import streamlit as st import json from hogragger import Hogragger # Initialize the Hogragger class with your corpus path hogragger = Hogragger(corpus_path='corpus.json') # Ensure corpus.json is in the correct path # Streamlit app title st.title("Hogragger Query Processor") # Input text box for the query query_input = st.text_area("Enter your query:", height=100) # Button to process the query if st.button("Process Query"): if query_input: st.write(f"Processing query: {query_input}") # Step 3: Run the query through the pipeline result = hogragger.process_query(query_input) # Step 4: Format the result as JSON result_dict = { "query": query_input, "answer": result['answer'], "question_type": result['question_type'], "evidence_list": [ { "title": ev['title'], "fact": ev['fact'], "source": ev['source'], "url": ev['url'], "published_at": ev['published_at'], "category": ev['category'] } for ev in result['evidence_list'] # Optional: Limit if needed ] } # Convert the result to pretty JSON format result_json = json.dumps(result_dict, indent=4) # Display the JSON result on the web app st.subheader("Result (JSON format):") st.code(result_json, language='json') else: st.error("Please enter a query.")