"""app.py streamlit demo of yomikata""" import pandas as pd import spacy import streamlit as st from speach import ttlig from yomikata import utils from yomikata.dictionary import Dictionary from yomikata.utils import parse_furigana from pathlib import Path @st.cache_data def add_border(html: str): WRAPPER = """
""" html = html.replace("\n", " ") return WRAPPER.format(html) def get_random_sentence(): from config.config import TEST_DATA_DIR df = pd.read_csv(Path(TEST_DATA_DIR, "test_optimized_strict_heteronyms.csv")) return df.sample(1).iloc[0].sentence @st.cache_data def get_dbert_prediction_and_heteronym_list(text): from yomikata.dbert import dBert reader = dBert() return reader.furigana(text), reader.heteronyms @st.cache_data def get_stats(): from config import config from yomikata.utils import load_dict stats = load_dict(Path(config.STORES_DIR, "dbert/training_performance.json")) global_accuracy = stats['test']['accuracy'] stats = stats['test']['heteronym_performance'] heteronyms = stats.keys() accuracy = [stats[heteronym]['accuracy'] for heteronym in heteronyms] readings = [ "、".join(["{reading} ({correct}/{n})".format(reading=reading, correct=stats[heteronym]['readings'][reading]['found'][reading], n=stats[heteronym]['readings'][reading]['n']) for reading in stats[heteronym]['readings'].keys() if (stats[heteronym]['readings'][reading]['found'][reading] !=0 or reading != '')]) for heteronym in heteronyms ] #if reading != '' df = pd.DataFrame({'heteronym': heteronyms, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'readings': readings} ) df = df[df['readings'].str.contains('、')] df['readings'] = df['readings'].str.replace('', 'Other') df = df.rename(columns={'readings':'readings (test corr./total)'}) df= df.sort_values('accuracy', ascending=False, ignore_index=True) df.index += 1 return global_accuracy, df @st.cache_data def furigana_to_spacy(text_with_furigana): tokens = parse_furigana(text_with_furigana) ents = [] output_text = "" heteronym_count = 0 for token in tokens.groups: if isinstance(token, ttlig.RubyFrag): if heteronym_count != 0: output_text += ", " ents.append( { "start": len(output_text), "end": len(output_text) + len(token.text), "label": token.furi, } ) output_text += token.text heteronym_count += 1 else: pass return { "text": output_text, "ents": ents, "title": None, } st.title("Yomikata: Disambiguate Japanese Heteronyms with a BERT model") # Input text box st.markdown("Input a Japanese sentence:") if "default_sentence" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.default_sentence = "え、{人間/にんげん}というものかい? {人間/にんげん}というものは{角/つの}の{生/は}えない、{生白/なまじろ}い{顔/かお}や{手足/てあし}をした、{何/なん}ともいわれず{気味/きみ}の{悪/わる}いものだよ。" input_text = st.text_area( "Input a Japanese sentence:", utils.remove_furigana(st.session_state.default_sentence), label_visibility="collapsed", ) # Yomikata prediction dbert_prediction, heteronyms = get_dbert_prediction_and_heteronym_list(input_text) # spacy-style output for the predictions colors = ["#85DCDF", "#DF85DC", "#DCDF85", "#85ABDF"] spacy_dict = furigana_to_spacy(dbert_prediction) label_colors = { reading: colors[i % len(colors)] for i, reading in enumerate(set([item["label"] for item in spacy_dict["ents"]])) } html = spacy.displacy.render( spacy_dict, style="ent", manual=True, options={"colors": label_colors} ) if len(spacy_dict["ents"]) > 0: st.markdown("**Yomikata** found and disambiguated the following heteronyms:") st.write( f"{add_border(html)}", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) else: st.markdown("**Yomikata** found no heteronyms in the input text.") # Dictionary + Yomikata prediction st.markdown("**Yomikata** can be coupled with a dictionary to get full furigana:") dictionary = st.radio( "It can be coupled with a dictionary", ("sudachi", "unidic", "ipadic", "juman"), horizontal=True, label_visibility="collapsed", ) dictreader = Dictionary(dictionary) dictionary_prediction = dictreader.furigana(dbert_prediction) html = parse_furigana(dictionary_prediction).to_html() st.write( f"{add_border(html)}", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Dictionary alone prediction if len(spacy_dict["ents"]) > 0: dictionary_prediction = dictreader.furigana(utils.remove_furigana(input_text)) html = parse_furigana(dictionary_prediction).to_html() st.markdown("Without **Yomikata** disambiguation, the dictionary would yield:") st.write( f"{add_border(html)}", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) # Randomize button if st.button("🎲 Randomize the input sentence"): st.session_state.default_sentence = get_random_sentence() st.experimental_rerun() # Stats section global_accuracy, stats_df = get_stats() st.subheader(f"{len(stats_df)} heteronyms supported, with a global accuracy of {global_accuracy:.0%}") st.dataframe(stats_df) # Hide the footer hide_streamlit_style = """ """ st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)