import cv2 from utils import iou from scipy import spatial from import TFNet import pandas as pd def inference(file_name:str): options = {'model': 'cfg/tiny-yolo-voc-3c.cfg', 'load': 3750, 'threshold': 0.1, 'gpu': 0.7} tfnet = TFNet(options) pred_bb = [] # predicted bounding box pred_cls = [] # predicted class pred_conf = [] # predicted class confidence rbc = 0 wbc = 0 platelets = 0 cell = [] cls = [] conf = [] record = [] tl_ = [] br_ = [] iou_ = [] iou_value = 0 # tic = time.time() image = cv2.imread(file_name) output = tfnet.return_predict(image) for prediction in output: label = prediction['label'] confidence = prediction['confidence'] tl = (prediction['topleft']['x'], prediction['topleft']['y']) br = (prediction['bottomright']['x'], prediction['bottomright']['y']) if label == 'RBC' and confidence < .5: continue if label == 'WBC' and confidence < .25: continue if label == 'Platelets' and confidence < .25: continue # clearing up overlapped same platelets if label == 'Platelets': if record: tree = spatial.cKDTree(record) index = tree.query(tl)[1] iou_value = iou(tl + br, tl_[index] + br_[index]) iou_.append(iou_value) if iou_value > 0.1: continue record.append(tl) tl_.append(tl) br_.append(br) center_x = int((tl[0] + br[0]) / 2) center_y = int((tl[1] + br[1]) / 2) center = (center_x, center_y) if label == 'RBC': color = (255, 0, 0) rbc = rbc + 1 if label == 'WBC': color = (0, 255, 0) wbc = wbc + 1 if label == 'Platelets': color = (0, 0, 255) platelets = platelets + 1 radius = int((br[0] - tl[0]) / 2) image =, center, radius, color, 2) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX image = cv2.putText(image, label, (center_x - 15, center_y + 5), font, .5, color, 1) cell.append([tl[0], tl[1], br[0], br[1]]) if label == 'RBC': cls.append(0) if label == 'WBC': cls.append(1) if label == 'Platelets': cls.append(2) conf.append(confidence) # toc = time.time() pred_bb.append(cell) pred_cls.append(cls) pred_conf.append(conf) df = pd.DataFrame({"Cell type": ["rbc", "wbc", "platelets"], "Count": [rbc, wbc, platelets]}) return [image, df]