import streamlit as st from utils3 import generate_script # Applying Styling st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Creating Session State Variable if 'API_Key' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['API_Key'] ='' st.title('🌏 Travel Plan Pro πŸ—ΊοΈ') st.subheader("Every Globe Trotter's Best Friend πŸŒ„πŸŒŠ") # Sidebar to capture the OpenAi API key st.sidebar.title("πŸ˜ŽπŸ—οΈ") st.session_state['API_Key']= st.sidebar.text_input("What's your API key?",type="password") st.sidebar.image('./travel.png',width=300, use_column_width=True) # Captures User Inputs prompt = st.text_input('Please provide the name of the place you want to visit',key="prompt") # The box for the text prompt duration = st.text_input('Expected Duration πŸ“† (in days)',key="duration") # The box for the text prompt origin = st.text_input('Journey starts from πŸ™οΈ',key="starting_point") # The box for the text prompt budget = st.slider('Approx Budget per person in INR πŸ’Έ - (0 LOW || 100000 HIGH)', 0, 100000, 10000,step=5000) submit = st.button("Generate Response") if submit: with st.spinner('Wait for it...'): if st.session_state['API_Key']: search_result,itinerary,conveyance,hotel,cuisine = generate_script(prompt,duration,origin,budget,st.session_state['API_Key']) #Let's generate the script st.success('Hope you like our itinerary ❀️') #Introducing a line separator st.write(":heavy_minus_sign:" * 30) #Display itinerary st.subheader("Detailed Itinerary:πŸ“") st.write(itinerary) #Display Conveyance st.subheader("How to Reach:πŸ›«") st.write(conveyance) #Display Hotel st.subheader("Where to Stay:🏨") st.write(hotel) #Display Cuisine st.subheader("What to Eat:πŸ₯—") st.write(cuisine) #Display Search Engine Result st.subheader("Check Out - DuckDuckGo Search:πŸ”") with st.expander('Show me πŸ‘€'): else: st.error("Ooopssss!!! Please provide API key.....")