import requests import json import base64 import io import os from PIL import Image import gradio as gr import uuid # import tqdm # import time theme = gr.themes.Soft().set( body_background_fill='*primary_50', # block_border_width='*block_label_border_width', # block_border_width_dark='*checkbox_border_width', button_secondary_background_fill='*primary_500', button_secondary_background_fill_dark='*primary_700', button_secondary_background_fill_hover='*primary_400', # button_secondary_border_color='*primary_500', # button_secondary_border_color_dark='*primary_700', button_secondary_text_color='*button_primary_text_color' ) init_html = '''
''' js_payment = """ function pay() { const buttonContainer = document.getElementById("buttonContainer"); const payButton = document.getElementById("payButton"); // Set the href attribute payButton.href = ""; payButton.textContent = "Click here to Pay 9.99$"; // Apply button styles = "inline-block"; = "10px 20px"; = "#007bff"; = "#fff"; = "none"; = "none"; = "5px"; = "pointer"; = "16px"; // Add the button to the container buttonContainer.appendChild(payButton); } """ scripts = """ function game() { var parentX = document.querySelector(".sliding-puzzle").clientHeight; var baseDistance = 34.5; var tileMap = { 1: { tileNumber: 1, position: 1, top: 0, left: 0 }, 2: { tileNumber: 2, position: 2, top: 0, left: baseDistance * 1 }, 3: { tileNumber: 3, position: 3, top: 0, left: baseDistance * 2 }, 4: { tileNumber: 4, position: 4, top: baseDistance, left: 0 }, 5: { tileNumber: 5, position: 5, top: baseDistance, left: baseDistance }, 6: { tileNumber: 6, position: 6, top: baseDistance, left: baseDistance * 2 }, 7: { tileNumber: 7, position: 7, top: baseDistance * 2, left: 0 }, 8: { tileNumber: 8, position: 8, top: baseDistance * 2, left: baseDistance }, empty: { position: 9, top: baseDistance * 2, left: baseDistance * 2 } } var history = []; function movementMap(position) { if (position == 9) return [6, 8]; if (position == 8) return [5, 7, 9]; if (position == 7) return [4, 8]; if (position == 6) return [3, 5, 9]; if (position == 5) return [2, 4, 6, 8]; if (position == 4) return [1, 5, 7]; if (position == 3) return [2, 6]; if (position == 2) return [1, 3, 5]; if (position == 1) return [2, 4]; } document.querySelector('#shuffle').addEventListener('click', shuffle , true); document.querySelector('#solve').addEventListener('click', solve , true); var tiles = document.querySelectorAll('.tile'); var delay = -50; for(var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { tiles[i].addEventListener('click', tileClicked ,true ); var tileId = tiles[i].innerHTML; delay += 50; setTimeout(setup, delay, tiles[i]); } function setup(tile) { var tileId = tile.innerHTML; var xMovement = parentX * (tileMap[tileId].left/100); var yMovement = parentX * (tileMap[tileId].top/100); var translateString = "translateX(" + xMovement + "px) " + "translateY(" + yMovement + "px)" = translateString; recolorTile(tile, tileId); } function tileClicked(event) { var tileNumber =; moveTile(; if (checkSolution()) { console.log("You win!"); } } function moveTile(tile, recordHistory = true) { var tileNumber = tile.innerHTML; if (!tileMovable(tileNumber)) { console.log("Tile " + tileNumber + " can't be moved."); return; } if (recordHistory == true) { if (history.length >= 3) { if (history[history.length-1] != history[history.length-3]) history.push(tileNumber); } else { history.push(tileNumber); } } var emptyTop =; var emptyLeft = tileMap.empty.left; var emptyPosition = tileMap.empty.position; = tileMap[tileNumber].top; tileMap.empty.left = tileMap[tileNumber].left; tileMap.empty.position = tileMap[tileNumber].position; var xMovement = parentX * (emptyLeft/100); var yMovement = parentX * (emptyTop/100); var translateString = "translateX(" + xMovement + "px) " + "translateY(" + yMovement + "px)" = translateString; tileMap[tileNumber].top = emptyTop; tileMap[tileNumber].left = emptyLeft; tileMap[tileNumber].position = emptyPosition; recolorTile(tile, tileNumber); } function tileMovable(tileNumber) { var selectedTile = tileMap[tileNumber]; var emptyTile = tileMap.empty; var movableTiles = movementMap(emptyTile.position); if (movableTiles.includes(selectedTile.position)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function checkSolution() { if (tileMap.empty.position !== 9) return false; for (var key in tileMap) { if ((key != 1) && (key != "empty")) { if (tileMap[key].position < tileMap[key-1].position) return false; } } history = []; return true; } function recolorTile(tile, tileId) { if (tileId == tileMap[tileId].position) { tile.classList.remove("error"); } else { tile.classList.add("error"); } } shuffleTimeouts = []; function shuffle() { clearTimers(solveTimeouts); var boardTiles = document.querySelectorAll('.tile'); var shuffleDelay = 200; shuffleLoop(); var shuffleCounter = 0; while (shuffleCounter < 20) { shuffleDelay += 200; shuffleTimeouts.push(setTimeout(shuffleLoop, shuffleDelay)); shuffleCounter++; } } var lastShuffled; function shuffleLoop() { var emptyPosition = tileMap.empty.position; var shuffleTiles = movementMap(emptyPosition); var tilePosition = shuffleTiles[Math.floor(Math.floor(Math.random()*shuffleTiles.length))]; var locatedTile; for(var i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (tileMap[i].position == tilePosition) { var locatedTileNumber = tileMap[i].tileNumber; locatedTile = tiles[locatedTileNumber-1]; } } if (lastShuffled != locatedTileNumber) { moveTile(locatedTile); lastShuffled = locatedTileNumber; } else { shuffleLoop(); } } function clearTimers(timeoutArray) { for (var i = 0; i < timeoutArray.length; i++) { clearTimeout(timeoutArray[i]) } } solveTimeouts = [] function solve() { clearTimers(shuffleTimeouts); repeater = history.length; for (var i = 0; i < repeater; i++) { console.log("started"); solveTimeouts.push(setTimeout(moveTile, i*100, tiles[history.pop()-1], false)); } } } """ git_html_start = f""" PicZify | Sliding Puzzle
PicZify Puzzle | Shuffle | Solve
""" # GitHub repository details username = 'ovi054' repository = 'puzzle' access_token = os.getenv("GIT_TOKEN") # Function to upload a file to GitHub repository def upload_file(file_path, content): url = f'{username}/{repository}/contents/{file_path}' headers = {'Authorization': f'token {access_token}'} data = { 'message': f'Upload {file_path}', 'content': content, 'branch': 'main' } response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data) return response def perform_operations(image, email_id): # Get the contents of the 'avipal' folder # print(target_folder) # if(target_folder=="" or target_folder==None): uuid_code = str(uuid.uuid4()) split_rows = 3 split_cols = 3 #Split the input image into sub-images and update the '1.png' to '9.png' in the 'avipal3/css' folder sub_image_list = [] input_image = Image.fromarray(image) image_width, image_height = input_image.size sub_image_width = image_width // split_cols sub_image_height = image_height // split_rows for row in range(split_rows): for col in range(split_cols): left = col * sub_image_width upper = row * sub_image_height right = left + sub_image_width lower = upper + sub_image_height sub_image = input_image.crop((left, upper, right, lower)) # Encode the sub-image as base64 string sub_image_byte_array = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') sub_image_base64 = base64.b64encode(sub_image_byte_array.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') sub_image_list.append(sub_image_base64) # Upload the sub-image to the 'avipal3/css' folder with the desired filename #filename = f'{row * split_cols + col + 1}.png' #target_file_path = f'{target_folder}/{css_folder}/{filename}' #upload_file(target_file_path, sub_image_base64) git_html = f"""{git_html_start} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans1 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[0]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center; }} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans2 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[1]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center;}} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans3 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[2]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center;}} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans4 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[3]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center;}} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans5 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[4]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center;}} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans6 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[5]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center;}} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans7 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[6]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center;}} .sliding-puzzle-figure .sliding-puzzle .tile#ans8 {{ background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,{sub_image_list[7]}); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: center;}} {git_html_end} """ file_path = f'{uuid_code}/index.html' upload_file(file_path,base64.b64encode(git_html.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')) base_url = "" target_folder_url = base_url + uuid_code return target_folder_url,sub_image_list with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as demo: # start_btn = gr.Button(value="Preview?") # start_html = gr.HTML(start) # demo.load(None,None,None,_js=scripts) image = gr.Image(label="Upload a square shaped image" ,shape=(600,600) # ,height=500,width=500 ,tool='select') email = gr.Textbox(label="Email address") btn = gr.Button(value="Submit") test_html = gr.HTML() start_html = gr.HTML(init_html) demo.load(None,None,None,_js=scripts) out = gr.HTML(init_html, visible=False) demo.load(None,None,None,_js=scripts) # btn2 = gr.Button(value="Pay to Get URL",visible=False) pay_html = gr.HTML() def call_api(image, email_id): # Generate a UUID code # imgs = [None] * 100 # for img in progress.tqdm(imgs, desc="Generating Puzzle"): # time.sleep(0.1) receipt_link_url, sub_image_list = perform_operations(image,email_id) redirect_url = "" # print(sub_image_list) url = "" api_key = os.getenv("LEMON_ACTUAL_KEY") # Define the request headers headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}' } # Create the request body request_body = { "data": { "type": "checkouts", "attributes": { "product_options": { "enabled_variants": [], "redirect_url": redirect_url, "receipt_link_url": receipt_link_url, "receipt_button_text": "Puzzle Link", "receipt_thank_you_note": "Your custom Sliding Puzzle link is : " + str(receipt_link_url) + "\n Click on Puzzle Link button or go to the custom puzzle link to play your Puzzle.", }, "checkout_options": { "button_color": "#2DD272" }, "checkout_data": {}, "preview": True }, "relationships": { "store": { "data": { "type": "stores", "id": "33985" } }, "variant": { "data": { "type": "variants", "id": "108876" } } } } } # Convert the request body to JSON string request_json = json.dumps(request_body) # Make the API call response =, headers=headers, data=request_json) # print(response) # Check the response status code # Check the response status code payment_html = f'''

''' if response.status_code == 201: # Parse the API response JSON api_response = response.json() # Get the URL value from the response url_value = api_response["data"]["attributes"]["url"] payment_html = f"""
Get shareable link for $9.99

Payments are secured via stripe

""" override_html = f"""
A Sliding Puzzle | Shuffle | Solve
""" print("ok") return { # btn2: gr.update(visible=True), out: override_html, test_html: "", pay_html: payment_html } # return gr.Button.update(visible=True),gr.HTML(html2) # print("ok") # btn2.update(visible=True) # return html2 # demo.load(None,None,None,_js=scripts),inputs=[image,email],outputs=[out,test_html,pay_html]) #,None,None,_js=js_payment) # demo.load(None,None,None,_js=scripts) demo.launch()