"""app.py streamlit demo of yomikata""" from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd import spacy import streamlit as st from speach import ttlig from yomikata import utils from yomikata.dictionary import Dictionary from yomikata.utils import parse_furigana @st.cache def add_border(html: str): WRAPPER = """
""" html = html.replace("\n", " ") return WRAPPER.format(html) def get_random_sentence(): from config.config import TEST_DATA_DIR df = pd.read_csv(Path(TEST_DATA_DIR, "test_optimized_strict_heteronyms.csv")) return df.sample(1).iloc[0].sentence @st.cache def get_dbert_prediction_and_heteronym_list(text): from yomikata.dbert import dBert reader = dBert() return reader.furigana(text), reader.heteronyms @st.cache def get_stats(): from config import config from yomikata.utils import load_dict stats = load_dict(Path(config.STORES_DIR, "dbert/training_performance.json")) global_accuracy = stats["test"]["accuracy"] stats = stats["test"]["heteronym_performance"] heteronyms = stats.keys() accuracy = [stats[heteronym]["accuracy"] for heteronym in heteronyms] readings = [ "、".join( [ "{reading} ({correct}/{n})".format( reading=reading, correct=stats[heteronym]["readings"][reading]["found"][reading], n=stats[heteronym]["readings"][reading]["n"], ) for reading in stats[heteronym]["readings"].keys() if ( stats[heteronym]["readings"][reading]["found"][reading] != 0 or reading != "" ) ] ) for heteronym in heteronyms ] # if reading != '' df = pd.DataFrame({"heteronym": heteronyms, "accuracy": accuracy, "readings": readings}) df = df[df["readings"].str.contains("、")] df["readings"] = df["readings"].str.replace("", "Other") df = df.rename(columns={"readings": "readings (test corr./total)"}) df = df.sort_values("accuracy", ascending=False, ignore_index=True) df.index += 1 return global_accuracy, df @st.cache def furigana_to_spacy(text_with_furigana): tokens = parse_furigana(text_with_furigana) ents = [] output_text = "" heteronym_count = 0 for token in tokens.groups: if isinstance(token, ttlig.RubyFrag): if heteronym_count != 0: output_text += ", " ents.append( { "start": len(output_text), "end": len(output_text) + len(token.text), "label": token.furi, } ) output_text += token.text heteronym_count += 1 else: pass return { "text": output_text, "ents": ents, "title": None, } st.title("Yomikata: Disambiguate Japanese Heteronyms with a BERT model") # Input text box st.markdown("Input a Japanese sentence:") if "default_sentence" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.default_sentence = "え、{人間/にんげん}というものかい? {人間/にんげん}というものは{角/つの}の{生/は}えない、{生白/なまじろ}い{顔/かお}や{手足/てあし}をした、{何/なん}ともいわれず{気味/きみ}の{悪/わる}いものだよ。" input_text = st.text_area( "Input a Japanese sentence:", utils.remove_furigana(st.session_state.default_sentence), label_visibility="collapsed", ) # Yomikata prediction dbert_prediction, heteronyms = get_dbert_prediction_and_heteronym_list(input_text) # spacy-style output for the predictions colors = ["#85DCDF", "#DF85DC", "#DCDF85", "#85ABDF"] spacy_dict = furigana_to_spacy(dbert_prediction) label_colors = { reading: colors[i % len(colors)] for i, reading in enumerate(set([item["label"] for item in spacy_dict["ents"]])) } html = spacy.displacy.render(spacy_dict, style="ent", manual=True, options={"colors": label_colors}) if len(spacy_dict["ents"]) > 0: st.markdown("**Yomikata** found and disambiguated the following heteronyms:") st.write( f"{add_border(html)}", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) else: st.markdown("**Yomikata** found no heteronyms in the input text.") # Dictionary + Yomikata prediction st.markdown("**Yomikata** can be coupled with a dictionary to get full furigana:") dictionary = st.radio( "It can be coupled with a dictionary", ("sudachi", "unidic", "ipadic", "juman"), horizontal=True, label_visibility="collapsed", ) dictreader = Dictionary(dictionary) dictionary_prediction = dictreader.furigana(dbert_prediction) html = parse_furigana(dictionary_prediction).to_html() st.write( f"{add_border(html)}", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Dictionary alone prediction if len(spacy_dict["ents"]) > 0: dictionary_prediction = dictreader.furigana(utils.remove_furigana(input_text)) html = parse_furigana(dictionary_prediction).to_html() st.markdown("Without **Yomikata** disambiguation, the dictionary would yield:") st.write( f"{add_border(html)}", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Randomize button if st.button("🎲 Randomize the input sentence"): st.session_state.default_sentence = get_random_sentence() st.experimental_rerun() # Stats section global_accuracy, stats_df = get_stats() st.subheader( f"{len(stats_df)} heteronyms supported, with a global accuracy of {global_accuracy:.0%}" ) st.dataframe(stats_df) # Hide the footer hide_streamlit_style = """ """ st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)