import pickle import gradio as gr import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px # Load the training CSV once (outside the functions so it is read only once). df = pd.read_csv("X_train_Y_Train_merged_train.csv") ###################################### # 1) MODEL PREDICTOR CLASS ###################################### class ModelPredictor: def __init__(self, model_path, model_filenames): self.model_path = model_path self.model_filenames = model_filenames self.models = self.load_models() # Mapping from label column to human-readable strings for 0/1 # (Adjust as needed for the columns you actually have.) self.prediction_map = { "YOWRCONC": ["Did not have difficulty concentrating", "Had difficulty concentrating"], "YOSEEDOC": ["Did not feel the need to see a doctor", "Felt the need to see a doctor"], "YOWRHRS": ["Did not have trouble sleeping", "Had trouble sleeping"], "YO_MDEA5": ["Others did not notice restlessness/lethargy", "Others noticed restlessness/lethargy"], "YOWRCHR": ["Did not feel so sad that nothing could cheer up", "Felt so sad that nothing could cheer up"], "YOWRLSIN": ["Did not feel bored and lose interest in all enjoyable things", "Felt bored and lost interest in all enjoyable things"], "YODPPROB": ["Did not have other problems for 2+ weeks", "Had other problems for 2+ weeks"], "YOWRPROB": ["Did not have the worst time ever feeling", "Had the worst time ever feeling"], "YODPR2WK": ["Did not have periods where feelings lasted 2+ weeks", "Had periods where feelings lasted 2+ weeks"], "YOWRDEPR": ["Did not feel sad/depressed mostly everyday", "Felt sad/depressed mostly everyday"], "YODPDISC": ["Overall mood duration was not sad/depressed", "Overall mood duration was sad/depressed (discrepancy)"], "YOLOSEV": ["Did not lose interest in enjoyable things and activities", "Lost interest in enjoyable things and activities"], "YOWRDCSN": ["Was able to make decisions", "Was unable to make decisions"], "YODSMMDE": ["Never had depression symptoms lasting 2 weeks or longer", "Had depression symptoms lasting 2 weeks or longer"], "YO_MDEA3": ["Did not experience changes in appetite or weight", "Experienced changes in appetite or weight"], "YODPLSIN": ["Never lost interest and felt bored", "Lost interest and felt bored"], "YOWRELES": ["Did not eat less than usual", "Ate less than usual"], "YODSCEV": ["Had fewer severe symptoms of depression", "Had more severe symptoms of depression"], "YOPB2WK": ["Did not experience uneasy feelings lasting every day for 2+ weeks or longer", "Experienced uneasy feelings lasting every day for 2+ weeks or longer"], "YO_MDEA2": ["Did not have issues with physical and mental well-being every day for 2 weeks or longer", "Had issues with physical and mental well-being every day for 2 weeks or longer"] } def load_models(self): models = [] for filename in self.model_filenames: filepath = self.model_path + filename with open(filepath, 'rb') as file: model = pickle.load(file) models.append(model) return models def make_predictions(self, user_input): """ Returns a list of numpy arrays, each array is [0] or [1]. The i-th array corresponds to the i-th model in self.models. """ predictions = [] for model in self.models: pred = model.predict(user_input) pred = np.array(pred).flatten() predictions.append(pred) return predictions def get_majority_vote(self, predictions): """ Flatten all predictions from all models, combine them into a single array, then find the majority class (0 or 1) across all of them. """ combined_predictions = np.concatenate(predictions) majority_vote = np.bincount(combined_predictions).argmax() return majority_vote # Based on Equal Interval and Percentage-Based Method # Severe: 13 to 16 votes (upper 25%) # Moderate: 9 to 12 votes (upper-middle 25%) # Low: 5 to 8 votes (lower-middle 25%) # Very Low: 0 to 4 votes (lower 25%) def evaluate_severity(self, majority_vote_count): if majority_vote_count >= 13: return "Mental health severity: Severe" elif majority_vote_count >= 9: return "Mental health severity: Moderate" elif majority_vote_count >= 5: return "Mental health severity: Low" else: return "Mental health severity: Very Low" ###################################### # 2) MODEL & DATA ###################################### model_filenames = [ "YOWRCONC.pkl", "YOSEEDOC.pkl", "YO_MDEA5.pkl", "YOWRLSIN.pkl", "YODPPROB.pkl", "YOWRPROB.pkl", "YODPR2WK.pkl", "YOWRDEPR.pkl", "YODPDISC.pkl", "YOLOSEV.pkl", "YOWRDCSN.pkl", "YODSMMDE.pkl", "YO_MDEA3.pkl", "YODPLSIN.pkl", "YOWRELES.pkl", "YOPB2WK.pkl" ] model_path = "models/" predictor = ModelPredictor(model_path, model_filenames) ###################################### # 3) INPUT VALIDATION ###################################### def validate_inputs(*args): for arg in args: if arg == '' or arg is None: # Assuming empty string or None as unselected return False return True ###################################### # 4) MAIN PREDICTION FUNCTION ###################################### def predict( YMDEYR, YMDERSUD5ANY, YMDEIMAD5YR, YMIMS5YANY, YMDELT, YMDEHARX, YMDEHPRX, YMDETXRX, YMDEHPO, YMDEAUD5YR, YMIMI5YANY, YMIUD5YANY, YMDESUD5ANYO, YNURSMDE, YSOCMDE, YCOUNMDE, YPSY1MDE, YPSY2MDE, YHLTMDE, YDOCMDE, YTXMDEYR, YUSUITHKYR, YUSUIPLNYR, YUSUITHK, YUSUIPLN, MDEIMPY, LVLDIFMEM2, YMSUD5YANY, YRXMDEYR ): # Prepare user_input dataframe for prediction user_input_data = { 'YNURSMDE': [int(YNURSMDE)], 'YMDEYR': [int(YMDEYR)], 'YSOCMDE': [int(YSOCMDE)], 'YMDESUD5ANYO': [int(YMDESUD5ANYO)], 'YMSUD5YANY': [int(YMSUD5YANY)], 'YUSUITHK': [int(YUSUITHK)], 'YMDETXRX': [int(YMDETXRX)], 'YUSUITHKYR': [int(YUSUITHKYR)], 'YMDERSUD5ANY': [int(YMDERSUD5ANY)], 'YUSUIPLNYR': [int(YUSUIPLNYR)], 'YCOUNMDE': [int(YCOUNMDE)], 'YPSY1MDE': [int(YPSY1MDE)], 'YHLTMDE': [int(YHLTMDE)], 'YDOCMDE': [int(YDOCMDE)], 'YPSY2MDE': [int(YPSY2MDE)], 'YMDEHARX': [int(YMDEHARX)], 'LVLDIFMEM2': [int(LVLDIFMEM2)], 'MDEIMPY': [int(MDEIMPY)], 'YMDEHPO': [int(YMDEHPO)], 'YMIMS5YANY': [int(YMIMS5YANY)], 'YMDEIMAD5YR': [int(YMDEIMAD5YR)], 'YMIUD5YANY': [int(YMIUD5YANY)], 'YMDEHPRX': [int(YMDEHPRX)], 'YMIMI5YANY': [int(YMIMI5YANY)], 'YUSUIPLN': [int(YUSUIPLN)], 'YTXMDEYR': [int(YTXMDEYR)], 'YMDEAUD5YR': [int(YMDEAUD5YR)], 'YRXMDEYR': [int(YRXMDEYR)], 'YMDELT': [int(YMDELT)] } user_input = pd.DataFrame(user_input_data) # 1) Make predictions with each model predictions = predictor.make_predictions(user_input) # 2) Calculate majority vote (0 or 1) across all models majority_vote = predictor.get_majority_vote(predictions) # 3) Count how many 1's in all predictions combined majority_vote_count = sum([1 for pred in np.concatenate(predictions) if pred == 1]) # 4) Evaluate severity severity = predictor.evaluate_severity(majority_vote_count) # 5) Prepare detailed results (group them) # We keep the old grouping as an example, but you can adapt as needed. results = { "Concentration_and_Decision_Making": [], "Sleep_and_Energy_Levels": [], "Mood_and_Emotional_State": [], "Appetite_and_Weight_Changes": [], "Duration_and_Severity_of_Depression_Symptoms": [] } prediction_groups = { "Concentration_and_Decision_Making": ["YOWRCONC", "YOWRDCSN"], "Sleep_and_Energy_Levels": ["YOWRHRS", "YO_MDEA5", "YOWRELES", "YO_MDEA2"], "Mood_and_Emotional_State": ["YOWRCHR", "YOWRLSIN", "YOWRDEPR", "YODPDISC", "YOLOSEV", "YODPLSIN", "YODSCEV"], "Appetite_and_Weight_Changes": ["YO_MDEA3", "YOWRELES"], "Duration_and_Severity_of_Depression_Symptoms": ["YODPPROB", "YOWRPROB", "YODPR2WK", "YODSMMDE", "YOPB2WK"] } # For textual results for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): model_name = model_filenames[i].split('.')[0] pred_value = pred[0] # Map the prediction value to a human-readable string if model_name in predictor.prediction_map and pred_value in [0, 1]: result_text = f"Model {model_name}: {predictor.prediction_map[model_name][pred_value]}" else: # Fallback result_text = f"Model {model_name}: Prediction = {pred_value} (unmapped)" # Append to the appropriate group if matched found_group = False for group_name, group_models in prediction_groups.items(): if model_name in group_models: results[group_name].append(result_text) found_group = True break if not found_group: # If it doesn't match any group, skip or handle differently pass # Format the grouped results formatted_results = [] for group, preds in results.items(): if preds: formatted_results.append(f"Group {group.replace('_', ' ')}:") formatted_results.append("\n".join(preds)) formatted_results.append("\n") formatted_results = "\n".join(formatted_results).strip() if not formatted_results: formatted_results = "No predictions made. Please check your inputs." # If too many unknown predictions, add a note num_unknown = len([p for group_preds in results.values() for p in group_preds if "(unmapped)" in p]) if num_unknown > len(model_filenames) / 2: severity += " (Unknown prediction count is high. Please consult with a human.)" # =============== ADDITIONAL FEATURES =============== # A) Total Patient Count total_patients = len(df) total_patient_count_markdown = ( "### Total Patient Count\n" f"There are **{total_patients}** total patients in the dataset.\n" "All subsequent analyses refer to these patients." ) # B) Bar Chart for input features (how many share same value as user_input) input_counts = {} for col in user_input_data.keys(): val = user_input_data[col][0] same_val_count = len(df[df[col] == val]) input_counts[col] = same_val_count bar_input_data = pd.DataFrame({ "Feature": list(input_counts.keys()), "Count": list(input_counts.values()) }) fig_bar_input = bar_input_data, x="Feature", y="Count", title="Number of Patients with the Same Value for Each Input Feature", labels={"Feature": "Input Feature", "Count": "Number of Patients"} ) fig_bar_input.update_layout(xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'}) # C) Bar Chart for predicted labels (distribution in df) label_counts = {} for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): model_name = model_filenames[i].split('.')[0] pred_value = pred[0] if pred_value in [0, 1]: label_counts[model_name] = len(df[df[model_name] == pred_value]) if len(label_counts) > 0: bar_label_data = pd.DataFrame({ "Model": list(label_counts.keys()), "Count": list(label_counts.values()) }) fig_bar_labels = bar_label_data, x="Model", y="Count", title="Number of Patients with the Same Predicted Label", labels={"Model": "Predicted Column", "Count": "Patient Count"} ) else: # Fallback if no valid predictions fig_bar_labels ="No valid predicted labels to display") # D) Distribution Plot: All Input Features vs. All Predicted Labels # This can create MANY subplots if you have many features & labels. # We'll do a small demonstration with a subset of input features & model columns # to avoid overwhelming the UI. demonstration_features = list(user_input_data.keys())[:4] # first 4 features as a sample demonstration_labels = [fn.split('.')[0] for fn in model_filenames[:3]] # first 3 labels as a sample # We'll build a single figure with "facet_col" = label and "facet_row" = feature (small sample) # The approach: for each (feature, label), group by (feature_value, label_value) -> count. # Then we combine them into one big DataFrame with "feature" & "label" columns for Plotly facets. dist_rows = [] for feat in demonstration_features: if feat not in df.columns: continue for lbl in demonstration_labels: if lbl not in df.columns: continue tmp_df = df.groupby([feat, lbl]).size().reset_index(name="count") tmp_df["feature"] = feat tmp_df["label"] = lbl dist_rows.append(tmp_df) if len(dist_rows) > 0: big_dist_df = pd.concat(dist_rows, ignore_index=True) # We can re-map numeric to user-friendly text for "feat" if desired, but each feature might have a different mapping. # For now, we just show numeric codes. Real usage would do a reverse mapping if feasible. # For the label (0,1), we can map to short strings if we want (like "Label0" / "Label1"), or a direct numeric. fig_dist = big_dist_df, x=big_dist_df.columns[0], # the feature's value is the 0-th col in groupby y="count", color=big_dist_df.columns[1], # the label's value is the 1st col in groupby facet_row="feature", facet_col="label", title="Distribution of Sample Input Features vs. Sample Predicted Labels (Demo)", labels={ big_dist_df.columns[0]: "Feature Value", big_dist_df.columns[1]: "Label Value" } ) fig_dist.update_layout(height=800) else: fig_dist ="No distribution plot could be generated (check feature/label columns).") # E) Nearest Neighbors: Hamming Distance, K=5, with disclaimers & user-friendly text # "Nearest neighbor” methods for high-dimensional or purely categorical data can be non-trivial. # This demo simply uses a Hamming distance over all input features and picks K=5 neighbors. # In a real application, you would refine which features are most relevant, how to encode them, # and how many neighbors to select. # We also show how to revert numeric codes -> user-friendly text. # 1. Invert the user-friendly text mapping (for inputs). # We'll assume input_mapping is consistent. We build a reverse mapping for each column. reverse_input_mapping = {} # We'll build it after the code block below for each column. # 2. Invert label mappings from predictor.prediction_map if needed # For each label column, 0 => first string, 1 => second string # We'll store them in a dict: reverse_label_mapping[label_col][0 or 1] => string reverse_label_mapping = {} for lbl, str_list in predictor.prediction_map.items(): # str_list[0] => for 0, str_list[1] => for 1 reverse_label_mapping[lbl] = { 0: str_list[0], 1: str_list[1] } # Build the reverse input mapping from the provided dictionary # We'll define that dictionary below to ensure we can invert it: input_mapping = { 'YNURSMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2}, 'YSOCMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDESUD5ANYO': {"SUD only, no MDE": 1, "MDE only, no SUD": 2, "SUD and MDE": 3, "Neither SUD or MDE": 4}, 'YMSUD5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUITHK': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YMDETXRX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUITHKYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YMDERSUD5ANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUIPLNYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YCOUNMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YPSY1MDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YHLTMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YDOCMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YPSY2MDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEHARX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'LVLDIFMEM2': {"No Difficulty": 1, "Some difficulty": 2, "A lot of difficulty or cannot do at all": 3}, 'MDEIMPY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2}, 'YMDEHPO': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMIMS5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEIMAD5YR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMIUD5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEHPRX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMIMI5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUIPLN': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YTXMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEAUD5YR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YRXMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDELT': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2} } # Build the reverse mapping for each column for col, fwd_map in input_mapping.items(): reverse_input_mapping[col] = {v: k for k, v in fwd_map.items()} # 3. Calculate Hamming distance for each row # We'll consider the columns in user_input for comparison features_to_compare = list(user_input.columns) subset_df = df[features_to_compare].copy() user_series = user_input.iloc[0] distances = [] for idx, row in subset_df.iterrows(): dist = sum(row[col] != user_series[col] for col in features_to_compare) distances.append(dist) df_with_dist = df.copy() df_with_dist["distance"] = distances # 4. Sort by distance ascending, pick top K=5 K = 5 nearest_neighbors = df_with_dist.sort_values("distance", ascending=True).head(K) # 5. Summarize neighbor info in user-friendly text # For demonstration, let's show a small table with each neighbor's values # for the same features. We'll also show a label or two. # We'll do this in Markdown format. nn_rows = [] for idx, nr in nearest_neighbors.iterrows(): # Convert each feature to text if possible row_text = [] for col in features_to_compare: val_numeric = nr[col] if col in reverse_input_mapping: row_text.append(f"{col}={reverse_input_mapping[col].get(val_numeric, val_numeric)}") else: row_text.append(f"{col}={val_numeric}") # Let's also show YOWRCONC as an example label (if present) if "YOWRCONC" in nearest_neighbors.columns: label_val = nr["YOWRCONC"] if "YOWRCONC" in reverse_label_mapping: label_str = reverse_label_mapping["YOWRCONC"].get(label_val, label_val) row_text.append(f"YOWRCONC={label_str}") else: row_text.append(f"YOWRCONC={label_val}") nn_rows.append(f"- **Neighbor ID {idx}** (distance={nr['distance']}): " + ", ".join(row_text)) similar_patient_markdown = ( "### Nearest Neighbors (Simple Hamming Distance)\n" f"We searched for the top **{K}** patients whose features most closely match your input.\n\n" "> **Note**: “Nearest neighbor” methods for high-dimensional or purely categorical data can be non-trivial. " "This demo simply uses a Hamming distance over all input features and picks K=5 neighbors. " "In a real application, you would refine which features are most relevant, how to encode them, " "and how many neighbors to select.\n\n" "Below is a brief overview of each neighbor's input-feature values and one example label (`YOWRCONC`).\n\n" + "\n".join(nn_rows) ) # F) Co-occurrence Plot from the previous example (kept for completeness) if all(col in df.columns for col in ["YMDEYR", "YMDERSUD5ANY", "YOWRCONC"]): co_occ_data = df.groupby(["YMDEYR", "YMDERSUD5ANY", "YOWRCONC"]).size().reset_index(name="count") fig_co_occ = co_occ_data, x="YMDEYR", y="count", color="YOWRCONC", facet_col="YMDERSUD5ANY", title="Co-Occurrence Plot: YMDEYR and YMDERSUD5ANY vs YOWRCONC" ) else: fig_co_occ ="Co-occurrence plot not available (check columns).") # ======================= # RETURN EVERYTHING # We have 8 outputs: # 1) Prediction Results (Textbox) # 2) Mental Health Severity (Textbox) # 3) Total Patient Count (Markdown) # 4) Distribution Plot (for multiple input features vs. multiple labels) # 5) Nearest Neighbors Summary (Markdown) # 6) Co-Occurrence Plot # 7) Bar Chart for input features # 8) Bar Chart for predicted labels # ======================= return ( formatted_results, severity, total_patient_count_markdown, fig_dist, similar_patient_markdown, fig_co_occ, fig_bar_input, fig_bar_labels ) ###################################### # 5) MAPPING user-friendly text => numeric ###################################### input_mapping = { 'YNURSMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2}, 'YSOCMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDESUD5ANYO': {"SUD only, no MDE": 1, "MDE only, no SUD": 2, "SUD and MDE": 3, "Neither SUD or MDE": 4}, 'YMSUD5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUITHK': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YMDETXRX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUITHKYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YMDERSUD5ANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUIPLNYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YCOUNMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YPSY1MDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YHLTMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YDOCMDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YPSY2MDE': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEHARX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'LVLDIFMEM2': {"No Difficulty": 1, "Some difficulty": 2, "A lot of difficulty or cannot do at all": 3}, 'MDEIMPY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2}, 'YMDEHPO': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMIMS5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEIMAD5YR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMIUD5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEHPRX': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMIMI5YANY': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YUSUIPLN': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2, "I'm not sure": 3, "I don't want to answer": 4}, 'YTXMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDEAUD5YR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YRXMDEYR': {"Yes": 1, "No": 0}, 'YMDELT': {"Yes": 1, "No": 2} } ###################################### # 6) GRADIO INTERFACE ###################################### # We have 8 outputs in total: # 1) Prediction Results # 2) Mental Health Severity # 3) Total Patient Count # 4) Distribution Plot # 5) Nearest Neighbors # 6) Co-Occurrence Plot # 7) Bar Chart for input features # 8) Bar Chart for predicted labels import gradio as gr # Define the inputs in the same order as function signature inputs = [ gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDEYR'].keys()), label="YMDEYR: PAST YEARS MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDERSUD5ANY'].keys()), label="YMDERSUD5ANY: MDE OR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER - ANY"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDEIMAD5YR'].keys()), label="YMDEIMAD5YR: MDE WITH SEV. IMP + ALCOHOL USE DISORDER"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMIMS5YANY'].keys()), label="YMIMS5YANY: MDE W/ SEV. IMP + SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDELT'].keys()), label="YMDELT: HAD MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE IN LIFETIME"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDEHARX'].keys()), label="YMDEHARX: SAW HEALTH PROF + MEDS FOR MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDEHPRX'].keys()), label="YMDEHPRX: SAW HEALTH PROF OR MEDS FOR MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDETXRX'].keys()), label="YMDETXRX: RECEIVED TREATMENT/COUNSELING FOR MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDEHPO'].keys()), label="YMDEHPO: SAW HEALTH PROF ONLY FOR MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDEAUD5YR'].keys()), label="YMDEAUD5YR: MDE + ALCOHOL USE DISORDER"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMIMI5YANY'].keys()), label="YMIMI5YANY: MDE W/ ILL DRUG USE DISORDER"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMIUD5YANY'].keys()), label="YMIUD5YANY: MDE + ILL DRUG USE DISORDER"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMDESUD5ANYO'].keys()), label="YMDESUD5ANYO: MDE vs. SUD vs. BOTH vs. NEITHER"), # Consultations gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YNURSMDE'].keys()), label="YNURSMDE: SAW/TALK TO NURSE/OT ABOUT MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YSOCMDE'].keys()), label="YSOCMDE: SAW/TALK TO SOCIAL WORKER ABOUT MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YCOUNMDE'].keys()), label="YCOUNMDE: SAW/TALK TO COUNSELOR ABOUT MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YPSY1MDE'].keys()), label="YPSY1MDE: SAW/TALK TO PSYCHOLOGIST ABOUT MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YPSY2MDE'].keys()), label="YPSY2MDE: SAW/TALK TO PSYCHIATRIST ABOUT MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YHLTMDE'].keys()), label="YHLTMDE: SAW/TALK TO HEALTH PROFESSIONAL ABOUT MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YDOCMDE'].keys()), label="YDOCMDE: SAW/TALK TO GP/FAMILY MD ABOUT MDE"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YTXMDEYR'].keys()), label="YTXMDEYR: SAW/TALK DOCTOR/HEALTH PROF FOR MDE"), # Suicidal thoughts/plans gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YUSUITHKYR'].keys()), label="YUSUITHKYR: SERIOUSLY THOUGHT ABOUT KILLING SELF"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YUSUIPLNYR'].keys()), label="YUSUIPLNYR: MADE PLANS TO KILL SELF"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YUSUITHK'].keys()), label="YUSUITHK: THINK ABOUT KILLING SELF (12 MONTHS)"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YUSUIPLN'].keys()), label="YUSUIPLN: MADE PLANS TO KILL SELF (12 MONTHS)"), # Impairments gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['MDEIMPY'].keys()), label="MDEIMPY: MDE W/ SEVERE ROLE IMPAIRMENT"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['LVLDIFMEM2'].keys()), label="LVLDIFMEM2: LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY REMEMBERING/CONCENTRATING"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YMSUD5YANY'].keys()), label="YMSUD5YANY: MDE + SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER - ANY"), gr.Dropdown(list(input_mapping['YRXMDEYR'].keys()), label="YRXMDEYR: USED MEDS FOR MDE IN PAST YEAR"), ] # The 8 outputs outputs = [ gr.Textbox(label="Prediction Results", lines=30), gr.Textbox(label="Mental Health Severity", lines=4), gr.Markdown(label="Total Patient Count"), gr.Plot(label="Distribution Plot (Sample of Features & Labels)"), gr.Markdown(label="Nearest Neighbors Summary"), gr.Plot(label="Co-Occurrence Plot"), gr.Plot(label="Number of Patients per Input Feature"), gr.Plot(label="Number of Patients with Predicted Labels") ] ###################################### # 7) WRAPPER FOR PREDICT ###################################### def predict_with_text( YMDEYR, YMDERSUD5ANY, YMDEIMAD5YR, YMIMS5YANY, YMDELT, YMDEHARX, YMDEHPRX, YMDETXRX, YMDEHPO, YMDEAUD5YR, YMIMI5YANY, YMIUD5YANY, YMDESUD5ANYO, YNURSMDE, YSOCMDE, YCOUNMDE, YPSY1MDE, YPSY2MDE, YHLTMDE, YDOCMDE, YTXMDEYR, YUSUITHKYR, YUSUIPLNYR, YUSUITHK, YUSUIPLN, MDEIMPY, LVLDIFMEM2, YMSUD5YANY, YRXMDEYR ): # Validate user inputs if not validate_inputs( YMDEYR, YMDERSUD5ANY, YMDEIMAD5YR, YMIMS5YANY, YMDELT, YMDEHARX, YMDEHPRX, YMDETXRX, YMDEHPO, YMDEAUD5YR, YMIMI5YANY, YMIUD5YANY, YMDESUD5ANYO, YNURSMDE, YSOCMDE, YCOUNMDE, YPSY1MDE, YPSY2MDE, YHLTMDE, YDOCMDE, YTXMDEYR, YUSUITHKYR, YUSUIPLNYR, YUSUITHK, YUSUIPLN, MDEIMPY, LVLDIFMEM2, YMSUD5YANY, YRXMDEYR ): return ( "Please select all required fields.", "Validation Error", "No data", None, "No data", None, None, None ) # Map user-friendly text to numeric user_inputs = { 'YNURSMDE': input_mapping['YNURSMDE'][YNURSMDE], 'YMDEYR': input_mapping['YMDEYR'][YMDEYR], 'YSOCMDE': input_mapping['YSOCMDE'][YSOCMDE], 'YMDESUD5ANYO': input_mapping['YMDESUD5ANYO'][YMDESUD5ANYO], 'YMSUD5YANY': input_mapping['YMSUD5YANY'][YMSUD5YANY], 'YUSUITHK': input_mapping['YUSUITHK'][YUSUITHK], 'YMDETXRX': input_mapping['YMDETXRX'][YMDETXRX], 'YUSUITHKYR': input_mapping['YUSUITHKYR'][YUSUITHKYR], 'YMDERSUD5ANY': input_mapping['YMDERSUD5ANY'][YMDERSUD5ANY], 'YUSUIPLNYR': input_mapping['YUSUIPLNYR'][YUSUIPLNYR], 'YCOUNMDE': input_mapping['YCOUNMDE'][YCOUNMDE], 'YPSY1MDE': input_mapping['YPSY1MDE'][YPSY1MDE], 'YHLTMDE': input_mapping['YHLTMDE'][YHLTMDE], 'YDOCMDE': input_mapping['YDOCMDE'][YDOCMDE], 'YPSY2MDE': input_mapping['YPSY2MDE'][YPSY2MDE], 'YMDEHARX': input_mapping['YMDEHARX'][YMDEHARX], 'LVLDIFMEM2': input_mapping['LVLDIFMEM2'][LVLDIFMEM2], 'MDEIMPY': input_mapping['MDEIMPY'][MDEIMPY], 'YMDEHPO': input_mapping['YMDEHPO'][YMDEHPO], 'YMIMS5YANY': input_mapping['YMIMS5YANY'][YMIMS5YANY], 'YMDEIMAD5YR': input_mapping['YMDEIMAD5YR'][YMDEIMAD5YR], 'YMIUD5YANY': input_mapping['YMIUD5YANY'][YMIUD5YANY], 'YMDEHPRX': input_mapping['YMDEHPRX'][YMDEHPRX], 'YMIMI5YANY': input_mapping['YMIMI5YANY'][YMIMI5YANY], 'YUSUIPLN': input_mapping['YUSUIPLN'][YUSUIPLN], 'YTXMDEYR': input_mapping['YTXMDEYR'][YTXMDEYR], 'YMDEAUD5YR': input_mapping['YMDEAUD5YR'][YMDEAUD5YR], 'YRXMDEYR': input_mapping['YRXMDEYR'][YRXMDEYR], 'YMDELT': input_mapping['YMDELT'][YMDELT] } # Pass these mapped values into the core predict function return predict(**user_inputs) # Optional custom CSS custom_css = """ .gradio-container * { color: #1B1212 !important; } .gradio-container .form .form-group label { color: #1B1212 !important; } .gradio-container .output-textbox, .gradio-container .output-textbox textarea { color: #1B1212 !important; } .gradio-container .label, .gradio-container .input-label { color: #1B1212 !important; } """ ###################################### # 8) LAUNCH ###################################### interface = gr.Interface( fn=predict_with_text, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, title="Adolescents with Substance Use Mental Health Screening (NSDUH Data)", css=custom_css ) if __name__ == "__main__": interface.launch()