import asyncio import os import re import shutil import time import aiofiles import cv2 from multiprocessing import Process from fastapi import ( APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException, UploadFile, BackgroundTasks, status, ) from firebase_admin import messaging from app import db from app import supabase from app.dependencies import get_current_user from app.routers.image import inferenceImage from import FieldFilter router = APIRouter(prefix="/video", tags=["Video"])"") async def handleVideoRequest( file: UploadFile, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, threshold: float = 0.3, user=Depends(get_current_user), ): if"^video\/", file.content_type) is None: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail="File must be video", ) try: if user["sub"] is None: return HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail="User not found" ) id = str(now()) _, artifact_ref = db.collection("artifacts").add( {"name": id + ".mp4", "status": "pending"} ) os.mkdir(id) async with, "input.mp4"), "wb") as out_file: while content := await await out_file.write(content) background_tasks.add_task(inferenceVideo,, id, threshold) return id + ".mp4" except ValueError as err: print(err) print("Error processing video") shutil.rmtree(id) def now(): return round(time.time() * 1000) async def inferenceVideo(artifactId: str, inputDir: str, threshold: float): try: Process(updateArtifact(artifactId, {"status": "processing"})).start() cap = cv2.VideoCapture( filename=os.path.join(inputDir, "input.mp4"), apiPreference=cv2.CAP_FFMPEG ) fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) size = ( int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)), ) result = cv2.VideoWriter( filename=os.path.join(inputDir, "out.mp4"), fourcc=cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v"), fps=fps, frameSize=size, ) isFirstFrame = True thumbnail = None while cap.isOpened(): res, frame = if isFirstFrame: isFirstFrame = False thumbnail = frame if res == False: break resFram = inferenceImage(frame, threshold) result.write(resFram) cap.release() result.release() def createThumbnail(thumbnail): thumbnail = cv2.resize( src=thumbnail, dsize=(160, 160), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA ) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(inputDir, "thumbnail.jpg"), thumbnail) createThumbnail(thumbnail) async def uploadVideo(): async with, "out.mp4"), "rb") as f:"video").upload( inputDir + ".mp4", await, {"content-type": "video/mp4"} ) async def uploadThumbnail(): async with os.path.join(inputDir, "thumbnail.jpg"), "rb" ) as f:"thumbnail").upload( inputDir + ".jpg", await, {"content-type": "image/jpeg"} ) try: n = now() _, _ = await asyncio.gather(uploadVideo(), uploadThumbnail()) print(now() - n) except Exception as e: print(e) updateArtifact( artifactId, { "status": "success", "path": "" + inputDir + ".mp4", "thumbnailURL": "" + inputDir + ".jpg", }, ) except: Process( updateArtifact( artifactId, { "status": "fail", }, ) ).start() finally: shutil.rmtree(inputDir) def updateArtifact(artifactId: str, body): artifact_ref = db.collection("artifacts").document(artifactId) artifact_snapshot = artifact_ref.get() if artifact_snapshot.exists: artifact_ref.update(body) # sendMessage(artifactId) # This function cannot be automation test because the requirement of another device to receive notification def sendMessage(artifactId: str, message: str = None): token = [] artifact = db.collection("artifacts").document(artifactId).get() if not artifact.exists: return user_ref = db.collection("user").where( filter=FieldFilter("artifacts", "array-contains", "artifacts/" + artifactId) ) for user in user_ref: token.append(user.get().to_dict()["deviceId"]) if message is not None: messaging.MulticastMessage( data={ "notification": { "title": message, "body": "Video " + + " has done inference. Click here to see the video", }, }, android=messaging.AndroidConfig( notification=messaging.AndroidNotification( icon="stock_ticker_update", color="#f45342" ), ), ) else: messaging.MulticastMessage( data={ "notification": { "title": "Video " + + " has done inference.", "body": "Video " + + " has done inference. Click here to see the video", }, }, android=messaging.AndroidConfig( notification=messaging.AndroidNotification( icon="stock_ticker_update", color="#f45342" ), ), ) response = messaging.send_multicast(message) return response.success_count