gguf-parser-web / app /
phate334's picture
[modify] simplify table
history blame
572 Bytes
def human_readable_size(size_in_bytes: int) -> str:
# Convert file size to a human-readable format
for unit in ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"]:
if size_in_bytes < 1024:
return f"{size_in_bytes:.2f} {unit}"
size_in_bytes /= 1024
return f"{size_in_bytes:.2f} EB"
def abbreviate_number(number: int) -> str:
# Convert large numbers to abbreviated format
for unit, threshold in [("B", 1e9), ("M", 1e6), ("K", 1e3)]:
if number >= threshold:
return f"{number/threshold:.2f} {unit}"
return str(number)