import os, sys, inspect, json, time # currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( # inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) # parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir) # sys.path.append(parentdir) # from prompts import PROMPT_PaLM_UMICH_skeleton_all_asia, PROMPT_PaLM_OCR_Organized, PROMPT_PaLM_Redo # from LLM_PaLM import create_OCR_analog_for_input, num_tokens_from_string ''' ''' # from import MLClient # from azure.identity import ( # DefaultAzureCredential, # InteractiveBrowserCredential, # ClientSecretCredential, # ) # from import AmlCompute # try: # credential = DefaultAzureCredential() # credential.get_token("") # except Exception as ex: # credential = InteractiveBrowserCredential() # # connect to a workspace # workspace_ml_client = None # try: # workspace_ml_client = MLClient.from_config(credential) # subscription_id = workspace_ml_client.subscription_id # workspace = workspace_ml_client.workspace_name # resource_group = workspace_ml_client.resource_group_name # except Exception as ex: # print(ex) # # Enter details of your workspace # subscription_id = "" # resource_group = "" # workspace = "" # workspace_ml_client = MLClient( # credential, subscription_id, resource_group, workspace # ) # # Connect to the HuggingFaceHub registry # registry_ml_client = MLClient(credential, registry_name="HuggingFace") # print(registry_ml_client) ''' def OCR_to_dict_Falcon(logger, OCR, VVE): # Find a similar example from the domain knowledge domain_knowledge_example = VVE.query_db(OCR, 4) similarity = VVE.get_similarity() domain_knowledge_example_string = json.dumps(domain_knowledge_example) try:'Length of OCR raw -- {len(OCR)}') except: print(f'Length of OCR raw -- {len(OCR)}') # Create input: output: for Falcon # Assuming Falcon requires a similar structure as PaLM in_list, out_list = create_OCR_analog_for_input(domain_knowledge_example) # Construct the prompt for Falcon # Adjust this based on Falcon's requirements # prompt = PROMPT_Falcon_skeleton(OCR, in_list, out_list) prompt = PROMPT_PaLM_UMICH_skeleton_all_asia(OCR, in_list, out_list) # must provide examples to PaLM differently than for chatGPT, at least 2 examples nt = num_tokens_from_string(prompt, "falcon_model_name") # Replace "falcon_model_name" with the appropriate model name for Falcon try:'Prompt token length --- {nt}') except: print(f'Prompt token length --- {nt}') # Assuming Falcon has a similar API structure as PaLM # Adjust the settings based on Falcon's requirements Falcon_settings = { 'model': 'models/falcon_model_name', # Replace with the appropriate model name for Falcon 'temperature': 0, 'candidate_count': 1, 'top_k': 40, 'top_p': 0.95, 'max_output_tokens': 8000, 'stop_sequences': [], # Add any other required settings for Falcon } # Send the prompt to Falcon for inference # Adjust the API call based on Falcon's requirements response = falcon.generate_text(**Falcon_settings, prompt=prompt) # Process the response from Falcon if response and response.result: if isinstance(response.result, (str, bytes)): response_valid = check_and_redo_JSON(response, Falcon_settings, logger) else: response_valid = {} else: response_valid = {} return response_valid '''