import os import io import wave import numpy as np import gradio as gr from openai import OpenAI import google.generativeai as genai from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) from match_info_crawler import get_matches_info USE_LOCAL_ASR_PIPELINE = True # used for chat, if provided GOOGLE_API_KEY = "" #if 'GOOGLE_API_KEY' not in os.environ else os.environ['GOOGLE_API_KEY'] # used for chat (2nd option) and for text-to-speech OPENAI_API_KEY = "" if 'OPENAI_API_KEY' not in os.environ else os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] # used for speech recognition, if USE_LOCAL_ASR_PIPELINE is true assert 'HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY' in os.environ, "Hugging Face API key not found in environment variables" USE_OPENAI_FOR_CHAT = (GOOGLE_API_KEY == "") OPENAI_CLIENT = None if OPENAI_API_KEY != "": OPENAI_CLIENT = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) if GOOGLE_API_KEY != "": genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) GOOGLE_GEN_CONFIG = genai.types.GenerationConfig( candidate_count=1, temperature=0.5) AUDIO_OUT_FILE_PREFIX = "output" # prefixo do nome do arquivo de áudio .wav TEMPLATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE = """Você é assistente virtual com a função é entreter uma criança de idade entre 6 e 8 anos que adora futebol. Diretrizes para a conversa: - Você é {GENRE}, seu nome é {NAME}. - {PERSONALITY} - Pergunte o nome da criança. - Fale sobre futebol, times, jogadores, seleções e grandes jogos. - Tente focar em Brasil, Inglaterra e Espanha. - Você também pode informar os resultados de jogos de ontem, e jogos que ocorrerão hoje ou amanhã. - Fale, no máximo, três frases por mensagem. """ # Mapeia a personalidade no template e na temperatura PERSONALITIES = { "nova": ("Sua personalidade é bastante amigável e alegre, e um tanto infantil. Tente iniciar novos assuntos, quando a conversa estiver repetitiva. Conte piadas de futebol, de vez em quando.", 0.8, "F"), "echo": ("Sua personalidade é amigável, mas objetivo. Tente manter-se no mesmo assunto. Conte alguma curiosidade sobre um grande craque, de vez em quando.", 0.2, "M") } INITIAL_PERSON = "nova" # Função para converter o histórico de chat para o formato esperado pela API do OpenAI def to_openai_chat_history(system_prompt, chat_history, curr_message): prompt = [ { 'role': 'system', 'content': system_prompt } ] if len(chat_history) > 10: chat_history = chat_history[0:3] + chat_history[-5:] for turn in chat_history: user_message, bot_message = turn prompt.append( {'role': 'user', 'content': user_message} ) prompt.append( {'role': 'assistant', 'content': bot_message} ) prompt.append( {'role': 'user', 'content': curr_message } ) return prompt # Função para converter o histórico de chat para o formato esperado pela API do Google AI def to_google_history(chat_history, curr_user_message=None): prompt = [] for turn in chat_history: user_message, bot_message = turn prompt.append( {'role':'user', 'parts': [user_message]} ) prompt.append( {'role': 'model', 'parts': [bot_message]} ) if curr_user_message is not None: prompt.append( {'role': 'user', 'parts': [curr_user_message]} ) return prompt import json TOOLS_SPECIFICATION_OPENAI = [ { "type": "function", "function": { "name": "get_matches_info", "description": "Use this function to retrieve information about football (soccer) matches from the most important leagues. Time of the matches is given in Brazilian timezone.", #+ "Returns a string with one matche per line; or empty string if the service is not available now.", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "date_str": { "type": "string", "description": "Must be one of these: 'yesterday', 'today' or 'tomorrow'. No other option is valid." } }, "required": ["date_str"], }, } } ] def process_wave(audio_bytes): audio_file = io.BytesIO(audio_bytes) # Read the wave file using the wave module wave_file = # Get audio parameters #num_channels = wave_file.getnchannels() frame_rate = wave_file.getframerate() #sample_width = wave_file.getsampwidth() num_frames = wave_file.getnframes() # Read the audio data as a NumPy array audio_array = np.frombuffer(wave_file.readframes(num_frames), dtype=np.int16) return (frame_rate, audio_array) def respond(system_prompt, user_message, chat_history, temperature, persona="echo"): if USE_OPENAI_FOR_CHAT: openai_history = to_openai_chat_history(system_prompt, chat_history, user_message) bot_response =, temperature=temperature, tools=TOOLS_SPECIFICATION_OPENAI, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125") bot_response = bot_response.choices[0].message if bot_response.tool_calls: assert bot_response.tool_calls[0] == "get_matches_info", "Invalid tool call in response." print("Processing tool call...") date_str = json.loads(bot_response.tool_calls[0].function.arguments)["date_str"] results = get_matches_info(date_str) openai_history.append({"role": "function", "tool_call_id": bot_response.tool_calls[0].id, "name": bot_response.tool_calls[0], "content": results}) # nesta chamada, não passo o tools, para economizar tokens bot_response =, temperature=temperature, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125") bot_response = bot_response.choices[0].message assistant_msg = bot_response.content else: GOOGLE_GEN_CONFIG.temperature = temperature model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-pro-latest', system_instruction=system_prompt, tools=[get_matches_info], generation_config=GOOGLE_GEN_CONFIG) google_history = to_google_history(chat_history) chat = model.start_chat(history=google_history, enable_automatic_function_calling=True) bot_response = chat.send_message(user_message) assistant_msg = bot_response.text # salva o audio response = model="tts-1", voice=persona, input=assistant_msg, response_format='wav' # se for salvar em arquivo, (acho) pode usar 'mp3' ) # adiciona ao chat, com o tipo de dado esperado pelo Gradio chat_history.append( (user_message, assistant_msg) ) return "", chat_history, process_wave(response.content) def reset_and_apply(voice): return [("", "Olá, vamos falar de futebol?")], AUDIO_OUT_FILE_PREFIX + f"-001-{voice}.wav" def reset_openai_client(openai_key): global USE_OPENAI_FOR_CHAT, OPENAI_CLIENT, OPENAI_API_KEY USE_OPENAI_FOR_CHAT = (GOOGLE_API_KEY == "") OPENAI_API_KEY = openai_key if OPENAI_API_KEY != "": OPENAI_CLIENT = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) def reset_google_client(google_key): global GOOGLE_API_KEY, USE_OPENAI_FOR_CHAT USE_OPENAI_FOR_CHAT = (google_key == "") GOOGLE_API_KEY = google_key if GOOGLE_API_KEY != "": genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) def on_voice_change(voice): persona_description, persona_temperature, sex = PERSONALITIES[voice] genre = "menina" if sex=="F" else "menino" return TEMPLATE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE.format(NAME=voice.upper(), PERSONALITY=persona_description, GENRE=genre), persona_temperature # With pipeline (downloaded model) if USE_LOCAL_ASR_PIPELINE: from transformers import pipeline import numpy as np global ASR_PIPELINE ASR_PIPELINE = pipeline(task="automatic-speech-recognition", model="openai/whisper-large-v3") #model="distil-whisper/distil-small.en") # English only else: import requests global ASR_API_URL, ASR_API_HEADERS HF_KEY = os.environ['HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY'] # Serverless API endpoint for OpenAI's Whisper model #ASR_API_URL = "" ASR_API_URL = "" ASR_API_HEADERS = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {HF_KEY}"} def transcribe(audio_file): if USE_LOCAL_ASR_PIPELINE: response = ASR_PIPELINE(audio_file) text = response["text"] else: # using serverless API with open(audio_file, "rb") as f: data = response =, headers=ASR_API_HEADERS, data=data) text = response.json()["text"] return text def transcribe_and_respond(audio_in, system_txtbox, user_msg_txb, *args): transcribed_user_msg = transcribe(audio_in) outputs = respond(system_txtbox, transcribed_user_msg, *args) return outputs with gr.Blocks() as demo: # aqui, é resetado e instanciado o cliente initial_chat_history, initial_audio = reset_and_apply(INITIAL_PERSON) chatbot_area = gr.Chatbot(value=initial_chat_history) audio_out = gr.Audio(label="Escute a última mensagem", value=initial_audio, autoplay=True, interactive=False) user_msg_txb = gr.Textbox(label="Mensagem") audio_in = gr.Audio(label="Mensagem de Áudio", sources=['microphone'], interactive=True, type='filepath') submit_btn = gr.Button("Enviar") #clear_btn = gr.ClearButton(components=[user_msg, chatbot], value="Clear console") reset_btn = gr.Button("Reiniciar") with gr.Accordion(label="Configurações",open=False): openai_key = gr.Textbox(label="OpenAI API Key (GPT e vozes)", value="", placeholder="Insira a chave aqui") openai_key.change(reset_openai_client, inputs=[openai_key]) #openai_key = gr.Textbox(label="Google API Key (Gemini 1.5)", value="", placeholder="Insira a chave aqui") #openai_key.change(reset_google_client, inputs=[openai_key]) # opções de vozes e personalidades voice_ddown = gr.Dropdown(label="Personalidade (muda os dois abaixo)", choices=["nova", "echo"], value=INITIAL_PERSON) initial_system_message, initial_temperature = on_voice_change(INITIAL_PERSON) temperature_sldr = gr.Slider(label="Diversidade de respostas", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=initial_temperature, step=0.1) with gr.Accordion(label="Avançado",open=False): # o valor inicial é dado pela system message com o nome e personalidade dados pelos controles acima system_txtbox = gr.Textbox(label="System message", lines=3, value=initial_system_message) voice_ddown.change(on_voice_change, inputs=[voice_ddown], outputs=[system_txtbox, temperature_sldr]) #gr.Markdown("*Clique em 'Reiniciar' para aplicar as (a maior parte das) configurações.*"), inputs=[voice_ddown], outputs=[chatbot_area, audio_out]) audio_in.stop_recording( transcribe_and_respond, inputs=[audio_in, system_txtbox, user_msg_txb, chatbot_area, temperature_sldr, voice_ddown], outputs=[user_msg_txb, chatbot_area, audio_out] ), inputs=[system_txtbox, user_msg_txb, chatbot_area, temperature_sldr, voice_ddown], outputs=[user_msg_txb, chatbot_area, audio_out]) # Click on the button user_msg_txb.submit(respond, inputs=[system_txtbox, user_msg_txb, chatbot_area, temperature_sldr, voice_ddown], outputs=[user_msg_txb, chatbot_area, audio_out]) # Press enter to submit - same effect demo.queue().launch(share=False)