""" Do optional cleaning (e.g., remove some languages). Usage: python3 -m fastchat.data.optional_clean --in input.json --out output.json --keep-lang en python3 -m fastchat.data.optional_clean --in input.json --out output.json --skip-lang en Requirement: pip3 install polyglot icu pyicu pycld2 morfessor """ import argparse import json import re import polyglot from polyglot.detect import Detector import pycld2 from tqdm import tqdm def skip(conv, args): # Remove certain languages if args.keep_lang != "all" or args.skip_lang is not None: text = "\n".join([x["value"] for x in conv["conversations"]]) try: lang_code = Detector(text).language.code except (pycld2.error, polyglot.detect.base.UnknownLanguage): lang_code = "unknown" if args.keep_lang != "all" and lang_code != args.keep_lang: return True if lang_code == args.skip_lang: return True # Remove repetitive numbers if args.reduce_rep: for sentence in conv["conversations"]: val = sentence["value"] sub = re.search(r"(\d)\1{8}", val) if sub is not None: return True return False if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--in-file", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--out-file", type=str) parser.add_argument( "--keep-lang", type=str, default="all", choices=["all", "en"], help="Only keep certain langauges.", ) parser.add_argument("--skip-lang", type=str, help="Skip a specific language.") # NOTE: Be careful about reduce_rep which may remove some good data. # For example, addresses could have long consecutive 0's parser.add_argument("--reduce-rep", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() in_file = args.in_file out_file = args.out_file keep_lang = args.keep_lang skip_lang = args.skip_lang reduce_rep = args.reduce_rep assert keep_lang == "all" or skip_lang is None if out_file is None: out_file = "sharegpt_clean" if keep_lang != "all": out_file += "_" + keep_lang if skip_lang is not None: out_file += "_skip_" + skip_lang if reduce_rep: out_file += "_reduce_rep" out_file += ".json" content = json.load(open(in_file, "r")) num_conv = len(content) new_content = [] for conv in tqdm(content): if not skip(conv, args): new_content.append(conv) print(f"return {len(new_content)} out of {len(content)}, start dump ...") json.dump(new_content, open(out_file, "w"), indent=2)