import chainlit as cl import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO) _logger = logging.getLogger("lang-chat") _logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)) from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore from globals import ( DEFAULT_QUESTION1, DEFAULT_QUESTION2, gpt35_model, gpt4_model ) from semantic import ( SemanticStoreFactory, SemanticRAGChainFactory ) _semantic_rag_chain = SemanticRAGChainFactory.get_semantic_rag_chain() @cl.on_message async def main(message: cl.Message): content = "> " try: response = _semantic_rag_chain.invoke({"question": message.content}) content += response["response"].content except Exception as e: _logger.error(f"chat error: {e}") # Send a response back to the user await cl.Message( content=f"{content}", ).send() @cl.on_chat_start async def start(): await cl.Avatar( name="Chatbot", url="" ).send() await cl.Avatar( name="User", url="" ).send() content = "" if _semantic_rag_chain is not None: try: response1 = _semantic_rag_chain.invoke({"question": DEFAULT_QUESTION1}) response2 = _semantic_rag_chain.invoke({"question": DEFAULT_QUESTION2}) content = ( f"**Question**: {DEFAULT_QUESTION1}\n\n" f"{response1['response'].content}\n\n" f"**Question**: {DEFAULT_QUESTION2}\n\n" f"{response2['response'].content}\n\n" ) except Exception as e: _logger.error(f"init error: {e}") cl.user_session.set("message_history", [{"role": "system", "content": "Welcome to the chat!"}]) await cl.Message( content=content + "\nHow can I help you with Meta's 2023 10K?" ).send()