.PHONY: style ################################################################################# # GLOBALS # ################################################################################# DETECTED_OS := $(shell uname) ################################################################################# # COMMANDS # ################################################################################# ## Format code style: black --line-length 119 . && isort . ################################################################################# # Self Documenting Commands # ################################################################################# .DEFAULT_GOAL := help # Inspired by # sed script explained: # /^##/: # * save line in hold space # * purge line # * Loop: # * append newline + lin to hold space # * go to next line # * if line starts with doc comment, strip comment character off and loop # * remove target prerequisites # * append hold space (+ newline) to line # * replace newline plus comments by `---` # * print line # Separate expressions are necessary because labels cannot be delimited by # semicolon; see .PHONY: help help: @echo "$$(tput bold)Available rules:$$(tput sgr0)" @echo @sed -n -e "/^## / { \ h; \ s/.*//; \ :doc" \ -e "H; \ n; \ s/^## //; \ t doc" \ -e "s/:.*//; \ G; \ s/\\n## /---/; \ s/\\n/ /g; \ p; \ }" ${MAKEFILE_LIST} \ | LC_ALL='C' sort --ignore-case \ | awk -F '---' \ -v ncol=$$(tput cols) \ -v indent=19 \ -v col_on="$$(tput setaf 6)" \ -v col_off="$$(tput sgr0)" \ '{ \ printf "%s%*s%s ", col_on, -indent, $$1, col_off; \ n = split($$2, words, " "); \ line_length = ncol - indent; \ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { \ line_length -= length(words[i]) + 1; \ if (line_length <= 0) { \ line_length = ncol - indent - length(words[i]) - 1; \ printf "\n%*s ", -indent, " "; \ } \ printf "%s ", words[i]; \ } \ printf "\n"; \ }' \ | more $(shell test $(shell uname) = Darwin && echo '--no-init --raw-control-chars')