector as the slope b = midpoint[1] - perp_unit_vector[1] * midpoint[0] if perp_unit_vector[0] == 0: denom = 0.0000000001 else: denom = perp_unit_vector[0] m = perp_unit_vector[1] / denom self.width_infer = points # Draw line of fit for point in points: point[0] = np.clip(point[0], 0, self.width - 1) point[1] = np.clip(point[1], 0, self.height - 1), tuple(point.astype(int)), radius=2, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1) return [m, b] def restrict_by_width_relation(self, line_params): ''' Are the tips on the same side ''' if self.has_lamina_base and self.has_lamina_tip: loc_tip = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.lamina_tip, line_params) loc_base = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.lamina_base, line_params) if loc_tip == loc_base: self.has_lamina_base = False self.has_lamina_tip = False, self.lamina_tip, radius=5, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=2) # pink solid, self.lamina_base, radius=5, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=2) # purple self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Lamina Tip/Base] - fail - Lamina tip and base are on same side') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Lamina Tip/Base] - pass - Lamina tip and base are on opposite side') ''' are all apex and base values on their respecitive sides? ''' self.has_valid_apex_loc = False self.has_valid_base_loc = False apex_side = 'NA' base_side = 'NA' if self.has_apex: loc_left = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.apex_left, line_params) loc_right = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.apex_right, line_params) loc_center = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.apex_center, line_params) if loc_left == loc_right == loc_center: # all the same apex_side = loc_center self.has_valid_apex_loc = True else: self.has_valid_apex_loc = False self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - has_valid_apex_loc = False, apex loc crosses width') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - has_valid_apex_loc = False, no apex') if self.has_base: loc_left_b = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.base_left, line_params) loc_right_b = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.base_right, line_params) loc_center_b = self.point_position_relative_to_line(self.base_center, line_params) if loc_left_b == loc_right_b == loc_center_b: # all the same base_side = loc_center_b self.has_valid_base_loc = True else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - has_valid_base_loc = False, base loc crosses width') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - has_valid_base_loc = False') if self.has_valid_apex_loc and self.has_valid_base_loc and (base_side != apex_side): self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - pass - apex and base') elif (base_side == apex_side) and (self.has_apex) and (self.has_base): self.has_valid_apex_loc = False self.has_valid_base_loc = False ### This is most restrictive self.has_apex = False self.has_base = False self.order_points_plot([self.apex_left, self.apex_center, self.apex_right], 'failed_angle', 'QC') self.order_points_plot([self.base_left, self.base_center, self.base_right], 'failed_angle', 'QC') self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - fail - apex and base') elif (not self.has_valid_apex_loc) and (self.has_apex): self.has_apex = False self.order_points_plot([self.apex_left, self.apex_center, self.apex_right], 'failed_angle', 'QC') self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - fail - apex') elif (not self.has_valid_base_loc) and (self.has_base): self.has_base = False self.order_points_plot([self.base_left, self.base_center, self.base_right], 'failed_angle', 'QC') self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - fail - base') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Angles] - no change') ''' does the petiole cross the width loc? ''' if self.has_ordered_petiole: petiole_check = [] for point in self.ordered_petiole: check_val = self.point_position_relative_to_line(point, line_params) petiole_check.append(check_val) petiole_check = list(set(petiole_check)) self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole] - petiole set = {petiole_check}') if len(petiole_check) == 1: self.has_ordered_petiole = True # Keep the petiole petiole_check = petiole_check[0] self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole] - petiole does not cross width - pass') else: self.has_ordered_petiole = False # Reject the petiole, it crossed the center self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole] - petiole does cross width - fail') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole] - has_ordered_petiole = False') ''' Is the lamina base on the same side as the petiole? happens after the other checks... ''' if self.has_lamina_base and self.has_lamina_tip and self.has_ordered_petiole: # base is not on the same side as petiole, swap IF base and tip are already opposite if loc_base != petiole_check: if loc_base != loc_tip: # make sure that the tips are on opposite sides, if yes, swap the base and tip hold_data = self.lamina_tip self.lamina_tip = self.lamina_base self.lamina_base = hold_data, self.lamina_tip, radius=9, color=(255, 0, 230), thickness=2) # pink solid, self.lamina_base, radius=9, color=(0, 100, 255), thickness=2) # purple self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole/Lamina Tip Same Side] - pass - swapped lamina tip and lamina base') else: self.has_lamina_base = False self.has_lamina_tip = False self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole/Lamina Tip Same Side] - fail - lamina base not on same side as petiole, base and tip are on same side') else: # base is on correct side if loc_base == loc_tip: # base and tip are on the same side. error self.has_lamina_base = False self.has_lamina_tip = False self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole/Lamina Tip Same Side] - fail - base and tip are on the same side, but base and petiole are ok') else: self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Petiole/Lamina Tip Same Side] - pass - no swap') def add_tip(self, tip): # Calculate the distances between the first and last points in midvein and the new point dist_start = math.dist(self.ordered_midvein[0], tip) dist_end = math.dist(self.ordered_midvein[-1], tip) # Append tip to the beginning of the list if it's closer to the first point, otherwise append it to the end of the list if dist_start < dist_end: self.ordered_midvein.insert(0, tip) start_or_end = 'start' self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - tip added to beginning of ordered_midvein') else: self.ordered_midvein.append(tip) start_or_end = 'end' self.logger.debug(f'Restrictions [Midvein Connect] - tip added to end of ordered_midvein') return start_or_end def find_min_width(self, left, right): left_vectors = np.array(left)[:, np.newaxis, :] right_vectors = np.array(right)[np.newaxis, :, :] distances = np.linalg.norm(left_vectors - right_vectors, axis=2) indices = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), distances.shape) return left[indices[0]], right[indices[1]] def find_most_orthogonal_vectors(self, left, right, midvein_fit): left_vectors = np.array(left)[:, np.newaxis, :] - np.array(right)[np.newaxis, :, :] right_vectors = -left_vectors midvein_vector = np.array(midvein_fit[-1]) - np.array(midvein_fit[0]) midvein_vector /= np.linalg.norm(midvein_vector) dot_products = np.abs(np.sum(left_vectors * midvein_vector, axis=2)) + np.abs(np.sum(right_vectors * midvein_vector, axis=2)) indices = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(dot_products), dot_products.shape) return left[indices[0]], right[indices[1]] def determine_reflex(self, apex_left, apex_right, apex_center): vector_left_to_center = np.array([apex_center[0] - apex_left[0], apex_center[1] - apex_left[1]]) vector_right_to_center = np.array([apex_center[0] - apex_right[0], apex_center[1] - apex_right[1]]) # Calculate the vector pointing to the average midvein trace value midvein_trace_arr = np.array([(x, y) for x, y in self.ordered_midvein]) midvein_trace_avg = midvein_trace_arr.mean(axis=0) vector_to_midvein_trace = midvein_trace_avg - np.array(apex_center) # Determine whether the angle is reflex or not if, vector_to_midvein_trace) > 0 and, vector_to_midvein_trace) > 0: angle_type = 'reflex' else: angle_type = 'not_reflex' angle = self.calculate_angle(apex_left, apex_center, apex_right) if angle_type == 'reflex': angle = 360 - angle self.order_points_plot([apex_left, apex_center, apex_right], angle_type, 'QC') return angle_type, angle def calculate_angle(self, p1, p2, p3): # Calculate the vectors between the points v1 = (p1[0] - p2[0], p1[1] - p2[1]) v2 = (p3[0] - p2[0], p3[1] - p2[1]) # Calculate the dot product and magnitudes of the vectors dot_product = v1[0]*v2[0] + v1[1]*v2[1] mag_v1 = math.sqrt(v1[0]**2 + v1[1]**2) mag_v2 = math.sqrt(v2[0]**2 + v2[1]**2) if mag_v1 == 0: mag_v1 = 0.000000001 if mag_v2 == 0: mag_v2 = 0.000000001 # Calculate the cosine of the angle denom = (mag_v1 * mag_v2) if denom == 0: denom = 0.000000001 cos_angle = dot_product / denom # Calculate the angle in radians and degrees angle_rad = math.acos(min(max(cos_angle, -1), 1)) angle_deg = math.degrees(angle_rad) return angle_deg def calc_min_distance(self, point, reference_points): # Convert the points and reference points to numpy arrays points_arr = np.atleast_2d(point) reference_arr = np.array(reference_points) # Calculate the distances between each point in "points" and each point in "reference_points" dists = np.linalg.norm(points_arr[:, np.newaxis, :] - reference_arr, axis=2) distance = np.min(dists, axis=1) return distance def get_closest_point_to_sampled_points(self, points, reference_points): # Convert the points and reference points to numpy arrays points_arr = np.array(points) reference_arr = np.array(reference_points) # Calculate the distances between each point in "points" and each point in "reference_points" dists = np.linalg.norm(points_arr[:, np.newaxis, :] - reference_arr, axis=2) distances = np.min(dists, axis=1) # Get the index of the closest point closest_idx = np.argmin(distances) # Remove the closest point from the list of points return points.pop(closest_idx), points def get_far_point(self, points, reference_point): # Calculate the distances between each point and the reference points distances = [math.dist(point, reference_point) for point in points] # Get the index of the closest point closest_idx = distances.index(max(distances)) far_point = points.pop(closest_idx) # Remove the closest point from the list of points return far_point, points '''def point_position_relative_to_line(self, point, line_params): # Extract the cubic coefficients from the line parameters a, b, c, d = line_params # Determine the x-coordinate of the point where it intersects with the line # We solve the cubic equation ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = y for x, given y = point[1] f = lambda x: a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d - point[1] roots = np.roots([a, b, c, d-point[1]]) real_roots = roots[np.isreal(roots)].real if len(real_roots) == 0: return "left" # point is below the curve x_intersection = real_roots[0] # Determine the midpoint of the line mid_x = self.width / 2 mid_y = self.height / 2 # Determine if the point is to the left or right of the line if self.height > self.width: if point[0] < x_intersection: return "left" else: return "right" else: if point[1] < a*mid_x**3 + b*mid_x**2 + c*mid_x + d: return "left" else: return "right"''' def point_position_relative_to_line(self, point, line_params): # Extract the slope and y-intercept from the line parameters slope, y_intercept = line_params if (slope == 0.0) or (slope == 0): slope = 0.00000000000001 # Determine the x-coordinate of the point where it intersects with the line x_intersection = (point[1] - y_intercept) / slope # Determine the midpoint of the line mid_x = self.width / 2 mid_y = self.height / 2 # Determine if the point is to the left or right of the line if self.height > self.width: if point[0] < x_intersection: return "left" else: return "right" else: if point[1] < slope * (point[0] - mid_x) + mid_y: return "left" #below else: return "right" #above def rotate_points(self, points, angle_cw): # Calculate the center of the image center_x = self.width / 2 center_y = self.height / 2 # Translate the points to the center translated_points = [(point[0]-center_x, point[1]-center_y) for point in points] # Convert the angle to radians angle_cw = math.radians(angle_cw) # Rotate the points rotated_points = [(round(point[0]*math.cos(angle_cw)-point[1]*math.sin(angle_cw)), round(point[0]*math.sin(angle_cw)+point[1]*math.cos(angle_cw))) for point in translated_points] # Translate the points back to the original origin return [(point[0]+center_x, point[1]+center_y) for point in rotated_points] def order_petiole(self): if 'petiole_trace' in self.points_list: if len(self.points_list['petiole_trace']) >= 5: self.logger.debug(f"Ordered Petiole - Raw list contains {len(self.points_list['petiole_trace'])} points - using momentum") self.ordered_petiole = self.order_points(self.points_list['petiole_trace']) self.ordered_petiole = self.remove_duplicate_points(self.ordered_petiole) self.ordered_petiole = self.check_momentum(self.ordered_petiole, False) self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace', 'QC') self.ordered_petiole_length, self.ordered_petiole = self.get_length_of_ordered_points(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace') self.has_ordered_petiole = True elif len(self.points_list['petiole_trace']) >= 2: self.logger.debug(f"Ordered Petiole - Raw list contains {len(self.points_list['petiole_trace'])} points - SKIPPING momentum") self.ordered_petiole = self.order_points(self.points_list['petiole_trace']) self.ordered_petiole = self.remove_duplicate_points(self.ordered_petiole) self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace', 'QC') self.ordered_petiole_length, self.ordered_petiole = self.get_length_of_ordered_points(self.ordered_petiole, 'petiole_trace') self.has_ordered_petiole = True else: self.logger.debug(f"Ordered Petiole - Raw list contains {len(self.points_list['petiole_trace'])} points - SKIPPING PETIOLE") def order_midvein(self): if 'midvein_trace' in self.points_list: if len(self.points_list['midvein_trace']) >= 5: self.logger.debug(f"Ordered Midvein - Raw list contains {len(self.points_list['midvein_trace'])} points - using momentum") self.ordered_midvein = self.order_points(self.points_list['midvein_trace']) self.ordered_midvein = self.remove_duplicate_points(self.ordered_midvein) self.ordered_midvein = self.check_momentum(self.ordered_midvein, False) self.order_points_plot(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace', 'QC') self.ordered_midvein_length, self.ordered_midvein = self.get_length_of_ordered_points(self.ordered_midvein, 'midvein_trace') self.has_midvein = True else: self.logger.debug(f"Ordered Midvein - Raw list contains {len(self.points_list['midvein_trace'])} points - SKIPPING MIDVEIN") def check_momentum(self, coords, info): original_coords = coords # find middle index of coordinates mid_idx = len(coords) // 2 # set up variables for running average running_avg = np.array(coords[mid_idx-1]) avg_count = 1 # iterate over coordinates to check momentum change prev_vec = np.array(coords[mid_idx-1]) - np.array(coords[mid_idx-2]) cur_idx = mid_idx - 1 while cur_idx >= 0: cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx-1]) # add current point to running average running_avg = (running_avg * avg_count + np.array(coords[cur_idx])) / (avg_count + 1) avg_count += 1 # check for momentum change if self.check_momentum_change(prev_vec, cur_vec): break prev_vec = cur_vec cur_idx -= 1 # use running average to check for momentum change cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx]) - running_avg if self.check_momentum_change(prev_vec, cur_vec): cur_idx += 1 prev_vec = np.array(coords[mid_idx+1]) - np.array(coords[mid_idx]) cur_idx2 = mid_idx + 1 while cur_idx2 < len(coords): # check if current index is out of range if cur_idx2 >= len(coords): break cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx2]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx2-1]) # add current point to running average running_avg = (running_avg * avg_count + np.array(coords[cur_idx2])) / (avg_count + 1) avg_count += 1 # check for momentum change if self.check_momentum_change(prev_vec, cur_vec): break prev_vec = cur_vec cur_idx2 += 1 # use running average to check for momentum change if cur_idx2 < len(coords): cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx2]) - running_avg if self.check_momentum_change(prev_vec, cur_vec): cur_idx2 -= 1 # remove problematic points and subsequent points from list of coordinates new_coords = coords[:cur_idx2] + coords[mid_idx:cur_idx2:-1] if info: return new_coords, len(original_coords) != len(new_coords) else: return new_coords # define function to check for momentum change def check_momentum_change(self, prev_vec, cur_vec): dot_product =, cur_vec) prev_norm = np.linalg.norm(prev_vec) cur_norm = np.linalg.norm(cur_vec) denom = (prev_norm * cur_norm) if denom == 0: denom = 0.0000000001 cos_theta = dot_product / denom theta = np.arccos(cos_theta) return abs(theta) > np.pi / 2 '''def check_momentum_complex(self, coords, info, start_or_end): original_coords = coords # find middle index of coordinates mid_idx = len(coords) // 2 # get directional vectors for first-middle, middle-last, and second-first and second-last pairs of points first_middle_dir = np.array(coords[1]) - np.array(coords[0]) middle_last_dir = np.array(coords[-1]) - np.array(coords[-2]) second_first_dir = np.array(coords[1]) - np.array(coords[2]) second_last_dir = np.array(coords[-1]) - np.array(coords[-3]) if start_or_end == 'end': # check directional change for first-middle vector cur_idx = 2 while cur_idx < len(coords): cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx-1]) if self.check_momentum_change_complex(first_middle_dir, cur_vec): break cur_idx += 1 cur_idx2 = len(coords) - 2 elif start_or_end == 'start': # check directional change for last-middle vector cur_idx2 = len(coords)-3 while cur_idx2 >= 0: cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx2]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx2+1]) if self.check_momentum_change_complex(middle_last_dir, cur_vec): break cur_idx2 -= 1 cur_idx = 1 # check directional change for second-first and second-last vectors second_first_change = self.check_momentum_change_complex(second_first_dir, first_middle_dir) second_last_change = self.check_momentum_change_complex(second_last_dir, middle_last_dir) # remove problematic points and subsequent points from list of coordinates if cur_idx <= cur_idx2: new_coords = coords[:cur_idx+1] + coords[cur_idx2:mid_idx:-1] + coords[cur_idx+1:cur_idx2+1] else: new_coords = coords[:mid_idx+1] + coords[cur_idx2:cur_idx:-1] + coords[mid_idx+1:cur_idx2+1] self.logger.debug(f'Original midvein points - {self.ordered_midvein}') self.logger.debug(f'Momentum midvein points - {new_coords}') if info: return new_coords, len(original_coords) != len(new_coords) or second_first_change or second_last_change else: return new_coords''' def check_momentum_complex(self, coords, info, start_or_end): # Works, but removes ALL points after momentum change original_coords = coords if max([self.height, self.width]) < 200: scale_factor = 0.25 elif max([self.height, self.width]) < 500: scale_factor = 0.5 else: scale_factor = 1 self.logger.debug(f'Scale factor - [{scale_factor}]') # find middle index of coordinates mid_idx = len(coords) // 2 # get directional vectors for first-middle, middle-last, and second-first and second-last pairs of points first_middle_dir = np.array(coords[1]) - np.array(coords[mid_idx]) middle_last_dir = np.array(coords[mid_idx]) - np.array(coords[-2]) second_first_dir = np.array(coords[1]) - np.array(coords[0]) second_last_dir = np.array(coords[-1]) - np.array(coords[-2]) if start_or_end == 'end': # check directional change for first-middle vector cur_idx_list = [] cur_idx = 2 while cur_idx < len(coords): cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx-1]) if self.check_momentum_change_complex(first_middle_dir, cur_vec): # break cur_idx_list.append(cur_idx) cur_idx += 1 if len(cur_idx_list) > 0: cur_idx = max(cur_idx_list) else: cur_idx = len(coords) # remove problematic points and subsequent points from list of coordinates end_vector_mag = np.linalg.norm(second_last_dir) avg_dist = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[i])-np.array(coords[i-1])) for i in range(1, len(coords))]) new_coords = coords if (end_vector_mag > (scale_factor * 0.01 * avg_dist * len(new_coords))) and (len(cur_idx_list) > 0): # new_coords = coords[:cur_idx+1] + coords[-2:cur_idx:-1][::-1] #coords[-2:cur_idx:-1] new_coords = coords[:len(new_coords)-1]# + coords[-2:cur_idx:-1][::-1] #coords[-2:cur_idx:-1] self.logger.debug(f'Momentum - removing last point') else: self.logger.debug(f'Momentum - change not detected, no change') elif start_or_end == 'start': # check directional change for last-middle vector cur_idx2_list = [] cur_idx2 = len(coords)-3 while cur_idx2 >= 0: cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx2]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx2+1]) if self.check_momentum_change_complex(middle_last_dir, cur_vec): # break cur_idx2_list.append(cur_idx2) cur_idx2 -= 1 if len(cur_idx2_list) > 0: cur_idx2 = min(cur_idx2_list) else: cur_idx2 = 0 # remove problematic points and subsequent points from list of coordinates new_coords = coords start_vector_mag = np.linalg.norm(second_first_dir) avg_dist = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[i])-np.array(coords[i-1])) for i in range(1, len(coords))]) if (start_vector_mag > (scale_factor * 0.01 * avg_dist * len(new_coords))) and (len(cur_idx2_list) > 0): # new_coords = coords[:mid_idx+1] + coords[cur_idx2:mid_idx:-1][::-1] # #coords[cur_idx2:mid_idx:-1] new_coords = coords[1:]#ur_idx2-1] + coords[mid_idx+1:] # new_coords = coords[cur_idx2:mid_idx+1][::-1] + coords[mid_idx+1:] self.logger.debug(f'Momentum - removing first point') else: self.logger.debug(f'Momentum - change not detected, no change') else: print('hi') # check directional change for second-first and second-last vectors # second_first_change = self.check_momentum_change_complex(second_first_dir, first_middle_dir) # second_last_change = self.check_momentum_change_complex(second_last_dir, middle_last_dir) self.logger.debug(f'Original midvein points complex - {start_or_end} - {self.ordered_midvein}') self.logger.debug(f'Momentum midvein points complex - {start_or_end} - {new_coords}') if info: return new_coords, len(original_coords) != len(new_coords) #or second_first_change or second_last_change else: return new_coords '''def check_momentum_complex(self, coords, info, start_or_end): # does not seem to work original_coords = coords # get directional vectors for first-middle, middle-last, and second-first and second-last pairs of points first_middle_dir = np.array(coords[1]) - np.array(coords[0]) middle_last_dir = np.array(coords[-1]) - np.array(coords[-2]) second_first_dir = np.array(coords[1]) - np.array(coords[2]) second_last_dir = np.array(coords[-1]) - np.array(coords[-3]) # calculate running average momentum and check if endpoints are different if start_or_end == 'end': end_vector_mag = np.linalg.norm(first_middle_dir) avg_dist = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[i])-np.array(coords[i-1])) for i in range(1, len(coords))]) running_avg_momentum = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[i])-np.array(coords[i-1])) for i in range(len(coords)-10, len(coords))]) endpoint_diff = np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[-1])-self.ordered_midvein[-1]) > 0.1*running_avg_momentum elif start_or_end == 'start': start_vector_mag = np.linalg.norm(middle_last_dir) avg_dist = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[i])-np.array(coords[i-1])) for i in range(1, len(coords))]) running_avg_momentum = np.mean([np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[i])-np.array(coords[i-1])) for i in range(10)]) endpoint_diff = np.linalg.norm(np.array(coords[0])-self.ordered_midvein[0]) > 0.1*running_avg_momentum # remove problematic points and subsequent points from list of coordinates if start_or_end == 'end' and endpoint_diff: cur_idx = 2 while cur_idx < len(coords): cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx-1]) if self.check_momentum_change_complex(first_middle_dir, cur_vec): break cur_idx += 1 new_coords = coords[:cur_idx+1] + coords[-2:cur_idx:-1][::-1] elif start_or_end == 'start' and endpoint_diff: cur_idx2 = len(coords)-3 while cur_idx2 >= 0: cur_vec = np.array(coords[cur_idx2]) - np.array(coords[cur_idx2+1]) if self.check_momentum_change_complex(middle_last_dir, cur_vec): break cur_idx2 -= 1 new_coords = coords[:1] + coords[cur_idx2:0:-1][::-1] else: new_coords = coords # check directional change for second-first and second-last vectors second_first_change = self.check_momentum_change_complex(second_first_dir, first_middle_dir) second_last_change = self.check_momentum_change_complex(second_last_dir, middle_last_dir) self.logger.debug(f'Original midvein points - {self.ordered_midvein}') self.logger.debug(f'Momentum midvein points - {new_coords}') if info: return new_coords, len(original_coords) != len(new_coords) #or second_first_change or second_last_change or endpoint_diff else: return new_coords''' # define function to check for momentum change def check_momentum_change_complex(self, prev_vec, cur_vec): dot_product =, cur_vec) prev_norm = np.linalg.norm(prev_vec) cur_norm = np.linalg.norm(cur_vec) denom = (prev_norm * cur_norm) if denom == 0: denom = 0.0000000001 cos_theta = dot_product / denom theta = np.arccos(cos_theta) return abs(theta) > np.pi / 2 def remove_duplicate_points(self, points): unique_set = set() new_list = [] for item in points: if item not in unique_set: unique_set.add(item) new_list.append(item) return new_list def order_points_plot(self, points, version, QC_or_final): # thk_base = 0 thk_base = 16 if version == 'midvein_trace': # color = (0, 255, 0) color = (0, 255, 255) # yellow thick = 2 + thk_base elif version == 'petiole_trace': color = (255, 255, 0) thick = 2 + thk_base elif version == 'lamina_width': color = (0, 0, 255) thick = 2 + thk_base elif version == 'lamina_width_alt': color = (100, 100, 255) thick = 2 + thk_base elif version == 'not_reflex': color = (200, 0, 123) thick = 3 + thk_base elif version == 'reflex': color = (0, 120, 200) thick = 3 + thk_base elif version == 'petiole_tip_alt': color = (255, 55, 100) thick = 1 + thk_base elif version == 'petiole_tip': color = (100, 255, 55) thick = 1 + thk_base elif version == 'failed_angle': color = (0, 0, 0) thick = 3 + thk_base # Convert the points to a numpy array and round to integer values points_arr = np.round(np.array(points)).astype(int) # Draw a green line connecting all of the points if QC_or_final == 'QC': for i in range(len(points_arr) - 1): cv2.line(self.image, tuple(points_arr[i]), tuple(points_arr[i+1]), color, thick) else: for i in range(len(points_arr) - 1): cv2.line(self.image_final, tuple(points_arr[i]), tuple(points_arr[i+1]), color, thick) def get_length_of_ordered_points(self, points, name): # if self.file_name == 'B_774373631_Ebenaceae_Diospyros_buxifolia__L__438-687-578-774': # print('hi') total_length = 0 total_length_first_pass = 0 for i in range(len(points) - 1): x1, y1 = points[i] x2, y2 = points[i+1] segment_length = math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2) total_length_first_pass += segment_length cutoff = total_length_first_pass / 2 # print(f'Total length of {name}: {total_length_first_pass}') # print(f'points length {len(points)}') self.logger.debug(f"Total length of {name}: {total_length_first_pass}") self.logger.debug(f"Points length {len(points)}") # If there are more than 2 points, this will exclude extreme outliers, or # misordered points that don't belong if len(points) > 2: pop_ind = [] for i in range(len(points) - 1): x1, y1 = points[i] x2, y2 = points[i+1] segment_length = math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2) if segment_length < cutoff: total_length += segment_length else: pop_ind.append(i) for exclude in pop_ind: points.pop(exclude) # print(f'Total length of {name}: {total_length}') # print(f'Excluded {len(pop_ind)} points') # print(f'points length {len(points)}') self.logger.debug(f"Total length of {name}: {total_length}") self.logger.debug(f"Excluded {len(pop_ind)} points") self.logger.debug(f"Points length {len(points)}") else: total_length = total_length_first_pass return total_length, points def convert_YOLO_bbox_to_point(self): for point_type, bbox in self.points_list.items(): xy_points = [] for point in bbox: x = point[0] y = point[1] w = point[2] h = point[3] x1 = int((x - w/2) * self.width) y1 = int((y - h/2) * self.height) x2 = int((x + w/2) * self.width) y2 = int((y + h/2) * self.height) xy_points.append((int((x1+x2)/2), int((y1+y2)/2))) self.points_list[point_type] = xy_points def parse_all_points(self): points_list = {} for sublist in self.all_points: key = sublist[0] value = sublist[1:] key = self.swap_number_for_string(key) if key not in points_list: points_list[key] = [] points_list[key].append(value) # print(points_list) self.points_list = points_list def swap_number_for_string(self, key): for k, v in self.classes.items(): if v == key: return k return key def distance(self, point1, point2): x1, y1 = point1 x2, y2 = point2 return math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2) def order_points(self, points): # height = max(points, key=lambda point: point[1])[1] - min(points, key=lambda point: point[1])[1] # width = max(points, key=lambda point: point[0])[0] - min(points, key=lambda point: point[0])[0] if self.height > self.width: start_point = min(points, key=lambda point: point[1]) end_point = max(filter(lambda point: point[0] == max(points, key=lambda point: point[0])[0], points), key=lambda point: point[1]) else: start_point = min(points, key=lambda point: point[0]) end_point = max(filter(lambda point: point[1] == max(points, key=lambda point: point[1])[1], points), key=lambda point: point[0]) tour = [start_point] unvisited = set(points) - {start_point} while unvisited: nearest = min(unvisited, key=lambda point: self.distance(tour[-1], point)) tour.append(nearest) unvisited.remove(nearest) tour.append(end_point) return tour def define_landmark_classes(self): self.classes = { 'apex_angle': 0, 'base_angle': 1, 'lamina_base': 2, 'lamina_tip': 3, 'lamina_width': 4, 'lobe_tip': 5, 'midvein_trace': 6, 'petiole_tip': 7, 'petiole_trace': 8 } def set_cfg_values(self): self.do_show_QC_images = self.cfg['leafmachine']['landmark_detector']['do_show_QC_images'] self.do_save_QC_images = self.cfg['leafmachine']['landmark_detector']['do_save_QC_images'] self.do_show_final_images = self.cfg['leafmachine']['landmark_detector']['do_show_final_images'] self.do_save_final_images = self.cfg['leafmachine']['landmark_detector']['do_save_final_images'] def setup_QC_image(self): self.image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.dir_temp, '.'.join([self.file_name, 'jpg']))) if self.leaf_type == 'Landmarks_Whole_Leaves': self.path_QC_image = os.path.join(self.Dirs.landmarks_whole_leaves_overlay_QC, '.'.join([self.file_name, 'jpg'])) elif self.leaf_type == 'Landmarks_Partial_Leaves': self.path_QC_image = os.path.join(self.Dirs.landmarks_partial_leaves_overlay_QC, '.'.join([self.file_name, 'jpg'])) def setup_final_image(self): self.image_final = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.dir_temp, '.'.join([self.file_name, 'jpg']))) if self.leaf_type == 'Landmarks_Whole_Leaves': self.path_image_final = os.path.join(self.Dirs.landmarks_whole_leaves_overlay_final, '.'.join([self.file_name, 'jpg'])) elif self.leaf_type == 'Landmarks_Partial_Leaves': self.path_image_final = os.path.join(self.Dirs.landmarks_partial_leaves_overlay_final, '.'.join([self.file_name, 'jpg'])) def show_QC_image(self): if self.do_show_QC_images: cv2.imshow('QC image', self.image) cv2.waitKey(0) def show_final_image(self): if self.do_show_final_images: cv2.imshow('Final image', self.image_final) cv2.waitKey(0) def save_QC_image(self): if self.do_save_QC_images: cv2.imwrite(self.path_QC_image, self.image) def get_QC(self): return self.image def get_final(self): return self.image_final def init_lists_dicts(self): # Initialize all lists and dictionaries self.classes = {} self.points_list = [] self.image = [] self.ordered_midvein = [] self.midvein_fit = [] self.midvein_fit_points = [] self.ordered_petiole = [] self.apex_left = self.apex_left or None self.apex_right = self.apex_right or None self.apex_center = self.apex_center or None self.base_left = self.base_left or None self.base_right = self.base_right or None self.base_center = self.base_center or None self.lamina_tip = self.lamina_tip or None self.lamina_base = self.lamina_base or None self.width_left = self.width_left or None self.width_right = self.width_right or None