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{"docstore/data": {"b7b22a82-34ab-43f3-82e4-a1fefbe3aa74": {"__data__": {"id_": "b7b22a82-34ab-43f3-82e4-a1fefbe3aa74", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the different dosages available for Acsodix (Vortioxetine) antidepressant medication?\n2. What is the main active ingredient in Acsodix and what group of medications does it belong to?\n3. What is the primary use of Acsodix and who is it intended for?", "section_summary": "This section provides information about the precautions, risks, and considerations for the antidepressant medication Acsodix (Vortioxetine). It mentions the different dosages available for Acsodix (5mg, 10mg, and 20mg) and the main active ingredient, Vortioxetine. It states that Acsodix belongs to a group of medications called antidepresants and is used to treat episodes of major depression in adults. It also advises not to take the medication if allergic to Vortioxetine or any of its components.", "excerpt_keywords": "prospecto, tratamiento, medicamento, Vortioxetina, bromhidrato, comprimido recubierto, antidepresivos, depresi\u00f3n mayor, al\u00e9rgico, hipersensible, componentes."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "3": {"node_id": "8b31009b-8e18-4171-b8c0-26159cf6f8b2", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "df097192305b5577b2ac793d188f7582cab8233cedb73fc378ecc3a755bbca95"}}, "hash": "5135eedc73c97dc5461d2e38bfaf7a260ef0e690919174b64f46b28afbcb428a", "text": "LEA TODO EL PROSPECTO DETENIDAMENTE ANTES DE COMENZAR EL \nTRATAMIENTO\nConserve este prospecto, ya que puede tener que volver a leerlo. Este \nmedicamento se le ha recetado a usted y no debe d\u00e1rselo a otras personas, \naunque tengan los mismos s\u00edntomas. Si tiene alguna duda o si considera que \npresenta alg\u00fan efecto adverso, consulte a su m\u00e9dico.\nF\u00d3RMULAS \nAcsodix 5: Cada comprimido recubierto contiene:\nVortioxetina (como bromhidrato) ...................................................................... 5,0 mg\nExc. ............................................................................................................................... c.s.\nAcsodix 10: Cada comprimido recubierto contiene:\nVortioxetina (como bromhidrato) .................................................................... 10,0 mg\nExc. ............................................................................................................................... c.s.\nAcsodix 20: Cada comprimido recubierto contiene:\nVortioxetina (como bromhidrato) .................................................................... 20,0 mg\nExc. ............................................................................................................................... c.s. \nQU\u00c9 ES ACSODIX Y PARA QU\u00c9 SE UTILIZA \nAcsodix contiene como principio activo a la Vortioxetina . \u00c9ste pertenece a un \ngrupo de medicamentos llamados antidepresivos. \nAcsodix se utiliza para tratar episodios de depresi\u00f3n mayor en adultos. \nQU\u00c9 NECESITA SABER ANTES DE EMPEZAR A TOMAR ACSODIX\nNo tome este medicamento si: \n -Es al\u00e9rgico (hipersensible) a la Vortioxetina o a cualquiera de los dem\u00e1s\ncomponentes de este medicamento.", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "8b31009b-8e18-4171-b8c0-26159cf6f8b2": {"__data__": {"id_": "8b31009b-8e18-4171-b8c0-26159cf6f8b2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the precautions and risks associated with taking Acsodix (Vortioxetine) antidepressant medication?\n2. Can Acsodix be taken if the person is allergic to Vortioxetine or any other components of the medication?\n3. What medications should be avoided while taking Acsodix to prevent the risk of developing Serotonin Syndrome or Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?", "prev_section_summary": "This section provides information about the precautions, risks, and considerations for the antidepressant medication Acsodix (Vortioxetine). It mentions the different dosages available for Acsodix (5mg, 10mg, and 20mg) and the main active ingredient, Vortioxetine. It states that Acsodix belongs to a group of medications called antidepresants and is used to treat episodes of major depression in adults. It also advises not to take the medication if allergic to Vortioxetine or any of its components.", "section_summary": "This section provides information about precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Acsodix (Vortioxetine) antidepressant medication. It mentions that Acsodix is used to treat major depressive episodes in adults. The section highlights that individuals should not take this medication if they are allergic to Vortioxetine or any other components of the medication, or if they are taking other medications known as non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or selective MAO-A inhibitors. It also advises caution if individuals are taking medications with serotoninergic active ingredients, medications that affect serotonin metabolism, antipsychotics, or other dopaminergic antagonists, as taking these medications along with Acsodix may increase the risk of developing Serotonin Syndrome or Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. The section briefly mentions the symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome, such as changes in consciousness and autonomic instability.", "excerpt_keywords": "antidepresivos, Acsodix, depresi\u00f3n mayor, adultos, alergia, Vortioxetina, inhibidores de la monoaminooxidasa, precauci\u00f3n, medicamentos serotonin\u00e9rgicos, metabolismo de la serotonina, antipsic\u00f3ticos, antagonistas dopamin\u00e9rgicos, S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico, S\u00edndrome Neurol\u00e9ptico Maligno, s\u00edntomas, conciencia, inestabilidad aut\u00f3noma, taquicardia, presi\u00f3n arterial."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "b7b22a82-34ab-43f3-82e4-a1fefbe3aa74", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "5135eedc73c97dc5461d2e38bfaf7a260ef0e690919174b64f46b28afbcb428a"}, "3": {"node_id": "cabdadc2-08d3-44e6-9e67-9ee1469dd306", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "97e38e4c441ef85a91dc8e149a62a956c7adb6a79e001c76bea5343224846fbd"}}, "hash": "df097192305b5577b2ac793d188f7582cab8233cedb73fc378ecc3a755bbca95", "text": "grupo de medicamentos llamados antidepresivos. \nAcsodix se utiliza para tratar episodios de depresi\u00f3n mayor en adultos. \nQU\u00c9 NECESITA SABER ANTES DE EMPEZAR A TOMAR ACSODIX\nNo tome este medicamento si: \n -Es al\u00e9rgico (hipersensible) a la Vortioxetina o a cualquiera de los dem\u00e1s\ncomponentes de este medicamento.\n -Se encuentra tomando otros medicamentos conocidos como inhibidores \nno selectivos de la monoaminooxidasa (IMAOs) o inhibidores selectivos\nde la MAO-A. \nTENGA PRECAUCI\u00d3N \nConsulte a su m\u00e9dico antes de empezar a tomar este medicamento si: \n -Est\u00e1 tomando medicamentos con principios activos serotonin\u00e9rgicos (p. \nej., tramadol, sumatript\u00e1n y otros triptanos), medicamentos que afectan al \nmetabolismo de la serotonina (incluyendo los IMAOs), antipsic\u00f3ticos y otros \nantagonistas dopamin\u00e9rgicos. La toma de estos medicamentos junto con \nAcsodix puede aumentar el riesgo, que ya presenta la administraci\u00f3n solo \ncon Vortioxetina sin a\u00f1adirle otro medicamento, de S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico \n(SS) o S\u00edndrome Neurol\u00e9ptico Maligno (SNM). Los s\u00edntomas del SS incluyen: \ncambios en el nivel de conciencia (p. ej., agitaci\u00f3n, alucinaciones, estados \nde coma), inestabilidad aut\u00f3noma (p. ej., taquicardia, presi\u00f3n arterial", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "cabdadc2-08d3-44e6-9e67-9ee1469dd306": {"__data__": {"id_": "cabdadc2-08d3-44e6-9e67-9ee1469dd306", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome (SS) or Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) that may occur when taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication?\n- The context mentions that symptoms of SS include changes in consciousness, autonomic instability, neuromuscular abnormalities, and gastrointestinal symptoms. This information can provide specific answers about the symptoms associated with SS or NMS when taking Vortioxetine.\n\n2. How should the treatment with Vortioxetine be managed if a patient has a history of seizures or epilepsy?\n- The context states that patients with a history of seizures or unstable/seizure disorders should be treated with caution and that treatment should be discontinued if a patient experiences seizures or an increase in their frequency. This information can provide specific guidance on managing Vortioxetine treatment in patients with a history of seizures.\n\n3. In which patients should Vortioxetine be used with caution and discontinued if they enter a manic phase?\n- The context mentions that Vortioxetine should be used with caution in patients with a history of mania/hypomania and should be discontinued if a patient enters a manic phase. This information can provide specific guidance on the use of Vortioxetine in patients with a history of manic episodes.", "prev_section_summary": "This section provides information about precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Acsodix (Vortioxetine) antidepressant medication. It mentions that Acsodix is used to treat major depressive episodes in adults. The section highlights that individuals should not take this medication if they are allergic to Vortioxetine or any other components of the medication, or if they are taking other medications known as non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or selective MAO-A inhibitors. It also advises caution if individuals are taking medications with serotoninergic active ingredients, medications that affect serotonin metabolism, antipsychotics, or other dopaminergic antagonists, as taking these medications along with Acsodix may increase the risk of developing Serotonin Syndrome or Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. The section briefly mentions the symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome, such as changes in consciousness and autonomic instability.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. The section discusses the symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome (SS) or Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) that may occur when taking Vortioxetine, the management of treatment for patients with a history of seizures or epilepsy, and the caution and discontinuation of Vortioxetine in patients who enter a manic phase. The entities mentioned in the section include Vortioxetine, Serotonin Syndrome (SS), Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS), seizures, epilepsy, mania, and manic phase.", "excerpt_keywords": "Vortioxetina, S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico, S\u00edndrome Neurol\u00e9ptico Maligno, cambios en el nivel de conciencia, inestabilidad aut\u00f3noma, alteraciones neuromusculares, s\u00edntomas gastrointestinales, convulsiones, man\u00eda, tendencia a sangrar, hematomas f\u00e1cilmente."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "8b31009b-8e18-4171-b8c0-26159cf6f8b2", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "df097192305b5577b2ac793d188f7582cab8233cedb73fc378ecc3a755bbca95"}, "3": {"node_id": "dd3189bb-8415-479f-b290-d2d1c2e35f7b", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "8713cc8e009c84f7cf44db8a230e28b0e792e572c535c986440fbe866007f8d2"}}, "hash": "97e38e4c441ef85a91dc8e149a62a956c7adb6a79e001c76bea5343224846fbd", "text": "con Vortioxetina sin a\u00f1adirle otro medicamento, de S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico \n(SS) o S\u00edndrome Neurol\u00e9ptico Maligno (SNM). Los s\u00edntomas del SS incluyen: \ncambios en el nivel de conciencia (p. ej., agitaci\u00f3n, alucinaciones, estados \nde coma), inestabilidad aut\u00f3noma (p. ej., taquicardia, presi\u00f3n arterial \nl\u00e1bil, hipertermia), alteraciones neuromusculares (p. ej., hiperreflexia, descoordinaci\u00f3n) y/o s\u00edntomas gastrointestinales (p. ej., n\u00e1useas, v\u00f3mitos \no diarrea). Si esto sucede, debe interrumpir inmediatamente el tratamiento \ncon Vortioxetina y buscar ayuda m\u00e9dica de inmediato. \n -Ha sufrido convulsiones. Su m\u00e9dico lo tratar\u00e1 con precauci\u00f3n si tiene\nantecedentes de convulsiones o padece trastornos convulsivos inestables/\nepilepsia. Las convulsiones son un riesgo potencial de este tipo de \nmedicamentos. El tratamiento se debe interrumpir en cualquier paciente \nque experimente convulsiones o un aumento en su frecuencia. \n -Ha padecido man\u00eda. Vortioxetina se debe usar con precauci\u00f3n en pacientes con\nantecedentes de man\u00eda/hipoman\u00eda y se debe interrumpir su administraci\u00f3n \nen cualquier paciente que entre en fase man\u00edaca.\n -Tiene tendencia a sangrar o a que le aparezcan hematomas f\u00e1cilmente. Se", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "dd3189bb-8415-479f-b290-d2d1c2e35f7b": {"__data__": {"id_": "dd3189bb-8415-479f-b290-d2d1c2e35f7b", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What precautions should be taken when prescribing Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication to patients with a history of mania or hypomania?\n2. How does Vortioxetine (Acsodix) medication affect patients who are prone to bleeding or bruising easily?\n3. What considerations should be made when prescribing Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication to elderly patients or those with low blood sodium levels?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. The section discusses the symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome (SS) or Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) that may occur when taking Vortioxetine, the management of treatment for patients with a history of seizures or epilepsy, and the caution and discontinuation of Vortioxetine in patients who enter a manic phase. The entities mentioned in the section include Vortioxetine, Serotonin Syndrome (SS), Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS), seizures, epilepsy, mania, and manic phase.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the precautions, risks, and considerations for prescribing Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. The section discusses the precautions that should be taken when prescribing the medication to patients with a history of mania or hypomania, patients who are prone to bleeding or bruising easily, and elderly patients or those with low blood sodium levels. The section also mentions specific medications that may interact with Vortioxetine and increase the risk of bleeding.", "excerpt_keywords": "convulsiones, aumento de frecuencia, man\u00eda, precauci\u00f3n, antecedentes, interrupci\u00f3n, fase man\u00edaca, sangrado, hematomas, equimosis, p\u00farpura, hemorragia, anticoagulantes, funci\u00f3n plaquetaria, antipsic\u00f3ticos at\u00edpicos, fenotiazinas, antidepresivos tric\u00edclicos, AINE, \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico, niveles bajos de sodio, riesgo, edad avanzada, cirrosis hep\u00e1tica, hiponatremia, interrupci\u00f3n del tratamiento, intervenci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica adecuada."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "cabdadc2-08d3-44e6-9e67-9ee1469dd306", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "97e38e4c441ef85a91dc8e149a62a956c7adb6a79e001c76bea5343224846fbd"}, "3": {"node_id": "214bfd56-f572-413f-910e-c4a263776b49", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "85f86f95f525daa7e9d228a89bd040136de41fdb35bbb9677bc91aec0373965a"}}, "hash": "8713cc8e009c84f7cf44db8a230e28b0e792e572c535c986440fbe866007f8d2", "text": "que experimente convulsiones o un aumento en su frecuencia. \n -Ha padecido man\u00eda. Vortioxetina se debe usar con precauci\u00f3n en pacientes con\nantecedentes de man\u00eda/hipoman\u00eda y se debe interrumpir su administraci\u00f3n \nen cualquier paciente que entre en fase man\u00edaca.\n -Tiene tendencia a sangrar o a que le aparezcan hematomas f\u00e1cilmente. Se \nhan notificado equimosis, p\u00farpura u otros acontecimientos hemorr\u00e1gicos, \ncomo sangrado gastrointestinal o ginecol\u00f3gico con el uso de este tipo \nde medicamentos. Se recomienda precauci\u00f3n en pacientes tratados con anticoagulantes y/o medicamentos que se sabe que afectan a la funci\u00f3n \nplaquetaria (p. ej., antipsic\u00f3ticos at\u00edpicos y fenotiazinas, la mayor\u00eda de los \nantidepresivos tric\u00edclicos, antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE) y \u00e1cidoacetilsalic\u00edlico (AAS)). \n -Tiene niveles bajos de sodio en sangre. Se debe tener precauci\u00f3n en pacientes \nde riesgo, como pacientes de edad avanzada, pacientes con cirrosis hep\u00e1tica \no pacientes tratados de manera simult\u00e1nea con medicamentos que se sabe \ncausan hiponatremia. En pacientes con hiponatremia sintom\u00e1tica se debe \nconsiderar la interrupci\u00f3n del tratamiento con Vortioxetina e instaurar una \nintervenci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica adecuada.\n -Es una persona de 65 a\u00f1os o m\u00e1s.", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "214bfd56-f572-413f-910e-c4a263776b49": {"__data__": {"id_": "214bfd56-f572-413f-910e-c4a263776b49", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the precautions and risks associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication in patients with certain medical conditions such as renal or hepatic diseases?\n2. How does age and previous history of suicidal thoughts or self-harm affect the likelihood of experiencing harmful or suicidal thoughts when starting treatment with Acsodix?\n3. What should a patient do if they experience symptoms of hyponatremia (low sodium levels) while being treated with Vortioxetine and what medical intervention should be considered in such cases?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the precautions, risks, and considerations for prescribing Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. The section discusses the precautions that should be taken when prescribing the medication to patients with a history of mania or hypomania, patients who are prone to bleeding or bruising easily, and elderly patients or those with low blood sodium levels. The section also mentions specific medications that may interact with Vortioxetine and increase the risk of bleeding.", "section_summary": "The section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. The key topics include the risks of hyponatremia (low sodium levels) and the need for medical intervention in such cases. It also mentions the increased likelihood of experiencing harmful or suicidal thoughts when starting treatment with Acsodix, particularly in patients who are 65 years or older, have a history of suicidal thoughts or self-harm, or have certain medical conditions such as renal or hepatic diseases.", "excerpt_keywords": "pacientes, tratados, simult\u00e1nea, medicamentos, hiponatremia, interrupci\u00f3n, tratamiento, Vortioxetina, intervenci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica, persona, 65 a\u00f1os o m\u00e1s, enfermedad renal grave, enfermedad hep\u00e1tica grave, cirrosis, depresi\u00f3n, trastorno de ansiedad, pensamientos, da\u00f1o, vida, Acsodix, efecto, tiempo, propenso, previamente, adulto joven, m\u00e9dico, hospital, pariente, amigo cercano"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "dd3189bb-8415-479f-b290-d2d1c2e35f7b", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "8713cc8e009c84f7cf44db8a230e28b0e792e572c535c986440fbe866007f8d2"}, "3": {"node_id": "f26b0176-a250-43b1-b03a-4db157ab50ad", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "8b253092e50c42784e9d6a861084ad7fd8ab3e6fe044dfc7883e2354cf557c09"}}, "hash": "85f86f95f525daa7e9d228a89bd040136de41fdb35bbb9677bc91aec0373965a", "text": "o pacientes tratados de manera simult\u00e1nea con medicamentos que se sabe \ncausan hiponatremia. En pacientes con hiponatremia sintom\u00e1tica se debe \nconsiderar la interrupci\u00f3n del tratamiento con Vortioxetina e instaurar una \nintervenci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica adecuada.\n -Es una persona de 65 a\u00f1os o m\u00e1s. \n -Padece una enfermedad renal grave. -Padece una enfermedad hep\u00e1tica grave, o una enfermedad hep\u00e1tica llamada \ncirrosis. \nSi usted se encuentra deprimido y/o sufre un trastorno de ansiedad, puede en \nalgunas ocasiones tener pensamientos en los que se haga da\u00f1o o se quite la \nvida. \u00c9stos pueden ir aumentando al tomar Acsodix por primera vez, puesto que \ntodos estos medicamentos requieren un tiempo para empezar a hacer efecto, generalmente alrededor de unas dos semanas, aunque en algunos casos podr\u00eda \nser a\u00fan mayor. Usted ser\u00eda m\u00e1s propenso a tener este tipo de pensamientos: \nsi usted previamente ha tenido pensamientos en los que se quita la vida o se hace da\u00f1o, o si usted es un adulto joven. Si en cualquier momento usted tiene pensamientos en los que se hace da\u00f1o o se quita la vida, contacte con su m\u00e9dico o dir\u00edjase directamente a un hospital. Puede ser de ayuda para usted decirle a un \npariente o un amigo cercano que usted est\u00e1 deprimido o que tiene un trastorno", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "f26b0176-a250-43b1-b03a-4db157ab50ad": {"__data__": {"id_": "f26b0176-a250-43b1-b03a-4db157ab50ad", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential risks and considerations for using Vortioxetine (Acsodix) as an antidepressant medication?\n- This context provides information about precautions, risks, and considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) as an antidepressant medication.\n\n2. Is Acsodix recommended for children and adolescents?\n- The context states that Acsodix is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years old, but it doesn't provide the reasons for this recommendation.\n\n3. What are the potential effects of taking Acsodix during pregnancy?\n- The context mentions that Acsodix should not be used during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary, and it lists potential effects on the newborn if taken during the last 3 months of pregnancy. However, it doesn't provide specific details about the risks or the benefits that may outweigh them.\n\nHigher-level summary: This context provides information about precautions, risks, and considerations for using Vortioxetine (Acsodix) as an antidepressant medication. It also mentions that Acsodix is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years old. Additionally, it discusses the use of Acsodix during pregnancy and the potential effects on the newborn. However, it lacks specific details about the reasons for the recommendations and the specific risks and benefits associated with Acsodix during pregnancy.", "prev_section_summary": "The section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. The key topics include the risks of hyponatremia (low sodium levels) and the need for medical intervention in such cases. It also mentions the increased likelihood of experiencing harmful or suicidal thoughts when starting treatment with Acsodix, particularly in patients who are 65 years or older, have a history of suicidal thoughts or self-harm, or have certain medical conditions such as renal or hepatic diseases.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are precautions, risks, and considerations for using Vortioxetine (Acsodix) as an antidepressant medication. It also discusses the recommendation against using Acsodix in children and adolescents under 18 years old. Additionally, it mentions the use of Acsodix during pregnancy and the potential effects on the newborn. The key entities mentioned are Vortioxetine (Acsodix), children and adolescents, pregnancy, and newborn.", "excerpt_keywords": "deprimido, trastorno de ansiedad, prospecto, empeorado, actitud, ni\u00f1os, adolescentes, embarazo, lactancia, m\u00e9dico"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "214bfd56-f572-413f-910e-c4a263776b49", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "85f86f95f525daa7e9d228a89bd040136de41fdb35bbb9677bc91aec0373965a"}, "3": {"node_id": "47bb61c8-f9ba-40af-a9ee-1f2d2239c8b7", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "dae695f769b55fe078d586889a4cb3fa7ac65fa37c734c6aa338a93e51b26696"}}, "hash": "8b253092e50c42784e9d6a861084ad7fd8ab3e6fe044dfc7883e2354cf557c09", "text": "pariente o un amigo cercano que usted est\u00e1 deprimido o que tiene un trastorno \nde ansiedad y pedirle que lea este prospecto. Puede preguntarles si piensan que \nsu depresi\u00f3n o trastorno de ansiedad ha empeorado, o si est\u00e1n preocupados por \nlos cambios en su actitud. \nNi\u00f1os y adolescentes: Acsodix no est\u00e1 recomendado en ni\u00f1os y adolescentes\nmenores de 18 a\u00f1os, debido a la falta de informaci\u00f3n en este grupo de edad.\nEMBARAZO Y LACTANCIA\nSi est\u00e1 embarazada o en periodo de lactancia, cree que podr\u00eda estar embarazada o tiene intenci\u00f3n de quedarse embarazada, consulte a su m\u00e9dico antes de utilizar\neste medicamento.\nEmbarazo: Acsodix no se debe utilizar durante el embarazo a menos que su \nm\u00e9dico lo considere absolutamente necesario, y si los beneficios previstos \nsuperan el posible riesgo para el feto. Si toma este tipo de medicamentos \ndurante los \u00faltimos 3 meses del embarazo, debe saber que se pueden observar los siguientes efectos en el reci\u00e9n nacido: problemas para respirar, piel azulada, apnea, convulsiones, cambios de la temperatura corporal, \ndificultad de alimentaci\u00f3n, v\u00f3mitos, az\u00facar bajo en sangre, m\u00fasculos r\u00edgidos \no fl\u00e1cidos, reflejos intensos, temblor, nerviosidad, irritabilidad, letargia, llanto", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "47bb61c8-f9ba-40af-a9ee-1f2d2239c8b7": {"__data__": {"id_": "47bb61c8-f9ba-40af-a9ee-1f2d2239c8b7", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential side effects of taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication during pregnancy?\n2. What is the risk of developing persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) in infants whose mothers took Vortioxetine (Acsodix) during pregnancy?\n3. Can Vortioxetine (Acsodix) pass into breast milk, and should it be avoided during breastfeeding?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are precautions, risks, and considerations for using Vortioxetine (Acsodix) as an antidepressant medication. It also discusses the recommendation against using Acsodix in children and adolescents under 18 years old. Additionally, it mentions the use of Acsodix during pregnancy and the potential effects on the newborn. The key entities mentioned are Vortioxetine (Acsodix), children and adolescents, pregnancy, and newborn.", "section_summary": "The section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It mentions potential side effects of the medication during pregnancy, such as feeding difficulties, vomiting, low blood sugar, and muscle stiffness or weakness. It also highlights the risk of developing persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) in infants whose mothers took Vortioxetine during pregnancy. Additionally, it advises against using the medication during breastfeeding as its ingredients may pass into breast milk. The section concludes by mentioning that the decision to interrupt breastfeeding or discontinue the use of Acsodix should be made by the doctor, considering the benefits of breastfeeding for the child and the benefits of treatment for the mother.", "excerpt_keywords": "dificultad alimentaci\u00f3n, v\u00f3mitos, az\u00facar bajo en sangre, m\u00fasculos r\u00edgidos, m\u00fasculos fl\u00e1cidos, reflejos intensos, temblor, nerviosidad, irritabilidad, letargia, llanto continuo, somnolencia, dificultades para dormir, hipertensi\u00f3n pulmonar persistente del reci\u00e9n nacido, lactancia, m\u00e9dico, Acsodix, embarazo, beb\u00e9, leche materna, interrumpir lactancia, conducci\u00f3n, uso de m\u00e1quinas."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "f26b0176-a250-43b1-b03a-4db157ab50ad", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "8b253092e50c42784e9d6a861084ad7fd8ab3e6fe044dfc7883e2354cf557c09"}, "3": {"node_id": "c3daaa0d-aaab-4c12-a5dd-86f527d5bd41", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "a22026ad17897c49298631baf3f389d075682ae2cf013ed553f92625c82aa11d"}}, "hash": "dae695f769b55fe078d586889a4cb3fa7ac65fa37c734c6aa338a93e51b26696", "text": "dificultad de alimentaci\u00f3n, v\u00f3mitos, az\u00facar bajo en sangre, m\u00fasculos r\u00edgidos \no fl\u00e1cidos, reflejos intensos, temblor, nerviosidad, irritabilidad, letargia, llanto \ncontinuo, somnolencia y dificultades para dormir. Estos s\u00edntomas comienzan \nnormalmente durante las primeras 24 horas tras el nacimiento del beb\u00e9. \nSi su beb\u00e9 presenta cualquiera de estos s\u00edntomas, contacte con su m\u00e9dico \ninmediatamente. \nA su vez, aseg\u00farese de que su m\u00e9dico sepa que usted est\u00e1 tomando este \nmedicamento. Cuando se toman durante el embarazo, especialmente en los \n\u00faltimos 3 meses de embarazo, pueden aumentar el riesgo de una enfermedad \ngrave en el beb\u00e9, llamada hipertensi\u00f3n pulmonar persistente del reci\u00e9n nacido \n(HPPN), haciendo que el beb\u00e9 respire m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido y adopte un color azulado. Si esto le ocurre a su beb\u00e9, debe contactar con su m\u00e9dico inmediatamente. Lactancia: Se prev\u00e9 que los ingredientes de Acsodix pasen a la leche materna, \npor lo tanto, este medicamento no debe usarse durante la lactancia. Su m\u00e9dico \ndecidir\u00e1 si debe interrumpir la lactancia o dejar de usar Acsodix , teniendo en \ncuenta el beneficio de la lactancia para el ni\u00f1o y el beneficio del tratamiento \npara usted.\nCONDUCCI\u00d3N Y USO DE MAQUINAS", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "c3daaa0d-aaab-4c12-a5dd-86f527d5bd41": {"__data__": {"id_": "c3daaa0d-aaab-4c12-a5dd-86f527d5bd41", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. Can Acsodix be used during breastfeeding?\n2. Does Acsodix have any influence on the ability to drive or operate machinery?\n3. Are there any medications that should not be taken with Acsodix, particularly those known to cause a decrease in sodium levels or irreversible and non-selective MAOIs?", "prev_section_summary": "The section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It mentions potential side effects of the medication during pregnancy, such as feeding difficulties, vomiting, low blood sugar, and muscle stiffness or weakness. It also highlights the risk of developing persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) in infants whose mothers took Vortioxetine during pregnancy. Additionally, it advises against using the medication during breastfeeding as its ingredients may pass into breast milk. The section concludes by mentioning that the decision to interrupt breastfeeding or discontinue the use of Acsodix should be made by the doctor, considering the benefits of breastfeeding for the child and the benefits of treatment for the mother.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are precautions, risks, and considerations for the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The section discusses the use of Acsodix during breastfeeding, its influence on driving or operating machinery, and the medications that should not be taken with Acsodix, particularly those known to cause a decrease in sodium levels or irreversible and non-selective MAOIs. The entities mentioned in the section include Acsodix, breastfeeding, driving, machinery, medications, sodium levels, and irreversible and non-selective MAOIs.", "excerpt_keywords": "lactancia, medicamento, Acsodix, interrumpir, beneficio, tratamiento, conducci\u00f3n, m\u00e1quinas, efectos secundarios, mareos, precauci\u00f3n, actividades, dosis, otros medicamentos, niveles de sodio, IMAO irreversibles, fenelzina, iproniazida, isocarboxazida, nialamida, tranilcipromina, depresi\u00f3n, riesgo, SS, esperar, suspender."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "47bb61c8-f9ba-40af-a9ee-1f2d2239c8b7", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "dae695f769b55fe078d586889a4cb3fa7ac65fa37c734c6aa338a93e51b26696"}, "3": {"node_id": "171197e3-9cdf-4e48-a2f1-3b478e59e0ed", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "3fa26f9206ebeee52b724308020f568593218ba4269fc747d6b64d9ffff65f5c"}}, "hash": "a22026ad17897c49298631baf3f389d075682ae2cf013ed553f92625c82aa11d", "text": "por lo tanto, este medicamento no debe usarse durante la lactancia. Su m\u00e9dico \ndecidir\u00e1 si debe interrumpir la lactancia o dejar de usar Acsodix , teniendo en \ncuenta el beneficio de la lactancia para el ni\u00f1o y el beneficio del tratamiento \npara usted.\nCONDUCCI\u00d3N Y USO DE MAQUINAS \nAcsodix tiene poca o nula influencia sobre la capacidad de conducir o utilizar \nm\u00e1quinas. Sin embargo, ya que se han reportado efectos secundarios tales como \nmareos, se recomienda precauci\u00f3n durante este tipo de actividades al principio \ndel tratamiento o al cambiar de dosis.\nUSO DE OTROS MEDICAMENTOS\nInforme a su m\u00e9dico si est\u00e1 tomando, ha tomado recientemente o podr\u00eda tener \nque tomar cualquier otro medicamento, incluso los adquiridos sin receta. En particular: \n -Medicamentos que se sabe que causan disminuci\u00f3n en los niveles de sodio. \n -IMAO irreversibles y no selectivos: como fenelzina, iproniazida,isocarboxazida, nialamida, tranilcipromina (medicamentos para tratar la depresi\u00f3n). Debido al riesgo de SS no debe tomar ninguno de estos \nmedicamentos con Acsodix . Si ha tomado alguno de estos medicamentos,\ndebe esperar 14 d\u00edas antes de empezar a tomar Acsodix . Despu\u00e9s de\nsuspender Acsodix , debe esperar 14 d\u00edas antes de tomar cualquiera de\nestos medicamentos.", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "171197e3-9cdf-4e48-a2f1-3b478e59e0ed": {"__data__": {"id_": "171197e3-9cdf-4e48-a2f1-3b478e59e0ed", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential risks and contraindications of combining Vortioxetine (Acsodix) with reversible and non-selective MAO inhibitors like linezolid?\n2. Is it safe to combine Vortioxetine with reversible and selective MAO-A inhibitors like moclobemide, and if so, what precautions should be taken?\n3. How should Vortioxetine be administered cautiously when used concurrently with irreversible and selective MAO-B inhibitors like selegiline or rasagiline, and what monitoring should be implemented to detect any potential adverse effects?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are precautions, risks, and considerations for the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The section discusses the use of Acsodix during breastfeeding, its influence on driving or operating machinery, and the medications that should not be taken with Acsodix, particularly those known to cause a decrease in sodium levels or irreversible and non-selective MAOIs. The entities mentioned in the section include Acsodix, breastfeeding, driving, machinery, medications, sodium levels, and irreversible and non-selective MAOIs.", "section_summary": "The section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations for using Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It specifically addresses the potential risks and contraindications of combining Vortioxetine with different types of MAO inhibitors, such as reversible and non-selective MAO inhibitors like linezolid, reversible and selective MAO-A inhibitors like moclobemide, and irreversible and selective MAO-B inhibitors like selegiline or rasagiline. The section emphasizes the need for cautious administration and close monitoring when using Vortioxetine concurrently with these MAO inhibitors to detect any potential adverse effects.", "excerpt_keywords": "Acsodix, medicamentos, Vortioxetina, IMAO reversible, IMAO no selectivo, linezolid, contraindicada, dosis m\u00ednima, monitorizaci\u00f3n estrecha, inhibidor de la MAO-A reversible, inhibidor de la MAO-A selectivo, moclobemida, inhibidores de la MAO-B irreversibles, selegilina, rasagilina, enfermedad de Parkinson, precauci\u00f3n, aparici\u00f3n de SS."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "c3daaa0d-aaab-4c12-a5dd-86f527d5bd41", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "a22026ad17897c49298631baf3f389d075682ae2cf013ed553f92625c82aa11d"}, "3": {"node_id": "e0f8cb3b-57e6-48a7-97cc-662f13b662d2", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "8a4e62fee313bcc3be27b980056b607c9d9b66ca6763bec5c4b0383d7e305b1a"}}, "hash": "3fa26f9206ebeee52b724308020f568593218ba4269fc747d6b64d9ffff65f5c", "text": "medicamentos con Acsodix . Si ha tomado alguno de estos medicamentos,\ndebe esperar 14 d\u00edas antes de empezar a tomar Acsodix . Despu\u00e9s de\nsuspender Acsodix , debe esperar 14 d\u00edas antes de tomar cualquiera de\nestos medicamentos. \n -IMAO reversible y no selectivo: la combinaci\u00f3n de Vortioxetina con un IMAO \nreversible y no selectivo d\u00e9bil como linezolid (medicamento para tratar \ninfecciones bacterianas) est\u00e1 contraindicada. Si la combinaci\u00f3n fuera \nnecesaria, el medicamento a\u00f1adido debe darse a la dosis m\u00ednima y bajo una \nmonitorizaci\u00f3n estrecha del SS. \n -Inhibidor de la MAO-A reversible y selectivo: la combinaci\u00f3n de Vortioxetina \ncon un inhibidor de la MAO-A reversible y selectivo como moclobemida\n(medicamento para tratar la depresi\u00f3n) est\u00e1 contraindicada. Si la \ncombinaci\u00f3n fuera necesaria, la adici\u00f3n del medicamento deber\u00eda darse a dosis m\u00ednima y bajo estrecha monitorizaci\u00f3n cl\u00ednica para detectar la \naparici\u00f3n del SS. \n -Inhibidores de la MAO-B irreversibles y selectivos: la combinaci\u00f3n de \nVortioxetina con inhibidores de la MAO-B irreversibles, como la selegilina o la \nrasagilina (medicamentos para tratar la enfermedad de Parkinson), se debe administrar con precauci\u00f3n. Si se utilizan de manera simult\u00e1nea, se debe estrechar la monitorizaci\u00f3n para detectar la aparici\u00f3n de SS.", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "e0f8cb3b-57e6-48a7-97cc-662f13b662d2": {"__data__": {"id_": "e0f8cb3b-57e6-48a7-97cc-662f13b662d2", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What precautions should be taken when combining Vortioxetine with irreversible MAO-B inhibitors?\n2. What is the potential risk of combining Vortioxetine with serotoninergic medications like tramadol?\n3. What is the recommended route of administration and form of Vortioxetine medication?", "prev_section_summary": "The section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations for using Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It specifically addresses the potential risks and contraindications of combining Vortioxetine with different types of MAO inhibitors, such as reversible and non-selective MAO inhibitors like linezolid, reversible and selective MAO-A inhibitors like moclobemide, and irreversible and selective MAO-B inhibitors like selegiline or rasagiline. The section emphasizes the need for cautious administration and close monitoring when using Vortioxetine concurrently with these MAO inhibitors to detect any potential adverse effects.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the precautions and risks associated with combining Vortioxetine with certain medications. Specifically, it mentions the precautions to be taken when combining Vortioxetine with irreversible MAO-B inhibitors and serotoninergic medications like tramadol. It also mentions the recommended route of administration and form of Vortioxetine medication, which is oral tablets. The entities mentioned in this section include Vortioxetine, irreversible MAO-B inhibitors (such as selegiline and rasagiline), tramadol, and oral tablets.", "excerpt_keywords": "Vortioxetina, inhibidores de la MAO-B, selegilina, rasagilina, enfermedad de Parkinson, monitorizaci\u00f3n, SS, medicamentos serotonin\u00e9rgicos, tramadol, efecto serotonin\u00e9rgico, administraci\u00f3n conjunta, precauci\u00f3n, vigilancia adicional."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "d6ab2b82bf7fa2da9b00cea1c834ad287194b4b96dbb5f39af45681a37fa280a"}, "2": {"node_id": "171197e3-9cdf-4e48-a2f1-3b478e59e0ed", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "3fa26f9206ebeee52b724308020f568593218ba4269fc747d6b64d9ffff65f5c"}}, "hash": "8a4e62fee313bcc3be27b980056b607c9d9b66ca6763bec5c4b0383d7e305b1a", "text": "-Inhibidores de la MAO-B irreversibles y selectivos: la combinaci\u00f3n de \nVortioxetina con inhibidores de la MAO-B irreversibles, como la selegilina o la \nrasagilina (medicamentos para tratar la enfermedad de Parkinson), se debe administrar con precauci\u00f3n. Si se utilizan de manera simult\u00e1nea, se debe estrechar la monitorizaci\u00f3n para detectar la aparici\u00f3n de SS. \n -Medicamentos serotonin\u00e9rgicos: la administraci\u00f3n conjunta demedicamentos con efecto serotonin\u00e9rgico como tramadol (un fuerte \nPRO591002-08/05/2023Acsodix\nVortioxetina\nV\u00eda oral\nComprimidos recubiertosMedicamento\ncon vigilancia\nadicional", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "7b32f146-8d6c-4337-a65e-92a620338bbe": {"__data__": {"id_": "7b32f146-8d6c-4337-a65e-92a620338bbe", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential risks and precautions associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication?\n2. Which medications should be avoided or used with caution when taking Vortioxetine due to the risk of serotonin syndrome?\n3. Are there any specific drug interactions or contraindications for Vortioxetine, particularly with medications that lower the seizure threshold or with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the precautions and risks associated with combining Vortioxetine with certain medications. Specifically, it mentions the precautions to be taken when combining Vortioxetine with irreversible MAO-B inhibitors and serotoninergic medications like tramadol. It also mentions the recommended route of administration and form of Vortioxetine medication, which is oral tablets. The entities mentioned in this section include Vortioxetine, irreversible MAO-B inhibitors (such as selegiline and rasagiline), tramadol, and oral tablets.", "section_summary": "This section discusses the potential risks, precautions, and considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It mentions the risk of serotonin syndrome when Vortioxetine is used with certain medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and triptans. The section also highlights the potential interactions and contraindications of Vortioxetine with medications that lower the seizure threshold, including tricyclic antidepressants, fluoxetine, paroxetine, phenothiazines, tioxanthenes, butyrophenones, mefloquine, bupropion, and tramadol. Additionally, it mentions the need for caution when using Vortioxetine with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and the potential interactions with inhibitors of CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 enzymes such as ketoconazole.", "excerpt_keywords": "Vortioxetina, interacciones medicamentosas, s\u00edndrome serotonin\u00e9rgico, analg\u00e9sicos, sumatript\u00e1n, migra\u00f1a, Hierba de San Juan, umbral convulsivo, terapia electroconvulsiva, inhibidores CYP3A4, inhibidores CYP2C9, inhibidores CYP2C19, ketoconazol."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "3": {"node_id": "fae68bce-c1ae-41ee-8fb1-c5ebbcd98636", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "2745164da9ac439189e8d3a52bf2028d459ab9a09d8d69c14aff1ab4a47d825d"}}, "hash": "a6adf7f242d4d5c9aee15ceebc7dcf26868c02bc037fd61fbdf6309ffda02704", "text": "analg\u00e9sico), sumatript\u00e1n y medicamentos similares con nombres de \nprincipios activos terminados en \u201c-tript\u00e1n\u201d (utilizados para tratar la migra\u00f1a) \npuede provocar SS. \n -Hierba de San Juan (Hypericum perforatum) (medicamento para tratar la \ndepresi\u00f3n). El uso concomitante puede aumentar la incidencia de reacciones\nadversas, incluido el SS. \n -Medicamentos que disminuyen el umbral convulsivo: Vortioxetina puede \ndisminuir el umbral convulsivo. Se recomienda precauci\u00f3n cuando se utilice \nde manera simult\u00e1nea con otros medicamentos capaces de disminuir este \numbral: antidepresivos tric\u00edclicos, ISRS, IRSN (fluoxetina, paroxetina), neurol\u00e9pticos (fenotiazinas, tioxantenos y butirofenonas), mefloquina (medicamento para prevenir y tratar la malaria), bupropi\u00f3n (medicamento \npara tratar la depresi\u00f3n tambi\u00e9n utilizado para dejar de fumar) y tramadol. Por favor hable con su m\u00e9dico si usted est\u00e1 tomando alguno de los \nmedicamentos mencionados, ya que su m\u00e9dico necesita saber si usted tiene riesgo de sufrir convulsiones. \n -Terapia electroconvulsiva (TEC): no hay experiencia cl\u00ednica sobre la administraci\u00f3n concomitante de TEC y Vortioxetina , por lo que se recomienda \nprecauci\u00f3n.\n -Inhibidores de la CYP3A4, la CYP2C9 y la CYP2C19 como ketoconazol,", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "fae68bce-c1ae-41ee-8fb1-c5ebbcd98636": {"__data__": {"id_": "fae68bce-c1ae-41ee-8fb1-c5ebbcd98636", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What precautions should be taken when combining Vortioxetine with electroconvulsive therapy (TEC)?\n2. Are dose adjustments required when combining Vortioxetine with inhibitors of CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19?\n3. What potential risks are associated with combining Vortioxetine with anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents?", "prev_section_summary": "This section discusses the potential risks, precautions, and considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It mentions the risk of serotonin syndrome when Vortioxetine is used with certain medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and triptans. The section also highlights the potential interactions and contraindications of Vortioxetine with medications that lower the seizure threshold, including tricyclic antidepressants, fluoxetine, paroxetine, phenothiazines, tioxanthenes, butyrophenones, mefloquine, bupropion, and tramadol. Additionally, it mentions the need for caution when using Vortioxetine with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and the potential interactions with inhibitors of CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 enzymes such as ketoconazole.", "section_summary": "The section discusses precautions, risks, and considerations for the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The key topics covered include combining Vortioxetine with electroconvulsive therapy (TEC), inhibitors of CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19, and anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents. The section also mentions the potential risks and the need for caution when combining Vortioxetine with certain medications.", "excerpt_keywords": "medicamentos, riesgo, convulsiones, terapia electroconvulsiva, TEC, vortioxetina, inhibidores, CYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, ketoconazol, fluconazol, omeprazol, metabolizadores pobres, CYP2D6, itraconazol, voriconazol, claritromicina, telitromicina, nefazodona, conivaptan, inhibidores de la proteasa del VIH, anticoagulantes, antiagregantes plaquetarios, warfarina, dipiridamol, fenprocum\u00f3n, \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico, hemorragia, diazepam, funci\u00f3n cognitiva."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "7b32f146-8d6c-4337-a65e-92a620338bbe", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "a6adf7f242d4d5c9aee15ceebc7dcf26868c02bc037fd61fbdf6309ffda02704"}, "3": {"node_id": "9e5f98dc-6f0f-4b03-9bea-83cf4224621c", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "5a2d2e1d2b7af339c0471f3ca817e68c61c8af474c3f400c8fc22df0c04f121b"}}, "hash": "2745164da9ac439189e8d3a52bf2028d459ab9a09d8d69c14aff1ab4a47d825d", "text": "medicamentos mencionados, ya que su m\u00e9dico necesita saber si usted tiene riesgo de sufrir convulsiones. \n -Terapia electroconvulsiva (TEC): no hay experiencia cl\u00ednica sobre la administraci\u00f3n concomitante de TEC y Vortioxetina , por lo que se recomienda \nprecauci\u00f3n.\n -Inhibidores de la CYP3A4, la CYP2C9 y la CYP2C19 como ketoconazol,\nfluconazol, omeprazol. No se requiere un ajuste de la dosis. \n -Interacciones en metabolizadores pobres de la CYP2D6: Seg\u00fan la respuesta individual del paciente, se puede considerar una dosis m\u00e1s baja de Vortioxetina si se administra de forma conjunta un inhibidor potente de la \nCYP3A4 (como el itraconazol, voriconazol, claritromicina, telitromicina, \nnefazodona, conivaptan, y muchos de los inhibidores de la proteasa del VIH) o \nde la CYP2C9 (como fluconazol y amiodarona) en pacientes metabolizadores \nlentos de la CYP2D6. \n -Anticoagulantes y antiagregantes plaquetarios: se debe tener precauci\u00f3n al combinar la Vortioxetina con anticoagulantes o antiagregantes plaquetarios \norales como warfarina, dipiridamol, fenprocum\u00f3n, \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico, debido al potencial aumento del riesgo de hemorragia. \n -La administraci\u00f3n conjunta con diazepam parece no alterar la funci\u00f3ncognitiva.", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "9e5f98dc-6f0f-4b03-9bea-83cf4224621c": {"__data__": {"id_": "9e5f98dc-6f0f-4b03-9bea-83cf4224621c", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential drug interactions and precautions to consider when taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication?\n2. Can Vortioxetine (Acsodix) be taken with food, and what are the recommendations regarding alcohol consumption while taking this medication?\n3. What are the observed adverse effects of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) and when do they typically occur during treatment?", "prev_section_summary": "The section discusses precautions, risks, and considerations for the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The key topics covered include combining Vortioxetine with electroconvulsive therapy (TEC), inhibitors of CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19, and anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents. The section also mentions the potential risks and the need for caution when combining Vortioxetine with certain medications.", "section_summary": "This section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It mentions potential drug interactions and precautions, such as the increased risk of bleeding when taking Vortioxetine with medications like warfarin, dipiridamol, fenprocum\u00f3n, and \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico. The section also states that the administration of Vortioxetine with diazepam does not alter cognitive function and that there are no observed changes in hormone levels when taking Vortioxetine with an oral contraceptive. It advises caution when taking Vortioxetine with lithium and triptophan. The section also mentions that Vortioxetine can be taken with or without food but should not be combined with alcohol. It notes that the observed adverse effects of Vortioxetine are mostly mild or moderate and occur within the first two weeks of treatment.", "excerpt_keywords": "warfarina, dipiridamol, fenprocum\u00f3n, \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico, diazepam, hormonas sexuales, anticonceptivo oral combinado, litio, tript\u00f3fano, alimentos, bebidas, efectos adversos, tratamiento, suspensi\u00f3n del tratamiento."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "fae68bce-c1ae-41ee-8fb1-c5ebbcd98636", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "2745164da9ac439189e8d3a52bf2028d459ab9a09d8d69c14aff1ab4a47d825d"}, "3": {"node_id": "14373afd-fb34-4b3c-b24c-9ea8d3bd4f90", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "04d8a753cc2a7c67139bb9826ac66b7209b1020a630a6db686f29c5ce1734580"}}, "hash": "5a2d2e1d2b7af339c0471f3ca817e68c61c8af474c3f400c8fc22df0c04f121b", "text": "orales como warfarina, dipiridamol, fenprocum\u00f3n, \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico, debido al potencial aumento del riesgo de hemorragia. \n -La administraci\u00f3n conjunta con diazepam parece no alterar la funci\u00f3ncognitiva. \n -No se observaron cambios en los niveles de hormonas sexuales despu\u00e9s \nde la administraci\u00f3n conjunta de Vortioxetina con el anticonceptivo oral \ncombinado (etinil estradiol 30 \u00b5g/ levonorgestrel 150 \u00b5g).\n -Litio (medicamento para tratar la depresi\u00f3n y los trastornos mentales) y \ntript\u00f3fano: el uso concomitante de Vortioxetina con estos medicamentos se \ndebe realizar con precauci\u00f3n. \nTOMA DE ACSODIX CON ALIMENTOS Y BEBIDAS\nLos comprimidos de Acsodix se pueden tomar con o sin alimentos. No se \naconseja la combinaci\u00f3n de este medicamento con alcohol. \nPOSIBLES EFECTOS ADVERSOS\nAl igual que todos los medicamentos, este medicamento puede producir efectos \nadversos, aunque no todas las personas los sufran. \nLos efectos adversos observados fueron en su mayor\u00eda leves o moderados y se \nprodujeron en las primeras dos semanas de tratamiento. Estos efectos fueron, \npor lo general, transitorios y no requirieron la suspensi\u00f3n del tratamiento. \nSe han observado los siguientes efectos adversos con las frecuencias que se \nindican:", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "14373afd-fb34-4b3c-b24c-9ea8d3bd4f90": {"__data__": {"id_": "14373afd-fb34-4b3c-b24c-9ea8d3bd4f90", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the common side effects of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication and how frequently do they occur?\n2. Are there any serious adverse effects associated with Vortioxetine (Acsodix) that may require immediate medical attention?\n3. What are the potential risks and considerations to be aware of when taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication?", "prev_section_summary": "This section discusses the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It mentions potential drug interactions and precautions, such as the increased risk of bleeding when taking Vortioxetine with medications like warfarin, dipiridamol, fenprocum\u00f3n, and \u00e1cido acetilsalic\u00edlico. The section also states that the administration of Vortioxetine with diazepam does not alter cognitive function and that there are no observed changes in hormone levels when taking Vortioxetine with an oral contraceptive. It advises caution when taking Vortioxetine with lithium and triptophan. The section also mentions that Vortioxetine can be taken with or without food but should not be combined with alcohol. It notes that the observed adverse effects of Vortioxetine are mostly mild or moderate and occur within the first two weeks of treatment.", "section_summary": "The section discusses the common side effects of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication, including nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, dizziness, itching, abnormal dreams, flushing, night sweats, and low sodium levels in the blood. It also mentions potential serious adverse effects such as serotonin syndrome and allergic reactions. The section emphasizes that most adverse effects are mild or moderate and occur within the first two weeks of treatment, and they are usually transient and do not require discontinuation of the medication.", "excerpt_keywords": "efectos adversos, tratamiento, n\u00e1useas, diarrea, estre\u00f1imiento, v\u00f3mitos, mareo, prurito, sue\u00f1os anormales, rubefacci\u00f3n, sudores nocturnos, niveles bajos de sodio en sangre, S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico, reacciones al\u00e9rgicas, hinchaz\u00f3n, dificultad para."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "9e5f98dc-6f0f-4b03-9bea-83cf4224621c", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "5a2d2e1d2b7af339c0471f3ca817e68c61c8af474c3f400c8fc22df0c04f121b"}, "3": {"node_id": "30c0a7b6-61e2-4c57-8338-67ad91d2b084", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "57d979aba5c8219c4da87cb0b848f1e93423d9637dd92440b9101d86ff6a4cb4"}}, "hash": "04d8a753cc2a7c67139bb9826ac66b7209b1020a630a6db686f29c5ce1734580", "text": "Los efectos adversos observados fueron en su mayor\u00eda leves o moderados y se \nprodujeron en las primeras dos semanas de tratamiento. Estos efectos fueron, \npor lo general, transitorios y no requirieron la suspensi\u00f3n del tratamiento. \nSe han observado los siguientes efectos adversos con las frecuencias que se \nindican: \n -Muy frecuentes (pueden afectar a m\u00e1s de 1 de cada 10 personas): n\u00e1useas. \n -Frecuentes (pueden afectar hasta 1 de cada 10 personas): diarrea, estre\u00f1imiento, v\u00f3mitos; mareo; prurito incluyendo picor en todo el cuerpo; \nsue\u00f1os anormales. \n -Poco frecuentes (pueden afectar hasta 1 de cada 100 personas): rubefacci\u00f3n (enrojecimiento de la piel); sudores nocturnos.\n -Frecuencia no conocida (no puede estimarse a partir de los datosdisponibles): niveles bajos de sodio en sangre (algunos de los s\u00edntomas \npueden ser sensaci\u00f3n de mareo, debilidad, confusi\u00f3n, somnolencia o mucho \ncansancio, o bien tener n\u00e1useas o v\u00f3mitos; otros s\u00edntomas m\u00e1s graves son \ndesmayos, convulsiones o ca\u00eddas); S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico; reacciones \nal\u00e9rgicas (reacciones anafil\u00e1cticas), que pueden ser graves, y provocar \nhinchaz\u00f3n de la cara, los labios, la lengua o la garganta; dificultad para", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "30c0a7b6-61e2-4c57-8338-67ad91d2b084": {"__data__": {"id_": "30c0a7b6-61e2-4c57-8338-67ad91d2b084", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential side effects of taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication?\n2. What are the recommended dosage and administration instructions for Acsodix?\n3. Are there any specific age-related risks or considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine?", "prev_section_summary": "The section discusses the common side effects of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication, including nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, dizziness, itching, abnormal dreams, flushing, night sweats, and low sodium levels in the blood. It also mentions potential serious adverse effects such as serotonin syndrome and allergic reactions. The section emphasizes that most adverse effects are mild or moderate and occur within the first two weeks of treatment, and they are usually transient and do not require discontinuation of the medication.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the potential side effects of taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication, the recommended dosage and administration instructions for Acsodix, and age-related risks or considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine. The section mentions side effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting, seizures, and allergic reactions. It also highlights the increased risk of sexual dysfunction and bone fractures in patients taking Vortioxetine. The recommended dosage for adults under 65 years is 10 mg.", "excerpt_keywords": "cansancio, n\u00e1useas, v\u00f3mitos, desmayos, convulsiones, ca\u00eddas, S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico, reacciones al\u00e9rgicas, hinchaz\u00f3n, dificultad para respirar, dificultad para tragar, descenso de la presi\u00f3n arterial, mareos, aturdimiento, urticaria, erupci\u00f3n, sangrado excesivo, contusi\u00f3n, hematomas, hemorragia nasal, sangrado gastrointestinal, sangrado vaginal, disfunci\u00f3n sexual, TESD, riesgo de fracturas \u00f3seas, dosis, administraci\u00f3n, comprimidos, agua, alimentos, posolog\u00eda, adultos menores de 65 a\u00f1os."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "14373afd-fb34-4b3c-b24c-9ea8d3bd4f90", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "04d8a753cc2a7c67139bb9826ac66b7209b1020a630a6db686f29c5ce1734580"}, "3": {"node_id": "189544e6-5719-4518-ad27-09e5439af057", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "ea128204803723b481008f76baa950a60b79a1cde17e9acc02812b2fb8d6576b"}}, "hash": "57d979aba5c8219c4da87cb0b848f1e93423d9637dd92440b9101d86ff6a4cb4", "text": "cansancio, o bien tener n\u00e1useas o v\u00f3mitos; otros s\u00edntomas m\u00e1s graves son \ndesmayos, convulsiones o ca\u00eddas); S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico; reacciones \nal\u00e9rgicas (reacciones anafil\u00e1cticas), que pueden ser graves, y provocar \nhinchaz\u00f3n de la cara, los labios, la lengua o la garganta; dificultad para \nrespirar o tragar, y/o descenso repentino de la presi\u00f3n arterial (que puede \nhacer que se sienta mareado o aturdido); urticaria, erupci\u00f3n; sangrado \nexcesivo o inexplicable (incluyendo contusi\u00f3n, hematomas, hemorragia \nnasal, sangrado gastrointestinal y vaginal). \nPor otro lado, la dosis de Vortioxetina de 20 mg se asoci\u00f3 con un incremento en \ndisfunci\u00f3n sexual (TESD). A su vez, se ha observado un incremento del riesgo de fracturas \u00f3seas en pacientes que toman este tipo de medicamentos y tienen \n50 a\u00f1os o m\u00e1s.Si experimenta cualquier tipo de efecto adverso, consulte a su m\u00e9dico, incluso \nsi se trata de posibles efectos adversos que no aparecen en este prospecto.\nC\u00d3MO TOMAR ACSODIX\nSiga exactamente las instrucciones de administraci\u00f3n de este medicamento \nindicadas por su m\u00e9dico. En caso de duda, consulte de nuevo con \u00e9l. \nLos comprimidos se deben tomar con un poco de agua, con o sin alimentos. Posolog\u00eda: \nAdulos menores a 65 a\u00f1os: La dosis recomendada de Vortioxetina es 10 mg una", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "189544e6-5719-4518-ad27-09e5439af057": {"__data__": {"id_": "189544e6-5719-4518-ad27-09e5439af057", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What is the recommended dosage of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) for adults under 65 years of age?\n2. What is the recommended initial dosage of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) for elderly patients (65 years or older)?\n3. Is it necessary to adjust the dosage of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) based on renal or hepatic function?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the potential side effects of taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication, the recommended dosage and administration instructions for Acsodix, and age-related risks or considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine. The section mentions side effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting, seizures, and allergic reactions. It also highlights the increased risk of sexual dysfunction and bone fractures in patients taking Vortioxetine. The recommended dosage for adults under 65 years is 10 mg.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the recommended dosage of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) for different age groups, the need for dosage adjustment based on renal or hepatic function, and precautions for elderly patients. The key entities mentioned are Vortioxetine (Acsodix), adults under 65 years of age, elderly patients (65 years or older), renal function, and hepatic function.", "excerpt_keywords": "ACSODIX, medicamento, instrucciones de administraci\u00f3n, comprimidos, agua, alimentos, posolog\u00eda, dosis, Vortioxetina, adulos, 65 a\u00f1os, respuesta al tratamiento, m\u00e1ximo, m\u00ednimo, pacientes de edad avanzada, precauci\u00f3n, insuficiencia renal, insuficiencia hep\u00e1tica, ajuste de dosis, funci\u00f3n renal, funci\u00f3n hep\u00e1tica, vulnerables, datos limitados."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "30c0a7b6-61e2-4c57-8338-67ad91d2b084", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "57d979aba5c8219c4da87cb0b848f1e93423d9637dd92440b9101d86ff6a4cb4"}, "3": {"node_id": "abf16333-c042-4aa4-99e5-0df354e8619a", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "25322e6d8b26554ba5e309146da96a339e556577a6fbc9881cf8e602a7db65f6"}}, "hash": "ea128204803723b481008f76baa950a60b79a1cde17e9acc02812b2fb8d6576b", "text": "C\u00d3MO TOMAR ACSODIX\nSiga exactamente las instrucciones de administraci\u00f3n de este medicamento \nindicadas por su m\u00e9dico. En caso de duda, consulte de nuevo con \u00e9l. \nLos comprimidos se deben tomar con un poco de agua, con o sin alimentos. Posolog\u00eda: \nAdulos menores a 65 a\u00f1os: La dosis recomendada de Vortioxetina es 10 mg una \nvez al d\u00eda. En funci\u00f3n de su respuesta al tratamiento, su m\u00e9dico puede aumentar la dosis hasta un m\u00e1ximo de 20 mg de Vortioxetina al d\u00eda o reducirla hasta un \nm\u00ednimo de 5 mg de Vortioxetina al d\u00eda. \nPacientes de edad avanzada (65 a\u00f1os o m\u00e1s): Como dosis inicial se debe utilizar \nsiempre la dosis eficaz m\u00e1s baja de 5 mg de Vortioxetina una vez al d\u00eda. Se debe \ntener precauci\u00f3n cuando se traten pacientes de \u2265 65 a\u00f1os de edad con dosis superiores a 10 mg de Vortioxetina una vez al d\u00eda, ya que los datos son limitados. \nInsuficiencia renal o hep\u00e1tica: No se requiere un ajuste de la dosis sobre la base de \nla funci\u00f3n renal o hep\u00e1tica. Sin embargo, dado que los sujetos con insuficiencia \nrenal o hep\u00e1tica son vulnerables y dado que los datos sobre el uso de Vortioxetina \nen estas subpoblaciones son limitados, se debe tener precauci\u00f3n cuando se", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "abf16333-c042-4aa4-99e5-0df354e8619a": {"__data__": {"id_": "abf16333-c042-4aa4-99e5-0df354e8619a", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. Can Vortioxetine be used in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency?\n2. Are there any precautions or considerations when treating patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency with Vortioxetine?\n3. How long should Acsodix (Vortioxetine) be taken and is there a recommended duration of treatment after improvement of symptoms?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the recommended dosage of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) for different age groups, the need for dosage adjustment based on renal or hepatic function, and precautions for elderly patients. The key entities mentioned are Vortioxetine (Acsodix), adults under 65 years of age, elderly patients (65 years or older), renal function, and hepatic function.", "section_summary": "The key topics of this section are precautions, risks, and considerations for using the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The section discusses the use of Vortioxetine in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, the potential need for dose adjustments in these patients, and the precautions to be taken when treating them. It also mentions the consideration of lower doses of Vortioxetine when combined with certain inhibitors of the CYP2D6 enzyme, as well as the potential need for dose adjustments when combined with inducers of the cytochrome P450 enzyme. The section also provides information on the recommended duration of treatment with Acsodix, stating that it should be taken as directed by a doctor and continued for at least 6 months after improvement of symptoms.", "excerpt_keywords": "insuficiencia renal, insuficiencia hep\u00e1tica, ajuste de dosis, funci\u00f3n renal, funci\u00f3n hep\u00e1tica, vortioxetina, inhibidores del citocromo P450, dosis m\u00e1s baja, inhibidores potentes, inductores del citocromo P450, ajuste de dosis, duraci\u00f3n del tratamiento, Acsodix, olvido de tomar."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "189544e6-5719-4518-ad27-09e5439af057", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "ea128204803723b481008f76baa950a60b79a1cde17e9acc02812b2fb8d6576b"}, "3": {"node_id": "8d6438f6-9489-4f2a-979d-49e454be909e", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "1f1cfb0700813f77c6d4cc549acbe897c9ca3e02dc4171a1e9807d8f5059ee62"}}, "hash": "25322e6d8b26554ba5e309146da96a339e556577a6fbc9881cf8e602a7db65f6", "text": "Insuficiencia renal o hep\u00e1tica: No se requiere un ajuste de la dosis sobre la base de \nla funci\u00f3n renal o hep\u00e1tica. Sin embargo, dado que los sujetos con insuficiencia \nrenal o hep\u00e1tica son vulnerables y dado que los datos sobre el uso de Vortioxetina \nen estas subpoblaciones son limitados, se debe tener precauci\u00f3n cuando se \ntraten estos pacientes. Inhibidores del citocromo P450: Seg\u00fan la respuesta individual del paciente, se \npuede considerar una dosis m\u00e1s baja de Vortioxetina si se a\u00f1ade un inhibidor \npotente de la CYP2D6 (p. ej., bupropi\u00f3n, quinidina, fluoxetina, paroxetina) al tratamiento con Vortioxetina .\nInductores del citocromo P450: Seg\u00fan la respuesta individual del paciente, se puede considerar un ajuste de la dosis de Vortioxetina si se a\u00f1ade un inductor del \ncitocromo P450 de amplio espectro (p. ej., rifampicina, carbamazepina, fenito\u00edna) al tratamiento con Vortioxetina .\nDuraci\u00f3n del tratamiento: Tome Acsodix durante el tiempo que le indique su \nm\u00e9dico. Contin\u00fae tom\u00e1ndolo, aunque tarde cierto tiempo en empezar a notar una mejor\u00eda en su estado. Debe continuar con el tratamiento durante al menos 6 meses despu\u00e9s de sentirse bien de nuevo.\nSI OLVID\u00d3 TOMAR ACSODIX", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "8d6438f6-9489-4f2a-979d-49e454be909e": {"__data__": {"id_": "8d6438f6-9489-4f2a-979d-49e454be909e", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. How long should Acsodix be taken for and is there a recommended duration of treatment?\n2. What should be done if a dose of Acsodix is missed?\n3. What are the symptoms of an overdose of Acsodix and what should be done in case of accidental ingestion?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are precautions, risks, and considerations for using the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The section discusses the use of Vortioxetine in patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, the potential need for dose adjustments in these patients, and the precautions to be taken when treating them. It also mentions the consideration of lower doses of Vortioxetine when combined with certain inhibitors of the CYP2D6 enzyme, as well as the potential need for dose adjustments when combined with inducers of the cytochrome P450 enzyme. The section also provides information on the recommended duration of treatment with Acsodix, stating that it should be taken as directed by a doctor and continued for at least 6 months after improvement of symptoms.", "section_summary": "This section provides information on the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The key topics covered include the duration of treatment, what to do if a dose is missed, and the symptoms and actions to take in case of an overdose or accidental ingestion. The section emphasizes the importance of following the doctor's instructions, continuing the treatment for at least 6 months after feeling better, not doubling the dose if a dose is missed, consulting the doctor before discontinuing the medication, and seeking immediate medical assistance in case of overdose or accidental ingestion. The section also mentions the symptoms of an overdose, such as postural dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, itching, drowsiness, and skin redness.", "excerpt_keywords": "Duraci\u00f3n del tratamiento, Acsodix, m\u00e9dico, mejor\u00eda, estado, olvid\u00f3 tomar, dosis, interrumpir, consultarlo, gradual, sobredosis, ingesti\u00f3n accidental, centro de asistencia m\u00e9dica, Servicio de Informaci\u00f3n Toxicol\u00f3gica, envase, prospecto, s\u00edntomas, mareo postural, n\u00e1useas, diarrea, molestias en el est\u00f3mago, picor en todo el cuerpo, somnolencia, rubefacci\u00f3n, enrojecimiento de la piel."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "abf16333-c042-4aa4-99e5-0df354e8619a", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "25322e6d8b26554ba5e309146da96a339e556577a6fbc9881cf8e602a7db65f6"}, "3": {"node_id": "29f294ac-c308-4e4f-b71c-c791fd28e591", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "ecd74507dc084a6eadc9a81a14801f73a60f86299fdd8d01f7a232cc0b6dc2b9"}}, "hash": "1f1cfb0700813f77c6d4cc549acbe897c9ca3e02dc4171a1e9807d8f5059ee62", "text": "Duraci\u00f3n del tratamiento: Tome Acsodix durante el tiempo que le indique su \nm\u00e9dico. Contin\u00fae tom\u00e1ndolo, aunque tarde cierto tiempo en empezar a notar una mejor\u00eda en su estado. Debe continuar con el tratamiento durante al menos 6 meses despu\u00e9s de sentirse bien de nuevo.\nSI OLVID\u00d3 TOMAR ACSODIX\nTome la siguiente dosis a la hora habitual. No tome una dosis doble para compensar las dosis olvidadas. \nSI INTERRUMPE EL TRATAMIENTO CON ACSODIX\nNo deje de tomar Acsodix sin consultarlo a su m\u00e9dico. Cuando este indicada su \ninterrupci\u00f3n, no se requiere una disminuci\u00f3n gradual de la dosis. Si tiene cualquier otra duda sobre el uso de este medicamento, pregunte a su m\u00e9dico.\nSI TOMA M\u00c1S ACSODIX DEL QUE DEBIERA \nEn caso de sobredosis o ingesti\u00f3n accidental, consulte inmediatamente al centro de asistencia m\u00e9dica m\u00e1s cercano o al Servicio de Informaci\u00f3n Toxicol\u00f3gica de referencia indicando el medicamento y la cantidad ingerida. Se recomienda llevar el envase y el prospecto del medicamento al profesional sanitario. Los s\u00edntomas en caso de sobredosis son: mareo postural, n\u00e1useas, diarrea, molestias en el est\u00f3mago, picor en todo el cuerpo, somnolencia y rubefacci\u00f3n \n(enrojecimiento de la piel).", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "29f294ac-c308-4e4f-b71c-c791fd28e591": {"__data__": {"id_": "29f294ac-c308-4e4f-b71c-c791fd28e591", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential side effects and risks associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication?\n2. How should a potential overdose of Vortioxetine (Acsodix) be treated and monitored?\n3. Where can individuals find more information or report any issues or concerns regarding the use of Acsodix medication?", "prev_section_summary": "This section provides information on the precautions, risks, and considerations for taking the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The key topics covered include the duration of treatment, what to do if a dose is missed, and the symptoms and actions to take in case of an overdose or accidental ingestion. The section emphasizes the importance of following the doctor's instructions, continuing the treatment for at least 6 months after feeling better, not doubling the dose if a dose is missed, consulting the doctor before discontinuing the medication, and seeking immediate medical assistance in case of overdose or accidental ingestion. The section also mentions the symptoms of an overdose, such as postural dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, itching, drowsiness, and skin redness.", "section_summary": "This section provides information about precautions, risks, and considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It mentions potential side effects and risks associated with taking the medication, such as skin redness, seizures, and Serotonin Syndrome in cases of overdose. It advises treating the symptoms and monitoring in case of overdose, and recommends seeking medical follow-up in a specialized setting. The section also provides details about the presentation and packaging of Acsodix medication. It emphasizes the importance of keeping the medication out of reach of children and storing it at a temperature below 30 \u00b0C. It provides contact information for reporting issues or concerns regarding the use of Acsodix medication, including a website and email address. It also mentions the National Pharmacovigilance Center and provides a phone number for cases of intoxication. The section includes information about the manufacturer and distributor of the medication in Uruguay.", "excerpt_keywords": "enrojecimiento de la piel, convulsiones, S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico, sobredosis, monitorizaci\u00f3n, seguimiento m\u00e9dico, Acsodix, comprimido recubierto, producto medicinal, ni\u00f1os, temperatura ambiente, inconveniente, uso, CIM Latam, Centro Nacional de Farmacovigilancia, intoxicaci\u00f3n, C.I.A.T., Industria Uruguaya, venta bajo receta profesional, medicamento controlado, Mega Labs S.A., distribuci\u00f3n exclusiva, atenci\u00f3n personalizada."}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "8d6438f6-9489-4f2a-979d-49e454be909e", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "1f1cfb0700813f77c6d4cc549acbe897c9ca3e02dc4171a1e9807d8f5059ee62"}, "3": {"node_id": "2b5ca60e-0898-43a7-aefd-b98d15eb14a1", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "88507be79c8480b9eb038def16cc2aa9b91707b434cfb13c614dfc32f96e64e1"}}, "hash": "ecd74507dc084a6eadc9a81a14801f73a60f86299fdd8d01f7a232cc0b6dc2b9", "text": "(enrojecimiento de la piel). \nTras la ingesta de dosis varias veces superiores a la dosis prescrita, se han notificado episodios de convulsiones y S\u00edndrome Serotonin\u00e9rgico.En caso de sobredosis se deben tratar los s\u00edntomas cl\u00ednicos y someter a una monitorizaci\u00f3n adecuada. Se recomienda seguimiento m\u00e9dico en un entorno especializado.\nPRESENTACI\u00d3N \nAcsodix 5 : Cajas conteniendo 30 comprimido recubiertos.\nAcsodix 10 : Cajas conteniendo 30 comprimido recubiertos.\nAcsodix 20 : Cajas conteniendo 30 comprimido recubiertos.\nPRODUCTO MEDICINALMANT\u00c9NGASE FUERA DEL ALCANCE DE LOS NI\u00d1OSCONSERVAR A TEMPERATURA AMBIENTE INFERIOR A 30 \u00b0C\nEn caso de inconveniente con el uso de este producto, ingrese a \ o escr\u00edbanos a y/o comun\u00edquese \ncon el Centro Nacional de Farmacovigilancia de su pa\u00eds.\nNota: Todo medicamento es potencialmente t\u00f3xico.\nEn caso de intoxicaci\u00f3n llamar al C.I.A.T. - Tel.: 1722.\nIndustria Uruguaya\nVenta bajo receta profesionalMEDICAMENTO CONTROLADO\nTitular en Uruguay y Fabricante: Mega Labs S.A.,\nRuta 101, Km. 23.500 Canelones, Uruguay\nComercializado y distribuci\u00f3n exclusiva Megalabs Uruguay S.A.\nCno. Maldonado 5634 Montevideo, Uruguay\nAtenci\u00f3n Personalizada a Profesionales y Usuarios", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}, "2b5ca60e-0898-43a7-aefd-b98d15eb14a1": {"__data__": {"id_": "2b5ca60e-0898-43a7-aefd-b98d15eb14a1", "embedding": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the precautions, risks, and considerations associated with the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix)?\n2. Who is the titular and manufacturer of Acsodix in Uruguay?\n3. Where can professionals and users seek personalized attention for Acsodix-related queries and concerns in Uruguay?", "prev_section_summary": "This section provides information about precautions, risks, and considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It mentions potential side effects and risks associated with taking the medication, such as skin redness, seizures, and Serotonin Syndrome in cases of overdose. It advises treating the symptoms and monitoring in case of overdose, and recommends seeking medical follow-up in a specialized setting. The section also provides details about the presentation and packaging of Acsodix medication. It emphasizes the importance of keeping the medication out of reach of children and storing it at a temperature below 30 \u00b0C. It provides contact information for reporting issues or concerns regarding the use of Acsodix medication, including a website and email address. It also mentions the National Pharmacovigilance Center and provides a phone number for cases of intoxication. The section includes information about the manufacturer and distributor of the medication in Uruguay.", "section_summary": "The key topics of the section are the precautions, risks, and considerations associated with the antidepressant medication Vortioxetine (Acsodix). The section also mentions the titular and manufacturer of Acsodix in Uruguay, which is Mega Labs S.A. It provides contact information for personalized attention for professionals and users with Acsodix-related queries and concerns in Uruguay.", "excerpt_keywords": "Industria Uruguaya, Venta bajo receta profesional, Medicamento controlado, Mega Labs S.A., Ruta 101, Km. 23.500 Canelones, Uruguay, Megalabs Uruguay S.A., Cno. Maldonado 5634 Montevideo, Uruguay, Atenci\u00f3n Personalizada, Profesionales, Usuarios, 0800-3000,"}, "excluded_embed_metadata_keys": [], "excluded_llm_metadata_keys": ["questions_this_excerpt_can_answer"], "relationships": {"1": {"node_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "41c6829db62bf6678a70c0cb502331eadf9fe0b51022056229b2b93de568fe5b"}, "2": {"node_id": "29f294ac-c308-4e4f-b71c-c791fd28e591", "node_type": null, "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf"}, "hash": "ecd74507dc084a6eadc9a81a14801f73a60f86299fdd8d01f7a232cc0b6dc2b9"}}, "hash": "88507be79c8480b9eb038def16cc2aa9b91707b434cfb13c614dfc32f96e64e1", "text": "Industria Uruguaya\nVenta bajo receta profesionalMEDICAMENTO CONTROLADO\nTitular en Uruguay y Fabricante: Mega Labs S.A.,\nRuta 101, Km. 23.500 Canelones, Uruguay\nComercializado y distribuci\u00f3n exclusiva Megalabs Uruguay S.A.\nCno. Maldonado 5634 Montevideo, Uruguay\nAtenci\u00f3n Personalizada a Profesionales y Usuarios\n0800-3000 Lunes a Viernes de 9 a 17 hs.\\nPRO591002-08/05/2023", "start_char_idx": null, "end_char_idx": null, "text_template": "[Excerpt from document]\n{metadata_str}\nExcerpt:\n-----\n{content}\n-----\n", "metadata_template": "{key}: {value}", "metadata_seperator": "\n"}, "__type__": "1"}}, "docstore/ref_doc_info": {"5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1": {"node_ids": ["b7b22a82-34ab-43f3-82e4-a1fefbe3aa74", "8b31009b-8e18-4171-b8c0-26159cf6f8b2", "cabdadc2-08d3-44e6-9e67-9ee1469dd306", "dd3189bb-8415-479f-b290-d2d1c2e35f7b", "214bfd56-f572-413f-910e-c4a263776b49", "f26b0176-a250-43b1-b03a-4db157ab50ad", "47bb61c8-f9ba-40af-a9ee-1f2d2239c8b7", "c3daaa0d-aaab-4c12-a5dd-86f527d5bd41", "171197e3-9cdf-4e48-a2f1-3b478e59e0ed", "e0f8cb3b-57e6-48a7-97cc-662f13b662d2"], "metadata": {"page_label": "1", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the different dosages available for Acsodix (Vortioxetine) antidepressant medication?\n2. What is the main active ingredient in Acsodix and what group of medications does it belong to?\n3. What is the primary use of Acsodix and who is it intended for?", "section_summary": "This section provides information about the precautions, risks, and considerations for the antidepressant medication Acsodix (Vortioxetine). It mentions the different dosages available for Acsodix (5mg, 10mg, and 20mg) and the main active ingredient, Vortioxetine. It states that Acsodix belongs to a group of medications called antidepresants and is used to treat episodes of major depression in adults. It also advises not to take the medication if allergic to Vortioxetine or any of its components.", "excerpt_keywords": "prospecto, tratamiento, medicamento, Vortioxetina, bromhidrato, comprimido recubierto, antidepresivos, depresi\u00f3n mayor, al\u00e9rgico, hipersensible, componentes."}}, "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6": {"node_ids": ["7b32f146-8d6c-4337-a65e-92a620338bbe", "fae68bce-c1ae-41ee-8fb1-c5ebbcd98636", "9e5f98dc-6f0f-4b03-9bea-83cf4224621c", "14373afd-fb34-4b3c-b24c-9ea8d3bd4f90", "30c0a7b6-61e2-4c57-8338-67ad91d2b084", "189544e6-5719-4518-ad27-09e5439af057", "abf16333-c042-4aa4-99e5-0df354e8619a", "8d6438f6-9489-4f2a-979d-49e454be909e", "29f294ac-c308-4e4f-b71c-c791fd28e591", "2b5ca60e-0898-43a7-aefd-b98d15eb14a1"], "metadata": {"page_label": "2", "file_name": "PRO591002 Acsodix URU MLB 8-5-2023.pdf", "document_title": "Precautions, Risks, and Considerations for Vortioxetine (Acsodix) Antidepressant Medication", "questions_this_excerpt_can_answer": "1. What are the potential risks and precautions associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication?\n2. Which medications should be avoided or used with caution when taking Vortioxetine due to the risk of serotonin syndrome?\n3. Are there any specific drug interactions or contraindications for Vortioxetine, particularly with medications that lower the seizure threshold or with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?", "prev_section_summary": "The key topics of this section are the precautions and risks associated with combining Vortioxetine with certain medications. Specifically, it mentions the precautions to be taken when combining Vortioxetine with irreversible MAO-B inhibitors and serotoninergic medications like tramadol. It also mentions the recommended route of administration and form of Vortioxetine medication, which is oral tablets. The entities mentioned in this section include Vortioxetine, irreversible MAO-B inhibitors (such as selegiline and rasagiline), tramadol, and oral tablets.", "section_summary": "This section discusses the potential risks, precautions, and considerations associated with taking Vortioxetine (Acsodix) antidepressant medication. It mentions the risk of serotonin syndrome when Vortioxetine is used with certain medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and triptans. The section also highlights the potential interactions and contraindications of Vortioxetine with medications that lower the seizure threshold, including tricyclic antidepressants, fluoxetine, paroxetine, phenothiazines, tioxanthenes, butyrophenones, mefloquine, bupropion, and tramadol. Additionally, it mentions the need for caution when using Vortioxetine with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and the potential interactions with inhibitors of CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 enzymes such as ketoconazole.", "excerpt_keywords": "Vortioxetina, interacciones medicamentosas, s\u00edndrome serotonin\u00e9rgico, analg\u00e9sicos, sumatript\u00e1n, migra\u00f1a, Hierba de San Juan, umbral convulsivo, terapia electroconvulsiva, inhibidores CYP3A4, inhibidores CYP2C9, inhibidores CYP2C19, ketoconazol."}}}, "docstore/metadata": {"b7b22a82-34ab-43f3-82e4-a1fefbe3aa74": {"doc_hash": "5135eedc73c97dc5461d2e38bfaf7a260ef0e690919174b64f46b28afbcb428a", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "8b31009b-8e18-4171-b8c0-26159cf6f8b2": {"doc_hash": "df097192305b5577b2ac793d188f7582cab8233cedb73fc378ecc3a755bbca95", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "cabdadc2-08d3-44e6-9e67-9ee1469dd306": {"doc_hash": "97e38e4c441ef85a91dc8e149a62a956c7adb6a79e001c76bea5343224846fbd", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "dd3189bb-8415-479f-b290-d2d1c2e35f7b": {"doc_hash": "8713cc8e009c84f7cf44db8a230e28b0e792e572c535c986440fbe866007f8d2", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "214bfd56-f572-413f-910e-c4a263776b49": {"doc_hash": "85f86f95f525daa7e9d228a89bd040136de41fdb35bbb9677bc91aec0373965a", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "f26b0176-a250-43b1-b03a-4db157ab50ad": {"doc_hash": "8b253092e50c42784e9d6a861084ad7fd8ab3e6fe044dfc7883e2354cf557c09", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "47bb61c8-f9ba-40af-a9ee-1f2d2239c8b7": {"doc_hash": "dae695f769b55fe078d586889a4cb3fa7ac65fa37c734c6aa338a93e51b26696", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "c3daaa0d-aaab-4c12-a5dd-86f527d5bd41": {"doc_hash": "a22026ad17897c49298631baf3f389d075682ae2cf013ed553f92625c82aa11d", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "171197e3-9cdf-4e48-a2f1-3b478e59e0ed": {"doc_hash": "3fa26f9206ebeee52b724308020f568593218ba4269fc747d6b64d9ffff65f5c", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "e0f8cb3b-57e6-48a7-97cc-662f13b662d2": {"doc_hash": "8a4e62fee313bcc3be27b980056b607c9d9b66ca6763bec5c4b0383d7e305b1a", "ref_doc_id": "5357fbc5-fc42-4337-b649-b586ccf39ad1"}, "7b32f146-8d6c-4337-a65e-92a620338bbe": {"doc_hash": "a6adf7f242d4d5c9aee15ceebc7dcf26868c02bc037fd61fbdf6309ffda02704", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "fae68bce-c1ae-41ee-8fb1-c5ebbcd98636": {"doc_hash": "2745164da9ac439189e8d3a52bf2028d459ab9a09d8d69c14aff1ab4a47d825d", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "9e5f98dc-6f0f-4b03-9bea-83cf4224621c": {"doc_hash": "5a2d2e1d2b7af339c0471f3ca817e68c61c8af474c3f400c8fc22df0c04f121b", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "14373afd-fb34-4b3c-b24c-9ea8d3bd4f90": {"doc_hash": "04d8a753cc2a7c67139bb9826ac66b7209b1020a630a6db686f29c5ce1734580", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "30c0a7b6-61e2-4c57-8338-67ad91d2b084": {"doc_hash": "57d979aba5c8219c4da87cb0b848f1e93423d9637dd92440b9101d86ff6a4cb4", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "189544e6-5719-4518-ad27-09e5439af057": {"doc_hash": "ea128204803723b481008f76baa950a60b79a1cde17e9acc02812b2fb8d6576b", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "abf16333-c042-4aa4-99e5-0df354e8619a": {"doc_hash": "25322e6d8b26554ba5e309146da96a339e556577a6fbc9881cf8e602a7db65f6", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "8d6438f6-9489-4f2a-979d-49e454be909e": {"doc_hash": "1f1cfb0700813f77c6d4cc549acbe897c9ca3e02dc4171a1e9807d8f5059ee62", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "29f294ac-c308-4e4f-b71c-c791fd28e591": {"doc_hash": "ecd74507dc084a6eadc9a81a14801f73a60f86299fdd8d01f7a232cc0b6dc2b9", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}, "2b5ca60e-0898-43a7-aefd-b98d15eb14a1": {"doc_hash": "88507be79c8480b9eb038def16cc2aa9b91707b434cfb13c614dfc32f96e64e1", "ref_doc_id": "250dbd3c-a8ae-4271-afc0-a362630f21f6"}}}