#!/bin/bash # List of packages to be installed packages=( wheel gputil streamlit streamlit-extras streamlit-elements==0.1.* plotly google-api-python-client wikipedia PyMuPDF craft-text-detector pyyaml Pillow bitsandbytes accelerate mapboxgl pandas matplotlib matplotlib-inline tqdm openai langchain langchain-community langchain-core langchain_mistralai langchain_openai langchain_google_genai langchain_experimental jsonformer vertexai ctransformers google-cloud-aiplatform tiktoken llama-cpp-python openpyxl google-generativeai google-cloud-storage google-cloud-vision opencv-python chromadb chroma-migrate InstructorEmbedding transformers sentence-transformers seaborn dask psutil py-cpuinfo Levenshtein fuzzywuzzy opencage geocoder pycountry_convert ) # Function to install a single package install_package() { package=$1 echo "Installing $package..." pip3 install $package if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to install $package" exit 1 fi } # Install each package individually for package in "${packages[@]}"; do install_package $package done echo "All packages installed successfully." echo "Cloning and installing LLaVA..." cd vouchervision git clone https://github.com/haotian-liu/LLaVA.git cd LLaVA # Assuming you want to run pip install in the LLaVA directory pip install -e . git pull pip install -e . echo "LLaVA ready"