resources: accelerators: A100:4 cloud: gcp num_nodes: 1 workdir: . setup: | conda activate chatbot if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo 'conda env exists' else # Setup the environment conda create -n chatbot python=3.10 -y fi conda activate chatbot pip3 install -e . # Install pytorch pip install torch==1.13.1+cu116 --extra-index-url # Install huggingface with the LLaMA commit pip install git+ cd fastchat/eval pip install -r requirements.txt MODEL_NAME=vicuna-7b-20230322-fp16 MODEL_PATH=~/${MODEL_NAME} if [ ! -f "$MODEL_PATH/ready" ]; then echo "export MODEL_PATH=${MODEL_PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export MODEL_NAME=${MODEL_NAME}" >> ~/.bashrc mkdir -p $MODEL_PATH gsutil -m cp gs://model-weights/${MODEL_NAME}/* $MODEL_PATH touch $MODEL_PATH/ready echo "model downloaded" fi run: | conda activate chatbot python -m fastchat.eval.get_model_answer --model-path $MODEL_PATH \ --model-id $MODEL_NAME \ --question-file fastchat/eval/table/question.jsonl \ --answer-file answer.jsonl \ --num-gpus $SKYPILOT_NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE