import cv2 import numpy as np from fastapi import APIRouter, File, Response, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect from app.constants import classNames, colors from app import detector from mmcv import imfrombytes from app.custom_mmcv.main import imshow_det_bboxes router = APIRouter(prefix="/image", tags=["Image"])"") async def handleImageRequest( file: bytes = File(...), threshold: float = 0.3, raw: bool = False, ): try: img = imfrombytes(file, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if raw: bboxes, labels = inferenceImage(img, threshold, True) return {"bboxes": bboxes.tolist(), "labels": labels.tolist()} img = inferenceImage(img, threshold, False) except: return Response(content="Failed to read image", status_code=400) ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", img) if not ret: return Response(content="Failed to encode image", status_code=500) jpeg_bytes: bytes = jpeg.tobytes() return Response(content=jpeg_bytes, media_type="image/jpeg") def inferenceImage(img, threshold: float, isRaw: bool = False): bboxes, labels, _ = detector(img) if isRaw: removeIndexs = [] for i, bbox in enumerate(bboxes): if bbox[4] < threshold: removeIndexs.append(i) bboxes = np.delete(bboxes, removeIndexs, axis=0) labels = np.delete(labels, removeIndexs) return bboxes, labels return imshow_det_bboxes( img=img, bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, class_names=classNames, show=False, colors=colors, score_thr=threshold, ) @router.websocket("/") async def websocketEndpoint(websocket: WebSocket, threshold: float = 0.3): await websocket.accept() try: while True: data = await websocket.receive_bytes() img = imfrombytes(data, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) bboxes, labels = inferenceImage(img, threshold, True) await websocket.send_json( {"bboxes": bboxes.tolist(), "labels": labels.tolist()} ) except WebSocketDisconnect: pass