import gradio as gr from dartrs.v2 import AspectRatioTag, LengthTag, RatingTag, IdentityTag # from QUALITY_TAGS = { "default": "(masterpiece), best quality, very aesthetic, perfect face", } NEGATIVE_PROMPT = { "default": "nsfw, (low quality, worst quality:1.2), very displeasing, 3d, watermark, signature, ugly, poorly drawn", } IMAGE_SIZE_OPTIONS = { "1536x640": "<|aspect_ratio:ultra_wide|>", "1344x768": "<|aspect_ratio:wide|>", "1024x1024": "<|aspect_ratio:square|>", "768x1344": "<|aspect_ratio:tall|>", "640x1536": "<|aspect_ratio:ultra_tall|>", } IMAGE_SIZES = { "1536x640": (1536, 640), "1344x768": (1344, 768), "1024x1024": (1024, 1024), "768x1344": (768, 1344), "640x1536": (640, 1536), } ASPECT_RATIO_OPTIONS: dict[str, AspectRatioTag] = { "ultra_wide": "<|aspect_ratio:ultra_wide|>", "wide": "<|aspect_ratio:wide|>", "square": "<|aspect_ratio:square|>", "tall": "<|aspect_ratio:tall|>", "ultra_tall": "<|aspect_ratio:ultra_tall|>", } RATING_OPTIONS: dict[str, RatingTag] = { "sfw": "<|rating:sfw|>", "general": "<|rating:general|>", "sensitive": "<|rating:sensitive|>", "nsfw": "<|rating:nsfw|>", "questionable": "<|rating:questionable|>", "explicit": "<|rating:explicit|>", } LENGTH_OPTIONS: dict[str, LengthTag] = { "very_short": "<|length:very_short|>", "short": "<|length:short|>", "medium": "<|length:medium|>", "long": "<|length:long|>", "very_long": "<|length:very_long|>", } IDENTITY_OPTIONS: dict[str, IdentityTag] = { "none": "<|identity:none|>", "lax": "<|identity:lax|>", "strict": "<|identity:strict|>", } PEOPLE_TAGS = [ *[f"1{x}" for x in ["girl", "boy", "other"]], *[f"{i}girls" for i in range(2, 6)], *[f"6+{x}s" for x in ["girl", "boy", "other"]], "no humans", ] # ref: def gradio_copy_text(_text: None): gr.Info("Copied!") COPY_ACTION_JS = """\ (inputs, _outputs) => { // inputs is the string value of the input_text if (inputs.trim() !== "") { navigator.clipboard.writeText(inputs); } }"""