""" labwidget by David Bau. Base class for a lightweight javascript notebook widget framework that is portable across Google colab and Jupyter notebooks. No use of requirejs: the design uses all inline javascript. Defines Model, Widget, Trigger, and Property, which set up data binding using the communication channels available in either google colab environment or jupyter notebook. This module also defines Label, Textbox, Range, Choice, and Div widgets; the code for these are good examples of usage of Widget, Trigger, and Property objects. Within HTML widgets, user interaction should update the javascript model using model.set('propname', value); this will propagate to the python model and notify any registered python listeners; similarly model.on('propname', callback) will listen for property changes that come from python. TODO: Support jupyterlab also. """ import json, html, re from inspect import signature class Model(object): ''' Abstract base class that supports data binding. Within __init__, a model subclass defines databound events and properties using: self.evtname = Trigger() self.propname = Property(initval) Any Trigger or Property member can be watched by registering a listener with `model.on('propname', callback)`. An event can be triggered by `model.evtname.trigger(value)`. A property can be read with `model.propname`, and can be set by `model.propname = value`; this also triggers notifications. In both these cases, any registered listeners will be called with the given value. ''' def on(self, name, cb): ''' Registers a listener for named events and properties. A space-separated list of names can be provided as `name`. ''' for n in name.split(): self.prop(n).on(cb) return self def off(self, name, cb=None): ''' Unregisters a listener for named events and properties. A space-separated list of names can be provided as `name`. ''' for n in name.split(): self.prop(n).off(cb) return self def prop(self, name): ''' Returns the underlying Trigger or Property object for a property, rather than its held value. ''' curvalue = super().__getattribute__(name) if not isinstance(curvalue, Trigger): raise AttributeError('%s not a property or trigger but %s' % (name, str(type(curvalue)))) return curvalue def _initprop_(self, name, value): ''' To be overridden in base classes. Handles initialization of a new Trigger or Property member. ''' value.name = name value.target = self return def __setattr__(self, name, value): ''' When a member is an Trigger or Property, then assignment notation is delegated to the Trigger or Property so that notifications and reparenting can be handled. That is, `model.name = value` turns into `prop(name).set(value)`. ''' if hasattr(self, name): curvalue = super().__getattribute__(name) if isinstance(curvalue, Trigger): # Delegte "set" to the underlying Property. curvalue.set(value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) if isinstance(value, Trigger): self._initprop_(name, value) def __getattribute__(self, name): ''' When a member is a Property, then property getter notation is delegated to the peoperty object. ''' curvalue = super().__getattribute__(name) if isinstance(curvalue, Property): return curvalue.value return curvalue class Widget(Model): ''' Base class for an HTML widget that uses a Javascript model object to syncrhonize HTML view state with the backend Python model state. Each widget subclass overrides widget_js to provide Javascript code that defines the widget's behavior. This javascript will be wrapped in an immediately-invoked function and included in the widget's HTML representation (_repr_html_) when the widget is viewed. A widget's javascript is provided with two local variables: element - the widget's root HTML element. By default this is a
but can be overridden in widget_html. model - the object representing the data model for the widget. within javascript. The model object provides the following javascript API: model.get('propname') obtains a current property value. model.set('propname', 'value') requests a change in value. model.on('propname', callback) listens for property changes. model.trigger('evtname', value) triggers an event. Note that model.set just requests a change but does not change the value immediately: model.get will not reflect the change until the python backend has handled it and notified the javascript of the new value, which will trigger any callbacks previously registered using .on('propname', callback). Thus Widget impelements a V-shaped notification protocol: User entry -> | -> User-visible feedback js model.set -> | -> js.model.on callback python prop.trigger -> | -> python prop.notify python prop.handle Finally, all widgets provide standard databinding for style and data properties, which are write-only (python-to-js) properties that let python directly control CSS styles and HTML dataset attributes for the top-level widget element. ''' def __init__(self, style=None, data=None): # In the jupyter case, there can be some delay between js injection # and comm creation, so we need to queue some initial messages. if WIDGET_ENV == 'jupyter': self._comms = [] self._queue = [] # Each call to _repr_html_ creates a unique view instance. self._viewcount = 0 # Python notification is handled by Property objects. def handle_remote_set(name, value): with capture_output(self): # make errors visible. self.prop(name).trigger(value) self._recv_from_js_(handle_remote_set) # The style and data properties come standard, and are used to # control the style and data attributes on the toplevel element. self.style = Property(style) self.data = Property(data) # Each widget has a "write" event that is used to insert # html before the widget. self.write = Trigger() def widget_js(self): ''' Override to define the javascript logic for the widget. Should render the initial view based on the current model state (if not already rendered using widget_html) and set up listeners to keep the model and the view synchornized. ''' return '' def widget_html(self): ''' Override to define the initial HTML view of the widget. Should define an element with id given by view_id(). ''' return f'
' def view_id(self): ''' Returns an HTML element id for the view currently being rendered. Note that each time _repr_html_ is called, this id will change. ''' return f"_{id(self)}_{self._viewcount}" def std_attrs(self): ''' Returns id and (if applicable) style attributes, escaped and formatted for use within the top-level element of widget HTML. ''' return (f'id="{self.view_id()}"' + style_attr(self.style) + data_attrs(self.data)) def _repr_html_(self): ''' Returns the HTML code for the widget. ''' self._viewcount += 1 json_data = json.dumps({ k: v.value for k, v in vars(self).items() if isinstance(v, Property)}) json_data = re.sub(' {{ var dummy = document.createElement('div'); dummy.innerHTML = ev.value.trim(); dummy.childNodes.forEach((item) => {{ element.parentNode.insertBefore(item, element); }}); }}); function upd(a) {{ return (e) => {{ for (k in e.value) {{ element[a][k] = e.value[k]; }}}}}} model.on('style', upd('style')); model.on('data', upd('dataset')); ''') return ''.join([ self.widget_html(), '' ]); def _initprop_(self, name, value): if not hasattr(self, '_viewcount'): raise ValueError('base Model __init__ must be called') super()._initprop_(name, value) def notify_js(event): self._send_to_js_(id(self), name, event.value) if isinstance(value, Trigger): value.on(notify_js, internal=True) def _send_to_js_(self, *args): if self._viewcount > 0: if WIDGET_ENV == 'colab': colab_output.eval_js(minify(f""" (window.send_{id(self)} = window.send_{id(self)} || new BroadcastChannel("channel_{id(self)}") ).postMessage({json.dumps(args)}); """), ignore_result=True) elif WIDGET_ENV == 'jupyter': if not self._comms: self._queue.append(args) return for comm in self._comms: comm.send(args) def _recv_from_js_(self, fn): if WIDGET_ENV == 'colab': colab_output.register_callback(f"invoke_{id(self)}", fn) elif WIDGET_ENV == 'jupyter': def handle_comm(msg): fn(*(msg['content']['data'])) # TODO: handle closing also. def handle_close(close_msg): comm_id = close_msg['content']['comm_id'] self._comms = [c for c in self._comms if c.comm_id != comm_id] def open_comm(comm, open_msg): self._comms.append(comm) comm.on_msg(handle_comm) comm.on_close(handle_close) comm.send('ok') if self._queue: for args in self._queue: comm.send(args) self._queue.clear() if open_msg['content']['data']: handle_comm(open_msg) cname = "comm_" + str(id(self)) COMM_MANAGER.register_target(cname, open_comm) def display(self): from IPython.core.display import display display(self) return self class Trigger(object): """ Trigger is the base class for Property and other data-bound field objects. Trigger holds a list of listeners that need to be notified about the event. Multple Trigger objects can be tied (typically a parent Model can have Triggers that are triggered by children models). To support this, each Trigger can have a parent. Trigger objects provide a notification protocol where view interactions trigger events at a leaf that are sent up to the root Trigger to be handled. By default, the root handler accepts events by notifying all listeners and children in the tree. """ def __init__(self): self._listeners = [] self.parent = None # name and target are set in Model._initprop_. self.name = None self.target = None def handle(self, value): ''' Method to override; called at the root when an event has been triggered, and on a child when the parent has notified. By default notifies all listeners. ''' self.notify(value) def trigger(self, value=None): ''' Triggers an event to be handled by the root. By default, the root handler will accept the event so all the listeners will be notified. ''' if self.parent is not None: self.parent.trigger(value) else: self.handle(value) def set(self, value): ''' Sets the parent Trigger. Child Triggers trigger events by triggering parents, and in turn they handle notifications that come from parents. ''' if self.parent is not None: self.parent.off(self.handle) self.parent = None if isinstance(value, Trigger): ancestor = value.parent while ancestor is not None: if ancestor == self: raise ValueError('bound properties should not form a loop') ancestor = ancestor.parent self.parent = value self.parent.on(self.handle, internal=True) elif not isinstance(self, Property): raise ValueError('only properties can be set to a value') def notify(self, value=None): ''' Notifies listeners and children. If a listener accepts an argument, the value will be passed as a single argument. ''' for cb, internal in self._listeners: with enter_handler(self.name, internal) as ctx: if ctx.silence: # do not notify recursively... # print(f'silenced recursive {self.name} {cb.__name__}') pass elif len(signature(cb).parameters) == 0: cb() # no-parameter callback. else: cb(Event(value, self.name, self.target)) def on(self, cb, internal=False): ''' Registers a listener. Calling multiple times registers multiple listeners. ''' self._listeners.append((cb, internal)) def off(self, cb=None): ''' Unregisters a listener. ''' self._listeners = [(c, i) for c, i in self._listeners if c != cb and cb is not None] class Property(Trigger): """ A Property is just an Trigger that remembers its last value. """ def __init__(self, value=None): ''' Can be initialized with a starting value. ''' super().__init__() self.set(value) def handle(self, value): ''' The default handling for a Property is to store the value, then notify listeners. This method can be overridden, for example to validate values. ''' self.value = value self.notify(value) def set(self, value): ''' When a Property value is set to an ordinary value, it triggers an event which causes a notification to be sent to update all linked Properties. A Property set to another Property becomes a child of the value. ''' # Handle setting a parent Property if isinstance(value, Property): super().set(value) self.handle(value.value) elif isinstance(value, Trigger): raise ValueError('Cannot set a Property to an Trigger') else: self.trigger(value) class Event(object): def __init__(self, value, name, target, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.value = value self.name = name self.target = target entered_handler_stack = [] class enter_handler(object): def __init__(self, name, internal): global entered_handler_stack self.internal = internal self.name = name self.silence = (not internal) and (len(entered_handler_stack) > 0) def __enter__(self): global entered_handler_stack if not self.internal: entered_handler_stack.append(self) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): global entered_handler_stack if not self.internal: entered_handler_stack.pop() class capture_output(object): """Context manager for capturing stdout/stderr. This is used, by default, to wrap handler code that is invoked by a triggering event coming from javascript. Any stdout/stderr or exceptions that are thrown are formatted and written above the relevant widget.""" def __init__(self, widget): from io import StringIO self.widget = widget self.buffer = StringIO() def __enter__(self): import sys self.saved = dict(stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) sys.stdout = self.buffer sys.stderr = self.buffer def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): import sys, traceback captured = self.buffer.getvalue() if len(captured): self.widget.write.trigger(f'
') if exc_type: import traceback tbtxt = ''.join( traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)) self.widget.write.trigger( f'
') sys.stdout = self.saved['stdout'] sys.stderr = self.saved['stderr'] ########################################################################## ## Specific widgets ########################################################################## class Button(Widget): def __init__(self, label='button', style=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(style=defaulted(style, display='block'), **kwargs) self.click = Trigger() self.label = Property(label) def widget_js(self): return minify(''' element.addEventListener('click', (e) => { model.trigger('click'); }) model.on('label', (ev) => { element.value = ev.value; }) ''') def widget_html(self): return f'''''' class Label(Widget): def __init__(self, value='', **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # databinding is defined using Property objects. self.value = Property(value) def widget_js(self): # Both "model" and "element" objects are defined within the scope # where the js is run. "element" looks for the element with id # self.view_id(); if widget_html is overridden, this id should be used. return minify(''' model.on('value', (ev) => { element.innerText = model.get('value'); }); ''') def widget_html(self): return f'''''' class Textbox(Widget): def __init__(self, value='', size=20, style=None, desc=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(style=defaulted(style, display='inline-block'), **kwargs) # databinding is defined using Property objects. self.value = Property(value) self.size = Property(size) self.desc = Property(desc) def widget_js(self): # Both "model" and "element" objects are defined within the scope # where the js is run. "element" looks for the element with id # self.view_id(); if widget_html is overridden, this id should be used. return minify(''' element.value = model.get('value'); element.size = model.get('size'); element.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (e.code == 'Enter') { model.set('value', element.value); } }); element.addEventListener('blur', (e) => { model.set('value', element.value); }); model.on('value', (ev) => { element.value = model.get('value'); }); model.on('size', (ev) => { element.size = model.get('size'); }); ''') def widget_html(self): html_str = f'''''' if self.desc is not None: html_str = f"""{self.desc}{html_str}""" return html_str class Range(Widget): def __init__(self, value=50, min=0, max=100, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # databinding is defined using Property objects. self.value = Property(value) self.min = Property(min) self.max = Property(max) def widget_js(self): # Note that the 'input' event would enable during-drag feedback, # but this is pretty slow on google colab. return minify(''' element.addEventListener('change', (e) => { model.set('value', element.value); }); model.on('value', (e) => { if (!element.matches(':active')) { element.value = e.value; } }) ''') def widget_html(self): return f'''''' class Choice(Widget): """ A set of radio button choices. """ def __init__(self, choices=None, selection=None, horizontal=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if choices is None: choices = [] self.choices = Property(choices) self.horizontal = Property(horizontal) self.selection = Property(selection) def widget_js(self): # Note that the 'input' event would enable during-drag feedback, # but this is pretty slow on google colab. return minify(''' function esc(unsafe) { return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """); } function render() { var lines = model.get('choices').map((c) => { return '' }); element.innerHTML = lines.join(model.get('horizontal')?' ':'
'); } model.on('choices horizontal', render); model.on('selection', (ev) => { [...element.querySelectorAll('input')].forEach((e) => { e.checked = (e.value == ev.value); }) }); element.addEventListener('change', (e) => { model.set('selection', element.choice.value); }); ''') def widget_html(self): radios = [ f"""""" for value in self.choices ] sep = " " if self.horizontal else "
" return f'
' class Menu(Widget): """ A dropdown choice. """ def __init__(self, choices=None, selection=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if choices is None: choices = [] self.choices = Property(choices) self.selection = Property(selection) def widget_js(self): return minify(''' function esc(unsafe) { return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """); } function render() { var selection = model.get('selection'); var lines = model.get('choices').map((c) => { return ''; }); element.menu.innerHTML = lines.join('\\n'); } model.on('choices horizontal', render); model.on('selection', (ev) => { [...element.querySelectorAll('option')].forEach((e) => { e.selected = (e.value == ev.value); }) }); element.addEventListener('change', (e) => { model.set('selection', element.menu.value); }); ''') def widget_html(self): options = [ f"""""" for value in self.choices ] sep = "\n" return f'''
''' class Datalist(Widget): """ An input with a dropdown choice. """ def __init__(self, choices=None, value=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if choices is None: choices = [] self.choices = Property(choices) self.value = Property(value) def datalist_id(self): return self.view_id() + '-dl' def widget_js(self): # The mousedown/mouseleave dance defeats the prefix-matching behavior # of the built-in datalist by erasing value momentarily on mousedown. return minify(''' function esc(unsafe) { return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """); } function render() { var lines = model.get('choices').map((c) => { return '